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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1882)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ' " ,; 1 ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY HAMBERLa7n & ST1TES. al ! rPICBl Beaaarrat Ratl.Ua aa Kreadatbla Street. TCRXS Or SUBSCRIPTION S'ojle coy, per year. In advance ... fi N) siu: aafV. lr ye- od o Jrr f S mdeiy, su month JS Slnrie oopy, three nvxrtiai J Si ifk n imUr State fnwrat 0 R.TtS. Jr .i i yr l9QJ SOU liOOj 18 CO l.'00! 99 a H(SJ J7 0 2" 00 35 00 nu 48 00 oi 5 00 - re r, oo 7 on 000 12 00 10(10 l2.Vt 1500 18 00 IS oo , 'jr()U 40 00 00 St me It 20 00 ' 40fS a, ftwvii ousiooaw fHJtkin Yam-h Pol nrnns 2 eent per line. Regular hl nolleea 10 rent per line. Kor legal and tranlent advert ieementa per qnar for the first Insertion and 90 eenu per square for eaoh aubaeqnawn VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 37, 1883. NO 13 I? dne ; lw. j fT h I Fa) : ' 1 no S .1 00 I Ki" ! ( A sen h ' 7 on h " lo orj i i " I 15 00 I '' " ALLEN & OF ALBANY Are w rew ivig tUo FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 tWtstinz of sue of the largest and most complete stork of General Merchandise Ever offered for sale DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT V ! oxnoH ieevB Iaelades all the latest styles and novelties. Oar stark is all fresh aad new, and moth of it was purchased in New York, aad there is not ont pieee of old style goods in oar store. THE CLOTHING one of the largest and ... . . gents famishing goods ever brought prices that defy competition, eith er kc We also keep a fall line of ladies', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, AH of the best quality and We also invite attention to HATS AND OAPS, Jiere Is also to be fepod at oar store GROCERIES, PROVISIOKS, ETC. Oar ONE PRICE Samples sent by mail free, on application. bam f MARTIN ORKIiON, r liunin Kwk at in Albany. The DEPARTMENT finest assort meat of cUUiug aid ...... .. a . . . to this , and will be sold at re r elsewhere. direct from tkd man a far tares. cur tplendid selection of - it , rtm, .f m i '4, a Ure and well-sel ccte ttoik motto is FOR ALL. ALLEN a MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or Pipit mmmm SflStk ta 'iilS RHEUMATISM p Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quins, Sara Throat, Smell ings and Sprain, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Teeth, Ear and Headache, Frost: Fact and Sara, and all other Paha and Aches. Ko rrMmtiofl on erth equal Pr J- MrtcvVm la SOLO BT ALL DEUOOTSTS AID DEALEH ; II MEDICI HE. A. VOOZXER fe CO., BmWmmr, MM., P. X. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. b. VUM. O. . CHAatBEabAI!. KM NX 4 CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A loony, Oregon. STOflk la thmtmr' Brick U)n. k.-ft TlSolStr. U.S. ST It A II AN, Albany, Oregon. 11RA''T1CE IN ALL T,lK COUKTW OF JL tbta HUte. Thev give apeHal atten tion to eotteeUona and probate matter. In Foeter'a new brick. star L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AKD Notary Public Orrgon. OAW opaUim. otr John Brimra' atore, tat J, JL WEATHERFORD, OfOTASY rvuuc,) sTTOUX fcl Y AT LAW, auiaxv, war-wos. W it.t. eAcrine t? all tiik ti,t irrs or Tria atunuua rt v oiwtiuM awi to OiVl rell' Ttbifla tut . O. roWF. 1.1- W. R. HI1.TKU POWELL & BILVKU, vTTOKNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in t haneerv, AliBsKV. ... OKI .o. Cotleetlons promptly made on all poinUt. Loan neaKleed on reaMonahle Urm. asrofflce In FoeUir'a BHck.-a v 14 n 19i f. F. M. MILLER. XTTOIiNKY AT LAW LBBA9IOS ORW.OV Will praetiee In all the eourta of tho mm. Prnmbl aUaotlon Klvn Ut onllntlon. rn- a special Ity . vita r. and ezamiualion a i-rrim SAKXa. ATTOBNEY AT LAW -AN Notary Public, rtixruur, Collections promptly made on ail points, E. B. SKIP WORTH, ATTOCKKY AOOM MI AT LAW A.M START ri BUt . M7ILL practioe in all eourta of the State ft bnafnew Intrusted tome prompt ly attended to Office m O'TooU's Block, Dreadalbi 8lrr, 45yl Albany, Oregon. LEWIS STIMSON'S LIVEBY AID FEED fttTAHXE. irirwr fiiftitfi Tnnir nnn imr.ip. umjfi I . . t . - . n .1 feed.aeeo - - w ' ....... :. nn.l mi. nnable chance. (Jive tboia a call. SutbUs near Revere House. 6yl. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DaVCassIMTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Artiolea, A ' Large Stock and Low rtrces. axrmr drug store, tyl SLS&ST. OKEAiOS. FOSHAY & MASON, WaOLBLALS SP SSTAlb UfUKlStSanJ UOOkSellerS, 1 ALBANY, OatEGOff. vlOqltf L0U8S CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Cam pea u has purchased the brb nd shop formerly owned bv J H Hurlea. a will oontinue the business a, the old place and guarantee satisfaction to c ustomers. REVERE HOUSE, rrae first aad EUswesth Albany, Oregon, Chat- Pfeiffcr, Prop'r. This new Hotel t fitted up In tint claw ttvle. Taldt applied with the bent tlie nirkt)t aflurdn. Hiring uaoa m every tyoom. a roaa stautiMO ttoum twr t:nu- rcaai i-raveiem. VTrae Ceaeh te aad from tfcc Uetol.'Vt Aloany Bath House. rtlBI DHDBKSI'JNKD WOULD RESPECl X 'ally laform the citiiem of Albany aad ri e laity that I have taken obaree of thia Katabiiih Mat, aad, by keeping clean rooms and pavia HnvinnoHvo w Mu.iu.n, olivets vu huit si tboie who may favor US with their patronage Hartag neretoiore earriea on nothing bat Flrst-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons, ex pests to give satire satisfaction to al SFGrUdiea and Ladies' Hair neatly an bampooed. JOS WKBDKH. m , rttf, limnn p4 hmp cum K iJjr A trial nt)U bat th- omnh trintn oaUey 4f tO ftC. n4 seers " r m pan cm km cttcep ud puetU al 'I B t LKM BKrleOK1 E. The grand feature of the forty d-tyn in this political wilderness waa the re ception of Gov. Moody Wednesday evening. It reminded tie of Gov. Grover'a reception in the same house jar g. Ah our roenileis hve In ctetiMtd kim-n then, the tttcoption of Gov. M..,.lv umy ke ut down in naSsWNl oely eg the ii-ndin rotiii of S it. m. We should 1 1 ink thrre Vera thrru to four htindr l wim ai.d ifrntlt nion jiu m-nt lit at mid Ittht and iht elgnt attire of the ldi dhctdm gmftt Htpwrution for thie fennt. Tlio Ifautlfinen wero out in thtttr U't "hcv erend tuokr" end i rally the ocemtiun wu one f which all paWttOl Mhould be jtroutl. We found roiny aioion pure Dirancret there mingling their coffue wih tliat of the diiiufoundml rdicnl. - Ail the Senatoiial candidates wore there during the whole of the evening, or nearly en, except Mr. Mitchell. He did net r-n..'iu Among iheee durk h M we noticed Hone. Richard Wil llama, Geo. H. Willieine, M. C. (Jeorgf, J. N. Dolph. and W. Leir Hill. There were Urge number of ladies and gon tlemcoron: Purtlend, The Dellea, and Oregon City. Gv. Moody mekea a HeeUvcrnor out of bin ofHce. lie drives a good teem and live a a Governor ehould. The Gov. nd Mra. Moody, received until twelve o'olock I a a e. a ' and aocially the interchange of eon grateletions was elevating end plea ing. Outside of any political aignifi canoe, the atl'air was a credit to all partiea, Mrs. Moodf receives special praise for doing ber prt to well. Among the guests were several of our Albany neighbors, and they were ta their make-up and dortmeot "uiet brat.' The comet no deubt was viei ble long before everyone of tlmee visit ore laid tbemaelvea awy for a few hours aleep. Among the ladio fr m Portland, were Mra. J. N Dolph, Mra. W. Uir Hill, Mrs. D, P. Thompson, Mrs. Oeo II. William, Mra. DrKuhn. Tbre wrr sevoral others. The Sonatorial quea'ion waa mooted now end then and the opinion was that Mitchell would hold the fort. S we are to have no election. The iwtnotUl seventeen, hava made an olTur to take a choice from two members l ike Senate, and eleot the one aolcotrd U. S. V.nator. (joe of them is Hirscb, of Multnomah, and JcConnH of Vamhill and 1 la ho. This scheme will never win. If Mitch ell diea he will die on top a the He publican grave JigJp r when he goes dowu after the fragments of the core hewill sttike the bones of Mitchell tit at. This is business. Ihe best tumg ot the session was that measengi r eoming from Itlshe to have MvCoanetl President of the Oregou Senate, run IneltpeadenL in I lubo for Congress. Mu would have made it if he bad consented but ho d dined at least until after Friday ef this week. I learn that leading Jetho disUare now at wotk for Mitchell and they think that a voto will be given to him from Marion Count Republicans It their kopea ace realised Mitchell ill be elected. But wo are without hofies frotn that source KoLta. th: LESSOX OF OHIO. The good newa from Oiiio baa cheer od the heaita of all who desire relief from the rule of the "machine" that is running the hitherto dominant party. It is an incentive to renewed oxertions in the direction of wresting California I - ... ...... I.. l...,.l. . .iU lit i a h.l mn. IKIUI 1'IID. vuiv w long been in the grasp of tne nog that her escape is a surprise and an intense gratification. The result there means that the "bloody shirt'' is now waved in vain, that opjipiauve taxation under the guise of protection has become bur dsnsome, that wasteful expenditure of the public money has alarmed and angered honest voters, that sumptuary legislation ami the curtailment of the just right of the people will not be tolerated, that the corrupt use of large amounts of money at elections has dis- guatetl thoughtful citizen, that the 'machine" methods of hho controlling faction of the Republican party are being repudiated, and that the idea of reform has taken a strong bold upon the popular mind. The corruptionists will now redouble their efforts to carry Indiana, New York and Pennsylvania, but there is every reason to beliove that they will fail. We know that they cannot carry California, The day of deliverance from the bad rule of a party that has grown rotten U at hand. The year 183 1 will stand forth bright. 1 .4. 1.- L. IT . iy in inn annaia oi tne union as the beginning of a rmw and purer era. Examiner. Srup or tigs. Is the hef t and most pleasant of all purgatives. It cleanses the system, purifies the blood, cures billiotisness and constipation, dyspepsia, headaches, colds, fevers, etc. Oar enterprising druggists, Foshay & Mason Albany, Rector &Son, llalsey. saw ioku usiiiox Qjm. lall l.Kiirr KntHroltlrrril i maIwhim Mrdlaar Jtirfcrt Upon, your felt or volv:t bonnet you may pluco a dove, plgoon, hawk, crow, partridge, wild duck, or the llko not all, but any ono. Ycur choice being made, proceed to flitten down your bird ; pointing your velvet or ribbon over the Itody and under ttio wings, allowing heai to nee. tlo dthei po your uoc c hlr, or to look reproachfully froui the front. I alone, however, am reaonalblo for the adverb of discontent Juut employ od, hIoco the fiixblomtbie intellect ap proves of aut h oroutneotntion, find ihlftkn them "aweel". All eurftVlngly awiet, indeed, U'cauae one eeea little else eoojblnctl in the way of Itowa or the like. Arln you ran gr up ecv oral littlo bird logtcher, the Hero bttd group being rftefcene qolva the single large ore. c-a-k's heads, likewise, ure highly eatermed; sometimes two together flgbt u per petual battle, while maMSc of cocks' plumage dcNud on either side. Jtut one can hardly go astray In the way of feathers. 'TIs a season of them, and oftctitimta different kind are sewn together In it (nttcluwork sort of way. Ostrich ptuiaes are indipeeit ble. and the broad-Or i mined straw wjt velvet crown are so covered ... itb them that tbey vl.l no worn ail winter. Felts aro in immense tie maml, colored lo suit coitumes, while dressier atyiue are of velvet, share being very much like those of last summer capots or pokes with a minority of wide brims. Flowers are hardly seen, though a WW very largo ones of velvet have been Im ported. Nevertheless, for theatres, . m , a asa Is a Aj etc., there nro loveiy ume oonnei made entirely of flowera. A word, too, as to your wleter'a umbrella, since there Is an Improvement worth mentioning. In huyl ak for one having tbe new IpfSitf i 'lng catch for holding It o v ir i-ed. The old wire aprlrit.', u-.gtlw, ami lialdo to gjH ou" hf nnler, nt.- ctira platd Jf 'lotto avruy uiih, ami un- doubtetlly tbh U tlio grf .twl slop in advance ln-' tb' iivn'ion f pin- gon frame. iiki.1 vfitst'.i.r. What i-i to binder your deviling for yourself ono t.f t . msmmdkm eSBtatokWrtd JSSHllifd that tre the -jH-.-i ti feature of dress this winter ? at all, If you huvo sufficient Ingenuity and leisure. Hi maoy yards of tr.ishmero or camel's hair so much soutache brail to msteh ; have a design stamped; act to work and In a short time, behold your costume. Very stylish aro pyramidal patterns covering tho front breadth, with touches for sleeve and coraage, but 03 a clungc, come dre pattern, provided with hands of varleu widths, whilo a to the miUing.there la more to be said than I can poaslby tell you, so I would refer you to Lerd & Taylor's Fall catnlofoe, where are not only Illustrations of all new styles, but a scries of ably written articles on every department of dresa. Ofi-OOOB GAHMENT8. 1 loppy is tho woman who will possess a rcdingote of embroidered wol to match her dres. With ad mirable foresight, provision I made by which the outside world shall know that she has that costume, since the outer garment Is cut to op ea down the front, disclosing the em broidery. Tho most Illogical roader may now furthermore surmise that if a drewi can be embroldorod, why not a redingote ? The conclusion is most reasonable. N i many more yards of wool good, so much more braid. You are fully equipped, and beyond paradventure, are fashionable. As to colore, thero olive or forest greens, brown, blue, ruby, trrra cotta, plum and the wine colors. Different shades of each, or black. JACKETS. The day of j icketa, however, lias nol departed. For young ladles, em- broideried ones of cashmere, etc., will often bo preferred to the redln gotos Just mentioned, and of course are more easily gotten up at home, because smaller. Velvet jackets, too, are very stylish ; eoming in all new colors, and If nvtdu of nonpareil vel veteen, costing two dollars a yard, are by no means expensive. Its dur ability can be depended upon, since the great competition in volvoteens and the determination not to be sur passed, or indeed equaled, led the manufacturers to seek improvements, which have reduction of a fabric without a posstblo rival, though there aro many Imitations. It is qot obligatory that the jacket should match the cojtume in color, and we ahall Ond pretty effects produced by contrasts or again, a black dress could be tastefully enlivened by a jacket, more or less bright in hue. Garnet or crimson would not be too gay, according lo present ideas, while a choice is given among forest or olive groons, terra cotta, blue, brown, purple or plum. Basques dif fering from tho skirt aro too conven ient to be relinquished, and this Fall, seem as much In favor as over. Kith er of plain good or brocade, or strip ed, with plain skirt. Cut indeed thero la no rule ami any tatttMtJ that looks well la pcrmlaaable. j ... raasesAL. Wendfll i'billips has decided not to lecture the Coming WiuU r Ibrahim Pa nbs, the young st broL er of the Khedive of Kyp', is visiting K"it'and. Hara Bernhardt' n is deectibed as an eifomtnata youth who oraets, eon sp h and crayon his e) 00 Princo LsojftM, Duke .f AlUny, has a great aversion to being regarded in any sense an invalid, notwithstand ing his health is so pre anoxia. fien George I). McC!IW son and the eons of Gen. Horace Porter, .lorat flalstead. and ex-Gov. Ilowie of Maryland, have entered their nam's on the entering c!as at Princeton. It is announced that Senator David Djvia will canny, in Number. M' Annie Green, a daughter Or wealthy ritUon of Kayctvlle, N. C, who lo the Democratic candidate for Congrees from thst diatriet. Clark Mills, the col.twr, is thwtight to be hopelessly ill aid, jrslvais in Washington. His mind is seriously affected, eye sight nearly gone, and little is left of any faculty except the ability to walk with assistance. The feminine youni men in this country wbe bang llo-tr hair have, latr ly taken to a kabti of wearing brace let a habit just now bosoming fash ionable in Kuropeaud having the aris tocratic sanction ef the king of Italy and the crown prince of Austria. atiarra nm a tiena A wag of a lawyer, aaya an Iowa pafrr, ws aitling in hiaotboe the other day dqily engagisl in unravelling son k nutty apieation, when a gpatluin u red aad inquired : "lathis Mr. Z I" The student of Dleckstoo, raising kia eyte front the legal book l-efore htm r-.'pliwi : "If you ewe me anything, er ! ke any buaiorti in my line, boo Z U my name ; if you have any claim to - a. V it j i am not the turn, it you cabed for a eocial chat, you can call roe any name you chocou ." "I propose to prtsmt you with some buainees in your line. J have a note oi $25 which I want you to collect." Bo saying, he handed the lawyer a bote, and departed to call again the next day. As Boon aa he waa gue the lawyer learned that it was one of his. own pfpoaiafs to pay. The nest uay bta client again appeared and inquired : "Well, what success t' "Ail right ; I have collected the money. Hero it i. les any foes," handing him $15. "Good V said the "1 have made $2.50 by this operation." "How ao P said the lawer. "Well," replied the client, "I tritd all over the city to sell your note for $12 50 and couldn't do it. It Be Battery. A family want, and I wonder how m, a . a -m we ever got along without renter a Ginger Tonic. It cored me of nervous prostration, and I have used it since for all aorta of oomplaintg tit our family. Mia. Jines, Albany. A popular writer, sj leaking of the ocean telegraph, wonders whether the news transmitted through the salt wa ter will be fteah. Don't Be Alarsaeel. at Bright's Disease, Dibte, or any disease of the kidneys, liver or urinary organs, aa Hop Bitters will ceiiainly and laatingly cure you, and it is the ouly thins that will. w In religion, talk is bra, action is gold. The old darkey taid, ''Peara like I could say more in Gye minutes than 1 oould live in rive yars." Mltlll la tbc Warhls To do good work the mechanic must have good health. If long hours of n a oounnement in oiose rooms have en feebled his hand or dimmed his sight, let him at once, and before some organic trouble appears, take plenty of Hop Bitters. His system will be rejuvena ted, his nerves strengthened, his sight become clear, and the whole constitu tion be built up to a higher working condition. The Barest War- The safest and surest way ta restore the youthful color ef the hair is furnish ed by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular from its superior cleanliness. 4cr:en.Tii:ti iieu aim bvlt.iko ouojixr oi iio in ru.. m the L'tiud Kingdom ie str ut 2,2t,(t, 0D0. Asa rule new fruils,;riginaied Iron, aced grown in sensorm very unfavora ble to their gr u tli, are inferior. Our best grajry, upplee mi d other fruits come from eids grown when the fruit attained its irreaUst excellence The fart should la generally know n 'li i I r r ... .... . f ... ,.f .mm jfl ivf firlv" lasted by planting from the rml cars grown on the end of the tassel. By selecting the earliest of these n pre disposition to oarllnea may Ik fairly expected. The use of blinders and tight clu t k reins is going out of fashion in JV- glard. For a working bore especial ly, Ihe cheek. rein is an abomination, compelling the herse to work in a awkward a positbn as a man n.uld be with both hands tlrd at bis sldce. The sin.w that has t?i n spread around fruit irees with advantage during the uuuisrr a a mukb, will new soon become a damage l y har boring mice. It should be removed and a bark t.f cartk b completed around ibe free or the height ef a roof or more. Well-dried rlsh guano contains fif teen times a much nitrogen a the ordinary stable manure. The u-e of flsh aa manure dates from the earliest history cf the country, and its discov ery Is attributed to the Indian, who used to plant a menhaden with every hill of corn. Hoot pruning fruit trees to make them bear often Is often necessary. Its object i - to diminish the vigor cf the tree, which Induces fruilfulncj, probably by tho instinctive endeavor of any plant when threat ned vtiih dost ruction to hasten the seed-forming procrae which It kind Is perpetu ated. Gno of the bent modes of watering stock is to have a cis er.. in otic corn eroftho haecruem. II cncloed on all Aides with a double wall, it will rarely freeze in the coldest WIniers. The water that falls en a :50x40 feet barn through the Winter will supply ten head of stock. When the country wai new, corn ground was often sown with wheat without plowing, tho stubs being partly torn down with the dri Good wheat was then grown, but the requirements of modern reaping and binding machines demand a smeothr r surface Ihaa was deemed ne-ewry la the olden time. Tbc Injuries to the Wostdra corn crop from frosts appear to be mostly local rather than widespread. What ever failure exists will bo due to the cold and wet eany season, not to pre mature cold at the time of rip ning. It is reasonably certain that the crop cannot bolargo enough fo make very low prices. This Is the best time te select seed potatoes for next season' planting. Go through the fields, it' possible, be fore tho tubers are dug, choosing and marking those with thrifty tofML Then by rejecting the small and in formed potatoes, an improved quality and increased yield m iy le reasona bly expected. In manuring fruit trees the cherry should receive a lighter application than moat other kinds. It is not benefited by much stable manure, but can be top-dressed with ashes or anything containing potash, almost without stint All stone fruits, es. pecially those that are acid, need lib eral doses of potash. It usually makes little ditto ret ice in the time of ripening Winter wheat whether It Is sown early or late. If it gets a vigorous, though small, growth it is just as likely te be early as if sown the last of August or the first of September. Thorough prepa ration of tho soil and heavy m mur ing era more important than early seeding. George May Powell makes the very good suggestion that sprouting acorns or nuts from tho forest may be planted with no more trouble than the setting out of cabbage plants, and the training of the young to look af ter the growth of the "forest babies'' would be one of the best meain of Inducing the Incoming generation to take an Interest in forestry. Crickets are not entirely confined to a vegetable diet. They devour other insects whenever they can meet with and overpower thetn.- They deposit Jheir eggs, which are numer ous, in the ground, making holes A r th el reception with their long, spear pointed piercers. The eggs are laid Injtho Autumn, and do not appear to be hatched until the ensuing Sum mer. The old insects, for the mont part, die on tho approach ef cold weather. A few survive the Winter by sheltering themselves under stones, or in holes secure from the co coas of water. Plain Talk, a Plata ajrf. rr a plaix (hat. arxxtNu IS dew. Don't do it. It is HU bisjg a m.l! Hone tied around your neck. If you UKin it while young y on will keep it ftp for life, and if yon keep it up you will di with n obligation hanging onijouof very heavy weight. A man ib twenty tfcourand dollar farm morigsged for $18,000 is worse fl than If he owred no farm at all. 0eaa had Utter a ear blue j-srt than a suit f clothe aith a chattel mortgage on tUra.snd it would be motif) ir.g enough for me to drive a fcci.e in my name, bat really owned by w,tne one elc. Focd wouM not taste aet to me U I owed for it aith no pto;ct of paii g Ue iei.r. I cannot imagine a worse life than ep i0 .ib I would be hotinh d far a just oeU en every corner, I would ratl er te a mcute with a cat afttr me tl an a debtor with a crtditcr at bbj heoia at all hours of the day aad nifal.!. Iflreuid owe without being troel U-d, I vonld prefer Icing in boil; ing waer. Ther is something revolt ing in the thought of being coder pecu niary obligation to any one. It takva awe; or. liUrijr and purs a tl akleoo on- tor g tie. I kiow cf peeple, wlo do not live in Orrgon, cf eocrre, nitb large and magnificent house and Pne equii meuts, who put on more sjle than a millionaire, bet who one for even the button which fasten their clothes c- gether. If I key depended on their own money for a meal tbey couldn't buy a cracker at a free lurch house. If you will go to the County Clerks otlice iu this city and look through the svmerit roll, you will be peifrctiv astonished at the number of men whose dehts r xccad their rraB assets. It ia 9 - true thai in some case it jpara this Way for the sake of getting rid of Bolp :ng support the government they live in ; but in too many eases th debit side would go down like a meteor. This Bometim.-s occots even where a party has the reputation of being very well ' heeled." There are ft w wboaie assessed for morwthan tbey are worth, although tl.rre are instances whete yonng men plsce their possessions high, without a cent to their r.ame, for the sake of obtaining a standing in society. I have heard of young ui h running in debt for the sake of getting married. Think of owing for the clothes you are married ia or the table yon eat your first mt al on. One bed letter never ener into man red hi Us than to do so without at least a small amount of spare change ahead. Hhe one who has not enough industry and economy to save at least a hundted dollars had betUr never think cf having n wife. It is a shame to drag a woman through life with yon if you are healthy and un able to provide for her from meat a which are your own. Running in debt in time becomes a haSit. After awhile it gets ss natural for yon to owe your tailor and grocer as for a duck to swim or a rooster to craw, an 1 if you obtain a few dollar ahead instead of paying your honest debts you will sjwrd it foolishly for some extravagance. I have seen men fee some poor, miserable street hawker, without an honest hair in Lis bead, when a poor creditor was at hie elbow asking for a small amount which he owed. It is true thai, m t governments that have ever amounted to anything have had a big natioi al Mr, but it is also true that the dbt waa. worth 100 cents to the dollar, and tho iutereat on it was paid at luaturitv : bet this is no excuse fur individuals, although it ia a good thing insomuch aa it keeps a, few capitalists who are gonerally too in dolent to work, and lack enough public piide to invest their monry in manufac tories, or enterprises of benefit to a whole community. Then be careful how you let yot r horses run. as well aa .he number cf pennies you waist. Little things act u mulate terribly fast ; drop b drop of corruption makes the politician, and ccut after cent makes the million. Judge W. T. Filler, of Pittsfield, this State, was cured cf severe rheuma tism by St. Jacobs Oil. Sprinrjiekl Republican, A Sunoury girl who married recent ly says that her husband would soon be a wealthy man if he would cn'y work aa hard row as he did when ha was mak ing love to ber. The Diamond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular colors easily dyed fast and seuutifui. 10 cents a package. Why Weleesae. What nukes Floresion Cologne wtl como on every lady's toilet table ia its ' r.'ch and lasting fragrance,