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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1882)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY CHAMBERLAIN & STITES. talXKaS OFFlCK-la Ormormt BatlJIaaaa readalbta Mrrrt. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION ingle eon, pur year 0J 1 1 copy, elx uioutha. . . JJ" iaito copy, Owee months H iagte utttaW M ' BBBBM BWMi State tkhts iettt0crat. a t vntTiHi n a Rats. 1 Inch 1 00 j 200 fi(i iw IS 00 2 " 2 00 ft 00 7 00 IS 00 IS 00 3 " 3 00 f 00 1000 1600 82 0 4 4 00 7 00 1250 1800 27 00 Col 6 00 9 00 1600 2600 36 00 h " 7 60 1200 1800 8000 4809 h " 1000 1600 2600 4000 8000 I " ISM) QO on iina mm mn dim. VOL. XVIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1883. opocial uuelnooo arSieew"1TSl' '"fd. umos 24 orals per line. Regular local notice 10 cents per Use. XT a a a . V na 1 ""-went Mvertieemeote iH J 12 wll,r quare for the firm Insert toss and SO oent par -qua re for each eu beau neat mmmmm mmmt'''mi'm'lBmPm'mTBmf'Zmmmm'lmSSm I'MISOSALa A ALLEN & MARTIN -OF- ALBANY - OllKCiON, Man ' v t MtLv Are low receiving tbeir Imnioase Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Consisting of one of Ike largest and most complete atork of General Merchandise Ever offered fer 8tle in Albany. The DRY AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Includes all tke latest styles and novelties. Oar stoek is all fresh and new, and mark of it was purchased in New York, and there is net one pieee of old style goods in onr store- RHEUMATISM Meuralaia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest. Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, S well ing $ and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosi Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Achet. ti t reparation on Mirth aquata Sr. J '"' 0 . ...., .f. ml'muir and rhenp l.ti.f. : nily A trial autalle txit tha cnn-rui ltiflit. ullar 4 oO ('rata, "B.rtn, rliU Lmia ean aLrun and tIUv SMMl 4 M. claina I ,rn..rn In Kln i ngtjar-a. COLD ET ALL DRD0018T8 AND IS MEDICINE. A. VOGELER fc CO.. itaittmorm, St., V. B. JU PROFESSIONAL CARIXS. U n.IHN. O. . M AMJlKlll.AI N. FUNS' & CHAMBKRLAII, ATTOBHEVH AT . Albany, Orrton. 4rorflre In KoHier' Itrlck Ilh-k.' vlSulStl. U.S. STIC A HAN, Albany, Oregon. IlKAtTHK IN ALT. TH K ('Ot'ltTS or Uim State. Thov give epetdal atten- lion in coUecltunn and rmlMite uiattor. OSes in rotra new uri k. -t'nj SILK OMUI.hIom I In my lust lotter on t ho cigarette bill I omitted to gtvo tlto develop meuta on thin subject. A corofttJ ref to the experience on thin eotat ha revealed tho (act that young smokers of cigarette, In California, am contracting a disoisu both ancient hikI d.ingvroui. Those cigarettes are mailu by chluuM , who sr. ntofi or ltws (lUnttmMl with lepnny. Thcro sro butnirrJ'i of young iiimh who urn aftmtad ly tui hatrft of smoking Ihfw clgHrcttei innlo ty dixS'iMotl ektnniBvn. It will not bo lung until tho modiml faculty of tho Const will bo foremost in warning our young innn uf thtir tl inger. Iu fact, It In being dono ikiw, und ech physli-lan, uhoro tiny nro mull, roportu tho num- ixt of yotinj man who urn thu-i sfllldotl, nml thoy run Into the hun ilreds. iloro n a chanco for repoct. tt ! yiiUtlg l.i-l ii'-v to I (: no s U-fOftll mil wigt war on this vice. Public 40 tl nont i f tr In this msttor,and may urrot tno torrlblo scourge. The !:-- U eontrsrted through tho lips. Tho invu4tig.itlng committee hit reported snd disbanded. Jitehcll It sxonerstod and vindicated, but tho meddlers aro onnanwd. Thero U a ridlcu!ou fsco to this thing thai makes It worto than chltd'4 pl.ty. There waa nothing In tho butlncM farther than Inducement offered to the ortrays to stand In on tho organi zation. When theso offers were made, It seems, tho disaffected or disjointed Republicans did not want to bo induced. Menco kicked tho good Intentions of othies ovrr and down came the unfortuncte Invetil gating committee. "Tb bumble.b wootWu to bo ovor tho y j in, etc. The Legislature has about conclud TIIK UIFKKSIK. H.itNse the Lgta!aturs now in ses sion iu SaleM wss s Demo ratio legisla ture, instead of a Republican lagiela t'lic, and the accusatlooa of biil.ery and trsnd uie ss prevalent among Dutnocrata as they are now among Re publicans, the Republican press ot lbs S ate would, with great unanimity, j 4a each oilier in lecturing the ieople upon the great depravity, ignorance, iei,n mass, erimiuulity, hypfrertty, NtiitiUneaD, double dealing proeneity. iuo uiijieteney, and all the other dwfaets and weakneeaet whi;h have so often batn hrught to the doOTI oi Dewoerats. Wm would ulao be ii.fortneil from day to day how moral, good, honest, teas perate, law abiding and Uod fearing Republicans are aa oompared with vie ioui bourbon . But aople are grow ing witter day by dy. Not mauy days alnoa the telegraph iuf .rmed the eo. pie of thtt coast that thu pin pert of Republican victory in the election to come off in Georgia on Wedrfwlay the lib Inst was vi i y bojMful. Pains at griat length, were taken to show the causes whiob would conspire to give a Republican icUiry in a State which usually gives 30.000 to .'.0,000 Demo cratio mjority. Democrats road thee, presages of Republican viotorty with sn sir of die cieJiU But a '.out Ave or sis days after the elclion,the news gatherer of the as seciated preas Kmt condeoeodxl to Sod us the result of the election which shows a Democratic majority of 60,000. It will be remembered hu the vic tories gained by the Itepublicana laat month iu Maine and Vermont were duly and promptly rwporttd by the telegrrpb oo the next day after the elections in tboae sUlee. j tv tot Los toii oral (lut!-f.' bulv liea mouldering io THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT prices that defy competition, either here or elsewhere. L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY. AT A2M Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. OftVe uiaOairM, over MM BrlaK' atre, Ut hi n et. vi 4n-3i r J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTAKY PL ULIC.) t'PTOKNEY AT LAW. A LSt 1 , t.t.s. protj teVu iUr. 4rufB. In rUI rcl:a' Tcwpt. ed to have- Mr. Yillard mako his en dowment of $-".o,00 to the State Un- tho grnvr, but his aoo! i merthiag oa I ... . a Iverslty directly to the Rogeots, ir- The bullet that madi- a bur fiestuent JAV. tead of to the State, and Uio Htate make hia iioaoes Mistiatee, Cbarlea will appropriate one-tenth ot one mill J. Kolger, U j.' b'i. au aoasloos lef to tho two of the University. There Governor. (J..I -au ia dmd. but boa la not one-.tblnl of tho onmerty of I work a tr iv N .t all the honor ef tho Htato bixed. One-tenth of one the eisOasy, booweor, can the Admin . . milt ought to rai.te from alx to seven istratiou claim Kc pt Jay UouMa tboutaed dollsrs ner annum now. tmwerful aid it ia doubtful whether toit iiw one of the Laeraai and fUKntt mutnHmrttU nf r!thin and aTTOHXEY AT LAW. and on ten tnOUWind. THO b to j wi'h alt its immeu-e leturoea af bat . . I IIHIM. OUIt.OS. ... ... 4 t r..:k:n. ...a .- liMnvki in tUim vsIIav tt1 Mill hi wiil.l at -.. iv .tl riir iyiI'iit oPTIIf titti tuentv-flve hundred tlollars an- tlo ibr A luiiman mi- c-.oi.i imi JCU LS iul llillllllfc tuuua i 1 1 h m ... j t m ..... w - . m, i iw lt. ........ . , ZlTl sis- Ie. Wjj- College at Lunead Governor 0uWt. d.f... Wsl Corvallia b M"ed the Senate. There VThfn. however, it rnliaUl thia irreet la miich ii. . fill l-rritttiatlirn t'cili" nil. I I I - - .1 .. I ,.. roWKU. W. R. Ktl.YKV I " " " I - a ' POWELiL & IMA KU, ami we iinu tuts laiuy oi men, oi on waM gMinr- jy- (;uia he vTT H N ?. A l 1AW, parties, to be as fino a body of Repro. lruck joWn Governor Cornell for Al.lil?Y. - - f,er dating to do hia duty aa Oovrrnor of Colleotiona pro:n4ly niacin on all i-.a.t. Ixiana neaotialfl on roaonalle Utrtna. W e also keep a fall line of ladles', children's and gentlemen's BOOTS AND SHOES, All of tke beat quality and direct front the m in a fart urea. tMBea in Poster's Brick. vMulttf elected in this Slate, in many ro- K. llM ilf York, and refuaine to spects It Is a super! r IgM-'u- u the obe.lieot aervant of Jay Oould. Becauso Uovrrner Cornell obese to F. M. MILLER, TTORNKY AT LAW LEBAXOS OKEGON. Will nrartloa In all tha 001 una of tbo Rt.!a. Prompt atusntlon alv-n Ui n?ctiont. eon veyanra and aiamtuatton of Tltlea. Proiwio outlneaaaapeuuiy. vi-nwu. 4JKORCSK W. BAK ATTORNEY AT I AV -ANlv- We also invite attention to onr splendid selection of HATS AND CAPS, here is also to be found at oar store a large and well-selected stock o GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Onr motto is I'ho Sttto may feel proud of such men. Tho Mitchell situation Is by no meant so dubious aa it was a few days since. It need not surprlte you If he Is elected on tho Slot or 3nd ballot. If ho is not, there will be no election. The responsibility of do foatlng the election of Senator Is di vlded between t:.n organization and tho faction, with fair arguments on NO"taIy PllbliC, I both sides. The strong position is ueiu oy 1 no eaucua lueuiorrt huh eaiM viili. okm-o. Collectiona promptly made on ail polnta. E. It. BKIPWORTH, i TTOK.SK Y Af OI SSTI.OM AT LAW 4 M SOTAKV PI If 1.11 . WILLprantioo In all eourta of the State iiuaineaa imrtnttod to tne prompt ly attended to. Offirr in O'TootS liUrk, IrofuluPtin Stret, I oy0 know 111 a few days. LEWIS STIMSON'S t.lVLUV AID FEED bTABLE. Fimt elaaa veblelea, line honvea, i?eod feed, accommodating proprietora and rea aonable OliargSS) (live tbem a call. 9abk a near lUivtro liouae. yi L W1 LANGOON & CO., DHUCaGIMTO. Books. Klatlonrry and Toilet Arliclea, A Iiro Siock and Low i'rices. OITT JDTRTJG- STORE, isi 4 lb is v, oawaon. FOSHAY & MASON, they will not give up. Thero ure among tho bolters some who will not take tho responsibility of defeating the election ef Senator, even if they have to vote for Mitcholl. It looks now as if the jri.tis was near st hand Dem ocrats should hold Which Is good. serve the people rslber than tbe cham pion of Wall street manipulators, be is aaeriOced. The once proud Republican rty of the Empire State consents to be the inatrumant of Jay Gauld'a re venge! Governor Cji nell'a death war rant ia read in tbe lines of hia veto of the bill relieving the New York eleva. ted railroads oT several hundred thou- aand dellaia in taxes, and ia other vetosa of iet achemea of Mr. Gould a for taking money out of tbe iecketa of the eople and putting it in hia ocktt. Will tbe people come forward to sus tain a party that slaughters tbe champ ion and defender of their interests at tbe demand of the aharka of vall struct. Sijrttcute Courier, Charles Iteade baa bright e)es, grey hair, clear-cut featuree and a beard cut in tbe Isuis Treiss style. Tbe Prince snd Prineess of Waler, on tbeir visit to the King and Quet n of Denmark at some German bath. r travel as Baron and Bat oness Renfrew. A drum which wss beaten by a mu sician named Robbina a the Battle of Bunker Hill been given to the Boeton- ian Society by Councilman A. K. La ti ter. at b of GaiibaleY children ia to get t'.'OOO a year for life fiom tbe Italian Guvethment. Yet th-jr late father was In 1831 condemned by the grand father of tbe present King of Italy to be abot. Capt. Webb lived for a foituight on brown sugsr dining a oage between Yokohama and Manila, his hark being disabled aud his provisions failing. Guinea pig feil on tbe same diet have gone blind and died in a little longer time. laeut Dannebower declined to at tend tbe banquet in New York given o boner of Engineer Melville. Melville charges Danebowor with jealonsl; to wards him amounting almost to insani ty. These two otGoera never agreed aa to the ex edition. Twenty-two acres have been planted in corn and seven aciee in cotton by Miss K reamer, Helens, Ark., ebe having done tbe plowing herself and attended to the crop so fsr without help aud expects to harvest a bale of Gotten to tbe acre, snd forty buabela of corn to tbo same amount of land. Tbe president of a Kentucky turn pike baa announced in a published ad vet ttsenaeot that he will "preaecute aa poetic nuisance" all parties riding oo bicycles en hia turnpike, because they ''endanger tbe lives of those traveling in vehicles on said road." And tbe bicyclers are laughing at lorn and bit threats. A literary club of Cincinnati, now in its tbtrt) -third year, baa given tbe country from its members one Presi dent, R. B. Hayee; two foreign mtnis- b ra, Mr. Neyea to France, Mr. Taff to Austrts;one chief justice, Salmon P sasociate justice, Stanley Ma' tbe we; two Cabinet officers. Judge left and J. D. Cox. Mrs. Huldah Sargent Robertson the oldi-al parson in Vaunont, died last r 1 1 lay at Retbel. Sbe waa bunt in Cheater. N. II.. Anril 30. 1 779, and w w i w was tbe laat survivor of a family of eleven children. Tbe daughters of bis family were remarkable fur Ion gevity, six of tbem living to be over tiinatv veaure of ase. and two of then m over 100 years. K tRO WAS TO OKI K4T Tbe n mi. nation of Mayor Clevland. Of uunalo, tor tbe office of Governor m a a m U Itkelv to prove one of exceptional strength and populeriiy. From all that .. ... nt, npj,,, to represent i.ot only the better eh- 50 cenu par eqoere for each anbeeq itsew-resi-ii, Plain Talk, Sa Ptela aS. ST A FLA1S COAf. C1TT. It is a bit thins for s wlece to blacu ment and higher character of the Dem- from a village to a cits. D is as era ad octay of the S'ate, bt, partiaanship an affair aa it ie for a boy to jump'f rom apart, some of the best quslitiee of our dreoaea into knee breeches, or Cur a cat civic and aniMosJ life. II tsaaajs u t , kill iu first mooer. In tbo eastern belong to the type of rising public .tat ea the village does not begin to men of which Comptroller Pattison, of cbik of becoming an inporatoC city I btledelphia, is another Democratic until it gets eight or ten tbonaand io- "mple, and Mayor Iw, of Brooklyn, babitanU within its limits; last bore o is one ef whom the Republicans are thousand is essMfb to make a pSace justly proud. It will be as well to sd- puff itaelf up until it cannot see Us tens , mit hia m-ritc nd Ida atrengtb, and and tbe 6 rat thing yon know it baa ap- fce the fact that he will be s bard plied to tbe Legielature and baa tire, man to defeat in such a eanvag, j, ward a assyoe, bf a dox-n aJdnrsaen. now fairly o,a,ned in this State. The nd-any amount of taxes to pay, tW ticket was completed last evening ins tbe privelege of wearing tbie ivooderfui way that introd .cerl no element of paraphemalu. I like a dty, 1 want -:(. - . Timtm. I. . x : " M rxj was a rv ofenaa w w Xf arrnra i tTr.D. maraOaie, etc. ibwiw a w I .i.iu ;n i l.AMlit rJ tfovaraDiactt. Hon. T. J. Stitee, formerly of this gnd io u, eltien bare at ail city, has returned to our mhUt and itU rr, tbat we saonufactne purchased a half lo.erent in the Stat, vUmm mXhem; but far pHr'. Bmmn Dooxnar, a EL 8tow.rt mU wbeo weomc. tbo osp on, no wUrlng. Now that Cleib has doffed AouU Dot try to abirk -be baraabip. ilICW4r"Pa,ntrid betak Pendant upon the great honor of bn- himself to other avoeatlona, we wish iog a rit7 Weaanet foamosabnr that am?y .'if11! T' hefe U n"th,0& tbe oosrs bare to pay tbo iddler. . hU PmC,L So it U with tbe incorporated city. A m woer consiaeratlous, he flle, U) rikea a .- - ui uio teiiow. j no nrm f Cbamtariain Sc. Stites, no doubt, will make tho Democrat a leading power In the land, to convert wicked Renub- llcans from the errors of their ways and toft urn tbem from tbe power of Uod unto Satan, as they are both Joi- lyfgood fellows and ably qualified to nlarlh. ,1 1 1 ., .... . . 1 . . . j : . . Juc en jn, fcath er r it ua ou mamiain one or the best Demo- :. , u k. fmm .Tftrt y era in least, hi finda a big bote in bis pocket. iti Kara ows.Tnic las Ante It is s most terribly unfortunate affair At agreeable to ih K that corporationa have .1 fined tbe fruit from which it is msde, prompt ',IIP of hv,Dg T and palnle-s in its action on tbe liver ,0- tb- the same a. they would dog and bowcie, tho great remedy Syrup iuto hiU fr oM A V J? f Fls is selling rapidly and giving hinh they are juat as Of aatisfactien to all. Children crv for it accQrt whrf asuwetp on account of its pleasant taste, and al rPrtlon u Pwaecmcu, . grow, people are beginning to use it efeoe exclusively, as it leaves them fee line by aptivnto individual -a aolgb better than any other remedy. For bor- suit would not be thought of. ale by Foshay A Mason, Albany j In f-ct io MT W ' Rector & Sn, Halsey, Oregon. a WTOe' wuv " " 3 ' thing to see aoeaeUung out ot me w.T 4H4S4.E nsrnomatroas ,i tUman ia at voor back I lieu - person on tbo arm, breaking a aeveral nlscos. It - oonea. Who broke tbe peaceable pereoo, but tbe negligent city, so tbe former ctaissa, and the bey with tbe board in hia band ia ixeaeedi aUlv awed for $5,000 dasaages, for toe privelege of wearing this cap with a bet bar bn bos to law- - . .. FJ v WOi m me State uf Or- u.-.i .u M toar tbo n"- i term. i. oaatiss. Mr. C. H. Stewart. Couotv ( Serk putting fleas ia your ol Linn county, has sold his interest These are some of tbo disadvantages In the State Riuuts Democrat to Mr. of being a city; bnt tbo truth ia tho T. J. Stllea, late private Secretary city baa a aoul, and a vary big one too. to Gov. Thayer. Mr. Stites brings It eqnal to all tbo aonla of ton ane- expenence to the work, and the pie who n w "w'w" Democrat will undoubtedly thrive mit.) Every injory to tbo city is an under the management of Chamber "U.1? to each of tnem. firwry a- I - ;!. ! ain & Stites. Mr. Stewart carri ditional sum put npon e WJ . u with him the best wi has of a host of ders is s burden upon these, Car it l.lrrsrMlas fr.1. MaSr m, Ihr4..vrraaaa rlerul, in rtlrnfr fom th- or. COmeS Out of their pOekeU. thrtul.t, - . . m tnv oointon at ui m m w w Dr Edward O Iova, tne present Analy- i city unless be baa too gi eatsa eauw ileal Cham lat for the Government, has A half interest in tae Albany Dhw ur it there ia areas negligence or utly made aoaae I ntar eating expari- haa been imrchaaed bv Mr. T. J. ,!,;-. ftf tbat nature, A eity bad r,nt::.- "r,,'r.,:u-l,':. -y .. Eru4 - made to determine what brands are tbe nor Thayer. Of course we bid Mr. M gfer with wild bears at its ontv meat economical to use, and aa their ea- Stewart good-bye with many n Lrots, I kirta. I will never be autlty ef living pacity Ilea in their leavening power, testa but we welcome his talented aucceasoi ; that I do not take an inter- witb s true feeling, just the opposite I have fast to that Kolis. HLITEB'S WKLI'IMIK. - VltOLRLAI 9 ; I.e. TO I. - 1 1 M . . I O 0 iiJ Booksellers, ALBANY, OUEGON. vi8n4ltf ONE PRICE FOR ALL. Samples tent by mail free, on application. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 First Street, Albany, Or LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Mr Campeau has purvhawd the brb shop formerly owned by J HSurlea, and will continue tbe buslnas a', tbe old place and guarantee aatiaf Action to c uat onriers. REVERE HOUSE, l orart ' Irsl and F.Usworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Till new nl4l i fitted up In first clawi tvle. Tallies x'.i;..!i.'ci with the b8t Uio ntarkut affords. Spring ImJ iu every Itoom. A gixni SouijJe 11ijiii hr Com uiuroial Traveler. AZTFree Caacb to and rroin tire Uatel. Aloany Bath House. r-saHB UNDEUSIVNED WOULD RJSSPKC1 J. fully inform the citizen of Albany and vi ciaity that I have taken ciiare o; this JHtabiich caent, and, by keeping olean room and payin gtrict attention to buiinen, expects u, huit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Glass Hair Dressing Saloons, aspects to entire satisfaction to al J-r0bUdten and Latlien' llult neatiy co banpooed. JOS WRi'.DKtt. The meeting at Hamilton's Hall lant Saturday eveuinir. for the welcome oi lenatir Slater, waa indeed an enjoy able -flair. The house being well tilled, J tidjje (Jhenoa eth ear city Mayor, arose and made sn address ot welcome in his usual appropriate manier, sfter which a song was had by tbe choir The Senator was then introduced and add reused the audience for neatly a half hour highly entertaining his heai era. He detailed in a short concise manner his efforts while in dngtess in behalf of the people of Oregon, whom he was there to represent. Through Mr. Slatei's efforts, no doubt, much ia due to the present appropriation for Yaquina Bay having boon raised, but unfortunately the house refused to per mit it to remain as raised. He promts el during his'continuance in the Senate ti remain true to the interests of the people. We believe in doing all pub He servants justice for a faithful dis charge of public duties and therefore must add that thus far we believe Mr. Slater has oOttduoted himself as a rep resentative of the Stale nt !are and has endeavored to represent them im partially and haa not permitted himself to be biased in favor of or prfjudioal against particular localities, but has seemingly endeavored to treat all sec tions alike. Tbe chair then saug an other choice selection, after which Mrs Arnold favored the audience with a solo that bad to be heard to be appre ni.lait All in all tho rvat.nni'incr via a succsKsful and enjoyable affair, Gazette. Ar. ivri.w.oxorouTs i fttsksr That large aud influential portion of the newBpaer press that is controlled by the managers of incorporated monop olies and oiibequently antagonistic to the interests of the Nation would Lave tbe people believe that every person who publicly favors certain necessary reforms are cranks or Communists, but the more iutelligent portion of the pop ulstion are looking into the problems that are inevitably to oo solved in the near future. We are glad to see growing disposition to consider the dif ficult questions of the age in a spiiit of candor and fairness by some of the most profound thinkers of the country A lecture on that s ihject was recently delivered by Lyman Abbott, in which he verv ablv aeta forth the difficult " j political irisues, that have been careful ly ignored by political parties, but which are rapidly absorbing public at tention aud which the Anti Monopo lists are especially anxious to have at 9 every American citizen investigate. This republic is in danger let our loyal citizens be prepared to come to her rescue. Justice. "Facts speaks plainer loan words." Proof : "fhe Doctor told me to take a blue pill, but I didn't, for I had al ready been poisoned twice by mer cury. The druggist teld mo to try Kidnev-Wort. ana I altf. It was w just the thing for my biliousness and constipation, and now I am as wel as ever." A. P. $333 p8r yeir cai hi etuly nil C w irking for E G. Ridout k o., 10 BaicWV St., New York. Send for their ra'alogue andful1 part'culars were directed solely to ascertain tbe avail- able gaa ef each powder. !r Love'a port glveethe following : Ait Oreconran. Name ot the Baaing IVwdera. Rural" .creaat tartar powder) raUnecu" (alum powder) . . 'Hutufor " (phoapbataltreen Romford'" U'uoapbaU) oM . . Mreogth Cubit In. Ln liae aer each ounce of powder. 127.4 . u&.r .. ita" llanford'a None Such" rreah .... llandlorU None Such," old 'KaSboad'a Charoi" (alum power) 'Atnaaoa" (alum powder) , H lavelandV ibort weight J ox) Sua roam- Caar" 'Or I'rioa'a" Snow Hake" (UroTe, t Paul) Lewia'a" Cuedeasad ......... "Quae rem" yeaet ' E Anarewa and uo e (.coinaini aiuuo . Meeker." Ollleta" - BuJk" .... as; S4. . .117.0 ...lias- ...111.9 ...uas ...107.W ...ioa.8 ... .101.8 ...101.88 .... osi .... 97.6 ... 78 17 . . . eW.& S4.S .... BO.i Cypress wood, after exposure to the air becomes of a dim reddhh color- It possesses great strength and elas ticity, and is lighter and less resinous than the wood of the pine. Where it abounds it is extensively used for building purposes. Riofs covered with cypress shingles from timber cut In Winter will last for forty years. est in, that I will not kelp build up and use my best energies in working tor. True, if there haa been gross negligence, then it ia only right that the one, whether a city hy ita appoint ed agenta, or an individual, should pay for the injury dene, iu consequence of it But while there am drawbacks, there are bleaaiuge connected with a city. It means progression, growth. Things are managed in a more regular style, or should be, etc , etc., bnt a Mr. W. A. Forbes, Greenfield, DUce should not seek to i Mass.. was cured bv St. Jacobs Oil of Krnr it n rr the additional re- In hia report, the Government ICh.mui l,.. I i i says Standard. rvrriMtt ir eTKesii. l regard alt alum powders aa very un wholesome. Phosphate ami Tartaric Acid nowdera liberate their aas too freely In The main wheel of a watc'i makes procees of baking, or under varying four revolutions in 24 hour-, or 3 1 00 climatic changes sutler deteriorauoa." jQ a w the , as IT A Unit Ik. rrm w I In.'... .n. t I w ' ' ' Chemist, after a careful an t elaborate ex- " " ' - T ,u 1U " amtnation of tho varloua Ilaking Powdora year ; the third wheel, 192 in 24 of commerce, reported to the Govern- hours, or 09,030 in a year ; the fourth ment In favor of the Royal brand. which earriea tha anennri handV 1440 in 24 hours, or 525,600 in a year ; tbe firth, er scrae-whooI, r r i o i a a -v s- - To Drove to the world that they in- 1-W ID ao or s,5,ou rev- tanded to aUnd by their eandidate olutions in a year ; while th beats for the Legislature, the Republicans or lorations made In 24 hours are of Pamlico county, South Carolina 3SW, or 141,912,900 in a year after a Ettlng preamble, adopted the the Diamond dyes more color- follewlng resolution "Resolved, We will vote for Jim Lane, be he spirit of hell, or goblin dammed, bringst he with him airs from heaven or blasts from hell, or comes he In questionable shape, but we will vote for him as against the Bjurbon Democracy." ing is given for 10 cts. than in any 15 or 25-cent dyes, and they give faster and more brilliant colors. passion among western places to have the name city attached to these. T know of one place with only about halfadowi houses that alls itaelf eity. Ktnpiro City, ia Cooa county, ta not very far ahead of that, and little inaiginiticant villages ail through tho northwest can be named, which are in the aanie boat. It ia a mistaken idea if the settlers of suck planes think they can add to their population by such a fraud. The reaction is greater than the benefit. It ia like a clowa claiming to be a king. It am usee or disgusts everybody. Oue of the curious Industries ol New York city is gathering its stale bread from large hv tels and restsur- If Jim Lane fails to be elected by ants, and grinding it up into food lor such a constituency, would it not be poultry and pigs. The Astor House well to release ex Gov. Moses from sells its stale bread for $800 annually. Blackwell's Island aud send him back The contractor has $100,006 invested to his quondum supporters ? In the business, and keeps nine teams at work. . , . v r-- a a The Toledo (U.) Met says : u. d. Xt t8 Impossible for a woman to Dorsey Alexander, editor BarnesvIUe guff6r from woakn6SW aftt)r takinff (Ga). aVstcs, has been cured of rheu- jdm E. Pinkham's Veget-We Com. mat Ism, by the use or St. Jacobs Ol!. pound. Summary of Meteorology for Sept. 131 from observation taken at Albany, Una 5o. Oregon by John Brigge Eae,. Higheat Bar, 30.01 ; lowest,; saoan. 29.76. Highwt Temparatara, SS ; eet, 33 ,59.62. Prevailing wiads, N. and S. Max Velocity force, . Total rainfall during meat) , 0 41 bee we-. Number of days oo which .tl or asoro rsin fell. S. Number of days of cloud in Me, average f scale of 10, 6. Frost oa tho moreiag of 16 and 28. In Coal Creek, Fremont Cunly, Cal a solid lump of coal waa tnlntd that weighed 18,000 pounds.