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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1882)
1 he gmottat. Qlcial Oity and County Papar. Enter J at the Poet Office at Albany, Or. am second -class mall matter. j-t...i-... f . i , i . . . FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1882" CHAMBERLAIH & BTITES, tuttier aa rraprteter. f. R. K. TIMK T 4 It LIC. A 1 fenny Station. ikr tui'i ttt, ok tbaink. OCX MttU. A'.HtNV RXPRKSS lVirlat r.ttt1!HT TtivtNS MULTItUX J gJ-J SOVSD SOUW FtKIGHT TRAIN " " A'.ti N V KXPKKSS Arrives s 5:.S0 A. M. :00 A. M ll:ft A. M l.:06 P. M. 11:4 A. M lS:OS P M S:l P. M s:SJ P. M. All Train dally except Saaatey. Notiok. On and after this date regular t'eket will be sold at our ticket ofiloe for following points on Columbia river: Upter Cascades. Halle. Umatilla. Wallula. Walla Hall and Vins worth. Wili B. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. Ji. Co. Albany. Jnn 18th, 188'. Mele Tfctrtjr Saturday morning one Rob La Trelle, at one time a sailor, but for awhile a la borer on the farm r f Steuben Powell near this city, went up stairs in Mr, Powell's r tiadnnTr. he datBaed for a buneh of keys. Awhile after he had come dawnfand gone o tt doors, it was discovered that a potket book oontaining was niisaleg Item the pants poo hots of Horaee Powdl, a son of Mr. Powell , whose room was near La Trace's. Search was Imtnedistely made for the ex-sailor, who of course, wan ana pieted, but he bad disappeared. George and C O Burkhart, of this city, started an his track and succeeded in catching him a-. Marion Station. He was brought back and placed in the Hotel de Smith, where he will probably linger till the next term of the Circuit Coon, as the money and pooket book were found tin him, and he admitted taking t eui ; on an examination ha was held te await the action of the gand jury. ii ii i ne i i Barstars at Sates! ate. Tjef"- part of butt week an me burg lars nhfr plriBg their trade at Shedds, bnt were not very successful pecuniarily Toey entered a house this side of the place. b tt only stoie enough to eat. Gcng into t t villssro ther entered Dtve Porter a residence, but left without any booty Then (opening all of the doors of F. A Watts residence, first effectiag tbeir en trance by a window, they helped them selves in the cupboard, and we re about to investigate m attars further, when Mr Watts, ha was s'eeping upstair, dis covered their presence, and on hi start- in; down stairs the cowards took to their hnalti r.nd fled. There were three in all but who they are it is not known, though it is probable that they ware ramps passing turijuh the village Tbay need to be watched, and if opportu nity offers deserve some big doses of col J food. S; Death mt a Valuable Call. A young colt of Mr.'U orge Simpson of this city has for some time been tb admiration af judges of good hors flesh, and although only six months HOME AKD ABROAD. l.uliea' Emporium. Farmers' A Meohaoie' Stere. E. R. Skipworth, lawyer, Alba or, Or. Twelve new tbacrihera so far this week. Go to Montague a, Lebanon, for bargains. The Dkmocrat only $2.60 a year in ad vance. New rich, blood i The ass of Oregon Mood Punfier. Remnants of all kind,obaa m the Ladles E nporiuw. Su -h fine millinery at Mrs. Martin's and so o'leap (ok Busiest house is Albany. -the Indies Emporium. New cloak. ulsters aad dolsaans at the Ladies' Emporium. Quite a (all f suow ocoorred la the Forks last Tuesday morning. Ribbon, laces and embroideri eheap at the Ijuliea' Emporium. Saow was four tnohat dp at Lakeview aat week. Ugh. Tb waat of leg has prevented R.biaoti a mills from beiag raa fur some time. Go to Samuel E Yoaag'a Boot and Shoe Store for th neatest kid ahoea for ladies. Dr. G. VV.lli Price, dentist, office to Odd Fellow's Temple, over Lanfdee Drugstore. Our college ia flourishing, the attendance being mach larger than at the bagiantag ef the term. He atole Mrs Martin's watch aad chain bat left the millinery good which ahe will sell reasonable. f aat week Hofimaa A Joseph reoeivwd a fair eiaed hand printing pre, with which they do their own printius.. The Circuit Court adjourned hut Friday afternoon. by reference to our "Borua." Wanted, 40 ords of oak aad ash weod for which cash will lie paid. Call at this office for fat ther information. Th gnu bade i quite lively at Scott's popular gun stare. Preparatioiia are being made to make gam aiek thia winter. Mcllwaia i paying th hight market prion for dried apple and dried fruit of all kinds dither in sash or in trad. Wheat ha gone ap at the milk from 73 ceata to 75 cents, aad pnamiama, making it 7o cents coat, or 79 outs with null feed. Th Pret'kytertan church ia nearly com pleted on the outside, bat will not be ready for us until about the first of att month. Some ceraeut that will stick glass tog ther so that it will hold several tons'- weight is being sold, juat wast ef the Bexar Hons. Received tins week a fall line of th cele brated Foster kid glove in tb Trra Cvtta style. All the rage, at Samael E Young's. Km caabmeree and ladies' dress goods at A B Vic I (wain's, direct from the east. They are beine sol J at reduced rates. Now is th time to buy. Th roads over th mountains are traveled asm a vet, although there is considerable mud in places, and snow ha fallen to small eateot. Scrofulous eruptions, such a pimples, disci J rtion af skin especially en faos, sill disapper rapidly by atisg Pfnader's Oregon Blood Punti-r arrested aad taken to Portland and now ka is wanted ia Ohio, but as th reward is only $200, not enough to take him ther h will probably b turned loose. Th Stat Temparanc Alliance meets ia thia oitvneit February. Our oitissas should begin making preparations te receive then-, for although all temperance people do net drink meat ef them are good atre. There was hardly a person to he seen on the streets Saturday night at half past seven bat the report ei a Hgbt ia one of tee ealot na brought to the surface fully a hundred m- side of two minute and th irty seconds. Philomath ha been eatsbltahed as a otty. The tiueation now t whether they have enough blocks for two or three ward, and can get th requisite u umber of niu to sot as Aldermen, Mayor and Marshal. Mr Vance found a doaeo meltings, kick he brought te thia efiioe, where the ... . i i... - .it;.. if ..i owner oaa nave wm wmm,. . . withia a reasonable time they will be aen adorning the necks ef our fair ooinpositors. Webfeot has fully set in, aad so have the people of t-abanon set in a nausl to purchas ing their wiutr good of 0 B Montagu. rhey have found that h kcps a flrsl-dras stock of goods aad sells st reasonable prices. In the oaa of Mr Furdom against the w eity, the jury were nname o agree, undaraUad that four wre,;ia favor ef no cents ef action, and the rest divided s to the amount, moat bing in favor of abut MM Ayer&Son American newspaper antnal is at hand fall of instruct to snd more cur reet thsn sver. It would iy our readers to editorial en "Stay on th Farm'' may be of interest to sonic, a Uussian story show that peopte to be heartless and uafeeliag j the address delivered to Hen 0 N Denny si lt i hit a ths great res pact in which he was held by the people of Shanghl, and "Plain Talk" and mlaoellsoeeua articles may per haps touoh a Under spot in the heat t of pare ease ana, aad keep post .1 alout the newspaper affairs of the U. S. Address K Th. r.-on en. ha aoconatest for VV AvT k Son, Pllalelphis, Pa. The Ho'el da Smith ta ths nam vf the hotel on the oorner of BroatlaJbiu anl Fonrth Mtreeta It already has two boarders, Kimehidk anti 1 re J i. who bav made (ev remaining with "mine host Smith for several months. Ala I all of the beautiful Mr Langtry'a beautiful dresses have goo up ia siuok This is bad new indeed for the ladies, but uliae America will find consolation ia the thought that beauty ui.a toroedi moat adorned. Mrrrury The wav the aaw subscriber rolled into v th DanorMAT eflise last week "was s can tioe." The people ef Lion county regard- tees f politic seem baand to read our week I effort. For th eniosraaewrnt we are - w receiviag we feel duly thankful. We prep te gtve th market price on the nrincinal nrodacts f tha coaaty each a wk sad are ss nearly correct as possible hat merchant disagree so much that it i impossible ta keep every ibtn j u that it will with the report ef all our dealess. Th fallewiug fictitious item is published in many of our exchanges a original i "The pretty young lady that came to our office the lest of th week snd upset th paste ever her new drees, has get so awfully tack ap she went look at a any more. Th nusldl of lat weak 1U D W tarn area roocivad a bad bruise which confined him to hi house for esveial ds By some raeso or ether he fell us front ef hie resi- I . t l I . . : . i - It i. time for Lolidae awada to make -Jieir ' " oi " ,c" K"g ' m - i . . . ii it . i . i tr.... .v i laeinai n eoniut asniir aveo an uia i: tor find where voa a m at . a . . e a It i about tine ta o gt isiiening tdr. keys far tbaakagiving. A lovs at turkey has been a falliag oi edttota ever since Adam published the Ecfimj Mb ; ws ere no ex ception. Oar cop is sow empty and tha wheat in the corner renalns t e ralen Earn tax ! Bill Condor, who ad vert teed for a lost kas at least got track ef them, one of our worthy faraaer ia the country baring tha Goneral confidence in the Yaqnina Ray Railroad is reviving, and people along the litis aeom to think that it will go through for a certainty. Neit spring we may look for work to begin in earn aat and there ia every assurance that a full fmoe will be put on, and work he pushed on fast ss poasible. That thia may be the case is most devoutly to be wished. The git blowing eshibttion in this city last week was wU worth attending, and earioaity not of ten witnessed. The attend ance here was poor. Ono ef the proprietors told us that he took in more in C'nrvallis ia one night than here iu two or three days. Had it been some grand, bi" humbug, it would have taken tha last dollar of our oitiezna, A worthy exhibit! n dearrvea oar patronage. 1 if Maine brought to our office Tuesday a maple leaf that would make 1 '.astern peo ple open their eye. It ia IU iiiohea a id by 15 long, and 29 inchea from tip of leaf to end of tm, being about ten timea the siae of the maple leaf that grows along the At lantic. Speaking of leave retniude us that we will at any time giv ear subscribers wave to bring in their tig leaves and if they have cabbages, squash or pumpkins sttaohed ta thm uo objection w ill be mad to tbeir leaving tbem with us. A tactnre oours for this wistr would not he out of the way. There is literary talent enough in th atate to make a liret- warn m. a m. fa X A a c'asa on. Tor instance let it n opanvn ny J Hippie Mitchell on "What I know about ru Mttng for I 8 Senator," to b followed by Earvey Scott en "flow I defeated Hippie and then put up a now residence," by J N thdpbea "What a spread wa'U make ia Waskiagten with ur YVbfootd money," by (ice II Williams on "Korlsru Hopea,' by J H Ac Uu on "The Detuoralixiiig effects af minus Reliirton and Politics " and bv Judge Keleey ou "liy the hy. now, 16 is net very bad." m no a .n . f 1 a in itovemoer uumuer oi r tit. I'oftmlnr Monthly affords evideure ef the fa t. that thia ia th "moat eempreheaeive, latereatiu snd cheapest magssins publish ed" ; th 1'iH ipiarto ags srs crowded with delightful snd instructive reading and fine artistic mbellishmaats. Th colored frostispieee, "Taaaing," by William A. Shade, ia s perfect gem "How to Dectds if a Man la inaane, and How to Treat Hun if He is," are among tha prominent illustrat ed articles, sad replete with ietereat aad in formation. There are several adruirnbl aketchra ard pecans of considerable merit, moat ef tbem beautifully illustrated. There is also an abundant and meat Interesting miscellany. Tha price of a ismUr is only Za cents ; or. Xvf par annum, fl..0 fir sis mobths aad ft for five maaths. seat post paid. Addreata Frank Italic. Publiher, IS. uo aad 57 Psik PUca, New York. osllod at th Dkuocxat oflloa U ii ose n the fameus ightcn, and we are glad to say on of th consistent one, for he voted fur neither Mitchell nor Dolph. aarprlae Pari y A very pleasant aTalr in tha way of a surprise party occurred at tha real- dtnea of Mr. N. Haunt (H'ednvmlay va) being a farewell party t Master, Sol Raum. About thirty masters and minNcn. rantrluir In age from six to ML teen met at the reahlenuenf M. ftt'-rn b ig, going thence to Mr. Haunt's nn pletely anrprlslng tht.i.' Uttla victim, an 1 taklug tilings by storm. He fresh ments. games, anal general merriment was the arder of the evening. The fol lowing Is a partial 111 d tha aurprlaers. Misses Katie and Mary Hohlosser, Allea Breuner, Hatlier t'ohea. Amelia Henders, Bsrah (Allien, Sarah Sternberg Clara Cohan, Clara Sternberg, Mollie Wood, Annie ttohloaser, Annie Honk. Allle Rohloaaer. Haphia flouk, Daisy Dannals, Maggie Harvey, Lillle Hat k lemao, Mamie Candlft, Husle Martin, Hannah Cohen, Fannie Hreuner and K.niun Raum. Masters Max Cane, Albert Sternberg, Harry Mackleman, IFalter Harvy, Joe Baum, Hobby Feeler, A ley Harris and Hilly Webber Tha most notable f atur., of this enjoy ableafTalr was the sJafinf nf Master Aley Harris, Hobby Faster and WHlla Web ber in tho Juvenll Mdetyof Albany; their endeavors to monop llx the kis sing game and cut the other little hoys out, was singularly successful and It was voted by the girl, that they wrr too Utterly natftokMMly lUllghtful; while the boy aald that the brass la tkoee three youngsters cheeks was sufll- dent to make a largo si..- Lnt'.r. oxtur thi LirrLK lljfgaj LI Mt I VI I till. Task Orders fee abaci A couple of ' Masher" worn In the city the first of the week siilltng boots and ahoes. As wo have several first class hoot and shoo oNtsbllsbmsnts here where goods nan b bught at bottom prices tbay did not get many orders, If any. Tbeir style did not take. One of our ruemhants thinks the young man referred to In the following, clipped from a Han Kraimlsoe paper, was one of tbem. At least the Item ussy go for what It la world . "lis wss a nine young man, with finr gloeay hst and elegsnt foot gear, in fact It was on the latter be i reveled, so u a. sies - w a anna, lie was from 'Krbnio, and was taking measure for common seuse-aure-flt shoes, and else laklag half cash doposli on order ( balance, C O D, whi n the slioea came. JUgtiarantaed that his sbssa M ould rod u os all bnaloaa and remove all anffM and In grown nails, and that he would send no shoes that would hurt the most oanflrmod "tenderfoot" In Hie latter clause of the guarantee he kept his word faithfully. Carson, Nov., was hie last field of operations. Amount of ass- ment. 91 to. Result a eusa-wnrd school ostabllshed at (arson. Nice young man gone to pastures new. appearance iu the urnia of the DxnocaaT te can get hargaina. Boots, a splendid assortment, made ef 30od leather, not a scrap id split leather, at L E. IStaiu '. His stock is selling fas' be- cause it ia first-class. It begias to look lire the holidaya ia Cm rad Meysfs. He ha a splendid stock of crockery and keeps the breadstuff to be found. E03IAL ASD PEESOH tL A laree anil mmil sal acta I atock of beota l i . - -i-..- I a,d ahoea. all kinds, for man. wamen sad a- r-W- ckildrea. aura to kau tha water from vosr JT m , . prevteosiy vaaen tnc u or sea m, ana .1 - ....nia. m.r K-ur... r.. ; r,cr nna Af IfaeL at A t M C 1 i WalLl a. WSU. III Villi W vt VV '... wv I - . - . . , . . m . . . . 'r. . nf ... v n . k-; . I cnmmg to th eity nntifted oa ef the fact. the best horses that ever sreuued on the the furniture of Mr. N. Bium u bung ... . . ' tnrf in Lina county. But ail hapes were j paeked, preparatory to ebbing seat to Port MnraMi lent Uanilav maminr when land, which he will make his home. We news of its death was reported, it ha- underataad that Prof. will move tat ing died with congestion of the luags Mr. Banm s residence tu a few days. Taken the night previous it anly lived Moa Rnfus Mai. cry ia back to Mi. en Dr J W WatU. was iu tbe o.ty last Sator day. Mr Dr PotU t aaw in fitlei. Ulkin on "Digestion" ete. Mr N Banm, uf I'ortlan 1 was in tb city last Wednesday. Wa received call yester-lay from Mr 1 V Jonas, af Beoiia. U ' l'. It .!. o-u ...''t nn u lut Tnea Am aged lady. We learn that Mrs. Kituer, mother of Mr. Willl-m Kleiner, with whom she b living, has attained the unusual age of ona hundred and three yearn, and Is as lively and chipper as sn In. Her father was one of the revolutionary soldiers, aad she remember tnsny Incidents of thai war aad has a vlv Id ream mb ran oe td the waroftHlz. Nhedellghta In talking over those old limes and makoa it quite Inter eatlag to those who converse with bar, having a won lerfal fund of antedate Md esperlemss. We leel sure that we can b asst of having the ol lest iwraon In the tate a a re-Lieu t of our precinct. iJitmrrniuutor. Clothing for big man, skinnv meti, Ijoys', rouths' and children, bottom figures st the Farmers' A Meuhaoics' ntare. Iu order to does out his immense stack of S'laabs, gSelmsss, Kir , before the holidaya, Sainm I K Young a ill aell thear at ejrealt V 'dared Hair. Now u Mm time loescuro etargetaa hsse sre s riral-C'lasa Ciead. so abodJy and must te sold to uike room for fresh srrivsia of gooda .ii. a " Ires sod steel Vterk TbeOregon Iron and Htael Msnulactur ng i uni sany, witicn waa in- reraieu aoiae timo sim-e, ssy me "taniiard, with S capital of gA.Otsl.oaO, yaatarday -..,. plexad its nranahrstlra by timing s a Rasnl prtssldout, and W J Burns aecrotarv. The company has purcUaaad a large tract af land; com prising aomo 40,00.) arrea. In the vicinity of (mwesro, snd will at ow oorn nfiM the erect bn of buildings. Mr. Rood left on the Mleainsr last night f r th cast to purchase the neaeery machinery far rolling mills, otc , snd. as the company oomprbaesaom of aurwst't'i'osl an I most entarprlning cltltana. w ruvssia expect to see exfeasive wnrV Is ; rf n a, or naar. Oswego. 1 1 1 - . I'olamHia Utvee (part sniaai at ia fe. Mootlay evening shailly after Albany rsprea bid left Cleckaro Station, a Chinaman who was standing 00 tbe front platform accldently fell between the cars striking oa the rail, the wheals passing completely over him, leaving bis head and shoulders on one side of me rail aud his l.g Un the otuer, Hie Ira In backed up to where his body was, aud thoe who saw It say It was a horrible But then it was oaly the body of a Chinaman, ' unkuewu, ua- moururd. ' Alhsar Marhel Wheat Tfbi pt t lti-hl. 'mta lo " Beef on f t, 5 lofie. Hay baled, 1M0S20 per ton. loose, 12 to to. BuUr-3iJ cts per lb. Bggs ao cents per dog tAHsSees OSo per :. Potk -7 cts per lb. Veal'-Oo per lb. Dried Kruit sun dried apples, ov " plum, 8". msydilne cured applos, fie, u " plums, 10. Baconn hain, Ii to 10c. shoulders, 10 to I jc. side. 1 te 15c. Lard 15e per lb. Floor -5.00 per MsL Chickens 3.00 1 -r dor. iogar Man Hraii'jise 0, I 'in Mill Feed -bran, 10.00 per ton. abort, 10. middlings, 20 0 ohona, 'Z.' 00 Barguius ia m- na' furnishing gooU at tin Farmer' A Mechanics' Mtore. as CompleU new stoak of Indie,' ,isa s' aud cbildreris' fine shoe. mbUr ad geav mere st the J-ad-ra' Km put tun . till morning. It was from "Early Pearl." ami Mr Simpson had bad sever ai offers of 1300 for It, but would not hae parted with it for much leas than 1500. and ae doubt' could have got en mere bad tbe oolt lived. We are a slaaurry Set af Mem. We have been beaded a conou atory. a I goad study for sSodeat which we shall nsbliah next week, enace not permitting tt oa our insiJ this week Fead the Washing Machine sd in another column. It i called a irat-claaa snack tea, aad you will do well to inquire about it bv for pnrcbaaiog elsewhere. Tbe&ifem b ulg Ta'Jt is a spicy. .Salem O N little daily paper and tbe citizens ef Mo ate ill) A Sons appreciate news-1 should patronize it. Emperor E paper men ; tney know insi we are a kaows now it is uimseu. hungry set of men, generally half etarv-J Some of our youag people are wearing ed. aad hence first-elass iudtrea of good badges with tb letter S. 8. on them. A flour. The latter particularly is a vir- neighbor aaya is means "seven atriptiogs,' ture of our. We can telDan excellent but we do not vouch for it. si ie of bread at long distance range. A break ia ths 'ditch on Ferry street ee- Last Monday there eame to each of our enrrad last Sunday morning just north of 1 Jv and bit u ncher and irr achensaimer. tbe banxrupt llarrtabur . Mf Kdwarda reoreaeouaj one f tbe San bant, ia bow worting ir .Meter A r rst.a frMlctm:o t'o.nmrroial agemn s ha Irft the bat mast report at the j id every day. Th 3 Grand Jury has found s true bill against , w .r,irvto hear that Moot. MonUitb kirn ta the perjury charge, and bs is now . crrtWtni. Wltr Wlth ,lltU u-ol hi. re- under Sl.SOO additlond bail to tho $4,000 before pot ap for him. - B rremr. u Bssni l,,oal who kaa l-wn sick for Last Tbarsdayqaita a serious fir ocean el . . u b , at Salem, Reed Opera House and the Cam : . . mercial Hotel burning nearly down, causing . Sk,lW.u, of Haeot Horn, was in the s damage of abac t $15,000. The Pire Do- K.. . n.n . , . partmant is said to have don. soma apt.odid work, and is weetji-dl ooasiderable prate. . Hon U S Strdian sml O E WolverUo frssw the people of Saless. Wof- m sUm tb- fif-t of VMk oa j n rosier x vos, mins navs 001 o- n Dartag the moi-tb juat ebsnd. there were 13 olaaraaees from the port of Astern Tbe eargore rmbr --.! ISl.T-fl bahels wheat, worth a'.s-ri. 4'i.H.s; hsrrr'a flenr. worth $170,0; OOlScaass aatmoa. worth $o3,07 The total valaeof all cargnci for mota that went toforeiga parte, b-ing f.ll.OOO. The r 1 ports for tbe preceding month sgregatrd ia valae $5ot,749. Tbe total f treign etprts (rem tbe Columbia from January I, nKi to data aggregate ta value $7,318,807. .woedo-.f f asjalaa An Interesting letter In yesterday MOre- gonlan" by Alfred Holanan, presents a brighter aspect of the Hay and Railroad tbaa that ajor la wont to gtve. He says that "by tbe aspenditare of lee tbaa half a million dollars the channel can be made dep enough to fleat the deepest ships that sail the Ocean." Work will lie con tinued on the Ray during the winter pre poring matters for the spring. . e - Kin rnsdictd flannol sad knit under way at th Karmera' k Mechanics' Store. H- gular m.-i tlng af the Honk A Idtd dor Company thia evening. As Jim fJodfrey 'eaves for Salem la a few day there will be a vacancy in the Board of Fire Delegates, which will have to lie filial Ala Harris, ono of No l's most faith ful mem.bera. will leave for Sao Kran eisco In a month or an. where lis will niUr tie caUblish'Se-.t of Otto Fax In that city. Lsdiee. n.iaoe'and okildrene' fiae lamb weol boa just recsived at the Ladias' Em-prism. A ! Ralaoilaaasead. Iteing of an inquisitive turn of mind yea terday we thought we would Hod out wha I, tjradwobl really hswl in bia mUtr. and were aurprised at tbe amount and quality oi his stack of crockery, shelf hardware, v lass wars, Ar. It is complete and unsurpassed in the valley. A fact, an 1 be sells at or be low Portland A finer atock of crock ery, glass ware, majolica, toys, cutlery. baby carriages, children's wagon, v J"c- psdea, snd in fact everything in this lin, cannot be found in the valley, (to through bis store and waruhouaa aud y u will liav no trouble to reshao thi fact, a we did yesterday, and ask him his pru- and yoc will be 01 vi in-. l that they sr bedrock. H keepe the leawitng eataMiahment and u ntitle.1 U ear rsstr-swe. Bargain in avercssat and nlet. r at tb Fanner' A Mechsaies' Mtore. Tw Snrgeeas representing tbe National Hurg-cd IuttituU ef Indianaaolia, 1'biladslpbia, Aabuita, (is., sod Sao Francisco, will be in Fort! and. On- gas. st the St. Charles hotel, from Nov, Ld to the 1 1 th meiusive, prepared with on er pnsivs outfit of the most approved aj pari to, for tbe treatment of all case of disease of the spina, bin, knee, ankle, crooked limb', club feet, Ac, Ac, They will be prepottd to make the moat surgical operatiana, iaclud iag cataract, oroaa eyes, hare l p, defosmi ties of tbe ' -. dividing ten J oat a. operations far diss as of th genital ergaa, ptl S fiitola, Ac A rare opportunity ia offered these needing their service. Old patients tpeoially requested to visit them. tmjtalinsa POWDER Absolutely Pure. TMa 1- l-r nevar varse. A marel of psnKy, t raa is and wkoleBNTne. Mere Crwmir than he 'S-rfinai r kinds, cannot lis sold In enn;enUi vlia l mnltiunle v toW tret, rWt welgbt, slam r lAssaaail powers. H ,14 oniv la caeav fiorai. 5ri' . o es -o . Pel Watt t..'5 y The NB PLUS Patent Washing Machine (only premium at the Mechan ics' Pair, Portland) is now ready. The owners of the SOLE SHOP RIGHT for Oregon will deliver free to any rail road or steamboat sta tion on receipt of $15. Specially low terms to dealers. Addres3, P. 0. Box 713, Portland. - - - FISH, GAME, &C, M ) '" a Ash and came ms-- fiii i ";l ' rt,,e House, ai.d " , T, rP'y stall tlrma. iSr "e11 t.Uaa!d. , imr J. IlrafrnaxTa, Administrator's Sale. N O I JCK II MKRBT OIVKIC THAT, In pursuant or an carder af tha Coun ty CsMtrt of Umatilla eonnty, state of Ore- goa. madsoa the 11U day nf ot, a, a, j. i reus tier, ezeenur of tbo m oi n J. Ktehsrdean. deoesvted. .tii bi puuiwj saexjoa, oa Ota praanrxre llllflilltey dtsbed, oa .SeiuxdayTtb- l' t. Am ..r V - - V New arrtral tbi weak at tbe Ladies' Ktnporiam, tin Uaek Free oh eaeh new hoe ef dree foods, sleevalees jseketr, kait heeds, linsvl glares, caahmsrs aad la nabs wool keae, fise bal moral skirts, merioeveste, daansls and fancy goods. Ths St. 'eerie. .tei negtas to aaauaac its aid appesranca. It ia already covered. and a ben patated and plastered will preaeot aa good so appear acs aa bef are tb ire Quiofc, susnpjsSs eaffa, all annoying Kid nay, Ri adder and Urinary Iisns f 1 Sefceel mesllralew. homes a sack of flour, marked "Al bany City Mflrs," wtth com ptl meats of Moateith A Sons. We have tried it It can not he excelled iu the State. Better floor waa never made, and if there is ane thing we like it is good bread, aotbethaaks we have to extend to these popular miller are heartfelt t-nes. May their flour be eateu by many Bla Blbbou lab. The regular meeting of this elub was hehi last Friday evenlog. It was hpen; d with prayer by Rev. Irvirt-, sad fol lowed with music by the au lieuce. A temperanee recitation by M Lena Gray was well rendered. Miss Li Hie Robertson read aa interesting selection, When ten minute speeches were made by Revs Irvine, Harris and Condi t. As Rv D W Cameron was to have deliver ed the address they were entirely im promptu, hut full of instruction and th Might. After m ire music. Miss Amanda Irvine rtad, iu a plea-tint man ner, a selection from Tarn Moore's "LsVln Biokh." Dr. Watts, having just entered arriving by the eirs from Salem, was called upon and spoke for abt half aa hour in hi earnest, en thusiastic manner. Tbo pledge was circulated aad the meeting adjourned for two wee k. 0 m mm i - S Overalepr HlmsHf ;k1 i H s ' l V Last Saturday night a gentleman was coming from Portland to this eity. on the Albany Ex pre s. When the tr Au arrived at the depot, in this city First street. The timbers which held the earth seem te be very weak. A man is Eastera Oregon stele a fasces, thsn going a little farther a wagon, and finally a woman, and kept en his joorasy. Greater cheek was uvr witnessed. Attention is called to the notice of Otte Fox iu another coin son. He wants those owing him to pay ap, snd means basins when he says they must eame to the front. If you arm id keep well keep year feet dry. We do not say this ia the interest ef ths boot aud shoe dealer, bat ia year owe isterest, ss it saves many a doctor's htlL A turbine water wheel foe sale at thi af rice ; a 12 bach wheel, ia splendid condition; will bo sold cheap. Also 40 feet of 1$ inch shifting aud ahmt 12 feet of If inch shaft. Arrangements are being made far a grand Thanksgiving bunt. Brighten ap year gans and bo ready to meet the quack of the dock with the crack of the rifle and shot goa. Deiph professes lunch, aad ws hose for the besef t ef th Stat that hs will 4 what be says he will, but we can tell better after his hiatory as U 8 denater has a few ebapters to it. Keep watch of the atore to bs occupied by Peters & Blaia. It will be the best ia the valley, and will contain a splendid stock of hardware. Good groceries, there is nothing HVe tbem, they Bteao health and happiness. Yea eon get thsm at Hoffman k Joseph's. They keep a first-class stock and sell st bottom price. Colfax is to have a steam engine. It wil cost about $5,000, aad will be a eheap ia vestment, if they sever have another tire for ths feeling ef security which it affords is worth its price The S"r Brever), under the management of Mr. Wm, Faber, flourishes ths same as Mr. Faber is tie gentleman was olivlous as to all that was going on ar .und him, being j when ran by Mr. Bellenger. snugly ensconced i t the arms of Mor- j to be a thorough brewer, snd hi making p'jeui. The tral j pulled oui for Lena- an excellent beer. no i, and C inductor V ilsou et out on hie ! Ben Morris succeeded in killing a splendid round to take up ticket. h u he looking elk, ths first ef the week, in tbe came to the ge.-itleman, wh was sleep- Forks ef the Saatiam, an-', bringing it to the ing soundly, he nudged him in the ritis. and called out "ticket.' The gentle man lubbexl his sleepy or; and soon became aware that he had passed his point of d stin itien. The curses that city, sold it to M. Eichler, who is now deal ing it eat to bis customers. Ladies ! T ie only place where you eaa get N , I dress nakiag done, is at Mrs. D. ; W. Rutnbvjgh's. Call and see her before folio ved were said to be loud and deep, going eLe where Lyen Street between 3rd The conductor set him off at El kins and snd 4ttb. Albany. he had to walk back to the city. The notorious Frank Mitchell, was finally running this week on account of tbir time , being taken op in planing on iron flame in poaittoo, to place of tbe old wooden one. j Whan properly will foratah a trerj which eaa alway be relied oa, besides being of a nature not to get oat of repair. Tbe Men Harvey Hoatt raised te tbe smpreaa by hi iasaffebk aoeosas iu casting into vh slimy shads of private life one John Hippie Miteasll is having erected a palatial residence ia which he can rest his igourn vital care as and speed the money which he bo earned by hi nefariously selfish conduct." Podtmc Lexifoarapktr. Th fallowing ia tree : ''If yon desire to rata year child, w eaa give an infallible receipt. You seed da nothing wars thsn find fault. Watch all it doe, follow it in aU it child iah freak. tke notice of every ittle defect, aad he acre te shew your dis- pleasure oa all occasion. You will soon native evidence of your sucoees." Bob Chamber fine team took a lively spin through First Street, Thursday morning. making things fly for a few moments. Throw. ing a wheel off near Oeorge 8impsns, in th lower psrt ef the eity, they had their own way with their three wheeled wagen until they bad turued tb corner on First Street, by th St Charles, when they were stopped. One af the bnsie-t, liveliest, most enter- pri ing mTchan in Ab sny, isJ, M. Nolan of the Fariases' Mechanic' Store. Always accommodating and punctual in bia business relations, he keeps a good stock of goods and sells at bottom prices. Sueh a man deserves year best patronage. Mr Jaa Godfrey, of tho job printing firm of Watts k Oedfrey, baa sold his interest in ths office te Mr Watte, whe will eentinue the bastnesss as sole proprietor. Mr God frey will move to Salem, where h will en ter the office of E M Wait. Jim hss mads a great many friends here, and we regret to see him leave Albany. A yoaog man entered Blsia's clothing tor tb other day. H leaked plain en ough at tbe time ; Vat emerging shortly after ia one of Blain'a best looking overcoats, a new aat aad suit complete, the transfor mation was wonderfn1, snd sll because he purchased eeeae good suited to his make-up. Blatn keeps the best stock of overcoats to be found, and is selling th. m at bottom prirea. In ear rtpirt of- the Ray murder last week ws stated that the gun was found iu -the water with the 1 reach down, it should have been with tb maselo down. This showed that be was oarryia? hi gnu in its natural position ia Lia hand an I when shot from behind fell forward int tie water, the gun sticking its mucde in the bottom and the breech rssti lg against some buebe. Remember and read oar outside. An vVeuacslay the new school bouse st flhedd's was formally dedicated, ths c castes beiag a fcativ eaa (or th ctttzeos of that towa. State Schod Superintendent McE.roy waa present and asiatei ia tbe exorcise, the pertiou'ar of which w have aotyet received, bat ws uaderstend war ef a very iaterreting natare. Two excellent teacher have bes-n employed so that tbe school will probably be one of tbe best ia th cosaty. Oeod for th people ef 3hdds. People will boy goods where they can bay tbe best goods for tb least money, and that is th reason you will see people from every town in the county boyiag goda of Ai.!,k ft Mastiv, Albany. Or. a New ambroids nee opened this Week st Tea doctor to i'eauietea waiting far -be Tallage to grew aad malaria iocrsass. Oa t every eighty persona. Poor Pendleton m oay of November, lattt. at one o'clock r. m. or said day, to the highest biddsrr.aU sf lbs Hgbt, title mad !r tares of the eatfaia et A. J hicbardaou, decssassd, ia and ta - ma louowingdea- rtbed real preperty, to Wit : Heglnriln at ihe Uth-weart r oa imi a the donatio laad etelm of Beuben Ctey peol, not ifi cation No. 2V ia actioa nix. an township th'rre n, S'.uth tt rans ta". wee, of the WUlaanstta aaarideaa. and rtin alng thenee sdhth Tdas? . tmmt ir.. n chain aad sixtv eiaht link. ThaiMss north 29 eaniaanty-fiva.nd oao haif chains., i lie nee north 7K west fifiv. tws and one-flrtb chain, tnanco eautb -, weet iwanty-Uve and one. Oft h ehaiaa to tbe p'aoe rf bornniag,rsata!niog 12b acrm. uioeo or leas, in Iauu Cosintv. Ojc gon. Terms of Sale -Cosli la-band; deeds ta ha made out at expense of purehasser. T. J. Gai.r.iHra, Executor oa'the laM will and estate of A. Richardson, deceased. Lvests A Walk an. AU'nys for Executor, Clears out rats, inice.raaohes, flies, an, bed-bug, skunks, ohipmunks, g-pjars lie. Druggists It will be noticed that tha bill providing for precinct aeveesbrs was retold ; we be lieve this sil a mistake. Notice to Fruit Growers. The undersigned bavins; e.b.ained the exo us; ve right to naakc snd sell tb ptnru- mor not Air Family Fruit b.-ter ia the mil Mies 0r fjnn, lone and Boutoa 'ekes ihe present opportunity lobafrom petaona warn want to save tnir rrntr etraa. thai. be ie prepared to reeerve rdors for the beat fruit drier in the market, PJuoanw eisa Airramuy nrier, for particulars ad- busineas. Miss Mary Cbsadl, a daughter nf M. II Chadl. of thi city ta now reaidiag ia Oak land, Cel. Mr & a Barkhart, of Lsbaaoa. called oa ua yesterday. He has taken tbe Dr. at since it started. Mr J B Coasteble lately ol Ubanoo left a day or two ago for Delia, where he in tends te reside. O Walker, ef Paedletoa. and C H Hewitt. of Portland, both form .rly of this city, were on onr streets, yesterday Mr Levitt aud family, of Salem, have mev ed to this eity and will occupy the residence opposite the Dkkocbat office. Fletcher Archibald left Monday tu attend school as I'hilomatu. He wss aoasiblo to have tbe l)r.M nr follow him. Mr Frank Pike, of Pendleton, formerly of Albany, was in tb city yesterday. Je talks some of moving back te thi county. Ho M 0 Uoorge was ia the city last Saturday, aad while hare honored th Dbmo coat office with his presence for an hour or so, Mr E W Starr, of Salem, was in Albany Tuesday, en bis way to Ilarrisburg, where he deserted single misery Wednesday for married b(is. W U Palmer was in tho city on a flying trip the middle of the week. He hails from Rjst Portland, were he is doing a big law bun in ess. Ltrwts Bay, an auole sad Jos Ray, a broth er of tbe lamented Tho Ray, who met such aa untimely death, each oal led ou us a few days age. E B Skipworth, Esq., waa couth. od to hi house several days by niokuess but ws were glad to see him on tbe streets again a day or two ago. nrllaUIr laid .ler. J M Nolan, of the Inltea Emporium. roiuivod. Ibis week, from New York, 2o dozen I ad tea' kid gloves, made as pronely forbtaown trade, nndei ' Foster' Pat- en.t" Each pair Is warranted to give sat isfaction, if not, the money will be refund ed. The prices are moderate. mn s) sen ' The take there. The October number of this excellent monthly is the finest yet published and Is aa bener ta tha State. It cuts of the Vseea oths 'oci'aV are aald to he a cor reot likeness of that elegant steamer. It coatalns several fine picture nf views ta Waahlnton Terrl'ery, making thewo-ka good advert lemeat of the northwest. aainoy 'Welles' Health Heneaer" restore health and vigor, etirea Dyspepsia, Impo tenoe, Sexual Debility, ft. AH amy. Oregon. Jo hi Beunoa, Final Settlement. HE REV. GEO. H. Til A Kit of. Bourbon, Ind.. soya: "Rots myself and wife owe our Uvea to sHlLOlTd COS- SUMPHON CURE." ths Ladies' Km ports tu. t. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi g sstlon, Constipation, Diazipeen, Loos of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shlloh's Vtalizar ia a positive euro. WHY WILL YOU cough when antloh'a Pr 10 That report that Mr. Martin baa found bar watob Is a hsse fabrication, doubtless Cure will give immediate relief. gotten up bv the guilt . party to allay sua- eta, So eta. and $1. pleion. Int him put tha watch where aba can gat It and she will say no mora aboot It, Any ane returning tbe property wPI bo liberally rewarded. Taa Moeb Warn. Clarke have a hard time of it working from six and aeven in th morning till aim-bind tea at eight, probably ne class of people put ting ia ss mash time out of the twenty-four If a general agreement among merchants wss had to cloas at seven e'clck just as much business would be dne and clerks and merchants themselves given a little freedom. Why can't it bo doaa. For your clothing go te Alluu & Martin' Albany, Or , and you will save from live to ten dollars oh a suit and there is no way yoa can make money easier, for they have made sweeping reductions in the price, ef their clothing. From now until January first, ia the time to buy at the extreme low price, and you will keen warm and be happy. Go and aeo thsm before you purchaa. E F Sox returned last Saturday from a few weeks trip to tbe Sound country. We anderstead that he intends going into the hardware business at Seattle. The marriage of Mr. EigarA. Conrawn, of 1'ortland and Miss Aunis A. Griffin, of this city is announced by tbe WtM-ortw. to take place about th 10th of this month. Mraad Mrs John Beard, of Taageut, twe ef Linn county's oldest settlers, were iu the city last Wudnsday, looking exceedingly well for people of their advanced age. It' a t. SVv .awa ' aa.a we nnuce us u a Kice on our streets again. He intends remaining in this city and practice his profession, having already tendersd his roigiiitim a physici ui for the O & C R It Ua, Our ohl friend, fa Meyer, of the firm af E Miyer k Co., the most popular murchauts ef Salem, undo us a friendly cull, yeaterday, and placed his name on our subscription list Call again. Hon W P Keady was in Albany Tuesday on his way te Portland, and while here the New goods by every ateauier for Ladies Emporium. Letter Mat. The re. towing la the Hat nf letters re ma I aimr ln the Post Omc. Aihsny. L.ltin county, ore eon. Nov. 2. IMS. Persons renin tor tltss- tettera must gtve the date aa wbleb the were aaveruseu. Annury, Mia Amaslah Jons. A. C. MunUromsrv.Mrs. Nettie I). May E. Pucket, O. M. Walker, nr. P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. - - You can do batter ia millinery at Martin's than anywhere els in town. Mr. n n. rnir. Those of a musical turn af aaiad in tereated la the cause ef temorrance an- requested to meet at the Y. P. C. A Hsll next Wednesday evening for the purpose of niganiaiag a temperance choir. Hy order of Committee Rubber glove aud rubber blankets at ths Farmers' k Mcchanica' Store. Notice la berebv erven that tha nn.-tW- stgneu Administrator of tbe estate of Wil liam nek en deceased haa filed hi final account as such administrator to tho County Court, of Linn county, o ana rry order or said t'eurt, Monday, th oil oay or ovenaner I8SB at tha hour of ninee'eleck a. m., has been fixed for the boarior of objectlea thereto and the settlement thereof. Aay person interest- a in snia esxate is noreoy notified to ap pear and file oi er her objeeajon to said account ana mp setueenoni i a root en or before said day. Jobw W. Ficvjeso. Administrator. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is heteby given that tha eo part nership heretofore esieiiug between the undersigned tn the publication of the "STATK K1GHTS Ut'XIUT Is this OaV. bv Mutual consent riinoivt-d. All debts due for subscription to. or advertising in said roper, shell be paid to tbe firm of Cham berlain tt Stites, who will lereipt for same. ' - R, emu a, ClKO. K. 11 M HEKLVl.S. - a For sale y Foshay and Maeon, wholeaal MotiCB Of Gona.rtnershiT. agta ; 1) Moore, Sow ; U holey, Lebanon ; I tr- Dr Powell, Lebanon SHILOH'S CATARRH REMKDY positive core for Catarrh. Dipthena aud Canker Mouth. Bl t n.LE.VS AetSK A Stt-VE. The beat salve ia th world for cats, brunt so. sores, ulcer, salt rheum, fever aorea, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblaina, corns and all kinds of skua eruptions. 1 his save is guar. an toed to give perfect atufacUon in ovary or money ret untied. ITice 3oc per dol Red path and Mon tague. Jofferson : I) M Calbreath, Usens Vista : 0 Cornelius, Turner : R A Ramny, tlarvisburg ; Starr and Blakely, Rrowns die MUST PAY UP. The undersigned have this day formed a cojsirtoerahio. imdor the dros nsnanrs; Cbsmbexlain A Stite. for th publication snd management of the jttr Rloirrs DsuoCESaT. to shsru a'i c latins due- on aooount or anbscriition, advnrlUing or sum s es coo oepwia. Oct. 5th., 132. Geo. E CiiAnnxnx.iM 1. J. ST1TB.' PBKB or on r. Dr. King's New Discovery for Coosamp tion, coughs and colds, asthma, l.n.nchitis, is given sway ia trial bottles free ef cost to the afflicted. If you have a severe cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarsen or other affection of the throat or lungs, by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. Aa pou value your existence yon cannot af ford to let this opportunity pass. We could not afford and would not give this remedy away uules we koew it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hope less cases have already been cured by it. There ia no medicine in the world that will cure one-half the cases that Dr. Kings New Discovery will cure. For sale by Any druggist's. All persons indebted to Ouo Fox, me et ator to Fox, Banm A Co., are req tewted toome forward immediately and settle up, or the accounts will ha placed in the hanla of an attorney for collection. A word to tbe wiae ia sufficient. Orro Fox. CROSBY & CO., THE LEADING DRAYMEN. Tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, largest and cheapest stock ia town at the Farmers' k Mechanics' Store. Frail Dryers-apesial atteottan. Wanted 300,000 pounds of machine d ied apples. Bat they mast be bleached. Cash paid on delivery. Samuel E. Youno. Having bought oat Perry 8pinks, era prepared to do work in their line with dispatch and earn. Be sure and ask far them WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver OompUiat ? Shlloh 's Vital iuer le guaranteed to care yon. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by that terrible oongh. Shilob's On re lathe remedv for ravrs THAT WB usvr, If you are suffering with a ooagh, cold, asthma, bronchitis! consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat or any affection ef the throat or luugs, we know that Dr. King's New Discovery will give you imme diate relief. We krow of hundreds of cases it haa completely cared, and that where all other medicines had failed. Noother medi cine can show one-half as many pfttnaneH cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof thut Dr. King's New Discovery will cure yoa of asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, con sumption, severe coughs and colds, hoarse ness or any throat or Inng diseases, if you will call at any druggist's. STARR FARRIER Op Nov. 1, 1382, at the resideoce of she bride, in Harris hurg, Mk E. W, Starr and Anxik S. Farrier, of Harrisburr. SHILOH'S CURE WILL Immediately WITZRI-BREWER At the Railroad "HACKMETACK," a lasting porfume. Prioe 25 and 60 cents. relieve Croup, Bronchitis. Whooping -ottgh and FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint ycu hsve a printed ft uarentee oa every bottle of Shlloh 's Vital laer. It never fails to cure. Hotel, ia Albany, en Monday. Oct 30t 188S, by Rav. J. E Roberts, Mr. B. A. WrrzKL, of Marion county, and Mrs La viha Brewer, of Albany. asgi. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shlloh 's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. x PARTON. Last week to the wife of Mr. Frank Partes a boy. STR WART. On Friday mr rnin3 last, Oct. 21. 1882, to tha wife of Coaaty Clerk O H Stewart a boy. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that tbe rartnor ship heretofore existing between Peters Sox has been d asolved by mutual con sent. The business heretofore carried on by said firm, will from the date hereof be carried on by W. S. Peters and Jay W Blain, at the old stand under the firm name of PETERS & BLAIN and all accounts due to or from said late firm of Peters & Sox, are assumed en navabte to and bv said new firm of Peter A Blain. W. S. Petkus, s K.F. Pox." Alhanv, Oct, 1I,18S2. a wsok in vmi rostra Sown. Terms DUU nd So, outfit free. Address Ii. AiiLRTT A Co.. Port!snd, Maine. CATARRH CURED, health aadasroat breath secured by Shlloh 'a f ntarrh Reme dy. 'fMce 50 cent Nasal Injector ire. 18 A SURE PURE for all disease es of tbo CTdnora and LIVER Zt bee apeci&o action on thia moat important onsen, enabling tt to throw off torpidity and tTSMSUOn. stimulating- the healthy accretion of Ota BOe, sad by keeping- tha bowels in free eorvtltion. aflbetl.Ti ila raqalar HsnToe. UoIqvIq iryoatareeuasa-tncfrora IwlalCiriCla suOarlKbava ths ohiUa, are hiUcraa, dj-pept.e. or ooos d.XJdney WortwtUsBiely rslievesadaasJy enxa. r Xa the Spring to cissrtre the System, every oneahoaldSsaaattMarewgheeurssoU. tt- OLOBYDWUOOITaV trootl.