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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
aftaaaaaaa?ff!ft?fyfffl lite geuwcmt. FRIDAY AUGUST 25, 1882 III KOROt MITTLBI A miser is a man who Uvea sad dies like a beggar in order tbat he may never be poor. A young married man, whoso bouse rent h paid by hh muthcr-ir law, ul lades to her as his darling pay -rout. A child being asked what were the three great f oasts of the Jews, promp t ly repliev1, '-Breakfast, dinner and sup per." The swan, we have been told, sings just before dying. When we heard Miss Uppasee vocalize the other eve ning we couldn't help wishing she were a swan. Grief is beautiful. ''Why do you weep!" Becmsa Rotkchilds is dead." "Bat he was no relation of yours, was hef "No, indeed, and that's why I weep." Josh Biting saya: "Thar is advic enough new laying around loose to run three just such worlds as this; what we are suffering for most is sum good examples." "I wish yon would jwy a Hitie at tention to what I am saying, sir!" roared a lawyer at an exttsperauug witness. "Iam paving as little as 1 can," was the calm reply. "I understand that your courtship with Charley is at an end." "Yes," said she, "Charley pressed his suit un til it became threadbare, and then I gave him the sack." "So year daughter has man ied a rich husband?' "Well," slowly replied the father, "I believe she hss married a rich man; but I understand he is a very poor husband." When vou cannot qmet a bauy in any other way you let him crawl under the bed, and make him believe you think he is lost, and are looking for him and he will keep quiet for two hours. The rector (to Irish plasterer on Ud der, painting a wall:) That mortar must have been very bad. Pat (with a grin:) Faix, ye can't expict the likes o' good Roman mmint to stick to a Protestant church, sorr! It was a sweet pretty idea to appoint lady ushers in one of 'he fashionable churches, and it brought crowds of young men. But it was presently found that ladiea whe had newer bon nets than the ushers were given hack seats. Red-haired Chinamen are loc-Leu upon as born to lock, and are especially venerated. At meals they are given the biggest dish of birds' nests and snails, and the finest of roast rat Who wouldn't be a red-headed China roan! Wordsworth improved: "Heaven lies about us in our infancy," says the poet. The inference is tbat as soon as we get big enough te talk about our selves. If we do not onr enemies will probably lie about us. Ex-Secretary Evarts once dined an old sage upon roast goose stuffed with sage. When the collation bad been done for Mr. Evarts said, "We had a goose stuffed with sage, now we have a sage stuffed with goose.'' He ihtn took the cake and passed it A Massachusetts hod earner when he worked a whole day, dropped a po tato into a nail-keg; when he worked a half a day he dropped in half a pota to. Unfortunately some pigs got to the keg and ate up his entire account, and his employers brought him out a dol lar in debt. A Georgia editor who has roamed about his 8 -.ate a great deal, gathering a varied experience, says: "Gild is found in thirty-six countries in this State silver in three, copper ia thirteen, diamonds in twenty-six, iron in forty three, and whiskey in all of them, and the last gets away with all the rest." "Whatdis besh Iheab?" said old Aunt Chloe, yesterday. "Do Bri'ah done cjme op the Potomac and shell 1I.....J l Mr ii t i aicA4unmui - V tsii, i eir to IBBBl what's d matter wid dem sobers at Washiu'toii? I done lib at Alexandres, I aa' I knows dat de ole place aint gwine ter afau' much o' dat kine oh foolish-nes-4" A popular c mcert singer, advertise! to participate in an entertainment in g Mi:wo'.jri viiUgn, excused her absence on the giouM 1 of having a cold in the head, the next day eke recti ved the fol lowing from an admirer: "Thiz iz geuse greze; melt it and rob it on the brigeofyere uoz until kured. I luv vou to distraxsbnn. " 81DLT AfVLiCTKM. "lly l.r was saJiy afflicted with rbeumati-m," saiJ M. B.irton, of the great t)vt- duo ajf Redway & Barton, of this city, to ore "i' our rejior: i n. "We J ctored hiu u great ileal, but Cuuhl fini ii'j curt-; I had heard eo much of the Hiioacy ot St. Jacobs Oil that timtlly dettrtained to try it.Two bottied of the Oil fully cured him. Cincinnati Ertijuit er. Ji)) -' vif cat in onilyrniJi at home working for E. O. Hideout d Co., 10 Baiciay St., New York. Sen for their catalogue and fall part cular A portrait of Benjamin Franklin, painted in Paris whea he was ambassa dor there, aud brought to ibis country by the nxnt mayor of Sn Francisco, Capt. BsrtleU, in owned by Mrs. Dr. Diteon, of Maiden, Mam. rcttftOii.H. Lieut Schwatka, the Arctic explorer, i,s .'rriously ill with malarial ferer. Gen. Sheridan has started on his summer jaunt through the Yellowstone region. Mr Gladstone has of late been very closely guarded, oven at church being attended by two policemen. lion. Wayne McVeagh is rebuild ing on his "BrooUfield Farm" the sum mer residence recently destroyed by fire. Miss LItuma Thursby, the talented American singer, who is at present in Paris, will soon visit Norway in com pany with Mrs Oie Bull. Kate Skelley, the young giil who saved a Western railroad train nud re ceived as a roward a sum of money has invested her gift in laud and is now treating herself to a livu var' school- in-. President Arthur will probably visit San Fraucisco after attending the Den ver Exposition. If ho does, he will be the second President to visit California durina his term of oflice, I!. B. Haves being the first. i - )- LACK M AUXOF U1IX. There is a large quantity of good lace made in the mouutaia vi'lagrs of Saxony aud Babemia, and thousands of handsale thus constantly employed. Tuis industry has i f late received an addition in the manufacture ot a pecu liar lace or tulle made of white hair. It was introduced into the dis:hct a few years sgo by a Normandy lady, and has since then extended to such a degree that now in oae town (Rothen kirchen) alone several hundred persons live by it. The laoe is made of white human hair, procured from all coun tries of EarOpe, but princtjKilly from Italy. The price paid for it ranges . .. . . gram uu?, incoming ij unii, aim vue fine lace made out of it is ued as a foundation for This industry was originated in Paris, but the cheap wages in Saxony soon enabled the dealers in that countiy not only to compete with French Uce, but evon to drive it out of the Paris market itself. Still, notwithstanding liiesms!! wag4, clever ban Is can tarn troia Is. to Gd. per day, while children get frou seven pence to eijht pi?nce per day. which pay. for tba; neighborhood is good LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COsTPOUin). liia geagaveCws For aTl thaw PaUrU'capUliL-aJku Wrakacaae A Hediriae for Wosiaa. larrsUd l y s V. umas. frvparsd 8 a IToiass. Tha Gfvataat S!al 9lmrrj glan Un Dan t Wttwj. (Tit rrrlrri Ctas droor'.ny mpktita, inrlirorktca and asnssassM aat organic njaaaesaj ghei aaaalaTtr .; . flrmnwia to tha aw reatot the natural imtro to lb are, as J ptuta on tba pal cWk of woman too tnrmh row of UXo'a rprin and rarij saXSaaf Uns. rrPhytician Us It and Prescribe It Freh " It remorse fatstnese, OataWnqr. destrure ail a in for eUmalant, and ruie" wcaaaM of toe atonack. Tbat feeltaz of berlux AssSa, -auinc pain, vclfbt and backacbe, Se aiws; pmnanent' j cared by It" a. rr toe cra of Ktdaer CaaataU r ci'.btr acz tbia Ceeeyeaad uaaurpaaacd. I.TDIA E. I I MTU A MS BoOOP TTRIPIF.R will eradieat err -.tur '( Hnu.r ftum ti . Bluod. and Klre tone and i.t.-Dth tj ibj ajatau, of cid woman ur cbiid. InLt on luv iug it. Both the Compound and M-yxi Variflrr are pmred at OS and Western Avenue. Lynn, Maaa. Prtca of attber, SI. 8U bottlca for 9A Sent by mali Ui the form ofraUe, or of Ijf.sne, on receipt of prtcx, f! per box f?r either. Mm. Pinkham froeljr anawcra all lmera of imulry. Eacl'ec 3rt. ttomp. Baadfcrpsmpblet. Tfn fawny xVmld ! wtttioot LVDIA E. PlXVfT AH'I LIVES. ITLLH. Thi r cure eobattpatton. luUuaut-w, aud pyrpiiU of tbe liver, tu oente per bos. 8ST by all Drafiisu.'&8 i) TUTT'S PILLS GYW1PTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. L033 of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the buck part. Fain under the Shoulder tJiude, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, rieauacne generally over tne ngnt iiesnessness, wiin utiai areams, colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TU'rn FILLS are especially adapted to sack case a, one dose effect each a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They f rysetss tMmApmetUe, and cause the sirjdy lo Take on rinh, thus the system is nourished, and by th-lr Toole Aetten on tba I tares ti e Orwmaa, Besalar SMoeis are pro daced. Price 25 cents. SO Harrsy st. H. Y. TU1TS HAIR DYE. Obay Haie ok Whiskers chanced to a Glossy I'.lack by a single application of tnis Dyk. It tm narta s natural color, acts I nstantaneoualy. Sold by Drua1to, or sent by express on receipt of tl. OFFICE, 39 MI R3AY HT., JOKW TOBK. (Br. 11 ITS aUICAL ot ValaaM Infareallas aaSX Easnd SsatlsU will b, uUit tlLZZ .a asstkaOva. WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY OF GOODS IN THE U. S. AND OAN SELL. YOU ANY AKTICLE FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY ' ANY QUANTITY ATWMTH CC1I C DoirC ! WHATEVER YOU WANT SEND FOR aim RITA. LOQUE VFREE; ANO YOU WILL FIND IT THERE MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 & 229 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. $30,000 WORTH OF NEW GOODS. ALLEN & ARE JUST OPENINC ONE OF THE LARCEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER 0FFERE0 FOR SALE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT Will RECEIVE EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc. A GBEAT MANY OF OUR C00DS WERE PURCHASED !N HEW.YORK, CON SEQUENTLY THEY ARE OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS NOT A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT OF DATE. S3r PERSONS RESIDING AT A 0ISTANCE CAN HAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS GOODS ANO TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OF EXPENSE. THE CLOTHING IS COMPUTE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF COODSEVER BROUGHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND ALL WILL BE SOLO AT PRICES THA Defy Competition Either Here or Klsnvlieiv. WE ALSO A Full Line of BOOTS Mb SHOES HATS AND CAPS 3c 3E, OG3E3 13S., WE SHALL ONE PRICE S3r WE INVITE ALL TO COME ANO SEE US. WE HAVE COODS THA WILL SUIT YOU, ANO WE KNOW T. WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS AN ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO CIVE US A CALL, ANO WHEN YOU DO SO REMEM BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW C000S-TKAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. ALLEN 57 FIRST STREET, WIRKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. MARTIN IN ALBANY. OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING DEPARTMENT KEEP HAVE BUT FOR ALL, & MARTIN, C'AItKISIt'B '. EALSAK. .llolta t u'Jit, i.M- y imilaf article, on iu rWl f it anjwdiif r teanlinran an I .iiniy. wd, -rwU j I'll l u'.rf fcll'i )iMt 11 1 ..! ) . rhCrryorraJiiHrJr i.iKly pciftiwl fii'l it g f tlic ll; t mi I li i Jlistox&Co, N Y. 1 1 t'1 & mr4wtt. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Supe rla.lva Health onj Strtagft Untom. U ymt nr atrrhh4 or farmer, worn out V'l')i rvvrvkoik. tt a rnmlttt rtn lnn l.y family ur houtc. ImM dwN n Pamu OtHcm 1 Htc, If yon run lflwyr, ihi-. t t bwinci rrpf r Ii ii rt .y inr iual attain of ulwMW L !u h t iW? itiumi jiitiKltitiulattl,ltiliiM r (Hffi I Kymi havi ( uiiMtminxiti, I jw, i Kli-imi. Urn, Ki'lnylniikiii, w any iIixmi!, if ihul inf., aioiimcli. Ir1, lliKMlrr tn rvr ' KPH' (ilM.j Towk: nynu. Iluiti(fcairti IJ!ti't Vnndrr ft-. I till Cut ar 1 Svrttt Cot i' Cut Cvef U:i j. If yon mo '(! wy Itvm rgi, tit if nr Hi il m.lh fr w it ' nj rrtt4. a Miiiiutai I tnVi t!iHUHi TwC ft m J it wlHinif unit l-n I y m II 51 (" H III I It 'I tlOlM Irt I V! t) t inhiairalc. It h t-. I 1 Ml i i ' ct live; It Hum . yuan. t i I'V '-IX. mtnllblii, vri YoubH , aj 1 1 1 'it. i- 1 . 11-,1 l i-iii I. i!..., ! 1 ...; Matfaal .r)nMit i.f tut f dl tmt arnVvliit, II.. . V, t . a I iim,H 4l . Jn.n bsat havi.n 1 rt'rtjfi tx 1 ias at ti S i4 laaittiK ijaii I h i.u J wa rtlimt ltk It. IihmM u ,. having I Vivw- 1 .....K ' 1 In- k 1 r :inttu VI M'! any Iwftlit aW. ! t .' y flZi. KKKI WILI.KHT, CARRIAGE AND WVCOH NANVFACTVREK, Corner Koiriil ! Furry Su. Albany.Or I - iriurel Urnannfotiir rarriaKC atil v -.".u at abort noticd and of Ifco vnry UVMT MATERIAL Ho male tito premium carrlaK and buKtfka of the Nlat. REPAIRING AND MB WOUK '.'M M at nhortest notice ami in the mow SKILLFUL MANNER. 1 i U work and Imi iiras-claKi. matt -rial i warranUnl to Uti To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND KMl'EtflALLY TL'c Snffrrins from Debility, Ncrvons rrontration, Loss of Vitality, Sexnal Inflrtnitim. Ktr., Etc rivn 1 mviti. mm U E AT .NEED THOSE 1IAE n. ar. e (ruta SKXIAL. AM Nr.l( It iHlas 4iatciati who .mo oi..i !irti l a.ituct.U al au..-adjll) tnat Utii Tl" f fr! trartlUutiar la tv .umrtantU akllle.! n laaae vUasea of UuubU at do so. and It tnuat U Wfi i" the aeertaltal. ho .j doratkm. Vans nrr face, th. tijh kMraladg aud WSnTrhtMaTc SuUxl, la ifTl-rt. l.eur Utasn. Oat. J. C !. Iian. Lit now . ,l-'rle.i Inatlniu? .fi MM I lt.r urj.w i n'iii' ina tmiinoi t ccrvuiiiy t.i l.l aikl afellllal treatment an-1 ertct anl n-at..rstwn. and f ..rr war. ! kM On uWji lb rivtittad eortai I am aaarr Ika I by dwelling tsMl an nnlaritlns s ill.teet aa tho demy of assttal ;4 r Uas Ijpuieant may ara m motite tut toe dsatrs to Inl.-nn th who are suflctlnx ihmurh letioraoce. and Ho l rurrloaanaea or want of aoowlede that a rttre can Iw liad, are not hurry ine Uw.iM-el.aa u. i'i unUsnely rr ''. blt gHtnaT toiul wrmkneea aa an Inhertloon. to (olure ctMratlNa, UUtt frost an Ineentlvo t ta-ntnt m lo be ailctit. ayasttema If you are auffertov from idebl lotses, nrrrousrtesa, WoahMaeaa. Oiif vialn of n.iiul. alight kaaam when U0.1.T itntent, tartabte temper, Uembttaa; PSM Ultoti, fluahos. Sr., or If )ou hsto prsrllivd tailf abuse eeM In the allghtcst trtlcutsr )uu are auSar ug from the Dread Caessy of Human I Ifr. Ami ttioffUl not hrsitatc to seek st r.- health sn-1 itaiilncaaj in a cure. Ct KM UUAKAKTKRD. TV.TS yoiKHTi: o.ssi I rl I1Y I.KTI'tU nit I'TIIKawtSR--frrr. i:rlulely trzrlaulr BratrJIra I rl. Q I. Dli. Vea are aspocia'lr ilshto tu ktifferinf ft.. in twrLUA roatrstiHi. Alt your asrultar roui- l-UiiiUare ncrvuua in their urgin SBe hsm your -tH. r.iij ar. I. rrll l. Uefreaaing ..r l'ir! keen, the Doetor in his roasarvhoa and practice wi ttrrvoua trouhles has mads your onrsntsat'on a .jwrlal tud) stul Is thus enahlod from bis etin in-.- sih! knowledge to ahl and curs you in any d the trotibU, wcaknees, fllatresalng end auSirliik' t a hlt-h as a sex you are liable. 0"ou will find In tins Doctor a friend iijm.o whuiii ynu ran rvi-iy ivr -.imirt, a)j ami cure Dr. t'enns's IVasale Beaseslles bars al i I a reputation f.r slnciency unciualed any medicine, or niedll presertptln ever offt-ro.1. They .an be sent by mall or express. Those (trailing personal care and attention ran hae all ru-easnry aiommotUtion tumiahed. O Lrffers, Thtnc who can not lali the city ran by sivtag their symptoms in their own way, ,. , .. advice, siul when Seslretl, Inattucnt si i. r.,- with every aa auranos of s cure. LETTERS RETI IINED OB lE8TUOYKI. AtlJrgse, ir J. '. Vl .4.. Medlral lesflfafr, i. : ftfertifeB SI. San Kran. Kl. 81, litttt. NTISELL 10 000 Pianos t.000 Organs. PIANOS rvm imi. giuf af Maimfartutar. rnin.J3tol.ias), Rciitur IsSfS I'ni.r ta ANTtSELL ORGANS ear viiLAt'.aij 'ail FraiKlaos. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A io tun of youthful Imprudence causing Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, sir., having tried in vain every known remedy, has dts covered a eimple sell cure, which ho will send FRKB to Lis fellow aufferers, address J. H. KKEVBtt, 4 t butbUIll gtat V. 500 IXauttrri 1, .Al .aSSv X AS he KlrbNH'a etildrn IfnlaMiu " I Curui (luiicois, tirat and .eoolid stSSSt ; More on the Iak and llody , Syphilitic ('atarrah, dia nuaud ScaI, sud all rimarjr turm of iho Uiase. iricd, f i-.i ilottle. Le Klrliau'a ;hlrn Italssm No. t. Ciin TBrtl.iry, Morourlal, fiyphilitic Klieuiuatleni, Pain in the iioiies, Tlcerated Throat, KyphiliUc Itaali, Lumpe, etc., and eradicate all diseases from tho lyateui, whether i-auaod by boil treat ment or abusw of mercu.-y, lesviny tha Idood pure and hoalthv. i'rlau.S&,00 er Bottle. 1c Klehnn's tildra Spsnfah Antidote for ths cure of Uouorrhca, Ulcut, etc. Price, S2.60 per Dottle. Le Riclinu's tiwtdeii Spsnlsh Injection, a waidt for cure of uleet, Strictures, Disease t the Urethra- and Uladdor, etc. Prioe, fH.(0 per Bottle. Le Rlrlisu's Golden Olulmnnt for the effective hosting of Syphilitic Mores and Krup tioos. Price, 91.00 per Bottle Alio Atf-enU for Le Klchau'a Golden Pills, for weakness, lose of physical power, and all diseases arisng from abuse and excess or over-work. Price, $3,00 per Box. Sent ever here, C. 0. P., securely packed pe Express. C F. RICHARD at CO. Agent. 427 a 423 Bonsome street. Corner Clay, San Frsi'cisuo, t al. i AaafT ii ' m eta GREAT INDUCEMENT I MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON I Great RednrlionN ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY I LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. i A Pavement of the way for the Golden time coming. 0 BVKRYBODY HIJYS Ol " AMD EVEBYBOB1T -PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisional, Candiep. Nuts and Tr apical Fruits. Albany, - Oregon. OKE DOOR JtELOW JOHN W HOQB STORE. Wy AT T1IK OLD STAND, Tt FIRST STKF.FT, HAS ON HAND A FINF AN A2KOKTMEXT OJ COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, A tj tiount- Ira the alley. He a to I aa porta and isiaaatartore-k TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF KVKRY D1X HIlTION IN STOCK HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEF COMPETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at visnSft I r, atf M . i' , a. . ( . . a a - . fa..-.. I AA.4 iM CY KNO S NCW CYSTIM. AM) MTTHD WITH COHBINATION BPr.CTA.CLEO. RatT Wilt CKtfiECT IT) PftCSICVE THE SCT. PUDLCRS CAN NOT GET THSSE COODi rue saic SSsVS at hnrrh Dlrrciori . Y. I'. C. A. Meets at their room in Fos ter's briuk building on Saturday evenings at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabliath afternoons at 4. Business meetings are held on the even ing ol the second Monday in each month. Everybody invited to attend U. P. Chcbch. Preaching every Salibath, at 11 a. M., and 7 r. m. by Rev. f$ O. Ir vine, D. 1). Sabbath School at 2:30 r. X. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kv am: ki.ic a i. Church. Preaching oo Sab bath at 11 a.m., and 7 '. r. v. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, d. A. Halleubangti, (astor. CoxoREOATlONALCitcnrH. Servicesevery Sabbath at 1 1 a. M. and 8 r. M. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer nutting on Thursday eveniug f ch week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. . Church, outh. Services 2nd 4th Sabbaths at St. l'aul's M. K. Church. South, at 11 A. H. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. sharp. Prayer meet in : everj Thurs day evenng. Jos. Kmery, pastnff. M. E. Chcrcii. Prcauhing every Sabbath ri II a. m. and 71 c. at. Song sen ice in the evening liofore sermon. Sabliath School t 2.'30 P. m. Prayor meeting every lliurs iay evening. I. Dillon, pastpr. Presbytkuian ClM'l Sabbath morning and m. Service every evening tn College ChapeL Sunday School immediately rfterthe morning aorvico. Prayer meeting every Thursday evnoiug. Kev. Isaac 11. Cm. In pastor. HriscofAt, Ciiruru. Services ovory Sun day, morniug at 11 a. m., evening at 74 p. in. Holy communion every Sunday morn ing at U.-4o a. m. fednendsy 7 .30 p. m. (obt, L. Stevens, pastor. NEW BARBER SK0M J, Ii. SUBLES, Pinp'r. A itl) Sl wilh each and hair-ciittii OOOD SKA FOAM SHAMPOO coes h fcliav. Prices for shaving aud natr-i'iiuiiig same a usnui. itooms oppoMite Mullw dn's tor; lOtf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. I-a-mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Pall Circular just issued. Send for it Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 87T Broauwsr. New v 16:7tf YI0 SAM WA'S LAU NDRY ! Does the best washing and ironing in Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable l&SOtf IS tho TIMK TO XJ3r ! GOES -A.W."y k JOSEPH, OR TO ORDER. AlfiO. IIE KEKFS ON reasonable figures. a S " - MX U t V i i i Ml iM . 1 . tr l -a- a W M J 1 ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, STAIUER BROS. - Proprietors ALBANY, OKEOON.' MONUMENTS, TABLETS, -AND HEADS JL'OINKS Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of cemetery and other atone work done wiUi neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from 'all parts of this Slate and Washington Territory. JMTA11 work warranted. 17:12 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. CDTlDIilsHED 1S63. By A. P. CHERRY, situated at corner of Mmt aud Montgomeiy Streets, Albany, Orogen. Having taken shargeof the a bore named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Orist M Hi, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every dee. ription. Machinery of all .kinds repaired. Spe cial attention givenfto repairing farm aa cbhiery. Pattern Making done la all Its feraaa. l&llyi A. F. CHERRY & SON. NB W FISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders A Sternberg. Will keep constantly on h.nd all kinds of fresh and salt fish andoystsrs that the market affords. M. Httb flJla-M aasaS-l FARMS FOR SALE BY CUIB H.STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following U ft pftrUal lint : 170 acres avDeand balf aoflea wast o Tangnoi, Oropnftod mlUa from Al Ymoy. 85 avre in cultivation ; 40 acre more can I pat in cultivation eaatJy; balance good timber and peat u re land. Soli, rich blaw k prairie, (lood house and bam, good board fence, all In good repair ; young orchard of 100 tree; good we I and running stream for stock ; icood school, ch arch and poet offloe ; good neighbor hood end good sod- y. jerins a;w per acre; 92,000 down, ram on easy 280 acres on miles from AlianT and 5 milee from cio, ami ta miles from JelSanon. 1X5 mm good farmlns land, 75 acre la fntlriisSnmi. re tnalodr In timr and brash; house 18x21, with l'J foot walls, ell 16x20 ; aood barn 22x34 wi th 14 foot shad an one aide; good Umctm an1 wau-r. Terms $.VAQ csmH iLwd If possible. Rather than net sell will tak tJH) down, and oalaoce on 2 te 8 y rn time, secured by mortgage. IWl.acros 5i of mile west of Aftasare 100 acres In cultivation rnd 9t acres oak and ash timberxood wooi land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and bad ; about 7 acres In orchard, apples. mostly pears; good soil; 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two-stor frame house, plsAored, rooms, built In 1873, and cost 82 0K grxsl barn, 28x40 and two hUxls; ell arranged for farm purpose. Terms, 88000, 2 years time on S5O00. 150 acres VM mflea weet ofTanawnt: 100 acres in cultivation; all new land, dean and In good oider; good two story house, roams, neany new ana in aood condi tion; rood new barn 30x36: fine rounar orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fmcee In good order; piesv ty monmg water; w acres or good Umber; rich, black aoii and very prod active. Price 862.VJ, cash and balance on lime. ) acre i.rie ar.'l a hall of Albany; 15 acres ha wheat, in fair woodland; aood Price $25 acre; terms 1 mile of Soda haiaw. Springs: fair farming 100 acres fenced. Wffl be sold In tracts or all together; food acbaoL e sod post asBes at Sodarilla, also the B priojrs. rnae fa per acre; 80 acres VA miles shore Onaatta, on Ys qulna Bar. known aa taw old shipyard. It baa a splendid frontage oa the Bay, and will be sold at il per acre. TOO acres, lying wit! o a mile of Mon roe, in Benton county. Al. under fanes and divided Into five fields. All feed farm land and half In grain. Good bouse and barn, splendid water and a fine orch ard. It is oae of l he bast Burns la hat auction of the valley. . Price f2S per acre 1000 or $1600 down and balance on time 202X acres lying 5 miles aiarth seat of Ilsrrlsbarr and 1 mile east of Muddy .station all under fence; 180 acres in culti vation, balance In pasture, bat most of it can be put in cultivation. IS story barn, good water, etc l mile to Price AMMO, 123 acres lying 0 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent 75 acres in cultivation and all under fence, 2S seres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of f 100. House, barn, aptendid water. A fine yonng orchard. Price, $30 per acre. 4 S3 acres in Center PresAnet 3 from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 i in cultivation. Good- VA story bonne, wood bouse, barn, and splendid water and hoe orchard. All under fence. Price $U per acre. 240 acres ly ins about 3D milee south i of Albany. All under ieace, small on -bird, no buildings 50 cultivated, but it to all tare. Face $10 par acre. 243 acres lying 3 milee from Braadon'a Station in Center Precinct, all under feaes. Iu0 acres in culuvatioo. Large 1H story frame bouse, good barn, several outbuildings, on-hard and good water. Price, $20 per acre. OlQ seres of land in Marion county, OlfO lxA miles from Bustse Vista and seven miles from Jefleraon. 80 acres In cultivation and balance La light brush asp timber. House, barn and aood orchard. Flooring mid within 1 Bailee. Enough wood can be sold at the pottery works at Baena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C. H. 'Stewart, at Albany. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. stock ranch of 220 acres, with good outside range, located near Bridge Creak, in Wasco county, together with about 5 hoi see, to exchang for land herein the Willamette Valley. Now, if ye i want to sell y.ur farm and go into the aock busi ness in Eastern Oregon, here ia a chance for yon. Call on or address C. U. Stew art, Albany, Oregon. c c CBRRRT. C. R. PARKE ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C C. Cherry.) KacMaists, Mwriglits, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A IX completed, and are now prepared to handle ad kinds of beavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist end Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinus of Iron and Brass Castings, r iTTKRss marts en aateaT xerrscc. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machiuery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry at White iie Seiarator. Sbe mm Barker fM. wfBce a satasbrr Tarsi. Albany, (Jr., Dec 1, 1880. I8tf VC . n a A P" ,U v Sample orU C UKJ 0aVrw fce- Adram e C. I"..i tlan.l, Halue. &rtr A WEEK si 2 a day at ttaw easily Vlt Caally tlutfl l roc AUirvaa Tsts a Oo., Augusta, Maius. O. B. P. saaiSTaaro slascb 9a, 1ST. la the people' popular ressady it ia vrarranted to gHvs iii s, ti. .n, if yau want testuaosial es'l at the sffloe We don't puhliali, but refer jou to the dealers iiijx:isuners. It has no equal. 91 r butUe or C bottles tor S- RED GROWN MILLS. BALLARD, 1S0S & CO., PROPR'S. xrw pRocets ixovr sr perior for families ASD RAKERS rSE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest price in Cash lor Wheat ALBANY - ftiyi - OR