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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1882)
8 FATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUKD EVERY FRIDAY St STEWART & CHAMBERLAIN. m Hik r.v rircia imnwii wmim" BrtMMtalbta Otree. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION lagte copy, mt yot... g isft copy, six suoetfc r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U rUVK. O. R. CHARRRRLAIW. FLISS & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. j-rt)ffice In Foster! Brick Block.-n vlSnlStf. R.S. STRAIIAN, Albany, Oregon. X1KACTICK IS ALL THE COURTS OF P this State. Thev give special sltea turn tn collection and probate matter. Office in FOeter'e new brick. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Office npetaire, over John BrijtVntore, tet J K. WXATHEBFORD, (HOT ART PUBUC) ATTORNEY AT LAW, a loamy. nsuMins. WILL PRVCTICE IN ALL TUB OOCRTR OF THS Slxta. 8rc-J aiunUo- rtran to oollcUv aad probata snaitr. i in OhM rwri TMBsaa POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Caueerj. ALBANY. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jnTOffice In Foster's Brick.- vHnlfcf. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OREGON. Will practice tn ail the eoona of the State Prompt attention eiv-B eolleeltoneon vsTsacea and examination of Titles. Probst i a ip-uuny. GEORGE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, fatKllXft. Collections promptly made on ail points P. R. SKIPWORTH, ATTfRSEs A t H fSFLOR AT LAW AIR II a ri But - WILL practice in all court of the State tXL b mil ions Intrusted to me prompt It attended to. Ofo m O'TeeVs Block, Bnadatbi Strut 45 j 1 Albany, Oreyon. E, Q. JOHNSON, M, D., YJnTWTTnnTO A rPTTTf! Fh-aTand Surgeon. AJbwny, Office In Froman'e Buck, two door of Conner's Bank. oio LEWIS STIHSON'S LIVERY AID FEED STABLE First class vehicles, fine horses, good feed, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Stables near Revere House. 6yL E. W. LAN COON & CO., DHL. GIST. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITTT T3KTTC3- STORE, ALB 1ST. FOSHAY & MASON, Ate ass a druggists and Booksellers, ALB AX Y, vlSutltf REVERE HOUSE, (am. rrt and EU-summj Okas Pfeiffer, Prop'r jarJBifr' ISti is erary Rou Sated au tn drat dam trim. Tabtf te bast tbe aexrxct aaTada. Sprtn. Roojo. A npd 8anv4e Bwsa for Cno tn0(tl Traveeanv fTTree Csaeh ta and few ea Wedet. ALBANY COLLEGIATE IMSTITUTt ALB S W, OK- til.. I?:. . T... ...... ,.n Tnv ii r i r.i i ri in nui u u u uu m ' day, Septenoer 2ih, 1882. " F . ....... Fur parUcaian eoBeennsf tbe eouriea of study i! Sgf Rlpser . t S I'll, rieaideat. i. &LOMJ Bbth House. psgsgnV T3K UNIart-i - SRD WOULD EgSPBC. faUy iafem tbs eititsas of Albsay sad v ataity tbat i haveuknebsrgsoftble Aataou keeping elsaa roomisadv itrietattamtion to bujioeei, expect ait -tboae who may fsvor na with tbsir patronaK asrias hsrstofors carried oa aetata hat Vust-ai w 9M pressing Saloons, stbesti to give eotire tisfaetion to a Rge0U4to sad lisiis' au-: aeatly ibsapoo4. JOS WRBBKR. The Great English Reme dy. ! a never 'ail Intr cure fo Nervous Debility, benur.aj Weakn-es, Kxbut vi tality, flpermatorrha. lavaV aaaSMr; In eutetfev. FsrshraJs, and ait terrible 1 fleets of Self Abuse, youthful ftllie,n xcessea iu maturer jearfc oett aa loss of Meiuory, Laacitude. Emission, Aver aoa to feuciet v . Dimness of Virion, ajqiaei ia ths UsaS; be Titsi flaj t pejsinz wobssrv-4 into the urine, and many other Sintsas lead mar to ioaanity and death. OX. MI!TIK will agree to forfeit five Hand red altar for a case of tbia kind the Vital Bestara live (under bis special ad vice and treatment) will not ears or for any tbinf impure or injurious found ii it. Dr. Mintie treat ail private diweaaea sueceaefull? ritiuatnmirv. Consultation free. Th rourh ex- amination and ad ice including analysis of urine. SS. riae of Vitl BetarUv, St a battle, or four time lbs Qrianiita Wi o n "P Vfcta if desired, by DR. A. E. MJNTIE, 11 Kearney elreet, Ssfa frxnclaoo, ISS. bottle free. Seat on application by letter, gmi ftu4 jf ' CpuiiuuaioaUont Dr, Mia tie's Kidney Remedy, Nepbreticam, cure all kinds of kidney and bladder eoraplaiute.KonorriMsa. eiaet, leoaebonbora. F- r sale by all druggists, Sis a ule or six bottjee for $l. Dr. Minus's Dandelion Pills are (hs best and cbeap aat DTsnaisit and Biliout cure in the mar ki t. Tor sxda bv sli arucrists. S t at c voL. xviii. CERHAHREHEDY RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Stroma of tho Chest, Soot, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Point, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all other Fains and Aches. St Pnesianta ea aorta steals Sr. Jio re rV, twrf, titmpie and rhemp Ei-ri. J- A trial rataUs tat tta cosaraiii .ling rntlar of IS Cent, and e-ry dm afln. i!h aun eu beva ctaap ud pualU-a piwf u H Mr-wtJaaela BOLD BY ALL DROOGI8T8 AID DEALLL IV MEDIOIBE. A. VOGETJER & CO., BeHitaore, Jf A, V.t. A W. H. GOLTRA DBALER IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, MACKS, BOO GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS ANNALS & WOODIN, aAXCTACTCtSS ASS MULES IS FURNITURE BEDDING Ceener Ferry aad Seesad stret. ALBAS Y. - - OBCUO.L rlOXlyl NERVOUS DEBILITY. k SURE CURE GUARANTEED. rR. E.c. neuvs a:u bums tkeat- f meat. pcciSc fjr Hjrstsri. Mzxi'.e, Con tuUtooM, Nervotw Hadc), ' MuUl livpnenos Jam of Memorr. Seenseiorhaes. ImpuUnry, la v .lantar cmkalaas. )rctstare aid fe, iowl Wv ver-extrtton, aen-sbttw or nrr-nannat, woics .-d to mtwrr. decsv Aud dth. One box will cure eceot UibeSA Each box eostelm mr momh' resw ; ass dollar a bos, or mx boxaa for fire oUara; acnt by atail prepaid on raeaipt of pries t'm six boxaa to core any raaa, Wito acb order received by na for ix boxca, aoeejepsataS nh five doiiaia, we wilt aead tbs purchaoer our nUen narantee h return Ute nooey if the reat- jeat doea net effect a cure. Guarantees istuad Vholeaale and Retail OrumwU, Portland, Uefoa. I roer e, un . resuwr pre,. HP SPIWFV f CT A f NO- 11 KEARXY NT Treats sU Cfcral sad iSaeetal BHaeases. YO UTVCjr MEN tST HO MAY RE srPFRfl mat isr arrrausc prom tbr m m. . . . . ... . . . .. y000 I".or T'"' u wetl to avail tbotnaelvea of Otis, tbeyTeateet boon rer laid at the altar of taper! ug tJtuwuutj . UU. SPINNEY wiU pri.tee to forfeit S&OOLr evry feminaJe weaatteaa er WfUf Uiaoaee of any tptm r taracter which he i i naoertaaea ana uuur to ' eure. MRS. Wrtv-fl Tbere are many at ths efe of Utirty-flve u aixty with h too fmouent evacuaUrai of the ier, often aeeoeAiauded ty a aueu WftartUW' nr iWMnf testation, ana a waaaeninff S tns aysteci in a manner ?Z:0: t eX;nK .ruf ssTim ae nRsiqii natruesanR oa sirmnuui win aniiMr. -r Che color wiU to off a thm ioilkih hue, Mttn chtwig- N,,r"T " T7T rr V MTL vluA i tbe aocood ta(re of eeminal weaknena. Lhu 8. vill troaraatee a perfect cure Ut ail each mm, and ealthy reatoration of tbe genito-uriiiary orana. - 1 n A mmA a .a a Otinf.v. iwwy. 1 f 11 a. a Consultation If- VWtll. !te,um,stii ; ud advice, SO. ' for private diseases of short star(ilng a fql o'S f medicine sufficient for s cure, wftball fitru-Aioris, will be tent to any eddna on reoerpt of tiO 00. Call and addreea, 00 an'WRf tt CO., 7 I'M Mo, Kearny St, Sao iraaaijea, Cal To the Unfortunate ! DR- GIBBON'S at Cornnuss- Street, San Tprtnciaou. IfistabUsbed (a ISM, for Vhs treatiqent of feu ana Sinti MiressfSb aps, am e Oaasfrfsi ea. Silest, 1 ph It li all iu forma. iHSMtenev ses-ajhtai Weak seas, night losses by irma, utm 'lea en tbe faae sod loss of manhood can poaitivsly be urea. The nek snd afflicted should not fail to call upon him. Tbs Doctor bM traveled extensively in .urope, and Inspected thoroughly the various nosi .1 als there, obtaining a deal of valuable imornuv fM ttkUk Vl A . XATIlt..ll,l , il..... ... t K.. t . f his serj I inUm he I t his seryices. VH, OIBfJOS WW nuke M esawf CIIREO T HOME. Ail eirrriiTiutikstibAi enact a cure, rarsoas ax a uwtanas MAY trietiv confidential. Yob see no one bnt the Doctor. lend ton dollars for a package of medicine. Parsons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of tbe aper they see this advertisement in. Charges rev enable. Call or write. Address DIt. J. F. OlBBoN, Box 1907, San Iranifco. V?hv3 Fes eOlo. - ' A sash and door factory ; located at Stay too. Will be sold oheap. Custom work is sufficient to ran mill at fail capacity. Call at this office for farther particulars. THE MeixrAis IIN1. From lbs rim It trickles down or the mountain's granite orewe 01. r and cool; Keen and eager though it go 1 b rough jour veins with llvsly now, Yet It kneweth not to reign Through the chambers of the brain With misrule; Where dark water creases grow Yon will trace Us quiet flow, With at easy border yellow, So mi d, and soft, and mellow. In Ita pouring. With no slimy dregs to trouble The brightness of Us bubble As It threads its silver way From the granite shoulders gray Of Ben Doralu. Then down the sloping side It will eJlp with gtaaay slide Gently walling, Till It gather strength to leap itb a light and foamy sweep To the oarrie broanaad deep Proudly swelling; rhen bends beneath the boulders 'Neath the shadow of the shoulders Of the Ben. Through scouotiy sough and shsgee, o Jaggy and so knaggy, Full of hammocks and of huuokes, Full of stumps and tufts and bunches, Full of bushes and of rashee, In the glen. Tbi "ugh neb green solitudes. And wUdly banging woods, Mb blossom and with bell, In rich reduudant swell, And the pride Of tbs mountain daisy there, And the forest everywhere With the drees and with tbs air Of a bride A German Boy's Adventure. "Kaaj ar, thou little rogue, bow of ten shall I tell thee net to meddle with that clock 1" ' I was only watching tbs Wheels go round, lather," said a sturdy little fel low in s soiled leathern jacket, start ing up witb a kaif mischievous look in bis bluo ryes. "And what has thou to do with tbs ke1' 1 8r tw t a "t" mj j si of thy tricks, what abed I. Hans Martin's town council t Dost thou know what birch porridge is, thou rogue 1 Beware, or 111 aire tbse iOeh a taste g it as shall sseke thee go round faster than the wbeela" Poor liana was indeed kept in con stant terror by h;s inquiring eon's tin oontrol table babtf of going wherever be ought not. The old church of bt. Manin was s famous 4ar ground for any boy, witb its shadowy aialev, and countless pillsrs, and tall towers, and deep niches, and half ruined bat tie- men U : and the wot the custodian. or r i when he awoke from hia after-dinner ! oap in his little room at the foot of the great clock tower, never knew whether hs should find his fcopefMl boy feidiog behind the altar-screen, trying to blow tbc organ bellows, playing bi U-an l seek among the pisnecles of U root, or sitting astride of a car vrd pout (Oil j feet shove lbs pavement. Ail tbia, however, might have been toi given ; for tbe old eustod;an was really aa fond of his "little rouge" as tbe boy, with all hi wishes, was a U1B- P."' the one tbmg that Hans pould not pard U Was the danger OSMesd I k. Uim : "j m nii ,-o,cmo it'iwii euee VH his belored eburch sloek. U was hU pride and glory ta he able to tell arory ne that during the whole forty years that he had teeu in charire of tbe "Bt. Martio'e Kucho,, the clock bad never tc-pp wrg ; nothing e,.ul.l ,im tU itsunnth v . m -tit' Tt . FWT - Isr ths gnest elocif in tkj whole world. "ftou't tell me of the big clock o Straaburg (041,'' hs would SSy with an uUstiOate sgade or bis gray bead. ''Oould it go forty ysars on eud, I think o... without the slightest dethv i . . I tiAn Pfci,. SI. e S ttt I . I ' A kaM ss m BB "t ugi muj other clock on the face of the earth ex ,k; nnm wPl (Dt one- Mindful of KasHar'aS iniuirinu turn of (ouui, tm fstfiar, having to do some inarkeMt.y iu itje tewn he day after anr hero's stolen visit ta tbs olook looked tbs door of ths tower and took the key along with him, "No harm can happen now," he muttered ; "and, in any case, I shall be back before be gets out ef school." But, ss ill luck would bve it, tbe teacher was cUe(4. aaj by (one busi ness that afternoon, sod tbe boys got out oi school more tbtB an hour earliei than usual. Kspar, finding bis fatbei gone, went straight to the door of th clock tower, aud looked rather blank on discovering that it was locked. But be was not one to be easily stopped wbet be ha 1 once made up his mind, Ost tip eu opon tbe roo(, and era a lim. along a cornice where only a oat or school poy oouid have found footing, h crept through an air-hole riht into th clopit-wWf For some time he was as happy ae s child in a toy shop, running from one marvel to another, until at length he dieeoverd another bole, and, thrusting his bead through it found bintsslf look- ing down upon the market place through lights ALBANY, OREGON; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1882. tbs fans of tbs clock itself. But wbon hs triad to withdraw his heal sgsin !t would not come. It was such s queer acrapn to be in tbat Kaspar was more inoUnod to laogh than to be frighUncd ; but sudUeuly a thought struck him which scared him in earnest ; his nook whs in the track of the !utmtthan, which, when it reached him, must inevitably tear hit bead e ll" 1 Poor Keeper ! it waa loo Iste uow to wish tbat he had left tbe clock alobe. He tiled to sci earn for heli, but witb bte neek in that crmmied ueitkn, the cry that hs gars waa scarcely louder than the chirp of a sparrow. I le strug gled desperately to writhe himself back through the hole ; nut a piece of the wood work bsd slipf down upon the hack of bis neck and held him like a vise. On came the destroyer, nearer ard nearer still, marking of with its meas ured tiok hi fw remaining moments of life. Aud alt the while tbe sun wrm shining gsily, ths tiny flags were flut tering on the booths of the market, and the merrv voices of his school fellows of were playing in tbe market place came faintly to bis ears, while be hur.g there helpless, with death stealing up i. him inch by inch. Hie bead grew dizzy, and the measured beat of the licking sounded like tbe roll of a mu(Hd drum, while ths coming band of the clock looked like s monstrous arm outstretch sd to sain him, and tbe carved faces on ths snouts seemed to grin and gib ber at hiss in mockery. And stilt the terrible hand crept onward, nearer, nearer, nearer. "What can that thing in tbe clock face be V said a tourist beluw, point ing his spy-glass upward. "Why, I declare, it looks liks a boy's brad f "4 boy's head f cried a g ray haired watchmaker beside him (one of Hans Scbellet's tqiecial friends), snatebing hastily at tbe glass Rs be spoke. 'Why. good gracious ! it's little Ksaper. He'll hs kUled ! he'll be killed T And be ruebed toward the church, shouting liks R roadman. Tbe alarm spread like wild lire, and before Klugmann. the antebmaksr, bgd got halfway up the stairs leading to ths to war, more than a score of esci'ed men wore scRsaperiof at hia heels. But at ths top of the stair tboy were suddenly brought to s standstill by the locked door. "It's locked !" cried KlujtmaR u tones of horror, "and Hans mm t have taken the key with him, for it iin't here." "Never mind the key," roared a brawny amitb behiud him. "Pick up that beam, comrades, and run it against tbe lock. All together now ! CVaah went the door, in rushed ths crowd, and Kaspar, now seosrless fruto, tbser (right, was fragged out of his iVrange prison just as ths hugs bar of the minute hand actually touched bis neck. Ad no it fell out that poor old hWbellf r4 souAiug homo fur a quiet after noon nap, found the door of the tower smashed in, his son lying in a swoon, and his little room crowded wito strange men, all) talking at once Put froaa tha day forth Ksspnr Jtcheiler never tt4ediid With tbe church clock again. Harpers VoMtg People. TUB VSSt) fSt H tSR. Some weeks since tbe wifo of a Philadelphia broker asked her hus band to give her a thousand dollars on which tq anecalae. amy like the goid ttan h K ho compiled. Id u day or two opportunity ottered lo buy some coaqty railroad bonds at very low figures, and she Invested. When bo oaiue hometHat night she remark ed i "George, It seem to me as if I re member your having sorm Blank County railroad bond." "Yes, I did," tUst a tnonsand dollars worth wasn't it ?" ME-Cactiy,'1 "And you sold them ?" Yes ; to-dsy." "What are they worth V 'About ten per cent." What I" she shrieked. -'Why, I bought those very bonds e, pi Id, 95 for . a -ate Just so, Maruug, just fo oi wanted to speculate j I knew you would get bitten, I therefore ar ranged it too mvey the most of that thousand back into my wallet." But, sir I" "Bo calm, Marts, be calm. If you lose your temper that way you'll ney- er bavo any iuct niy tn on a.n excit ed market. You ought to be proud of a husbaad who can. rake in seven or eight hundred, dqllsw on ono little speculation like that ' es Rev. Joseph Cock is lecturing in Australia. Mr, Cook will be remeio bered ss r. Boston gentlenuan wh gave the plan upon which the unl varee waa created hU personal er OirseeaellR " O M, f O I. I A I I.T Ike Kula If Rrsaahl lasn a (ieaeruu 1 Ras riding through a bowcrv country town In Vertiiotjt, when I chanced to notice a concourse of poo pie In the churchyard, evidently on circling sn open grove. It was a warm dsy, sud I hnd rode ten mllex, and I drew the rein under sotne trees that arched the roid, to allow the horse to cool and . Preaomly a vlilgr e;itno towmd me, und I said 'There li a funeral to d iy In your town V Yoa Hlephen. J I mua une of the largesi-h'jtfrted men l ever knew. We all owed something to poor Hteph. en Then lit sdded, In m tooo of re. grot I lie had only one f.iull." - The light foil iu pencil ray through the trees. I sat In silence enjoying the refreshing coolness. The man resumed the sunjocc "Ho had great abilities, Htepheo had. We sent him to the Legislature three times. They thought of notnl. oaltng him for Governor." 'But," he udded, sadly, .Stephen had one fault.'1 I made no answer. I was tired and watched tho people slowly disperse, leaving the soaton to his aolitary work. "A very genemu-t man, Stephen was. Always visited tho sick he wss feeling when any one wss In trouble- The old people all Itktd him. EYM the children used to fol low him In tho alreotc" "A good man, indeed," I said, in differently. "Yes ; be only had one f iull. ' What was that ?' I akod. Only Intemperance." 'Did It hatra him " Test somehow. H didn't seem to have any power la resUt it at last Ha got behindhand and to mort gage his fitrm, and flnlty had to sell It II h wife tiled on aceount of tho reverse ; kind of crushed, dmpnolnt ed. Thno his children, not having the right bringing up, turned out hadty. His iotempor.tneo seemed to mortify them and take swty their plrir. He hod to leave politics , 'twonkln't do, you see. 'iU-n we had to aet him ashle it - choroh, and at last hia habits brought on paralysis, and wo had to utko him to the poor house. He died there ; only forty Ave. Thero wore none of his chil dren at tho funeral. Prr man, ho had only one " "Qnly one fruit J" ihe ship had only one h lit, but It wort down. "Only nnn fault f The tornpm had only ono doctying . . . . a . pillrtr, hut it Ml. Only one fault V -aa . m . . . Homo gono, wire lost, uuiuy rum- ed, honor forfeited, social end rellgv iou.- privileges ahandoived j broken health, novertv. naralyslo and tho --w" " p . w m poorhouse, One fault only one. tbe RiTTos-faeoa; iuu Yesterdsy, while a prominent phy sician of Atlanta waa entertaining a crowd with some curious political re miniscences, a little mil rushed into hia cu -t-, cr) n.t; viUUj : "Oh, dootor, docttir ! please run to mamma.'1 The dootei leee haatily. "What tbe matter, daughter i" "Oh. do make haste, doctor. Mam- tn will lie. SS S II Has abe got a fit 1" No, no ! Do make haute doctor' 'Well, what ia the matter V' "Mamma asked, pan where the but- IvkA-beok was and papa said she had ',- swallowed it. Ob. do make haste," exclaimed tbe sobbing child. "Be quiet, my dear," said tbe doc- tor rafitimini hia seat with a stab of re- lief. "One butten-hook more or less, will not hurt anybody at this season of ine year. curing toe van xyirea . . -. . .i -ar n r campaign: button. 8 r "wallow- SO Wtth iiupumty. Mart led people, continued the daotoi. as the little one .i i-.ii i went out, "find it Ri owv mitter to dineat button books.'' -Atlanta Con- m - . ttltution. "Magnificent promises suidtiin3 eud in pdtry performances. A magni ficent exception to this to, fo,ua,d ijn Kidnev-JFert which invariably per forms even inore cures than it promises, (T.M ia o oinaU tnHtmio.P i "Mather baa recovered," wrote au liiiuois girl to horBastarn relatives. "She took bit ters (or long tims but without sny good. So when she beard of the vir tues of Kidney-Wort, she got a box and it has completely cured ber liv$r complaint." ae tuber of tbe potato is an enlarge- -T-f - meot of an underground stem, and the - bulb of tbe Kahl Rabi is as enlarge went of tbe stem above the surface. cmcirrat AURlt ILTIRAI. 1 1 KW Tbe only certsir. way to secure seed that will germinate is st harvest time to select a load or two, or at least a sullicient qusntity for next year's seed, log, from the ripest or !est devi?lopod portions of tin Held, keeping it separate from the main crop when hsuling and at threshing time. Early in ihe Fsll is th proper time lor applying manure In iear trees, which should he spread on the surface wheio rains and snows can mix it with the sell. If ear treat, are heavily manured in the HpHnjor 1 immer it is apt to cause an unheslthful growth aud result in blight. The test ss to whethi-i s young tree is making sufficient growth or not is made by examining flu new shoots. If these grow twelve to fifteen inches an nually neither manure nor additional oultuie is probably needed. If lesa than this length of new t.A in grown something is nee did to stimulate the grott and incresse the vigor of the tree. It is c immonly sappr a-ni I hat bsrley ia a difficult tmp to harvest. Witb fair weather this ts not the case. It does not need biti'iing and cut with a mower or reaper with all the rakes playing, it ia left in a swath which Is easily gathered into windows with a wire horse rake. The cost of bsrves t ing s field estimated st (orty bushels e va e a per acre in western ew tots, wss this year not more than $2. 3W per acre, Ot tbe thirty five to forty million htgs iu tho United States, three-fifths are raisoa in tm htnewy Mtssissipr s a Valley States, viz: 1 Imeis, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tooneaeee, Kansas, Kebraaks and Wis sonstu. Iheae State uroduu; suuually e a nearly three - fourths of the entirs corn crop of the country. From some sect ions there still coins iaquirie as t whst kind nf a weed the Canada thistle is, what it looks like, etc Verity, "Where ignorenoe is biles, t'were folly to he wise." The Canada thistle ta easily kept on of a neighbor hood if its first appearand is looked tot, but once in it is very difficult to entirely destroy it, especially in atony land. A tbree-yearold i Jslern cow, own ed by Arthur IX Sutton or the Ui ton dale .Stock Fsrm, lodisna, Pa., dropped a enlf recent' y that weighed 135 pounda, measured four feet three inches long and thirty seven inches high, immedi ately Offer its birtk This fellow welt nameil "dumbo,'1 for be ia probalx. ly tbe largeat calf "on reoord.1 The sire and dam were hulk importetl. Tbe faot is often forgotten tbat tbs farther north the longer ths sun's rays shine during the months from March I to September. It is ihis fact which I . m S..1 m a canirei me latitude oi succeasiui corn growing ftr north of what it would otherwise be. Cjrn laves ht weather, It 1 i I a e out tue average product (er sore in New Kngland ia considerably more than in tbe Soutkera Butet, where, iu nome might naturally be sueiiosed to 1 a a aa be located. Stubble ground intended for wheat should be plowed aa soon as ossible after tbe crop is removed. With early plowing an ost or barley atwb.ble may be made almost, equal to a Summer fallow by the truie trie ground is want' ed for wheat seeding. There is usu ally a (wriod ot six weeks between har vest and wheat sowing. In that time thistles snd quack can be greatly check ed if no spear of either is allowed above ground. At all seasons plenty of pure, cJeau water is essential to the. health of fowls and esiecsally to. egg productions. In Summer droughts, where there are no aprings or running water near by, hens often suffer, and this is frequent B - . m at ly a mtin cause of their oasiu 'o lay at this season. A low nit dish, mads shallow so that little chickeus can gst to ths water without (lunger of drown ing is best. Tim should bo blled at leant three times a tlsv. and cleaned whenever necftasavy Lsmba are liable tisuffo. from scour, whi(jh jt g0M8timea ,i,lie to the preMnoe - MrMitl?f. in tK0 -tamach or intos- tines. It is dangerous to permit them to graze upon land which has been previously very boavily stocked by older sheep, and upon wlU the clover or grass has sprung up again in dark graf4 luxuriance. Pasture land ia bigh condition, the result of liberal manuring, for feeding stock with oil cake, is often unsafe for young sheep wnion m sucu circumstances some times suffer from a fatal kind of fever. In the sheep, as in the ox, all tbc. temporary incisors are up at a month old, as well as the first, second and third molars, A t one year old ths two central incisor are changed and replaced by permanent teeth and the fourth aud fifth molars are up. Six months later the two lateral central and the sixth molar appear. At two, years and tires months tbs lateral, pa t- NO 5. manent incisors are cut, and tbe fust, second snd third molars are permanent. At three years old tbe corner ineisors sre shed, and shortly afterwards all tbe permanent teeth are b the month. The Mensury hrl.y is a nee variety and likely to l-cofno Fpular. It is six-rowed, ami waa sent out by the Department hi Agriculture four or live years ago. It originated in Canada. It bas long, heavy beads which hsng down when hSIing, but ita straw is so strong that it does not full down, evtn on the richest land. 1 1 has been tet d for malting and piononnosd susrior for that purpose. In ripening it is a littls Ister than tbe common six-rawed, and is easily distinguished from that when growing by a slightly reddhk Urge to the heard when tbe heat's appear. Cresrn cheese may be made from a quart of cream, to which, perhaps, a pint of new milk may be added. It is warmed in b it water to about 90" Fahr, and a tab!eaioof.ful of ordinary rennet is qiMad. It is allowed to stand till it thickens, then broken slightly witb s Itaofsn snd placed in a frame eight inobes square mut fttlir jntUl4- deep, in which a fine ee-ivas cloth baa beau placed. Next it should be press ed slightly with a weight. After stand tog for twelve hors it may be lifted out and reptaoed in a finer cloth, over which a little salt has been powdered. It ia fit for use in R day or two, but of course is a were household delicacy. The msnu fixture of pach baskets has become an important industry. Years ago the boskets were made by band, and inasmuch as they coat from twenty five to thirty oeata, tbe loss ot any considerable number of them waa a aenons matter. But the establishment of great factories, required by the growth of the reach trade, bas reduced tbe price ta a moderate figure, varying from 6 to ft a hundred. Along tbe Peninsula railroads there are now sight or nine basket fscvoriee, each making from 2300 to 4000 baskets a day during the busy season. Tbe bot toms and hoops are made of Maryland pine and tbesttves from the Uelswars gum rac 8tgwr to the amount of 250,000,000 tpundsis produced annually to ths United States, while we consume J.200, 000,000, cr more than eight timea tbe amount of our production. TtSLRtReV tVITtS EtCfSTt-maLL PAIS O TRatsRJts There ia a great flnancisl nobleman ujion the Berlin Bjorao who Is freely spoken of behind his back at "the Baron with the eighty-three pair of trousers." the origin of tais very! novel title ia soon told. One day ben tbs Baron waa at his tailor's he was particularly struck with some trousvr cloth of a new and extraordinary pat tern. 'I should like a pair of trousers made from that cloth," he said; "but it would be very disagreeble if one of my colleagues were to appear in a sim ilar pair. Hare you made any trous ers of that patternr "None aa yet, Herr Baron," answered the tailor, "if you will honor m with your of ler you will bo the first wetrer." "Good," said the man of money; "I will be the last aa well as the first 1 do not like my dieaa to be 'copied. ' The tailor smiled aa politely aa be could, and ob served that he had a large quantity of tbe cloth, and that aa the pattern was liksly to be in demand, be waa snre to be callsd upon to make many pairs of trousers from it. " That ia by no means necessary," said the Baron: "it will be worth my while to purchase the monopoly of tbe pattern. Just see how many pairs of trousers it will mako." The tailor looked at hia boots made a abort calculation and then in- firmed his customer that the cloth could only be exhausted by being cut' up for eighty-three pairs of trousers "Good," replied ths financier, "I will take them all lie is now said to be provided with more pair of trousers than any other man of fashion in the whole world. A HALF DOLL tit TRIAL. Mr. Ernest King, editor of the Fall River (Moss.) Sun, thun discourses upon the merits ot St. Jacobs Oil : Su0er with rheumatic pains 1 was Didvmus as to remedies. I read of St Jacobs Oil and aaid here goes for a half dollar trial. I bought a battle and before it was half used the screw wrench pains had gone and troubled ms no longer." DEfisiac a laeisr. "What is a aeht t" we inquired, of a ioag, gaunt codder, who was loung ing about the wharf. "Tot'e ayot T said the fisherman. "Well, you gets any sort of a craft you please, and fill her up w ith liquor and ieegyars, and git yer frens on board and have a high ore time- and that's a yet" Ws thanked him, with ' fervor, for we hail lpng been trying to find out what i yacht really waa, AOVKftTMf-fe BATES. TT. oiarcfai bnafneaa notices n. Tj-i iv.i. ! ninns 2 cents per line. Kegnlsr local notices 10 cents per line. siK2ri?1 nd tr-n. advertiaernents el ot per square for tbe first insertion and itper square for wach submms HI WOR9I n II TKOUI. The rhlneee say there are two good men--one dead, the other un born. A Brooklyn man sdvert!es pow der to "euro eats snd dogs of sorn ojnabulism." It fs pot In a got. There is always room at the top," sud the hotol tlerk with a sardonic grin, as be sent 'he weary guest op to the ninth story. Sure, Biddy, darling" said Pat rick, "have compassion on me and be mine ; why, your very heart oaya t?ity pat, By pat" I have a fresh cesd," id a gen tleman to hbt acquaintance. "Why do you have a fresh one? Why don't you have It eared T Vee," said the farmer, "barbed wire fences are expensive, bat li.e hired man doesn't stop and rest every time he bas to climb it." When tbe teacher asked, "What people live the longest V a little fel low at tbe foot of the class promptly ?dco up, "Birnum's giants." It is said a Cub.n who bas f ught five duels to protect his sacred hnor, la now In jail for attempting to client his washerwoman out of $3. A eold.damp house will smietimeM give a person a sure throat ; bat nothing will give an opera singer a ore throat quicker than a lleht bouse. There is o ie advantage in warm weather. At no other foxsoa of the year can you spread the batter on the children' bread so evenly and so thinly. "Well, Mike, sod have ye heard what they're going to do with Barn ey Hannegan T Indade, and I have,'1 replied Mike ; "they're going t5 transport him for life ; but I don't believe tbe peer boy will live so long as that." A courteous Frenchman, in reply to a question why ladies were not ad. mitted Into the Chamber of Deputies, said that to be a member it was requisite to be forty years old, and it was impossible to And any Lady that had reached that unseemly age. "I don't like a cotttago- built man, ' said young Sweeps to his old onc, who was toiling the story of his early trial; for tbe huodreth time. "What do you mean by a cottage-built man? asked hi ancle. "A man witb only one story," answered young Sweeps. The late benevolent David Dole, who was a man of short stature, on entering his counting-house one fros ty morning, complained of the state of the streets, and mentioned that he had "fallen a' his length." "And: what e' that, sir remarked an ok bookkeeper. "I'm sore a gentle msn o' your height cooldna fa' ony greet length." A jeweller has long dunned a lady of fashion for the amount of his bir bill, bat in vain. Wbea be rings too bell the footman says politely, bat firmly, "Sir, tbe countess only re ceives ea Tuesdays." ! don't care When she receives," thunders the irate and long-suffering creditor ; what I want to know Is the dsy she pays on ! Their houe in the country was raised a few feet from the ground, and Tommy, to escape a well-deserved whipping ran from his mother and crept under the house. Present - y the father came home, and hear ing where the boy bad token refuge, crept under lo bring him out. As ho approached on his bands and knees, Tommy asked "h she after you, too ?" Col. C. W. Herbert, of the Fores Park Restaurant, St Louis, Mo., was l,ntirely cured of rbaumatUm by St. Jacobs Oil, saya the Dispatch. Sr. Louis Pi- A rabi Pasha recently gave orders to have the life of Na poteen i translated into Arabic, saying to his friends -''Napoleon is my hmh'sI ; I will do wht he did aay, I will do more. I will found an Arabian Empire." He has alao tried to play the role of a prophet by frequently quoting tbe Koran and professing to have familiar interviews with the ghoet ot Moham med. O ae day, a month ago, while ore hia way to the mosque, he suddenly stopped and stared wildly at the air as if seeing a vision. Then he stamp ed upon the ground, and cried out tnsc a gun was buried underneath the spot. Excavations were afterward made, and. auxely enough, a gun waa found at ts depth of several feet. (sgTMake yonr old things look like new by using the IHsmonft Dyes, and you will be happy. Any of the foeb ioaabl colors for 10 cents. M. L. Fourment asserts that salt iugis not necessarily fatal to trichina imbeddea Ia meat. These parasites nxay live In salt provisions for fifteen months. Salting, indeed, often serves to preserve the vitality of trichina?, as it protects them to tome extent from the destioetive influence of heat. I i wa i a i m Ota I jr I Inch 1 00 j X 00 5001 S00 f2 00 ! ! !! WI 700 ,i00 ! 300 H00, JO0O i;,00 " 4 00 1 7 00 .-r0 is on 97 00 lOsi 0 00 1 900 ! 1300 j 2500 MOM 4 7 Tdj 12 00' 1800 i 3000 40 CO 10 00 ! 15 00 ; 25 (X) 4000 00 00 ' " I IS 00 ! 20 00 ! 4000 GO Of) 100 00 Tl -X