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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
Ik gemoctat. Entered st the Poet UOle at Albany, Or. nd claw mail matter. FRIDAY AUGUST 25, 1882 STEWART & OHAMBEELALN, Knitters ttad Preurteters. O. s C. . R. TINE TABLE. Albany (Station. HOME A ED ABKOAD- The xkios chuly dsys neve o tne, The mart beudlaf si ths ysr. With eueurfcl utNW tokats in bloom To flJI the toul with KPiTt KK or iwnnm W JJ NOItTM. A'.RsSY KXfRKSS IVrartsat VKKtUHT TRAINS ' sUILTRVIN j FIRIGHT TRAIN w A .MAN Y KXI'RIUSS Anriveeat r.: A. St. w oo A. M. 11:45 A. M. li.Oe P. M. 11:45 A. M. IWeP M 3:30 P. M, 8:tt P. M. Alt Train dally, except Sander. Noticb. Or. and after this data regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket oraes for following potutson Columbia rivsr: Upper Camdea, Dalle, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Wttx. It. RlcR, Freight and Ticket Agent o. AC.R. B. O. Albany. Jane lfUh, 188' . aBU War U Ka Partlaad. Last Tuesday noon Joe Purdom, Sheriu r Douglas ceunty, passed through the city on his way to East Portland, having with him a poor in sane youth named Gihbs, whom be was taking to the asylum at the: place. Gibbs had beau at work up In the Cow Creek country, and from malaria and other causes had lost his reason, mak ing it necessary to confine uim. He was a pitiable looking object, his throat being all scratched up, from his frantic efforts to choke himself to death. "Iam at the end of world, ain't I.' be said. We assured him that he was ouly at Albany, a long distance from that plane, but he insisted that we were wrong. M. Purdom thawed us the bullet taken from the neck of A J Dow nan who was murdered last week by TB Roadman. It looked as ifithadabony read to travel. A Have In the Bight EMrceUea. The Council baa decided to move the old Murine houae formerly occupied by No. 2a to the lot adj.iainff No. I s hoaae for the use of the Ladies' Coffee Clah. The Re corder at the last meeting of the Council was ordered to advertise for bid for the re moval of the building, rata la a mere in the right direction. The Lad tee have net contented tbemealrea with furnishing the fifrrr with refreshment at the fire we bare bad since the organisation of the Coffee Cab, but have in many instance worked rightly lustily, and lent a helping hand in each work as they caald do. This 'was notably the case si the last fire, when they showed themselves able and willing to doa great deal toward saving the property of oar citiseos, setting a worthy example to the kid glare f reman whs nasally stand in the back ground and content themselves with giving unsolicited advice. They deserve a h in to meet in and are likely aeon to get Little rttrbvra Have I'.jea and Some little girls bring In the west snd of the city were playing with their dolls one evening this week, when one o' them raised a beautiful wax doll from her lap, and gave it an affectionate embrace, at the same time remarking: "ifr. A , hugs this way every day. He says be is 's cousin, but he wouldn't treat his cousin that way and I jost believe he is going to take away with him pretty soon." The other little girls wore of the same opin ion and the subject was dropped. If the eyes of parties to the foregoing in cident should happeu to fall on ibis, we are satisfied that they will be a little more careful in the future, remem bering that little pitchers bare big eyes as well a big cars. e A Pleasant accept lea. The reception given by Mr and Mrs IgnatzFox, at the Revere House Satur day evening was a very enjoyable af fair, and brought together a large crowd of happy people, who pa-sed as pleas ant a time as is often enjoyed. After supper the dining hall was cleared, when everybody who wished tipped the light, fantastic toe till midnight McKnight Brothers furnished the music which is an assurance tbst it was first-class. Mr and Mrs Fox were handsomely re' mean be red by their many friends in a subsrant al manner, and will begin keeping house with many useful and o namental mementos of this occasion . F. M. French, jeweller. K. R. Skipworth, lawyer,, Or. For a good pair of po tales go to French's Work is being pushed as fast as possible on the 0 F R R. iratohea, decks sad jewelery very cheap at French's Uo to Montague s, Lebanon for your dry goods and grooeriee . A new hotel is to be built at Colfax W T sad will cost about 130,000. The regular session of the Deaf Mute School at Salem begin Sept 6, $1000 on good security can tie had by calling at thia office immediately. You can get your prescriptions tilled any hour of the night at McCoy & Kllort'a. Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist otlice in Old Follow s Temple, over langdoe's Drugstore. F S Dunning has moved his furniture into the Parrish brick, next weat of Jacksou a tort. The person who took a atep ladder from No 2s Engine House is remits ted in return it forthwith. Every body needs to be on their good be havior thia week, so many are the ministers in our midst Ted Parker of Uaeatta was the one to first discover that Dr llutchinaon and son had bees murdered. The State Teachers Association convened ia Salem on Monday evening, lutereattug sessions are being held. Wilsea Blain claims to have raised the first ripe tomato, shewing one taken from his garden on Saturday last Fresh groceries are a blessing appreciated by everbody. The beet place to get them in Albany is at Hoffman & Joseph 'a Waterloo seems to be taking the lead this summer, more people going there from here than to any other place we know of. John Crawford, of Day too, W. T.. was throw- by a horse laat Saturday and kicked (n the head. He will probably not live. A man was rj ordered on the Mallala bot toms Tuesday, at least he was found with two ballet boles ub him, bo particulars, A B Mcllwaia is building an addition to the hack of his block. It ia u be constructed of brick, and will be fj by 4" f.-et, and 34 eeft high A five mouths old colt weighing 37- pouode and its mother, weighing 1492 pounds at traeted some attention on the street lai tatutday. An interesting latter from our regular cor respondent at Scio, waa received yesterday jaat bet ore going to press. It will appear aext week. Why do not some uf our faruieie g- lot the hop raising business. The price has kemniiil up to 40.. at wh'cb price there is millions ia it Twenty bushels of whaat in ti.-c minutes is fast threshing We understand Scott and Morris with the Buffalo Pitta, ha don thia several times a n As .a a a a air vaalteu S4iv rta, win ha o.h n in thai city several days, will deliver a tamper aoee addree at Iudeudeoc this evening, so says the Itcmizer. loo at. E. Conference which is meeting her includes ail of Oregon and Washington Territory. It membership numbers 64 "sinister and 4,810 laymen. Among the matter a which need legislation is thia state are our terribly lease divorce laws. Divorce is grantee, for everything. and marriage is made aim eat a farce. Toe Star Base Ball Clnb of l.rtlaud has made a succes.ful trip op the Columbia beating everything. By the way, what has become of Albany's osoe famous nine. A turbine water wheel for asle at this of fice ; s 12 inch wheel, in splendid condition will be sold cheap Also 40 feet of 1 inch shafting and about 12 feet of If inch shaft A newly married man ia this city lately forgot that be was a Benedict and called hut wife by har maiden name. Mis only other city in the U. R. eioapt Pueblo, and Leedvills where they would allow the oap swindlers who operated in this city about two weeks ago to run their concern. He was probably mistaken for it has boon all through the State Laat week while Charln and ll'illiani Masters were huuting on the headwaters of the Santiam there captured two young cab. Mother Bruin followed them up and attack ing them knocked one down and cirried the other aeveral road, and lut't him after a seybro ksock on the head. Both men canir out of the affair very fortsiintcly, although somewhat bruised. Some of the best iiifennod hop raiser, says the Seattle Chronicle, estimate the aver age j told of th Pnyallup yards at MOO, and a few oven as high as 17oJ pound ier nor but a more conaervative and undoubtedly a reliable eattnute is I.VK). Coutt.i.t titi with the sveraqo of Germany, the h-aduitf hop producing country of the world, whieh iaouly " pouud ptr acre. The first correct answer receive I to the example given last week wa scut us by Will I. Lister, of Harriaburg. The ex ample. though apparently simple, purU-1 imito a number of our young people, at losst aothey lid not get the exact answer, which is .'.'. W mailed Ml Litter th peanuts (he tirst of the week, and lo'pf tl y wi-ie r-vrivid all right. The big crop of hops rportod in Washington Territory and their high price ill not decrease the interest taken in Mr Botlengors beer, at the Star Brewen. It is on draught at all times and is :ouiimouted fer it superiority a a beer. When thirsty remember that Mr Belluugtr ha as good a beer a can be obtained lit th valley. Now is the time to buy your goods sud Montague's, IaUnoii, is th plana tego. li you would get bargains, call on him imme diately. New foods of i'i ' latest stlar being received, offering extra advantage. Mr Moatague has taken the lead in !ebuon by his fair dealing, and by following the the course pursued thus far iiitomU V hold the ground he has obt.ned. We give another example this wwk fur arithmetician, which we clip frem an ex change, and assure, our subscribers it wdl lake no little s:uJt wora it. 1 tie i.e saniiug the correct ansaror first will be in titled U a boose ami mt in the air. "Is a lake the bud of a wsUr lily waa observed. one span above the water, and, when moved by the geutle brocx. it sank into the water at two cubit distance, lloquired the depth of tae water. It is to be Is usated that are to have nefair thia )esr. Lion ouuty claim to be the banner county, and it certainly i to be regretted that we are not to l.ave a chance to exhibit osr product. U wouhlnutad- vooste its bctug done as it the pat bet in a manner which would I aa h-'ii-.r to ns. There is no reason wny we could not gt up on ef the best county exhil itiou uf our resource ev jr slun bj the a Mas We have jaat received from th Publishers a copy of the A Hum Writ V.i7, con Uiaiug nearly tbn huudr.d seUctin aitsble r ritiu,i; m Autograph Albuas. rhuee of war rcndei n ht ba been invited to inscribe tLcir sentiment in a friend s Album, will find this little volume a vain able help. It contains 01 pge, an 1 will be sent by mail pest cid on receipt of 13 eents. byJj OgHvie k Co.. j ubii b-r. No 31 Rose Street, Naw York. 10CIALAKD PIB30N .L w . in the city hnmn frsm the Hsafca Taaahar Association I at Salem. He reported it a soooess. Mr Walton Skipworth, of fjoldeodele, W. T.. is visiting his brother. 1 R Skiworth, Em., in this city. He is s typo, having worked at the business s couple ef years. K W Langdon snd wife bsvt been enjoy ing the grsnd old Ooesn near Astoria, a place where the atmosphere i o pure that Hies can lint rxiat They ill return thnmuh Washington Territory. Wu learned with regret of the death of Charles A Vogeler, whioh.oocurred at Balti more. Md. on Aug. R. Mr Vogeler Was the saving spirit iu tho Ht Jacobs Oil, ami had obtained a good reputation for hi tine buai. unas uttalitica. l.iout red Sohwatka ass married laat Wednesday. IS Mia Brackettof Kouk Island, illinnia, buct of Mnjor Braekutt, at the bride' parents. The Lieutenant and his beautiful bride will start for islam on the ink Mr I'syinon I revived hat Saturday a aiiminnua to I'pper Soda front hi brother-in-law Mr Fruelnud wlio is at that place and very lo with consumption. Mr Uaymnd's ahaeuco Mill uuuaitste a atill furthur Mst pniMMitfiit of tho Congregational conoi rf. Mr Kd llviim, has secured a p witioO a di kutnn in the establishment of Abraham, Whotder Sc Co , at Uoaeburg, aud this week is removing bis family there aud will reside there in the future, Mr Bium lias resided here eleven w and leaves AUiauy with a great deal ef regret. A tine loiking tri . conaistiug uf W C Ta.- !..!-. I il Burkbart and C II Stewart eft the city last Saturday with their horse hcadrxl for tho mountain. When-Ibey went we don't know ; but the trout are tMuind to duffer, and we should Vd be surptiacd if 'die Nlitolua got a bcueTit. Mrs Hardman, su old lady ovor 5(1 years ebl, fell from a stop Lt Sablath eveumg, and fracture I en.) f lo r legs in a severs mjnio. She was at t reaidence of her daughter Mrs Utttcr at th tun . and will receive good care. She baa been too feeble to demuch walkiog, and only attempted it once iu awhile, Betug weak and old it did not take much ef a fall to break s boas. Dr Jenea reJuced the fracture. U C Saufiy the gonial traveling agent for the boot aud shoe house of If obart, Wood ft Co of San Francisco, was iu this city the tint of the week and made us a plessant call. wee .a a a a s t a lie reporr mat ne una ver)intag in a prooro(t condition, and buaineaa pro, pacts better than be ha oen them for years. When be can't get kts work in on a custom er, the time must be bard, for hs under stan ! In business. TtfaaKR wi nni:a. ttleod spill rrenslsrenslr Tbrwnahenf I I Northwest. HI vtVf If Stlshl Side I anal SlSeway. M r i ;M i E A Miluer, cf CorvaJli H'odudaday. Joe Clark retumeI from HsnrisJbnrg last Wedneaday. Mr L Senders returned fro n San Francisco the first of the week. AS William, oar tettriog Asesr la been in the city thia Week. A Neltaer and wife, of Portland v. cr in Albany last Wednesday. Capt Byron i. oi Pom r.y. W. T.. has been in the city this week. Tlr ministerial holy commenced Its thirtieth sraalon in the M K Churn h of thlseltyori Wrdnotday nsornlng Isst. Sishop Ilurat presiding. Hep J T Wolf was ele ted secretary by accla mation. The conference Is compuaed of the fallowing named members, near ly ail of whom responded to their nsmcs at the roll call; J W York, Wu Helm; William Roberts. Josn F.lnn. John F lere. lease Dillon, T F Royal. JL Parrish, Nehemiah Una John W Mi' or L M !f Ifkeraori. A l.asba h J II II Royal. Nclon Clark, Sam-iel Mtliewi Hubert Booth, CAIdsrson. P M Starr FPTower, DL SpsHldmg. I D Driver, W D Niche s, J T Wfe, AC Fairchlld, W 1 CV per, II C Jenkins, II Psttersoa. J II AHya. J 11 R3er4, J S Mc'ain, W r Chapman, LJ Powell, J X Denlsou, L L Ilegsrs,J II SdJm J tloberg. p Judy, T M Iters-, T L Bsll. A At woo I. J Mat .ews, 0 Derrick, HJ Sharp, J Acton. W lltilbnrt. D Crow. It, I L Jones, J Patfrns, T Vu acoy, FBonu, S A Star. L A Banks. I If Todd. D O U Board, (1 W Ixer, W S Harrington. J H Wood, L Hoyat, T i -od picture. V f Wlliiam. 0 ii Furgersen. After imprksal ve sacramrntal sarvc Last week vrss famous fer the number ef murders committed within aradlnaof not many miles around Portland. Tht Northwest has obtained a flrst-claeM rep utation for the amount of blood spilt vvlihlit Its limits. The history of 1s t week Is only another videoot of (ho bloodthirsty character of the scum whlcli comes to this Heotlou of country. Mt nnxn no 1 i f)n Tuesday of last week flcortf i Hlc- eo, an linllun, was murdered In celd blood iu Skamania county, Washing ton Territory. B X OiagMrJnlj his em plover, admit tod In Portland, ufier sev- oral denials thai ho eoiiimllted Ibedi ed, hut clal nt-d ho did it Iu self defense AllMhu facts in lin en ', though, show (hat ItwuNonoof the most ntroelotts murders on record. ILcce, by Industry and economy, had saved about ?700. tllaunlal, a well aothers, knew that he can ied lion hi jhtsoii In belt. (ilaiiiilnl had charge of u sugar factory. Iu which Rh.'co nnd sevontl others were employed. On Tttttdaf the former claimed that he had lot a pocket book, and told the men they might knock oil and hunt tut It until si.. lie kept Rlccowlth him and alter the men had left shot him three times, killing him. and. ador taking hi mom w hid hla body, which he afterwards loeuted on tho confession of tho crime In Portland, for which place he Imnied afely , ft af ter tho horrible deed tiianuim's ai.ihaiu, I, as aiace been implicated in tl murder, aud bis having skipped the country would ioilUi that it ws not witkeut foundation, MPS JIKft H i. 2 : l oi occurred iu Mo re's VaCev. uhout six mile west of North Yamhill. Mr. Mary Fetch and a young son were driv- i t . t . I . .ft . . . m - . uiK biuk aasw mi ai tne root oi Hie Coat Range when three shots were lir ed atb-r, one t aklng rflect and killing S. i a . . afStt a a a m. in t simoai iiistauuy. nns i.ud iiuii a quarrel ilhntamliy named Smith. and It Is thought they wrri- tho perpct raters of ths crime, but there Is asy et no po ui . at f at s s . . a a a uive noi oi tueinci nun no r-um- tamlal evldeaoe of much weight She was shot at four weeks agn proba bly by thesame partle. ML'Stitn Ml .1 : nana . . . . nine m u nainca us AlUn, H-rry Nvsblttand Pawnee I'd werj having a goxl time Thursday night among the saloons nt Walla WAila. W. T. In the course of their earoustl they run cross ase'dk-r natnrd Dun woody, bear lag the title of Sergeant and pitched him downstair About uoon Pu n woody and two of the men had a flffct, Dun woody getting the worst of it II was afU-rwaHsjoinod by two other soldiers I ii the afternoon th.- two ptrttet again met at Rsnrd' Saloon. ith-y proos ml to have It Out, and u go r il dgttl took Mis May McD-oi!a rctj.u.d n . u a visit ; -.inducted by the Bishop and Presiding Ht rrank Ja It now turns out that the chap who was passing himself off for Frank James ia this and ether cities in Oregon wss not Frank J. stall, but the editor of the San Francisco Wasp, who thought ha could hate a little fua at our ex pense. There Is so much sensational matter aSoat that we won't vouch for even this Everybody is at liberty to believe or not. The original Frank .James we fee by a Chicago piper is in Kansas acting ns a bookagent Sberntan Coming. Net the famous John Sherman, but tbecirc-iS mm, who has obtained such) a big reputation throughout the Stale. Probably no better shew was ever In the northwest, it is genuine iu every re spect. The trained horses exhibited are said to be wonders, while the per forming is of a iirst-ehuM nature. It will be here cn the 7th and 8th, and la Lebanon on the 6th. Prepare to g. There is a class ef subscribers who will take a piper aeveral years until they owe $10 to $20, and then have the cheek to re fns) to take it from the office, when they re ceive s dna for it, without paying a cent ef arrearages, er even having the manliness to com i forward and saying they havn't the money. The following from the Timet is to the point : "It would be well for a good many people who stop their eounty papers to know that a mere notification to the publish er to stop sending the paper is not enough. Every notification should be accompanied by money te pay all arrearages ; otherwise the paper ean be seat to them, aud they will be compelled to pay, even tf they do not take it out of the past office. much to the acuesmint of those wh heard it. Another murder was reported yterdy a having occurred at Fast Portland a Mrs. Vaa Dam being shot thrcugh the head. N clue had to the perpetrators of the foo deed. W e are glad to bear f J-wrg!? Hardy' promotion at The Dalles. He will have charge ef the ticket office in addition to the telegraphing, giving him a snrt class posi tion. The Oregon City EnUrptim ia very gener ous, as evidence of which read this : Should any one feel aggrieved ia consequence of anything I have written, let them come to me ; I will forgive them. Whether a water melon 2J by 3.) inches is abuone or aot we do not know. One ef eur citizens is said to have eaten one the other day, with a little assistance, and thought he did something big. The Hartford Iasusance Company is prob ably the best founded company in th world. It has proven itself perfectly aafe. and those desiring insurance which is bound te stand should take out a policy in that company. Brush k Son have u traveling agents selling their separator. Certain parties representing themselves as such sre frauds, and do not have the genuine Brush Separa tor, which has given anch universal satisfac tion. Ben Johnson, the Indian why was sup posed to have killed Dr llntchinaoo and hia aen was caught abng the coast on Wednes day evening of last week, snd brought to Corvsliis. There was no lynching although strong threats. Up to yesterday noon between C0.Q3O and "Q. 000 bushels of wheat had been delivered at all the warehouse in the city. This i about one-tenth of their capacity, se it will be seen that grain has not yet tx-guu to come in very fast. J H Reed, the expose uf spirtnalUm wss in ths city Wednesday, and supposed bs wss billed to show here then, but a mis take had been made in the date so that he was obliged to give it up. He is very highly apokeu of. and can do anything a medum ean do. the circus man went through the city last Wednesday ; looking somewhat dejected. The -reputation which he receiv ed in the volley for baviug a snide show went before him. so that he could de nothing in Washington Territory. Attention is caHed to the advertisement ef Robt A Foster, agent of the Guardian Assurance company of London, in another column. Mr Foster ha lately been appointed agent of that company, which is oue ef the most reliable in the world, and proposes to give it considerable attention. Linn Engine Go No 2' bell is ofi'jrel for sale, it is tn hrst-class conuinoo, has sn excellent tone, etc. , snd is good either for s chureh or ire. It is offered for site because the city already has one bell, having pur chased SSo 1 s, and this is not needed. Call ai or address this offiue. A young watch swindler in Portland told a Standmtd reporter that that city was the to Halaey the first uf the weak Miss I .ucy .Wakefield, ef 1'oitUml. i pending a tew wa in Albany. Wm Handeraou hat ben iu lfajftsliai visiting bis aout, Mr J Q Crawford. Dr Edward P. Geary, has located m Jack sonville and will SVSOtkS hi prof-siu there. Mr IM.Urk, superintendent oi i . bridge, on tbe U k 0 K U Was in the eity Lst Fri day. Bev Walker, i f Philomath, ho has ac quired some fams in the State, was in th. city last Tuesday. Mr A S Knox, nf S-.ti J.,-, Cat, i viait- tng hia many friends in trtis county. Ilo is well locat-jd at Ssn Jose. Mr Prsser, f IWtUu i, wis in C. city last Batnrday, porchasit- horses, wl.ic-h he couveyed to that city this week. I'ete Callaham, J M Nolan'a obliging clerk, left Tuesday morning for several days ef reereatien down the Willamette, Bob Graham returned the first of the week from an expedit.ou to the famous watering place of Waterloo. W B Bice returned from iiuntheru Oregon the first of the week. We are g'ad to ace him back at bis past again. Mr Edward Tnomptoa is a eouple ef weeka in Portland, buhu a guest of hia aister, Mrs Cbas Templetou. James hlkin returned from tho Bunch Grass country last Friday, ard reports big sales of tock, aud sm ill cropi of wheat Georg Grant, the handsome representa tive of the North British Itisuienc Co. of Sin Francisco, cailsi on us yesterday. The Van Scoy, A M, Preaident of Wiilam ette University, Ins b i in att-mdance at the rni.fewuue thi -ve-k Mr John Ddu, ua of H lidbm, is visiting bis paruis iu this city. He has leen living in Routhsru California. Judge Powell and son James, returned from the moautains on IKcdnesdsy, and re port a line time. James is conaidcrably elated over having killed a duer. Hon T J Stite was iu the city Tuesday. Hs will come hru tho last of September to remain permanently and engigo in the prac- tiee ef law. Ex-Alderman E K Pierce, occomoanied by his wife left yesterday for Goldoiidule, W. T. where ho is to go i.ifcn the lumber bnsinea . IFui Bruuk arrived linre from tho 0 P R K laat Tuesday, looking as if the elimate alorg that roal agreed with ht:n. He will be here only a few days. C E Van Horn, the good natore.l advance agent of Sherman's circua waa iu the city Tuesday. We acknowledge a very agreea able call from hi in. Daniel Best and wife returned from Cali fornia last Tuesday after an absenco o several months. He hat given his grain cleaner a big lift there. W A Cox, who has been working oa the 0 F building at Harriijli irg, w u in the city S tturday. He reports tha brjc't work on that buiidtng finished. School Superintendent Mwas pissed through the city Wednesday on his way Klders, Bishop Hurst delirtred an In n resting nnd instructive add rest. Being hi lirt left to this coast, be has been very favorably Impressed with the country and its Inhabitant, and hia remarks were very congratulatory In-dee'i. A met tiug of visiting miniatem were ntr.Mhn-ed, ant ing them Hev. Dr. CH Fowl r, one of the Missionary Hecre tarlcsof the chua'h. Dr. Fowler ad dressed the Conference for a full hour In the interests i ths missionary csuse- The first business lAkea up by tbe BitUop was the examination of minis t-r ial character, h th moral and officio! Two of ths Presiding Elders, Rev. Falrcaild and Atwootl, read minute and satisfactory report concerting their r. spective districts, compliment ing some of the ministers highly for their self-sac rillcing work. The following standing committees were appointed Bible Cause- Juhu Flinn, I. I. Rogers, G G Fergcson, Thoe Magill. Eluoatioa -T F Reyal, J T Wolfe. It J Shiro. W Harringtor. Periodicals L M Micksrsm, irD Nichols, J H Ski dmore. Conference Steward C Alderaon, W Harlburt, It Booth. Sundsy Schoel- Th- Van Beoy, T L Joass, Ladru Rtyal, T M Heese. Sanctity of the Sabbath'J W Izjr, J 11 vVokI, L A Banks. Tcm;eroc - D A Crje!I, S H Todd, W F 0 .ir, Tract Cause J N Deaison, J Matthews J Flinn. Poftt.OuizM- T B (1 Hhl pasture. Charch Extension Wm Holtcitu, 1 D Driver, John Parsons. Auditing Committee -J F DeVore, P M Starr, J S McCain. Chinas Work-N Duane. T L Sails, M Judy. Public Worship W T Chapman, Laao Dillon. Collsat Funds for Publishing Minutes IF P Williams. Publishing the Minutes The Secretaries. Freadmen ' Aid Society S A Starr, D G LeSoard, F B ma, Episcopal Fund C Derrick. Ge.-n;an Werk J W Miller, L J Powell, R Boo .h. P 0 AdvocatsI Dillon, Thus Van Scoy, T L Saiia. Tha afternoon of Wednesday was taken up with the work of committees Iu ths even ing a ser.non was delivered by IP S Harring ton, past r of the church at Seattle. The M E Conferenc was taken up Thurs day with reports of committees aud general conference worii. lo,-day nnd to-morrow the work will be the same. On Sabbath Bishop Hqrst will preach in the Court House at 11 o'olook, a. in. at which time there will be no sarvioes in the other churches. Iu the evening there will be preaching at tho same place, but no ap pointment has yet base made. Ths Conference will close on Monday. p!ace, la tbe faWNa ' I oh 0 ftbe soldier, named ih-ynddje that AIN-n near the navid wtit. h will probably prove fnla'. DiinaM.. wo Mi mUm through the hind bj LfeobH. snd has since had thr lockjsw. Wb.ilir ti will die on n d la not kuew n. sa e efaarlmrat lu M l. .i aud Rogri. oi i . ' 'Hassks are harvesting If they only n.'t -rain as well as lliey Can a l.ldcr t i. .! n. .-i.' i'i.-. t-. double wages. There it a you M man in tbtatity-who wilt u A j Jin tU tire drparttnei.t be would , - hi clothe dirty. Xys Si llocbstedler b'th nf No '.''a are tiaing over th old It jbiuson saloii, to bs ssed b S nn Caineu a a wbutessle liquor houae. Tlie n.-xrloa usel there will not bsi rotted by water. Tbe I1rit was that of Mr. Ilutslnplllsr which occurred sbout hslf past three. He hsd hltchod his team in front of Kedflrld A Irvlac'e, when snie water ws Miilr(ed from tbe oyprH side of the st res, on the colts wblcb wm with them. They did not like cold baths, very natur ally, and showed their disgust aoernphatb eally that tbe team beenm frightened and breaking tbe strap which tied them atarted east, turning by ltngdon's and making the dust fly along Perry Mt. la front of Hewitt .V Brynnt's Ibey turned over tho hack snd drew P. In that condi tion down psst tho Court House until they carne to the Kvanaelb-al Church, when Jrant Ilalgbt u-oe:do I In uniting them by the bit nnd nftor circling areiind with t bem several times put a stop to their run ning. As tho hsek was a very strong one not very much dsmsg-e ws dono. The tongue wss twirled s little, two nut 'caps ost, and the top slightly deranged. Tbe principal losaon learned by this was that Miopia should be careful about throw log water on horses. We have lizard of sev eral iwlog frigbtenod lalelv. The to think it fun, but it Is not very much for I bo owner of horses. It would not be a bail Idea tostopit entiro'y on First stioel halween S and o. Tho next oceurrnd fifteen minute peat Klovmi Saturday. Mr. John llardinan had loft bis toarn, which weie nlteborl to a hack, In front e.' t'orirad Meyer, when they suddenly aUHod. ami tntUnl M loug First atreet at a very pea-oable rate, irniiigat tbe Exidtange llwttd tb.-y ln- creaasxl their speed ti; Washington, but In ntteinpting to turn at Third Street they were oom el ied to rnn on tbe sidewalk In front of Mrs. Itlaln's. snd here they were stopped by the trte. No damage a done. A interesting future of tie affair was: on returning to it starting place Mr. Hardman waa offer.. I 11S3 for Hie off boras, sod accepted It on the pot. Miaoaj looming another runaway, or tw, runaway on urred, whl.-h did not termloalo ao fortunately as th others. I I Ul.l . . . jn nimm-r, S" OIIJ paUlO'l lV U TOUtlK Arriout m.y v.aa takiag a n il near the it v. when his heme took Ii in his besd to run, anddid without an v -,freaionv, break ing the wagon some, but not so tbst It wae not eaaily flaad. Tim hore waa atop- J ami brought to tbo eity .-,d l.nmeU ai-iy iiMc.-nil to anottj-r wanon. Mr Malger was aoroniiainled by Thus Gurley ins inn... I bey had gono out boar tbe fair ground and were turning aiound to tart back when tbe wagon overturned throwing both oul. The bone started on a run, kicking at a trrrlh's rate, with tbe wagon bottom aide up. but the chaise and barnea being strong, stal l with tbe horse so that he only ran abou. a block, but In that abort distance had time to cut himself in a severe bind )eesevtral bad gashea being made. Ha waa taken to tbo barn back of W H Hastnat', where be has been kept. Mr tjurley ami Mr Stnigor were dressing his wound, the formsr be Ing near his h-1. Th h eras in endeav. oring to rtaa frm a reclining poaltion struck Mr Hurley on the k nee, jamb ing it quite badly, o tha. be has been unable to do any work alnee hot fenuna'eiy nc b f.t s wno broken. for wheal. warehouse. OUR PRICE LIST. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, 75C. ORECOH KIDNEY TEA. 90C. En?o!!;Lrv o , it mum discovery, $1.25. WARNER S KIDNEY & LIVER CERMAN SYRUP. BOC. CURE. fT.I OA. AIIP.II.QT H ftwca enr MALL'S RENEWER, 75C. ST. JACOBS'S OIL 40C. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, 75C. S0Z000NT 60C. LUBEN'S EXTRACTS 7..C. CONCENTRATED LYE 4 BOXES r,0C. CONCENTRATED POTASH 4 BOXES :,0C s partial list of our new prices, soss to give the reader of this Of ilOW WS Sell ffOOSlS. W liars maito oxl.n.ico nn the regular prices of onr stock and propose te sell at prices lower than any other drug house in tin- Htote, and if a saving of ir to 2o cent on every dollar's worth you lay In our Jln Is any ohjeet to your Ir adeith us and we will guarantee to satisfy the mrad skeptical as to prices and quality. McCOY & ELLERT, Froman' Block. Albany, Oregon HOP BITTERS, 75C. AVER'S VIC0R.75C. H. H. LINIMENT, 75C. POROUS PLASTERS 3 FOR 50C GENUINE FLORIDA WATER ,0C. Han loaned the aisnpaon Warehouse anil entirely oserhanled It. placing It lit good condition, no thai he is pie pared in nlore 'grain with perfeet aafWy . He will alia pay Hie IIICIIiEST MARKET PRICE Tboar wlsfeiag aaeka ess stave thean ay railing at Ibe taaartl rr-.,r., Wilson Ulain, Assistant Chief !'.ufcinesr, duriag tbe absence of Cbiof ('lark, wilt act ia his place, and can lie dependr-d on in case of fi te todo hia dutv, ubatercr day ftf tbe week it happen ou. (eo rge Ktab, of th Hooka, ka accepted a jKMiitiou iu McKarlacd k Toniikii.' bard ware a tore. He u a thorough brent i, and conaenusBtly should be a goinl tinner. Mr Coffee ia an active member id No -' Th Indies ' !'! u C'inb miht save money by manipulating The committee apointel to raiae funds for No l's steamer sre encouraged by ths ont look, so that it will uot be long before s steamer will be ordered . The Aunnal diction of fUstS of ldnn BngsSO Co &0 wctirj on the evening of Sept. 4. mianr uiM.r, uutrt llewaro of ths stuff that prelenia to cure these diaoases or otbor aerioua Kidney t'r-nary or Liver ISsecsos ss they only lelievs for s time snd makes you ton litnea worse aficrv ards but re'y solely on Hop Hitters, tbe only remedy that will surely and p-rniantly curs you. It destroy snd removes tho cause of disease so ir-uslly that it never returns. . i a A Bare t'aaace Ang. 22, 1822 PraaatitMayor, iUooruar, Marshal. Al.'a ss4t ll'ackburn, HoiTtnas, Hideout snd Harvry. Absent lutnning. Cotamtttee on Ktrewtasnd Public Pioperty r ; rt d that they had ettminel the aide- walks, and found tliera wttb a few escep- . a Sla .-a v.euatu go.m repnir. asu. tnat they were till being repaired. Hspirl av-ptad and Bled, also that they had found tbe diteh ruuairtg east of Conrad Meyer in Lad con dition. Report wsa laid on table. On motion Recorder was instructed to ad vertise for bid to be received at tbe next regular tneattng. for removing the old engine house of Ko-'J'a. l'stitiou for sidewalk along the east aid of Raker street front First to Canal road was referred to committee on S.iet-tnd I'uhlic I'ropsrty. I'etitiou from propcrt) o a iters in block 3 or alley aewer read and granted. Marsha) to notify work to be done in 'Mi days. Tetition of Mrs Houk for rebate of iicenec read and referred to Committee on Licenses. Petition to declare John Johns a common drunkard read and graated. 1 lie Marshal was ordered to notify ths fcsotra iu block 3 to build a In foot side walk, where necessary within 30 day. Also the owner to cover up thu well sn lot 8 iu said block .1. CII.LS Al.UiUto. I Q Denny, $$ 53 ; I G Denuy, $J2.30 ; N J Heaton, $15 80, O M t V.ffaa, $2 ; Jso Hnish, .vi.-. K U Murrav, r : : ; Jno Brigg. $411 41 ; l!U Murray. S3 ; K K Pierce, f2. j-'jimi. .M msrxkt. Rulter- fair to gorid, 25?. Clie'-ae regon. inc. Wheat -Valley. I I Ha.. 1 -1 Oats oOc to IMS-. Ha-on liarns. Hie to 17-. aboublera, ln; to lie. I. .i !:'.:; la p.. . Cbic-kana .0. ra, .Vl ... Mrio, dfari v. Potatoea 93c. Hope-best, Me. Hidesi-dry, 15aloc ; wet atUd. 7fic. deer aklns, valley, 30e. Driest KruhV apples sun cared (VTe. machine cured 91 Or. Flour Fsney estrs,gS; e. b. A.UfHa.ZU Hsy -lOTo-is. a I. HAN r lllkt KT. Wheat TO- per bubd. Oats 40c lard - 15e j i r lb. Reef on foot, fio. Waff Ha, Plour O.00 per bbl. I lay -laded, liu per ton. looae, 10 to UL Potatoes 75c per bus hi-!. r.otier 2 ' to 30 cis per lb. rota's '8 te 20 cenU per doa. roi k -O cu per lb. Venb-Oc per lb. Racons hams, 14 te 10c. shou'dera, 10 to lie. sides. 1 1 to 15c. Dried Km t--nil dried apples, 6c. m plans, 1c. 1 1 is bine cured apples, Sc. " " plum. 10. Chickens 3.00 per doa. Sugar San Frandac C, 12c. Mil! l'eed-btan, 10.00 per ton. shorts, Uh middling, 20 00 ebons, 23 00 I Marti te Lave. I i Our handaome snd dashing friend Gee. i W. formerly of Albany, but now of I Portland, i aojeurniog at Yequina. George bt a great favorite with the ladies, ami baa beeu he innocent cause of many an aching heart. He has only been st tbe Ray for two wwka, and yet we learn that his tender feeling are all moaned to Hin ders be a valley belle. He eras found re centlv walking tbe w hsrf at three o'clock in tbe, snd when naked to ex plain thi atraage and unnsual proceed ing be clapped hi hand upon b'e boeom and exr-laimed : "b ! She 's going sway this morning ! What shall I do ? Ilia friends suggested that he take something snd he took. oWnfM Leader. icwais : Will be paid for tbe detection and convic tion of sny person selling or dealiog in any bogus, counterfeit or imitation Hop Bitters, especially Bitters or preparations I .. .1 i, .r a Hiiui.iasoru nop or tioi-a in taeir nswe or connected therewith, that Is intended t mislead and cheat -the public, or for say preparation put up in any form, pre tending to be tbe same as Hop Bit tew. The genuine hive cluster of Green Hops notice thia) printed on the white lnbet and are tbe parent and bat medicine on earth, especially for kidney, liver and nervous diseases. Beware of all others, and of all pretended formulas or reosipes of Hop Bitters published in papers or, Far ale, aa they are frau Is aal swindle. Whoever deals In any but thegenni'e wi.l be pnseecutcd. II or Brrmna Bra. Co . Iw4 Rochester, 54. Y. i In another column will he noticed a dis solution of partnership of tbe well known tirm of Koz, Bum A Co., N. Bum retir ing and Otto Fox conttnuhi; until their immense stock of genet a! merchandise, consisting ef a $28,00J atook In all branch es, Is disposed (', a cbsnce which hss nev r been offered te tbe people of ldnn Coun ly before. Gootl will bi put right down to cost and below, and sold tbey will lie. Mr. Pox being in San Fra nelson compel9 bis move. Bo thatdhoss who want gen hona tide bargains will do well to come forward immediately, Look out for their advertisement hi next wonk'sDrf socit.vr. iu 1 1-nt at of 4'ourl. A Wuchcuheim, ef fjan ishurg, hss been commlUed to the county Jail at Pcrtlund, by order of Judge Deady, foi contempt of couit in refusing to answer certain interrogations propounded to uim iu the Uuited StaUs court in refer ence to the disposition of certain proper ty in his suit. When Lattlca urc attrnrllve. All ladies know their faces are most attractive when free from pimples. Par ker's Ginger Tonic is popul if among them, lwjcause it banishes impuruJsa from blood an,d skin and makes the face glow with health, .-- a In a healthy spirit. Be hoalthy by cleansing your blood with a few bottles of Plunder's Oregou 'Blood Purifier, and thus purify your spirit. Found aVLaat. An agreeable dressing for tbe hair, that will stop its faUlng, has been long sought for. I'arker's Hsir Balsam, Isllnguished for purity fully supplies this want. rHghtfal trrhlrr.t. A few dsys sgo s party living In Sum merville went into tbe mountains buckle berrying. Last Saturdsy they started to return horns. In descending a steep hill tbe brake, on a coach loaded with ten per sons snd drawn by four horses, gave way, oauning the wagon to run ou to the team ; and the horses plunged with fearful rapid ity down tho road. Harvey Rtnehart, who was driving, somehow lost two of the lines, and with the others tbe team was drawn out of the road aud s'ruck the root of a tree, which caused the coach to roll over and over down ths mountain side. Mrs. Rlnohart bad her right leg broken in two planes ; also her arm was broken and her left hip dhdocated. Iler husband es- cip-id with a dislocued Anger. The other casualties were : Harvey Hlnehart a deep gash cut ever his right eye and badly bruised : Miss Hugg, left arm bsdly cut snd bruised ; Ed Herring, thumb dislo cated, Tbo hiltnce of tbe party were slightly bruised. At last aneounta all tbe wounded were doing well, and hopes are entertained of the-r ultimate recovery The wonder is tbst tney wore not all killed. We do not want any sneh pleas ure x unions in ours..-Jnier County aV it. . Friend ly Xstvb-e One of tbe moneyed men ef .Ashland wanted to shirk bis town tax, and asked a lawyer recently if tbe town could com pel him to pay it. Tbe lawyer examined tbe town charter, and gave his c pinion in the premises, after which lbs public-spirited citisen reluctantly loosened tbs chronic pu deer of bi purse string and paid the tax. Heen afterward tbe lawyer applied furs $6 fee. 1 bo rich man told him hla advice bad been sought merely as that of a friend, and that he (the moneyed man) would not pay a cent for it. Tbe lawyer sued blm, snd tbe Justice decide? in fa vor of tbe 5 fee. Tbe wealthy citizen, anticipating such a decision, bad bought a note against tbe lawver and had tbe five dollars credited u pen it. Instead of paying It in cash. So s very body bt hsppy Tbe town get Its tax, lawyer gains his fee and tbe rich man doesn't have to pay it in pslnfullj -drawn, hard caan. "Tiding." a Fate irVVaallsn- Anyone u tiering from habitual eoiwi pal ion, torpidity of tbe liver, colds, fevers, headaches, restlessness, sleepleeenesa, in dignation or ether ills arising from a dis orddred or inactive condition of tbe liver, stomach and bowels, and wishing to give Syrup ef Pigs a thorough trial, can buy it of Rector it Sen Halsey, Foabay A Ma son, Albany, who will agree to return your money Hit fails to set promptly and aatlafactori'y. Why ia Mrs. L.ydin C Pinkham'a Vege table Compound like the Mississippi river in a spring freshet? Because the immense volume ol this healing river movta with such motneutum tbst it sweeps away all obstacles and ia literally flooding the country. Ta Tbe fregon and California Railroad Company have employed Mr D D Pretty man, ef this city, says the Salem "Talk," to secure specimens of fruit snd grain raised in Oregon, to be tent to Minneso's and placed on exhibition at the annual State Fair of Minnesota, which opens est tbe 4th of September. This ht a wise move in the ra Ureal company, and they abouid by assisted by everyone to make aa good a abow as possible at the fair, of Oregon fruits sad grain, aa 1 by exhibiting them in tbe East a great many persons will be induce! to come to this Stats from that eectlou on tbe Northern Pacine railroad. NOTICE. II Srari After taking some highly puffed up stuff, with long testimonials, t im to II-p Hitters, and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinary Troubles, Bright 's Disease Diabetes er Liver Complaint. These diseases cannot resist tbe curative power of Hop Bltiers: besides it is the best faro ilv medicine on earth. ins 1 wish to say to my aeany friends ami former jstfrecs of Linn and adjoining tfoao ties that I am again oa tbe track with tae golem wood pump which ia very much proved ; improvements which na other possesses on the coast. These pumps will draw water faster and easier than any pump in the market See these pumps snd yon will be convinced. Oar guaranty for those assertions are, we will let yoe try tbe pomp before yon buy. If ycu do not see as, write to&bedd aod as adltill your orders prompt ly C. R. TiiSAsnxx. We have this day appointed Mr. Robt. A. Foetar, agent or the Guardian Assur ance co , or London, ror Albany ana vicinity. mji M.N. CHuncii at to. Aug. 21, 1882. General Agents. GUARDIAN ASSU&AHCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED, A. li. 1821. Capital subscribed, Capital paid up Notk. -This company has the largest psid up capital ef any company doing business in tbe Vnited States. Insurance accepted by TtonT. A. Poarrn, Agt ef Albany. flO.OOO.OuO . 5,000,000 The Kallreail. On Msnday tbe terminus of ths O A C railroad was ohanged from Reasburg to Myrtle Creek. Hossburg bss been the terminus since November, 1882, receiving some advantages thereby and now manyt doleful predicliotiv are made about the future of this city. We have uo fears on this subject. Roseburg, as tbe county gjst of Douglas oourty, with its accumu lated capital stored therein, its wholesale stores, Its warehouses and its centrsl posi tion, must command the samo business it always held, with tho increase that will follow with tbe completion of the rai.'road to Sacramento. Should a rod be built to tho coast , as It will be at no distant day this oity will be the centre or trade for Southern Oregon. Possessing all the elements of vitality P. can never be dssd it it docs sleep. "Plslndealer. Took Up. I took up, July 14U, and have in rsss ture ene bay roars with bli-c face white bind legs, white spot on fore foot, branded i a sbeve sn A on right shoulder; one sorrel mare with white spot in forehead, same brand ; one bay colt and one sorrel colt, yearlings, branded 9 on right shoulder. The sorrel mate has a suckiug colt. Wm. G. II .RiACti, Walton's Ranch, W. V. aod C. M. nan bji Murkhslttr r Hertlas. Notice ia hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Albany k Santiam Woter Ditch or Canal Co., at their office in Albany, Oregon oa Tuesday Sept IS, 1882, at two o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose of electing seven directors to serve fer the ensiling year. J. II. BVUXHSKT Secretary. L. Eutiss President. When we see a medicine advertised to cure a half doawt or more classes of dis eases, we coo dude that it is a humbug. And having noticed that the proprietor of Amnion's Cough Syrup only advertlees or claims It good for coughs, colds snd lung complaints, we were induced to try It, snd now take pleasure a recommending It to rretl eta. CONK GARBING ER, On Aug. 123, 1882, at the residence of Judge Flinn, by Judge Flinn, Mr. Thos. H. Cose, of Wallowa, and Joswhink B. Garsincek, of Albany. The happy couple left yesterday noen for California, where they will resido. They take with them the best wishes of tbe man warm friends Mrs. Cone has mado dating her stay here lavlcFatlss F" For tne brain and nerves is what we need in these dsys of rush aud worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies snd brings good health quicker than any thing yon can use.- Trlbvir. See another column. THE CREAT CUREl TOR KIDNEYS, LI VCR ilaiasii eTta BOWELS. aadftal eaSaeaac sroJeS THOUSANDS OP CASES won Sows ef Uus terrftrf d wen quioJUy reUevad. ead ia short i PERFECTLY CURED. ssssccurrsJ