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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1882)
t STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AlVKKTBlJt RATE.S. 1 wk " I n. 3 m 6m I yr at. 001 If 00 ISSUED BVEUY FRIDAY 700 tooo tmmx Imb 2 1 " I V J Csl i 60 5 0l 00 G 00 7 t0 r oo V2 00 Ifl 00 CLAIBH. STEWART. It I SIM OFt 14 Kla Bfmorrnl MUIiu nrosrtalbla tr-H. TEHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION vjv, per rr fa WJ i-. pi, NX in. "ith 3 00 ouv, threr bjooUW 100 1e number 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I rUN. O. H. CHAMBKRLA19. FL1NN & CHAMBERLAIN T ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. noromce in Foster's Brick Block. -ex utmnir K. B. STHAHAN. I.. Btl.YKU. STRAHAN & BILYEU. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregou. PRACTICE IN ALL THK COURTS OF this state. They Rive special atten tion to collection ana probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick . 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEAT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. upstairs, over John Briprga store, 1st street. vI4n23tf J. E. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AXBMMY, OBIXOX. W triLL PRACTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE State. Special altos Uoo irO en to outiecUou and probata utter tTOOc to Odd Fellawe Tempt. H:J J. C. POWILL. W. R. niLTKC POWELL & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. ... OBKUOM. Collections promptly made on ell points. Loons negotiated on reasonable terms. nerOffice in Foster's Brick. -Wa. vl4ul9tf. T. P. HACKLEHAiV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBA XT, OBE4.0V . nerxiffloe up stairs In the Odd Fellow's 'empte-. v!3n50 F. M. MILLER, A PTOUNKY AT LAW LBRAMOX OREGON W:u praetlce in ail the courts of the Slats, i'rotupt attention given to collection, con vtyaucMs sad examination of Titles. Probate BssnsAmos a pcialUy. vl2n30tf. J. A. YA1YXIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORTALUS, OREGON. pr SVOlBce in the Court House Tl0nrL GEORGB W. B1R.NEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PBIXEVILLR. OEKCOV Collections promptly made on ail points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALOIS?, OB ECO WILL practice in all conrts of the Stats, snd cive special attention t collections. Office in O'Toole's Block. B. R. SKIP WORTH, irtORVtf AX COIX.SBLOR AT LAW AJCs SOTAKT PI BLM . WILL practice in all conrts of the Stats . 1 basiness intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Office in 0' Toole's Block, Broada&in Strut, 45yl Albany, Oregon. E. G. JOHNSON, M, !., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office In Froman's Brica, two doors Hast of Conner's Rank. ulO LEWIS STIMSON'S LIf EKY AMD FEED BTABLE. First class vehicles, fine horses, good food, accommodating proprietors sod rea sonable charges. Giro them a call. Bsnblea near Revere House. 6yl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON ysssusiA E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. StaHonery snd Toilet Articles, A I -arge Stock and Low Prices. OITT DEUG 8TOEH, tyl ID I XT, OEEGSK. FOSHAY & MASON, VUOUB.A' V AB0 SB74SV Druggists and Booksellers, . ALBAXY, OREGON. vl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, Cwsei riret sad COiworfli Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r. This now Holt J U fitted cp is first class stylo. TeMcs supplied with tits best the market eflorJa. Spring Beds in every Room. A good Sample IWu lor Com lueroael Traveler. OTFree Oaefc tm mm frSN OW Hotel. Tfa J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. BOOTS AND SHOES made to order, snd repairing done wfoh neatness and dispatch, end at iow uricsn. Call and see hrm. First Street, Albany. 41yl Aioany Bath House. rHE UNBBRSI6SBD WOULD RESPECT ft tally inform the eitissns sf Albany snd rl Salty that J hare taken shargs of this Establish inent, and, by keeping stsaa roomi sad payia strict attention ts basis, ezpecu to sett si these who may favor as with their satrensfs Baring heretofore carried on nothing sat First-Gins Hair Dressing Saloons, cxpeeti to give estirs satiifao.ioo ts ml sTGhUdrsa snd LadNs' Habr nsathr on shtstpoesd. JOS WEBBER. VOL. XVII. MRS. M. BAUM, has just opened a ulce selection ot General Merchandise AND GENT S FURNISHING GOODS, which shs will be abls to sell st reduced prises. HIDES AND PB0DUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at tbs highest market pries. All are invited to call before buying else where. 223 BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon la the BEST and CHEAPEST. MORRISON PLOWS Batehslor Yangelder Spring Har rows, STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & P. Wood Pumps, Ha' Tresses, r'auniug Mi IN. etc., For Sale at Lowest Rates by W TEL GOLTRA, ALBANY, OR. 16yi JAMES DANNALS, MASurxt n sis Aim s sales ts FUBNITUBE i BEDDING. C'oraer retry sad Seesvad Streets. ALBANY, - - OBEGOH. tsadayl THE BEST REMEDY roc Diseases of the Throat ani Lungs, sflY7dV In diseases of the pnU A itV7 tnrmnrv nrmni m. anfn and reliable remed j is invaluable. Arm's C'lIKEKr PKCTOttAt. is such a remedy, snd no other soemlnently mer its the confidence of the nubile. It is a sci entific combination of the medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of tbe finest drugs, chemically united, of such power as to Insure the greatest possible ' efficiency and uniform PECTO ity or results, itstrikes at tbe foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, snd is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, tbe youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Urouehitis, Influenza, Clergyman bore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, tbe effects of Area's Cherrt Pec toral are magical, snd multitudes are an nually preserved from serioov illness by its timely and faithful use. It tbould be kept at hand in drery household for tbe pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. ' Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, ss they contain no curative qualities, cau afford ouly temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint tbe patient Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment ; and it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use Ayek's Cjisbuy Pectobal, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to core all pul monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOU) ST ALL DBC06ISTS IVEBYWBBSE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED- DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT merit, s specific for Hrsterts, Dizziness, Cen rul.ious, Nervous Ilessscbe, Msatsl Deyressios Los of Memory, Spermatorbae. Impotencjr, In voluntary emission, premature ekl f e, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or oser-indulcsaee, which leads to misery, decay sad deatb. Oas box will cure recent illness. Each box centals one ssenth's treatment ; one dollar s box, or six boxes far Ss dollars; sent by sasil prepaid oa receipt ef price, We guarantee aix boxes to curs any ease. Wits each order received by us for six boxes, secempsnied with fire dollars, we will send the psrehaser ear written guarantee to return the money if the treat ment does not effect s cure. On ran tees issued ouly by WOODA1U), CLARKE A CO, Wholesale snd Retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. Order by mail st regular prices. A STOCK RANCH m EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acres, with good uiside ranrs, located nessr Bridge Creek. in Wasco county, together with about 25 to exehang for land here in the WinaomttH Valley. Now, if you want to sell y ur farm and go into the stock busi ness in Eastern Oregon, here is s chance for yos. Call on or address C. H. Stew art, Albany, Oregon. conn. ' mwmni RAL m tt vS ClRMANREHFDY iron RHEUMATISM P Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Goat, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings ana4 Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headacho, Frc Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prvvsretlua on aarth equal - J l a. a sr, swrw, tttttptf SS 1 shsSSJi !.'. A trial rnuiu lu( tb SSSSassstr1 Utfliug osUey of ('rats, end rr en m with twin ess bar cbcap sad puaiwve j i - f of Ua stshsa blrectioss Is Meres Lsnftaagoe. GOLD BY ALL DRDQOI3T3 AHD DEALi.T, IS MKDICIBE. A. VOGELER &. CO., IMalttmor, MtL, f. S. A. r-TtTErJTiS Trade Usrka. Orssyrisu, ste., fur lbs ruM ssstas, Ottsda, Cuba, Kng land, nance, i-nuui r.esa Vo have sad ttstrty-n ve years exprrtcbre. rstsnUiiNsliusI Ihroagh us are noticed in Use Ici vii.iv asHNU. y WV auu sptouuxi I i.U. trsUrf irre!rpsrr.$3.'iOaresr.ih.w.iho !T.n Of Sdeees. Is rr lnlsmcUag. sod ass sn etwra as eUssUaUno. Addrres Ml'!tN A (ti , tu .1 h las, pub's, of Scternric Asrsn , 37 fax Bow, sos)sss sysirs BWJUt t SSsaTTlUi ise Mt J. 11. Ratm, ttawsnanei i. thv ing Atfont, 41 Park Ibiw ( flntsv, Bui! Hi r New York, Is authorised i. enatrnel fr advertlturtieaSs in the 1 m.kat st . ui King of th9 Blood 1 no s mltf It ts a Moed pee! flrr snd UisJ. Isaisuity 0 Umd i-.uvmk III" yu-u. !rran.-. jaacimiBMiua. .on mu. it..ju --. run i . !ta.nlrra, knows by dJni.-nt cimw u I'.iina-uUti i; m ec oordius; hi eiTrcta. bul tminc rsllr LraarsSS CT pbasraof Ibat rrvat sn.-: .. r Isapsrliy ef Bleed. Soeh are l7ayrjw.'. :.f,ouana, ft " (.''jqUui. ( SShtthasfSsSt. .ft . u. ltTtl, r. moKt. kiflfif'i'.CMi't 1; H', . k if... Iltitrt f t um. Vrvpcy, Kuin 'j o., IMi. Maessaesssj Os larrh. Afe-meuiii. liim-r o-r, .. Vi. I icm, ttwl.lng: 4V.4C k las of the Kloed pt' ' ' i BS r-tirr thr.- ' iu'k ih.' cv . luil '.!"!. v of t!-e lUorvd. ci'niUta ana hvlni. nsr Is csl I'M 1 "in. !i mi i-nnuin. end rfT-li m jtv'S ration fo II i a.." hu't liy iMmrsl.t si pi! bottlu. f- I. tHiiia. rn-timit. A' , If) ari PftW:. "traa l t.., U a. cf ll.o tl wrst.U'd P l "11 . sV. AtSSMJ. so.f A 10.. i-Tsvv. Buffv:3. T jHassw asssBsaw fnd for on r Kew I litis! ra- m ted Price fl.t gAW No, 30, for WkWkW kmT FallsndWin- tcr of 1881. Free to sn j address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. Wc deal directly with the consumer, ud sell all goods in say quantity at vholesale prices. You can buy better snd cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 7 ond 220 Wabash Arcnue.Chicago.Ill NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL WHO ARB INDKBTKI) T MB or have aoy business to transact with me, are hereby notified list my aitslrs ae lota in the hands or Mr..Simon S'iieobach, of tbe firm of Monteltb A Seitonl-ii. Jj. Klink. RED CROWN MILLS. BAUARD.ISOM & CO., PltorU'S. BKW PBOCBrM FLOl'B SUPBUIOB FOK F VMM. II. AXD BAKERS t;hK. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Caah for Wheat. ALBANY - eiyi - OR. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Plummer dried fruit at full market prices ; Will send a com netent nerson to aslrise fruit growers as to culUvaion of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of unproved sorts at moderate prices ; Will sell riu miner Driers through LUm, Denton ana Lane counties. Isstters to be sent to Corvallis Trrv1 f,oi pany, Corvallis, Benton County, vrogon WAJXIS NASH, President. Jaxbb Rba-Oman, Sec'y. January 1, 24wfi Notes Lost. The fallow ing notes have been lo from ths safe of the city Drug Store, which all persons are warned not to purchase ; ouo for 200, due July 1st, 1879, made by En eampment Lodge : one for 8150, que in 1881, made hy John Wallace; one for $100, due in 1879, made by John Elder and endorsed by Lutbsr Elk ins : eno for $5(H' mads by John Morgan, with a Cr. off30su ke back. All ef said notes being psysble to Elijah galtniAi&h. Any person knowing of the wberoabeuts of tbe same are requested to re ort to the subscriber, J!i. OAuTJIAUSn. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH IT, m:uv WABUBti-.i nr.B on l ung rit LM i raTsHTIaH ' ThN Rrcut titirstioii In polltlcsl eoonfiny vuj brought before Hi" ntteuilon of cutntnoii pooplo l.ocauin it was their vales ihAi woold (tttef mine Urn jiollcy of tlm nation. ii (the leclurur) orlorfHl with .o,t Info iho udvocucy or tree-uida proclplet, b.'('uus' ho ix iicvoil tint pretettlon was not oiIy wroiK' its its methftUM of developing ItM.lf, inn no bur nt ho helluvi d it to be wrinjf in Its fwtil i ttit'it tut prinrlp!i 1. isiplimo A protect! I lariiT Hats prottcii'U inwur r ulity. f there wtu nee ihlog lent ceased tiu a,nterleoq beeri 10 beel svore tit n ktiother it wm tbeteve r ti . it.... ......... 1.. . .. S II r 11 . V il rocti m unMI lliclt Jihoity imMniiro. ujxm Hi" lloerie ui otln r mini. Tiu Anuri -t:i uiibt coinm.ind tlp man ufscture of tho world, but be lumt not Lrinir tbeeo home, If a in in admired a pelntltt or a rtefue he nttJt pay luMviiy to tho (feveranieo I to allow him lo brinjj It from the fount ry in which ho liud tbttod It. TeeOorerntntMil itoed wlthlti ofll cere t every port and obtlffOel Kim ehee ho rutuiiu tl, to nveir th it ho imd breeffhl nothlog heme tut blm itlf an i hi skin. It w.m taid, how over thtt thU wis a protinMion to American in ItiMr'. ):i m tny torefgo nrlloh s thero was a peoeltjf of nearly 100 pereeiii !The Men m ed to lo thai Iho I'unkres wcro our breihera, bet the t Euglishnion were oor eoeenJeAi Bythli policy Amerf. eo eeeaejeiTe bed beeo vtdiuigu deetrojred ; the beltdiog of i i, that wa4 nneo tlm most exteoeUe trade in Amertee, bed now welt-ulgh dleeppeered. A protectlfe terlff en asonrco of iiiju-',iif f':rt!.r, iu- much af It tree tho peretit ef lodirect tsxsth-'i. W hen tctxatlon sveedtre! overy i ii en w com elh d :U j. atout wl a th ; ,v , ,. . . , , with It mom y. V)ho ooa end t I eente x r i !.-. s i that ws- o i, , t t . . i n tiot "r i. . 8, -. . i !. I v- .. ;. c lid n t irti .. lu i . . mil refOflMf, ' V U j ci.l I rimr up I in pn J e. a; ,t : . :;. - : .. . i.. . . asiiv. A e metier of wisdom tli rt was uo itonbt t i' direct ta.xii. cemmepdod Ii . lo every etaiceiaeo The Gevernn H - I the l7nJt4 il SuitfM was In f.r r incr .4 surplus rif money bOJ it 0781 of I A a . a . a - f os .; in industries ihtn a eery dltTurrnt tiilr g tir. uht to I tip n .ens. Tiio tnoinM pioteeted then ell tben bf bHgbte dis was done t- pi th 1 'H bine pe ami s 1. U 11. . snd bn!f j i tvt au Industry ass mtef)Hriea m.U skill. Dot t wi smi 1 .!. .-. . 1I.0 .s of i 1 g !. te nine - re i j ire i b it Itan UibtiW, It was sid tbet Attnitca w. a yottno eeOoire ai d could not stood in a kops tition strsitit s country thnt waj lone eeteUtabod eml bed eioeeer lalwar. It .tj 1. f...d also thel suaooflsotoree Rt. necessary f -t tii- I to- I t ef Cttil - zd on, end Abft e H'-'i tbal lcp4-hJ. rd ado Jly in agij oitoae o ! I novel h.v.-a bigbly i. vi.i.'-il j. ,..c. It .h tiirther 1 sil ibat neeeeet indaetgiee iik ebildeeit peel h (iroteeted in Usrirgrowtb. Pet e tieiifed iioi. i.i dosti ise ntgUt be belped by a protoo live polioY. Nov: for iwsrty years, however, they hil h-.-l that ttlf btit arhes e was thereto (adust rj t be bed bedthel befp the! w: 1. ew ui'linj to yivo it opf All theto protected ntenofaetaree were ut tk u :t , nd ley jai th breeet of tbe Q . t-rt:utif.t. It i e feel that fully one-third ot ISe wegeeoftbe eortting iu Ti was rrquiird to be paid to thss' aho Ltd rftt-ir ieddetrtsw protected and ahieb, but f r this proteetion, il.n hoi Uinriii'-ti would not baeetopey. A tf AEYeaAXP ::::; l B. The Ben Pranoiaee Argoneut U- aCt'ihcH u y$ ur I. : 1 I Imi l4.cou ill ihcso terms: "Ycty I'. w people know jtiht a hat it baitseone eaeaee. Weill If yen wraut to see one lo ell its glory, go to MsryUnd. The barbecue ground is socially located mar a lino entieg, Around its clenr vinteia aie hung u Beore of goard dippere. Btnrthif esrly iu tee) DsOfeiag, wo find the Cstners eltwedf bommitig '- e hive. Long, broad dttchee hsvu been dug, and these are llvMired with con's a foot dcej, over which aru leM greet spits; and on Lheee huo eerceeeee of h'a snd bolloebe. Furtberm beyond heo trenebee a:s great lei; Itree, whioh are kept eeoetaOt ly biszing, so that at any time ths ditches may ! iVjduuirhed with coali. Such hisfiing and crack I.Mg f s there ii above these immense fir m 113 tho mount ing tlauicn earl and wroitthn tbeeseelvee into great pelotnot cf smoke. Eteoree efcoachen, fcuggios and w.tyona are pouring in, filled with a laughing jelly crowd, ail intent upon n day's fmiic. Furaiiies come on horseback, while nut unfrequently can bo seen three riilcis on one undo. Clayly dtesncd ladies como with their escorts, and negroes pour in on foot. The whole country seems to have entered into tho frolic. Down by the great bciliivj kottlse nsar tho Fpiin the darkies are dressing sboat!, sheep ami great hevos. l'voiy animal is lsft wkjle, bub is split to the backbone. Long tables arc rjica 1 be neath tbe pino.. The horn is bloxrn for dinner. As the band sttilius np a lively air tho people wind in u long, fantastic lino in and out among the trees te the widespread tubles l-enpsth. Bihies crow and prattle, mothers cbpt together, while old people find they have not forgotten how to laugh. Cu tainly nothing san be more jolly than a Maryland I arbecue." Fief. S. loader of iciina huH beeh experimentiiii! -for ouio three yOarS oh the lnnnm ef blue ligVt in the tret- I ment of th ivnane, aj d rtootdsa quiet- j ing and a Atii ng intluincein cksb of f abnorni.ti y excitabli temperament. wanioi ir. jievenue enat migut ; .d . .aim o!s..rih.dtJKk betoiereted. bei whee a tsvriff weeiomn asrnt, s prsf ,.,u s ibel lutroducfd for tho porpow ef pr nteeta hy a B ... .4j v . . r. M. Sheets Ctm;tf Al. sj;ws Veil bat'reli of up) 1 wsr hsnif)l Bel in the h' recta of (Jlevelsiid the Otbaf dsy. I ) i c!i npi'lo wns steri pUled iho ad vi seigi i.t of a show. Mr. VeesWliilt asyn Maud H. will be tskuri to Nsw V iik nod driven on he r in dsuhU or siegle harness. i isrihi rarsoll, sad lesvet the tin!' with a record of 1:104. A ii.-.t fight is going on in Imdon ! i tbe nseeigriow of tbl Atlartio sod '.'ir..L Western Ksiliosd. Tks pro .! i., put the reed in the hsads of M' iM. Vsndsrhilt snd (lowan - in te pleeee Iho ropritr, ist the Trus ere BP in u-im, ami the wsr is he winii liak. This isad h is leet the 4 - nltalr public W f i? -..r till- ' j 1 nam suniBTn ia ss n ' wsi niiy ic in i-i 1.' 1 in Qeroiee Jeet now. At reoent election in a Wnrtaiiterg city, tbe teere I. nl I whs fairly kesised to rote, and tlm poNee I I to be sslUsl ' ' !o 1 1 1 a j ; ; so two creil. The Beeeeneh Stews as: A mei obe&t in Jswkeeeeillfi vU , advertises for lo.OOO yeung alligetOft. The little CrsSlteree urn ma is tbe pt of Northern faebioeeWee, and may yet Super lads poedoj 1'nppics. l'ashion haa brOOgnt this awktvsrd and uiisuKth oree tore i'.u eotioi and if tho style bolus aids fw yenrs it will result in ti elieet eewnlete xtitic'i-a. Tbe iotal eeetberef bogs' eeeke4 st CieeloaeAi fc the Winter ot lHSl to dote aru StS84,878, h decrease of 1 37, ."17 fr on tbe peevieste eeeeee. it is IbOOgbt n :i tig Senstois iu Washittgtoeth it S -ustor lliilcf i.i will die ftotn his nulsJy. Sccu-t.iry V''ii' r has rrd wol- i, of iiotiee o& sugar itccitlusi; te ; sj'' ip.nt o-.lor m hn iiesirted, piri s reoee bare Bae areeeUd at 1 for e 01 il t v iraiii 1 . A w" " 11 toe 1 1 i- M.hi i! t eilruad. h i vi Ion sf st"!hit t" lia oisl nied ou ths 11 tbetoc fi 1 ' '..ii I'lrvlesi ibat wee I . Anetria is bi m i . .-. Lus ft04iieu ot esj'tieg out re- - i .. . la aOeiostaty iis.'U,atfd. u.i Monday ufteal hs deree a. '. . t o , st l't P p b 'US, n 9ashiegto4 svue , u. o.s.f Mi. s .... M.i ..;.: a . :.slltittj- t by Mr. I.. lit ...... ti a a ll.v f." I ; I t, II' Kit. slt iJ A1C ItsllV )rsl-IS, Sl. 1 o r u hs 1 Mc ; ( '..! sires' ! f -r s T . 1 see is be t I bil'S'r re '.ipme : 11 'i .h n . 10 v .: I tbinbl thtt a pani wonuieae heojabj teutaj tbe Tn.. Tie people bare esitittly forgotten tbe i--onii 1 m 7 J. "I'liv are Bonding aWued onee more res tiive b.xurtos -thty sWO afsia eabhting in ell blede if fesoy teelre. and 1 a tstint of ussiest . Larprisee, Paet .d xpeneiee Itrtug beooeitng t'.er ii. People nee asiti wii ie t taku minu te risk in h Hie oPninkins vat Rsrtuaee. A alighl u oefa of j-sr.ic eedee h-rs cir eneeeeancee might prove a ued Mtnottitor.M V It la a eleguUf Isct that sejtsrs, Obl 0 htWilH of life linj,'llt brr sOppOsod I c MsdttOI to a OssTereel reu!r. are ex eeptioeelty long live!. Msckhn dinj t 107, ni"n st ttoge1 KeeiMa at M iei-.dy ol 00, Yont st 7(1, Pm Dedlerd st 1, Beebetone 77, Mstsd -nat 7!. Miss O'NellatSl, Mrs. Bid Ions ... 76, Mrs. lifacegtrille st HJ, Mr. AW gtoa st 71 Of thorn still living Webster ia 81, Mrs. KeoUy 76, pndl B J dill Qllberl is blithe and r V 1 L I'l. The build Mgi -f tbe Philadelphia rixlo1 .ilwii of l.S7' are widely scatters-I it Oiaaa I.l.ll 1.. . I lli.r. ! are hotels, ut iong H ranch at At- Inbtk Cit-, a nmuber are private s:iinBicr reeidencee, snd now tho main atroeture iu boil g teJcee down, soiao ef it tobolld stations along the Penueyl vai.i i Railroad, and therta'. for an iron mill iu i'lltsOnrv. Tbe art gallery snJ Hortiooltorel 1 1 1 reosein1 as they vece intended for po-uMnoiit frjturee of Pair mo oat Pei k. KBAl LirA l IH".; BAJXIXf CtTf It was a aoft and bihny night iu Hpiing; thu burning SMUxet was hang ing its goMcn U peat rial icroet the m ;i iow west, mid the elect vc light was just beginning to Ii. and spit along the mate ticets, when aider hnoe.'.er wo s.tliiig iu the elegant bo loir of widow Smith, whose rich brosn evsa and de liravble real estate penetrated tho elder's inmost thought. "Can yen, flarahl" he saiJ, tin owing hiii enormous hand upon her shoulder, on ths further side, "come to my home in ths Secend Ward, where I will be your slavel" 'Will thst squint-eyed first wife of youra be in do to stand around when 1 oomef "When yt ur duioet voice sounds through iho nnc?st.ral hallfl, Hanush will get to the coal bin. She'll have ubout five hours sleep a day, and work for you tbe ha'lAnco of the time." Insiile of the week they passed through the Endowment House where Elder Walls made them one. Old Snoozor took in a fir. o piece of real estate with a good looking woman, and was happy. Two years pAsaed, and the once beautiful Sarah, pending ovr the Wsshtub and Ismming the endowment rubs of the third wife viciously against a tre, until the suds falling ovsr the tender flswers give thoin new life in the hot July ami, is the sort of picture tbe pausing bull whacker contemplates. "Itow do yen like the new deall" asks thv fjivt wife, who is chopping woo l hard iy. And tho language of nifn No. 2 i not Qt to print in a hvuvilj tiewepHper. Soft Lake Tribune Stibacrioe for the Democrat. 188SS. sr in: n r.ns. Tho (MamoteleA berdoeh at Port- Let d at 184) Tuesday morning of lust Week roaehed Astoria at 1L':-'I0, loft at I , got outside at 2 Mr, p. f( hil reached her dock in Sn IsWeeieeo yeslurtley inomiug at 0:40 making the passago from port to purl i.i 4S hours end L'O minutes ; running tins", 47 and 60 minute. This i ire think, the fastest veyago oa record, though lhr time from bar to Imr h not near ly ay short as that of the "State" OS hours ami L'O minuted. The cane ef Joeenh Vi-!iMir for mo! ling boer lu kogn without stamps ujKin ihem, was dlemleefd In tho U. H. court Thursil y of last week. Mr. It. D. Wll on, having loeg been titixiotis to kill a deer, hot bought a Kt one which In has sufoly entfefed iu hh stalilo. Ho i . now shoot it at his leisure. Tho deer waa caught when a fawn ubotit a year ago by Messrs. Uy Warnoek and I,. Walien stln, of Hprlngwater. Or. "iij En tfrjixise. Portland's public teheois cost tho tax payers 002,071 M dutir.g the year ending March Oth an average of 00 for each pupil bel nglng te tho schools. There were fourteen children torn in Pendleton last week, heneo this manner of notifying the puhil . Wo do not feel able to ghe ttieiu n notice each, hut will do so if thwy will write tho weight, the condition of Iho in terested parties, etc., end teav them at this ofltre. East Ortyonimm. In tho lot of fowls sent by Judge Denny, the consul at Bhnnghei, ex British bark Nlo of Bete (a brother ef Mfs Wm Balaton, of this efty, are I pheasants, go L-irg-hun chick ens, 5 Japsnirso bantnm ehleken-, 10 Pekle oblckeee, I ehlf srool'y Mosw gol Iho chicken, J kH dork. K eepi io ubh-b died ne - iy end In port. eM the feais la g.-.i BOeditletl T I tfM I . i in p i. u-ai.t- ra like tlios.- tur:i d U - t i r QsSl (Jrcr.'- place hs ffur. An Jf rf wilt he made In ni-e ilcm tn Ct. Aekeey ne farm neat Si i :r, i- I Ing the hrm felted to ttteee. The Laiigshiins aro a largo black fowl nearly ga tbo (' bins. Tiie P. kins are srjnll fowl -imetlilu of a ban- ttm. Tb Jjpinose btniams nrr very ! rnsll and resemble t'.ie ilurk nings; that have loen tired here. Tim white OJOeljP iToegntlen sro something new HI this country and n aemble the Fremdi frdsHo. Tho f atbers turn to wsrd tbe head, the comb is roa arid ' a d vrk retl, the esr luhei are biur, I ojsklerf Ihem a very mid-looking ; bird. There is also a large lot ef '!:!- j nou fliwering plants, shrue and soeds of tho tallow Ireo. They eomo , to Hon M. ( '. OeofgO I r distribution. They will all be landed finej the ship today, and will be placed in condi t ioi to Iks exhibittNl, when duo notice trill bo given. Great credit is due Judge IlBnny for Ihe intarest he Is Ink teg in Introducing the Asiatic birds, fowls and phatssstsia Oregon, j Mod tho thanks of t!ioau intereited are given to ('apt. M Kvoy for his earn af thr m on the voyage.-. Orryou- ! s las, rtusoMt . Thv sav that Thoreau's BsOtlsBf ouce r-fused to many I)ani -1 Wobetor. Ksn KraneiscMUS are fund of afexicsn coff.-o when thev can gt it. TtiBt of I'olissa is thought tj lo ss goo I an Ueebe. The prrssnt i ' . r a POO silting i:; Washington numbs rs sin nig its inem ! hers eight Irishman, live Ke.gli.shue'ii. four ScrtcLuisu, ied throo Lrermsns. Lei tho peer Iudinn. The present a m ariS ft 1 S S ciiict ol t so t ttuioKoes is iisncri-wju as a highly edoQftted an I polish K gentle man, 1 in black broedcloth sod spotless linen, with euiorsl studs. Princs I . ' ! I wss in Ir a colonel iu order that hn might be married ia a becoming i. in for in, aieea fr a prince to be Bterriod in plain c'othes would Merer do in coart. When Johnson Stisuss conducted tho fui tistk perform tiice of btfl operetts, "Ths Merry War," lately, he bogged his friends uot te bombard him with ll')Vm( aud consequently the bott(ueta wcro all sent to h;s house. When a youeg man, wotkiag at liaineHK-ruakir.g in Herkimer, N. V , 11 treasurer fminetr practiced writing his aetogrepb hour after hour, till he brought his signstura to the stylo aud erpportiOBl which wo aro ntuttliar. Ai.h. Ho is now eighty. At the tho funeral ef Mid sine Tag lieno, Counteaa no Voisin. , who lately died in Berlin at tho sgo of eighty-seven, all the dignitaries of the imperial pa Use attended. She leaves a sen well merried ia England, and a daughter whose husband is an Austrian priace. James Dickson, aged twenty-three, is the youngest member of the House of (loaamons, and J. B. Hughes, aged eighty-four, is the oldest; while in the Qsosm's Piiy Council the Hen. J. W. Henley, aged aigsty -eight, is the eld est, and Prince Leopold, aged twanty oigkt, is the youngest. King Kalakaua of the S.ndwih Islands is fitting up the now royal palace ut Honolulu, which has cost about a quarter of a million, and has sent his chamberlain to this country after tho furniture, which he expoeta to buy ia Nsw York, Pailadelphia and Beaten. Ia the recent life of Sir C. Lyoll, the eminent geologist, occurs the following letter by him: "I am qaite clear, from all that I haTo seen of the world, that thsre ia more real independence io that o'ssk ot siciety who, pofsessieg niodarato uieaaa, are ongsgs! iu litera ry snJ fcienrttio hobHioeJ d ihst in ascending from them upward th., fil ing of iudepeudenos decreases pretty j uoarly in the shuio tatUi as iho fortunes increase. NO :;. Tli3 EpisooTial Church, bY liKV. BOOT. L. 8TKVEX8. VIII. Wu oar.not heip at this IftsO, IO SOW change of I -eln.g which hss lakwu place in our OUMMSlgy with rofelenco to the IJhinch. AlUt lifty years ago, Dr. Uarora, p , ;, known Preob) i. .01,1 ,,t bis dsv, ig( ''The sect is a eSOafl of shi i;r),iJ nan woild. ia this teed iti. and will coutmuo to bo It sniailest of ttr tribes of Iseeel ; its num'trs ace few in comparison with those ol other de nomiuatiena ; its ministcis sre also comparatively lev, ani (n joint ol talent, learning piety snJ moral worth, not eminent a-ov all ethers. It is at variance with the spirit of this age and of this Lnd. This is the age of fiee dotn snd iucb will be free. Tho reli gion of forms is uot adapted to the fioe movement, ihe enlarged viowx, t:Jf vatylug nlsus of this aae. It mial . . jar on American feelings, ft alii not no toiersUid try this community." Comparo this cxlrsct with lh nrorda of Ir. Hopkins, a professor in the Au burn Theological (Per.) Snsinsry. In tbe Isst number ol tbe I'mbiftrrian Heeitm in an article entitled, "the Prea byteiian Cultus," he usee this lanffusco oi an ine sects in tbo I iit'ed States, i he Episcopal is grow inr must ranidle at tho OroeaeA tin. a Is ia ftr,lm V w w evi ii. l l Z now congregations und orgsuidng new Hioceses with extrajrdinsry rapidity. a the other baud the PreabTteriea (.butch is aimott stalloi arr. It ra- quircs a close calculation to show that she is een holding hr own." This leap tcSlheot Dr. Meykioa admits ia a gain to na Hw eeyo, 'Th- traeks are all oi way. I.Kjk through any ciicle of onr i.wn aqusiri'auceship, ani et np the Pimbteriesi families, in hi. h ot.e, two or Ure (af the lauihs lis.- . !l listed into Ihe liiahoj s' ksskt. IL- at r b its '.bis iuw.L to tee eiy seusaa tin t I) . Ii naa . . uis-'c lbs Oanrcb aiasalss ur ibt pw.. p Io fl our cosioirj ; ih lloAtee ss- aeita, 'Ibal tbsB SO a ij thing lu the o,o of a I5x.k of Prayer esoruiiaiiy uu fsrabio to apt.uusiity cf worth ip, ta a uicjo flowing out cf a saut of easariaOCSl " IIw strongly ad eooatea tl o a. m,: a pceyer iok iu the Prosb; tcrinn Obstreh 1 rr sjsede tins digreadlon to shew that ; ibje' to ebieh attention ia eniissl, i-. OSM of ib questions ot the dsy aosBPjg Cbrtssane, ami not as some my think it, a d -ad issno. The growth o! sl.o K uv.ops; Church is not due, aa Dr. 11 ; kino tbiake, te her use of the Pisysr Boost, bnt to broad, OathoifC, eaeoWsBseie piinfiidee she teaches defiuite UoAb, and holds he ere- J Of the Carie.'ic Church, srithout the a 1 1. lions ot tho Cautch of Kame ou the cuk hand, or iho detractions or deuisis f ciai utnisrn ou the other. Joiii- jiople ra.j nee in being bound by no ci vt .1, the Cberoh is happy in bar ing ftp Apssssol o aueietry, teaching tho Apeatlte Cr ', aad iu tbe administra tion of ilie S .crsments accord i ig ia Apo..tol:c pinetiej. To return 1 1 our tbeear, Wrt ftOaseed the order prevailing in ike i 'much while Christ was on earth, first Himself the Head of tbe Church, and under Hira, secondly tbe Apostles, thirdly the seventy, and fourthly the tnjshfnt dionipbaa. Befeie His Ascen sion I i j committed His power to ike tweleo w',u were to sbspe aed guiJe the Cbatefa under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Taesii Apostls became tbe represeu t. iinei of tjhriaa upon esrtb. While Corist is tho E.crnal Head, his Apos tles wcru His Aibasaadors beseeching men iu Canst, steal to be reconciled to Qed. (II Osr. V. 30.) After His rea BffsWeesOB ii j sppeared to them and gao them this coinuiissiou. "As aay Esther has seut me, so send 1 you. A.nd whn s had ssid ibis, he breath ad on theui and eaith unto them, receive ye the Hjly Ghost." They were not to ontor Late thir otli.s h-iwerer until the visiblo dutcsut uf the Blessed Spiait ; they woie to tarry at Jeruaa lem so await his promised vaitatio n : "ye shall bo bsptiod with the Holy Ghost not many days hen.-e." Tbey did not urcAch ISj Gjspel until this promise was fulfiiloi on the day ef Pentecost. Their government was of the ame ftatore with that of Christ. "I appoint to you a kingdom, aa my Father halh aj)iointed to me." The keys of this kinjiciu wore first promia ed to St. Peter, as foreman of the Apostolic b.nJ, and then conferred equaliy upon the twelve in these words, ' Whoiesiover sins ye remit tkey are remitted unto them aud whosesoever sins ye retain, thy arc retained.'1 Af terwards tloso ssme powers to their fullest extent were conferred nnou 8t Pa si , hs we learn frombia own words "I was not a whit behind the very chiefeit Apostles1' which clearly indi cates that be did not look upon St Peter as having aay Supremacy ever him. Yet the twelve had the p roe rain set hour of being the twelve founda tion stones of the Church, according to the promise of Christ to St. Peter,that as be hsd confessed Christ to be tbe Son of the Living God, he should be a foundation upon which tbe Caorcb was to le built. Ah St. Paul tells the Eehesiana "That they are tbe house hold of God and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Pro phets Jesus Chi iat, Himself being ths chief corner stone," or as in Revela tions, the wall of the new Jeruaa'em is said to have twelve foundations, and in them tke names of .he twelve A pes tles of the Limh. (Eph. II. 19. 20. Rev. XXI. 14). Their position next to our Saviesr is sgaia exhibited by such passages as these : "When the Son of maa tha i ait iu (he throne of His glory, ye also sha I sit upon twelve thrones jadgieg tho twelve tribes of Israel," which shows that thero will be grades in 2 00 s 00 4 (XI fl 00 2 .vo 10 00 i;et 1500 1H00 A6 0n 3000 40 00 1100 ifi 00 37 IB Sese 48 00 aotxi joe oa 12. VI uoo IfOJ , It 1.0 I W ! 4001) f 1tOO (loti-isi litiMiieus notice in snT Ccd- nmm conts per line tioi i" s JO rents per One. r.eulOr local For letrai and transient rwlvectiassmecits II 00 r squsre for tho nrst Inaortkan and A) twnts imr square for eaeh snbaeqnent ewjUee. Hercn. "All power is given eno me in Heaven andsanh Goyeth r lore teach all nations," sbowiag that they eaereisod tho powers of Caris. (Halt, XIX. M. XXVIII. 19). le t ns glance st tke wsy they esed this authority after Christ's Ascenaiea. Wo find hardly any act of power per. formed by our Lord while upon earth, which was not in seme degree exercis ed by the Apostles. After tbe Saviour's baptism in tie Jordan He be gan ta preach and his disciples baptized -s He directed. So after the dsy of Pent, cost the A pestle begin to preach snd laptize,and their converts continue iteadfsst in the Apostolic doctrine. Our i't .r Saviour however left anch a com pi-' system of tcaidiing that no ew duties ueuld be added ; but when any explication of His meaning was wanted they xpOunded it, and their explanations wcro everywhere accept ed. iJav: i'-t this i!i-y i.crd wli-st evrr wss necftsrery towhr: the k :. o of the Church, or th order or deceJicr f divir,.-) workbip. We sboohl only t xpict incidental reference to ibis iu tiis !,. '.j y of the A rf lecause tnero wss no piestion as to their authority, an nost of the troubles in the Churches were not of sufficient important to call sof genet si notice. In Act XV wo hatoone infctance cf the msnner in wh'ch a fiercely debated questiou wa let tbsa by a cenncil held at J erotism, iilniiad over by Jamor, who was the first lit, hop of Jerusalem, and who gave tbe decision of the ChurcL. St. Paul shows how bo exercised his Apostolic authority in tho 7;b, 8th, 11th and ll:h chapters of first Corinthians. And t tho married I eernaaand, yet ui t !, but the Ixjrd ; but to the lest ' . i. j i ih" I. i " IU prveieiesl 10 do more wheu he coram ro them ssio . "and the rest srill I set in order S7 whr-n I cme "And so ordain I in all theChurcLe." To the Thessalon lans ho rss 'Wi a. i- coalid Geo tkat ye I'Oth do, and will do the thitgs wo enesaaend you." "'When we "ero with j e ooassaaa ded yon, tkat if any won Id rot work neither should be eat. Ti eui tint are such wo commend, that wi;h quietness thev work snd eat their ' our bread." (II Thee. III.) He often reminds bis duciples that Cf. list had given him this authority and poner tor the eshaesUaton cf the Chttrch, that by il Le would avenge all, and be exeommuoicated the incestuous CorintLisn by virtue cf it. -'1 verilv a abse -l iu b.eJy, but preens in spirit, here jadgsd already as though 1 were BftBoaiit, '.La, feaan au one be deliver to satan, aad that he be put away from sinong you." (1 Or. . 3. Some of these Corinthians dis elaiu:el his power anl by eobag so show that the Apostle claimed tho right to direct them. While tbe Apostles thus rulel tbe Church their name iniiated tw dif ferent functions of their ministry. Tbey had the ssme titles at various times ap plied to cu- Lord. Tbey were eatlod presbyters, bishops, deacona or mini.--ters, teachers, prophets, and ernoe! its. Bat as we notice! abnt tb names applied to our Savior, tboso titles did not detract from their tuSco a.s rulers of the Cbureb. (I Peter 5. 1. Acts I. 20. 1 Tim. 2. 7. Acta L 20, X 1 1 1 . 1 . Pver. X XII- ft 1 Car. IX. 10, We have alluded thu f ully to the A(-cstftHc powers, because they bar a mnt important bearing up m lb pow ers entrusted to the Church after their decease. There is not a word to in tiroaie that their ofUce was not tcou linno. The early Churcb holieval that this oce was continued in tbe Bishop, a name aftejirst applied indiscriaiinate ly to the Eldera or Presbyters, aa well e a the Apostle.' and Christ a ho is 'the Shepherd and Be hop of oar souls." Reviewing then tbe distillations be tween the Apostles privilodge and those of tbe other brethren we find. 1-t It was not their especial honor o have been with Christ all the time tor others a ere with Him as much or even morowbilo tbev were ab-eut on their duties, for Matthias was eboaan from those "msn which hava eotapanied with us all tits time that the Lord Jesus went in and eut among ur." (Acts 1 21). Jnd. Nor wtr tbey on ordains 1 of Christ, fer ro were the teveaty. Luke X. 3rd. Nor were tbey ouly to go to all the wo ld for we read that tko eleven an 1 them that were with them" received tse c ni.niaxion to evangelize tbe world (Luke XXIV 33. 50. 4 th. Nr were they en!y inspired of God : so ware Mark anl Luke. 5tb. Oihcis as well aa they, plant ed Churches and worked signs and miraci8, so did Stephen, aud Philip. (Aot VI 8, VIII C). Over and above ail these things and with them, '.hey had authority and jurisdiction over all, and theas tbey gave to their successors : 1st. f he jowers tf ordinatioa and confirmation wbieh were act rxercised by those ado had the right to baptize and preach. , Aots VI. 6, VIII. 17, 18. XIX 6. 2nd. Of command nj. 1 Ti ess. IV 11. 3rd. Of countermanding- A;ta 15. 24. 1 Tim. II 12. 4th Of cccstinnff or excommunica tion, as in 1 Corinth. IV. 21. Matt XVIII 18. John XX 2J. Thsse are the powers afterwards exercised by the Bishops, and not by all Bishens and presbyters but these stlected hy tbe Apostles te nuceeed tliem as litus to whom St. ran! says, ''For this cause I left thee ia Crete that thou sbouldst sot in ordsr the ' things that are wanting aed rdain Elders in every city," Titua L V. Teeth do net belong to the bony skeleton, but are developed by the Using membrane of tha mouth, which is only a con. nuatioi cf the skis. Hence the teeth are classed with other skin appendage5, as th i hair and nails. In 1G23, the two orders of D m lnien and Franciscan monks amo ant ed to 32, COO in Plain.