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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1882)
SFATEIUGIITS DEMOCRAT ISSlIKD KVKRY FIUPAY w- CLAIB II. STEWART. U! .Ir.vS crrt F.On tcntorrt Kttthllftcuu i;nn4.Uliln Mrs-el. itij cm'v. p- yw ite ctty, 'x iiH'Mh Irrft c"j", ttuc muth. . , Utl nnoilier lit 00 2 00 1 00 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I niNS p t. CnAMDKHUW. " FUNN & mABlRLAIN, ATTORVilS AT lsAW, Aimuy, Cregon. IOAet 11 sfls88ra Brick Bbvk.-t Tl5ulstf. '&RAHAN &B1TA KU, IftiHIR & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany. Oregon. a JR ACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF ? Wlafn Tin r lia L-rwisttik ftlM. as t?w' a 7 fa, s v v- t v JMI to elloe;ion sma probate matter. Office ia tester' new brick. sV.Uf L. H. MONTANYE. l TUli.N i; 1 A I LAW, AND Notary Public. Vlbany, Orrjon. v NBoi Opsatfte, over John Briers' f.iorc, 1st strocL vl tn2Stf J. K. WEATKLRFORD, (XOTAKY 1THMC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW. AI.RtW. OStl.UO. lI'tt.L PRACTICR IK ALl.TltK COI UTS Or THE Yl Slate. ScviajaUen'.:ii t p to) Ate matter. PMm ia tVia Folia "a tfcSafS 11: J. C. POWKU. W. n. HILYKH POWELL St BIL.YEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in 1'banrerv. AI.RAXY. - OHlUii-N. Collections promptly made ouall points LftAti.i negotiated on reasonable tonus, -onico In Four's llriek.-tt vlin!9if. T. P. BACKLEMA1V, A TTO UN K V AT LAW, ALCIM. UULlStV . ptXtea np.'iairs in the Odd Fellow's empio.-tSiS J pps Mil CD vrTOUNKV at ( awISTEHLT V -V a , ttrn--'.i- ;n ii She MCTM ' : !t : v 'Vir, - .:! r-.ano'iHtioii .f t'Hl-. Ir..f-r kitMN u wtatliy. ri2n9DU. ATT0R?EY AHD COUNSELOR AT LAW COSTAX.1.I3, OKHSON. p'artlre In n!i tho Caiti ef tlM fotil V'jflW to the CoGrt BOMI t vVJn29vL GF.ORGK W. B AKXF..i. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, i n' ii ! r , or.:.(.o. tllcction.s ytijtri t-y mmA msjnl plntf G. K. 1-1EWJTV, ATTORNEY AT I, AW, ALCtVT. OCLt-OX SET JLL prar-tico in all eoorts of lira V Slate, aivl cive spfv-ial afenti'.n m Cfslloctions. Cfliee In O'Toele's Block. E. II. SKIPWORTBL anecxci a ai.ELoa at lvt q SCTIUI RIUC. s T I LL prae.5e.j in all enatta of thaHlte t 1 iMislnnailn rust? I to me pratnpt- ! 1 y nttesialed to. Oftsi ;,, (TTeo&s il'orl; ftumfegai Ormt, i 1'irl A"'u-'i. Qrttftm. T. . JOHNSON, M, Da, HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon Albany. Oregtui. ' : rSonrt ' ! , OrQe In Ifrmnaa Raat of ('otJtitrr'H !an! l'rn:R. LEWIS STiESMtTS S.IVKKY A.! FKEI) bTABLC Rtat e!a-'j vebiek-fi. fine korea, pocl raod. accoinmodatin proprietors snl r-a-sbnahto ebart;f. ( them 0 call. PmMrm near lievtre Hour. f.vl. DR. Ea O. 1IYD5:, Physician and Surgeon. )ITire at &C:i(, OREGON. a jmnttA E. W, LAGDGis & CO., i)v.r;'.;iiT. Rtmka faerVm'-rv and oi'et Ar'ie'c.", A tlootl-puriflcrs, while Ulsease oecomes more Ijnr oM M-'k and I ow Price. firmly seated. Aver's SAnsAi'AKiLr-A is a ! medicine of such concentrated etirative CITT T3 JfiXJO STOI"i7, j power, that it is by far tbe best, cheapest, 2-1 aagfttl und most reliable blood-purifier known. " ' 1" Physicians know its composition, and pre scribe it. It has been widely used lor forty rr- I v o r n a t&(Qi f vears, and has won the unqualified conti . . jA. iB-. dence o u,iiijon3 whom it has benefited. 1 UOUBLM1x - Druggists aad BfKikscilens, ALBANY, OBECIOV. vlCn41tf REVERE HOUSE, fesin i virrfl an.l ESI waarta 41tan, Ores-.n. Chas- PfeiiTer, Prcp'r. Tsas saw BatUa0tta4Vi hi tftkeasss -tyl. r!is ammtftll with tiie h-t taw rnvikL-t stttttl. .Sjiriitjr iixis ii. everv ftoon A sai!t- itM-!ii f..r Oto- sataafsJ 'I'luvcien. lf l-rce Coaeli l al rr te ll.i-l.X J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Slioc Maker. 16OOT8 AND ST I; tUS inado to order, P and repairing done who neatauesanu aaps0eb. and iu low priooa. Call and see btus. First turret, Albany. 41yl Aloany Bath House. r LB, U l ilLKSl'.NED W0Bnl hBSPKOi StUy iitorn. tht ttitis.jr.a of Aibi Ey aai v i-lt I aavata!fc3cehftrirt ot'tbttastatHsli vid. t Htopu . rtti-iut tn'i j...;iB ftii-if'On l- 191-161 Xpel ! :.l i o.-. ;t . th-j;r j ot. . . i.-jr-t-if )T ' -siTta-i !iS -i.a.'- ';' rirst-Clas Ha-.r i;r5tiug Balo'.'ts. txo-)-.!is to i?iv satire aatidfecucn to al ,"Childioa &ad Ladies' liair neatly ca I 'Me flights VOL. XVII. MRS. M. BAUM Ii08 just npOWifl a nice Hviccllon ot tieneral Merchandise EST'S FURM8HHB v. hicli friers. II b reduced HIDES km PRODUCE of all kinds taken iu exchange for o..l at the highest BStiatt pride, X. aro taTtted b cV.l W buying c'sv where. MtsS BUY THE BEST. Tiu StadeUkcr Wimm It the 3sTd CnEAPEST. MORBISOH PLOWS BatxM Tttgrite Spring Bar- rtJ;. P. Sc F. wood Pomps, : ty Presses, 5;:! i:; :!!-, t!c, F.jr S'c t o i s-. tuii - bjr ALBANY. - - OR. joy, JAMES DANNALS, FURfilTUSE I BE3DINC. ALHAXV, - - MMm, M 1 O V- -a- 1 Is a rrmnr,nntl of the rsrtnfs of la. Htillinia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, alt powerful hlood-tBSking. blood-cleansing, aud lifc-sus- tainins elements. It is the purest, aafest, and most effectual alterative xnedicino known or available to tbe imblic. Tlie sei- eoeea of medicine and ebeniistry have never ptraiaetd so valuable a remedy, nor one so peteat to cure ail diseases result ins from i ci pure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous diseases. Kryslpelas, itose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Rlns-worm, fleers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of tho Liver, Dyspepsia, Lniaeiation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out tbe foul corruptions which ! contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment aud decay. It stimulates and enlivens I tbe vital functions, promotes energy and I etrengtb, restores and preserves bcalth.and ; infuses new life and vigor throughout the j whole svstem. No sufferer from any d: east which arises from impurity of tbe blood need despair who will give Avkk's &arsai'akilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer ous low-nficed mixtures, of cheat materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cov Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD UV AM. DBUaOISTS KVCRYWITZnE. NERVOUS DEBILITY B A SURE CUBE GUARANTEED. Do. a v. tKira s wrvm and braim toeat ssent. asyeata for ilyttri, Piwfnsss, Cob. vwlsions, Kstveos Headache, Meiit J)e)ruitu l.s of asmmrr. BperasUorstXs. luipttsney, In- vciuiitary taUBS&a, remature .1J aire, tauscl hy ivur-cxtrtton, sslf spsm r bvardmlalMnoe, wtuen leads to mUt-ry, tl !-' ssatdsssa. Ons box will cure recent iltllSSI BSSO huc ctriUins ono month's treatnicnt ; one dollar S SOSj or six SOtSfl (or flo doUsn; sent by nia'l i reyiiii . leccipt of price. We guarantee tix box to erne any ee. Witn eaeli rdtr received by us for &;x htxas, seta BBS84d with five doilarf, at sdH ui the purchaser our written tfuarante vo rtti'.rn the money if tlie treat riient does not .dec a cure. Guarantees iued ouly by aOOOABD, (.LAKKEA CO , Wholccaic and BattH Drogahrt, 1 onland, Oregon. Order by mail at regular price. h STOCK RfiSSH - -ITS EASTERN OREGON. A f-toek ranch of 220 acre, will) good otitaldw j itiisre located HOSsT Bridga CreoK. i'i Waoeo eoitnty. together with about iioiseH. to ex-hatifr . for and here in tho Willamette Valley. 2s. jw, it you want to sen yi-nriarm ana go mio u mm a a iL. t bllQI . 1 1 1; .3 o ail uanw 1.1 vinvi "v.v - for voh. Call on or address C. II. Slew- a.'.t-r. in l-'iiL-lni'ii flVAlfAtl lint A Sf i P1H roit RHEMAT1B Neuralgia, Sciaiica, Lumbcqo, Backache, Soreness of iho Chozf. Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swiff ings and Sprains, Burns end Scalds, General Bodily Pains, 7:zth, Ear end Headacho, FfOitSi Feet and Ears, and all oi!.:r Pains and Aches. '. l'trtariilka on ra:llt r.j-nl :r Ji M a y rr, tltnfilr .'rt I i t ,i .!f A tnal nilaila t,t A trial mlaiU ,il lb i.'i , ..utl i.( .iO Oata, a l rint .! 'i mta can ),. cLra ci. I jjiH f: I ilvM. l'lrcvtl n In Kteran ttifnaa. COLD EY ALL DETJ0OI8T8 AND ! IV IfCDIOINC A.VOOEXJ5R 9l CO., tt,iltimorr, ltd , V. H. A PTVTtNTS Wo ftwtinuA trt art MRcltrttora for Ia$u. Csvfi. TnwJo Mark. 0ijrrMrtitt. rtc., fir th I'ntinJ Matna. CMavia. tiina. Kntflatid. Fraiop. nr.anv. tie. Vm , Lavohit IhlrtyUvo jrura' riprrlrm -o. Iat4-nu "tjtaiiHxl Uinah u am i. icJ in Uh in . tsnnc amcricaK. Tbl tarc ami plawMd Itlut i trtodrrktyitt(r.93.:t 0rwtm ittaj ltrr , cf SohncT. u rtY liiierratlnr. owl liaa n rnwruf I l IrcuUti'iti. Atl'tn-a.1 M t NS A . tt..M r- : ' ; tan, luh. ef N irvririf AMrm xs, ST I "ark It ,.r. Mk J. fiU Batm, NewanapOT Jrartis ing Acnt. 41 Fark Row I iuo Bull ling) Now York, U lllhoilml 10 "'utrrt''! for o! vor'.'..nt(juts in tho In m. ( mat at our Lost rat. King of tiie Blood 1 1 r n Jj'.; i: H I'M' 'f nj r f I J l! vi pitr'B'nr enl t-nU?. I i ; "1 t ; t h.,. iliranss ;ii. fus I Uttia if.l ii"- nuvr llaurln, . fi iu1 i" lit t: thrm a . r. . i .-y r. ,i(y braifJlM rr I ' " i "I t, Imparity "i -' .' v '. ' ' " ''", Aver ''snHirt ''.. Ar' i nfcfr m, Ol rtrf- " v t -t "I ll Hfcf4FaMfl, fUtlTt tfifif, I .' . Hb ...-imnOwi, , u ".. . . 4 , r.(V". f.mpttM, L'ifr-rt, i lu.- ufli,c Kloetf iiirnU !. . r all . r.s; .yiv.'. Imimrtijr Kia eot try-tin. uf -i laj .i.i t rflxr una .1.-UtltJi-fa l.jr OnM. 4i et (. i :i. -,:...-, '., in i t 4B4a o; llo It. !".(.. 2c "lt 3. fe'.f :v i. t per B-nid for our Xvw lib. I ttdPriet-Li t No. ''A fi Fl I tad Win ter of 1SS1. I'rt'C to any tddltst. C'n- taina full dsaotptiea of tUl jssaasof goosa for pcri-mal and family OM. Wo deal directly with the consumer, uml sell all goods in any quantity ..t vfrnlextU prieri. You can buy better und cheaper than at home. M0NTG0MERV WABD & CO. Si7 and 120 Wtbtisk Avenm X'hiiago.IIL NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL WHO ARK ISOEHTKITi MK or have any busuif .s to traii-sK w.tli t,i,' are htmhf notiHtd 'bat my sUWrs art left in the han ls of Mr.Simon Seltetil.a. !., of lira firm of Monleitb .t (Stfttahtea. L. Km: BALLABdiSOU iN: C0 PROPER ran nana tvra axn BAXKH hob ran raMiuni 1 eta. ?ACIUTO?S. Highest1' Prico in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY - siyi - OR. The Corvaliis Fruit Co. WIU iuirolia?o Plummor dried fruit at fuJl market nsieet ; Will send a competent person to advise fruit growers aa to eultivatioa of or addi tions U orchards ; Will fupply fruit tree of pnproved sorts at moderate prlcos ; Will sell Pluiniiier DrioristUromb Linn, Bon ton and L,ane oountia. letter to lie sent to t'orvailis'lrt'O on: pari3', CorvalPs, Uouton Connty, urcflon, WAMils kash, President. dAMjja KkaOman, See'y. Jmiuary 1, l-.i 24w(i Notes Lost. The following notes have been lost from the safe of the city Drug Store, which all persona are warned not to purchase ; one for $200, due July 1st, 1870, made by En campmentJodge : one for 81W, duo in 1881. mde by John Wallace ; ono for 10o, due in 1879, mado by John Klcler and endorsed by Luther El kins ; one foi S.V0' made bv jltbn Moruan, with a (Jr. of 5 0 on -ne OeicK. ah or saiu uoie beitig payabla to Elijah aaUmarah. Any ' ' - J ,r ra HIllcstcd to re,,ort to .lie person knowing ot tne wnereaoouia t,i t 1 eubsenber, E. SAX.TMA11SH. ' ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, Hprlns ll"iev lint iwil Etiuiifl Ciclir l'litrirtwa .llatrrlnl. IAN t'MLUK'.l. . T A PIBCOtl.NT. Wlu rcforn t ;l:o nn umbrcll.i my f . Ir bdy Wtttl y"iir now Suinmi r Imt will iprMM nut In rmllui nlrunt u til iulv.1 ? (M tulnly If y.u (Id c.nry one, it i itaodtd not to nntii t !.! - tr yourftlfm Hint btl f foiulnln viutlty which you will VMM Ott timdi on tiu topof your bctd ; lomo linn fttttktf tuck l.k Hio but of tt pL'tunsl sunt; Hunittiiuo.i having Iho bRMd bfiflB tiirin u Ihil way nml Ihftt w y Iftd every other iujucmhlo way. :.i r DC fornihliblc in M tho win- t; r h.tU h ivc been, thnv of Iho sum- hut will he stiil more h. Tho pleUr- 6qucr.cHi ton, of w fells nnd fcnth- on will now bo from tho mturo of 4liiti; exeellnl by that of straw unil ll v. r r.uij.r. y rcinember Unit I am i - ., iuiuti -i i' m v m -ro youtn- ful fHeadl : not the very youthful ex clusively, hut tho-o whoso face urn sllil In :i ilr-tt fresh ness. Where traces of Time tppear whRi yet tomthtog U fritted for, the poUo comes in M cept.thly and DOW HMIH to rise high er and higher. Within you can wear your hair In nn ecstasy of n-thetle BnAaetl If yotl v,ihj f.r with the broail brimmf l hats and tho Kkefl, tin 10 r nMtktbi4 fr nt pi -i i- gff0 oft en seen. For tr lare cla-' of lad n d it totlMtblng uuo!)rulv. , we ii:i'i nil mtnuef nf modernti ifi 1 ttnpci g h ttii ..i.'J i.r.iit iv irbft in IhelAiter, no linportnnt pq .:l u - ft'ilt;U thi It.t'i cto!fs Vk'...-'i U-..1- 1. Ott kind ;i ,n .f thJ : v r kVOQld gn f . i.i ,n In nimcu ry ol nil tx very iiollceabta Wide, narrow bcinntcd, nil utti gonttantly ilyed in l ie new h tIe elilrjly red, grct ti, OlivC or bfdtlltt with lOflMllllSg it g.irnel, h Uf of y.dle WJ " there is no or d. Hot yellow, If wo txeepl the LfOgbOCVO, but ytliowis'j , many -f them lonklng :u il ttiey h:nl lOCH hang oot oil o pole ui! ulnl.-r in kiuo COTOfteid and v. xa How gatheu-U in Lfor our belles to v.var. 'TH Mr. 0-?l . 11,11 j ... ear Wilde and his eoile.tgut- vtho. bve tlene all tblt j (th IQ RfMdOl ore Ucarl.j; tla tl hvai la)tiiey It ia v. 'af have branch I :,l,,ut iha rtniarknb'.e pramloeoce ol greea tad 'us to them 7 . - - . IMtwttgc-XM'ii.-ourrtd luitt In Milium r U0t 10 I the Kmniur.dy ptetun- qo H-lbi!ttii'S of a broad briinin d r. d D01 let 01 ti;r right an-; .. . r , . . gla on tbo right tort of a young lady's . . . 04 1 it tl 6 right lime OHd pUOO nml altb (he right kdnd of a eottame. 1 .n only ray to toeacultoet elf all dot- eripUotM -Beware." a u bint to , i , ... . my lady fili-ud, I will nmuk tio.t l li tve - . .!t. .i repeated :!.io id joctlvo 'right' beetttof if : mlttoke sh a I be mode and the wrong ssrrt o' beauty ohool j wear otto el tbo wrong Lor-, what o terrible wrong it would be. Miotic eolori have uotaMy likea toe offieled h: rin. Tho f.imlly of gtoghuiH will U? n numerous one while f.r tlresses eot- ton gvSOdJ. batltte iOd taUn Vie With each Other. A m'd unarming novelty Is batlffte In phtle OOlorichletly tome delicate Shade, having N Wsde b irder of embroidery on 000 sttle of U10 broadtli ood narrow one for the corsage) and eleovea. This Idea of cm broidery extends to Boo wools fbefo lovely oalflta win tbow tiBbftfdify ot title ; u u.illy Otlf-coltrod, but KOine'tiii's in eontr.itt. ToothO mao 08 tbui eanbrobiery ttiough fine It doao by oaaobice, It will not bo vory ox panel vo. Among Hi ! remarkable dlacovorloo of osioneo In tin applloatl n of mtg Detltm nono nro of 80 great iiripor tanee 114 I bote m tdfl by our biM pby tlelanx, '1 bore is irely any ditaote that may not bo banelttod or cured by mognetUm und bow to apply most effeotatUy this luvalaablo agoney, may be seen in tho " WH.-ionlau" mag netic corset mauufacturcd by Thom son, Langdon & C. patoatcei of the well-known glovo lltling corrots and one four most reliable friends. Ro inarkablo cures have been efioctod, especially In oaaee' of nervous pieatra. tlon and general debility. Sitico tho current of electricity flowing from the body, is retained thus conducting said current.-: into 8 reservoir of mn&' netlani which muitTesult In elastici ty of muscle and general invijpration of the system, rrlcea aro $8 012 and $15 per pair according to the number of clock spring steel magnets, rang, ing from $0.60 to 3 cash, which are insertctl ia each pair of corsets. Lucy Cauteh. Itj ir w'iii,or-,'i that H -a. Miry Clemmor is thiakinf of a otemfl mar rug At i he Choshiro creamery, C-t: - s , , j,,., ,,0 :VVerag rain roooivca ny . . r e -.11- ,1 1 1, n t i j in' i.irmt-rs ior uiw.v uunu u,u i'1Dl ten months wis 2 2 cnl3 per ' quart. Mill: Hon. S';i!ien C'rilin, an olJ pioneer i f Oregon, ilied ut Lis llama in Dayton. Yamhill county, nfter n hi iff llliieH, K1 s- yeaia, on Tliuradny March 10th I88J). Mr. (Mlin immigrated to Oregon in 1817, arid aittlcd in Oiegon City. On the btoaking out of the gold mine f ('alifornin in 188, Le with the tide of fortune aickera haatrned to tlM gold fteUU laitWIWB "f the pinei.iua in isU. 1U retntftexl te OftgM in 1S4'J and pureh&Mod n portion of the town wile uf 1'ortlan 1. t'rein tiiat time until bis death, ho lis be n an workor iu varieu r : i ,-n . having in view tho developinonL uftSe country. To tho old vjttlnm of Oregon the name of Htvphen OtflUl i very fx miliar, ami MM near of Inn death will recall stirring tcenm in tho early history of ) .. in w!jich thii venetublo pioneer took an uc'.ive put. iloleuvraa widow and a large circle of fi icnd and relatives who will kindly remember bis many virtues it. I m ;ur.i a friend departed. Stufmnuin. There is to bo H en a little north of town tro 'on lot of ptoplt you evar saw. A larys number of men are at Word driving trami nud Chinamvn an thniesnlt la, the guide towaid lira m wi. t tin peaks ia steadily lenKtheriiug. Numerous Chinamen, about 500 or "J aii now at work on dillVrent patU of the road. Kvery morning on the cor tier of 0 Haft and Vincent etreets in front of M iv'i r uponter ahop can Is Been the bealhri.a in every shae and pontiin. This is tiie testing p'ae for t.ew arrivals Mail tranNoittion cm n procured to ship tie in tithe froi.t. A'oJ Urejuninn. On Sutidov laal n Kii.entar ac -uteni ! ippOMOd tO lfr Hoitf Holland, b .,k keopof itlfct IoiptW Mills. While '.tttng on n cltair r.i sfuAofrtfilf, shaving Lfmaelf, be lira k hiu dhow aint the t,,'.". . eUMItg ..:. r to Irtll put M !', ) f..i, I f s 1 !- o aii lon tt i ii . i i. if t gioia a v r -y. . t MOfal . v r and ns.i.l- , . is MttU -nod i'l Le pOVOWl of Dl .J. A Wkite wIm mj-i m a'.opping the profuae iem t tbt Mr. Ill I land Ium bod subta;t to au al u'Hit cootitn al bcinbsiilinettt tf !iJi hhj', on account of which w defer from making any mora pa iicular Uh ji li .n.of the ftflUif, but rag a it to -ay, that he facet tiMMtienll rigHt, bog not I ten laid up at ell, an A wttl toon be ':: i . miv in tin- hUMaMB of the lm- ortal bora "Ii i h tt J' biatael vtin. (lr, 0 t'ihj Untrrprisr WWm oootiooa eUtlutely it, Prof. Milnei is ' handy ri tpitrea sr. ih bit P- " Fyi.W' ! "ml - trc 1 the kitel a i of h s .bta.-e ami . . . . , , deattbtUd tbitir .ii-.iM-r. .'iia miaar , t.,,;i. dooliood te proviaa It and re ' a ,4't4 thetu ifi !eve. Taia tbey ! Ie d to do, snd tbrtstntngly iuei luatiattdf H tne.l ordering the Wm cook to get it red. At tbisjunciure 'jj,, Bp,.redon the scene, liv lHv daughter having met hint on j his w.,y f:om sch il arid explainr. a! fr. Tnete waa bleed iu his e;a, tud the ii Hin i s saw it. They mada fur the , ' . . , ' , . r - : dtOr bat the im'.fl ml agile profesor wol4iJM'tuVe it that way. Ht went far them, lot oa bU igh, "'uging" tbtbiadaieat saaa btaattfally It tat wck of lhe myk lo i The tramp ui In I cune lo tho scratch . ' , , , ,, -n...d (jt m seoond roactd, b it was ai.ueru ' , dtpaii a isvtdtf au I nmrr traatp. j CwrvaUU li-l'f. rr.aoxii. Mr. W.hie wherever hi gott in America carries with bias a havy fur rug, and inv ti illy receives rOpOftOM raetiabifl OH cou;b, amid the picturos- nto oofcaoai Os this rue. , Prof, lluxlev aaya that those Who, . ,,av0 ukn an active part in scienct hoi;hi bo killc 1 at aixty, n not being i . flexible onoogli y.7fy no" " --- uuy-j-.evcii. Ju.l-e Davis board at tbt iMational Hotel 111 W aahingtoii, a-here his sitting - root r. minds oue ol uu Illinois law gJB ,-. I htrt is no carjiet on the iioor, a Isrco wooii me iraesies ana i..axea 0:1 tlio beat tli, tbt chairs are capacious, with ruth stttt, anC at night ltt tappsy tbt light. A holy who knot's the Arthur family well Rays that PoUoOttOi is one of their 0 characteristics, ao went to school with ouo ot tiu litters, who was bo close-mouthud that she would not evon tell what was her middle n.iue. Only kUm iniiial letter wan kuo to her t oaehor and comrades. if. L,n,,i H 1C n.,.. whtiKo Now . .' ... . 1 a 1 1 . . . 1.... 11 ill IMllta Wd.l oesilo l inw ia vcar, is about to build a new resilience H.oJ, MkUL la tfsAast at lsat XAO0.000. ..." . , ...... V, . rbe arcaitectt plans art very elabo- Sf ... r.. ..d ibu Ktvl of arch lecture wi be totally ditri oat from any example Watiaat.nrt Tint i.tJrH BT .ial'aw av rr i.i ,.r in;,,,,;- Minni Two young girls or Illinois, Minnie r j 1 " . 1 ii.. nMM ..,,.i..r.u ar,,l . ., , ....V 5 nineteen yours 0.0 na.e neen maa g a health, and have ulOVCio iuui m t-iiu Muau tut vnc now gone Mf ,, ,, ' m j- a South as lxas, intending to reach Florida by Spring, a trusted sorvant- , , w . - m ta m a ti .uieutiinl 81 t.T 8in 1 1 it n (V. . wUHV.. . The national Teutonic beverage, beer, according to the Paris Figaro, is largely used at the royal table in Ber- l! tpi I,''..-..... Willi, rr'u 'MVnrite uu. xno sauipviui dish is bier soup, made very sweat, witu teasie.i oreau m u , vo prince likea beef stewed in Leer, which Jt . i 1 1 1 . mm a 4 1... ,,,.,nr. imparts a peculiar flavor to the meat andlhe empress ia particularly lor.u eels with boor ranee. Mre. James K. Polk, who is now seventv-soven. and nearly thirty-three years a widow, is very sprightly, anu onjoys company. Her old two-story brick homastoad ia within a sionos hrow of the S;ite House at JNasbvilIe, and the legislature never aaaembles without sending a message of congrat- ulation to her. The Polk estate hits I oeu kept in good shape, and ia sup- posed to be worh about $7.uuu. emocrat 1885. Tho EpiaaoDal Church. BY UK. ROUT. L. STEVENS, IX. We have observed bow at the ginning tho who0 weight of be- the Church's atiaiie lay upon the AiKstlea Wn read in the first chapters of Aotg how they taught, distributed the Haera meiit, the money contributed, and also how the ordsioed and iirocounccd judicial sentence. Their converts "cou- liuued itnadfaatly in the A poflsWsl doc trine, aud follewship, and in I resking of bread and in prayeia." "As many as bad lan Is i r buua sold t'oiui, and brought the prices of the things that were told and laid them down at the Apostle's feet. When Ananias aud Sappbirt heard their lie 0 1 1 I e in ne i they fell down dead, (Acts alt IV :o VI, 6. V.,) When the Greeks comlaiuid that their willows were neglected in the daily ministration, tho AjkmUcs took steps to enlarge the mimatry. The daily ministration did not simply refer 0 money and food, but probably refers to the distribution of tho .Sacrament as well. For this was celebrated daily in some places ts from Acts 11. 40. and times of the Communion wh carried to the sick and weak who wore unable to atteud the public cele bialion. It is important to bear in mind that the deacons oftioo was tf a spiritual nature, hecanto some sects have deucon'a who have only temporal charges, and are Ut regarded as an order in the ministry. Of tbe Apostolic deacons whose or dination is recorded iu tho sixth cf Acts, two ara mentioned as hontitiat preaching aud VOfttlag mirac'os. .S'.ej baa fall Of faith an-t iiaer did great won boa aud mirt i ttiii'Mig the people.' TbtsM aim gatinaeyad bis ptaaehiega arta aai a . ramial il.. wi.. . iu si.d pint b? abi k lie ajiake." i'li l:p ilia ilaaaoa a tat l -. u t llaettf ii tad raaobtd u, and bwsaiiao 1 tat Bssaaritaas. cVatt VIII. v kaaa teat tbit wsa aol Pbilip the Aur batnaaotbt rlistvorse tfihis teaataa tells us that lira A;eutUs rtmsiued at Jerusalem while thy rest of tho Church tai scattered by persecution. Tins chapter als informs us that the dncons could nut contirm their coc verlr, but that the Apet)cs reserved tbe right ef 'daying on of btadsr oc OtfW tirmatiou, to themselves. -iow when the Aftoatlca which were in Jetuaalem beatd that Samaria bad teccived tbt word of Clod, they ftfat unt I hem j uui nun juiiii, uj wueti tticy were o:ni down, prated for tbem, that thev ,. .1 n i saigbt raottva taa lialjr Okaat Tlran U, i , hey their hands on them and tbry uctivcdtbt Holy tiboat." Tht iu- fattur (uiiiitlers could feeiitixe but not ion tit m appears also from Acts XIX 5, C. til. Paul himself only bsj titd on rare occcasioi;; bt ssyt that be whs seut to preach and nut to bap tue. Wk read that when the Kpii-aiane believed, tbey trtre frtptiiel in tbt name of the I. .id Jesus." 'And when l'ftul bad laid his hands upon them, tha Holy (thost ccme on ibtss Tke spiritual na'.iro of the dooataft otfice is fnriliar shoan ml. Tun III 12 where the deacon iu .' be one ho cm tule well and intniater well. Ac Jordin to this sVpOOteiM sj.jeiintuienr, ibsdtacunt 01 tbO Bpiteoptl Cnurch, can bsptizo aud preach, bnt cansot confirm nor oeUbrate tiie Sacramenr, though thev assist m its distribution. When persecution scattered the brethren in Jerusalem, they went every wbers preaching tbe wo-l Tbv be came evangelist; thus we tied Philip trie of tbo setae .barons called' aa - -- - - - t . BugctiiHi. , iney iecme a means of srea Jmg a knowledge of the ; lt an,, .....t ... " fllP wwfw"? a. -'( Tiit w my i jy Atdio saaaiUtsaoattL No where do m fiawl lMMafikaa : I ww. " , ui j.uiii. i liagaad oentdlttiaga Chorab aitbaatl I ApeetOltO taptrtitlta. In this forms- tion psrio.Iregularlf a cjuatitutod minis- try begins to show itself. Tbey must 1 be blind,, thewoik of the blessed Spint, fa think t! at if such ministry wero necessary fr lb unity ul tot cnurch thet., that it it unneoet mry now. Tke object wss to buil l up s the oonvorts in tha higher mysterias of the filth, wuhoat which they were their deputies held this suierviaiou of lisbla to be led astray, fhoagll tba the Church's hflirs, to gnaid tha lower 01 Jtrs of the ministry could work bslievtra false teacheia. Tuete 2 I .1 sf ..... a, am ' a a a mtracms, trie BlgOtr orders were still neeessary, snd by what rasstning cau they be dispensed with uowl Iho ebject of the suiicrxisiou of the Chut eh by the higher grades wf the ministry was for unity. And bo can - un,,7 hettcr preserved than by tbt Aiiostolic ilan? It is svrittM 1 .Imt ' irmt . . ...... A ...... 1 , ..... ""v wswi ssai aasssassias, vawi.w ".t aaa prophets; an 1 some, evangelists, and the accusa.iou of eironeouo doctriua . . A . . . pUI" leaeuers; tor the per I 9 , . ....... t 1 1 - - 8 M 1 1 a '"""t u u s'uts, lor tuo work tbt ministry, for tht edifying f the I hAil O A I' ...l.i. i ,11 - a W w" Wk will lot , bill w mil CUi II. iU a . . , . uu,v or u,e and of the kuew . . . , Ul u 01 vsou, unio a periect man, unto the measure tf t lie slataie . 0f the fulness of Christ: that we be , . mora chilrimn. tnaaarl to n.l fra and mm i --" 1 .1 j "anion auoui Willi overv WIllO Ol OSS - trine, by the slight of men, and niiirt Anarritsaaa mIiauU.. a.. U1V SI , OU'l V a i iiuiiL tisiuutna WitviiUT til V v OB I - . . sf J t deceive." iRnba T 9 1 I i y i. ti , r th RKajn from j Corinthians XII 28. -Whor(i jt j8 mentioned "that God hath . .. . . . . w i Mt lOalO in too unarehi urst Apostles gect)ndarily, prophets, thirdly, teachers. I . . . " w ' tor the continuance of tht ministry thi. lhrce foK1 . fi . . . ; tle, instituting an order of Presbyters oi r .ueig wen aa the orjer of jea04jug These are everv arhr raiirsssati 1 8Urerior to the deacons, and are times called bishops as well. Tht Apostles assosisted these with them- geVos and ordained them by tbe laying - on Qt hands. After this when any dis enssion arose we read that the ABtlts a and elders he'd a council over it, they rcCeive l the deputations from other Churches, and wheat tht decrees of tht church were sent forth, it was pro- i chtimea in tbet- names as well as NO thsoe of the Apostles and brethren. These Presbyters or Bishops were how ever by no independent of the higher order of Apottlot; two instances will le suflicient to show thi; by the parting words of Ki Paul to the elders of Kpbesua, who came to him at his bidding and received his final charge, and Titus, oomirwsion I) ordain elders and rebuke sharj Iv anv ne!ect f duty. Acta XX. 28 Titus ,g. 1.;. The duties tsftthplt Pr rshyteia or bishops wero the rt.lipi, stifcogtheoing snd establishing, the Cnurch't t -d and watered bv ibt ANstie'. How over gifted a Cmuch my hvi e.n the el'lera, t r not ordainel by the feop!e. The Apostles do not kcin to have ordaiuod older until tber had experience of their capacity. Barna bas and Paul iu their 6rst taitsionsry journey, prescbed the Ooepel to different oitiet such as Lyatra, ionium, and Antiocb, but did not apjraint the spirit ual guides of the people until their ro turn. "He departed with Bartibas to Derbe, and when they had preached the Gotptl to that city and bad 'aught many, they returned agniu to Lyrtrs, sod to Iconiura, aid Antioch, c.nfirm ing tbe souls of the DiscipU s, snd tx horting them to continue in the faith. And when they had orlained tbem Elders every Cherch, and bad prayed with fasting, they commended them to tbe Lord on whom tbey believed." Tho qualifications of tn Elder or Prttbyter or Bishop, all three titles referring to the same office art described in Titus I C Titus was to ordain Elders in every eity according as Sa Paul cam missioned him. "If any bo blameless, thehusbaud cfone wife, having faithful children, not acsuted of rict or unruly. For a Bishop must Im blameless as the steward f Ciod.' In drat Tim othy III the same qualification are set f.rth. "A huhoo must be blameless. O.ra that rub;ii w,:ll hia own house, bating tat rlti'.drf n In tattetlea with t! ttj I r if n lata kiraw not how 0 t Ki'.r his ii Us-. I.gv OhaH he tstra ? tba fharchtil Ood." The) M-m Lfi.tir ii ril-r Si. Tim -osby't dirtsatssa. We r.-Jct ta this par- tt-.'atit i, i (( ii'i-. .' -oriiii g t.. the Prt-s byuriau acbelue, Blbopt as tliey call them, being the bightt-t urdar of the Chriatisn ministry, can bo censured only by the Presbytery. In 1 Tim. V. I'J. Timothy is directed bow to use bis owr over the Presbyters and Bishops. Be ii born in mind tht there is no sucb diatiaction to be drawn as a preaching Elder sni ruling Eider, for tken tho Preabyterisn acbame would rent upon the same basis as Congregationalism, which tbey have again snd again dis claimed. For whaa tho P'latuytssrftaa withdiow from the Church of England they did ho on the ground that Bish ops snd PotOVytetl were the esuie older of tbe ministry, and the powers by Bishops weie usurped, and at tirst they taught the Divine right of Prtobytery, aa the one! IVUr by calling kimseif an Lldsr for srstei.j suthorixed bv the wt.ul of Goi. j f-te his Apostleship. The whole truth tl the Church's government vests in tbs one fact, that over the Bishops and Presbyters rule! ' an orticsT, cl' ;.t an AeMtU or An;:, j (;Linte otton is yellsw, and hence or Bishop, to whom w rommitted fi. ,culiar color of tbe fabric called tha ptr of urdaiuing :tid guiding the ' nankeen. Cherche. iu the di aaal tttiet under j Ia NeW Mexico the inbabitanU sup Mt attest. v bile taa t ot 1mucu1 lh,ir j:oners wilh a puUfauf Elders iMMirral Vita bias in v;;U!a noi.r v -ur.u for dessert. ordsiu. and with I it "'St - " his csticurrence no ordination a valid. Thus T.m-! or w a ' othy is yuidd by Si Paul to rule over trv'1- "9 6 fe,t l'" these Pi tei bishops. Against an Tb aittficialiy fatted crtolau he Cidsr rtsasite not an accusation but bo- j nomas uch a ball of fat tb, atrung on fose two or tbrei witnesaeii. Them j wik il Baid w ' v"y good that nin rebuke btlbat til, that others j lamp. a'so may fear. I charge thee before i Two busdr-d beetle, cot of 500 God, and the Lord Jesus Christ and species knwwn to inhabit Madera, are the olttt At:;.!-, that thou observe so far desc ent in wlns tl a. t aey can taoso thieg without preferring one - not fiy. f' asoatsU hr, d tiag nothinsj by prti alilr. Ev as ass I "ber I pa, of other mou'a ssssa: kasass thrsadf n ire." , 1 Surely such words are to a peison! in authority over the Prebyteis and! brethren as wti1. ami this tower is oer Blasts "tbt rule well"' and o6iov iallf bonorablo E:deit "wbo labor in s the wor t and doetrino" 1 T,m. V. 17 The authority is of such a natura that - be has an eppoituuit v oi slo. ing par tiality and so be ia exborted U guard himself against it. The Apostles' and depatiss were at ealleii A;t,iatles, ss Titus sml others in ll Cor. VIII J3, (the (Iie.'k for messengers' Iwing Apostle) but ura Inslly the title ttih op waa restricted to them I lone, and hence aroso tho apparent coufuiion of names, which h:s been maio the excuse ! f.i.- ,l.,n in., th - AutsstoHa nowera of tha :..! .. 1 t ... I .... 1 1 .... .w. --- I ' . . I . ; - ana practice, a men win, iu time, oe jm I I a 8 . 1 . a, iL . ot snown as laise as vno cuaige mat tne government of the BpaatopsJ Church is I I. A 1 UBBCripwUrHI. I .- . . . . - Itiscommou.y considered that a .... ...... r)fl , , . perieu 01 aooui, w yeais tiapii-ja w tweeu the time of tht writing of the an Acts and the Book of Revelation. Darinir this time all the Anoatles 8uf- i - -- i J J .U ... Ci T.l T ....I- . i- - IBrr UfcU bavc nv ui. uvuin. ISM cat- r.J.tUa. tn th rn ni.rhi nd tmm. I mm., mm V ak I, mm. lliAtr f -- li a l.laa illil 4 VtA SSI I SBIO M-m i au w w - .w.w mm - nwmm U SCO tUCturi tuci iaui avta wimv ino I - . . Church was Fresbvtenan or Conjrreea- tional in its construction. We know that the spread of Christianity in Asia was very rapid and that inEphesus it spoilt .. , 1 . ., i l.' tht trsao oi tne image masersoi iiana. As St. Paul was on his way to Jerusa in lem, he sent for tho Elders ol tn Church atd told them to take heed to I m, . . tbe flock over which the Holy Ghost had made them overseers, (that is in hs the Greek. Bishstif;). and from tbe of - Elders being called Bishops in this plsct Presbyterians argue that t'ae two names mean the same othce. I his is granted ; but ecclesiastical history - tells us that they were presi iea ovei by St. Timothy, and then St. John I . . . . . . , And when the latter wrote tho I5k of revelation trom the Tale of Patmos, $1503 per ye ur can be easily m uh Rtv. I. 9, we find the Church presided at horn j woiking for E. G. Hideout, & over by a man called the Angel of the Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yofc. Sand m J Church, who has Apostolic powers AovxriTrsit r.ATse. 1 wk I In, 1 Ineb 2 3 f4 1 " 1 (K) I 00 5 00 2 00 8 00 j C, 00 400 700 6 00 1 900 7 ro ; 12 00 10 00 15 00 11 no I 2000 Ol 25 00 I 40( 0 4000 f 00 00 o -T- aw buameas notiees in urnns it coots per line. Regular local notice 10 cents per line. For legil and transient advertisement 81 00 per square for the first insertion snd 50 oentf per square fhr each snbaeqnent insertion. is held responsible fsr the C!iurch' spiritual condition. We know that there must have been many Churches and csugrecationt in I'hcsu ru'asl by Prosby ttr- BUbopt. Tt bim onr Lcr l Jeans Christ ad lr eases tkote words. "I know thy works, and thy labor and thy patieneo and ho-aihrui eanst not bear them ths are evil, awl tkoulrut lrU1 them vJil- ' say they are AapntUn. awl mre rio' 8 luttt ouivLihem Hart." I. fis a fair inference fro- Uxttedrsw tho coaclusion th . atee truo nn i false Apostlea . . tine tsr n trisl wouid have been n ee sar" ; it wool 1 have been sulboient to have ssid at once that the Aostle were dad, or tbeir office not to con tinue. II. A man who claimed ta ln an A pestle could not bo tried by an in ferior grade of ministers but bv one i t an A postolic office. III. Teat though there were many Bishops or Presbyters in Ephen, this Angel is held responsible for the doc trine taught there ; as appears farther tn. "But this thou bast that thou bsteat the deeds of tbe Nicolaitan, which I also hate." llav. II. 6, 15. The Angel of the Church io Perga oios is blamed for permitting those who "hold the doctrine ef tbe Nicbol sitao." Were these men not in authority over the Churches how could tbey U held rtspoasibls for tbe condition tf the Churches. Bo evident it this au thority, that Neander is compelled I allow that St. Jha may hsve boe. '-irid iced by circumstances to ontmst to certain individual Presbyters in pr ticnlsr, thee are of maintaining pure doctrine," etc. It will be seen at CB teat sucb a condition of thisgs is opyosed to con gtegationalisai as well as to tbe idea of the e jaii:y of orders in the ministry ; bca Ja ths cngal might jststiy hav tai ' Th" cvagrwgstiwi.a c!.o tbeir :wu wisiteS aud d'acliiui an? Miihivtt a-rfjve tbott ik r tleele I." tbs Bt jdajratst of;e. i..i syi oH OOafkl hae ured tOaSt ' ' bsvlt-sa iJt the hlaru- L-el qua!iy tpyasi his bio her Prebyters and iLat a it bent tatti tssa cuirence he could net urbid a tai p.ophetcaa to Unleaa s iraon be mut icttnaely prejudiced, tbe epis tles to the seven Churches cantot te i Cad without forcing heme tbe convic tion, tba' tbe Angels tf tbo Churches weru msa who bad authoritative power over the Eiders and brethren in tbeir CLurcbes, with pewer to try tbt claims of ministers, te forbid false teachers, and banish erroneous doctrines. Thorsfart we conclude that the Aostie left successors to tbeir author ity and that the name wf Bishop no mare places them on an equality with Presiyfr-Bisboe, than our Lead be ing il!d a Bisb&p cf cur souls lona ' His anthony by the name, or that St. 11 oiois rxcrs. I .C C :i 1 . T fcWCUt'"Hw.. u 1 ' The watts ssb -s ef sveod n res are iTavtiva ut vtna t , auu ' sa tt ma ji linseed-oil usnufacture us d as fo d for .i vaiuc. In Africa vegetable Wotier ii mule frcmthelruit of the shea t ee, an 1 is of a richer taste t-an aav male from cow's milk. Researches ameng ths rock forma tions of western America show that it is to tbe ew Worli we must look for a perfect paligrct of the horse. The uldeat map of the hnavens is in the National Library at Paris. It waa made by the Chinese shout the year 600 B. C , f hi contains 1460 stars! Te give lightness to what would an insupportable weight the cran.t' nones cr tue enormous neaa oi ins elephant cuntaia numerous air cella. Though the multiplioatiun table was in use by the Arabians and Italians at an early age, uo notic was taken of it during tha Middle Ags is the rest of Europe. There is on record the east of a lady, subject to nervous headaches, who always finds next morning patches of bar hair white, as if powdered. In a few days it regains its natural dark color. It is found that the clothes fitted to new recruits in the English army soon becoms too small across tbe chest and too tight around tht neck, owing to the increased development given by gym nastic and military exereises. Some one explains the custom of placing plumes aud cockades of bats always on tbe left tide, by tbe fact that a large plume such at was the fashion in Chsrlea II. 's time, fjr instance would impede the free use of tbe sword. HISTORICAL. Oyter shells ape utilized by being burned to limt. Diluted oxygen Eustaios Uf; puie oxygen destroys it. River mud is mixed with chalk and burned and ground to make Port, land cement. and for their catalogue and full paat eularj I 3 m 1 Om (Tyr soot aeei isoo 7 00 j 12 00 I iso- looo ! 15 00 ! aaco 1250 1800 97 00 15 00 2500 J6 0f 19 00 3000 4800 25 00 140CO SO 6i 4U0O or; 00 100 00 IjTH-H.1 Col- sha'artooad. JOS WKBCHK. art, Albany, Oregon.