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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1882)
he gflwc rat. . FRIDAY MARCH 17, 1382 DSVM'K ITU MTATK I tM t I HtV A Democratic State Convention ia hereby called to meet at Portland, oa Wednesday, Apiil 5, 1 882, at 11 o'clock a. m , for the purpo. of nominating a caoiidate for Chief Justice, a candidate for Secretary of State, a candidate lor Bute Treasurer, a candidate for Super intendent of Public Instruction, a can didate for Prosecuting Attorney in each of tba Judicial Districts, and to tran sact such other business as may eorae before the convention. The conven tion will consist of 202 delegates, a it portioned among the various counties as follows : IUker BenUm I'lackantM . Clataon Columbia . . Cuo Curry , Ivmlaa tipnt Jackaon Joaephin. Lake Total ...T . 9, Lane Linn Marion Multnomah t4k . ..12 . 1(1 . .41 ... . ii ....9 .12 .. .6 10 . .a ...3 . . .7 Tillamook. . ..4 ..It ... .11 I'maUUa . .. tnion Waaco Waah.nttoti anihilt ... ...b The committee suggest, unless otlmr wise ordered by tle local committees, that the primaries be held un Saturday, Much 2 Ith, and the County Conven tions on Wednesdav, March 2lUh. Bj order of the Democratic State Central Committee. C. F. BKATtl, Chairman. Oregon City, Feb. 33, 1882. L1W ClTY EMMBTIt TIOa f EX- A Democratic Convention for Linn County, for the purpose of atoetlng 14 delegate to the Democratic State Com. i tion. wilt be held in Albany, at 10 o'clacU a. in., on WkDXKSDAY, M ASCII ., lSSi. Primary meetings will bo held at lN votiug places in each Precinct on Sa:ur day, March 25, A Democratic Convention for I.inn County. rr the purpose of nnnainntlng a county ticket, will be held in Albany, at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wkdxksdiy, May 10, MBS, Primary meeting will be held at the voting places in the several Pivcim-i on Saturday, May 6, I88L Precincts will be entitled to repiwenta tion in each of the County Conventions according to the following table : East Albany Wl AJbai 8 Liberty .7.KrownarUic i Ortcana . . 6 . .3 . 3 ...4 M Wtanon I trash Creek Center Frank Un Batte. . . Harris bury Vox Valley 1U1 Syracuse .3 ...5 ... Scio ShU Santiam Sweet I: . V Waterloo 'llabl ... Bv otder of the Committee J. ii. Itl'RKK AT, Chairman. Toe "star route" cases are in Court again. Brady was released on $30,000. bail. J ustice is very taruy it Perms in prosecuting these thieves. QCHXAO was offered $1000 fjr tie anil he word when he abet Garfield, but refused, claiming that they were worth $1500. This is demoralizing. Anothea case of GarC;lr crook edness has come to light, wherein one of his letters flatly contradicts certain statement made by him in relation to Gen Rosecrans. It is to be hoped that the bill befcet Congress providing for jn redaction of postage frjm three to xwo cents will pass. Great as the circulation of letters is at the present timo the parage of such a bill would increase it wonderful- Miller's Chiuese bill passed the Senate on the iUh inst. by a vote of it to lo, only one Democrat voting ngainst it. The fight has now bee? transferred to the House, and the chances are in favor of the a:t;age o the bill. JKelly, of the Roseburg livifijtendent is independent and evidently can't le closed up. His paper came to hand late this week, but that mule of his wai kick mg livelier than ever. His notice for bidding anyone to trust Sol. Abrams oa his account is decidedly facetious and a veiy goad joke. .No newspaper on the Coast has grown into popular favor faster than the San Francisco Sxttmiaer. Tho present management frosaess the push and ability capable of making it a complete success. It has jus moved Its offices into the new Phelan Block, and claims the best arranged ones cn the Coast. They are lighted by elec tricity (and are said to be elegant beyond description. Thk Anti-polygamy out passed the House by a vote of 199 to 11 2, on Tuesday, and on being signed by the President will become a law. Mor wonism will soon be an institution of the past rsot even the gho.3t of Brigham Young or Joe Smith could held it together longer. Its fate is now sealed, and the American peo ple are to bo congratulated. EaTISELl' I VI it! s: It "vas learned last night from quite a reliable source that the work men who have been engoged in the construction of the O. P. K. E. at Yaquina Bay have all been discharg ed and the work discontinued. They were building a wharf, nod a ware house 200 feet long by 50 feet wide, at Ford's Point, which place is three miles above Newport, but owing to some reaaon which could not be learcrd, the construction work ab ruptly stopped about the first of March. The employers numbered over fifty men Including the Chinese. Some ot them it is claimed have re turned to this city Portland Tele gram, Not a word of this is true. The force at work for the railroad com pany at Yaquina Bay is increasing constantly. ROAWR IN- a 1. 1 III Aapcciel from Washington City to a il l mm 4 w n a " ra mot a - v -w time during the last .political campaign a paragraph was published in which it was said that Gen. Garfield had during the war prefer cd charges of a serious character against his old commander, (Jon. RoReerana. Charles A. lui made the original charge. This brought out a note from Gen. Garfield to U ecrana, in which be distinctly said he had never been untrue to hi commander in word or thought, Dana or any other lir to the contrary. Mr. lVma. t sustain the original statement, lias printed a confi dential letter to Salmon P. Cliasu during the war. The letter, if gemriie, girna. the direct lie to Garfield, and for tliat reas.m has attrawtl much ntbntion hero, an it shows bin in the light of a double dealer and fa'ao friend. Il ha itiitated lieneral R WtClfftfm who is a member of this congress. Ho ss) that if he had kt.own of the li tter at the time he would have Grtu ral CkaffoM court-martialed, lie calls the letter a compound of exaggerations sad untruths and in dir.ct conflict with everything Hver said to him vrae-i lieneral Garfiold va a memU'r of his jtafl". Em this con nection tho Mtmimj Critic prints the following : A well-founded stoiy has been current for some days that in 1 N9 shortly after General BoMCMUN had Wn i-emoved, tlicltte Fiancia P. lUair, Jr., then just from the icioriom field of Yickaburg. at which were present among other ijersons.M m'gomery lilaii and Geneml tiartirld. then just ehvte I to congress. At this dinner the subject of General Rosecrsns' lemoval Whs free ly disctusod, an I tksK as a g-neral exreafcin of opinion that his removal wis a grive mi?a:e. lv no one was this expression iuVh forcibly exjrescd thni lv ;-n ral Garfi ;.l. who was loud in hi-. praits of him as a tnilitsry gen i at . . . till .mi a'uc general, m uigoiurj Bluir was ho much UupitWed by tiener al Garfiela s statem i t that he went to rretiueut Lincoln and used the follow inz ar-uaient ; "Mr. i'leai ler.t : I di not want to PMMB ofiotoo bol 1 was so forxib'v impress I by a OWITItltim I had this-evening with a young tnetnVer of cof -Mess f; :u Olii., wo prrviom to his election vrai Qoaeral Rs-.Tini' chief of sia'.f, that I li tve coin t vou at a mattter of duty I mj what I think. The gentlem ii lferr I to impreed me so favorably as t his o'a military abilitv anil tae of his decla. rations that I am fully c onvineed of his knowledge and jilrt in th i mt ter." "Who' is tho gentl.-man 1 h ptei. dent is reported to have ittquired, "Qea. OirfieW," wplie l Mr. r!ir. 'Gin. Qaiiiti 1 V!iv. it whs upon his statement of fac's and representa tions more hau else that his removal was laaed," Maid Mr. Linc-vn, with an expression t.f surprise. Tin: , ivn jiiu : "mr Edmunds was alo lenderflthe jni tion of Associate Jtihtice of iba Su preme Court, but o! course &N lined. In his letter declining ba ai I u I ha received through iba I a StOtatJ ofatste your very flattering efierof the ai.joint- . r a t...; r f alvai . meni 0" - preaa Court I loano you very sincere i . a " ly for this highly valued r roof of your good opinion, but I f.-el foV 'rtain riir tViat. 1 Oil rtt not to accr'ft. 1 shall clifris'i this mark of your kind n.-a nrnl fnn OMnHM -though I did ' s I not need this proof of it." Very few men who h:ic ootaineu .a ,. t e a I Jim -rwl I ine po.iuea. noiorr;iy o. .... Conklincan le found who an willing - " 1 w I to accept such a position. Practically it ostracises them from tha active life mcimoenlonmitpuoiicoi.cerH. ixow- IT I ever Uignitieu a juugo oi row -r r .L. CJ Ceurt mav be arith his gewn, r tc, it plaees him so much in the position of a monk that any man msseaaing great ac tivity and greater ambition, is unilJ iig to enter the judicial monestary. Su?li men are both Conkling and Kd- muuds. Their eyes have been taught . to look above that position, and have - . ii rested for vcars on th While Hour.e No Judge of tho Bapreaaa Court ever be me. President of the United States. ,i r ,i- ixt, 'e ixlfmA it regaruless ,f thu botb of thcec mr?n have too much of an aspiration to as-iiht in tho moulding of their party to accept of tlu position them, Thpy have done well in declining. J position there are enough who will ac- eept t. There are men urea tor u ny a I drill on the bench of th State e r . 1 r . urtf. many of whom are entitled to long Courtf, many ic on account of their judicial ability To one rf such men it should be tender- eJ, aud not offered as a reward for par- ty or personal service. EtAILttOlD WOBK. "We learn that tnere are, now over three hundred Chinese laborers at k on the railroad, south of Rose- , ... ?, and that witmn a month there work bure wiil be at least a thojsand. Miller & Bon have about thirty men employ- ed driving piles and constructing bridges. They will add largely to car loads of steel rails for the exten- sion havo arrived at Ro.burt; and , there is every inaction that work W to be pushed right along. bent, net. , r , . wwh u.r. ea fire on Blaiue s head by inviting him to ;l . i.. . ,1 i. A t meir torco as booh en nmoem arc tinder cnhtruetion at American Falls, the tunnel being to Oleron. Inciden ready foj the bridges across the South on Snake river, wiil be finished and tally, it will shorten tho distance from TJnapqua and Myrtle Creek. Eight trains running across it bv the 1st of pointa in Spain to many parts of a state dim Blaine accepted. M!tr Wl.l.k. Tliero is considerable aignMcanci- 111 Hilt llltUM HMfiL' 'PllV mn.itj somothing more than tho mero ex tra bustlo aid stir caused by tho In gross of a large number of llilgaiil Jurors and attorneys into our tntdtt. Once It was sot down as a period when justice was to bo obtained, and the Co irt week was long looked for by many. Now hero is justice; but tho trouble seems to bo In not knowing when it h wanu-d. Tho Circuit Court has been In session In this city this work and in u litilo over two dnyt diipottd of n!M)ut fifty cam. Won they tried ? Almost none of them. Some woro continued ; but in many of tho cases there was judg ment by dcfau'.t, although thero had been a pogulur tlefer.eo; iu others dismissal of tho suit. Some woro dlsjHVsoil of on account of defecive ideading's, and several were fottlctl. All of this simply'shows hasty litiga tion, leaps in the dark, etc., and while it is a good thing for tho law yers it is u bad speculation far .lohn Doe and Richard Roe. Who is to Mono for premature suits and un necessary defenses. The lawyer f It is a nice thing to lay it at his feet but it is a fact that it is no more his fault than the clients, J ami i probably not so m neb. fired by a deslro to win the client misstates fads from the beginning for tho sake of making out his case, ami this is found out when ho has fully cooled down. In another casj the lawyer misstates the law for tho sake of a case. And ro it goes, filling calenders with causes that are nover tried, many of which could butter bo settled before than after brougl.t into Court. It has the mora of putting money Into clreulu. tion, and it is consoling to know that where there is s ntue's ehatT there h s-uno wheat. SUA Wtltt MKlkl Ouhi Ion l-.u agitatad by that ra Mister t l of the am kinsman, usd when lis b.-'itueM hiiiMf If opproainl th; strik' . Sever . I hundred nM hin iats, ariog that they weie n., recoiv ing larg enough waOtisak aibatitsge of this Hi-er,anl atruck fir an inrreae. It was deniod. The ..mial conipieucea have followed and w'dle it !s r otUkoly to approach the Pitta' urg afiTafar it iaol no mean dimensions. Four or Gve hundrel men, whit pastdous nootal to the hixhe.t uo'.ch can shake a citv i iu very center. 1 hey have done it in Omaha, and to such an extent tliat it was necessary to call the militia out Last Sabbath in a dU .tbance which occurmd between that govern went fed Isxly ami soma atnkers one of tue lat ter was killed by a bayonet thrust from one of the soldiers. The result was that they became more incensed than ever. but were quieted down, and it is proba bie that concessions ar ill be mad which will induce all of them to go to woik. U- a to be hoped se. ITTM hiskai: irimio. San Francisco has again become ox c.tol on the Cuineae question, caused moat I v bv tlie h!i nin infliiv nf I lie ' ' Cuolinatour aWaa during tie, iaat " BBS I nionths and tho necessity of m.- ing op(KMitiou etTred by such men aa $en?ltor j ear, a in mifested in hia late ieech in thn .Smate. A grand mass meeting BSU latrrly leeu bald in that city, and it ws consideied of n '., in. portanee that the Governor declared the day on which it wan held a legal holiday. Piatt Hall was crowded to w I ovei flowing. Fiery aiechas were mid by the leidtug imm ol (Vlifornia, alioairi'' eouinletelv the neeeawatv of " tlje of lhe Mij)er y.. . Djonionatrated to tlie Chinaman thvl be I must ba on thr lookout for the lion of I indigestion is after him I oi ii ut : ElfPiaK Citv, Warcb 13. A boat with thiee sailors from the loatrailaa ark liulsarlc, UapCaln VVm. Willism, came in over the bar thitf evenincr. I hey report the bark foundered in latitude 45.7, longitude 145 wear, on March ut, js days ut from okohsma hound lor Puget h;iur.d in ballss:. T. , . , . . owered and owing to the rough sea got adrift and it was impossible to regain the ship, which was nut ct sight the next "inning. ,Another lK)at two mn wnvt hilinc HM nt. tha u-tmn sight. The eflicers and, eighteen in number, wore reit on wnru wiu no serviceable bant and are probably lost. The men say the ship was leaking bad- , T7l 1 '1.1 . i yitii vue irmo buu amra not now, oia couutyjait at iakeview, which is dis a feW hours longer. The names of tha rant one hundred and twenty miles v 1 J a'Vt.:i -ti . . . survivor are Edward O'Neil, Charles Lawson and Hugh McDonald. ojnoox shout uki: lhe hoattl ot directors ot the Ureon Short Line Eailway Company yesterday I111 e-'CoUon of officer, in this city h. II. 11. Clark, of Omaha, was elected Uent, Hon. D. P. Thompson vice prCsijent and Ellis 6'. Hugos secretary. Iho work of construction, track laying and bridge building is being pushed for ward as rapiuiy as possinie with the force now at work. Tho bridge At the present rate of progress they will 1 each Wood river miuea by wie ii 01 Aiignar,, hhu xnso river two Dl0ntjlg itttert this rate about 325 miles 0f roa4 will be completed in five mouth. An officer of the road remark- yesioraay tnat uue vjregon onort ljine would be the gint road with eastern con- nection into Portland Oregoydan, iMon i i ski Tho ground upon which cortnin Southern Senators, calling Uiemselvob Democrat, voted to give (ion. (Jn.tNT ten thousand dollars aniinlly for tho rest of his natural life la link fonsihln from ony point of view. They said it became Ihtttl to bo maguatiimous. Mai'nnni;n;us with what ? With tho public money raised by taxation V That money does not bolOQft to members of Con gross. They have no right to give it away. They aw solemnly sworn to appropriate It only to certain sped Bid PtirpoaM; and thoy are Irusices fortluMf purposes nl ne. To pay It out for tho gra'.Mhatloii of a sentl ment, whether that -etitimont be charity or admiration, Is almost a bad ns to iippropr.'utc' it corruptly. Nothing tan bo Vonot nothing more llagrnntly opposed tothclruo primd plos of l-'isloral legislation, than this misappropriation of the Rioofia pro vlded iy law for Lbo support of the Government, and I r no other pur post'. Tlie talk in win. !i these Southern Senators indulged, by way of pre. pi ration fur this botnynl of tbolf trust, is very much llko that which preceded ibe stopendotis uet of political trvason iu the MOM quarter la 1870 '77. It wis magnanimous then tojolfi in swindling tho people out of their chok f it Proaldonl ; and it Is liugnaulmou- now' to empty tho Treasury Into tho pockets of persons having no claim whatever upon tho public money. J' Sun raanxuMi rati iw Tliis mstter af poinboiing Pfcil4ciola is a relic of amiaialilsiii. wblsb the American peaple should never pattern after. When a man hnn r. rt-i I JP10M aa chief execMtivti cf tin- United Htatcs, and teceiTed fot his aarHoiO tho Urjs sum Of $S00,00C h) had paU to him all tliat he in entitled tO l'art ioul.irly is this tho eiee u hi n I. is fillrd ibe President i:tl eh;ir fiht yeara, 11a QfMat did. It is not theduty i f Lie yov i nmi nt to keep atu-h a BMU) tba leat of his life inluvuivand OASf Nr ahould he ov-A it. Ife left the Wl i'e flocaa witl mjru apoUa than probably any othri Prcaidctit ever did, and if through IS oarn diiuiipatrnt eoStrOt ba ha got rid f tku fortune he OHM bald It i t not the fault of the government. '11. i. pUa of poverty is achildtah one the plea of a prodigal son, but it it not oi.o that anould be greeted with paternal .fac tion. It iv a greit thing to have been President of the I'nited Si.ti-, but it lor era oaWa dignitv baaoaoa bovlaraj been, bo aiiiu hnnax It j r.'. on H lhe Sment of la- Pa ,1 ...... for assistance from his BetsbboiaL It is right far DnbUe sarrico to be rewardad. as it is wkon $50,000 a year ia paid the President, but is net light to go fai thr ind make a lite teuure of ii. TXII.f TO LfSOal U1U. On iaat S4tuilay ttight at ten o'clock covet. teen armed and marked men rode into the town, diamount jd and entored the office ofOreenman's hotel where tlie murderer Laws was under guard await ing examination. Joatioa Wright aad Deputy Bwarin Lawia, with several I .. I ..... ....... : , i . ..!.... I VMM WWW M MM Jw iba I.ynch- era ordered all to sit .low,., which wai oUyed. The leader then took a light ' r . a t . from the table, aayiu u i. nI nt iioner ( i)iiw on, ' ovm, and went mlo lhc jj. shot wai tired from upstairs by the prisouei'a yiiaid about that time. Uu waa then shot by the lynchers through the thigh, cutting the femonil aitciv, and died five minutes after. The rdrot extinouiHhetl tne ijghu jn the office and those pres- ent iumned out of to" window. a Justice Wright was shot iu the arm, the bullet grazing hi side. The lynchers then left, tuking with them a wounded man, w ho is supoaed to bo Jt I, -' " up riddled with ah ,t and a nice r of 7' . I scla with a tuft of 'boir attOOBod. The shot iliat ht i nek him is Mupposeil to have been bred by Icwih, un a un was found behind hitu with one barrel discharged and he had no anna on hitu. It is hard to bu who tired the first Lhot in the ollice. Tho Bunnosition iu that the leaders of tho lynchers were mo Modoc county, Calilornin. whan tha friendi of the bov Calsvar. who w.k i - murdered by Laws,, imci that thev were ndn forced by cattle men from Langell valley and Bonanza, There ia no sympathy fi V deeply regretted. Tho lynchers were evidently well informed and knew that tha prisoner was upstairs, nad had it not been for tho rashness of his guard, - . i: : . ....i.. II much excitement, but all is quiet now and IjHws was to be examined to-day. It j8 thought an attempt will be made to take him while on his wav 10 the 0 u . . . , . . . . v . :ne froDi Linkville. There is no flue to the perpetrators of this unlawful and bungling affair. Orejonian. Thk success of tho railroad tunnel inc of the Alps has prompted a scheme to pierce in like manner the J yronees. The proposed tunnel is to be four miles long, penetrating the mountain chain at Horn port. Its primary purpoho is to shorten tho railroad time between Paris and Madrid, which it will do to the extent of ehjht hours, with the aid of a new railway running from Sara- 20Sa to lluesca. ami tnencu to oomwort. the connection on tho French side of Europe; besides, it will probably help the trade of France and Spain. Very likel v. however some persons KdJitional case wi both countries can be oIen to invasion; for a military terror on that score would seem to bo as much in order as the one in relation to tbe Chennel tun nel. - -'ftiii&lfaiftry OORRB8PONDENOE ftUO ITEMS. Bote, Miirth l.'Uh, 1H82( Editor Democrat: Mr. James If. leinn and wife left Isat Thursday lor Colorado Spiinga. During tho k!ioi t time that Mr. I. unn has ben in buainesa here ho has tasdn a hoat of frienda and in that reaHict hot most eatimable lady is not one whit be hind him. Suio will ineurn the loan of a most reapectcd citizen and biiKiueaa man, but Colorado Springs may well fuel prom) to gain what wo moat leluct iiUtly Iom). Tim annual school msnting wns held last Monday. The only buaiueiiw trajn- aacted was In electing Al dohaitm, Ii rector, Win Morrow, retiring, ST. Trance. Clerk. Mr. Mat Cill in able to be on the atrcttt again, after a hhott illueaa. One of the most successful meetings of the iilue Jtiblejii ('lull was hehj lust Saturday evening the fallowing pro- gnoiaM was i mule! i dj Sing by the t'lub. Prayer by Eta, Joha ( '; n. OaooJng Aiddroai by Dr, Kirkpat- lirk Badlg, 'Hark tha B Nn4l of Jubilee," by ItoaarOi Talaait, Howell and Boon Raeitution by Miss Kate Creegan. Heading liy Miafi Annie llridgeford. M uaic by i;hstra. DaoTanaUoo, flharitian 1 r by lb Men Cornell. bv Mis. Hob iVntlaud. I haatl by l.utti girla. Hrcitalion Sy Miss Stdiriver. Pnlaantloo by Mr. ciiflwrd Eplay. Song, ''King Alcohol." K-isay by Hecorder Kslly. Recitation by Mrs Frank 1'ioan. Bolobj t Icorgn Howell. Hrading by S. Motlir. Dialogue, How she noolii him p;o p'e. Music by i Nnahaotn. , Cnnuiittee fr nett meeting Mias PlanOM Montgomery, Mrs. Pentland and (1. W. Johnstn. Suflica it to Hay that all who took part Hrforrnc I with credit. A verv pleasant soetal party win U !o last Friday eveaing at tho loaidence of Dr. Coon. tJemual amusements were tha order el the ereoing and the wee ania' imura did npear before the tuerry erewd t nine J their faces homeward, all expressing themselves as having Sont a verv pleasant avening. dm. UllIM OA1 SOU L, S. Shaw, formerly of Albany, has discovered a tnreOfroot-win ut coal on his farm, about two miles fram theOnoatta saw mills, ('apt. Aylcshaa 1 - r-i'l it, anil at preaont la making preparations to commence work on It. Another vein of eoa! his boon fotir.d on Depot Slough. A company has boon formed and several men put to wotkf with A. J. Rotter, formerly of Linn county, as Superntendeut. 'I hoy cail tho mines tho Mountain Belle." Chan. D!ck, another former real dent of Linn county, haa found a large dopnft of potoHl clay la the vicinity of l)eK)t Slough. It has been pronounced by expects to be of tho very best quality. Tho steam achoooor Hat and AnnU crossed the liar on tho ;th bound for Alsea. Jast as the last rays of the setting sun kl-sd tho ta:autiful waters of tho broad and mighty Pacifle, the Captain while manip ulating the wheel pronounced the marrhigo corrrnony to Mr. A. A. Uoso and Miss Haltio Baxter, both of Tolodo, Benton conty, Oregon. Thero aro to be one or two business houses constructed at Newport. Mr. Boswell, tho new superinten uent ot tna construction on tho (). P. R. B arrived yesterday with about a M m m - twenty-flvo graders. AH of tho men that can le secured are being put to woric. ThoOocatht Mills are expected to mono operations next weok. Uno mill on Depot Slough waa put under ..F , . 'a melt v ln way this week, and tho running to its utmost cap row days. The piling for the wharf la com pleted and tho approach i.s being driven. Work will bo commenced on a sea wall In a short time, to be thirteen hundred feet long. Mails for tho past two weeks havo been very Irregular, owing to high water. Portland mail of tho22d ult. retched hero only to day. All streams havo been very high. Marsh Simpson bat $100 ortl, of cherry pol.s which he had cut under contract to a San Francisco firm. The heavy rains havo damaged th Oregon Pacific grade In several placos and a great many laborors quit work on account of tho severe weather. . QMXriO.VS TO UK 4 K !'.!. Ar.n.vxv, M irch the 1 t h , IS82. km, Demtcrat: At the callmeotlnp; of Grand Prair- ia Lodge, for March tho Oth, the following resolution and qu08tions to be put to the candidates were passed by a unanimous voto of tho delegates of both political parties. lieso'ved, That we aro in favor of tho nomination of tried and true temperance meu only to fllle the var- m 1 ious offices of trust in our County and State. Questions to bo put to Candidates ! Are you in favor of a common car- !rlliw Are you opposed to uio election oi y ono for U. S. Senator that may 1 . . .. -I any ono lor u. . senator mat may bo tnteresteu in monopoly as attor noy or otherwise Are you in favor of taxing Mort- gage where recorded. Are you in favor of reducing the a fees f Sheriff and Clerk in this Coun. ty ? Aro you favorabie to the eneour agernent of capital judiciously used in this State. Witt jon favor Iho enactment of la Ian' preventing discrimination in freight' charges? Will you favor the amendments of the tugboat law ? Am you In favor of a law establish Ing a board of equalization ? Aro you In favor of tho amend ment or repeal of law In relation to school bookft ? -. .' t 4i,r.tKi ntou thk mimtlU.K sitwa Hev. LoOg lias ban discoursing to largo and nppneiate congregations tho past week. "Tl o old skule house is good enough for phi." "Them's my sentiments tew." Majority. John Allion arrived from The Dallesonlaat Thursday, safe, and to al! appearances sound as ever. Court is closo at hand and a good many of the loys wear a kixd of ' wish they' hadn't" look. J. J. Friar claims the boss colt, a S yenr edd stallion. Pcreheron and Henry, aoal tips thn beam at I8o0 pound s. The Occidental hotel has brightenod up iu appearances, under tho overhaul, ing present proprietors. Linn Woods who has been unwell for tho past week, is able to be out and enjoy the sunshine again. Afnr i.umereus adventurea and hairbrendths Mr. Ifabn suc ceeded in reaching The Dalits on last Saturday. Ho is on his way to 'Fris co for a new aupply of goods for bis store lit this plsee. S m- idea i f the extent of business of tliis town may be gained wben we truthfully say that on many days our merchants' sals amount to fifteen bun dled or two thousand dollars. Mr. Cameron, late from Montana, purchat." I something over l'JOO cattle on the f; -aver Creek range within tbe last two areks. An attempt has been made to builJ a new koiool hous.' hen, btit it failed. The sentiments .f the minority, whicb are quite j.i-y, will bo fuund iu tbe folio a-ing rapoti: !uaMucn as the fT.jrt to build a new a. hod house wa . wauled, and lost for want of auppoil, some of the enterpria- idg eitir.s have sgreed to erect one on their own "book," one that will ba attractive, and tickle the aesthetic tastes of the "majority ' whether it meets th approval of the pupils or not Plans and speeitieationa may bo seen at tba Nttct offioe. It ia intended to construct a substantial building, after the l'oncombe lyl .f architecture, of unhewn logs, u log left out in each end, whiuh will give ample light, and the furnishing need not cost anything more than a little physical ialtor, as we eicjiect our friemla --the majority to tarn out onl h-nd a helping baud. The seats aro to bo made of the same mate rial, hown Hat, with legs projecting abnt IS inch's on one side and about 'J inches on the oth- r side. A bole in the cejtr of the roof to 1st tho "gas" and irooko escape will constitute tbe ventilating arrangement, cr whatever you call it. This latter contrivance will ba needed about this lirt of March He to thnn at any other time of the ye ir. Mixonirv. L iter ir.sti u." iona: --.Smco the above acheitie !ms been made known u the streets ii has trecome the topic of gcio-ra! r mv.-taatiun, and bar met the approval of miny. S much so, in fact, ? .'. have been sui bribed towards it, and we are herely authorized to call for scaled bids, the lansUung asabove and desire b lot the contract in this way. The building, and furniabing to be two didorertt thing'. Noue but trustworthy an I . r -eri-n : 1 -.rjwn tors ned apply. Com. scm nour li i r KK. Swket lb ir. V, b Tth. 1HS2. Edit r l'f:,mrrat. Oar school meeting passed oil all right, nhjjough sumo ' legal points' woro met an J vanquished, the Clerk a IS hooks were oxamined and found oorrect Mr. . R. Abbott retired from board of Directors ami Mr. M. C Caldwell was elected to till the vacancy, aud Mr . Ames Was rooleotM :n t.erk bv acclamation. Mr. Barry Pnodn. ofOraaa liidge, died at 10 ;:,) Sunday nieht. March 5tb, 1 M1 "fU r n ,B of 8 critical state and ha been for some month, aud Urn. IS. C Jackson, ia till bhk. Jno McClite, of Al'-any, is in this neighborhood on buniiie,.. Geo M. DeVaney from near .lelFcraon mado a isit to this place tifea' .oars! a8 Eld. M. M. Norton, is holding mtot- - 1 J .call be St.jLlndn1 the1Jml an,,"-v f4? f 1,1. .1,4 I. . MX . k I .-. A .Ih.l tl... . . . . . 1 , . each month is open here, nnd the poefJo hero wouhl be pleas 1 to Have, pieach- ers make appoint in i,is o (ill such ilayej of eHcll monll WeatlitT continuesbad and there is ph.i, ,.owiaa ..,uhi...iir 1 at present. Politics seems quiet but every one seems satisfied who will be tho cratic nomiueea for Clerk and Sheriff, The probabilities is that Josh of tha rv ,... il. a;klj,,. i 1 .. , torx no a wieli N.jhed uv hn bred 18 smeerd with jrleeRe an az ben is cheef, Sweato Heani will havo to tukkum tu tha inevitable GlAUR. HLtT!:n OX Tin: nmrr. v 1 - a m a m 1 . . m Nl -v ork, iiiarcu 11 1110 n- bune Washington correspondent has this shot at Slater : The senate to- d.ay Cn.r0i tAlli .f tho tai ltrcoiiiuiis.don bill, and Slater ren(l a mmph upon it. r,lator is ft0m Orocon. and h:is a verv utiHSsumint? school boy's customary introduction, "Unaccustomed to public sneaking " . I . as I am," etc. Ills views were clear and carefully stated, but ho addod nothing to tho sum total of human knowledgo on tho tariff. He favors tarifT for rcvenue only- The SncUvj Argits. Loulsvlli (Ky.) observes : A Woadbury (N. J.) paper mentions the cure of te wife of Mr. Jos. I I. Mids, of that place, by St. Jacobs Oil. She had rheumntism. S abaci io for the Democrat. ik4'iit raror. Iellwaa up to trtlertlny Hm. 3. Geo K Halbreok and Alien It Halbrook vs N IJ Hamahrey, et al. Hult la fealty. Chenewith and John son for I'JU's : Fllnn and Chamberlain. Kelsay and ibirmtt, Humphrey and Wolverton lor Deft's. Continued. 4. Albany and Hantiam Water !lth Company vs John A Crawford, bull In Ksuity. Powell and BilyeUt Bon ha a and Itamsey for PliT; Fllnn and ( bam Serial n, KiraUan and liilysu. for Ieft. Cantlnued, 0. Ti Ackerinan vn Fsdke Aokermnn. ct al. Halt to foreclose mortgage, fltraban and Rdeu for FlftV Cou tluued. 7. Jas Shields vs S Tillard et nl. A'-tien nt law to recover mnney. Ktrabim snd Ullyeu for VIC Continued 8 .John (Jum vs Jas Philflaa, et al. Hult ia Kqulty to corret:t Oessls. If Bryant and L II Montnnye for Flff fault na to all bul W Hlllbouse, H Mill, house, 1'omeroy. Jane Hveler, W V Beeler, and May Roeler. ' 9. Ubeeca Carter rs H I) Cager, el nl. Suit to foreelo e mortgage. Htra ban and lillyeu for I'ifT. Humpkrey and Wolvertas for Itonrd of oamilss Inan Judgment by dsfnult. in. Knosh Hoalt vs Hiram Pmltli, etal. Hult In Kouity. Ktraaan and nilyeu, Poweil nna Hilyeu for PHI ; Fllnn nud t'knaiberlnln for Heft's. Motion to set aside default opened. 11. Knnpp, burred nnd Co vs J Thompson and Sons. Mull In Fruity Fllnn and Cbnmberlaiu for Allen and UhN. J tide ment for piT Oil-:. Jns Wbeeler vs Itosn Wheeler. Suit for divorce. Wentherford nod Mlnekburn fcrl'lfl Flloa and I. am ber lain for Deft. Dismissed. 17. Jas M Coon vs Thos Christina et nl. Sslt to foreclose mortgage tlnmpbrey nnd Wolverton for MA Judgment by default for put'. 18, W L Vnsco vs J li I-ee, admr atanti of Johu Wren, dee'd, et al, Hult to foriKdosj mortgage. Humphrey and Wulvertoa for Flft. J K Wentb rfard for Deft's. Judgment by de-fault ISO. DrtKonlan Hallway Company - Limited vs M Webba r. Actiu to ap pronnte lands. K Q Hugbee fwr Fill'. Humphrey nnd Wolverton for Deft Judgment aondemalag laad au pay t of n and coau. 'IL Oregoolan Hallway Co. Limited vs lvlward Carroll. Action to appr prlnte Innds. K H llugbea for 11 If. Verdict far value of Inad per acre. B. Oregonlnn Hallway Cn. Limit ed i.uiher White. Actloa to npnro prlnte lnmts. K Q Hughes for IU), ver dict for valne f land at 1 13 per sere. 25. Dunbarn, Carrlgan A Co vs Win Van Ynctor et al, Suit to foreclose mortgage. J c Powell nad L Klian fur pliT. W O Pnlmer f r deft Wra Kalston. J U- fan It aca W M Van Vactor and M C Van Vaetor. 'Hi l9a Huunell rt Kau !y J J!unnell. ult for divorce ; J J Whitney for pltT. Kefrr ed to E ll Hkipworth: 27 H P.osen field nnd Co vs W I !tUimnr. Action nt law. Wualley. Fechhelmer nnd Aeh for p'.T. Judg ment by dtfault. .'J.- Allen and fiewis vs W L Balti more. Action nt law. Wballey, Ferh nehnsrnud Aeh for pliT. Judgment by default 2t SH A'.tbouseetnl vaJchn M- tz hm Action at law. U tl Montauye far p'tr. Judgment by dtfaall 3d J F McCoy vs Thos Clemens et sb Suit to vacate judgment or decree and fardecreo of foreclosure of mortgage I. It Montnnye for ptflf ; Humphrey and Wolverton f.T Nancy J Tetherow. Judgment by dcfnult. 31 Johnson White as noWr of the eKiAte oflliehard ClnrkdecM vaJoscpb Vales. Action nt law in recover inou.-y . T P Hacklemaa for pltT. bottled: S3 Mnbala Wilson vs M A Unbar. Action nt Inw to recover m uney. Flion and Chamberlain for plff ; J J Whit ney, Fewell and Uilyea for deft. Scttled: 34 Ilnard of Commissi. mers vs An drew Ibley, et nl. Motion for leave to issue execution. Strahan ami Hilyeu for pltT. Jndgment by default: M Geo F Himewii vs W It Findlay, etal Suit to foreeloa mortgage. L II Montnnye for plif. Iefaaltvs Findlay nod wife; 3d neninmin Brattaiu t 'A m Hunter and nnd Mary A Itaker. Action at law to .vcovar money. Weaterford and Klackkura for . p'.T. Judgment vs V A Baker aud continued as to rest' :W John White as adm r estate f Hiebard Clark, dee'd, vs F B Stockton, T 1' Uackleman for plff: Judgment by do fault: 88 J W Meyer ts Maliasa J Myers. Suit for divoree Humphrey and Wot vorteu for phf. Judgment by d. fault: ai L'l.l.r.n- U.n.a.n e P. W m-.-:i - 1 uiiuiitvU' uuikiv I'fiumic inw iti Dalph, bronaugb, Do! nh and Si men frphT. Bettled. r wieha-l V bur? f?r pita! .; rsiernoerfr, reBiier ami o va e. Wentharford aud attack- strahan and Bilyeu Tor amend complaint: 4 k John I Mattock et al va Mary J Mattock. 8ult for partition. Wentbor- ford and lUaekburu for phi. Referee? appointed to partition land: 45 B ard of Commissioners vs Belle Swe gle at al Confirmation of HhariiVs Win nd Cbaaiberlain. Humph rey and Woberton for plff. Confirmed. 40 Board of Commissioners vs H Bilyca etal. Conflrmatios of Sheriff's Sa'o. Humphrey and Wolvertoa fer plff. MtXrmU: vSLmVtJfSS Hum direy nnd S .... . . K Commissioners vs .las Confirmation of sales. it Will r.rlnn fur itlflT. KMnn and I'hamberlaiu for Corbett nnd Maoleay. Confirmed! is. David Ynune va Jas McMahan Confirmation of Sale. Weatherford nad Blaokburn for plff. Confirmed: c-L"r Vr'r a . 1 n a a m . -v a n if plff. Johns and Miller for deft. Sale vacated: Ll .Zrh tate of P liendcn.on, deed; action to ap- propriateland. E H Hughes, Bellinger lOonvin fer plff. Filnn aud Chamberlain I r,- iaLi mnrAn ,.r nMni.. p.iiViVpa'T.iiniiA,i v. WtaClymer Action to appropriate land K G 11 turbos Ilelllnirer A Gear in forptff Flion & Chamberlain for deft. Settlod nnd judgt as per stipulation. 52: Orogonlan Railway Co Limited vs W H Goltra: Aotion to appropriate lands: E G Hughes; Bellinger A Genrin foi plff. Humphrey and Y 01 venon lor oeit. sot- tied. 64. Smith A Brasatield vs Tho9 T Wil on etal. Centlrmalion of Sheriff's sale. Fllnn t Chamberlain tor plff. Confirmed A P whaalw va. D M Cooper and j n wilsou, aetlou at, law To be settled. M j T stoekton et al and Geogo Stockton, et al. fcuit i Clarence for parti- v' ' " J . .. I .... .... -. f ru vl II,. ,1, A doctor will sit kown and write a prescription ; timo, five minutes ; paper and ink, one-fourth of a cent ; and the patleut pays l, $2, $5, $10, as the case m iy be. A lawyer writes ten or twelve lines of advice, and gets from $10, to $20, from his client. An editor writes n half columu puff for a man, pays a man from fifty cents to one dollar for putticg It is typej prints on several dollars' worth of paper, sends it to several thousand people, aud then surprises the puffed man if he makes any charge. rxriL pboy r.F.nt I I, Present Mayor, Ilecorder, Mir-dm', and Aids. Scott, Llsckburn, Hoffman, Linning, P ie-c and Harvey. Fwllowin bills w re rpor'tnl correct; A 15 Mcllwain. 822.30 ; vr Oorr- der.Sll.Go ; M J Hootu, '$ I, 70 II. Fox, . 7.' Comrnitteo on ways ai.d w.ins ie- jrorted in f.ivor of bwldhag sn rnaa house for L:r.n EoglnO Oonspant Ka. not to cost m-jre thn f?2"'Ki. Adefjt ed. Quarterly rejrt i f ReenenWr was " ferred to eoamittee on neconota snd current exjen-:es. Petition of Albany (afiaeCo. Wat I, was referred to c .ninii't oo I' md Water. A K'li! i n tr ;ni J. IL V wU r ari l 30 others a.kiog that aaloon liceitse le made not lees thin C."0f) r au'itfin ws granted. An ordinance providing f r UiobeibL ing of an Kngine house for Linn 1'nine 0jmarry N.. 2 wi ytsawyJ. Ay Seott, Blackburn, Hoffman, Pierc ho1 H u vev. Na Lanning. An ordinance providing f o ilia rein ing of the licenr. ; of sa!oons from " I I ti $."00 and breweries r s2o0 ar.d ir mttting ' hem to kep without a licence n billiard imw0t pool table, piwn In le. table or devil SnSOflg tl.e tailors sn I prohibiting tl.e aale of Isnoi to uiie.or under 21 I nates d of 1 ;. I reo.f -re, w bronnaf up od p'."'.! Axe all. Tlii foUooiog lids wer rsdassnSl to Commi'.tee on aeoasffnta : V. K. Bab inson, himWr, ?2.H0 ; X. O. I-nnv, 17; city vs Vi!l;am, ?"'." . N. j. IL-nton, 61o '0. Recorder waa aataoricsd to cie no tice tbat ho would BMrt an equal i n board March 29, a'. 7 p. . Adjourned. BEE HIVES FdR SALE. I have hundred .f tbe eetn brmUMl Lancroth B- llivaforaaie and alfo have aom of Iba fUUan b wbieb I hi 1 fii-jirrtur of ou e.y ter tiolb lie and e i.l p . 4d al tlian 3iuiJ W.C. Dnaicaw. s ua. ai . l mu a: is-.. For tbe cpcly cure c: couusipliari ar.d all diae.uwa that eA in it, acch a atwM m eougha. ttr-t'tccUA c!4s. brfaclit;, bar it ver, aaliiraa, ra:n ia the aidr aal c ut -.." dr backing eoajh, tickling in tbe thrn.hre beas, aoce Ibraat anrl sail chronic or liar rinjj diacaacs ut tbe tbroat ari bBttfca Ur. Ki: New IieTcrr bu no equal arel baa taU liahed for itaclr a warbl-w.da reputatian. Many lading pliytkiaua rownunt.J and ui it io t!rr pec;iv?. Tho farsnafta fresn wli-b it ia pfared ia Li1 ! iki.ii.u.;i:.! by ail rceln-al JWinisti' I i: t&rrgf aiei tbe pnaa nana nsnnjJbnonanl rn ti m-tt -w- ing term. Go t wr ir. . d act a botte tree of eot, or a regular arts far !. Far aale by Foahav antl Mtw, i ItoUu!e ' ? ny ; D. hiorrin, bdw ; ir. L. Ftie, 1 j. non ; Dr. J. ft. I'oatll. Ix!iuoh ;" U i'. CalbreatV. He:ia Vtt : It-afetto and 1 tagae, .IctTerson ; O. If. I. Coruelin-, Tur ner : I:. A. l-rr.;.y, Harnsnswg j -. .-. liayea, II alary Darm-n .s-ritU. I!al rj Starr mi Raassy, f'.n-u laollowny'a I'lilaand Oinlrnr tit. Wrectsof Humanity . Indieretion f Youth. No ctl-jert eaiuorq pool aj than the prvniatrire aeasiluiity r-t utiT. datlj witnosed among ih "r.abU'ut if our public pron.enadeas w!i-ro i: seen the terrible results oC diseaso in n moat frightful forms of tbe ghastly nnd eantlaveroos wreck of manhood. de luded victims of nnprinrinal wounrela who, by pernicious noMruni. hav Im pregnated the system of iheir imMisj-c-log and confiding patienta with intfieral potjaona. For all aWrs and !tnp;rr:iTor blood consequent npon surh imprudence, Bolloway'a lulls ami and Ointmrat aro powerfiiily etUcaciou-, being compel of rate iNUaam and veciela'oiea that are antagonistic load diu-drm of th Mood, and ulcera arising from virn in :e body. Tb-j' contain not a pnrticSn of utrrrurr nr olhr mineral jroison. " at I : p 'KTavt Can rios. None are s"ni;ip unless the Mnature of J. Hvix u. Mir roair.N c.ieb bon of lu!U ai d UsWntewt. Uoxe at 21 cent Hi conU nn.l ft ear4i. Tbeio ia eonsidorabtp saving v raking lb larger nr. iiamieWAY Ato, New Vok. fvf. HOLMAN'S PAD, FOR LIVEB. tii i: .Hiooaaeli, I.iui.rja. Ia lU ojiI.v mm aJ reSable rcowslj: f. Malaria in all Us frail, LM'L.1 OIN'O I.HU.B, Irvcps, t.iil A, 1, Wrw'llmil Kvtt-ra, llrajai Iksl J Itfcr It. 11. at Lit ami la Tuia is ih ; vil k-i iri rau'lv t'it jviiii '.-rx k;U every veati oi i inaUrial Uul ir vrltkuut etKUugcriu Pro. Dr. A. Lromla nan : It U nuen un.vfTa.. ana.x-a tluiii anyUun in turtiuut - 1 1,: is ,i...a tha ! abnliwn. of wVr-h lr n . 1VI i the outy gvuuiuc a.tJ iruo txpantM For all lalD.LV mo: itiiw i m ... Renal ,wr KiJuev faS. me best rv:el. im Lbaarurl aK. -ommeuaetl by lhe imvlical la. ufx . BE W ARK. OF BOGINPADK. .JricirnnlD Ho,nULn Kr" the rnivtri: RM LMKHTANrot the Uulmtai Pad nasaaeva tra le mark jrtnlt h, jjto. But ,.,, withoulit, VOU SALE C ALL IIB1 CCWW. Dr. Holnvw'a a-ltity t free. Fall tmtie sent tf on atpliuuun. Ad'n holm i r.t :.. "14 Uroctdwav, Uew Yrl. P. C 2,s Sll 10-W Dissoiution Notice. NOTICK in jwwtylwr t'rut Ui o parlnrddn Iurf'-fi :o xistmi? b. tween I. r ti. ' ... ,,..i ia . under the firm name of Diekey A NHraaon is hereby dUsolvnd lv mntiil e naent I. C. I'.ickoy retiring from tho firm. J. c rK K KY. T.EWIS BTIUSON. Albany, Feb. 11th, 1S81 '. a. n. rtifi.l r. iw CorrSr, AacWnt ftUaruic Matter ranatlT -,. UaK wt illour.ld rilhj af ' a and fH-xU. l k Watrm tct. lta, laa ktealv Imiin ..lln-l, 1 1 - ' i a. ai. l.kiXVI M, .V I t i . I u itt.Mircn, 1.1 iM..j, Tak m ra ksj rbi i:if . AN AKESIS Gives Inatsnl Rotiatf, sad is an ltlt':.j'u CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF Pl-.EIG. S -ld by DraggUta everyn-hcro. i . .. .:;.' per box,jpr.7iii, by mail. to Physldana and nil -Seu&taedter it Ctx, liox S.44I;. Nc-w V.:; C it j . bole nianalactorei c i A : A K i. : - xnaXMaiAaa. TRTT. TO