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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1882)
i SPATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT anvxuTBaro batbs. Twk In. ! la fan He. r -- 1 1 Inch 1 00 200 too 400 600 750 1000 IS 00 800 00 00 700 900 12 00 1500 9ft 00 5 00 700 1000 1250 18 00 1800 25 00 4000 8 00 1200 IS 00 1800 25 00 3000 4000 0000 IS 00 We MOO trot tsoe 48 00 60 00 100 00 ISSUED JCVKRV FRIDAY g n II t i LAI U H.8TEWAKT. tl It ,1 H niHiKHS outmcb-Is iwmni uwiiu TKRMS OF BllHSCRilTtON ua we, P r 00 copy, sis tmauhe. w ie dii.v. te: m.-ww i w MMMr. . lv PUOFEKSIONAL CARDS. I FUHN. O. R. CtTAM BKM.AIN . FUNX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. 0TiMQoo In Foster' Brick Blouk.-tE vlonlStf. R. . KTRABAN. Lu BILYKU. STKAHAN & B1XYEU, ATTORNBYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. TR ACT1CK IN ALL THE COURTS OF i this State. They give special atten tion to collection end probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 4tf L. H. MONT ANTE! ATTORNBJ AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Briggs store, 1st street. vHnSStf T. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAT, OlCiOX. W 'ILL PRACTICS IV ALL THE COURTS OP THE sens. SpscislsUsauoct glvse WootlseUoossnd probate sistlT. CsTOOes In Odd rslUrWs Twapls. M j. o. rowmx. w r nam POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. ... ORfftiOX. Col lections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. eroce In Foster's Brick.-s vlOMPif. T. P, HACKLEMAIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. A LB A XT, OBE4.0- saTtHBce np stairs in the Odd FeUew'e ' emple.lBt viSnSQ F. Ml. MILLER, ' UTOKXKY' AT LAW ,C it t0 OREGON. u avaerles m sii the eouns of the ai. i'r :ttt-iM ,n JtiTn to ..i . c.'i .-vq(v. auJ "xsmiusAion of ftllea. ProSet baabMsa a spfnaiuy. J. A. YA.I'TIS, aTTORSEY and counselor at law OOBVALZJB, OS COON est aV-OCVy to thf Court House vianSSvL OBOBG8 ATTORNEY CARVES. AT LAW AND Notary Public, PBHETILLS. OWKt.OV Collections promptly mads on ail points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALB kY, OBL4.0 WILT practice in all courta of the Ssate, and rive special attention be collections. Office in O' Toole's Biook. B. R. SKIPWORTH. ATTanSBT AS rorVAELOB AT LAW AD ftWTABY ri BUI . WILL practice in all courts of the State bn sinews Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. 0et in 0 Toole' Block, BroadaAin Street, 45yl ARytny, Oregon. B. G. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMBOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office hi Froman's Brics. two doors fast of Conner's Bank. old LEWIS STIMSON'S AITBUY AMD FEKD STABLE. First claea vehicles, fine horses, geed ssed, aceommodaUng proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Saabiea near Revere House. Oyl. DR. E. O. HIDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCfO, OREGON E. W. LAKCDOH & CO., Books, SlaHonery and Toilet Art idee, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT IDKTJGr STORE, tf Um 1 ST. O KGO X . FOSKAY & MASON, BTl D r uggisls and Booksellers, ALBAXV, OBEfiOX. vleneltf REVERE HOUSE, ( oruci Vtrst asfed Rlewsrfli Alaaa, Btsaafraa, Chatv Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hotel is AUsd np Is first cisst style. Tables suviHieJ with Us ba ths eaarket efforts. Spring lied In every E-xxc. A food SssspU Rests lor Coro-nier-iei Travelers. S3T r re Court tm frwi J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. BOOTS AND PHOMS Ktade to order, and repairing dune with neatness and dispatch, and at low prioee. Call and see him. First Street, Albany. 41yl Aloany Bath House. 'SHK UNBBRSltiNED WOULD RBnPBCT L felly iiforta thscitissas sf Albasy and vi otait that I have taken ehsrga sftkit Intahhsh msnt, sad, by keeping elssa room and psjria strict attention to basiaesf, expects u salt el these who may (aver us with their ystroeage Raving heretofore carried on nothing hat Ftrst-01asH.iir JAressing Saloona, expeets to gie entire atiafsetion to sj SaVChildisn aad Ls dies' Hsir nsstly ea shampooed. JOS WIBBBA. VOL. XVII. mrs. m, mm lielmioiie has just opened a ulco selection ot General Merchandise AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Which she will be able to sell al reduced prti HIDES AND PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at the highest market price. All are invited to call before buying else where. 22m3 BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon 0 la the BEST and CHEAPEST. MORRISOH PLOWS Batclielor Yanplder Spring Har rows. STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & P. Wood Pumps, Hay Presses, Finning Mill, ttfM Fur Sale at Lowest Iiates by W. II a OI.TRA, ALBANY, OR. Idyl JAMES BANNAUS. vswsrrcsssi aim bulks is FURNITURE BEDDING. Csraer Feevy and ftcrwad Mtrrv. ALBAXV, - ORF.CiON. rsSsiiyi It supplies the ns tarsi food aad color to the hair glands without vfafng the skin. It will BtaBSSSBI and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent Its "' fslltng off, aad thus AVEBT BAUDNBSS. It cures Itching, Erup tions and Daadraff. As a HAIR DBBSSIXa It Is very deslrsble, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head sweet aad health y . WHISKERS win change the heard to a BBOWK or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation It Is easily applied, aad produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. H. Sold by all Dealer In Medietas. Summons. In the Circuit Court of Ik State q Oregon for Linn County : 8. H. Alt house, J. F. Backensto and W. M. Ketch uin, copartners in business, under the firm name and style of Alt house, Backensto and Ketobnm, Flffs, vs. John M. Met7,ler( Deft. To John M. Aie&Uer the adovt named defend ant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, yen are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ef the above named Plaintiffs, in the above Court, now on filo In the office of the Clerk of Linn county , on tbe 1st day of the next regular term of said Court for Linn county, Oregon, to-wit : the 2nd. Monday, the 13th day of March, 1682. And you are here by notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as heroin required the plaintiffs will take judgment against you for 51 and 68-100 del lars, in U.S.geld coin, with interest at the rate of one per cent per month from June 20th, 1879, and for coats and dis bursements of this action to be taxed. This Summon is published by order of Hun. K. P. Boise, Judge of said Court, which order U dated January 24th, 1882. I j. H. MOWTAVYB. 26w6 Atty for Pitt. Has been In cousnSH ase by the naalle tor oyer twenty years. Hl B and Is the best prepsxaUon KJ srer Invented for BESTOK- le UfO OBAT BLAIB TO ITS I 8tet TOUTHITX COLOB AHD f AsSSTSr I l Ji and It f i cine. 1 71 A I liilQII wVaw HHE kawI 1 !t RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Scut, Quinsy, Son Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot and Ears, and all othor Pains and Aches. K.i rreoarauoa oa earth equals fr fsew ' as s V, mure, timpt sad cheap Bstet H. mrjjr A trial .etaJM but Ike eMnp.riir Irt&tbf oellsy of SO (Vats, ami sery eoe saSeili with pals esa asre cheap sad fushire jrf f m claints. IMrecOoos la Mstss Issgnages. COLD BY ALL DBD0QI8T8 ABD DEALERS IB HEDIOIVE. A. VOGEUER Sc CO., atot, V.M.A. PAT E N T S Ws nonthrae to act ss le lirtiort for relent, rrrssu, Traoe Marks. Ooprrlgnu eta, for ths IMAsst etsiM. na, wina jmgiaoo, rranoa. oenoany. see. We had tlrr-ve ytms exports ace. osssunea tBrusgn us are nouosd la ue srt sTBaaSAB. This targe end spisodid tuas- SklrnSDSr. SS.SO a nar.uivi the ITi 1. 1 of lessnoa, y very inieresttug. and has an soartnoos ehetdatloa. Address at t'Hlf A ratsnt stid B Pub's, of MOTirtc AMSaicsM, 17 Part Row. JTort. Manl b.t aJAii fauiu free. Ma J. II. Batic, Newnfior Advertls SSf Agent, 41 1'srk !'. .w ; 1 m.. Bolldlog) New York, U authorkol to mitra.'l fur sdverthentsionts in the Iikmotuat at our boat rates. King of the Blood le not a "cur, .ul f it Is s b0ed-oorto.-r aad Inale. Uaptirl'T tit (A-.! f.i.r. uu iitna, .:. rangW IS lrculA..'i iutd Uiu. in.ju nuu. tte.rtlrra, fcnoaru dIBSMvtit Hue. u ..urtlrwruuli llkrfn ss "irrt i la eff-.u '"Jt !!. rsJJjr l tnrnm of ib ,i sr,-. susj k1 'i'roVr. Irjpsrirv of Mlto.1. H-jcn a r !. '. flarr ' 'oijJiMr, (rmatta tt't.m. V r . M. t-, litrad- Of.. BSWaSSSe.0 f rif iri'tneiS. : hi - A'kI.'S1 f; ". Itlrt. I ' a- fTi. .i Sir. t firtfjim. LI am. .v. tUlm0 v . - Hlns St Ihe PlesS STS reasi ss. rwm .l Kv a'.atkitc ih .. ,r . fmi.jrtir ear las H ta s.o k.-ta rati fi .: . DeurvMs. auid t-v Lt r;n i t.t i-tr I UnresUta. SI lr u .. Iff- v a ... aa. a u( n.i t,..; S. EiaboJ. so s CC ivaps.. affjls. k. i If. DO Send for out New Iliustra ted Price-List No. 30, for Fall and Win ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains full description of oil Asads of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, acul sell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 327 and 220 Wabash Aveoue.Chtcsgo.IU. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL WHO ABE INDKHTED TO MB or have any business to transact with me, are hereby notified '.hat my affairs are left in the handa of Mr. Simon Seltenbaoh, of the firm of Monteith & Kei'epbach. i,. Km mb. RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, IftOM & CO., PROPR'S. ssw raocsas vloob tiTpraioa fob fa mimes AJTD DAK MUi USB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY - 5iyi OR. The Corvallis Frail Co. Will purchase Plummer dried fruit at full market prices; Will send a cam potent person to advise fruit growers aa to cultivation of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit troes of anproved sorts at moderate prioee; Will sell Fluramer Driers thronirh Linn, Beaton and Lane counties. Letters to be sent to Corvallia rv Com pany, Corvallie, Beuton County, iregon, WALLIS KASH, Proaldent. Jastee R ragman, Seo'y. January 1, ItaV 24wf3 Notes Lost. The fellewlng notes have been lost from the safe of the city Drug Store, which all persons are warned not to purchase ; one for $2u0, doe July 1st, 1879, made by En oampment Lodge : one for f 150, due in 1881, made by John Wallace ; one for flOO, due la 1879, made by John Elder and endorsed by Luther Elkins ; one for 9500' made by John Morgan, with a Cr. of 9300 n the back. All of said notes being payable to Elijah tfaltmarsu. Any Krson knowing of tbe whereabouts of s same are requested to report to the subscriber, E. S AX.TM ARSH . ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, Hoi oo tori fcKory Dncla VersuB Hophew, The bell's of the mason, at Atlantic City, lnt star, whs Adrienne Vail. A darh eyed brituty, with one of thonn tiuh, wine warm complexions that remind one of Egyptian Cleopatra, lovely red lips, sml white srtns spark liug with copious of precious stones Ins BBsvdl of dfad-geld , and in the purple light of the setting sun, as she sat thetu in Major Ilarbazon's barouche, with the foaming fringes of the sea on one aide, aud the yellow sands on the other, she was as beautiful as a dream. Nor was she unobserved by the otresui uf gay promenadera along the shore. 'It's a foregone conelmi n," said old Doctor Pounce. "She'll marry Biabaxon, of oourso," said Mrs. Alleyue. "She 11 marry the richst umu who preaenta himself, no matter who he it," obaerved fapt. Iafon, Kpi(fuly. afh Brabasons arc s wealthy family," remarked Doctor Pouuo. "Not that this young fellow has much of Wis own, but his uncle, eld Barney Brabason, is the riohest planter in Louisiana, without chick or child to inherit his wealth." "You may depend upon it, Miss Vail kas taken all that into censtdera tin," said Mrs. Alleyne, with the quiet malice which one woman often exhiLits in speakiug of another, "flho's the most mercenary creature on the fsoe cf the globe." Mrs. Alleyne bad spoken, if vindic tively, still truly. Adrian no Vail, with tsW angel face and voice of low toned musio, was tatber inclined to view mankind through the dollar and teut iudiutn. Hr frtc. w&a i.i i fm 'uii She hs-l SSSBl SbIbCSISsJ y n scheming ui ttri, ahu, I. if i .i ! i- I m, J cisui;ol by patptt si stf, had itSlltrSTJ Adr,'ii. sLoald bring her raJ.a r WssUy to th best puasible insrket, an i thus icdewm Um I w estate of tssS family ! Adrisntic'e girlhood bad not Lien like that of othor children , she had tasted p. . r ty, stid tecn trained in tbe belief that happinuas could only be at u ; ; i by raeatia of a golden spell. "You must marr; , snd you mast marry tich," was the precept whteh hrr mother was perpetually dinniug into her ears ner was abe likely to forget the batll cry, now that she was on the actual fit -Id cf aetion. "Ami I snppo",'' said Mrs. Allevne, biting hrr lips ns she saw hsr own red hnirvd, randy compltxionoi daughter walking aithot.t r.ny escort on tb beach. "IVal-ar.on's f.iul naugb to beticye that she rra'lv IkrVBS him for hinielf." Yes, Dis st n was jtial such a f ! lie was nisilly in lof witb the brauti fui biunotte 1 was in a paradise of bliss hh long as aat by bis aide ami ssaitasj on bssa ph tLoe w inder iy.s A her tie firmly belicvi! iHei, with mstit-'ism of true tovs, she aliHrcd bis sirsr emotion. Thy Sean fiijjt.;! d --iha is, auljecl to old Bsiusisss Brabsxen's ajiprwval, for AJrwut.w Lnw that her young suitor had no pstrimony of his own, and she hsd no mind to rink "love in a cottsgo" even far tha k of bandaome Allan ilrabxou. "lie stacdit in a father place to you, Alien," she said ; "aud my standard uf Siisl duty is Ligb." "He cannot help admiring you when he couivs," declareii Allan Brabazoii, who had already written t his uncle Upon tin! subject. Old Barnabas arrived at last a y 1 low-hkinued, bilious looking num. with iron gray bair, rumpled in a crest on the top of bis head, and a pair of blsck eyes that glowed like ccaU of fire bs neath his shaggy pent houses of brows. His dress was of coarse brown tweed ; bis boote thick ; his hat a flapping Panama, which half concealed bis blunt features. But bis linen was exquisite ly fine, buttoned with diamond sparks, and en his finger he wore an emerald ring which represented almost ths valne of a king's ransom. "Well r quoth old Barnabea, fixing an enquiring eye on bis nephew. "Uncle," cried the young man en thusiaatically, "she is an angel !" "I'll have a look st ber before I make up my mind on the subject, aid uuole Barnabas. He was taken to call on Miss Vail, and like mot other gentlemen be "went down" at the first sparkle of her liquid, dark eyes. "By Jupiter, Allan, you are right !" said uncle Barnabas. "She's ths prettiest girl I over saw in my life." So the gay season went on. Ths clash of tbe viols, corsets and trom bones made musical answer to ths di apason of the waves ; grim old dow agers played cards ; battered beaux smoked their cigars snd strove to re juvenate themselves onoe more in ths fragrance of tbe sea air ; pretty girls flirted ; handsoms cavaliers held fans and bouquets, and newspaper corres pondents invented all sorts of fact for the New York and Philadelphia daily press. And as time went by, a rumor gave eredsnee to tbe sffact that Uncle Barnabas Brazon was ousting his neph ew from the affections of thu beautiful Miss Vail. "There !" said Mrs. Vail, ber witch like countenance assuming a radiant expression. "Here it is in black and white. An offer of marriage ! My dear, you'll be the richest woman south of Mason and Dixon's line." Adrienne, in a lovely dishabille of white cashmere and rose-pink ribbons, rat looking at the letter, with some thing of dismay upon hsr ooiiBtnaooe. "Write and accept bira at once," urged Mrs. Vail. "What ! that eld man V ' Old man !" screamed Mrs. Vail. "Tbe richest planter in Louisiana 1 Why, child, every diamond that he wears is a fortune itself." "Bat 1 don't lovs him," pleaded Adrienno in a lew voice. "Lovo bah !" screamed ths old lady, "what does love amount to 1 A little seg-tr st,d honey, a fsw sweet meats, and Mtstvatten for tbe rest of your life. nude a love-raateb and see whst a drudging career mine has been. Adrienno, don't be a fool I You will never have such another chance as this." Still Adrinune beMtatod. "Mamma," she said, "I rn engaged to Allen, and I love him. And 1 will lie his wifM !" "But, child, don't you see whst ruin that will biiag upon us 1" breathlessly crird Mrs. Vail. "Allan hasn't a pnuny of bis own, snd H he offends his uncle 'He can work for a Hfiag, mamma, like other men." "Work work for u lisiug !" Knurled the old lady, displaying a set of yellow teeth that would have done credit to a hyena. "And you live in a flat, and do up vour own laces ia a wash bowl to save ths laundress' bill, turn your own silk dietars, and dsrn your husband's stockings, to lighten the expenses you, that have the chmce to button your gown with diamonds, sad lite in a palace !" "Mamma !" cried Adrienne, "what would life is s palace be worth wits- out tbe man you love T 1 won t marry oiu sr. iraoazon, ana i win marry Allan, if 1 have to live in barracks with him, or ride around the world io s baggago wagon P And this wss the end of Mia Vaii's "tifercenary'' csirer. She wrote a reso lute little note to Mr Brabaziin, while her mother indulged in a good, old fash i-owl fit of Ujskli " TI." note Was worded as folio : "I like ye vary mesis, b it I lovrd Allan long Iteforw I SVSS ce rots, t.d 1 dun t think I at. happy vital sr.) ono but A'lsti ; a., if y u p.V-, Bit bar !. I loan litjeltbet y,r ll r (as! t.rir A'it p'.r I r ij . riiH ti nn.r ng tiu 4 a as , sjaj Ij aft Us help." Mr. BntWluSJ read the Itltb s'ained BSBB, and Caldiag it glim wrttt acrrNt tu thn I Otsd WsWl ovpbew wat staTliiC- "Well, lad," aaid be, "I have .h'.nd myself myself, mind, the richest man in Iooiaiene to .dn I Vail." "Uncis r Allan startod lo bis (est, i-iming alternately red and j .'". "Aldshahs HrBSSBSSl BBS V Ths vo'ir. uiMi w dsadlv white Dow. Ilrscsrcely U what ho bad feared or Lod hf only folt the in tense relief ef knowing thst aViiftsans was still tine to htm My own true hrrs !' bs njutti I, Iw-' . -M his teeth ; MSSJ littb dark eyed jewel ! If she hud pUy-d me falsf, uncle I believe I should hv ben tsmptrd to commit aSssSSis '" "Umpb usaph !" grume J Uucln Barney. "Live love ! II ow ibeSe young (teopletalk ! Aud what, my 1 ventu-e to ask, do you ( t t livn on V "I can work, Unel Btrrn-y, for bsw aakf." said Allan, btsrvwJy. Yiy wil," sail lno!o Baui.y. "lint's go an J roil hf-r AdrieSlRS ss loakioi; loVidinr than i0r, ailh fluahnl sstSSaTSj eyes 'it'.rr itig witb ' r ' i :il and ro-rd iipa "How is thia, young wousul' .t mstinl Undo Barusl ai. '"EviTry one st Atlantic City told bih you Were a fortune hutiU-r. And !''ird you a fortune, snd you bars uu a'id doan decliusd it !" ' I'. . - I loved Allan bsttaf thaU aU tlis gold of QbIssWbsb " said Adri enne, with drooping ryrlaahea. 'Cme hern aud mc, my dear.' said ITucle Biruabas. "No, you necln't he afraid - I shall not make love to you ay more. l'v lived to be sixty yeara oldwtfliont marrying, aud I wouldn't wed tbe fi iosi woman alive. If you hadu't refused run, 1 should have ruu olftotbs Siudwish Islands to --cap. matrimony." Adrienne pened ItSC lovely yea vsry wide. "Then why do you as't m I" un said. "Simply, my dear, to make Ostiaisj that you loved Allan for himself ideas, not bocause ho was tha nephew of his rich uncle. And I'm satisfiol now." "I do love bim," said Atiiionn- ,nh tears in ber eyes. "Aud I love you, too Uncle Il irtmy - only in a different sort of wnj . "I'm quite satisfiud, my dear," said Uucle Barnabas. "And 1 shtll take it upon hmyawlf in see tin neither of yon perish of want." 8 Adrienne Vail "married ricb," after all. iticli, not only in money sugar, and plantations, but rich iu love and true alTaction Happy little Adrienno I ASlstPBISLO ON in I I OB. m m This happenod some years ago on a railroad train which was on well It wasn't exactly a lightning express. The engineer whittled "down brakes." "What's the trouble, conductor ?" excitedly asked a passenger. "Cow on the track," cooly responded the conductor. The man was satisfied. Shortly after "down brakes," was again whistled. "What's the mat ter now ?" cried the passenger. 'Cow on the track," was the reply. 'Great heavens," cried the man "haven't we caught up with that cow yet ?" esa' VAHBWELL TO THE BAJIO. One of the blessings that is prem ised for the coming season is the abo lition of those idiot-makers of women called "bangs." The fashion is eaid to have sprung from an idiot asylum in the south of France, where a vory beautiful woman (a confirmed idiot) was seen by a French actress, who took for her model the idiot nam ed, with the hair hanging over her face. The fashion "took." and the mode of wearing hair has been adopt ed by very femalo Idiot since. Newton Journal. 1888. 1 In tbs oirduit ourtof Ohicsgo Judge Tulley has decided that deKsits in the hands of private bankers aro taxable. Tbe coinage execs ted at the Uaitod Btatee mints during Kela-unry, was 0,049,870, of which $1,300,000 were standard dollars. ItlssUted that Mrs. Kcoville has written a long letter in regard to L'onk ling's confirmation, in which she atnUa that he is more responsible for Uar fitld's death than her crazy brother. Tbe editor of the San Francisco Wasp was caned on the Soth by a man rauned Hunt. It is very evident that tbe fellow bad hunt np tbe wrocg customer, as the Wasp man got away with bim. Vest introduced in tbe Senate a bill to deprive tbe national banks of power te isuo circulation after July 1st of ibis year. He aaid he knew tbe finance committee was opposed to this bill end therefore be would beg net to bury it, but give the Senate a cbanee to rots oa it. The thumb in China is regards 1 a a better means of identification than tbe faee iteell. Celestial vagabonds are not photographed lor a rogues' gallery, as in this city, hut their thumbs are smeared with lamp-black aud pressed down upon a piece of pspor, thus furnishirsg a iudo impression, which is carefully kept, in the police records. A fsce may be altered, say tbe bltiB'ii', but a thumb uover chan ges. After ti u years' debate ths Gorman legislature has decided to create a per manent Parliament House, on a scale worthy thenauon.oa the Konigs Plats, a tittle UtvU- tVaCSb 'A lL Brsndeo barg Gate, and ant far from the end of lbs lTsjtsr dsn Tiorisav The coat will boaboet 2 0,000 for the site and ?d.7bl,tti)0 f,.r ib-i t.-j dir.-.' Funds : r ttM pBSyOSS re already st t lis. ot t riiaceut. ' J. Litisiu, a !ea2ii. attorney of lv.iri-ks, N.v ,si.ot sud 'billed hia wife about 7:30 o'eiock on M. r. 'Jud I,au- i:.g lh n w. Iki-.i to lh jail and gave blaBeslf up to the shnriff, saying he hsd shot his wils, but declined to make further statement. Tbe deceased was shot a little above the right eye, the ball (leasing through the brain aud causing death almost instaaly. Tbe weet bound pasaenger train on tbe Baltimore and Ohio road on March 2nd, ran upon a stone st the toll gate near Parkeraburg, TV. V., throwing all tha cars except the sleeper from the track. The engine ran into the store f Gii . W. James. The store and train x opt the sleeper weie barned. John liglst and John HrOmer, engineer and . a, were instantly killed. Tbe mail and eaeresa matter Was mostly saved. Henry Sallivao, a miner of Lead ville, lived alone and owned a large steel trap for catching b at n. The trap hsd laia open in his hut fr a long tlue, ar.d bad become rwaty. K jllivan, in trying to shut it, bsmun-re I it, sod, csrelesisly putting bis foot on the spring it closed, thn tewth clu'ehiug him j'JIt atsjva ti. ankie. lie uearly fsiuted fr m pain, BBel after vaiu ed'trU to pull ttie jaws Open, h luckily fouud a heavy srruca wuhiu reach, and tinally succeeded iu unscroritig the bolt of tb trap, and his le a'as r kfassai His foot will probably have to be amputated. The snowfall in Austria has been so gteattbatin many places the drifts reached the telegraph wires. During some of the storms paaaeners and drivers have been compelled io abandon atage aud eoachea and 6.- safety as best tbey might by cutting their way to the ueareet houses, leaviug bsggHv to be dug out later. A PABBore irinox or raxaTASiLKa Too St. Louis Republican says that Tun Hand, it constable di'tirlng to sei.d $20 worth of goods on an exe cution against Mrs. Morton, of St Liuls, could find nothing but Mr.-. Mirton'rf pot Kii parrot, which was porchod away up on a window -sill. Tool was about to leave with empty hands when the parrot ung out : "llilloa ! Flilloa ! Uilloa !" Tom lookod up and saw tbe bird. Here's sound hing, "sub I bo to himself, "that's worth $20 ; I'll hiteii on to It." Ho reached up to grab Toll, hut Poll would not be seised and pecked at him and sung "Hands off ! Hands oiT ! I'M rail the peelers!" "Fill a constable," said To;n ; 'I've got the pipers here, and you can call whom you please." "Durn tho paperw," said Poll iice ! police !" "Po- Tom raudo unolher grab, and this time he caught Foil by the throat and carried hot over to court. When he got there he put her iu a basket As soon as Poll's throat was free again she opened another tirade on Tom. She called him all manner of names, and ended each sentence with, "You can go to Chicago : you are no gentleman." Poll had begun to give tho court, as well as the constable, a piece ot her mind when Mrs. Morton oame in and paid the $20 sued for. She said she would sooner pay $40 than lose her Poll. Then she picked Poll up and kissed her away; and as they went out of court Poll cried with a loud voice, "O, the loafers ; O, tho dirty loafers 1" Constable Carroll, his deputy and all tho other officers ot the court say that Mrs. Morton's parrot can "cuss" louder and more to tho point than any. man they ever saw. From tbe Wilmington (Del.) Repub lican : Mr. J. M. Scott, corner Third and Madison streets, had a remarkably fins horse cured of the scratches by St. Jacobs Oil. $1500 lmr ver 0Bn easily mode at home working for E. G. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yoftx. Send for their catalogue and full particulars NO 32. The Episcopal Church. MY Ki;V WOK, I TKVENS. til It is our intention for the next few papers on (hf subject of the Christian Mtn'strv, sj enter inte an exhaustive examination of the BsrisOsOSS teaching witb refereucc t it It is well w.irtb studying. Kt. Pu! says ths, "no man Uketh thv bsstfOI unto himself, hut ho that is salted of God, as was Anion," TiM ! dividual sieBSa to bs a minister must he tried by the lawn oi tbe Christian Ctiuteb, BSJsl Wasisi con fusion arisea p rssual opinion is not to settle tbe matter, but Scripture law, rightly interpreted snd right in terpretation must be guided by utiiver sal practice, until it can la) shown to Bf S 'itraiy Ui primitive enstoroa. Tbs J .:wir.h Chuicb snd its orJins-iCcs prefix-id ttM t'brii.tisn Cbnroh. TlaSsf bloody tj-t-.z res (or ti.esCntof '4e per-pls, prefigured ;bo escribe of Christ on Co , boas Blosd in ad oat for tbe sins of the whole world. We reed la H-Wv. ... ..., hs.j "sanaaow ot o--t i..';iga .j ('bristsays that ais diaciplea . :uie. re to learn about H i ui from what was writ ten in Moses, tbs Prophets, and tbe Psalms Should any dispute as to tbs interpietatiou of tbe New T-n'axent arise euraly the Gld Toetameat esn 1st used as evidence as to the mind of tbe Blessed Spirit. The ministry of the Jewish Church Was A sacred snd unalterable order of men. The tribe uf Levi was chosen by (od from all the tribes of Israr! and nw one how-. r great his p-rv--nal uadibcatioos was allowed to intrude upon ItreW-How sn intrusion or unlawful i leim to mirmtcf i?. tho coore'xlior., as looked upon Irs OTHsosi. can beacon in the rix eetttk of Xto bcra, srlsffsj ICorsh, DasaVaB ai.d Asstasi ;erthed for thsir utTSsassjilisei TSiis BeaatSSS a 1 a BSSSB i.-r'. to tbe cbi:.i. n of Israel, th-i no strsu', wbisb is BsSl of the seed of Aarcn cjm.i !.- .r in '. -i incense before law Lord." Tiitrit .dath even if neglectt-d were i.t to b- p-r formed by zealous aud devott men. A for example when Uzzah wbs was driving the crt which held lbs Ark of the covenant tried to save it from falling, and was smitten for hia act. These things eiys St. Paul happened unto them for examples aad are written tor cur admonition. How many of the numerous sects, teach that there is suci: a thing sjesible among Christian. the sin' of Korabt We venture to assert that not one io five hundres) ot the Non Kpiscopal Brethren have lizard a sermon open his rebellion as teaching trnth concern ing the Chriatiaa ministry. Yet in Jude, we read that ther were tooe who in his time were guilty of this same offence Jude 11 ) Tie sin : Korah consisted in this that belonging to the lower order of the Jewish minis try be sought the b'SjHer, and elsimcd that Le aad H Ir-ihirn "f; holy enough B9 erf .ira tii datiea of hoe plsc & v.- bias i U" jetia ininisir nniatsad :reir ofiivrc by sVsMSStt from Aaron Their gena;ifcrics w.-m mist crrfally jire keivsU Slil U It !:.; uub;.k''ti duseent t l.: m. 1 I... ill i aw .1. . - - for the wss not to be a. prit',hood was sufiicient that a coheu:" he mutt rcjectftU. i t man claimed prove it by Ll.ll I I -!. 1 A Ttl-"- II .'tl -f 1 1 V U'l...k After tbe eaptirity , , a A . the p.-ts returnetf w,t. the i,oop:e to Jerufjleui tuoae wnose rftcoro wa doubiful were rejected from the priest hood (Ltn II G2 ) "These sought their register SSBOSag tSMsas fust were reckon ed by genealogy, but they were sew. fouud. therefore were thy. as po'lu-....', put from the priesthood.'' Av ui if '.L.- Jiwi h eriesti were ascr l orl-r of Baso, the (Jhristisu rain in try, th -ir latisa srsaw higher, were to be j'ij,t ai sa- r".!.. And if ths fotuier were StsSSpBssSSl Is nLo- su un brokeu rrcoid. tbe latter .nut piove their niimmiaBirp not only by apttiepa to 'each btt by ti-sttKioniala which put th;-ir daried aiithsvit be yond a'l reaaouii!e doubt The primi tive (.'hristinii8 took the jreatest care in the pieservatlosj of then records as we can perceive from Eu9obiu Chrome logicsl Canons, and we can b certain as to the historic continuity of the Episco pal office, and more no than the Jews were n'oo'it their rorsarsla For the law of the Church while allow ing one Bishop and bis Prasbytera to ordaio Presli) tera did not perrait one Bishop to consecrate another but required three fox a valid consecration. The Jewish ministry while a aepsrste body of men had a three fold oi-der. Tueie were the Chief priests, the priests and the Levites. Aaron presided over all as a type of Christ who is our great high priest "which is passed into the heavens." (Heb. IV 14 ) JSleazsr the son of Aaron was first of these chief priests as we read in Numbers III 32. and anon his father's death succeeded to the High Priesthood which was always vested in tbe eldest son as a shadow of the perpetual high priesthood of Christ. The chief priests mentioned in tbe New Testament sere tbe presidents of the different courses of priests who ministered in the Temple. They were undoubtedly tbe descendants of the chief priests mementioned in Ezra VIII 29. Under tbe direction of tbese, ministered the ordinary priests, aad under these still the Levites. Bearing in mind tbe fact tbat Aaron the high priest was tbe father of tbe Jewish priesthood, we see Christ as tbe author ef tbe the Christian priest hood. Qod said to tbe Isrieal tes "ye shall be unto me a king dom of priests, and a holy nation." Peter tells tho Christian people tbat tbej "are a chosen generation a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people." 1 Pot, I. 9. But though the whole nation ef Israel was a kingdom of priests, a special and unalterable priesthood was established among them, and while Christians are all priests) to Qod as St Peter says, so Woecial MBBflBSSS noUoee m Tocal Oat- nmas 29 cents per line. ReATular local notices J0 cents per line. For IckaI and transient advertisements f 1 00 per square for the first Insertion and 80 cents per square for eaeh srulsseqneat insertion. Christ begaa to establish a ministry with whom bs was to be present till tho end of tbe world. 1. Ths whole ministry of tbs New Testament was at ths first invested in Christ alone, and Ho performed tbe offices of every evade. He is called our Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Bishop, Master, Teacher, D.aoen (Hob. Ill 1.) Acts III. 22. Is XLI 27. 1 Pet 11 Sft, Matt XXIII 10. Romans XV. ) But who would argue that because the Hsviour has these names that tbe irmcons or Bisno)ss stood upon an equality with Cbrist. Yet the Prtaby ter.ans argue tbst because tbe namos of Bishop and Presbyter are used in terchangeably that tbey wore of equal ttutii-.-ity ; but we see from this that the office does not depend upon tbe name. 11. When tbe harvest was great ( Mass IX, -S; aud He could not per sonally eUend ail, :after continuing a!I night in prayer to God, wbn is VBS day Ho coded noto Him Hia 'Jiscijilca and of them He cbeee twelve whom also He named" (Lake VI, IS.) Thus He called "whom He oa.d and tbey came to Him, And lis eraaiacd twelve that tbey should be with Him." To tbese be gave pow er to preach tbe gospel, to heal, lo cast out unclean spirits, to take support, to skake off the dust ot their (sot as a wit ness against those who weald aet re ceive them; snd armed witb tbeae pow ers, He seat them forth. (Matt X. Mark VI 7.) When tbey haul performed His command, tbey returned and inf armed Him what tbey had done and tanght. ( Mark YI) 30) showing by this that the teachers of the Church mast report their work, and that Christ commission desss not allow such independence that tlse minister is net accountable fur what be does: This appears mere plain- HI. Alter t.iis wnen the bar vest grew so great that tbe twelve w-re not - aSwl " an k .aieiiBBmaaasssatalsBlnW'venty edMHioua miniate by two he was as well lort, a-sina the sic over t Tb to Propi: II 20, and III 5. where Christ's Chnrca is represented as being built upon the foundation of the Apostle and Prophets Jesus Christ Himself being tbe chief corner stone." It has alwaya been be lieved tbat tbeee represented two orders in the ministry, and it must be at once km! thst the Apostles were a high er order. For when J odea, by trans gression, fell from his office, tbey pro ceed to fill it by Matthias who has al ways been esteemed one of tbe seventy. The A pintles appear also to have had the jOwt-r to forbid others to teacb as we read in Luke IX 49. aud Mark IX 38. where Christ tells them not to use thin power when the teacher cvuld asarsi miracle iu Christ uame, This then was tbe order while Christ wa ii-n earth, Christ UsSbbueK: -od, ; the twelve, 3rd the seventy, and 4ih, : thu faithful Brethreu of whom Bw huu ! Jred ai -a mentioned in I. Cw. XV, 6. ; All these were united together iu Wrth . x a w rj r,( k van j i aawss ivu sas s w .I v Iav.- If mnv ifiniam inn r . i it MB. ei-ttled tt once by ealercnce to Christ, si.d taiiiirN tbere was a JUCas ewons . a a s W them, unity was uaiu'ained e i ever soiitfat to become arreatest amone I .... hnritA t. ul,,,. U AJ con, minister orservautof all aa Ohrist Himself came rot to be ministered unto, tm to miuistc-r Bat th? Church with Cbrist aa its bead showed a visible well ordered snny with different grasses of minib-is. ran. m ii:u. ui kiim. Science in the la?t few years has sssjsjasjsj n. terrible foothold in this world. It has rattled the dry bones of fogyins nssde pi out of worn-oat hcorirs.. upset ideas which have beta established for centuries. The l itest and most astonishing fact that has been developed i th-tt there is a u-iemidc mode of kinainp. The day when a young man could grab a girl around tho neck and gobble t kiss in a rough bat comfortable manner Is past. The time when he could en id nde her waist with one arm, got his shirt-bosom fall of hair oil, aud piourette his lips oa every square inch of her countenance is no more. Sci ence has proclaimed against It, aud shudders, tut remains silent. Tbo old style of kissing, which sounds lik9 some one tearing a clapboard off a smoke-house, is now considered oad taste, and, consequently, is rapidly going oat of iashion, althengh the majority of girls admit that science has cruelly destroyed all the comfort of a long-lingering heart-thrilling kiss, and causes them to express no little regret st the change. The im proved scientific method of kissiag is to throw the arm languidly around tbe fair one's shoulder, tilt her thin np with the left hand until ber nose is pointed at an angle of forty-five de grees, or rather until it has an aspect resembling the bowsprit of a clipper built tdoop, then slowly, and, grazing about her lips in a quiet, subdued sort of a way, tickle her nose with your moustache antil she cries, "Ouch !" This is scientific kissing, bat there is no consolation in it. It is flat, lukewarm ; it lacks substance, and if not Male, is at least unprofita ble. t.t: Bl'TLBat sTi aru. A story is told of Gen. Butler's sarcastic report upon a Massachusetts judge, whom he was teasing- for a ruling favorable to a cause he was defending in court. Tbe judge got cut of patience at lost, and somewhat testily exclaimed : "Mr. Butler, what do you think I sit here fur ?" The General quietly shrugged his shoulders and replied : "The court has got mo now." Quiz. -aai. i Sn .. ' SB