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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1872)
V. S. official rnprr for Orrgtt. FRIDAY, JI SE 28, 1874. Itepublienn Ticket far 18T8 von PRESIDENT, U. S. GRANT. FOR VICE PHEKMEXT, HENRY WILSON, Presidential Elrrlvm, A. B. ME AC1IAM, of UnuttlH county. W. I). HARK, of Washington comm . J. F. ti AZI.E V, of Douglas county. IndHMnnlMy. Tntiivkliiiilitv is a trait in human development which all admire ; but when that individuality is united with sterling integrity in the same person, the feeling of "admiration en- larges into profound respect. De cision being a necessary concomi tant of individuality, the conclusions of such an individual, if based upon rectitude, become as strong to him as proof of Holy Writ, and plant ing himself upon them, lie awaits their issue with confidence. Tn fact, the opinious of such a man are the torces which inspire his aims, and then guide and control his actions. The, too, he is positive as well as conscientious. Conclusions once formed become bedrocks iu his mental and moral constitution. Henceforward they become an essential part of his character. The knowledge that the opinions of an individual of this character often conflict with our own, docs not di minish our respect. We honor them because we believe them to be sin cere ; we respect them because con sistency marks their course. We know where to place a person of this stamp. If against us they are against us ; if tor us they can surely be relied npon. Conservatism, to them, is moral cowardice ; and a double-minded man, or time-server, or demagogue, is a disgrace to his species. Our country has furnished many noble specimens of individu ality of the type which we have en deavored to indicate. Many such are now living. They are found in all of the pursuits. In politics, we think President (.'rant is as fine a specimen as can bo named . He is a dear typo. He stands outdistinctive ly as U. S. Grant. No other name conveys a stronger idea of individ uality than that. Unassuming, terse, honest, firm. Slow, possibly, but mire. A decision once reached, no further proof is available. The matter is then forever settled. He is then ready to act. No sensible man can sincerely doubt President Grant's sincerity or his integrity those are ascliaracteristic of him as is reticence neither can be doubt his unswerving determination to carry cot bis convictions. Look at his military life. Read his messages. No parallel to the former docs the world's history furnish, and the lat ter, in tlicir comprehensive terseness and clearness, are unsurpassed. In deed, tho State papers of Gen. Grant are as clearly marked by distinctive ness as can well be conceived. Grant's chief greatness, however, consists in his fixedness of faith and corresponding fearlessness of prac tice. Unlike Gree'ey, lie is not car ried away by every wind of doc trine, lie is reliable. Strong, dis tinctive, manly, virtuous traits of character render him worthy of the trust and confidence of his fellow citizens. Governor Palmer, ot Illinois, in a speech not long since, said that Democrats must vote for Horace Greeley. "We won't!" shouted a voice from the crowd. "Very well, then," said the Governor, as a clincher, "vote for Grant." "We will," shouted the crowd, with won derful unanimity. About six out of the fifty Dem ocxatic papers in Ohio are in favor ot a straight-out Democratic ticket. ! Theodore Tilton says that Gree ley wears his clothes, like his prin ciples, without distinction of color. Krrklrwi KtnUment Some men arc extremely leekless in tlicir (ecliiws and seirf ifirrieiits. lktlior than tho hum nri, yn)g M iation of a defeat, they would eu- mt-heads the nominees ot the C'in-' tirely revolutionise w destroy that jcuiuati Convention the greprj for which thev are contending. Like ' immber of them without even no-1 .i " - ' - eoiniwiiviiiir the names with the !amisoii, in their blinilnexs ana in-, ' . 1 ' . j customary annoniicemei.t ot "sui- tolerance, they would ask to to th'e docision of the National placed at tin pillars of the temple . ffcreoaratie Convention." iu order that they might destroy Democrat. with their own lives the thousands Eastern and Southern Democrats, of the their enemies. All must sub- ami many Western, too, were not so nit to their plant, bow to their fastidious as our neighbor, Appix1 dwrtM, oliey their injunctions, fol- jciating the hopelessness of their con low their advice, or perish. 'I bis 's dition, having long since blunted the rule or ruin spirit which, in its the keen edge of their wdPrespeet impatience and blindness, as well as by their numerous departures, leel- i wickedness, will admit of no toler- ing destitute of that HHtependeiico ance. How arrogant, as well as in- suiting to intelligence, is such a i claira as t,,is to periority ? How h1 is t,,!U i"stillet wl,ioh woaW I lrompi an in.iivi.iuai 10 destroy an 'object or thing liecause he has not . , I'.!. ,. tlic merit or ability to enjoy n, We say how brutal ; that language is not strong enough. A man is a monster of iniquity who would in - tnxluce bloodshed and devastation as a sequel to his inability to rule, His heart is ealous toevciy magnan imous, to every generous and lin mane emotion, lie won 1.1 hddle while Rome was being consumed. Now we have such men right here in this happy land of America. '1 hey are men alive and kicking, who advocate sentiments as perni- jtoo. Wu presume they were. When cious as those we have attempted ; an individual is reduced to that nb to point out. Theodore H. Hanks, ject state where he gives the con reported to lie a leader among the J sent of his mind to play the politi Interuatioualists, a prominent man, ; cal mendicant and lick-spittle, we whose opinions amount to some- suppose he can do so with enthusi thing l)ecause of that prominence, ; asm. It mortifies our neighbor, wrote a letter recently to the New j however, to look at it; but then York AVr, over his own name, in the difference lietween his policy which he takes occasion to say that j "a tlieirs in premises is not "rather than submit to defeat and very great after all. If they had ten hours while eight hours is the , accompanied their resolutions of in law of the nation, State and city, dorsement of Greeley and Browr, we would hazard our lives and lay j wnat 0l,r neighbor calls, "the their factories and houses in ashes." ! customary announcement of sub Can a sentiment be any more terri- jt 10 tlie decision ot tho National ble iu its vilenessthan that? What would be gained by such a course of proced ure as here suggested ? If the factories were destroyed then not oven ten hours of labor could be secured. All would be lost. This would liot secure rofoim, but de stroy the very thing intended to be improved. The ballot box is tlie place to adjust all such matters. Elect the right kind of men to of fice, and by this means the legisla tion pertinent to the end may then be secured. The people should ex. ecratc all such sentiments, as they lead to anarchy and destruction. Editor Elected. Tlie election of Editors by the General Conference of the Metho dist Church, recently held at Brook lyn, N. Y., resulted as follows: Christian Advocate, N. Y., Rev. Daniel Carney, 1). 1)., reelected for the third term. Central Christian Advocate, Chicago, III., Kev. Arthur Ed wards, A.M. Central Christian Advocate, St. Louis, Mo., Rev. B. St. James Fry, D. D. Pittsburg Christian Advocate, Kev. William Hunter, D. D. Western Christian Advocate, r . r. lloyt, 1). ). Korthern Advocate, Rev. D. D. Lore, D.D. Methodist. Advocate, Atlanta, Kev. IS. K. Cobleigli, I). 1). California Christian Advocate, Kev. 11. V. lienson, ). I). Pacific Christian Advocate, the present editor re-elected. Rev. D. D. Whedon, D. D. was re-elected editor of the Methodist Quarterly Review Rev. E. Went worth, D. D., of the Ladies Repos itory; Rev. J. H. Vincent, D.D., of the Sunday SchoolJournal. Will Be A CandMato. The sage of Chappaqua, since he retired to his farm, has cultivated another conclusion in reference to his determination in case the Balti more Convention refuses to indorse him. lie did say that he would withdraw from tlie contest should the Baltimore Convention nomi nate an independent ticket ; but ru ral reflection has developed another conclusion, and now he intends to be a candidate, "sink or swim, sur vive or perish." Go it Jfamtr- - Wo notice with feelitMff of morti-' Ration H'81 ma,,y Astern Demo-1 ami individuality which tlows from Unity of faith and design that vi- ta! energv which results from eon- J raous integrity in their impoteiwy, J ! 1 1 1. . 1. . .1 like poor, neipiess men.ncanis, iney turned their spiritless eyes to the t incninaii scheme lorreuer. iiree- j ley and Brown, both Republicans, I ami the former, csccially, always a , most inveterate hater and enemy of the Democracy, having said more j bard things and assisted in thwart - ing as many Democratic measures as any other man, were brought out; and these Democrats hast, Nmtirj, W J W JnH and West, promptly fell in line, as i i was their intention, to give them I I support. They were represented, ! i many of them, as enthusiastic in it, j Democratic Convention," it would j 've all been ight. The "undue naste" is wl,at our neighbor objects j It is humiliating to show so ' much "" If tI,e thiS iuevita" i ulfra,M evcryooay sees main is- come to it decently and in order, is the position of Brown. Make some show ot resistance for the sake of decency. We think Brown's posi sition is the better of the two, for by its pretended modesty it at least shows a little regard for the opin ions ot mankind. How Ktutll He OoT A tall friend of the New York Post is in trouble. Ho wants to know what character to assume at a masquerade. A Gotham journal advises him to chalk his head and go as a billiard cue. He might braid his legs and go as a whip lash. Louisville Cour ier Journal. We beg leave to suggest that he might swallow himself, round and round, a few times, and go as a roll of tape. Vaucassuin. We beg to suggest that he cross his legs and go as the legs of a Vir giuia worm fence. GhiUicothe Constitution.' The Park True Kentuckian ad vises him to wrap himself in tho American flag and go as a barber pole. A little straw around his feet would enable him to appear as a broom. Interior Journal, Let him bristle his hair and go as a white wash brush. A'?. Louis Times. Mick him in the back hair and let him go as a hair pin ; or, wrap a flag around him and have him as the faff. Portfond Bulletin. He might color his bead the proper color and represent a squash vine. West Side. Let him ferule his bead and go as a ramrod; or, stuff himself and pass for a sausage ; or, twist his legs and hold his arms out and repre sent a corkscrew. The people have no reason to complain for lack ot Presidential candidates to choose from. Besides Grant and Greeley, there are Davis of Illinois, Labor nomincee; James Black of Pennsylvania, Temperance candidate; Vic. Woodhnll, Free- love candidate, and Charles Francis Adams.nominatod by the anti-Secret Convention. "ECONOMY IS "WHAIjTBC." "TIME MONEY." IS SAVE YOUR TIME, And AeeiiinuliUc "W E A L T H , BV BUYING YOltt "flTl ft WJtiii "jtFvrLPo i jt I"rv'r A 1T a1.i..1xJ H .4 111., I j l?OrTT?TTft , vTliVjJ 111 JO CROCKERY, HATS, PILLS, LINIMENT, PAINTS, OILS, IN FACT ALMOST ANYTIIINU YOU MAY HAVE OCCASION TO USE, UNDER ONE ROOF. READY PAY, -AND - PROMPT PA YOG SHORT-TIME CUSTOMERS, WILL FIXD, AS HERETOFORE, STORE OF THE SUBSCBIBEB, At All Times, A Good Assortment of the BEST GOODS tho LOWEST PRICES ! Merchantable Produce BOUGHT. A. WHEELER. Shedd, Oregon, April 9, UMt wmumg i L3K Ll n t-I tm D VI dm KJ lit KJ Ma 1 J xuw to-day. CASH! i thi: munEST MARKET Price A will be kl for Y OOL, OoUvmtlttl MIEDD dnrliw "tlw xwnon.1 A. WHEELER. March IMBmJ Round, Woodcock & Co Proprietors & Mantithcturers of HUNTER'S Grain Separator, JUNCTION CITY. Received th: Diploma at the State Fair of 1C7I. PRICE REDUCE!) TO FIFTY DOLLAjiS! These Machines are warranted sti'istan I llullv init io. huiI tii-o not In lie wirM-t I in fJoaning Wheal tor nee I. will are ejual- fy as ioo i (or cleaning ' W i Send i" ymrmlers,and we will warrant I satisfaction. Address, ROUNDS, WOODCOCK CO., Junction City, Of. ' Jan, 411, lT4-31m3 I tativt CPTI'VfT?Ti,P I WvAtlii raVIIMJa jIV, is - j Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OltEGOX. HAS JTST OPENED HJR 'EW (itiOCCT (istttliliitnieiii on eorner Of Ellsworfti int'l l-'ir-i wtreot, uiih ft livsli swU "f I (irowrles, Provlatonfl, Cninlit's t'loirs, To liaato, fte., to whieh he Invlii's ihc litlen- llon of our citizens In connection with the Rtore he will keep n llakoiy, an.l will nhvays have en haiul a full supjiiy of freah ImtuU, croukera, ,iit-. BarCttll ami dee me. JOHN' SCIUTEEB. Fehrnarv lMlvt Mr. Brldsefarmer TimsnKS TO INFORM THE I.ADlKs fV of Alonhy and vicinity, thai Mi--M. M. JOHNSON hua taken uIuiikc of her Millinery iumI DrcNS-IInltiiiK More. Hiie la prepared to do all kiwi of work tn Unit line, BSrCALL AXD SEE.ja Albany, Jan. IB, 1872-aOtt HARDWARE for Bntldcra, for Smiths and for Funnel's wild by W heeler, n! MIKDD, UU Willamette Trnnsportutlcii Company ! IIIUM AND A ITER DATE, UNTIL 1. further notice, the Company will flis Initcli a lioat from Alli&ny 10 Corvallli on TiiCMlny and Friday of Encli Week. Aim, will dispatch a hnat from Albany fur Portland and iiilcrinediate places oil snmo days, leaving t'omstock & Co.'s Wharf. Fare at Reduced Rates. S. D. BILES, Dec. 10, 1871-10 Areut. SAWS, Wamlumrth 1'lmwrt, AIMinfl Machines, yfrliT, and every description of Wood vorkillg Machinery A Planing Mill sup plies. Address BERRY A PLACE, Murhincrv !ii no llluiO 114 Californla-St., San FmneiM o. HOME SIII TTLE 8KWINO MACHINES, Plows, and all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, sold hy WHEELER, at Shedd, V. 8. BIAIL ! Tri-Wcckly Sluge Line ! rilE UNDERSIGNED is now rnniiinf;a A tri-weekly staue from I'lumon to Al bany, earrj'lng tho U. 8. Malls, leaving I.cliunou every Monday, WcilncHday and Friday mornings, anil reluming, leave Ainany ai - n chk'k v. m. oi sain oayfl. Passcng.'i-s culled for in any jmrt of the cily. All orders should lie left at the St. diaries Ihitel, Alhany, for imssengers or frei;;lit for I-elianim. Packages and light freight punctually delivered at tow nites. AU luiaincss wi trustedto me will he promptly at tended to. V. II, DONACA. Lclianon, Feh. 10, 7J-Jlv4 1 BANDIES, NUTS, RAISIN'S, etc. j and cheap, ny 8v Dubois. IPor Salo ! 1,000 BUSHELS OF CHOICE WHITE CHILI CLUB WHEAT FOR SEED. CALL AT THE RESIDENCE OF TOE undersigned, six miles south of Allia ny. SLVRTIN LL'PER. Jan. 0, 187!MSm!) JOB 'WLG-OlNr. HAVING PtmCHASED THE INTER est of (1. W. Young in tho Delivery BtiftlncM, I am prepared to do any and all kinds of obs, on short notice and with quick dis patch. Terms reasonable. Packages de livered to any part of the city. B9T Look oat for the BAY TEAM and JOB WAGON, 2Uv4 A. N. ARNOLD. C WEET POTATOES, per last stcroner, by k5 8v4 DUBOIS. M. F. JONES, Auotloneer, 18 IIAtSEY. OREGON. vl GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE ASI) RETAIL . CORNER FIRST A DROADALIUN-Sm, ALBANY, OREGON, rrirl)lr. I HAVE ALWAYS IN STORE A ITU. and comjilclti MUiiply of STAPLE C L EANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS ! Tobacco &Cigars, Which I will noil for mull ftfl low tlie lowest, or cxcliiuige for all kltuU of mur chantablc COOTHY PROIilCE ! Received nml in store a ltive quantity nf ISM.l) SALT, which I will sell cheaper than ever bcfolj) offered In I liis market. kiv l extend a general Invltal Ion tonlltg iSTpoople in IhU arid adjoining Jfg tpconnliefl, to call and vxuxa-jjfQ inc qunlttj and prices it-J IfiTof (mods, as 1 feel Jfit) eonfidonl of mv-a foriiliiliiv tonlvej fejrthorniiBh.i'-a ttir fao-a e"iioj$a UTjonlS A. C. LAYTON. BLACKSMITHING ! -AND - General Repair Shop. I HP HE UNDERSIONED BAVTSO RE I X turned to Allny, aud taken his old shopon comer of Ellsworth and Second i streets, aimounous his itsadlness lo atiuud to all kinds of BLACKSMITIIIVO, MILL A MACTONE EOHU'XIl, ETC. Also, has on luind and for sale, tlte COQUILLABD WAGON, Strayer Force-iced GRAIN MILL, STAR MOLINE, and other PLOWSv WOOD'S REAPER & MOWER, which lib '. ill sell on the most reasonable terms, HORSE SHOEING. -All ronnd $2 Reletting', $1. hive nr. A VAVL. All work enlntsted to me will rwelro prompt attenlion, and lie executed in the best possible manner, with good material A share of public patronage is solicited. CirSImp on corner Ellsworlhand Second Itreets, opposite Pierce's 1'errv. r. wood. Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. fHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING COM 1 Meted and put in good running order their new Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory, In tho city or Albany, are prepared to nor chaso, at the hlghct eaw rates, all ilui Hog, Ranelil Butter, Soap- Oreaiie, tkc, delivered to them in this city. oiHiand W D0W mRnnDM!,ur'n8 W Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps, in areat vnrietv. irnminimi e,.i,..i lies! in market, which they oiler lo tho trade at the most reasonable rates. Orders respectfully solicited. Mlrthe Hon guaranteed. KrPartirs having Hogs.Rnncid Ilutter, or Grease of any kind, for salo, will do well toglvouBacalf. Kov.l,,1871-rAKE811U,80I-