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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1872)
1873. 1872. SOMI2rriII!VC' TVI3W THE WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Reaping Machines, THE COMING HARVEST. C. 1), COM STOCK & CO., SPRINCVILLE & ALBANY, OREGON, Sole Agent for Oregon & tVasliinglon Territory. W. S. SEWNRT, iVnvtltiiu A ymtrnl Ak.-hi, Al.KANY, OREUON. THKSK JVKTLY CUI'lUil SlAt'lflXKN ABE NOW IX OEXEHAI. 1 use in Russia. I'rnMn, iMrUi, Bnvuria, France, Spain, KiijrluniLnnd N..nh mi l stun ii Vim-rim. In tact throughout the whole rivlliiicd orlil, una have Ihh-h awniddn mo FIBVTTIIKnirHM At every trinl, Unit In Europe una Anierl, since ilieAVm-litkHilrat Furls in 17. since which tlmcnmnj ttuiirovuinontH uuve been added, T'l?. Wevv One & Two-Horse Double-Geared Jointnl Flexible Bar Mowers, never riovr. Thernre flw WONDER of the ABE for Strength Beunly, fa- l-ucity uu 1 LIUIfiNIAr) f DKAr'T. I jF - H AX I NG REAPED , i'li Slow h.;r Attachment, Is flft moiM complete and desirable Reancr, either In Europe or America, and isa CUiMl'LETE REAl'ER and a t.oMl'LETE JlOWER, being Iwo seperule machines. WE CIjAIM FOR THE WOOD'S RSACHSNES That llu-v are the LIBHTEST DRAFT, the QCIt REST and BEST MOTION, aj we.llin Uif.Movr DCRARLE, That t bey leave the bTNDLKsl IN THE lE1 Ml U'E.nndiiro the K VSIEST HANDLED of uny Mowing ami limiting Macliutu -h In t In l.iin-Of Amcna. tif We Warrant Ihc Wood's Machines to he ss J, 2 i y lieprfxcnted. jff 2 l,jr A ( ill assortment .if EXTRA eoiistantty kept at all our Ag lei. WE ALSO HAVE THE AUENCV OF THE HAINES' HEADERS, wlili the WOOI lMIKOVi:'rI lis t, m bleb renders It one of tbe BEST BEAD- KSyon'linj a llewtcr, lw snr you ;rn( Hie tlAINE with Wood' lata Im proveiueu'li as lin y win-only added in 1871. SUM) FOR DESCKIPTIVI3 BOOK. Albany, May 3 1, 1S73-3S P.C. HARPER & CO. TITK BEti LEAVE TO CM.L Till: AT TT tentlou of .the rnibUc tp our large ad clls.jlci ted slock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE mislittingof tin' latot met most fasblon Ublo style- of DRESS GOODS! runiiix.s. L.iKOM.AIH, Ski AH 1.MVS. KHIIROIDKKY (nd Fancy Vot Ions. Intho Gentlcnien's Department 0 Offer the latest stvles in CLOTHING, Uielastln USDEltiVEAR. Ihenobbll est TIES and SCARF tbe nicest GU)VE8 and i At'NTLETS, and the 'Hon" In BOOTS SHOEK, wbili- our Ml.ti HA!N bit all the rage, ffakcopoonstuntly on hand a full as ortiuont of SHOT G-TJKTS, (rtioT-roicnES, (iU-TUBES, rownEii, FLASKS, mOTBELTS, 1-uWptB, phot, CAPS. to fret, evtrvthlng in Ui 'buutor's llito. Our - ;,' Mirrors & Picture Frames mbraoe all sixes and styles. In the Hue of Crockery, tilamrare, Fruit Jars, P0CKET& TABLE CUTLERY, Kalis, Tobncco, liii(stlc CoodN, &, WOOD & WILLOW WAKE, qur stock Is full and complete. BT Call and examine hoods, jga )WWl Italldlilff, First St., Albony. P. G. HARPER & CO. 1872. SPRING GOODS ! SPRING GOODS ! GEORGE TURRELL HAS JI ST RETl-RNEI) FROM SAN FMnetsco, with a large and extensive addition to hts stuck, w bicb be Is now sel ling at the LOWEST PRICES ! Ills stock, in part, consists of : gPRlXt; & SI MMER DRESS (i(Mi., in large variety.' SFIUXG A SUMMER HIAM Ls. Ilalesl stvles.) LADIES', BESTS" A CHILDREN rf' Hosiery. LADIES', BENTS' A CHILDRESS' Kid Gloves, (w bite, black A coloi'd! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Trimmings, Fringes & Emuroiftery. ji:ntv aso ntiir OLOTHING ! tlKSTV A- noVVUATKnud CAPS, HARDWARE ! . " (ti!i entire new itoek.) , Itouls iiiitl Mioes, HiMkctM nnl Uoo.lriin.ire, G.-JELO IE Si, A., e., c., Ae., All of w hich he I arret ing at exceeding low rates. TO THE LADIES A CALL IS ESPECIAL LY RECOMMENDED. BSrriirlies fumtahlng, should call and sec our large dtock of Cnrpots, Rugs, OIL CLOTINI, BLIXUS, CURTAINS, ETC. IIIUAEST J-ltn raid for Connlry l'rodnpe. looda Delivered to any parlor town. GEORGE TVRRELL, JJrt Jfuun St., ALBAS V GRA3STD FOURTH OF JULY Excursion - to PORTLAND, ASTOHIA, CAS I'M and tbe DALLES. 1 heO, A ('. U. !t. will tun a complete and ample train til' llriruntlj Furnished t'litu, FltOM EUGENE TO ON THE I FORENOON OF JOLT 4. 1872. CS5"Sncclnl favors by Way of comforts to all delegation of tiity and ou r. CkniplptentTOnSflnient9roa1so matte with llir steamers feat inur Portland on the Uiomlng of July 5th, I'm' Astoria, Cascades, OB THE DALLES! Tickets fur Ihe Rol'ND Tilll' to any of these (mints will lie on sole at all tin' olllccsoftbe Railroad above Portland. All Titt Good for Fife Dap. RATES 01' FARE FROM ALL POINTS AMI HKTl'HN : Port- Asto- Ca Hal land. ria. cades, leu. Frtn Enaeneretni 8.00 0 HW UI hin. inn AO 8.C0 50 I'.eo Harrisburg llalsey Allmiiy Jettt'ison Miiri'in Turner's Salcni Biookit licrvdls Hnbonr.! Aurora Ot'egon City Claekamna 5.M 7.73 ' 5.00 i.Mi 4.110 HAO sm Cm :i ii 5.75 " 3.01) 5.50 " i.7. 5,45 ' 12 4.71 " i.iKi 4. .D 1.75 4.5 ' 1 .'.II 4.00 .75 S.M " .50 3 00 7.HI 8.00 8.50 5.110 4.75 4.13 LuO 3.75 S.50 .'.50 H.50 7.511 7.H1 0.75 0.50 B.S1 :'.'iU 5.5 5.00 4.15 4.00 t-jr ail who wisb health and real pleasure enfoy 1he,sp emtniilshigly low mtes, as doubtless H will lie years before such (onus will lie offered again. 6v'" Micrniilcent arrnngeiuetits will lie nuuin lu I'ortluudXor the Afternoon anil Evening of the Fourth, ami nil wlio go further will si ill enjoy Ibecnliiv pro;fraiu nieat Portland. Tirkett must be neflired by July 1st r. w. siiaw, Manager. E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importers and Dealers in FURNITURE ! u ml Upholstery Goods, Flrt-S!., 3 doors below Conner's Bank, ALBAXV, OREGOX, Keeps constantly on liand for sole Black Walnut Parlor and Chamber Setts, Painted Chamber Setts, Uiuiuu room and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds; SOFAS. Lot'NBES, SPUING MATRKSSES, rULC A Ei ltEKA BEDS, RIK. KlXBt HAlltS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, STANDS, BUREAUS. WHATNOTS, BRACKETTS. HOOK CASES, SECRETARIES DESKS, ETC. TTpholst ering' in all llslimnebes. Order, filled with proiuplncss and dispatch. Rcpnlring & iHiiuiitclurluK done to order.. C2T"Goods delivered loony )!ftrt of the city 6v5"'All our work warrantod. Jgg Give ns a Call and Esamino oar Stock. COFFINS made to order on short notice. E. D. WHITLOW A CO. February 0, '71-'-M . M. JONI1S M. It., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE SOUTH SIDE FIRST STREET, UlMttUrs, In J. 51. Beach's store-house, licsi.lcnco Second street, south of tbe ( arlwi Ight warehouse. 37v4 T. W. IIAICIIS, H. ., I!i)ttUlui ami Surgeon, ALBAS T, ORKBOS. OFFICE ONE DOOR EAST OF TELE -graph ofliee, on First slreot. Ucsidenoe At Mr. A. Hncklciuan'a. 37-4 iIJipmiIJI m & PAtiritr; act mkws. barter Ilenrj- I,., son of cpt:iit. John Harlow, aged about five years, was drowned in (nidi's Jjike. Portland, bst Tuesday. TIjj ferry Wu, at SaWdi, from lK'iti'' overloaded witli teams and tastcngem on their way to ewnp- mcetihg, eame very near siukiug mtil'Wty across the river. It set- lied on OliC side, leaked so SStopUt the' firm out, and had to be run ;i-hi to with the paddles, arriving there just in time to prevent its ' sinking. A .Mr. Jiller, of linker county, ' owns a yearling colt which weighs ; 8-0 pounds. The grain sown late in the spring in VVashiiigtoji county is a failure. 7 'here are ikm-soiis between the ages of 4 and S!0 years in Wasco county. i I.a -l week a nan in F.ane comity stole a horse and sold him tor i 810 oO, Jhe purchaser tooK the horse and ' loft. Wm". Warreii, of Yamhill county, l as air ox which has been twice bitten by rattlesnakes this season. 7'he ox will probably die. Eugonc. City is represented by the Journal as in the way of rapid improvement At the late term of the Circuit Court at the Dalles, John Wey land was convicted of Bttempting to commit rap on the ierscin of Lizzie A. liayden, a child under ten years of ago, and was sentenced to eight years imprisonment in the icnitoiitiary. Right, The step daughter of Iff. Chris. Taylor, near JAonroe, was: thrown from a horse last Sunday, bung in the stirrup, and was dragged a con siderable distance. She lived but a lew moments after being extricated. I for age was thirteen. 7' lie man Johnson, who 5vas ar rested some time since by Sheriff 7lirubull of Clark county, W. Upon a charge of bigamy, commit ted in Tillamook county, Oregon, and confined in jail at Vancouver, awaiting a requisition from the Gov ernor of Oregon, escaped last Fri day morning by cutting away the grating in front of the jail door. Chinamen, to the disgust of the white burglars, are monopolizing the house-robbing business in Montana A corres)ondcnt wants them exter minated, thereby furnishing the high-heeled, black mustached rob ler an opportunity to ply bis voca tion without coming in contact with cheap Chinese labor. II. II. Hurton, of Vamhill coun ty, is on his way homo from 7e.xas with 1,400 head of catt'e. A gold lode in Colarado, re cently sold for $100,000, is now producing at the rate of $3,000, 000 per annum. Puget Sound is complaing of dull times. A Nevada boy who was shot through the skull by a playmate not long since, is getting well in spite of the bullet through his brain. Sonoma county, Cal., has 120 farms of over 500 acres each- Throughout the mountains the grape crop of California promises excellent. 7vo young ladies in Salem the other night were crossing a mill race when they discovered some white object a short distance below in the water, which they supposed was a',gorJse, but as they com menced pelting the object with s.ones, tlley found out it was a man taking a.Wh. The young ladies left. Wire worms have done consider able damage to young wheat in the Cornelius Plain. AValla Walla is intending to have a celebration on the Fourth of July to surpass anything she ever projected in that direction. G. T. J. JcKinuoy, at Olym- pia, was presented .with a gold headed cane last week. Hallett has his portion of the Northern Pacific Kailroad almost ready lor the ties, lie has 800 men employed. J. 1), Bennett, of Fayette valley, Idaho, lost about 200 tons ot hay by the late high water in the Fay ette river. The-Raonock Indians, of Idaho, arc on the war path, killing travel - l.u., It is prophecied that trains will 1 running from Kalama to Olym- . ... .. pi , " p;a. -Northern I ticnic i;auroai, no - bra the snow fulls. l'r. Rogers, of San Francisco, wont to the Women's Right Con vention last week with one side of bis face shaven smooth, and tlie publican candidate in Coos cotmty other side covered with a heavy j for Prosecuting Attorney, Secowf mustache and beard, lie was ! DUtrict, was 7. His majority in thought to lie insane. j the District is 188. General Howard has expressed! 7'he Denton Democrat of the the belief that the trouble with the j '20th inst has the following: "On White Mountain Apaches in Ari- j Tuesday last, as .1r. William Gal zona is nearly over. i braith was hauling rails from the An Indian known as "Stuttering ! timber on Reaver Creek, in Benton A'ill" fell dead at Oregon City on county, the fioWad bacHOW frighten Thursday of last week. cd by a dog and fn away. 1 1 it - A farmer in Union county killed j ting a stump, ,1r. '. was thrown-. 2J)0O ground squirrels during May j from the wagon and seriously (if last. May wasn't a good month not fatally) injured. The horses,, fbr squirrels, either. I the property of R. I. j'uehauan, Wm. Rowland was arrested at ran some two hundred yards, wheu Silvcrton on the charge of stealing , they came in contact with a tree from Mr. Me Craw, of Marion killing one and some what injuring county, and lodged in jail. The .Montana cricket crop is nu merous. Lizards scarce. Idaho City has a double-headed calf. The wool clip of Thurston county, Washington Territory, is estimat ed at thirty thousand pounds. High water is reported from all sections of I'tah and Idaho Terri tory, and consequent great destruc tion of bridges, fields ami crops. All the bridges on Rear river have ; for Shavian, lieen swept away. Fifteen hundred pounds oftiilro- A single raft of logs was received ; glycerine, which was being maim recently at the Port Blakoly Mills I factured into Hercules powder at on the Sound, which contained one j the California Powder Company's million one hundred thousand feet, It was the largest raft ever sent down the Sound. Ladies on horseback are no un common sight in Salem on pleasant evenings, says the Statesman, The First liaptist Church of Portland has a new pastor Rev. A. R. Medbury. It is said that fully one-half of the grain sown in 7oise and Pay ette valleys has leit destroyed by high water, and that upwards of two thousand acres of land have lieen totally washed away. 7'he Unytmittn says that Hon. Joseph G. Wilson, Congressman elect, was presented with a hand some cane a few days since by the Congregational .S'nnday -School of the Dalles. fifen. T. J. KcKinuey and Chan. Prosch, editor of the Tribune, had a personal rencontre on the streets of Olympia, last Saturday, in which Prosch, says the Courier, received a severe caning at the hands of Mc- Ivinuey. The Puget Sound Courier tells ot a distressful and almost fatal ac cident occuring at Seattle on Satur day last Mrs. Young, wife of A. R. Young, Esq., came very near losing her life in the following shocking manner : She was doing some work about the house that re quired her to step upon a liox in the vicinity of which was located and projecting a large meat hook. Tlie box lieing unsteady it tipped over and threw her, and as she fell her neck caught on the hook in the re gion of the jugular vein, and inrlict cd a Severe but it is hoped not a mortal wound. It is said that the hook penetrated her neck, glancing upward, parallel with the vein, tear ing and breaking through the flesh as she fell to the floor, and making a terrible and ghastly wound. 7'he Puget Sound Courier says it is rumored that the Secretary of the Interior has written to tho di rectors of the N.PR.R. Co. inform ing them that as soon as they com-I--,, it. .... ; 1 .i ... JOCkC IMC jniliVAM iu uu- . . .nil . . v'i the Sound at any point, that will lie regarded as their choice of placo for a terminus, and they will 1-e precluded thereby from holding government lauds any farther be yond such jioint. In consequence of this, it is said that tho company intend to carry their line all tho way to Rellingham Ray before they attempt directly to approach the waters of the Sound anywhere. Af ter this bs done,they will begin first to attend to tho building q j tlie ..branch roads . at diflferenl points, connecting their main line with the little towns and liar. , bor where such branch lines may I needed and where they wilfc I At.k1. , ihuhijuk . Fifteen hundred dollars have lx'cn secured in Salem for a town clock. The majority for Chcnowelb, lie- the other." Two barrels of whisky were stolen from the Tacoma House, in Olyinpia, W. 7'., recently. The Western Washington Indus trial Association will hold an annu al exhibition at Olympia, beginning on the 0th of October next. A rich amber mine is said to have been discovered on the main land of Alaska. Utah barbers charge fifty cents i Works, San Francisco, exploded mi the 21st, blowing the building: into kindling wood and badly damaging five other structures in the vicinity. 7'he earth was torn up to a. depth of twelve feet in a eireumiereuce ot one hundred and twenty feet, No lives were lost, nor no one injured. Loss, about $10,000. Roseburg has no lime in town at present, says the PRiindeuler, with a large demand. Black bear are reported plentiful on the Coquillo river along tbr mail route to Randolph. The Pluinikuler reports the mines at Roseburg as paying well. There are 160 insane persons at the Asylum in East Fort'and, 37of. whom are females. A number of gentlemen at Mc Minnville, a fewdaysogojinnointod their faces with carbolic acid, to keep off the small pox. They ar now nursing their faces. Fourteen Sunday Schools are in- . tending to unite in cclcbratiog tlie Fourth of July at the camp ground near Dayton. (en. Conn is the recently ap pointed Receiver of tho Linkvillu Land Office. Tho fifth scssiou of the Yamhill County Teachers' Association will be held in the Academy at NortiV Yamhill, commencing July 9th, and continuing four days. Hon. J. G. Wilson, Representa tive elect to Congress, is the mem ber for Oregon in tho National Re publican Committee, that commit tee being composed of one member from each State. Anew Court House for the ac commodation of the litigants of Pa cific county, AV. T., is lieing btiili at Oysterville, the county scat. The Bulletin says small pox has entirely disappeared from Portland, the last case being discharged from the post-house last Monday. Eugene has a case of small' pox. 7'hree persons have been exil ed from the Raptist Church at Eu gene for dancing. About twenty vrsons Were con verted at the recent cainp-nuxtu g near Dixie. At seven minutes to eight o'clock on the evening of the 18th, the denizens of .San Francisco were fa vored with a view of a comet, h made its apiiearauee a little to tl northwest of the zenith and passed slowly toward the northeast, disap pearing finally at a point high abov tho horizon. There is nothing definite from (Veueva Board as vet.