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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1872)
VOL. IV. ALBANY, OREGON, Jl'IA' 5, 187:!. N 44. Stab 51rm.stfr. j "9 So J iTi!i.:;-m ii kvkuv runiAv, By COLE. VV ('EE YE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corner i'.n'.yo.t Pint H't-u. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One year Throe dollars, Six months Two dollars. (Single copies Tun cent. ADVELTMNli KATES. Transient advert iseniunts. per sijnnrc (f in linos or iess, first insertion pJ iu subsequent Insertion tl. Larger adver tisement liberie I on fha most liberal terms. job vi.i:k. Raving receive I now typo, stock "f col ored Inks, cards, a Morion Jn'iMor, cie wo nru prepared tot-xcenteall Khvlael print ing In n better manner, and fifty per cent cheaper than over boforo otftiwii In Uu city. Agent for "e BcRKIer. Tho following nentlotnetinre BUtlvorUaid to receive ami reWtW (or sitlierlpllo. adverl lafofr, etc., for Ibc RWI WTKII : lliiiun Smith, Hamsbnrg. 0. P. Tompkins, Hiirrisbur,. Peter Home. Browne ille. W. It. Kirk. ptwnsvIUv. j. It. Irvine. Selo, T. II. RoynoMs, Salem. U, I'. Fisher, S.11 Francisco. ji. p. Porter, Site idaStution. Fletcher 4 wells, Bnena Vlst, folk to Cliaa, Kicked. Jacksonville. JHjSlNKS.S UAHDS. 1. 11. min iu m.. n. i i.i'it- rant .-meee & noa.s'n, 1 Attonieys on'l tounarlon nt Ian, OOI.lCBfOBftIXCHAW;KKY ANrtl'UOt 1 n tors inn tuilraity. OBIee over I in old pool oiiUn'. t'.-'iiii stiwt, Poitland, oivson. Jvj i. C. 1MW KM.. ' ! LUJK. IMHVEIJ' ft FLIXX, Attorneys and IVmiitrtorti nt l.iw, M SOLUTTiHtS IN CHAX't'EHY I.. Klimi notary puliltc), Albany, Oregon. CoUeettoiuiiuid conveyaueoa ptotnptl) at- tendetl to. I ' y. H.CltAKcn. . a urvi i v. o!:iry Public. : tKAXOH & HUMPIIHEV, Attorneys nnl t'otinselioi-s at I.nW, ALBANY, OUKUOX. Ofil'-e in ParrWl brit-k, up s'.uirs 5vl ' iEO. 'V.'KAY, . B. W., t 1! Mil-ATI-; III-' CIXCIV 1 nail Ueti'.al l.'ol'w, UialeM .SVrraf S waivl lm-jirol- 1 Shi!:s,f PlaVti r Jr- work In the luie ot bl proteiion in tbe best and mosl approved met bod, and at " reaaouanlo iiiUm ran iw bad eiwirlteiv. Nllwine Oxide administered for the ihiIIi-li-MicKttnctioiiof teetb Ifdoirtre'l. Ottleeln I'arrlall brick block, up SiiilrH, Rtnldeiu'c llral uotiA'itbwtlu)f'iHiKriitklchnnh, fronting on eottrl hoiwu liloi'k. j7Mi W. ii. JOVES, M. 11., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSITiAN. 0 KttCE OS FIUST sTItKKT. iKdoor , c.-t of Jt.'o.i laibln, m lliirkhart two morv brick tttli stali , Ml l'OKu;vri n.'i ver tleo. Turreirs itore. IlKKiDKMi: Mclbixltxt clmn b, All)an,v,Or. I'M!.! U8 I LEFEEL. A MYERS' Wat GVyOS7"txo els SPJIERICAIi FIXMKtv Aud Menernl Mill Machinery. J. F. BACKKXSTO. Ascnt. MtS Allniny, Oretfon. V. . m ta ts. w. n. MVri.i.Mit. Ji, s. m BOIH & CO., HAVE OX TIAXO AXI CONSTANTLY roceiviujl a large stmk of :roceri s mid lrovilons, tVHil and willow ware, tonaW'o, cigars, confectionery, Yankee notions, etc., etc., n bole-ale ami retnll, nt lowest lutes. Opposite It. C. Hill t Sin's drug store. AUiany, Oregon. :Clv4 ALBA XI' BOOK STORE Established In I Sou. B. A. ErvclniMl, OEALEB IN EVEIi Y VAltlKTY OF nilseellaneo'is lssiks, si-bool books, blank luk aiatt iuaety. . Books iniiMirie 1 lo order nt short not in1. , at. Mlwnv, Boo, S, litIO, i i Yj;iiy -;i8 .vVh- nv ft, I AM PKUPAREO TO DO ALL KIM Is n( tUftltniu kixnt oil band and llllike lo nj'ljir mvbt0.c-''ttoni"l chairs. met spin litnar wlteeln. tthnri ihur the "MaiimTlh MIIIS. JIIII.X M. .Uh any, Nov. s.lsiisq AIJIWY RATH HOI'Mj;, rittf (f WRpltfN k'H tttun.h i:e s vei till ty tnferni 1 h(u4tt ns i d A ii .an v and vicinity ibat be bus taken charge of Ibis o-'abliliment, and by kwntlng clean roouis and prfVuig atrh1! attention to busl mt livneola to suit nil thrwe who may fa vor hbn sflili their patronage, lluving heretofore Krrlod on nolhlng but jiFlBM-iflmta II.Hi lies smw ynionua, Tie el.:'els ..Ve prill TO (nllsfBellon to aU. ' blldrenHind ladb-s' lmir neatly cut sud sjiampoiied. iH. JtWEPIl WEBBER. nms ! purs; rvtnni BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANK I N G - ANT) Ezchaage Offlc( '5 i ihiim, onia-os. nKf'SlTS I1RCKIVK0 st lijEcT TO Hierk hi sight. Interest nllowc 1 on tim-.'depnsils'm coin. Exchange on Portland. Sun Frainiseo. and Sow York, for sale at lowed rates. ( hllect inn- him lean l proiirptlv rciuittc I. Refers i" II. V. Corbett, Uvnry Falling, W. S. I.M'l.l. Bunking hours front A. M. tot l. M. Albany, fob, I. 1m" 1-83 M.i;i!.;-: wdnivs. MO ROE & STAIIJEM, Leiilers in .UonuiucntK, Obelisks, Torubs, Head and Toot Stones, lCsct-u cl i:i California, Vermont Maible. and Italian SALKM, OliKliOX. BRAM U Midi1 AT A!.;:av. J, 0 W. M. il. ( HANK. ROW & t K.WH, tiealera in Bot, Shoeti, ant! Viadisigs Al.HAXV, OBKkWX, ISVIT1S THK ATTKXTUIN III' T1IK 1 public to tliolr lull ki i -k of tin- latest sivUs in jentkmics'B and mntll'd boots, slims. ualtec, Oxford tics, etc., etc.. as well as to the very latest Ihlna out in tlio line of la lies' and niis-cs gaiters, bnlntorala, Newport ties, Antoimtle bunkina, and many otuev new and fashionable sljles, j wi iei-ei rod at the City Boot 8;oro, which tboy will sell iu rapidly luoy can lind punhuaorS who wim tlist-ela-is gond at the must rea-MiiKi'ile rateii. Tbey resjiect lullv Invite you to come nod see their .ock; IkKis'. Hlioes.etc, made or rojtairetl to order, aiel I'll tri rk nvtmnt'.tL CITY BOOT STOBK, ITBST K1HKKT, First door West of KesUter BiiIIiI'k. OVS V I T V M A U K KT, Finrr mkixt, aijbaxy, onEuox, J. I, HARRIS, MrtMrtM'OK, ril.l. ESDKAVOR To KEEP COX- ; suit ly on luiad u lull supply ol AJA titMts Ol' SUATH, W'bllh will !' of tbe very heat quality. The bhtlicst market price, paid for beeves, hoTsand sheep. Third door west of Ferry, on sntb aide of Kirs; sireot. J. 1,. II Alibis. Albany, Her. lj, l.Sil-l.lvt J. W. Van ftii Brrieii M. D., tVORM DOtTOR, jSAT.EM : : : ORKGOX. MY Ion.' expi'l'lcnee in diseases caused by V'OItMS. cannot lie snn nssed by any phytleln in Kuvopc or the Vniteil mates, ttlttec rooms, Xos. m an t 33, over the Post ottliv. Hrfmaultntlomi and ''i'f churn : vtnlWtUfl j Albuny l'ollrf;lnlc IiiMtidilo, AMI AN V, OUMiOX. i 'I'lllS INSTITI TUIN WILL RKOPKXOX I I Mnntlay8ipteinlHrt, liCl, wil ha corps of (eaejtors capable and earnest. Iustruc lion will tie thorough and piitencnl, ami ' tbe system of order unsurpassed. For par- I licularsii'ldivss Ii. K. WAIillKN. A. M .. I'ri'sMent : Or.UX't.i;. B.tlKAItY. J). D .Albioiy. T!k Eves Tlio Eari! Dir. T. L. OLIl, O'ulikl and Aurlst, A tWiny , Oregon. 01!. tiOI.IKN is A son of the noted old ombalnUu doi'tor, s. i;. Hoiuen. lb, (iolden lias liad exiHM'lenei ill trolling ilrili('t'ejHU'arali'ribji'et.iilil feels I I'oiitl.liTit of glrliiif eirtlre MrliAtHNni to ! I hose wlio may place i hem-elves under bis Ultra.. April IS, (tit, t , ,i; .... .. OR. E. O. HMITII, OE.VTIST, ItAS LOCATED IV At 1 I hanv, an I is now ready lo iiHfVK!Miiii.wIii new Inventlrm In denial work. It (oniWln support hut thll nlAtelothe month without eoverinif the whole nsif, as licretofore. Those wishtna aelltlclal teeth art) request ed to cad and oxamlno for Ihemseli es. Also, plates mondc.l. wltother partially hrnken ordiviiici. reciii.exrrncie I u n- '"it. pal AMil'lf H il. )!:? 7vt ' oven Jeu-It'.b N store. A All i i'ttot i'-Ssaittiii,;, I'altteiuiniiiii:, 17 M. WAI SWORTIC wlil giv6 prompt . altoiilion to all oriel's for Pupcr- bunging, Culci'tnmlng, lieeomllng. &e.. in ! ihisellv or vlclnltv. All work exisuted at. lUSI nvlAjrWTfrliSrs'Wat Furniture Vanrooins of Clios. Meuley wlH rwclvc jift.mpl attftition, : J(W BUSLN'KSS CAHDS. To tho Citizen of Brownsville and Vicinity. T ii k i'xi i;i(suixi;n ax- , 1 uouueo that lltcv are lXDEPRNUENT I I'AXTMnOATKS for the pnrcbnso of nil I ho "W OOX4 1 tbey ran get, for wliloii thoy will rny 1 lie 1 Highest Market Price in Cash or Good. Also, tbey Imve 11 full I stock of t. s: n : ii a 1. H K RCtlA N 11 I x 1: on hand, which tjhoj pifer al lowest rate fort'.VSIIor PROTtt'tJK. KIRK, TIt MK A CO. I K. tall on cm in-fore closing lor your Wool. , RniwnsviUe, Man-It "TJ-lintiill ERAiLI MARKET. ALBANY, 0REUOX, 3. R. IIIvKHON, i : Proprietor, I AOA1X, AT THE OLD PLACE ON iV Front stiiM't, pio-os,'S to lltrnlsll ail who apply wii b ii!l kinds of MEATS, at I be j lowest market rules. By striei attention j io bu-ine-s ho hopes lo give general saii-s. facttmi toall who may favor him with a call, ftir Highest market price phld for l POUL'IKY. J. It. HEItltoN. I n.Hvl SETTEEMIBE'S M RKERY, Rlx MIL s Kouth or Albnuy, Llnu Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. I SOI.K IT THE ATTENTION OF ALL L persons desiring jo pm-cba-e fruit trees to call and examine my sto.-k,"vhi h is i-oiiiposed of tlie largest and best selection in tile Stale, eonsisiing of apples, jwars. cherries, plums prunes, grajies. blnckbcr- 2rSTSitOMi.J lewas studying it. If jK'.an, relbml, lioney loeust, backtierry, and a number of other varieties of trn's and p'a.n- too numerous to inomhsn, all tf which arc offered at low rales. HEXRT W. SETTLEJI1KE. Dee. 17. 1870-11 "WW. PETERS, MAM I AITl CI'.lt OP Capriages & Wagons; Of Every lleseriptiou, ALBAJfY, ORKWO.V. MANi FAl TI KES TO and all styles of 01(1 -ER ANY Wagons, Carriage, Hacks, Ac, at as reasonable rates as tho ice of good materia! and urs!c!uS3 vuirk wilt jus tify. rtdpairlng neatly andexietlltlouslj done at low nttes. Shop on Ferrv belween Kii-sf and flpeOod streets. WM. PETERS. Albany, May in, 187311 DR. VAM'I.EYE S -AND I TIUUNi: BEUI XATOlt. rpilE MERITS OF THIS INSTRUMENT 1. consist principally In the snnport ii gives to the abdomen and spine. The belt is broad, supported by snwndor passing overinestioiiiitei's, nii't Kept in siuipe US sclf-genomtlngltalvaiiic Plat es,whlcli give a pleasant current. The Id emulator is'utso flalvnnlpi Us Cup i and Nojilesare made of Silver; itsSU'in.of Copper and .inc. Is hollow, that Injections may lie thrown through It, or Into the peek of the I tems. It can lie so regulated by lis llunub-scivw as to meet any mn!-pos-tion of the I'teru, and Is niUtqtMllol in meeting any form of female disiase. Prieo, ti'i. Patented August 1.1, IS7I, by W. s. Van Clove, Cent rnliu, Illinois. 'l'errUory for Sale, or will rerlve Hoynlly for ninnurnrture. For Slate or Territorial rights to ninnu (hettire and sell on Hie Pnoiuc Coast, appiy to COLL. VAN CLEVE, Albany, Oregon. ' Notico. OKEOON & CALIFOIINIA RAlLROAlt Cotupany. Ism I Dejinriiiicnl.Poriland (livgou. April II, 1S71. Notice is lien'by given, ibut a vigorous pros;':uilou will In? Institute I again st any and every person who trospiisses tijam any Itallrond Lund, bycuttliigandrcnioving timber; herefrom bcfori' the same Is ROl tiHTol IlictMiiil'a ny AND PAID FOIL All vacant Land In odd numlu'ivl soe- nons, wiieiner -urveye t .or iin-iirvovud, within n distance oTtliirly'niiles frnin nto line of the road, belongs To the I ouiiianv. y r. .mi shies, . Sivltf Laud Agent, j . ) -hLlf MSTROPOIiZS H O T E L . Corner Front and Salmon Sl., PORTLAND, OREGON. This ncv;and elegant hotel, wiili Xcw Furniture Throughout, ; I now OPUX'IO THE IH HM4'. Ila'li uiu for the neroiuuimlntion ot Uticsts. FREE COACH TO THE HOVSK. Come and See Ea. OcU TMvV " SPaKSiEB IN Urncla's fable. BY HELEN- 1'. .1 EN KINS. 1 " It is ,VI iltmo for money and nutoriety ! This ' working for a I lii.tiiilc.'as you call it, is al! a si am, (jrajiia," saitl .Mr. S.iuforti. j Gracis Im'l lieen speaking in tcrma of tlio highest roveroi ce of ! ot .e of (be givat reilirintTs and ma ttimyf tlie day. tore apait, excitedly, the cluster of blossoms she lieid, face Hushed with in j dignatimi. Mr. Sanfi nl coolly watched the effect of hin wonk At last she kked np, conttdei.t i ly, and said : iff. Saiiford, it is very unkind j to distrust people's motives as ymt do. I wouldn't tbr all the world, tee penple with your eyef.'1 you net mistake wisdum, and nice critical analysis for dis : trust ? " said Sanlord, ctuniireiswi.g his liis,and ieeriiig with searphlng j eyes at 6'racta over the head of his : cane, whieli he held to his lips, re ; ilectivcly. He had been standing sometime near the gate ready to de part, but the unusual conversation held him. He l ad never before heard this modest girl express her self so firmly. He was astounded. It was a new phai-c of her charac- iked (I'racia ; he atlmi etl her intel ligence, her beauty, her sincerity, and the modest deference she had heretofore shown him. He had for some time had it in his mind to make her his wife he was only waiting a fitting oppor tunity to introduce the business alid have the matter arranged. (Vraeia. though formerly much attracted to this man by his mental attainments, and his high moral character, of late had been displeased by a cer I tian despotism of opinion, which he j frequently presumed to exercise, j .She was getting a positive dislike j to him, as she suspected that he entertained a secret but pro 'bund contempt for women. Hie remembered he had never praised a woman the trivial he scathed; the intellectual ho gracious ly sneered at ; tho gifted he con demned as vain and ambitious in tlie use of their girts. 6'racia had gradually made these discoveries, and silently recorded them. Never till to-day had she ventured to openly question tho cxccl ence of his opinions. He still stood piercing her with keen gaze, vvhi'C a disdainful smile sat on his lips, lie was vexed that this woman whom he had conde scended to love shou'd dare to criti cise him. 6'racia, unmindful of his vexa tion, said, looking calmly into his luce, " I believe, Mt. Sanford, there is a higher lookout upon human con duct a kinder and truer one than yours, and I am Fitre you defraud yourself even more than you in jur? others, by your severe judg ments." is'uddeidy she added : " I am going to write a Fable." " Kxcessive wisdom is apt to find vent in that way' he said with a half smile, half sneer. "Withhold your sarcasm, sir, and come and hear it," nho said, bowing, and retreating up the walk. Sanf! rd hurried down the street. j Mind to the outer world, so vexed J was lie with Gracia's impudence. I " She isn't the woman for my j wife,' after all," lie thought. " She I isn't pliable and confiding enough." Yet, when he rememliered how lit tle most oftho women he had kown had pleased him, he cottcltided she would l ave to do and she woif d ; grow less self-asserting, he thounht, when she had a firm mawuhtie hand over her. (iracia stood in her room with a curious smile on her face. She 1 sharpened her pencil, saying, 1 alf audibly, " A swoet husband ho j would make ! We're safe bet Ii ! of us, I think, but I'll make a sure I thing of it"-and she sat down to ! her table. Alter manv dnvs (he would seem in no haste) Simford called. lie was gracimis, and en ! tertauiing He asked for tlie Fable, ! seeing f.'raeia would not introduce j the subject. Without hesitation she produced the manuscript, and : j seriously, without aa.logy, blushes, , or I leggings of lenici cy. proceetlotl t rontk nicrelv savinir " Don't bo j alarmed at my selection of symbols." f A donkey, which l ad been at work all the morning, stood eating Kn a I Z which was stpeiKM from his neck. His head was bur ied in the bug, and lie did not no t'eelittle I'ahbit, who came skip ping from the yard, till she was lieside him, a.vl said " Good Don key V" lie lifted his head hoiu the pouch, ami looked a moment disdainfully at the little limping thing "Well, Kahby, what do you wait of ine V" ' I came to tell you of something I taw this morning." " Fgh," contemptuously exclaim ed the donkey, thrusting' his head again into the bag. liabbit paid no heed to the dis dain, but said, " I was in the mead ow, by the woods, eating the grass, when I heard strange snds in the air, and, looking up, I saw an eagle soaring above tlie forest; his broad wings rising and falling with such power and grace, I gazed full of strange wonder as he went up, up, into the high heavens, 'till he was lost in tlie light. O, it was a glorious sight " " Fgh, you little simpleton!" said the donkey, lifting his head In m tlie hat; and looking askance at the little bite rabbit. " Don't waste your admiration! Don't you know the eagle flow up into tho sky on purpose to attract your attention, and the notico of all silly animals like yourself?" " Ah, good donkey, I don't thmk theeaglo knew i was looking at him, or would have eared for my notice if he had seen mo. I think he rose so majestically up in the heavens, because it is natural fi r him." " Fie ! iHitm-df 7 I fuw little yon know. VOU foolish, trust ine rahhitl t t j - j a - - It is natural to walk the earth, as you and 1 do, and it is not natural to go careening through t lie air. All scusiblo creatures walk ; it is only the vain who get loose from the earth, ai d go flapping their wings in tlie air.'' " Ifitt, wise donkey, I did not tell you all' sa d little rabbit, who was too much absorlted in the vision she hal beheld to care fur the don key. " While I was watching the eagle, I suddenly heard clear, beau tiful mtbvc above me, and, turning my eyes, I saw a lark rising into the heavens, even more gracefully than the eagle, and singing till the whole heavens seemed filled with tnusie, as well as light, and such music, good donkey, you never hoard. ' " N'o sweeter than your voice, or mine ! " snarled the donkey. " We could make no music like it," persisted little rabbit. " I hope wo shall never lie such fools as to want to try !" " Why," continued tho rabbit, " the sheep, nor the cattle, nor any creatures about us, could make snob sweet uiiis:e." " Your head is turned, you foolish thing ! " said the donkey! " Don't you see it is all vanity, and idleness, which induce these binls to leave the natural sphere of all animals, and go sailing conspicuously in the heavens and sit ging with such nn ltccoming loudness? 7'bey should bo willing to help do the hard work of the world, like me, or modestly and humbly live in quiet, and listen to the wisdom of superior animals, as you do, raid tlie donkey, with great satis action. " Hut, donkey, this eagle and lark aiC not made like us. TUy were evidently made! ltheTeavei s. "rio: "said ine donkey, with a stamp of tho foot and an impa tient shake of the head. " .Made I for the heavens ! who 1 as a better right to judge of that matter than jl? Geese a're made like them, If : I understand how the vain things j look ; (I never raised my eyes to i them ; I would not p case their j vanity so much.) 'I l ey lave, two ' feet and feafher like geese, yet J geese don't- go tailing up to the j clutids ; they are mode-t, nm ?oim j bio, and willing to fill tho place j thev were designed for, and have no fjph vanity which piompts ' ea"!es and larks to behave unseem ly:" " What veil say may bjj true, wise donkey, Imt I shall nevir fi r got the now lilo I felt when I notch ed that eagle rising up into the heavens and onwards into the ta lliiig blaze of ti e site." " Sun ! " said the donkey, mov ing his cars excitedly, in spite of his dcterrtiii ntion to show no inter est ; " what has the snu to do with these, foolish creatures, ? It is the. sun which warms my sides in tie cold winter, and makes tho gras grow which wo cat, and makes it light for me to toil. Whtrodid you sec tho sun 'r" and he looked with a surly disdain, as if vexed became he .-aw ti e rabbit was really wist I than himself. " Why, donkey, up in this very sky, whom the eagle soared, and the lark sang, walked the sun in such wonderful brightness could scarcely gaze at him ; and tlio light from Ins thee tilled all the broad leavens with splendor, AA state ly clouds, in dazzling white mantles, stood about him, waitingand watch ing. Aid when I looked down upon the grass, saw what was oven mole beautiful than the sight above. It was as if the great si.r had shaken his robes, and tho gems bad fallen thick nbmtme, and titers they hung upon the nodding spears, those trembling dew drops which 1 have soon hundreds of times, but never before tilled with this splen dor. Good donkey, the song or the lark, and the glory of the sun, had made mo something more than a foolish rabbit "Almost a donkey "(brayed, BOtto pooe.) And then n soft breew whispered something, which I could but faintly understand ; something which came trim the wonderful heavens where the sun lives. If I could but understand it ail !" mur mured rabbit. " And so I came to you, good donkey, to have it all explained." " Well, well, little rabbit," said the donkey, moving his long ears and trying to assume a look of dignity tuu superiority. " No doubt you saw something which pleased' yon j simple; unreasoning cieaturca are always easily pleased, but it was all foolishness a vain show gotten up to attract just such silly crea tures as you. They don't deceive me so easily! Now, dear little rabbit, run home, and don't y any heed to silly animals which get utit of their spheres, and don't mod- djp with things, you. can't couiniw bond." I'ahbit thought, as she leaped over the grass" Perhaps donkey is wise, but he will never know tb glories I behe'd became I lifted my eyes to the eagle and the lark Door donkey ! his wisdom has mads him so blind, lie can oii'y see him self. " Fables usualy have moral ap. pended," said Sanford, as Graoia laid aside her manuscript. " They are added for the stup'T, and not tor the wise," said (-'riicia-fc with dignity. As Sir. Sanford passed into th6 dark street, it was something much like a clenched fist, wlrch ho moved in tho air as lie exclaimed, " Tho impudent gir' ! to presume to instruct me.' She'll not do foe mi wife!" . A Model lawyer. Squire Johnson was a model lawyers as I lie following anecdote will show : .Jones once rushed iutp the Sijnlre'si oftice in a great paislnn, and s;nilv Tliat Infernal sconudrel of a colihlcr, Smith, has sued me for live doltiirj I owe him for a jmir of bontsj-' "Then you owe him five doljarsr'" "To he sutv I do, Imt lie's gone and sued mcsuod me!" . - : "Then hy don't you ;iy him If you owe him ' ' ' "i!ecau-e he's sued me. and when p man docs lli.-d I'll licvt r pay him ti I. it costs him move tlum ht et. f' want you tomato itio thiui all yoi ain." "Brit it will cost you something1.' to." .1 "I don't wire For Ijwf. M do you charge to hgin with f " 'i'eiuiollai-s, and more il lh'..i luucli extrii trtuhV." -.Ml r?Cl;t .' 'll.'cl-e's tf.c '. VoW' go alic'it!.'1 , Xo seiu i r was hi, t-lii i.i gore than S'liiire ,ii l:n on -teppi d anooi to lift in-ighi'or Smitli, mid often d lo xiy tlf' bill, on cop!itfoiilhat the suit should lie withdrawn. The slio'i niaki r w!.id lv -id! he wniited wasbi' nav.. The lawn-ittitii id the oilar liva lor his lie. iUlU as tho i;i-e wa I. (it tiyitdi lesAnu! 1 e flijidfc nofjiHhi rdcin.'ititltrt on hi' ciienf. " " W& Ten d n" at( rr .Innes rame to s(i Iww lii -e'xtai getting oil." "AH rleht,." -aid fhe lawyer; "vott w-in't have anv iri ui.'e nl out Unit. I" pill, it to Slliilli -osttonglv jt Iie.wa glid lo uilhdriiw'the sUit aRoSdWr. lone-. V n"s done, it ujj, . liowti ! You -hall have iiH niv I none., k ,c- Mtor.' ii i r " "" It' r ri 4 - . This ei ihi;slast?c Ondorftmet l.'t ot tl e .'ago of ( happaqi a is lW;m. a ( h k-tlhgt r: " hmv hauten.avihUriei von ilwel twitw'i wkU mi(& sprcichtcr,d.nmpliol.T,4ui,,,j6(j