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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1872)
JOI! PRINTING. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AXD liWO V 11 E S 8 E 8, LaW and moat Desirable Styles or Printing Material, Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels nut why particularize, when It Is gen erally acknowledged tliat we are ON IT When It comes under the hed of It convince yourself of the troth of the above statements, you liavc nly to call (or send a hand atv companicd hy three stamps to pay return postago) when we will astonish you with the capacity of the Rr.o istek office for doing Colored or Plain work, and the re markable ele gance exhib ited by the Boss In Oorrallng the stamps for tbe same wlien finished. When you have "biz" In our line, call. A hint to the sufficient Is wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to that effect. YSTKIIS, 8AHIIINES, RED HKRKINli, etc., Jnst received by Printing. PKt'GS, ETC. EO. F. SETTLE 3IIER, DRUGGIST, Sttooctfmr to D.W. Wakefield), I'nrriMh'M Son i;tl,tlnK, t'lrsl Street, ALB.ST,ORBaOX, I 'enter In DRUGS AND JtElICINE,S. PAINTS, OILS GLASS, 1CTC. All articles mirrantel pure, nnd of the best quality. I'ltvsicfotis firesrrrfifVms mrefnllv Com poundcil. Allwn.v. Oct. 17, ) SOS-MI' STOVES, KTC. 51. JI. HARVEY & CO., (l.ATK W. 0. MTARLAXD ft CO.,) Opposite tbe hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pump, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Waro, not m: ri nxiviuxu hardware, Tin, Copper nnd Sicct IrOn Ware. l.ARI.KST STM K IS Till; VAI.IJEY Lowest Prices Every Time. Rcpnlrlnf; Properly Done. 40v FRUIT TREKS. Fruit Trees, Crape Vine, A t TMiK. i'xni:iisiiixi:i) invites the X attention of the public to bis large mid complete mock oi APPLE, TEAR, PIAM. CHEBBT nnd other TREES. Also, tiRAPK VI ES -best in the State Oniunientnl Trees. Shrubs, l'ltints. t'ur nmts. UooselH'rrii s. Stiiuvlierries. Ibises. Dahlias and llulli! , which will lie sold lis low as tirsr-eiass siock can lie nitonien. Nov. iJ-Uvl J. A. MILLAHI) HARDWARE, W. H. KTJHN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In NHiar asi hi: aw HARDWARE Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, BIILDF.KV HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK and EI.M 111 Its, HICKORY & OAK RPOKEN, HICKORY AXLES, Hardwood Lumber, Bent Kim, Nlmftn, Vole, dee., WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, All of which are now offered to the nub ile at low rates. As we miiko the business a sneclultv, we can and will keen a better assortment, in lower prices, man any House in wis city. W. a KI IIN & CO., Hontettb lire-proof briek, First street. Albany, Juno 14, 187441vi BLANK HEEDS, MOKTftAwKP, KTi;., on bund -latent Btyles- ond for sale iow, at this office. DRUGS. ETC. Murder In Albany nASXKVKH YKTI1EKN KNOWN, AMI no Ihrentcninjf of it nt piw n I. Death Is a tiling which sometime must ls-fnll every Mm mid daughter of the huunui tinn ily ; nnd jet, At the Mid-day, of your life. It tliscssc toys his vile hands ill kii yon, Micro 1M 9t tit -1i mini in l.ileii l, by which toii may he restored to prrfoet hcnlth, mill prolong vonr dajstou minicu lous extent. How 1 l!y milium rn k. . hill & my, Willi n prescription, where you rait have it mmponmta by one experienced in thai niirllclllur line. Also, coimtiintlv on bund n (rood n--irtnicnt of fresh dnujs, intent ! ni-.'dtctncs. ehi'iiitutN. lwlnts. ntls. Ovi st MR trusses, etc. Amenta for the. Ctttebrntc I'uk Weed Itemed-, or, Oregon ltbeninaMc Core; Dr. t). Jtivne & Sons' medicines, etc. Sponce's I'osltive unit Negative Fowdors kepi in stock. AIM agents Bribe Home Hlnitlle Sewing Machine, One of the most useful piece of household furniture t'Muut. Call and examine, it. c. mix ft sux. Albany, June in, 7l-mv3 ALBANY FOUNDRY And 31 a c h i n e S 1 o j , A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OUKGOX, MauuTadurcs Steam Engines, Flour nnd Saw Mill Mueliin erj, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURALMACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND IIK.VSS eASTIMW. Partlculnr atteul ion jiaid to reiiairinft all kinilsof niaelilnery. 41v3 MI8CEI.LAXKOU8. C. WESTLAKK. c. n. sinrsoN WESTLAKE & SIMPSON, CiEKERAL COMMISSION -AD- FORWARDING MEECHANTS ! ALBANY, OREGON, navo oonstantlv on hand a larjro and vari ed assortment of Agricultural Machinery which they offer on the most reasonable. terms. Also, on hand the celebrated Mitchel Wagon, Light and heavy. Advance made on tirnln. Wool, and other approved merchandise consign ed for sale here, or for shipment to Port land or Sun Francisco. GRAIN and WOOL Taken In store, or purchased at the high est, mantet price. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! 500,000 pound of Wool ! For which we will make liberal advances, and pay the highest market price In cosh. WE8TLAKE SIMl'SOH. Albany, IfsroaU-K SAN FRANCISCO- AORICULT't. In the Field Again. TREADWELL&CO. with thooldstantlarl HARVESTING MACHINES so ponoW with nil California farmers, I with nil the latrl luinrovcinenU. and u inny new ones lor the harvest ot 7i. The Wood' I'ric Mower taut Wood' Iniprnvi'd Sell'-llitlie Reapers. These ninchinesmT iiulisnulably THE REST IX THE WORLD. Asa linrvesicr. lite Wood's Imnrovcd Prim Jlower Is confessedly without an c(iml yet iHifote the coitnliy. Tbcse inu- ciiines'itave been hnpTOvotl since tirst in tioilini'il, until they ate now almost n tiriiy a new inachiue. They are made by nailer A. Wood (the largest mmni faoturer of Fanning Machinery in the world)-a man who keeps "tip with the limes," and who now builds and sells over twcuty-fivi' IStoiiNand of the World's Prize Mowers annually. 11 led the world ut the Paris Exposition, and has loiind no peer since. The Wood" Improved Prize Mower is especially adapted to Oregon. It has a foldiiiii or oiiited! liar wiih linnd lev er, two iie Is, sprint; scut. ami is made almost entirely of malleable iron, hard wood and KleVl. II is heavy, strong and durable, and though compact and power ful, isof lighter draft than the other ma chines of equal weight. II is every way fust the Slower for Oregon, as every fti-nier will sav ho has one. And its price is from $i to ;.' less than Isaskedfor an Inferior machine. Fanners, will J'Ott pay ihat ditKwenoo? Investigate before vo i buy, nnd see if you are gelling any tlilngliirlhatctmproff; for it i profit, as no Mower costs mor to build ilinn din's Wood's. Bend for a pamphtel before toy ing, "Buy tlie Bet." Rn' the Wood's Improved Price Mowrr ! We offer also the GENUINE HAINE'S HEADERS, from 10 to 13 feet cut, Improved by Walter A. Wood, having not only nil the ailvant agesoftneold Illinois ntnehine, but Wood's ininrovoments, and also Donne' Adjnwi nble Heel. fejj'No other Header has these Improve ments, and no other )trlies sell them. They are made csiieeliillv for this coast, by Wood, at Hotrttok Fall, S. V. The Kiriiy Self-Rnkc Renper and Mower. These machines are too well known to needdesVirlntlon. Also tbe 'KIItlSYCl.lP PKK MOWKlt"- price 7-the ehcopest and for many purposes the best in the market. 'The llcadlev" is the perfection of the Portable: Knglne. As a Threshing Knglne they have long led all others, until now scarcely any oilier is to be found. Taken with the Russell's Thresher, (IMPHOVED t boy niako the most eoaipleto set of thresh ing machinery in the world. "The ltns seny'ns improved, cannot lie equalled in tlie country. We are sole azonts for the sale of them celebrated thresliers.and have had them built expressly for tills (tout, Ask imv fanner who lias a Ilussell Thresh er, what he thinks of it. Mccormick's Benicr, Jone" Plows. Wncons, Header TriM-Iis, Ilussell nnF IMnnct Horse Powers, Hay Presses, Forks, Neythes, tumllies, CilHIvniors, Ac, Ac., Ac. Studcbakcr Farm Wngoiis, ltlmea Horse Rakes, A new lot of several car loads, lust receiv ed : with also every description of Farming Implements anda fresh slock of HARDWARE. HOPE, NAILS. MINING GOODS, MILLmEN'S and FARMER'S MACHINERY & FINDINGS. KTPIeasc send for circulars and prices. TKEADWELL & CO., Market, 1 - - - - Head of Front St. f " C. IS. Conistock&Co., Agents, AI.UAXY, OBEUOX. April lMlmi Important to merchants. Ureal Redaction In i undies 1 IS CONSKQUKNCK OF A DECLINE IN the price of sugars tlie undersigned, proprietors of the Portland t'nndy Mnnnntetory, have made a eorresisinditiK reduction in tlin price of candles, amounting from i to 5 cents per pound. All canines sold ny us aro warranted to be manufactured from Double ReOned Nnunr. A full assortment of all kinds of mils constantly on baud, and sold at a small ad vance on San Francisco prices. Orders from tbo country promptly at tended to. A1.ISKV Jt HKOKt.f:. No. 107 Flrst-St., Opposite Postoftiee, n38ml I'ortliuid, Oregon. C- Siilwri'x rs fimlf nit an X arter t lwlr miiui'sure Inlbnnod that IheirsnlisiTiption expires wiih lluil nnmlier.and tln' an' In vited to niiciv it. Terms (Ipernnnnin, In advance; six nionihs,!; three months, "feiT UftTal tenders rcceiviil t par from suliscriliei In the KtHlcin Stales. Mortal Wlne-DrrahhiK. At an Episcopal convention, a dittiku on uiiuperance brxwglit tip tlic "wine qnertion." A part of the cictsiy advocated its entire dis use, ami a part touk the other ride. At lengili an influential clergyman arose ami nnplc a vehement argu ment in favor of wine, (leiionncnig the radical rofonneni fur attempt ing to banish this token of hosjiital ity Irom '.ise. When he had restuti eil his scat, a layman, tivmliling with emotion, rose and asked if it were allowed tor him to speak. The ehair having signified that he would lie listened to, he sttid : ".Mr. Moderator, it is not my pur jsise, in rising, to answer fhe learn ed argument you have just listened to. My object is more humble, and 1 hope more practical. 1 once knew a father in moderate circumstance1, who was at nttieh iwonvenieuee to educate a beloved son at college. Mere this son liecame dissipated, but after he had graduated and re turned to his father, the influence of home, acting Upon a generous na ture, actually reformed him. 7'hc father was overjoyed at the pros. K'ft that his cherished hopes of other days were still to be realized, Several years passed, when the young man having completed his professional study, and being about to leave his father, to establish him self in business, he was invited to dine with a neighboring clergyman distinguished for hospitality and so cial qualities. At this dinger, wine was intro duced and offered to this young man, he refused; pressed upon him, and again refused. 7'his was re peated, and the young man was ridiculed for his singular abstinence. 7'he young man was strong enough to overcome apetite ; but he could not resist ridicule. Ho drank, and fell, and from that mo ment become a confirmed drunk ard, and long since has found a drunkard's grave." ".Air. Moder ator," continued the old man, with streaming eyes, "I am that father; and it was at the table of the cler gyman who has just taken his seat that this token ot hospitality ruined the son I shall never cease to mourn. Ami sing Scenk on a Stueet Cai!. Tlie passengers on one of Hiker's street ears laughed some yesterday morning at a scene be tween the conductor and a well dressed young man, at the time standing on the platform taking it easy, with one foot on a trunk, he was approached by the conductor and Ins fare demanded, lie quietly passed over his five cents. Conductor. I demand twenty five cents for that trunk. Young Man. (hesitating) Twenty-five cents? Well, I think I will not pay it. C. Then I shall put the trunk off. Y. M. You had better not, or yon may be sorry tor it. Conductor pulls strap, stops car, dumps trunk on the avenue, starts car, and after going some two squares, approaches the young man, who was still calm as a summer morning, and in an angry mood says : "Now I have put your trunk off, what are you ffoinu to do about it?" Y.M., (coolly) Well, I don't propose to do anything about it ; it's no concern of mine ; it wasn't my trunk. Conductor, (fiercely.) Then, why didn't you tell me so ? Y. M. Because you did not ask me, and I told you you would be sorry for it. (J., (furiously.) Then go inside the car. Y. M. Oh, no! you're good enough company for mc out hem At this juncture a iortly (icr man emerges from the car, nnd an grily says : "Mine Gott ! yon teller, where is mine drunk?" Y. M My friend, I think that is your trunk down on the avenue there. German. Who puts him off? hafe de monish to pay him. I will see altout dot. 7'he car was stopped, and shortly afterwards the conductor was seen i to come sweating up the track with bug. When required tor use the re thc trunk on his back a part of lm'si,te quantity is chopped off with a i,fi,onnl,n MA ..of ooW hatchet or sheath-knife, and thawed as r.r ;, J nan as wen as me passengers. Fans for the convenience of lazy women have been attached to sewing machines and are worked by the power which runs the machine. Pcrhlm Meat riaaatl. ( iTte- I am going to the Cincinnati On- tetitloo. I'm sick of polities, ami I'm going to unit the regular KcpubJitsiu ship and start on the Cifewell voyage witii Horace (ireelcy. Yes, I ve joined Horace ami diaries. I like Hunting men. 1 like men wis), licit lite life ' of tilt Ketrtlhlic w;is thrcntcnetl, shoul- tjered Iheir muskets and and . I don't like men who, like Grant staid in New York di ring (Ik1 war and abused the lighting Ccnemis. (inint won't do tor me. Oh, no! I want a military man a man who, like llor- ace Greeley, riketl hli life, and car ried the old llag all over the City ' Hall yard, and win) rallied nt the hiH : gle call tf freedom up nt Cliappaqita. don't talk nliout signing our I political death warrants! Don t wo retnetuber tlte splendid Biieeess of II. j, Kaytnottd when lie seceded front the party and went over to I'hiladel julr'a!1 Don't we have Hie hrilliunt i liistun,' of Senalor Ikioliltle? Don't ! we rwer With pride to tlie triinuplKtut I gnoueu of Senator tlrhnesr Have we not before us the brilliant example of t 'hicf .fit-dice ChiiHi nnd Andy John , son, who ntnmiSd on to glory, and left the old Uci!thlicnii ship, with Grant and Wilson and Morton to go to the ; d-dev-tkvil ? Yes. history will rejient itself, and tlt i Wine glory awails us that awaitcxl ' Cliase. and Grlincs, and Donlittle. ! Don't talk to Horace and I ; the old isilitical hive is full, and we are bound j to swarm. Wc leave the old Republi can honey gathered from Kansas, and from cninin'J patlon, and a rcpniilii; i saved, to Grant and Sickle, and tliose ! scoundrel! who carried die slurs and j strfpes from safe places "in Bostoti and i Philadelphia, and ruthlessly exposed the dear old llag to he shot at hy the ; rebels of Virginia and Smith Carolina. ! We are bound to lie ritrlit. If von a-k us it we are high tariil'to suit N'ew England, or low tariff to suit the West, we answer emphatically yes! We propose to abolish all crime to do away with custom-houses, and have all vessels to land at some other plan'. We promise to stop taxation mid pay the the national debt out ot our own pocket if we have to steal every cent in the Treasury to do It, In fact, if there is anything in this world which we, as a party, openly detest, it is one thing more than another and we pledge ourselves to abolish it. If you ask U3 if we arc for high tar iil'to' suit Mr. Greeley, or low tariff to suit George Pendleton, we admit em phatically that wc are. Grant lias only three principles in view to have peace, contentment, and pay tlie national debt, while we have eight principles live loaves and two Aslies, and a place in tlic custom house. Grant says let Jeff Davis and Beau regnnl stay where tliey are. while wo say give them amnesty and front seats in Congress and the Senate. For this reason I D-tlay become a prodigal, and go off With 'Mr. Greeley to live on tlie Ciucmnati liuk, resoiv- : ing never to come back- tlll thev kill the fatted custom-house calf, and give us tlie sweet-bread and sirloin. Genuine Eloquence. Lcith in his travels in Ireland, says: "In my morning" ramble, a man sitting on the ground, leaning Ids back against tlie wall, attracted my atten tion by a look of squalor in his af pearance which I had rarely observed even in Ireland. His clothes were ragged to indecency, and his face was pale and sickly. He did not address me. my heart smote me and I turned baek. "If you are in want," I said with a degree af peevishness, "Why don't you lieg?" "Sure. It's a begging I am," was the quick reply. "You did not niter a worth" "Xo! Is it joking you are with me sir? Look here!" he said, holding up the tattered remnant of what liad once been a coat, "do you see how the skiu 19 speaking through (lie holes in my trowsers, ami the lames crying out through ray skin? Look at my sunken checks and the famine that's stariu my eyes. Man alive! isn't hegging I am, with a hundred tongues!'" . Some time since one of our ship owners, in dispatching a vessel, had n good deal of trouble with one of hi men. who had got very "top heavy" on hU advance wages. After the ves-. sel had nceornpllshed her voyage, on settling with the crew, it came to this man's turn to lie mid. "What name sir," asked tlic mer chant. "Cain, sir." was the replv. "What! arc you the man who slew his brother?" rejoined tlie mercliaut. "Xo. sir," was Hie ready and witty reply of .lack, with a knowing wirrk, and giving bis trowsers a hitch "I am the man that km (tared." - The wife of President John Ada ma was horn in 174-1, and she says cf her youth.- "Femalo education, fntliebest families, went'iio further than writing and arithmetic, ami in some few and rare Instances, music ami dacing." When the Most oi i schools were orgaiv ized In 17(i0, girls were admitted dur ing the summer months only, when there were not hoyseiioug to till them. . . A Young Man who had come into possession of a large property by tint death of Ids brother, was asked bow. lie was getting along. "Oh," .said nat, r am htivtho a dranIAil Hi.w With getting out letters of administration and attending a probate court and seW tling claims. 1 sometimes wish lk) hadn't died." In Slhera, during the winter, milk is bought and sold in a frozen state. a,id caii long lie carried in a simple needed. A Missouri fanner attempted to smoke out a rabbit nnd burned up a half mile of tence and over a hundred apple trees. He caught tlio rabbit. Ifamanhas a great many debts, are they very "much to his credit r" Why Ell eBOIS.