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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
10 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN". TOItTLAXD, JULY 1920 B E A I. ESTAT E. tor teal frftrnifc. BENTON COITXTY FARMS PAT DIVIDENDS. COMB AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM. 730 acres located about 14 miles from Corvallis and 3 miles from station, has 150 acres In cultiva tion of bottom and rolling ,.land, there is about 4J acres of open hill pasture and 00 acres of tim ber pasture; there la about 3.500, Outi of saw timber on the place; there is a fair house and tock burn, quite a lot of hay and feed; nice creek and several uprii.KK. this Is ideal for a sheep ranch and the best buy we know of lor f'jo.oiin. Will give good terms on this place. BENTON COUNTY GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 700 acres located on good road now being paved, 60 acres In cul tivation, balince timber and pas ture. This is nearly all good farm land and lies fine for tractor farming. The place is well fenced with woven wire; there are two complete snts of buildings tind an other partial set. Here is the best buy in a large farm in the valley. 1'rice $100 pur acre. DO ACRES DIVERSIFIED FARM. Located In I-inn county, 70 acres good land In cultivation, 20 acres timber pasture, good house and out buildings, poor barn. A real bargain at $7o00, half cash. B0 ACRES STOCKED AND 45 acres In cultivation, 5 acres tlmhor pasture; good seven-room house, dandy big barn, 2 acres family orchard, extra good. All soil is A I. Place is completely stocked and equipped, all crops and everything goes for $7000. 20- ACRE SUBURBAN HOME TWO MILKS FROM CORVALJ-IS. 1.1 acres In cultivation, all choice river bottom land, fine for fruit, berries and chickens; modern seven-room one-story bungalow and usual outbuildings. Posses sion Oct. 1. Price $o300. 20 acrea more adjoining can be had if do aired, OUR BEST DIVERSIFIED FARM. 100 acres located 4 miles from Corvallis, in excellent farming neighborhood. 95 acres In culti vation, balance In pasture. 35 acres in clover, balance in good grain crop. This is one of the big producing farms of the county. Place equipped with modern 5 roora bungalow, a fine, complete set of outbuildings. Buildings themselves cost in the neighbor hood of $7000 under normal con ditions; place is all fenced hog tight. Price of this ideal home is only $210 per acre. We can ar range liberal terms at 6 per cent. 40-ACRB COUNTRY HOME. 30 acres In excellent cultivation. A dandy little family orchard of fruit and berries. A modern 1 room bungalow with water and light systems installed ; concrete basement. Good barn, ample for the place; hoghouse, machine shed, henhouse 4oxt0. This place Is located on good gravel road, less than four miles from Corvallis and the Oregon Agricultural col lege. Price of this place, including crop and some slock, ia $1,000. ISO STOCK RANCH. This Is most excellently located near a station on 8. P., also only una mile from graded school and In a good neighborhood; fair house and buildings, all fenced with woven wire ; 40 to 60 acres cleared, balance pasture and tim ber. This place can be bought at $ 12 per acre and it is w itiiin a milo of a paved highway. 153 CHICKEN RANCH. This adjoins the above and con sidering locution and -advantages is an excellent buy at $40; has fair house and other buildings and fenced with woven wire. Both of t he above are within & miles of the Agricultural college. These are but a few of the many farms we have listed. Investigate HKNTON COUNTY when buyinff a farm home. KINNEY AND COMPANY. Corvallis, Or. Home of the Ktate Agricultural College. 100-ACRE RANCH AND 100 HEAD OF GOOD CATTL.B. $15,000. 70 acres In cultivation, most of It In good clover and timothy, put up feed enough for winter, some grain, potatoes, garden, family or chard, berries, splendid soil, lies good, well fenced, good 6-room house, 3-room house, 2 good big barns, hold 100 cattle; water piped Into house and barn, 4 good horses, all necessary farm Implements. 12 stands of bees. 7 it 00 acres of good outrange, only $ 15,000 for all: 65 miles from Portlnd. 6 miles from pood town and Pacific highway. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Ground floor. 40 ACRES, located 12 miles from center of Portland, southeast. Sunnvside district: 30 acres can be cultivated. 9 acres In crop. some pasture, good well, lot of good standing timber that would make over 10t0 cords of wood ; 1 i acres of fine orchard, 20 English walnut trees 8 years old, 4-room cottage, good large barn, chicken house, wagon shed and tool house; with the place goes team. wagon, harness, jersey cow, calf, chick ens, machinery and croDs : nrice J 6000, $2000 cash. Or will consider property in or near I-os Angeles for full amount. This Is a high, sightly location: Dronerty rUiir ArVthlnV utimlttoil mia K cr incumnrance. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. DAIRY FOR SALE. $700 INCOME MONTH. PRICE $3750. IT cows, 1 bull. 2 heifers, 1 delivery ear, 1 new cream separator. 1 new boiler, 1 milk cooler. 1 new ensilage cutter, milk cans, buckets, bottles, crates, bottle washer, washing vat, sterilising vat ioras. etc.: au cntckena. l nig. have got a 4-year lease yet on place 150 a.. 60 a. plow land : 0-room house, toilet, bath in house, water piped to all buildings; $1S month, rent; k mile from town on rock road. Joining nlace JR0 a. for $;i0 a year. 1 am sacrificing my business on account of ill health. This is tne only dairy here. VV. A. KOGMANN, ARLINGTON. OR. KINK OREGON CITY RANCH. 40 acres near Oregon City, on main highway, all level and in high state of cultivation, 31 acres in crop. 6 acres In pasture and grove of natural trees; family orchard, consisting of all kinds of fruit and berries in full bearing and In fine condition; good two-story tsix room plastered hoube, with nice fire plane; large barn, granary, wood house, sinokhoute and chicken house; buildings in fine condition, place all under woven wire fence; 2 milk cows, team of horses, brood sows, chickens and full line of farm machinery and implements go with the place. Price, including crop now being harvested, $11, 300; terms. .TOHN K. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. S63 ACRES, BARGAIN 303. This farm is located on rock road and Is worth $75 per acre cash today. 1 am compelled to give the place up because of business reasons and will sacrifice at fto per acre, including 3ft head of cat tle, some hogs, all agricultural imple ment!, horses and all farm equipment, and if taken within the next two weeks 1 will include 160 acres of wheat and oats, about 100 acres of this is wheat. This la the best buy In a going propo sition in the state. Sae owner, G. A. 8ARLEA, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. 23 ACRE3, located U mile from electric station: less than 3 miles from Oregon ;;-; lrt acres uitder cultivation, balance In tlmcer pasture. Good buildings; 120 fruit trees; 1-3 acre berries; 3 heifers, harness, wagon, buggy, complete line of machinery, all the furniture and over 20:) chickens; $3000 cash. Balance at 6 t-er c nt. Inspected hy Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 4SH ACRES FOR SALE. Good valley farm in Yamhill county, miles from Forest Grove, price 17000. all level and practically all in cultiva tion, good buildings and Indiana silo, vouns orchard, milk route, mail route bv dour, half interest in cedar post tele phone line to Forest Grove, plenty water ana running atft?m. uwner, o i otn sc. 18 ACRES, house, bnrn. orchard, creek, 600 ft. dec. sta., extra good place: Simoo will subdivide into tracts; only 11 miles Portland by highway- M.. 3ti72. McFar laud, 03 Failing bids. REAL ESTATE. for fcale Farms. LEBANON, OREGON. FOR SALE. 1ft acres 3 miles out, graveled roads and R. F. D., telephone. House 4 rooms, good little barn and good land. Price $1HOO, $1200 cash will' handle this at 6. .51 acres, one mile out, all In cul tivation, 7 -room house, large barn, small orchard, R. F. D. and tele phone. Price SG000, $2200 wilt handle this at 6. 65 acres, all in cultivation, large 10-room house, large new barn and other outbuildings, good R. F. D. and telephone, graveled roads, a fine farm and a fine location. You should see this place. Price $8500, good terms, 6. A FINE STOCK RANCH. 741 acres, about 350 acres can be cultivated now, two sets of build in gH, fine running water, some good timber, fine roads, R. F. D. and telephone, plenty of buildings, one of the best stock ranches in the country. Price $35,000, $0000 will handle this, 6. M. L. SOUTHARD A SOS, Lebanon, Oregon. MODERN RANCH HOME. - 65 acres of black loam soil, located north oi Corvallis, Or., one-eighth mile from Red Electric station, church, school and elevator; on graveled road, one-half mile to Pacific highway; fenced with woven and barb wire; all under cultivation and in crop, 15 acres new clover. 16 acres oats, wheat, corn, pota toes, etc; 9-room plastered house, water system, full cement basement, laundry tray a, double plumbing, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, den, lighting system; EAST FACING; large barn with lighting sys tem and water; modern chicken house with runways for 600 chickens, hog house, small creek through one corner of place; with the place go 4 good horses, 3 cows, 1 heifer, 3 Chester White brood sows, 18 shoals, 140 hens. 300 chickens; harness,wagon, mower, rake, harrows, discs, seeder, wood saw, 2 gas engines, etc.; offered for short time for $17,500; $5000 cash, balance for 10 years at 5 per cent ; a place to be proud of and a money-maker. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 60-ACRE RANCH WITH 60 HEAD OF CfOOD SHORTHORN CATTLE FOR $8500. 45 acres In cultivation, balance timber, 2H -acres spuds, 40 acre clover, timothy and grain; good 6-room house, water piped In, big barn 60x5 with 57 stanchions. 2 fine chicken houses, 2 hog houses, one registered bull. 6 or 7 steers worth $140 each; 25 cows, balance good cattle, 2 horses, all necessary farm Implements. 191S Ford auto, household furniture, 70O0 acres of outrange. family orchard, 52 mfles from Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Ground floor. $4900. 20 acres on Springwater road; 6 acres In prunes, bearing; t acres of oats, 1 Vs acres strawberries. 1 acre beans, 2 acres corn, some kale and ' carrots, 1 acre family orchard, 3 acres potatoes In prune orchard; 4-room house, barn, water piped from spring, 2 horsea, 2 wagons, harrow and plow, 4 goats, 2 pigs, all Included in the above price, $4800: beautiful view. A. W. LAMBERT & BON, Corner Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. East 640. A LINCOLN COUNTY BARGAIN. 45 acres 5 miles from Eddy v! lie on Newport-Corvallls state highway, five acres of fine creek bottom. 3 acres of which is In cultivation, 15 acres of fine bench land that can be plowed, about 3 acres of brush land, balance In pas ture, all fenced with good barb-wire and woven wire; good house, but small; good barn ana ouiDuuainxs; line young or chard of 50 trees ; school house on cor ner of place. No personal property or crops go with place, except 5 tons of hay. Good location. Investigate this be fore buying. Price $1600. IRA WADE. Toledo, Oregon. CANBY DISTRICT. 44 acres. 30 teres tn crop. 14 acres of tlmrer and pasture; splendid trout stream, good family orchard; fair build lugs; all farming Implements, together with seme registered cows, and good team included in price of $5200. Some terms. This Is the kind of a place you have neen looking ror. Personally in lected bv Mr. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGEit 3LDQ. FINE 60-ACRE FARM. SOUTHEAST OF GRESHAM. 60 acres on the new ML Hood loop highway right at the front door, 40 acres under cultiva tion, good pasture and timber, all stock. farm tools. Implements and new trac tor go wun tne place. lamuy orchard walnuts, berries, 6-room plastered house, fine large barn, chicken house. Price 112.500: easy terms. KRIDER A ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. LANK COUNTY. 53000. 79 H acres. 60 acres tillable. 23 acres In cultivation, good black soil, all fenced and cross fenced, 4-room house, barn 40x60 with side sheds, and other build logs; family orchard. Included in price is full set of farm Implements. Price S300O. 11000 cash. 1300 yearly with in terest at 6. Photos at the office. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chambe or commerce omg. AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. 160 acres of deeded land on Lewis river, 70 acres good bottom land, some has been cleared ; no buildings, but at the price you can afford to build ; will sell on easy terms for $2000, or will take small house or equity; no junk consul red. STEWART A. BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR BALE or will trade for Portland proved property, 80 acrea In White Sal in on valley, is acres in v-year-oid appi trees of best varieties, one of the show places of the valley: has bad exception al care and whoever gets this place will get a big crop of exceptionally fine fruit tms season. see tnis place wniie tn iruit is on. Ij 277, oregonian. OWNERS ARE OLD AND MUST SELL. Dandy 46-acre farm home, large bear Ing prune orchard, excellent soil, othe: crcps very fine, income more than $3000 this year. See it. It is our best bargain. win snow it on snort notice. PEAKE BROS.. 283 Stark St., Over Peoples Bank. Main 3517. Tabor 12S9. 280 ACRES wbeat land, about 100 acres In cultivation, also 170 acres nearby, about 50 acres In wheat, about 60 acres more can be plowed, one-half crop goes with place. lo miles east or enterprise, o This Is prairie land and will soon be ir rigated. A Bargain zor some one. Ad dress owner, 538 Union ave. North, Port land, or TEN DOLLARS per acre, 4S0 acres good soli, 20 miles from Bend, Or.; cruisers estimate 3000 cords of lead pencil tim ber; the land is all under the Benham Falls Irrigation project now In course of construction ; will take one-half i other property tn exchange. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. O FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE. Redemption period nearly gone, widow must sell at once 157 a., all level bottom land, suited for hops or berries, on Ore. K. Ry 9 mi. from Salem. Land ad J selling for $300 per a. Only $155 per a. asked. This is a snap. See Roek, 403 Couch bldg. 20-ACRH highly cultivated specialty farm, modern 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath, elect, lights, etc., 1 mile to town, close to Portland market. Will produce from -$6000 to $7000 per year, $12,250 will handle. Consider some trade. Phone Sellwood 234 or Sellwood 1049. 15-ACRES apple and pear orchard, located 4 miles from Hood River; 12 acres bear 'ing ; 6-room modern house, bam and other outbuildings; creek through place, graded school adjoining place; price $700 per acre. L. H. Smith, Route 4, Box 52, Hood River, Or. WIDOW OFFERS BARGAIN. 40 acres Clarke county. Wash., 2 miles east paved Pacific highway, also 3 miles west of pavement; good bulldin-gs: run ning stream year around. Priced for quick sale. liberal terms. Mar. 5833. 20 ACRES, 6 acres cleared, balance easy clearing, all fenced, lies good; fine 6 room house, orchard, barn, good well, close to Sandy, no rock, a snap. $1500, 9dOO down. Balance on any time at 67c. Geo. Beers, Sandy, Or. Phone 67. 40 A ARES. $1300. About 10 acres bottom: 27 miles out; close school, station; quick action neces sary. See A. K. Hill, 213- Lumbermen bldg. 43 ACRES 8 miles from town, 85 In culti vation, buildings, price $5000, favorable terms B. Simonson, Routs 2, Ridge field. Wash. REAL ESTATE. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. New modern 7-room bungalow, with built-in effects, disappearing bed. built-in dressers, large airy rooms, full concrete basement, furnace, wash trays, garage, new barn with modern conveniences, up-to-date chicken houses and park, 500 pure-bred White Leg horns, good heavy team, fine Jer sey cow, wagon, harness, disc, plow, cultivator, harsow and all necessary small tools. An excel lent water system, water piped to all buildings, 20 acres of the best loam soil, ail set to Italian prunes, some In bearing, adjoining or chards selling at $1500 per acre. Elevated building spot command in? a wonderful view, just outside the city limits of Vancouver, on paved highway. Beautiful home and money maker. Price $18, 000. Libeial terms, SMALL DAIRY AND HOG FARM, FULLY EQUIPPED. 40 acres, about 25 under cultiva tion, more easily cleared, 6-room house, barn 52x54, granary, chick en house, hog houses, etc. The buildings are practically all new and nicely painted. Excellent water, large family orchard in full bearing, together with 4 fine dairy cows, good team, 4 hogs, about 50 chickens, disc, plow, harrow, cul tivator, new cream separator, mower, rake, wagon, . harness and alt necessary small tools, imple ments almost new. In center of highly improved farming district close, to school. 2 miles from main line railroad and a good town, on good automobile road, with all rural advantages. A fine home and a money maker. Price $9000. Half cash. FULLY EQUIPPED HOG AND DAIRY RANCH. 73 acres of the best loam soil, almost level, 5 acres in high state of cultivation and in crop. All fenced and cross fenced, ex cellent water, family orchard of assorted fruits, crops consist of oats, vetch, corn and clover. 6 room house, large barn, new silo, chicken house, hoghouse, dairy, together with all dairy cows, 4 horses, 15 hogs, chickens, binder, mower, rake, disc, two plows, har row, drill, corn planter, wagon, harness, hack, ten-horse engine, truck and all small tools. Close to school on main automobile road, with all rural advantages, in a thickly-settled and highly-improved district, only 4 miles fram good town on Pacific highway. Price $11,000. Half cash. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY AND HOG RANCH ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 110 acres, very best loam soil, half river bottom, about 45 acres in cultivation, fine trout stream through place, family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; 4 room house, large barn, garage, blacksmith shop, chicken house and park, hoghouse and lot, to gether with good team of young . mules, 1 horse, new harness, 2 dairy cows, 4 yearlings, heifers; - 3 dozen laying hens, loo chickens, 4 pigs, plow, 2 harrows, 2 culti vators, new iron-wheeled ' farm wagon, spring wagon, buggy, mower, rake, blacksmith tools, all small farm tools, timber for do mestic use, most of pasture seed ed down, picnic park on farm. Ideal home and money maker. Only 7 H miles from Vancouver, 66 of which Is paved, with all rural advantages. Price $10,500, $5500 cash, balance to suit. MODERN FULLY EQUIPPED CHICKEN FARM. Consisting of 60 acres, finest land, adjacent to Portland, moat all in cultivations except 13 acres first-growth red fir timber cruis ing about 2000 cords, worth $3 per cord on the ground. There Is a very fine modern bungalow with full concrete basement, pressure water and electric light system: good barn, 3 complete modem chicken houses, large complete modern brooder house, large store room, electric lights and water In chicken and brooder houses; 1000 pure-bred White Leghorn laying hens, 1600 pure-bred chickens, all poultry feed, tools and machinery, acre set to loganberries and raspberries, crops all seeded ; in come for 1919 between $7000 and $8000. Fine cow, 4 pigs, horse, wagon and harness. This place is only 20 miles from Portland on good auto road, near good school, 4 miles from good Columbia river town. This is without doubt one of the best-paying poultry farms in the northwest. Owner wishes to retire and In ordor to do so at once Is willing to take the sacri fice price of $13,000. It will pay . you to Investigate this, as the first man who sees it and means . business will buy it. $5000 cash, balance can be arranged. THOMPSON, SWAN & I.EB THIRD AND MAIN- STS. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOME. 80 acres, located 22 miles south of i-omana, near Sherwood, 3 miles from an can do cultivated; o5 acres in crop, balance in standing timber, over 1000 cords of wood, orchard of ap ples, prures, plums, quinces and small iruit; soil lor nut culture; barn 6x50, shed 20x50, house, milk house and other buildings: with the Tlr o 6 high-grade cows, 2 heifer calves, fine young xeam, driving horse, 4 pigs, chick ens, geese, Dmaer, mower, gas engine, my ran.), j. wagons, i nack, buggy, uarL, o I'luns, j cultivators, good har nesa, corn Shelter, cream separator, clover seeder, feed cutter, lncuhatnr. brooder, hay fork and complete line of mrnnure, ioois ana all the crop: price 13.000: $5000 cash and $2000 when crops are sold, the balance at 4 per cent ror iu years: the personal tiron erty and crop is well worth $5000, or will consider small piece of acreage close to Portland or Portland house up to $4000. personally Inspected by Nel son, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger GOOD 40-ACRB IMPROVED FARM WITH 0 COWS, THREE) HORSES, CROPS AND IMPLE MENTS, McMINN VILLE DIS TRICT, $4000. Good soil, 23 acres In cultiva tion, balance timber, family or chard. 5-roora house, stater piped In. big new barn, with hay fork, other outbldgs., 0 cows. ' 3 heif ers. 3 calvoa. big team, 1500 lbs., 7 years old horses, 1 saddle pony, some chickens, about SO tons of hay. 1 acre kale, A4 acre pota toes, garden, all necessary farm HmDlements. cream separator. See 6AM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. S Chamber of Commerce bldg. TAMHILL COUNTY BTOCtC RANCH 84 acres, located miles from McMlrn 11 le Or. Over 00 aores ran bo culti vated, 10 acres under cultivation, 20 acres very easy clearing: 6 sorina-a. rood fencing; outside range; over 2000 cords of wood; can get $7 per cord at power plant. miles oisaant. email orchard: small house, good barn 40x60; county I road; lfe miles to school. Price $2500 for the land, or will Include 22 head of good gTaae bnortnorn cattle, 8 of them pood milk cows, for $3500, terms, ou siooo at per cent, fnone line bv niace. Ti spcrted by Brooks. Photos at office. JC-IN FERGUSON, Gl RT-LNGE rt BLDG. ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Fine 80-acre farm with all stock, crop and equipment; all fine rich soil; 21 acres in crop, family orchard, lots of berries, 1 acre of loganberries, 6-room plastered house, large barn, root cel lar, grain bins, chicken house. 2 good wells, pump, 5 choice Jersey cows, fine span young mares, $100 colt; new har ness and wagon, piows. narrow, disc, mower, hay rake, grain drill, cultivators, manure spreader, incubator, cream sep arator; all new stuff; chickens, kitchen range, household furniture all go with the place; the owner is leaving for Cali fornia and is ready to sacrifice the place for $8000, half cash. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Oregon. 1 6. 500. 100 acres in Scappoose district; 60 acres cleared ; 6-room house, barn 130x52, family orchard, run ning water; price $16,500; $5000 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. A. W. LAMBERT A SON. Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. East 040. TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM. About 100 acres near Tillamook, on highway; fine dairy ranch, part In hay and part meadow pasture; good build ings, silo; will Include 22 cows, good team, hogs, chickens and all machinery to run place; price $24,750; will take $5000 down and give time on balance at 6 or will take small place near Fort land ss part pay. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 613 Chamber of Commerce. REAL K STATE. CLARKE CO. FARM BARGAINS. 20 acres, all excellent soil, all level, all fenced and cross-fenced, 14 acres In cultivation, good as sorted bearing orchard and ber ries, exceptionally good 7-rooin he use, good large barn, hoghouse, chicken house, etc. : 2 wells, per sonal property consists of 2 good cows, 2 heifers soon to freshen, team, 2 wagons, chickens and all tools and machinery. Located only 6 miles from Vancouver. Price only $4500. Good terms. EQUIPPED 80 ACRES, all very fine level land, SO acres of which is real beaverdam. 30 acres In cultivation and crop, 3 acres timbef, balance pasture; very good 0-room bungalow, fine new Lowden barn 50x80, silo, daii-y house, hog and chicken house, well, running stream and outbuild ings. Personal property consists of an exceptionally fine large young team, 6 fine cows. 1 heifer, 6 h tfs. t'ifickena, new wagon, har ness, plows, harrows, cultivators, cream separator and all kinds of tools and machinerv, located 1 1 miles from Vancouver, near a good small town Price if sold soon $80O. Good terms. PRTJN3 ORCHARD SNAP. 54 acres, all excellent level land, 45 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, 23 acres in full bearing prune orchard that shiuld produce $12,000 this year; also a good assorted bearing" or cb rd, berries, etc. Good 7-room modern house. 2 good barns. 2 hog houses, chicken house, bunk house, well and ill outbuildings. The personal property consists of 2 good cows, good team, harness, wagon, new mower, rake. 2 plows, disc, spring tooth and drag har rows, cream separator. 2 gasoline en gin 38, bugtcy, chickens and all kinds of small tools. This place Is only 11 mites from Vancouver on good main road and is at least $0O0 below value. Price $24,000. $7000 cash, bal ance verv easy terms. THE R. 6. THOMPSON CO., 410 Washington St., Vancouver, Wahh. FARMS WORTHY YOUR ATTENTION. 42 ACRES OF BEST SOIL TN CLARKE COUNTY 15 acres under cultivation; very good 8-room house, barn, outbuildings, all In A 1 condition ; 2 good wells ; fam ily orchard assorted fruits and berries; some good pasture land; place completely equipped with good stock, which includes 3 good cows, fine assortment thoroughbred reg istered brood sows and boar, team, all Implements; everything goes ; this place Is located ml. Vancou ver, close to small town, cheese factory and creamery. Illness forces owner to sacrifice this at $5500; cash payment of $1500 will take it. 40 ACRES. SMALL HOUSE, very rood barn; place in high state cul tivation; fine land, lies level; 7. acres prunes, family orchard as sorted fruits ; some good beaver dam land ; all equipment, includ ing 7 good cows, assortment brood sows, chickens, bees, tools, Imple ments, everything except house hold goods; located on state high way, 5 ml. city limits. Quick sale, $10,000. 84 ACRES. ALL IN HIGHEST state cultivation ; excellent coun try home ; modern throughout, all conveniences, running water in all bldgs. and yard; buildings excep tionally well built; concrete silo, etc. ; creek ; extra good soil ; con veniently located in good district. $10,000; with all first-class equip ment, including stock, implements, tools, etc., $18,000. SWANK & COFFTELD. 212 21ain St. Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACRES $5 PER ACRE. On good road, well settled, near Sis ters, Or., 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance timbered; good land; 3-roorn house, 2 barns. 120 acres fenced, garden Irri gated, perfect title;, half cash. In Polk county. 24 miles to R. R. station ; high and grade school ; creek and Rnr nza: a aanav mace xor oairy. stock snd sheen. Some of the best prune land In the state. 1440 ACRES $4500. 800 acres deeded. 040 relinquishment, all In one body; plenty of water year round; 60 acres in cultivation; fine lo cation lor sheep and hiock; nan casii. MacINNES & PRATT, 209-10 Oregon Bldg. 6th and Oak RO ACRES. 5 miles from good town in Clackamas county. Or. 4ri acres unaer cultivation. 1 5 acres readv for plow. balance timber and pasture; fenced and cross-fenced: all rural conveniences: good trout streams near by ; domestic fruit consists of loganberries, apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, straw berries, raspberries, 9 cherry trees. Royal Anne, Bing and Lamberts; 600 young nruna trees in bearing: crops, wneat. oats and vetch, carrots; good spring water piped to new 6-room house; large barn, chicken house, root cellar and gar age. The best chocolate loam soil. Price $gOO0 with stock and equipment; $7000 without; terms, write or pnone Airs, Aim- nie East, owner, iristacaqa. or. ONE GOOD FARM IN TAMHILL CO. J06 acres. 150 acres tillable and 100 acres In cultivation and crop, 85 acre rich bottom land; watered by creek and several springs; all fenced and cross fenced: on mall and milk route: close to school; located on county road, close i?.aJ.?.HW;j; t7 "fomliv I Minnville; full set of buildings, family orchard, alao garden and berries; has produced as high as 114 bu. oats, 52 bu. wheat per acre. Price, Including this year's crop, $95 per acre. $6000 cash and long time on the balance. Photos at the office. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. f 850 BEARING PRUNE TREKS. 42 acres, located 1 V miles east of Woodland. Wash.; all fine soil; 35 acres can be cultivated ; 4 acres of standing timber. 9 acres In crop, balance slashed ; 20 acres of pasture. Wire fencing; 8 room house, shed, barn, small prune dryer. Price $250. $1050 cash ; bal ance a mortgage on the property at 5 per cent, due Dec.. 1922. Inspected by Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM AL MOST JOINlINJ TMHi UIX UP PORTLAND. AO acres, all good land. 40 tn high state of cultivation, 5 -room house, large barn, water piped to buildings from spring; with this goes good team, cow, rhirktini and all farm machinery, tools. ptc: half cash; everything goes. Don't forget, you will not find another buv like this around Portland if you wait a year. STEWART St BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank bld BEST 40 ACRES ON MARKET. FULLY EQUIPPED.. We are sure you will agree when yon it: lies perfectly, has 33 seres in hirh atnti nf cultivation, clover, grain. corn and spuds; right on rock road in Hlllaboro district with store and school only mile; cows, nener. o nones, 7 rhitrnn. drill, mower, rake. wazon. buggy, harness, all tools and crop, for $11,500. The crop and per sonal will run over $3500. D. McChes nev. 304 H Oak at. Bdwv. 266. Place has good house, barn and silo. aTOTk-Kn AND EQUIPPED. AO &ptps. 40 acres In high state of cul tivation: very best of soil, no rock or rravl trnod 9-room house, good barn and all necessary outbuildings; family otrhard In full bearing: running water on place; 6 bead ml ion cows, s yearungs, i t,im n farm linnlements: o acres um- vmr- all fenced and cross-fenced; only mile off the pavement, 4Vi miles from Vancouver. Price 11."hi; terms. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. $7500 VERY PRODUCTIVE $7500 FARM AT WAPATO. Gl acres, all excellent soil, 30 acres of which Is Under nign state oi cultiva tion and nroduclng a lrre crop; 24 rro red 7 acres in timber. All lies beautifully; buildings overlooking the entire surrounding country. on paved viohwv t Ktatloii. Ever flowing Tring. bouse and -barn. Bargain st $125 rer or: ftsii. 14500: assume swinv m b1 per cent H. J. Drlessel, 423 E. 16th st. N. Phone East 5860 124 ACRES 5Vi MILE-S SHERIDAN, Oil 50 acres in cultivation and crop, woven wire fences, running water year around, bal. pasture; good 7-room house, big barn 40x52. family orchard, lots berries, 10 head cows and heifers, 22 goats, chick ens and turkeys, 3 horses, all machinery, household furniture, everything goes at price $10,000, $5000 cash. baL terms at 6. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. TWENTY ACRES NEAR GRESHAM, 9 acres In cultivation. The land all lies fine, splendid soil; on good road, close to school ; 5-room house, barn, family orchard, good well, small creek, some timber. Price $3800. KRIDER & ELKLNGTON, , GRESHAM, OREGON. 480 ACRES good farm land, 100 acres broke, 13 miles from town; full line farm Implements, 22 head cattle, 16 horses, close to forest reserve; will trade for going concern close to Portland or sell for $12,000, or $7000 cash, balance terms. G iB oregonian, .- . REAL ESTATE. I DAIRIES THAT PAY. $90.000 800 acres within 20 miles of Portland; river and rail road transportation ; 150 acres of extra fine clay loam bench; lies level, well drained, no rock or gravel ; (IdO acres of extra fine river bottom; over 150 acres in high state of cultivation; 10 acres of extra fine alfalfa, as good as Is grown In any irrigated district, third crop will soon be ready to cut; any of the bench land on this place will grow good alfalfa ; two sets of buildings; all well fenced and cross-fenced in several fields; lots of fruit of all kinds; extra fine water; 150 head of cattle. 90 of which are milking; about 50 head of hogs, 8 horses, 10O chick ens, all farm tools and machinery to operate the place; all crops and 1O0 tons of hay now harvested. Half cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. This place will pay for Itself tn a few years; It is a money maker and is extra well located, within one mile of paved road, a little over hk, mile from railroad station, one mile from school. To appreciate this prop erty you should see It. AS GOOD AS $TuO-ACRE LAND IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. Location is excellent, on good road; postoffice, school and church across the road from buildings. 107 acres, 8 miles from Yaquina; 160 acres of bottom land, 70 acres in cultivation; good six-room box house ; barn will bold from 90 to 100 tons of hay, barn equipped with milking machine; all tools to run the; 50 head of cattle, mostly cows and heifers; this Is excellent soil, produces all feed necessary to feed 100 head of cat tle; lots of fruit; excellent water from good springs, water piped to buildings under gravity pressure, house has hot and cold water. In cluding all stock, tools and ma chinery. $27.50O; half cash, bal ance lorg time at 6 per cent. Owner would consider small place near Portland to about $10,000 as part payment. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 West 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. 48 ACRES, 42 in cultivation, bal. In old growth fir: soil deeD. all level, no rorkti: 21 mi. from Portland, on main highway; good buildings, fine crops and all farm machinery. Just like new; 1 fcpan horses ana o yr. oia, matched, valued $.U0; nne lamiiy orchard, good; every- imng goes, auoou, terms. A. U. (Jerber, Aid:r hotel. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED! 6-room house, electric lights, bath and basement, garage, 2 lots, up to $30Ou $5u0 down. 6 or 7-room bungalow with nice yard in good district, ud to $0000. 5-room strictly modern bungalow In restricted district. Furnished preferred. Must be good buy. 6-room house. Alberta district, up to .oiu. juu down. 7-room modern house. East or West more land, Sellwood or Hawthorne Ave, district, as fur as East 35th. $500 down. J. J. OEUEtt CO.. 4 Grand Avenue North, near K. Ankeny. mono tiast i. WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACRKAOE. If you want to sell, it costs nothing to iot us anow. personal inspection and in dividual attention. J. C. CORB1N CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WANTED AT ONCE. Houses. 4 or 5 rooms, nnl nvr SA.tftO If your property is for aale call at office ai once or pnune Broadway 4133. Re liable investment Co., 30o Oak st. W XTKU Four to six-room bungalow. im provements. near car line, not to ex ceed Sxf2.t0: very small cash navment balance $40' monthly, including interest. f ito. uregoniaa. HAVE many clients for homes from $5000 up: must be located In restricted dis tncts. ana not lniiated in price. PO IN DEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence, East 0771. QUARTER BLOCK WANTED. I want to buy a vacant quarter-block in the vicinity of East 88th and Eaat Madison Bts. Phone Tabor 1478. WANTED AT ONCE. Eight-room modern house, on full lot; must have 4 bedrooms; in good location. Will pay $6300 to $7500; no agent. From jawner only. Mr. Schultz. Main 067. A BARGAIN ON CAR LTNE. IRVING- TON. CLOSE IN. WORTH $7000, FOR $4000. DON'T ASK WHY. LET M E SHOW YOU. PHONE MARSHALL 16S4. J. M. BERRY. WILL pay $500 cash and $60 per month xor iurnisnod nouse in Kose City Park or other fine residential district. Must be modern, on or near paved street, and have 8 bedrooms. Phone Woodl'n 5514. WANTED To buy moderate priced house, or 100-foot lots on West over or Will amette heights, give full description and lowest price. Address C 023. Orego nian. I HAVE a customer with $8000 cash to put into a place of not less than 15 acres and not over 30 acres: must have a good modern house; prefer west side. Turner & Co., 230 Cham, of Com. WANTED To purchase about 7-room house on Portland or King's Heights, state particulars and lowest caah price. Address G 2Hi, Oregonian. 4 OR 5-ROOM modern cottage, Kenton district, near Mississippi car line, $300 cash, $25 per month, A. M. Howell, 401 Board of Trade. IHVINGTON, modern home wanted. 8 rms.. in good loration; no other district con sidered. Have client with cash. East 50. I WANT A BUNGALOW In Rose City. Richmond or Hawthorne; can make fair payment down, balance monthly. A 244, Oregonian. I HAVE $30,000 TO $00,000 CASH to invest on improved or unimproved west side property; give run particulars and lo cation in first reply. P UOU, Oregonian. NICE cosy home, well located. 12 minutes irom city; want apartment house or rooms. Price 93500,'might pay some dif ference. Phone Main 5687. WANTED To buy or rent, 5-room bun galow, modern, good neighborhood, close in. Will lease or consider buying. Mar- snaii 4t3i. WANT at least 6-room house In either Ladd s. Murray-mead or Colonial Hgts. wm pay ouuu to stuuo. Aiw 43i, Ore fcoriau. WANT small modern bungalow. Rose City ram, or some otner good district, no agents ; good cash payment, balance monitniy. w 014, oregonian. WANTED HOME WITH MORE THAN LOl'i CAIN Sfcii-L. QUICKLY IF SUITED. G. C. GOLDEN BE RG. Abington Bldg. Main 48C3. W AMKU Direct from owner, three to rive acres, well improved. Oregon Cltv carline preferred. Phone ast 1364. evenings. WANT a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow In nose oity or laurelhursL tiiva full description and terma, AH 870, Orego nian. SUBURBAN home, must have city conveniences, 5 or o rooms; siace terms ana location in re ply. D 970, Oregonian. WANT IrvJngton or Laurelhurat residence up to 12.O00; will pay part cash; must te bargain; owners oniy; give lull inior mation first reply. E 230, Oregonian. WILL pay spot cash for Rose City Park buugalow ; the price must be low. give all the necessary information In your repiy. o agents. ri aqt. oregonian I v AM a good lot; must be cheap and on caved St.: give lull particulars first let ter; uuick action if price is right, AH t4. oregonian. 1 WANT the best lot I can buy cheap in Rose City Park or Laurelhurst ; owners oniy. AO oregonian. v ANT Alameda Park or Irvington home, something modern, not too expensive; from owners only. B 144, Oregonian. GOOD lot close in, Belmont st., and cash for 4 or 5-room bungalow. 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 0549. WANT to rent or buy 3 to 5 acres. Im proved,' with some fruit, on Base line, outside of city limits. Tabor 1481. MODERN 5-room bungalow; state full particulars, price and terms. Owners answer only. T 579, Oregonian. TrOOM house, full lot. about $200; have 1018 Dodge car as zirst payment. A 642, Oregonian. WANT Laurelhurat lot south of Gllsan and bet. Mirimar and laoaington ct. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark ST. I WANT a 6-room bungalow on large lot near school; musi oe a oargain; not over $4000. Woodlawn 37S4. WANTED Best lot $300 will buy, on or near pavement, swinton or iventon ad dition. Write Rainey. 344 M Benton st. HAVE a ready, sure buyer for a strictly modern o-room oungaiow. F. WTORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. I HAVH $100 as first payment on a house; will pay balance in installments. G Oregonian. I CAN PAY $200 down on a home in any fair custrici; oaiancs mommy. x ou. Ore gonian. BUNGALOW TO $4000, GOOD DISTRICT. CASH FOR EQUITY. MAIN 4803. BIX ROOM MODERN bungalow or house. WAITED REAL ESTATE. Over 1,70.000 worth of HOMES SOLD Since January 1, 1920, by FRANK L. McGUlRE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THB1 PACIFIC COAST. Have you a home to sell? Try the McGulre system, which has won sn In ternational reputation and established a national reoord for Home Selling be cause it is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC. MODERN method of Home Selling. OUR RECORD: SCO Homes sold last year. 110 Homes sold in May. 9 Homes sold on July 13. 618 Homes sold to date this year. Tour house Is sold it listed with us. WE NEED IT TODAT! Within 24 hours after listing we PERSONALLY AP PRAISE, INSPECT AND PHOTO GRAPH It. We'll display the photograph of your home in our GREAT SHOW ROOM, which is continually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS! If you can't come, telephone. Our only charges are the standard rate of 6 commission tn the event of a satisfac tory sale. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of TOUR home. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Sell Your Home. . Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 106 Third St., bet. Wash and Stark. WE ADVERTISE extensively and aell many houses. e have a large u umber of persons for whom we wish to pro cure desirable homes. List yours with us and, if after using our het efforts it cannot be sold within a reasonable time we will tell vou why it is not sod. and will offer suggestions which, if followed, should sell it. We will keen in close touch with yon and advise you of our Vrogreas. Phone and a representative will call. CAREY-SA VIDGE CO.. 211 KHilway Exchange bldg. 3d and Stark sts. Main 7487. IRV7NOTON. ALAMEDA, LATJREL HURST: If your home is for sale, "top" buyers apply to this Irvtng- ton Headquarters. We need your property desperately. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor, Cast b&4. PORTLAND Heights, etc. I hava several sure buyers for homes, $15,000 to $35,000. R. T. Street, Good Home Realtor. WANTED House or store building and lot on union ave. is,.; win pay all canh. Wanted, modern 6-room house and lot in good residence district, east side ; will pay $1000 cash first payment. Want ed, house and lot within 3 or 4 blks. of Broadway bridge, east side, east. Ad dress room la, 45H Waah. st. WANT To buy direct from owner, 5- or 6-room house In good condition, $2000 to $12500. with gas. electricity, bathroom. basement and large garden, at least 2 lots; near city carline; can pay $150 down and about -0 monthly, a. WIJ, Oregonian. WANT to buy 20 acres or more. to to five acres cleared, small house and barn, near good auto road, not over 30 miles from Portland In Oregon, value not over $4000, payments $100 down, $400 every six months with interest at H. B P03, Oregonian. WANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, good dis trict, not exceed $3TOO. Have first-class 6-cy Under auto and some cash for first payment, balance good monthly pay ments. Must be priced right. Might consider suburban home. D u46, Ore gonian. BUILD NOW. If you own the lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE, 621 Morgai Bldg Main 2o:;3. HAVE customers wanting 3 to & acres between Portland and Gresham; good buildings. Phone, write or call at ortice. F. L. EDDY, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST of desirable customers waiting for homes in good districts. We can sell yours if the' price and terms are right. CO HI A. McKblN'NA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. SOLD. Every home we list. Few listings make possible our personal attention. We make no charge for legal papers. WELLER & RIN EH ART. 212 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4503. 3 TO. 10 ACRES suitable for chicken farm. some improvements, witnin lu-mne ra dius, on paved road. Have 6-room bun galow on lot 80x100. clear, as flrvt Dav ment Address 451 Jessup iL, Portland. Or. WANT MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. Have buyers waiting for weeks past; good payment down.. Also buyers for acreage and farms. B. F. KELLY, 713 Swetland Bldg. Main 777ft. HAVE manv buvers for west side houses or flats, south of Madison st. candling west side property is my specialty. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 0478. WANTED About h acre and 5-room mod ern house between Bertna or uosca ana Multnomah; must be reasonable. Give full particulars first letter. S 577, Or egonlan. 0-KUUM modern bungalow with buiit-ins. on paved St.; not over $ouu. mono Woodlawn 752. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow in good condition. old unamoer oi torn nierce Bldg. Farms Wanted. S7H-ACRE STOCKED and EQUIPPED FARM BETWEEN BEAVERTON AND REED VILLE, Well improved, fenced with woven wire; 22 acres in high state of cultivation; berries, fruit, grain hay, spuds and garden, balance pasture; 5 good cows. 2 of them cost $400; pair big young mares, 7 years old, complete set of farm implements, good 5-room house, big barn. chicken house, hog house, woodshed, concrete cellar, household goods; price $12.5UO; good terms. fcee SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 8 Chamber ot Commerce bldg., ground floor. FARMS WANTED. WE are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we cannot supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOUR farms and acreage for you. WE are the old est and one of the moat reliable firms In Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L HARTMAN CO., No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. I WANT A FARM tip to $30,000, 60 to 100 acres, on good road, not over 20 miles from Portland. MUST BE GOOD LAND. Prefer some in come, such as prunes, cherries, walnuts. Prefer to apply brick business block worth $10.0O0, clear of liens, bringing in 7 per cent net. Will pay balance in cash. ADDRESS P 114. OREGONIAN. FARMS WANTED. We have a number of customeia ror rood farms near Portland. Send us a icrlDMon : we can sell for you. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. tt3 Chamber of Commerce. WANT between 4 and 8 acres near electric line within 10 miles of Portland. Like to have some fruit on place. Can be an old house, but must have gss, elec tricity snd city water or arranged so that I can get some. Phone East 0965. WANTED to buy, direct from owner, small improved dairy farm. Give full description first letter. AV 150, Ore gonian WANT to hear trom owner of good ranch for sale; state cash price, fuii particu lars D. F. Bush, Minneapolis. Minn. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT TO RENT. Mr Fanner, don't wait till the last minute to rent that farm. You would be surprised to see the amount of good farmers I have appealing to me to rent them farms. Send me description of your place, I can rent it st once, don't delay. Some f them will buy personal property. A. Q. BENDER, RITTER. LOWS A CO., 101-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids;. DON'T let that place stay vacant. If it is fmm i tn 5 acres, near a car line and has a fair house and sheds, barns or chicken houses on it, I will pay you cauh rent snd improve the place in every respect ; lease from a to 5 ears or buy on terms. j 57. uregonian. FARM OF OWNER Between 160 and ajl acres, about 2-3 under cultivation, good buildings, not over 60 miles from Port land: possession Oct. 1. Cash rent pre ferred: references furnished. Room 7, 8!S4 Sacramento st., Portland, Or. FARM on shares. Must have some fruit and be close to Portland. Have had 20 years' experience. L, 903, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. WANT bridge plank and timbers. Xavis, 509 Lumbermen's bit' W. O. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE CHEAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Sawmill. 25,000 capacity, all complete. In good running order and in operation daily; donkey engine with full equip ment. 1,500.000 feet of iogs felled and bucked, 4,000,000 feet timber standing adjoining mill ; blacksmith shop, aieo two-ton G. M. C. truck, nearly new; 1O0.00O feet capacity dock at depot, leased, also 300,000 feet of lumber, mi.l run; good road the entire year; at a bargain price of only $-0,000, terms; possession given at once. Also the lollowing articles snd others too numerous to mention for sale for cash: Two 50-linch saws, almost new; two saw arbors, upper and lower, with box ings and hangers; saw husk frame, extra boxings and shafting, axe. For further particulars) wire, phone or write LAMMERS BROS.. Cottage Grove, Oregon. WE have several sawmills for sale from 10,000 to 40,000 capacity, well located and plenty of timber, handy to mill ; some of them can be bought on excep tionally good terms. If ou ar- In the market for a mill, write us your wants. HINKSON & WOOD. Eugene, Or. FOR SALE or trade for city property or hotel, 160 A. timber and pasture land; abundance of outrange, 4 to a million ft. of timber. O. S. Murphy, Morgan . bldg. barber shop. WANTED Good live practical lumber man as manager for best combined pine and fir proposition on coast. Mut in vest at least $10,000. Can show excel lent earnings. V i42, Oregon ian. SAWMILL 25.OO0 capacity with plenty of adjacent timber; a money maker ; costs lfss for finished product on board cars than, loga cost local mills. HENRY KR1KSEN. 506 SPALDING BUILDING. ABOUT 600,000 lineal feet of choice pil ing near navigable stream, win ecu tor cordwood. Wm. Hatton. 19S Clatakanie BVf., Astoria, Or. KLL1ABLB and experienced sawmill man wUhea to buy lease or run by the thou sand ; sawmill : give full description in first letter. AN 431, Oregonian. V FOR SALE Second-growth timber in North Lincoln at low price; not far from new R. R. BF 827, Oregonian. WILL assist financing small i proposition. State proposition N 253. Oregonian. iwmiil fully. TIMBER LAND near Portland. railroad, river and hardsurface road, to log or milt; good terms, Parker. Main 45M PILING WANTED ABOARD 8. P. O. V. GAMBLE. Couch Bids.. Portland. LOCAL buyers, lumber, in large or small lumber centers. N 2."4. oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 320 ACRES RENT $100 PER MONTH. 320 acres. 6 miles from Van couver, on Columbia river, large dairy barn and fair house, large siios. lease to run 2H years yet, personal property: 34 head of high grade milk cows, all young and are averaging over 4 gallons per day per cow at the present time ; 3 head of horses. Sharpies milking machine, two wagons, plows, rakes, harrows, cultivators; enough corn planted to fill the silos, about 150 tons of hay ready to cut. Price for personal property and crops $MM)0; $3oo0 cash, balance can be arranged to suit. FOR RENT. 230 acres all good level land. CO acres in cultivation, fronting on good - rock road. 4 miles from country town, 4 mile Irom school, all rural advantages: rent $500 per year; personal property for sale : 8 head of milk cows, 6 head of heifers, 4 head ot large work horses. 1 brood sow, 3 fat hogs, 4 pigs. 30 chickens, 1 new disc drill. 1 new mower, new 14-lnch walk in plow, new harrow, feed cutter, three wagons, 1 new incubator, new DeLaval cream separator, 2 sets of heavy harness. 1 wood saw, 9 acres in fine wheat, 25 acres In oats. 3 acres in kale, acre of carrots, acre of millet, 8 tons of hay, acre of late cabbage. 4 acre in potatoes, acre in full bea ring prunes, with fine crop, acre in a pples and pears. This place has fair house, large dairy burn with silo, milk house and running water. Will give 31. years lease. Price $3S00. This is an exceptionally good dairy snd stock proposition. SEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Third and Main Streets. Vancouver, Wash. 400-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $6500. Eight miles northeast of Vancouver; all level as a floor; over 200 acres in cultivation; 70 acres In crop, oats, rye, w heat, corn, potatoes, kale ; all fenced and cross-fenced; two houses, two barn. 20 stanchions . 23 high-grade milch cows, 9 fine heifers, one bull, six horses, sow with 8 pigs, harnesses and all ma chinery and equipment go with the place; live stream crosses place; 80 acres beaverdam; biggest bargain in a rtalrv ranrh In the state; leaae lor five veur'a: "will sell T-ase. stock, eaulpment and everything for $0500. Hurry! this im nnn rhnr in a thousand. Stock and equipment alone would bring over $5000 it sold at auction. (i. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st Main flARDKN LAND to lease. 80 acres on Columbia hisrhwav. 9 miles from court house. 5 to 10 years. $25 per a re. See Mr. Taylor, with L, K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. lftO ACRES. Gilliam county, no stock or enni nment. house, barn, granary, spring. farmed this year. Plenty work at good wages in neighborhood. 324 Railway Ex change. TO FX CHANG K REAL KSTATK. SELL OR TRADE EASTERN OR BOON. Quarter section. 1 mile Fort Rock 4-wire fence. 30 acres cultivated, house. barn, well, on county roaa, iana au in lahln nnrt fine soil: Bood buticherai land, fine for stock; also half section near bv. fenced, house and barn, well about 12 feet deep, plenty good water; both places xor iouu casn ana terms. A. W. EST ES, 909 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HERE is your chance to get onto a ral farm bv trading in your Portland prop erty; l'JOQ acres In best part of southern Orecon. best of surroundings; has an un usual income feature. Price is $50,040 and is worth more. Come in and lot us tell yott about it. COBB BROS., 203 Oak St. FOR SALE or trade, 6 vacant lots located in Ventura Park; water and gas in st. i Kirtfk north Base Line road, for some in or near Kansas City, Mo. Owner is visiting on tract. Call or write Mrs. C. B Newman, Portland, Or., R. No. A, Box 511. care Mrs. Charles Heath. WAN TED Good 5 or 6-room bunealow in good district, Laurelhurat or Irvington preferred. Have new li20 Lexington. 5-passenger touring car as part at con servative valuation. Johnson, Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark St. FINE FOR .STOCK OR DAIRY. Eighty acres with running water, some fine bottom land, chance to irrigate ; will grow alfalfa; no rock nor gravel. Trade for residnce T'orth $4000. 324 Railway Exchange. KICE 5-ROOM modern bungalow, on Di vision St, 4nOO. Will iae iraae, say lot or something to value of $5o0 and if.OO cash a down payment. HKDGEri, 201 West Park FOR TRADE. Lots 83-34. blk. L, East St. Johns, for Omaha property. Address M. Eng land, 2523 North 10th St.. Omaha. Neb. WILL TRADE 160 acres of wheat land 100 miles from Portland, for good garage and equipment, with, lease. See me at ence. Turner & Co.. 230 Cham, of Com. LOT In good location In city; will trade for furniture; must be good. C 125. Orego nian, HAVH MORTGAGE $450 on rooming; will trade lor furniture, auto or acreage, or what? Main 2590-487tf. ACREAGE on Powell valley road for bun galow in good district. Owner, G o4, Oregonian. I HAVE good Seattle home. $10,000 to $15,000; exchange for Portland. Y 907. Oregonian. 4-APART.M ENT bldg.. west skis. $i"00; will consider nome to vaiuw 8015; Monday 731. 20 ACRES unimproved. Cow lit a county, free and clear; will exchange and assume. Owner, 207 Stock Exchange bldg. WILL trade lot SOxlSO at North Fair Oaks. San Mateo county, Calif., for light car, piano or lot. 630 E. 18th St. South. 8-ROOM home, on Clackamas street near llth: will consider 5-room bungalow in part trade. Price 5i0. East 59W. EXCHANGE What have you to exchange for eouity In fine Portland home? Owner. T 008. QreRonlan. WHAT have you to exchange for $300 lot at Bayocean? B 902, Oregonian. W'1L.L, you take four lots first payment on your house? T 942. Oregonian. LOT in Rose City Park la exchange for Ford. Y 57S. Oregonian. EXCHANGE LOT in Rose City Park for small bungalow. T 940. Oregonian. WANTED To exchange nice let. close in. for acreage. Mar. 4401. forenoon. 160 ACRES. 30 miles from Portland, on county road. Particulars E. A COOS BAT ranch for city home. Call Mar. 354. CONSIDER light ear part payment 4-room bungalow; aao. Aieicau. &euwooa eou. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CRANBERRIES. CRANBERRY LAND. WILL PAY TOU $1200 TO $1800 PER ACRE. 4 ACRE3 (unimproved) IN PROVEN DISTRICT. PRICE $650 (LESS THAN HALF PRICE). SELL ON TERMS OR EXCHANGE. MAKE OFFER. CONSIDER GOOD VACANT LOT. LOCATION IS NORTH BEACH, WAStt, NEAR OCEAN PARK. GOOD ROADS. ADDRESS OWNER. 302 SELLING BLDG.. PORTLAND. OREGON. 200-ACRE wheat ranch, all tillable. 150 now in wheat; large spring and small creek; 4-room plastered house, bam, etc; on good auto road, 8 miles from town and main line R. R. station; J0'.M0. which is not over two-thirds its value: easy terms or will exchange for Portland or nearby property. Sl0 ari-PJi ll t'llable and heat of solL H now in cultivation; on good auto road one mile from town ; all fenced ; fair buildings; good well of water; Lake county, Oregon. Will price very low and exchange for almost any Portland or nearby property. Have many other good propertits for exchange. TALLMADGH REALTY CO., 61i Henry Bldg. ALBERTA wheat ranch. 4R0 acrea in good wheat district; improved, fair buildings, growing crops, best of soil, good water, fully equipped with "horses, cow, ma chinery of all kinds, including large tractor and complete threshing outfit ; good roads, school. R. F. D. and tele phone. Price with crop and equipment $25,(KiO, or without crop, $; . cash, balance crop payments, or will take in exchanpe; good city property or small farm. Address R. G. S., 1160 Detroit ave.. Port Land. Or. . HIGHLY improved. stocked, equipped, close to Coldendale. Wash.; houses, barns, lots of free wood, water, electno ltsrhta, telephone and school; fenced and cross-fenced; running water every field; seil cheap or trade for Cal. prop. ; part trade in Portland prop., au to trucks, auto business; time on Part. What have vou to ofler? Write full description In first letter; by owner; price $10,000. AV 105. oresonian. WHEAT FA KM FOR EXCHANGE. WANTS VALLEY FARM. OfiO acres in eastern Washington; sll except o acres tillable. It SO acres sum mer fallow ready for fail seeding; fair build ing, good well and gas engine; price $25 per acre; will trade for valley farm up to $17,500. balance mortgage. LUEPDEMANN COMPANY, 1)13 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE YOU A FARM CLOSE TO PORT LAND? Something around 1O0-30O acres, suit able lor Mock sort of a plaything for a professional man with a hobby, lie has the cash; might want to trade In other property up to $0ot); would assume if mongaged. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., an2-:n Ky. Kxch. Bldg. 134-ACRE farm, 30 mi. from Portland on graveled rond; 7 3 -acres cul., good 6-room house, large barn and other buildings, .Krinc u-ir nir.rl to huildlnsrs: SOtne fruit ; red shot soil ; splendid dairy and hog ranch; pood prune land. Price S12.50O. Will exchange for city property or ranch In southern Idaho. Ad. C H. S.. 11Ri Detroit ave., Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Unimproved 40 near Tacoma, I mils to two villages and boat landings, not logged off, some saw timber, considera ble piling, good soil, not hard to clear; joins fine farm, on state highway and R. F. D., fine; berry and fruit land. $1600: want Income in or near Portland and will assume, or will discount for rash. W. S. BADLEY, 1517 YEON BLDG. HALF ACRE. Very nice 4-room bungalow. In excellent shape, choice garden, fruit of all kinds, chicken house, wood shed, one year's wood on hand, just outside city limits, will trade for 15 or 20 acres not over 20 miles out; not particular about buildings; price $2200. House alone worth more. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. IMPROVED CANADIAN FARM. SJ0 acres in Saskatchewan district, all level, tillable land; 125 in crop this year; new buildings. 2 good wells; win inciude 4 horses and all machinery; price $;0 per acre; wfil consider small place around 20 acres, near Portland, in ex change. LUEDDFMANN COMPANY, fi:t Chamber of Commerce. FARM WANTED FOR INCOME. Fp'.endid corner. 100x122, with large concrete garage; also brick store build ing and residence; these fine pro pert ies offered at $30,000 and will consider good farm here or In Canada uo to this value; might consider other property which would trade for farm. Mr. Parsons, with O. H. SKOTHKIM CO., 3.12-31 Ry. Kxch. Bldg. FOR SLE or exchange, tine 40-A pear and alfalfa ranch 4 miles Med ford. Or., i. mile school; modern 5-room bungalow, electric lights, bath, fun . basement. 12 A. bearing pears. 2 V A. Newtown apples, peach fillers; fine crop, balance hay; heft anil, under ditch: price $S50u; Portland residence In exchange to $4000. balance H cash, terms on balance. AV 12S, firegtwilan. 24 ACRES of fine soil and 11 lots In s progressive town 30 miles from Portland, on PaclHc highway. R. R. and naviga tion; cash value $1500; clear of incum brance. Exchange for low-price iand or paving business In country town, with buildings. Give full description first letter. Owner, AV 103. Oregonian. WANTS WHEAT FARM. We have fine improved farm ntock and equipment to trade for wheat farm in eastern Oregon or in Juditn batin. Will go to $75,000. LT'EDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange, business property consisting of a larre two-story bJIJ'n and full cement basement; lot 10xl50. .ton truck, as good as new: 1 -ton truck and woodcaw; will Fell or exchange for farm or business, south or east: also a R-roombungalow. Call Sell. 3460. 4-ROOM bungalow, corner lot. paved St., close to car. will accept Ford as part payment, but car must be worth the money. Price $1500. which is less than COSt of house.. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 N. AV. Bank Bldg. Main 3.31. 5-ACRE thicken ranch: good 5-room pla-s- .a hmi.n fine henhouse. 4 tons hay in barn 150 White Leghorn hens, laying. f-esh cow. fruit, etc., 4 cords wood. 4 or.. undr cultivation. 1 acre timber; i;;0(0; tell or exchange for Portland home. Owner, O. box 20J4. WANTS INCOME PROPERTY . Have weil-located Portland property, both improved and vacant, to trade for one laree piece of Port! and property; wiU as unite and go to $..VOno. LI- E DDBM A N N COM PA N V, Q13 rhamber of Commerce. WILL exchange 5-rom bungalow on lot sOvlOO clear, and good tent house on irtt 50x100. clear, in citv. for cnicKen viM farm. ciO ,o in. on i ' t vcu ciirf. Address 451 Jessup St.. Port- assume. land, or. l-i A V B 23-acre poultry ranch near rati and river town, valued at $5000. which will exchange for Portland city or suburban home. See owner at 406 Hll st. FiN-K corner, lot 24. block 2. westmoreiana addition. Portland, for property In or near San Francisco. Oakland or Los An . Cal. Henry A. Woodard, Hotel C.artiand. San Francisco, Cal. NINE-ROOM residence, furnished if de sired for sale; Nob hill; will exchange for smaller place. Main 418S, 6D6 Fian drs ft. 40 TO 1-0 acres. ,ood houafl. Whit. Sal mon valley, for .mall borne In or near rortland. near school: bal. eav terms, jij g Davis. Huaum. Wash. Wdln- 1.04. EUGENE Two larfte view lols in finest part of town; coat $1-50 and $1500; a.l c.ear. What have you 7 Address W. O. ' .0S K Kverett. Portland, owner. WILL, exchange acres near Seattle for or 7-room hou.e. in Portland; alu of acreage $6400. E. S. Dougiai, 621 Mor gan bids. 5-ROOM house, half acre; fruit, berries, -.n.-s nous's for cow. chickens, piss: bargain. $1"0. part trade anything I ran use. Marshall l6:t. kan" DIEGO inside Income property to ex change for Portland or Tacoma for some cash and small farm. Address C S.. 1 1 no retroit ave.. phone "Wdln. 12i4. a i i.. i r .v A vr APPLF.S Choice tracts. White Salmon valley; take Portland house- in exchange. Howard, owner. i B. 42d N. Tabor 1S84. A GOOD Wiliamette valley farm to trade for Montana or Dakota wheat land or will buy land in either of thotte states; give full particulars. "O 252. orrson:n. SELL or trade acreage Joining- Burlington, good timber, fine view, best soil for small homes. Parker. Main 4o51. $20no EQl'lTT in east side business prop erty on main thoroughfare for lots, acre sire or merchandise. V 92.. Oregonian. GOOD 6-rm. house, walking distance: will consider lot or sma l acreage, balance casii price $3n"0. 2.13 Hancock. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres of land, central Oregon. Call Broadway 394. Tulzer. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Equity In 6-room house; large garden and roses. Phone owner. Tal'or S'tKO. WANT to trade lot? and crsnberrv acre age for house and lot. Wdln. 423. I NE"W 6-room bungalow. Ryan, H acre, tar largar improved. i qio. wi cgouiau. rent or Duy, can mast oo. V 4