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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OTiKGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULT 1920 11 TO EXCHANGE REAL KSTATE. 000-ACRE DEKDED AND LEASED STOCK RANCH 100 ACRKS IN ALFALFA. 55o EWKS AND LAMBS. ALSO EQUIPMENT $43,000. Free water rlffht for the alfalfa. ut 4 crops a yar, lots of water for irrigation, complete equipment for running the ranch, KovmI 7-room house, barn, other outbuildings. located 125 miles eaut of fortland. in eastern Ore iron, on a big river, controls the water frontage for miles on this ranrh; will run 2 or 3 bands of hep; deeded land fenced with woven wire; leased on government land runs for 7 years at 5 to '-'"J Vj per acre ; w. 11 consider ex change for Portland Income prop--rrty or Willamette valley ranch up to $25,000. REASONABLE TERMS. See SAM HEWEY at J. I HART M A N COM FA N Y. No. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Ground Floor. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. "We are offering for exchange inxl00, C.otn to t he high-grade rvtail t rict ; this quarter block 1h Improved v if h a well constructed three-story brink build ing yielding an Income of over $20,000 a year, and Is located in the path of the growth of the city, which Insures a ateady increase in values; In a short time the ground alone wilt be worth Trore than is asked for the ground and buiUlin? ; the income, price and terms will prove of interest to prospective in vestors In Income property; as part pay ment, will accept going farm or well located city property in line for im provement and a mortgage back for 10 yara. K. F, Bryan, 6Ud Chamber of Ccmnierce. Main lit3. attractive: 12 acres. Tocafced near city limits and op posite good station on electric line, with the advantages of lights, water, gas and car fare same as If In city ; nearly all in cultiva tion, flno view, running water, and is for exchange for Portland prop erty, and might assume and would divide. In my opinion this prop erty has everything In Its favor and nothing against It. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TO ECHANGE. Have several good Portland res idence properties, free of mort gage, ranging; in value from $4000 to $8000, to exchange for improved acreage; from 5 to 20 acres with in 25 -miles of Portland. Call or write to N. I. Farnsworth, with H. A. PRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN." 603-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway S03L FOR EXCHANGE. Modern West-Side Home. Wonderful View Mountains, Rivers, etc. Ail Modern Con venlences, 7 Rooms. Ground Area 66 2-3x100. Beautiful Shrubbery. Price $10,000. VTiil consider other property In part pay ment to $5000; Remainder $500 cash. Mortgage $4500. Full Information apply to K. E. TAYLOR COMPANY, , Twelfth Floor Yeon Bid-. "WE OWN and will trade 28 acres Norelius orchard tract, near Vancouver, value $6500; 7V4 acres elegant view property. Oregon City, value $7500, mortgage $2500; 13 lots Launsdale addition, value $350 each, subject to assessments; a wonderful lot West over Terrace, price $5000, mortgage $2500; 80 acres improved near Estacada, price $4000. mortgage $1000; 100 acres in beautiful subdivision of Bella Vista, value 40,000, mortgage $','000. Trade either or all for Portland a nd assume. Ernest Wells Co.. 40o Couch bldg. Office hours 8 to 10 A. M., 12-to 3 P. M. SMALL FARM FOR APART-MENT HOLS 13 Equity of $22.0OO in fine corner brick apartment house at a value of $40,0ou now offered in exchange for good acre- I age or other clear or nearly clear prop yl ty. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO., 332-33 Ry. Exch. Biug. HERE IS A TRADE. 1 want a home in Portland; have S beautiful acres on Oregon City electric i line, near paved highway; an Ideal home site; this tract cost me $8000, but if you have what I want will take leas and put tn some cash II justified. COBB BROS.. 263 Oak St. COMMERCIAL APPLE ORCHARD. Sell or exchange for city property, 20 acres near Eagle creek: 16 acres in bear ing aiDles. bal. in cult. : small house. spring water; one ot the most sightly tracts in Orerron ; on good road. Price $6ooo, cash or trade. S. P. Oaborn, 610 McKay bldg. " DAMASCUS FARM SACRIFICE. 45 acres. 30 cleared; bldgs.. running water, nard-aur. road, 15 miles out, at $1)000; sll or exchange for house up to $3o00. bal. long time at b per cent. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. CENTRAL railroad trackage site with Sandv road frontage, near East 28th st More than 1 acre o.nwed by 2 parties and will take two pieces in exchange. .Preferably at least one snouid oe residence. Phone week days Automatic 611-75. 604 N. W. Bank bldg. 1 WILL, trade Dart or all of Portland property, value $30,000, for stock ranch or farm; property consists of residence nd business lots, also 5 -room modern bungalow; all clear and on paved streets. Owner, M uui, Oregonian. 640 ACRES, unimproved, Harney valley land, tt miles from railroad, 4 mile from store and P. O., 4 miles from lake; on railroad survey; 8 to 10 feet to water. Exchange for Portland property. Will assume. Some cash. VV 241, Oregon '.an. "WANT property. Portland or vicinity, for 6-ecre 9-year-old pear, apple and peach orchard ; Grants Pass, Or. Irrigation ditch and water on the land; good crops row on trees. owner, t n.. iota A. East 6709. 287 ACRES with modern buildings. 200 acres can be irrigated, 40 acrea now in alfalfa, 70 acres in grain, 90 acres In hay. Price $25,000. Turner & Co., 230 Cham, of Com. 1'OR TRADE For standard make auto mobile and 1-ton truck. Must be in good condition. Good city lots in Portland And acreage In fine fruit raising district near Portland. J. s. Beall. Wdln. 3171. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 320 acres Tn Gilliam county. Oreron. ' about 230 acres plow land ; take rood auto and few hundred dollars as first payment; price $10 per acre. Owner, 381 6th at. i 10 EXCHANGE, some good vacant lots. on paved street, clear of debt, also house and lot for medium sized, farm, vt i in in o u nines vi j i iiiinu. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. I HAVE a beautiful diamond sunburst and diamond and pearl ear rln-gs that I will trade for a good piano or phonograph; The value or these is 4oo cash. Address, V 9S9.Oregonian. JEFFERSON HIGH and grammar schools close. House to exchange for Improved acreage or few acres fruit. Woodlawn 6926 or C 229, Oregonian. LXCHAN'GE beautiful quarter-block. Sea- view,, on the boulevard, clear, for late moaet touring car. owner, f. o. box 377. JHHEB lots near Rose City Park. Owner desires to exchange as first payment on modern home. Address T 906, Orego nlan. MCB cosy home, well located, 12 minutes from city; want apartment house or rooms. Price $3500. might pay some dif- Terence. Phone Alain ob8i. HAVE 2H acres on paved road, exchange for modern bungalow, will assume equity. is 6H4, oregonian. TO KXCHANGF MISCEIXA VFOl'S. OPPORTUNITY. What have you to exchange music course? Main 8018. for WANTED To exchange. Smith & Wesson automatic 35 revolver for shotgun. Wdln. INTEREST In patented invention; will rane iurnuure or v lctroia worth $150. v won, oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE Greener shotgun and learner casn ior a paonograpn. L. Gun sons, iu aoutn essenden. Col. 279. WANT good piano: have SO acres unim proved land. j. ertman. Route 2. Mil- wauKie. or. SET NELSON'S Encyclopedia. like n - trade for n"8.1-,? dreaser, rug or what? Main 2590-4S79. BKACH lot. ocean front, to exchange for turnace or taoor. iaoor o.s. A DANDY Winton six for a diamond. M. 3579. Cord tires. CHTCKERING grand piano for an auto. What have you? Tabor 1481. VU LC ANT Z TNn shop v alu e 4 at $ 600 for Ford In good condition. Broadway 3273. EXCHANGE New typewriter, used one month, ror wnat nave you. xaror 176. S.rnAi r r c uiriM. rn nous, irui jara. uai u'v jvw. ot .vi,y, o, car, TO EXCHANGE MISCrXLANKOCS. EXCHANGE beautiful quarter block. Sea view, Wash., oa the boulevard, clear, for late model touring car. Owner, P. O. Box 377. WILL trade city lot for launch or phono graph. U 2S. Oregonian. FOB 8 ALE. ioret, V euicles, .Livestock. AUCTION SALE. 115 HEAD OF CATTLE. HOLtil'EIN, JERSEY, DURHAM. Will be. sold at public sale on the Can ton place, the Willow Bar ranch. Sa.u vics Island. Oregon. T west of Burling ton ferry. Those going- by auto cross terry at Burlington. Tuesday, Aug. 10. 11 o'clock A. M.. wo head oi cows, a lot ot them fresh and a lot of springers; 8 head of 2-year-old heifers, 15 veal catves, 1 2-y car-old regisLei d Holsteiu bull ; cattle tuberculin tt; feted and will be loaded on boat free of charge. 7 head horses, weight from looO to 140J pounds; 5 y tar ling colts. 3 six-months-old colls. Terms, under $20, cash; $20 and over. 6 mos.' time on approved security. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons. Vancouver. Wash., auctioneers. J.J. Browning, owner. E. L. W ilton. Bank of Linnton, clerk REGISTERED Swiss Toggenburg buck. choice of 1'J19 buck crop of most promi nent Togg. breeder of northwest; a sure breeder; registered 15-ltt Togg., 1-16 Sennen doe, 3 qts. daily; typical year ling Togg. doe, i reaheued March. 3 qt.s. lull Row, better than 2 now; grade Togg. Nubian, just a year, 1 Vj Qts. daily; ma ture doe, 2 qts. ; tine American Togg. doe kid; beautiful high-grade Tors, doe kid. heavy milking1 Strain ; only $40 tor ail seven. L. E. Wormson. 37th and R. Box 344. Phone 22tt if-2 5, Vancouver, JWash. REVOLVER AND PISTOL SALE. Unredeemed and new; no permits re quired. Colts automatics. .22, .25. .32, .38 and A'i cat.; army spl. ColiB, .38 sp., .32-20 and .41 cat., all lengt hs; single action .44 and .40 cal.; S. & W. Savage. Remington and 1. Johnsons. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 Main St.. ancouver. Wash. 4 blks. 'up from Portland car. Prompt attention to mail orders. TWO honest work horses, dapple gray mare and bay horse, o to o years oia. weight over 30U0 lbs.; Rood harness, $4W; and without $375. Team of blacks, 5 and 8 years old, weight ibs.. with harness and wagon. $375; also a family cow cheap; call at 4138 73d st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. PIGS FOR SALE. Young Duroc Jerseys, thoroughbreds, 10 weeks old. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Ft and era. Phone Broadway 2856. FOR SALE, 4 Holsteln Bulls. 1 4 years, registered. 1 2 years, not registered. 2 1 year, not registered. C. MINSINGER, 210 Board of Trade Bldjr. FOR SALE One bay horse 12 years old. one gray horse o years oia, a nice com bination horse; one express harness and one doll rack with balls, backstop and torch. 392 Knott st. Open Sundays all day; weekdays at 6 o'clock in the evening. Phone East 8701. H. A. Carr. MARE and horse. 5 a-nd 6 yrs. old. weight 31 0o lbs., guaranteed sound ana goou workers. No further use, will sell very cheap. Also 2 first-class Jersey cows. Bargain if taken at once. Inquire at Martin's place. 71st and Powell Valley road, Hawthorne ave. car. SOME extra good fresh cows, large Dur- hams and Jersey Hoisteins, 4 to a gain, per day. Will sell or take beef cows in exchange. 1 128 Macadam street, Sout h Portland car to end of line, 1 block south, 1 block east. FOR SALE. 4 teams of heavy work horses, weigh ing 1400 to 1800 pounds, 5 to 7 years old.; 4 sets of heavy work harness. San itary Stables. 365 Union ave. S., corner Stevens st. G. D. Williamson and Glass. GOATS! GOATS! A splendid opportunity to buy some very good milk goats ana doe kids by purebred Toggenberg sire. CHEAP. Send for list. John M. Mann, 302 City Hall. Portland. Or. BIG dairy cows, fresh. 1 family cow, 1 Welsh pony ; no reasonable offer re fused. Phone 80-J, Mllwaukle. Henry Smith, I block south of 3. P. depot, M ilwaukie. A SURREY, 3-seated, cost $330; can you use it at a bargain? A. so 2 rine horses about 2500 pounds; good anywhere. Give us a price. Phone East 1 150. WILL SACRIFICE my Studebaker '17. 3- passenger roadster, perfect mechanical condition and new tires. Johnson's Lunch, 266 Alder st. 2 GOOD dairy and family cows, giving 4 to 5 gals, of very rich milk; price reasonable. 632 E. 24th; Woodstock car. - 1350-POUND horse, harness and farm wagon for sale cheap. A. Meister. H mile north Dosch station and Dosch road. FROM the farm, 2 large dairy cows, one family cow; one block south a. P. depot, Milwaukie. Henry Smith. Oregon City car. FFv E gcod f rerh cows, some Hoisteins, Durhams and Jersey , 3 to 5 g-als. 728 E. 32d st., corner, on Powell st. 300 HEAD for sale. Wash. stock cattle and Write Box 102, land leases Okanogan, DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. YOUR choice at 2 good gentle family cows, $65 each. Both for $125. Call at 4122 73d st. S. E. FOR SALE 2 good Belgian siaiiions, one 2 years, old. one 3 years old. C. Mln singer. 210 Board of Trade Bldg. 7-YEAR-OLD, 110O pound standard bred horse ; ride or drive ; also harness and buggy. Main 2333. . TEAM of geldings, 3300 pounds, 7 and years old, sound and true. Art Stein- hoff, R. F. D. 4, Sherwood, Or. FOR SALE Fine young team, harness and wagon, also one 191W Ford touring car. 410 Mam st., Vancouver, wash. FOR SALE 3 high-grade Toggenourg milk goats, 2 In milk; reasonable. Miss Hetlesater, Garden Home. O r. Main 4419. 28O0-LB. TEAM AND HARNESS. In fine condition. $173. Phone The Ranch. Main 7618. i FINE combination horse, can be seen at Portland Riding academy. Owner leav Ing town, must sell. FARM outfit, small team, wagon, har ness, plow, cultivator and scraper. 327 Front st. FOR SALE Team of large black horses. weighing 3300 lbs. 1506 Bank st. Col umbia 352. DRIVING outfit, horse, 1100 lbs., sound. true and gentle; buggy and harness. 327 Front. GOOD work horses, weight 1450 lbs., price $8o; smalt ranch team. Sio. Call at 997 E. 27th st.. S. Woodstock car. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORS-S taken quickly; cash for dead cows. xaoor -tUo. GOOD team bay horses, 8 and 9 years oid; weignt zuuu lbs. Tabor 2308. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE Team horses, Hughey Bros., iiai a i. wu nuifeme ai w ooasiOCK car. TEAM, weight about 2700; on block East 220-31. zza and r lander. Aut. FRESH goat for sale. G. Ceregheno, R. D. I, Bo x 9U2. FOR SALE -A big fresh Jersey cow and E. 5oth st. N. Tabor l;m calf. 232 12 EXTRA good Duroc pigs, 10 weeks oia. i. j. uonnson, j r., bnerwood. Or. NICE JERSEY. 2d calf; lady handles her. rted carsiouoscn. inquire Sullivan. WANTED One-horse harness and wagon. eu.venon buraoer o., tJeaverton, Or. FOR SALE Team bay horses. Phone 216-56. 180 E. bin. GOAT for sale cheap; st. can t keep. 1876 Division 10 GRADED Jersey cows for sale. Paul Boss. AiuwauKie. ttoute l. Box 428. j FOR SALE Fine Senaan buck. 94 E. 7bth st. Tabor 81)33. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. A BEAUTIFUL rosewood case piano, up right; $250. 009 Dekum bldg. UPRIGHT piano. Woodlawn 2526. excellent tone, $250. CASH for piano or Vlctrola. 217 Washing ton st. Main ooii. WE will buy your old piano, son Piano Co. G. F. John- KINGSBURY piano, fine tone, can be seen at 448 Clay st. Mar. 1461. i FOR SALE cheap New Hawaiian steel l gtmar. can giarsnati tiu. I PHONOGRAPH A bargain. Call 517 East Yamhill, between 9 A. M, and 2 P. M. FOR SALE OR RENT Upright piano to responsible party. Bdwy. 5289. MANDOLIN, guitar and Zither. 47th. cor. Stark. 63 East COLUMBIA graphonola and records; can not be told from new. Col. S32. CONN slide cornet with case, a fine jazz horn. 347 E. 41st eL S. . . WANTED Bargain In fine piano: spot cash. Main 3864, Monday. 1 1 v .1 i kuua ana recoras, almost new. I tucay. nam j-vv aiier u. FOR SAXF Pianos, Orgrans and Musical Instrument. GOOD PIANO VALUES. These pianos are all In nice condition; every one is a good value at Us price. Cash or easy terms If desired. Steinway & Sons, in perfect condi tion $760 Ludwig & Co.. like new, in perfect condition $550 Everett Grand $735 Kimball, walnut ....$305 Hampton, oak $305 Cable & Sons $215 Wellington, oak $260 Draper Bros., walnut $310 H inze. fancy walnut $265 Whitney $15 W. H. Grubbs $175 Kimball Organ, In perfect condition. $ 50 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 147-149 Sixth Street. Do YOU want a PLAYER PIANO? We have Just secured eleven used player pianos ; everyone of them is beinjc put in first-class condition by our expert . factory repairman and will be offered for sale in the best possible condition; you will find the following well-known makes: Weber, A Utopia no, French & Pons. Haines Bros. electric Ampico, Pianola pianoN Bungalow, Smith & Barnes In an assortment of case designs ami at prices and terms that will meet your requirements. Come in early and look these bargains oyer. - Reed -French Piano Co., I2th and "Washington Sts., . Broadway 750. Do YOU want a BABY GRAND piano 7 Come In and see the Everett baby grand we are now offering for $S50: it is in splendid condition, wonderful tone and fine action; beaut'ful dull finish mahopany case : the Everett Is con sidered one of the three great pianos of the world ; don't miss the opportunity to see this instrument. Reed -French Piano Co., 12th and Washington Sts., Broad ws y 750. WE HAVE an almost brand new Edison laboratory model, diamond disc phono graph: are unxpectedlv called away and will sell this instrument with 112 very fine selected operatic and instrumental records all by Edison. Will make straight $100 sacrifice to any well-to-do home anpreciating music of the best kind. Will even leave on trial, money to be sent later If desired. Address AM 820, Oregonian. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CI.OEIN'G OUT 2 Fmall upright pianos. $65 and., .S 75 $300 Grsv & Co. uptight piano. cah 11" $450 Kallet A Davis upright piano. 145 $425 Dunham upright piano, cash . 165 $475 Davis & Son upright piano, cash 215 $475 Frankly a Piano Co. piano, cash 240 $550 Kimball Co. upright piano, cash 263 $850 Mendenhall plaver piano, cash. 805 Parlor organs. $18, $25. $35. $38 and 45 Phonographs $18, $25, $35, 55 and D5 Pianos stored, bought and old for cash. 102 10th St.. corner Stark St- DO YOU want a KIM BK" ALL piano? We have, ready for sale Monday morning, a beautiful dull finish American walnut Kimball piano for $412. and it is just like new; this is a wonderful instrument for someone wanting an artistic instru ment at a reduced price as it Is one of the best Kimball styles; come In and see this piano Monday. Reed-French Piano t?o., 1 2th and Washington Sts., Broadway 730. , ON SA LE for owners moving away; a Vlctrola just as good as new in nice oak finish at a big discount; also Sonora In oak finish; this is the $150 style. If taken at once will let go at any reason able offer; all cash preferred but will accept installments $8 per month, throw ing in 14 good records all at less than half value. See Phonograph Headquar ters. 3d floor. Oregon Eilers Music House. 287 H Wash, st PIANO BARGAINS. You should see our good buys In used pianos and player pianos, $15 and up We offer a Stain way. Decker, Cable. Victor. Howard. Bailey. Harvard and many others. Terms. Seiberling-Iucas Music Co., 123 4th st.r bet. Washington and Alder. , THB 3CHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS this wefk: $756 Steinway & Sons uprigbt-$341 $00 Kranlch & Bach noright 85 $5K0 Conover oak unright SI 5 $475 vose & Rons eoonv upngnx... o.t $550 Kimball & Co. upright grand.. 845 $475 Mclntyre Goodsell upright.. 245 $25 cash and $7, $8. $10, $12 monthly 101 10th St., at Washington and Stark. WHO wants a nice, nearly new EHer s ninn? Vahnesrv. A -1 condition. Win take half price to sell at once for lady leaving town; also one a little larger, E merson, like new, $ i:ft cash to close out. See these first thing next week, or telephone for particulars. Main ii-.i. Oregon Eilers MuMc House, second floor, Eilers Music building. STANDARD BRUNSWICK pun vrx; k ph. Mahogany finish, has been used only six months and is good as new. Regular $310 model. Will sacrifice. Call Monday at Lois Apartment, No. 2, 704 Hoyt st. LABORATORY model Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph in mahogany finish and 120 choice selections; mis woum tut-i $355; will take $255 cash or liberty bonds. Also table size Edison for $60. This is lust like new. See these and nihprs firKt thine Monday morning. Ore eon Eilers Music House. 287 Vz Wash. st. $150 BRUNSWICK, like new $125 $175 ColurmiA. the latest 140 Gabler. fine, fine tone 215 Kranich B-ih. $550 value... 838 Ivers & Pond, little used - 367 $873 Sohmer upright, perfect.. 587 HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill SL KHRT7.MAM niano. mahocany. like new would cost new $62r.. will take less than half. Make offer. Cash or liberty boniis. or even easy terms if necessary. Must dispose of this instrument this week rather than pay storage. Address, A fvsi, Oregonian. WE HAVE loft on sale with us a beau tiful oak Grafanola, just like new for $100 cash or liberty bonds; this Includes 66 selections of the latest Victor and Columbia records. See first thing Mon day morning. Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 Wash, st. Tenor Saxophone and case $ 63 rnnn! v 'C" Saxoohone and case 1 25 Martin Melody "C Saxophone and case G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th. 155 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA BARGAIN. Fine Columbia grafonola, like n , and $50 worth fine records. Cost $175. Price $135, $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MAHOGANY grand piano has been used, J... ill I,... aa am new f.iT- ft -IftS - cash or liberty bonds. See this at Ore gon Eilers Music House, 87 Wash. St., just below 5th st. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new Period models in Edison, "Brunswick and Columbia. Priced from $350 to $750. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DO YOU want a KINGSBURY piano? We have one. golden oaK case, ior -no, convenient terms. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Washington Sts Broad way 750. EDTSON DIAMOND DISC. Fine Edison diamond disc, taken on larger Edison, sells for $200. Price $150, $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. NEARLY NEW HAMILTON PLAYER PIANO FOR BALHi. KUAU JtJ A K- A 1 :. APPLY 938 CLEVELAND AVENUE. TEL. WOODLAWN 2286. FOR SALE By owner, a snap, piano and self-playing attachment with 30 pieces classic music. Call 40J umhro Court apt.. 20th and Wash. Mar. 2766. VICTROLA. $2 75 model, and 50 records; oak case, $210 Terms. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., bet. Wash lngton and Alder. WILL exchange a Grsfonola for your niano. or pay cash difference. Reed French Piano Co.. 12th and Washington Sts., Broadway 750. WILL PAY CASH for grand piano; must be small size, mahogany; Steinway pre ferred; no agents wanted, at 82o, on gonian. $75 COLUMBIA hornless machine, taken on new Columbia, like new. Price $50. $10 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. sno Alder. FOR SALE True-tone Buescher. C me! ody L. P. saxonhone. Finish S w 1th case. Room 23 v ashington bids or phone Woodlawn 758. PUXOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW V7CTROLA and records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 127 4th st. Main 8586. CONN TROMBONE, perfect condition cheap. Room 13, Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. WrE HAVE two new Columbia phono graphs, closing1 out at a pargain. inves tigte. 1381 Sandy blvd. I NEED money, will sacrifice beautiful oak case phonograph and records. Might take some terms. jn. zist st. WILL exchange fine new talking machine and records for typewriter. Hyatt Talking naacnine jo., aou Aider. BEAUTIFUL Behning player-piano. Would consider part cajsh and diamond. East 8268. VICTROLA Want piano; $325 outfit with 50 records, trade even for piano. BP 45, oregonian. PIANOS, player piano and grafonolas for rent., empire jo., - roaaway. Broad way l.a. GENUINE Gibson guitars, mandolas. mandolins etc G. F. Johnson Piano company PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for good player. Write BJ 862, Oregonian FOR SALE Good mandolin, never been ie watt wain. 1099, Aionaay. roR SA1, PiRjio. Organs autd .Musical instruments. TRADE YOUROLD RECORDS FOR NEW ONES. f.. When buying new records why not sort out the records that you never play and trade them in as part payment on brand new ones? We carry the com plete line of the new Columbia records. Come in and let us expiain the record exchange further. VERN 1. WENGER. The Talking Machine Man. 1421, 2dst. (upstairs), near Alder. BUNGALOW PLAYER PIANO Nice apartment size, plain style, mahogany i case, very latest style, standard 88-note auto action, with bench and 50 rolls of player mutic with worus; only $560; $65 cash and $20 per month. See this at - once, it is a splendid bargain. Reed- Jrench Piano Mfg. Co., 12th and Wash ington Sts., Broadway 750. OLD PHONOGRAPHS. Taken in as part nay men t on new. ur- to-date COLUMBIA URAFONOLA with the NON-SET SiOP. Come in and let us Demonstrate. VERN L. WENGER. The Talking Machine Man. 142V 2d t.t. (upstfti.s.nearAlder. $1300 GENUINE Stea-er A Sons natural player, 8-S note, latest plain case. 64 roles of music and combination bench. Almost like brand new: 45o is ail 1 ask, terms given or piano taken in part payment. This is the Lest snap in Portland. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE. PIANO. Am leaving city, will sell high-grade Kornacn & Bach player piano, mahog any cae, beautliully grained; only those Jntoristed in a real instrument need ap ply, otter 12 J pieces of music. X Vo3, Oregonian. ViCTKuLA, portable mode; fine for out doors, just the thins for camp or canoe; will take $33, throwing in 16 selections of latest music, also needles, everything I complete. Oregon Eileis Music House, au itoor, filers music oiag. ALMOST new UP-TO-DATE cabinet phon ograph, fine mahogany case, high-grade motor, fully guaranteed, with 20 double disc records, only $85 cash. Outfit cost new $140. Vera B. Wenger, 142. Vs 2d st k upst airs), near Al den JUST as good as new Vlctrola left on sale. none better even if you would pay $275 I ior a new one; win taxe siio casn ana include 17 -nice very little used latest double sided records. Oregon Eilers I Music House, 3d floor, Eilers Music bldg. APARTMENT size Hardman piano in very choice walnut case ; will sacrifice $240 I for Immediate sale. This sort of bargain win never come again for such a line piano. See Oregon Eilers Music House, .:u iioor, filers Music bldg. WE HAVE several genuine bargains in slightly used pianos on sale this week. IE in neea or a piano see tneie instru ments oexore maKing a purcn&se. SOULE BROS.. 166 10th St., near Morrison. PIANO Wellington make; rood condi tion; absolutely and positively a bargain I at $200; will sell for $100 cash. Phone I Woodlawn 5172. 1178 Wilbur St.; St. I Johns car. SLIGHTLY used Stradivara talking ma chine only $100. This model sells regu- I larly at floo. SOULE BROS.. 166 10th St., near Morrison. VIOLIN case and bow. value $50, for $37. oo. Just the thinz for the boy or girl to btart or many others from $15 I and up First floor of Eilers Music I bldg., 2S7H Wash. st. EDISON phonograph nearly new and $8, all-record attachment for $90. This out fit cost $128 a short time ago. SOULE BROS., 166 10th St., near Morrison. EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned Richmond piano, mahogany case. Cost new about I $500. Price $285. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking; Machine Co., 350 Aider. FRENCH horn, made in Paris, brass fin ish, low pitch, built in F, first clans condition for $20, cost $75 new. See first floor, Oregon Eilers Music House, wash. st. $150 NEW Lois Hornless cabinet phono graph, $75; $125 new lots hornless type. $0. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 A ider. 7 1 GENUINE Fischer oak case, about V regular price, terms given, almost good as new in tone and actions; case slightly checked. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Farrand $S25 play piano, slightly used; bench and 26 rolls; will sell for $625 cash or liberty bonds. Call Main 5v5 Monday evening. $150 MODEL Victor talking machine used but a lew m on ins, on;y tao; terms. SOULE BROS.. 166 10th St., near Morrison. $56 COLUMBIA hornless, taken as part payment on new Columbia, only $35. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine ' Co., 350 Alder HIGH GRADE piano, splendid condition ; cheap for cash or rent for long term. Also portable trap hop hone. Woodlawn 1428. HAWAIIAN steel guitar, fine Instrument, boautll ul tone, for sale, or might con sider trade for Violet Ray machine. 453 E. Burnslde at,, apt. 27. East 1584. $2t'0 BUYS $700 genuine Cable piano and bench, fine condition, terms. 312 Wor cester bldg. WILL SACRIFICE my Cable Grand up right piano, $130. Call Sunday 169 E. 15th st. WE wifl exchange a new Vlctrola Cheney for your upright piano. G. Johnson Piano Co.. 141 6th st. ME RtON piano, $675 style, fine tone I condition. Only $175. terms. 312 Wor cester bldg". WANTED Bargain in good toned piano. give casn. Marstiaii - Oiuy; no dealers. Furniture for n!r. USED "ELEOTRTC RANGE made by the General Electric Co., In per fect condition, for $45. You in stall it yourself. Easy terms, no interest:. GEVUKT FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO B iANCH STORES. 3S5 FIRST ST. REMEMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL. WE HAVE purchased, the entire stock of the Liberty Furniture Store and now on sale at the Port land Furniture Exchange. If you are In need of furniture now Is your opportunity to buy. Come in and compare our prices with others. PORTLAND FURNITURE EX., 203 First St. . UNDERPRICED BEDS PRICED. big stock of sagless Na- tional iron springs . . . New coil spring's . .1 I 7 50 ..$11.5 FREEMAN A WOLFE FURNITURE CO.. 200-202 1ST. ST., COR, TAILOR. GAS RANGES. SPECIAL PRICES. Garland, 4 burners, side oven, good condition. $24.50; 75 more gas stoves and ranges to select from, every one with j a special price that you cannot afford to 1 stay without & gas range; every gas I stove and range absolutely guaranteed. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. GAS. COAL OR WOOD. Alcazar combination range, new. Considered the most beautiful stove in America. Nice white en amel trimmings and ail over nickel. It is really a beauty. Spe cial for Monday, only $155. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St., N. E. Corner Yamhill. SPECIAL. A brand new fumed oak davenport. upholstered brown leatherette, including mattress, for only $46; would cost now regular xiO OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. ENGLISH oak dining set consisting of table, 4 chairs, china closet, buffet, all to match. Special $92 50. We Save You a Dollar. EXCHANGE FURNITURE Co., 204 1st. FINE tapestry davenport and mahogany tanestrv covered rocking cnatr, also 00- inch dining table and 6 chairs, slip seats. Call Monday. Mar. 0033. 8-ROOM house, furniture for sale, all or by piece. House can be rented reason able. For information call Main 8878 evenings, and Sunday phone East 3040. WILL sacrifice complete furnishings of a 7-room house; will not sail by piece. Furniture and carpets Al; terms; house for rent. Broadway 30;12. 4-BURNBR Reliable gas range, side oven, porcelain-lined doors; sacrifice for $20. 6."9 First st. south, from 2 to 8 Sunday, or phone E. 140$ for appointment. OAK sideboard with plate-glass mirror cheap. 501 E. Oak. FOR SALE Beautiful blue Genoese rug; like new. (i2S. Alain 7292. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sal. SUMMER SPECIALS IN HOME FURNITURE. WM. GADS BY & SONS. First and Washington Sts. A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE. Large high back cozy rocker. $ 6. T3 Solid oak se wins rocker. In fine condition $ 4.75 Odd pieces parlor chairs. greatly reduced $ 2.83 Good refrigerator. 50 lbs. ice capacity $19.50 Child's Iron crib, finished white enamel $ 9.T5 Dresser, large heavy plate oval mirror $22.75 Oriental grass ruga, 8x10, figured designs $ 9.75 Empire Brussels rug. 9x13, in good condition $33.50 Spring- edge couch heavy craftsman's leather $28.75 Oak buffet, good heavy plate mirror $31.50 Large solid oak library table, selected grain $26.50 Iron beds, a large assortment to choose from, aa low aa..$ 5.50 S-burner oil stove. Just the thing for camping $ 8.73 Good assortment of slightly used gas ranges as low as $24.50 Tour Credit la Good. WM. GAD6BT A TONS, First and Washington Sts. USE A GAS RANGE THESE HOT DAYS. We carry the two best-known gas ranges In the country, the Vulcan and the Detroit Jewel; also the Ruud gas water beaters and our prices are right. We also have a fine assortment of used gas ranges, every one guar anteed, for example: $61 Vulcan gas range, same as new $43.50 $75 Cadillac range, almost new $49.50 $65 side-oven Vulcan range. $31.50 4-hole Jewel range $22. AO Another Jewel range $17. &0 And several others. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 FirstySt. BUT TOUR RANGE T4EFORB FALL AND SAVE MONEY. New combination coal, gas or wood range, slightly dam aged by water a real snap o.uu Yukan gas range. 4-burner white enamel, good as new only $35.00 A. B. gaa range. 4 burners, white enamel, slightly uaed $25.00 FREEMAN A WOLFE FURNITURE CO.. 200-202 1ST ST., COR. TAYLOR. NEW AND VSED FURNITURE. You will save money buying at PEOPLE FURNITURE CO., 235 1st. Cor Main. Quartered golden oak boxed frame dining-room chairs $ 3.85 Quartered goiden oak dress ers ...$24.50 Quartered golden oak dining-room tables $23.30 You will save money buying at PEOPLE FURNITURE CO., 235 1st, Cor. Main. EXTRA LARGE RUGS We have a few 11.3x12 velvet rua of good grade, tan background with re fined floral deslarn. We will sell th m for less than the price of a ' che'ip Brussels rug. (50 each. Kasy Ifrms. No Interest. GEVURTZ FU.tNITURB COMPANY. THB BKi STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STORES 18,-i FJRST ST. REMEMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL. BIG LINE of used ranges from $20 up. and remember all are guaran teed to be In good shape and give good service. Easy terms. No in terest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO MP ANT. THE BIG STORE. ALL I'SDBR ONE ROOF. NO B t-.NCH STORES. 1R5 FIRST ST. tEM EMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL, EXTRA SPECIAL. Felt-tax floor coverings, attractive patterns, only 62 cents yard: FREEMAN WOLFE FURNITURE CO.. 200-203 1ST ST.. COR. TAYLOR. RUG BARGAINS. We have a large assortment' of used rui?s: Administer. Wilton. Brussels, all sizes and colors; some of these rugs are absolutely good as new and the price are remarkably low. We can save you money on any kind of floor covering. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 106-163 FIRST ST. EAR MORRISON. A GOOD BARGAIN. In ivory bedroom suite composed of bed. dresser, with 16x24 French plate mirror, chiffonier and dress ing table with 3 mirrors; 8 suits only; will go at $97.50. See this Monday morning at FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First St.. N. E. Corner YamhilL FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE. A NICH CLKAN STOCK OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE TO BE SOLD AT A VERY REASONABLE PRICE: A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ANYONE LOOKING FOR sulXbMsruL BUSI NESS. ESTABLISHED OVER 12 YRS 94 GRAND AVE.. COR. WASHINGTON CEDAR CHEST. Extra large, beautiful, - high-grade, i Adams period, finished in Ivory; can tell from new; this is wonderful value. Our price $34. reg. $s. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 1H6-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. u.lxrH American walnut William sn Mary dining table ana six cnalrs, tno 0x12 rose snaae xinesi quality A-ngii Persian rug. t.o. laoor mu. MONARCH -Malleable range, just as goo as new; bargain. s3. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO., Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. FOR SALE 1 practically new Unlveraa combination range v. itn water coils; high-grade Wilton rugs. Sx.12, new: 1 Brussels carpet, size &.ftxl2: nne grade Axminster carpet. 9.Hxl4 ft. 1115 Arnold St.. Deiw oim ana oatn. OAK dining room suite, oak library tab! and rocker: oak dresser, small table and kitchen table; all like -new. 1078 E. 25th st. North. PRINCESS dresser, white iron bed, steel springs, gas heater, square trunk. 182 Grand ave. N. Phone East 7115. " 1 LARGE beautiful, fumed oak sideboard. 1 child's Iron bed. mattress, included. S4T E. 62d st. N. call Monday. 7-ROOM house for' rent and furnture for i , 1 1 l -. , tin. RUUD water heater, $lf: Acorn gas stove, $15: like new. xaoor 95. 99 NEW furniture on sale Monday, al most half price. 715 E. Burnslde. BEAUT1UL oak china cabinet. Bdwy. 1025. STAJDA-RD. range. Call Marshall 3M. TOR SALE. Furniture for faJe, FOLLOW THE CROWD TO MISH FURNITURE CO. AND SOLVE THB RCO QUESTION. We offer for this week new xl2 Axminster rug, $75 value, reduced to $59.50 $42 9x12 seamless Brussels rugs $35 $37.50 9x12 Brussels rugs, now $28.50 And In used rugs we have this splendid assortment to offer: $1S5 seamless Wilton rug. al most new $95.00 11x12 high-grade Axminster rug, almost new. $100 value for $72.60 9x12 body Brussels rug, a very fine one $42.50 Another 9x12 body Brus sels $22 50 llttxllH all-wool Axminster rug $3o.00 SKxIOVs tapestry Brussels rug $17.50 9x12 Brussels carpet $17.50 9x12 Axminster $4.50 Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. OIL STOVES FOR YOUR CAMP ING TRIP NEW 2-burner oil stoves, without legs and wick less $8.05 8-burner oil stoves and wlckless .... without legs $11.50 2-burner oil stoves, the Acorn line, with wicks and on legs; ..$16.95 S-burner oil stove. Acorn line, with wicks and on legs $23.95 Ovens for same at 15 per cent reduction all this week. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 First St.. N. E. Corner YamhilL A WONDERFUL BUY. 6-piece ivory bedroom suite, comprising bed. chiffonier, trip licate mirror, dressing table, one rocker and two chairs all to match. This graceful suite la In the pop ular Adam design, very artistically decorated and extremely high grade in quality and construction. Cost $350 two months ago, now $248.50. Easy Terms. No Interest. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First St. FINE OVERSTUFFED VELOUR DAVENPORT, upholstered in au tiful striped Burgundy velour. Spring back. seat and edges. Brand new but has been s'.lght'y wet, slthough you cannot find any marks on it. This is a truly $2.o davenport for $lti5. Easy terms. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIO STORK. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STORES. 1SS FIRST ST. REMEMBER TWO DOORS KOM YAMHILL. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK. Library table $ 7.50 Chairs 1-25 Rockers 2.50 Cook stoves 11 00 Gas plates 2.75 Iron beds .1 OO Iron beds 4.50 Bed springs 1 75 Mattresses S OO Kitchen treasures 4 75 Breakfast table 1 00 Genuine leather-covered din ing chairs 4.50 Round extension table .... 14.00 OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-10S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. MAHOGANY CABINET PHONO GRAPH. This Is one of the won derful Grand Opera models, that sells for $200. Plays any make disc records with same attach ment. $145 buys It. Easy terms, no Interest. Just like new. GKVUKTZ FU1NITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORK. ALL UNOER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STORES. 18.1 FIRST ST. REMEMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL. DO YOU NEED A BED DAVENPORT 7 We can give you a Nufold dav enport, the kind that holds a reg ular mattress, upholstered In gen uine Spanish leather, and with frame of solid oak, for only $71.50. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-1U0 First St. v-nnr. tit i vn A fii.tnmr of ours l,9bU I I fT. - J , has left us for sale a very good , Hinze piano In bun wainut case. This Is an unusually good instru ment and you can buy it for $200. Easy terms can be arranged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STORES. 185 FIRST ST. REMEMBER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL. BEDS' BEDS! FROM RENSON HOTEL. t-...i nn iu Murine shriners week, prac tically new 2-inch continuous post steel bed. regular $22 50, special price $14 50 as long as the few last. it you a bed this is a real bona fide sale. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 16R-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. SPECIAL sale on feather pillows, sanitary couch pads, silk floss mattresses. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209 2d st., bet. Taylor and Salmon. ACORN, the well-known combination range, burns gas. coal and wood, and It is a new one. We will sell them for Monday and Tuesday for $125. Acorn, straight coal and wood, sits on base legs and nicely trimmed, with Ifl-ln. oven. At a special price. $79 50. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First St.. N. E. Corner Yamhill. 1- T-. T T . T NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE WITH ATTACHMENTS. $8.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. , .t i tto FIPT ST NEAR MORRISON. OAK music cabinet $13.50. bookcase $12. oO. 6x9 tapestry Brussels rug $16, oak rock er $0 SO, large Vulcan gas range $35, combination bookcase-writing desk $17 50. Du-fold davenport $25, odd stands, chairs, tubs, boiler, wood range SO. laoor oo-j. WE HAVE received a big line of gas ranges which will be sold at a 20 per cent discount. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO, Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. Ws can save you money on your freight In our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olsoa Transfer & Storage Co.. Z48 Pine at. TWO very fine quartered oak dressers, ,i - -nnt. nn. 1. nrlnrpM. S40 .nil $30- two pairs marquisette lace trimmed curtains $2 pair. 1555 Division. Haw thorne car to 58th. 6TABLACK 8tayblack) tne greatest heat resisting stove polish In existence: 25o bottle. Crown Furniture Co.. 209 First. HijGS 2 Anglo-Persian. 9x12 and 6x9; 1 fluff. 7x11: bed: 2 small tables. 834 E. sneriaan near fjtn . l, .net a. .n. FURNITURE of two-room apartment. Can rent apt. if desired. Phone Mar. 1985. 2 BEDS and mirror. Water St. Marshall 4447. 808 MAJESTIC wood and coal range. Cheap. Phone East uiw. ) FOR SALE Dining set. $33. Bast 658. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. TOO OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE THESE OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT SUITES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. In order to make room for goods In transit we effer our entire line of overstuffed suites at wholesale cost. Here is an example: Massive overstuffed suite, com prising davenport, rocker and arm chair with Marshall spring comfy cushions, spring-edge arms and back and upholstered in very high-grade two-tone blue velour. This is a $375 suite cut to $275 and you arewelcome to easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First St. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON LIBRARY TABLES. U OFF OFF OFF. We offer our entire line of li brary tables, including such styles ss Queen Anne. William and Mary, Cromwellian. Adam, colonial and mission designs tn oak or mahog any at 25 per cent reduction. This offer is for this week only. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-190 First St. DEMONSTRATION BUCK'S COM BINATION RANGE This is the beautiful all cast iron, agate gray, all enameled model that we sell every day for $220. and we will sell this one complete set up in your house and connected with a good hot water tank to your 'coil for $lfili.,10. Easy terms. No inter est charged. GEVURTZ FURN'TURH COMPANY. THE BIG STORK.' ALL UNDER ONE KOOF. NO BRANCH STORES. 1K.- Fl RST bT. REMKM BER TWO DOOltS FROM. YAMHILL. A GOOD BARGAIN ON GAS STOVES CALL A3 EARLY AS YOU CAN. 1 Vulcan gas range with side ovens. 4 gas burners and looWa like new, $31 50. 1 Acorn gas range with 2 side ovens and 4 gas burneis. Vou can't tell it front new. $45. 1 Stewart gas range with 2 side ovens and 4 gas burners; in per fect condition, $35. SEE MR. PATTERSON FOR THIS. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First St.. N. K. Corner YamhilL USED DINING ROOM SET for $311.50. consisting ot good solid oak sideboard, solid oak square exten sion table and 4 t-hnlrs to m.itrh. -Either the table slone or the side board aione v.o'Jld cost yo more than the whole set is priced And at that wj will sell it on easy terms, without intt-rest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG ST' iRE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STOKES. LSI FIRST ST. r.KVUMREU TWO D03RJ FROM YAMHILL. OFFICE FOLKS. 3lx54-lnch flat-top desk for $3.: 42-Inch flat-top desk. $25; and another 42-inch flat-top de.k for $19.75; also several office chairs at right prices. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-1'JO First St. BRIDGE-BEACH range on base lers with 2-burner gas plate attached; looks like new; a great bargain, $57.50. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First St.. N. E. Corner Yamhill. REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL. Used ref riaerators as low as $'.. new refrigerators practically at today's wholesale prices. Come in, look th.-m over. We have some ret .-iterators, white enamel, as good as new. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS Foil LESS. Iti-lti8 FI RST ST. near Morrison. WINDOW shades, special, two col ors, dark and light green only: Size 3x0, special $ .3 Size 30x7, special 1.05 We carry aiso all sizes with a great reduction. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St., N. E. Corner Yamhill. OAK rolled top and flat top desks Will sell very reasonable. 20'j 2d st. bet. Taylor and Salmon. VERY nice solid oak dinlns set t .".4-ini.h table). S75- buffet with z trench plat mirrors, $35; laoy'a writing desk. $14 2 Iron beds, mattresses ana springs. Ka range, wbod range, hall rack, Hxl2 Ax minster rug. $19: small rug. rag carpe and miscellaneous furniture. East 5571 4rt2 Flint St. Williams ave. car. MAJESTIC RANGE With original pin coils. You know how much one like this would cost you Special $39. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 166-163 First st., near Morrison. SPECIAL prices on beds, $2 and. up springs. $1.25; mattresses, $2.50; Sam tary couches from $5 and up. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO.. Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. FOUR-PIECE living room set, upholstered in excellent tapestry and has the best of springs. Set consists of sofa, rocker, easy chair and reception chair. 412 Hemlock St., Ladd's addition. Phone Sellwood 2102. FOR SALE Dining room furniture, rugs. 73 pieces Havlland china. Rcxcer Bros. 1847 silver, writing desk, table. Simmors bed, spring, silk floss mattress, ice box. wash boiler, gas plate, and other house hold utensils. Main 95ftt) orMain 2145. BRIDGE-BEACH copper coil water heater, new; special only for $14.50. OWL FURNITURE CO., 16H-16 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. FURNITURE for four rooms for light housekeeping and possession of house August 1: about $2UO; rent. $12. 1120 OgJen. 36th St. S. E. BRASS BED. spring and mattress, dining table with five chairs, writing desk, center table. Morris chair, six miscel laneous chairs. 63 East 47th. cor. S:ark. ON ACCOUNT of moving I will sell some easy chairs and rockers cheap. Call 4'.2 East 24th st. N. bet. 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. 8unday. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room hous. by piece or all. Must sell, ll'ji) Detroit ave., or call Wdln. 5118 FURNITURE and furnishings apt. for sale; reasonable. Arms. of 3-room 312 Tudor FOR SALE Large davenport" and one chair, $10 if taken Sunday. Call after 3 o'clock. 295 East 21st. FURNITURE of a 3-room apartment at a bargain, including two Wilton rugs and Vlctrola. Call Broadway 301. FOR SALE Double iron bedstead springs, and mattress. Good condition; $12. 50. Phone Wdln. 537. OAS range, sanitary cot. kitchen table, equity in Grand piano. 331 Montgomery. Call Monday. OFFICE FURNITURE, used oy govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery ft Printing Co.. 107 2d st. FOR SALE Universal range, used few weeks. Call 109 Wlnchell St., between 9:30 and 4: bargain. QUARTERED OAK DAVENPORT, good as new. reasonable. 426 6th st. GAS stove and gas plates: also furniture. 1HJ First, room 12, second floor. BOOKCASE, sewing machine, three-quarter bed and stand. Oil Going st. 9x12 RUGS, cabinet gas range, springs. 1242 B. 9th sL N. Woodlawn bU5. FOR SALE. I'urniur for Sale. EXCHANGE HOMES FURNISH INGS FAR BELOW THE COST OF NEW. 47-plece porcelain china din ner set JILTS Nu-Fold bed davenport (used three months) 60-50 S-lnch post brass bed 27.73 2-Inch post steel bed (Just Ike new) IT. 00 Mahogsny finished tea wag on, glass top ............ 4. 95 Golden finished library table. 15.00 Eteel frame and spring fold ing cot . . 8 .T5 Ivory reed perambulator (for twins) 35.50 Drop side Iron crib (bronze finish) 14.00 Wishbone fabric steel link spring (for double bed) .. 10.75 Fine big Majestic malleable range 65.00 S-llfl Charter Oak wood and coal range ............... 44.50 4-burner Vulcan gas range .. 30.00 S - burner gas plates (new) $3.S0 7.95 EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. 0th and OAK. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. EASY TERMS. NO INTEREST. FREEMAN WOFLE FURNI TURE CO. Where the dollar docs Its duty. OUR MOTTO: SMALLER PROFITS MORS Business Satistied Customers. BUSINESS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. DINING-ROOM SET WAY BE LOW WHOLESALE PRICE, consisting of 7 pteceeh, quartered oak tabl. 45-in. top. and 6 box seated chairs, solid quarter oak to match, only $...ot) DAVENPORTS. i 17. T7 a g vnnni-t . cenuine l.a tlier $- 7.50 . 1 .1 .. ..Ani-...rt ,'ith mt tr.M. attach.'! $1 io. so 1 davenport, new Duofol.l . . . $ 1 dav.'nport. new Duofold, .9.50 :2. "o genuine . It will pay you to look thm o .ver. 1 Willie enam.-i w. spring and now inure rot ton felt mattress, rolled rdne art tick, only S: You cau't duplicate this at 5 0O the price. FREEMAN WOLFE FURNITURE CO.. 20O-2O2 FIRST STREET. CORNER TAYLOR. ELECTRIC- VACUUM CLEANERS This is a round Duntley "Stand anl" that sella for $125. A . very powerful c'.emer and In lerfect con dition. J45 bus it. Easy terms. No Intnrest charged. . -r- GEVUKTZ FUitMTl'RE COMPANY, THE Hl'J ST 'RE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STORES, is:. FIRST ST. . H C M E M BER TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL. A BARGAIN Spring seat Morns chair, good cush ions, solid oak frame: only $i.M. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. lf.ii-'liiS Fl RST ST. NEAR MORRISON. DAVENPORT, almost new. with mattress. Slo. tall Sreuwooii .-j. Office 1-umlture. AM. OFFICE equipment from Columbia River Ship Blug. Corp.. inclu.'.ing add ing machine, comtomet-rs and type writers. L. C. Wax. Ul N. Dth si. Broadway 27.t!. j"i01.l.-TOP desks,. 1 roll-top t. w. desk. W safes 2 rotary bookcases, 20 law size bookcases, chairs and fillntf cabinets, liuslioiig & Co., 91 ITrk si. OFFICE AND TYPEWRITER desks, table. chairs aim i.iiiik a...... - BOOKKEEPER'S d-sk and chair. 601 Piatt l.iiiur. Mar. tu2S. UjiSK High top. 3 drawers, gulden oak with stool. A good buy. $..- 144 Isu 1'ooltrj. IN l'M4 OREGON POULTRY $ 8.500.000 v lula' OREGON POULTRY $47,500,000 I.O YOU 1. 1KB POULTRY ? The COUNTRY CLUB ORCHARDS, lo cated in the SUNNY ROGUE KlVEIt VALLEY of southern Oregon. Invite you to call and oolsiin plans concerning a new and up-to-date co-operative poultry colony being formed and which you may want to Join. An extraordinary opportunity for you If you wish to share the many advan tages in handling poultry, berries arid fruit bv co-opeiative methods und-r expert advice and with assured pro'lts. The information is ottered without tost or obligation to you. Oil! at tha Port land olfiie. No. 320 Chamber of Com merce bihK. COUNTRY CLUB ORCHARDS. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from heavy laying Hoganized stock. Safe ar rival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. Priue list and interesting literature on application. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 Pin ft.. Petaluma. Cal. 7i W. L. HOGANIZED breeding hens. 2D0 April pullets; also breeding cockerels. Write t'r priced. V. S. t-apies, Van couver. Wash., IL 0. 50 WHITE LEGHORN chicks (pullets). Fmall but good stock (Tatlcred). to lb weight, 4oc each. At Hull ave. sta t i on. Ore. City line. A. U Hampton. 35 R. I. I.ED, good laying strain; 2 R. I. Red cockerels. 1 year old; price, cash. $:0. uu2 North Leonard, cor. St. Johns ave. - 1 Al 1st. vouu White Leghorn hens. $1.25 each. J. R. Macguire. 77 Oregon su rear E. 2lth. TnnllRRED BROWN LEGHORNS. 10 HENS AND ROOSTER. REASONABLE. TABOR fi'HO. ' 75 YOUNG roosters, once, 7 weeks old. ave. S. E. 25c each If taken at On 72d st. aud 06th FOR SALE 15 young full grown Pekiti ducks. $23 if ail taken. Phone Mil waukie 65-J. CALIFORNIA thoroughbred cockerel and 7 layinff hens, year old stock; $15. b2 E. Davis, cor. 2'.'th. WHITE leghorn hens, barred rock and Rhode island Red pullets. $1.25 each. Tabor OM'5. Pols S4th st. S. E. EIGHT 1-year-old thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens. $lo. 1078 East 25th st. North 2o0 WHITE LEGHORN chickens, good con ditio n5J a ln5j2JAj!kforM;lan; So S. cT White Leghorn pullets, March hutched. 6424 84th Court St. S. E. ON E pen of R. 1. Red chickens, ham av-e. near Union. 355 Gra- 10 RHODE ISLAND RED 10-weeks-old chickens, 50c each. Woodlawn 744. FOR SALE 11 laying hens. $1.50 each. 37o Vancouver ave. !));. Kabbite, Birds, IVt Stock. FUR RV11BITS. Registered blick Siberian for sale or on shares, at 7405 63d ave. S. E. Tabor r:'o2 ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES . for sale cheap. 1210 Mallory ave. Wdln. IS.'. CHOICE SINGERS FOR SALE. MAIN 403. FOR SALE 7 females and large cage, also young singers. Roller stock. 37 E. S3d N. Lit. j. HO'vVEr.. .etemiariaa; specialist oog and cat. Tibor 656. YOUNG male pup. bull abl. 9- Tlbtietts st. terrier: reason Sell. 3:;o. FOR SALK 1 Boston male. 4 mo. 394 Yamhill st. Put'pi tor sale, part Collie. 4 months old, $3. Sell. 170. 7?.- E. 54th St. WANTED Male bloodhound. A 618, Ore gonian. THOROUGHBRED New Zealand rabbits; all sizes, cheap. Tabor 6'J40. FOR SALE Thoroughbred fox terrier pup pies at $5 each, on!) Davis st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston terrier pup. 1326 Erfst Main. Tabor 2!'2. IraRBITS. pitreons and chickens for sale j cheap. Wdln. 2716. i CANARY BIRDS for sale. Tabor 8176.