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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
12 TIIE STJXDAY OKEOOXIAX, PORTLAXDf JULY 23, 1920 FOR SALE, Dogw, Rabbits. Birds. Fet Stock. f 300 SNA P $500. Will sacrifice 600 White Leghorn chickens, brooder. Incubator, tools, gar den, fruit, with Jt H -year lease on 2 acres, C-rnom hcuse See owner oa place. 2b57 ostn Bt. s. e. j PET STOCK. AND 8UPfUE3. We ere l headquarters in ths N. W. for birds and i cages, dog, cats, ra bolts, cavles, etc.. food, remedies, eta Call or write. Pet f iOck ca'aiog on request. RoUtledga Seed ; eV Flora Co., 145 11 st.. Fortland. IMPORTED T1NTERNMAXIM is the belt I A ire-dale terrier west of ithlcago; his puppies are consistent winners; bieed to him now. Matrons and puppies for sale. Jack Babb. Koute 6, Seattle. Vah. - PEDIGREED Boston terriers: kind to chil tiren; guol watch dugs; males for service. The Boston Kennels of Portland, 4u7 A inbwortn ave. Wood lawn 5284. FOR SALE CHEAP Pure white bulldog, auout mo. old. Call Tabor 6566, or see (lo at Dr. Howe's dog and cat hospital. 1171 K. Stark st. kosr" i t y c attery. Orange Persian kittens, also Airedale pup; awrul cheap. 124a uat Jiorrifcun. Tabor 1214. WANTED A home, for a beautiful Mal tese cat (neuter), a perieet pet, where there are no children or docs. Phone J Bdwy. 4144. 2 SINGERS; one St. Andreasburg roller. one tiartz Mt., one canary- cage. Union ave. Phone E. 677. PADEREWSK1 CATTEKY Studs at serv ice; kits for sale ; cat s boarded ; 536 E. Rlst st. N. Tabor 7773. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD pups, male $3, female $2. Gresnani car line to Syca more Hiauon. r . rv. AUiima. BLACK Persian male kitten from excep tionally good stock, $10. Please call Monday. 318 4 IK h. BT. ANDKEASUERG ROLLERS, yellow, from imported stock. 420s Stanton St. East 4529. T11UKUUGH BRED NEW ZEALAND RAB BITS. ALL SIZES. CHEAP. TABOR A r ii-:i)A lk MmI Dfdiiirced. 1 vear old. rt-atiy to train for h unting ; reasonable. M. r . Crifi tr v. lluber. Ur. PULL BLOOliKD N. Y. red rabbits at bargain. 1518 Interstate ave. Kenton car. WILL SELL my entire stock of Flemish and New Zeaiands. dirt cheap. 6207 40t h Bt. S. E. Woodstock car. T4dnfN AIREDALE. Fox Terrier puppies. nrir.'s rifilit. Speedway Kenneis. Tabor 60bS. (iOUD sanitary couch, cheap; also cover. Room 34. Elton Court Hotel, ila.n 6033. JAPANESE SPANIEL PUPPY for sale, j ; 1 .-1. Tabor 8470. H 185, Oregonia n. FOR SALE -A Boston terrier, little Char lie Chaplin. 713 Kearney at. LsuticoM and Boat. Rpvcrai cunncii for sale cheap, -in ai . t t'ma In o n.l U.'O thpltl. 2-cylinder motor canoe in first-class condition. This is a bargain ior n a 1 1 in orirtri condition. Owner leaving city and must be sold at "Le LAMBERSON & REID, 242 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. CALL SELLWOOD 3774. NO 20 WILLAMETTE MOOR AGE. EVENINGS OR SUNDAY. FOR SALE Motorboat, 26-foot runabout vno with .t-ti n. motor, lust over hauled. Auto top and windshield. Price 'i louse boat, modern, 6 rooms, with built-in buffet and breakfast room, S1450. HOUSEBOAT, No. 20. Oregon Yacht Club or Sellwood 3312. TO 4IRRI)AI,R BREEDERS. NORMAN TIP TOP I Keg.) by Inter national Ch. Tintern Tip Top. Fatly . I uriS. she bv Ch. Bilmore Bingo, he by x-iruge iionarcn. niuu ice, .niil-WT k'EW KI.S. 0901 51st Ave. S. Seattle, Wash. LAUNCHES AND BOATS. Classy 24-ft., 14-mtle motorboat with dash control and motor guaranteed as Et.uil as new. A snap. Must sell. See I boat "Damzol," Lamberson Sc. Resd, eut end of Hawthorne bridge. l: v t w u,,i 1 hnnco fnrnistipil com plete; electric lights. Call Sun. beiore 4 P. M. or Mon. after 8 P. M. Fulton boatyard. Take Fulton car. get oif at cross roads. 2 blocks east ONE NEW SCOW 24x80 by 5 feet deep. ready for immediate delivery. .... on w . . x. vi (lPUI v kKY CO.. 5t First street. Phone Broadway 164. FUR SALE Gas er.gine machine shoo and boat mooring ppae, also 5-room house boat, between ivon ana oounurm TeL Sell. 300. . MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE on this r,w,m )im:hnat Mnt,t Still toditV. l'V1 nf Pendleton st. Fulton car line. From 1 tool'. M. ATTRACTIVE house-boat All modern conveniences, a bargain, cash or terms. : Must soil today. IS Willamette Moor age. ftO-FT. LAUNCH 30 H. P. Continental motor, speed 15 miles, $223. Also 2S-ft. hull. $30; 24 II. P. motor $120. W ood lawn 539. HOUSEBOAT for sale; built last year, on sound cedar logs; price $000; located mile above Willamette Falls. v rite n. T. McUaln, West Linn. Or. HOUSEBOAT for sale; 4 rooms and bath. completely furnished ; small payment will handle. Sellwood terry, west aide, 8th house. Main 0670. GOOD LAUNCH with Thomas engine. Good boat for boom work ana moderate tow ing. standif'T Construction Corporation, V ancouver. W ash. See Charters. ii t U SA I.E Enelish Setters. Irish Ter- riprs Sr-otrh Terriers. Doherman Pincher. Coquet Kennelw. iMMU filst ave. S.. Seattle. a 110-FOOT launch in good condition. cheap; can be seen at Dredge Portland, yt Johns cry aoctt. , VOK SALE- lS-ft. canoe, sail and equip ment. Call at Favorite Boat House Monday. preterrc-d; must be in good condition and a bargain. C 57S, Oregonian. FOR SALE An old Town canoe and out- lit, all in a-1 conuiuun, priced. Phone E. 3ol9. reasonably to h naL e 3 7 - f 00 1 tro!l boat, oak ribs. und null, 27-H. P. engine. J. R. Eublch. Fort Colambia. wash. FOR SALS Hardwood motor canoe, fully eouiuoed. extra accessories, w uiamette moorage, houseboat B. Sell wood 1636. ONE DAYTON DYNAMO. $20; launch 12 miles Perfection engine. $150; west end Madison street bridge: TWO 60 H. P. CHALMERS SIX gas en gines, first-class condition, complete. $2.00 each. Phone East 42i FOUR-ROOM houseboat, with bath, fi nished. 4S Willamette moorage. 16-FOOT Oldtown canoe, good condition. cheap. Columbia l?3. THREE BOAT HOUSES for sale at the right price. Call Charters. W din. 50t0. LUNCH Columbia for sale, ft. of Aius- worth dock. Broadway 40bl. ONE 3Vi H. P. Evenrude engine for sale. &34 Commercial court. PETERBOROUGH CANOE and equip- ment in good con ait ion. Main tti'i 4-KOOM houseboat for sale or trade. Sell- wood 3o02. 20-FOOT LAUNCH, 4-H. P. motor, $160. cast 1 1 W H LTE I'ersian male kittens. Aut. 3 24. WANTED Canoe, with or without motor. Call Main 0G0 PETERRORO CANOE. $2; Tabor 5820. CANOE for sale, cheap. Sellwood 2622. Machinery. THRESHING machine for sale. 1 12 H. P. t ape steam engine ana Kusseil seD- arator. good drive belt and all belts on separator new. This threshing ouU'it is in good condition and ready to go to work. Price S1200. Will sell on terms to suit buyer or will take tractors, autos. horses or cattle in trade, luuuire at teed store. l igard. or. FOR SALB One Woods hydraulic hoist and three and one-half yard, steel-lined dump body, this outfit has been used but six weeks and will ell for S500. yanlorq Jfc rrice. BinRfn. wash. J1A(,'HI.6K1 lor sale l.atfte motor. shafting ana hangers, belting, pulleys. grinder, vuicamzer. ah ior sihu. 4t,2 Flint st. Williams ave. car. E. 5571. FOR SALE Tacoma donkey, 94xl0, high I pressure Doner, equipped wiin line and blocks. Oregon jviacn. oo., j.ugene. Or. GOOD traction engine, hay baler and seu- arator, $1500. terms. Trade for auto or timDer. JJUDOls, uj t-palding bldg. 11AHINS and auto engines, all Bizes and prices. R. K. Gore, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 4o or sou. FOR SALE one Sx32-inch Seneca Falls lathe, complete power cross feed. 389 Stark st. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. ONE QUART ER-H. P., D. C. electric mo- tor, in line condition, si., l'75. 4-H. P. DIESfciL fuel oil stationary en gine. .Bargain, .cast xiuo. JX)R SALE. Machinery. CLYDE) EQUIPMENT CO., ISth and Upshur. Phone Broadway 885. PARTIAL STOCK LIST OP ICEW AND SECOND-HAND EQUIP MENT ON HAND FOR IMME DIATE SHIPMENT. "SPECIAL 1 10x13 Willamette crank -r1Mr nrln. 66-inch boiler. 700 feet new 1-inch main line, 154)0 feet 94-inch good used line. 2 main blocks. 3 small blocks; 1 2 s -yard Baelev bucket with runners skids 58 feet, 2 fairleaders, 6x10 steel waier tanK. ROAD ROLLERS. 1 10-ton Iroquois stem, 3-wheeL 1 2H-ton tandem. ROCK CRUSHERS. 1 No. 1 Gates gyratory. 1 8x14 Western. 1 10x14 Champion. 1 No. 3 Mitchell improved. BUCKETS. 1 '4-yard drag scraper. 3 4 -yard drag scraper. 1 1-yard orange peel. 1 1 -yard orange peel. 1 i-yard Ceco clam shell. 1 1-yard Cco clam shell. 1 1-yard Harvard clam shell. 1 1-yard Ceco clam shell. BOILERS. 1 4 FT. P. vertical; new. 1 6-H. P. vertical; new. 1 1S-H. P. vertical: used. 1 20-H. P. vertical: used. 1 2-H. P. vertical, used. 1 2.-H. P. locomotive type. 1 50-H. P. marine type. ATR COMPRESSORS. 1 No. .2 Schramm portable. 2 No. 3 Schrnmm portables. 1 No. 4 Schramm portable. 1 No. d Schramm portable. 1 10x10 Fairbanks-Morse, on skids. 1 8x10x8 Franklin steam. GASOLINE ENGINES. 1 1-TT. P. Novo Jr. 1 8-H. P. Witre. 1 4-H. P. Witte. 1 12-H. P. Witte. 2 22-H. P. Witte. STEM ENGINES. 1 1 5-IT. P. Climax, center crank. 1 14x20 H. S. & G., side crank. PUMPS. 1 No. 14 Canton duplex, boiler feed. 1 10x6x10 Rlnke duplex, boiler feed. 1 6-inch Gould centrifugal. 1 10x6x12 Blake, single action, steam. 1 No. 4 Guild & Harrison, single ac tion, steam. 1 Fairbanks - Morse oil pump, 3x2x4. wnn nearer. 5 Hx Rumspy rotaries1. new. S 2x2 Rumsey rotaries. new. 2 2Ms2v Rumsey mtnries, new. 1 7x6 Rumsey centrifugal, new. CONCRETE MIXERS. 1 No. 4S 4 cu. ft Lakewood. new. 1 No. 32 (1H cu. ft.) Smith, gas driven 1 No. 12 164 cu. ft.) Smith, steam wttn sla1 loader. 1 Mo. it (10 cu. ft.) Smith, steam. 1 No. 514 (14 cu. ft.) Chicago, without power. I 1 No. 2 C15 cu. ft.) chain-belt, steam witn sine loader. 3 Carter hand mixers, new. 1 Smith hand mixer, used. LTOHT PLANT. -Stem engine and G. H. Co. generator, direct connected, 4Vx4, 110 V., 600 R. P. M. MISCELLANEOUS. 7 No. 3 western wheel scrapers. 134 foot Fresno scrapers. -Ingersoll. Rand. Hurley drills. 2 5-foot Fresno scrapers. 1 2-ton Canton portable derrick. 3 Builders' derrick. 3 Concrete horse carts. 3 7-yard trailer dump wagons. 1 iMf-yard mine dump car. 2 K -yard mine dump cars. 1 14-ton 36-lnch gauge Davenport loco- motive. 1 12-ton 36-lnch gauge Davenport loco- 1 motive. 1 Allis Chalmers lath stripper. 3 Portland Iron Wks. lath stripper. 1 Lath. Dinner and trimmer. 1 Swing attachment. R 4 xlO, Lambert. 1 Crackerjack attachment for 7x10 hotft. 1 fl-H. P. sln"l-drum hoist, with en- eme: no boner. 15x6 single-drum hoist, with engine; I no boiler. 3 Lidgerwood double drum belt hoist. 1 l-yard 24-in. gauge western dump I car. 13 3-yard 36-ln gauge Western dump cars. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO.. ISth and Upshur. Phona Broadway 8S5. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY CO. LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES, NEW, REBUILT AND USED. LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 6 11413 Taroma new compound p?arfd vnrdor. 1 12x14 Tacoma. roader, 72-inch round bollrr. 1 THxlO Willamette holstlnB en- 1 11x13 Willamette crack-a-jaclc. 1 11x1.1 Willamette Humboldt. 00- In. nbloni boiler. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt, 66- iri. oblonff holler. 1 lOVyxl-ii Washington compound peared yarder. 1 l?xl2 Washington compound reared yarder. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT. 20 etd 42-ln. iraure lopRlnir trucks. 1 3.-ton Baldwin locomotive. 4 rets trticka with Iron work for 40-M. flat cars. 3 eeta of 70-M second-hand lor- piner trucks 2 2oyd. enter dump ballast cars. 1000 feet 12-pound rail. CONTRACTORS" EQUIPMENT. 6 No. 4s Rax concrete mixers, new. 3 No. 7s Rex concrete mixers, new. MTS-TELLA NKOUS. 1 x!S-foot F'tchbursr enirlne lthe. raisin? blocks to swlng- 42-in.. 2-face places, and four Jaw chucks. 1 iTnprrial type 10 air compressor, 17x13 inclv 10x14 inch. 1 RO-inch vertical boiler, t 42-inch vertical boiler. 1 6xS-inch vertical engine. ' 1 8xS double-cylinder, singlo-drmn. Mundy friction holat. 1 Sxr.xlO Snow nteam pump. 2 2-lnch cntrifuscal pumps. 1 2A-inch centrlfusral pump. 1 1-inch centrifusral pump. ' 1 4-incb centrifugal pump. LOGGKRf & CONTRACTORS1 MACHINERY CO., Office, No. 70 Fourth Street. Shop. 17th and Sherlock A ve. PORTLAND - - - OREGON. Manufacturers of RusfcU all-steel logging trucks. Eagle brand wedges and sledges. Representatives for Porter locomotives. Rex concrete mixers, Erie steam shovels, Will iams clamshell buckets, Insley concrete equipment. ONE 8xl6-in. Avery tractor and lath ma chine and bolter and lath saws and cutoff saw. one bolter saw and belts. Price $850, or will sell tractor alone for 1650. or will trade for land and nav cash difference. S. Day, 171 Front st. Automatic aoa-ut. ABOUT 75 lumber bue tries in eood cOn- flttion; usea in snipyara; just the thing for a mill or lumber yard. Standifer Const. Co., v ancouver, w ash. FOR SALE 300 and 400 cu. ft. air com pressors, belt driven: 4Stc96 air receiver; M t. r. 2 jv volt 3-phase motor, V 40. uregonian. FOR SALE. Machinery. CRUSHERS AND PARTS. 1 9x14 Champion Jaw. 1 S-C Symons complete with elevmtor ana screen. 40-in. X 12-in. Standard An.tin Screens complete. xrizzlies. 3-ln. mm'. 1 No. 5 Austin Bowl with manganese concaves. 1 No. S Austin Manganese Head. 100 14x10 Sheet Iron Elevator Buck eta. MIXERS. 2 16H co. ft. Smith excellent condition. 2 18 cu. ft. Austin excellent mnriitinn Mixers, steam. Mixers, steam. 1 Little Wonder Concrete Mixer. sack. MOTORS. i 1 20 H. P. 220 volt. Crocker Wheeler. D. C. 1 JV4 H. P. Wagner single phase. 110 220 V.. 1150 R. P. M. STEAM ENGINES. J RxlO Erie Horizontal, center crank. 1 6x8 Horizontal, side crank. J 5"7 Horizontal, center crank. 1 8x7 Blake Vertical. 850 R. P. M. 1 10x7 Blake Vertical. 350 R. P. M. GAS ENGINES. 1 32 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse. 1 5 H. P. Clarke heavy duty, self contained. 2 2 Vi H. . P. Fairbanks-Morse. PUMPING UNITS. J ?:',n- Gould's Centrifugal Pumn. 1 114 H. P. Type Z Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engine with 3x5 typhoon pump mounted on skids. 1 3 H. P. Type Z Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engine with 2x5 typhoon ' pump mounted on skids. 1 3 H. P. Type Z Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engine with 3x5 typhoon pump mounted on skids. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 18 cu. ft. paver, complete. 1 JD- belt driven hoist, capacity 000 lbs. 1 18-ton Davenport Saddle Tank Lo comotive. 24 4-yd. Continental Steel Lined Dump cars. J Western Junior Elevating Grader. 1 No. 3 Western Plow. 2 J-J'a- Hayward Clamshell Buckets. J 2,-yd- Browning Clamshell Bucket. 1 Tank Wagon. 1 x5 Cargo Winch. 1 Feed Water Heater for 80 H. P. boiler. S 80.000 capacity flat cars, complete ly overhauled. S. &. P. Oil Burners in stock. SPECIAL. GIVITCS AN OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE YOU ON BELTING. TRANSMISSION AND CONVEYOR MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO. 617-1S-19-20 GASCO BLDG. MAIN 6813. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ROAD CONTRACTORS" EQUIPMENT. 1 model 81 Marlon caterpillar, used six months. 3 tons 7- -inch drill steel, 13 cents pound. 2 36-inch by 8-foot fuel oil tanks. 1 Ransom mixer, gas engine drive. 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20 feet, mu nicipal cube steam drive, 4 yd. 50 24-inch ga. dump cars, 100 36-inch ga. dump cars. 1 24-lnch ga. dinky locomotive. Pile driver hammers, gas engines, pumps and tools. LOCOMOTIVES. CARS AND . RAILS. 1 Switcher type locomotive, 36- ton on drivers. 1 45-ton- 6-driver low-wheel loco- motive. . 1 10x13 Willamette Crackerjack, with sled. 1 O.HxlO new Smith Watson broad-faced 66-lnch boiler. 200 lb. pressure, fine sled, some line. 15 all-steel Russell logging trucks. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 1 8x10 Washington DD hoist with link motion. 1 150-H. P. firebox boiler, 120-lb. pressure 1 Scotch marine tj-pe dry-back . boiler, Hartford, inspected for 125 pounds. 1 '80-H. P. economic type firebox firebox boiler, 50-H. boiler. 110-lb. pressure. P. butt-strapped SPECIALS. 1 30,000-cut portable mill, consist ing of 30-H. P. firebox boiler. 10 x 12 Atlas engine, saw-husk with 52-inch saw, two block carriage, 48-inch opening; three-saw Tow er edger, cut-off saw, conveyors, , shafting, belts and pulleys. As is for immediate delivery, price J1800. 1 rough cu. 20,000 mill, 60 in. blocks, 36-ft. carriage, heavy head rig, 56-inch saws, balance of mill in proportion; price on application. 2 complete electric plants for lod ging camps. 2 60-H. P. Chalmers automobile engine, first-class condition. 2 contractors' tool wagons. 1 7x10 single drum Tacoma loader. 1 Speedway marine gas engine, 50 H. P., condition like new; price very reasonable. 850 steel cots. Send us your Inquiries for any thing In iron or wood-working ma chinery, logging, sawmill, contrac tors' equipment, locomotives, 'boil ers, engines, crushers, steel rails, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, Railway Exchange Building. Main 1213. 624-23. DRAGLINE OUTFIT COMPLETE. 1 10x13 Crackerjack. Willamette en gine with 66-lnch boiler, mounted cn 58 foot skids and equipped with oil and water tank; burns oil or wood. 1 2 -yard Bagley bucket and sled. 70O feet new 1-inch main line. 1 500 feet second-hand 3t -inch, haul back line. Two main blocks. Four auxiliary blocks. Miscellaneous anchor chains, etc, out fit In excellent condition. Also for sale 30 tons 35-k. steel rail and fastenings, 600 track ties, narrow gauge. 1 35-lh. switch. 2 35-lb. frogs. 4 pumps. 2 gas engine Miscellaneous tools. APPLY E. A. PALMER. Lafayette. Or. Equipment can be inspected at Lifayette. SA LE or trade, Reo speedster, powered with special 40-horse Continental; con sider Ford. Thor motorcycle, bargain at $25. Erd, 30-h. p., throttle governed, ma rine, stationary or tractor gas engine, new. 1 Dayton electric farm lighting plant, used, at 1-3 list price. 5-h. p. steam boiler;-J10 takes it. New Cushman lighting plant. 1 k. w., 4-h. p.. throttling engine. Call or write Clackamas garage. Clackamas, Or. MOTOR WANTED. 2200-volt, 3-phase. 60-cycle. 20 to 35 horeepower motor wanted; give name plate rating, price, condition and guar ante. 823, Oregonian.. FOR SALE. Machinery. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY FOR SALE OR RENT. MOTORS. CABLES. CONSTRUCTION and LOGGING EQUIPMENT. 65-ton Marion steam shovel. WILLIAMSPORT WIRE CABLE in following sizes: hit -in. 6-19 plow steel. -in. 6-19 plow steeL -ln. 6-19 plow steel. Ts-in. 6-19 plow steel. 1-in. 6-19 plow steel. H4-in. 6-19 plow steel. 1W -in. 6-19 plow steeL 1-in. 6-10 plow steel. lhi-ln. 6-19 plow steel. FULL LINE SMITH & WATSON LOGGING EQUIPMENT. Vaughan Drag Saw. OUR LIST OF USED DONKEY ENGINES: 11x14 Tacoma compound yarder. 74x10 Mundy logger. 9xl2 Mundy logger. 10x12 Tacoma road engine. 9x10 Seattle halfbreed. 10x12 Tacoma yarder. 7xl0 New Mundy hoist 6x10 New Mundy hoist. 6x10 Wide-drum donkey. . 6x8 Lambert hoist. RAILS, CARS, MIXERS, CRUSHERS. 2 portable gasoline air compressors. Machinist's vises. Stock cold-rolled shafting. Full line of Hauk torches. 25-ton used Climax locomotive. e) 35-ton new Climax locomotive. LATHES: 18xl0-ft. Lehman. 16x8-ft. Lodge & Shipley. 13x8-ft. South Bend. 8 sizes of power shears. 4-ft. American radius drill, motor driven. NEW AND LARGEST STOCK OF MOTORS IN THE NORTHWEST: Single phase motors H. 1-6. hi, 1. 2, 3, 5 and 10-H. P. Three-phase motors it 14, 1. 2, 3. 5. 7V4, 10, 15, 20. 40, 50. 75, 100. 150 and 200-H. P. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO.. 50 First St. Phone Broadway 164. MOHR MACHINERY CO. 1 21' Austin steam paver. 1 17 Municipal Cube mixer. 2 No. 12 Smith concrete mixers. 1 11x13 Vulcan. . 1 11x13 Willamette. No. 160 4-yd. steel frame 36-ln. gauge, 2-way dump cars. 7, 12, 14, lS-ton dinkeys, 36-ln. gauge. 1 30 H. P. firebox boiler. 1 9x12 center crank Vim engine. 1 12x21 engine. 1 Russell mill, complete. 2 Sets screw blocks. f 1 6x20 4-side planer. 1 Lathe mill, complete. 1 Hand edger. 1 Road scraper. 1 Elevating grader. 1 6x4x6 pump. 1 25-H. P. gas engine. 1 20-H. P. gas engine. 1 15-H. P. Foos gas engine. 2 x6 triplex pumps, 0000 lbs, pressure. 1 Century bag cleaner. 1 70-ln. double Bagley blower. 1 30-in. Garden City cyclodial fan. 2 5-k. w. 220-volt D. C genera-, tors. - 1 set chain drive tie and rail track layer trams. 8 8-yard Avery double-end hitch dump wagons. MOHR MACHINERY CO.. 501 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4731. USED MACHINERY FOR SALE. 1 42 In. Fay & Egan Band Rip Saw. 1 6x15 Berlin Planer. 1 6x12 Berlin Planer. 1 55 in. American Blower Cyclone and Pipe. 1 45 In. Sturtevant Blower. " 1 40 in. Sturtevant Blower. 1 Francis Veneer Press. 1 Francis Glue Spreader. 1 Box Hand Hold Machine. 1 Morgan Naiilng Machine. 1 Fisher Box Cut-off. 20 St. Joseph Veneer Stapling Machines. 1 06x16 H. T. Butt Strap Boiler. 1 72x18 H. T. Lap Seam Boiler. 2 60x16 H. T. Lap Seam Boilers. 1 6x8 Washington Hoist. 1 8x10 Mundy Holat. 1 12 ".4x1.2 Washington Compound Yarder. Send us your inquiries for saw mill and logging machinery, pumps, engines, boilers and don keys. ANYTHING IN MACIILN HRV. TOYE & SWEET. Phone 1IC9. 218-220 Finch Bids. ABDRDEEN. WASH. 45 H. P. HOLT caterpillar, new, below list. 40 H. P. C L. Best Tracklayer, rebuilt $4000 40 H. P. C. L. Best Tracklayer, rebuilt 3200 23 H. P. C. L. Best Tracklayer, new 2700 60 H. P. C. L. Best Tracklayer, new 0i;U 10x10 Chicago marine engine fi"0 6x7 double drum hoist 375 00x10 boiler and fittings, insured 110 lbs 12x10 Erie CC engine R50 00 H. P. ACME firebox boiler, new. 2263 24-41 Vibrator separator, rebuilt, cheap. 36-inch Vibrator separator, new... 80-inch Vibrator separator, new.... 20 H. P. Foos gas engine 10 H. P. gas engine . 9 H. P. Alamo gas engine 1 Elevator potato digger, new 1 Ctilt Edge potato digger, new. . . 112 H. P. Uouola cylinder Fair banks marine, equipped Bosch magneto (new) 800 325 350 i0 35 175 WESTERN FARQUHAR MCHY. CO., .ast toaimon ana water bis. Phone East IS 30. Portland. Oregon. We have purchased, and offer for sale A COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP, either whole or in parts. Some of the equipment: 1 Kahn & Carpenter 20 by 16-ft. lathe, with assortment of tools and raising blocks. 1 No. 2 Sterling hack saw. 1 24-inch Barnes back geared power feed drill presH. 1 24-inch Smith & Mill back geared shaper. complete with vise. Miscellaneous: I) rills, taps, dies and other bench equipment. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO.. 50 First st. Phone Broadway 164. ONE large gasoline compressor, 1 turret lathe. 1 bolt cutter, 1 garage air com pressor, 100-gallon water tank, 1 set crane castings, 1 punch 30-in. throat, 50 fire buckets, 6 swinging cranes, 1 pressure tank 40 inch, by fl ft., 1 small locomotive tank, 1 small firebox boiler, 2 sets of old 3 and 4-in. tubes, 1 light galvanized 90-gal. tank. 1 hot water tank. 1 length 24-in.x20-tn.x S -In. lap welded pipe and a arge assortment of 20 in. diameter ells, tees and pipe; also wood storage bins. We make and have on hand water and gasoline tanks; get our prices. KING BROS. BOILER WKS., East 18th and Lafayette sts. 100 H. P. high-pressure boiler and Dutch oven settings. 3 56-inch screw head blocks. 1 No. 3 Soule steam feed. Heavy arbors, boxes, conveyor chain. log turners, etc. WESTERN FARQUHAR MCHY. CO., East Salmon and Water Sts. Phone East 1856. Portland, Oregon. Typewriters. DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. ' AH makes overhauled; expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak- St. T X -E WRITER INSPECTION . CO. Earl Kessler, manager. Established 15 years Specializing on repairs to all makea Rent. buy. sell; supplies. 312 StarL st Main 6549. WOULD like to exchange new talking ma chine and records for first-class type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriters, all makes, sold and rented ; easy terms; send for prices. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington St. Main 50l. WANTED Typewriter In good condition; must be cheap ; state price. Box A V 174, Oregonian. WANTED A standard keyboard type writer; what have you? B U42, Ore . gonian. WANTED Visible writer for En eye lop. Britt., leather bound, like new. T ttlM. Oregonian. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3.50 a month. Empire Co., 254 Broad way. Bdwy. 155. FINE Underwood typewriter. No. 5, like new, only $80, xio down $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter . o., j irtn. Main 30 OS. UNDERWOOD No. 5, sacrifice cash. C. W, Roberts. 600 Flanders, apt. 1, Bdv. 3405. A SNAP On typewriter for sale, $15. in good condition. 201 3d st. Main 3207. FOR SALE One new noiseless typewriter, For particulars inquire Main 6777. GOOD TYPEWRITER, $15. Fourth sL, cor. Morrison. Smith, 165i Room 31.- FOR ' SALE $20, latest style Remington Invisible, 1010 23. 171b X. FOR SALE. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. V. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth street. Main 22S5. UNDERWOOD No. lately rebuilt. $10. 4 typewriter for sale; Mrs. More. Mar. 1344. Miscellaneous. WONDERFUL BARGAINS at no less than price stated. Beautiful imported evening wrap, fine condition, cost S2O0, for $:0 cash. Large, comfortable upholstered oak rocker. $15. White enamel drop-side bed. springs, coounterpane. large enough for child to 8 yrs.. $15. Phone Main 6553. TWO wall counters. 13 and 17 feet, ball bearing, doors. 2 doors with butts and lock, uncalled for screen doors lx4-in., and painted. $3 and $3.50. Free fixtuies with every order for 6 screens: porch swing. $0. Novelty Furniture Mfg. Co., 281 Hawthorne ave. East 7344. FOR SALE Small stock. second-hand automobile repair parts; Hyatt roller bearings, Pierce-Arrow crank shaft, pis tons and rings, etc.; lot complete. For a quick sale at $75, also 1000-lb. Victor portable platform scale at $23. See Spencer. 289 E. Morrison. CENTS each for your old or burned-out electric light bulbs will be allowed on the purchase of new lamps at 40c each, up to and including 50-watt size. All other sizes also. Free delivery in city on not less than o lamps. vy din. PARLOR-ORGAN. Fine Chicago cottage parlor organ. cost $100. Price $35, $10 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. Kast Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516. FOR SALE Stevens rifle. 22 caliber. butter merger, rag rugs, matting, dishes, clothes, wringer, meat grinder. Tabor 6820. Call Sunday and Monday, after 12 only. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12; o rooms $20: includes main switch and meter connections: all new material used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdln. 3791. Bl.Kr.TRU' b'ANrt. tirink. mixers reDaired new, used, exchanged; motors rewuuna and repaired; wiring; supplies. Hyson Electric Co., 302 Pine. Broadway 4293. ELKCTKIQ Sinser sewing macliln. lec- tilc cooker, b'ankets, new sheets. 3-A Eastman kodak, guitar. Aprly -bU3 Ir ving st. FOR SALE Oak counter, 16 ft. long; enamei"d sink 23x22x13 inches; luu it. -in. pipo. 9 counter stools. Inquire tarman's Club, 775 Savier st. BICYCLE FOR SALE 20-inch frame. Pope, first-class condition; bargain. Call 40 Ella st.. or phone Bdwy. 50,6 between 12 and 6 P. M. Monday. SHOW CASE, cash register, scales, root heer barrel, confectionery tables ana chairs, stenm table and electric coftee mill. 113 Second st. ii. B. Cigar Co. FOR SALE About 2.000.000 feet first Krowth timber. IS miles from Portland fine location fur small mill. B 9J5, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL hand-knitted. rose color twe.'Ltr k lD.on stvle. with long sleeve and ripple. Never worn. Price $10, Size 38-40. Phone Marshall 2.V.IJ. DIAMOND Weighs 1.05 karats, beautiful stone, fine quality. For quick cash sale only 40i. Call week-days. Broadway 5tt0. Hue 25. ALL KINDS of second-hand lumoer. cell in.g. rustic and framing iunmer. E. Tth and Hawthorne. Ea&t b4y. See Mr. vnutiock. VACATIONS call for trunks and bags. We have them both and can save you money. Ladies puttees a specialty. 220 Wash. st. SNA Pi Man's bicycle, also 3-A Eastman camera, tripod, devel. outfit. Main '-'!"' CORDVVOOD for sale. $0.75 per ground. You do the hauling. Oregonian. cord n Y US2, FOR SALK suit, size -(Jcnt's tailored black Cheviot 30, good as new. Call E. SACRIFICE $10iK) diamond excellent stone. 2 carats, cash. J t;:H. oregunian. ring. $1000. .Must have KKMIN'GTuN typewriter, model 11A; in good condition ; with or without desk anil chair. Phone Tabor 4031. YOL'R diamonds sold on commission; have a few good buys now. Be Ming, the jeweler, 245 Alder st. Main 14i,2. FOR SALE 0-hole Royi class condition. Price 22d S. Range in first iO. Call 035 E. fcX'R SALE It'e box. white enamel inHid, two extra places for food, 100 lbs. of iff. 2HO H Hlsey, cor. Larrabec Fl R coat wanted, muskrat, good condition ; pay cash ii U25. Ore "lian. length, baruain. i YOUNG ht-ns. 10 white Leghorn. 5 Rhode Island reds; also poultry wire and chicken house. Phone Tabor 4.3t. MEAT SLICER. Enterprise grinder, double harness. Sell or trade. uj vy iiharns ave. LA AI BERT cherries and early transparent apples. buo: Powell valley roaa. lauor 73H4. A PAIR of rood-looking white pumps. 6Ms AA. $5. Wdln. 2234. between 10 and J o'clock. SEVERAL good used rugs, various sizes. bargains. L, C- v ax, at . om sl. Broadway 2730. DIAMOND. 1 carat, perfect; very lively gem. Need money; will sacrafice. C lxi. Oregontnn. tt-PlECE silver tea set o uadruple). Mill. Don't $10. call 334 East 3d st., cor. Sunday. 1 CHARTER OAK steel range; 1 gas stove with 3 burners and ovens, for sale cheap. Wdln. 0043. LION'S head pin, with diamond in mouth and eyes , also 22-piece lunch set. 713 Kearney st. FOR SALE White Mountain refrigerator, luO pounds capacity, slightly used, $35. Tabor 1W7. FOR SALE Elegant quartered oak top de-k. phone Tabor 7705. FOR SALK dne combination range, wood 1052. E F.S tested free . spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Delding, 243 fc Aider st. A GOOD square extension c h ea p. Call K. 134. table for sale ROYAL furnace cheap, E. Davis. installed gas. 1249 SH IP YARD and carpenter tools, AI con dition. 1078 E. 23th st. North. REED day. baby carriage for Marshall 2407.' sale. Call Mou- HIGH TOP hobnailed new. Hotel Lennox. shoes; good and FLORENCE water heater, burns coal cheap and reliable. Main 7727. BABY carriage, $10. 528 E. 44th X., cor. of Brazee. Automatic 310-40. $233 DIAMOND, lady's Tiffony ring; only 312 v orcester Diag.. flionaay. FOR SALE-? condition. -Fox Call hot air furnace East 374G. CHERRIES for Tabor 2283. 2502 71st St. S. E. FOR SALE One combination range , dozen Plymouth Rock hens. Selw. ind 2 1 65: ADJUSTABLE dress form for sale cheap. Bdwy. 3UUti. DARK brown Marabou cape, trimmed. Phone East 8401. MOTION picture Sei Iwood 3717. parlor machine for sale. BRIDGE-BEACH superior stove, good new, $50. Tabor fiOSl. 505 E. 41st N. RIFLE, .22 long. Remington. $10; D. motor. $15. Marshall 1075. FOR SALE Large steel trunk, extra trays. good aa new ; oargain. i aoor 4'.ao. MAN'S bicycle. 014S. fine condition. $25. Tabor PALM BEACH, suit, shall 230.1. size 44, new. Mar- NICE long dark hair combings for sale, O 'J36. Oregonien. ORIOLE go-cart, good condition. 537 ttst 3ist St. jruenmona car. HIRES root Washington beer barrel for sale. 436 WALL TENT 14x16. complete, new; big saving! East 403O. equal to 17-JEWEL GOLD railroad watch, like new, cost 3.. is osi. oregonian. 22 WINCHESTER East 2303. rifle, like new. Call PERFECTLY away. $1 a GOOD slab wood, haul cord. 13th and Lovejoy. DUCK LAKE, by auto. L with cabin, near 6t9, Oregonian. MONARCH malleable range; condition. Tabor 3422. first-class GAS hot water heater, 8109. Monday. $15 . Phone East MAJESTIC range, in good condition. Phone Automatic 224-08. $30. 1 AND 2-QUART Jars, Main st. Phone Main CHERRIES for sale. 1903 East Mill st. a A GKAFLEX, Zeis lens, $95. Main 5427. REED baby buggy for sale. Wdl. 2353. PIE CHERRIES for sale. Tabor 1237, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ! ATTENTION ! We are the. Largest Pipe Dealer on the Pacific Coast. PIPE! PIPE. PIPE! We have several hundred ton of new and second-hand pipe which we will sell below market price; from to 10 inches. WE CAN SAVE TOU MONEY. All pipe guaranteed to be In first-class condition. Black. Galvanized. 1 In $9 per 1O0 ft; $12 per 1O0 ft 1U in 12 per 100 ft: 17 per lou it 19 per 100 ft 27 per 100 ft 40 per 10O ft 50 per 100 ft 70 per loo ft 90 per 100 ft 1 Vi in 15 per 100 ft : 2 In 20 per 100 ft; 2H In 3D per 100 ft: 3 in 35 per 100 ft; 3 in 40 per 100 ft; 4 In 65 per 100 ft; 4 In 75 per 100 ft: 1O0 per 100 ft 5 in 90 per 100 ft: 115 per 100 ft 6 in 115 per 100 ft; 150 per 100 ft 7 In 150 per loo ft. 8 in 173 per 100 ft. 9 ' in 200 per 100 ft. 10 in 250 per 100 ft. We also have a large stock con duit pipe, from to 3 inches. O. D. tubing from In. to 4i In. ! ATTENTION ! LOGGERS & BUILDERS. We have In stock a large amount of corrugated iron, which we are offering at a special price. One 60-h. p. steam boiler at a very reasonable price. Pulleys, shafting, boxes, hangers, conveyor chains, conveyor galvan ized buckets, boom chains, several tons of new and H in. chains at a good price. Steam pumps, gas and engines. Cable of all kinds, leather and rubber belting, fire extingulbhers. Scoop shovels, hay forks, feed grinders, feed cutters. Several hun dred all sized oars. All these articles mentioned we sell at a special price. We must make room. ZIDEI.L-BERENSON CO., Marshall 1332. 208 FRONT ST. ort ALh, b ioor cases, ail sizes, corner cases, penny register, electric coffee mill electric soft-drink mixer, suction fan, tables, stools for restaurant purposes, wall case, scales, bread slicer, candy Out fit, peanut roaster on wheels, draft arms, candy Jars, check protector, safes, large and small. 242 Salmon. INVINCIBLE Universal Kange In excel lent shape: will sacrifice for $47.50; moving August 1. K KNEST WELLS, 4ii5 Couch Bldg. Office Hours 8 to 10 A. Al.. 12 to 3 P. M. FOR SALE 1 flat-top sanitary deskTl lli-volt Columbia battery. practically new, price of new one; 1 new magno for charging Ford magnetos at less than J,i wholesale price. i'hone Main 9G7 or call at Ou Railway Kxchange bid. FOR SALE 120-gallon Bowser oil tank. 4 iron oil barrels. 1 standard computing storo scale, 1 bread case. 2 show cases, 1 step-lauder, 1 heavy hand store truck, 1 Bowser gasoline pump and tank, nearly new. Halsey Bt. E. 0142. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new period models in Edison, Tirunsw ick and Columbia phonographs. Priced from $350 to $700. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. LARGE ELECTRIC pool sign, cues and balls for sale cheap. A lo large 8-gallon coffee urn, waXfle irons and 30-in. hot cake plate. WOOD'S LUNCH. Sixth and Stark. FOR SALE 3 5. 1 8. 1 12-column 38-inch radiators for either steam or water, in good condition. TRIUMPH MACHINERY CO., Portland, Oregon. ROCKERS, a child's rocker, odd chairs. 2 tubs, ash can, center table, picture frame, phone stand, portieres, kitchen table, corner seat with leather cush ions. Fast 6040. COAT rack, umbrella stand, small type writer desk, awnings, new mil k. pails, brass curtain rods and fittings, binall window shades, sewing table, card table, single cot ami rug. 213 Kenton bid sr. l Ai copper paint, $2; 1 large Dun t ley vacuum cleaner, ai condition and full set of attachments, $23 ; several pair lad ies shoes, never worn, size S 453 I'tn St. South. Aut. Ji52-37. FOR SALE One child's playhouse, $10 flower boxes complete. Folding sulky. . noil Duggy, si. 1'iate camera, 5x7, complete, xno, it taken rigiit away Phone Tabor S744. URAFONOLA, E-2. nnd $50 worth fine records. Cost $17-. Price $155, $25 down. balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., a. o Aider. KM.iAiiLW UAK KAMiti, high side oven. $30; a new copper coil water heater, $20; will install reasonable. 70J East Broad- whv. hjKt 4H..2. DIAMOND SNAP. Beautiful diamond, weighs almost 21,! carats. Would cost about $2150. Price $h75. 350 Alder st. FO R SA LE New auio knitting machine. Make your own wool locks. Any person can opera te. Factory cost $0. Chen.p if taken at once. Ca:l 7Hl hi. Main st. B1XGKR sowing machine, nearly new ; child's bed, pair of goose-feather pil lows, fruit jars, quarts and pints; jelly glasses. Manor 22.J7. STEAM COOKER, bresd mixer, ironing board, ail sorts household goods. bra.wi bed. chairs, dining table, etc. 63 East 47th. cor. Stark. WILL exchange new phonograph for car penter contracting. Work can be done after hours. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. OFFICE safe, like new; physician's mirro- senpe, revolving globe; bargain. Main 7553 mornings. SOLID cherry bookcase, mahogany divan. Jranz Premier vacuum, very reason able. Tabor 4400. A BARGAIN. Majestic range, as good 1004 East Grant. as new, $50. FOR SALE A physician's glass ton in- Ft rumen t case and a Kelly pad. Phone Tabor 3003. DOMESTIC gas range. 4-burner. 2-oven, moving away. Call Monday. Sell. 1114. 5irt claybourne ave. FOR SALE. Baby buggy, wicker, and in fine con dition. $14. 127S East Taylor, near 44th. AM BU electrical trouble shooter at bar gain. See V est, Hotel Sil-Mer. 270H 4th st. PERFECT DIAMOND About H ct.. in latst lady's nlatinum setting. 130 East 40th. nr. Belmont. FLOOR CASES, all sizes; wall rases, cor ner ease, scales, penny register, a candy outfit: on terms. 242 Salmon. FOR SiLE Gents' newly tailored suit, silk lined; will fit from 38 to 40 size. Main K7. after It A. M. BEAUTIFUL white freorp-ett and lace gown, never worn : suita bl for wedding aress: size ;to. .viain y.7. SEWING MACHINE. Singer. caMnet. like new. perrect condition. C3 East 47th. cor Stark. FINE Bailey buggy, rubber-tired, and single harness. Cost $285. Price $60. O. box 4, city. 34x474 REFLEX camera with F 4.5 lens, AI condition. S5. Phone Sellwood S41 or address O 2!r. Oregonian. BUN D Y Simplex time clocks including rard rnrks at Jess than half price. D. C Wax. 31 N. 5th. Broadwav 273f. BElTIFi:L high chair, bassinette, bath tub. 63 Stark. nurserv chair. E. 47th, corner ACORN GAS RAXOE. kitchen heater with coll. fine condition. 63 East 47th. cor. Ptnrk. FOR SALE. O Winchester carbine rifle, good ion. $1S. Y 903. Oregonian. SELL or trade, sdjustable baby bed com rdete. Mar. 3191. SHOES . A. Champ, cost $20.50. sell StS. 622 Qufmby. near 20th st. TWO DIAMONDS About each; snap for somebody. G3 E. 47th. cor. Stark. CHILD'S VEIyOCIPEDE Like new. 47h. cor. Stark. BEAUTIFUL china dinner set service for eight. 63 E. 47th. cor. Stark. BUILDER'S hardware, cabinet doors, flour bins and table drawers. 218 Fenton bldg. CASH register for quick sale. $27.50. 518 Corbett bldg.. 5th and Morrison. ELECTRIC sweeper. Good condition. For sale cheap. Woodlawn 727. A PIANO truck. Loeb model, nearly new. Call Monday. 144 First st. SET of watchmaking tools for sale cheap. Make offer. East 2599. FOR SALE Twin 5738. baby carriage. Tabor LARGE pie cherries 10c lb. Phone Wood lawn IOI 9. KoR SALE- Two thousand cricks, cheap. 24-ii-i Yamhill st. LATE model Ranger bicycle for sale. Call 998 E, Lincoln st. $33 FOR SALE Trunk, good condition, cheap. 667 G lis an sU Broadway 2J48, FOR SALE, M icrllaneoua. GETNTTNTE ARMY GOODS. TJ. S. TJ. S. ARMT BLANKET S FROM $4 UP TO $5, OR U. S. ARMT COATS. BREECHES, WOOL, TROM $1.50 UP TO $5. OR U. S. ATtMY COATS. BHEECHE3. COTTON". FROM $1 TO S1.50. U. S. ARMY SHIRTS, WOOL. FROM $1.50 UP TO $3. U. S. ARMT TENTS, 10x16. $35. U. S. ARMT STEEL COTS. $4.50. U. S. ARMT SPIRAL PUTTEES . FTiOM $1 to $1.50., U. S. ARMT BELTS. 25c. U. S. ARMT OVERCOATS FROM $6 TO $12. U. S. ARMT TRTJNTCS. FROM $2 UP TO $5. U. S. ARMT SHELTER HALF TENTS FROM $1.50 TO $2.50. NEW COVERALLS. $4.50. XEW SOCKS. 75c U. S. ARMT HATS. 50c. CANVAS LEG GINS. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF XEW AXT RECLAIMED ARMT GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LARGEST DEALERS IN ARMT GOODS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. HORENSTEIN Sc. MESHER. 230 2d st.. near Madison. DOLON WRECKING & CONST. CO. 10TH TO 20TH WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND. Lumber from Shrine stands; 150.000 feet 2x4. 2xrt. 2xS. 2x10, 2x12 and 1x3 boards ; 50.oo0 feet Oxti, 10 to 24-foot lengths, from J13 M up. All llVe new No. 1; all naiis pulled; about 50 cord firewood at a bargain. To make room for bjg work. DOLON WREHCINV, & CONST. CO. 19th to 20th, Portland, Or. YOU BETTER READ THIS. FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON. ONLY IDC A LB. WESTERN FISH COMPANY. 126 1ST. NEAR ALDER. MAR. 51S3. BOOKS. T have the following sets of books for sale: Library of Valuable Knowledge, 25 volumes $15 Sir Walter Scott. 30 vols $25 Kiplini? 14 leather). 10 ols $15 Dickens. 13 vols $15 F. Marion Crawford. 25 vols.-. $20 Call l3! East Flanders. ner Roth. MOST everybody has been overcharged or their .lewelry repairing has been done unsatisfactorily. Try us next time. We guard aeaint sueh errors. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Warh. Ft., next door Majestic theater. SEWING MACHINES. 20 !ate drop-heads, like new.. Singers. Whites. National. Rotary, Willamette, etc., $15 to 35. A larpe number of good machines from $S to $10. Machines rent ed. $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg., 13 4th st. Main 633. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St., near Taylor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. XORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 204.V 25 DhOFHEAD srwme macntnes. com plete with attachments, in good sewing order, $H to $23; sewing machines rented $3 per month: machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen, 132 Grand ave. B. 3307. East 2359 FOR SALE 200 feet of 24-inch mill hose, including couplings, and 15-inch brass nozzle. $05. and 30 feet 2-Inch wire lined suction hose. 40c per foot; also forge and anvil for $35. B. H. Moore. 212 Corbet t bldg. USED electric vacuum cleaners in first class mechanical condition at a big sav ing; a few hand vacuum cleaners. $1 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY, 81 Fifth St. EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned Richmond piano, mahogany case. Cost new about $500. Price $285. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating indeed Why cot a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and reju venate all kinds of leaky roofs- Work guaranteed Phone Main 5560 CHERRIES FOR SALE. Bings, Lamberts. Royal Anne, 5c lb-, bring baskets Woodcock Ranch, New Era; paved road from Portland. In quire s t st ore. BEER BAR for eale; Purnside. 13 feet long. 375 E. OPPORTUNITY to get ladies' used ap parel in Laurelhurst home. Tabor 2sj.y NEW HONEY for sale. 310 East 76th st. South. Tabor 92 73, SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st WOODSAW in sold at once. good Call condition. Must it 740 Grand ave. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machln". showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash, FOR SALE Paint sprayinc machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. V ood:awn 3007. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9507. BARBER chairs, great garrif ice. m irrors b 6th. and suop.iea; near Stark. FOR SALE Planer trimmings. (5 Phone Woodlawn 954. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 513 COR. HETT BLDG. MARSHALL 537. FLOOR showcases, all sizes; p'ate giass, all kinds of mirrors. 690 First st. WILL sacrifice two H-karat solitaires, set separately In rings. 475 Main sc. apt. 6. LARGE B 270. FILING CABINET Oregonian. FOR SALE. NY part or all of 300 to 500 cords extra dry siabwood. Phone Phillips. E. 6363. CHERRIE3 for sale, 5c 160 E. 47 th st. X lb. on the tree. FOR Misce llavneouaw KEW BARGAINS IN U. S. Government SURPLUS PROPERTT. ?vrythinr told of Is serviceable sad o guaranteed : much of It is new. Army Pup Tents, 4x6 feet; guaranteed . fal- $3.75. postpaid. Big Tents, 16x16 feet. 11 feet hlxh. -foot mail, of 12.4-ox. duck; no holes; eompiete with pole. Class XX. $32.95, freight paid; Class AA (will render urn service as new tent). $41.93. freight paid. Mammoth Army Tents 16 feet wide. 60 feet long. 13 feet high; guaranteed ire rrom holes. All complete. $131. 50. New A rm V n r.- CV..... , n ' i ii uy J teet b inches, olive drab duck. $13.45, delivered of to vu iai.iun. U. s. Army Harness Collar and names type; complete with bridies. full length lines, leather traces, breeching, collars and hames. $54.95 set for 2 horses. " freight paid. Gray Army Blankets. 66x96 Inches; oest grade purchased under Emergency Act. All new; never used. $6.95 each, postpaid. l. to. Army Olive Drab or Khaki wiMnaeis; au wool; all new. postpaid. $7.95 each. Army Canteens; each, postpaid. H watertight. 65c Mess Kits, comprising aluminum fry ing pan with handle and aluminum t- A . new. 53c complete, postpaid. ban Length Trousers of all wool olive crab worsted; all new; every pair per fect. $6.15 pair, postpaid. Khaki Breeches A limited quantity regulation Army Khaki Breeches. $L50 pair, postpaid. Overseas Caps, all new; every one per- T' u b ,c each Postpaid. Unbreakable Mirrors for campers and postpaid flna 'r By ScoutB- cn. Money Belts, all new. Ide-tl for sports men and Boy Scouts; 45c each, postpaid. Jaks "Plendid for ciothln or laundry. Fine, big barrack ba3, 6oc each, postpaid. --Vniteraey Glovee. every pir new &,fi rTCI- 3c palr Popaid. Full Rigged Stock Saddles with bora: ij;r? lyp.:ail new' 52.50 each. Genuine McClellan Saddles as used by U. b. cavalry. Every saddle guaranteed in serviceable condition, $19 50 Remit by Post Office Money Order, Express Money Order, Bank Exchange or cashier's Check. iOU run,no risk everything gmaran lf exactly as represented. slusVac 0Mr money back. Order today "pt??.1? won,t las long. si pDSRAL DISTRIBUTING CO. 5Q1 E. Commerce t., San Antonto. Tear. SUIT (NEAR XEW) $12.50, COST $45. I?RtONLT FEW TIMES. SIZE SS. gpAfeOX, TOO SMALL. (MIXED BLUE AND BROWN) 'P?hV-XlSH' ME1X HEIGHT, RbALLY A BARGAIN. ADDRESS M 9U8, OREGONIAN. HA E your diamonds reset into modern up-to-date white gold mountings; a won-dei-ful beiection to nick from. MILLER S CLEARING HOUSE FOR 1)1 a invnc 355 Wash, st.. next door Majestic theater. SAFES -New anH nr.nH Vi - n- t. cnesta. at reasonable prices; easy terms if desired. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broaoway IOt. 4S Front St. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds. 3-5 Wash, st.. next to Majestic theater. FoK SA LE Second-hand furnaces bought and sold; we install reasonably. Roof and gutter repairing. Alder Sheet Metal Works, Broadway 2030, sole agents Dia- niond Self-Kegulatmg Furnaces. CL'RTISd AEROPLANE with Canadian motor, completely overhauled. tested out. newly painted, in strictly first-class condition. 175H. 812 Board of Trade. TRAP DRUMS, alto horn, banjo. Pearl Queen concertina, r-d dining ttle, break fast table, bookcase, Edison phonograph wtth l.'m rec ris. sell or trade. Wdln. 4u2. TWO DICTAPHONE DICTATING MA CHINES. PRACTICALLY NEW. BL'hll.NKR LUMBER COMPANY. 1503 YEOX JiLDU.. PORTLAND. OREGON. $41 EDISON hornless machine, taken In on new Edison, only 25. $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3oO Alder. ELECTRIC 1 RoNS, appliances, door-bells, vacuum clea.nera repaired ; fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. W'oodlawn 1239 or Last 4045. TL ED electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC COMPANY. 5th and Oak Sts. RELIABLE gas range with 4 burners and 3 ovens, in good condition; good OxU Axminster rug, oak rocktr, garden tools, 37 hi. bd North. 600 CORPS WOoD, $4 a cord; or hire hauled 240 rods. bO cents; call 5 mill southeast Oregon City by Linn's xuiii. Chauncey Barney. SNAP Photograph camera, 8x10, Coerz Dacor lens, good for outside and inside. Ben Ansel mo, 204 Aider st. Main 32i7. Cail Monday. EDISON Amtierola, t aken in on larger Edison, sells for $4.". Prici $30, $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 330 A id nr. FOR SALE Stove. A. B. combination range, 1 heater, 1 2-burner oil stove, fine k 1 lc nen hoosier. All per cent new. Phone Tabor t73. COM MERCIAL trout farm, f ully stocked and equipped ; unusual opportunity ; terms. Send name ami telephone num ber for appointment. E 228, Oregonian. NEW "SINGERS. $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. M O R R I SON -STREET SINGE R STORE. 3S2 Morrison. M arahall 72 L LADIE.S Do hemstitching at home, all or spare time; attachment fits any ma chine, $2.50; agents wanted. E. Stephen- FOn, HoX ! Kansas City, Mo. 2o-FOOT bar and back bar and some g.a.sea. ail In working order at Kenton Hotel, Kenton. Phone Woodlawn 2915. Mn st be sold at once, cheap. EDISON opera phonograph, fine wooden horn, automatic stop. Cost $90. Price $30, $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talk ing Mac h i ne Co .. 330 AI der. SUITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co.. 104 Fourth at., bet. Wash aud Stai k. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. KTC BEN. S. BACKM AN. 110 3D ST. I DO watch repairing and do it right. MILLER. 335 WASH. ST. Next to Majestic Theater. EXPERT Hewin? machine repairing; all makes. Pay unen satisfied. Phone Sell wood 1071. FOR SALE brick and Caruthers. -Second-hand doors, lumber. 613 5th windows. St.. near EE WTIFUL infant's layette, all hand made, including coat and silk hood, booties. Tabor 2237. FOR SALE Baby's crfb with pad and! bedding; also high chair and fireiess cooker. Tabor 44. BICYCLE Medium size, fine condition. new tires; aiso smau ooy s oxjcie, j.- condition ; bargains. 352 Chapman. KODAKS, buv. sell, rent and exchange Sandy's. 329 Washington st. We daks. ko- BILLI A RD and pocket billiard tables, showcases wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Quigley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. A FIREPROOF SAFE. 1500 lbs., in good condition, cheap for cash. Woodlawn 2915. t OFFICE FURNITURE, used by govern ment now on sale at Pacific Stationery &. Printing Co.. 107 2d st. STEAM tables, gas ranges, and cooking utensils with some dishes from restau rant. Call Charters. Woodlawn 50' FoR SALE 2 saddles annd 1 pair leather chaps Don't answer unless you want real saddles. 348 Mill St. MEAT SLICER for sale; good condition: wi:l sell cheap. Fountain Grocery. 700 Washington. GET my special prices on wiring under course of construction. 3791. houses Wdln. FOR SALU Cedar fence posts, large size: get a car load. H. Goodrich. R. 3. box 403. Lents. Or. FOR SALE Cheney phonorranh with rec ords; Queen Anne design; price right. Must be sold. Wood.twn FOR SALE- Leather reversible m.orins; coat; size 3S; good as new; cost $90; will sell for $35. 40 Eagf Washington. FOR SALE An Good condition, couver. invalid's wheel chair. 3211 K. 10th st., Van- A BEAUTIFUL i -karat diamond for sale, have been holding it as collateral se curity. Call at 1124 X. W. bank bldg.. TWO bicycles, in good repair, for sale at $23 and $30. Apply city circulation room. 23 Oregonian bldg GAS range. 4 -hole, good order, $9. 1073 Tillamook st. LARGE ice rhest for restaurant or grocery. Call E. 6fl3. BLOCK wood and slab wood, mixed, $5.50 a load in 2-load lots. East 2041. WOOD and coat range with 3 -burner gas attachment, $35. Tabor 6732. LEAVING city, must sell my Franklin car and household furniture. Wdln. 630. BATHING suits, long coat $5, brown-hair switches, music roll. Wdln 630. FOR SALE machine. $50 American listing adding; 20 Graham ave.