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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1920 9 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SUNDERLAND ACRES. Located between East 29th and 33d sts., on Columbia boulevard, 3 block, from 2 city carlines; Al bert and Woodlawn: 1 to 5-acra tracts, some in cultivation: others beautifully wooded, prices rang ing from $S30 per acre to $loi5. These prices include Bull Run water and electric lights on each tract. Why go 3 or 4 miles further out and pay more? Terms, 20 per cent cash and 20 per cent per year. See v H. A. DRYER, The Acreage Man, 5ifS-9 Lewis Bl'lg. Broadway 5obL OK BOON CITY, 8 acres with three houses, all rented, 400 feet paved street, all paid, a big snap at $ri00 and terms, OREGON CITY, a wonderful 7-acre tract in Oregon city on the bluffs or Willamette with magnificent view, iract la all cleared and level and Is an ex ceptional piece of acreage. Price only S,3."i an acre. , . . . TONQUIN' STATION, 20 acres right at tatlon, low price $173 acre, terms. VANCOUVER We have specialized for years In Vancouver and Clarke coun ty properties. See us before you buy. ERNEST WELLS CO., 405 Couch Bldg. Office hours a to 10 A M.. Li to 3 P. M. 8 ACRES on good road and lnterurban. practically all can be cultivated, good 6-room box house, fine well. Jam 11 y orchard, small barn. silo, chicken houses, all farm implements, wagon and horse lor $0500; terms, half cash. 3 acres, good 5-Toom house, on ffoofl road and interurban; $3000; terms, naif Cai6 acres, 17 miles Portland. 9 acres in cultivation. 4 acres in bearing prunes, rood family orchard. 4-room house, good well, small barn, all farm tools, horse and wagon, crops: $5000; terms. JoO0 cash, balance 4 years POiNDKXTER. 20S SELLING BLDO. Main 18u0. Residence East b 1. 5 ACRES IN ALTAMEAD ON EAST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. ' "We have the prettiest 5-acre tract in this district and can sell It to you for the sum of $7000, water main right through tract, oil the best. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & -85 Fourth st. Bdwy. 2US0. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. 10 acres, only 9 miles from court house and just off Columbia highway, all fine, level land, about 6 acres culti vated, 40 bearing fruit trees. If you are looking for a place for chickens, berries, gardening, etc.. and know values out the Columbia highway, lot me drive - you out to see this snap at only $dJ00 on easy terms. F. K, Jesse. 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 15 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. Eight miles from Portland, dar.; loam oil, no rocks, lies level, fine for garden truck or greenhouse location, on hard t0Al80 2H acres 12 miles from Port land, new 6-room house, well at house, barn and chicken house, all can be cul tivated, 1 acre spuds, big garden, 3 tons hay, 25 chickens, fine Jersey cow, 1 pig, some fruit and berries; cheap at X1500, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Administrator will sell 10-acre ranch, v mil(! from Vancouver, on good road and near electric station; 0 acres In clover and spuds, balance pasture ; farmhouse, barn and chicken house, fam ily orchard. Plane is wen iocaiea anu i finrl at the price asked for yuick. sale $3000, with $1,100 cash. MacINNES & PRATT. Broadway 1G.",8. 20U-21O Oregon bldg. OREGON CITY LINE. TCcarly 3 acres, located mile from Courtney station. Under cultivation, 30 fruit trees: 4-room cottage with bath, fruit cellar, garage, good barn; fine road. Price $3000, with 50 chickens, good Jer sey cow. farmlnir tools : 10O0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, GERHNGER BLDG. ASCOT ACRES SNAP. AT STATION'. M T HOOD E Ll'X'TR IC, NEAR BASK LINE. PAVED HO A D. Own or lives in St. Paul and writes us to sell thes three tracts for $2000. THIS IS A PICK i : P. K1LAX & PARK HILL. 1o Lumbermens Bldg.. Mh and Stark St. "mi.UMHTA BLVD. 20-ACRE TRACT. BEAUTIFUL little tableland, as sight ly as Chown Point, supplied with living waters from the rock; very accessible; iust the place for an ideal summer iome. overlooking the Grand canyon of the Columbia; $.'000. There is nothing like this that can be purchased on the Columbia highway. Full information at 404 PLATT BLDG., 127 Park St. THREE-FOURTHS acre: Hillsdale, splen did soil, youth slope, dandy view, close In, near car and paved road; good 3-room dwelling, houses for 230 chickw; brooder house, gardens and assorted fruits, gas, electricity, rity water, some H. 1L goods. A snap. $2250; terms. J. C. COR BIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis hHg. FOR SALE. 6 acres; good house and other build ings; gas. electricity and Bull Run wa tr; a good orchard, all kinds of fruit; a good garden ; also one acre in corn; $H.MM By owner. Tabor 22H. R 3, Box S'12. Portland, or H. V. Smith. 24 CHICKENS AND A COW. 100x118 tract 'with 4-room house, just eutside city limits. Price $1100 $000 rash. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. CLARKE COUNTY ACREAGE. 17 acres, 4 mile from Orchards sta tion and six miles from Vancouver on good road: 5 acres cleared, balance light timber; price $17o0 ; easy terms. F. B. Hoi brook Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES. 15 MILES OUT. ONLY $3300. On good road; a pretty, sightly place, fine soil. S acres cleared, family fruit, fair buildings, 20 acres wood lot: must have $2WiO cash. D. McChesney, 3044 Oak st. Bdwv. 2l?fi. CHICKEN RANCH. which T am compelled to sell. Choice Tract or & acres on improved road, only 7 miles from courthouse, modern 5-room house, fine water system; first-class buy at $5SO0. For particulars call at 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park st. GARDEN TRACTS. On Red Electric line, as low an $35 cown and Sio per month. City water, ras and electricity available. 7c fare. You can't b"at this proposition anywhere uround Portland. See N. H. ATCHISON, :hi Henry wia?. ONE ACRE NEAR WOODSTOCK 3-R. substantial house, city water, gas; lartre chicken hnure, brooder and run; select varieties Trult and berries ; fine garden : over 1200 worth potatoes and oroduce. Only $lSOO. J3O0 cash. $25 per mo. R, F. FEKMSTER, 417 AblnKton bid. CHICKENS. CHTCaE.VS. CHICKENS. We have a few very excellent oppor tunities. If you want 1. 2, 3 or more acres with or without buildings, we have them. fall at 5S29 72d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 2475 Cable Realty Co. $100 DOWN, $20 MONTHLY. 5 acres of black loam soil, all In cnl tl vat ion, S mile to Orenco, Oregon Kictrtc, rock road. trice siouu ; splendid buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber or Commerce. 8Vi ACRES, all in cultivation, eood house. small barn, chicken houses, all kinds of fruit, some crons. In Tualatin. 4 blocks from in tern rhan station. SnOOO. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. ' Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. SO ACRES lying nicely 7 miles Estacada good house, excellent piling timber, prie $3000. easy terms. ERNEST WELLS CO. 405 Couch bldg. Office hours 8 to 10 A. M., 12 to 3 P. M. 7 ACRES. Ha!f cleared, good road, nnr Van couver, $140, easy terms, would trade as part on noue in Portland. F. W. TO ROLE R. 106 Sherlock B!dg. FOR SALE BY OWNER DIRECT. acres fine land in prune district Clarke county, Wah., 14 miles from Business district Portland; will sub oiviae; no agents, t 23, Oregonian. t ACRES, ideal for poultry business, good roao, i ( miies oy auto from postoffice price $600, $50 cash, balance sin month 1y. Lee-Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. 65 ACRES. 10 acres cleared, balance brush, close to city limits, ttarr roaa, cheap at $22 yrr an e. aiui'iMicn. r.aL 1111, FOR SALE 6-room house, 1 acre, river side propertv. Jennings Lodge. Phone oak urove w. 16 ACRES. Newbene. $3000. house, barn orchard; w cords wood; creek. Mc Fflrinnd Keaity to., failing Ding. CALL Main 2333 for acre tracts at Shat tuck station. Terms to responsible par ties. 18 ACRES, buildings. ISO cords timber, 13 mi. JLerms. xaat KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. PRUNE RANCH. Wonderful 10 acres of land with acres in splendid, bearing prunes in finest condition, heavy crop on trees; Vi A. bearing grapes.. Vz A. loganberries, also assorted fruits: balance in corn, potatoes and garden. Here you have a modern 8-tunnel dryer fully equipped. This aione would cost you $40O0 to build. The house is large and well kept, gas light, beautiful yard. 2 large poultry houses, commodious barn. With the place you get a splendid cow. good horse 200 Leghorns, com plete set of farm Implements and spray pump; an enormous prune crop that will go a long way to ward paying for the place, and all crops. $10,600. $6000 cash down. . This beautiful prune ranch is 1 miles of Oregon City and high school on rock road. Not for sale after August 1. Beautiful 13 acres fronting on the Tualatin river: rich, sandy, clay loam; 10 In crop, balance clo ver pasture that keeps green all summer. Pretty 5-room cottage with brick cellar; good, large barn, poultry houses. With this place you get the crop. 5 good milch cows. 2 heifers, brood sow and 8 fine pigs. 4 la-ge shoats. 150 chickens, mare and colt, all farm implements, cream separator. In come over $100 per month from cows. This, splendid country home Is 124 miles of Portland on rock, road. 4 miles from Oregon City. 1 mile to school, stores and car line. Price $6500. $2500 cash re quired, balance on or before 5 years at 5 per cent. Pretty 5-acre tract. mile from Pacific highway. to town. 2 A. In high state of cultivation, balance clover pasture and beau tiful grove of fir wood. You get a splendid cow and heifer and completely furnished 4-room cot age, barn, woodshed filled with wood, ail for $2400. terms. The best buy on Pacific high way, only 3 blocks from main part of "town and school. 12i4 acres ail In crop, potatoes, clover, grain, orchard and berries; good 7-roora plastered cottage com pletely furnished, barn, hen house, good cow. horse, hog and chick ens, all farm lmpiements and tools. Anything you produce can be sold at door. Possession given at once. Price $6500, half cash. acres In full bearing prunes, located in prune section of Canby Gardens. Wonderfully rich soil. One mile to town. Price $3600. terms. 130 acres In Tillamook county. 3 miles from Beaver, halt mile from paved road ; 15 acres were cleared; old house and barn. Price $14 per acre. 80 acres of timber land ZV miles of Gladstone. 20 easy to clear, on balance of land are 30O0 cords standing timber: part bottom land, nearly level and Kood soil. Weil and shack on place. Price $3500. A graveled road crosses the land and If the tim ber is reduced to cord wood at only $5 per cord, result $15,000. 80 acres of timber land near Camas. Wash., with 7000 cords of first growth timber: land level and tillable when cleared. Near school and stores. Price $9000. terms. O. E. FREYTAG. Gladstone. Or. Oregon City carline. Phone Oregon City 2GU-J. MULTNOMAH BUNGALOWS. Seven rooms, modern, with 100x100, right on paved highway; large cement garage; line view; $i2a0; terms. Five rooms and large attic; ground 75111; full bearing trult; good out buildings; right on highway; wonderful view; $3o00; $1250 casn. Five large rooms and highly cultl vated half acre ; wonderful garden. oearing lrutt trees, berries; fine view large chicken houses, etc ; price only JJM'O, half cash. Five rooms and sleeping pbrch ; large fireplace, Dutch kitchen, fine bath with shower; wonderful view ; large ground a snap at $5750; terms. LISTEN We havo some beautiful homes in this fast-growing district. Any kind of a place you want from a Jot to o acres, all well improved with modern homes. For the best bargains on me uregon Electric, see G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. FINE TEN ACRES. Located on west side, immedi ately beyond city limits and op posite station on electric line; fine soil, running water and all city conveniences available; will be found one of the best ten acres close to Portland, and Is for sale at bargain price and very easy terms. Nearly all in cultivation; no buildings; wonderful view, and. will divide. Something ex,tra good. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 3 1-3 ACRES. ALL IK CULTI VATION. On Oregon City car line, with a fine, modern bungalow. This Is a home- thai you can call a home. $00uo. Will be in office Sunday up to 1 P. M. A. J. BOCKHOLD. "WITH A, C. liOWLUVD. Sth and Main sts. Oregon City. Or. Phone 37T. Res. 245-M. $1100 ESTACADA ACRES $1100. 4" acres, 2 acres In cultiva tion; 2 -room, house; this place is right at the city limits where you will be handy to the very best schools; if you are looking for a chicken ranch this will suit you; $600 cash, balance to suit, S. E- WOOSTER, ESTACADA, OR. $200 DOWN. 2 acres, 1 block from Base Line road, on a graveled road; 2s miles east of city limits; all under cultivation: over an acre in wheat,- 40 fruit trees 6 years oia, apples, pears, prunes, etc.. 3 rows o loganberries, 2 rows blackberries and raspberries across the place. City con veniences can be had; 6 blocks from sta tion. Easy terms on the balance at 6'. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ACREAGE SNAP. 3 acres highly improved. In thriving young town 10 miles from Portland; few minutes walk from electric station. Land all in cultivation: 1 acre in fine bearing orchard,- 1 1-3 acres in potatoes; lots of raspberries. Cannery close by; practical ly new six-room house, electric light; city water available; barn, garage and chicken house. This is a snap at the price, $3500. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. ONE ACRE on the carline and graveled road, lii miles from the center of Port land ; good 5-room plastered house, 15 fruit trees, bearing, 4 kinds of berries; garage, chicken-house; fine auto road all the way. Price $100; $400 cash, bal ance at $10 per month, 6 per cent. In spected by Nelson. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 2 ACRES, all under cultivation; house. barn, chicken house, wood shed. 85 fruit trees 10 years oid, berries. SDlendid well water, dug well; 4 min. walk from Ore gon electric station on Forest Grove branch, not far from Hillsboro high way; commuters rates to Portland rea sonable. See Lynn Finster at Wistaria station. Oregon Electric. 4 ACRES METZGER STATION. Close to station, church, school and stores; all In cult, in clover and variety of fruit; fenced; sightly place for build ing: only $2000. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark st. 80 ACHES. 20 river bottom. 3 miles from towr In Pacific county. Wash. ; $2200. $1200 cash, balance terms at 6, or will consider car to $1000. L 577. Ore gon! an. 10 ACRES unimproved land. 6 miles from Portland, southeast; good land, no rock or gravel, some timber: price $900. $400 doi-n, Daiance,iu years, ti. KELSON, 206 Grand ave. N. Home after 7 P. M. SOMETHING real good at the rieht nHc 20 acres near Tigard; all in cultivation except 1 acre; it has buildings and fences; it is a bargain at $5500: terms to suit. j. j. jonnson. nenry bldg. 1 ACRES, partly cleared, near Everareen sta.. Oregon City carline. Evergreen ave.. east pi uameia roaa. uwner, oa. jjriggs. 14 ACRES. Lents, some cleared, bargain; acre. Lents, 43th ave. Cut price. ALcxarmaa xteaiiv wo., J? ailing DUi. REAL ESTATE, Fruit and Nut Lands. A BARGAIN. 11 acre apple orchard with average crop, also small house and 3 lots, 4 blocks from P. O. There are 3 acres of beans planted In the orchard between the trees, also 1 acre of potatoes; nice small garden in town. I have no build ings on the orchard, but live In town, which is only IVi miles on good road. This Is sure a snap for a working; man as there is always plenty of work here. Crop and all goes if done quickly. Price $4300, one-half cash, balance 1923. Address Box 131, Sheridan. Or. 11 ACRES walnuts and cherries in fine hill section; trees ten years old; $400 per acre, 80 acres bearing prunes. 20 acres cherries. 60 acres timber, drier and buildings, big crop; $82,000. 6-acre tracts, $150 per acre. If desired we contract to plant to nuts, fruit or berries and to care for planting. PEARCY BROS.. Contracting Horticulturists. Salem. Or. FOR SALE. Fine frnlt farm in Hood River, two miles from town ; yielded over 30 per cent of asking price last year; will do about same this; no exchanges. Ad d ress L. F. Henderson, Hood River, Or. For 8a le -I-anua, MR. DAIRYMAN, LOOK AT THIS. CO acres, 40 In hay, with 75 tons now In silo; good 6-room house, electricity, own water system, 31 cows milking, one bull, 2 young horses, 1-ton truck, mower, rake, seeder, harrow, 14-inch plow, wagon with 2 hay racks, 1 disc, 2 feeders, 1 double harness. 1 separate; electric motor, steam boiler, milk. tank, milk cooler, 80 three-gallon milk cans five ten-gallon cans, wash tank, ice box, all tools. 40 tons of new hay, 5 acres of corn, furniture. 5-year lease, rent at JG5: 6 customers take all milk: $1000 a month Income; this splendid place is right on the highway, only a few miles from Portland; price $9000, half cash; if you are" looking for a farm. It Is to your advantage to come and look over our hundreds of splen did buys. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Farm. Ablngton bldg. Main 1065. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK FARM. This ideal stock farm consists of 404 acres, 50 acres of level bottom land, balance bench land, hill pasture and timber; 45 acres in crop, watered with a creek, springs and good well', 6-room houae, large barn, machinery shed, K can ary, hoghouse, sheep barn, etc., all in first-class condition. Included are the following: 3 horses, 4 cows, 75 ewes, 25 goats, brood sow and pigs, also a com plete set of farming implements and small tools, practically new; located just off the Newport highway and 6 miles from the R. R. Price $20,200, $12,000 cash and terms on the balance. Photos at the office. FRED W. GERMAN, 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ARK YOTT SATISFIED? Loganberries In the Willamette valley are bringing growers as high as $SO0 per acre and prune orchards, when in full rinc. Yullv as much. I own 452 r-c v-.n aoro in cultivation. 35 miles from Portland ana a xnues irom. srumi town on electric R. R. and Racine nign--c ,r L-hich tii nBv.d to Portland: every foot of it can be put in either kind of said fruits; all fenced with woven wire; good fair buildings, with fine spring; water piped to all of them; on account of health, must sell; $123 per acre; will give terms II wanted. to. iN. oieeie, Main M44. LAST CHANCE BEFORE HARVEST. 240 ACRE3 WELL IMPROVED. a fimt-riRHM til ate on main highway. only V mile from town: 190 acres in tliratlnn with R f trat-claSB CTOD. Clo- ver, wheat and oats, which goes with sale if taken at once; also nay in Darn, balance of place in pasture and timber, has good spring; first class buildings, hot-a a rA 2 rnnd barns, electric lights. This Is an attractive, sightly place 28 miles from Portland toward Salem in fine farming district. Price, including all crops, $163 an acre. D, McChesney, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 206. v.,- A VTT A 1TAWVI? tWF.STIfiATE. 80 acres, fenced and cross-fenced ; 35 acres in cultivation, the balance easily cleared; lies fine and is Al Boil; 1 miles to store and 4 miles to country town and hard-surfaced road to v ancou ver; building burned, so owner wants to move to town and will consider exch. for residence property in either Vancouver i-.r- PnrtlaTirl nn to $3500 Value. Price $4500; wil accept $1500 payment and give 0 to 10 years on Dai. at o per ccuu W. B. McCARTY, Battle Ground, Wash. 307 ACRES. a u. ml f mm Donald on Oregon Slee trie, 2 mi. from Willamette river, 7 ml. frnrr, m a hprir : 2S5 acres under plow : balance timber and pasture; 9-room bouse, rlassed-in sleeping porch and iwtrio lieht: eood sewer and water ays- ityi ham craniirv. chicken houses, pig pens and tankhouse; streams of water all year round for stock. Soil rich dark loam. Ideally adapted for all kinds of farming, especially dairying. Price $100 per acre. One-third cash, balance terms. Mrs. Ott, Mars, ouia. A Ti A TRY FARM. 100 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, 15 miles from fortiana, on iino mgnwy , the best of crops, 30 tons of hay in barn, l '2 Tritlrh rows nettinie $200 a month : heifer. 3 fine horses. 6 shoats, the very best of farm machinery and all new; good fa.mily orchard.' gravity water from spring to house and barn ; fair 7-room house: fine large barn. Everything goes with this pi itce ana a Dargain at ao, 500 ; terms. L. O. GERBER. Alder hotel. rRHP. STOCK". EQUIPMENT. 4 miles from Ibanon. 19S acres, fine stock and dairy rarm; acres in culti vation, all In crop; 8 good cows, 4 horses, some young stock, fair bldgs., springs, water nined to house, good road, R. F. D and cream route, phone; this la a money makAr: tha c resent owner Isn't a farm er, must sell. Price for everything mo r-Uo.l rinwn to SI 5.750: terms one third cash. baL 6. GIBSON, 2oo Stark. Marshall 12, FINE HOME. tn nrres. O acres in hitch state of cnl tlvation, well fenced, good well, plenty of fine water, lots or iruit 01 an ainao .n mntn cravel road: a little over hall mile from pavement, about mile from car line, mile from school. 4 miles from Vancouver; soil is an exceuem sandy loam, no rock or gravel, $4000, one-half cash. Balance to sun purcnaner, Atkinson & Porter, 112 West 6th st. Vancouver. Wash. 74 ACRES ft MILES FROM OREGON PTTY. for 54600. TVil TtTace In rlcht on main road, which is now being paved ; 20 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture; good 5-room house, barn and outbuild ings; spring water piped to house, run ning water for stock; will sell without crop if desired. STEWART A BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. CLACKAMAS COUNTY, $3200. $1000 cash and long time on the bal ance buys this splendid 40-acre tract. 10 acres of which are in cultivation, balance timber, about 700 cords of wood; good springs, all fenced with wire; shack buildings; just 5 miles east of Oregon City. A decided snap. Photos at office. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACRES. BARGAIN, WEST SIDE. In eight highway and red car. Witch Hazel station. 6 miles Beaverton. prac tically all under cultivation, biack soil, well drained, acre bearing orchard, ber ries, garden, good six-room house, chick en house, barn, garage, 2O0 White Leg horns, incubators, brooders, tools; $3600. Immediate possession. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. DAIRY RANCH CLEARED $2000 LAS? YEAR mile from school, nearly new bouse and barn, silo ordered, good or chard, 16 Jersey cows and Jersey bull, 11 head calves and yearlings, pigs, team horses, waeon. farm implements, etc. Ranch consists of three 40-acre tracts along creek bottom. This year's crop in. i'w YY . amp Dei i, j . v . or. iuiu auu Davis. Broadway 4di. NEAR CRESHAM. . Fine Improved 20-acre farm, all good soil, on good road close to school, good house, barn, garage, etc., all growing rmn. stock and farm implements, good orchard, berries, all extra fine berry land; price $6300; terms. K-RIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Oregon. BARGAIN 11 acres rich soil, 3 acres in cultivation, small nouse and barn. fresh cows, 150 chickens, fine water, near Tualatin. Price f2Wiu, terms. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. OUR farm department, in charge of Mr. O. A. Morse, has a strong list of Mult nomah and Washington counties. Oregon, and Clarke county, Washington, farms. STUKAi-ivnir t-o., x r uin st., cor. Salmon, opposite courthouse. 10 ACRES near Reedvllle, car, highway, fenced woven wire. 6 acres Dotatnes: house, barn, chicken house for 500 chick ens: some timner, creeic; alt S2900, terms. DU BOIS. 803 Spalding bldg. $75 DOWN ON 8 ACRES on S. P. electric on main county roid grod soil, close to sta. Price $S50; $75 cown. . lsi n y-1 , imi roru vi 1 raae, HAVE farm of 112 acres, river bottom. on paved highway, close to good town ana . -r. n.iectnc sta. ; no ouiiaings; Yamhill Co.; no agents. Address owner, .O 2 12. UTegonian. 2u A. FINE view farm. Capital hiehwav best soil; $5500, good buildings, or- cnara. ruaiaiin - vaiiey. near Tigard- Main incf a nana. teaity CO., falling Diag. 30 ACRES, improved, stock. ImnlementK. bargain, 518 Ch, of Com. bldg. ilain 4100, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FOR SALS BY OWNER, STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. In Klickitat Co.. "Wash.: &20 acres. 240 In cultivation, 200 acres In summer fallow, 250 more can be cultivated, now in bunch grass pasture: good 6-room house, large barn, plenty water, on county road, 2 miles from store and post offlct. 5 miles from R. R-, includ ing 20 head Durham cattle, 6 fine horses, harness, header, drill, wag ons, hack, 2 gang plows, 2 har rows, disk, all kinds small tools; eveerything goes at $18 per acre, half cash, balance easy. Owing to sickness must move to Arizona; am almost giving this away. For further particulars write P. X McGR ATL Six prong. Wash, THREE SHERMAN COUNTY SNAPS. 640 acres of land. 425 In cultivation. 200 in wheat. 225 in summer fallow, all the stock and machinery, good buildings, plenty of water, close to warehouse, on railroad. This is good land, must be sold in 30 days. This place is worth $8uO0 more than we are asking for it. 720 acres, 6"0 acres In cultivation. 225 In wheat. 825 summer fallow, good buildings, plenty water, one mile to haul wheat. Will also lease one section of good land adjoining this place for five years, with 250 summer fallow on it. The party buying this place and getting lease to leave as much summer fallow at the end of five years. Price of the 720 with wheat and summer fallow. $43,000. good terms. bOO acres. 4(K tillable, about 225 In wh t 1 75 Kiimmer fallow: one-third croo goes with this place. Fine stock and wheat ranch, lots or water, duuu Ings not much account. 9 miles to town. Price on this $25 per acre. $3000 cash: croD worth " about $l4oo. Tnauire of ALEX HUNTER. Moro. Or. "Will be at 1075 Sandy boulevard after July 24 for a few days. $105 PER ACRE. We will sell this 432-acre. high ly improved farm, in the heart of one of the richest sections of the Willamette valley, located -7V miles from Newberg, 3 miles from Carlton ; 350 acres In cultivation and In crop, 1-3 of which goes with this place; land is rolling but is easily farmed; 7-room house, barn, 60x130; machine shed, bunk house and all other out buildings; water Is piped to all buildings from the springs; house has modern plumbing; on account of poor health owner will sell for $105 per acre, will take good in come property to $ 15,000. some cash, balance mortgage; long time at C per cent. See H. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man. 5C8-9 Lewis bldg. Broadway 5081. ATTRACTIVE 80 ACRES. Located only about an hour's ride from Portland, in fine farming dis trict, near school, etc. Complete set of modern buildings, including fine water and light system, and also running water. Extra good soil, fruit, berries and grapes; completely stocked and equipped, including nice lot. of milch cows which bring in nice monthly income. This is an extra good dairy, hog, hay and grain ranch and everything goes, in cluding, present crops, which are fine, at only $200 per acre, easy payments and liberal terms. You will not be disappointed, for it is all here and all good. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank. Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 87 acres, 25 acres undr cultrva tron, balance pasture with a little timber; good 8-room, 2-story house, large bam and all necessary out-buildings; located on gooi graveled road, 7 miles from Al bany, 1 mile to school and church, 2 mill's to railroad station. Price $0000. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. C03 First National Barxk. Bldg., ALBANY, OK. COMMERCIAL APPLE ORCHARD. BO acres, located 3 miles from Esta cada, Oregon, au unuer cultivation; u q rrfM nt 14-vear-old trees. majority Spitzenbergs, all in fine condition; lots of berries; Daiance oi m woven wire fences; good rocked road; attractive 8-room house with some plumbing, bath tub; large barn, fruit house, hog house, smoke house; with the placo goest complete line of ma chinery, both for orchard and farm, cream separator, sprayer and materials, team, cow, chickens, hogs and grain. Ttii. ! on evi-pniuinaUv fine orchard: nrice 114.00O clear. Consid. Portland house up to $0000. Photos a" office. JOHN FERGUSUN, Geiliner Bldg. Ui iVTlK RVUL BARGAIN. Owing to poor health owner will sell his well-kept stock farm of 6S0 acres, located in Willamette valley. Place has four creeks, five springs and plenty of AliP,ti, A 8fn in all kinds of fruit and berries. 6-room house, 2 large barns and a number of otner outDuuaings. tmnA flutn roAd 5 miles from town. With the place to go X fine horses, lO head of cattle, registered sow and 8 pigs, 142 Cotswold sheep, many registered ; 2O0 high-grade goata, 80 chickens and long line of up-to-date machinery in cluding threshing outfit. Crops go with the place. $25,000 takes ail. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR HILLSBORO. OREGON. 44 acres, located on a, good road, over 22 acres under cultivation and in crop, good orchard of 40 bearing fruit trees, woven and barb wire fences; all the land can be cultivated, balance In heavy timber about 2000 cords of wood: 4 room house, bam and other buildings; telephone and all rural conveniences. There are 3 fine chicken house and large brooder house. The place Is well stocked and equipped. Price $7500 for every thing including the crop; $2500 cash, balance for 5 years at 6 per cert JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 43 ACRES, 10 MILES OUT. In Beaverton district; all In crop ex cept 4 acres timber; all finest soil and one of prettiest tracts in that district; on hard -surfaced road; very fair house, bam and other buildings, fine family or chard; will include crops, fine team, 4 cows, chickens, some hogs and all equip ment. Price $15,500; $5000 cash will handLUEIT)r7MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 44 ACRES, located northeast of Oregon iJliy, ID miles . , , , T on a good road, that Is being graveled; all can be cultivated, nice lying land, 15 acres under cultivation, some bottom land- good well. mile to school; small barn- price $4000 clear; will consider Portland house, might assume soma. It well located. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. A BARGAIN. about 20 miles from Portland, 5 minutes irom illlisooru, una '''"' " mile to school; one of the finest farms in this section; about 100 acres in crops; good buildings: partly stocked and equipped; running water. Buyer gets one-third of crop. This place must be sold to close an estate and can be bought at a bargain. Call Tabor 51122. 50 ACRES, 8 miles from city limits, mile weft of Damascus, on main road to Part land, paved nearly all the way; 35 acres fine saw timber, 15 acres clear, fair 4-room house; tard the very best, almost level. This 's the making of a dandy farm; timber will more than clear it, $225 per acre. Might trade for city In come property. Dell Elliott, 1555 Divi sion. 130-ACRE farm, all level bottom land, best of soli, buildings., family orchard; fenced and cross-fenced, well watered, in frne farming section, adjoining a good small town 26 miles from Portland. Or., on highway and R. R.; price $250 per acre; will take part trade or will ex change for going stock ranch with range of equal value. Write owner. AV 161. Oregonian. LOGGED-OFP lands, $10 acre np; running water; good soil, tillable; employ inept; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, 83 3d. TWO blue ribbon Silver Cam pine roosters $5 each. Automatic 212-72. WANTED Good farmer to Join me in buying; farm, D 844. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Saie Farms, SALEM. OREGON. HAS EXCELLENT MARKETS. INDUSTRIES AND AN IMMENSE PAYROLL. ' 136 ACRES. EQUIPPED. Paved road most of way to Salem, balance excellent road: 1 milo to shipping station; good house, bam and outbuildings: 105 acres In cultivation and fine crops; 4 good cows. 2 horses, chickens, all farm implements, and crops are included; price 150 per acre; im mediate possession; finest kind of terms. A$k for complete descrip tion. FINE EQUIPPED DAIRY. June returns were 573 and July returns will beat it; 15 fine cows, horses, hogs, wagons, complete outfit of farm implements, feed crops, etc., everyting is included with the farm; price $17,500: terms. You raise practically all your own feed and the net returns are exceptionally large ; good big house, barn, 2 silos and other out buildings; big family orchard. Write us for full details. 238 ACRES GRAIN AND DAIRY. ISO acres cultivated. 50 acres good timber and 55 acres pasture; good timber an 4 55 acres pas ture. A dandy good farm of free working soil ; 1-3 of crops go to purchaser if sold soon; good big house with hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc., barn and cow barn, chicken house, sheds, etc.;' .this is a postive snap at $06 per acre. Located close to school and on fine roads. These p! aces have been person ally inspected and you will find them just as represented. Write us for full descriptions of these and other places. Send for our folder of listings. KINNEY & SMITH. F. O. box 2C4, Salem. Or. A HOOD RIVER HOME, iy acres, mile and a half out; apples and pears, full bearing; attractive 7 room house, bath, modern plumbing; barn and chicken houses; under best irrigation system in the valley; beauti ful view of Mount Hood and Mount Adams; an ideal home place. A snap at $5000. BOX 613, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. EQUIPPED FARM. 60 acres. 12 miles from the cen ter of Portland, paved road most of the way. 40 acres in cultiva tion and in crop, good soil, no rock or grawe, ti-room house, barn 64x76, chicken house, hog house, biacksmtth shop and other out buildings ; family orchard, team, cow, 7 chickens, wagon, buggy, mower, rake, steel harrow, plow, cultivator and all small tools; price, including crop and personal property, $12,000. See H. A. DRYER. 'The Acreage Man, 508-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 50S1. 1 ACRES OF PRUNES. BETWEEN ALBANY AND JEFFERSON. &S acres in all, 48 acre of fine fir timber, located on the Pacific highway, 6 acre of English wat nuts. Improved with good 7-room, 2 -story house, large barn and all necessary out-bu tidings ; pleuty of water; the prunes alone on this place will pay for it in a short tin lie. Price 412,500, terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 03 First National Bank Bldg., ALBANY, OR. TILLAMOOK COUNTY RANCH. 173 acres, at Cloverdale; 150 acres can be cultivated ; good graveled road : 15 acres under cultivation. 60 acres in meadow grass, creek and spring; large bearing orchard ; b-room house, barn, garage; 8000 feet of manufactured lum ber on the place : 1 3 cows. 1 registered Jersey bull, 1 heavy team, harness, wbeod and all necessary machinery. This ranch can be made to carry 75 cows; convenient to the cheese factory and high and grade school; price for everything $10,5tM, $5000 cash. Might consider small place near Portland for part. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FINK OKCHAK1) AT BARGAIN PRICE. 50 acres in White Salmon district; all except building site in finest varieties of apple, all hearing; orchard has had bast of care and is In exceUent condition; very attractive buildings and surround ings; place ia fully stocked and equipped for operat ing and should easily produce 5000 to 0000 packed boxes this season; non-resident owners, unable to give at tention to place, have authorized us to sell for $22,500. including this year's crop; will accept small payment down and balance easy annual payments, which can be made out of crop. This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a good income orchard on easy terms. L L'KDD E M A N N COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce. 46 ACRES, located on the main highway in Clackamas county, Oregon: good clay loam. 32 acres can be cultivated. 25 acres under cultivation, balance in tim ber and pasture; this road will be paved this season; 2 mites from good town, t mfle to school, store and postoffice. The crop is Included ; good new, 8-room house, water piped to all tho buildings, from spring;' small creek on the place; barn 60x70. garage, rock cellar, chicken house; price $70-0. half cash; a well located place, with lots of fruit. Inspect ed by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 248 ACRES, ONLY SS5 AN ACRE. lOO acres In cultivation, balance In timber and pasture, about one million feet of. saw timber, fair house, good barn, 2 wells, running water all the year, young orchard, $8000 cash, bal ance long time at 6 per cent. Investi - gate this. Don't overlook a good buy. Phone owner. East 2371, between 5 and 7 P. M. HAVE for sale about 75 acres of the fines land. In Oregon. 14 miles from court house, on hard surface road, all In cult-, a great part planted to bearing cherry trees. A fine view of Col. river. Washougal and Camas; price will range from $:.0 to $400 per acre In tracts of 20 to 40 acres. The same thing, near Gresham or on the Col. highway would cost you S10O0 to $1500 per acre. L. K. . Moore. 317 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 7480 acres, stock, and grain ranch: all good land, all fenced; good 2-room bouse, well, mall barn; 200 acres in cultivation, 80 acres summer fallowed, ready for fall feeding; :rop harvested; wheat averaged 20 bushels to acre; 2 miles from good schools, town and R. R. and Columbia river; clear of Incumbrance; price $5000. Address own er. I-ester Clutter. Hover, Wash. CLOSE-IN BOTTOM LAND. 40 acres, all level. 10 to 13 acres real beaverdam. about 80 acres In cultivation. 6-roorn house and barn. 1 4 miles - to Tualatin on good road; this is an excep tional place for intensified farming; this Is the first time offered. Price $12,000. Terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, located 2 miles 'east of Wood land, Washington; 20 acres can be cul tivated, 7 or 8 acres under cultivation; 2 acres seeded to clover: all well fenced; county road: spring; small house, 12x16, woodshed; price $1700, terms. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CLOSE TO THREE TOWNS. 200 acres, well Improved, all open land, fine stock and dairy ranch, close to school, on main county road, R. F. D. mail and cream route; price for quick sale $05 per acre, terms to suit. OWNER. C. F. MORSE, Halsey, Oregon. MISSOURIANS COME SEE ME. I can show you the best farms at real bargain price better than any one in the state: make me prove it; have & few force sales: hurry. George Johnson, 526 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres In Clarke county. Wash.: $2000; lO acres cleared. W. H. Grts. 5318 88th t. S. E. FOR " SALE 188-acre farm in famous Umpqua valley, near Drain. For pax Lculara. Address Box 2. Drain. Or REAL ESTATE. For ie Farm. OREGON CITY LINE. 21 acres, located 3 miles northeast of Oregon City, less than 14 miles from the center of Portland, only 30 minutes out. On a good graveled road. Close to the T)vtH marl Mnri OreKon City car line : 16 acres und-r cultivation, in oats, 6 arrM notntnAs. corn and clover. Bal ance In pasture, except small amount of I timber; creek tnrougn pasture mai ut-r goes dry. Goo 1 fences; new plastered attractive bungalow, w ith enameled bath. A i-nnm a n;l . spnarator room. Large barn, chicken house and lots of other buildings. Over an acre oz oeanng or chard iu fine shape. With the place sroes 6 fine cows, heifer. 4 shoats, 75 chickens, young team of mares, harness and wagon, bugcry. plow, harrow, disc, spring tooth harrow, mower, reaper, hay Take, etc. Machinery in goo a snape. Teleohone. mull, cream route, and gro ceries delivered. Price CGSO0: $35n0 cash. Tois piece of land personally inspected. Photoj at ofrice. Marsters, witn JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EOUIPPED. 151 acres, 45 in cultivation, balance open pasture and timber, deep, rich soil. tio rock or gravel; never-failing spring I water to house and barn; bearing lamily orchard, 125 joung prune trees, other email fruit; good 7-room house with fire place, two goad barns, hoghouse, chick en house, e'c. The lollowing stock and full set of farm tools and implements, i good as new, go with place: 15 head of cows and heifers, some milking, some coming fresh soon. 1 reg. Holsteln bull. 2 good brood stows. 3 young work horses. 1 colt, about 5t chickens; only 19 miles from Portland. 5 miles Newberg. mile to main paved highway and K. R. sta tion, 'inis is aofoiuteiy tne di cravat Dar- f ain In the country and will bear closest tn estlgation. Everything goes for 12 I per acre; $1)000 cash, balance long teruid at o per ceat. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 15 Fourth Street. HALF MILE FROM RIDGEFIELD. WASHINGTON. 160 acres, on graveled road, ; mile irora . pavement, all can be cultivated: 70 acres under cultivation, wheat, oats, : corn and potatoes: some fine standing : cedar on the place; all fenced and cross- fenced : soring and creek. 4-room house. large barn with stanchions for 10 cows: J0o prune trees. S years old: large fam ily orchard and all kinds of berries; I with this Dlace goes all of the crocs an-1 ! 35 tons of hay from last year, 14 head of cattle, a ot them mlich cows, good team. 5 2-y ear-old heifers, large and complete line of machinery, including corn binder and grain binder. Price for everv thing IIS.00O, fttoco cash. Inspected t by JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. BETWEEN LETBANON AND ALBANY. 8 acres under cultivation; good 7-room house with bath, bot and cold water, large barn and all nec essary out-buildings; this place is located on the main road between Lebanon and Albany, 1 m.' to railroad station. A real bay at $ 13.000. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 203 First National Bank Bldg., ALBANY, OR. FOR SALE or exchange for city or subur ban property, 160 acres, best of soil, ito In cultivation una much more can be; 40 In alfalfa, the rest the best of pasture land; fine spring, family orchard, 7-room nouse. Darn, nognouse and other out buildings; farm machinery, 34 head cat tle. 15 milch cows. 1 reg. Shorthorn bull. 4 horses, SO hogs And 3 dozen chickens; in Stevens Co., Wash., 3 mi. from taisy 13 from Adaynear Columbia river. w asn. WHEAT RANCH. Two sections in Gilliam county, all plow land: 400 acres summer-fallow i ready for fall seedlnic: fair buildings; five miles to market; complete line of machinery for working place, including I caterpillar tractor. Price $40 per acre ; $30,000 canh on or before November, bal ance five years at 6 per cent. Lroi- r being harvested is making 35 buwhels I per acre. This is a snap and must be sold before September 1. J. S. SULLIVAN. 40S Henry Bldg. MR. CITY MAN. WANT A FARM? I am wicl of farming, will take your nouse or vacant lot to ;Jt as part pay ment on 140 acres, l mii from Pacific highway, boat and railroad, 5 miles good town, SO acres in high state of cultiva tion. 40 acres easily cleared, large or chard, lots of fruit, good buildings, stock. Implements; only per acre. See George Johnson, 526 Chamber of Cotu- m&rce. , 150 ACRES land. 15 miles S. W. of Port- Land at Scholia on Tualatin river, in I Heart of highest developed section in I Oregon ; 25 acres good timber on river. worth $3-50 M; 10 acres grafted English j walnuts; balsnce in grain, all perfectly 1 tile drained 3 to 5 feet deep In highest state of cultivation; come see the crop on it: easy terms. Ferd Groner. Hills boro, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Desirable mountain home, 115 feet elevation, &ood I rnads, t0 acres, a1 acres cleared, p.e-n- did soil for waluuus, prunes, grape?; magnificent view; a summer and health resort; naw houses; 6 miles from Colum bia highway, south Seappoos1, telephone. Price 2.tOO. otto Miller, srappoos, or.. or Edward Gunderson, 3o4 Gerlinger bldg., city. FOR SALE- 108 acres stock and fruit farm, near Chitwood, Or., Lincoln coun ty. Rich, dark loam soil; abundant Water; good road; near school and mar ket. 80 acres in cultivation. 43 in pas ture: valuable timber: fenced: building; team. 40 sheen. 24) lambs. J cows and all machinery with place. Also this year's I crop. All for $6700. Titus Kurtichonov, Chitwood, or. SHERWOOD FARM. f0 acres, 5 ml. south Sherwood, high rolling land, extra good soil; 45 A. In crops, bal. pasture and timber; Iota of wood, nice orchard and berries ; good water; 8-room house, barn, outbuildings, running water; ear school Price $iK00, end vortn it. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 165 J4 4th t. SHE R .DAN RANCH. 80 acres, north of Sheridan, spring. county road, fen ed, very near all level. no waste land; line lot or timber on it macadam close, only $.VJ00 ; $o0O down, bal. 6 per cent; can cut it in two and sell either hilt. 226 Chamber ol Com merce. BEACH REST BROS. OWNER WANTS QUICK ACTION. KEAU THIS. Reedvllle, W milee Portland, good rock road. 3 miles highway, near store, fair "buildiTrgs, very best of soil; think of it, only $i0 per acre; don' t delay, see at once. George Johnson, 526 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT LAND in Jefferson county, Ore gon., all under the north unit irrigation project, now running the final survey Prices $25 to $0O per acre. J. W. MERRIFIEL.D. Culver. Or. IDEAL SHEEP RANCH. 3500 ACRES Eight hundred acres in grain, balance very fine range, plenty of good water, house and barns; for information, write A. E. Epler. care Carolina court, Se attle. Wash. HAVE large list of good dairy farms, fully stocked and equipped, 70 acres up, on which we can give very attractive prices and easy terms. They are all bargains and well worth investigation. TallmadgeRealty Co.,61 Henry bidg. NOW Is the chance to buy 10-acre orchard of A No. 1 pears and apple trees and lo ganberries, about 10 minutes' walk from packing house; owner is now on place until September. Write Otto Siebert. Sheridan. Or., Rt. 1. LISTEN I will sell at a very reasonable price, 157 acres of the best Willamette valley land, situated near Salem, on rail road. Phone East 1719 or write C. Krebs 664 Williams ave. Oregon Electric Rail way. YAMHILL COUNTY. 220 acres all tillable, 3 miles lv! rock road from good town and highway 30 acres In cultivation, buildings, ali fenced; $50 per acre, accept some trade. Owner, us ration roaa. Main 83S0. 64-ACRE bearing apple orchard, level and fenced. $200 cash. baL easy. Also easy. Also 5 ac level, fenced. i-,rm. hous $1250, $150 cash. bal. easy. Bo use. well. Wlllamlna. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. FOR SALE Stock ranch, 160 acres, im proved. For particulars write owner. A. H. McGEE, ' CAPE HORN, WASH. FOR SALE River-bottom farms close to good town, near Portland, with or with out stock. Address owner. P 619. Or r on la n. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHS3 near Portland, $75 to J100 per acre, easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, ail McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. SELLING 87.00O acres Montana land; wheat, corn, alfalfa, oil possibilities; es timated wheat yiei-d 35 bushels. c B. Towers, owner. Miles City, Mont. FOR SALE 25 acres, good land, good buildings, water, all clear, fenced, sta tion la miles, Salem 11 miles; $2000, terms, 741 E. Pine St.. Portland. FOR SALE 50 acres, 20 in cultivation, balance pasture; 16 miles west of Eu gene. S miles from railroad station: $2200. P. Clarao, Elmira, Or. REAL F STATE. Fur Sale FOR SALE, 42 ACRES. "Will sell this highly improved 42-acre farm, located 30 miles from Portland. 6 miles from a good town, railroad, on county road, 40 acres under cu'tication. 2 acres seeded to pasture, iarpe spring, fine loam soil, Kood 5 Mora house, barn 3Gx6u ftet. and all other buddings: good well, near school ; crops as follows : 24 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes, ber ries, hay. about 2 acres Italian prunes, also 5 acres our.g prur.e orchard.- i a r tr e team. 4 cows. 2 hogs. 40 chickens, harness, two wa4ons. mower. harrow. plow, -fet-d cutter, cream sepa rat or and all small tools. This farm lies with gentle slope to drain and is an excellent piece of land: price, inluilinvr all stock and crovs. $10. OOO. $4mK cash, balance long tune at 6 per cent. H. A. DRYER. Th Acreage Man," Lewis bid,;. Broadway 508 1. 53-ACRE LOG ANEERRY. PRUNE? AND APPLE RANCH. BIG IN COME PROPERTY. Located near good town and electric line. 35 m:les S. W. of Portland ; 15 aens in bearing lo gan berries. V acres bearing prunes. 4 acres in young loganberries and prunes, balance in commercial ap ple orchard, t ear old; income from thin ranch should run 1 ". 0O0 to f20.OO this bt'iison ; $45-0 new prune drer, prune store houre, canning outfit. 6-roo:n house. 2 tenant houses, 2 barns, big spring. wmdmiii, gas en gine. Cleveland tractor. price 45.U00. terms; part of crop fioos with deal Se? M HEW K V at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. S Cham ber of Commerce tliig. Ground f ioor. 120 ACTtES OF CLACKAMAS COL'NTV LAND. S3 acres in cultivation; family orchard, good house. 4 rooms downstairs; finished fine: spring with co m pressed air evsttm : with this place go 4 horses with har-n-s, 1 cow, 3 h"gs. 2 wagons and compiete farm machinery; 20 acres fail wheat and seeded to clover, 3 acres oats. 3 acres in corn and potatoes, 1 acres Cana dian fild periA 3 acres in garden; price $; $io.uH0 cash, bal ance long t tine at per cknt A. W. LAMBERT & SON, Grand Ave. and K. Alder St. East C40. K VERY THING GOES. 40 acres, all fenced with wire, located 5 miles from Mo'.alla. Clackamas county; on a fine graveled road, that will be paved; electric lights can be had; acres can be cultiated; is acres in oau corn and potatoes, balance in pasture and timber; 2 springs and creek; all rural conveniences. V mile to school ; email orchard, pond 3-room. hnus) and pantry; barn 2;x28. chicken house, root cellar, hog houS'-, 3 pood fresh cows. 1 heifer. 2 sows. W chickens, cream sep arator, complete line of machinery, har ness, crops and possession ; price $4t00. $6tt0 cash, baiance 5 years ti per cent. Inspected by P.rooks. wr.h JOHN KEivGCSOX, Gerlinger Bldg. STOCK AND SHEEP RANCH. 824 acres located in Willamette val ley, out of the white land district and only 5 mi les from t he railroad on thw main county road; 70 acres under culti vation. 1 TO acres In fine saw timber, balance In pasture, no rock or gravel, land nil till: hit land lies slichtly roll ing, family orchard, r-reom house, barn 40xt;o. other outbuildings, fine creek and several springs. This is your chance to ret in riirht. as this place is rr:cea away under value. Timber is accti-winie and sawmill in operation close by. Mill will he Rind to get timber. Pric $la.t'iM. no incumbrance. Will take flrst-c:ass Port land property in exchange up to $000O. JOHN K. HOWARD. SIS Chamber of Com in erce. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. South of Palem, 1 miles from small town, over 3i acres of good land, all can be cultivated. 20 acres under culti vation, balance In timber, nice creek, well and pump, fi-roorn ceiled and papered house, woodshed, gratia rv : good bearing orchard of lame variety of fruit; with the place goes team. 2 good cows, 2 he'fer ca'es, 1 sow. tf pigs. 45 ch ickens. 2 wagons, hack, plow, cutl vator. cream separator, tools. S acres wheat. t acres oat , 5 acres rotates. S cords wood and fruit; price $."mhh. $,V04i cash, or consider 6 or 7-room house near school for part. JOHN FK RGUSOX, Gerlinger Hidg. GOOD fiO-AfRR RANCH. XKW 6-ROOM BUNOAl.O W . N E W BARN; ONLY $4000. located fi miles from Portland, 1 Vj miles from Paciric highway and city of 2i'M population: splen did soil, lies practically level. 16 flcrs in cultivation, balance easily cleared; bit- new chicken house, bides., pai mod. good spring near house, fa mi ly ore ha rI ; see phoim at our office. SKK SAM HEWEY, at J. 1 HARTMAN COM V A N Y . No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Lid 3. Ground floor. DEEP, RICH SOIU. Partly improved farms can he bought within 12 miles of Aberdeen and Ho quiam at $."( to $100 an acre; easy terms ; in some instances stock a nd crops are; included; the demand for farm products is unlimited on Grays Harbor. We are selling unimproved land at $"JO to (40 per arri on fo! lowing terms; Cash $10 and $10 per month at 6 per cent. Hre is your opportunity to buy level tract of land free from rocks, near schools and on pood roads. Por further information, write at once, Washington State Colonisation Co., Aberdeen. Wash. $4600. Near Damascus, 15 miln from Portland; 30 acres. 25 acres under cultivation, in crons ; 4-room house and out build in grt, f Ini gravel road ; this is a real buy; price $ V)0 ; terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. Corner Grand Ave. and K. Alder St. East 640. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 200 acres rich, productive farm land. 6 miles from Carlton ; 135 a. under plow, balance good land and ver- easily cleared, as there are only fw big tree on It; land ali rolls sufficiently for good drainace; well fenced, ho vera I pood prinsa, very fair farm buildings, with water piped to them ; school at corner of place-; price only $10 an acre; $ouuU cash will handle. U'EDUKMAX.V COMPANY, IU :i Cham her of Commerce. 40 ACRES. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. This tract ia located on east side highway within 21- mile3 of Orepon City, ha.s new modern bungalow, new barn and silo, 20 acres in cultivation, hiKh class place for stock, dairy or general farmlnar in small way; this is Ideal lo ganberry land in fact, will grow any thing; has some native timber and per manent stream of water in fact, .an Ideal farm close in. Particulars G. A. SARLKS, 733 Northwestern Hunk Rldg. OVER 33 ACRE?, located on good grav eled rood, the finest kind of soil, 3 miles north of Albany, H mile from electric station; all under hiKh state of cultiva tion ; good new 8-room house, fine well, mi'khouse. barn, bthr buildinss. half mile to school ; this is in a section of highly Improved ranches; price IOC0O, $3;:H cash. .JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldff. 1GO-ACRE ranch, with fine outrange, 30 miles from Portland, i mile from Ever green highway; 4i acres in cultivation. Will se'-i for $75 por acr. Including all stock and implements, fine crop of oats, potatoes, prunes and other fruit. Good 7-room houpe, hot and cold water, bath and sink. Knr further particulars call Woodlawn 5300. FARM FOR SALE, 159 acres 4 miles east of Mola Ila, 70 acres under cultivation, orchard, fine pasture, spring, on public highway, good roads. Owner, at 6-i E. 8th, cor. Oak, Portland, Or. BERRY, fruit and chicken ranch for sale, Willamette valley. Oregon; good eight room house, large barn, orchard ; five acres splendid land: raise anything; ad joining city; price $5000. term. Address I. B. Morris. Cottge Grove. Or. SURE OF YOUR BREAD? Here is your chance, o acres, v enatcnee vaily, 6 miles town; fine roads: make grand dairv or wheat ranch; no buildings; val uable land ; reasonable ; musi sell. Box 4S. Col lege Place. "Wash. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin vails farms, Paul Rossi er, Stockton CaL. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farnu. 4-ACRE irrigated alfalfa farm, family orcnard. modern bungalow; 3 miles from good town and R. R. station; fully paid water richt; $300. 40 acres all fine land. 35 in cultiva ll(?n 6 acres in bearing prunes, lot of other fruit and berries; large barn, ga raee and other outbuildings; strictly modern 6-room house and steeping porch, all built-in features, f. replace, furnace; lull cement basement : bath, toilet, etc stL'clc nd equipment all for only located only 17 miles from P. O. h.ira-surfaced road all the wav. Ho acres. 60 in cultivation, very best or land; fine springs and living creek ; 1 acre bearing prunes and family orchard rnixtd fruit. 8 acres of walnuts; 2 sets or good buildings. Oniv IT miles from Portland on gwod auto road. This is a choice, highly productive farm; $ir,000, easy terms. Another one of 65 acres, all in cultiva tion, best of hind, lies nenrlv level, ntiht at electric station; strictlv modern bun galow, barn with concrete floor and watur piped in; all kinds of stoc and equipment and a bargain at $17,500. ery easy terms. Lots of others, all sizes, prices and locations, both for sal 5?., ,fxohnpe- Talimadge Realty Co.. tali Henry bldg. 143 RTVER BOTTOM. J&FFEK3CN, OR. 90 aerew under cultivation, bal ance o;en pasture, and timber. .ood ti-room house, iarre dairy bam and ail necessary oiit-bui.d-ir.fes. Weil at house and bam. mail creek with living water all ear. . Fenced and croos-fenc-ed with woven wire. 4 cows, yearling heifer, young calf, 4 young horws. 0 W hit Leghorn chickens, har row. dic, mower, rake, disc drill. - plows, wagon, hay rack, buggv and harness for three horses; 22 ton of hay In the barn; share m te.ephone. Price $19,000 inciUdin stock, crops and equipment. W I LLA METTE VALLET LAND COMPANY. 20 First National Bank. Bid., ALBANY, OR, HIGH-CLASS RANCH. Over 50 acres, located on fine road. that is paved within half mile of place and will be paved by the place. 12 miles from center of Portland, southeast; half mi.e from station; best of soil. no 4,-ravei, woven wire fencing; 43 acres In finest crops, wheat. oa:s. clover and potatoes, which is included; good bear ing orchard, fine 7-roora plastered hous. best of white enamel plumbing, water system, small cret-k and one spring; large barn, 341x60. hog house with waur piped to it; buildings all painted and ia A-l shape; this is only 30 minutes out with paved road ail the way; offered at a. bargain, for a short time. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg-. YOlJIi ATTENTION. PLEASE. Owing to iU health I have decide to sell my holdings in Carson valley, Wash ington, consisting of 3uo acres of land, together with water rights Tor power and irrigation, and flve miles of canal, flume and laterals, complete, with water In them: piwer proposition is worth price I am asking for entire holdings. Land is suodivided into 10. 20 and 40 acre tracts; fcood Jeep soil, free from rock; two good houses and some shacka; land partly fenced; three wells, good lo cation near the famous St. Mi.rtlii, Ship herd and government mineral 5prina Price, without cropp, anv reas onable terms. B. M. Haw ley, Carson, Washington. Phono care J. M. Boyd, ("a rsoTi. MODERN FARM HO MB. 40 acres. located between Canhy and Molnlla, 1 miies from electric station, close to school ; 35 acres In finest kind of crops that speaks for the fertility of the noil; no waste land, small piece of timber; modern 4-room house. with peeping pjrch and fireplace; good barn and other buildings, best of enameled plumbing, water system, gas engine and standing tank ; young bearing orchard ; roiivs and nice yard with cement walks; a well kept place by progressive people; a p'ensure to show this place: price $l0pnn. with the crop. Nelson, with JOHN FEKGUON, Gerlinger Bldg. NOTICE. TAXHILL VALLET FARMS. We have' a large list of small and large farms for you to pick; from. Some on the new high way. With or without equipment. These farms are all close in on good rock road. Phone or write us for particulars. We're at your service. WEIDNER & VOtOHT CO. Bank B.dg., V am hi 11, Ore con. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 345 acres. located less than 2 miles from Ridgef ield, Washington, on tha main line of railroad; over 5 acres un der cultivation, the balance in grassi pasture; best of fences; creek through place ; over half of this is bottom land ; boat landing on the place; only 20 tniins from Portland: good lu-room, house, 2 large barns. 80-ton R-tto, stan chions in barn for 40 cows, milk house and other buildings : price 40.M per acre ; $GUOO cash. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlingr Bldg. IDEAL DAIRY FARM. 240 acres, 9 miles north of NeWberg, 30 miles eouth of Hillsboro; 40 acres ia crops. 7- acres slashed and seeded, rewt in lunhtT, lots of cedar; 3 creeks run n in-g through place, all fenced; 8-room pia.stered house, barn 44x70. equipped for 1:0 cows ; hop house, all buildings nearly r.ew; horses, cows, calves, sheep and Implements go with place; will sell at $-2 per acre, give .immediate possesion; terms if desired. Inquire of bun Otto, Laurel. Or. GOOD EEE RANCH. 40 acres, located in Marion county, 1J miles southeast of Hitverton. miie to school and po5t office ; good 2 -room house, barn 12xlS. some wire fencing, spring; logging railroad crosses th is property and trains make stop there; over 2'1 acres can be cultivated, some rock on balance: small amount under cultivation price 710. $240 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. ISO ACRES. 4 miies outh of Beaverton, 1 OH xn lies southwest of Portland on Schollt-Port!and road ; 85 acres in cul tivation, rest in pasture; has plenty running water, good 5-room houe water-pressure system, 2 large barns, granary, potato and fruit house and other neccsfary outbuildings; good or chard of fruit and walnut trees; p:er.ty of timber for wood: wou!d make a No. 1 dairy or purebred stock farm. For par ticulars call at farm or address John Caldwell. Beaverton. Or. WHEAT AND STOCK FARM FOR SALE. 640 acres deeded land, half mile from town. 540 acres have been in cultivation, all fenced 3 barb wires, water for domes tic use. 5-room house with good sur roundings. 1 rtO acres school land leaded and fenced for pasture. We are in the heart of the district that comes under The Columbia Basin Project. Price $14,000. TTms half cash. OTTO C. VLRICH. Owner. Connell. Wash. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm of nearly 300 acres; 125 acres In crop and gra, 200 acres bottom land. E0 acres fenced hog-tiht; running stream all year, good house, large barn, about 60 head cattie and horses. 20 head nogs, poultry, 7-ton scale house, no B. L. K. milker, 2 new gas engines, a. I necessary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacific highway, near two R. R. towns; shipping point 1 V miies; price 130.000, , terms; part exchange possible Address P 616. Oregonian. 100 ACRES, located In Yamhill county, 4 '-i miles from Sheridan, 9 miles from Mc M innvUIe ; on a graveled road. 45 acres under cultivation, over 60 acres can be cultivated, balance in pasture; good spring, new 5-room bungalow. large barn, good fencing; this is in a prune district; price $55',K. $1(00 cash, balance on eaav terms at 6 per c'nt. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 50 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $000. 20 acres under cultivation, 1 A. or chard. 14 A. berries. 7 H A. snuds. over 0tH) cords wood. 10 head cattle, team, chickens, hogs, full set farming Imple ments, barn 36xiit. hog house, chicken house, 3 Fprings. creek, well: price for Quick tale $7ou0. good terms. F. L. ED DY. FITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. iaOOO WILL START YOU TO INDEPENDENCE. Washington county, 128 acres, 105 In cultivation, balance oak and fir, best of Foil, creek, orchard, good S-room house, large modern dairy barn, water and. lighting system in house and barn; on main road, real conveniences, excellent location, 2 miies town; only $210 per acre, $a000 cash, balance to suit at 5. George Johnson. 520 Chamber of Com merce. BIG a.N'Al' 320 acres good land, ail till able, some improvements, sacrifice at $9 I per acre. Box 00, Ore eon City,