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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
6 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, JULY 1920 REAL ESTATE. 1-3 ACRES. . PARKROSE. 1120 DOWN 12 MONTH. Black silt soil, all ready for plow; very beat garden and berry land In the valley; 3 blocks from Sandy blvd.; pressure water: $2363: will ell on straight contract; rood building lite: tMs land If properly cultivated will more than make vour monthly payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber or Com. bldg.. 4th and Stark, at. Main 208. WASHINGTON ST. FRONTAGE. 80x100 feet on Washington St., west of 23d St.. Immediately adolnlng Port land Railway L. & P. Co.'s holdings. Lot Is particularly desirable as same has Improved dedicated street in rear, thus giving; frontage OQ two streets. Price $7500. CORNELL ROAD Very sightly lot -with 80 feet frontage, most exclusive part of residential section, situated about head or Pettygrove st. Lot slightly above grade. Price JBOOO. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth st. INSIDE RESIDENCE LOTS AT BARGAIN PRICES: Two lots. N. E. cor. 41st and Halsey 800 Hi lots bet. 42d and 43d S00 hi block, N. L. cor. 17tt and Ash 8000 Sightly lot in Ladd's addition 1760 A. W. LAMBERT At SON, Grand ave. and E. Alder at East 610. SNAPS IN LOTS. ELMHTJRST A wonderful lot for $ 625 ALAMEDA PARK Everything paid for 850 HOSE CITT Excellent east facing ! 630 KOSSMERE 75x100, 80th and Hal- eev, corner . ..$1450 COUNCIL CREST You assume street assessment and back taxes and pay ma $250 for 2 dandy vieV lota. WESTOVER TERRACE One of the best at & snap. Ilc. hours: ERNEST WELLS CO., e to 10 A. M. 40S Couch Bldg. 12 to 8 P. M. ROSE CTTT PARK BLOCK ON SANDY BLVD. Entire triangle on Pansy, be tween 40tb and 50th, 4'JOO square feet, unrestricted, paved all around, all assessments paid; total pries $.1250 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber ol Com. bldg. Alain 208. 100x100 $405. 125 down. $12.50 monthly, burs splen 4t1d corner, 100x100, on macadamized treat, 63d St.; sewer assesament of $315 to ba assumed by the purchaser. $050 waa paid for these' lots 30 years go. In the same district we have an inslds 100x100 for 1115 on the aame kind of terms. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED LOT. 60x100, IRVINGTON. TPuIl bearing fruit and shade trees, all street Improvements in and paid, choice location, 1 block to Broadway carilne. A snap for oulck action. HITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GREAT BARGAIN Lot 50x150. Alameda park, facing both Mason and Dunckley ta.. near 25th. City liens 1850. Will aell (or 1500 cash, buyer to assume llena Only lot in block upon which two houses can be built. Must be sold to close es tate matter Best bar-ain In Portland. Winthrop Hammond. 127 6th at. " IRVINGTON. BLOCK ON KNOTT ST. See this and' you will want It: beauti ful wooded. 100x100. at very low price. The finest corner In lrvington. Let us how you. HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1200 IRVINGTON PARK LOT $200. Here is a good, cheap lot for the money, with cement walks, curb, city water, electricity: 3 minutes' walk to oar-- (50 down, $10 per month. Cost owner $000. M. E. PB JOICE COMPANY, 222 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1681. - IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON. 100x100. E. 21st St., for $3000. AH Improvements in and paid. 1 block to Broadway carline. SO ft. paved street. pig bargain. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. FORECLOSURE!. Northwest corner, of 17th and Beech ats.; paved on both sides; sewer In. If you are in the market tor an lrvington sacrifice, see THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6SG9. , SNAP 05x240. larger than three 50x100 lots, at only $l25o, $125 cash, $15 month ly; near Peninsula Park and Jefferson high school. Also 60x100 at $500, C00 ca&h, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. OWNER'S LOSS YOUR GAIN. We are authore d to sell 50x100 on E. 2d St., near E. Gllsan, for $300; fine, high, sightly location. Don't delay. Sea this at once. KITTER, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE have a number of lots in Rosa Cltr Park district, good buys, ranging from $250 to 12000; if you want to build your homo in this fast-growing section, see THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6869. IRVINGTON Corner snap. 50x100. fac. south and wast en E. 17th, 80 ft. paved St.. all improvements paid, only $1050; surrounded by fine homes. KITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. XT8 21-22, Block 7. Darlington Addition v to Portland, located two blocks from Erroll carline. good location, fine lots. street graded: will exchange for Seattle property. .Make me an orrer. j. x. Itilrnanan, fort urcnaro, uasn, eoxlOO LOT, convenient to west side, Van couver, Kenton district, St. Johns, only $300, $30 cash, $6 monthly; no building restrictions. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. SO Left's in Gregory Heights district, will bo sacrificed for a quick deal. Owners are non-residents desirous of closing out their last holdings here. STURM-KEFER CO., 214 Fifth at., cor. Salmon, opposite court nouse. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Lot 50x100 on E. 27th near Knott, verythlng; paid; $000. 100x100 on Knott St., corner, every thing paid; X240U. HENRY W. GOPDARD, 243 Stark St. EiVlNGTON district, on Hancock street. dandy south front lot for $775; must be aom; an Clear, paved st. can you beat K7 KITTEK, I.OWK & CO., 201-3-3-7 Bor.rd of Trade Bids. OWN THIS! DON'T WAIT! Wise men get real estate. Best home site, trices Just right. Bunding- lots Ataseadero, Cal. William Lindsay. 127 . -.Mn St.. L.oa Angelas, uai. IRVINGTON 50x100, 3 blocks to Broad way carane, only iiooo. a fins level ounaing lot. cee us at once. KITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid g. 8150 CASH Fine camp or home site, 75x ltn just over city limits, close to cars, water, light and phones at hand, cleared and level. Owner, H. P. McCoy, Tabor X.AURELI?UR.ST Ppecinl pickup, 50x100, ru uens paid, for ooo; wen located This is a real snap. RlTTEit. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE 50x100 corner lot near Penlneula x arn, oniy oa casn, S1J. monthly. It la a bargain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. R. C. P. Dandy corner, all improvements paia. jor v,an you neat ItT KITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid g. ONE OF THE FINEST building Int. l Rose City Park; hard surface streets ana sewer; must oe sola St once. CaII taoor o"-4. 8400 LOT on Halsey st., 60x100. closa In, acuu lursinn tor small nouse. RITTER. I OWE 4 CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PA K K corner ,Vuinn t u. blocks to Broadway car. Crop potatoes on lot; everytning in ana paid. Reason able. Bdwy. Jt4:. evenings or Sunday 4,ALftaL,riijji?i oi'xn'u, soutn race on Hazeilern. e improvements paid, $1100. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1H REE fins building lots In University Park, one block from car line: price si-'OP. owner, t-. E.vens, oswego. VINE LOT. 60x100. and 2-room house near Sandy Blvd. Easy terms. 855 E. 82d St. N. lLAMEDA. 100x100, S. W. cor. 60th. $1100 -ia acreet improvements. & 6, Ore fctiOICE view lot. 60x125. high-class, east slue; tl.'UU. iour own terms, xaoor .asa, REAL ESTATE. For r-nlr Lota. ALAMEDA South front, 50x100. between two fine homes, only $000. Everything clear. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE 00x100 lots with city conven iences; Peninsula Park district. Near car and school. Non-resident will sacri fice for $300 each; good terms. Wood- lawn 37Q6. MOUNT TABO't 100xl00, E. 61st., fac west, $1300; no liens; reasonable terms; sice rlew. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale -House. WORD ABOUT DISTINCTIVE HOMES. We want owners and buyers to become acquainted with our "DIS TINCTIVE HOMES" department. "We have some of Portland s finest hemes for sale, homes of beauty and refinement, embodying all tho best in what the word "home" means. Every exclusive district in Portland. Prices" range In price from $7500 to r0.000. Mr. J. W. Crossley, manager of our "Dis tinctive Homes" department, was former secretary of the Portland Realty board and is recognized as one who knows home values in every section of Portland thor ournly. Botlrownera of high-clasa hemes and buyers of high-class hemes can save the maximum of time and money and be assured of satisfaction by consulting with Mr. Crossley. FRANK L. McGUIRE. -To Buy Your Home. Abingdon Bldg. Main 1068. 106 Va 3d st., bet. Wash, ac Stark. $.5O0 SUBURBAN HOME $4300. Nearly completed 6-room house, mod ern; built-ins, French doors connecting living and dining rooms, fireplace, pol ished floors, one-third acre ground. 2 blocks e!ctrie station. 15 minutes out. Due to financial conditions must sacri fice, but will finish at this prloe; $1000 cash and monthly payments; might trade. Mr Vail with A. W. BSTES, POO Chamber of Commerce. Main 8486. $3900 FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $3300. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. Seven rooms, good basement, furnace, fine plumbing, electric lights, gas. lot 50x100; all city liens paid. This house Stood a loan of 12500 a few years ago and waa taken in on the mortgage; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5963: week days. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2000. B rooms, with floored attic, gas, 60x100 'lot. 1 block Hawthorne car. Thia Is a first-class buy for only $2000; easy terms. Own your own home first; it wiu pn your wife. Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $1800 WHY RENT? $1600. 4 rooms, good basement, electric lights, gas, soma plumbing; fine lot 50x100; 11 bearing prune trees; chicken house and run; hard surface and car; thia is a beautiful little place and a bargain. Sun day, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7067. ilarieis or Williams, 820 Cham br of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT 7S BY 115 FEET. Facet east; cherries, apples, berries, grapes; wire fence, garage, woodshed, large porch; en account of sickness am compelled to go away; will sacrifice for $2000. Terms. Place located in Mt. Scott district, between two car lines, on hard-surface road. Tabor 1275. OVERLOOK. I have decided to offer for sale my home in Overlook. 0 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, with four lots, all facing car line, hard surface street, restricted district, easy terms, might consider part trade for smaller house. Can be seen bv appointment. M. E. THOMPSON. 848 Mlnslesippl ave. $(i300 ONLY $1300 CASH. T Rooms, Sleeping Porch, Garago. This beautiful house, only 3 years old, artistic in design, best of material and workmanship, modern In every detail, fine location, close to 2 carlines and offered at pre-war prices. Here's your bargain. Easy terms, immediate pos Bfasion. fabor 4200 week days. WALKING DISTANCE. Reduced Price for Quick Bale. $2850. 7-room house, lot 33x62, paved street, on carline, house vacant, less than pre war price. CI E. 10th N., near E. Couch. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ave. N., near E. Ankeny. East 61. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modem 6-room home, fireplace, china closet and buffet, bookcases, newly tinted inside and painted outside, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. laundry tubs, etc.: $4200, ?"-'00 cash, balance to suit; terms. Tabor 3783. $21)50 MODERN BUNGALOW $2650. , J300 WILL HANDLE. $300. Five rooms, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lie;ht, ga.; a barpain, on easy terms. Sunday, Marshall 5003; week days. Main 70b7. Mariels or Will lams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUNGALOW IN HAWTHORNE DIST.. 3T50. Four rooms and bath, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays, hard-surface street, all assessments paid, fine yard with fruit and berries. OWNER. 13S1 EAST LINCOLN ST. TEL. TABOR -7726. FOR SALE By owner, large modern bun galow. 5 bedrooms, au Kinas ol ouut-ins; lot 75x100: trees and shrubbery: on M t. Tabor, and one of the nicest residence streets in this city; fine view mountain and valley. Call after 1 P. M., Tabor ROSE CITY DISTRICT Four-room bun galow, bullt-tn bookcass. buffet. Dutch kitchen: upstanrs all plastered and floored. You could not duplicate this house today for less thsn $3500: for quick sale. $2500: $500 down. . balance eay. Better see this. Phone Tabor 7174 $2730 UNUSUAL OFFER $2750. In order to sell, owner will sacrifice 4-room modern bungalow at cost; extra large corner lot. 2 blocks from Union ave., 1 block to Woodlawn cars; $300 cash required. -For particulars phone l a nor h..mj. $7300. CLOSE-IN EAST RIDE. STRICTLY MODERN 7 ROOMS. THREE BED ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, ATTIC GARAGE. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S00. Residence, East 6771. HERE IS A BARGAIN 0 rooms fur nished, cement basement, laundry trays, gas, electricity: corner lot; streets and sewers paid; fruit and berries: $2800; must nave 7Wi tnis week, balance mort gage. J. P. McKenna, Belmont s,t 39th. Tabor 6493. A 5-ROOM HOUSE In good condition; city water, gss. bath and toilet; lot 45x118: fruit, berries, grapes and garden. Go and see It yourself at 4433 53d S. E. Price $2000; $200 cash. Ralph Harris Co., 827 Cham, of Com. Main 5624. WE HAVE many calls for small homes rrom SIOOO up to 2500. Several clients with cash waiting for a good buy. List wltn us tor quirk action. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. A modern bungalow of six rooms in Rose City park, the most desirable resi dence district; paved street; will sacri fice at $5500 for quick sale. See owner. 443 E. iZti N. r-none raoor oj4i. $4500. Beautiful, new. modern bunaralcw, Rose City park, everything strictly up- to-date, $;00 cash, balance o0 per montn, inctuaing interest, uwner, Auto matic 219-83. 6-ROOM house. 509 Maiden. Sellwood car. Come see it today. SIX-ROOM modern house, Va block south of Hawthorne car. hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and buiit-lns. Owner will sacrlice or quick sale. 308 E. 36th st. Tabor 2j25. No agents. 8-ROOM house with 100x100 lot. on graded street, cement walks. 1 blocks to car, fruit trees, berries, gas. electric lights, telephone. Price $2700. terms. N 571, Oregonlan. ROSiE CITY DISTRICT Two-room cot taee. water, lights, gas. fino lot. east front, close to car and school. Buy It for S1050 and save rent: $200 down, balance your own terms. Tabor 71 14. 7 ROOM modern house, hardwood floors. burnt woodwork, furnace, cement porch and shade trees. Call owner. Tabor 6310. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6-room residence in Holladay addition; fine cor ner: shrubbery, flowers and garden. 395 E. 2d St. N. 8-ROOM house, 2 baths. Belmont and 32d St., bunnyslue, rent sod; price SdZuU. 5115 BtoCK r.xcnange DlQg. ROSE CITY HOME 5 rooms, hardwoo floors, 2 sets French doors, sun porch, Tabor o-'uo. o-t i K.ast wa wortn. PRETTY 5-room bungalow, R. c. P., gas electricity, bath, flowers, fruit trees. b erry busnes. tssa is. bTth. near sand y. $2300 TERMS west side. 4 rooms an bath. JuBt renovated, good location. Owner. 809 Kelly St. Bdwy. 2487. 8-ROOM modern house, corner of 22d and Clinton; first class condition. Sea owner, eua xeon Jiag. Alain Z41S. REAL ESTATE; For Sstle PACIFIC AGENCT. INC. 514-20 8 WETLAND BLDO, OR MARSHALL 3989. LATTRELHfRBT BTTNOAT,OW. PRICE $11,500, TERMS. This Is an exceptionally well built.' delightfully arranged bunga low, built in the California style; large living room, panelled dining room: the bath, bedroom, center hall and reception hall are finished In. white enamel: there is a fins garage. lot 75x100. Let us show you this beautiful home. FOR A FEW MORE DAYS. We are offering this beautiful Dutch colonial home on Willamette heights on the bargain counter; the location and the view are Ideal; the house is perfect In finish and arrangement: the cost of building this place seven vears ago was $13,000; we are author ized by the owner to take $9250 for It. Call us up for appointment to ses this place. NOB HILL. PRICE $15,000, ii CASH. A very fine 1 2-room house, ons block from 23d street car line; has 6 bedrooms. 3 baths. 4 toilets and 2 fireplaces; also' sleeping porch: located in the very choicest part of the best district on the west side and surrounded by fine homes; ten minutes from the center of the city, with the best car service to be had. Immediate possession if desired. - NO. 4T. i rRVTNGTON $12,500. This fine modern home of S rooms In the best part of lrving ton Is one of our best buys; plato glass windows throughout, beau tiful large, airy rooms., with a fine billiard room: this is- a mag nificent horns in the midst of fino surroundings. Lot 75x100. For ap pointment, call us up. KO. BT. PIEDMONT PRICE $5000 CASH $2000. This largo 2-story, 8-room modem house, on a 100x100 lot, is a good buy for someone: the rooms. ars well arranged, and convenient to the carline and is one of Port land's coming districts: we will be glad to show you this placa by appointment. NO. GTS. ROSE CITT. PRICE $5500 CASH $1500. This Is one of onr many Rosa City homes which we are offering to you at a very reasonable figure; there are six well-arranged rooms with many built-in' effects: has hot-air furnace, hardwood floors, a paved street, one block from tho car line; 60x100 lot. NO. 600. WET SLOPE MT. TABOR. PRICE $5750 ft CASH. Fine 6-room modem bungalow, located on East Taylor street, near 50th: this is one of the best dis tricts In Mt. Tabor; this Is a good buy and includes a gas range. See this early 1f you wish to locate in ths ML Tabor district. NO. 873. PENTNSTTLA PARK. PRICE $4700 CASH $2250. This Is a fine T-room modern bungalow, built about 3 years ago; there are many bullt-1ne: tho rooms are very conveniently ar ranged: full cement basement, hot air furnace and hs.rdwood floors; one block from the carline. con venient to graded school and, high school; we will show you this place at your convenience. RTrTTMOND DISTRICT. PRICE $2700 CASH $700. Ons story. B rooms, not fancT but a mighty good buv; near 26th street. Call us up and we will be glad to show you this place. HTOHLAND. PRICE $9000 $2500 CASH. Two story. 10 rooms, 3 large bedrooms downstairs. 4 bedrooms upstairs: lot 100x150; if you want a real home In a high-class dis trict, at a very low price, call us up. Auto. 611-50. " ROPE CITY PARK. PRICE $4500 CASH $1000. Six rooms. 1V4 -story, fireplace, hot-water heat; If you wnnt a home in Rose City at pre-war prices, look this up. NO. 639. AUTO WANTED. T hve a new 6-room bnngxlow, one of the most complete in Port land, ands best location in the elv for it rsflrosd man: price $0300. I15O0 cash, or tako a good automobile as part payment, NO. 554. ALSO a B-room bungalow In Mt Srntt district, on a 60x1OO lot; prlrs $1400, rash 6no. or wilt take god car as part payment. MONTAVTLT.A. PRICE $1800 CASH $500. This Is a K-room cottage. In ex cellent condition; bath, toilet, ras and electricity, 5Ox100 lot, two blorks from the car line. Nuff said. $2500. . MOVTA TLLA. ROOMS $500 CASH. This Is a n-room hours. In ex cellent condition, on a 50x100 lot, .5 rooms down and 4 good eled room,s up. on the M. V. car line: if you are looking for a good home at a low price and easy terms, call us up. This is all of that. NO. 56L IRVIN.-rt)V PA ORIFICE. PRICE $5500. Two story, 6 rooms. 50x100 lot, nearly all tho furniture goes with this; we know you cannot see why we are selling this so chesp. but call us up and we will ex plain. That Is all. NO. 555. WOODSTOCK. PRICE $7500 CASH $3000. On East 89th street, near Gll san. Is this 6-room cottage, with 225x21 6-ft. lot. with lots of fruit berries, all kinds of bullt-lns and closets; right on ths car line. NO. 543. LENTS PRICE $4760--CASH $2000. Eight-room house. In good con dition, nice lawn, large lot. right on ths car line. For values, ses this. NO. 544. PRICE $2300. Good 7-room house, 60x100 lot with lots of fruit and berries, also a chicken house; in fact a very nice little place and dirt cheap, with good terms. NO. 642. FTRLAND. . PRICE $1200 CASH $300. This la a nice little 4-room cot tage, has bath, gas and elec tricity, with 60x100 lot. This can be had for $30 down. $20 per month on tho balance. PACIFIC AGENCT. INC. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., MARSHALL 8383. I' REAL ESTATE. For Saale Houses. DEKUM Ac JORDAN. BUY A HOME NOW. $7500 MT. TABOR 8 rooms and large Sleeping porch. Modern in every respect. Wonderful view. Lot 75x 100. fine fruit trees, berries, lawn and roses. Garage. House Just vacated. Can give immediate pos session. Owner hers from the east. Must sell. $2250 WOODSTOCK 6 rooms. bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gaa, full cement bksement, laundry trays; 1 block to car. Bargain. Terms. $2000 EAST ANKENY 7 rooms, bath. toilet, gas, hot and cold water, lot 50x100 ft., fine fruit trees. Only - two blocks from Ankeny car barns. Terms. For appointment Sunday, phone Tabor 5U22. DEKUM ae JORDAN. $23-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sta. Main 2233. ' NEAR WALNUT PARK, $4250. Beautiful 6-room bouse, by owner. Has large living room extending across entire front of house with fireplace, large attractive dining room and Dutch kitchen: beautiful built-in buffet on lower floor. 3 bedrooms and bath up stairs. Entire home in white enamel. Full cement basement. You can't appre ciate the value without aeetng. Must sell the next few days, so don't delay. This pries is the rock bottom In order to make Quick turn. Call Woodlawn 8111 and I will take you out. $2000 cash. ALAMEDA PARK. A most beautiful view home, located above Regents drive: living-room 16x32. dining-room 12x14. lovely sun posch. oak floors throughout, finish old ivory; small bedroom down; fireplace; finest built Ins; tile floor In bath. Curtains and hangings and linoleum go with home. A beautiful lot 85x240, with exceptionally large garage. $12.5O0. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1V4 Fifth St. Main 6869. $4800 ROSE CITY PARK $4800. A REMARKABLE BARGAIN. This is an attractive 7-room bungalow type home with finest grade oak floors, French doors from living room to big front porch, fireplace, buffet, all built ins, 2 glassed-in sleeping porches on up per floor, hot-air furnace, fine big base ment, full lot with street Hens all paid. Don't overlook thia. lt'a a mighty good buy. COMTB A KOHLMAN, 228 Cham, of Com. M. 6550. AN UNUSUAL OFFERING. No. 610 GRAND AVENUE. PRICE $8500. Beautifully situated on the east bank of the river, opposite Ross Island and only a, short walk from the business center of ths city. Interior must be seen to be appreciated. Three fire places, two baths, ample room for large family. Look at it and you will ap preciate the value. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall 5454. 246 Stark St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. U-room modern house, built for a home. Attractive prem ises excellently constucted. comparative ly new, fine condition, about 20,000 s. xet nearly level ground, good view, quiet placa, protected from the east and oceau winds: will please most any one who can afford to own it. You will have to see place to appreciate it. This is a blind ad that you should answer if you want to buy an exceptionally desirable place. V SS6. Orcgor.ian! ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of ths finest 6-roora bu-ngalows in the city. Lovely large rooms, polished oak floors throughout, all ths bullt-lns finished In natural and old ivory, fire place; 100x100; garage; Improvements in and paid: one block from car, below bin. $7400; terms. Most lovely horns and ex ceptions! value. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth 6u Main 6869. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW; $5000 for a 7-room: hardwood floora. fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases, furnace arid garage; $4750 for a fine 6 room wirVl furnace, sleeping porch, ga rage, lots of fruit and fine lot. These are on Glenn ave. Phone Mar. 821) or Tabor 71 0. . F. L. BLANCH A RD. 519-20 Railway Ex. ROSE CITY PARK. Just a splendid 6-room homo below hill; old ivory and natural finish; oak polished floors; all the bullt-lna. fur nace. 60x100 lot. fins fruit trees. All improvements ra snd paid. $5500 $1500 Cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1Q4 Fifth St. Main 68U9. ' LAURELHURST HOME. Fins and attractive 6-room horns on Davis St.; lovely, large rooms, fireplace, oak polished floors, bullt-lns, furnace, 60x100 lot, nice shade trees and garage. Just newly painted and redniahed in side. $8OO0. Terms. Move right in. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPA-NY. KH Fifth St. Main 6809. LOOK! LOOK i A real bargain a southern Oregon home; 40 acres; good house, all kinds fruit. 30 acres plow land. 0 miles from railroad town; my price $1800 cash; no agents. Inquire of Lester Pierce, 148 Knott St.. alier 6:30 P. M. NICK 4-ROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors. Dearooms, cement basement, hot-water heating system; full size lot, nice lawn and lota of fruit and berries. All im provements In and paid. Only $3750 iiuu ciown, oaiaoce easy. u. v. cjAlOCK, Marshall 2003. $3S0O FOR a fine new 5-room bungalow; nrepiace. built-in bookcases and buffet. con. basement, H. S. streets, close In on east side; $1500 cash, bal. terms. Phone Aiar.,au or TaDor 7100. F. L. BLANCH A RD, Clli-20 Railway Ex. BURNSIDE. NEAR E. 17TH. Good 6-room house with furnace, fire place, streets paved and paid and every thing in fins condition; price $5000, terms. HENRY "W. GODDARD. 243 Stark at. A TITLE insurance poiicy is a guarantee by a responsiuie company mat you will not suffer loss on account of tne title to your real sstats. When you buy real estate get a title insurance policy, .-so abstrict required. Title fc Trust com pany. HAWTHORNE modern home, on paved street, tireplace, lurnace, Dookcases, dui fet. oak floors, sleeping porch. 2 bed rooms; a real good buy; $4100, $1200 cash, balance montniy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank BItig. Main 8787, MUST SELL A wonderful Rose City bungalow, nicely located, beautiful sur roundings, all kinds of trees, flowers. shrubbery, north and east front; priced right. 553 East 4th St. North, corner Wistaria. Taoor BJUd. FINE ALAMEDA HOME. $5750 -Seven rooms, modern; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beautl ful shade trees; a bargain at this price. S. S. PRENTIS. 615 Chamber of C. $2000 ALBERTA bargain, new 8-room bungalow, enamel Dutch kitchen, bath. bedroom and closet, .large living room. full plumbing. 1012 E. 9th st. No., near Alberta car. Small payment, bal. 6 per . cent. Phone Woodlawn otu. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalows, all rea'dy to move in; garage; price $4000 to $5000; terms. GEO. A. ROSS. OWNER. Marshall 858. 404 Gerllnger Bldg, BARGAIN ON E. 15TH STREET. Near Henry avenue; 6 rooms with full basement, wash trays, floored at- ,tic; fruit trees and small fmlta. Price $3150. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark ST. NEAT 5-room house (one year old), cement basement, electric ugnt ana gas; 1 blocks from car. near school; cement n-Diir, in nd oald for: bearing fruit trees and shrubbery. Price $2600; $500 down. Phone Sellwood 0o. $7500. IRVINGTON. 7 artistic rooms, large glass sleeping porch, perfect condition insiae ana out, harawooa iioors, una g&1ec ucw oiau ton and 18th. East 419. t ham hiinnalov. furnished. 50x120 lot. shrubbery and trees; price $1SOO, $1000 cash, balance easy. .TOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R7 To buy duplex houses or flats. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TITLE insurance Is the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Uulcker costs less and no abstract required. Title A Trust company WHEN you get a title insurance policy you do not need an abstract of title. One premium pays lor all time. Xil.e & Trust company. 6-ROOM house, all furnished, good as new. for gooo, aiunu aown, Daiance terms. Phone Automatic 216-68. 1611 hi E. 13th street. 6-ROOM house, lot 100x50. big yard. Must be sold at once. Cheap. Apply l3to 2d St.. room 2 or 3. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title & Trust company FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 812-79 MODERN 6-room bungalow, built-ins and paved St. 851 E. Kelly, cor. 28th. ALAMEDA. 8 rooms, beautiful, hot-water heat; built 3 years: $9500. East 419. 5- ROOM bungalow for sale, cheapl for cash and terms. Tabor 426. 6- ROOM house, modern, good condition. $1850; s, bargain. Call Tabor 8292. REAL .ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $6050. Folks, here truly la a fins home and the price is extremely low. You would really expect to pay much more. The high quality Df material and workman ship make their own impression. Merely for us to say that this bungalow has hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, French doors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, garage, etc., does not convey any adequate impression of the real value, the real good qualities of thia splendid bungalow home. Ail we ask is an opportunity to show you that you yourself may be the Judge. This advertisement is particularly directed to those who have looked and looked and have nearly given up In despair. Re member, you'll be under no obligations absolutely. A. G. TBEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near Fourth. Main 8092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. "FORECLOSURE PRICE." DESIRABLE HOME. 5 ROOMS. "MODERN COTTAGE" (WEST SIDE). NEWLY PAINTED. TINTED, NEARLY NEW. GOOD CONDITION. NEAR CAR. SCHOOL. STORES. ETC. STRKhlT PAVING. SEWER IN AND PAID. PRICE $100. ABOUT $300 CASH. BALANCE REALISABLE TERMS. (REALLY CHEAP AT $3000). SEE NO. 685 CORBETT ST.. NEAR MEADE. NORTH AND SOUTH PORT LAND CAR. (OFF AT MEAIiE ST., GO EAST TO CORBETT. NORTH TO 685 CORBETT). PHONE OWNER MAIN 1136, OR CALL AT 302 SELLING BUILDING. WOODLAWN SNAP. 5-room house, lot 44x100 ; house plas tered; bath, toilet, electric and gas. ce ment basement, cement walks, 5 fruit trees; one block to car; nico garden; price $1500, $500 cash, bal. $13 month, oo int. - WOODSTOCK DIST. 4-room double constructed bungalow; beam ceiling, lot SOxloo; 6 blocks to car, some distance out, but a dandy good buy; price $1500. $300 down, bal. $25 month. 6 int. RICHARDS & REED. 308 McKay Bldg. Main 4192. DEAL WITH OWNER DIRECT. I have a neat six-room bungalow In Alberta district, closa to school and car line, house has full basement, stationary wash tubs, built-in buffet, lot 60x100, nice garden, cement sidewalks, will sell furrtiture if desired. Price $3000. $101)0 cash, balance $30 a month including In terest, ktfi Lut 20th. N. Woodlawn 3353. BY owner, furnished modern 7-room house 'on car line. Just east of Reed college; 100x100 corner, lu large iruit trees, oer nes and flowers; owner here from Cali fornia and must soil this week; $1900 mortgage on house, runs 2 "4 years; casb price 400o; my equity $3000, or Will dike terms, $5150. $1250 cash, bal, $50 per month; sell furnished or unfurnished, furniture for sale. See owner. 6U05 41st St. S. E. Phone Sell. 182. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ' Less than cost, new colonial bunga low. 5 rooms, attic. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; up-to-date conveniences; hardwood floors, ivory finish, fireplace, French doors. Uasco furnace, fins porch, beautiful view ol river, mountain, select neighborhood, lnspecuon invtteTIDwner, Main 3836. FOR SALE, like rent 708-T09 E. 46th N., 692-696-718 JC. 45t!l K. an new. ivory finish, oak floors throughout, window ahadea, tapestry paper, buffet. Radiant fire, breakfast nook, built-in kitchen. cement basement, furnace. ' full plumb ing, laundry trays snd drain in base ment, electric fixtures. 6 rooms. 14x26 attic 50x100 lot; ail Improvements paid. Ses the owner at 709 E. 46th N. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND DEN $4200. You'll agree that the price is low ex tremely low for such a home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement base ment, etc. Near Sandy, close in. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near Fourth. Main 8002. Branch office. 5Qth and Sandy. 110x125 FEET of ground, with choice ber ries and irult, noute nas o rooms, gas and electric lights, full plumbing, eome built-ins, furnace, garage, 2 blocks from Willamette boulevard; price includes good Jersey cow and 24 chickens; price $4500, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W .Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We otter SECUKITV. SERVICE, SATISFACTION. U R. Bailey Co.. Inc., UZl N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4000 for a line home on E. 49th. with hardwood floors in 4 rooms; has 4 bed rooms, tireplace. bookcases, buffet, ce ment basement; all paid; no Hens: is cash. Phone Mar. 82u or Tabor 7190. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 619-20 Railway Ex. tt-KOOM MODEKN. BUNGALOW. $4500. Mt. Tabor; hardwood floors, art brick fireplace, built-in bookcases. French doors, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, full lot. imp. paid; terms, owner. Tabor 7Q05. !lS5ci AN ATTRACTIVE HOME. Six-room cottage and furniture; fire place, attic, cement basement; wood and coal; lot 65x104; garden and tools: bearing fruit trees; modern plumbing and electric fixtures. No agents. Tabor 8191. MODERN Rose City bungalow, old ivory and white enamel iinisn, nrepiace, oaa floors, built-ins, cement basement, paved street, 50x100, close to car; $4700, $2000 cah. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Beautifully finished and strictly mod ern horns of 6 rooms on 25th street, full lot. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE at Gresham, Or., 7-room house, modorn in every way; all new finish, at a great sacrifice. You could not buy ths material for what 1 am asking for the house and lot. A. W. Kegnur, owner, 534 E. Bu rnslde, city. TOR SALE $1300. 3-room cottage with bath, toilet, gas, electric lights, piped for hot and cold water, lot 50x100. $400 cash, bal, $25 per month, including 6 per cent Interest, Phone automatic 218-02. 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. A SACRIFICE. 6-room cottage, corner, 2 carl lines, 2 blocks from school; absolutely no agents. Call Main -4002.. BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet It is cheap er than the abstract method. Title & Trust company. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance policy. No abstract required. XUIe da Trust company. FINE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Richmond district, paved street, roses, lawn: $3000. Best buy in this district. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, 2 lots 50x100, no liens, 2 blocks to car, new paint in side and out; cash or terms. 4852 73d street S. E. To buy duplex houses or flats. SEE RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ROOM house, bath, large pantry, ga rage, all improvements In and paid for; partially furnished; $2800, terms. In qulre at 936 Mallory ave. IRVINGTON. My $10,000 home for sals for $7300: N W. corner 15th and Hancock ats. East 2189 nights and Sundays. BUNGALOW. Five rooms, furnished, new mahoga-.y furniture. $4500. 615 E. 64th N. Ta bor 7388 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 2-story 7-room house near car. desirable, owner. Main 2986. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title Insurance. No abstract re- quired. Altie oe xni company. IRVINGTON 8-room house, first-class con dition: lot 50x100; fruit and shrubbery. 4-ROOM bungalow In1 first-class condition; must be sold at once; owner leaving city: make oner. laoor z.i-t. EXCELLENT FLAT BLDG.. in- best part of Nob HUI district; $12,000; terms If wanted. C. V. SMOCK. Marshall 2003. 11600 5-room plastered bungalow, full size lot with fruit trees. $250 down, balance like rent- inquire aim Ave, a. is FOREST GROVE. seven rooms and bath. Inquire Prof. Kdw. Taylor, r orest urove. or., box 285, BARGAIN l-room nouse, ooxioo, garage and chicken nouse, sou casn or suoo on terms. 6836 41st Ave. S. E. Sell. 1231. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no aosiruui ib tcyuireu, xit.s Trust company. IRVINGTON corner, 6 lovely rooms. A-l worth iiu.vuu tor ojw; tAuisj cash. East 419. ; 6 FLATS. $115 income, walking distance. $7250. terms 1-8 cash. Placs will pay bal. Phone Main 8787. IRVINGTON colonial bungalow, 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, built one year, saxass. $7500. $1500 cash. asr, 418, REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION. J. A. WICKM AN CO. "Shortest Way Home." Now Located at 264 Stark St.. Ground Floor Ry. Exch. Bldg. ' We have not been doing much adver tising lately, .neither have we been on a vacation, but we have been working at hours to full capacity and are now loaded to the guards with the ttnest se lection of homes ws have ever had for sals. Cur salesmen with autos are st your service. Corns in and inspect our pho tos on display in our salesroom. $1850 If you really and trulywant to beat the high rents, here is your opportunity: 4 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen, full cement . base ment, wash trays; imp. pd; terms. List No. 1352. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. $3150 buys 6 rooms and bath, with 4 rooms down, 2 up; buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, paved at., pd.: this home is new ly decorated in white enamel and tapestry paper and la in a class by itself at the price; terms. Llat No. 1410. $4200 Here is another boms In thts de sirable section. 6 rooms and bath, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; this, home is very at tractive and surrounded by beau tllul homes. List No. l.'Sl. $4200 buys bungalow style home of 5 rooms and bath down, with one room and sleeping porch up; hdw. floors, tireplace. bookcases. burTet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; St. imp. Just completed, to be assumed by purchaser; terms. No. 1360. $4200 Furnished bungalow home, fin ished in white enamel: furnace, full cement basement, paved St., pd.; this home is completely fur nished with a good grade of fur niture; some terms. No. 52. $3250 Buyer to assume st. imp.; this w-ill buy one of the fine bunga lows we have for sale In West moreland; so arranged that while it is out i rooms, you can nave i IhrM 1,. .n.tni. I f ri, hv ' using the large living room as combination living room and din ing room ; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, garage; new and never occupied; terms. .o. 14.,8. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOME. $5250 Let us show you this bungalow of 5 rooms and bath down, with three rooma up; strictly modern; hdw. floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins: thia is a real bargain and will not lasts No 65. FRUIT AND LARl-TE LOT. $4730 Here is one of those nifty homes so hard to find and that' everyone is looking for; 6 rooms and bath, with hdw. floors, furnace, fire place, all built-ins. good-slsed rooms, graded st. and sewer pd, , garage; 100x112. with lots of fruit; one b;k. to paved su and car: terms. No. 67. ROSE CITY PARK. $3750 Here is a classy 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch; strictly mod ern in every sense of the word, a home beautiful on a. corner lot; garage, st. imp. pd. : you would never expect to buy tkis home for so little money: terms. No. 73. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL. $3500 Reduced from $6000. the price asked last fall; 3 rooms and bath down. 2 and sleeping porch up; attractively finished inside and out: strictly modern: fireplace, furnace, all built-ins. full cement basement, wash trays, garage, two large fruit trees; imp. pd. No. 1182. ALAMEDA PARK. $5350 buys one of those nifty new. mod ern bungalows with Pullman kitchen, all bullt-lns. hdw. Hours, etc.. st. Imp. pd. Ws almost for got to mention the nice attic that will finish into two additional rooms if desired. Can make very easy terms. $3500 buys a Montavilla homo of 7 rooma; bath, full cement base ment, wash trays, buffet. Dutch kitchen. lot 69xll2Va. with a lot of fruit; terms: fine garage and chicken house: located at 52 East 75th st. N. Look it over or pliona us and ws will call for you. No 16. J. A. WICKM AN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Vain 1094 and 5S3. A REAL BARGAIN. 5-room house, good district. large rooms, fireplace, bookcases, furnace ga rage, ' good plumbing, washtrays, large floored attic; $o300; easy terms. THIS IS GOOD. 5-room bungalow. attractive living and dining rooms. fireplace. beamed ceiling, bookcases, dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, good plumbing, full lot; only $3000. terms. I 1-5 acres, good 6-room bungalow, barn, chicken house and yard, fruit trees, close to Portland. Re fare, fine roads; snap, $2200; easy terms. See Mr. LIbby. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 3043. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500. $5600. $3250 cash will place you in ono of the most pleasing homes in this district. In most desirable loca tion; full lot. beautiful shrubbery, fruit trees and garden, all modern conveniences and in pink of con-, dltion. owner leaving city. This la a fine buy for one with the cash. Call MR. BLISS, COE A. McK ANNA & CO.. 82 4th St, Phone Main 4522. ON THE RIDGE OVER REED COLLEGE. A splendid '8-room, thoroughly, mod ern bungalow with fireplace, furnace, coal bin, stationary tubs, linen closet, buffet, paneled walls, chicken house and yard, lo large bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries and flowers, splendid corner lot, 100x100, 1 block from car. The house alone could not be built for anywhere near the price asked for the entire place, namely. I60OO, $2500 cash, balance as you like. Photo at office. FRED W. GERMAN CO. $3250. $3250. $4500 FOR 3250. 6-ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 1034 EAST 23TH ST. N. 80x100 FRUIT. FIREPLACE. Best plumbing, bas. gas and electric fixtures (foreclosed), loss to former own er. This is a genuine bargain; 3 bed rooms, living, dining room and kitchen on one floor. $25 per month. G. C. GOLDENBERG. . G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 403. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! SELL FOR $40.(00. HALF TRADE, Elaborate, 12-room mansion, half block, garage, fruit, close in: cost tlmberman $80,000 about 10 years ago. Main 4803. $4200. ROSE CITY. Attractive 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, full porcelain plumbing, attic, concrete foundation, furnace, 50x 100 lot. garage, on paved street, all paid. A tremendous bargain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87B7. MODERN VIEW BUNGALOW. The- best buy and roost Ideal view bungalow in Portland, and located on the best car line in the city. This place contains 5 rooms, is located on corner lot and Is a beauty. If you want some thing exclusive, call at 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. and see pictures and talk with owner, G. A. Sarles. $050 DOWN NEW BUNGALOW. $40 Per Month. Including Interest, Double constructed 5-r. brand new bungalow: breakfast room, fireplace, tap estry paper, hdw. floors, full lot, cement basement; be?t district and greatest valeu today, $4073. easy terma. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO.. 332-33 Ry. Exch. Bldg. FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE. CALL SELLWOOD 3774. NO. 20 WILLAMETTE MOOR AGE. EVENINGS OR SUNDAY. HOME IN COLLEGE TOWN Lot 50x120, paved street, two blocks courthouse at tractive surroundings: eight rooms, bath, sleeping porch, modern, clean, progres sive city; two high schools; bargain, $4500. Owner, 627 Second. McMinnvllle, Or. ; ELEGANT duplex house on Powell st. 12 rooms, 6 rooms on each side, 3 rooms, bath and pantry. 3 bedrooms, large closets and hall, cement basement, laun dry trays, in excellent condition, only $5200. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER; LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7. Board of Trade bldg. A SNAP. Alberta bungalow, 5 rooms, fireplace, built-ins, beamed ceiling, basement and all modern conveniences; street improve ments in and paid; price $3:50. $500 cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. $4500. sure snap. 6-room house, bath, fireplace, furnace, full basement, 3 bed rooms upstairs, kitchen, white enamel, corner lot, near 8th and Broadway. Easy walking distance. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. REAL ESTATE. For rale HOME IN LAURELHURST. A- distinctive English colonial horns with beautifnl landscape garden: large living room with handsome fireplace. French doors between living room and attractivo dining room; also between din ing room and sun room. Dutch kitchen with all modern conveniences. Including breakfast nook; 3 good-sized sunny bed rooms upstairs: also glass-enclosed sleep . lng porch and bath; hardwood floors and rich old ivory woodwork, finest of tapestry paper, furnace, garage. Before deciding on a home let ns show you this one. Price $10,500. Terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. ENGLISH COLONIAL BUNGALOW. JUST BEING FINISHED. EASTMORELAND. Compare this for beauty of design convenience and worth in construction with anything in the city. Five beautiful rooms and bath on one floor, with room upstairs for two more. Finest of Interior finish. Oak floors. evry convenience in the kitchen, in cluding built-in Hoosier cabinets, etc. Automatic Gasco furnace and water heater. Garage. 55x100 lot set to shrub bery and flowers. All Improvements in and paid. Price only $7050. Yours for a small payment down, balance like rent. Shown by appointment only. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall 5434. 246 Stark St A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK 85230. An artistic bungalow of 6 rooms and rioorea attic; handsome firetdace. book cases, massive buffet, all kinda of built ins. oak floors, large living room, new, expensive furnace, big basement- large garage, shrubbery and roses. All this lor Jo-'ftO, on terms. Owner needs money In business, hence the low price. Call us lor appointment at once. , COMTE & KOHLMAN. 228 Cham, of Com. M. 6550. HAWTHORNE. $4200 CLOSE IN J4200. A most exceptional buy In a 5-room modern bungalow, immaculate through out: large, liaht moron hoaur l f n 1 1 fin ished, fireplace, built-in bookcases, pan- u uiuing room, oeamed ceilings, porce lain plumbing, built-in kitchen full e meut basement, furnace, on paved street. vicar, corner lot: terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. C33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7, IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. i nave a fine, modern, up-to-date home of 6 rooms; reception, living and dining room in ivory and mahogany; Dutch kitchen In white, all hardwood floors. French doors bet. living and din ing room, built-in bookcases and buffet, furnace, fireplace, 2 toilets, garage and full lot. facing east; all in the pink of condition: a bargain. 449 E. 27th N. Phone 213 or Mar. 829. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. This home is beautifully situated on east bank of river, surrounded by high class residences. Walking distance: highly aultable for refined rooming house or easily convertible into double house or flats. Contains 12 rooms, two batha, three fireplaces. Pries $S500; terms. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall 5454. i40 Stark St. MT. TABOR. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4S50. A real bargain. See it today. You will appreciate ths real value here. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. cement basement. furnace, wash trays, etc. Full lot. Paving paid. Reasonable terms. . A. G. TEEPE CO., 2,0 Stark st.. near Fourth. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandv. FOR QUICK SALE. By the owner, splendid home. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement, fine furnace and fireplace, lot 50x100, everything paid, close in on east side, good neighborhood. Pries $5700, terms Telephone East lu4L A NEW 8-room bungalow, large living room, breakfast. 4 bedrooms, shower bath with recent bath tub. pedestal lav atory, French dining room with built-in buffet, auto garage, street Improvements in and paid for, 3 blocks to school; pos session at once. Drive out and see Alln st 900 Hancock st. For further in formatlon phone Auto. 310-33. 1315(1. WALKING DISTANCE. On west side, tj block from car, I block from Multnomah club, good 6 room cottage, brick foundation, base ment, gas, bath, lavatory; an exceptional bargain; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE AVE. $6000 for a line, modern, up-to-date 6-room; 2 fireplaces, furnace. 2 toilets, fine lot with fruit and shrubbery, near 20th. in first-class condition. Phone Mar. 829 or Tabor 711)0. F. L. BLANCH ARD, 519-21) Railway Ex. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. Bungalow In Easlmoreland. on one of the choicest tites; six rooms and garage; price only $0300; street assessments all paid; easy terms; 6 interest on unpaid balance. if interested see us at once, LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Marshall 5454. . 246 Stark Street. WONDERFUL IRVINGTON Select. 73x100. massed with flowers. Japanese and other shrub bery, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, ull floors hardwood; terms $1300 cash. $00 per month including Interest; vacant August 1st. East 1347. AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title, it la merely a history of your title. A title insurance policy is a guar antee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title at Trust company. HOUSE BARGAIN. 8-room - modern house, lot 80x100; $4500. or if furnished complete. $5500; this is big value; any reasonable terms; must sell at once; investigate and make offer. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 16.T4 4th. $1700 3 ROOMS and pantry, lot 54x1 oo. Alberta district, large up-to-date chicken house, fruit and garden, $700 cash. Bal. $10 month. Ha'pr. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 264 Stark St. SACRIFICE Lot 140x140, 4-room house, woodshed, chicken house, all kinds of -fruit trees and berries. 15 minutes' walk from Lents Junction: will sell for $900 now. For mora information call Tabor 2152. LADD AVE., NEAR HAWTHORNE. Bungalow type, 7 rooms, h. w. floors, newly tinted and decorated; garage; $7250. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. TAKE IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood fioors. furnace and bullt-lns: all st- impts. paid; $950 cash will handle it; go see It today. S21 E 16th st. N. Phone owner. East 4000. A Insurance policy Is a guarantee or the title to your nome. When you buy your home have the title insured Better bs safe than sorry.' Title A Trust company. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Six-room, finished in old ivory, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, full cement basement, sleeping porch. 524 East 20th N.. near Brazee. $2200 Four-room bungalow, bath, electric lights, gas and water, garden; $1500 casn. balance nae rent. -ML Scott dis trict. 5408 09th St. S. E. Phone Aut 26111 then 4922. FOR SALE By owner, neat bungalow, partly furnished, 5 rooms, bath. lava. tory, full basement: improved street fine car service. $2800, terms. Phone woodlawn bz.mi. E. BURNSIDE $3150. Good 6-room house with full basement. near iin St., wa.King aistance. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. This place is well built: has all mod em conveniences, good district and car service and will be sold at a bargain. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 3089. 6-ROOM home, full plumbing, basement, 50x100 lot, fruit and berries: a snap; $2b50, $650 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $1400 THREE ROOMS $1400. Alberta cottage, street Improvements paid, fine lawn, fruit trees, ons block to car. x eritia. iuvuiavi ..ou. WE have already examined the title to your property and can issue you a tltiw insurance policy without delay. Title A trust company. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND 7 rnm, 2 large sleeping porches, furnace, fire place; cost $5200: take $4700; some terms. .Maxsnau xu. FOR SALE or trade for acreage, mr, b room house in University Park; going oacs to itie mini. & uargain. i ti. Zeli 708 Willamette Blvd., near Fiske, VACANT HAWTHORNE 8 ROOMS. 140m 45th St.. modern. 12 bearing fruit tree. flow-era, shrubbery, excellent condition. M) xioo lot; sjuw casn. Marshall 102 GET title insurance Instead of an ab,tr,n It is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected against error. Title At trust company. $1-11 r UK a a L.c. nan cash, 5-room house, two lots, corner, bath, toilet, gas. oiocKs m iiyuiu scon car; terms. S U-.Al! - . ' n .. .. .1 c - . w . U11C1, ovj-j w ,..-. u St. To buy duplex houses or flats. SEE RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. - 29TH. NEAR BELMONT UP-TO-DATE SIX ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH : LOT 50x100; GARAGE: SEE THIS MONDAY; $6000; TERMS. NEAR JEFERSON HIGH SCHOOL SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; MODERN EXCi-J'T HARDWOOD FLOORS; LOT 3fhc 100; SNAP; (4500. 1064 E. MORRISON CLEAN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE: GAR DEN SPOT, SMALL FRUITS; $3OO0; 1000 CASH. W. H. SAWTELL. TABOR 1S1L 4ooo Hawthorne: 4imio. 5-room modern bungalow with floored attic, fireplace, full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays; lot is 40x124, with garden and fruit trees; garage wit pit. A very cosy home and only (40O0, 2000 cash, $4500 CLEVELAND AVE. $4000 A very pleasant 7-room house on fins lot, near car and Jefferson high; fur nace, floored attic; 8000 cash will han dle this. , $4200 MT. SCOTT BARGAIN $4200. On fine corner, 100x120. garden all In. splendidly constructed house of 10 rooms (could not be built today for a cent less than $10,000); light, well finished ce ment basement with furnace; only $4200. with $2000 cash. MacINNES PRATT. Broadway 1638. 2o9-210 Oregon Bldg. $4250. $4230. $4250. ' 8-room Hawthorne bringalow. Go look! 38S Glenn Ave. Has hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nce. full cement basement, enamel plumbing, sleeping porch. 50x100 lot, paved streets; worth at least $5750; neat, clean, newly painted: easy terms. NOW VACANT MOVE IN. ABOUT 1000 CASH. G. C. GOLDENBERG. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. Years io Portland." BBAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 75(0 Distinctive, ultra modern horns on beautiful WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7 rooms, spacious living room 35 feet long with fireplace, solid paneled dining room with massive buffet; HARDWOOD r i.oortM 4 sunny sleeping rooms: full cement basement with furnace and laun dry room; paved street liens paid; splen did corner: 50x100 feet, with shade trees, shrubs, garage. Terms. j block to car. THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. See J. W. Crossley, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Horns, Abington Bldg. Main lo8. ROSE CITY. Advanced type, new 5-room bungalow; . large living room (14x21). shape brick and tile fireplace, with built-in book cases, French doors in dining room, built-in buffet: three rooms tapestry papered, with triple floors of Tennessee select oak. hall and bedroom triple floored with birdseye maple: a dream of a bathroom, built-in floor tub and ped estal lavatory, double kttchen and breakfast alcove, automatla Gasco fur nace, light fixtures, shades, inlaid lino leum, garage, lawn: owner on premises all day Sunday. 1045 Sandy blvd. NOB HILL BARGAINS. At the head of Kearney st.. near 25th. Is an attractive home of 7 rooms. Large reception hall, living room with splendid fireplace: large attic, full cement base ment with fine furnace, also coinmunilv steam heat. Thia well-built house is among good homes and can be bought for $1300 cash and monthly, payments like rent. No. 826 Kearney st. is the place. We also have a 6-room house at 731 Kearney street, between 22d and 23d. Take a look at this also. Inspection of interiors by appointment only STRONG 4k CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. TWO HOME BARBAINS ON VERY EASY TERMS. Fine modern bungalow, partly fur nished. Fireplace, attic. paved street, shade trees and roftes. Onlv $4000. UNFINISHED HOUSE. Seven rooms, large basement, full lot. A chance to save money on your horns. Only $2100. Also new modern and well built bunga lows. 44250 up. Liberal terms. B. F. POND REALTY CO., 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825. Office open Sundays. NORTH PIEDMONT DISTRICT. A strictly modem 8-room bungalow; It is very attractively situated among the trees and shrubbery on a 107x100 foot corner terraced - lot: abundance of fruit and vegetables: garage, etc. If you are looking for a high-class home st a .snap here is your chance: price SGSOn, $1500 cash; balance easy terms. See Mr. Christenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. $4200. Attractive 6-room modem home, in the best part of Waverly-Richmond dis trict; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, pan eled dining rocm, full basement, fur nace, beautiful-corner lot, fruit trees and shrubbery. 1 block off Division. blocks to car, 5 to school; $1000 will handle, balance easv terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. TWO elegant flats. 6 rooms each, w-est side, close in. choicest lo cality, furniture, fireplace, bard wood floors, show 14 per cent on Investment. Main 4so3. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. . . SEE IT TODAY FROM 2 TO 6. A delightful home and a wdnderful view, corner East Stark and 71st street; 7 rooms, modern, bedroom with extra toilet and lavatory first floor; a real sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms and bath room second floor; hardwood floors, new furnace, fireplace, garage and only $4650. lt'a a re$l home, ready to step Into. Come today or call Broadway 1638 week days. HERE IS A BARGAIN 7-room double- constructed house, half block from car line, on 42d at. Entrance hail, living and dining rooms beamed ceiling; bed room and kitchen on lower floor; also toilet, 3 bedrooms w-ith large closets and . batn room on second floor: nice garden and lawn. $3500, cash $1000, balance $25 month at 7 per cent. McCLURE SCHMAUCH CO.. 306 Railway Exch. Main 1503. LAURELHURST 2 blks.. and two blks. from Ankeny car barn. $1750: greatest bargain ever offered. 7 rooms com pletely furnished, modern house; lot 5ox 100: sll in fine garden truck; very solid ly built and finest condition: owner go ing east, sacrificing his home at this figure; see it and be convinced: must sell quick. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week Tabor 219. WOODLAWN HOME $2050. Small cash payment of $650 and bal. easy terms gives immediate possession of this most substantial six-room resi dence on lull lot; ordinary modern fea tures. - except furnace. For homo value' this meets any competition. Mr. Johnson, with. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 332-33 Ky. Exch. Bldg. HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. One-half of quarter-acre with small house partly furnished, 10 mln. from car. 10 bearing fruit trees. 9 young trees, berries, grapes. shrubs, roses, flowers, good garden: peas ready for canning: jars here, everything on tho place goes at bargain; am leaving city. Call Marshall 4S20: IN IRVINGTON on 15th St.. beautiful home of 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, dining, living, kitchen, den. furnace, trays, full basement, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, everything in excellent condition; cor ner. $7300. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Five-room bungalow-, attic, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, buffet, hard wood floors, laundry trays, house la Ln perfect condition, on paved street. tv blocks to car, also garage: price $4450. terms. 1125 Gasco Bldg., Main S45a. KENTON DISTRICT HOME. $2000 $250 CASH. BALANCE TERMS. 50x100 lot and 4-room modern house: Here is a good buy: OWNER IN EAST AND HAS TO SELL SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXHTH. WALKING DISTANCE. WEST SIDE. 7 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, g.wt. electric lights. 2 fireplaces, cement base ment, first-class condition; lot 50x100; $500O. half cash. See owner evenings. 467 Tenth St.. near Jackson. BEAUMONT district, off .Alameda drive, six-room Diingalow and sleeping porch, built-ins. hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, $2300 first payment. Tabor 7757. $125 DOWN BALANCE EASY. Very nice little 3-room house, full lot. close to car line. B. K. KELLY, 715 S WETLAND BIVDO. tin Ann Ria mnHern T r-. i it. QAi,,i, $0500. If you want a genuine home see this. S. M. Venard. owner. 929 Chamber of -Commerce. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured. Get a title Insuranse pol Icy. Title & Trust company. FOR SALE 3-room modern bungalow and 2 lots, fruit and flowers, chicken yard. Tabor 708SV . FIVE-ROOM cottags for sale or exchange for city property, by owner. R 575, Oregonian. SIX-ROOM bungalow, fuyiace, hardwood floors, garage, paved streets; Haw thorns; no asents. Owner. Tabor 726.. 4 '