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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OltEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1920 NEW TODAY. BSTAKUSHED 188X , ON TUESDAY . NEXT . ifKSHAIXSRI.L FOR THE OWKR (JHXL'l.Mj TI RKISH Hl'iS. FIRST 41. ASS KIR I I I UK. WILTON RI GS, ETC. "VK HAVK MOVKU THESE (.OODS TO THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE FOR CONVENIENCE OF AIXTIOS SALE, comprisinK Turkish rugs in room and small sizes (this Is a good collection of twelve rues), William and Mary mahogany lrbrary table, also massive quarter-sawed oak library table, rockers in Spanish leather, oak and mahogany with cane hacks; costly panne plush portieres Wilton velvet rugs, sev.eral pictures, hooks, ivory bedroom suite, viz., bed stead, dresser and dressing table; V er nis Martin beds (all beds complete with best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, pillows); dressers in birdseve maple and quarter - sawed oak with chiffonier to match. The dining-room suite is of the very-best, in Jacobean style, as follows -54-inch-top table. 10 feet long; buffet, china closet, serving table and chairs in wax quartered oak, like new; William and Mary buffet, combina tion bookcase; refrigerator, gas range, steel range and many other useful lots; ALSO VICTROLA AM) KKCOR1IS AMI KOUL-TOi TYPE WRITER'S DESK. Auctioneer's Note In the above adv.' we have not given full details of this sale, so we advise vou to please call tomorrow and look over the full list of goods, you will find them well worthy of your at tention. AICTIOS ON TUESDAY A EXT AT 10 A. M. i ON WEDNESDAY -NEXT . AT PRIVATE RESIPEJiC E. 1SI NORTH TWENTY - THIRD STREET. C O K N K R GLISAN STREET. WE HAVE BEEN FAVORED WITH IN STRUCTIONS FROM THE OWNER TO SF.LL THE FIRST-CLASS HOCSE FURNISHINGS OF HIS PRIVATE HOME AT AMOVE ADDRESS, com prising mahogany library table, sofa, hand-carved mahogany chair, rockers, plush portieres, lace curtains, nearly new Wilton rug, 9x12; oak p a r 1 o r desk, kdison Amberola and records, in fine condition; vases, mantel clock, "bric-a-brac, box couch, cover and cushions and other library and parlor furnishings; dining table, sideboard and set of chairs, a lot of dishes and Elassware, china cabinet, ivory enam eled mirror with cabinet, beautiful living room Axminster rugs with hail carpet to match, stair carpet, mahog any hall mirror, Axminster rugf. 9x12: pictures, small rugs, brass and iron beds, spring and mattresses in vari ous sizes, pillows, sheets, blankets and other bedding, maple and mahog any dressers, bedroom carpets and rues drapes and curtains, bedroom rhiirs. malleable kitchen range gas range, a lot of first-class kitchen utensils, scales, lawn mower. garden hose, tools, etc., etc. Auctioneer's Note this HOI SF. OF FURNITURE IS IN FIHST-CLASS. CLEAN CONDITION, 1VII WE CAN RECOMMEND IT FOR i F IN ANY GOOD HOME. AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. mk AMOVE RESIDENCE IS FOR RENT BY THE OWNER AT ABOVE ADDRESS. Unclaimed Baggage Auction FflR THK 0.-W R. IV. CO. AT THE AIXSWOUTH IIOCK ON WEDNES H.4V. a I f;i ST 1MTH. This bag H-nire nnri other articles are being sold to satisiy tne liens anu cna.rge lhcic on of the O.-W. li. & N. Co. for keep, storage, care and attention by it be stowed thereto, which lien and charges have neither' been satisfied nor paid by the owner within the time prescribed by law. By S, H. REGAL, Gen. Baggage Agent. Dated July 9th, 1920. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT THK BAKER AUCTION HOUSE WK SHALL HAVE A IS OTHER LOT OK HOISEHOLI) (iOODS TO SELL FOR VARIOUS CONSltiXORS. SALE AT 10 A. SI. WE BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR CASH OR WILL SELL FOR YOU ON COMMISSION AT VOIR- HOME, IF CONVENIENT. OR VOU MAY HAVE THE USE OF OIK .SALESROOMS. CONSULT US BEFORE YOU SELL. W.C. BAKER &W.H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, Pythian Building, Yamhill and W ent Park Streets t Formerly Masonic Temple Itullding) - MAIN saz. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 1S67. Frank E. Wa-tktns, Manager. ' Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 106 Second St. Phone Main 1644 Send Us Your Old Carpets (We .Call and Deliver.) Old Kubb and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Koom-Size Fluff Roes Woven. $17.50 " Kas; Rues Woven All Sizes. Clothes Clranine and Oyeins' Dents. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning' 9x13 Kuks. Steam Cleaned, S1.50. .. WESTERN FLUFF HUG . CO.. 54 Union Ave. N. Phones. East 6516 and East 7655. WHOLESALE GROCERY FIRM wants experienced super intendent, capable of han dling porters and taking charge of warehouse. D 928, Oregonian Phone you want ads to The Oregro nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.' SEW TODAT. eautiful estover One of the most beautiful, de sirable homes in Portland to day!' Incomparably lovely panoramic view. Just think, 10.000 square miles for a FRONT YARD! A home re plete with every modern con venience. Spacious living . room with massive fireplace, dining room with beautiful-built-in buffet, all first floor finished in selected fir, hard wood floors, woodwork wax finish, glassed observation porch, cosiest of dens, model kitchen, pantries, etc. Second . floor has three splendid sleep ing rooms, each equipped with separate lavatory; two large screened - in sleeping porches, full concrete basement, serv ants' quarters, hot-water heat ing system; garage; grounds have 130-foot frontage. It is impossible to properly describe this wonderful home. If you are interested you'll appreciate seeing it! Price only $15,000; $7500 cash will handle. It couldn't be built for less than $25,000. See J. W. Crossley, Manager High-Class Home De- . fiartment, who has personally nspected this property and pronounces it a "giltedge buy. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Uldtc., Main 106R. 106 Mi 3d St., Met. Wash, nil Stark. RVINGTON Knott Street Corner UNLOCKED TODAY . No. 775 Knott street, N. W. corner of 24th. -Center entrance ; all ivory fin ish except solid mahogany dining room ; beautifully papered; oak floors throughout, very large liv ing room; three or four bedrooms and sleeping porch on second; large bil liard room, maid's room and bath on 3d. HOT WATER HEAT, $13,000. Knott-street corners are scarce. Hat-water-heated homes cost money to build. R. T. STREET Good Homes Realtor. i FLATS OUR BEST BARGAIN Four two-flat buildings. Most desir ablv located on west side. Close in. Walking distance. 110,000 will handle this. EAST SIDE FLATS FOR CASH OR UOOD TRAUE.' HOUSES EAST SIDE AND WEST SIDE LOTS Thirty lots will be sacrificed to close last holdings here of non resident owner. FARMS Our farm department, in charge of Mr. O. A. Morse, has a strong list of Multnomah and Washington counties, Oregon, and Clarke county, Washington STURM-KEFER CO. 214 Fifth St.. Cor. Courthouse. Salmon. Opposite Main 6'J5. MUST BE SOLD-- Great Sacrifice 7B-ROOM HOTEL BUILDING. Ground floor, lobby and stores 100x100, tnree-story brick; uowntown location. Ritter, lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RIVERA HOUSES IV SELECT DISTRICT, WITH WOKDERFLL VIEWS. DUNTHORPE HOME SITES I A DISTRICT THAT IS RESTRICTED A!MD ALWAYS WILL BE, ONE ACRE ANO I P, VERV REASONABLY PRICED. RIVERFRONT SOME CHOICE LOCATIONS. A FEW HOI SES WITH AMPLE GROUNDS, RIGHT ON THE RIVER. RIVERDALE SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. All this property has gas, electricity. Bull Kun water, daily deliveries and is twenty minutes from Washington, on a paved road and near to a new $43,000 school. Information given gladly Mrs. Helen S. Turner 1O06 MAIVS6H. SPALDING BLDti. AT GRESHAM, OREGON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 10 A. M., JULY 24 J. E. METZGER, OWNER, QN MAIN ST. w NEW TODAY. WHEAT FARM The owner of this property has been ordered by doctors to move to California because of his wife's health, consequently must sell. THE FARM CONSISTS OF 800 ACRES Lying on a slight slope of about 3 per cent, all but five acres under cultivation; 450 acres in wheat now harvesting, will run 25 bushels to- 30 bushels per acre; 345 acres summer-fallow; on main travel road, five miles from railroad. Necessary surveys made and irrigation district formed that should place water on the place within three years, which will double its value. PRICE $16,500 Terms If Desired. With stock and tools, including combined harvester having auxiliary engine. $22,000. LOCATION CENTRAL OREGON. Write IRA E. HYDE WHITE SALMON. WASHINGTON. Splendid modern corner home, costly hardwood fin ished first floor, with large living room ; pleasant bed rooms in white, one is very large ; beautifully papered. Price $9500. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and comparison of values is solicited. R. T. STREET Good Homes Realtor. East 15 th and Broadway. East 894. TRACKAGE- 100x200 FACING lOO FEET OS EAST FIRST, lOO FEET ON EAST SECOND, SOO FEET ON EAST WASHINGTON". 50x100 sr. -xv. CORXER FIFTEENTH AT 1RVIXG. W. S. POINDEXTER 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIS 1800. WEST SIDE INCOME WORTH $15,000; PRICE $9000 LARGE. MODERY RESII)KrR Located within walking distance to Dusiness center; unobstructed view o entire city; hardwood floors through out; two fireplaces, six bedrooms with separate washbasins, large sleep ing porch: full cement basement; furnace; all In excellent repair. This property will pay you- big money. Why not rent out these rooms? Im mediate possession. us show you this bargain. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 813 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Main esMtr. 100 x 200 CHOICE HALF BLOCK Between First and Second sts., this city. Ideal location for large garage or manufacturing plant. To be sold immediately at $5000 less than as sessed valuation. Price $22,500 This is an exceptional bargain and is worthy of your closest examination. For particulars call at my office, 404 Piatt Building 127 PARK ST. HALF ACRES JUST SOUTH OF MULTNOMAH Graded streets, water and other utili ties in the ground. Priced as low as $500 per half acre, on terms of 10 per cent down and J10 a month. There are only a few of these left. If you want a South Multnomah half-acre bargain, come quickly. Never before have I had such values for the money ner Multnomah. BEN RIESLAND Excloiye A (rent of This nnd Other Propfrty In and Alioot the Multnomah District. City Office 404 Pln,(t BldK.. I . rars si. ix luiinoma-n on sunuaya Light Manufacturing A splendid- building, 18x70, living rooms in connection, one 10 - horse power G. E. motor. 2 French burr mills, z sets ot rollers, belts, shifters. etc.; located in South Portland. This is completely equippea tor cereal mill work. vV ill take out machinery, leav ing motor, and sell for $2000, or will sell plant complete, ground, building ana mucmnery, lor duu, and ar range terms. FBED W. GERMAN CO, 732 Chamber of Commerce. & vac :y PLAN YOUR HOME Pay for same on easy terms. We will build size of ground to please. Loca tion East 23d st. Or will sell lots very cheap. Price and terms, see Geo. H. Thomas 267 Ouk St., Room S, AJnawortl Bids. NEW TODAT. BARGAIN SALE HOME SITES NOj.GLENWOQDPARKxV,' by 313. ft., contains 1.13 acres, on Washburn street, three blocks north of Lombard street and only two blocks from Co lumbia Park. Ground level, good soil; beautiful native trees on part. NO. 2, ROSE CITY PARK Faces east on 62d. Vs blocks north of andy. This is very attract! ve lot in a desirable neighborhood. N0.3,iVANHOE& ; Faces north on Gladstone ave nue at head of 46th street, 2(4 blocks east of Woodstock car line. Sightly lot two feet above sidewalk. Native trees' and fruit trees. N0.4,MTJAB0Ro?it9he5sf.noensV view home sites on Mt. Tabor and adjoins the Park; some of the finest native trees and shrubbery to be found any place in the city. Site is a.p- froximately 150 feet by 165 feet, f you are looking for view property be sure to see this one before you buy. N0.5.M0NTAVILLA? Two lots I n K south on E. Morrison, between 84th and 86th streets. These lots are owned by a man who recently moved to Boston, and are offered at a great sacrifice. NO. 6, ALAMEDA PARK Here is one of the very few view lots left on the Alameda. It is in a district built up with distinctive homes. Lot extends , throug-h block so that the view can never be obstructed. All of the above Home Sites have been acquired by us irRrarious ways and are offered at very attractive prices. Buy now before land values in crease. LADD ESTATE COMPANY 246 Stark Street Marshall 5454 774 Thompaom St., the costly medium-size home in Portland for Bale'now tt less than cost when built, and at about half present value. A II Ki BARGAIN ! Large mahog any living room, oak library, breakfast room, 20x32 dancing hall, billiard room or library in DasenTent. oak floored and fireplace. American radiator vapor heat, couple of all-tile baths and all-tile kitchen; one bedroom is double size, with fireplace; hardwood floors throughout, except si. porch. A home of rare beauty, charm and value for you if you can buy the very best. By appoint ment only. Another One of Irvlngrton's Many Costly and Beautiful Homca Southwest corner 23d and Thompson. A home of character fireproof, upkeep proof, hardwood' finish, .hot water heat, costly plumbing. These are samples of many Buya In Beat Homes at 922.04M), 24,000. 925,000, 28,O00, V27.SO0, fitS,0O0. R.T. STREET I Good Homes Realtor, East 15th and Broadway. East S94. WILL LEASE SECOND FLOOR LOCATION IN HEART Business District SPACE 42x45 FEET New two-story building: with light, airy rooms; annual rent less than $1.50 per square foot, including heat, light, water and janitor service. Portland's available business locations can be secured through INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BLDG. AN EXfElTIOVAl OPPOHTUS1TT. fLNB KUL'IT RANCH. Never Before Offered for Sale.. 40 acres, 30 miles frpm Portland and short distance from excellent town, on paved road. Land is all cultivated and fenced with woven wire. Three acres family orchard, conaisting- of apples, pears,. prunes, cherries, quinces, etc; JO acres best commercial varieties apples 10 years old; 13 acres prunes 7 years old. In excel lent bearing; balance in grain. House, bam. hen-house, etc.: excellent spring; sprayer and all farm Implements go with the lanch for only $10,000, with terms. The prunes aloni will pay for tho ranch in two or three crops. Buy direct from the owner and save the agent's commission. For interview address M 906, Oregonian. ; PORTLAND HEIGHTS Bargain price for quarter block and modern 10-room residence with double garage, in most select neighborhood. Will consider pther property in part payment. DONALD MACLEOD. KM) 1-2 Spalding Building;. No. most NKW TODAY. Maes r -rr" IRVINGTON NO. 534 BRAZEE UNLOCKED TODAY This most beautiful near-new, semi-English colonial. On corner with 100 feet frontage, 50 feet deep. Ivory finish and hardwood floors through out. Plate-glass windows and spruce siding... Eight rooms f our on each floor) in old ivory finish; artis tically papered; costly lighting and plumbing fix tures. Most beautiful bath and kitchen. Double ga rage. A home for your family, $10,500 ; all street liens paid. See this today, sure. R. T. STREET Good Homes Realtor. FOR EXCHANGE MODERN WEST SIDE HOME Wonderful view mountains, river, city, etc. All modern conven i e n c e s, 7 rooms. Ground ' area 66xl00 feet. Beautiful shrubbery. PRICE $10,000 Will consider other property in part payment to $5000. Remainder $500 cash, mortgage $4500. Full information apply to TWELFTH FLOOR YEON BLDG. $3500 $3500 VERY NIFTY Five-room bungalow with about $500 worth of furniture, located blocK from -car; every imaginable birilt-in feature and fireplace. This is a splen did buy. Terms can De arranged. FRED W . GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce LONG-TIME LEASE Heart of Retail District 30x75 Four Stories and Basement Only $1200 Month Wilcox Bldg. MAIX 5638. 200 ACRES 900 AP.RFS flN THAI ATIM RIVFR bvrvs ' Some of the best land In Ore- gon. Large portion of this of bottom land, all in crops, which will amount to at least $6000; together with ma chinery and stock, the equip ment is worth at least $iz,uuu. THIS PLACE IS A MONEY MAKER Don't take our word, but see It and ask the neighbors.. Price $50,000 Including everything. Can give you very liberal terms and accept some in trade. A. W. Lambert & Son GRAND AVE ANU K. ALUliR ST. EAST 640. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 18-R00M MODERN HOUSE CORNER EAST TWBTTf - EIGHTH AND ALDER. Present Occupant Moore Sanitarium. OWNER, R. ,E. PHILLIPS Manager Portland Tronic Co., and Pine Streets. Third GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY PLACE A natural park of 30 acres, with two creeks and several springs; eiectric station on grounds; also good mac adam road close to hard surface. One of the most beautiful locations for a home site in the vicinity of Portland. PRICE 15,000. J 263, OltLCiOAJLLY. MX 6mM fTEW TODAT. APARTMENTS Nob Hill $6G,500 B eautiful first-class apartment house on quarter block on Everett street in Nob Hill dis trict. Income $850 per month. TERMS. . Irvington Apartments $36,000 On corner lot; 8 apart ments; four 5-room; four 4-room; all large, light, airy outside rooms; built in bullets ana c n l n a closets; HAR D W O O D FLOORS; tiled bath rooms; Dutch kitchen; gas range; refrigerator; full cement basement with individual locker rooms; washing machine, vacuum cleaner; first story klincker brick and 'second story stucco. SPLENDID INCOME. TERMS. $2o,000 Four apartments of five rooms each, together with sun porch; hard- ' wood floors; tiled bath rooms; shower bath; Dutch kitchen and gas ranges. Rents for $85 each. Irvington Flats $25,000 Three modern houses of two 5-room apartments -each; hardwood floors; built-in buffets; all mod ern conveniences; vacant lot adjo i n i n g can be bought. Building could not be duplicated for price asked. This is an A - 1 investment. Has splendid SPECULATIVE VALUE. Terms. Portland Heights Apartment $16,000 4 apartments of 5 rooms each; hardwood floors; fireplace; Dutch kitch ens; each with sleeping porch; separate furnace and modern gas dryer. Owner paid $19,000 for this 3 years ago. He just died and his widow is forced to sacrifice for a QUICK SALE. EASY TERMS. This is your opportunity. Near Broadway Bridge $11,000 On Benton street, splen did investment m lour modern 5-room flats. In come $100 per month. TERMS. 1 West Side Flat $3,500 T wo-flat building Irving street, close in; lot worth more than price asked; $800 down and $50 per month with interest. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. Laiirelhurst Apartments $3,250 Double Apartments with paneled dining room with massive b u f f e t; j Dutch kitchen. Building could not be duplicated for far more than the price asked. TERMS. West Side $4,750 Four rooms downstairs, j and 4 rooms up; EASY WALKING DISTANCE to business centers. Good Income. Cash. We have many exceptional bargains in store buildings, with and without living rooms, in every section of the city. SEE ours before you buy. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS We have hundreds of business and residence lots for sale in every part i , . , ... -c - j- i Ui. LUC CILy. X UI liaUIWldLlUll IClUU- ing these and otner Dusmess prop- erties SEE Center of Irvlncrton One Year-Old Kew Knglnnd Colonial of best construction, on larsre eiphtly corner. Every modern convenience; larpe living- room in old ivory, beautifully pa pered, artistically lighted; French doors from same to sun narlor. Second floor has three or four fine bedrooms, all hard wood floored, tile- bath, triple bevel-plate mirrors in two of the bedrooms; large plate-grlass windows throughout; Gascofur nace; garage; between Irving ton school and club. R. T. STREET Good Homes Realtor. East 15th and Broadway. Kast MM. i-1iiBZiJl o , BSJKtS S PROPERTY' . 4?- HI $ L- & NEW TODAY. WAREHOUSE Heavy constructed warehouse, with track age, centrally located on east side. Building contains 37,000 square feet floor area; large sample or display room, g'ood offices. Price $65,000 J. F. STAVER Macleay Building". Houses Garages Erected la Portland Shipped Anywhere In built 4-foot iee- , tiona r a d J and, easy to put to k ether. A first-clapa house or yaras dl- J rert from the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen ' profit- Write tor catalog. Kedimade Building Co. Kat Kleventh and Market. 2 Blocks south o Hawthorna, Phone Kant 5114. l'ortland. Or. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate. first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock., notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 fhnm. of Com. Bids. Main 3n2- EEAL KSTATF. COAL. MINE 20-acre coal property, rul.y tlevelme(i mi ana nf Ions OI ur. narn. clean llcntte coal In slKhf. none better It. tK. u-act t r.T 1 1 S l.O T t f lO War- kt t.v wnip'r rUi- can be mined and shipped to Portland for less than $3 per ton; sme coal now semns bi tr"'u to $12 per ion. This property for la.e nr lesf. at verv reasonattle tiRUre and 1 l.rm.' n r;iro ftinnPrt for & TiarlV ablft handle it. Write or Sea X. M.. Ke.ioK. 5 fci. -Tth St.. Portland. WK.ST S1DK. CENTRAL, cor. lot. ..oil". fine, for enracre or apartment noose; rea sonable, lor cash. W uregoiiLin. tor hale Flat and Apartment l'roperly. 4,000 2-fRmlly flat, on K 2Sth St.. nj:ir Oak. rented $".0 .xrr month, streets paved and paid for. $16.000 ."-family flat, west side near i:;ti Hnj rt.ui. oio well furnished. tll.000 l-family flat near Multno mah cl'.in. J nae mw in mmlin wl'h fireplaces, etc. $ 9.r00 East HurniUle near Jtth. rotir-iamiiy ii na, re.uiioiw rental, value S.UJ each. $ 8,500 i-fami y flat. west Sid llth anu nan. o rouiua lower f 1 or. 3 rooms on upper. '2 iC"od rjms in attio. j SOOii 2-fainily flat on K.-st iota St.; vi r oina in catii iiat. SlS.OOt :: hous. s on 70x100. on cor ner 21t and I-.ove.1oy sis. This corner has good business future. Ve have many other duplex houses, flats, apartment houses from t"ono up. RITTElt LOWE A CO. 201-3-S-7 Hoard of Trade Bide. NRT IxrPXlfi. SKMIO I'RR MONTH. i:r,xlou lot In Nob Hill Im proved with modern frame apartment of in) rooms; saveral gaiiiRcs; ImlMin? only 7 vears old and in very !iiiih-clas con- lm.n. Will stand cloHt.t scrutiny. Price $45.00O. $ir..tnK hunUles. 1 ates Kea lty Co.. '2 Fourth, st. tlS.Olrt). 100x100 WITH a 4-familv 4-room modern flat buildtnff ana Kc-oa i-rtotn hnusei income ll.Vl ier month: close-in. near Uroadway; $0000 down, balance at 7 per cent int.; good terms. Phone Kast 8'JOU Rl'Y a home a-H have an income at sa time. 1 have two small apartment nouses in lrvincton for sale at 17.00i and I1S.0O0: first-class in every respect. K. J. O'Neil. 717 Hoard of Trade Mrtc. S i' L K X D 1 D INVESTMENT S t a m - h e a t ea flats and store, west side, paying net income of 1" per cent on full purchase orice of SST.OO. or over "O per cent on equity of 4.'.Q0. I'. O. H"X 377. .-.-HOOM APARTMENTS. House all up to date, owner leaving ottv Will sell cheap at SSoOO tor quick sale: one block to car: good neighborhood. McUonell. Last 41'.. VfR SALE l-Hat bu Idin;r. &OX1UO. on Vnunh. Pet. ml ana Aioiiicomerv. van mornings at "-7 E. .'.Pen or Aut. '-'IS it'or Sale Ileach I'roperty. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Paintinp and Paperhaneinff and furnish material. T.ot located in Tillamook beach Salt- airl. near station and ocean. AK 7ti0, Oregouiall. '.'.-. l.nvs a fine i-room nome at iseaview. W asn.. on tne new iiiKiiv.ii. .iu. beincr paved. When this is completed hi rronertv will bo worm consia- .mblv more: doubly constructed. bath electric lichts. l'-i slories, lire- nlace. all built-in features, garage. 4 bedrooms, o up. 1 down; 2PO ft. to station, tine ocean view; terms. J. A. WH'KMAX CO. "(14 Stark St. Main 1"4 and .'S. IjO YOU want a nice piece oi oeacn prop- naI-.V I naitt llll oaiE, .' I - ' t a eal Rock. 1" acres have been cleared fpnrcd. nice (trove of trees on land tnr nulck sale, will make very low rl ot 11500. Gibson, 20S Stark. Mar shall 12. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease two choice iom. ooxjtu ie l n.w hnrh. on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion, and holeL A I. 7H7. Oregonlan. I OCEANFRONT. 100x100. corner. 7 -room fiirnished nuuse. ucean tirn. v.asu. a. 51. Ciay. REAVIEW. WASH. For rent or for pa.. rnmn Pin o-I uuui luuurucu w . r a runninff water, patent toilet, elec Usbt, Call ttoO Dekum bldg.. 11 to 1. riWOX. BEAT'TIFL'L CANNO.V BEACH. S rooms. TirepiUL-t:. " ' ' " ain front: must sell now; $ t.00 cash. U. O. B i rd . Marshall 1 1'--. Monday. MANHATTAN BEACH Choice lot near station ana ueauii. j- oi, vi ufc o- Titan. piWON' BEACH five-room cottape. furntshea; tnree ioir, wt-a,u irwni; y K. Dreback. Ecola, Or. S BEAUTIFUL lots. Bay Ocean. $S0O: one NeahKannie. or v m n auo lor auto. J Oregnnian. FOR SALE Desirable lot at Gearharu Ta- bor eMJ. TWO lots. RocKaway neacn. very cheap : will traQG. w. in-dn..Di .-.! at. HALF price, fine niurr lot. a Rate beach. Newport, hiuhiwn. aiuuam k uiug. For Sale lvOts. MAKE me an offer for lot 6. block H4, Alameda Park ; all assessments paid ; fine location. Call 1 aoor iit m eve ning or call 2Lv ashington bidg. M1TST SELL Best located lot. Irvington Park. floO less man cost six years ago; improvements paid. u o o. Oregon lan. OWNEK. 1 or 2 lots. ...d and Hancock: reasonable, at your own terms. Address 1210 Mo. oodlawn bPhO. S40O CASH. 100x100 on Marguerite ave., 114 blocks from Kiliingsworth ave. Ad dress box 8, Multnomah, Or. FOUR fine lots. 50x100. improved jOOl A 500. Oresoniaa, streets. REAt ESTATE. For Sate IxtK. ATTENTION! BPECTTLATORS! BUILDERS! I-OIA tsTPRlCiS ever recorded in Port mna. ana are certain to advance to lormer prices or even hlch.r vnw is THK Till K to rtirlr ...r u-hi). ,K nrir. la low. These and hundred, nf nih.n "lc usiea with us ORIGINAL- 1'RICE. far below the BEE THEM. NOW ! nnn,LRF:RTA DISTRICT. $1500 on loo on E. soth. faciny east. J"" feet north of Jarrett; haxd-tlMn-!"'","4 EASY TERMS. louo Uoxloo on west side of E. SOth St.. 2u0 feet north of Killlngs ,. ?',or,h- EASY TERMS. S-3 JOxloo on East lth. faclns west,,, L0 feet north of Shaver; hard-v'v , . surfaced. EASY TERMS. 630 joxloo on East 31st. facing west. t.':V,f.eet north of KlUinssworth. EASY TERMS. JS00 jjOxIOO on E. 19th, facing- east TERMS nrtn of Sumnr. EASY , 5 Joxioo'on east side of Glenn ave.. i-!-f.eet north of Jarrett. EASY UERMS. ALBIXA DISTRICT. J1300 50x100. facing- west on Rodney. J;0 feet north of Going. EASY TERMS. 900 .vixtio on S. E. comer Shaver and Montana; four fruit trees; haxd .... surfaced. EASY TERMS. S50 50x100. Castle ave.. 'M0 feet north of Mason, facing east; hard .... surfaced. EASY TERMS. J.aO .10x100. facing east on Albina ave.. ISO feet north of BEECH. pnly jioo down. Easy terms on balance. tTK. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. 11230 M.xlOO. northwest corner of IE. 6tlth and Sandy blvd. Hard-sur- faced. EASY TERMS. t-5" r.Oxloo. southwest corner of E. 61st and Thompson. HARD- PLRFACED. Cash. i-00 50x100. s. W. corner E. Mth and Thnmiunn r luv Trove tS00 T.Mxnio. west side ot E. 40th St.. 10 feet north of Alameda drive. KA.CV TPRMJ $S00 SoxlOO. southeast corner of E. .... 5-d and Klickitat. EASY TERMS. .o0 tiOxloo. northeast corner of E. .2d and Beech. EASY TERMS. Good Vnllia $750 50x100. west side of E. 51st.. 200 feet north of Stanton. EASY . TERMS $550 SOxloo. west side of E. 55th. 1O0 50 50x100. on east side of E. 3dl 100 feet north of Klickitat. CASH. A rpnl hnrpnin J100 50x100. on East 66th. 150 feet nortn of Failing", facing west. EASY TERMS. IRVrT,Tnv moTPTpr $2300 100x100, beautiful lot. on K. "W.. . corner E. th and Thompson. $1000 50x100. north side of SchuylerJ 150 feet east of E. 3Sd. HARD-. SURFACED. Easy terms. LATTRP?r.TTT-T QT rnoTmr-r $1200 50x100. north sideT of Senate St.. lOO feet west of E. S7th st. Hard- - $1200 5"xlOO. south side of Sandy bird.. l-0 feet east of Imperial ave. EASY TKRMS A .nan) $900 50x100 on north side of LAUREL MUKST AVE.. 1..0 feet west of E. 44th. EASY TERMS. GOOD VALUE. MT. SCOTT BARGAIN'S. $350 40x100 on north side of 42d a., west of E. 72d St.; 8 fruit trees; . CASH. Splendid value! $275 50xloo on 04th ave.. loo feet west ' of SOth. lacing north. EASY TERMS. EXCLT'SIVK PIFDVOVT $1500 50x100 on west side ot Matlory. t.o reet north of Jessup. Hard surfaced, r-nsh. $1250 liDxIOO on east side of Kerhy. 200. leet north or K. 1 1 ll n cswort ru Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS $1250 02x100. west of Vancouver ave., ' on north side of Ainsworth. -EASY TERMS. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. -$650 .".Oxloo on east side of E. 28th. . 50 feet north of Gladstone on car line. Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $550 0xloo on north side of Frank- . Iln street. 100 feet east of East 36th. EASY TERMS. WALVUT PARK. We have numerous lota in this tract at very attractive prices. SUNNYS1 DE-H AWTHORXE DISTRICT. $1000 50x123 on east side of East 54th. 0O feet south of Hawthorne on car line. Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $1000 r.nxluo on south side of East i-tarlc St.. 50 feet east of Kast 45th. Hard-surfaced. TERMS. PELLWOon LOT SNAPS. $1600 Splendid lOOxloO. E. 20th. facing west. &o feet south of Rex ave. Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $250 50x110. on east side of E. 21st. . 50 feet north of Miller ave. EASY TERMS. These are but a few of the remark able lot values we have listed. We have hundreds in every part of the city. AVAIL VOl'RSEI.K OF A BIG OPPOR TUNITY NOW! See J. Logio Richard- ' son. The Lot Man. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Lot. Abtngton Blilg. Main 1068. " Open Eveninps and Sundays. . . 106H Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. MIDSUMMER SNAUPS IX DESIRABLE BUILDING SITES. OVERLOOK. CORNERS. $R00 will buy S.. E. corner Mason and Court, 50x100, all improvements paid;'.. $;;oo cash. bal. $15 mo.. 6 per cent. 10O0 will buy N. E. corner Shaver and. Capital. 1O0 feet of hard surface street ., and on car line, all Improvements paid. ' MULTNOMAH. $1000 will buy S. W. corner Shaver st. and Montana ave., 100 feet on Shaver., -$750 will buy any one of four lots,' . east front on Montana avenue, between ; Shaver and Falling streets: easy terms. JU'W will buy S. E. comer Alberta , and Albina ave., 50 by SO, good business corner, improvements all paid. M. V.. THOMPSON. 84S Mississippi av. ' 100x220. PARKROSE. $50 DOWN. 20 MONTH. Graveled street, south of fandy blvd. and car line; pressure water, shado trees, a Rood view; you can build a temporary hoie here; good jrarderv soil. J. 1IAKTS1AN COMPANY, 8 Cham ber of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. tL3. Main -OS. K-ii-iLI N OS VV ORTH A V ENUE RE ALI , COM PAN Y, A. li. loung, .Mgr. 11 Killings worth Avenue. Phone Automatic 313-71. ' EvninKB nnd Sundays, Wdin. 4045. Here is & business lot on Albina ave., near Killings worth, for a song. People live in California and must sell Imme diately; $1500 takes it. ' 1 Oirx 1 00 in Rcksa City Park, close to Alameda drive. These lots are situated' in a beautiful home-building section; price $i:iuo. easy terms. ' klLUXGSWORTH AVENUE REALTT COMPANY. A. H. Young. Mgr. Phone Automatic IilS-71. Residence Phone Wdin. 4!45. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $2."00 Just a few blocks from Wash ington st., on Cedar Hill, 50x60x70. na obstructed view. Here is your opponu-. riy to get a secluded nest among Port land's finest homes for a nominal price. fXuis wor.'t k?en. See us at onca. -K1TTEU. IiOWE & CO., 201 -3-"i-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FULL. CORNER LOT First St.. near Au ditorium, small income, uniy iu,u. lonxlOO Fourth st., on block Audi torium ; some income, f-'J.oOO. You may doubt it. but I can deliver the goods at the above prices. Try me. I. O. DAVIDSON. 810 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID lot it Ladd addition. OOxTiO, only half block from Nothing finer for a all improvements paid. on iMth street. Hawthorne ave. tx-auuf ul nome; $1S00; terms J. C. CORBTN CO. 30n-fl-7 Lewis bldg.- NEAR PENINSULA PARK Missouri ave., lac east. wv; cement walks, graded: t-asy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 7 Board of Trade Bldg. ""oWNEKSTCK FORCED TO SELL Nice TtOxlOO on Alberta St.. near Den ver, $00'), or mike offer for cash. RITTER, LOWE fc Qt"., 201-a-r-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Lots, tracts ana acreage in mis beau tiful district. Some bargains. BROOKE, Marshall 4S27. 1 R. C. P.. 50x100, paved street, on E. 47th, bt., onlv no incumbrances. RITT3R, LOW E & CO., , 2Q1 -:t-.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots in Tualatin View Park, with view of valley. Cost $rO0 each. Will sell one or both for half price. Owner, Marshall 4827. FULTON PARK lot. near school and car line, 50xlto, worth $00; sell for $300. Tabor 429 after 5 P. M. IRVINGTON Exceptional corner. 75xli0; real sacrifice for cayh. Owner. Ea S015. SNAP Large corner lot. Irvington. 50 under market. Owner. J3 61 S, Oregoniaa.