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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIANV PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1920 ' - 7 v REA Ij ESTATE. For Kale House. ONLY $1800 for a good 6-room house. modern, with corner lot. The house nas bath, toilet, full cement basement with concrete walls and garage; $1000 cash. This is on the Mi. Pcoit car line. M. J. CLOHESaY, Ablngton blug. Only $1700 for a 5-room cottage on Brooklyn st, on the car line; $300 cash will handle it. M. J. CLUHESSY, Ab lngton bids In Laurelhurst, $6750, a very swell home In a very swell place on Royal Court. Here is a modern, up-to-date, very clast-y, very substantial 7-room house, every equipment in the basement needed. The liouhe hat hardwood oak floors downstair?, fine fixtures, new lin oleum in kitchen and bathroom, expen sive shades on the windows, everything goes lor the price. The house is now ready lo be occupied; you can move in Immediately alter paying deposit on the purchase price. There Is no place in Laureihurst that will ever equal this lor the price you can buy It for above stated. The owner has left the city and will not rent it; must be sold right away. Take a look at it if you wish. No. 1TM Koyal Court, Laurelhurst. $2Oti0 cah will handle it. M. J. CLOHESiiY, Ablngton bldg. Only $1700 for a very complete mod ern, up-to-date home in the Hawthorne district, all improvements in, paved streets, etc., and paid for. There is a fcarage This bungaiow contains 7 rooms, lull cement basement, furnace, hard wood oak floors. The location Is only 4 blocks Iroin the car line and the price is away under its value; $3ooo cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHKSiSY, Ablugton building. ROSE CITY PARK. ATTENTION. PROSPECTIVE ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. Do you realize that we sell many times more houses in this popular dis trict than any other concern in the city? "We maintain a branch office at 50th and Candy blvd. Most of our salesmen live In that district, we know the district so well we feel we know the history of nearly every house in that section. Our ability to sell houses In Rose City Park naturally brings to ua most of the list ings Wouldn't it be foolish on your part to buy in Rose City Park without first seeing our listings? Ail we ask is an opportunity to show you. lou will be under no obligations. A. G. TKEi'K CO., 170 Stark St.. near Fourth. Main 3002. Branch office, 5oth and Sandy. SSlloO. Ss:i50. Mt. Tabor mansion, 8 complete, mas .!v rooms finished in elaborate ivory all hardwood floor, on lower floor: has reception hall between livinf? and dining rooms, lsrge living room, elegant fire place, bu'let, furnace, cement basement, double staircase, plate glass, 70x100; paving paid, garage, fruit, shrubbery superb view; worth $1.".CIH; like new now vacant; owner must sell; Gee today , $1500 cash will do. li! c! KOLUENBEKG, Ablngton lildg. Main 4S03. A BARGAIN, ft mom, furnace, Iirepiace. full base rnent, full plumbing, Dutch kitchen, buf tet, polished floors, rcxlUO lot, roses, paved street. Katt lUtlt street, near 2 car lines. If you can use a 6-room house bo sure to see U; $3000, terma il desired. JflHVStlU-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 8787. FOR SALE AT ONCE. line; good cellar: patent toilet, gas, water, electric lights, 2 walnut trees, raspberries, large Int. etc.; price only xi 'iio jtiio cash, balance easy terms. bee Mr. fhrlstenson. I.VTKRSTATB INVESTMENT CO.. BroaUway 5043. 410 Henry Bids hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in con- -. ....... .i uori? niro hnm. in the pink of condition; Vj cash. Phone Liar, a-u or laucr i n"'. F. l. uun:hard, M'j.'JO Railway Ex. A Pi iTT A C. W ITOR YOU 1 irt ii 1 ir u fmir-room rottaeft with bath and plumbing. Lot 4HxlOO. Less than one block to Woodstock car. The hmisn number is 4130 40th ave. S. E. Two blocks south of Holgate. KTKONO & CO.. 63 1 C ha m be r of Commerce. 1 1 ttn.i w iVTAVI I .LA S10OO. Vptv fKv 4 -room bunsalow. living and dining room combined, kitchen, 2 bed- -,m.. nnri hath, nice yard: property in rood condition; a bargain at 410O0. Call Mr. Hoe hm about this. MarlWES & PRATT. Broadway 1058. LMi0-ai0 Oregon Bldg, ALAMEDA PARK. ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM. A1 locution, corner lot. two foot high, Bice Bhrubbcry on lot and parking; all street improvements in and paid ; built lor a home; price $.uuu; terms n ue m i roil - noRirfSsion. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS on Vaughn st int iioxii3. beautiiui nous. o rooms, Bleeping porch, fireplace, lurnace, full cement; must be seen to be appreciated. Price $10.0oo. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 172 E. 35TH ST. ( rooms, Suunyside, vacant, $2600, $375 cash. Main 4S03. tAST of 39th st.. one blk. Belmont st. $2b50; 1-3 down, very nice modern. 6-room bungalow, corner 50x125; abun dance of fruit trees and garden trucK owner luavinc citv. Special bargain : sei this. 1 1, li. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Ta bor I'll. LAURELHURST. Nine large rooms, up-to-date; completed; terms to suit. 1185 E. DA Via just -BOOM, modern, elese In. near 19th and Alder, only $2U75; $50O caa. Main 4S03. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. $1000 FIVE ROOMS $1000. Pay us (100 cash and move In; balance irk rent; lias electricity and gas ; 60x 100 lot ! some cash; swell view of city and river. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. ROSE CITY PARK. $1000 4 -room furnished tent house, water, lights and gas, . built-in cup boards; 55x100 corner lot; two blocks from Sandy blvd. All in garden and berries. Call Tabor 5122. fcUNN YSIDE $4230, terms; extra good modern 7 -room house, furnace, fire place; corner 55x100. E. Main, close In; don't miis to see this if you are looking for a home; below all prices. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week; Tabor 219. i.fiELLWOOD 7-ROOM PLASTERED Vuu HOUSE $2050. nsv Pull basement, cement foundation, ni jtollent buy; 1 block car, 1 block school, v, jy'il, cash and balance easy. Mar. 1022. rr ALBERTA DISTRICT. Z t , , five-room bunealow. attic, one bed I om finished up stairs: price $2756, on rLy terms. Main 5450, 1125 Gasco ffVVM MODERN boarding house, full tance, JSOO down, balance terms; selling on account of ill health. Owner, 6u4 .nVprth wick, corner Stanton 09J EAST MAIN $2750. : house with very large 11 v 7nfnff room, well built, extra large lot, ls-'rlentv of fruit. ""'HENRY W. OODDARD, 243 Stark St. MONTAVILLA DISTRICT. 7 rooms .bath, basement, f irenlace, trays, gas, electric fixtures, 2 stories, H block south ot Monta vuia aepot car, f $3500. 103 E. Mth st. N. Tabor 8401. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five-room house and sleeping porch, fir trees, view or the runs ; price soo. on very easy terms. 1125 Gasco Bidg., Main r4r. LAURELHURST. large, elegant room with sleeping porch, hot-water heat, phone. near parK. 1 diock to car, garage IE oe lred, ir,04 E. Everett st. All Sunday alter mu week days. $14t'0 4-room cottage ; garage, choice cor. lot mtxlOO; tine garden and roses. t,. iwn .st. a., z blocks south Sandy blvd. Tabor 41S0. 1'OR SALE 4-room cottage, all furnished, lot 42x1 i0. berries, fruit tree-s. enrrien planted: $130, part cash, balance like nidi li l inen &t. I3UY from owner, splendid 5-room home, furnished or unfurnished, block from Alberta car; cheap for cash. 1034 E. 13th North. Js'EW STATE HIGH WA Y O pe n i n"g" up wonderful berry and grape district; very tow values and easy terma Geo. Howard. 6S2 E. 4 2d N. Tabor 7SS4. MODERN up-to-date bungalow, 20 minutes from town, $2000, terma Woodlawn 4092. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Willamette Heights Call owner. Main 5494. 6-ROOM modern house. Apply 613 W. mth Bt.. Vancouver. Wash. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, $3J00: $550 down, bi'snce easy 735 E. 67th st. N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, lovely view and lo cation Call Quick, Tabor 6337. REAL K8TATA For feale -liou 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES KOR SALE. LARGEST HOME SKLLERS OX THE PACIFIC COAST. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. The McGuire system has won an In ternational reputation, and established a national record for home selling, be cause it is the original, scientific, su perior, modern way of home selling. It eliminates wour every house-hunting problem and protects your every interest. ! Every home personally inspected and 1 appraised. Our IS automobiles and cour teeous, eexperienced salesmen are con stantly at your service. BEAUTIFUL P1EDMOXT. $G500 Wonderful share trees surround this Piedmont home; 0 rooms, commodious and artistic, modern; beat plumbing and lighting fix tures installed; full cement base ment with furnace and laundry room; cement garage; 50x120 grounds; paved street liens paid; Union avenue and Killingsworth. A real home bargain. ROSE CITT. $0100 A rare bargain in a just-like-new Roue City; unusually attractive lines; living room with cheery fireplace, model Dutch kitchen. 3 sunny bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage ; terms. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $3350 Adjoining Laurel hurst, near the fragrant pines, is this very un usual 5-room bungalow; living' room with fireplace and dining room wit h massive buffet: white Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, best white enamel plumbing, shower bath, electricity, gas. hard Burfa.ce street liens paid. Terms. You should look, at this today. $5250 Westmoreland's most beautiful bungalow ; distinctive California lines; 6 rooms, living room with fireplace and art bookcases; pan elwl dining room, music room, white Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, beautiful indirect lights, sleeping porch, full cement base ment with furnace; paved street liens Included; 1 block to car. E. 17th near Bybee. Terras. A real home, ' HOLLADAY. IRVINGTCV. $1500 Cool and inviting is this beauti ful vine-covert-d Irving Lon home ; 6 rooms, artistically designed outside and in; fireplace and art bookcases in homelike living room; paneled dinins room with niastlve buffet; clean white Dutch kitchen, cosy den. hardwood floors, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace, laundry room, paved street liens all paid. Garage. Terms. A wonderful never-1 o-be-fownd-again bargain. Broadway, corner E. 20th. HAWTHORNE HOMES. $5500 A beautiful Hawthorne banpalow, artistic and home-like; ideally located, 5 rooms, living room has fireplace and leaded art glaa bookcases: dining room with great buffet; French doors, white Dutch kitchen. 3 sunny sleeping rooms; hardwood floors, full con crete basement, furnace, parage; paved st.. 1 block to car. E. 4 Urn, near Madison. $2095 Hojnelike Hawthorne shingled bungalow. 5 large, cool rooms; convenient floor plan, w hite enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, r0xl"5 with fruit. berries flowerF. paved st. liens paid. E Yamhill st., close to car and school ; easy terms. ROSE CITY. $CC00 The biggest bargain in our office toi;iy ; 5-room artistic Rose City bungalow ; practically new : f u -width front porch, pretty living room with indirect lights: dining room with built-in buifet : ce ment basemen t with laundry trays; best w hite enamel plumb- lug, elect ri city, gas, 14x25 little bouse in back can be used either for chb'ken bouse or garage; splendid lot O0x2 0. with fruit berries, flowers, -shrubs and gar den (there potatoes win make i derided dent in the high cost of liine: .iut $000 down. E. 74th and Klickitat. WEST OF PIEDMONT. ! $3S00 West -of Piedmont is this 7-room bungalow, surrounded by great, shady trees, full-width front ver anda; artistic fireplace In living room, large dining room, neat white Dutch kitchen, p'easant sewing room ; 2 light, a iry bed rooms, white enamel plumbing ; electricity, gas, furnace; terms. ALBERTA HOMES. $2500 Marguerite avenue; shingled ar tistic bungalow; r.eal Alberta bar gain; 4 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full lot. paved itt. liens paid; 1 block to car; will take a Chevrolet or Dodge as part payment. See this today. $2100 Typical Alberta bungalow, five rooms., practically arranged; two light. airy bedrooms. white enamel plumbing, gas, electricity, full basement, shade trees. E. 2? th. close to car. Terms. WAVERLY-RICHMOND. $2650 If the owner were to ask $1000 more for this hme It would still be a bargain; tt-room attractive, practically new, distinctive type dwelling, very convenient floor plan, built-in conveniences; three airy bedrooms, full cement base ment, white enamel plumbing. electricity, gas. abundance of fruit, berries, shrubs; just fO down, $20 per month. E. 48 1 h st. Don't miss this. We have 60 homes in Waverly Richmond. tTOO Two bouses for the price of on; one 6-room, substantially built modern home; the other 4 rooms. both with white enamel piumn ine: electricity, gas: live: in one make your payments from the other; you could separate them and resell. Only $1350 for each house. Terms. Gladstone, cor 3Uth, on car line. ! RELLWOOD HOMES. $1200 One of the most artistic bunga lows in Sellwood; 7 rooms, living room with cheery fireplace and art bookcases, attractive tuning room, most convenient kitchen; 2. bedrooms down. 2 up; full con crete basement with furnace and laundry trays: 1 block to car; Glennwood ave., near Milwaukee. KENTON HOMES. $3990 White Kenton bungalow; nw. massive buffet In dining room; white Dutch kitchen. 2 sunny bedrooms, best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; va cant. Brandon street ; paved Ftreet liens paid. Terms. We hav 30 Kenton homes. MOUNT SCOTT HOME?. $2500 Typical attractive Mt Scott bun galow, dining room with built-in buffet, model Ditch kitchen. 80x mo grounds. $500 down: 42d ave. We have 60 homes for sale in Mt. Scott MT. SCOTT HOMES. $1000 Just $300 down; 3-room neat. comfortable bungalow, sleeping porch, gns. patent toilet. 2 biks. to Mt. Scott car: E. 94th. We have 60 homes In this district. MONT AVI LLA HOMES. $2750 Very artistic 5-room California bunealow. cheery fireplace, book cases, white Dutch kitchen: white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. rood cement basement with laun dry trava. full lot, only $500 down. E. 71st near Halsey. We , , have 60 Montavilla homes. Tf you are wanting a home, don't buy until you have inspected our great dis play room with over 1000 photographs of remarkable home bargains for sale. See FRANK T. MrGUTRE To Buy Y'our Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 10P.S. 1 00 14 3d st.. bet. Wash, and Stark WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 8 ROOMS PRICE ONLY $3500. Dandy 8-room modern house with full lot and modern to the minute; has hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, nice built-ins, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch: lo- cated near 14th and Montgomery at.; here is a dandy buy for some one, and you will have to act quick to Et it. Call Broadway 3089. LAURELHURST. We have just listed a 7-room residence on 63x100 corner lot right across street from Laurelhurst Park. Owner left city tnriav and we are instructed to sell at the sacrifice pric of $55O0. Has fire place, built-in buffet, fuil cement base ment, excellent furnace, lots of bearing fruit In the yard, also good garage; no debt against property, but will sell on terms. This is really a splendid buy in a fine location. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1QQ7 Yeon bldg. $7000. Walking distance. east side; four bedrooms. Gasco furnace, garage, full basement ; terms. POIN DEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S0O, Residence, East 677L REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HOUSES AT MULTNOMAH. $100O DANDY LITTLE 4-rm. hous with considerable furniture. Terms $350 cash; balance $20 a month, $2000 3 rra. house with choice tract of land on Capitol blvd.. 132x140 fL on corner. This is one of the at choice homesites on the blvd. $2450 4 rm, house with two sightly lots in Buckingham Hts. A fine buy for a small family. $3000 HALF ACRE of ground with modern 4 rm. house, about Vt mile frfOm station on good county road. $3000 NEW MODERN 4 rm. bungalow with large 4 acre close to sta tion. Terms. $35005 rm. house on acre very .sightly property, near Capital highway, just beyond Multnomah. $4000 BEAUTIFUL & rm. bungalow with large garage on prominent corner of 2 improved high wa vs. Must sell immediately and will give easy terms. $4800 QUARTER ACRE with large 8 , rm. house. Never been occupied. Concrete basement with laundry trays, built-in features through the About a dozen fruit trees. Facing improved high w ay. Large garage with con crete floor and driveway. Can arrange suitable terms. In addition to the foregoing I have a great many building sites In and about Multnomah. This is the ideal home sec tion of the west side. Don't fail to in vestigate. I spend my day on Sunday at Multnomah and will be glad to have you call up Main 1207 and advise me of the time when you are coming out. BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. Main Ofuce Telephone Alain 890. C. 310-04. DUVALL. 62 Williams Ave. 1 6-room Queen Anne, on corner, con crete basement, etc., with, a garage, $3500. 1 8-room house in Piedmont, near Jefferson high and library ; steam heat and all other modern appliances; not an 01a Jaouse. Walking distance, 3 good buys near the bridges, all modern and under $ouu. Just finished, 1 beautiful 6-room bungalow in Alameda Park. Not a con tract job and will bear closest lnspec tion. To 'see it, you will like it. ROSE CITY PARK. $0000 TERMS. Attractive 7-room colonial bun galow, breakfast diner, 2 baths, eleam and shower aroom, hardwood floors throughout, large living room extends across entire front of house, French doors, mahogany buffet and bookcase, garage, cor ner lot. This id an exceptionally good buy; will consider lot in re stricted district as part payment. J. L. HARM AN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 20& IRVINGTON $5500 PRICE RE DUCED $500 TODAY. No. 3S8 E. littti st. N. ; a thoroughly modern, exceptionally well-built home; this is no ordinary construction and no other home in Irvington so well buii t. at any such price ; pleasant rooms, good sized and well ar ranged ; very best furnace, hard wood floors, fireplace, concrete ga rage; tour bedrooms, large attic; excellent location, near Bdwy. car, Irvington school, w a Iking distance to town. First lucky chap gets it. R. T. STREET. Good Homea Realtor, ACRE TRACT. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. PARKROSE. $4250 2 blocks from Sandy blvd.. cozy little medern home, pressure water, gas, electricity, sidewalks, gravel street, fruit, ber ries, 50O strawberry plants ; Just outside of city limits; low taxes; no street improvements to pay. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Coin, bldg. Main 208. HOUSE BARGAIN. CLOSE IN. WALKING DISTANCE. SAVE $100 A YEAR ST. CAR FARE. It belongs to a doctor now a residen of Honolulu. He is now in Portland fo; the rjurnose of disposing of this an other holdings before he returns to th islands. THIS 7-ROOM HOUSE W 1 TH LOT BOxl 50 COST THE DOCTOR OVER $000. He says "Sell it for $4S00." NEIL AN & PARKH ILL. 210 Lumberniens Bldg.. 5th and Str.rk SL 5-KOOM BUNGALOW. :i750. You will havfe a pleasant surprise when you see this charming home 5 rooms, with its neat decorations en old ivorv finish. Has large living room with fireplace, French doors leading to dining room with attractive buffet wntt pnHnififd Dutch Kitchen, z nice Jign airv bedrooms, full basement and attic This home is in splendid condition, in side and out and immaculately clean $1200 cash payment required. J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SS92. "Stucco Office." BEAUTIFUL home In Colonial Heights, just south of Hawthorne ave., 6 rooms, strictly modern, lot 55x100. streets paved. Price $7500. - Terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. East 640. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room bungalow hull livine mom ana aining room: nav hardwood floors; all rooms newly tinted white enamel kitchen and bath room ; full cement basement, furnace with hot water coils, also hot water heater. Full floored attic good for two rooms. Com munity auto runway; paved street in and paid ; close to school and on 2 car lines. Price $4S00, cash $1500. terms balance. 21 E. 53d fat Tabor 483! BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Just the place you -have been looking for. 6 rooms with sunroom, den and sleeping porch; everything up to date in every respect. For quick action, only $6350. Reasonable terms. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. FOR SALE in Sell wood by owner, a 5- room bungalow cottage, lot ouxiuu. oear ing fruit trees and berry bushes. 2 blocks from school; plumbing, gas, elec tricity, paved st.. AVz blocks to car line: fine location. Call Marshall 207 or Ta bor S194. . . ROSE CITY. $5500 Bungalow, modern, 6 rooms, Gas co furnace, double garage; better hurry. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER, -LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. OPPORTUNITY for widow or couple, in a beautiful 2-apt. residence, almost new. Income S65 ner mo. Rent will pay for It. Will consider light auto or good lot as part payment. Main o04Q or w am. was. LEAVING CITY Must sell my all modern house, close in, JoO per mo. income De- sides our comfortable living Quarters, Will sell with or without furniture. Owner, Phone East 8469. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. 5-room modern; all old ivory; Just heutifiil home: a real bargain: SM'oO, terms. Sunday Tabor 5319, Monday Main 7031. BY out-of-town owner: will be present to sell my fine modern home: view nrrmpptv z fruit and shrubbery on lot Phone 2512, between 10-12 and 3-6. 91 East 62d st. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL Large living room, fireplace, charming sun room, all ivory, oak floors, choice shrubbery. $8000. Neuhausen, Main S07H. IRVINGTON SNAP, fentral Irvington : 6 rooms, modern choice location; some terms. Call East S035 or Monday Main 931. WOODLAWN CAR LINE $2600. easy terms. 100x100. 7 rooms, garage, berries 57W Dekum ave. (Seen by appointment.) Neuhausen, Main BUio. NINE-ROOM house close-in, west side, suitable for two families. Apply owner, 426 Hall st. Main 1002. 5-ROOM bungalow, $3200. $550 down, baL easy. 735 E. 67th St. N. IF YOU want a 5-room bungalow cheap, phone East 8067. Terms. (3 of them.) BL:NGALOW for sale by owner. 5i5 E. N. Call after Mon. A. M. $5500 Modern Rose City Park bungalow. Owner. No a E onto, Y 9U5. Orefioniao, REAL ESTATE. For Sal Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. ATTENTION, PROSPECTIVE ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS! Do you realize that we sell many times more houses in this popular district than any other concern in the city? We main tain a branch office at 50th and Sandy blvd. Most of our salesmen live In that district; we know the district so well we feel we know the history of nearly every house in that section. Our ability to sell houses in Rose City Park, natur ally brings to us most of the listings. Wouldn't it be foolish on your part to buy in Rose City Park without first see ing our listings? All we ask is an op portunity to show you. You will be under no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, &0th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. $350 DOWN $50 MONTH. $4950. 5 rooms, all floors hardwood, 2 bedrooms, built-in kitchen, break fast nook, enamel finish through out, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, paved street, sewer in and paid; fixtures and shades in cluded in price; first time offered; see this quick. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber ot Com, bldg. Main 208. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. 5 rooms and sL porch ; costly construction at low price; $5350 for 75xluO. 1 block west of beauti ful Laurelhurst park; triple con struction; everything the very best present owner could build for his own use; best oak floors, full Dutch kitchen, one bedroom very large bathroom with, shower. So unusual ly desirable a property that one of the first four lookers will buy it. R. T. STREET. Good Homes Realtor. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 50x100 LOT. This thoroughly modern home of 7 rooms (bungalow type), one bedroom down and 3 up; asii hardwood floors. n.epiace. Dookcases. attractive buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fine furnace, hard surfaced streets in and paid. Price $4000, very liberal terms. If you are looking" for a modern borne at a sacri fice it will pay you to investigate thia 1083 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92, "Stucco Office." LOOKING FOR A HOUSE? "WANT A BARGAIN," YOU SAY? "EASY TERMS, TOO." HERE IT IS. 5 rooms, 50x100 lot; all kinds of fruit; oniy a diocks to car. PRICE $2500. CASH ONLY $250. Balance like rent. Y'our chance. NEILAN & PARKHILL- 210 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark St. GOOD CLOSE-IN HOUSES. $35041 On E. 24th near Burnside. close to car and schools, reception hall, 6 rooms, large bathroom, furnace, ceiled attic, hard-surface street, sewers. Terms. $5000 Two blocks closer in on hard- surface street, garage, oak floors, fire place, lurnace. but ret, lull basement, wash trays, modern and complete; easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. ST. JOHNS home, 6 rooms, mod ern, ground 100x110 feet. 27 as sorted fruit trees. $1000 cash, bal ance to suit. A- W. LAMBERT & SON. Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. East 610. MY LOSS YOUR GAIN. I must sell my new bungalow In Rose Jity. ouiit last year; cost me $5M00 coment basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcase, buffet, cabinet kitchen ; 2 bedrooms, bath, den ; very large attic, could make 3 bedrooms. Corner lot, garage. Possession August 6. Am non-resident. See my agf-nt, make offer. Gibson. 268 Stark st. Mar shall 12. 7000 QUEEN ANN cottage, close in on Ankeny, lot ooxloo, 6 rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnace, beauti ful fireplace, laundry trays, full cement basement, buffet, .built-in features, garage, shrubbery, trees, large veranda; 15 minutes' walk to 4th st. Ask Mr. Srhultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Wonderfully located in the heart of the Hawthorne district lies a 5-room bungalow, wonderful in design and con struction; must be sold at once. Price $4000. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 746a For SALE by owner, strictly modern Rose City Park home, 1 block from car in Fernwood school district ; hardwood floors, fireplace, lovely built-ins, full ce ment basement, furnace, trays; cannot be duplicated at price and terms I am asking. Call Tabor 8S43. FOR SALE Dandy 5-room bungalow, new ly calcimined. cement basement, garage, nice lawn, full 50x100, 2 blocks from school, 3 blocks from car; price $3250, $S75 down, balance $25 per month, ttvi interest. 965 23d N. Take AlDerta car. Phone Woodlawn 4578. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. FROM $3000 TO $4500. EXCELLENT VALUES. EASY TERMS. LET US SHOW YOU. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark St. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. You must see this beautiful 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch. Hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-in features. A perfect gem at $5250. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. SACRIFICING Rose City's most wonderful bungalow with beautifully landscaDed grounds. Drive past 444 E. 4Sth st. N.. then if interested see owner. Ernest , Wells Co., 405 Couch bldg. 8 to 10 A. M. 12 to 3 P. M. FIVE ROOMS, WALKING DISTANCE, for about half cost of building; six room, grand view; eight rooms, fruit and flow ers ; $1800 up. easy terms. Owner, 62 EHst 27th street. UP TO DATE HOME. 6-room house, like new, all modern conveniences, white cr-amel kitchen, bath, pantry, hardwood floor, corner lot; good residence district; $6000; terms. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern bungalow. ideal location ; must be seen to be ap preciated. $3000 cash; terms on balance. 150x100 ft. Also full-size building lot level. By owner. Mar. 5570. FOR SALE 6-room modern house and 2 lots, 1 block from paved street and car line ; berries and fruit trees in bearing; a snap at $27.50. terms. Call between 1 P. M. and 6 p. M.. 3103 51st st. S. E. PIEDMONT bargain: exceptionally at tractive modern 6-room home, ivory fin ish, hardwood floors, fireplaces, hot water heat, large corner lot. $8000. East 8015. A BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. ART G LASS Y 1 I 1 O W H. HARDWOOD FLOORS 1ST AND 2D FLOORS. GA RAGE. FURTHER INFORMATION EAST 655 L SNAP. W ES TM O It ELAND. 6-room modern, tine location. - strictly modern; a real buy for $5500. terms. Ta bor fisiu. .Yionaay Aiam uji. BARGAIN Attractive 5-room house, 1008 E. Main (rented., seen by appolntement); 4Ti0, terms. rsear ba car. rseunausen, Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE By owner, fine up-to-date Irvington residence; good as new. H 262, Oregonian. HOUSE Three rooms, locker and closet partly furnished, small garden; 6029 57th ave. S. E. Owner. 4227 58th ave ROSE CITY bungalow, snap, must sell quick; $5000; very pretty place. Tabor 6337. 6-ROOM house, bath and toilet, electric lights and gas. By owner. 5924 Sod st. S. E. Mount Scott car. Terms. EOMET 6-room house, close in, t;22 Quimby st. Come see it. Owner going south. N. W. Cheap. FOR sale by owner, modern 7-room bunga low at bargain; leaving city. 152 E. 71st st. N. Take Montavilla car. IRVINGTON SNAP 6 rooms, oak plate glass, garage; $6hm. terms. Neuhausen Co.. Main 8078. floors, T. B. FOR SALE $4500; a bargain ; 8-room house in Irvington; must be sold to settle estate. East 5253, O WN ER Modern 6-room bungalow. 1 or 2 lots on paved street. Call at 630 E. 30th st. S. R-M car. DANDY 4-room bungalow : garage, chick en houses, fine garden. Tabor 5126. 2162 Halsey. LOT 50x100 and 4-room house and build ings, close to Piedmont carbarns; $i000. See this Sunday. Wdln. 5576. No agents. IRVINGTON SNAP $5850. terms; large living room, fireplace, oak floors; near 20th and Knott. Neuhausen, Main 8078. NOW VACANT $2000. " 6-room house, newly painted : in fine hape, E30th and Burnaide. East 2871, KKAL KSTATE For ale ROSE CITY PARK. , $350 DOWN $50 PER MONTH. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built in bookcase, buffet, etc., finished in old ivory. Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, large attic, good cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, corner lot level with street. 4 short blocks to car, 5 blocks to school. This is a chance for you to get a home of your own that you will be proud of. Price $5150. Call Main 208. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. CLASSY BUNGALOW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. A REAL BUY $5000. Folks, we Just want you to see this beautiful bungalow, that you may com pare it with others you have been look ing at about this price. You will be more than delighted with the ideal ar rangement. The quality of material and the workmanship compares favor ably with that found in $8000 bungalows. The oak floors, the papor, the light fix tures are all of s particularly high quality. Finished In rich old ivory and wnite throughout. Yes, tnere is a ga rage. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 5uth and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. $350 DOWN $50 MONTH. $4950. 5 rooms, all floors hardwood. 2 bedrooms, built-in kitchen, break fast nook, enamel finish through out, fireplace, furnace. cement basement, paved street, sewer In and paid ; fixtures and shades in cluded in price; first time offered; see this quick. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. HOMES IN PORTLAND. $3250 5 rm. modern bungalow on cor ner lot. E. Grant st. Fine loca tion. Terms. $3500 MODERN 6 rm.- house in Mt. Ta bor district. All conveniences. $4230 LARGE MODERN 7 rm. house on choice corner. 70x100. $1000 down, balance to suit. Very good buy. toiceu on market. Uwuerl leaving the city. For particulars see BEN KiESLAND. 404 Piatt Bidg. 127 Main S0. Prk st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Practically new 5-room bungalow. with living and dining room across the front and finished iu old ivory and tapestry. This cozy home has fire place, hardwood floors, very attractive buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, I cement basement, plastered attic and good garage. It is immaculately clean and we know you will appreciate it. Large lot. Price $1500, $1500 cash pay lueuL J. A. HUBBELL, 1083 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office." $ll;o ALL nicely furnished or can buy I witnout tne lurniture. a rooms in ail. of which are mammoth rooms on the first iloor, two bedrooms and dandy room with built-in in basement, which is finished like a house. 1 his Is a nice 1 arrangement; makes it cool in the sum mer and warm in the winter. Has a good garden; lots of room. This la J within walking distance of the car. The I snap of snaps. Costs you nothing see this. You will like it. Call at 5S29 77th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 2475. Cable Realty o. ROSK CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW $5500. $750 CASH. Located on 42d st., near Sandy. Large living room extending the ntire width of no use. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ce ment basement, wash travs, etc. Let I us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 5uth and Sandy. Open Sunday. MUST sell at once. Can give Immediate possession. Mount Tabor home on fine view lot. west slope Mount Tabor. Owner will sell for $;1750, $1000 down no more payments for five' years at 6. ruuues xauur iuoj or iuuor e. r OH SALE By owner, modern 6-rooin house in tine u isirict ; was compieieii renovated recently ; close to J elf ei son high and grammar schools ; two blocks from car line; lot 50xluu; double garage : this Is an exceptionally good buy anu deserves your attention. Price $300. t,!i , 1 LHSl OU1. ALAMEDA PARK. ATTRACTIVE SIX-ROOM. A-l location, corner lot, two foot high. nice sn ruuuery on tot una para in g. A i street improvements In and paid. Built for a home. Price $7500; terms if de sired. Possession. SM ITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $7500 BUNGALOW. Peninsula on Berkeley st., o rooms, large attic, bath. lurnace, iirepiace, completely fur- ninea, line lurniture. lot iouxi3o. lots of fruit and in best condi tion . terms. Ask air. Schultz. RITTER. LOW E CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON. Brand nw, classy bungalow, 6 rooms and breakfast room, large at tic ; the best of material and workmanship; first class tapestry, buffet, beautiful plumb ing and lighting fixtures, hardwood floors throughout. At 090 East 25th st. North, near Knott. Open today. Owner. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. $1000 5 ROOMS $1000. Pay us $10O cash and move in, bal ance like rent. Has electric and gas. 50x100 lot. Some cash. Swell view of city and river. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Compare this for beauty of design and worth in construction with anything in the city. 6 rooms and den; a sacrifice at $42jO. Call at once. Tabor 7463. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. - $3500. 1-story 6-room bungalow, 50xl00-foot lot, plumbing all in, concrete founda tion. i cement basement, double con structed: place In good condition; terms. JOIi.NSUN-DODSUN CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. KENTON DISTRICT HOME. $2000 $250 CASH. BALANCE TERMS. 50x100 lot and 4-room modern house. Here is a good buy. OWNER IN EAST AM) HAS 1U LLL. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. H AW HORN E DISTRICT. 2-room shack, screened-in back porch; lot 50x05. some fruit, garden; 3 biks. to car. Only $1250, $25o cash. bal. $20 month and. interest. Gibson. 20 Stark. Marshall 12. ROSE CITY' Never offered before, strictly modern 7-room house below the hill: big snan at 53( and flaoO will handle: east facing. Ernest Weils Co.. 405 Couch bldg. Office hours. S to 10 A. M.. 12 to 3 P. M. DO you want to save agent's commission?! Attractive Irvington home offered by owner; 7 rooms, h. w. noors. nrepiace. furnace, garage, aux iou lot. nice sn rub bery. Write for appointment. G 263, Ore gon lan. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A typical 5-room bungalow, dandy lo cation ; lor quick action, only $JOOO. Terms HAWTHORNE REALTY CO... Cor 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. MT. TABOR HOM E from owner, corner lot. Urti ft. sauare. 7-room house, new furnace, all kinds ot fruit, good hard surface, a dandy buy ; only $2000 down. time on balance. Call Tabor 147, or 12S2 Belmont st. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 6 -room good house, only 10 blocks I from east end of R. R. bridge; only I $5000; eusv terms, per cent. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. IRVINGTON Charming small home, move right in; ivory finish, plate glass, oak floors, garage; toouu, terms. iseuhau- sen. Main 8078. IRVINGTON FINE HOME. MUST SELL. Owner leaving for ranch : 7 lovely rooms, oaK noors, garage, choice loca tion, near. Knott. East 314, Main 078. 10 ROOMS and sleeping porch, all H. K. 1 Gas. electricity, water In all rooms, fur nace or stove heat. $850 will handle. Owner, 223 w est Park at. REAL SACRIFICE. E. 25TH ST. 8-room modern, one block Broadway; will sell to purchaser for $6500. East SOI .i or Main 'Jt l. IRVINGTON HOME, VACANT $6750, easy terms; 3 oecirooms, sleeping porch. oaK noors, iirepiace, ivory iinisn. iSeu- -hausen. Main 0ib. 734 - EAST BURNSIDE $4600. 8-room modern house, having 4 bed-1 rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays; lot i.'Xiuu: terms. r.ast smi. MANY homes in all exclusive districts;! appointment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price I maimer, asi uo. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Hoiwm. KILLINGSWORTH AVENUE REALTY COMPANY. A. H. YOUNG. Mgr. 121 Killingsworth Avenue. Phone Automatic 31S-71. Evenings and Sundays, Wood lawn 4945. Beautiful 7-room home, near Penin sula park. 1 block off Albina ave. Has all built-in woodwork and china buffet panelled in. Has fine radio furnace nd laundry trays. Price $3700, $500 down, $35 a month. Including interest. 5-room modern bungalow in Peninsula park district, one block off Kenton car line. AH built-in woodwork and ce ment basement; laundrv trays and fine fireplace. Price $4100, $1800 down, balance- easy payments. Fine 4-room home In good district near Denver and Emerson st. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen. ueuroom ana sleeping porch, r ine base ment; lot 50x100. This is $2800, $640 down, balance ments. KILLINGSWORTH AVENUE a buy at easy pay- REALTY LU.MPAN1. A. H YOUNG. Mgr. Phone Automatic 318-71. Residence Phone Woodlawn 4945. IRVINGTON REAL ELEGANT HOME. $16,000 WHT STAY AT HOTEL? See this and enjoy life. Near Knott and 23d ; built about 5 years, targe rooms in solid mahogany and ivory, large breakfast room, eastern oak model kitchen ; 2 beautiful tiled baths, guest room has lavatory ; beautiful ballroom, art window, wonderful floor. Two lovely white tiled fireplaces; beautiful mirrors. This is a perfect city home. Owner going to New York. EAST 419. IRVINGTON. 6-Room Bungalow $6950. Folks, here truly is a fine home and the price is extremely low. You would really expect to pay much more. The high quality of material and workman ship make their own impression. Merely for us to say that this bungalow has hardwootl floors throughout, fireplace, . French doors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, garage, etc., does not con vey any adequate impression of the real value, the real good qualities of this splendid bungalow homo. All we ask is an opportunity to show you that you, yourself, may be the Judge. This adver tisement is particularly directed to those who have looked and looked and have nearly given up in despair. Remember, you'll be under no obligation absolutely. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. MT. TABOR HOME. This magnificent home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch is located on corner lot; has hardwood floors, fireplace, book case, buffet, very fine Dutch kitchen, licrht cheerful breakfast room, full ce ment basement, fine furnace, spacious verandas, 2 complete bathrooms one up and one down; there are 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, one large bedroom on first floor. You cannot duplicate the house alone at present prices for $buoo. mere is fino concrete garage that would cost $600. Price $0500. Terms. .1. A . H1IKUKLL. 10S9 Hawthorne avenue. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office. PIFDMOXT BUNGALOW. 6 rooms on first floor, with hardwood floors throughout, hot water heal, fire place, bookcases, French doors, buffet. plate-glass windows, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, lirge floored attic. This is an exceptionally we 11-planed bunga low. Absolutely modern and in perfect condition. Garage and alley in rear. Price $75oi ; $2O0O cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675-25. ROSE CITY PARKj COLONIAL BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, hardwood floors. Ivory wood- ork. I a pastry paper, corner lot, $7350 ; $2050 cash. $46 p r mo., including in terest. 528 East 44th N., cor. of Brazee. Automatic 310-40. Owner. $3900 SPLENDID HOME $3000. CLOSE IN. For sale- by owner; 5 room bungalow with fireplace, built-ins and large sleep ing porch; house in first-class condition; white enamel plumbing and white kitchen ', brand new furnace, gas radia tors; on car line; garage on place. Must b seen to be appreciated. 854 Wasco st., near 28th st. $ 1 00 C A SH $ 1 00. Here ts something you don't find every day; a 6-room house with bath, gas, electricity, paved street, sewer in and all paid. You can hand le this wit h $loo cash. MONDAY ONLY. Payments like rent. Located on fine corner in Fulton, close In. No phone information. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 6-room home at a bargain on 59th st ; hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, hot water heat, lpundry trays. $4500; $10O0 d"wn, nal. like rent. You can movi in tomorrow. Owner left ciiy. McCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO.. 306 Railway Ex-jhange Bldg. Main 1503. ONLY $4O0O 2 YEARS OLD. Rose City, 7-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, bu f fet, book cases, bath, 2 toilets, built-in kitchen, full basement, full lot. Improved, on paved street, 1 block to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3TS7. FOR SALE Hawthorne ave., 1 block to car line, extra fine well built most modern 6-room house, nearly new, hard wood floors, furnace and fireplace, big corner, vacant now. must be. seen to be appreciated, act quick ; $500 will take it now. H. H. stauo. ion Belmont. Week Tabor 219. ROSE CITY bungalow on 44th st. N.. 5 cheerrul rooms, z pea rooms, 'j sleeping porches, bath, hardwood floors, 2 fire places. . fine cement basement. wash trays, elegant furnace, only $5o00. Ask Mr. schultz. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $24O0, TERMS Hre is a good buy; 4 big rooms ana oatn, including l nearoom downstairs. Full floored attic, room for 2 teds; nic lawn and garden, new ga race, nicely located, fine neighborhood. Call at BM2S 72d st. S. E. Phono Tabor 2475. Cable Realty Co. I OWN A bungalow at 1125 N. 20th i 4 rooms downstairs, 2 partly finished un. Has just been overhauled and in first class condition ; only 4 years old. No reasonable offer refused. Go see It. Mr. Phelps, Main 7141. 57 Corbett bldg. BY OWNER. Nifty 5-room house; cement basement. wash trays, white enamel plumbing, fur nace, garden holly trees. 15 minutes' walk to hert of city. No agents. E. 8121. FOR SALE by owner, who Is leaving town beautiful modern d-room bungalow just completed, near Irvington ; a cozy little heme ; lot 50x112 and improved street It will pay you to se this place at Call at bouse, 9tl Knott st. TO SETTLE ESTATE. 5-room semi-modern, adjacent to Ala meda district. bOxloo-foot lot. fruit, ber ries. Heirs are offering this for $10OO; $1500 cash. Lot is nearly worth the money. Mar. 3352. Tabor 3000. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. $S500 Four Years Old. Near Knott oetween 22d and 24th; 6 rooms, living room very large, H. W. floors, concrete garage, grounds perfect. EAST 419. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $4200, asy terms. l!fi East 2d st. (Rented.) Seen by appointment; 7 rooms, 1 bedroom, bathroom down, 3 and bathroom up. Neuhausen, Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank building. 487 WEST PARK street. 25x100, and good 5-room house, bath, lO minutes walk old P. O. building; price $3650. Terms. Donald Woodward, 104 Second st. Main 1436. IRVINGTON. 8-room house, best part of Irrington for $750O; small payment down, bal ance long time up to date. McDonell, East 4 lit. MUST sacrifice on account of large family my modern house and 5 lots, improved; f a m i ly f ru i ts. ga ra ? e. Who- is looking for a bargain ? Some terms. 402S Bast 76th wti Tabor 1014. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. 6 lovely rooms, glass S. P., lyory throughout; yes, fine garage, $5500. 500 E. 14th N. OWNER EAST 419. IRVINGTON, $4500; big house, full lot. easy terras: Tillamook and Fifteenth, clear, big bargain. Kennedy, 329 Sal mon. Main 470. 2-ROOM cottage in beautiful Irvington Park, near car, some plumbing, some fruit and native trees; $1HjO, $150 cash, Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO., Main 8078. 830 N. W. BANK BLDG. HOME BUYER. If you are looking for a 8-room house call and see owner a nd get a bargain. 045 EAST YAMHILL ST. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, classy bunga low, modern, fine location; must ell Quick. Tabor 6337. , REAL ESTATE. For Sal e-r-1 louse. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Main 7487. ALAMEDA. $7oto. New double-constructed 6-room bunga low on full lot, furnace, fireplace, quarter-sawed oak floors, ivory woodwork, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, tapestry wall paper, cove ceilings in living and dining room, solid brass hardware, glass door knobs, full cement base me ut, ce ment porch: terms. MT. TABOR $5950 On a beautiful view lot. 63x100. In Mt. Tabor, about a year old. a typical California bungalow of 5 rooms and glass-enclosed sleeping porch. Furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, ivory wood work. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, handsome lighting fixtures, full cement basement, larere living porch; terms. ROSE CITY. $4500. On full corner lot, paved street, a modern 5-room bungalow in desirable part of Rose City, one block from car. fireplace, full cement basement; very attractive; terms. HAWTHORNE. $4200. On S3d street, near Market; full 50x 100 corner paved lot; improvements paid, double-constructed house of G rooms, ce ment basement and furnace, bearing fruit trees, berries, rare shrubbery ; a bargain ; $ 10O0 down. NORTH OF PIEDMONT. $:t50O. Brand-new bungalow, one block from car, on full lot. Improvements paid, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, ivory woodwork, vacant ; $5oo down. WOODSTOCK. $3O00. On 40x120 lot, improvements paid, an attractive 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, built-in buffet, garage, f low ers and shrubbery; $500 down. MT. SCOTT. $21)50. On 66xl68-foot lot. a very substantial 6-room bungalow, 1 blocks from car, 9 bearing fruit trees, berries, garden, ga rage. You should see this. Terms. MONTAVILLA. $2850 80x200 lot, with story-and-half bunga low-type house; 2 bedrooms upstairs, one down, cement basement, abundance of fruit, berries, fine garden; $o00 dowu. ALBERTA, $2850. Modern 4-room bungalow -with 2 sleep ing rooms and a fuii lot; paid improve ments, one block from car line ; large comoination living and dining room; ivory finish, garage, cement basement; ju uuwn. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY, Main 74S7. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $7000 HOME FOR $ 4750. Modern 8-room house, best-grade hard wood floors and woodwork, firepiace. exceptionally fine buttet and bookcases. cloatt closet, mirror door, Dutch kit chen, full deep cement basement, fur nace and wash trays, toilet on first floor, 4 large corner bedrooms with 2 win dows In each, bath and toilet on secomj floor, corner lot. all street improvements In and paid, 1 block to car. This house is selling at before-the-wa r price. If yi have $1150 cash and want a bargain. call early Monday. CI . E V E LA N D-HE ND ER.SON CO. . 212 Railway Kxcli. Bldg. Main 6752 NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement. hardwood floors, mirrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, w nite and ivory finish, 3 large fountains in plain view ; very choice, neat and desirable; on Haw thorne car line at ave.; tonus; reasonn ble. By ow uer, Tabor 35o2, Main 3o52. ADMINISTRATOR ORDERS SOLD IRVINGTON DLTCH COLONIAL !1'IME KOR LESS THAN LOT IS WORTH. Beautiful 7-room house, fuil lot, hard suriaced street, convenient, walking dis tance to business disi rict. North 1';h:iic Dental Colli-Cf. Benson Polytechnic Iliiih 1 School, 1'ubiic Library and delightful Holluduy Park. ONLY $70O DOWN. BALANCE $3SO0, PAYABLE $35 MONTHLY. E. J. G. GORDON. EAST 3" HOSE CITY PA RK BUNG ALO W .".t M I. Here, folks, is a bungalow that will 1 anneal to vou strongly. 6 rooms. Hard wood floors. fireplace. bufi'et, Dutch kitchen, full cement baseim-nt. garage etc. Near S.indy. Lots of trees and shrubbery. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. near 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office, ooth and Saudy. Open Sunday. ON SANDY AND 35TH. Elegant S-rui. nomo. Hardwood floors. Immense living room, beautiful fixtures. Dutch kitchen, hot writ er h:it. fu 11 ment basement, laundry trays, r in ?- r ge and lawn with lots of shmbb-ry ijd flowers. This is a snap. $iO.O00. I half ca?h. McCLURE A- SCHMAUCH CO.. 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1503. LA UR ELH URST B UN G A LOW". 5 rooms and 3 rooms finished in attic. H. W. f iooi s. fir pi ace. buLt-ins, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, ete.. 50xlOO lot. all im nro v m:n t s in nd paid; 2 blocks to car. Tb:s is a real barsrain for $52 50. term. For apiinint- ment se Mr. Jejsse, 527 Corbett B.dg. Main 7141. $-65 05-ROOM SNA P. Elegant home. Hixioo. with the mopt exquis.te garden, berry patch and fruit trees. You'll rn isa it if you don' t bu v this; near Frankiin high school; $1000 cash G. C. GOLD EN BERG. Ablngton Btdg. Miin 4f3 MODERN COSY BUNGALOW. M I 'ST RE SOLD THIS WEEK. Hurry up and get a big bargain; 5 rooms first floor, white enamel, built- ins. Dutch kitchen, fine electric fix tures, fireplace ; big unfinished second floor; fine 50x100 lot; bargain at $4200; easiest terms. Wootllavvn 3D-3. IF YOU are looking for a modern. moderate-sized home in a g.iod district, drive past No. 702 Olac kamas st. a t S. E. corner of E. 24th and Clackamas. and if it pleasrp you se me at No. ,u, McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. 1 own the house and want to sll it. H. E. MOONEY. FOR SALE 7-room cottage, artistic pla electric and gas lirrht. hot water heat. hardwood floors, big closets, enamel fin ish, cabinet kitchen, modern in every wav : improvements all in and pa id ; vaiking distince. All for S4750; $Hh-0 down; terms. Call at 471 E. Ash, near 8 th. East 623 S. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bom3, fireplace, china closet and buffet, bookcases, newly tint ed Inside and painted outside, white enameled Dutch kitrhen. full cenv basement, laundry tubs, etc.; $120; S'jooo cash, balance to suit, terms. Tabor 37S5. JEFFERSON hieh school 6 blocks and grammar 2. House sale rooms and bat h room. storeroom. closets. pant ry, built-ins, basement, corner lot 1otixlii2. 20 fruit trees, 2 blocks to car, $1250 or easiest terms on $1 'm). All improve ments in and paid. Woodlawn OUT-OF-ToWN OWNER must pell at once, therefore this bargain. 7 rooms, full Tlnmbin(r. full basement, east side, near Broadway or steel bridge. Oniy J45UO, very eay terms. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. IV T.A TTRELHURST. semi-bungalow .lot 50x1 no, 6 rooms, music den, sleeping norch. garage; everything strictly mod ern; on Davis st. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 2.,oa. S500 CASH, balance $25 per month takes neat 5-noom home on Mason between Union and W uliams ave.: ce ment basement, bath, in nice conn it ion. street Daved, paid; a bargain. Tabor 6441. $S0O0. EASY TERMS. Irvington view, home beautiful, small ; just the home for adults; solid mahog any, tiled bath, trench wtnuows day light basement. EAST 419. CHICKENS. CHICKENS. CHICKENS. We have a few very excellent oppor tunities. If you want 1. 2, 3 or nmr? acres with or without buildings, we have hem. CmU at R20 72d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 2475. Cable Realty Co. $1100.. By owner, 3-room house; plumbing. Hec lights, gas. 40x100 lot. sidewalk in and oai'l: betweon two car lines. Broad way and Alberta cars; $400 cah. UOS E. 20th st. N. IRVINGTON FINE HOME Center hail. all oak floors. Ivory finish, imported papers, beautiful grounds, extras with house, garace, choice location. Neu hausen, Mam 80 1 a. 13500 A DANDY new 4-room bungalow with all built-ins. In good d is trie t on the north slope r,f Mt. Tabor. 70 K. 65th st. North: 1 n blocks south of M. V. car. " NOR HILL HOME. 60 N. 22d, near Irving. 7 rooms. newly paint e-i , first cTass condition. OWNER, MAIN 2561. NICE 4-room hungaiow, west sii on auto road, fine large lot: price $1600. $'Oo cash, balance $15 per month. Lee-Rob ert sonJc LAURELHURST. ' A beautiful new bungalow up to the 1 minute in every detail. By owner and builder. Alain 3144, REAL ESTATE. For !ale Hous-. SEE THESE TODAY. Tf you desire the very best in a moderately-priced home, see this. The price of $Hmo is warranted by reason of the quality. 6 rooms, all in splendid condi tion; full basement, furnace, garage, fruit, fine lawn. All improvements In and paid. Near Jefferson high school. Good terms. Located at 4ti Shaver St. 6-room house in good condition; bath, gas. electric light.-, garage. Corner lot with abundance of fruit. 2 blocks to Woodlawn car. Price $2500; $500 cash. 412 Liberty ave. A splendidly-built. B-roora bungalow on paved st. ; all city conveniences; pret ty lot w ith abundance of flowers. 3 blocks to Mt. Scott car. $2300, $500 cash. 5544 lS2d street. 5-room plastered, double-constructed house; full basement, nice built-ins, full lot, lovely shade. A very neat, attract ive place and all in best of condition. Just off Woodlawn car at 650 Saratoga street. Price $U100. $1300 cash to handle, but worth it. In Alberta is this 4-room cottage, with large sleeping porch, bath, gas and electricity. Garage with alley entrance. Lovely la wn, fruit and berries ; chicken house. $2500, $400 cash. fc&S East 26ti t. N. For the bachelor girl or young couple, ducky brown shine! ed bunealow of three rooms, with a pretty lot, and heaps or garaen. 1 wo blocks to car. 6 big fruit trees. $lloO. easy terms. And It s afl furnished, ready to move into. 5621 62d ave. S B. Woodstock car. Now if it happens that not a single one of the above places suit you, do not be oiscouru gei tor we have scores more about which we will be glad to tell you - or snow you. 3-room house In good condition. oomeT lot 50x100, with wonderfully fine garden. Gas, electricity and city water. Price $1200. Good terms. 3 biks, to St. Johns car. 142 Ainsworth ave. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main &G24. BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON. On Schuyler st.. near 10th. atnonr the shade trees of this attractive district. there is a cozy six-room house with fur nace and full basement. Living room has, ; three bedrooms upstairs .With bath. A comfortable house, well built and in a choice neighborhood. $10u0 cash takes it with monthly payments like rent. The number of the house ia 6.S2 Schuyler st. Inspection of the Interior by appointment only. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. NI FT Y B L N G A LO W $ 5250. An exceptionally large bungalow with living room extending the entire width of house. Beautiful birdseyo maple floors. fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, etc. Paving paid. Unusually good value. A. G. TEEPE CO., 70 Stark St. near 4th. Main 8092. Brunch Office, 5oth and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. V UNO E li F V L V A L U E. 7 KO IMS. $5500. 7-room bungalow, 30 feet wide. 42 feet long, la rge liv ing room with fireplace and bookcases, r-'cepiion hall, cloak clos et, buffet, hardwood floors, deep cement basement, furnace, wash trays. 2 bed rooms and bathroom down, 2 bedrooms up. st reet improvements in and paid; roaanmhli terms. C L E V F. LAN l-II ENDERSON CO. . 212 Railway Lch. Bldg. Main 675-25. WEST SIDE SNAP. On 12th near ?iontgomery. 7 rooms on f irpt floor, 1 bedroom and finished attio on sev-ond; hous - in fine condition; newly Vperert and painted; wood or coal stove rud gus stove; immense mirror in living tec in, full, cement bitst-ment. furnac:, l:unury trays. ebctrlc. liht- $6300; cash. $20"l. b:-il. lie rent. Mc "LUR E SCHMAUCH CO., 3o Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1503. HOMKSEKKEilS, ATTENTION. We have the very home you want at n very moderate prb-e. Phone to U3. O-ill en us. Lo k over our photographs. T:i 1 k it over w ith us. See our homes. We csn suit you. Ask any of our client-. 1 io vu w ant one for $050 or one for l-L.i'Mi We have them all. Also ucre.ige and farms. Cn 11 at 529 7M st. S. E. Phono Tabor 2475. Cable Realty Co. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT, ti Rooms ana Den $4 1 00. Now vacant move right in. Located near Sandy, close in. Large living room, llard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, ce niitit basement, w ashtrays, etc. Ea-y terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. near 4ih. Main 3002, Branch Of fire. 50th and Sandy. . open Sunday. BY OWNER. Modern Hawthorne bungalow, five fin large rooms on one floor, paved street a nd sewer, large living room, fireplace, bookcase, window se.t. wit h beamed ceiling; dining room French doors, large buffet, built - in kitchen, fine bedrooms, bath and rlnets, hasfilient with fur niire and laundry travs; terms if de sired at 1QQ4 East Grant st. $6000 BUNGALOW, Rose City, 7 rooms. L steeping porcnes, sewing room, bath, furnace. fireplace, trays, hardwood floors, full cement base ment, lawn, shrubbery, n"nr s- hool and carline; lot 50x100. Mr. Schultz will ho w you. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HOME OWNERS. If you a re in the market to sell and desire efficient, courteous service t hmughout tho transaction, list your home with us. WE SELL HOMES. RALPH HARRIS CO., 627 Cham ter of Commerce. Main 5024. A SACRIFICE. See this bargain before you buy mod ern six-room house; bath, furnace, laun dry trays, full base ment, ga rage, fruit, corner ot, on car line ; must sell. See owner, 1005 E. 30th st. North. Easy terms. ALBERTA. $2700 for this 6-room bungalow style house, with fireplace, buffet, built-in kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, block to car, easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bid?. Main 37S7. SJ'ji) flioo DOvVN, $22 a mo., including? 6 per cent . 5-room modern bouse and a 2-room bungalow, all in one yard; vod si?e lot. The bungalow rents for $6 a month. This Is a good prooo.sit ion. Call at 5S". 72d st. S. E. Phono Tabor 2475. CjMe Realty Co. $1,) ALBERTA HOME $1000. For sale bv owner. Neat 3 -room cot tage, beautiful lot 40 by 1UO. fruit, ber ries and plenty of ross, fine location, furnished; cash and terms. bi'O East 24th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 1233. l-3 blocks from car. ROSE CITY PARK. For sale by owner, very attractive California-type bungalow, on corner lot, 1 i. blocks from car, large living room wfth Pullman bed. one bedroom, Dutch kitchen, dining room, cement basement ; $S15M; $S5H down. Tabor 2o66. H E KB is the best residence buy in Port- , land : My 6-room modern nouse on 4t st., for "$25U0, $1500 cash, balance $10 month w ithout interest; improvements In and paid. For particulars- phone Sell wood 270S. NEARLY new 8-room se ml -bungalow in Laurelhurst for $i.n; wi.i oe open lor inspection today, Sunday, from in A. M. to 5 I. M. Come to 1 20 Laddington Court. 0 ner. Tabor 76S1. $7500 IRVINGTON $7500. EASY TERMS. Large 8-room modern hme, with ga rage, on East 16th st. North, near Tilla mook. Phone Kast 5S00. H. J. Driessel. BY OWNER.' $1250 6-room bungalow, fire place, sleeping porch. L'utch Kitchen, all built-ins, full basement, garage, lot Sox 107 deep, fruit trees and chicken park. 4d ave. Tabor 54. FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne d : strict, all built-ins, cement basement, floored attic, street imp. in and paid for. ll!2 Mixter St., near E. 30th. Tel. 7131. ROSE CITY PARK Cor. 45th and Han cock. 7-room modern, nam wood floors, firt place, sleeping oorch ; full basement, all built-in fonvmi. nces. East frontage. Terms. Phone Tabor 3QQ3. " ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. " 5 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fire place. Assessments paid. $4750. Owned. - Tabor fl'.4. IRVINGTON SWELL HOMES. SEE OL'K EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. T. B NEUHAUSEN CO., h3' N. W. BANK. I RV1NGTON. Choice homes to select from, all well located and a bargain. McDonell, East 41 6-ROOM bungalow, strictty modern, oaK. floors, in 1'ieamoni. at tne rignt price. Owner, 1150 Rodney ave. Woodlawn 5MS. j BEST buy in city- 6-room house, fuil ce- ment hasement, furnace, improvements paid, fine district. near car. Call owner. Seli wood lit. 3-ROOM bungalow, west side, on corner lot ; bargain at on, 5100 casn. na lance $10 per month, Lee-Robertson Co., 413 Corbett bldg. $50 DOWN, $12.50 MONTHLY. For a 5-room plastered cottage, brick chimney, lot SOxloo. Total price $1200. Fred. W. German Co., 732 Cham, ot Com,