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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAXI), JULY 25, 1920 KhAl. KSTATE. for Sate Uoue. $26M $200 $2600. A -7-ro.iti houf'. with lull basement. a all tra bath, tic. ; all nice size rooms; near Union ave. ; city Improve ments In and paid; $500 cash will han dle, vacant. $41 IOH S4O0O $4000. A 7-room hou.-? on Williams tve. ; j full basement, fireplace, bath, etc., 5"x 10 lot, Kns o,- fruit trees, garape; ; -tt y improvement in and paid : $5(J cash down, balance Ilk rent. j $55"0 $550O $5500. A 7-room bungiilow; furnace, fireplace,! all bullt-ins, I large bedroom down- j stair with bath and toltet, 2 large bed- ; roomn upstair w ith toilet and lavatory; everything in line condition; 50x100 j $5300 $5500 $5500. A 6-room house : full cement base ment, wasn trays, oak floors, furnace, J nre place, ail built-in, ouxiuu'iot; nara surfare street and sewer In and paid ; KOS11 .CITY PARK; terms. $ 6000 $ flOOO $6000. " A 6-room house. with glassed-in sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. hurd wood floors, full cement baHcment, wash trays, etc. ; garage and runway; city improvements In and paid; vrry reasonable terms; near Sandy blvd.; ROSE CITY PARK; immediate posses sion. $7OO0 $70MI f 7000. A 6-room semi-bungalow ; furnace, fireplace. ail built-inn, oak floors throughout all finished In Ivory and w hi to enamel, glassed-in sleeping porch, inn porch, full cement basement, wash trays, etc.: large garage; located on WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, with beauti ful view of river; terms. RUMMELh & KUMMELL, 274 Stark St. SUXXYSIDE. S ROOMS PRICE ONLY $5250. Here Is a dandy 8 -room house, just like new. exceptionally well constructed and located midway between the Hawthorne and Sunny side car lines; hard surface street in and all paid ; fuM lot and fine garden, berries and fruit; if you want a REAL home In one of the best middle-class districts in Port IhuiI. here It Is j- can give you 65x ion ground If desired ; for about $575u. Call Broadway 3US9. WHY $15 Month Rent WHEN $15 Month Will Buy a Home? We have a number of well-constructed 3 and 4 -room bungalows In first-class Incations that must be sold account of owners having taken jobs in other cities. They are real snaps. Can be bought as low as $looo. on very easy terms. Why pay rent to the landlord when the same ainuut of money will buy a home of your own ? Our salesman will be pleased to show you any of them. Ayk for Mr. Sohlstrom. OKO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. INEXPENSIVE HOUSE3. $;150 CASH DOWN, ."-room house, l;ir?e bathroom, new ha th tub, eiec. lights, gas, full lot, fruit, improvements in and paid. 1 bloi k to Woodstock car and Gladstone ave. See Miss Slocomb. $2000 5-KOOM HOUSE. HiOx loo lot. 10 fruit trees, garden, ganme, 1 block to Woodstock car, 4 Mot-ka south of Gladstone. Some city lien a additional. See Mias Slocomb. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Hdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. MAKE YOUR RENT BUY THIS. 3(I0 THAT'S ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. Six-room double constructed house, full basement. Dutch kitchen, buffet, good plumbing, fine lot. This Is no cheap I y buil t house ; it if substantial from the ground up and the price Is only $3000. Sunday. Marshall 5003 ; week days, Main 7!7. Marlels or Williams, 820 Cham-bc-r of Commerce. LESS THAN $3000. Short Distance to Hawthorne Car. Knr you people who are unable to buy a high-priced home, we would highly recommend this 6-room bungalow with 2 bedrooms, plumbing In each, fine bath, iHrge lot go x 100, with 1(1 bearing fruit tiecs. Terms can be arranged. Ask for Mr. SohlKtrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. VACANT HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. $.,ni DOWN PAY MENT $500. Seven-room bungalow type, good base ment, fireplace, plumbing, electric lights, gas; fine lot, just off Hawthorne ave., 14 a.SM.-ment in and paid; price ?3000. This its a bargain and terms are easy. See it today. Sunday, Marshall 5003; week days .Main 7007. Mariels or Will tarn h, S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3150. FURNISHED COTTAGE 6 rooms and bath, electric lights and gas, lot 50x100, fine garden, some fruit, rabbit and chicken house; on hard -surface street, three blocks Setlwood car; terms $1000 cash, balance easy. POINDEXTER. 20ft Selling Bldg. Main Irtoo. Residence. East 6771. $3un W ILL HANDL E $300. $4200 CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE $4200. K-room modern house, furnace, fire place, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, city liens all paid; 15 minutes' walk from I. O. : vacant; can rent out several rooms. Very easy terms. Sunday, Marshall 5003; week days. Main 7067. Marlels or Will iams, 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. SUNNYSIDE. $3100. 6 rooms and sleeping porch In good condition, full basement, 2 blocks from car; $1 100 will handle it. You bargain hunters, take a look. Can be resold for more money. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE. Rose City, 49th. near Sandy blvd., 7 room, up-to-the-minute house, hard wood floors. 2 fireDlaees. 2 toilets. steeping porch, garage under house, 50 cor., an imp. paiu, Deautirui lawn. By owner. no agents apply ; $7500. Tahor M7. FOR SALE BY OWNER Strictly mod ern 0 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all bullt-ins, extra large cioset. full basement, lot 50xHK); 40th st, N. of Sandy in Rose City Park. Price $5500, xjjuo casn.. bal. on easy terms; no agents. 1 a. Oregonian. $4500. Corner lot, 50x100, paved street; good 7-room house, furnace, full cement base ment, garage: good repair. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence. East 6771 MONTANA AVENUE. $1600 will buy good 4-room bouse nd lot .i.txiuu. newiy painted, electric lights, iuii nasement, tiara surface St., easy payments'. M. E. THOMPSON. S4S Mississippi ave. A BARGAIN. H- room modern corner house, rarate. immediate possession, walking distance east slue; Tor quirk sale $4500. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ave. No., near E. Ankeny. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure th money and but'd for you. Terms like rent, ian ana see us. BUILDERS" REALTY EXCHANGE. 6-1 Morgan bldg. Main 203 3. 4 $4000. Corner lot, 60x60. with good 8-room nouse, rurnace; terms. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg1. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771 l IOTS, 5-room house, garage, ban chicken house, fruit, berries and gardei near Mt. Scott; $20u0. $500 cash, balanc $2 per month. 6 per cent interest. 575, Oregon i an . A SPLENDID modern home of 7 rooms in sjunnysme; .sleeping porch screened in; tot ouxiou; garage; fruit, berries, grapes. J . F. McKenna, Belmont 3 Mb. Tabor 6493. 7-ROOM house in Woodlawn. plastered, full piuiiiuinB. gas, electricity. lull lot. fruit, rooo conainon. ciose to car and school ou'iu ; 5. .tim 1 cap n. J. C. CORRX CO.. 905-6-7 Lewis Bldg. A LA M E D A PA ft K Brand new six-room bungalow, price "". eaty lerms. rnone owner or nuituer, 1 aoor no. ROSE CITY 6 rooms, sleeping porch. 70 IOO; real home, real bargain. Possession a u gust 1. t.m. Terms. Owner. 4 E3t 54th st. No agents. Tabor 6079. MODERN bungalow on 40x100 corner lot, 5 rooms. H. W. floor, built-lns; $4200 on terms. R. 20th st. N., one block from Alberta ca r. " FOR SALE. 4-room house, with bath. llfiOO net, $300 down, balance terms. 695 Sara toga -Hth st. Wdln. car. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes in this beautiful district ; s II kinds and prices. Two great bargains. BROOKE. Marshall 427. HAVE a westt side home and real ire 20 per cent On your Investment. See owner. 349 6th Ft., near Market. FOR SALE Semi -bungalow, newly paint rd. 2 full lots. 11S4 E. 9th N. Woodlawn 1367. 6-ROOM home, on Clackamas street near 19th; will consider 5-room bungalow in part trade. Price $5000. East 5999. A LAM EDA DISTRICT. Modern 6-room notice on corner lot 64 Mason st. Phone Wdln. 4441. FIRE INSURANCE. T. STREET AGENT. hCAL ESTATE. ACRES Small bungalow, set in won derful oak. grove. 5 acres apple orchard 7 years old, good condition. 1 Vi . miles from Molalia, cn main road, ideal loca tion for home, good soil; $2u0 per acre; ( terms, 60 acres 20 in crop, 15 slashed, rest small creek through place, outside pas-' ture. small young orchard, young team, wagon, hack, gasoline engine, feed chop per. wood saw, five cowa, 3 young cattle, brood sow. five shoats, small toois, eight miies from Molalia ; crop on other 20 acres; $4u00, easy terms. 65 acres 37 in crop, level, choice river bottom land, balance pasture, family or chard, good eight-room house, fair barn, excellent crops, 14 acres oats. 15 wheat. 3 horses. 1 colt, 2 cows. 6 sheep, 5 shoats. 36 chickens, mower, rake. 2 wagons, plows, harness, riding and walking cul tivator, etc. ; Irrigation ditch assures crops every year; price $075(, terms. GORDON J. T A 'i LOR, Molalia, Or. - or 415 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. PRICE ONLY $10,500. Fine strictly modern 8 -room house on 50x100 corner, in the very heart of the Nob Hill dis trict; also good garage; the owner is a non-resident and Is offering this -property for about $7ou0 less than the original cost; if you want something in this district, you will certainly make a -jr.istake if you do not look this property over ; il you are from Missouri, we can show you. Call Broadway 30t9. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, large attic, basement. Price $2650. New modern bungalow. 4 rooms, breakfast nook. concrete basement; $3250. New modern cottage, 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, built-in features, fireplace, concrete basement; $3500. New, nitty bungalow, 4 rooms, break fast nook, concrete basement, large at tic, with an acre of ground; $5750. Beautiful bungalow, 5 rooms, break fast nook, sleeping porch, fireplace, concrete basement, corner lot; price $4050. O. W. BRYAN. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1&63. FOR A LARGE FAMILY. $3000. We have listed with us at sacrifice price on account of owner leaving city a large 8-room residence in Portsmouth, fine location, close to schools, 4 bed rooms, bath, 2 toilets, full cement base ment, laundry trays, 50x100 corner lot, 11 bearing fruit trees, 2 blocks St. Johns car; house alone would cost much more than the purchase price to build ; abso lutely a first-ciass buy; $1000 will han dle. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. LAURELHURST 6-room bungalow with sun porch and large built on garage, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, all finished in old ivory, tapestry paper. Has Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, living room 18x24, fuil cement basement with self regulating furnace. This bungalow has been built about 6 month?, block from Laurelhurst park and clubhouse, one of the finest locations in Laurel hurst; built by one of the best con tractors in Portland. Price $0850; no agents. Automatic 21209. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2350. We are offering you a nf fty 5-room bungalow in first-class condition, with built-in buffet, lights, gas, large bath room, full cement basement, block to car, near Firland, on easy terms, for only $2350. Why pay rent when very little extra effort will put you in a home of your own? Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $3250 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3250. Seven-room. we 11 -construe ted house; good basement; plumbing, electric lights, gas; house in good condition ; near car, high school, car barns and Just at edge of Piedmont; hard-surface street paid; a snap, on easy terms; immediate posses sion. Sunday, Marshall 5003; week days. Main 7067. Muriels or Williams, b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. By owner, modern home, six targe rooms, lot 75x lOO, beautiful view; price $6750; $1250 will handle; terms. Main 1128. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. $1650 YOUR OWN TERMS $1650. NEAR PENINSULA LBR. CO. MILL. S-room house, vacant; plumbing, gas, etc.; just newiy painted and papered in side, good condition; several fruit trees; near Willamette blvd. This is no man sion, but beats renting and is worth the money. Sunday, Marshall 5063: week days, Main 71)07. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1100. A nifty little 3 -room home, with Dutch kitchen, electric lights, good base ment, also sleeping porch, 50x100 lot, with chicken run, garden all in; get off Firland station. Can be bought on easy terms. It doesn't pay to rent from some one else. Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $3500 NEAR PIEDMONT $3500. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Five rooms one floor, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, some bullt-ins. good plumbing, etc.; lot 50x100, all as sessments paid, st. H. S. Houses would cost more to build than price 'asked; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5063; week days, Main 7007. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce. -ROOM plastered house, close in, large pantry and bedrooms, full basement, full plumbing, gas, electricity, all in good condition; improvements paid; good dis trict. This is estate property and must oe soia ; a oargain $oou. Another es tate house, practically same as above, 6 rooms, same district; good condition ; Al buy, $2650. J. C. CORB1S CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $2475 VACANT- VACANT $2475. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. Six rooms, good basement, fine plumb ing, eiectric xignts, . gas; nouse is in finest condition, just newly painted and decorated; lot 50x100, several fruit trees; near car. This is certainly a bargain and terms are easy. Sunday, Marshall 6063; week days. Main 7067. Marlels or Williams, au cnam. or Com. bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2500. $500 below actual value; 5 large rooms and full basement ; garage ; 5ox 100; lots of fruit, berries and flowers two blocks from car; 33d ave., near E. 48th st.; owner, a non-resident, will accept $500 cash. $35 monthly. R. P. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington Bldg. $2000. 5-room cottage, electric lights, bath, lot 25x100. on Williams ave.: street paved, paid; on carline; terms; a good Duy. J. J. OEDER CO., 4 Grand ave. N., near E. Ankeny. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Most desirable 10-room modern house on lower heights, very choice neighbor hood ; only short walk from business center. This is a foreclosure and can oe Dougnt now at about half its value. ls KUUKJ. Marshall 4827. MAYBE YOU CAN BUT THIS. 5-room house, not modern; lot 40x100; Mt. Scott carline; price $00o; $100 down. 41a per montn. J. J. OEDER CO., 4 Grand ave. N., near E. Ankeny. 1RVINGTON DISTRICT. FINE CORNER LOT, 9-room house, 5 bedrooms; jnlght consider smaller place or give easy terms. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main ISOO. Residence. East 6771 LAURELHURST. 7-room, new bungalow, near park hardwood floors in all rooms, Gasco turnace, elegant plumbing, fine kitchen reaniasi hook, garage. hhone owne and builder, N. O. Eklund. Tabor 6S0. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A 2-flat house. 5 rooms each. 326 Eas First, near Halsey. Price low. Terms easy. Inquire 140 Front street. Phone Aiain i i.t. BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, almost new, $2500; small payment down; chicken run fenced, fruit, berries; must be sold . this week. Mr. Clow, with J. P. Mc Kenna, Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. JUST completed, a strictly modern, S room bungalow at 600 E. 54th N.. just H block N. Alameda drive. This is one of the best bungalows in Rose City Park. See owner on premises all day. OVERLOOK. Three very desirable modern houses In Overlook, six and seven rooms, ranging ftom $4500 to 15200; good terms M. E. THOMPSON. 843 Mississippi ave. BY OWNER Modern 4-room bungalow, in Piedmont; white enameled through and through; beautiful location, near li brary and Jefferson hish; 2 blocks from Mississippi car line. Phone Wdln.. 4370. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room 1 story house at 464 Sumner st., $1600 on terms, less for cash. Inquire Mrs. Gils trap, 421 67th South. 5-ROOM cottage, close In. 50 by 100 ft. lot, $2400, $250 down, $22 per month. Phone Tabor 680. 6-ROOM HOME. m"drn, $2000; terms. 1 Best buy in city. Woodlawn 403s, BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Are You A Strancer in Portland? Do you contemplate buyin a home? Do you know values? Do you know the desirable and undesirable districts ? Familiarizing you with these facts, and looking out for your every Interest Is oniy part of the service of THE McGUIHB SYSTEM. Several attempts are being made to imitate and copy this system, but this is the original. This system eliminates house hun-tfTi-a; problems, makes home buying a pleasure, puts you In immediate touch with the home you are looking for. MANY RSilARKABLE BARGAINS. Before you buy. come to our show rooms and see over 100O photographs of appraised homes for sale, with price, terms, and address under each picture. Every section of the city has Its allot ment of space. Every home offered for your consideration has been personally Inspected and appraised. Our many years of experience : our thorough and expert knowledge of values and of the most desirable home districts; our per sonal appraisal of every heme listed, and our unparalleled display of over lu0 photographs, together w ith courtesy, ef ficiency and integrity, are the keynotes of the McGUIRE SYSTEM which made it possible for this office to establish the undisputed national record of selling 800 homes last year, amounting to $2,406.- Our 18 automobiles and courteous salesmen are constantly at vour service. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1069. 1Q6V 3d St.. bet. Wash. & Stark. IKVIXGTON'S 3 BEST BUYS. No. 534 Brazee. UniocKed today. This most beautiful near-new, semi English Colonial. Splendid modern corner borne, costly hardwood finished first floor, with large living room; pleasant bedrooms in white, one is very large; beautifully pa pered. Price $0500. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and comparison of values is solicited. Unlocked Today No. 773 Knott St.. N. W. corner of 24th. Center euirance; all ivory finish except solid mahogany dining; room; beautifully papered; oak floors throughout ; 2 baths, hot watei heat. These are samples of many others we wi 11 be pleased to show you down to $5000. up,to $30,000. R. T. STREET. Good Homes r.ealtor. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, $5750. Dandy 6-room bungalow and good garage; only 1 r blocks from Hawthorne car; in the best part of the district; has all the modern built-in features, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. ; this is a REA L home, and the price is right; if you are just CHOPPING don't bother us, but if you mean business, call us up. Broadway HIGH CLASS LARGE 4-R. BUNGALOW. Desirable, close-in location; an attrac tive, cheerful home; easily furnished, easy to care for. Larse rustic porch, good attic, delightful living room, itory finish, firepiace, furnace, full concrete basement. CHOICE CORNER. PAVED STREETS. Near beautiful Laurelhurst park convenient Sunny side car. A dandy buy. Owner, Broauway 421 or Sunday Tabor 5160. SUNNYSIDE. 6-Room Resiuence. This house is in first-class condition outside and in. It has 6 rooms and den, buiit-in buffet, 'Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch, full cement baa ment, furnace, flowers, fruit, etc., west of 81st st., 2 blocks to two of the best carllnes in the city, streets paved, sewer In, all clear of debt, no mortgage; lO00 wilt nanuie- Ask for Mr. Mack. CEO. T. MoORE Co,, 1oo7 Yeon Bldg. A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. MUST SELL 'AT ONCE. $6500 BEAUTIFUL IK VINGTON $6500. VACANT STRICTLY MODERN. 7 rooms, strictly modern ; fuil cement basement, . laundry travs, furnace, tire place, hardwood floors ; in finest condi lion; just newly painted and decorated and really a splendid buy; on terms. Sunday, Marshall 5063; week days. Main 70b i. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WHY RENT? . $250 VACANT VACANT $250. $2000 SEE THIS AT ONCE $2050. 6-room vacant house, in Monta villa, good basement, plumbing, electric lignts, gas, bOxloo of ground, 4 large iruit trees; $250 down will buy tnla; It is a shame to try to rent when ou cau buy like this. Sunday Mar. uiW, week days Alain 7067. Marie s or Williams, hju Cham, of Com. bldg. IRVINGTON. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Rooms are aii large and in good con dition, strictly modern in every respect, which means very complete; also good garage; oniy 3- blocks from BroaQway car. at the exceptionally low price of $7500 Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MooRE CO., loo7 Yeon bidg. BY OWNER, leaving city, two 4-room flats. 337 Sacramento st.. between Union and Wihiama ave.; $3,800. Suburban Homes. READ THIS! SOME OP THE BEST SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE IN PORTLAND TODAY SACRIFICE SALES. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. $9300 2 acres with an up-to-the minute S-room strictly modern home; EXCELLENT VIEW; abundance of fruit, fine garden, shade trees and shrubbery; THIS IS A PICTURESQUE. DESIRA BLE HOME; TERMS. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. $4500 One-half acre at GLADSTONE on the , main highway; 8-room house, sleeping porch, fireplace, turnace. built-in effects, garage ; THIS HOME MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED; $2000 cash, balance $35 per month, or assume mortgage; A SNAP. BELL STATION SNAP. $3750 Only $1000 down; 5-room bunga low; a wonderful little place; abundance of fruit and berries: garage; YOU OUGHT to see this bargain in a modest country home. SPLENDID' FIVE ACRES. $4200 CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Five acres, all In cultivation; fruit, etc. ; 4-room good house; VERY REASONABLE TERMS. LENTS JUNCTION. $5000 EASY TERMS; one-half acre with 8-room very modern home; every convenience; splendid gar den and fruit; SEE THIS TO DAY. DOSCH STATION. $4800 One-half acre and nice 5-room bungalow; TERMS; a splendid BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL PARK ROSE. $5250 Here is a splendidly well-kept place of one acre and a pretty 5-room bungalow ; REASONA BLE TERMS. $3500 $1000 cash; near SELLWOOD GARDENS is this dandy 4-room bungalow; fine place; full plumb ing; many buiit-in effects; 24 full bearing fruit trees, barn, 2 cows. 3 hogs, 75 chickens; about one acre ; very low at $350O; $1000 cash w 111 handle stock, crop and ail. $1600 STANLEY STATION: this is splendid value. Just think! one fine acre and a 4-room house; EASY TERMS. SEE this. $2000 NEAR MILWAUKIF. built-in la bor savers, electricity, gas; one fourth acre ; just $500 down; THIS IS A REAL SNAP. We have hundreds of splendid acre age buys in all parts in and near Port land. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your Suburban Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. Open Evenings and Sunday. CLOSE-IN ACRE. Nearly an acre on Mt. Tabor car line. at nza street, wun iruit trees, modern 5-room house, with sleeping porch, full cement basement, all city conveniences, small barn, chicken bouose. 50 chickens with the plsce; will consider small 3 or 4-room nouse as part payment. JOHN FERGUSON. GEKLINGER BLDG. ELDERLY COUPLE'S OPPORTUNITY. V, acre, 10 bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruits, deep rich soil, free of rock or gravel, all. In garden, cottage, barn, chicken house, store building with stock of goods. This property has furnished a good living for 12 years. Bull Run wa ter, gas. electricity near; $3250. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. OWNER leaving state; 6-room modern home with 2 lots at Multnomah station; $1 500 cash, balance terms. Main 4253. Mrs. Ryan. MULTNOMAH H acre, nice 4-room house, all kinds berries und fruit, S?R."V). Ass: tor A. J. Phillips or Main 5436. K1L FSTATK. Suburbktn Homes. RIVER FRONT, on the best part of the Willamette river, ,n:ce beach with some parts of it deep water, close in to the business center, close enough to car line aad station; you go to it over the paved highway. These river front sites are be ing offered jusrt now at a price cheaper than you will ever be able to obtain them again for, in fact, we are determined to close out this tract of both river front and paved street front at less than half the value and less than half the price anything on either side can be purchased for. We will sell you a river front site as low as $50, with reasonable terms of payment. The name of the tract is "RIVER VILLA ACREtS' and it is lo cated at Courtney on the paved river road. -Go at once and cee this tract and come to the otiice and make your se lections. This is a good thing and at a the price It will not last. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. RIVER FRONT homes, highly lmaroved with swell bungalows and beautiful grounds, on a car line and road as well as fronting on the river. We have a number of these places with ground area from one acre to four in high-ciass Riverdale district, on the red car line, on the west side, 25 minutes' ride from the business center. We are offering these places, any and all of them for the price of what the improvements would cost, to replace and throwing in the land free. It just happens that these places must be sold and that right away and we will give you the choice of any one of the three of them and when we quote to you the low price for which we are willing to sell It will stagger you. Call at this office and ascertain the particu lars and let u show -you the property. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. 8 lA BIG ACRES of land, on the paved highway, on the car line and right at the station, only nine miles from the heart of the business center. No richer, land to be found on the east side of the city, as evidence of that fact, come at once and let us show you this pla before the crops are harvested, that will con vince you of what the land is. With this 83 acres of land you get a very cozy 5 room cottage, good barn, silo, garage, chicken houses with cement floors, fruit of all varieties in full bearing In com mercial quantities, berries and other shrubbery plentiful. The owner of this place is a sick man and must leave and is willing to take for a large part of the purchase price, whioh Is only $6500, a houw and lot in the city up to the value of $4000. No-w then you people who want a close-in, very complete suburban home with the land and improvemen-ts which insures beyond question of doubt an in dependent living with good money be sides yearly from the pi ace and have a house and lot in the city to exchange come running and grab this exceptional apportunity. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON " BLDG. WHAT do you think of this for $2-500? The price should be $0000. but the owner fays selt it for $25O0, as he is compelled to leave. One-half acre of land ail in garden, on the west side, close In, prac tically on the boulevard and with the Vi acre of land you get a comparatively new 8-room pi altered house, every room plastered and newly papered and tinted. The outside of the house newly and well painted. 5 blocks from the oity wchooi, 5 blocks from the car line and station. You drive to It over the paved Capitol highway. All you need is $! 3M cash. Cau you beat it on earth? This house has all of the city conveniences, includ ing city water fBuli Run). M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $5000 buys and pays In .full for one of those suburban homes of which you would be delighted to own. There are 4 big acree of land and what Is not utilized for garden and orchard is left in the state of an Improved park. Johnson creek runs through a part of this little domain, that alone is or -hould be suffi cient attractiveness to the lover of na ture and those desiring the beautiful. The price for this place is a mere trifle, only $50i H), for what you get for it. About half cash wlil handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. IN THE HIGH-CLAPS Multnomah subur ban district, on the west side, on the Capitol highway, close to ar line and station. Here are 10 big beautiful acres lying high, sightly and with a view from all sides presenting a panorama of which no H acres of iand in this high-class e-ub urban district affords outside of it self. It is the first time it has been offered for sale at this unbelievable low price, especially when you consider that in no part surrounding the city of Port land on the east or west side has the improvements been so great or of such a fine character as in this improved Mult- nnmh litrirt. It in the closest west side suburban district. The price of which this lo acres is being offered for and its location will convince any person that one-half of this land can be sold readily for as much as we are asking for all of it. It happens that ail of this lund can enlnv ail of the city con veniences. Including city water (Bull Run) as the water main lies alongside its entire front. $7500 is all we want for the best piece of land in -Multnomah on the Capitol highway. M. J- CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1S00 buys this modern up-to-date 5-room bungalow with one acre of land, very highly Improved with all varieties of fruit in full bearing. The location is the best to be found on the west side, close to Oswego lake, the weU-known summer report. It is only 4 blocks from car line and station. It is on the main highway. This house has all of the city conveniences and is a great bargain for the price. It must be sold without de lay. Half cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY 7 -acres of land Is the size of this place. We simply state that as an introductory. At Corbett station, close to the depot, on the good road. To undertake to deecri-be the matchless location of this place woris will fail anybody. To conclude this de scription, and there can be no person to dispute the fact, from point of view looking up and down and across the great Columbia river no place is com parable to this place, and it is so close in that this can be proven. It is the one rare place this side of Crown Point and the Vista House. Th&re is no other and cannot be another very well. The price is only $0500 and to wake up in about three or four years and hear that this place had sold for $40,000 ought not to be any surprise. On this land there is a xery large orchard in fuil bearing of the best variety of fruits, loaded down today. There Is a house of 7 rooms of the kind that should be there to lend attraction to the place, very substantial, modern enough for any person, bath and all of the city conveniences, two fire places, cement floors, concrete founda tion. It sits on the spot on this land to give full satisfaction. We will consideT a cash payment down on this place from S1O00 up and the full price remember for everything is only $6500. M. J- CLOHESSY, ABl.NUTU.N tSLJJU. 1-3 ACRE, located between Doarh and Multnomah, commanding wona-mii view of Tualatin valley ; 5-room bungalow, larre cooler, cement floor, sawdurt packed sides and door, sleeping porch, jrarage, 2 chicken houses and yard. B-ill Run water, gas, electricity, hard sur faced road, fine shrubbery and assort ment bearing fruit rees. berries; price only $2800, 7c fare. Buy direct from owner. A. G. Persels. Valley ave and Hoffman road NED BURKE 3 MULTNOMAH Right on the highway: it dandy home; 4 tooms rlownsnirs finished and 2 rooms upstairs unfinished: basement and barn; ground 75100; fruit: easy terms. acre and 3-room houe; water, gas end elc. llirhts. all kinds of chicken coop!, brooder J-ouse; crops nil In: $500 will handle. See Ned Burke, Main 1903. Multnomah. 5-ROOM modern bunsralow. Nifty new home at Multnomah station, set in beau tiful grova of tres with a half acre of ground. This home was recently built to sell for S6000 and had to take It over from builder along with some very fine furniture. Will sell this nifty, up-to-date home with what furniture there is there, fcr $5250 on your own terms. See mv special representative, N. H. ATCH ISON. 204 Henry bldff. , 2 OR 2'6 A'-RES. good K-room house, living room 14x24, with beamed ceiling; dining room beamed and paneled, built on kitchen; Bull Run water, ga. lights and telephone; lots of berries, roses, and large lawn. A fine location and best view In countrv; will ned to to ap preciate; few blocks south of Multnomah station, near Capital highway. By owner. Main R436. 10 ACRES NEAR CITY. 20 minutes ride from citv. fine view, sma'l grove, balance in cultivation, good barn, fair house, one of the best tracts of cloFe-!n land In Multnomah county; don't fail to see this a It la a harerain st A00, terms. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay Bldar. ROOMS and sleening porch, mofl-rn, complt-?!y furnished, cn S. P. Red Elec tric. 2 blocks from station, on 7c far. City water, gas and electricity. Ownr leaving- Rt once for San Francisco. Will sacrifice horn nd furniture for $2250. Must have 1 ?oo rash, balance terms S-e N. T-T. ATCHISON. 204 Henry bidg. BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. New subdivision near Oswego ' lake: water, electric lig-ht. rock roads, fifhlng and boating; priced from $300 per tract Get in on ground floor. Owner, 500 Concord Bldg.. Second and Stark. FOR SALIC A ' real cotv eumfy home within city limits, 6 large rooms. eTec triolty. gas and water, u. acre, beautiful view of Portlnnd, only $25ft0. Sell. 1441. OSWEGO L AKE Acre. how?e. barn : $1O00. Main 8672. McFarland, Failing bldg. KRAI, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 2100 HUBER STATION Almost 2 acres of good soil, a 4-room bungalow with Dutch kitchen: gas, good brick well, large screened chicken-house, woodshed, 24 full-bearing fruit trees, strawberry patch, fine view; a short walk to station and near a good state road. $800, balance terms. SPLENDID VALUE. . $2300 ST. MARY'S STATION $2500 4 acres In a high state of cultivation. A neat 3-room cottage, chlcken-house; many varieties of berries and some small fruit trees : cltv water olped into the house, gas: $500 cash, balance $25; per month. Only 5 minutes walk to station. Do you want a suburban borne? See us We have many to select from. Of fice open todny, 11 to 2 P. M. M E. DE JOICE COMPANY, 222 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. SUBURBAN HOME. A BEAUTY SPOT. The moot wonderful suburban tract trib utary to Portland, has every city con venience, yet just out of the city limits; this tract contains 12 acres, practically all In cultivation and wonderfully land scaped: all kinds of fruit and flowers and ideal fully modern 7-room bunga low and hot house; all heated by hot water. If you are looking for the best there Is in the way of a suburban borne, look this over, as It will surley please you. The place has a wonderful stream and native grove and Is without excep tion the most beautiful property ever offered at half the money Invested In same. I am compelled to leave for the east Is why I am offering the property See pictures of the grounds and house at the offics of G. A. SARLES, 733 North western Bank. HALF ACRE. A very fine modern home of 5 rooms, cement basement, ground all in fine garden, plenty of fruit, nice lawn. Just outside of the city limits, .for quick sale $3100. Easy terms. EOREN PETERSON, 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Alain 3731. Country Estate New berg Highway. 20 acres just off the Portland-New-berg highway, 18 miles from Portland, with a modern home. House has elec tric lights, bath, fireplace and laundry trays. The water pressure system could not be duplicated for 2000. Tenant house of 5 rooms with bath. Splendid moaern barn and hog house with cement floors. Chicken houses with screened In runways. Greenhouse. family- or chard ; beautiful trout strea m running through the place ; woven wire fencen. flowers and shrubbery; 400 chickens, sow and pigs, an exceptionally fine cow and calf. All goes for $90u0. JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE HOMES. 2 acres in cultivation, 40 bearing fruit trees, berries and large variety shrub bery. 6-room modern house, H W. floors, furnace, finished in old ivory; this is an exceptionally neat, clean place; a real home; Oregon City car line, near station; price $S00o, half rash. One acre in cultivation, fine land ; 7 room house, modern plumbing, electric lights, chicken house, barn, close to sta tion; 1 lc fare; $3250, half cash. 5 acres, 3 acres In cultivation, balance pasture ; lots of fruit and berries; 5 room house, barn, 20 acres free pasture; price $3000. haif cash. li. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. lft.'H 4f h t. BY OWXERj Solve high cost of living by buying a place like this where you can almost make a living and tave your wages: here is the biggest bargain ever offered you: H acre, all in crop. 10 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, the finest garden grown In city, 4-room modern bungalow with screened-ln sleep ing and back porches, new garage, chicken house, place all fenced, 1 block west of 82d st. paved highway; must be seen to be appreciated; $3100 cash; If you haven't enough cash I can get party to loan you about $1500. 4125 80th st S. E. cor. 42d between Hawthorne Mt. Scott cars. Tabor 8280. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 5 acres near Garden Home, on good graveled road, close to the highway ; plastered bungalow, with best of white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, furnace, woven wire fencing; all under cultivation; lots of fruit; convenient to the station; price $500O. $20O0 cash; no apologies to offer on this place. Photo at office. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLLNGER BLDG. BEAUTIFUL NEWBERG HIGHWAY. Beautiful new bungalow and one acre of ground right on the Fortland-Newberg highway, one-half mile from Newberg. Bungalow has four rooms with all im provements, such as bath, electric lights and fireplace. French doors opening onto porch from living room, dining room and bedroom. This is one of the most at t ractive places in that section. Price $6000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 31S Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER. CHOICE RIVER FRONT. SUBURBAN HOMES ON PAVED HIGHWAY, ORE GON CITY CAR LINE: SOM E WITH ORCHARD AND GRAPES; 25 MINUTES DRIVE TO CENTER PORTLAND: 1 MODERN 5 LARGE ROOM HOUSE. 6 BLOCKS CAR; 2 MODERN 6-ROOM BY 1ST OCTOBER, 3 BLOCKS CAR. WITH ONE ACRE UP. INQUIRE OWNER. MAIL BOX 2S3. RIVER ROAD. R. 1, MILWAUKIE, OR- IN TIGARD. 1 1-3 seres located 1 block from high way. 3 blocks from station; all under cultivation; the best of soil; nie new 4-room cottage: this Is clore to high or grade pchool and the finest kind of soil: price $2000. $1000 cash. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GER LINGER BLDG. FOR SALE Vancouver country home at city limits; five minutes walk to Capitol hill car line: from 8 to 12 acres or will sail any part. Prune orchard, cherries, pea rs, app'tes. plums, quince, berries ; garden growing: city water, electricity bath, toilet, cells r. phone, barn and prune dryer; hear Pacific highway at 4-5 th and Washington sts. Price from $500 to $1200 per acre. Phone owner, 616-J. BaRMEHS. ATTENTION! . In good town 15 miles from Portland, 2 acres good soil. 6-room residence, chiton bnuse for 500 hens : alo sepa rate building containing barbor shop and poal hall. Right at electric station. No competition. A nice home and a money making business. Price only $4500 for all. Ask for Mr. Boehm. MacINNES A PRATT. 209-210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. At Aloha station, 2 and 65-100 acres nnpp fiiitivaf inn : some strawberries, loganberries and blackberries. 8 small cherry trees ; new small house, 20x24 earaae. city water; gas main by the place; price $21 oo. $1300 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 14 ACRES of ground with new modern room bungalow, facing on Improved highway, 2 blocks from Multnomah sta tion ; price $450O; part cash, balance on terms. Th-rs is gooa vaiue ior um nmnuj and will stand your closest Inspection py.v t TFiSL AND. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. At office at Multnomah on Sundays. nvc.cni'RTTi rRF?. all cultivated and best of soil. V2 bearing fruit trees, good 6-room houre with gas, electricity, water, chicken house, 7 miles to Portland, paved .nrir mrav utpcot nn mile which is lust a good near electric station. Only $1600. I4O0 down. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. MaJji 7141. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. I will sell or trade my four acres with 2-story house, close to city, young orchard, berries, all outbuildings and fine grove. See me or write F. Henry. 80 Park st. BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. New subdivision near Oswego lake; water, electric lights, rock roads, fishing and boating; priced from $300 per tract. Get in on ground floor. Owner, 500 Concord Bldg.. Second and Stark. 121 ACRES. IS miles out Columbia high way, y Improved, no waste land, fine road to town every day in the year, $2500; no payment down if you will improve. Smith. Room 31, 165V4 4th st., cor. Morrison. fEN ACRES. 10 miles from courthouse, all In cultivation, house, barn. 2 chicken coop?, good spring creek, well, 40 bearing fruit- trees. E. O. Holcomb. 1219 Hol gate St. S. E. W. S. car near 4 1st. A REAL BARGAIN Vz acre, wwt slope Council Crest, three-room cottage, gar den, fruit, flowers, city water. 10 minutes to car, beautiful view; will sacrifice. G AOS. Oregonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMEP and acreage, well located, near car doe, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon dty ear line, sign "A.ftar Brook." HOUSE and 2 lots, on -the Willamette river at Inland station. Fruit trees, berries and fine garden, beautiful view, 5 blocks southwest from station. H. D. Straight. LAKE GROVE Artistic bungalow, mod ern, acre, garden, trees. Phone, water. ele-.; $3500. McFarland. 2utt Failing bid. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. HIS IS THE KIND OF SUBURBAN HOME THAT APPEALS TO EVERYONE. 22 acres, 10 V miles from Newberg. In one of the nicest localities surrounding Portland: lots of reUred business men and farmers own homes in sight of this place, which Is one of the nicest among them. Has a nice 5-room plastered house with porches on three sides. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine store house, with double walis. adjoining; lo cated In fir grove of about 1 acre; good barn and outbuildings, chicken house and park In oak grove, 1H acres; entire place is fenced on three sides with chicken wire : all balance of - place is in crops; 6 acres of berries set out this year; 60 large cherry tree, loaded down with cherries; other kinds of fruit for family use; fronts on good graveled road, with all rural advantages ; only a few minutes walk to red electric station, cannery, store, etc. Price is $10,000, but you will say it is worth a great deal more. Wlil consider a well -located hout-e in Portland to $4000 and $2000 cash. Good time on balance. STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. GARDEN HOME SACRIFICE. Only 15 minutes out on the Oregon Electric. 7c commutation fare: two cul tivated acres with plenty of full-bearing fruit trees; good outbuildings: large 7 room house; close to station ; owner will sacrifice for $4500; $1000 cash; see this today ; it's a real snap. ANOTHER, and a reaJ bargain, too: acres, all in cultivation; good mod ern 5-room house, fine bath, electric lights; close to station; owner, leaving, will sacrifice for $40O0; $10u0 cash. ACRE with good 6-room house, ceiled and' papered; fine location: not a weed on the place; highly cultivated; a snap for $3500, some terms. NIFTY MODERN BUNGALOW with ere, right close to station; fireplace, fine bath with shower, gas heating system, garage, modern as you could wish; price only $3S50. half cash. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. 7-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. On the edge of Portland city limits: hot water system, full basement, double garage," all kinds of cement driveways and walks; servants' quarters, consist ing of 5 rooms, good barn, hothouse 12x20; one-half of this 12 acres Is laid 'out to natural park assortment of na tive trees, red nr. white fir. cedar. alder. yew trees, maple and many others: nice creek runs through corner or place: about 3 ' acres set to fruit arc lights and lamp posts all through parK ana grounas. This in the only place like this around Portland ; 3 years ago money could not buy this place ; today owner Is called east and must sell; will take abut one-half value; cost to put there. $60, 000; will sell for $25,000; some terms no trade : shown by appointment only. Room 514 s wet land bldur. ASK FOR MORRIN. MODERN BUNG A LOW WITH HALF ACRE $5250. At Ryan station, on the Oregon Elec tric, 5c commutation fare; swell mod ern bungalow, with S rooms and large sleeping porch all on ground floor: every modern convenience, including large fireplace, bull t-ln kitchen, full cement basement, fine bath, gas, elec trie lights, laundry room ; plenty bear ing fruit and berfie: close to station house nearly new; good chicken hous and run: you'll buy if you look; $150O will nanaie. G. G. McCORMIC CO. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. CLOSE TO HILLSBORO. 1 5 acres. I oca ted on a good sn-a vel ed road. 1 miles from Red' car line: 10 acres under cultivation ; 20 apple trei 4 cherries. 4 pears. 120 logiinberrios, 2"0 raspberries. i4'0 strawberries; fine 7 room plastered house, basement, ham garage, ch Icken house ; a fine piece of land, with attractive nnme. I'rice l.Mtnn, R25O0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GER LINGER BLDG. COUNTRY HOME. 10 arreg, 4 acres in high state of cult ivnt ton. very best soil, l acres of potatoes, family orchard of assorted fruits. go"d 4-room house, with base ment, good barn and all necessnry out buildings, all fenced and cross-fenced located only 4 miles from Vancouver and 4 mils off the pavement. Price $35o. Termit COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main at , Vancouver. Wash. $3100. 1 sores with fruit with S-room bun galow, near station and good school. $5750. 14 Sycres in high cultivation, fruit, berries. chlcken house, fine 7-room houefc double constructed, near station. $10,0OO. 2 acres with a very fine bann and shrubbery, fruit, 6-room house, including furniture. In good condi t ion. Inquire Alder-Brook. Ore eon Citv car Hw, th ird house nnrth Risley station. CA PITAL HIGHWAY SACRIFICE. PRirE CVT FROM $6300 TO $5000. 12 acres, right on the highway, oil In cultivation : good soil ; 1 V4 acres bear ing orchard. Mj acr loganberries, some blackcaps. lOO Cuthbert raspberries. . acre strawberries, grape, etc.; 6-room house, good barn and well. This prop erty is near Sherwood and close to elec. R. R. sta.; a wonderful buy for someone wanting a suburban home: rood terms. R. M. GATEWOOD CO.. 1654 4th St. ONLY $500 CASH. 10 seres, located half mile from elec tric station, 11 miles from center of Portland by auto; all under cultivation ; good plastered house, small orchard, chicken house, barn, good well : oity conveniences can be Jiad; $500 rach and large monthly payments; good a'lto road all the wax. JOHN FERGUSON, GER LINGER BLDG. MULTNOMAH SNAPS 5-room modern bungalow, right on paved highway snd close to school ana station; targe attic; nap for 2S50. half cash. ANOTHER of 4 rooms and bath with lOOxinn. lust on block from paving: onlv ?2400; $1000 cash. See O. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st. Phone Main f220. 1 AORE Innd. garden and potatoes; n.-w 5-room hous. full plumbing, electric liehts. Bull Run water, gps and phone, located between Dosch and Multnomah, 5 mlnut'-s" walk to station, fine view place; 1-3 rash, bnlnnce monthly pay ments. G. H. Gunnels, Valley ave. and Hoffman road. ANOTHFR N.d Burke bargain, a henuHfuI fi-room buner.low with nil built-in con vergences;., view unexcelled: 2 blocks from station: arre of ground, all In crop ; 20 bearing fruit trees, strawber ries, biackcaus. neautiiui lawn : nouse in f'rst-clasa condition. See Ned Burke, Multnomah. M. 3903. ROsra CITY PARK. POSSESSION JUUY 31ST. Delightful 7-room modern buncalow witn sleeping porcn : meai location. CORNER: PAVED STREETS: close In: rinse i n R. C." car. Clin this ad and be sure to call owner Tuesday. Broadway 421. Real bargain for hair casn. 15 ACRES. on 1 fin cherry and family orchards. 1 mainder in croos; good 6-room house with attic barn and chicken houses r-Hc onlv S6OOO. PENRY W. OODDiRD. 243 Stark St. WANT LIVE SALESMAN to sell suburban homes and acreage; must know the bnstnes. have own auto and be thrrouThly fnmillar with values. RITTEH, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MOVE IN. One cr with 5-room house, gas. bath. electric lights, fruits, grapes, berries. 6c fnre. 15 mln. from courthouse. Price $2800. Hogan, 240 V? 1st st. IDEAL SURTJBBAN HOME SITES. 1 to 50 lots In Rockwood. on Base Line ro.d. and electric line. mo and up. Call Monday Owner, wood is wn 560.J. ACRES fine garden land, comfortable house, new barn, cloe to Oregon City car. tn;p at .Hl. f::.iin win Handle, F J. Wilson. Jennings Lodfre. 5 ACRES NEAR BASE LINE. All In cult, except 4 acre in timber 7 mile? from city: $600 per acre; fenced. HKNKY . liUL'UAKU, 'J-IS Stark St. 18 11-1O0 ACRES, fine elevation, first growth rir. splendid apnle land. White Salmon. v asn. ; jsuihi. nair cash, bal ance term a n , oregonian. CA PITAL highway, 4 acres. $1500 ; vcrv scenic; H cash. McFarland. Falling bldg. FOR SALE 9 acres, all under cultivation on Red Electric. 17 miles out; young or chard. AV 148. Oresonlan. 84 ACRES lan-d, 4 4 miles from court house, on new highway. Av io2. Ore gonian. POULTRY and truck garden enclosed with good fence. Wm. Hatton, 108 Clatskanie ave.. Astoria, Or. TEN ACRES, no better In Oregon, very easily cleared, 1 mile east Boring, Or., $800. 512 E. 40th N. Tabor 4450. (3000 BUNGALOW, barn, big hennery, water system, orchard, wood. Main 3672. McFarland Realty Co.. Falling JWdg OSWEGO lake frontage, particularly fine lot on lake front: $ 10O down gives pos sesslon. 'Phone Main 85. $6nnf GRESHAM. 10 acres, house, barn, orchard, berries, fine plncp. Main 3672. McFar'Hnd Realty Co.. Fulling bldg. $jimmi HOUSE, garden, 2 acres. elec. ilaui 672. McFarlaad. Failing bids. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOME. 5 ACRES. A DESIRABLE LOCATION. NEAR CITY LIMITS, ON CAR LINE. GOOD CAR SERVICE. GOOD ROAD; CROPS INCLUDED; CORN. POTATOES. FRUIT. ETC., A WELL-BUILT S-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE, BARN AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. READY TO MOVE? IN; PRICE TH I S WE E K $650; POSITIVE SACRIFICE. EAS ILY WORTH $ S50D : T E li MS. IT 50 TO $ll00 CASH. BALANCE LONG ( TIME; CONSIDER MAXWELL OAR t AND $5i'0 CASH As FlHbT PAY MENT. YOU .iUST HURRY TO GET THIS. ADDRESS OWNER. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND, OR.. OR PHONE MAIN 1136. BEAUTIFUL country home ; 2 acres in cultivation: b-room modern home, truit and berries, on rock county read, 4 blocks of Multnomah station, $1500 cash, balance terms. Main 4J53. Mrs. Ryan For Sale Business Property. $200 PER MONTH INCOME. Two-story brick building, large lot with 50 feet frontage on Main street; rooming bouse upstairs, automobile sales room on main floor aid storeroom in basement. Price $2S.0U0. $10,000 cash. Will trade for Portland property up to half. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 4Q7 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. 0 looxlUO CHOICE HALF BLOCK between 1st and 2d st.. this cay. Ideal location for large garage or manu facturing plant, to be sold immediately at $50(0 less than assessed valution. Price $22.5oo. This is a a exceptional bargain and is worthy of your closest examination. For particulars call at my office. 404 Piatt bldg.. 12T Park st. WILL BUILD one-story warehouse for suitable tenant, area 20,000 square feet, paved street, trackage, very cose in, central, east side. E 0iS, Oregonian FOR SALE CHEAP. Large barn In good condition, on lOOx lOO lot in Montavllla, , Inquire in grocery corner 75th st. and Base Line road. FOR SALE Brick building and lot within 1 block of this office, for less than one half of price ollurd 10 years aEu. 2v Washington st. FOR SALE A good business corner Oi.h and E. Burnsid". on good terms. Phone owner. E:st 27o4. Homestead, Relinquishments I HAVE some of the best homested relin quishments in Oregon : can also locate you on from 40 to 1 60 acres, home stead tracts In the O. At C. land grant, close in, ANDERSON. 631 Railway Exch. Bldg. Office hours, 8 to 5. .7:30 to 9. RELINQUISHMENT for sale: 120 acres: W can be put under plow. 2 acrs stumDs out. Va acre fenced and broke, good garden start; all easily fenced; good soil. 2 springs, fine grazing ; 45 mi U-s from Port and; auto road to door: good house : $650 on easy terms. Address Box 21. Scotts Mills. Or. 300.C50.0OO ACRES government land in United States. Send for free desert d tive circuiar of our 100-page book. "The Homeseeker" ; tells where good farm, timber, (crazing land Is; or send $2. 00 for book direct. The Homeeeker. dtpt. 3. Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED--Two good homestead locations adjoining: 40 to 160 acres each: suttaule for chi.-ken raising. farming: water, some timber. Accessible to good rais. In southern Washington or northwestern Oregon, possibly in the O. Ac C. iand grant. N 530. Oregonian. TWO homesteads, covered with bea ut 1! ul timber, to railroad, tuw n and baw miil ; rare chance ; S.itM cash each, if you act quicklv. 3ul Corbett bids. WANTED Homestead ; describe and price In first letter. J Ori", Oregonlwn. Fruit and Nut Land. LEBANON. OR. Italian Prunes. 152 acres of farm land. 35 A. in Italian prunes in bearing, about 75 A. in cultivation: creek runs tli rough plaue ; 5-room house of no value; very good bam; good woven wire fence ; mile 01 f Pacific highway and it's paved: R. F. D. and telephone, and good graveled roads: 2 miles of the countv seat. Price $16,000. SlO.oou wiil handie this at 6 per cent. ENGLISH WALNUTS. 10S acres. 12 A. Englh wal nuts in bearing: 60 A. in culti vation. 2 miles from Lebanon. Or.; good roads. R. F. L. and telephone; fijie location; the build ings are not of much value. This piace is a good buy at $175 per acre; good terms. 6 per cent. M. L. SOUTHARD & SONS. Lebanon. Or. For e -Acrc-ige. IN SUNNV UuGUE KIVLH VALLEY. Nearly six acres of bearing pears; ar tlsiic modern bungalow ; in the beauii ful COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT, with modern conveniences; near city ; on PACIFIC HIGHWAY and Shasta route; rainfall 32 inches; altitude moo r-et ; abundant sunshine ; Oregon's healthiest climate. Income from fruit, berries and poul try; one man just sold $10u0 of straw berries from 1 acres; pears have re turned $15uo p-r acre per year in the valley; 4'H pullets have returned net income of $1440 a year. Price reduced from $6500 to $5000 for quick sale; f00 cash and balance easy yearly payments. See photos and get particulars at 326 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Marshall 4h74. COUNTRY CLUB ORCHARDS. WHO WANTS THIS 12 ACRES? FORTUNE IN THIS SUBDIVISION. PACIFIC HIGHWAY SUBURBAN ACRES. 1360 acres on PACIFIC HIGHWAY and SHASTA ROUTE, near city, ad joining highly Improved; bordering acre age held at $6uO per acre: the tract sold seven years ago for nearly $100,000. but can now be had from an eastern estate for $35 an acre, or $47,000; 5000 cash and ample time on the remainder. The highway commission is now ready to lay oltulithic pavement through the tract; if subdivided, it should sell for $250,000. It lies in a high class d. strict with the finest climate in Oregon. There is a lortune in this for a wide-awake "man. See the eastern representative this week, Mr. Reed, at 326 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRUNE RANCH. 10 acres, located H mile from Red Electric station, Yamhill county, at Cove orchard. All set to prunes. 3 years old. has been given the best of attention. In a good prune district. This orchard has bttn given tne beat of attention. Price $2000, $1500 cash. Or will ex change for Portland house. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 4 ACRES SUBURBAN. $180 DOWN. Faces good macadamized street near East S2d st. paving. No better opportu nity for poultry and fruit In Oregon; 25 mlnute drive 4th and Washington, near good car service. 30 minutes out, very light clearing, over 32 lots for $1800; terms easy; larger or smaller tracts. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 2M ACRES on Base Line road 7 miles out, all cultivated, fine soil, splendid loca tion; large and small fruit; 7-room house, plastered, good Condition ; large barn, concrete cellar, out buildings. If you want a home or for poutry and berries this Is It; $4500; terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 3Q5-6-7 Lewis bldg. " COUNTRY HOME. TEN ACRES, $'7.r0. Mighty fin b-room bungalow; fire place, all kinds of fruit, berries, nuts, fir trees, etc. In Washington, one hour's drive from Port. and. Dr. Waidt. 712-14 Pittock Bik. Broadway 560 or Tafcor 1212. $100 CASH AND. $10 MONTH buvs a dandy acre at Rockwood, near Base Line road and electric station; land is all cleared and a fine homesite; larg er acreage If wanted. See Mr. Boehm for acreage. MacINNES A PRATT. Broadway 1658. 200-210 Oregon B!dg. 10 ACRES, BEAVERTON. ' 3-room house not finished, 2 acres nearly cleared, fine land and should bring $2o00; price $I$u0, $SO0 cash ; a sacrifice sale as owner can't use it. Mr. Vail with A. W. EiSTES. 900 Chamber of Commerce. Main 345 HALF ACRE on 52d street, all kinds fruit, berries, garden, modern large 5-room plastered bungalow, bullt-ins. full base ment and plumbing, all first-class, pa rage, poultry house, gas. electricity, city water; fine location and soil, close in, $4500; terms. .1. C. CORBIN CO.. 3Q5-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $4000 BUYS 10-ACRE farm 30 miles south of Portland, m miles from Canby. All Improved. House, barn, chicken house. Third of crop goes to buyer. Write to O. M. V A R N SON, Fargo. N. D. 37 ACRES stump land near Gresham. half mile from electric car line; price $llon; $250 down, ba lance on easy terms. In quire at 214 Third st. ACRE .at Roland station; trad bouse, or ill sciL Alain 720. toward BEAL ESTATFL. For Sal e A v rea ge. $4500.00 STOCK. EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE. CROP. $4500 00. I - H acres of as good land there Is in Clackamas county, 1 x miles from electric station: 5 acres in timothy and clover mixed, bal ance in wheat and oats, except garden and sere timber. Or chard consists of apples, pears, plums and cherries: berries are strawberries. raspberries and blackberries. Good 6-room house with bathroom complete; sink in kitchen ; wood house, shop., bam 2Sx7S. pig house. chicken house and smokehouse. The house is fur nished with 3 bedroom sets. 2 rockers. 6 dining chairs. 2 book cases, library table, dining table, kitchen table, davenport, 1 large rug. 2 small rugs, dishes, kitchen range connected with hot and cold water, parlor stove, telephone and Interest in line, one good Jersey cow, 1 brood sow. 5 pigs, 1 tons chop. 2 dozen chicken. 4 dozen fruit jars, cultivator and other small tools. Fine location. 1 miles to school. If this Interests you call or write to S. E. WOOSTER. ESTACADA. OR. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. SO acres, located 1H mites from good town, 1:3 miles from Portland, on a racked road that will be paved: 25 acres can be cultivated; 12 acres under culti vation; 1 acre bearing orchard; over an acre of berries set out last spring; 4 room house; barn 20x40. 3 laj-ge poultry houses, l brooder bouse, garage, other buildings. With the place go 1400 chickens White Leghorns, cow, horse complete line of machinery, furniture poultry equipment and crops. Price $750u for everything. Large cash pay ment. Photos at office. Inspected hsf Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLDJGER BLDi 1 1 H ACRE COUNTRY HOMB ON CAPITOL HILL AND NEWBERQ HIGHWAY, 13 .MILES OUT. Good 6-room house pa late 4 -hlte, electric lights, hot and cold water, barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, facing on high way, 2 'i acres in loganberries, black caps, red raspberries and strawberries, family orchard, good cow, hoe and chickens, only 30 minute drive from courthouse, price $70o0. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HAKTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., ground floor. 45 MINUTES OUT ON NEWBERG HIGH WAY TO Til IS 7-ACRK COUNTRY HOME AND CHICKEN RANCH. Good 5-room house, 3 new chicken houses, new Incubator, new brooder, holds 500 chicks, poultry ards, wood shed, bn. plenty of w ater, 50 White Leghon pullet s, good Jersey cow, sora fine fioil. vnml hrrv land f.-nCPil KOV'en 1 w ire, i mile from good town, school electric station; price $4 50. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CuM P ANT, S Chamber of Com. Kldg., Ground Floor. NEAR MILWAUKIB. 3 acres located close to the Milwaukee road ; 7c carfare ; all under cultivation ; city water in the street; good graveled road in front of the property. No gravel or waste land. other city conveniences there. This is cIos--in property. Les than 6 miies from the center of Port land. Cottage 16x24. Telephone can be had. Price $237 ti, small payment down. JOHN FERGUSON. G&R LINGER BLDG. CHICKEN RANCH. " 30 acres, not far from Sheridan, house, about In cultivation, running water, fr-r.cod. some timber, good soil, berries; $2500, $5i)0 down, balance 6 per cent 17 aort-s, close to Amity. Yamhill coun ty, running water, fenced, part clear, county road, enough of timber on it to pay for same. SW1 the wood on th place. $10(O; $3u0 down, balance ss jou sell the wood. 226 Chamber of Commerce. S EACH REST BROS. 5 ACRES IN FRUIT. 7 acres, located 1 '4 miles from Ptrk Place, Oregon City line ; all under culti vation; 5 acrcj in bearing fruit, apples, pears, cherries and other fruit. Good 5 rocm house, barn, fruit cellar, chicken -house. .With the place goes complete) line of "machinery and tools and crop. Pnc $3S"0. JIimio cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRKSH AM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON". On the paved highway, clone to Port Ian 1; so ne good bargains 'in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken niiH-hos and berry lands. KlilDEt & ELK ING TON , CRESHAM, Or. Telephone 17-X. AT BERTHA STATION. ABOUT 6 2-3 ACRES. Fin tract on Capitol highway, and excel lent location for suburban homes, a.l cleared and sightly, close to school, electric lines and city conveniences, might divide. See me at 722 Chamber of Commerce during next tea days. Mr., owner. 81 BEARING FRUIT TREES. 11,4 acres located 8 blocks from car. All under cultivation; 81 bearing appl and cherry trees; 3-room house, gas. This is close to the paved road. Price $'JOO; $50O cash. Nelson, with ' JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. KEEP THIS IN MIND. 10 acres. 8 acres clear. & acres In or chard; this land is located H mils from Oregon electric near Woodburn. right in the famous loganberry dist. ; price $1500; one crop of loganberries would more than pay for the land. RICHARDS & REED. 308 McKay Bldg Main 41f2 NEAR MULTNOMAH. Just beyond Multnomah at Maplewood is a well-constructed 6-room plastered house, with half acre of splendid soli, for S24O0; $400 cash. Marsters. wtt h JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 80 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soli, no rock, plenty of water: work nsarby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $6 per acre. LErDBEMANN CO, 13 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WE1ERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, Tacomiis Wash. IN GRESHAM. 1 acre, 7-room house, bath, electricity, gas, etiy water, M acre in raspberries, hi acre potatoes, good garden, poultry house and yards, 1 block from main street, stores, schools, etc.; 2 car lines to Portland; price $3SO0. $1700 dowjL t?ay terms. Gerald A. Miles. 3d st.. Gresham. FOR SALE The Jacob Oster place.' :i thin the city limits of Gearhart, contrr1t 7 acres, 3 acres in vegetable gardrfi 4 acrs pasture, Jersey cow, 1 horsey ajl farming implements and 100 chic-ken: good house, barn, and chicken hou-aail new. Apply to Jacob Oster or -jJTaj I Hager, Gearhart. FOR SALE Ten (10) acres fruit : hfnd. cleared, no rock; twenty (20 f ifteea-year-old fruit trees, two (2) room bouse; one-half mile from- Pacific highway, jne half mile to school and railway. Xitsl price two hundred fifty ($'-50 d.ilJar cash. Charles Bee. Three Pines. Qr MILWAUKIE ACREAGE. 8 acres uncleared, rich soil, stream running through land. Terms. CUl Main 7720, ask for M. A. Munley. 3 ACRES, adjoining Portland Golf and R'dins clubs and the finely improved home of Dr. Wood. In cultivation and priced right at $35iK. Will consider di viding. Phone Gilman. Main &440 or Main 1585. S1 ACRES, all in cultivation, good house. barn, chicken houses, all kinds of fruit, some crops. In Tualat.n. 4 blocks from Intemrhan station. $5000. POINDEXTER. 2tS Selling Bldg. Main 1 SUQ. Residence East 6771 HALF ACRE. City water, gas, near car, $600; terms, $15 per month including Interest. SO REN PETERSON. 11(2 N- W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. FOR SALE. 2 acrt s and 6-room house with furni ture, water system, crops and 50 chick ens; focond house east of Ashdaie sta tion, Oregon City car. A SNAP For sale by owner, on Cornell road, five miies wej-t of Portland, two acrts, bungalow, barn, chicken house. 150 4-mo..-old W. L pullets and crops, $ 1 8M, $800 down. Main 5404. TEN ACRES Would make fine chicken ranch, near Multnomah station. Oregon E'ectrtc; exe afionaliy easy term. D. G. Hart well. 421 N. bth Si, CorvalUs, Or. NICE 10 ACRES, all In cult, (good crop of oaip), close in. an Base Line road. Low price for quick sale. Easy term C. V. &UGChw. Marshall 200.