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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
13 THE ' SUNDAY OEEG OX I AN, PORTLAND, JULY IS, 1920 BCSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. TAILORING BUSINESS FOR SALE. A well-establiBhed.. prosperous, the only tailoring; business In a 3500 popula tion, enterprising town, in the best busi ' nebs .block; two steady employed; no ac counts or bills, complete housekeeping facilities, bath, etc.; the w hoie 2-story building can be rented for $-5 a month on a lease or bought reasonable. Falling health forces the owner to a change for a higher und dryer climate. Write at once and convince yourself by letter or personal. AV 50, Oregoniau. BUSINESS BARGAINS. A restaurant on Washington, splendid buy for a cook, H cash. $900 Six groceries from $So0 to 490. Two country stores, $3000 and $40OO. A hardware stock. Southern Idaho. $15,000. , A general merchandise stock, south ern Idaho. $15.OO0. Three rooming houses, close In. west side, from $1200 to $2500. Farm or acreage to trade lor a gro- B.y'M. Price A Co.. 200 Henry bldg. tliNEKAL merchandise store and post office for sale; one of best propositions In Oregon; no competition near; on state highway; postofftce pays about $000 an nually; sales about $20,000 unnuaiy; best climate; real estate, stock, fix tures about $11,000; might accept first class Improved western Oregon prop erty. S.4UOO. Dart payment; best reasons selling; paying proposition; sure money maker. Box 11:12. Roseburg, Or. STEAM LAUNDRY. , Modern and up-to-date with 32 ma i chines installed and in operation. The l only laundry In our city of 7000 people I and with a payroll of $400,000 per mo. I At present this laundry is taking; In i over $4000 per mo. $S500 will handle the I deal. Come and talk this over and see the data. You will not be dtsappointed. 701 STEVENS BLDG. PHONE 879S. CLEANING. PRESSING. I I DYE1.NU. I Coaptsts business, inc.. a own tow a main office, cleaning plant, building. I ground, everything; est. 12 years; 50O per week gross, all cash, too; f something to build bigger. Wild give terms. J. EUGENE HE'DGES, 201 W. PARK. j "CAN BELLi you a dandy 2-famlly flat In nice location on Hawthorne avenue; , will always rent easily at good price; I or will trade IC you have a good modern I Jiouee of about 7 or 8 rooms in a nice district. Would coat you $9000 to du . plicate this today. Owner must have '. more room for liis family, eo will sell at a low price. Terms if wanted. C. V. Smock, Marshall 2003. " CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH ROOM. On corner, working six people; old established, doing $75 to $90 per day: ' trial given. This place Is complete. A real snap. Best of reasons for selling. Price for all. $3000; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. ' - 305 Oak St. MERCANTILE BUSINESS. I have a good opening for a live, en rgctic man with some money; you can draw $250 a month while learning the business and you will like the prospects. Other enterprises for $6300 and J.iPOO. WESTON & CO.. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $500 can buy equal half interest in a concrete garage; 20 cars steady storage and plenty of re pair work; clears $200 to $250 month for each partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALIC S-room furnished apartment and second-hand store, in the best Pay roll city in Oregon. St. Heiens: this Is a genuine bargain at $2500; may take ' part in trade. Apply to Philip & O Con nor, real estate dealers. St. Helens. Or. " HELP TO D EVELOP. A very rich gold quartz, 3 full claims. 1 will give one-half interest for $500, which will be used on claims this year. Can give references. Phone Tabor 0.113, Monday. E. O. Smith. UUHT GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN STORE. Poing all cash business, west side; rent $15: a snap: $1100. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. STATE distributor for well-established auto ncces.wrie-i; hundreds of dealers now handling livo wire: can earn $600 to $1000 per mo. Investment required. See Sir. Strouse, Seward hotel,, before 2 P. 1.1. - UNIVERSAL cylinder grinder; grinds cyl inders, piston valves, wrist pins and alt classes of boring and grinding from lathe drill pins or boring nfill. Want capital to mfg. Big market: can sell all we can make. AB 819. Oregonian. CASH GROCERY. $6n0, WITH 4 LIVING ROOMS. If you want a nice little store. In cluding furniture, rent $11, see us. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. rRi.Tr; store. GOOD DISTRICT.-. . SALES $35 TO $40 A DAY. INVOICE. OTHER INTER ESTS DEMAND OWNER'S TIME AFT-, K AUG. 1. B.T 441. OREGONIAN. . MANUFACTURING. Hit opening for active man in grow ing business, $13o0 will buy equal half Interest; can clear $250 month for each partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. IECOND-: HAND store for sale, good lo- cation. no competition, other business. can't h andle both: bargain if sold at lso truck if desired. 1757 Derby once: street. FOR SALE Curtis aeroplane with Can adian motor. completely overhauled, tested out and newly painted, in strictly first-class condition. 812 Board of Trade bldg. s SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. t Restaurant, doing good business, sell ing on account of sickness. Address 704 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. VULCANIZING PLANT. With. 100 tires, working 2 men. on ' food paved road; all for $500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. ON ACCOUNT of sickness witl sacrifice good going bakery, confectionery, ice cream and grocery business. A snap for somebody. For further information. 776 Williams ave. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. , Reliable man as partner to attend storage, sell supplies, etc; references exchanged; a very 'profitable place; $3000 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. BUTTER EGG AND CHEESE MARKET. $S00 rent, with refrigeration, in a fine open market, $25 per month; this is a snap, a money-maker, for man or woman. Phone Tabor 738. before 9 or after 6. 3i owner, garage 100x100, one of the best locations in city; full of storage; repair shop is equipped to handle all repair work; plenty of repair work In shop; 4 " vrs.' lease: $2600 will handle. Bdwy. 5706. FOR SALE Good garage, doing fine busi ness, runs between $2000 and $3000 a month, on beach road in small town, large territory, lots of cars; will sell at invoice. AV 111, Oregonian. ' GARAGE. Cement building, storage pays $250 month, rent $75; has big steady repair trade.; a money-maker; $200O cash re quired. Room 511 Railway Exchange. AUTO tires and vulcanizing store; have .good opening fortactive man: can make large profits. Will teach buyer the bus iness. Room 401, Dekum bldg. t'KMAL practice, old-established practice ard equipment for sale: good location. Call before 11.30 A. M.. Wdln. 12S5. 7!S Kerby St. IF YOU are looking for a motor-truck business call at 01 9th St., ask tot con tractors' dept. Atterbury Truck Sales Co.. Broadway 354. AUTO tires and vulcanizing store; have good opeping for active man: can make 1-orge profits; will teach buyer the busi Room 401. Dekum bldg. A TRUCK-BARGAIN'. 2-ton Gat-ford truck on good Job at $30 per day; $750 will handle. Beatie-Smith Truck Co., Oregon City. Or. FIRST-CLASS one-chair barber shop for eale, modern, good business; a fine prop osition; particulars. Jacobs Miller Bar ber Supply Co., 232 Third St. FOR SALE, by owner, grocery store, lot and building, in good locality. Splendid opportunity. Will stand investigation. Address AM 436. Oregonian. SMALL downtown lunch room: make of fer; a money-maker for a hustler. Coover Holman, 322-3-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. A LADY OR GENTLEMAN with meney, as partner on a patent to manufacture 375 N. 19th st.. or call Bdwy. 4755 mornings. HOME-ilADE pastry and delicatessen store: neat, clean, well-equipped place: a real sacrifice sale at $1500. Coover, 322 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. TRUCK SNAP. "U-ton MACK, on steady work at $5 per hr. : ore-third cash, bal. easv terms. Se L. A. Smith. Oregon City. Or.- FKSO store, fine location, owner retiring, will sell at a bargain: $60,000 year busi ness. Room 511 Railway Exchange. SPECIAL Two cash groceries doina: rood business, close in. cheap rent, living rooms. uuuuis, mid spaiuing Dtag. GROCERY stock, good location, good In . voice. 4 nice living rooms: store for sale or l"asp. Call Tabor 3652. $3500 WRITE or call room 429 Chamber lain hotel, East Stark and Grand ave.; no agents. STOCK AND FIXTURES for jewelry and second-hand store; cheap. AVant to go east. BC 135, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. .SEE -MAST FOR REAL BARGAINS. ' GROCERY STORES. THE BEST OBTAINABLE. $1600 Cash grocery. 5 living; rooms and 'r acre ground; rent $10. $5500 Live west side grocery, heart of market district; averaging $200 per day: invoice. $S00 cash takes clean cash grocery, Sunnyside district; rent only $15. $2500 High-class confectionery and grocery, opposite large public school: rent of 2-story bldg., with modern 5 room flat, only $25. , Bakery and confectionery. $4000: old established, center of business district; docs $100 per day business; fountain; long lease. A dandy. garages that are bargains. $16.000 Large, welt-equipped west Bide garage with Btorage income alone $1500 p month; large stock of acce- sorles. KlinT). etc GARAGE FOR TRADE. A first-class oroDosition : includes the building, land and eqnuipment. What nave you .' AUTO SALES AGENCY FOR TRADE. State agency for Oregon and 5 coun ties in Idaho for a leading moderate priced car; several branches; fine sales room lease. Make an offer. ' 7 cars on band. Tire agency, accessory and vulcanizing business: nets owner $1000 per month. Price $5300. FOR QUICK ACTION AND SQUARE DEAL See Richard W. Mast, with J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HEAD QUARTERS. $2SOo If you are looking for a dandy grocery chance, here is the most unusual opportunity. Rents for $35, with living rooms above. Doing from $80 to $lo0 per day. List No. 8. $1800 Light grocery and conf.: will Invoice; long lease; receipts average $S.i a day; nice living rooms; this store will stand the very closest investigation; must sell on account of wife's sickness. J1700 Pool room and conf.; good loca tion, lease. Netting over $200 a month: some terms. $1800 Restaurant, fine location, well equipped; average daily receipts, $80; some terms; see this place before you bU$500 Root beer barrel and conf.; heart of city; rent $20; netting $8 a day. Sea HARPER, with J. A. WICKMAN & CO., 24 STARK ST. RANCH PARTNER. ONE OR TWO PARTIES WITH A LITTLE CASH. , "UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY" FOR HIGHLY PROFITABLE DIVERSIFIED RANCH ENTERPRISE. HOGS, CAT TLE, ETC., ON A LARGE SCALE. SPLENDID BUILDINGS. NEARLY BOO ACRES ON KALAMA RIVER. ELECTRIC LIGHT. GOOD ROADS WELL WORTH WHILE YOUR EARLY INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS J 904, OREGONIAN. FINE CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY. Good east side comer, big busi ness, no delivery, all cash trade, good bake oven, fountain and light groceries; $2500 for everything; will invoice more. Call East 2374. for appointment. STORE FOR SALE BY OWNER. Will sacrifice my grocery store at 5 pT cent discount; the stock will invoice about $2500, fixtures $335; cb-an stock; doing over $70 business a day, cash and credit; good location, corner store, near Alberta St.; building with 5 living rooms fnd garage, for only $35 per month rent ana lease for two vars. The business is too big for me; come down and look at it and probably will make better pronation. Inquire Broadway 2659. A SYNDICATE forming, with far-reaching possibilities, to manufacture in Port land an article which is bound to bring handsome returns; business men and pri vate Individuals with from $1000 and up should write for further information and state amount prepared to invest: you will be given full information by Aug. 1. A 239. Oregonian. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted for 100x100 concrete garage, sell gas, oils, tires, auto repair ing and big storage; location one of the best and profits are large; an active man w-ith good references can buv equal half Interest at actual invoice. Call room 401 Detum bldg. - Business Opportunities Wanted. FURNISHED HOUSE. Wanted, house, 10 or 12 rooms, all housekeeping, modern, close in. with good suite for owner; $500 cash and good monthly payments: give full partic ulnrs. Box AV 122, Oregonian. HAVE DOUBLE LOT, fruit trees, 8-room house, conveniences; near grammar and high school, store and car. Will sell reasonable, or trade genl. mdse. or fur nishings and notion store, or small farm. AR 434. Oregonian. WANTED Grocery or confectionery or soft-drink place in good location, in or out of Portland; will trade 7 -pass. Olds 8, 1919. guarantee perfect condition; will pay difference if any. Call Main 2359, room 2. WA NTE D Billiard hall and confectionery that's doing the business in good country town, at fair price, or will give $50 reward for information of a location for same that I accept. O 277, Oregonian. WANTED Small confectionery and light grocery, on east side. Call for Mr. Harper. J. A. Wlckman Co. Phones Main 5S3. Main 1094. No. 264 Stark St. WAjNT to buy all or half interest in bar ber shop in small town; small payment down and good security. 10 S. 11th Bt. Walla Walla. Wash. WILL pay cash for cash grocery with liv ing rooms; $1200 to $2000. AP 747. Oregonian. WANT cleaning, pressing shop; must have pressing machine. O 529. Oregonian. Stocks and Bonds. WILL BUT B0 Aero Alarm. B0 Pacific States Fire Ins, 50 New World Life Ins. 100 Dictograph Products. 10O0 Idaho Gold and Ruby. WILL SELL 2S American Llfeograph $22.50 2.000 Alaska Pete & Coal 18 50 Western Rubber Co 5.25 50 Dennos Food Co bid 10,000 Hamburg 4& Bonds...'. 28.50 HERRIN A RHODES, INC. Estab. 1S96. 201 Ry. Exchange Bldg., Portland. Hotels and Rooming House. WILL TRADE a beautifgul modern apartment bouse, finely furnished, all hardwood floors, making a net profit of $525 month; price $14,000; will put in as part pay ment . on a first-class modern hotel, some cash and will assume some. See Mrs Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bids. 32-ROOM hotel, including furniture and all equipment in Monmouth, Or.; the State Normal schoof at this place has an attendance of nearly 500 students. The west-side Pacific highway passes through the town. Owners selling on account of old age; good terms, or will , trade. Inquire of G. T. Boothby, office in garage bldg., Monmouth, Or. $1500 DOWN. Fine little apartment house. 36 rooms, rent $140; 6 3-room apartments, with dressing rooms: 2 3-room apartments, 4 2-room apartments, 4 single rooms: income $346 month; price $3150; $1500 QUWQ. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SIX-ROOM FLAT. Close In, clean, good, low rent. Stop paying rent; buy this. $750 and it's ours. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. "Notice change of office." FOR QUICK SALE list your hotels, apartment and room ing houses with. us. We have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller, GEO, T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BY OWNER 9 rooms, west side, clean irorii uaaeineni to attic, newly tinted, beds and furniture exceptionally good; $110; $500 will handle. Broadway 2699' BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern "-room flat. Nob Hill district; lovely home and Income; easy terms. Owner, Main 4:177 lo-ROOM house for sale, furnished for 4 lamuies, corner lot, .lurnace. close in, west side: good Income. East 160S. FOR 12-room rooming house, electric lights, running water In rooms, gas fur" nace. 227 Broadway. Call Monday. FURNITURE of 25 rooms; will have to be moved, prix-e very reasonable; furni ture is good shape. AE 331, Oregonian. 18 MODER.-J apts.. 40 rooms, rent $185. A good with a nice yard and a clear incorx- of f250 mo. Main 6127. RIGHT downtows 10 rooms h. k., keep 2 best rooms clear $110 month. Fur nishings A-l. Mil-n 6127. MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment-house broker. 623-1-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTrMTIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HIGH-CLASS HOTEL. This is one of Portland's best Hotels ideal location, strictly mod ern, fireproof bldg., beautiful lob by, very best of carpets and furni ture; long lease on bldg. Proprie tor is retiring from hotel busi ness and It requires $35,000 to do business. s 72-ROOM TRANSIENT 72. Modern brick bldg., large lobby, all outside rooms, clean and well furnished: good lease. A real transient location. Business is now netting over $1000 per month and can be bandied with $12,000. 40 ROOMS 10. Fine brick bldg.. several privats baths; lease at $200 per month; fully carpeted and real good fur niture; close in. west side. Price $i00. 27 ROOMS 27. This Is right down town, brick bldg.. well furnished; four-year lease; city heat: fine place for woman to handle alone. If you have $4000 call and see me. HOUSEKEEPING. 28 rooms, 5 minutes' walk from city library; good lease: city heat; always full. Price $300. HERE IS A BARGAIN. Eight apts, 2 and 3 rooms each. In order to settle an estate I am selling the furniture and renting these two houses, which are locat ed on a nice 44 -block on west side. Call and make me an offer. BOARD AND ROOMING. 51 well-furnished -rooms, larga Kitchen, dining room and lobby; lease at only $100 per month; lo cated In the Industrial district and always full. You can keep all tha boarders you wish, or rent rooms and let them board out. Price $3500. I also have several small rooming houses. T. RIBRDOS, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bide. SEE. BRUCE GODDARD' FOR REAL BARGAINS. 60 rooms, -west side, $6000; only $2500 down; modern, lease $400 per month; first time offered. 44 rooms, brick, $4000, easy terms; clears $250 per month. ' 45 rooms, splended lease. $3300; stove heat, clears $275 per month. 22 rooms, clearing over $150 per month and for sale on easy terms, one floor, long lease. 21 rooms, very elegantly furnished. Btrictly modern. Nob Hill district, first time on the market since furnished. This is a dandy. 12 beautifully furnished rooms, $1325, suitable terms; exceptional furniture. This is a fine west side place. 11 beautifully furnished rooms, $1650; furniture is worth more alone. 9 nice, clean, modern rooms, $1000; $600 down handles, this place. These are my best bargains I have to offer and they can't be beat, I have many more of every description and ev ery location. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will show you. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG I buy chattel mortgages. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. 27 rooms, brick bldg., on Wash St., cheap rent, 3-year lease; price $150; terms. 17 rooms, on corner, heart of city, dandy yard, always full: price $12o0; terms. 11 rooms. White Temple district, on corner; light, airy roomsTI price mo; terms. 11 rooms. In heart of west side; clean, neat, modern, all for $645., We furnish three-fourths of money to buy with; come and see our list. PETERS, 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. BIG PROFITS. 00-room hotel, 25 private baths; 4 year lease, automatic elevator. fine ground floor lobby, absolutely modern-, white pressed brick building. This hotel is making a clear profit of $1400 a month. For price and further informa tion. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. REDUCED PRICES. At this season of the year prices are at the lowest point for rooming and apt. houses. WE HAVE some excellent buys for the careful buy er. Some really swell and cozy homes at reduced prices, i WEST SIDE REALTY CO., 164 West Park St. PROFITS OVER $300. -2S rooms, rent only $65, with lease: Northwestern steam heat, hot and cold water; this place is well furnished, brass beds, etc.; price only $3500; some terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. SMALL HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE JO miles rrom Portland, only hotel, no other place for transients, a good busi- ness. all rooms have steam heat and running water, completely furnished: also fully equipped kitchen and dining room, own land with water supply; price $7500. one-third cash. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. A-l HOTEL INVESTMENT. THE BUILDING AND FURNISHINGS OF ONE CfF OREGON'S BEST PAYING HOTELS WILL BE SOLD SOON; $50,000 CASH. LIBERAL TERMS. FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL OR WRITE TO COOVER &" HOLMAN. 322-4 FAILING BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. SO beautiful rooms, handsomely fur nished, rent $150; never on market before; net profit $400 month, Foj price and further particulars. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 96-ROOM modern apartment- Only five diocks rrom neart or town. Long lease. Reasonable rent. Automatic elevator, private balconies, elegant furniture. Big money maker. Will stand' every inves tigation. Price $21,000, terms. Yates, 245 4th st. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 14 rooms on 12th st,,.rent only $55; fine little money-maker; well furnished; price $1850. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. TO LEASE A building containing 60 heated rooms on one floor, six stores, two storerooms, one 50x100 and one 100x100. $150 per month. A lease of five years will be given to a reliable ten ant on a graduated rent, J. D. O'Don nell, Spalding bldg. $550 DOWN. 8-room flat, all large tine rooms, new furniture and carpets throughout, splen did location; price $850. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. I AM a newcomer and wish to buy direct from owner, a bargain in a rooming or apartment house. I have the cash to pay for one. Will be at Sellwood 2552. TWELFTH STREET LOCATION. 10 rooms, oak furn., clean, furnace heat. Worth $1350, but $1150 takes it. You will like' this place. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. "Notice change of office." TRANSIENT HOTEL. 55 rooms, fine corner, Northwestern boat, private baths; furniture In good condition; clears better than $600 a month; $9000 cash to handle. See Mrs. McLeod. Blackslone hotel. OWNERS, TAKE" NOTICE. The quickest way to sell out is to list It with the old reliable BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bldg. WILL SELL AT BARGAIN. ' The complete furnishings 7-room house, all good condition, ready to move in; will rent house.. Call 10 to 3, 6 to 8. 167 Kearney st. SEE our lists of hotels, rooming and apart ment houses, all prices, al.l sizes, all lo cations; we can locate you quickly. .You will be pleased with our service. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 26-ROOM housekeeping: Income $275 rent $7.1: $3000. $20110 cash; 25 rooms, income $350. rent $112.50. $2S00. $1500 cash. Coover & Holman, 322-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 201 WEST PARK. DON'T OVERLOOK .m a. iirvr with e. I'LL WRITE YOUR INSURANCE J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d St.. Cor. Hoyt. 20-ROpM apt. house, well furnished, close in. cneap rent. Clearing sia.i over all expenses, $1800, half cash. 60 Broad way. FOR SALE In Nob Hill district, an R room flat, unusually well furnished and clean. All housekeeping rooms. For ap puminieni pnoae jaroauway ouid. $1200 T RANSIENT hotel, brick bldg., $S5 rent for 24 rooms, good furniture: will clear $150 mo. Main 6127. 5-ROOM COTTAGE Good west side loca tion, furniture chean and rent $20 a month. Marshall 4549. No agents. 20 H. K. ROOM1? ."or sale. Owner leaving town; rent $42.50; good furniture. 763 y, Thurman $350 FOR my furniture in 10-rm. flat com pletely furnished, rent $55 per mo. with 4 rms. rented for $30. Main 6127. 6-ROOM flat, close in, good furniture, for quick sale, bargain. SCO Broadway. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY.. INC., 61S-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. PORTLAND, OR. APARTMENT. v $18,000. 80 apartments, flna west side location, 2-3-4-room apartments, fine furnishings, electric elevator, furnace heat and telephone in cluded in rent; rent $0OO per month with long lease; terms to responsible party. APARTMENT. ' $17,500. 49 apartments, east side loca- n' a and 3-room apartments; oil furnace, good oak furniture and modern in every respect; net profit better than $950; rent $500 with good lease; $8000 will handle. HOTEL. K $.12,600. " rooms, close to heart of town. All good furnishings, 9 private baths, automatic elevator; rent $300; terms to right party. HOTEL. 50 rooms, Washington-street lo cation; all front rooms, furnace beat, good furnishings and strictly modern: rent $300 with 3-year leases $7000 will handle. ROOMING HOUSE. . $3800. Six 4-room apartments and 14 Bleeping rooms, east side location; net income $300; rent $80 with lease. ROOMING HOUSE. $2500. ' 13 rooms; all good furniture and carpets: receipts run around $125: Tent 75; $1025 will handle. . ROOMING HOUSE. $2000. " 22 rooms, close in on west side, clearing $1T0 per month; rent $90. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 612-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg., PORTLAND, Or. A FEW GOOD BUYS. -0 rooms, close in down town, rent $70 ?! iarraneed lor K-' rooms and nets 140 over all expenses. Owner ha3 cut price to $1800 ana only $1000 will haml.e tbis splendid buy. EXTRAORDINARY. 13 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch furnace, electric lights and elegantly furnished in heavy oak and white Ivory furniture; elegant rugs. This makes sriendid income and home as well. 250o $100 cash. 10 rooms, rent $40; furnace heat, elec tric lights. Arranged in four apts. wi'h private baths; excellent furnishings, nice yard; makes lovely home. Price $1000. B rooms, rent $35; furnace, good lur nlshlngs; located on west side, walking distance. price on:y S000, terms. C. E. BOWDE.N CO.. S15 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ABSOLTTf-:i.v Hir.H r.i . We have or sale tha swellest. most exclusive family hotel in the city: ele gantly furnished In every detail; Bige-low-Axminster carpets, mahogany and quarter-sawed oak furniture, beautiful dining room, accommodates 100 guests fully equipped modern kitchen, auto matic elevator; steam heat. private baths, lovely lobby; $12,000 will handle; net profit about $1000. See Mrs. U' f H GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SMALL transient hotel, brick building best location, rent is right, good lease, newly luuiiBueu, fioou win nandle .25 rooms, brick bids., rent $140. lease; central location, running water in all rooms, splendid income; price $4000 $1S.jO will hand-le 21-room hotel, extra well furnished, clears $lso and own apt rent $50, lease; good place for lady alone. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. NIFTY SMALL HOUSIi We have the swellest 8-room house, rent only $40. all brand new furniture will make someone such a cosy home rooms all rented; good Income; parties leaving town; price $1000. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. lioo CONFECTIONERY and grocery do ing $40 per day; long lease at $20 per month; newly painted and kalsomined: Bas 3 good living rooms, partly furnished new awning, $190 cash register, comput ing scales, ice box and show cases: good cean stock. No agnt. Owner. Colum bia 4.0. $00,000. Nice red brick apartments, fully fur nished, always full; lot, building, furni ture, everything; strictly down-to-date-terms, or trade for city or country Pav ing 12 per cent net. . J. EUGETTE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. "Notice change of office." FOJl SALE Fifty-two-room hotel In live j-usei sound city of 100.OO0. clearing 6u0 per month. Reason for selling other business. Books open, for inspection. Good proposition for live-wire hotel man and wife. Price $10,000. Address AV 12i. Oregonian. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A HOME AND INCOME BEACH HOTEL -20j rooms, including 1 beach cottage. 8 tent houses, all fur nished; attractive, well located grounds a live business; will clear $30(10 In 100 Promises double for future; price $u00 to close an estate. Marshall 2309 or Box 191 Long Beach. Wash. SWELC apartment house. 28 ingrim..n.. all with private baths and phones, clean as wax: has oil burner, splendid furni ture and carpets; net profit about $700 price $15,0110: terms can be arranged. See Mrs. 1tfui. ur.o. r. IIOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. Ob-KOOM HOTEL Rent $400, lease; very high class, in every respect; 8 private baths and phones in all rooms. Extra well furnished. Clears $800 per month Price $13,000. terms. Yates. 243 4th st' BY owner. 2 houses, one 10 housekeeping rooms, one 8 housekeeping rooms: sleep ing porch, garden. 30 hens and big lawn closed in. 444 and 440 East Oak. near 7th st. Price $750i 30-ROOM country hotel. 120x100; lot and building and furniture and furnishings to trade for houses and lots in Portland West Park st. ."L un easy terms. Call lGit'A oee Anderson. 15 ROOMS Near auditorium, all H. K., clean, neat stove hent. $1200. See ' "' J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. "Notice change of office." TRANSIENT HOUS? Close to Wash. st.. 16 rooms on cor ner: turns away 20 people a day; if sold at once. $1600, pay $500 down. PETERS of course. 15 Nor- "th Bt - 7-ROOM FLAT Located on Broadway Close In. Extra good furniture. Elec tric lights, gas and stove heat. Price $700. terms. Yates. 245 4th st. $2000. 19 rooms, all housekeeping; $173 per y.,.furr,ace- Ras- elec. good locality. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. "Notice change of office." 12 H. K. ROOMS Rent $35. Fine west side location. Very n?ood furniture and rugs. Price $1100. Some terms. Yates. 245 4th st. I OH SALE or lease, beautiful Manzanlta Inn. Manzanlta. Or.; modern, well equipped, established reputation- Ad dreesr G. B. Nunn. Wheeler. Or. 16-ROOM hotel and restaurant; special op portunity for man and wife. Very cheap. Rent $35. Apply in person 24 Albina ave. East 8150. 8 ROOMS, extra good furniture; choice downtown location, low rent, big in come; nrst time oiierea; no agents; priced right. AO 725. Oregonia,n. 19 MODERN apartments. TJp to date brick bldg. Completely furnished and in splen did condition. Clears $450 per month. Price $9000, terms. Yates, 245 4th st. 20-ROOM apt. house, near Journal bldg ; acct. illness: income. $250 month: rent $50; $2350 cash. bee owner, Marshall 608.1 m'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. HOTELS. Modern. 60 rooms, 3 years' lease, right rent,- best location, first-class trade, priced right, part terms. 140 rooms, modern and up to the min ute In every way, equipped through out with the best; finest location, splen did lobby, N. W. heat. No trades. 88 rooms, lots of- private baths, auto matic elector, N. W. heat. fully equipped, in splendid condition, long lease, rent right; clears big profits. 60 rooms, rent $200:' lease, steam heat, hot and cold water, clears better than, $ 000. Takes $5000 cash to handle. APARTMENTS. 110 rooms, all 2 and 3-room apts.; rent $450; long lease, clears over $700; all rooms furnished but 13; always full; good location. Price $15.ooO. Part terms. 24 modern apts.; rent $300; 3 years' lease, clears better than $500; in ex cellent condition; $5000 will handle. 19 apts. (57 rooms), modern in every respect; well and completely furnished. Rent $300; new lease, nets about $400; $6000 will handle. 27 modern apts. (65 rooms), and 3 room apts., good lease, nets over $500; close in location; price $13,500. Terms. 18 apts. (40 rooms), rent low, nice modern building, good home and aplen i did income. Price $6500; terms. 17 apts. (37 rooms), 2 years lease, rent $225; best west side location; price $5o00, good terms. ROOMING HOUSES. 83 rooms, all H. K., rent $75; lease, team heat, nets over $150 and own apt. Price $2250; terms. - 17 rooms, some private baths, rent $100. clears $115 and lovely home; lo cation the best. Price $1500. 21 rooms, all H. K, apts.. rent $100; lease; hot and cold water; your own apt and $218 clear; takes $2200 to handle. 16 rooms, central west side location; u; clears $136 and own apt- Price $lo00. 8-room modern flat, unusually well furnished, rent $45 all apts., clears $00 besides your own apt, price $1200: terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. "iSSiVRTERS ROOMING HOUSES, HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES. 20 rooms, h. k., west side. $1800, terma 15 rooms, h. k.. west side. $1S50. terms. 11 rooms, h. k., west side. $2100 cash. 12 rooms, h. k., west side, $1250. terms. 10 rooms, h. k.. west side. $2650. terms. 2 rooms, transient, west side. $2650, terms. These are all good buys. Call 163 west Park st. Anderson. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Lovely apartment house, fine comer brick building, automatic elevator; 24 apartments, mostly 4. rooms; private baths and sleeping porches; best 5-year lease in city; rent $350; profit $800; $12,000 will handle. - See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T.- MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. MODERN PORTLAND HOTEL INVEST MENTS. 02 rooms. A-l. residential. $25,000. 71 rooms. 36 baths. $19,500. 60 rooms. 35 baths, $16,000. 54 rooms, residential. $.HooO. COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. lid and Wash. Member of Realty Board. Call Mar. 3993 for Fire Insurance. FOR best bargain In apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 245 th St. FOR SALE 9-room house for $700. Ad dress P. O. box 667. Main 336. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received by the Commissioner of Public Works of the State of Idaho at the office of the Commissioner, Boise. Idaho, until two (2) o'clock P. M. on the 23d day .of July. 1920. for the construction of the following projects: Fed. Aid No. 19 16 ml. crushed rock . type North & South highway, including bridges, in Bonner county. Bridge con tractors if they so desire may submit bids separate from the balance of the project for bridges at Sta. 338 and Sta. 555. Fed. Aid No. 20 IS ml. gravel sur faced type North & South highway, in cluding bridges, in Boundary county. Bridge contractors if they so desire may submit bids separate from the balance of the project for bridges st Stations 366. 410. 531. 056. 5SS, 632 and 869. Fed. Aid No. 33 4 ml. Lewis and Clark highway including bridges, in Nez Perce county. Bridge contractors if they so desire may submit bids separate from the balance of the project for bridges at station 103 and station 1S9. Proposals will be opened and publicly -read at the above stated hour. Plans, specifications, forms of con tract, proposal forms and other infor mation may be obtained at the office of D. P. Olson, director of highways, Boise, Idaho, and from projects No. 19 and 20, from W. I. Bassett. dist. eng'r.. Coeur d'AIene. Idaho; project No. 33. from R, L. Ewing. district engineer, Lewlston, Idaho. A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) is required for each set of plans and specifications. The de posit will be refunded if the plans are returned intact. All proposals must be made on the forms furnished and must be signed by the bidder, with bis name and post oifice address. The right is reserved to reject all proposals, or to accept the proposal or proposals deemed best for the State of Idaho. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by an acceptable Proposal Guaranty In an amount equal to 5 per cent (5) of the total amount of the Proposal. This Guaranty mav be in the form, of (a) cash; b) a certified check: or (c a bidder's bond. If a certified cneck accompanies the proposal the check shall be drawn on some bank in the State of Id.tho and made payable to the Commissioner of Public Works. The Proposal Guaranty will become the property pf the State of Idaho not as penalty, but as lloniiintA ,i . , c.0 if the bidder, upon tile acceptance of us proposal oy tne commissioner, fails or refuses to enter into a contract in accordance with the terms of his pro posal within ten (10) davs (not in cluding Sundays), after presentation of wie contract to nim for execution. 1J. P. OLSON. Director of Highways. WILLIAM J. HALL. Commissioner ttt Public Works. Dated July 6, 1920. SEALED proposals for alterations to heat ing plant at Washington high school will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 courthouse. Portland. Oregon, until 3 P. M.. August 4, 1920, and will be opened at a regular meet ing of the board of directors to be beld at 4 P. M., August 5. 1920. Plans and specifications mav hn ob tained at the office of the supervisor of uuuuing maintenance and construction, 303 courthouse. Portland. Oregon. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany each pro- poc.1. i ne ooara or directors reserves the right to reject any and ail bids or to divide the award. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated July 16. 1920. M tacell&neotis. TO WHOM It may concern: I will not be responsible for any bills that my wife ineui-s alter tnis date, (feigned) C B. l-antl, 5336 BSth St. S. E. NOTICE I will not be responsible for neois contracted by my wife. ' Signed. R. F. KRUEGER. LOST AND FOUND. PARTY who picked up package, 2 strings pearl beads, will please call up East 2384. otherwise will notify police. RE- it returneq wunoot trouble. o(JXL Handbae conr a lrin iy bni. keys. Call Motor Equipment Co., 44 N. ruau way. LOST On 12th W-tween Washington and nan. smau cnain ana diamond pen dant. Call Mar. 1743. Reward. LOST Left in Broadway Hazelwood Sit noon, taupe silk umbrella. Finder please V . rr Persian cat. Anyone knowing his whereabouts call Main l'"44. 'Reward for ihs return. . LOST A coat on Park and Oak sts Finder call Woodlawn 42S0 Sunday or Marshall 410 Monday. Reward FOUND Auto tools. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this ad. East 5106. LOST Lady's handbag, in Llpman. Wolfe & Co. 's- store. Reward if returned with contents intact. Phone Wdin. 6210 Lo-ST Bank book with Elk card and other cards. Finder please call L. Stiles, Ar thur hotel. LOST Black silk handbag lined with piaid silk: contained $10 in currency Leave at Oregonian office. Reward. LOST Tuesday, Elk's tooth cuff button initials W. H. B.. 11S9. Suitable reward for return to 330 Morgan bluff. LOST Green gold wrist watch, oblong shape. Initial "L." on back. Reward Call Tabor 5180. LOST $30 on South Portland car. or on Wash. st:. from 6th nnd Wash to 3d Call Main 3S4!. Reward. LOST Black Cocker spaniel, license No 1680. Phone Main 3200. Reward. LOST Female police dog. Princess: wears California license. Phone Sell. 1229. LOST Package containing Call Marshall 3056. instrument. LOST In.Noh Hill district, young female cullie. Phone Main &502. LOST AND FOUND. $50 REWARD for recovery of 1920 Chev rolet touring car. black body, taken from 24th and Vaughn sts.: Oregon license 7-S244. motor No. C15:;913, factory no. 630739; Goodyear tires, front smooth, hind diamond treads, one e,xtra Fisk: Kay Bee spotlight, dash light, one extra inner tube, tools. 1 black. 1 brown over coat and gray shawl. Notify W. D. Loughary. 616 10th st.. Oregon City. Or. THE following articles were found on cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co.: July 16 5 purses. 2 bunches keys.-ring. car tickets, bag. bank book, pipe, pair gloves, 9 packages. 2 baskets, shawl, hat. raincoat, lunch box. suitcase, box. 5 umbrellas. Owners Riajy obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST A small, blaek leather purse at O. W. K. or Art Embroidery Co.. Mor gan bldg.; contained about $10. identi fication papers, wedding ring. Call Ta bor 5917. Reward LOST Black purse, contained some small change and papers with various ad dresses and phone calls; one of two straps on outside broken. Call' Main 6731. TAKEN from Peninsula park Saturday afternoon. July 10. a boy's Crown bicycle; name plate removed; $10 reward Infor mation leading to recovery of same. Ta bor 6U24. , PARTY who took purse at Imperial lunch Is known by party In this place at time; return it at once and avoid trou He. AG 434. Oregonian. LOST Eik-tooth pin. initials "A. C. P." around 3d and MadtsoQ. Reward. Protz man Shoe Co.. Park and Alder. FINANCLVL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL A! AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. , OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MONET TO LOAN ON IVPROYEO REAL ESTATB. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AjT TRUST BLDG. WANTED Someone interested in aero nautics w4io will provide financial as sistance as an investment for the de velopment of a - new type of airplane (patent applied for) which will add great Impetus and progress to the fly ing game. Answer Ex-Army Flyer. AV 119. oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $ouo up on impiuwil city or farm property. TH.E LAWRENCH1 CO MP ANT, 205 Corbett Bids. Main 6915. - x 2Sle". INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS LET US STRAlCfHTEN OUT YOUR INCORPORATION TANGLES THAT'S OUR BUSINESS. OREGON INCORPORATION BUREAU. 2O0 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. PHONE MARSHALL 5141. WILL buy a controlling interest or all of the stock in a good national or state bank iu a city of the second class. Wash ington or Oregon. Answers absolutely confidential. o 117. Oregonian. FARM LOANS. $30,000 available at 0 to 7 per cent In amounts to suit. Union Abstract Co. Ground floor, Henry Building. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumber mens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE party will buy contracts of sale and real estate mortgages. Tabor 1359. MONEY TO LOAN. Geo. M. Reed Co., Spalding Bldg. Marshall 3377. Alo'uey to Loan on Keal Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduca in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Wilt loan 6u'o value house and lot at 7. You pay one-half of one per cent account principal monthly. For ex ample. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest; you have privilege of pay ing $100 or any multiple ihereo! monthly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COM MISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6. Excellent re payment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. 4ui Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or fur unprove - msnt purposes. The best und easiest method of paying a loan is uur mommy payment plan. $32.26 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan ui iuuu anu. interest. Loans of othor amount in aame pro- pui Lioua. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark at.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE LOANS. Have $1500, $2000, $3000 to loan first mortgage, 7 per cent. &e us tor your real estate loujis. Very reliable service. A. G. Teepe Co.. 210 starlt St., near 4th. Ground floor. 10 PER AN"M. (SECURITY $125,000). ICR "CiUICK LOAN'1 OF $12,500. ABSOLUTELY SECURE, SAFE LOAN. ADDRESS PitlNClPALSj, O 532. OREGONIAN. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on nl suburban and farms? Building luans a NpeciaiLy. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BUILDING, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and oeipiui service. i-,iuerai repayment pnv ileces. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., b'J Fourth at., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1KRELL CO., 217 Northwests:.! Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. a 4118. FARM LOANS Insurance company monev to loan -1 lowest current rates on Willamette val ley larins; no commission, no delays. DKVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 87 Sixth at.. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IMPROVED KBiAu ESTATE. USUAL RATES. OREGON BONO & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, FARM AND ity PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT INSTALMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 63 4'i'H ST.. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE loans on improved farm and city property, favorable repaying privi leges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. 309 Piatt bldg.. Main 5371. LIBERAL LOANS. : We loan our money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, live stock, notes, etc. K. E. Bowman & Co., 21Q Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MONEY TO LOAN! on improved city property, and also im - proved farni property. Current rates, WM. McM ASTERS, 331 U. S. National bank bldg. $40O. $5O0. $6O0. $SOO. $1000. $1200, $1500, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Delay. No Delay. No Delay $1000. $1500. $2000. $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. PRIVATE party has $1000 to loan on A-l acreage, no brokers apply. Woodlawn 2227. HAVE PRIVATE MONEY to loan on good dwellings. Geo. M. Reed Co.. Spalding BTtig. Marshall 3377. 3D0. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham., of Com. Main 6445. SEE me about your loans. I can handle both building loans and other loans. C. u. uonnson. nen);y oiq iiu.NKY to loan on approvca property. E. R. Cumpston. Sellwood 1422. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and7 per cent. Louis Solomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate! 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. Money- to Loan Chattels and Salaries. QUICK money to samried people on note without indorsers or security; Investiga tion confidential. 816 Chamber of Com merce bldg MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry. lei;al fates; articles held a year: estab llshed l&SS. Dan Marx & Co.. 253 Wash. GEO. HARVEY loans money on house hold Kooda, legal rates. Tabor SS03, FIXANCIAU Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 3 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLA3. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE, 894 STARK ST.. NEAR TENTH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL- LOAN ASS.N - rJ2P TOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE 7 lOU CAN GET IT TODAY. , LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. - VICTROI.AS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed.- We make a spe cialty of -these loans and leave the se curity In your possession and you can Jfr?-ay.'Jaln "mail monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS, -o saianed people on their own not Kates reasonable. Private offices. . All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. iu . LICENSED), a -07 Dekm bldg. Marshall S2SS-. ... - -. -nny. cum ii uamnioa. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY. m short notice to salaried or working en on their own cotes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each i-?n??ti,ontric,ly confidentlaL ,.2RTGAGES- NO INDORPER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. I COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. MflVPV -r T . . on diamonds. watches. Jeweler and bonds: legal rates; all goods held 1 year. n,I?E?JEWELRy STORE. il-l10 3d st.. cor. Washington. Main 6649. .mns Wantro. $3500 LOAN WANTED, 7 QUARTERLY. heghts -AS3 LOAN "portlani ACTUAL VALUE OF PROPERTY OCCUPIED BY OWNERS! NOT ADDRESS J 005. OREGONIAN. ANT $1400 on, modern S-room bunga low on ol.xlOS lot. at East 20th street, near Broadway: sewer and walks paid-S'J-k J.ay 7 p"r annually. JOHN FERGUSON. GEtfl LINGER BLDG. Main Su29. LOANS WANTED. $-500 at i per cent interest on modern 7-room home. $2750 at 8 per cent Interest on modern i-room home. Piedmont. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO 410 Henry bldg. Broadway 5H43. $3500 WANTED from nrivnf niri. not satisfied with a small rate of Inter est. Can give you 10 or better, secured by first-class mortgage. Money will be paid into a Portland bank and handled by the bank. For interview address P 2.i6, Oregonian. WANT $11,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent on $30,000: rental value about $250 per mo. tred W German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. Bldg. FIRST mortgages on Improved Portland real estate for sale. Call and see our list. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY Title & Trust Building. LOAN of $10,000 wanted by the owner of land within eight miles of Portland worth $35.C00. Would like to talk direct ly with lender or his attorney. O 279 Oregonian. $3000 WANTED. 7. 2 modern 5-n,,n residences.- 100x100: worth aiiout $7000 Call N W. corner Jarrett and 29th. Ta bor S54. $1000 WANTED at once on unusually good first mortgage. For quick action will pay above the usual rate of interest, B 268, Oregonian. $750 WANTED. 7't ; 6-room plastered house, bath. 50x100 lot (not level I. paved street, sewer. 502 Ross St., 1 block S - Russell. TMbor 854. WANTED, from private party. $300 for 3 months. 1 per cent per month. Satis factory security. APS34, JDregonian. WANT $4000 to $6000 on tlmber"clo7e transportation: will pnv SCi- gilt-edge security. L 529. Oregonian. $lo00 AT 1T on new garage, satisfactory security: bringing good rent. B. Le Paget. 622 Corbett bldg. $2001) ON southern Portland Improved residence property; paved street, paid. East 6329. L?-A,, wanted of $2500 for 3 or 5 years on Gilliam county land. Will pay 8 per cent. O 990. Oregonian. WANT $6000 on good Improved Portland ' property at 8; no agents. BC 704. Oregonian. $800 TO $1000 loan wanted 3 vrs . 7"- on house and lot. Owner, 624 Henry bldg Broadway 5173. S WANTED $2000 on Rose Citv Park bun falow. valued at $5500. BD 4S6. Ore goninn. WANTED $5000 loan. 7 per cent. 3 years. on my new Irvlngton home. Tabor 5i:f4. WANTED $5000 loan oil 220-acre Yamhill county farm. Main S3So. $20,000. 7Ti, on $70,000 highlv improved farm, Willamette vai-ley. Main 83o.S. $1000 from private partv for 1 year, fully secured. P. O. Box 24S. SF-K OREGON INV. i MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Com.. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. REFINED young lady would like to meet congenial young lady desiring to mnke excursion trip to Alaska in August, ob iect companionship. R 977. Oregonian. AN VON E knowing address of Arthur Coie kindly communicate with Charles Bar rett. Suisun. California, box 4'i.'t. i. v ii--i . i-ii irving St. itea,imps iiauy ny a poiiiin ment : circles .Monriav and Wednesday. 8 P. M. Marshall 1403 ERi'CKSO.V.S white shield home for unfor tunate girls; no publicity; 79S E 7'd N C. 1279. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write ir. Dean 234 ti Morrison st. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed bv 10 needies method: trial free. Joie Finley. 514 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 6368 FURS remodeled: summer prices. latest styles. Vanite Fur Shop. 827 Morgan bldg. HORACE WHITE DUNN, please write sis ter. Mrs. Mary Margerison, 41 East Water street. North Andover, Mass. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and . Washington sta. INFORMATION free how to positively kill cancers, etc. Write S. 415 Ab:nston bldgJ SHAMPOO, face, scalp treatments, mani curing, hair dying, waterwavinff. 230 Fliedner bldg. RAGTIME, first lesson. Piano, mandolin guitar, banjo. Free trial. 514 Eilera bldg. A-l MASSAGE. 415 Buchanan bldg Wash bet. 4th and 5th. Main S.liiS HAWAIIAN entertainers for all occasions. Call Tabor 7750. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Ironsides. 309 Broadway bids. BODY massage, violet ray. 10 A. M to P. M. daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579 GUARANTEED cure for any dandruff or scalp disease. 314 Macleay bldg. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Kliedner bid:-' ETHEL McCOY, chiropodist. fii9 Buchanan Mdg.. Wagh.. bet. 4th and 6th. Main ,?w."J LADY to go as passenger to Sko Francisco and l.os Angeles. Automatic 529-13. LADY going to New Yrrk will act as mm panlon for expenses. AB 816. Oregonian. VEE Let me know wher a letter will reach you. Sam. DOESN'T Tom. or Harrv pav you J See Vlereck. collections. Dekum 'bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly caned Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Seli. 2 213 mo rmngi PILES CAN BE CURED without oper aiion. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without u operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box lino JANE SHOP Marcelling. . wa terwaving. manicuring, by appointment Main 55-.S. GOITRE, e ilarseo. glands; cure yours f. A. R. Ktrachan. roote 5. Hilisboro Or SPANISH lessons wanted from native teacher or Mexican. AN 812, Oregonian. JUNIC1DE will cure rheumauU4 or aioau back, . iOi D.kuta bld& PERSONAL. GET WELL. FREE. FREE. FREE Every day, from 10 A M. 1o 4 P. M.. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to a. and Sundays from 10 to 12. -THOUSANDS Of SUFFERERS WHO HAfE FAILED to get relief n any other way re In 'ted to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing nun dreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS win thorocgh'-v examine you, make a complete diagnosis of your casa and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, aure and modern scienca of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACT-O will permanently cure 95 per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes Uie causa nealtb returns. The above servtco is all free to you at the vollege building and may be had la private if desired PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of tne faculty, by eithtr lady or nioa practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhili. TeL Main 101. . HOSPITAL rn connection with college. Will nadl out-of-town patients at a most reason able rate in order to show what Chiro practic can do. Address all toniiuuiil cations to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President, m 100X CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Can.ouf lage and adjuncts foreign taj this principle enly add time and Im mediate expense to later despair). Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg.. Port land, a chiropractor of experience, a past amateur, a 100 per cent cliiropractio epecialiJt, with nighest testimonials from patients from eastern states, famil iar with the best: also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic else oeri, with, of course, corresponding dis appointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 per cent chiropractio philosophy, long experience and superior skill demonstrated in consultation, ex aminations; easy, careful adjustments rates, and finally, results. Eleventh rear In this city. Cnronio cases, one or two. takinc tlxn 31 ad j ustirtents. $25. Patients Improving, but slowly, iu tended time, 31 adjustments. $15. Acute cases, fever. lumbago, any doubting Thomas, etc, less time. 1 call, wire. writ. Main Office. 4th and Wash. New Home, 047 East ialtuoa St. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are in vilted to investigate Chiropractic inetll ods. which are permanently curing hun dreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you, make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatment WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sana. sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CH IROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service is all free to you at the college building and may be had in private- if desired. - PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had at college by members of the faculty, either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of ParK and Yamhill Tel. Main 1014. Hospital in connection witr college. THERE Is a remedy at hand for every "dis coidant condition. Tie Psychomet.-i-physical lnsitute Invites' you to cail and have a persona- interview with its ul rector. Dr. D. K. ilmmeraian, Psj cho metaph. 31U-317 Bush & Lane bid Phone Main tii'61. 10-12 mornings 2-3 afternoons; evenings and Sundays ui al pointniei.t. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the nerve-biock-lng method, without after effects. I make X-ray examinations of teeth. I specialize In first-class denti.strv at rea sonable feat ,dy attndam. Mar. 32o5. DR. A. W. KEENS, Mnjestic Theiter bldij.. 351 i-. Wash UAiHUtK' AND FALLING HAIR 13 THE SCALPS CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE $2.20 PER JAR, POSTPAID." Gut It at your druggist or THE Kl, ni.-i.' 800 Union ave. N Portland. Or. ANY reader suffering from goitre (b,g neck) can get positive information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleas ant surprise in store for you if you wi I write. No charg whatsoever. Tell others. It w:.l help us all. Address Dr. Kook. Box X-737. Milwaukee. Wis. DR. 11. L. CHANDLER. CHIROPRACTOR. Graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Acute and Chronic Diseases House and Emergency Calls 547 Morgan Bldg.. Wash, and Bdwy MARSHALL 31104. WANTED To h.-ar fjom Alice Shafer. name wnen a girl was Solard and lived In Wisconsin. Was in Portland ! year ago. She or anyone knowing where she Is please write to Miss Pearl Mabie. Oak Uind, Or. LADY going east to Ohio and Penn. would like to earn part of expenses. Take care of child or assist elderly per. ' son. Capable of transacting business. Main 0Q51, or P 2S2. Oregonian. AM arranging tour of California in 19: S P-.erce-Arrow. trip to include Yotemite valiey. San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc.. and return. For information call Jack Houston. Broadway 34, or Ms.ia TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER is a cleansing, healing germicidal and invig orating douche, a great aid in leucor rhoea and female disorders: 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ALL the latest renaedles soid at the Clem enson Drug Co.. 2uo Morrison st St. Charles hotel corner. At this drugstore you get just what you call tor. w havi no substitutes. LEARN Beauty culture night school. 7 to 9 o'clock: 5 expert special teachers. Work day time. Learn good tr.-tde evenings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. Marshall 17o2. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nails, warts and moles absolutely; neW invention, no pain, no soreness. Lowet-t prices in town. Consultation free. Hers 12 years: arches fitted. ."03 Pt-kum bidg. DR. SOPHIA ZLMBACH. chiropodist. 401 Raleigh bidg.. Washington St.. bet 6th and Broadway, Portland. Or. Office hours, lo A M. to 6 P. M. Phone ilain 5294. BUY YOUR SUMMER FURS AT THE FI R SHOP. Fine furs to order. Moderate prices Above hih rent, below high prices. Quo Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. MASSAGE, baths; constipation, stomach, kidne-ys, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Soren son. 5liS Panama bldg. Drugiess phy. Main 5Ofs0. WE GUARANTEE our beauty work; ha.r dressing and scalp tr.; making over old hats to be now a specialty. Phono East S584. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest sti.ek human hair . goods, hairdressing. manicuring. fare and scalp treatment. 319 Alder. Main 546. UGLY NOSES corrected at home. 30 davs free trial; pox sears. freckles, wrinkles removed. Dr. Bailey, 225 Empire blug., Denver. Co. Plain wrapper. REV. M US. X C. S CHOR I15 E. 1 r.t h st. N'.. cor. E. Rurnside t. Meetings Thin s . 2 P M. Friends privately for minister !;elp. WANTED- Communication with Rertha who worked at Andrew Kan Store ten years ago. Jimrnie, 3 Crown block. Se attle, ash. NERVOUS AND CHllOMO DISEASES treated by- NEW METHOD. DR. J. W. BAT DO P. F. Naturopath 301 Dekum bldg.. 1 to 5 P. M. Main 1 1 o. ANY ONE knowing the address of Henry M. Johnson, formerly city market inspec tor, piease phone Otto D. Drain, Wood lawn 41128. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, tha CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you;. 8 vrs here: exam. free. Gl'ibe Old?.. Iltn fr sll. Bdw 224. TOBACCO or .mart habit cured or no pay; $1 if cured. Remedy sent on trlaL Su perba Co.. W 34. Baltimore. Md. GRADUATE nurse treats Iu-n.tago! etc, . Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1049. Olfice 3QS-C. Third st. IF you are tired and nervous, have a scientific body massafe. Dr. Oi idia Larson. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 1999. WILL adopt and give line home to baby boy not over three months old. AL 761, Oregonian. LF.SLIF. STAVIG- Communicate with your brother, at the Hotel Glenwood, imme diately. SLLPHUR steam bath, violet ray: improva your svstem. Mrs. Rollins. 426 Clay. Main S359. 10 A. M. to S P. M. SCALP treatment, facial massage, electri cal treatment, steam bath and masaga. Ethel Burke, 304 Dekum bids. BATHS Steam baths, chiropractic bodv massage and vibration. Ir. Margaret Haynie. Main 1765. 215 Swetland bldg. Open evenir?:s; trained nurse asistnt A i