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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
K SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 10 m Editorial and Doings in Realm of Society VOL,, xxxix. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1920 NO. 9 ipillllllliilililllllllllllllllilillilH H We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Plan to Do Your Shopping Here and Reap the Benefit of This Saving Books Redeemed 3d Floor e Portland Agency for Coolmor Porch Shades Brenlin Window Shades Richardson's Quality Linens Dutchess Trousers Carter's Knit Underwear Ladies' Home Journal Patterns e HITS LIVELY STRIDE 11 IRRIGATION IN STATE Groceries Wheat Hearts regular 35c OQ packages; priced special, at Js Royal White Soap on P- CC sale Monday, 16 cakes for D-I-.vlU 35c Chinook Salmon, , a can 290 Soft Shell Almonds, a pound 35 The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Silvertone Shampoo Price 25c a remarkable preparation that changes gray hair with yellowish cast to a silver gray. It also cleanses the scalp. Beauty Shop, Second Floor. Women's Suits and Coats in a Mighty Sale Hundreds of Garments to Be Closed Out at Sacrifice Prices! The most important merchandising event of the year starts Monday morning in the Garment Store, Second Floor. It's the Mid-season Clearaway of Suits and Coats involving thousands of dollars' worth of garments. From the standpoint of value giving and assortments, this sale is in a class by itself and if there is a woman in Portland who has need for a new Suit or Coat, now is the time to buy it, for the savings are nothing short of phenomenal. Early choosing is to your advantage. 55c Household Needs Underpriced The Domestic Section has a select list of special offerings ready for those who are looking for oppor tunities to buy home needs at reduced prices. All items advertised will be on sale the entire week providing quantity lasts. Morning hours are best for shopping. Pillow Cases 55c Main Floor Bleached Pillow Cases an odd lot priced for quick clean-up. Size 45x36 inches. Made of such well known sheetings as Fruit of the Loom, Wainsutta and Anchor. Limited quantity at Sheeting 88c Yd. Main Floor Unbleached Sheeting of splendid heavy quality that never fails to give satisfactory service. Full 81 inches wide. Limit of 10 yards to any QQ one purchaser. Priced special in this sale; yard OOl BLEACHED MUSLIN, 36 inches wide. Limit OO 10 yards to a customer. Priced special, a yard BLEACHED INDIAN HEAD in the 36-inch width. Very desirable for middies, skirts and summer A Q suits. Lengths from 1 to 10 yards the yard REMNANTS of Aseptic Diaper Cloth reduced M. BATH ROBE BLANKETS new shipment fif just received. Size 72x90. Extra good values 5v).UU Voiles and Swisses At 75c a Yard Main Floor Cool sheer Voiles for summer dresses. Beautiful designs in printed and satin striped effects. Also Dotted Swisses. Over 1500 yards in the FJtZn sale. Priced special for Monday's selling, yard I RATINES in plain colors now at HALF PRICE. 36-INCH PERCALES new patterns a yard 39 Suits at $24.95 Second Floor A splendid collection of Women's and Misses' Suits of navy or black tricotine and serge materials. This season's best styles, including novelty belted, flare and semi-fitted effects. Good range of sizes to 6tart with. Special at 0ifx.tJ Suits at $34.98 Second Floor Exactly 80 Suits in this lot and there isn't a single one of them but what is worth far more than the sale price. Velour, silvertone, tricotine, serge and gabardine materials. Novelty belted, sport and box styles. Plain colors, stripes and checks. CJO I QQ Specially priced for Monday's selling your choice, only Dtrx.0 Suits at $44.85 Second Floor 42 Suits in this group. Strictly high-class garments in the season's smartest styles for street, sport and dress wear. Trimmed with embroidered bands, braids, tucks, etc. CC Tricotine, serge and Poiret twill materials. Special 0rxOJ Suits at $53.45 Second Floor 41 Suits all told, to be closed out at above price. Poiret twill, tricotine striped and checked materials in navy, black and other colors. Mostly belted models. Many of these are ex- (3JKQ IK elusive styles only one of each. Priced very special at OuOt'iO Coats at $19.98 Second Floor Choice of 32 beautiful Coats, and when you see what great bargains they are you won't hesitate in making a quick se lection. Materials are white polo cloth, silvertone, serge Q QQ and novelty mixtures. Dressy and sport styles; only 0-Li0 Coats at $24.89 Second Floor Many handsome Coats in this lot made up in the more dressy styles with loose backs and drape collars. Serge, tricotine and gabardine materials in a good selection of desirable flJO A QQ colors. Best of tailoring. Special for this sale only Dt.OI Coats at $34.89 Second Floor Women's Coats in such wanted materials as camels hair, velour, silvertone and serge. Plain colors and checks or plaids. Many of these are shown in short and medium length CJQI QQ models for sport wear. Also dressy models. Special DOrrOt Coats at $49.89 Second Floor Women's Fancy Coats and Wraps for afternoon wear. Cape and dolman styles made up in fine quality velour, gabardine and serge materials. All are lined with silk. Excel- CJfQ QQ lent assortment of desirable colors. Priced special at &J O Coats at $64.98 Second Floor This group takes in a number, of our finest Coats. Wool velour, tricotine, silk poplin and bolivia materials. Dressy models in dolman and cape effects with novelty col- fl?? QQ lars. All are silk lined. Priced very special choice &04t.7O Women's Crepe Waists $6.49 Second Floor Women's Waists of good quality crepe de chine and pon gee offered at a special low price Monday. High and low neck styles, trimmed with tucks. Also Q? A( neat tailored styles. Special DOrl: Sport Sweaters At $9.45 Second . Floor Special lot of Sport Sweaters underpriced for Monday's selling. Suitable styles for beach and outing wear. Tuxedo models with belt and pockets. Several col- QQ A C ors. Specially priced at JJ House Dresses $1.98 Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Women's House Dresses in slip-over and back closing styles. Also a few in the reg ulation style. Striped or plaid ging hams in many pretty colors and com binations. Some are braid (JJI QQ trimmed. Priced special at DJ-0 Baby Week Sales Second Floor This is Baby Week at the Olds, Wortman & King Store. Practically every article in the way of Infants' Apparel ' will be reduced in price, including hand-made Slips and Dresses, Shirts, Bands, Long and Short Coats, Sheets, Pillow Cases, etc Carter's Merino Shirts QQ of good quality. Special at Dit70 Blue . or pink Outing Q- r7Q Flannel Wrappers special I Infants' Wrappers with hand-crocheted edges. Pink or - rn blue. Special Monday at tDJLOJ7 Red Diamond Diapers, 20x40-inch, $4.39 Doz. 22x44-inch at $4.59 27x27-Inch Outing Diapers $4.69 Sale of Used Electric Cleaners We now have on hand a certain number of Electric Cleaners used by our demonstrators which will be closed out at a substantial reduction in price. Electric Sweeper-Vacs (with motor driven brush), Hoover and Ohio makes. New shipment of Hoover and Sweeper-Vac Cleaners just received. 3d Floor Introductory Sale of the Famous Polly-Anna Underwear Women's Athletic Suits , $ 2.50 Grades $1.95 $12.50 Grades $9.65 iur only reason for offering this nationally advertised and justly pop ular line of Women's Athletic Suits at reduced prices is to introduce Polly Anna Underwear in a forceful way to the women of Portland and the north west. This sale covers our entire stock, ranging in price from $2.50 to $12.50. Every garment is new. The styles are the very latest approved by America's foremost women of fashion. Every purchaser of Polly Anna Underwear will become an en thusiastic booster. See Morrison Street Window Entire Stock Polly-Anna Underwear At the Following" Special Prices $2.50 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits -now priced at $2.75 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $3.50 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $3.75 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $1.95 $2.15 $2.95 $3.15 $4.50 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $6.00 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $7.50 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $10.00 Polly Anna Ath letic Suits now priced at $3.65 $3.95 $5.65 $7.65 $12.50 Polly-Anna Athletic Suits $9.65 46 -Piece Dinner Sets At $14.75 A fortunate purchase enables ns to offer a limited number of Dinner Sets at a special low price. Choice of three attractive decorations. Fancy shapes and gold edges. A splendid opportunity to buy and save. Each Set Contains 6 EACH 9-inch Dinner Plates, 7-inch Plates, . 6 - inch Plates, 7 - inch Soup Plates, Tea Cups, Saucers ONE EACH, 13-inch Meat Dish, 9-inch Oval Vegetable Dish, 8-inch Round Vegetable Dish, Sauce Boat. No telephone orders a Set $14.75 Special Lines of Glassware in a Sale Water Sets 6 tumblers $1.58 Water Goblets special each 250 Plain Sherbet Glasses only 250 Fancy Water Jugs special at 750 6-inch " Glass Vases at only 200 8-inch Fruit Bowls with loose foot. Priced special for this sale at $1.48 Punch Bowls, special at $1.48 13-inch Cake Stands special $2.50 Universal Silver Plated Ware 50-Year Guarantee Universal Silver never fails to give satisfactory serv ice. Ideal for gift giving or for your own use. Say brook design, as sketched. Note These Prices , SETS OF SIX Teaspoons $3.57, Dessert Spoons $6.90, Table Spoons $7.14, Soup Spoons $7.14, , Medium Knives $7.00, Flat Handled Forks $7.14, Individual Salad Forks $7.14, Individual Flat-Handled Butter Spreaders $6.19, Oyster Forks $5.24, Bouil lon Spoons $5.95. SINGLE PIECES Butter Knives $1.43, Sugar Spoons $1.43, Pickle Forks $1.53, Cold Meat Forks $2.14, Gravy Ladles $2.38, Cream Ladles $1.91. War tax not included in above prices. Oregon-Made Indian Robes Special at $9.95 Third Floor Get one of these fine Robes and send it to the folks back East! Made right here in Oregon. Good large size. Regu- PQ QfT, lar $12.00 value. Special pVVO Third Floor Oregon - made Auto Robes in beautiful new patterns and colors. These are standard PQ QEC SDecial at $12.00 values. Ask for S. & H. Green Stamps. Indian Pillow Tops $1.48 Third Floor An Indian Pillow or two adds a dash of color to the canoe, porch or den. Here is a good opportunity to choose from a great many attractive patterns and colors at a special low price. These also J" AO make very acceptable gifts. Priced special, while they last each D-L.'0 New Shipment Royal Bengal Rugs Just Received A Sale of Summer Furniture Chairs and Rockers Reduced Grass, Cane and Reed Chairs and Rockers a selected group, offered for this week at cut prices. Add a piece or two to tle equipment of your porch or living room, Sale Prices . $13.75 GRASS ROCKERS at only $14.00 Grass Chairs $12.60 $14.55 Grass Rockers $12.98 $15.50 Grass Rockers $13.90 $15.00 Craft Rockers $13.25 $14.25 Craft Rockers $12.75 $17.50 Reed Rockers $15.75 4th Floor $11.95 jmuiimmmmfM Considerable Progress Made During June. ACTIVHT IS IN SURVEYS Unfavorable. Condition of Money Market Holds fp Bond Issues for Much of Work. SALEM. Or.. July 17. (Special.) louring the last month considerable, progress has been made In irrigation development in Oregon, notwithstand ing the adverse condition of the bond market However, most of the activ ity has been along the line of investi gations preliminary to the Issuance of bonds. Owing to the unfavorable condition of the money market irrigation dis- ifiv eneral have been urged to withhold bond Issues until conditions were more favorable, excepting in those cases where construction work Is in such condition that failure to proceed would entail a loss. Arrangements have been made whereby bonds of the North Unit Irri gation district in the amount of $50. 000 have been purchased by the Ralph Schneeloch company of Portland for the purpose of making a construc tion survey and preparing plans for the reclamation of the 100,000 acres of land in the district. Reaervolr Will Be BalJt. The reclamation of th's project will involve the construction of the Ben ham Falls reservoir, upon which Pro fessor W. O. Crosby, the noted geol ogist of Massachusetts, recently made a favorable report. It is planned to utilize the Benham falls reservoir for the reclamation of all the units of the Deschutes project which aggre- 6ic uu.uuv acres. The investigations will tn In riian.. of an engineering commissi on rnm. posed of A. J. Wiley of Boise and Fred nerman or ban Francisco, represent ing jointly the district and the Ralph Schneeloch company, the latter hav ing an option on the remainder of the district bonds. Investigations are under wv tn vise and bring up to date the infor mation secured by the state and fed eral government on the John Day project. The John Day irrigation dis trict was organized in 1919 and has employed the firm of Lewis & Clark, engineers of Portland, to make the necessary surveys. 30O,O0 Acres In pistrict,. This district includes some 300.000 acres of land lying along the Colum- oia river in Gilliam county. Morrow county-. and Umatilla county and is one oi me largest projects in Oregon. The officers of the district are r.i C. Clark of Arlington, president, and r. n. crown or Heppner, secretary. j. no xiarney valley Irrigation dis trict, which includes about 86.000 acres of partially irrigated land, lving along the Silvies river in Harney county, has arranged with the engi neering firm of Barr & Cunningham of Portland to make the necessary surveys and prepare plans for the construction of reservoirs on Silvies river for the complete utilization of the waters of this stream and to give iuu water right to the partially irri gated lands. Surveys are now under way on this project. An Investigation has been made during the past month by the Irriga tion securities commission of the Mountain Sheep Irrigation district in Wallowa county. This district con templates the irrigation of .-.pproxi-mately 10,000 acres of land with the waters of Big and Little Sheep creeks, and action on the certification of $150,000 in bonds Is awaiting the sub mission of additional Information. Lake County Survey Ordered. An investigation has been ordered by the irrigation securities commis sion of the Summer Lake Irrigation district In Lake county, which dis trict contemplates the irrigation of approximately 7000 acres of land lying' along Summer lake, with the waters of the Ana river. This district has requested the certification of $260,000 in bonds. Very gratifying reports have been received from the Warmsprings Irri gation district, which has stored 52,000 acre feet of water this season for the first time In Its new reservoir, which, together with the regular flow of the Malheur river affords ample water for the irrigation of the 30,000 acres of land in the project, and re ports indicate that crops will be ex cellent this season. One unit of the Talent irrigation district in Jackson county has been completed and water has been applied to the lands thereunder. Work on the second unit of this project has been postponed for the present on ac count of the unfavorable condition for the sale of bonds. The district for tunately is in a position that it could suspend further construction without adversely affecting it. Josephine Panpi Completed. The preliminary pumping units on the Grants Pass irrigation district in Josephine county have been completed and water is being delivered to the lands in this district. Plans have been approved for the construction of the permanent gravity system, and work on this system is under way. When the appropriations committee of the house of representatives re cently visited central Oregon an in spection was made of the big Ochoco dam which is now nearing completion. At one end the big dam has reached its maximum height of 125 feet and requires only a small additional amount of work to complete it throughout its entire length. About 20.000 acre feet of water has been stored in the Ochoco reservoir this season, and a large part of the 22,000 acres within the district has been irrigated this season. PnillllllllllllllllllllliiinilllllllinillllHM DIME TRICKERY COSTS $250 Advertiser Offers $1 for 1901 Coins and Readers Xibblc. LOS ANGELES. Cal. Nineteen hun dred and one dimes may be worth a dollar if one gets $190.10 worth of them, but the attempt to put his scheme Into effect cost 3ert Paul $250 in Federal Judge Tripper's court. Paul, alias-Lally & Miller, had re ceived about $10 in dimes in answer to his advertisement offering $1 for 1901 dimes, when he -was arrested ff;l Postoffico Inspector Cookson. 102.0v I