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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
17 TIIE STJXDAT OREGONIAN, rORTI,AT, JULY 18, 1920 V FOK RENT. fr'urnlstied ITlal. yOR RENT 3-room modem furnished flat. Clean. Must be see n to be appre- A C la l fa. .Nice lawn. --- . mpnt. 330 E. 8th st. y, block from Hmadway car line. Main 48til. . 'oUK-KOOM furnlahed Bat, "rct' "?",: em. walking distance;- large B'e?p'n porch, good district, front flat, $ Per month, adults only: no objection to lit tle girl Phone Last fc640, T-rfr1ri.-ij v K-rnm flat. bath and sleeping porch, for months or longer to ..ii-.-iti tenant wsi biu. ,-.... move in at once. Main 3l3. from 4 A. M. to 1-J M. SlubEHN 5-room lower flat. $20. Furnl- n o k dii.inK-ro.HB set and $150 comb. runt-: walking distance. Phone "- vi-Dvi.i-ii.n riut a rnnms. furnace ana fireplace, walking distance; wHI J?nt I furniahed or sell turnuure. i -$ gunian. . ATTRACTIVE 6-room flat for rent If fur-t- if vnn u r lnnkilltr for a homev home. 10 minutes walk from the business Mention, see this. Vain 4246. TALKING distance, west side, 10 rooms; f,,r-rti,,..H A ronlorl X30 and 3 for $U I my eouttv $350. Main 6127. Broadway 5t43 Sunday. .-fi ;..HOOM strict I v modern, well fur- ni.imri u h mahncanv furniture: good incNtinn. ah st Hide near car line. Dan Hughe. Broadway 1251. 6-ROOM modern furnished flat, lights. t-5. honi fiii-tttsheri. ss car line. lUl I?. ;7th st.. near Washington. Call after 10 A. M. ' 6-KiOM furnished flat, gas. ectriclty. $45 a month. 2 livunrf. Cull 450 11th St. water and months in today. P. H., Otil Davenport St.. cor. Patton road i-room tur. flat, private home; beau tiful View and grounds; no cnnaren. S30 4-RGOM furnished flat. sleeping norch. private bath. Call A, M. E. 20th, cor. Belmont. 6-ROOM, modern, beautifully furnished flat : porches-, lawns, basement. Chance U to get good home. $75 mo. 342 10th. FL'UMSHED flat for rent, corner 46th and Hawthorne. Call Sunday after 1 A. M., Tabor 7075. VrRMSHRn mo Horn 3-room flat: walk ing distance, west side. $70. AL 734, Oregonian. $25 FOUR-ROOM well furnished flat: bath, gas ranee, electricity; near car. 150 Va East t. East 5260. FURNITURE of B-room flat for sale, and flat for rent. Inquire at 572 E. Salmon si. 8-ROOM furnished flat, west side, walking distance. Call Broadway 3;6S or Mon day Broadway 5.4U. WIDOW wiHhes to share her 5-room mostly furnished flat with congenial couple. Call today 2tk', Larrabee t. 4-ROOM upper flat ner Laurelhurst park. Adults on ly. ?4 ao. k a st z r. GIRL, to share flat, who wishes to study music; references. -Main oia. FURNISHBD 3-room flat, private bath and toi;et. ojo ciay. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room flat. no children. Inquire 2i3vb Broadway. 5-ROOM. r.9S Salmon st., nnmah club. opposite Mult- ALL, or part of nicely furnished flat. Mar. west siue. FOR RENT ; p-r month. -room f urnihed fiat. Phone Tabor 7537. $35 3-HOu.M furnirthed lower fiat; adults only. Call Mar. 3710. KI'RNISHKD FLAT for rent. 21 E. 15th St. Housekeeping Rooms. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms. completely fiurnished ; one 3-room suite with private ath, gas range, laundry, electricity, nlfiitv hot water: children welcome. 186 Sherman st. Mar. 3s3. NEATLY furnished H. K. room, very com fortable, and clean, hot and cold water in room, suitable for desirable emp. lady. walking distance. Pel Monte, 167 Stout St., near 20th and Washington. LOVELY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $5. and $6 per week in one and two-room suites; ne wime, clean, airy ; completely lurnirnea. "THE ALTON." 381 YAMHILL ST. 4WROOM apt., completely furnished, free rent till Jan. 1, 21. for working man I with family who wishes to buy furni- ture at nair price. ittu . nun s t. $20 PER MO. Completely furnished housekeeping suites; every convenience. right down town ; save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. TWO front furoinhed H. K. suites, hot and cold water, -Uctric light, gas. Hote Stewart, 147 Broadway. Phone Main l'H4. t TWO-ROOM h. k. apt., all modern, range and sink; hot and coin wnter ; reason able; 2 nlocits from 3 4th and Montgom ery. M1 Harribon. Home 518-13. FOR RENT One and two-room furnished housekeeping apartments ; sleeping rooms; cozy and clean ; $3.50 up. Main 267Q. The Manltou. 261 13th St. NICE single housekeeping room, fur nished, newly tinted, light, gaa and phone free, $15.554 E. Madison, cor. 13th street. SINGLE rooms, convenient, reasonable; hot water always lor baths, laundry. 65 Flanders. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district for 25c Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Pnone Bdwy. 2445. TWO BASEMENT H. K. rooms to men having own bed clothes. Quiet home. Call between 2 and 6 P. M. 530 Davis. 2-ROOM modern housekeeping apartment. 392 Eugene st. Call from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. kitch enette, private bath. 745 Hoyt sL; also nicely furnished sleeping room. S COMPLETELY furnished rooms. Beech St., one block car; rent $12.50; no chil dren. 772 Alblna ave.. after 2 P. M. 8 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, close in, west side, near ship yard. Call 266 Hall, be tween 3d and 4th. Rent reasonable. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms for rent; good location. Ill N. 2d. Main 7629. MAKE the Bushmark your nom, one and two-room oueslde apts., clean, modern, respectable. Wash. . St.. cor. 17th, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and apartments, walking distance. 125 14th si. S., near Washington. Is EAT and clean single housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; $10 and $18 par mo. 394 12th st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Mar.; furniahed H. K. rooms, $15 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. LIVING room and kitchenette, private en trance and lavatory; $4 week. 268 4th st., opp. city hall. H. K. ROOM for bachelor, cooking gas, llghs, linen free. 268 4th st opposite city nan; $3 weeK. NICE large front room furnished for housekeeping: also basement room, walking distance. 151 17th st. 8 COMPLETELY furnished rooms. Beech it, on block car; rent $12.p0; no chil- ciren. u,' AiDina ave.. alter Z r. M. &1NGLE and suites, furnished and tin furnished; fine place, attractive rates. 13 1st St, 2 AND 3-ROOM fiats, furnished for house keeping. $15 and $19 a month. 446 East Oak. near ith 8t. SUITE of strictly cles housekeeping rooms, including light, phone and gas. "lose in. 44)7 Columbia D1S T WO nicely furnished H. K. rooms with sink in kitchen, rent reasonable. 403 Broadway. Marshall 661. ONE single housekeeping room suitable for bachelor. auM Davis, 2 blocks from Washington. ONE nice housekeeping room at 434 12th street. SMALL housekeeping room for bachelor, $2. Ia6 Sherman st. Mar. 3 a S3. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Appiy u. iN. .m si. Housekeeping rooms, single $10 per montn ana up; moaern. i-ti uin st. TWO furnished H. K. month. 631 Thurman. rooms, $17 per TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, close to snip vara. o.-i a st. H. K. room, 1 large room and kitchenette, 365 6th and Madison. LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms a' .te r-ettygrove st. $4 WEEK, large furnished H. K. 253 i Wash, st, cor. Third. ON E furnished housekeeping room for rent. -i est rark. $19 One clean front room with kitchen ette. yu 141 ay st. BASEMENT ROOM for workingman. light ana coo King gas, iu. ova v landers. LARGE FRONT ROOM and kitchenette, avaliaDie Tuesday. 00 landers. 2-ROOM attic. H, K. suite, running water $22. 57 Trinity piace. KICE rooms and H. K. apartments Xor rent at 387 Yamhill, real close in. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor. Mar. 1331 or 587 Wash. NICE, clean basement room for H. K., 147 N. 17th st.. Broadway 5371. inarge front H. K. room. 249 13th, FOR BENT. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE of 2 nice front rooms, can be Arranged for H. K., one nice Deoroom with cooking privileges, warning ais tance. Call after noon, 370 Broadway, phone Main 71U8. V.ARGE. airy. 2-room H. K. suite, S win- aowa lacing east, steel range ana sua. first floor, bath and electric ugnts tree. stationary tubs: $18. 2-room suite, $14. ItiSi Macadam at. East S235. Main onad. HOUSEKBfSPING, single rooms and dou ble, l cottage, all furnished. 203 stanton corner Commercial. Wood lawn 4086. FUhMSHED ROOMS for H. K. 662 E. Taylor. East 4LI39. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. ONE large, well-furnished H. K room with kitchenette, also one very large sleeping room, front, ground floor, walk ing distance. 515 Morrison. Phone Bdwy. 4433. 2 H. K. ROOMS and kitchenette; steam heated, everything furnished, $30 per mo.; large single rooms, $5 per week. 445 Columbia. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent in private family; housekeeping privileges ir de sired, $10 a month. 765 Hawthorne. East 8072. DESIRABLE H . K. room and sleeping porch, fine residence, everything tur nifhed, $7 week. See to appreciate. Main SOS 5. IRVINGTON. Three furnished H. K. rooms with pis no and all conveniences. Phone East 4 soS. ONE splendid housekeeping room, west sine, easy walking distance. reason able: also 2 H. K. rooms. 624 Flanders st. Bdwy. 2125. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms on unnysiae cariine, 105 iast wn. Tabor 822. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, Dotn rronc rooms, good neigh rjornooa, fine view. Phone Woodlawn 2708 FURNISHED room with kitchenette, also sleeping room: modern conveniences; PLEASANT room, furnished for sleeping or housekeeping, for gentlemen. 4l1 10th st. S. NICELY furnished housekeeping room. close In, west side; also sleeping room. Phone Marshall 3359. ONE large front room and kitchen; also large, tront sleeping rooms. S31 14th Bt., near Clay. Main 5608. HOUSE KEEPING rooms, j-easonable, new ly tinted. mo Couch st., block or 16th rtnd Washington sts. 3'HOOM furnished housekeping; running water, elcc, gas, all for $20. 250 Market. T3 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping with sleeping porch and garage. e. wain. LARGE, cool, pleasant room, first floor; good car service; separate entrance. Ta- hor 1526. . TWO very nice large rooms, everything iurnisneo Dut cooking gas; z beds, u N. 23d st. Main 4722 LARGE f ront housekeeninr room with kitchenette, neatly furnished. 187 Chap man. Main 206$. 2 LARGE clean rooms furnished, nice porcn, nouseueeping privileges. 755 E. Burns! de. FVKNISHFD 2 H. K. rooms with kitch- enette. 521 Mill, cor. 16th. CLEAN rooms, partly furnished, tseil w ood 650. HOUSEKEEPING apt., in private resi- nence. ra&or 426. 1117 Market. 2 H. K. ROOMS, furnished: adults. 286 12th et. TWO housekeeping rooms, 126 I4tn st. nroaqway -otu. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 3S6 r-arn. near Montgomery. Main 7727. THREE nice, clean rooms-in bungalow, on best carline. 263 E. 32d st. SINGLE housekeeping room, newly dec- orateq. lor laqy. Q4 6th St. HOUSEKEEPING room, 1st and 2d floors. Running water. 549 6th m. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms. rcasonaoie rent. 412-lQth St.. west side TO ADULTS 2 H. K. rooms, near car. Call u in. 4.1- t . 105 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. CLEAN, cool light housekeeping room. I FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 593 Belmont. ONE single light housekeeping room; mod- ern home; $10 a month. 294 14th st. TWO large housekeeping rooms; walking distance, reasonable rent. Main 6195. ONE large irge, light H. K. room and sleeping . 95 North 10th. room HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. nice, clearr. good location, quiet. 351-4 Stark. NEAT H. K. rooms, also sleeping room. 1 1 i J l 11 Bl, LARGE front parlor housekeeping; every thing furnished, $20. 475 Clay. 2-ROOMS nicely furnished, every thlng free. 475 Clay. NEATLY FURNISHED 2-room apt., rent reasonable. Adults. 547 Morrison st. Houses. 37TH, IN ROSE CITY PARK. $00 8 rooms and fine sleeping porch; 2 rooms in attic; fireplace, furnace, nice yard; hard surface, good repair "SEE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 6-ROOM HOUSE and double garage, choice close-in E. S. location, paved st., 1 block from car. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry Bldg. o ocAi, witn or without garage; fine east-side location. cIoaa in - UitvAn . Ruud heater and wood in basement for 3ttl. -H3l IdB. uu.vt nouse lor rent at $26 month, fur niture for sale at $50; lovely yard for children. East, 514t). 374 Halsey, near IRVINGTON 642 Tillamook street, cor. E. moaern B-room bouse and garage; hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, vacant. Tabor 8018. ROOM house, walking distance, electric lights, bath, larrre basement and yard; no furnace or fireplace. Kent $40. Key "3 V...I Duriiniu, SI. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NOMHWiiSTERN ELECTRIC light rvic Broadway BSO, A 874T. FOR RENT Modern house, fine con dition, b rooms, fine neighborhood, cen- tral location; rent $40. Call 747 E. Burn. side st. ROOM modern house, 1 acre of ground, for rent. 7610 50th ave., at Thurman sta- EaSi 1M06 SCU Une; ' 18 50- phon MOVING Pla-no. tnrnlmra ..w ' " " .lauuiiB . .pecisiiy. KJ. & w. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwv. B12L 5 ROOMS in private home, not "furnished. aauits, reierences required Main 594 before 1 p. M. r"iulrBa- AB?.1iT ,Aue- lst- modern 6-room house .uu .ictiiin, porcn and garage. Walk Ing distance. Adults only. Phone 210-19. FOR RENT 5-room house, modern n-ith garage. $30 per month. Inquire 7104 ifth ave. Mt. Scott car to Tremont DESIRABLE 8-room house, walking dls- HaTsey. vomers pay. 334 LOCAL and long-distance moving and equipment. areen Tr. Co.. 02 Alder st. Main 1261. 672-U1 4-ROOM cottage, unfurnished: al.etri l'e ';, .Sas water, wired for telephone; rent $1. Call 125 14th st. ' ' 5-ROOM house for rent. $17.50 per month. Clay st cneap. 475 E. 5-ROOM cottage, hot and cold water, bath. f ' ul 1"- App y 247 Whitaker st. 5-ROOM bungalow, gal range for sale tail at mas 4,tt st. S. E., between 1 and 4 P. M. Sunday. 6-ROOM house for $23.50. 1 block from orand ave. 42B E. Grant. TWO airy front H. K. rooms, choice local ity: $18; close in. 40S Main. aouoish.Eisi'iMi suite for rent. Call 6S7E. Everett St.; close in; reasonable. MODERN 6-roo n house, desirable location Phone Miln 63SS Monday. HOUSE for rent, partly Xurnished. 6106 S5th ave. S. E. FOR RENT $30, modern 5-room bunga low. furnace, adults. Main 4097. CuTTAGK, partly furnished; modern; fireplace, etc. Phone Main 7937. MODERN house, close to car, $25. Morris. Main 4416. NEW 6-room Arlington Hts. residence, $80. Phone Oak Grove l-M evenings. TO RENT 6-room house. Strong & Mac. Naughton. 701 Corbett bldg. i4 ROOMS, near center of city; rent $85. Phone owner. Mar. 5213. MODERN bungalow, 4 -rooms and bath. $J5. 1303 Campbell st. No child re n . HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 547 5th st. SMALL 4-room house, water. light, toilet, $1.50. 83 Interstate. Failing Overlook. 7-ROOM modern house for rent, also ga rage. 7S4 Wood st. Mar. 2412. 5-ROOM modern house. 74 Ellis ave, Sell wood 5173. FOR RENT. LAURELHURST. FOR RENT T rooms and sleeping; porch, completely furnished. In cluding piano, modern in every respect, 2 blocks from park and clubhouse; will rent for 3 months; price $100 per month. , Call at 11S5 B. Couch, Phone Tabor 1478. $12.60 PER MONTH Includes water with 5 nice airy rooms.with pantry, bath and toilet second floor; easy access ; splen did family o-f 4 only occupy first floor: house on 2 full lots with fine shade trees and flowers : 2 blocks from car line. W. A. Williams, phone Main 4479. 422 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM MODERN HOME. 630 East Ankeny. This is a nice neighborhood close In and all large rooms, $.5 per month ; will lease for year or more if desired, to adults only. Particulars G. A. Sarles, 733 North western Bank. SACRIFICE. Furniture of 8 rooms, all or part house for rent, $40 per month. Beautiful yard, all kinds of fruit. 5 minues' walk from heart of city; call between 9 A. M. and t 4 P. M. Sunday. 554 First St., corner Lincoln. No agents. 7-ROOM HOUSB, Clackamas street, near 'East First, close in, easy walking dis tance, $35.' A. H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. FOR THE SUMMER Well furnished mod ern '7-room house, hardwood floors, ga rage, in Irvington district. Call between 10 and 6, 672 Halsey, or telephone East 333. t UNUSUALLY attractive 5-room bungalow; all floors hardwood, stone fireplace, fur nace, sleeping porch, breakfast nook ; adult, only one block from Hawthorne car. Tabor 5802. AUGUST 1 Beautiful Irvington home, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, etc. $85 a month. 500 Eat 25th st. North. Phone East 4633. Call afternoons or even ings. $45 FLAT of 2 three-room apartments. 591 Washington, near 18th. 4-K. HOUSE, $30. 937 E. 18th N. Apply 284 Oak st. Furnished House. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow. Rose City atk ; narawood floors tnrougnoui. lire place, furnace. Dutch kitchen, crarage. furnished. Owner must be in east for year; will lease to responsible party only. $hu per month. References required. Ar, 465, Oregonian. FOR RENT for A and SeDtember. 6- room modern furnished house with piano. Victrnla. aiso traa. electricity phone, water. wood, chickens. lawn. roses; references required. o40 M&rguer ite ave. Phone Sellwood 238S. WEST SIDE 15 min. walk to S. Port land shipyards or P. O. ; gas, bath. basement ; partly furnished ; 5 rooms downstairs, 2 up. . $30. Call 470 Hall st. for key. Main 7495. F LHMSH ED 5- room house on Oregon City car line. 25 minutes' ride from Jst and Alder. Phone mornings. Miiwatikie 52W. or address P. O. box 165. Mil- wan kie. Or. 5-ROOM FURNISHED modern house for rent; garage, phone. Sunday Tabor 5318 or see me at Artisan Bldg., Oak and Broadway, week days. Elevator man, J. V. Tapp. 5-ROOM furnished house, 1 mile so. Ore gon City; bath, water, electric; garden in; 2 lots; $20 per mo.. 1 year's lease required. A 963, Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, ga rage. Best part or Piedmont; near Jefferson high school. Wdln. 1704. Wl LL rent home on Westover TeiTace. Aug. 1 to- Dec. 1. All electrical con veniences. Gasco furnace, 3 baths. Mar shall 1435. COMFORTABLY furnif-hed Piedmont home, garage, lovely grounds, fruit, ber- I rie, bat. of summer. Phone Woodlawn 1 1 ;v IRVINGTON. 7-room furnished house, large yard. garage; 2 months, $85 per month. Phone 1 Aiain it5i4. TO RENT For month of August. 7-room modern, completely furnished house. Best of references required. 450 E. 24th 7-ROOM modern house for rent, $30, furni ture ror sale. 4m. Kasy terms. 542 East Oak near 12th. Can be seen after 11 A. M. FOR RENT Small 3-room furnished nouse. close in. lease u months or lonirer. $18 month. 49 E. 7th et., between ua K and pine. LARGE 3-room bungalow, completelv f ur- nished; clean; no children; $45. Phone Tabor 1610. or call 242 E. 44th t.. 1 uonuoi n&wiiiorne ave. rtKKiNnKU nouse ror rent, 6 rooms moaern nouse lor rent at $50 per mo. Call Tabor 630. 2 blocks from Franklin nign scnooi. WELL-FURNISHED, clean 5-room house; I adults; references; good location. 368 iv n oil et. $32.50 CLEAN, light, airy, 4-room flat. Hii'upuiK porcn anu private oath, in quire on premises. 671 Bejmont st. $40 WELL furnished 5-room modern cotttrge; bring your linens. 1278 East J ay lor. TO RENT 3-room house, partly f ur- I nished. Apply Strong & MacNaughton, MODERN furnished house: references ex changed. Call 125 14th st. for informa tion. 8-nuuw nouse tor two months or one year. 774 Wasco St., cor. 24th. Ea?t iii). NEW 5-room furnished bungalow In Rose I City Park for 2 months. Keferencea re- quired. Call Main 451. HOUSE. 3 rooms, toilet and closet. oOL'9 with ave.; small garden. Owner, 47 naioive. s. Hi. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room modern house, with or without garage. 407 Beech st . East 00S0. U-KUUM house, furniture for bale. BROWN & BIDDLB, 324 Hallway Exchange Bldg. Se FOR RENT For 2 months, furnished 6- room nouse; player piano. $40 per mo. v nil inuor u,. $55 7-ROOM furnished residence, garage. close in. oo E. Alder st., near 19th. COZILY furnished three-room cottaee. with I sleeping Porch. Oswern Lnlt. for -.(! cash. East 6S34 or Oswego .131. GOOD plain furniture of 6 rooms, $275- rent or house $3i.50; walking distance. East 8104. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 309 E. 0th st. S.. 32.50. East 5235. COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room bungalow. $40. Call mornings. Sell. 3701. 9 LARGE rooms,' furnished house; 2 years" lease required. 628Everett. FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 97 Morris st., $30 a month. Main 880. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, light and phone. Tabor 3394. 1080 Belmont st. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent. E. 80th Call Tabor 811. 6-ROOM house. - block- from car; near stores, scnooi. $3M mo. , Tabor 4934. FURNISHED house, very reasonable. 720 E. Ankeny. FOUR-ROOM furnished house, 1068 E 17th soutn, sellwood car. f URMsHfclJ it-room house. 1 room re served. 2l6 E. 32d st. S. Call today. 4-ROOM nicely furnished house. Myrtle I Park; $30: no children. 4421 15th st. Bummer Resorts. ROOM for rent at Rockaway beach, pri vate oottage. ian mornings oeiore xi. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping suites, bj 1 week, month r season; fine location; reasonaoie. pox oou, .Newport, ur. GEARHART cottage for rent Aug. 1 Sept. 5: 6 rooms and bath, $13o. Box Ml. uearnart. or. WANTED House at Sea View or vicinity, for first 2 weeks in August. Phone 52S-31. TRY Surprise housekeeping apartments, one. two and three-room, $7 week and up. 321 6th ave.. Seaside. 3-ROOM flat, one side of double house, two beds, lights, water, wood, $15 week. 321 6th ave. bngiana. TENT-HOUSE, 16x16. Cannon beach. For particulars address BC 43-4. Oregonian. SEAVIEW 4-room cottage, desirable; also house tent for July. Main 8908. OCEAN CREST APT3. Light housekeep- lng. Rockaway Beach. 5-KOoA cottage at Long Beach. Call Main 4094. FOR RENT 4-room Call East 513. cabin at Welches. FOR SALE OR RENT Seaside cottage. Call n.. itwu. w OCEAN ' PARK 4, 5 or 8-room cottage. Main 5185. F. C. King. FOR RENT Two cottages. two tents. Ocean Park. Wash. L: C. Stone. COTTAGE for rent at ML Hood. Call Monday Woodlawn 1804. FURNISHED COTTAGE, at Bay Ocean. Phone Woodlawn. 3 IS 8. FOR RENT. Summer Reorta. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED AT SEASIDE. Mother with little girl 44 yra. wishes room and board for about a month where husband can spend week end; or would consider nice modern room or apartment where could cook if wanted to. Kindly give .price and particulars. Phone Tabor 8152 or wie A. H. 411, Oregonlan. CHOICEST location on Salmon river, about half acre, near Welches, Mt. Hood road; beautiful surroundings and view; newly finished house, four rooms, par tially furnished and steeping porch; for sale reasonably. East 4091. LONG BEACH NORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean; surf bathing; large, shady grounds; rooms $1.50 day n nri tin FllR'lf?HF.n HOUSEKEEPING. TENTS. $10 week. Marshall 2309 or box 191. Long Beach, Wian GEARHART For rent for balance July, ir bob ann S.rnnm Jilnrifrn bouse COnl Ttlnt: v t urnlshed f ronttntr eolf links, on Cottage ave. House open for examina tion this week. A. H. Birrell Co.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. MacLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Pntt atrm fnp rant nn.rtlV furnished -ska fY,.r tmm r,nwan station Oil 4th-st. red electric line. Maclean. 6oT Lewis bldg. Pbonea Bdwy. uOOO and Oawego 31. COMPLETELY FURNISHED cottages, elec trie lights, city water; 1 room, Aug. in 21. $5; 2-room. Aug. 7-Sept. 7. $40, or $10 per ween; J-room, Aug. i-pi. " or $11 per week. Sellwood 1791. FOR RENT Cotnoletelv furnished moun tain cottage on still creeK. near xvu- dodendron, for hai, or season or inquire ri. A. tjaiei. oa otn at. ROOM with privilege of housekeeping, rea- Wraah. " Inquire of A. Bettmenst. No.. N. 2d St. SPEND your vacation at Hotel Ecola, Can rtnn Wsi.r-h nparpiir tni suri. wner in view of all rooms; also housekeeping tent houses; bus meets trains at geasiae, THE AN DORA HOTEL, Seaside, room and board, reasonable rates; xneais eervea family sty I, home cooking and baking; 3 blks. nortn or postoiiice. RF.A mKST POTTAGES. NEWPORT. OR. 2 and 3-room rurnisnea cottaices irom Jng beach for rent by wees; or month. Chris Arms, proix SEAVI EW. WASH. On boulevard and hPitrh. nicelv furnished, cottage; a oeu. electric lights, good water; 535 for two weeks, commencing now. jast wi. tr vi fii m idhrl rntta e:e. biff- ooen-air I bedroom, 4 beds, 2 porches, also big furnished tent, electric lights; good location. Seaside. Main 1967. riwiOM KKAf!H For rent, nicely fur nished cottage last two weeks in Au gust. Address. 101 12th st.. Oregon City, Or. Phone 709. SEASIDE Beautiful house. 4 bedrooms, ocean view, fireplace, glassed porch. Jti season. A. L. Peel. 4tnont cottuze at Seaview. fireplace. electricity, hot water. Main 2978 before 6 P. M. KKASILE. OR. New. furnished, 2-room houses, suit able for 3 or 4 people. 100 1st ave. West. SRASinR l.mnm housekeeping cottage. H block boardwalk and ocean; good view; elec. lights. 2 beds. Main 6.07. FURNISHED housekeeping- rooms. Sea side. Address Mrs. M. II. Judge, corner T h i rdst. and Second ave. OSWEGO LAKE CAMPSITES for rent, $4 per month, free wood and water, hpena your vacation at the lake. Phone Main 85. SiX-BEDROOM furnished house, con venient. Address Club House, Manza- nlta. Or., or Main 7292. SEASIDE Roa'n and board In modern home, near ocean, a ween. air, j. Rmnsey, 237 I'Jtii ave. - FOR RENT Six-room cottage furnished ; sea view; until Aug. 10. Running water. G. W. Yeager, Long Beach, Wash. 4-ROOC furnished cottage. Ocean Park. Wash., for rent or for sale for the 3 first weeks in August. Call E. 3.49. FOR RENT or sale, -furnlFhed 5-room cot- tage at Long Beach, Wash.; good loca- tion. H 926, oregonian. AT SEASIDE Housekeeping room, private family. $10 to $15 a week.; moaern. ocean view. Main rio4. &.HOOM FURNISHED COTTAGE at Sa- Mide, on paved street, fr balance of July or for July and August. Tabor 1428. keAh-KAH-NIE To rent, a 5-room beach cottage, tuny rurnisnea; loveiy view; Augunt. $5Q. Eaton. Main zjjt. 3-ROOM furnished cottages with running water. $3S montn, iu weeK. mnt, vvm. C. Pearson, Long Beach. Wash. "THE AUSTIN Sleeping rooms, house keeping rooms and housekeeping tents. Address oox ceasioe, yjr. LOOKING FOR LOCATION ? A few choice locations on principal retail streets. Phone Main 4ohS. PHnirE RESTAURANT LOCATION. For rent That store In brbk build in. 208 Madiion St.. about 20 feet front age and nearly 60 feet deep; excellently adapted for restaurant purposes; trans fer rmint for bridxe cars. A. H. Birrell Co., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Mar- shall 4114. MADISON STREET STORE. In brick bldg., bet. Front and First sts., good store room for rent reasonable on busy Street, near iransicr pumi. A H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. i.kasr SALESROOM 30x25. WITH ADDITIONAL. Sl'ALKi ir4 . n, jn i- AGE. SPEEDWEL.L. GARAGE. 14TH AND COUCH. STS. ftfjnUi KKUAU- WAY 3974. $25 MONTH S rooms; can be used for manUiaCtUrinSJ, OH ices or nguw:cpinB. Morrison. 1 FOR RENT Store in very good location, $15 per month. Call at corner bakery. E. 39th and E. Lincoln sts. CHOICE business property, one or two floors, Burnside St.. at 14th. See Ray A Smith. $25 STORE, west Side, close L 23x94 fcTt. Tabor 1114. ' Offices. Tiir PTTTrtr K BLOCK HAS A STMBER OF HIGH'.T DESIRABLE OFFICES Tir.rv J.-ort IMMEDIATE OCCU. DAV-r-v OVE LARGE SUITE OF NINE ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BDWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM 414 PIT- TOCK BLOCK. piTus.-rttuij'. ri n.ffice. 1115: also front office. arrange for reception room, phone and eirl. 207 Stock .xcnange, ou anu iiu hill. - ' cftWFKTRKT office with telephone and use of large reception room. -n Corbett bldg. itwi,'. r i.nmnlftHv furnished office. F. H. V. Andrews. -004 riait o-ius.. iprepnooc Marshall 6025. t a xnv. nffif with use of reception roon and typewriter; rent reasonable. 610- 12 Ptttock block. OFFICE for rent. Spalding bldg. Main 1634. BTJSrNKSS OFPORiTMTrBI. MOVINO PICTURES $4750 for a well equipped suburban house that will pay you a good Income .nH T helieve can be built up to $100 week If you have $10,000 for first pay ment and will get quick action I can put you into a real money-maker. WESTON & CO.. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. RESTAURANTS. fine location: seats 58: well equipped: doing good business: rent $io, lease; brick: price $1900 bargain. west side, close in seats 30 people: rent '$35: well eauipped: good reason for selling: price $1000. terms; bargain. r-Mll 1B3W West Park st. O. F. Anderson. ARE you looking for a good paying busi ness? 1 Wisn to reiim juu -..i Invoice my $2000 stock of groceries. Fix tures. Including almost new Chevrolet delivery car. $1000; sales $125 dally; rent only $20. Phone Woodlawn 698 for a ppointment. FOR SALEl A Cadillac roadster, in per fect mechanical condition, practically new cord tire, 2 extra cord tires, bump er spotlight and other equipment, late model, color pea green, finished with gold border: must be sold at once to settle estate. n m msuui.u. FOR SALE By owner, store near large public school. Grocery, confectionery. school supplies, etc. Good community, i.ivin, rooms In connection. Price rea sonable, 584 Umatilla ave. Phone Sell. 507. FOR SALE A second-hand furniture I store. Will take Ford truck as part parmeit, Bd. 5454, zzi savier t. -crn sir,?. First mortgage, irtr.0. payable $50 monthly; will discount 10. Tel. wooniawn -'- WILL sell my paper and job printing out fit at the right price. AV l-'4, Orego 1 LO(i hauling Job if you have a truck and "trf Her. Call st 227 Salmon. Main 8154. A GOOD grocery store for sale; must sell I at once. Fuon East 2221 Monday. , BCPTXESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AOENCT. INC. 614-20 Swetland Bldg.i Phone Marshall 8969. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BAKERT. This Is a real business with the right price; in the heart of the market. Long lease and invoice proposition. Receipts over $80. About $3000. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS. TO BACCO & LIGHT GROCERIES. Located on west side. In the heart of apartment house district. Doing $75 every day. $150 on Sun days. This is one of the neatest places on the west side. Has al ways enjoyed a big business, good all the year around. Two living - rooms and storeroom. Price $3SO0. Rent $40. CONFECTIONERY. Rent $100. Price $3000 or will in voice. wrill exchange for car or house. This Is a fine place, doing nice clean cash business of $50 per day and over. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS. TO BACCO AND GROCERIES. Rent $22.50. Large living rooms, .full basement, corner location; do ing a fine business. Has a large cigar and tobacco and fountain business. Price $2700, CAFETERIA, LIGHT GROCER IES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Nice corner location in factory district. Big transfer corner; do ing nice business. Small bake oven, making own pastry, bread, etc. Rent $35, with lease. Price $1500. CONFECTIONERY. West side, Yamhill st. location; candy-making outfit, fully equipped. This Is a snap at $2MH. Good lease, reasonable rent, Nuff said. GROCERY. One of the neatest and best lo cated groceries, close in on east side. To see this plaa. if you are a groceryman, means a buy, for you will not pass this kind of a proposition up. Lock it over and be convinced. Invoice proposition. Can't go wrong. Will run about $3000. GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY. Rent $40. 4 living rooms. 2 store rooms. Fixtures $500. and invoice will run approximately $3200. Do ing $3000 per month. Good loca tion on car line and cross roads. Good fountain, clean stock of con fectionery and groceries. GROCERY A CONFECTIONERY. Good west side location. Rent $25; 2 rooms. Doing a nice cash business, averaging $45 per day, cash and carry. GROCERY. Rent $30. Corner location. Re ceipts $200 per day cash, some de livery. Lump or invoice approxi mately $7000. This is a real busi ness and If you are looking for a real grocery business look this over. GROCERY AND LIGHT CON FECTIONERY. ; Rent $40; 4 living rooms, apart ment house district. Daily re ceipts $100. Price $6500. GROCERY. Large room and basement. Fix tures $390 and Invoice stock. This is in a fine location, oio competi tion. Will exchange for team oX mares or Ford. Kent $30. GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY. Rent $18; 2 living rooms and large basement. Doing $60 per day. Price $2100. Will take $1000 down, balance on payments. GROCERY A CONFECTIONERY. Rent $35; 2 rooms. A-room flat upstairs, also garage. New 2-story frame building. Price $2500. Do ing $50 to $75 dally cash and car ry. This is an exceptionally good buy. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. PORTLAND, OR. WHITE LUNCH CAFE. For saie, a first-class restaurant In Seaside, or.; six tables. 12 sloolsv coun ter, best location in town-; good Lang range, one good bake oven: can bake 30 pies at once, sell for a reasonable price, account ill health. G. E. Meter. Sea Bide. Or. I FOR SALE Grocery on 3d St., old estab llshed; doing a good business with large profits. I invite investigation that you may be satisfied. First time offered for sale. I ain retiring. Someone will get a snap. Stock and fixtures. $4000. an 740. Oregonian. GOING Oregon corporation doing whole sale business exclusively desires services of man with $5000 to take interest and act either in field or office capacity. Business is well established and invest nit.nt is secured. Address W 260, Ore gonian. GROUND floor real estate office; old es tablished. working b people, clearing $500 per month. Fine furniture, swel location. On account of sickness air compelled to go away. No reasonable offer refused. AC 807. Oregonian. WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity to better tneir pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, r-ortland, ur. ATTENTION! An old-established general Insurance and real estate business for sale rea sonable for cash, or for anything you may have to offer in exchange. T 923, Oregonian. tioOD general store for sale in the pros perous Willamette vaitey: invoice aDout $tiK0. doing about $2500 business per month: a money-maker. Sickness the only cause of .elling. Box AV 12.1. Or, gonlan. No agents. . I OWNER must sell or trade two-story building on a corner. located on car line in a business district; store occupied as a grocery; win sen or traae ror siock oi merchandise in city or country. t7, Oregonian. FERTIG. THE MDSE. BUYER. I am in the market for crockery. gran Ite. toys, notions, groceries, tobaccos, showcases, etc. No stocK too small too large. Write me. 1 pay the cash C. Fertlg. 307 Grant st.. .Portland. Or. xiiotHi Modern eauipped cafeteria, groun fi nnr inrnimn : - v r j r ichsc. set eh business done for yourself. Coover & Holman. 32-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. GARAGE FOR SALE. " Concrete bldg., lease at 100 month 411 tra-a- oils, tires, auto repairing am fuM of steady storage; net profits $ti00 month. Room 401 Dekum bitig. 1917 FORD delivery in good shape, $100 share in gooa puyniK r?mery, aino $35tt note at 7, runs 5 months, as first 7 A. ne K.ri.nm hnnn 790 IT Pacific st. 4iH. will handle good cafeteria, every thing complete, large seating capacity, extra-well equippeu ; location me oes Uqm with rltrht rent. MRS. THOMSON. b-M-21 HENRY BLDG. HERE YOU ARE. $900 cash. Dandy little confectionery StOre Wlin lUUIllalll. a ill ill iu IB. La OM.1I and possession. Cheap rent for good lo cation. ou w asningi-un m. FOR SALE High-grade small laundry and cleaning. r uuy equippeu, awu, AE 430. Oregonian. CLEANING, pressing shop. 1 block Port land hotel. Ford. Hoffman. 1S9 Park st. CANDY outfit and stock for sale at a ba gain. n.sningion bi. MUST sell my 25 shares in corporation, do ing good business. Inquire &10 FUfc JrtVMNESS orPORTt'NlTIES. HIGH-GR VDE TIRE ANT) TUBE DISTRIBUTORSHIP. Lending rubber manufacturer who is heavy national advertiser with excep tionally strong. ell-known product, of fers local business man or established tire dealer with sufficient capital and preferably an established sales organ ization an unusual opportunity to secure the distributorship for this territory. A strong selling tube makes this line par ticularly attractive to an established dealer. Factory -epresentative will deal direct. Addr-ss AV 100. OREGONIAN. A NEWSPAPER BARGAIN. Because of age and an incurable lame ness of the editor, the Sclo Tribune and job office is for sale. The printing plant alone cost $2SOO and is in good condition. Consists of a Hoe pony c linder press. two Challenge jobbers, gas engine. 3 im posing stones, paper cutter. Boston wire stapler, about 5ti fonts in all with body type about KMK) pounds, rules, borders, leads, etc.. in abundance. Plant is doina $40u0 to $5000 business yearly. - Is worth investigating. $2iM. cash or acceptable terms. Address The Tribune, Scio. Or, GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE; POLK CO.; ONLY ONE IN LA ROE FARM INC. AND SAW MILL COMMUNITY, O.N R. R. : ABOUT $3o0 BUSINESS PER MONTH. WITH $70l0 STOCK; NEW BUILDINGS AND FOUR ACRES H IGHLY IMPROVED LAND Will invoice Mock and sell buildings, fix tures anal land at actual value: am leav ing state. Fine opportunity for right man. Owner, AV lu2, Oregonian. FOR SALE Groce.-y end general mer chandise business. Well located in Sa km. Or. Stock S12.0OO to 1 15.M'0; rea etnte $10,000, consists of over 50'.0 feet ttore and warehouse spac. Als 5-room home in same building. This tr cas year of successful business. Gross mnlf this year wjll amount to about $'.0.6O'l. win pear thorough investigation. av dress box 522, Salem, Or. PATENTS Write for free guide book an evidence of conception blank; send mod el or saetcn and description or mvenuo for our free opinion of its patentable na ture; highest references, prompt at ten tion. reasonable terms. VICTOR J EVANS &. CO.. Hobart bldg.. San Fran clsco. Cal. Main oiLces, 642 Ninth iU Washington, D. C. HAVE you $6000? If vou have, then I ca sell vou a restaurant, cafeteria. Daaery and confectionery business, guaranteed to maae loU0 ciear prone every montn. 1 win guarantee you that you win ma your investment inside of 4 months. 1 you want a real business, then don't mls seeing M. Biackman. 440 E. Burnside. No agents need apply. BUSINESS man with J."O00 capital to act as jobber, taking; over state agency and our active accounts or widely ad vertised line: ranid turnovers: excel lent profits; to right man this account good for $23,000 to .)0.000 per year; must fully qualify In first letter. Room 7(U. lai 2d St., San Francisco. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen. $300 to $1500 necessary; you handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore If you will quality. For particulars address Secretary, 410 W. Howard. iU, a.u more. Aid. WELL established Portland manufacturing I concern has for immediate sale limited ! amount of preferred stock; dividends payable semi-annually; this is a rilt- edge proposition which will stand closest investigation. For further Information w rite to postofflce box bs7. lOf- PER AYM. (SECURITY $125,000). FOR "QUICK LOAN" OF $12,500. ABSOLUTELY SECURE, SAFE LOAN. ADDRESS PRINCIPALS, O 532, ORE JON i AN. FOR SALE by owner, grocery and confec- , tlnnery doing a fine cash business : stock and fixtures about $5000. or will invoice it ; clear from $200 to $250 a month! Come in and look It over. Owner has other business. Inquire A V 76. Orego nian. FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE. A nice clean Mock of new and used furniture to be sold at a very reasonable price ; a gooa opportunity ror anyone looking for successful business estab lished over 12 years. 94 GRAND AVE., COR. WASHINGTON. U. S. AND Canadian patents for sale. Our game trap, exclusive humane features. cat cues an animal by the neck, thu killing It instantly, no torture or lost OR SALE Well-equipped garage doing gooa Dusiness ut .Dayton, or. Also 1 2-ton Diamond T truck in rood condi tion, price Sii.'iOO. or will trade for car. balance cash or for small place. Addresa unaritrs Anaersen. box 131", Dayton, Or. WE offer wonderful opportunity to rel. able man to make from S.IO to $100 weekly at home in spare time. Direct by mail proposition. No experience needed. Capital required only $10. Mu- tuai Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. BV OWNER Garage that pays, best loca tion on west side, busineae well estab- llshed and big enough to be worth while; years lease; $2ouO will handle. Bdwy. 0I0H. COUPLES hiking through" from Portland to L. A., Cal., with a packing out tit; will consjder any advertising proposi tions or sign painting; leaving July 23. ri oij. urtgonmn. GROCERY FOR SALE, Grocery stock will invoice about $2750 me diate possession. AV 87. Oregonian. FOR RENT OR LEASE A good business store room, centrally located at 3d and oak sts.. so leel deep, back entrance. plenty big for any line business; rent reasonable. oi rnird st MANUFACTURING and wholesale lumber firm, coins: concern in bealthv condition. has opening for man desirous of takine active part in its affairs with investment or s.iumi to m,ouu. a .j. uregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale in one of beat little tow-ns in washinrton. A snau. Inquire Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply CO. FI RST-CLA?S p hooting gallery and root beer stand connected, best location on Sixth st., doing good business. Call or write to i' . sixth bt. IF YOL are looking-for a good small business that can be handled by man I and wife, look this up. L 52 S. Orego nian. $1500 BUYS confectionery, etc.. 3 pool I tables, rara tames in rear ; 7 rooms uo- stairs: in a eood town: -'4 years lease; rent UP. AV 1 4 s. urec o ni a n . FOR SALE Going out of business, will sell my fi-ft. soda fountain. 2 showcases. tables and chairs, elect, mixer, etc. Call after S P. M . :t5 Mississippi ave. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream and lunches. good location: i?.u casn: suitable for man and wife; deal with owner. L ,.J i . Oregonian. BUSINESS opening for the right parties; $10,000 required; nanaie your own money and have controlling interest; absolute ly secured. BC 730. Uregonian. A BARGAIN if taken at once; good freight run ; must sen on account or sickness; cash and payments, owner, c 5-0, Orego nian. TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sale in rood live lumber own: oargain; particulars i Jacob Miller Barber Supply Ce., 231 3d st. . FOR SALE Tinning and plumbing busi ness in live town; some stock and all necessary tools: plenty work. Write owner, Fred Brunner, lnlock. Wash. FOR SALE by owner, a first-class 4-table pool hall and cigar stand; low rent, long lease. 537 Union ave. N.. at Russell st East 4217. RESTAURANT Nice small place, on cor ner; 6 tables and 9 stools. Call before noon at 375 fc.. tturnsiae st. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIKSONS WHITE SH ItiuU MATJSKNITX HOME. 708 E. 72d N. t'HU.VK ai-Wtf. TAILOR SHOP for sale: the best location in this city: also good for women's wear store. L 33U. uregonian. GET INTO BUSINESS; secure agency for Earls (jaiirornia orange cmer; ma $5000 to $10,000 year. Woodlawn 5fiL4 Earl's California orange cider; make ooaiawn dl-. $1800 POOL HALL, soft drinks and con fectionerv: corner location; reasonable re nt. 6S2 Un ion ave. N. FOR SCALE -Good paying restaurant on North 6th st.; 2 years' lease; $1500. 73 V N. 6th st. FOR SALE $400. lunch counter. soft drink parlors. 312 2d at. MUST sell, on account of sickness, res taurant near shipyards. 335 lst t. First-claps mod. beauty shop, select clients; Aap for immed. AV IU. Oregoanuv fur. For particulars. address I.ouU 1 FOR SALS 3Hi acres. Wernicke, box 1017. Milwaukee. Wis. In famous Smoky river ntnrc'e,. ,7' WA-NTEU-A real live person to take my Km,lted tia anthracite" Price U.".0.- - beautiful Montrose park on Columbia SSn Proiertv will stand closest Insuec- highway and make good; 20 acres. Vharles Andersen, part owner, box Ideal camping, picnic and bathing park; n-fton Or I' S. A. large dance pavilion. bee Mr. Klugler, u atpq : rr- . i ....... .i-r-i'Il t.Hv ..nnhl, OL rUPUllS casn sales nu lo liuu day; rent only EVPERIECED lady, capable oi riiniimB $25. with a lease. Call room "401 Dekum . new and up-to-date beauty parlor es bidg. tablishment in connection with ladies ON ACCOUNT of ill health will sell my ready-to-wear store yo right general blacksmith shoo, located In good ,esonv"?'n?.1PPor salary basis lumbering and farming district: O. K. Party. K,r"nflP oreronian husines.: 14000 to handle: rlv. Imm. agreeable. AV 14j. Uregonian. BTTSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. CITY GARAGE. Brick bide, space for housing 50 cars, fully equipped with all neces sary machinery, including vulcan izing plant and wash trays; one of the best locations in the cay and all the business that four men can handle; lease at month. This is the best in Port land for $45o0. FOR SALE paraphernalia, now in operation under efficient management, with bookings for future lair dates etc . Will sell on account of dissolu tion of partnership. Price $;0o0. Would cost more than double to duplicate. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. One of the best locations in Port land: guod lease at $1;0 Pr month. It is domg a mess of $225 per day. This will bear in vestigation. GARAGE. On state highway, very cheap rent; doing a good bus mes s and can be improved; about ;o from Portland. Price $2000. in cluding all stock. BOTT MINK ANp CARD BOOM. strictly up-to-date l, 1 rir room in r? ith-card table, .nd lunch coon; t-r. This is in center of Ju nes. dtrict. Price about 4o00 at invoice. PMALL RESTAURANT Klrst-class location. rent Can give terms if necessary. VULCANIZING SHOP. buvs everything, inciuu.... Owner leaving city. T. RIERPOS, HITTER. LOWE ft C O 201-S-O-T Board, of Trulls bids. t . jrri v T-'oR stLE Only balterr In Tn'g new Triumph dou?h mUcr h.tTsr hrick oven. etc. Doing an -;in.Cof?T5-da,l retail -nd who sale, no aenyery. '"--" -- b,-U- wlll Invoice aui l.. 0r lne sickness. B. Knoll, tollverton. ur. r--rnrrie hardware, snort, .u. ... c-1-..m- 11 out) cash and an exeep the balance as " ' ' d uay .: i i-mrn to ret into a fcooa pay ing business for a little men .y. i w HANK BLDG. MAIN 8731 1102 . r- d.utVFH WANTED. Partner wanted ' oncrjt. fng and big JtoVaJeT' location one of the b"t and profits are UW. ' good reference, can buy interest at ati,urriu-..- 1 icKum nniK. i:nnH roxioni for selling. AV 14. ore gonian. Tl.ndv man with f.'.ob "can buy equal half Interest In a concrete garage. . steady - , puir worn " 'Jul Dkum Tor eacn partner. bldg. FOR SALE A small -mVables. 8 me it, ooarawniR. V"1h- wiiiw chairs. 4 stools, metai " " e hake mnenmes. j , w dishes, refrigerator ana otn;.r Ues: $350 takes it. Concession to Out. 1 1920. Box ill. Bewr. A WELL established battery doing " . i. . ftwner wants business a montn i" r "..- i,g to retire for a long needed res :. leaf e and reasonable rent: this place Is worth r3 000 will take $10,000 or " 're spot cash; stock, at invoice. O -09. Ore gonlan. fabMshment in connection with Ivies' ready-to-wear store in growing cl.y new ana up-w-ui" , Oregon; splendid opportunity party; partnership or salary basis agree able. AV 145. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASScafe in growing town with gooa imuro, ncsfc, can t 7V.Ij otq . Kennewick, Wash. TTT . l- t l- -.mrerv -tore, gooa lOWD r vi-. ,.:;.".. ... u '7rt: fix rr .1318.. Inventory sheet can b V .i.- -,irfr Hids close i nurs Been ai uci . . n,..,, ut riUv July 22. AGJUSIIBCUI Pittock blk. VITPAPTtTRING. a r D,Au-inir hllMlneSS WttltB a partner to look aftr the shipping, check goods, etc.: profits are large and $1.1.0 iil h,.v eaual half interest. Call room 401, Dekum blog. . -T- i u' HAITI. ING. ... r.r ,o transfe fanner nvn ..- - . . business, hauling for merchants in and nut of Portland. This is a good estab lished route and clears $:i00 montn tor each Partner: $20oo cash will handle. each par: 401 Dvikum bldg. 'a!I room wcAl. (iPPORTUiNITY. A profitable German electrical anu facturer seeks American capital flO.uoi to $20,000. For particulars and V11.11 address w. Meinmeici, 47 Krour.berg Strasae 3. Qermany. SALE A retail general dry good FOR nlan. npir. A vd CONFECTIONERY fttnrk new and clean, will Invoice . t'tftod- nwnr is not a druggist an t... nthor interest: weil eauipped; will lease fixtures with building. Write or chM on A. W. OilliB. Monitor. Or. ivl W. Kaltk in : 4-SiOrs 5-room cottage. oarn, wrutn, Vmww treets, cerae&t scidewalks; building line condition; income $."0 monta; $o000 caso. By owner. J. Fulton, 2u N. st Newburg, Or. t1vtVF:R FOR GARAGE. Owner of a garage nteds a partner to se.l the cas. oils, tires, etc. as ne : busy repairing auioa .uu - iwn. the front end; profits are good, tail room 401 pkum bijs. FOR SALE OR TRADK 1 nnving reian store and property locairu ...,-;..Ui town in stock country. Must dispose of quickly on account of ill health. Ad dress AV 101, Oregonian. 1 -'350 GROCERY, confectionery. doing sill to S0 day. good fixtures, clean stock, living rooms, furnished; rent $30; .year lease; must sacrifice: some terms. See Morris. 24S Stark st Mam 542. niRir.E FOR SALE. Concrete bldg.; lease at $100 month; ell gas, oils, tires, auto repairing and full of steady storage; net profits $00(i month. Room 401, Dekum bldg. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, tobaccos, lunches, 2o0 month clear; rent $15; liv ing room; fuel and light free; price SHOO; invoice oer J120u. Buy lfom own er. Love's. 17th and Alberta. - IF YOU WANT TO SELL your business to get quick results cali or see Mr. Harper. Main 5S3, Main 10tf4. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 STARK STREET. I H LF interest wholesale, retail fuel busi ness, long established, duin good busi ness: good reasons for selling. No agents. Phone Tabor Address AH 732, Ore gonian ) CON b x z wu .. i " XVi iuin..u "r , , - , , : . business; oi biuik, uunums kiiu iui- mshingi. S16 Pittsburg st. Phone Co lumbia S23. A HARDWARE STORE Established 7 years; net profits $4000 to $oUU0 year; owner retiring will sell cheap. Room 41 Dekum bldg. DRUG STORE. Sunnyside district, doing $30, to $40 dally, in fine settlement. J. J. Fisher, Tabor 2634. FOR SALE General store at Metager. Or., doing $100 per day. Witl Put maa & Fuimaa. .. . Fully equipped with modern ap pliances and doing a good busi ness; 3. large close run i. goods, etc.: cah sales " be Increased: stock and good wiHrn voice ;i.i.. but on account of 11 heaitn sura A!.. sr-gyiS LoNKECTlONEKY and restaurant, in good town 30 mi. from Portland on electric road Doing a good bu.ine; a good place for man and wife; h 1.rotm above that can be kept f ".t(?e time. Don't miss this; a dandy Plate. I . . n. ... r- r. . BrSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 50 PROFIT, (OR BETTER). WANT ONE OR MORE PARTIES TO $10,000 TO JOIN US WITH OR WITH OUT SERVICES. MONEY SECURED. A REAL "E3- SENTIAL ENTERPRISE." NO EX PERIMENT OR GAMBLE ABOUT IT. (NuTHINO JUST LIKE IT. DIS TRIBUTORS' CONTRACT COVERS OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. FULL INFORMATION UPON INTER VIEW. ADDRESS J 902, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Postoffice news stand in a thriving Montana city with population (f 7000 ; splendid proposition doing a wonderful business for a small ttand. Daily average cash sales last month $77. Other interests demand present change in location. AH correspondence answered. Write H. W. iSchwer titter. Box 75, Red Lode, Mont. MONDAY SPECIALS OPEN KVE.Nl.No3, iO room hotel, modern. 20 housekeeping rooms. 14 housekepeing rooms. 12 housekeeping rooms. ! 9 b oustikeep in g room s. 7 housekeeping rooms. Several clean fiats, all walking distance, BARNEY JOHNSON A CO.. Main 3i6o. 170 Tnth St. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GRO CERY ALL WHITE KN AM EL FIXTURES. A complete place, with 2 living rooms and furniture, soda fountain, cash reg ister, showcases and stock, doing $35 Pr day. A real snap. On corner. All for $1300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. FOR SALE. WHOLE-SALE AND RETAIL J ESTABLISHED BUSINESS i IN" ASTORIA. Will make right party reasonable term if required; state full particulars in first letter; only capable and responsible party will be considered; inquiries treat ed as confidential. Owner, A 238, Ore gon ian. DETROIT The greatest place on earth t maxe money. Ask ror oookiet whlca tells you how can make 60 per cent, on your money. Take your profits wseekly or monthly. Absolute security. This wi'.l interest shrewdest business man. Hank ers' Finance Co., 33-30-37 Stte street, Detroit. Mich. PARTNER with some capital to join manufacturing enterprise, either active, or investment. to turn out moderate cost houses. This is a complete, double constructed house, furnished ready for the occupant, scient itically constructed. Demand and territory unlimited. L 975, Oregonian. FOR S A L E Pool and soft drinks. L tables, low rent, long lease ; business good, making money ; big payroll town. On account of other business must sell. Price $3500. 605 Main St., Vancouver, Wa.h. 4 MODERN" pressing parlor with 5 A H-mT-man press, sewing machine and all nec essary fixtures; downtown location, low rent, established trade: will sell reason able; owner leaving city. Address AP S32. Oregonian. S W ELL opportunity for man and w lfe, home bakery and light grocery ; goal location, lease. Ilvint; rooms, good Iin -tures. clean stock ; money maker. $1 4.".0 cash. Triflers don't answer. AP OreRonlan. $950 CONFECTIONERY and root-beer barrel, located on Third st. :v$35 to $4J daily receipts; will take light auto as part payment. Call Sunday, 1 to 12 A. M., Main 5429, Morris. GROCERY and notion, best proposition of fered today, clearing $225 and better p r month ; rent $3o, with 6 living rooms and garage. Investigate at once. Call Col. 7o6. GOOD location for bakery, butcher shop or special t y store ; modern store bui .d ing in good population center; good in ducement to right parties. Johnson. 2-tS Stark st. HAVE equipment for garage and repa ir is hop. aldo Portland property ; trade tr wheat or stork ranch; consider partner ship in garage iu or out of city. P 924, tregonin n. A GOOD HUSTLER with a few hundred dollars can make several thousands dol lars per year. Handle your own money. lie your own boss. Give your phone No. O 96 1. Oregonian. 'OR SALE Doughnut establishment. serving with coffee ; retail and who lo cale. Wilt teach buyer making dough nut. Dally trade $11. SO. Cheap, for cash. llox 4H4, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Partner in manufacturing busi- n ess ; $ 2o0u req u i red ; good pro ti ts and good salary. I am thoroughly experi enced ; money fully secured. Address T 271. Oregonian. SUBURBAN', ground floor, well-located realty office, low rent; good furniture; have other affairs, cannot give it needed attention. $75. Address AH 441, Ore ironla n. IF YOU ARB LOOKING for a good garage business it will pay you to investigate. Will sell as a whole or interest to a good mechanic: storage pays all over ' head. A K K.i7. Oregonian. CAUTION. F-UYERS Before closing deal of so-callea in terettt in estab itsned reaj. estate business, get advice of Portland Realtv Hoard, 421 Oregon bide. BroaU wav 1002. WOOD saw, driven by 6-H. P. Stover en gine, mounted on motor truck, ail Al running order. Trade for late model Ford, or Chevrolet car. See owner, 510 Bel mnnt. ' GROCERY. Make me an offer on neat cash gro cery with living rooms, rent only $1 x brick building. See Mr. Mast, 502 Couch bldg. IF YOU WANT to sell your roominff house or apartment house to get quick results call or see Mr. Morris, with Interstate Land Co., 243 Stark st. Mala 5420. IF YOU want a cleaning and pressing 0 shop see us, as we have several good buys and real snaps from $150 up ta $b0O. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. GENERAL STORE. In good valley town; has clean stocky good trade, fine farming community, postoffice pays expenses; price $4000, ot invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. If you want to eel! your business or ned more capital or want a partner, call and see me. 14 years in the busi nesa. Wood. 51 1 Railway Exchange. WANT to trade a good S1350 lot In on a small rooming house of 15 to 20 rooma and pay difference in cash; not ov&r $1r0. Marshall 1133. FOK SALE Well equipped cleaning and pressing shop, doing tine business. Good location, cheap rent. With living room. A E 7!H, Oregonian. ROAD work contract to purchaser of used. 3 -ton truck with dump body and hoist. This is a truck foreman's contract. Cail 227 Salmon st. Main 8154. FOR SALE Small grocery doing a gond business. 3 furnished rooms. Kent $11. $450 takes it if sold before Wednesday. See owner, 61 Corbett st. No agents. FOR SALE Grocery, bakery, delicatessen: west side location; good fixtures. k:m oven, clean stock ; invoice about $37oo; some terms. P 975. Orecon!a7i. LEAVING Aug. 1 Small restaurant f..r sale. Good place for man and wife Cheap rent, lease. Phone Woodlawn ftl 4. GROCERY. $2650, cash grocery averaging $75 to $loO per day. garage, modern living room. Mr. Mast. 5o2 Couch bldg. WANT one or two 1 H or 2-ton trucks to haul sawdust and shavings and make L0 to $25 per day. Call at 227 Salmon. Main 81 54, open Sundays. A LIVE man with car in my business: no money required : must be a work-r. Good opportunity for right man. AL 5O0, Oregon ia n. $;Jooo Cafeteria, doing good business; good fixtures, well located on Wash. Ft. 4-year lease, some terms. See Morris. 248 Stark st. MANUFACTURING chemist with 25 yea: a experience and good prospects like to meet a man with sales ability and money. AP S3:t. Oregonian. $1000 will give you a half interest in go.d cedar pole show. Poles sold at btj price. Big profits. Frank Beam, Pa cific Beach. Wash. A GARAGE in country town; has Ford agency; will sell at actual Invoice. Ca.l . ro'"m 401 D"kum b !? GROCERY and confectionery, $0O d:iy ' trade, rent $JO, best buy in city; $23oo. Room 511 Railway Exchange. WANTED Partner to take S interest In paying business: e..Am investment re quired. H y3d, Oregonian. ARESTAUR ANT, centrally located: doir.jr good business. Price reasonable. 8-e Turner. 2Q2 Failing bidg.. 3d-Wash. sts. FOR SAi-E Small grocery stock voice, also fixtures; living rooms In con nection; cheap rent. Woodlawn ls5o. $750 Light grocery and confectionery, doing good business, well located. Se Morris, 24-S Stark st. FOR SALE Paying new and second-hand store in live eastern Oregon town. Terms. -BJ 441. Oregonian. WANTED An up-to-date paying shoe re pair shop; cash; state price and location. -Y 928, Oregonian. $00 Equipped dental office, Ur 51 Ch. Com. bio. in- b i