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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
16 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POETLAm JTJIT 18, 1920 SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. ARE you In need of an experienced man to take charge of an orchard, farm or ranch ? I am up in ail lines of agri culture, horticulture and Block adapted to this section; am reliable and a busi ness man. If your place is not paying on account of faulty arrangement or wrong system in arrangement or unsal aoie lor similar reasons, let .me hear from you. I have put a number of unprof itable places on & paying basis; remod eled some and sold or helped in aaie of others. AO 435. Oregonian. lui.'NG man, 25 yrs. of age, 10 years ex perience railroading, wishes to secure position with Home reliable commercial concern where hard, conscientious ef forts will be rewarded. Can qualify as office manager, chief clerk, purchasing agent, or any position requiring admin istrative and executive ability. Will leave city. Can furnish best of refer ences. B 532, Oregonian. WANTED Every man looking for a posi tion, Mtr- who is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income, to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad- THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC . COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland. Or. luUNG man, 27 years of age, married,' 6 years' experience with public corpora tion where executive ability, knowledge f accounting, ability to install systems and organize work are required, desires position .with commercial concern where constructive work and Initiative count. A R 432, Oregonian. 6UPT. construction camp, supt. or gen eral foreman of highway or R. R. grad ing, years' experience; also have f irst-clasa timekeeper and commissary man; good references. E 172, Oregonian. EXPERI E.NCED, energetic salesman de sires position with a reliable, well-established company; references given; prefer alary and commission proposition. Please write, giving complete details. V 249, OrpRonian. NEAT, experienced colored man, excellent, dainty cook, wants position in family in city. "Wtl ling to do general work and some pl in laundry if desired. Wages $. to $00 month. Local references. Phone Broadway 1257. BUSINESS MEN requiring competent of fice workers, call Broadway 4409. Only suitable applicants sent ; no charge to the employer. Clerical Help Service, 520 Artisans' bldg., opposite Benson htel. EX-SERVICE man, married, must have work; can drive car; would like work in machinery establishment or shipping de partment in good wholesale house. H. W. jvtte. -;:;?. 42d ave. S. E.. city. SALESMAN. Live, experienced hustler, city or road, alary or commission, specialty or gen eral line; an interview will convince. A 5S. Oregonian. GARDENER, single, wants position in pri vate place, understands greenhouse work and vegetable gardening, also landscap ing, etc.; thoroughly competent. H. G29. Oregonian. OFFICE manager and accountant. 15 years' experience, seeks location in Portland re . gion ; correspondence invited. Box 145, Powell, Wyo. GARDENER, single, experienced in green house work, landscaping, etc.. wants po sition in private place; thoroughly com petent; references. BJ 500. Oregonian. AM married man, 48 years old, 2 in fam ily; booking for employment, any place where rent and wood are reasonable. A. R.. fl'i2S 50th ave. S. E.. YoUNG MA N, experienced dairy lunch, dining room 'and counter man, wn nts work of any kind. Sam Davla. Mar shall 2200. ENERGETIC, elderly man, reliable, any place, with, a few hundred dollars, with or without services, wants position, night or day. T 974, Oregonian. COLLEGE graduate, engineer: desires po Mtion with logging company to locate . logging roads; will also keep time if small camp. P 144, Oregonian. EN ERGETIC young man, thoroughly ex perienced in truck driving, wants a posi tion. What have you? Main 7004. Ask for Marshall. AUTOMOBILE parts and accessory stock man with managing experience required . to take charge of department. P 14 L Oregonian. EXPERIENCED automobile mechanic, ca pable of taking, charge of Chalmers or Hupmobile service, either in city or out side town. H 507. Oregonian. MOTOR mechanic wanted bv first-class man who has served his apprenticeship in England; position If first-class; ga rage in city. Call Tabor 5034. PRINT ER. good two-thirder, experienced on linotype and press work, wants posi tion on good country weekly. Hugh Amsberry. Palmer Jet.. Or. YOUNG MAN Is seeking position as asst. bookkeeper or bookkeeper, accurate in figures, operate typewriter, A-l refer ences. A J 732, Oregonian. WE DO all kinds of repair work: plaster ing, brick, cement. Russell, 233 Vi Hall st. Phone Marshall 220. YOUNG married man wishes position as fireman ; have reference. AG 408, Ore gonian. ELDERLY man of trust wants light em ployment : can milk, handy in house. Main 67RS. BY AUTO mechanic in garage with all around mechanic, with option of buying in later if satisfactory. T 97S. Oregonian. TWO carpenters want work by day or contract; city or country. Marshall 2141. KALSOMINING, papering, signs. cold water painting, whitewashing with ma chine, reasonable. Broadway 980. BOOKKEEPER, beginner, wants position use typewriter; A-l references as to ability and character. AJ 731, Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer, card writer and floor man desires permanent connection In or near Portland. AJ 439, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted bv chauffeur, age 33: permanent, city or country. Address AC 7 .m. oregonian. WANTED Position as yodler. entertaining private or public. Address W. M. Lothyan, New Houston Hotel, room 321. POSITION wanted; apartment house jan itor and housekeeper; long experience. College apartments. I HAVE 2rt-ton truck; want to haul cord wood, lumber or general hauling. John Oarlock. S27 6th st. N. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomining; all work guaranteed; day or contract. East 1011. FIRST-CLASS sausagemaker desires posi tion by Aug. 1; will take charge of small plant. L 531. Oregonian. CEMENT garages. sidewalks. retaining walls, runways and basements on con- trnct. Tabor 9031. . CARPENTER and Joiner, general repairs, remodeling. etc.; reliable mechanic Broadway 24S7. LET us dig your 'cesspool; price reason able. Call Main 9424 or mail card to P. H. M.. 710 East 75th N. HOL'SE painting, papering, kalsomining. all work guaranteed, day or contract. East 1911. GUARANTEED auto repairing at your home garage for less. Phone Columbia 70. POSITION wanted by an experienced log ging camp time keeper and commissary man. V 025. Oregonian. I WILL paint, tint and paper your house Jnsdde or out if you will furnish the Taint for a reasonable day's wage Phone East $798. after 5:30. YOUNG MAN with Ford wishes work. Tel. Wood '.awn 2t4. BOY. 16. would like work on ranch or in town. Call Marshall 2425. SITUATION wanted, permanent, by handy man on poult ryf arm. AC 724,Oregonian. CARPENTER New and renalr work Pall branches. . East 5300 afLer 5 P. M. FOR EX PERI ENCED P A PE R H ANGER CALL C. L. BIGGS, EAST 7150. TOT frst-cla? painting, tinttng, etc.. Woodlawn 2497. Lapp, Willis & Co. call EXPERIENCED ianitor wants Tabor 2321. WANT a houses. job fixing lawns and repairing Call East 4S19. G. Flowers. ll.OOR WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT. MAIN 142(1. TENTIST, laboratory graduate, city country. N 527. Oregonian. YOUNG man would like work part of day p"" 729. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants sady position general repair man. 1173 Albina ave. HOUSE painting, tinting, work. Tnhor 3051. reasonable, best PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGN'S K KL SO M I NIN G; BEST WOR K. TABOR 2 6 6 HOMES designed and buiK by experienced and reliable bi:Ilders. Woodlawn 5348 CA It PEN TE RING. REPAI-UVG AND KG MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. WHAT have yu for good liv man with Ford car? Mam o.iu. CARPENTER contracts for new building or a i rerdiion. aianny, oei . 4U l . Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. CTENTVGR APHKR DKHTRRS PERMA NENT fUBliiy.N. F HONE . 219-45. SMALL BUSINESS MAN. Let me contract'' to handle your ac counts and books. AM 431, Oregonian. MAN and wife with child 3 years, wish position on ranch; capable of taking full coarse, jju uregonian SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers, Stenograpners. Office. YOUNG 26, stenographer, experiencs " Va yars, rapid and accurate, wishes position in city as confidential stenog rapher and secretary to executive with large firm or corporation where advancement- will be consistent with his ability to forge ahead. State position and, sair ary. p 09. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 25 years old. wishes position with established- wholesale house with opportunity to become salesman: several years' experience with food product ; state type o work and salary. AO 728, Oregonian. . YOUNG man desires position' half day each day forenoons; experienced book keeper, operate typewriter and some ex perience as cierk; would consider shift in cigar store. AJ 438. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED B )OKKEEPER - STE NOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION JS OR OUT OF CITY. BEST OF REFER ENCES. MAIN 7496. LUMBER invoice-clerk-steno.-asst. book keeper, 7 years' experience sawmill and wholesale, desires position in or out-of-town. AE724, Oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN, reliable and responsible, wishes position, light bookkeeping or any other office work. E 970, Oregonian. WANTED Work for afternoons and Sat urdays, clerical or .otherwise, by young man attending business college. BC 731, Oregonian. , ELDERLY, energetic accountant ith best reference wants permanent position as bookkeeper at small salary. V 003, Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT and office manager, now employed, desires to make a change ; references furnished ; no objection to leaving city. V 528. Oregonian. POSITION as typist-clerk In traffic or export department; railway experience, A F400. Oregonian. OFFICfc man, general, understands prin cipals of accounts, wants employment. R 070. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING job wanted with con servative, reliable firm or corporation. O fHHi. Orenonlan. ACCOUNTS Would like opening. tem porary or permanent, where personal reliability is valued. P 07 7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer-secretary wants permanent position with growing concern. A L 740, Oregonian. AJ AXXUNTA NT wants work during spare time. Phone Automatic 215-S0. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WA NT ED A position as cook and helper for myself and two daughters in log ging camp, road camp, where there would not be more than 25 men ; have been rooking for rock crushing crew of from 12 to 24 men; can give references. Call or address Mrs. L. E. Hart wig, 504 E. 13th St., Eugene, Or. TEACH ER Young woman, graduate Uni versity of Nebraska, with A. B. degree, first grade state life certificate. 5 years experience as teacher of history, desires similar position in an accredited high school in Oregon; references furnished. Address Box 502, Aberdeen, Wash. PLEASE READ MY AD Young woman with little girl 3 years old wishes posi tion, housework or anything? where I can have child with me. Phone Auto. 530-05 from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Address 302 Broad wav bldg.. 345 Morrison st. POSITION WANTED By reliable confi dential man, mechanical, clerical ability, meet public, secure information, investi gations, tracing. References. W. H. H., Box 2083, Portland, Or. ANYONE needing good, competent lady day workers can arrange for them by calling Main 4044 after 0 P. M. on week days or all day Sunday ; no charge for supplying help. - YOUNG LADY wishes place In plain home to assist with light housework as part or iun payment tor room ana board home privileges.: west side; walking -dis tance. AM 403, Oregonian. MIDDLE -A.GED woman, practical nurse would liRe to care for children or do light housework at Seaside or any sum- mer resort; city ref. East 3S65. WANTED Work tutoring; will consider leaving city for summer season. I hoid teacher s certificate; references, W ood lawn 5275. iOLMj woman wants permanent position as P. B. X. operator or take charge of confectionery and light lunch; experi enced. ei. Loiumoa vvz. CAPABLE, educated woman desires posi tion as assistant oooKKeeper and ste nographer; experienced anu responsible preicr life insurance. Mar. 5258. RELIABLE, experienced young lady wants position in iruit ana confectionery store; some experience in grocery ; wages $16 a weeK. ftiona Main 43o9. . POSITION as one of family In trulv re fined home by capable and experienced homemaker. fuH charge preferred. M 520, oregonian. REFINED young teacher wishes position as governess for small children in city. Phone Mar. 3002 Sunday. M. Starkey. A Kl RST-CLASS cook wants position in private home, $85 a month. J 520, Ore gonian. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will call. East S51S. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand laundered; 10 years' experience. East C190. LADY with two small girls wishes posi tion as housekeeper for middle-aged man. AO 821, Oregonian. TWO prominent ladies wish wqrk in res taurant or cafeteria, one as short-order cook and one as waitress. Main 7123. COMPETENT business man would like management of apartment house or ho tel. BJ 445, Qreg o n 1 an. LADY wants housecleaning, other work, hours day ; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6. 05. WANTED A position In the intermediate grades by a teacher of experience. A V imi, uregonian. EXPERIENCED widow woman would like position as lamauy in apartment or rooming house. Phone Sellwood 3079. EXPERIENCED young woman wants East 260. Call work by day or hour. Monday, FIRST-CLASS, all around cook, wants pastry work; capable of taking full charge. References. AP 464, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress would like work evening, short hours, or during dinner hours. Main 375b. YOUNG iady. employed during day, wishes work few hours eenings. B 009, Orego nutn. UNIVERSITY STUDENT Junior, desires position as governess. Best of references. Call Main 0U52 Mon day. A DEPENDABLE nurse cares for chil dren evenings. The sick through the day. Mar. 349. WANTED A little child to care for. Ad dress Miss C., 201 Ihird st. Pmce rea sonable. COLORED lady wants day's work. Phone CHILDREN cared for at 344 Columbia st. corner of Broadway. Phone Mar. 230. LADY going to New York will act as com- panion for expenses. AB S16, Oregonian. EXP ERIE NCED laundress wants work by nouv woouiawn -taifj. iaiv j wouiai line position as matron somewnere. ri uO, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants day work: reierenee-s. rnone w ooaiawn o-o. VERY experienced woman wants all-round uay worn ; expert laundress. Eat 2t34. GIRL, experienced and references, wants upstairs or secona worn. Alain 043. GRADUATE piano teacher will teach your home, lessons ia cts. Main 4506. 'lu CAha for children afternoons and eve nmgs. .viain - i o . MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for chil- uren by nour. navvy, -jsuo. INTERIOR painting. work guaranteed. W oouiawn bbuu. VOMAN, first-class ironer, good wages. i io 3 ii in, Luiiictuu r rencu launury. A YOUNG LADY wants position aa typist or switchboard. Woodlawn 2270. LA D Y wishes work by the day. Hit 3. rtoom u. AKE you looking for a nursery governess ft.r the summer months? Mutu 30S4. 1 WILL CARE for children by hour, week or montn. aiu urosDy st. CuLOiiEO laundress, OOc hour, car fare rapid worker. Last 45oo. EXPERIENCE D laundress wants work. Call Broadway 4036. ' ' day WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor CLOTHES laundried at home; (fried fresh air. Main 9132. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Monday, i nursaay. rnaay, sellwood 193 WANTED Washing and ironing for Mon day. n;ast t:4. EXPERIENCED lady wishes day work. r'none lanor mij. UlKLi wants day work. Call East 6S5S. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes posi i ion. i i -. uregonian. LADY typist, bookkeeper, wants positio forenoons. Phone Main 9209. EXPERIENCED office woman. booitwMier, Aifl n tn work Maruhull K3U SITUATIONS WAXTEP FEMALE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WANTED- Every man and woman looking for a position or who is not satisfied with their present position or income to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COL LEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. COLLEGE graduate, five-years' experience in newspaper work, speaking knowledge of French and Italian, good typist, no shorthand, wants office position or other work- References. B 911, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with 6 years' experience with county clerk and abstracter, use some snorthanu ; position out of city preferred. Address Box 293, Hailey, Idaho. THE LETTiSR WRITER will attend to our correspondence ; line up letters or revise em. Edit manuscript; do gen et al typing at reasonable rates, Bawy. 1003. WANTED Work for afternoons and Sat urdays, clerical or otherwise, by young man attending business collega. BC 73 1. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenography, six years experience, efficient, dependable desires permanent position, reliable firm. Main 794 y. EXPERT stenographer, thoroughly ex perienced, desires secretarial or steno graphic position with first-class firm; $125. Call evenings. Woodlawn 29. EXPERT typist, permanent copy work, familiar with abstracting, 4 years' switchboard experience $loG salary. O 270. Oregonian. TYPIST, rapid, accurate, wants copy work at home ; own machine ; experienced in abstract work, short stories; reasonable. V 251, Oregonian. YOUNG WOMEN to assist in housework. Good home, good wages, steady place. Cull East 8188 or 685 Eat Stark. WANTED Stenographic work or typing Saturday afternoons and evenings. -N 970, Oregonian. WANTED A position as a comptometer operator; can do some typing. Phone Main 7870. WANTED Typing position by young wom an, experience more Important than sal ary. AM 434, Oregonian. A YOUNG GIRL wishes stenographic po sition. Jo previous experience, Fiease phone after G:30. Sellw o od 440. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher, best ot city references. Mam COMMERCIAL TEACHER desires steno graphic position until September. Mon- day. East 1474. STENOGRAPHER. beginner, wants po sition, good references ; willing to work. East 3N00. EXPERIENCED STE NOG. AND BOOK KEEPER WAPirS POSITION in cm. A-l REFERENCES. MAIN 7406. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer. can assist with books. Broadway 20 1 1, apt. No. 21. YOUNG girl wishes position as stenogra plreru no previous experience. A-L iou. Oregonian. HIGH school girl wan ls general office work, be.mood 1 100. LADY wishes bookkeeping and clerical work; experienced. Last 1004. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de- ures position in cl ty. Call Columbia a. I) re s maters. LADY alone, good cook and neat house keeper, wishes position for respectable gentleman where will have full charge of home; city or country. Can give best references. 331 Montgomery st. Main 2.30 Monday. i 1RST-CLASS dressmaking suits, voiles, ginghams, etc. ; suits made over in,to street d rep set; ; alterations of all kinds. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. 310-O6. b'L'RS remodeled; summer prices, latest styles. V anile Fur Shop. 627 Morgan bldg. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing wanted. New skirts a specialty. By day or at home. East 4300. Mrs. Holliday. DRESSMAKING and alteration ; work guaranteed. 75 E. 30th st. East 604, FlKST-CLASa dressmaking, alters tions reasonable. 640 Wash. st. AuL dl'i-03. EXPERIENCED dressmaker: ref.; alter ations; reasonable. East 7005. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 a day. Call Tabor 005 Sunday or evening. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing wanted. I'abor 7S55. - MEN, I do your washing and sewing rea sonably. 402- 4th. Mar. 6059. PLAIN sewing, men's shirts a specialty. Bdwy. 347S. Call apt. 5. ALL KINDS of voile and silk dresses mads reasonable. Woodlawn 5211. SEW exclusively for children; smart styles ; hand embroidery. A ut. 214-SO. Nurses, MATERNITY AND SURGICAL hospital, 1005 Williams ave. Normal cases, in cluding drugs, dressings, licensed physi cian's services and 2 weeks' hospital care, all for $40. All operating cases taken under same reduced rates. Wood- lawn lCli. Main 7 1 44, or apply 70: Dekum bldg. POSITION wanted by child's nurse: best of city references. Call Monday, Tabor TRAINED nurse wishes more cases of hourly nursing; reasonable terms. Mar. TRAINED nurse open for engagements.. 1 erms reasonable. Some housework. Tabor 1520. - PRACTICAL nurse; East 07'J8. best of references. EXPERIENCED practical nurse requires position, aeuwooq PRACTICAL nurse wants engagement; can furniBii reference. Phone Wdln. 1241. TR A IN ED nurse requires position. Mrs. Morrman. ,542 Gantenbein. Last 4034. Housekeepers. BY a refined middle-aged woman, used to meeting the public, a position of trust. Am no stenographer but a fine house keeper in a nice, modern home for some nice party. Would be fully able to manage a small hotel or apartment- house at some resort. Good references furnished. AO 7o, Oregonian. KIND, motherly woman, wants H. K. and cooking tor wiaowjr or bachelor: expe rienced ranch cook, capable of handling crew or men ; oest c reierenxe given fuil particulars in first letter, BF 730, uregonian. REFINED young .woman would like todo light housework lor refined miudle-ased or elderly gentleman; good home desired as much as wages. Address Bessie May Liewis, cox o&-i, -Nam pa, laano WANTED By reliable young woman. position as nouse Keeper in home of gentleman; no oojcction to one or two children; would like girl friend to share my. room. Call Apt. 1, Columbian apt. or pnone itiuin oiu. YOUNG woman, experienced cook, wants place in country; can nanaie large place experienced in lumber camp work. Have daughters 9 and 13. Phone Broadway I4 J. JOtn St. HOUSEKEEPING wanted by reliable neat woman witn gin s years old, for three or four men ; can rurnisn best of refer ences. Kindly state full particulars in first letter or cail at ldi Page st. WANTED Immediately, by fully compe tent woman, position as nousekeeper or manager for hiJtel in country ; highest references. Address box 14, Forest Grove, Oregon. RESPECTABLE1 elderly woman wishes portion as housekeeper for widower or light housework in smaii family. AF 758, Oregonian. REFINED young German lady wishes po sition as nouseneeper in some gentle man's nice home. Call Oak hotel, room 25, second floor, any time after 10 A. M. WANTED By young woman, place where she can do light housework in exchange or her and husband's board and room East 7S60. Mrs. Bush, before Monday. SITUATION wanted by exp. housekeeper; good cook; city or country l refs. tf67 Thurm-an st. Call Sunday or evenings. RESPECTABLE woman with boy 9 wishes position as nouseaeeper in noma of bach elor or widower, zui litn st., room 1. WANTED Place as housekeeper, where can take full charge. Phone Broadway 3179, 133 12th street. RESPECTABLE place as housekeeper for widower, with boy 15, city or country. Woodlawn 1401. T 529. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper; widower's home; small family. AF SOS, Ore- gonian. WANT management of apt. or rooming house. Apt. 27, Marshall 2S83. MIDDLE-AGED widow wants position as housekeeper in family. Y 900. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes position keeper. Main 1204. aa house- WIDOW with boy 9 years wishes job of housekeeping. Phone Tabor 007. Domestics. WIDOW with two children, girl 6. hnv would like to keep house for widower with one child; no washing; $30 per mon i n. pu.) i-u aye.; can sunday. COOK wishes position on ranch or cooking for a small crew. E 973, Oregonian. WOMAN" wishes day work. Automatic O 1 i-o I . GIRL, 17, wishes to assist. Call Marshall 3402. WORK wanted bv hour -or housework bv 1 . ....i, V lu,.y4nr X t - i riir.o SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. THB VE RIB EST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 463a. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given. Best of references. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED TO RENT In ML Hood coun try, a lully furnished house or camp tor aoout six weeks. Must have two bea rooms and room for servants, a good outlook, seclusion and good water sup ply and if possible modern conveniences. Two ladies in family; best of references can be iciven. R.eotv immediately. kiv ing full particulars and photos if pos- si oie, or phone Airs. Ward. Wilson, Ho tel Benson. Portland. YOUNG married couple, absolutely re sponsible, would like opportunity to care for- nice home for few weeks while oc cupants are away on vacation. No com- pensatlon expected. Beat of references. Apply A J 4Jo. Oregonian. SEASIDE. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Mother with girl 4y years wants room and board for about a mo. where nufbana can spend week-end. Phone Tabor 8152. or write AH 411. Oregonian. WANTED to rent unfurnished house, about 5 rooms, family of 3 adu-lt: Kood neigh borhood. Will take excellent care of property. Not over $25. Phone East 6737. WANTED To rent, smaii house or flat with bath and electricity; rent $25: fur nished preferred; 797 E. Pine. Phone EHHt 1530. WANTED To rent, by Aug. 15, modern or 7 -room house ; prefer Sunny side or Laurelhurst, but am not particular as to location it nouse suits; state lull par xicuiars. v ou, uregonian. . WANTED A cottage' of 3 or 4 rooms at Seaside. Gearhart or Cannon Beach: elec lights, water and lavatory in cottage, for month of August. Tabor 7411. 5 or C-room unfurnished bungalow, with garage, east side, by responsible business man, 3 In family, would lease, not over W ANTED A modern 5 or 0-room house. nat or apt. on f ortiana Heights; will take year s lease and pay 6 mo. rent in aavance. o 728. Qregu-nian. WANTED To rent modern house, about six rooms, or bunugalow ; will pay good rent; responsible party; Irvington or nawmorne preierrea. v p-'B, uregonian. WANTED To rent by mother and daueh ter. adult, five-room modern house at aDout i: per mo. by August 1. P 801 oregonian. vv a.m ejj To rent by August 1, 4 or o- room unfurnished house by 2 adults, mother and son; best of references, BO 4i:o. uregonian. WANT 5 or 0-room modern house by Au gust 1 ; will, lease and pay 6 mos ren In advance. Phone xaahier, Bdwy. 100: Monday. WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow or mod em nouse, reasonably close in. Adults. Phone Marshall 1179 after 3 p. m. Sun nay. WAN I L D To rent, alter August 1. un furnished house, west side, family three adults; references. Address H. W.. 610 Worcester block. - FURNISHED 5 or 6-room bungalow by responsible tenants; reierences. Wood lawn 400o. 5 OR 6-room modem house: good district no cnuaren ; best of references; would consider lease. Call East 10S6, 2 rings, W ANTE D To rent modern 6 or 7 -room furnlehed house, west side. W 24 j eonian. Ore CLEAN, reliable persons want to rent or manage furnished apartments or room Ing house. E 01, Oregonian. PERMANENT reliable tenants wish fiv to seven-room modern house. Broadway WANT to rent small house. Piedmont dis trict, aauits. wooaiawn 14(o after P. M. BY August 1. 4 or 5 room house. Monta villa or Mt. Tabor preferred. Automatic 216-20. f Pho WANTED -Small house to rent near Pen lusuia lumber mill before July 26. BF 746, Oregonian. WANTED To rent or buy a place bavin several lots or acreage with good house. w ooaiawn loot. UNFURNISHED modern house. 6 or rooms, east side; best reierences; adults preier lease, inone woodlawn 4172. WANTED Aug. or Sept. 1, 8 to 12-room nouse, lurnisnea or unfurnished, by re FponsiDie parties. u zii, uregonian. WANTED 5-room unfurnished bungalow in gooa uistnct. ior xamiiy oi two. Main 3 lit. RESPONSIBLE party wishes bungalow or small, modern nouse; would lease. Tabor YEAR -lease on comfortable 6-room hous well located. Good care guaranteed, jvicintown, tsroauway 433 Monday. 4-jt;UUM cottage, close in. west siue. 22. Lownsaaie st. .Marshall 4S09. AUGUST 1, 5-room bungalow or modern cottage, uniurnisneu. L. 020. 6 TO 8-ROOM HOUSE, with garage. Mrs. Wilson. 273 Vi Columbia st. Apartments. BUSINESS WOMAN, alone, one roomy kitchenette and bath or room with housekeeping facilities; central, on car line; not exceed $25. AR 435, Ore gonian. WANTED Nicely furnished 3-room apt. for 2 months, by reliable couple with 6-year-old girl. West side preferred. 143 East 23d st .Apt. 53. Call 271-53. WANTED by Sept. 1 4 or 5-room partly furnished flat, with garage, east side north of Morrison; reliable adults. Phone Auto. 210-50. . WANTED TO RENT 7 or 8-room apart ment or heated flat by Aug. 15 or Sept. 1. Preferably on the heights. Phone Marshall 2857 bet. 9 A. M. and 5 P. M 5-yROOM unfurnished apartment, modern, west side preferred. Phone Main 1171. Rooms. WANT one arge or two small rooms, un . furnished; day sleeper; very light house ' keeping; partly modern preferred; close in. W 242. Oregonian. REFINED WOMAN wants large, light housekeeping room unfurnished, center west sine; permanent. Af 403, Ore gonian. HAVE a client wants to rent 20 to 30 rooms, close in. uniurnished : must nave lease. B. M. Price & Co.. Henry bldg. WORKINGS MAN wants housekeeping" rm. ; sra price ; no pnones. a :o, Orego nipn. MAN wants well ventilated room ; must have plenty or neat in winter; west side $12 per month. AO 727, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board for a high school girl who is employed during the day; will want to attend James 'John high school this fall; family of adults preferred. T 976, Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable; references; no children. East 7775. Miscellaneous. WANTED A good camera and tennis racquet cheap for cash. AK 441. Ore gonian. TO RENT Burroughs calculating ma chine. Marshall 1050. apt. No. 23. FOR RENT. FOR RENT One large sleeping room, also 1 small room with bath service, $7 per month. 12S North 18th it FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In private family, west side. Prefer middle a ge d working lady. Phone Main 5730. Furnished Boom. IDEAL bachelor quarters, beautiful fur nished clean front room in upper flat, use of sitting room; Nob Hill district, 20 minutes' walk from town; bath, phone, hot water; $35 a month; for two business men. 145 Vi N. 2lst at, or ca'I automatic 510-43 Sunday or after 6 P. M. weekdays. IDEAL bachelor quarters, beautiful fur nished clean front room in upper flat, use of sitting room ; No Hill district. minutes waia irom town; bath, phone, hot water; $40 a'month; for two business' men. 145 N. 2lst st., or call automatic 510-43 Sunday or after 6 P. M. weekdays - HOTEL CADILLAC 3d near Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable rat a FURNISHED room vfor one or two; 13th st. Main 4625. 4 LARGE light rooms, modern, close in. East 4200. , . FOR RENT, Furnished Rooms. IDEAL bachelor quarters, x beautiful fur- msaeo oiean iront room in upper rrai. use of sitting room; Nob Hill district. 20 minutes' walk from town; bath, phone, hot water; $15 a month; for two business men. 145 N. 21st St.. or call automatic 510-43 Sunday or after 6 P. M. weekdays. IDEAL bachelor quarters, beautiful fur- nisnea caean iront room in upper, use of sitting room; Nob Hill district, 20 minutes' walk from town; bath, phone, -hot water; $25 a month; for two business men. 145V N, 21st st., or call automatic 510-43 Sunday or . after tf P; M. weekdays. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New. fireproof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moderate rates. Special rates to permanent gueata. HOTEL BAXTER. Newly furnished sleeping' and house keeping rqpms, close in, on east side, about 4 blocks from Broadway bridge, reasonable rent; take "MA" car, get off aj. Albina ave'.. or Plume East 7559. NICELY furnished sleeping, room for one or two employed; bath and teiepnone; west side apartment house, walking distance; rent reasonable. , Call Mar shall 390 Monday. 8 ROOMS, nicely furnished, rent 25 ; no children ; good location, west side, close in; price $525. J 531, Oregonian. SAVON HOTEL. 131 11th St.. between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private bath. SI per day and up. Weekly rates $5 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates, $5 per week up. si day. Fire proof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PER KINS HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. THE HILLCF.E3T HOTEL. 733 WASHINGTON. A few good rooms, witn or without bath, now vacant; weekly or monthU rat os. . HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The principal east tide hotel: dignified and reiined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week ad up. HOTEL ROOMERS. TAKE NOTICE. Save money. Look at my splendid, large iiont room, modern conveniences. aiwaya not water, soo Couch, apt. 6. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth, between Aider and W aching ton. First-class ac commodations at reasonable rates for transient or permanent guests. FURNISHED front corner room in first- class Nob H ill apartment house. For further information phone Droadway u3bta alter 10 A. M., Monday. Reierences 2, 3 AND 4-room furnished apartments University Park, corner of Fiske and Harvard. 600 Harvard. Phone Colum bia 501. TRANSIENT rooms tor rent. Newhall Hotel, 402 East Washington St., corner Grand avenue. Rates SI per day; two in room, i.iu. ftiune ast o4uo. WELL FURNISHED room In modern home for 1 or 2 gentlemen, near 2 car lines. Irvington. Very reasonable. East 8480. . NETHERLANDS HOTEL 126 13th St., corner Washington; transient and per manent; spotless rooms $5 per week and up; phone, private baths. LOVELY ROOMS, $5 WEEK. New, modern, airy, opposite Masonic temple; nice enough for anyone. "THE ALTON." 381 YAMHILL ST. HOTEL ARTHUR. 1'iQ lltn su Nic, modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. ONE NICELY furnished front room; price reasonable. 403 Broad way. Mar shall 601. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and fancy housekeeping apts., by day or week. 171 W. Park, near Olds A: King. SLEEPING rooms for rent at Piedmont car barn. 1171 Minnesota ave., W ood lawn 5047. PARKVIEW hotel, 380 Montgomery; rates $22.50 and up for board ana room. Main 3783. HOTEL RAMAPO. Washington st. at 14th. rooms $6 and up per week; also family suites of 2 and 3 roorua and bath. SACRAMENTO APTS. 102 Union ave7N. 2-roora modern furnished apt., on car line; rates reasonable. Adults. NICELY furnished room, breakfast if de sired. 738 Johnson, 22d and 23d. Main 3700. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison it. at Tenth .Rates $1 a day up; w eekly. $6 up; free phone aud baths. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and sleeping room. Phone Ea&t -0L 217 Grand ave. ONE large room running water. and kitchenette, 504 Zanders. TO RENT One large front room, close in, gentiemen preferred, 213 West Park. FINE room for rent, hot water heat, ciosa in, with breakfast. E. 6381. FURNISH ED room for rent, week. 35U 14th st. $2.50 per OHlO HOTE. ing rooms. Houbekeeping and sleep 266 Front, corner Madison. NEWLY-FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 414- Market st. Men only. NICELY furnished room, light and clean, rent reasonable, downtown. 180 Park st. GARLAND hotel, 25 Trinity place modern ouuide rooms, $4 per week and up. ROOM in lnodjrn apt., weaL side. Main 6757. FURNISHED front corner room in apt. kitchen privilege. Main 3440. Unfurnished Rooms. NEWLY papered unfurnished rooms for rent. 12 North 6lh st. Fur nibbed Rooms in Private Family. ONE large front room, nicely furnished, suitable for two. 166 X. 23d. Phone Main 5003. ROOMS with sleeping porch with use of house during August when famiiy is away. Main 4560. CLEAN front sleeping room. 354 Mont- goraery, corner f ark. NEAT furnished room in Irvington for gentleman. East 5009. V ERY convenient bedroom, private home, Irvington. East760. FOR RENT Nice furnished room with use of kitchen. 528 Flandars st. FINE terse front room. E. 15th st. East 6827. reasonable. 129 1 LARGE sleeping room, with use of kitchen. -Phone Tabor 4845. 454 HALL ST. Room and sleeping porch: kitchen privileges-...! f desired. Main 4980. 648 E. iiTARK Room for rent, ladies, with home privileges. S. S. car. ONE furnished room, walking distance, First and Clackamas. E. 4535. DESIRABLE sleeping room close in for one or two-gentiemen. , Last b28o. LIGHT and airy front rooms in private home. Home privileges. Last 2432. NICE sleeping porch: bath privileges. 115 N. 23d St. Main 3U1U. HOUSEKEEPING room; every convenl 464 Oak st. ence, walking distance. FRONT room, walking distance. East 78U0. NICELY furnished, rooms, 5 minutes walk from pobtoafice. 404 t-lay st. ONE sleeping room, walking distance. Ross, orjpphone jio-oi. NICE ROOM in private family, walking distance ; gentleman only. Marshall 2 '... ONE large bedroom for rent, 265 Lincoln BC Automatic pnone, oio-jji. FURNISHED room for 2 ladies or gentle- men. o2 Laud ave. E. SS7. TWO sleeping rooms for rent with break fast if desired. w ooaiawn oii. FURNISHED room for 2 refined home. ' Marshall 3735. wost side, ladies oniy. NICE furnished room, west side, walking distance, liroaaway -'oo. 84 lilst su LARGE front room, hot and cold water, suitable for 2 men. 321 Sixth st. ROOM to rent to reliable woman. Call Sell. 911. NICELY furnished rowiu. walking distance. 20H 17th street, corner Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED room. close Marshall 31- 347 Montgomery st. FOR RENT Room, Ms in 7633. strictly modern apt. NiCELY lurniphed room, suitable for one or two. 4Ji jeiierson. .Main (40. NICELY furnished room, with bath and phone. lo in. z-Q st. main low. COSY, clean Iron t sleeping room, walk ing distance, $15 a month. 204 I4th st. UPSTAIRS frontroom and sleeping porch, Z Single Dtua. cm i jivii umi. PLEASANT furnished room, stricfiy mod" ern. walking distance. East 353. 258 11TH ST., comfortable, clean room, with all conveniences. NICE front room with use of piano, close in. Call n.ast oo i o. TWO ' sleeping ( rooms. 262 12th at. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. -PORTLAND HEIGHTS." VERT DESIRABLE ROOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH. PRIVATE HO 4l!, HIGH CLASS, BEAUTIFUL VIEW. NEAR CAR, EASY WALK TO CITT. KENT $30 PHONE MA.TN 777 OR ADDRESS BD 733, OREGONIAN. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM, fireplace, dress ing room, artistically furnished In ma hogany, twin beds: would rent to one or two young men; $50 for 2. or $35 for one; this is in a private home, west side, block off Washington. 774. Everett su Main 826. A GENTLEMAN with automobile will be delighted to secure one splendid cement garage and large, light, airy room in a desirable close-in location. Hot water heut, shower bath, every convenience. Mast be seen to be appreciated. Phone Tabor 2071. TWO .ROOMS One with two single beds. one witu aouoie pea. in private iamny; exclusive district, one block from car; gentleman preferred; references required; phone, bath, piano. For appointment phone Woodlawn 3042. IN HANDSOME Irvington home, large attractive room, two exposures, new mahog.iny furniture throughout, garage, perpetual hot water; small ; adults only; board optional ; 1 block from Broadway. E. 1200. COME 1113 East 15th st. North for 3 or 4 large , clean, corner rooms, modern, largo, pleasant porch, east front, use of piano 2 hours daily if desired, $1 per wtk extra ; price ls right. LOVELY large room with a', cove, new furniture, in modern home, walking dis tance. Nob Hill. Call before 10 or after 5, Main 2964, 738 Hoyt. WELL-FURNISHED sleeping rooms, hot a nd cold running water, suitable for 2 ; privilege of using piano; good location. r"anahle. 381 12th st. IN modern home, convenient, pleasant and nomelike ; fine east -side location, close in ; 1 or 2 rooms ; sleeping porch if de- slred. East 2438. FOR RENT The 18th, delightful room. cool, airy, quiet. Short walk to bus. center. All conveniences. Reasonable to n pprtciati ve renter. Mar. 349. IN EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT. WALNUT FURNITURE. SEMI -PRIVATE BATH, I'HOXb; WEST SIDE. 3 MIN. UPTOWN REFS. ; GENTLEMAN. MARSHALL 905. LLKGA NTLY furnished room In a small private home, close in. suitable for two young men, $12.50 each. 71 Trinity place. LARGE, liRht, cool room, next door to Couch school, on D. 51. car line, $12 per mo. 000 Hoyt st. Phone Broad way 5315. NICELY furnished front corner room; also sleeping porch with large dressing room. Walking distance. 083 Hawthorne, cor. 10th. East 7078. NICELY furnished front room with al cove, fine for two people: also ningle room. Walking distance. 38 N. 21st st., near Washington; STEAM heated furnished room, all modern conveniences. 564 Couch, apt. 3. bet 17th and 18th. NICE bright sunny room, every conven ience, best surroundings, near car line, 12. Telephone E. 05 10 mornings. NICELY furnished room for rent In pri vate family, with use of garage. East 2587. NICELY furnished room, close in, side. Call before 10 or Monday. 4015. west Maiu FOR RENT A good sized front room for man only; one other room; no carfare. $14. 1G0 17th st. Lu V ELY bed rooms for rent, home privi leges ; prefer business people. Irvington. Or will rent 8-rooin house. East 141. NICELY FURNISHED room for 2 refined men in private home, best car service; $14 a moTith. Sellwood 1U27. TWO desirable sleeping rooms, ,SS and $12; 1 housekeeping room. $10. 632 Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED room, walking dis tance. 306 E. Broadway. Phone East 4402. RGoM large enough for 2 gentlemen io strictly private Jewish family; references. Bdwy. 1782. WIDOW has 7-room house; will rent lower floor to adults; private bath if desired. Ricnmond car to 36th. 530 East 36th st. NICE Iron t room, pleasant and cool; 15 in in. walk from 3d and Wash. sts. ; strictly modern home. East 44il . CLEAN, Q V I ET ROOM, convenient ; reas onable. 382 Rosa st., 2 blocks Broadway bridge. N ICE sleepy room, suitable for one or two men. close in; no children in fam ily. "Breakfast if desired. East 6712, FURN I Si I ED ROOM West Klde. w alking distance; suitable for young man. Main r33'.. 448 TAYLOR t.t clean, pleasant furnished room, steady roomer, quiet home; rea sonable. TO A GENTLEMAN Furnished room in private family, Irvington. East 6334. 415 E. 11th st. N. t'l.KAV Hleeoins rooms and orivi'teices to 2 working girls, close in, west side. 348 Colum bia st. Mar. 23o. NICE, clean, front bedroom, breakfast or kitchen privileges, modern home, on carline. Tabor 0006. COMFORTABLY furnished room or suite in elegant refined private home for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone Maift 2063. X ICE, clean room in private family, close in, west side, walking distance, $15; save carfare. 550 Everett. FURNISHED room in owners modern home; adults-lS llth st. Phone Main TWO sleeping rooms, private family, also garage ana use ot piano, uou . cucn side. .SLEEPING room for working girl. Mod- , ern home privileges. Close in. reason nb re n t. Main 3507. FoR RENT Double sleeping room witn piano and one single room. aaain aoou. 104 13th st - ONE large furnished front room with dressing room, suitable ior two; aiso -pintle rooms. Mar. 943. TWO sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. phone, close in, Zt3 rs.. ttn st. ouw y. 4840. FOR one or two gentlemen, room for rent. 100 Hall st. Room With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American pjan. with or without bath, $2.50 a day up: rates by day or month. Meals Ferved to transients. ; MRS. ANNA PEPPLE 265 ELEVENTH STREET ROOMS AND BOARD. kypi.itsive family hotel on east side, upper 2 targe rooms wnu gooa wmcj UOarU IO cou pie ui j uuua ployed; attractive grounds. large porches, shower and ail convenience. East 80S9. m J tA.N N E D ARC Fumined rooms, with or wltnout board, tor business clrU and lady tourists, permanent or traciont. fcpeciai features within the limitation of tn minimum wane earner. $2 per V; and up 360 I4tn C Main 4119. NICE, clean furnished room, with board. homelike, ana oam . uh ia . , for two people; one single room. Moder ate prices. Phone Broadway 2S81. No. 017 Marshall st. NORTONI A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-dais family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ' GOOD 6-room house, warning distance; would consider 101 01 ama.11 w-Be, balance cash. Price $3000. 259 Han cock st. urivi onri board for business girls: modern conveniencw, uisiautc; r per week. Aut. 21-974. 12 E. 7th at. 402 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice roojns and. board: modern conveniences; walk ing d.tstance t w K MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3S0 10th- st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 125L Rooms With Board In Private Family. WILL give home and good care to two children between ages of 2 and 7. 218 E 7"'d sL N. Phone Automatic 21S-15. NICELY furnished room with board, near Broadway bridge, private home. 408 Benton. ROOM and board in private family, home privileges, gentleman preferred, west side, close In. 273 14th St. South. PRIVATE home for children, ttt St. Mar. 2162. 714. Evr- WILL board and care for 1 or 2 children. Tabor 1200. WANTED Boy or girl to care for in pri vate home. Tabor SoQQ. ROOM and board for two in private fami ly, phone East 2809. BOARD AND ROOM for 1 or 2 ladies who would appreciate a good borne. East 5&7S. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, new and clean; hot and coid water in all rooms: excel lent tble board: rooms for man and wife or two gentlemen or two ladies: also single room; beautiful porches and lawn. Call Bdwy. 5450 mornings and cvcniiifia- "KIDDIE PLACE." - Children cared for by graduate nurse In her home. A olav nlace for kiddies, by the hour, afteruoon or evening, while mother is away. Tabor 73iS. CLEAN, airy room and best of meals in private home, modern, home privileges, nice neighborhood, suitable for one or two men. near Union and Broadway, East 3.3. LARGE, airy front room with 2 meals; private dressing room with hot and cold water, near Broadway and Union ave. Kttes reasonable. E. 244b. LADY, alone, with nice apt., close in. would like to board working girl; rea sonable. Call bet. IO and 2 Sunday, East- 4310. WANTED Roomers and boarders in pri vate home, 2 blocks east of Bdwy. bridge. 373 Ross st. East 250'. NICE front room, suitable for 2 gentle men, a ton? with home-cooked mea.s; modern. 205 N. 21st st. LADY will care for and board one or to little boys or girls. 703 Everett, Mar. 3023. IRVINGTON Sitting room and sleeping porch: two or three people; board. East 6645. wish room and boaru in modern pri- vhm horn. AO 82 Oregonian. N1CKL.Y furnished room in modern home, walking distance; good board if desired; for gentleman. East 3753. WANTED One or two motherless chil dren ; good home, excellent care. Auto matic 315-74. LARGS, airy front room, cedar closet, close In, one block from Hawthorne car. 254 East 23d st Phone E. 830O. FURNISHED room with board in private modern home ; n ice res. d ist.. car liue. East 6014. 674 E. Ankeny. ROOM and board for two business people preferred; modern home; 20 min. out. Tabor 4075. BOARD and room and for 2 business women. 217-85. home privileges Cail automatic MOTHERLY woman will like to care for one or two children : good home. Call 644 Tenlno ave. Sellw ood car. W ANTED One or two motherless chil dren ; good home, excellent care. Auto matic 515-74. STPJAM-HEATED room, running easy walking distance. Table Main 6381. 332 Tenth st. water, board. COMFORTABLY furnished front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen : strictly mod ern home. Phone Main 305. WAN TED A home for 3-year-old boy ; mother working: reasonable amount paid. AF 725, oregonian. PLEASANT room and board in private family, modern conveniences. 702 East Oth st. COMFORTABLY furnished front room. suitable for 2 gentlemen; strictly mod-1 em home. Phone Main 3o5. COUPLE wish to board young baby. $3 w e f k . Broadway 2 o oo . HAVE 1 or two pleasant rooms I w til give witn boards Tabor 4216. F urn t hed Apartments. LOVELY 3-room apartment, 2 bedrooms; employed people only; walking distance. 372 Broadway. 3-ROOM furnished a part men t with 2 dis appearing beds and outside balcony, ror rent uy wek or month. Call Main 3NS3. ORDERLE1GH apartment. furnished 3 room apts.; private bath outside; $30 up. 82 Grand ave.. corL b. StaiU.. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, piano, all outside rooms, steam heat, walking dis tance. Phone Main 7516. BELKNAP APTS. Completely furnished 2-room. $35, including iisht; waking disrance. 187 17th st.. near Yamhill. Al.CU APARTMENTS East Couch and Union ave. Modern 2-roora. apartment; reasonable. YOUNG lady would like girl employed to share room or apartment. H 027, Oregonlu n. . JAEGER APARTMENTS, 701 WASHING TON ST., HAVE SEVERAL APART MENTS READY .FOR OCCUPANCY. ROSELYN APTS. 2-room apt., strictly modern. Broadway 4140. Phone LAM BROOK apts.. 430 E. Yamhill For rent, one furnished two-room apt. and also sleeping room. Cail East4U02. THe"BCZANTA APTS.. 180 N. 23d st. Four-room apt., modern, private phone and bath : reasonable rates. ALBERT APT. private bath; sissippi a vo. -Furnished, steam new ma nagenieiit. he t. I M la PEABODY APTS., 10th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm, steam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 1540. MABELLE APTS. Nice 1 and 2-room furnished apts. 414 Jefferson st. Ki-SG DAVID APARTMENT 3-room fur nished apartment for rent. Main 2058. 54 N. King st- MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apt.: also basement apt. 607 Washington t. Main 1Q82. i-ROOM modern housekeeping apartment. 302 Eugene st. Call tiora 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. TO SUB-LET 3-room apt., for 3 months; piano; adulta. Velleey court. Eaat 4085. j 2-ROOM modern furnished apartment. $6 week; other nice ones to be vacant soon. 4o2fe Third at- FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, light, heat, hot and cold water furnished, t'ai! Tabor 8756 before 12 M. Price. fe37. THE CECELIA." Nicely furnished 3-room apt. with balcony, corner 22d and O.isan. THE DEZENDORF APTS.. 208 16'1H, NEAR TAYLOR, 4-room furnished apartments FURNISHED apt., 3 rooms with bath at $35. Todd Apas., E. 12th and Stark. E. 2500. -ROOM apt., light and airy. 4 large front windows; walking distance. 54 Park st. Phone Main 532 NICE L Y furnished front apt.. 2 rooms, large closet, clean and homelike. $0. 474 Clay st. Mar. 4194. ONE modern 2-room furnished apartment, splendid location, west side, walking distance. Call 556-10. a 4 AND 5-room furnished apartments. Aito cheap housekeeping room. Call 352 2d st. or phone Main 767Q. PARK APTS. One nice 4-room furnished apt.; also one nice 4-room unfuirmshed apt FOR RENT Furnished. H. K. apts Wdln. 4210. St. Johns car. . 2-ROOM furnished apt. Hanover Apart ments. Main 4842. 8-ROOM glass sleeping porch, walking distance, adults. Phone East 4276. FLORENCE, 388 llth St., 3. 4 room front furnished apartment; walking distance. VERY NICELY furnished 2-room apt. 745 Hoyt st. Call Monday. - 3-ROOM furnished up flat, 552 Mill st. Phone Marshall 4174. 3-ROuM turnished apartment, 511 Colum bia st. 2-ROOM apartment. Tudor Arms apart ments. Call Broadway 3747. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APT.. $60. Juliana Apts.. 45 Trinity Plac. Mar. 03. THE ARLINE Three rooms, private bath, $45; two rooms $35. 220 N. 17 th st. NICELY turn. 1 and --R- apts. 1 81 Grover st.. South Portland. Main 0058. FOR RENT Fine furnished 3-room apart ment. Mar. - 2750. uLAUs'iuN c 721 Grand ave. N. 2-rooin and kitchenette; walKing distance. II I HADDON hall -Modern apts. 414 llth St. Jar. UNION AVE. and Killings worth, 'all complete; concrete bldg. $19.50, LUZERNE apts.. 263 Hall St.; nished apt. Close in. -room fur- FURN1SHED Lucille Court. 3 and 4 room modern apts. Call Broadway 20(1. BURNISHED 2-room apartment. nice T summer home for two. 721 E. Ash, Two and 3-room apartments. 157SH East Glisan st. MV car to 60th st. Tabor 70-."). TWO rooms and private bath, rent $2 Phone Woodlawn 6111. LUZERNE APTS., 263 Hall St. 2-room furnished apartment; close In. 2-ROOM apartment, running water. $7 week. 564 Flanders. FURNISH ED three-room housekeeping apartment for rent. 350 14th St. FoR RENT Furnished 3-room apt.; also unfurnished -4-room. 39 Trirrfty Place. DENN1SON apts.. 2 and 3-room furnished; private bath and phone. 1027 i Belmont. THE CLASSIC Newly tinted, 2-room. fur. apt. 662 Glisan. Bdwy. 2034. FURNISHED 2-room apt.. with bath; vaikiug- dis Lane. $20. 4S0 East Wash, FOR RENT. Furnished Apartmeuu. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Fo minutes walk to Meier A Fran Irs tore : go-d surroundings, strictly mod outside with Franu doora and balcony. Permanent and trauaiut. TOURISTS" FTTMMKR HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT. HIGH-CLASS AP RTM ENTS. 1- 2 ani 3-room apts. and sleeping Porch, beautifully furnished in Ciwnee rugs and willow furniture, also bachelor ulte aikd siiiule rooms and bath, refer ences required. Marshall 230. PERMANENT RENTERS ONLY. - ,M MOD ERN APARTMENT, y, - j Living, dining room, kitchen. 3 nedrooms. every room an outside room, rieat 4nd water furnished. Best west side district. Adults. No iniormauutt Xrr-r-1VI1vi-,e or at Partmnt. JOIITH-WAGOXER CO.. Stock Exch. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Lrou.dway and Jefferson St. 4-room strictly modern, only 7 blocks L?-?1 J hd1wy,.anJ Wasi- Phone furnished. froi rent $iu. with privilege of . to responsible B. Gugutff. Mam 25n0, o party. Call Bdwy. 4975. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT Apartments. 2, 3 and 4 rooms; an Part men t hotel of superior character .tiic j-wur comiort and coiive Ill's t consideration. venience ate THE WHKcLDOX ANNEX. L 1 ' Ci-ui and E-aimon Sts. - - -..h f urnisbed dec a nt now! v -orateu. white enamel rir.ihri u 1 1 out... rooms, strictly modern and very desirable. choice -lotation. Rent $45; auuns only. 41 Montgomery st., tor. iffouil Way, . CAM BRIAN APARTMENTS. 433 Columbia at 12th. One three-room furnished apartment. unuouct. ty large. airy rooms; strictly i J .i.iig instance ; reference:. unt KiNGSBUKY A PA RTMENT. v , Vk'TA AVE. Nicely furnished 3-room apt., with disappearing bed. with outside balconv. -in. i weeK or mouth: up. Call Main 33. prices $05 THE HOUSMAN. 4-room furnished iront apt.. with sleeping porch, iarpe. light, airy rooms, a iro ..-room apt. with porch, furnished or unfurnished. 0E ciTl PARK Attractive 2-roora apartment in modern private home; well Jurnwhed; heat. gas. electricity, water. V uu,U(it'u; oo; auuits. 0ij Vacant 3-room unartmcni uith private bath and phone; all outside rtioms. and A-l furnished. Carlois APts-. 341 14th su, coiner Market. Main desuable. nicely turnii hed outside J-room ajt., modern, private bath and pnone. Marshall Apartments, 024 Mar- na.l st. Broadway 3&51 Summer rates. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 3, rooms and bath; Walking distance, west sme. Electric lights, phone; all large, Iitiht. bcautirul rooms. .Mar. 3214. ON E 3 and one 4-room beautifully f ur- " er" apartments, close in. west r -,r Lami'iii AdIs.. ith n.1 i ' a Phu Main b375. THE ELBRiDGE. 3-room front .apartment, all outside rooms, in modern brick apartment huild n;g. 274 N. 21st. Broadway 4730 4-iiUuM turnisl.ed basement apartment, Alvarado Apartments, 730 Everett St.; 0i per month. See Janitor at prein les or Wakefield. Fries AiCo., 85 4th st. FURNISHED APT., 3 rooms and sleeping porch. 401 S 5bth ave., near Hawthorne; $.10 mo. Wakeiield. Fries i Co.. o5 Fourth st. LH.EDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room aoartmenu. also sleeping rooms; mod era, fireproof block, private baths, clean. rcasotia bie. 210 Mark e t t WILL RENT 4-room apartment, com pletely furnished, to responsible couum to Nov. 1 at price of same unfurnished. 'labor s;03. C u luruifturd A port menu. SHEFFIELD APARTMENT Broadway and Jefter;on. Four rooms, new ly ka.sommed and enameled, within 7 blocks of Bdwy and Wash. Only a short walk to your busi ness Will rent or lease to responsib'e iien ior o :no .or veax; rent $5." mo. Call S. B. Gustaff, Bdwy. 40 Main 25O0. per or KINGSBURY A PA RTMENT. iMi VISTA AVE. 3-room uiifurni.-hed apt., one disappear ing bed; aiso bedroom, outside balcony. Cail .Main 3?n83. VERY desirable unfurnished corner apart-nie-ut. kitchen, dining room, living room, dressing room and tied bath tor reiiL Etna apartments., phone East 3503. 3-K-Jtl apartment, unfurnished. $13 month. 14)2 V. Hawthorne ave.. .J:h. Mrs. Green. Tabor 0O0O. LARGE FOUR-ROOM APARTMKXT AT 1V1 H AND FLANDERS, KAY WALK- ING DISTANCE. BDWY. 40i0. -ROOM unfurnished atit. ; private toilet und oath. 6 4.V-S Thurman si., ner 2uth Marshall 47lil. 3-ROO.M apart., rent $15 per month. Call at corner bakery. E. 30th and E. Lincoln StM. MODERN 3-room unfurnished apartment, $32; no children. Wavelly court, E. 20th and Clinton pi. v' U RN I SHE I Lucille noni cor. front apt Court Apts. 4 Ca.l Broadway 1'oRTNoM A 1 1 3. 4-500111, walking dis tance, adults. 2)0 East 13th. ONE 3-rom unfurnished apartment. Rent 5'tiM. Call Maiu 5s3. ONE UNFURNISHED apartment, the Rcx f uid. This is a nice one. .Main 553. Til E Marl borough. 21st and Flanders. 5 ruom mouerii. Main 7510. THE CLASSIC Newly tinted 3-room un furnished apt. 002 Glisan. Bdwy. 2J34. 3-ROO.vl turnished apartment; running water, sink. 314 IJtli at. PORTNOM AH 4-room. hardwood floors walking distance, adults. 2oo E. 13th. Ai'Ai.'l'M ciNT lor rent and furniture fir sa.e, reasonable. Call Broadway .41 1 2. Furnished or Lufurntshed Apartments. IRVINGTON 441 E. 13th st. N.. upstairs fiat, private family. rooms and sleep ing porch: 2 blocks from Irvington car; fies-ira t'le location. East 4410. 3-RooM fceini-baiement apartment for rent cheap to iady for liRht basement work, private bath and new and clean. Pnone Tabor 518S, or at 126 E. 31th. NO ROM IS 2-room apt.. bath, dressing room, private telephone, etc, $32.50. B road w ay 4004. Flats. CLEAN, cheerful, modern unfurnished 4 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, front bal cony, wonderful view; furnace, basement space, newly tinted, painted, Ciose in, west side. Adults. $40; references. Fine for ma and wife who appreciate a quiet home. 461 Hail st. Marahail 4-0. FLAT of 5 rooms and 4 sleeping porches and some furniture for ta . $275 wk.1 handle it; rent is cheap, only $1$ per mouth and - a nice, cool place to live; must be seen to be appreciated. For information phone East 6300. W ti.sT SIDE 552 Everett and 17th, mod ern -room upper flat, separate base ment, furnace and large yard; 5 minutes from business center. J. R. DOWXEa, 312 Dekum Bldg. WEST SIDE 552 Everett and 17th. mod ern 6-room upper fiat, separate base ment, furnace and large yard: 5 minutes from business center. J. R- Downes. 302 Dekum bldy. SEPT. 1 Extra well-built 5-room flat, large, nice rooms, light and airy, gooa basement, large porch, modern in detail; references exchanged ; near E. 15th and Belmont. A E 702. oregonian. ' 5- ROOM modern upper fiat. $35 ; adults only ; walking distance. Call in person from 2 to 4 P. M., 426V1 Rodney ave. East 743. ; 4-H OO M fiat on first f .oor. cor. 35th and Hawthorne; modern, $27 per mo. Eat S421. Johnson. MODERN 4-room fiat, complete, 12 E. 14th S. ; adults only; refereuces. Inquire 10 'F. 14Tb t. S. VERY attractive five-room flat. Brooklyn district, clean and airy; also seven-room tint. Broad w ay 51 57. FOR RENT 5-room modern fiat. 16th and Everett. Call Bdwy. 378S Monday after 11 A. M. THOROUGHLY modern 8-room flat. Au gust 1. M urraymead district, $50. Sell wood in:. I o R RENT Unfurnished lower flat. 671 1 E. Ah st.. near 18th. 7-ROOM modern flat for rent, adults only. 434 Mill st. TWO 4-room flats; also store building, 1214 Belmont st. Tabor 12M. Monday. 5-ROOM lower flat, close in. w est side. 145 N. 21st. MODERN upper 5-room. walking distance. C oils in furnace. 43 Last Couch. CLEAN. modern. tteam-heafed, unfup nished 4-room flat. $40. Mam S105. 4-ROOM FLAT. 711 E. Flanders, near 20tfc. Rose City car. Adults- UP-TO-DATE f'nt ?n store, in, good: loca tion. Jalaia 3720. 6 i