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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 15 HELP WANTED MALE. S300 to S500 A MONTH. Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage uf the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING ALTO SCHOOL OF THB WEST WITH A. RtoCORD OK MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. Thnt's fair, isn't it? Write for our $1 8S-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO ortRGUN' hiX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AX!) OAS ENGINE . SCHOOL, UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 1R.2S7 YOUNG MEN have. In the past years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This Is not an "agency, and no extra fets or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present Is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment for ex-service men. M R. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you bunting a job or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take & per sonal Interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the pla.ce for which you are best t'ittf d. This service is absolutely frt-e to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 807. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR. Alaskan Englneerin g commission. Portland. Or. Wanted Railroad laborers for Alaska, for U. S. government railroad under con struction from Seward to Fairbanks. Alaska. Extra gang and section men for maintenance of way ; wages $5 per day, board $1.50 per day. For sailing dates and further information apply to Public Emplovment bureau, 311 Pine st.. or to J. D. Goodrich, purchasing agent's rep resentative, 301 Post Office Bids., Port land. FILE CLERK. "WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED FILE CLERK WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH SUBJECT FILES FOR A LARGE OR GANIZATION. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE HAD WIDE EXPERIENCE NEED APPLY. STATING AGE, EX PERIENCE, REFERENCES AND SALARY EXPECTED. R 553. OREGO N IAN. MINERS. For Hercules Mine, Burke, Idaho. Steady employment; wages 15.75 to $0.25 per day; modern hott-l accommo dations ; room anu uuuru -. . u j- liners. 2 miners on a machine; no fce3 charged. NO I. W. W.'S WANTED. Apply Louis K. Church, service club, in Trent avenue, Spokane. Wash. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles. tractors. vulcanizing. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading a u torn obi le and tractor business men of Portland. Students do TirHi'timl repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office. 416 Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A. xv a vr mii Hv well established firm. young man who is accurate with figures and who baa some knowledge of a type writer for an assistant in office work , a chance for advancement is offered as ability is shown. Reply in own hand writing, stating age., education, expri ence and salary expected. AL 681, Ore gonian. THE METER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced stove salesman. Apply employment bureau, sixth, floor, Meier &, Frank Company. ItRl.N'TKR We have a place for a printer mie ru.tnr: want man for steady position; $36 to start; prefer family man who is looking for a good place to make home and steady job. Dg not require swift on machine: expert nrsi-riass man ior floor; no press feeding: give experience and when you could come. Address AV 111. Oregonian. $225 PER MONTH THE YEAR AROUN. averagea ov a numoer oi our eaicoiiieu, vouug, middle-aged and elderiy. Busi ness never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have done. Waihmaion Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. . A LARGE corporation has an opening for a voung man. 21 to 26 years of age. " with high school or college education. Permanent salaried employment. Sales end mechanical experience necessary. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Address BJ 731. Oiegouian, Giving full detni's. . W A NT ED Ship carpenters, s-hip joiners, machinists, pipefitters and plumb era to work on steamship Harvard or Yale on or about July lO, PJ20. Applications will be received now. Ralph J. Chan dler Shipbuilding Co., Wilmington. Los. Angeles Harbor. 'Cal. W ANTED Young man to work in ship pine room in local machinery house, grood opportunity for advancement for right person; prefer young man just graduated from high school who wants to get started in good stable business. AO 397, Oregonian. B1EADY man wanted take permanent charge good territory. Supplies and spe cial information furnished. Experience not required. Cash weeKly. If a per manent, profitable business interests you, give this a trial. Yakima Valley Nur sery, Toppenish. Wash. IF IT'S HELP you want, call BROAD WAY 5280. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 24 North Second St. G A RDE.NER Permanent place for single man w ho can give exceptional refer ences. Country home, one mile from city limit rwt electric line. Available on or before August 1. Call afternoons. 508 Stevens bldg., or telephone Main 100. GENERAL foreman. furniture factory, citv. M ust be expert all departments. State experience and saJary expected. All replies strictly contiaentiai. Ar u Oregonian. HE KD WORKERS wanted at once. The Oregon Chair Co. will furnish steady employment at good wages to expe rienced help. See Mr. Da visa on at th factory In South Portland. LI VE WIRE salesman on trucks or auto mobiles: have good proposition for right man. Retail department Atterbury Truck Sa'.es Co., bw ytn St. .A FEW men wanted for steady work by Portland Gas & Coke Co.. at plant on I.innton road. Take free bus at 23d and Savier St.. at 7:15 A. M. V ANTED Names men, boys over 16, wishing become railway mail clerks $133. $195 month. Answer AV 930, Ore gonian. COMMISSARY and cot accounting man for large restaurant business. 'State ait particulars, where last employed, length OI time. CU. uitgumaii. WANT tlocutters, new camp on head waters Green river; good timber, steady employment. Write Standard Timber Co., Evanston. wyo. t WANTED 3 young men for light factory work. W ester n wax raoer Co.. N Portland. Take Miss, car to end of line and Stockyard car to our door. NIGHT fry cook and counter man for cafeteria: must be able to make waffles. Phone Main 4tJH. WANTED Cleaner and dyer, $40 per week. Steady position to right man. Astoria, Or. AV lutt, oregonian. MARRIED man for farm work, wages $90, house and water, may gather free wood. Call S28 Alder st. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading from Akron. O., gradV uate. 433 Stark st. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas & Coke Co. ' Apply 4 P. M 241 Flanders st. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn vul canizing a-nd retreading. Call 42 Haw thorne ave. "WANTED Mechanical draughtsman: state phone No., refs. in firt letter. AN boS, Oregonian. BARBER wanted: must be first-clasa man; steady Job. Cor. Portsmouth and Lom bard sts. St. Johns car. SALESMEN, experienced or Inexperienced. i39 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. DO YOU WANT to learn motion picture operating? If so. write V 531, Oregpnian. TEAMS with dump wacimi. Park and Flanders sts. Lumber stenographer. $125. cieri- ca 1 H elp Service. 5 29 A rt I sa n s bid g. CABINET makers, also finishers In fur turs factory. Appl 02 tfecond tt. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR SMALL MILL STORE NEAR PORTLAND, MAN TO RUN STORE AND KEEP MESS-HOUSE RE PORTS; SMALL GENERAL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE CARRIED. MUST BE READY TO LEAVE TOWN ON TUES DAY A. M.. JULY 20. SINGLE MAN PREFERRED. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU HAVE HAD PREVIOUS EXPERI ENCE. O 977, OREGON! AN. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR. ' Can place any number of men for harvest work, $4 day and board. Take advantage of this and go out to the haivest where you can. save some money. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 203 -Beck. Bids. Bdwy. 1367. LEARN a trade, now and pay later. Are you mechanically inclined ? li so, in-. vestigate HEMPH1 LL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne ave., corner East 20th, where you can learn in six weeks to op erate and repair all makes of autos and tractors. WANTED NEAT APPEARING YOUNG SINGLE MAN, 18 to 22 YEARS OF AGE, TO TRAVEL WITH MANAGER IN GOOD PAYING BUSINESS. MAN WITH SOME SELLING EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. CALL ROOM 627, IM PERIAL HOTEL, U TO 12 A. M. TODAY ONLY. WANTED Man to help iii general mer chandise store in the country ; must be able to do the outsdie work and run and take care ot Chevrolet delivery car; pre fer middle-aged married man ; must have experience. Apply in person if pos sible. O. F. Cady, Fairview, Or. YOUNG man wanted of ability and integ rity to learn otf ice work in country commercial hotel. Must write good hand and knwledge of typewriter helpful. Wages to start $60, room and board. Write full particulars to P. O. Box 67, Pullman, Wash. WE are anxious to receive applications from men who are capable of becoming salesmen. We want men who are able to make large earnings. The work of fers splendid opportunity to a profitable promotion. Your application will be con- sidered confidential. B 910, Oregonian. SUN is EA M Ki LM CO. will start shooting pictures next week. If you are inter ested In movie work, apply at main office. 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. We are in the market for one and two reel stories featuring child under 3 yeara VULCANIZING shop, one strong young service man, one with previous expe rience preferred, small wages at start, but good chance for ' advancement and learning trade. Hawthorne Vulcanizing Work?. 401) Hawthorne ave. WANTED WANTED. HAWAIIAN MUSICIANS. WRI TE OR WIRE EARL ARLINGTON. BROWNING SHOW, SALE M, OR. MANUFACTNURER offers several am bitious young men an opportunity to establish branch office and manage salesmen. Address 1524 Real Estate Trust bldg., Philadelphia. WOOD haul, want 2 trucks and 2 teams for hauling cordwood out of the woods. 2 miles haul on good roads, steady work for 3 months. Williams Ave. Fuel Co.. 577 Williams ave. A GOOD HUSTLER with sfew hundred dollars can make several thousand dol lars per year. Handle your own money. . Be your own boss. Give your phone No. O 964, Oregonian. WELL established realty firm wants man, with auto, to open and handle house de partment. Good opportunity to proper party. References required. AH 4.43, Oreg-onian. WANTED A bright boy with bicycle, permanent position I must have refer ences. Apply Monday morning 111 N. Broadway. FINE repair man, prefer beginner with small experience, but will consider fully experienced man ; call E. 8540 from 3 to 5 P. M. today. WANTED Young man for light factory work, permanent position. Columbia Mills,. Inc.. 4th floor. Royal bldg., 3464 Morrison st. MILKERS and general farm hands wanted. Good waces and good home. Call for E. T. Raddant. Imperial Hotel, Sunday eve ning and Monday. 1 WANTED Reasonably strong and healthy man. 25 to 50 years old, for stockroom; reliable and honest. References required. J fttif. oregonian. WANT one or two 1 Vfr or 2-ton trucks to haul sawdust and shavings and make $20 to $25 per day. Call u.t 227 Salmon. Main HI 54. open Sundays. WANT ED- - At once, first-class open-shop experienced iron foundry moulders on medium heavy work in city. Apply 620 Oregon hid?., 5th and Oak sts. TWO neat-appearing young fellows for traveling proposition. No one over 21 need applv. Call between 10 and, 12 P. M., Fnton bldg., 308-309. WANTED A reliable younw man. about 1 8 years old ; requirements, clerk, drive Ford, know city. A rpl v Monday morn In. 34 Pine st. Bdwy. 4S08. ROAD work contract to purchaser of used a -ton truck with dump body and hoist. This Is a truck foreman's contract. Call 227 Salmon st. Main 8154 HOTEL porter wanted White man. Coun try commercial notei. wages $ttu, room and board. Write full particulars to P. O. Box 87. Pullman, Wash. BE a detective, $50-$ IOO weekly ; travel over world, experience unnecessary. American Detective Agency, 642 Lucas, St. Louis. PROPOSITION attractive to college men seeking employment during vacation ; good return; no Investment. AE 432, Oregonian. WANT a first-class man for soliciting business ; no selling or taking orders ; man with laundry experience preferred. A L 434. Oregonian. Good home, small wages. Columbia High way, for elerly man who can run Ford. Apply 302 Lumbermens bldg., 4 o'clock today. WANTED A good farm hand that can milk cows. Swiss preferable; year round job. Apply L. Nex. Mount Hood. Or. FOR a position with a salary and com mission. Call at 1000 Yeon Bldg. Mon day between 8 and 10 A. M. WANTED A reliable party to clear 10 acres ;and near Rock wood (no trillers) 2:tl Morrison st. WANTED MAN WITH CAR. EAST 3450. Help Wanted Salesmen. AUTO owners have money today; we have what they need; you show it to them and nine out of ten will buy; our gasoun vaporizer creates a sensation wherever introduced ; removes carbon, gives more power, better pickup. Increases mileage up to 50 per cent; six sales a day means yearly income of $4&uu. no experience needed; day's trial convinces; excellent spare time seller; auto necessary. Sample pent for 15 days trial; given free when you take up the work; exclusicve terri tory. Get particulars. . Hudson Products Co.. dept. 36, Portland. Or. WE want a few forceful salesmen who have earned $100 upward per week Previous experience not necessary. Ours Is a legitimate business and is perma nent. If you have ability an excellent connection with large remuneration can be made. Call 702 Spalding bldg. Mon day morning between 10 and 12 o'clock. Ask for Mr. Stranahan. AUTO MOBILE SALESMAN for a mediu n-pr iced car. Established line. Increased production necessitates another salesman. A lucrr tiv perma nent connection is assured. Address in confidence O P97, OREGONIAN". AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN NEEDED. For the right nun with a good per sonality, who if a aalesmun, and a knowled.ra of ried'um priced cars, we have a splendid opportunity. Our car is an easy selltr and is a Genera! Mo tors product. Phone Broadway 41S4. WANTED First-clasa automobile salea- inan one who Is looking for future ad vancement and wishes to connect with one of the large manufacturers in this country. Must be a hustler and not just an order taKr. awy. sim. WE HAVE a very attractive proposition showing big profit, $400-$500 per month; goods sold on n oney back guarantee, in vestnent of $1 00-$:t00 would start you. call ua wasningion, aionoay jlu a. m.. 1 P. M. SALESMAN Gum and peanut vending machines, entirely new, big seller; make $20 day easily, Shelley & Ericksen. 433 San Fernando bldg., Los Angeles. Cal CAN USE salesman owning light delivery car to sell direct to grocery trade ; staple line In big demand. Apply Hood River Valley Products Co.. 321 N. 14th. WANTED Parties to dig or drill one or more wens at once.. John E. Howard, R18 Chamber of Commerce. WANT TIRE SALESMEN. Big discounts and commissions, E. Morrison. 425 WANTED A specialty salesman . for of f.ce nd automobile accessories; salary ana commission. r oi. uregonian. TW6 FIRST-CIASS retail tire salesmen, Call East 2925, 10 to 12 A. M. Monday. SALESMEN-rWonderful opportunity, in come insurance. om oroett oiag. SALESMAN to represent" factory. Ford necessity- Beard on Mfg. Co., Peosja, 111. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. EXPERIENCED FLORIDA LAND SALESMEN AND SALES MANAGERS ATTENTION. An organization has been perfected to put on the largest and highest class orange grove development that Florida has ever kfown a $4,000,000 project. Opportunity, now open for real pro d ucers to secure agencies throughout the United States and Canada which will be very profitable. Unusual sales features will make this the most attrac tive Florida offer. Communications confidential. State previous experience. Temple Terraces. Inc.. 414 Colorado building. Washington. D. C. 1 ANT 10O men and women quick to take orders for Comer raincoats and waterproof aprons; everybody buys. Mc Crary a profits last year were $5218. New Styles, wonderful bargains, direct from manufacturer to wearer. Barnes made $323 In 30 days. Tremendous profits for you; $2500 a. year for three average or ders a day; $10 a day for your spare time; no delivering or collecting; no cap ital required. I furnish everything, in cluding a beautiful sample coat, write quickly for liberal offer. The Comer Mfg. Co.. Dept. G-154, Dayton. Ohio. AN UNUSUAL opportunity for a high grade salesman to make a permanent connection with a large company close ly affiliated with a prominent Port land financial institution: only a flrst ciass man wanted; one capable of earn ing not less than $500 per month; pre fer man with some experience selling stocks, bonds, or life insurance, but not absolutely essential; give complete in formation of your experience, etc., which will be absolutely confidential. B 209. Oregonian. CREW MANAGER AND SALESMEN. Men with experience to handle crews of 10 girls each, in city and out of town; also salesmen and canvassers; Portland never been worked; big money to right men Call Monday at offices for interview and demonstration, or phone for appointment. Mr. Fisher. 100-In-One Mfg. Co.. 1335 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Marshall 3133. SPLENDID opportunity for salesmen call ing on department stores, sporting goods. n a raw are stores and toy dealers; manu facturer of toy airplanes that fiv from 100 feet to half mile wants side line salesmen ; our men have been making $150 to $-500 a week; give your qualifi cations and experience In full. Send complete and detailed list of towns you are covering. Write at once for propo sition. The Ritchie-Wertz Mfg. Co., Dayton. Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED. Two live salesmen able to sell first class industrial stock in Clarke county, Wash. real money to real salesmen; men with machines preferred ; straight commission, no advances. If you can Bell, this is your opportunity to make real money; strong advertising cam paign, all possible' assistance given good men; this is an absolutely new proposition. Call 702 Spalding bldg., ask for Mr. Starr. SALESMAN WANTED. Established Portland investment house has opening for experienced bond and securities salesman; man with auto mobile and who can work out of town part of time preferred; an excellent connection can be made by the right party. Answer, stating age. education and past experience. Do not answer this ad unless you are a real producer and willing to work. Answers treated in strict confidence. AF 809. Oregonian. SALESMEN, district managers, in $5000-a-year class, assured permanent income salting phonographs to dealers and farm ers; my factories make biggest HUN DRED DOLLAR seller in America. Other models from $50 up; big profit to dealers and agents. If you qualify I will finance you, carry your accounts from dealers; samples furnished to men. bank reefr ence. NAT K A WIN. the Phonograph Man, Great Eastern Manufacturers Co., 316 S. Wabash ave.. Chica go . SA LESM EN Real men. Men out of the rut. who live right are capable of making upwards of $75 a week. We offer to that type of men permanent unequalled opportunities for making money and advancement. We give our salesmen thorough co-operation in sell ing a superior, high grade specialty in demand by all retail merchants. State experience. D. V. Mathews. Box 176, Station ,C. Cleveland. Ohio SALESMAN. A high-class man for city and vicinity to represent a company designing and building special automatic machinery and labor saving devices, large possi bilities, commission basis, want man al ready representing established firms in this section. Communicate with GILES ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC.. Grand Central Palace. N. Y. City. SALESMAN, traveling all or part of Ore gon. Washington, Idaho and Montana, to take as side line a staple, estab lished article which demands missionary work more than order taking; work will demand very little of salesman's time; line handled by hardware, gen eral store, drug store and electric; no samples. Room 420. 45 Fourth st. MAKE $10,000 to $25.0no yearly; organize miiu manage lire ciuo lur well-known hiRh-grade tire; new. original plHn eliminates competition and Insures 100"; reorders. We back you with nation-wide Intensive advertising campaign; exclu sive territory. Apply at once. Franklin Tire & Rubber Company, Dept. 4u7, Chi cago. 111. WANTED Every man looking for a posi- inni, r w no is not satisi lOcl With his present position, or his present income, to write ior "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Fark and Yamhill, Portland, Or. WRITE for our Farmers' Memorandum Calendar, weekly diary calendar and valuable papers file; big commission ; great side line proposition: why not make $50 to $100 week EXTRA? THE 1SNARD CO., 3535 S. Benton. Kansas City, Mo. SALESMEN wanted; have territory this section, selling made-to-measure clothes direct to wearer; country-wide reputa t tion; men wanted who can produce. Ap tply for fall line NOW. References re quired. P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., Cin cinnati. O. SALESMEN calling on banks, hotels, pub lic ' institutions and large corporations, dealers and jobbers; we have ink. paste and mucilage superior in quality and used by every dept. of the U. S. govern ment. It is a repeater. Address Jas mine Ink. Hall st., Norfolk, Va. SALESMEN with auto having established trade -to sell our toys In every town. Fine line. Liberal commission. Good demand. Start at once. MADMAK QUALITY COMPANY Utica. N. Y. SALESMAN w anted by eastern manufac turer of ladies' and gents' gloves, with branch factory in California; exclusive territory; commission only; no objec tion to other lines if producer; give full references. A V 127. Oregonian. SALESMAN WANTED To T high grade liae of wicklesa oil stoves and ovens. Must have past record for honest dealings and integrity. Address Thje California Oil Stove Co., 607 Mia sion st.. San Francisco, Cal $500 MONTHLY selling patented fuel vaporizer guaranteea to save up to 50 per cent gasoline; 40 miles gallon made with ford. Sold on money-back guar antee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporirer Co.. ot5 Pukw ana. S . Dak GENERAL merchandise salesman wanted iur - country store, a man who has a dge of hardware. Apply at I '?, 0f Men's Guaranteed Tailored Neck & Owens Co.. Gur n, 1 llne oI M,n..;i. fre.. K. L.. KeiseT once to Bell laM-e . f. train at 4th near Stark. WANT 5 city and 3 country salesmen. calling on garages and auto dealers; sell automatic lock. See Mr. Watts. Sunday, 12 to 3 P. M., Couchman'a garage, lyth end Couch. LARGE substantial Institution desires the services of five educated, aggressive into,,oie oi oeing aeveioped into salesmen. .Splendid ornortunitv to th right man. Call 909 Wilcox Bldg. SALESMEN Solicit merchants outstand ing accounts for collection; we pay 40c an account; big money proposition for hustlers. Illinois Adjusting Corporation, "1-7 N. Dearborn. Chicago. INEXPERIENCED or experienced city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Adrirss National Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept.' 274. Chi cago, III. SALESMAN Solicit merchants outstand ing accounts for collection: we pay 40 cents on account: big money proposition for hustlers. Illinois Adjusting Cor pora ti o nMJNJDearbornCh I c a g o DISTRIBUTOR wanted In every town for Kccuuiuir , .i'.r iu per mom n ; ex clusive .territory; automobile free to workers. Speedoline Co., Dept. 66, Dai las, Texas. SAX.ES MANAGER, also county repre sentative, for established auto acces sories; must finance themselves ; ex ceptional opportunity. See Mr. St rouse, Seward hotel, before 2 P. M. STOCK salesman or woman to sell block of treasury stock in clean mining propo sition with excellent future, which can be easily demonstrated. T 531. Orego nian. AN OPENING lor two real salesmen, city and country, must be able to give the best of references. Give phane number for appointment M 232. Oregonian. SALESMAN and missionary worker by manufacturing concern. Salary $30 per week and expense.--' to start. State age when answering. T 927. Oregonian. SALESMEN. to sell part time; sell direct from mfr. to retail stores from cata logue; big money. Jean Robert Co., 417 Sacramento blvd., Chicago. TWO salesmen to call on our country ' trade, commission, basis, 291 Third (, HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. THE STMONS DRT GOODS COMPANY OF BUTTE. MONT., desires the services of an experienced . SALESMAN for their linen and domestic goods department. ADDRESS SUPERINTENDENT. SALES YEN wantei, men capable of mak ing $5000 per year to handle farm light ing plants; men who have the desire to get into business for memselves; this connection offers an exceptional oppor tunity; one of the largest electrical or ganizations in the entire Pacific N. W. is behind this line of plaifts. The line is complete, covering every situation that a man may come in contact with. 32 volt direct connected. 310 volt direct connected and the belted systems up to 6 K. W. ; also complete lrhe of water systems, washing machines. vacuum cleaners, fans, oasters, percolators, etc.. for farm plants. All you need is an automobile and the desire' to work. The advertising service man, etc., we take care of. G 533, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED scale and store fixture salesman, Thompson Scale & Fixture Co., oU9 Oak St.. distributors Detroit auto matic scales. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Territorial agents and side line salesmen; big money proposition ; just patented; now starting to open up western territory; samples occupy little spacer sold everywhere, exceedingly useful, at tractive and sells on sight. Rogers Geiger Manufacturing Company, 101-103 Lennox Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. $1000 PER MAN PER COUNT Strange invention startles world; agents amaxed, 10 inexperienced men divide Korstad. a farmer, did $2200 in. 14 days, Schleicher, a minister. $la first 1 hours; $1200 cold cash. made. paid, banked by Stoneman in 30 days; $lo,ouu to date. A hot or cold running water bath equipment for any home at only $7.50; self-heating; no plumbing or waterworks; investigate; exclusive sale; credit given; send no money; write let ter or postal today. Allen Mfg. Co., 575 Allen bldg., Toledo, O. DELICIOUS soft drinks, concentrated form; aiways ready; add water; eco . nomical. absolutely pure; every house wife wants them; 14 kinds; enormous demand; big summer sellers; money comes easy; 250 other popular priced, fast-selling household necessities. w e furnish free outtits. Write today now. Aiwecican Products Co., 432" American bldg., Cincinnati. O. , BIG quick income, selling remarkable household necessity; every woman wants from one to six dozen; immense prorit possibilities; every, home a prospect; nothing like It on the market; easy to ue easy to demonstrate, easy to sell. Sample free. Send 6c for postage. Sun rise Sal es Co., 84,1 Fifth Ave., New York City. nriT wnrrvinc over labor unrest. $10 ;i., ifiniuhin? hrflM beds, autos chandeliers; new method; light work; no losses; no capital, no experience re quired. Vast amount of work ready in vour citv; hire others; profit on their work Free particulars ana proois. uuu metal Co., 33 Elm. Decatur. 111. AGENTS $100 weekly, automobile owners everywhere who. wun cumun. 1 i n rinnntAR nnwer. mlleaKe, efficiency. Saves its cost first day. cA.. tinnai tuples everywhere. Terri tory going liKe wildfire. $16 sample out Jit Ford car free. Write quick. Ove Co!, d&pt. U74, Loulsylile, Ky. $50 ciwti-k T.v and ud sewing Mexican ,1 , c r a r 1 1 v resemDie genuine. same rainbow fire; Stand tests; sell at Kie-ht Repeat orders. Write qu ck for Kamnle Cose offer FREE. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 2oj New M ex ico. Laa Crucea, . . - r l-o wh Destroyer. Kills od noxious" weeds in the lawn. Big margin " 1-7,? .rh Kale. Agents wanted 1 -vifiji Portland territory County rights outside of Portland now open. See is. n. Aiv-nwwi 2'4 Henry diqb ....nvL-ro mo-uimi washer. Ires- - - r - -. , h - without to dirt a riven - lJ 1 - labor: boil wasnes same , V pounding, no rubbing: retails proiit iou'; enormous denuid; machine to workers. Act quickly. faHEEK COM- pan y Qulncy. H AGENTS Sell ladies $3.50 pure silk hosiery ior make iu 10 day; sample outfit deposit $1.50. rir We are actual re 1 u ij j - manu- facturers. Write today, Real Silk Hosiery Mills, lnaianaponM. WK START you In business, furnishing everything, fnln and women, opportunity fifeTime. $30 to $100 weekly operating nSw "system Specialty Candy Factories home anywhere; booklet free. Ragsdale hr.v s. East Orange. N. J. TAILORING agents I1 men s -P- steprriceirWnVbirpVoducers; state ex perience ' Write for fan-winter sample line. Leads Woolen Mills, -JU . Franklin, unicaso. ci fiMEN Side line calling ary goous, nofiSns drug stores: sell hair nets and Ronnte. B" veils; big commissions; send for samples. Peeriess Hair Net Co., i2 E. 58th St.. Chicago. ..pvTc earn $50 week and your ciomea Ifee sclTing famous made-to-measure luiU and overcoats; selling outfits ree. Commonwealth Tailors. Dept. 17u, Occi dental bldg., Chicago. WASTED Responsible manufacturers agents to handle a line of centrifugal pSmpf. deep-wel-1 power pump heads and Accessories. Aurora Pump & Mfg. Co.. as Fnx st.. Aurora. HI. T . . t-vc .iruniv crew managers. MAbAi.o vreeular money' .r'-.Vulars free. Write quickly, oi lci , k . DL.,.n hide.. San a ran- dept cisco. msnufacturer wants AGENis a- , un,vea, shirts, agents ww.. t8t'. .hoes, clothing. ?trrSWriSteirfoV samples. Mmdi-o-tifu- ww Broadway. New York lXSUKA.r, w.nhlorton lot ,tw" writing : S??eral FIRE. GRAIN and ACTOMOBILa . M 141. Oregonian. .u ranee. ui. ttrasMl. fibre brooms, COIN mony rnrn Broom . t 17: also Cramw fanltary Droane Cramer MfS- Co Wichita. Kan. WONDBKFUI. seller , M. "J ? Kamnle free. Ilnon. 2819 W Pico. Los Angeles. Cat. . .... Co.. Palmer Bldg. Detroit. 11.. lY0g0eaBaw?eek.' Idea Woolen Co.. TS4 W. Madison. Chicago. ir.KNTS-Lfirn about. tn P"' iflerl" Co8. Vkn..touM0- 7 . arnni-. -n( n Tn for freeTotlet soap ample ana iv refund offer. Lacassia o.. uepu 610, St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED-FEMAT " . .. : r i - fvnm loanable teacfae: WOUL.u.Ke V';iv-: instruction. A J in iv" ' 437. Oregonian. WANTED Violin and " t"?, be gooa ; wu WANTED A dining room irl. 1751 Derby st. wain. -w. r, ner for nome on "rnch": T 2B8. OreSonlan. , EXPERIENCED dictaphone onerator an rl nVrlcr girl. AN 813. Oregonian WANTED Experienced canay gin. fxi..nfecionery. 365 Alder. Apply bOMBONB to do wwlm m exchange for music lessons. Main 3018. MARKER and sorters. drv. 140 E. 3d N. American Laun r vTirn Wnman for hall work.. Call ' Sunday. Seward hotel. . , - t....., xVi nnKtlna- machine oper- ,.,r State salary. R 300. Oregonian. a mprrmaid and ianitreas. Hotel Couch. 251 Couch st. WANTED A chambermaid, once. Ramapo Hotel. Apply at WANTED Young girl to housework and baby. Tabor 2308. 'yi'ED A chambermaid, keeper. Rainier Hotel. See house WANTED Experienced trimmer. 348 Washington St. Apply WANTED Maid. See housekeeper Charles hotel. 204 Morrison st. St. HOUSEKEEPER for widower' iiome, $3 TO $5 hour selling Kwallty Rane Kotea Made to measure for men, women and children; pay highest commiMio. m; de liver colled; samples free .write today. THE LIBERTY RAINCOAT COMPANY, t.d-t x "IT DAYTON. OHIO. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPTOMETER -r OPERATOR Is a common appeal of business firms In claret fied columns under "Help Wanted." A six weeks course In ear Comptometer School Qualifies you to hold these desirable posi tions. .... Course Includes special training Jng Commercial Arithmetic under system of Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co.. makers of the Comptometer Adding and Calculating Machine. Call write or phone. TM. A. BACON, 813 Morgan Bldg. Phone Main 6714. LADT CANVASSERS. Want real snappy, well-dressed young ladies; 4 crews, 10 ladies each, for Port land ; chance for you to work; with a congenial bunch; good salary to right people, or commission if you prefer; no delivering Just take the orders. Call Monday at offices for Interview and demonstration, or phone for appoint ment. Mr. Fisher, lOQ-In-One Mfg. Co.. 1335 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Marshall 3133. SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Pasadena Hospital School for Nurses, at Pasadena. California, will receive a fw mnrm unnl lent ions from hicrh school graduates for admission to the three year course of theory and practice in nuralnr. besrlnnlnv September. luJ". Qualifications and other information mmn t hv m n M iinnn rp mi p st. Address Miss Lina L. Davis, Supt- Pasadena Hospital, Pasadena, cat. EXCELLENT opportunity for competent and home-loving restaurant iaay witn attractive personality; not over 35 and Binrio Will km I. lease, employ or con aider partnership with right woman. N. O. Hobson, Madras, Or. WKi,l.-rsTARLISH ED real estate firm wants woman who has had previous experience selling apartment and room ing nouses ; to one inai can uro ij writer will guarantee a salary; this of fers an opportunity to work up to rood pay in sr. permanent position; to commence August 2 or sooner; give previous experience and phone. AN 428. Oregonian. GTRLfS LOOK. 0 girls and women for fine berry camp: good crop; A-l con ditions; fare $1.0. Register now. Mr, ijoott, 320 Hnry bldg. GOOD OPPORTUNITY for intelligent, at tractive young women to help doctor and learn drugless healing, etc., in town 5000; $10 a week to start. Age preferred 20 to SO. Promising open ing for right person. Give age, ex perience and photograph, latter returned. Box AV 117. O re g on ia n. L EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN. Mrs. L. V. Scdt, formerly director of employment for women with the federa'. government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 320 Henry bldg., corner 4th and Oak Sts. Bdwy. 4537. . WANTED Three refined, attractive young women for special local screen feature; moving picture experience not absolute ly necessary, though desirable: chance for permanent employment. Apply onl v 12 to 2 P. M. Sunday. Room 320 Piatt bldg. WANTED Every woman looking for a position or who Is not satisfied with her present position or her present income, to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland. Or. WANTED Voung lady to learn high class portrait and studio work must be steady ana wining to learn. Appiy Monday R to 10 A. M.. or .r to 6 P. M. THE CANN STU D I O, 502 Merchants Trust Bldg. EX PERIENCED Insurance stenosrapher. $125. Experienced lumber stenographer. JlJii. rtooKKCfper na iifnogrnpnpr, $100. Bookkeeper. $10. Law stenog rapher, out of town, $100. 301 N. W. Bank bidg. AT ONCE Five bright, capable ladle to travel, demonstrate ani sen oeaiers; $40 to $75 per week, railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 82H. Omaha. Neb. STENOGRAPHER for general office work wanted bv local wnoiesaie notion nouw, some experience necessary; moderate salary to start. Call East 51G5 Monday after 8 A. M. WANT lu ounsr la fly for clerical work, salary start $75. Answer in own handwriting, giving aire, experience, tele phone number and add rets. AJ 733, Ore gonian. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper; pref erence to one who has had laundry book keenlna exnerlence and can operate typewriter. Opera House Laundry, 24a Everett. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OTJR MILLINERY WUKKKUU4UJ. r AL r J- IIUM. 126 SIXTH ST. $ou WEEKLY up. home work, experience unnenessarv : vervtninc iurnisnea. ocna self -addressed stamped envelope for free 'particulars. Kurn Candymakers Co., Philadelphia. Pa. phamrkrmaiD for first-clafis club no sttion open August l, rausi oe experi enced, references wanted, board with room and good salary. Call Sell wood 2Sfi7 for appointment. YOUNG woman for established dramatic show; a mbitious amateur conemereu Main fcKKrt. Room 002. 207 2d at Harlin Talbert. WANTED Two refined, capable salesla dies to represent eastern corporation good pay. permanent. Phone Tabor 6844 Monday A. M.. for appointment. WANTED Experienced . chocolate dip pers; steady work and opportunity ror high wages on iinerai piece worn nasu. Phone Mrs. lioinrooK. ttroanwny WRIVKSR firm reauires services of wo an not under 3. wno is aniDitious ana capable ; some business experience pre ferred ; not office. P 283, Oregonian. SALESWOMEN We have a good opnor- tiinitv for vou: no experience necesarv, All you need is a willingness to work. Call room 305. 132 Tenth streeL WANTED Refined young lady to assist with cure or babv in email apanmenu Good wages and good home for right girl. Bdwy. 4i3 Monnay. WANTED Experienced saleslady for su burban dry goods store, permawni po sition, good future assured to right party. AG 797, Oregonian FIRST-CLASS tailoress wanted to work on lad lea" garments. Aronson, an enirai Bldg. WANTED Woman teacher for commer cial subjects, to begin September 1. AB 81HJ Oregonian. . WANTED One kitchen helper. 1 laun dress. Old People's Home, East 32d and Sandy. Phone E. 588. WANTED An experienced hemstltcher; none other need apply. Inquire 242 Al der st. WANTED Girl, 16 or 17. to care for boy while mother works. Call Monday, CoO Lumbermans bldg. Mrs. Sweet. YOUNG lady as stenographer for large retail store, salaryq $125 a month. AK 440. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced mangle girl, steady work, good wages. Yale Laundry Co., 500 East Morrison. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter, steady wnrk. highest wages. Yale Laun dry Co.. BOO East Morrison. YOUNG lady to work in physician's office; experience not required. 358 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 6450. . WANT a middle-aged woman; good milker; good wages; treated as one -of the family. AM 741, Oregonian. REFINED woman for two hours work in dining room. Call 501 Eroadway Yamhlll bldg., after 9 A. M. WANT a youne- lady stenographer, prefer one with some knowledge of bookken lngv Apply 318 Railway Exchange tldjr. WANTED Girl about 15 years, to assist with light housework mornings. Tabor 7220. GIRL for general housework in country during rummer, city in winter. Cail Bdwv. 4702 after 0 A. M. Monday. COMPETENT girl, cooking and general housework, to go to Gearhart; best wages. Main WANTED Graduate nurse for night duty Iocs' hospital. Salary $10 per month. A 237. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework in small six room bouse. Pnone Main 6712, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS FOR POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS. THE WORK IS EASY TO LEARN, PLEASANT, WITH GOOD WAGES. ALSO A LARGE BONUS PAID EACH WEEK- EXPERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. GIRLS MUST NOT BE UNDER 19 OR I OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE. MODERN AND TTP-TO-DATE FACTORT, WITH SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. APPLT AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE BAG CO. 15TH AND HOYT STS. BETWEEN 7:30 AND 8.30 A, ML. TELEPHONTS OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. BEGINNERS RATE. $14 PER WEEK. REGULAR INCREASES, RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLY NOW. ROOM 604. flTH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register for positions with Miss Miller, 903 Yeon building. Have more positions open than I can f ill : for this summer only I will give a course on calculating machines. comptometers. addlna machine and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $1". - New classes July 15, 1; a night courfJe will be given.-6 to 8 each evening, except Saturday and Sunday ; beginning July JO. Register now as only a limited number of students can be admitted to these classes. Ask any business man or banker. Salaries are from $S.N to $130 per month. Miller School. IK3 1 eon Dunning. THE METER A FRANK COMPANT re quires the services of experienced sales women for positions in different de partments. A lo five saleswomen for the Lower- .Price Store. Those having experience in general merchandise stores will be ahie to fill lhee positions. Apply Employment Bureau, 61xth Floor. Meier & r rank Co. FILE CLERIC WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED FTLE CLERK WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH SUBJECT FILE'S FOR A LARGE OR GANIZATION. ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE HAD WIDE EXPERIENCE N EED APPLY, STATING AG E EX PERIENCE, REFERENCES AND SALARY EXPECTED. R 555. OREGO NIAN. THE METER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced fraleewomen for children's section of the shoe department. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor. Meier & if rank Co. THE MEIER FRANK COMPANT re el litres the services of a demonstrator for hair curlers. Apply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor, Meier & Prank Co. THE University Soe-.ety of New York, la Its child study Department, wants three capable women. Detween 28 amd 45. to travel In desirable territory. Splendid opportunity for those who would like te bo identified with a permanent child welfare movement. Position pays $250 per year to those qualified. ror par ticulars call at 315 Couch bldg. SALESLADY for women's store In Astoria; good salary; references to be enclosed with application. AP 749. Oregonian. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds girls, 80 women over 17; permanent po sitions. $H'0 to $'JOO month., vacations. common education; list positions open. free; write Immediately. r ran Kan in stitute, dept 7Q3F. Rochester. N. Y. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish Information, give protection and assistance free to women ana gina interviews conuaemui. APPLICATIONS will be received from 10 to 35 for wood- young women sped working .factory at St. Johns: good pay -and steady employment. At y2f ore - gon'in. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May. f i and Alexander sts. Phone Main :t ..r.O. DM car. WANTED Names women, girls ove 16. i wishing to become government postal i clerks; commence $14to; answer l:woia riiately. AV ai. Oregonian. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply 1-owengart & Co., Broad way and Burnside. A NUMBER of good-appearing youmj ladies to make good money danctng. 610 Kilers Music bldg., between 11 and 2. 4 and S. $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. ex p. unnec. details free. Press Syndicate, 141 SL Louis. Mo, WRITE photoplays. $25-$300 paid for suit able ideas; experience unnecessary, com plete outline free. Producers league. 4 St. Louis. BILLING clerk to operate Rem.-Wahl ma chine; name salary expected, phone number. J 528, Oregon lan. WANTED 2 experienced and 2 Inexperi enced waitresse. Union Station Res taurant. E. M. Crouch, manager. TUB Florence Crittcnton Home is ready to help any girl In distress. 955 East Giisan. "MV car. East -S16. M1IJ-.INERY makers wanted, good wages. yearly poeition. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co.. Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. (EXPERIENCED shirt operator on sleeve- in and selling macnine. wnireK oc son Co.. 311 Pine st.. near Sixth. . EXPERIENCED jewelry sales. ady: one who is willing- to take care of stock: permanent position. A P 733. Oregonian. EASY afternoon work for stenographer in doctor's office; 540 per montn. write, giving phone number. M 53u. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED preasers. also repairers on ladies' garments. U, S. Cleaners. 180 Grand. v WANTED Woman to care for elderly couple, no objection to child. 709 Davis street. EXPERIENCED saleslady to sell ladies' 1 ready-to-wear: permanent position. Ap plv Levitt's store, cor. 4th and Wash. WANTED Cook whre second girl is kept. good wages, steady position. Apply I mornings, l la r. Zn st. NEAT middle-aged women for baking waffles, hot cakes and helping serve. Call at The Pie Plant. 70 Broadway. WANTED An elderly woman to take care of children for room and board, a lso some wages. Write BD 810. Oregonian. LADY to operate Hoffman pressing ma chine. Portland Cleaning Works, 41st st. and Sandy road. EXPERIENCED Isdy presser wanted. Portland Cleaning Works. 41st an. Sandy road. , TEACHERS, register free. Many calla Wet more Agency, Spokane, Wash. ILAID wanted. 6S3 Clackamas; 8 adult. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. Experienced Power Macaine Operators. - Overalls. Shirts, Mackinaws. 44-Hour Week. Saturday Afternoon Off. ' HIRSCH-WEIS MFG. 205 Burnslde St CO., FOUR bright, live women, over the age of 25 years, who know that they could sell an article of merit, used by women only, and sold to women only. If you are interested and want to earn some good, honest money, and lots of it. cail at room 1021 Northwestern Bank bldg.. from 4 P. M. t 4 P. Monday and Tuesday. ' AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. Two ladies who would like to learn how to sell. Here is an opportunity to get the training and connection witn. a large financial Institution where your earning is unlimited. Must be neat ap pearing and impressive talker, can ' Spalding bldg. Monday afternoon. Ask for Mr. Stranahan. 1 COOK and helper, camp. $150; dishwasher. camp, $ i0 ; two waiters, out, notei, -. K. a. ; fry cook for hotel, $w; oisnwasn er and waitress for restr.. $45-550, R. B.; lady, hospital ward work, $Ju, R. B. ; experienced hotel maid, $?0; restaurant cook, out, $20 week; cook on ranch; cook for private family, $00 for 2. 301 Raleigh bldg.. 32 Washington. SUNBEAM FILM CO. will star shooting pictures next week. If you are inter ested in movie work, apply at main office. 102 Chamber of Commerce bldg. We are in the market Tor one ana two reel stories featuring child under d yeara. iuL'Nii LADY for permanent clerical po fittion : juust t rapid ana accurate ai fie urea. Answer in own nana writing stating phone, age and salary wanted. r oregonian. j PLEASANT and lucrative employment for ladles or pleasant personality, preier- ably school teachers or those Inter ested in child welfare ; no investment A K Oregonian. 'STENOGRAPHER with bookkeeping knowledge will have charre of office ; srood opportunity for future advance ment; state salary, experience ana age. give phone. G w2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER for i tail store ; permanent position ; apply In own handwriting, stannic ajce, qua lications. references ana saiary expeciea. L Oregonian. MAID for general housework and care of 2 children; must be competent and trust worthy: references reuuired; no wasn lng or ironing; $bu per montn. rnone Wordlawn 0M. MAN Hionu. smail rooming house, house keeping rooms; will give apartment to married woman for care of house; hus band employed. Call Sunday, after b.30 A. M. 22! 5th st. . WANTED Good millinery makers, yeany position : good salaries paid. Apply at once. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., Artisans' bMg. WANTED Saleslady to sell to grocery trade, a staple article in Dig oemana. HOOD RIVER VALLEY PRODUCTS CO. 321 N. 14th St. WANTED Typist for general office work. trirl experienced in bookkeeping ana dic taphone work preferred. Phone Monday, Broadway 2131. MOTOORA PH operator wanted, one ex perienced with flexo-type sheeting. Call Monday and ask for Mr. Da via, 222 Stark st. WANTED Lady bookkeeper or assistant; general knowledge of bookkeeping ne-ces-sary. (live experience, references, age, and sa'.ary expected. R O'-'fi. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer with ome expe rience in machinery, ir nossmie ; saiury $100. Give experience, age, etc AE 431, Oregonian. WANTED A typist o write bills of fare Irom 7 A. 31. to 11 A. 31. every oay; good salary to right and competent per son. AO 870. Oregonian. CilKlSTlAN family with own home would like to adopt bright. hea:try gin unaer 12. Phone Main 0450. Box 22, Hills dale. Or. STENOGRAPHER for half a day (morn ings): sne aon i nave to oe an experu AN S2, Oregonian. i lilKL to care for children and assist with housework. Call Broadway arter 0 A. M. Monday. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages steady work. L;sie Trimmed Mat i o., Artisans bid.. Rroadway and Oak st INSURANCE acenev tnana Ker w ill teach business to educated stenographer. 1 07-Y oreconlan. FiWIUHT. er.ereetlc office irirl for billing; must have knowledge of shortnann na typewriting. Broadway rt0 Monday. HOUSEKEEPER for ranch; one man cook for; $2.i per month ; close in ; no ob.i'-ftlon to child. AJ 8R3, Oregonian. WANTED People to pick cherries; Lam berts. 8-1 2c ; KovhI Anne, fee. 24 t, 9l5t st. N. MV-Depot car. i BRIGHT stnonraplier as private secre tary, insurance of r ice ; state minimum a!ry. R 070, Oron fan. G1KL to assist with housework. One will lng to go to beach and help some with child. Marshall 333U. ONE garment press girl, one experienced Rhirt finisher. Apply Oregon Launury Co. FANCY" lady tronr. one who can Invent small amount; top wage. J urego riian. WA NTKP Girl to do filing, one wUo has had experience pre Tor red. Apply at of fire SO,. Front at., between P and 11 A.M. LA D Y to serve luncheon from 12 to 2 In tearoom. Apply Monday after a A. M. 5n4 Broadway. Yamhill bld. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house. State age. eKperlPnfp, roierence Ana pnono number. H 5.17. OrfRoninn. COMPETENT woman in home, help with light housework and baby ; no wasning: wages reasonable. Tabor 348. EXPERIENCED typist to cony orders in mercantile office; must do nett, accurate work. PC 433. Orepronian. NEAT young girl for soda fountain ; ex perience not necessary. Appiy "in per son. Arthur Leonard. 102 Fifth sL WANTED Dish washer and experienced waitress ; hours 2 ::io to 1 1 r M. Ben der's lunch room, 220 N. 2;d. WANTED A typist to do copy work eve nings. all Marshall Audltoi lum court, 3d and Morrison. I CHAMBERMAID wanted. Hotel Franklin, i i:tth and wash. I Gl RLS, experienced, by power machine. Portland Ht t ap ;o.. 221 Morrison. anted Domestic. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework nad care of children, a wek or two, good pay. Cn go home nights. Phone Sunday, East 1278. GIRL for housework. 2o to 35 years of age, must be good worker, refined, trust worthy, know how to handle- children, boy 6, girl 9; no washing or ironing; good, steady position, good salary ta right party; give experience, raf erence and telephone No. AF 72S. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced second maid, references, excel. ent wagea. Broadway '2065, 65 N. 20th it WANTED A trustworthy woman to do small washing, ironing and some cleaning once a week near Russell and Williams ave., good pay by hour or piece. V 978. Oregonian. WANTED A woman for cooking and gen eral house work, tor a montn or six weeks at Gearhart; Swedish preferred; wages 8". Main 2921. . WANTED Woman living In vicinity of E. 53d and Sturk to work a few hours each day at light housework. Tabor 3458. WOMAN between 25 and 35 years to assist cook in a large kitchen ; must be able to bake bread, pies, -etc.; steady work; out of town. Write Box 98, Dufur, or. WANTED Lady as housekeeper fox gen tleman ; no oojecuon to one gin. Give full description in first letter. A. J. Mitchell, Kima, Wash. I EXPERIENCED cook for general house- work, no washing; wages ?bu and up, ac cording to ability. East 37NS. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. No cooking. Good wages. Apply 69 U Marshall St. GIRL for cooking and general housework, willing to go to beach; wages $60. Mar shall 895. WANTED Competent maid for cooking and general housework; lamily of three; wages $! East 84-S7. EX PERIENCED girl for general house work ; no ch i Idren : no upstairs work or washing. Main 2047. GlKL for upstairs work, to help with child age 2. 2;d and Flanders st. Mar. D33. WANTED tel. Chambermaid. Campbell ho- W ANTED One kitchen helper and one laundress. Call Broadway 3404. WANTED Woman for general housework to go to beach. Broadway 51 9. GENERAL housework, very desirable plan. 460 E. 1 7th st. N. East 1717. WANTED Competent maid for general h-jusework 4C8E. 14th N East 4280. GIRL, for general housework; no cooking. Eaat 714, ta . Mt:LP WANTED FEMALE. V a a t ext Dow ee t Ic. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Scandinavian preferred. No washing: best of w.iges. Phone Marshall 419. 1131 Franklin St, Willamette Heights. D. M. car. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, no objection te une cni.u. ior young man and two little rirls; good home more than big wages. Will advance ticket if necessary. Harry Clay. Klamath Falls. Or. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 3000 hop picker. We again have the largest rop ranch In Oregon. Five hundred acres in hops; all oid planting except 70 acres; high trellis, no weeds, beautiful camps, 2 stores with town prices; butcher shop, free wood and pure water. Dance hall 50x100 feet. Write and register at once for hop Picking. Our old pickers espec'-aUy wanted. E. CLEMENS HORPT CO., Independence. Or. KAWLEIGH retailing nets $2500 to $5000 a year to capable men and women. Household necessities medicines, spices, ex tracts, toilet preparations On mar ket U5 years, internationally known, fully guaranteed, repeat sales certain. Alt or spare time. Practical sales helps. advertising matter furnished. Sample outfit free. Write today. W. T. Kawielgh Co., Dept. First and Market sts.. Oakland. Cal. STUDIOS to house six companies axe now utiuiri v v . ue 111 a mi ior motion picture artists exceeds anything Portland can supply; Portland has the talent if cor rectl developed; why permit California to furnish ail talent? Register with us. e are the exclusive agent for new $500. ono producing corporation. Phone Broadway 1 077. 231 Artisan b!dg., Broadway and Oak. WOMEN or men. salary $24 full time. 50c hour spare time. selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer: experience unneces sary. International Miiis. Norristown, Pa. MAN and wife on a good ranch, woman to do the housework, man to do farm work ; middle atred. w ants to be ex perienced. C. Miotinger. 10 Board of Trade. WANTED immediate, y Hundreds men. women, over 17; government jobs. $1K). $JjO month ; list positions free. Frank l:n Institute, dept. 373F. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Man and wife for private fam ily : w if e to do plain cooking and man gardening; wages $1-5; references. AH 442, Oregonian. WANTED 100 boys and girls all over the city to make good spending money. See Mr. Mills, 20o-o Fenton bldg., Mon day. WANTED Lady or gentleman to run lunch wagon on shares; good preposi tion to right party. uod.;. w n feti7. FIl"CATIONAL. PH A DOCTOR OP CHTROHKACTIO. The chiropractic profession offer the most unusual opportunities of any field In the wot Id today. Know about Ue great opportunities before deciding yeur career, or if vou are dissatisfied in your presort position in life or Its earn tig capacity ia not what you would like It to be, investigate the great opportuni ties effered in this gr-atett of all pro tensions Urf.KOFitACTia. A most cepttonal opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a chtrupractlo physician is offered at this time by eur college; both iay and nirht courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed In the Vni'.td States toaey to supply the de mands of the millions who nave turned to this treat method of ho.Ung tneir iiia INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. Far particulars a a dress Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president, PACIFIC CHUiUPRACTIO COLLEGE Park, -rid xainhilL Main 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this lro fesbion through correspondence. WE teach you how to preserve your valn able teeth. If they need repair we f iiL bridge, crown, remove nerves and ex tract teeth withou pain oy tne modern nei ve-biocking met hod. iJR. A. W. KrIENE. DR. E. H. PREHN, Majestic Theater Hid., 301 Washington st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE WI1J teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a tet of toois a nd some pay while learning. Position secured. Ore gon ex-&er ice men. the course is free to you. W rite or cal l f or particulars at-d catalogue. 24 liurnside at. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF B E H X K. E - W A L K E R Business Colitis . Pot t land. Enroll any time. '1 e lepra p n y, st enograph , banking, bookkeeping, secretariat. ree catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face m.tsa-ne F-H.'cialty ; toois free; positions guaranteed: pay while lcttming; tuition reduced this ttrm. 23 Madiaon. W A NT ED I'UPl LS TO" LEARN FRENCH. SPANISH AND RUSSIAN BV PRIVATE NSTH LX'TuU. JEAN K A L'TTO, H 1 2 E. 2 1ST. N. PHONE- WOODLAWN lM4. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school: individ ual instruction. 122'. -2 Gra-nd ave. E. 427. FOREIGNERS taught English and French by experienced English, teacher. Y U73, oregonian. Portland barbf.r college pave you while learning; g ives you set of toola frfc ; position secured. 3s N. Second st. LEA UN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. W ANTED Tutor for two voung men In t lie evenings for matriculation mibjecta; male preferred. AR 4 2:. Qrcgo nlan. Rk KY M O I NT Teachers' Age ncy . Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bl d g. Main S27tt. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal bids;. M ain 4s;-i.Y Teaching positions, freerec. THE Internationa 1 Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 2'V.J-a Oak St. OREGON Law School. Aliskv bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sh:. Main 977. YA'ffiS-FISH ER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main H274. Broadway bldr. WOULD I i k e day worn. Phone Tabor 4174. YOUNG man wants work. East 1524. SITUATIONS WANTED MAT E. TOT-NG MAN WITH EXCEL- 1 . E N T R E F E R E N O E S W O U L D LIKE TO HEA R FK M SOME ONE WHO CAN 1 F F E R HIM WORK THAT W I LL A LLO W HIM TO GET. TRANSPORTA TION TO SAN FRANCISCO OR L'S ANGELES. WILL CONSIDER ALMOST AN x" OFFER BUT PRE FER WORK AS CHAUFFEUR. C A N DRIVE ALL MAKES OF CARS. IF YOU HAVE A REA SONABLE OFFER. LET MB HEAR ABOUT IT. AJ 4ii6f ORE GONIAN. YOUNG man, thoroughly conversant clean ing, pressing, dyeing business, desires po sition wit h reliable concern. Know the city fairly well. Would go elsewhere. Would invest on right kind proven prop osition. Would go in w ith a good man with some capital. State fully what you have. N OfiS. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 25, wishes light outdoor work on farm or country piace with congenial people. Could milk several cows; am also good mechanic. ill accept any easonabie wage witn Doara ana room. vj. W. H , 1300 Van Buren 1st., Corvallis, Oregon. WANTED By first-class camp cook, camp or boarding house; non but first claas need answer: expect top wages; can produce the goods. R 994, Orego nian. tkll DDLE-AGED married man wishes posi tion as clerk in general store In country, some experience. Wife will help if need ed. P 9li7. Oregonlnn. NOTICE Handy, ail-around man, auto re pairing, etc.; will take anything; tiavs light roadster also. - Woodiawn 67, eve nings. BOY, 13. in seventh grade, would like - work of some kind during day. 320 S. 2d ft., room 8. TITLE MEN I Do you need a professional abstracter? O 141, Oregonian. CARPENTER New or repair work. Esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco, Main 1C65. fc SHI NG LERS When you want reshlngiing done, call Woodiawn S2ne CARPENTER New or repair, day or job contract ; estimates f re. Phone 227-1 H. WORK for boy of 15 on farm small waaes. F'hone Main 9058. AH 440. Oregonian. STATIONARY engineer would like position in city. Call Main 4506. CARPENTER wants work in or out of city. Phone Aut. 212-fi. WILLING BOY, 16, wants work in or out of city. Marshall 2S35. EXPERT painting, tinting a-nd enameling done very cheap. Call Tab or 9172. ANTED i ping to do at home. Rea sonable rates. Ma in "O.'.X. FOR concrete work phone Woodiawn 5483. CESSPOOLS dug. Woodlawu Olbi. & 107.5v