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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
14 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 FOR SALE ArTOMOWLEi THIXTS OVERLAj.nI PACIFIC CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. JULY BARGAINS. 1016 Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring. 191U Ford roadster. 11)17 Maxwell touring. 1!)18 Maxwell touring. 1918 Chevrolet Model 430 tourlng. 1917 Overland roadster. 1817 Overland touring. 1918 Overland touring. 1!19 Overland touring. 1920 Overland roadster. 1918,Wlllys Knight. 7-passenger. (125.00 to $300.00 tlrst payment. Balance monthly account. Some are rebuilt and repainted. Here's your opportunity to get a good mall standard made car at the price you want to pay you are assured, oi fair dealing. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. S. W. Cor. Broadway and Davis. Phone Broadway 8535. .WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR USED CAR STOCK. 1919 Chevrolet touring $875 1919 Chevrolet touring $8-0 , 1919 Chevrolet touring $650 1919 Chevrolet touring $625 1013 Chevrolet touring $575 1918 Chevrolet touring... $oo0 LIGHT DELIVERIES. 1919 Chevrolet light express. .1675 1919 Chevrolet light express. .$050 1919 1-ton Chevrolet truck. .$1475 Terms on any of these cars. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Open Sundays. Broadway 240. eTEARNS-KNIGHT Large roomy 7 passeneer in first class shape; looks like new, 5 nearly new tires, owned by prominent Portland business man and always operated by competent chauf feur. See It from 10 to 1 Sunday. I Broadway 1014. 531 Wash. JHE following cars at a bargain. It will pay you to call and see these before buying. Model 85 Overland. 1918 Maxwell, good top. tires ana , paint. 1U16 Chevrolet. 1017 Studebaker, 7-passenger. BCAVER GARAGE, INC.. 209 Union Ave. N. Tel. E. 804. OAKLAND roadster, looks and runs like new, nearly $300 worth of extras; 0 cord tires, victoria top, bumper, etc. See It from 10 to 1 Sunday. Broadway lull. 031 Wash. IF VOU NEED an Ideal delivery car with a closed steel paneled body, equipped with air cushions on rear, speedometer, runs like new. and will haul your load rain or shine, see this 11117 Ford at the unbelievable price of $450; $201 down and long time on balance, if terms are desired. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 11th st. N. HAYNES LIGHT 6 In A-l mechanical condition, cord tires, 1 spare. Can be seen from 10 to 1 Sunday. Some terms. nU Wash. ml. Broadway 1014. OAKLAND SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR FOR gALE. New sedans now worth $2300: this one can be secured for $2000; has gone less than lotto miles; tires good as new; guaranteed for full new car period. Service free. See it. HlO N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 4184. 18-SERIES STUDEBAKER. 7-passenger, & good tires, in first class shape; a bar gain at $700. See it from 10 to 1 Sun day. Sol Wash. Broadway 1014. HERE IS ONE of the popular light sixes: late model Grant, 0 tires like new, starter. toD. lights and everything in very best mechanical condition; $250 down. $47.50 per mo. No brokerage. insurance or interest to pay. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 23 11th st. N. ONE set single texture pantasote side cur tains for model HO, country club Over land Th lie curtains have never been used: original cost $34; will sell for $10. Call Bdwy. 1270, Hotel. Morris, ask for Mr. Smith. LIBERTY SIX LIBERTY. Her is a fine 6-cylinder car that Is a performer: let me demonstrate It for you; will sell at a Dargam ana give terms. Phone Main 4028, Marshall 2768. MonTCT. 75 Overland delivery, fine shape, S new tires. 60 N. Broadway. Broad way 82L TRADE 5-passenger Studebaker. good run ning condition, wa first payment on house and lot. Can pay balance month ly installments. pnone ziz-uo. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, in fine condi tion throughout, new tires all around, $700. Call for Bryan or Irvine at Ta bor 8868 or Broadway 240. . REAL auto for $250; don't think that this is Junk because or price; o-pass., real leather, good top, paint and tires; engine has lots of pep. bell, ooi. STUDEBAKER 6 driven by private party, guaranteed to be In first-class condition: cash or terms, or will trade for real estate. Main 4402. ViiKlt touring car bargain; runs good; 2 new tires; in fine shape; a snap at $275 cash; need the money. Call Main 2851 Monday. OVERLAND TOURING. 75 In the best of condition; good tires. A snap at $475. Terms. 30 Grand Avenue North, near Burnslde. (" .-rw 1020 Oakland 6 touring car. Or dared 4 weeks ago: will sacrifice my eaulty at a $250 discount. Call Main 7651. SOME BUY 1919 Overland 6, run less than 6000 miles, good tires, car just painted. Phone 'laoor doba. ooo j. 41st N. Hil7 PODGE roadster. $525; good tires and mechanical condition. Owner going east. 340 Vi Hancock St. Tel. t-ast ivz.i. CALL Woodlawn 2321 for Maxwell bar. gain; fine shape, $450, cash or trade on bungalow. MODEL 75 Overland touring in good con ditlon, $550. Terms. Columbia Auto Sales Co.. 345 Union. East 58! 1B-K, FORD COUPE 1920. Best In the city for the money, lots of extras. Call Mar. 2595. THREE late model Bulcks at a reason able price; good rubber. 449 Burnslde. Broadway 34o. , OVERLAND roadster; private party. Con ditlon guaranteed. 5 good tires. Wdln. 781. TWO 7-passenger KlsselKars for sale at s.500 each at the Terminal Garage, 6th and Hoyt. $250 CASH and $300 in 10 equal payments buys a 29i t urant six auto in a-i con. ditlon. Tabor 4296. FOR SALE CHEAP 1-ton Maxwell truck can be seen at 490 E. 82d st. N., between 6 and 8 P. M. Phone Tabor 5624. FORD 1918. good condition. $400, extras. Main 8087 Sunday and evenings; week days Main ssoo, ask lor wnaien. BUICK roadster, 1919. cord tires, bumper, etc. Car Just repainted, good condition. s 1 4 I r. f none owner, au-dj. FORD touring. 1918. Hood tires, Insur ance, extras, best condition; $475. Broad way 1311. BABY grand Chevrolet In A-l condition Tor sale cheap. Call Mr. Edson, Bdwy, 107- weekaays. TRADE ilgnt o-cyi. o-pass. brand ne car on small nome 4 or 5 rooms, rea. sonahle. moatrn. can Mam 7651. BRAND NEW Dodge for sale, never bee used; can deliver immediately. Tabor 4988. SAXON six, touring car, sedan top, roov sole sides, souu. laoor eoyo. "-PASS, touring; owner leaving town; must sou eoa yummervuM , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED FOBI BARGAINS. 1918 ROADSTER 4."50 1918 ROADSTER 460 1917 DELIVERY 450 1916 DELIVERY 350 1914 CHASSIS 175 1919 TOURING 665 1918 TOURING ... 493 1917 TOURING .......... 490 1914 DELIVERY ........ 330 1918 SEDAN 750 1917 TOURING 485 1917 DELIVERY 285 1917 DELIVERY 250 1919 TOURING 525 1918 DELIVERY 275 1919 ROADSTER 495 1919 WORM TRUCK 600 1917 ROADSTER ..; 325 1916 CHASSIS 195 1918 WORM TRUCK 475 1919 CHASSIS 4.15 1917 ROADSTER 875 1918 COUPE 575 We also have numerous other bar gains which might Interest you. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill St. Open Sunday. Open Evenings. LOOK BEFORE YOU ' LEAP. Buy your used car from a house of stability where you are sure of a home for your car. We have been in busi ness for the past 38 years and our policy is to give our customers a square deal. Wo offer a few ior your approval: 1916 Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyL $ 300 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass., 4-cyl 500 1916 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl., good condition with cord tires. 1917 Mitchell. 5-pass., 0-cyl 1000 1918 Mitchell. 7-pass.. 6-cyl 12O0 1919 Mitchell. 7-pasa., 6-cyl 1000 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. .. . 15O0 1018 Mitchell, 3-pass.. 6-cyl 1200 1918 Wlllys-Knlght, 7-pasa., 4-cyl... 1250 Several others to select. We overhaul and repaint our cars when they need it and you can depend upon whatever we tell you regarding them. No brokerage charges. We carry all our own paper. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER CO. Broadway at Everett. " Phone Broadway 4675. SED CAR SALE Talk about real buys. See these Dodge touring cars at un heard -of-prices : Oakland touring and roadsters at good dollar-for-dollar prices. Mitchells, Over lands, Fords, Hupps, Chandler,' at give away prices. These cars were secured at a right price and will be sold the same way at cost. Some of these cars are consigned by owner and to buy one means buying from the owner, plus our service. Sale lasts three days. Come in and convince yourself. 100 North Broadway, Portland, Or. WILLAMETTE-OAKLAND CO., Oakland Dealers. Phone Broadway 4184. 1918 MAXWELL 5-passenger Jn fine con dition, sell cheap or take Ford, 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 32L SOME BUY! BETTER HURRY! Dandy 1918 Ford in good condition; good tires, many extras. Can be made into camping bed. A snap at $525 or s4oO, terms. Call East looO. LATE-MODEL Ford touring, in first-class mechanical shape, with 4 brand-new Revere non-skid tires: $425, $150 down. $2i.50 per month. o2d Alder si.. Broad, way 8411. 1915 OAKLAND 4-cylinder, first-class con. ditlon: Just overhauled throughout; new oversize tires: runs like new: snap. $600. Phone Sunday, East 984; weekdays. Broadway lbij. . FORD SEDAN, brand new car, with extras; big discount easy terms; chance to get a new car and save some money. Air. iruger, Bdwy. 1572. WILL trade a first-class Maxwell i tomobile for good diamonds; I have one car more than 1 can use, but can l some diamonds. See me at 502 Couch bldg. DODGE touring. 1916. excellent condition: must te sold today, w nere can you buy a Dodge for $025? New storage bat tery, two new tires. 9005 71at ave., near st. CHANDLER chummy 1919 4-passenger roadster; finish, mechanical condition, 5 tires first class; see it; $1500. An In spectlon of this fine car will be well worth your time. Broadway 4184. BUICK 6 roadster, mechanically .perfect looks Just like new; 4 new tires and 2 spare; can be Been Monday at 363 Stark st. Price $1100. HUDSON LIMOUSINE IN PERFECT CONDITION. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. WILL GIVE SOME TERMS. EAST 3319. 1920 FORD touring, electric starter and lights: run about 200U miles, absolutely Al shape; $650. Call apartment 24. 490 Morrison. Marshall 2bO. 1918 FORD touring, excellent condition, demountaDle rims. 4 new tires, extras sacrifice for cash, or terms $525. Mar. shall 2974. FIRST mortgase ready to close on 5 acres would make nice summer home, and some cash to trade for auto. C 901, Ore gonlan. 1920 FORD SEDAN, run 60 Jays; wire wheels, spot light and other extras. Car cost $1285; will sacrifice for $875. Call Vancouver 480 or 506. 1916 FORD, demountable rims, foot ac celerator. late hood. Crown fenders, new paint, 31x4 tires, Al condition, $350. aa .ist st. in .. evenings. 1918 MAXWELL roadster, 8 good tires and is in aanay snape; ior a nice light roadster, see this; $650, easy terms. Broadway 3411, 523 Alder st. FORD touring car in A-Londltion; must sell. This is a bargain. Call before 4 P. M. 931 E. 10th N. OVERLAND 1 passenger, good running order, good tires; a snap at $150 cosh. 432 riawtnorne ave. CHUMMY roadster in best of condition bargain at $10o0. Can be seen at 168 King st. Terms. DODGE touring that has been unusually well cared tor. soo cash. Phone D. M, Smith, Broadway 1130, Monday. REO SIX, 1918 model, in excellent con ditlon; looks like new. Tabor 6114, &SK I u I Aicjuuiien. 1918 FORD roadster, first-class mechanl cal condition. Terms or cash. 1188 Do trolt ave. Phone woodlawn 4464. VORD Chassis, new; never been run; $514 including: license. A9s union ave. 4, tsunaay a. ai. BEST 5-passenger Mitchell 4 In town for sale at a sacniice, cash or terms. Call vvooniawn an gay Sunday. 1018 OAKLAND, good mechanical condi tion, a good tires, sTas. Terms. East 8S7. FOR SALE Ford coupe, 1918, good con ditlon: good tires; bargain. ' E. Hawea, case CADILLAC. 5-pass.. splendid .condition, $900. See It. 329 Salmon, Monday. Bar- gain. TRADE 1917 7-pass. Overland, splendid ccndltion, for property; value $900. East 2581. 1920 FORD touring, used 1 month extras. Tabor 2380. I some FORD SEDAN WITH STARTER. $700. PHONE DUNN. SELLWOOD. 1303 PIERCE 36 Willing to take Ford In on trade. iw rrcawn du FOR SALE Hudson Super Six, 1920 mod el. run 2uuu mi. zo ist st. OVERLAND light four touring. 1917 mod el. $450. Make offer. 215 Grand ave. N. 1915 REO 5-passenger. first-class condi - tion. nroau way .jio. SNAP Ford touring car In oerfert m chanlcal condition. $350. Sellwood J 036. FCR SALE Maxwell. 1910, suitable for truck, cneap. sjau oa in. urn, or M. 2837. 1019 CHEVROLET, good condition; mu. sen tonay. oio. lerms. IB Dor 7812. FOR SALE Hudson bug, dirt cheap. See tt at o.'VH jeiicraon LOCUMUhile, oug., 4-4u. ; 5ock mag, cord tires, van jionaay. jiz stark st It-ASH 6 fox sale. 263 E. 45th at FOR SALE: AUTOMOBILES. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed. Magneto recharged .$20 . 6 8 5 we nana-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim-Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. USED CHEVROLET! SERVICE RELIABILITY REPUTATION. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO, CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AtiX ALDER ST3- BDWT, 340. 1917 CHALMERS tot spot roadster, wire wheels, one extra tire, tube and wheel. French piate glass in side and rear; full set of side curtains, bumper, spotlight. rairy day and lots of other extras too numerous to mention. The car is in first-class mechanical condition; will have to be seen and.rled out to be ap preciated. Priced at $300 below market value. ' Our pri-e $85o, with small pay ment down. bal. to suit. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. VELIE. 1920. BRAND NEW. NEVER BEEN DELIVERED.' . MUST HAVE CASH. WILL, SELL FOR $1985 AND DELIVER. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1503. TACOMA. WASHINGTON. WE CARRY a full line of anto accessories. tires, tubes. Ford parts, light giobes. etc. : also do towing. Open day and night. LONG &. SILVA, Phone Bast 6840. 462 Hawthorne. IGHT after 9, East 6840: day. East 391. H. & B. SUDDEN SERVICE. DAY AND NIGHT. Rerpalrs on all makes of car: over hauling a specialty; let us give you an estimate. Towing. 462 Hawthorne ave. A, D. HINES. R. M. BRACE. CARS FOR SALE. 1920 MAXWELL TOURING, A BARGAIN IN AN UP-TO-DATE LIT TLE CAR, RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A REAL BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL BDWY. 4825. FOR SALE or trade, privately owned Maxwell sedan, late model; has oeen overhauled and Is In perfect mechanical condition; would prefer improved prop erty; will consider any reasonable proposition; Inspect car at 215 Tenth St. Mail received at T 925, Oregonlan. BUICK TOURING. '18. And the price Is $1050. with $350 down. bal. monthly. This car has been reflnished and looks and runs as good as a car could, and we will take light car In trade if you wish: has some extras. 605 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER CAR. type 57. in perrect conaition. usea only oj tne president of Reed college, may be seen at Reed college. Telephone Sellwood 2436. Price, with six cord tires and all extras. $3300. 1916 BUICK 6. good shape: Goodyear cord tires all around and two extra tires: price only $750 for this Buick that is ready to go any place; easy terms. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. NEW OVERLANDS. Immediate delivery. Easy terms Liberal allowance for your old car. P. H. DUNN. OVERLAND DEALER, 1392 Milwaukie Ave., corner Bybee, Phone Sellwood 1393. $185. I.IRHT 6 TOURING. Rh runs good, tires good, looks good. Here is your chance to get a good car for speedy bug or delivery car. Great bargain. Act quick. 21Q Jefferson. NEW NASH, 1920, 5-passenger. taken in to settle an account.; win sen lur casn or time, with good security, or tuke lighter, less expensive, car An trade Phone BROADWAY 10i3 or evening TABOR oOa. ; DETROIT electric in firse-class condition. Ham cnarKinK Pmuu l,uv. MJceu- meter: looks and runs like new. $750 cash or terms. Phone evenings. East 3270. : i-iBST.fl.ASS American "30" for sale i,i.t nvrro&u eu uiu , 1 1 1 ni . .1,1 .ci. for $400 cash or $450 terms. Address James Andersen. Washington hotel. Llnnton. Phone Col, oj $185. LOOK. geylinder chassis, will make good sneedy bug. 6he runs and good tires and everything O. K. 210 Jefferson. OVERLAND, model 75, 1917, brand new jjax tires, new wihij, juouv,-mauita, guaranteed in first-class shape, $350, including 1920 license. 414 Glisan, cor. 10th. 1920 FORD sedan to trade on touring car or roaaster. m privately owned and better than a new car; must trade at once as 1 need some cash. AG 75Q. Oregonian. PiUlT.T.ifi delivery, only $2O0: not wreck but a goon, serviceable matiuiie and ready for business; come see it, make your own terms and drive away. 523 Alder St., .proauway otn. FORD sedan, latest model starter a,nd de mountable rims, car only sngniiy useu Leaving city; must sell at once. Call week days. Broadway 1572. Sun., T, bor 8100. FOR SALE By owner. Overland Country Club roadster, nrst-ciass conauion, 1 new tires, extras. $800, terms. 344 E. 7th N. cor. Broadway. East 7358. MODEL 75 Overland touring, fine shape. only $400. 60 N. Broaaway. PHEVROLET TOURING 1918. in th nf condition: gooa tires: win sacri rifice at $575. Terms. 30 Grand Avenue North, near Burnslde. GOOD BUICK. 1918. If you have been waiting for one, here s your cnance. xiurry. 11 r. now ard, Bdwy. 1S38. 1815 WINTON six. good mechanical con ditlon, 6 cord tires; win sen or trade for real estate, $2OO0. Write H. J. Michaelsen, Colfax, Wash. CHALMERS ROADSTER In A-l condi tion: new naint. gooa tires. a ciassv car. A bargain, $775. Terms. 80 Grand Avenue North, near Burnslde. 1917 SERIES 9 Franklin. 5-pass. who wants it? Must sen immediately, cash price $1200, terms can be arranged. Broadway 3411. Oi-S Aiaer st. 1916 MITCHELL roadster. This is a real buy. owner lert city ana asKea me to dispose of it: look It over and make an otter, siarsnan t.itr Dodee. by owner needing cash mod care. swen iooer. mecnanica condition good. Call Sunday 92 1 63d st. N. FORD DELIVERY 1917. A-l condition. Owner must sen. A. uargain, 1 erms. 30 Grand Avenue iNortn, near rturnsiqe. FOR SALE OR TRADE l-cylinder bug, A-I snape; o xine vires. wouia consiaei motorcycle as part payment. Sell. 1078. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, $1500. A real bargain for some one. M. 8740, WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINE SHOP. 534 ALDBll ST. BDWY. 2681, WILL sacrifice Mitchell Victory Six. with extras, driven less than 1 year In the city, by owner. woumawu owe. won. SALE Marmon bug. Just overhauled easy terms. Owner, 226 14th il, be tween Main ana saimon. MODEL 90 Overland, good condition: good tires; win sen - . woo jveret -t Broadway 305o. Ask for Davis. MAXWELL, 1918, by owner. First-class, rood Daint: 6 tires. $640. Tabor 8250. 1917 FORD touring oar, $425 cash; motor in excellent - - - .Euwaon at. Automobiles Wanted. attto WANTED Have $700 mortgage du In two years to swap for auto. R no, Oregonlan. TO BUY Chevrolet or Maxwell auto for cash; no junni s uui. " tat wi Auaiatin, Or. W. . J ones. . iA1?. ark In the market for used mr Drive them in and walk away with the money, facmc auio o.. 03 Alder a three big lots In Woodlawn drt cash for late model light 6 touring car BRING your cars In to sell or trade; w pay cau. oaiwo uvcu ucaaiife, 11th st. N. '15 OR '16 body for Ford chassis. 185. Main AUTO wanted, good late model car; will give lou acres uno lanq. i.aor 3524 WANTED Best auto $700 cssh will buy WANTED Will DIT cash for trrA must be cheap. Phone Broadway 4,052 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. AUTO WANTED, FOR CASH. ANY CAR (ABOVE FORD) IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER, '16 OR '17 OR 192a MUST BE POSITIVE BARGAIN. ADDRESS BUYER, J 903, OREGO NIAN. GOOD CAR WANTED. My residence with garage in restricted district for salee; 3 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, modern to the minute, every desirable feature, price $6500. will sac rifice new furniture to buyer: will accept a good car up to half value, the rest very easy. Call Woodlawn 238 before 3 P. M. HOUSE FOR AUTO. 8 -room modern house, close in, east side, 15 minutes' walk from P. O. ; base ment, furnace, fireplace, city Improve ments all paid; house vacant would rent-for $50. Price $5000; incumbrance $3800, payable $50 per month. Will trade for car. AO 724. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, vulcanizing outfit and complete course teaching you the business, at $150, or trade for Ford touring car and pay cash difference. Call 2vi40 E. Couch. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAjR EXCHANGE. . 127 Lownsdale st. S. W. tcorner 15th and Washington. WILL SELL 5000 SHARES extra good stocks (my own) at $1.50 per share; now paying per cent per mo. dlviaenas. win accept good car up to $10O0 or will di vide to suit for all cash. J. A. MILLS. 420 Alder st. Broadway 8441. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS. 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1853. WH WANT CARS. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. 1531 Alder st. Broadway 5411. WILL take automobile up to $2000 on sale of attractive 6-room house, northeast cor ner 20th and Weidler sis. Price $o000. Balance mortgage and installments. A 985, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE One lVi-yard, one 4- yard steel dump body, famous Lee line, to exchange for a 7-pass. automobile; these are new, never been used. Phone Tabor 2285. CASH fora good light 5-passenger car. Must De late model and a bargain. .private party. State year, make, condition, price for attention. AL 748. Oregonlan. WANT to trade two 50xl00-ft lots for a light oar; cement walks and trunk sew er in and paid. Phone .East 33S6 fore noons. ALMOST NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH OR -TAKE SMALLER CAR AS PART PAYMENT. O 278. OREGONIAN. FORDS FOR SALE. One 1913 touring car and one 1914 roadster, both in good condition. Call Sunday. 841j Foster road. WANTED Touring car or roadster in ex- cnange for 11 acres of land near Tuala tin. Price $1500, Phone owner. Main 0206. WILL trade corner lot near Reed college. vaiue oou, ior r ord or Chevrolet, will pay difference. M 968. Oregonian. WANT to buy old cars, any size or any conuiiion. k.iii Vancouver ou J, At. it. Gore. Auio, light weight, exchange for two lots; all improvements in; pay cash dif ference. Marshall 9, Marshall 0045. WILL pay cash for five-passenger Buick six; private party. At- Bal'. Oregonian. nian. WILL take good auto up .to $900 as 1st payment on modern 6-room house, bal. $23 per mo. Apply 776 Williams ave. WILL install high-grade plpeless furnace as part payment on Dodge motor car. 73 btn st. ONE 50x100 unincumbered lot, will take light car in trade. 23d-L Garage. Mar. 1-4.13. HAVE 2 fine building lots near Laurel wood school, will trade for auto and pay some cash. BD 4i8, Oregonian. WANTED Ford touring, will trade 1917 .riariey electric, balance casn. Wdln. 3923. WANTED Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet. $125 down. $20 per month; state year ana conaition. x WT8, oregonlan. WANTED Ford touring 'car body, must ne in itrsrt class condition. Tabor 76K9. WANT 2789. No. 1 used car. Broadway Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS! 1919 ELEC. HENDERSON $350 1919 ELEC. EXCELSIOR 800 1919 CLEVELAND 160 1916 EXCELSIOR. 8-speed 150 1919 ELEC. HARLEY 800 1915 2-SPEED DAYTON 115 AH makes of used motors as low as iu. oee us oetore ouying. Easy terms. STRLNE CYCLE CO.. 4th and Taylor sts. Phone Main 1191 Henderson, Excelsior, Cleveland Agencies. Bicycles, $5 down and $2 a week. HAR LEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. The one you 'witl eventually buy. Why not do it now 7 sure we can mak delivery. Th price Is less and our terms are right. Move In on one of our guaranteed rebuilt Barleys. All models, Don't be a straphanger all your life, Get out in th-e cool of the great out' doors; oO to 70 miles to tne gallon. Th gas shortage doesn't scare a. Harley Davidson rider. ITS YOUR MOVE. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY COMPAJTY. 200 Third St.. Cor. Taylor. ARE you looking for a motorcycle? If so. I have Just tne one you want. A late mod-el Twin Indian, cradle frame. Dream tandem, electric lights, horn, tools: this machine Is in good, running condition and Is the best buy In the city. I am leavinir the state, so must sell Imme diately; $270 takes -it. Phone Tabor S87 or call at 1196 East Grant st. EXCELSIOR motorcycle Bosh magneto electric llgnt, new aiud Drick. tlood run tiing condition; at your own price. Call Sunday after 12 P. M. or Monday 849 6th. FOR SALE at sacrifice. 1918 Cleveland motorcycle, good conaition, with new tires. Kirk Wright, 310 Ross. FOR SALE 1917 Indian electric with tan dem. Price $235. $50 cash. 9436 Bos ton road, Lents station. TWIN MOTORCYCLE for sale; Just over hauled: cnean tor casn. (.' A. Harknena 1694 Gloucester st. Take St. Johns car. H.-D. MOTORCYCLE, with side car. top. speedometer; Al condition. 369 N. 19th st., phone uroaaway 1000. HARLEY -DAVIDSON motorcycle in A condition, dream, tandem, spot light and full equipment, can wain. 4010. WILL take late model motorcycle as part payment on best and classiest bug In town. 1 numiiauu, . 1 1 1 1 tuio, FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 1 TWIN 3-speed Harley-Davidson, side delivery car, Al condition. E. with 595 1919 ELECTRIC Harley. $300. 614 Aina worth ave. um o to t r. yi. FOR SALE 3-speed Indian, goofl mechan leal conaition, tiou. 1110 salmon s FOR SALE Good running single speed motorcycle. rnune ranwauKle 32Y. rxE Harlev-Davidson motorcycle for ,n cheap. Elite Garage. 15th and Jefferson, $50 TAKES TWIN cylinder motorcycle, in Ilrst-ciass conqn-ion. laoor old. 1919 ELECTRIC equipped H. D. motor cycle cheap on easy terms. East 2766. FOR SALE Good Indian motorcycle. $' East 5549. 1917 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. electric, for casn. or txaae on jioro. .wain. uud. FOR SALS: AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES. 1 1917 Henderson, Prestolite outfit, all overhauled and Al shape. 1 1018 Henderson. equipped with Prestolite and tandem, horn; etc. A bargain. 1 1918 Henderson, 8 amp.. ABC gen., 2 spotlights, dream tandem, speedome ter, mirror, etc. This one is as good as new. 1 1917 Indian, elec model, with or without side car. 1 used Johnson motor wheel cheap for cash. Call and look over the "new" model Johnson motor w-heel. BICYCLES. We are agents for the superior Day ton and Rambler makes. Real high grade bicycles that will outlast three cheap ones. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 30 Third St. Broadway 332. Auto Tires and Accessories. BUMPER Auto theft lock Glass wind deflector Pair spotlights .... Motometer ......... $15.04 0.O0 15.00 20.00 9.00 2.00 Rear mirror Everything new and complete $50. raarsnail 0U63. OR SALE One new full side panel de livery body, doors in back; cost $000 to build; will sell for $100; fit on any light -r. ian laoor &80. TWO Goodrich casings, new, fabric. over-J or mm; win sen 10 eacn, or trade for 32x4 size. See at 201 W. Park, or Main 2590, Main 4879. NEW trailer, auto camp bed. 3 tubes, auto tool box. spotlight 1 pair sealing hooks, opening. 010 Aiaer st. ok sale 1 used front Ford wheel: 3 .SaI.t're and tubes, all 30x3. Inquire . ... w .1 . in. r-none ast 37 t 7. GXY-ACE TYLENE tank contract for GOODYEAR 36x5 tires; clincher tires; never been run. Will sacrifice. E. 4216. aike-s -Have sold car. have new tire: also --- ojv toucn st. GOOD trailer, solid tlr si t-.. ... 4.1th r x.-..i. v " PRESTO tank, filled. Call East 268. Automobiles for Hire. R P-.S Pnv-CIDT u. ... . . T.nT. . pariy, in city tor summer. 'em ngnt car Ior sightseeing for three or f ,-,1, - .. .... 1 . .. 0 . , , . -Jnen tLeS5 of care: to be driven about ... nuicj. Ali 733, Oregonian. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv en. -fny or nignt service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 8698. NEW ATTTOS WITHflTTT nDivptia OVERLANDS. . HUDSON'S. .ijOWNSDAI-E GARAGE, 3 ROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND 1 WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. iNew models, reasonable rates Aij between Washington and NEW CARS FOR RENT. ' MOLT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. - ' I if. WANT ED Hauling for B-tnn lr.,l. i. lumber, wood, gravel, sand or hm ti.rf' i'i- jwiiwirum. ot. unaries Hotel. ALT,H-,'BJPNETT' CARS FOR HIRE J.lT"jPLT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. """" 1ATLUH. MAIN 1687. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE, iar. --:. i n A.N U YAMHILL. A 12 auto service. Bdwy. 334. Main r- P'erce-Arrows. Paekards, Wlntons. ' mjm , uaj, monm, CARS for hire without drivers at Long A Sgva. 462 Hawthorne. Phone East 6840. 1920 5 PASS. BUICK FOR HTRE. WITH . onuAUWAl 3047. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. VIJLIE. 84 -ton: Just the thing for cordwood. logs or other h-eavy work: good mechanical condition and pulls like a locomotive $1850 Ford worm-drive truck: used only a short time 575 Buick. -ton. new tires: is in Al shape 850 Federal. SH-ton; It would take a careful second look to tell this truck from a new one; nothing has been overlooked to make this truck' an excellent invest ment for the purchaser.... 2750 Moreland. 1-ton. speedy, reli able and cheap 875 WENTWORTH & IRWIN. INC. 200 Second St.. Corner Taylor. DELIVERIES AND EXPRESS. We have several- express and paneled deliveries at exceptionally low prices. i.i- icwuin. ana nave sell starters, i-u Buai.iueeu oaitenes. 10 to $200 down will get you a "" ""-"uu, uenvery. tall and see. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. S. W. Cor. Broadway and Davis. Phone Broadway 3535. UNUSUAL BARGAINS. 4 -ton U. M. C. excellent shape. run one year, pneumatic tires. . .$1000 i-iuii 1- ui u unlivery Douy, cab 6 1-ton pederal, overhauled 450 1- ton Maxwell, delivery body, cab. 400 1 Mi -ton White, pneumatic tires . 825 2- ton International, year old 1000 Above trucks completely overhauled and priced to sell regardless of cost. Terms can be arranged. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP. - 10th and Davis Sts. NEW FEDERAL 1 V4 TON TRUCK. For sale by owner; equipped with good oak body and top; cost $3100: will consider some trade: tell me what It is worth to you: I mean to sell at once buy now. Phone Tabor 738. Call before 9 or after 0. ONE two-ton Federal truck, practically new; one Ford truck, worm drive; one Ford truck, chain drive: all in good condition; left with us to sell: terms to responsible parties priced right. Oregon Diamond T Truck company, corner loth and Flanders sts. Tel. Bdwy. 4357. ONE-TON FEDERAL. In good shape: runs and pulls fine: the price is right on this truck; easy terma Palace Garage Co.. 12th and Stark. Broadway 1572. NEW Indiana truck, milk and freight, for immeaiate saie; owner has largs ranch and dairy to care for, must sell to re sponsible party; good paying businets; price $4500. about half cash. . Shannon B. Shafer. Deer Island. Oregon. 3 MEN to buy 3H-ton trucks and traitors ior log naui: also one 4-ton for lum ber haul. Look this up and make your own contract direct with the mill. Ta bor 1916 evenings. A TRUCK BARGAIN. 2-ton Garford truck on good lob at $30 per day: $750 will handle. Beatia-Smlth Truck Co.. Oregon City. Or. GARFORD TRUCK One and a half-ton. piauorm uuuj , KiiuiwL new; gona tires; a bargain at $975. Terms. 30 Grand Avenue North, near Burnslde. ROAD work contract to purchaser of used 3Vj-ton truck witn aump ooay and hoist. This is a truck foreman's contract. Call salmon st. jtiain 0104. WANT one or two lhb or 2-ton trucks to haul sawdust and shavings and make so to -o per aay. -an at m Salmon. Main 8154. open Sundays. 1918 FORD truck, worm-drive: has panel-top body, tires and everything In rine snape; omy au. very easy terms 523 Alder st, Broadway 3411. 5-TON highway pole logging traitor, used one week, perfect condition: new 10-inch tires; bargain. Service Sales Agency 227 Salmon st.. Main 8154. TRUCK SNAP. SV4-ton MACK, on steady work at $5 per nr.; one-iniro casn. Dai. easy terms See L. A. Smith. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP 1-ton Ford truck. 1918 model, in good condition. 709 7th St., Oregon City. LIKE NEW Fordson tractor, plows, disks all complete for $800, terma Broadway 2270. Ask for Sam. WANTED To seil a 1920 Oldsmobile truck quick. Call at Northwestern Pipe Co. 1S1 Front, and ssk for Mink. BUY MY EQUITY in truck and trailer with contract; only $500 needed. HALL, 85 East 30th street South. FORD TRUCK Chain drive, platform body; In the best of condition. A snap at 8500. 80 Grand Ave. N nr. Burnslde. LOG hauling Job if you have a truck and txailer. Call at 227 Salmon. Main 6144. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. O. M. C. 1-ton, jmetimarlo tires, used but very little, has stake body, cab and windshield. Just the thine to haul berries, milk, etc. $1850 White. lH-ton. pneuroatlo front, solid rear tire good body, cab and windshield: overhauled and in first class condition 1250 Federsl. lVi-ton. looks like a milllom dollars: excellent mechanical condition; large body 1450 3. M. C. 1-ton. has never been off pneumatic tires and always run on pave ment. Has always had the best of care 1750 Reo. 2-ton: a second-hand truck could not be put in better shape 830 2-ton 4-wheel trailer, as good as new T50 WENTWORTH at IRWIN. INC. 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor. EXTRA TRUCK BUYS. 8-ton White, extra good Talue at $300. 1-ton All-Amerlcan, fina shape, cab and windshield, $800. lH-ton Federal chain drive, only $830. 1-ton Denby In fine condition; w con aider this an Al buy. SH-ton Federal with dump body and hoist; truck less than one year old. 1-ton Maxwell, cab and body, only $430. Studebaker delivery. $173. EASY TERMS. WILLIAM P. HUGHSON CO. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Broad. S2L .Authorized Ford Dealers Since 1903. AUTO REPAIRING. ALB1NA GARAGE. Wanted, all kinds of automobile re pairing by nrsl-class mechanics; all twork guaranteed; prices reasonable. Call Wdln. 1114. 856 Garfieid ave. GARAGES. crovt strkkt a-arage. onen day and night r storage; any repair work done and guaranteed. Suitable space in rent for batterv or electrical man. We buy and sail used cars. Front Street Garage, 208-27O trout st. jiain oou. COMPETENT man to take charge of shop and repair end of $15,000 garage busi ness: $2U00 required. Phone owner, Aut 310-lts. - FOR RENT New garage at 1201 E. An keny st.. bet. 30th and 41st sts. Phons Auto. 224-23. PRIVATE garage for rent. 310 East 50th, near rtawtnorne. pnone lauor awa. PRIVATE garage for rent. 647 E. Broad way, iast 116. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cluanlnv ana alterations, anv descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices l.A PRANCE FUR MFG. CO. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and YamhllL Main oa. WILL pay cash for spring wagon with top. ton capacity or better, suitable for hauling milk cans. Must be in Kooa con ditlon and reasonable. Give particulars In first letter or call. Address M. K. Femrich, Boring, Or., route 1. Phone Sandy 203. SAM FRAGER PAYS Highest prices for second-hand clothing, furniture camets. stoves, rubber, rags. newspapers, sacks, metal, machinery and ail kinds of second-hand goods. See me before you sell. Call Main 3506. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cat-ofI clothing: highest cash prices paid; wix call, nay or mgnt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. - 209 Madlsob. WANTED To buy No. 2 Gyratory crusher or roll and 46 to 50-foot ele vator, 18 to 20-inch pockets: a 60-h. p. engine and boiler. Address Mars Quarry, La Grande, Or. $10 to $25 positively paid for gents' used suits and overcoats; call any place; get my offer before you sell; will call any time and place. Goldbaum, the tailor. 167 First St., nr. Morrison. Main 738. LOOK Ben Adler Is buying ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing at top prices. See him first at 201 3d St., or phone Main 3207. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 237 Washington St.. cor. 3d. Main 664) I WILL TRADE a first-class Maxwell automobile for diamonds, value $:i00. I have one car more than I can use. Call at .VI2 Couch bldg. WHAT have you to trade In real estate, rooming house or other business for a good $1350 lot s part payment? Mar. 1133. WANTED Second-hand 3-burner, asbestos wick kerosene stove: Kero-gas burners desired; must be In good condition. Ad dress Mra L. McElfresh. 1409 E. Everett. WANT Book of Knowledge. leather; En- cyclo. Britannlca. Harvard Classics, Bal zac complete. Give phone and prices; bargain only. AO 820. Oregonlan. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun snd kodaka Hochfeld, 63 3d St. Main 8581. WANTED Pasture for 50 head of good Cotswold sheep. M11 Jet out on shares. Rose E. Simon. Address R. A.-S Box ISO. Salem. Or. WANTED Second-hand Burroughs or other standard adding machine; must be In good condition. Sentinel, Cottage Grove. Or. WILL pay $100 for serviceable piano for country home, or will consider first class baby grand if cheap. Address L 553, Oregonian. WANTED Jacket suits, one-piece dresses and heavy coats. Circle Exchange, 415 Fliedner bldg Phone Bdwy. 220. JUNK WANTED JUNK. Highest prices paid, we also buy old clothing and furniture. Main 734. FOR YOUR DESIGNING AND DETAIL ING CALL TABOR 2024. SHEET STEEL SPECIALTIES. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. OLD jewelry for cash; name your price. Brinf or mall. 3236 Wash., bet. 6th and Bdwy. SAFE Want small second-hand safe; not particular about condition if fireproof. AP 796. Oregonian. NO 6 OR 7 Remington typewriter; condi tion no object if price is right. N 972. Oregonlan. WANT to buy pair of army officers' shoes, l-rc-ken in ; size 6. J 906. Oregonian. ADJUSTABLE invalid's chair, "in Call Sellwood 1187. good condi- WANTED To buy good used tire and tube " . -i-v, w or.iA 30X3 Vi. " WANT Automatic shotgun or rifle; tent. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 128 First, HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices -aid for dia- monds. Dan Marx A Co. 283 Wash, at. JUNK. ra, metals, bottles old clothing. 0m tools, good prices. East 5171. WANTED A canary bird cage. Tabor 272 Phone BABY'S CRIB Good condition. Woodlawn 6746- m'W I WANT a top coat, size 36 to 38; give phone and particulars. P 284. Oregonian. DIA.MOND solitaire wanted, one suitable for engagement ring. M 556, Oregonian. SOME oval Japanese washable bedroom rugs. Automatic 320-29. WANTED Good 14 or 16-lnch Q. C iron working lathe;PJmneat84L WANTED To locomotive, about 25 ton. Main 85. WANT girl's or boy's bicycle frame. IS or JO inch. W 243. Oregonlan. WILL buy 90 or 110 music roll cabinet, mahogany finish. East 1446. WANT girl's bicycle frame, 18-lnch. AC 806. Oregonian. WANTE 10x12 tent with cover and fly. Sel 187. WARDROBE trunk: must be cheap for cash; Main 6641. Apt. 111. STAMP collections and old stamps wanted. Write AF 436. Oregonian. WANTED A boy's bicycle on terms. Call Tabor anu. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your nsed furnltnra, rugs, carpets. stoves and all household goods and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. Wheo you have anything to buy. sell or trade. CALX. MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 221-223223 Front St. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGS 'FOR ME TO HANDLE. - I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION Is DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS 13 STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. S4 WASHINGTON 8f, iiA1N 3173. $12.50 TO $23. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Can Marshall 1229 or 2i3 Madison trt near 3d il Wlii call day or evening. WE BUT, SELL. RENT OR TRADE electric fans. shotguns, rifles, tents, anowcasr-s. cash registers, typewriters, tools, household, goods, musical mstru- STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES, NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st. Mrtiu 4493. Tabor 070S. UP TO 135. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price tor men's clothes. UWHi(j. CLLANii3 AND TAILORS. 117 2d SU N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. $8.50 UP TO lis. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAir.nif Pirq HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S A.NU OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245V4 BURN SAD E BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL UEBUXlliE ANYBODY ELSE. Jrurnjture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bl ' cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines anu sLuro and oitice tur nilure. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade. CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO, 221-223-223 Front st. MARSHALL S98L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR K1TUR.E FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALL 3 ATTENDED TO SAME DAY: HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE AKE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE Os" OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 598L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY J.11E lllGHii.Vl' CAsn PRICES EVER PAID BY AN X ONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. KIC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FlRaX ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. 1 WANT YOUR FL'KNITl'KE, CARPETS. STOVES. ETC. TO tiHIP OUT. AND WILL PAY MOKE THAN OTK.EB LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BK1NG BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your lurntture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. JOS FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. MAIN 8931. We buy everything in furniture; wa pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR. CO, 20Q 1st bt. S. E. cor. Taylor. I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Ca.l us for one article or a house full and a competent, cour teous buyer will call. Mar. 26'.'3. Crow a. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE a TORE. MAIN 8878. I AM In the market for used furniture, household goods, etc., from private party only. A phone call will bring buyer with cash. MAIN 738. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For waraing Co.. 9th and Hoyt, Bdwy. J03. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE ot any description: have the ready casn. Phone today. Main 4027 or 166 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTEI prices. Used furniture. Will pay best Main 50O4. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVERTISING solicitors, crew managers, for Seattle and elsewhere. railway brotherhood books. $loo page; railroad men. B R. C. members preferred. Clyde, 210 Mock Exchange. YOUNG man for bank work; give age and experience; no cigarette fiend need apply. E IMill, urrgoman. WANTED A competent typist five hours every evening; state experience and salary expected. AN 81. . Oregonlan. KENNARD & ADAMS. 339 Williams ave.. requires the services ot an experienced winnow trimmer. FREE rent, wood and water to married man desiring saw mill work. School close. .lames Cole. Hewitt, or. EXPERIENCED man wanted to raise cab bage on shares. Lee-Robertson Co., 413 . Oorhett l-idg. WANTED Truck driver to drive Chevro let truck; apply People's market and Grocery, 1st and Taylor. . WANTED Markers and sorters, also gen eral laundry help. Union wages. Apply Valley .Mutual Laundry, ivent. asn. ARE YOU a good house-to-house can vasser? If so answer this ad; no sell ing; want a hustler. AL 4:13, Oregonian. JAPANESE JANITOR. scrubbing and cleaning in food products factory. P. O. box 124. BANK man, experienced, capable, ambi tious, young; give references and salary expected. i 2t4. Oregonian. SHIPPING clerk, married man. 35 to 40 years old. state experience, night work, S30. rl 8. oregonian. SALESMEN and demonstrators wanted experience unnecessary. Movette, box 663, Portland, or. SETTER, small mill nar Portland, call early Sunday. Tabor 913. BANK clerk, operating posting machine; state salary. -bo. oregonlan. WANTED Expr. feed and flour packera Call 71 3d st , Monday. LOG hauling Job if you have a trurk and trailer, call at Zii cannon, .viain 8154 FIRST -CLASS bushelman wanted. Ervln & Co. BUSHELMAN" wanted. 336 Wash. R. M- Gray the ciotnier. ELECTRICIAN to do wiring. East Stark St Call 1316 BRICKLAYERS wanted to build chlm neys and fireplaces. 621 Morgan Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and secretary. 301 N. W. Bank oiag. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Regai Shoe lo., 34 wasmngton St. YOUNG MAN. 18-20. as blller: one with elec. exp. preferred. 1015 Wilcox bldg WANTED Men to run on railroad trains as news iseui.. wfj . .m ot. JANITOR w anted. San Marco, 422 Vi Washington call peioroi-. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write lie E.asioiyau.j. WANTED High school boy for offic snd delivery worit. Appiy ra"o opatuing rttug. WANTED Night clerk, Medford hotel 5th and onsan. FIREMAN, steady work. $3o; state age expe rience. eic. rt, .'regonian. . LLSVAIOB boy wanted. Campbell botei. HELP WANTED MALE. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED .1 u. Bcl into me oest-paylng Ousl- - "- v earn ioo-.-iuu a montn; I lenrn by practical methods on np-to- y dar. eonlnm n TV& .,.. . ' room and board. Practical courses in AUTO MECHANICS. TRACTOR ENGINEERING. VULCANIZING. ADVANCED IGNITION. MACHINE-SHOP WORK. . T,r'te today for FREE 72-PAGE CAT- A LOG. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. S- Flgneroa St.. Los Angeles. Cat. BIG PAY for man who can exterminate rats. Must prove past success. No ex periments wanted. Address AO 863. Ore gonian. CAPABLE. ENERGETIC SALESMAN WITH MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE TO SELL OIL TANKS AND PUMPS TO FACTORIES AND RAILROADS FOR NATIONALLY KNOWN MANU FACTURER. SPLENDID PERMANENT POSITION. MILWAUKEE TANK WORKS. MILWAUKEE. WIS. HIGH GRADE capable men desiring better executive mercantile, technical or clerical positions. $2300 to $25.0OO. Oar confidential services and diplo matic negotiations are available for at tractive openings without Jeopardizing present connections. Not an employ ment agency. If actually qualified re 1"et particulars. AV 114. Oregonian. WANTED Every man looking for a posi tion, or who Is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income, to write lor "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad ore is THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland. Ore. WANTED Men as clerks In Portland postoffice; steady employment at 60 cents per hour to start, with good ad vancements that are sure: only common education required: examination he:d Juiy 24. Apply at once for application blanks at information window, main postoffice. V AN TED Two competent churn drillers, regular station men. for 20-ft. deep holes, solid rock, no boulder forma tion, to blow out 20,000 cubic yards for crushing purposes on the Elgin Miriam route: have power drill but at present shy on power. Address or see Mars Quarry. La Grande. Or. E CAN use 2 young married men in our retail sales force as wagon salesmen: permanent work, good guarantee and commission; also pay for new custom ers obtained: best of references required; also bond. Apply in person onlv. Jewel Tea Co.. Inc.. 21-23 South Grand ave. WANTED Live wire book and stationery salesman to cover southern Washlng-on. eastern Orecnn and nirl- r, f PA.t!,.- one having machine given preference I commission or salarv basis: good c-n- I portunity for right man: give referenccaV and Dhone. Address R .V?l (Ir.rnni, N WANTED 12 steel molder mechanics for heavy and bunch work, highest wages paid. Unemployed molders can find em ployment at Columbia Steel Co., at Pittsburg, Cal. For particulars com municate with Columbia Steel Co., Port land. Or. PIANO FINISHER WANTED A splendid position offered to a competent plana polisher and finisher who is capable of dding first-class work on high-grade pianos. Apply to The Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadtvav. OPPORTUNITY has knocked at your door. Earn $50 to $200 per week. Learn to be a motion picture cameraman. We teach you. Apply Cameraman Sunbeam Film Co., 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Good Ford and Fordson me chanics, must have references and will ing to leave town, splendid opportunity for advancement to high-class men. St-e Mr. Hopkins at the Imperial Sunday morning before 10 o'clock. WANTED Man with family to work on ranch: must be good farm hand and familiar with cows: separate house, wood, milk and garden truck furnished; steady job. Lester Campueil. Hillsboro, Or. Phone Scholls. WANTED Young man. 23 to 30 years old. familiar with the city and some knowl edge of postal routine or telegraph work, for office position: state experience and salary expected. A 616. Oregonian. BOY wanted to work in a shoe store; one who is willing to learn tle shoe busi ness: a fair salary to right boy: age 18. Apply Oak Tan Shoe Store, 262 Wash ington St.. near 3d. WANTED Yarding engine for immediate use. prtier 11x13 Willamette or 12Vxl2 Tacoma. Must be in A-l condition. Ad dress National Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ho quiam. Wash. HELP WANTED A first-class piano pol- lsner ana iimsner. fine position offered to a competent man who is thoroughly reliable and honest. The Wiley B. Alien Co.. Morrison at Broadway. WANTED Marker and distributor, salary a ween, state experience and men tion references in first letter. We. natchee Steam Laundry, Wenatchee, Wash. WANTED Elderly man or boy to do light cnores, gooa nome ana reasonable wages Must be clean. Phone 2603. O. T. Mur p h y. Hubbard. Or. WANTED Man for machine shop with previous experience tempering steeL Write BC 432, Oregonian stating ex perience, etc. COMPETENT man to take charge of saop anu repair ena ot l..oou garage busi ness: $2000 required. Phone owner. Aut, 31U-1H. WANTED First-class paperhanger for out-of-town work: $9 per day of 8 hours; transportation furnished. . Apply MO Oregon bldg. WANTED Two Japanese boys or man and ne to assist in nouse and do garden w-ork at a country home near Mt Hood Telephone Monday, Columbia 167. BOY WANTED to learn the lithograph ing vraue. gooa pay wni:e learning and fine opportunity for the right boy. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park sf. EXPERIENCED phonograph salesman wanted by good Portland store. Write, stating experience and salary or commis fion expected. AF 437. Oregonlan. JANITOR, must be reliable and under stand apartment house service. Wife to help. $100 and apartment. Call Monday ar 8 o'clock, 205 14th St. SPEND YOUR VACATION on road work. Inquire at Lewlsberg, I near Corvallis: raprs II .",n OSKAR HUBER. SAWYER-for 20M circular mill, man i. perienced in sawing pine preferred. Answer, stating experience, V 920, Ore gonian. WANTED Boys over 18 years old. with iur mKiii or uay wora; perma nent employment: good pay. Delivery supervisor. 76 3d St. WANTED Young man for clerical work; salary to start, $90. Apply own hand writing, giving telephone number, ad dress and experience, p 32n Oreropinn. WANTED Help; road work; wages $4.50 and up. Inquire at Lewlsberg, near Corvallis. OSKAR HUBER. WANTED At once, on Hood River volley ranch experienced orchard man. mar ried, for permanent position. AV lis. Oregonlan. MAN wanted, speaking Finnish or Swed ish, or both, to assibt land locator, good salary, cash bond required. AB 817, Oregonlan. MAN wanted, must be wide-awake, cash bond required, salary $150 per month. AC 876. Oregonian. CLEANING-PRESSING solicitor. good commission. li0 Park St. Chance to get interest. WANTED Good all-around printer, steady job. state w-ages. The Journal-Times. Ritzville. Wash. MAN wanted, steady position, must be able to give reference. Mt- Hood Soap Co., 4th and Glisan. HELP WANTED A first-class piano tuner and player repair man. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at Broadway. WANTED Man to work concsslon. Lake half interest, make all fairs, commenc ing August 9. 426 Alder St. WE have an opening for a young man as order clerk: must be familiar with citv streets. T 990. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS auto repair man: good wages to right party. Great Western Auto Repairing. East Sixth and Tavlar. WANTED Millwright for operating saw mill. Phone Marshall 4040 between 8 and 9 o'clock Sunday morning. GOOD man experienced in pipe and plumb ing supplies, steady work. Portland Pipa Shop. 209 Front st. PHYSICIAN and Dentist, suburban loca tion, excellent opening, no competition near. Tabor 2634. YOUNG man wanted to work on an auto express: $1S a wefk. Call Sunday bet. 8 and 10 A. M.. 552 Jefferson. THREE large teams wanted for yara. piling near .ckd, ruuue cabi wo after 6:30 P. M. TWO drag saw men. 3 splitters: good timber; tools furnished; experienced men only. Sellwood 895 Sunday. WANTED Advertising solicitor. Apply 13 to 3. 820 Piatt bids. 0 i