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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
s JULV 13 THE bUMJAx' OHJiGUMAN, jVHs.i i i.Ali. 18, -1920 FOB. SALE. Miscellaneous. NDRAO" SAW. thoroughly reDullt BEAVER, In very best condition: GUARANTEED same as new; C-foot saw; $135, terms $75 cash, balance $20 per month. H. E. Johnson. 246 Hawthorne ave at east end of bridge). Phone Automatic 217-37. AN ELECTRIC-DRIVEN Dictaphone with all attachments and blank records. Has never been used. Any reasonable offer will not be refuted. Also Underwood Typewriter, No. 3. in good condition. Call at fir Panama Bldg. WINDOW SCREENS, screen doors, break fast tables and meat coolers made to order: also anv other cabinet work done. Universal Woodworking Shop, 100 N. 3d st. Vt BY CARRIAGE. $6. SK IXG MACHINE. 12. DENTAL CHAIR. ISO. 1125 ELECTRIC SWEEPER. $40. MARSHALL. 3063. ELECTRIC FANS and drink mixers re paired; new. used and exchanged; mo tors rewound and repaired; wiring: sup plies. Hynaon Electric Co., 802 Pine. Broadway 4203. ONE light blue taffeta afternoon dress. 1 blue and white summer voile dress, size 3S; 1 all-wool navy blue plaid sport skirt. I black muff, all In fine condition. Call Woodlawn 182. LUTO OWNERS Oarage men. batteries charged from any socket; don't take battery out or disconnect wires; cost 5c per battery; no attention. 6 volt, 125. East 70S5. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. Fine new potatoes. IS pounds Tor a dollar; other vegetables cheap. 1360 E. 23d st. North. Woodlawn car. REED baby carriage, child's enameled bed. Singer sewing machine nearly new. pair down bed pillows, woven bedroom rug. nlso small rugs. Tabor 2237. ONE Wilton rug. 1 rag rug. 1 Brussels rug. 1 iron bed and springs. 1 felt mat tress. 1 genuine leather bed davenport. 1 rocker. Main 3041. 30.1 11th st.. flat B 10 DOZEN' quart and pint Mason fruit Jars with lids, nice and clean. 30c dozen: IS Economy quarts without caps, 75c per doz. 155." Division. A BEAUTIFUL hand-made crochet bed spread and complete set filled in with sky blue silk for sals. 78 W. Farragut St.. Kenton. fOH RALE on trees, fine Royal Anne and Lambert cherries. 4c per pound. Bow. man ranch. Base Line road and Fair view ave., opposite 12-mlle house. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 rooms for $20. All new material used. Work guaranteed to pass Inspection. oodlawn 3 1 01. FOR SALE Double section McCaskey ac count regiMer. like new. $12.v cost ijiu. H. J. CRESAP, 107 W. Seventh street. Vancouver. Wash. SEVERAL beautiful new voile dresses, cheep: Isdv from east, no use. large nixes. Apartment C. 620 V4 3. 1st, Port land, DIAMOND KtNG, SOLITAIRE, recently rpald $H5: will sacrifice lor au. jm via. ; oregonlan. l-LMHT electric fixture with solid brass celling plate for only $9.00. new. .asi 315. UiitKAIN carpet, size 12x12. for sale. $20. B.M3 7Sth St., opposite Woodmere school. Wt. Scott car. FOR SALE Phonograph records, black iron bed. brass trimmings; new leather "Science and Health." Tabor 731. HOYAL ANNUS and Bing cherries for sale cheap. A. ceregnino, 3otn ana n-inguiis.. MUwauKie. or. r.Asni.lxR wood-saw. mounted on Ford truck. Will sell reasonably. Lota of work. 40S Columbia st. TANK FOR PALE Capacity 1270 gallons; also Ice box door and cork insulation. Call East 8470. ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES. Be if picked by purehsser. 3 blks. N. of Lombard on Peninsula. Sundays. FOR SALE 2 nairs lady's Hannan shoes. size 74 D. 8 A; also large black sailor. East 70S1. RELIABLE gas water heater $15; else high side oven Vulcan gas range. $72 50; both good condition. 7H0 E. Broadway. BARGAINS in used sewing machines, sll drop heads and in good sewing order; $16.50 and $18.50. 172 3d. near Yamhill. FOR SALR 12 ga. double barrel hammer- less shotgun, like new, $25. V 250. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Two new 523-rallon pressure tanks. H. J. CRESAP. 10T W. Seventh St., Vancouver. Wash. OAK BED. 12 50: springs. 12: Copper bot tom wash boiler. $1.75; bath peat, 75c; 3 5-gal. cans. 11; 32 Ross St. East 2453. LAWN MOWER and grass catcher, good condition. Call Monday. S02 Fenton tting. ir. rreeman. 10-H. P. MARINE engine, fully equipped. shaft propeller and clutch, all for $60. fnone Tabor 7iiu. ELEGANT 2-light electric chandlier with solid brass celling plate for only $5. Only have a few. woodlawn 3791. BEAUTIFUL white diamond ring car at, at bargain. Monday only. 1039 E. V-th st. N. Alberta car. FOR SALE or trade for berries, white summer hat and oxford shoes. Call E. 84B0. FOR SALE Reed baby buggy; leather go cart. Call Tabor 3347, Monday, or C09 E. .-.nth st. n. NEARLY new drop-head Singer sewing machine: bargain. 186 Sherman st. Mar. 3083. B1NGER sewing machine, slightly used. cheap. Main 6SS6 Monday A. M. or evening. FOR SALE Tent. 14x20; also fly. phone Wdln. 5371. FOR SALE Nice large pie cherries. 11S7 Denver ave., or phone Woodlawn 3129 Monday. BLACK ENAMEL BABY BUGGY with Ted trimmings, good condition. Automatic B-1374. BABY CARRIAGE, good order. Call Mon day or phone Tabor 5740. 202 Hazelfern place. I.aurelhurst. NEW and slightly used sweaters, hat. drejrses and shoes, for outings, at 456 rMttoeK blK. BLUE WHITE H-karat diamond: great bargain it sold quick. P U2-X Oregonlan. BLUE WHITE diamond. 14 karat, for sale. ressona'hie. Y 26. Oregonlan. . 150 HALF-GALLON fruit Jars, dozen. Call 50 EasJ Alder st. 500 CHERRIES 5c on tre. 8c nicked. Kent ish and Royal Annas 1515 Belmont Tabor car. FOR SALE PIE 1237. CHERRIES; TABOR CHILD'S stroller or baby buggy, nearly new. East 4402. FOR SALE One pas range in good condi tion. $30. 500 E. 25th St. N. East 433. ADDING- MACHINE Good as new; hl bargain. 384 Stark st. Broadway 1198. SMALL hoy's bicycle, fine condition Dar rein. S.'2 Chapman, near Mill. BOXING GLOVES. 1 pair, maul sise. t.50. Cull at 242 Washington St. FRI'IT JARS. 45c doz. 400 Clav st. Marshall 2014 or ROYAL AVNE, Lambert cherries, 7Ho lb. picked. 11 E. oth N FOR SALE 9120 Win. carbine rifle, condition. 1I. V 2S2. Oregonlan. good BICYCLE. A-l condition, new tires, cheap. fl-2 Chapman, near Mill. etc.. LAMBERT cherries, road. Tabor 7304. 8603 Powell Valley FOR SALE 2 wool skirts and dark brown marabou. 20 E. lsth N. CHF.RPIKS for sale on the tree, So lb. can 2 Dekum ave. FIVE small price. P diamonds for sale at 973. Oregonlan. TWO-INCH POST bed complete and oil stove. Htm south Ave. sellwood car. FOUR KOKEN oak hydraulic barber cnatrs and tour cases. fi7 savler St. COMPLETE LaSalle expert accountancy course at a bargain. AG 436. Oregonlan. 4014 YARDS of new print linoleums, 65c vara. l'jti division St. CHERRIES for sale. 927 So. Willamette nivo. cor. fierce at. Columbia 7S7. TWO beautiful gray chenille rugs, reason able E. 7244. LARGE pie cherries. lOo Woodlawn 1019. pound. Phone BABY SULKY, price 13.50; call afternoon. 193 itn st. FOR SALE Double cot for Price . Phone Main 3670. camping. WHITE MOUNTAIN ice box. $11; Phila delphia lawn mower, $4. 82S Main st. THE American listing adding machine. Call PNa. FOR SALE R401. -Reed carriage at $23. Tabor REFRIGERATOR for 107. Call Tabor J BEAUTIFUL Infant's layette. all hand made. Tabor 223T. completed, 40-VOLUME set of CYE law books; fine condition. taoor eou. Id-FOOT awning. Phone Woodlawn 1335. ONE meat block. 80x30. 125. 890 6th St. CHERRIES FOR SALE 1903 B. JUU at. FOR. SALE. Miscellaneous. M. BARDE SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains." OFFER THESE - AND MANY. MANY OTHER WONDERFUL BARGAINS. Wonderful because prices are lower than you'll find elsewhere and because quality Is guaranteed. BARDE HAS WHAT YOTJ NEED IN LOGGING SUPPLIES FOR LESS AND SHIPPED WITH THE BARDE GUARANTEE. Lagging Blocks. Wedges. , Babbitts. Chocker Sockets. Peavies. Falling Saws. Axes. Bucking Saws. Mauls. "Etc.. etc. ENGINES. Every One an Exceptional Buy. 1 Set 16x22-ln. Atlas horizontal throt tling stationery twin steam engine. 1 12xl6-in. Erie horizontal throttling stationary steam engme. 1 11x13 Russell horizontal throttling stationary steam engine. 1 8xl0-in. Chandler-Taylor horizontal throttling stationary steam engine. VERTICAL ENGINES 1 Vi to 10 H. P. STEAM AND POWER PUMPS. Duplex Steam Pumps 3 5V4x4tx5-tn. 2 6x4x6-in. 4 Ux3x4-in. 6 3x2x3-In. Single State Centrifugal Pumps 2 8-in. 1 6-in. - 2 3-tn. 4 2-ln. Power Pumps lx-ln. Fairbanks-Morse. 1 5x5-ln. Bulldozer. BOILERS, llv Low Prices All Guaranteed. Mt-n. n Hawhtea eomomuoa n. xi. 1. and water tube Doner, iu-id. working pressure. -80-h. p. 60-in. by 18-ft. H. R. T. lap seam boilers. 100 lbs. working pros- -50-h." p. firebox boiler. 100 workln pressure. 1 IS-h. p. vertical boiler. 1 10-h. p. vertical boiler. WOOD-WORKING MAtHlMlKI. Al LOW PRICED. 1 Barnes combination saw table. 1 Superior combination saw table. 1 No. 2 American self-feed rip-saw. 1 Cyclops box board printer. 1 Floor swing cut-off. 1 6x24-in. single surfacer. SHINGLE MILL MACHIXERI. 8 ItHOS Summer standard upright shin' gie machines. , 12 Packing frames. 1 Repress. 2 Saw anvils. MACHINE TOOLS. PR1CF.5 SLASHED QUALITY RIGHT. 6 24-ln. by 12-ft Advance . c. D. a. o. lathes. -26-in. by 10-ft. Walcott Q. C. D. B. G. lathes. 1 21-ln. by 10-ft. LeBlond Q. C. D. B. G. lathe with taper attaenment. 1 21-ln. by 8-ft. LeBlond Q. C. Ds B. G. lathe. GRINDERS. FORGES. ANVILS. VISES All Sizes. PIPE-THREADING MACHINE. Merrill. 4-ln. Just one to go at a mighty attractive price. NEW AND USED WIRE ROPE. Sizes 9-in. to 14-in.: all carefully selected and fully guaranteed. Your order filled at once for any quantify from immense Barde stock. 4-POINT BLACK BARBED WIRE. Sizes from -ln. to 12-in.. in any quantity you 7ieed and such low prices you'll be astonished. USED PIPE. You'll not find this same good quality at an equally low price. Barde will ship immediately from immense stocks any quantity you require. How much do you need out of 20.000 feet of 1-lnch size. RO.OOO feet of H4-Inch size. 59.000 feet of 1-inch size. 12.000 feet of 3-inch size 4,000 feet of 4-inch size. MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT. Power hacksaws, chain hoists, punches, shears, etc. Relaying rail all sizes. I-beams, channels, angles, rods -all sizes. Manila rope. Falling and blocking saws. Shovels, picks, mattocks, axes. 'Peavies. tim-ber hooks. Pulleys, belting, shafting. Boxes, hangers. Etc.. etc. SKINNER EDDY SHIPBUILDING PLANT RECENTLY PURCHASED OFFERED AT REMARKABLY ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES. 10.000 tons stee.1 plates, shapes. billets, flats and rounds. Lathes, all sizes. Boring mills up to 10-feat. Plsners. Radial drills. Drill presses. Shaner. Punches, shears. Pipe machines up to 12 inches. Wood-working machines. Tractors. Locomotive cranes. Steam hammers. . Compressors. ' sheet metal workers" tools. Miscellaneous small tools. All sizes chain blocks. vises up to 7 Inches. Etc.. etc. WIRE. "WRITE. PHONE TOUR ORDER. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. ALL GOODS SHIPPED WITH BARDE GUARANTEE. M. BARDE & SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains." Front and Main Sts. Phone Main 663. Portland. Or. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Black and galvanized, new and sec. ond-hand, from H-lnch to 12-inch, from 1 foot up to 10.000' feet. Any plumbing supplies; o-n. oatntubs, special for $35. Just received 2 cars of 4-inch extra heavy pipe on special sale at 90c per foot. Portland Pipe Shop, 269-27 Front St. Main 6325. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR nice soda fountain. Underwood. Corona, Remington. Oliver typewriters. wall cases, direct 1-horse power motor, cash registers, electric fan, bicycle? WANT SHOTGUN. RIFLE, FURNI TURE. NEWMAN, . 1?S First. Main 44!o. Tabor 879S. ic.xia une new z-person auto camo comfort outfit, $62.50, and one 4-person outfit. $97.50. Most complete and sim ple outfits made; consist of tent, folding table, cots, etc. Also camp stools, fold ing cots, blankets, etc. WENGER, 502 geiimg mag. stain 3UU3. I 30-FOOT counter, 15 doors, brass handles o-iuu l counter, 10 Drawers, press name iioiuer iianaies; o-toot partition, upper glass: 3 door locks and butts. Novelty Furniture Co.. 2S1 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 7344. Screens made. REED BABY CARRIAGE. For child 6 mo. to 4 years; very rea sonable; perfect condition. 453 E. 12th r.ortn. irvington. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE One Chalmers IS, 7-passen- ger, by owner. For appointment call Main 133S alter o f. i. 1920 CHEVROLET In fine shape; owner U&B 11UIU1BDCU 1.U1 KIAIIU. I OU, 11? T 1113. Dana at x-ttn ana Aider. tirowy. 240. MAXWELL touring, good condition, good tires; win Demonstrate ; consider trade on home. ttB bumner st., near Union ave. 1918 FORD sedan, self-starter, dem. rims. vac. seat, large steering wheel, other ex tras: a Dargain. taoor t33o. HUPMOBILE, 1919, cash or reasonable terms. A Dargain tor money. Bdwy, 3S14. 1920 FORD sedan, only run 400 miles: like new; at a gooa saving; take rord tour ing in traae. taoor FOR SALE Ford roadster or light de livery. Buy from private owner; savs union st Anneny. FOR SALE 1818 Dodge touring car: all new tires ana in a-x conaition. ny own er, call rieuwooa 3z. MY 1915 Franklin touring; $800; real buy: tine running oraei ; 3uu Broadway 1764. Main 2428. cash. CLASSIEST Ford bug In town, reasonable; motor Al condition. Jimmy's Tire Shop, E. nth ana Division sts. 1918 OAKLAND. 5 wire wheels and 5 tires. spot ugnt, iou. uan Atonaay. Auto matic 221-23. $173 A bargain In a bug. good tires and good running condition. Tabor 1763. FORD touring. 191T model, perfect condi tion; a bargain ior casn. 117 Gladstone ave. 1912 FRANKLIN touring car; owner. Woodlawn 196. DODGE roadster Col. 832. at a bargain; terms. 1914 MAXWELL touring, first-class con dition. $123. Wdln. 4092. OAKLAND SIX. PRICE $630. PHONE DUNN. SELLWOOD 1393. BUICK four touring 1918. Perfect condi tion, $900. Owner, Sellwood 2100. IF YOU will look at my Reo touring you will buy it for $650. Sellwood 2924. rOR SALE AdOMOBn eS. "W. H. WALLINGFORD CO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Positively SELLING OUT ALX. USED CARS. We have about 20 used cars that are going to move HltiHT NOW. New Lib- ertvs and Briscoes are coming in. and literally CROWDING USED CARS INTO THE STREET. We WILL NOT PAY STORAGE ON THESE CARS, but are goinsr to sen uem REGARDLESS OF PRICE OR TERMS. If you can use a car at all. you are going to buy at this sale. We mean business. Come in and pick out your car. and we will see that you are saris- I ilea witn tne price. Stock consists of Bulck. ; Chalmers. C'hevrolets, Cadillac. Ford. Grant. Hupmoblle. Hudson. Jeffery, Liberty. Maxwells. Oldsmobila. Overland. Wlnton. 8tudebaker. At Prices That Will Astonish You. W. H. WalUngford Co.. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, loth and Washington Sts. Phone Broadway 2020. 1920 FORD TOURING. STARTER. This Is nearly new and In fine condi tion. We recommend it; and the price is ncnt. 9 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington Sts. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators ure carefully gone ovr and made tight before sold. EURiEoS cfc MARTIN, loth and Alder Sts. IS DODGE ROADSTER. This roadster la Just new and hag six tires and tubes and new top and will I surprise you the way it runs and looks. If you are looking for a bargain. see this Dodge at saio. with SJio down. bal. monthly. 503 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. open Sundays. 1918 DODGE touring. . cheap If taken at once. 5o3 East 46th North. 1017 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.,' excellent me chanical condition: an new tires: genuine bargain at $495. terms $130 down. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 525 A Id e r St 1920 PAIGE-LARCH MONT sport model. run only 14. hj mnes: siuu in extras; will sacrifice $.100 less tnan new price. Mr. Argo. Broadway o.;m. CHANDLER, 7-pass.. fine condition, newly painted ana overhauled; will take small car in trace; terms on uat. ; price 14UU. Mr. Argo, Broadway FORD -ton truck, good tires, in good mechanical condition. lor saio oy own er; must sell at once. Price $350. terms. 408 E. ootn N., evenings. 1920 OVERLAND FOUR. Run less than 3000 miles and price is only $050 on easy terms. PHONE DUNN. SELLWOOD 1393. the FORD delivery, good shape throughout; S4oO, siuu Gown, Dai. mommy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., - 525 Alder St. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes or cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., luo-T im. 11th st. Big UBED CARS Prices fctoclc . . right. NO Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE CHEAP 8-cyl. 7-pass. Cole In good condition: 4 new cord tires, 1 ex tra. John E. Johnson, owner, 749 Lom bard et. " ' FORD bug. bet of running shape and ail good tires; only oo. terms. A.-1 AUTO WOrtKS & PAINlING CO., 525 Alder St. CHEVROLET 1919 490 touring. Must sell mv car this weeK. just completely over hauled by Chevrolet dealers. Call East 2.3 after o r. at. DODGE. See my Dodge for $575, at 249 6th st. Main Too-'. FORD CHASSIS With godd tires, in good running order; win mass a ciassy Dug. A snap at $250. Terms. 80 Grand Ave. North, near asurnsiae. FORD SEDAN 1920 model; all wire wheels, one extra one; leaving town; will sacrifice at $975 and give terms. 30 Grand Avenue Ptortn. near .puyialde. 1H1M CHEVROLET 490 Looks fine, good rubber: a snap at si-o. come quick lz you want this. tua Chamber of. com merce building DODGE TOURING 1917, good paint, good urea, iimot .... ' . - r-... ... j .... , . would consider trade on Ford. 30 Grand I Avenue North, near Burnside. vt A YWRT.l. 1917. in the best of condition. new top, new tires; win sen at oio ana give terms. 30 Grand Avenue North. near Burnaide. 1920 FORD for sale, first class running order, lots 01 extras; a snap at scuu. Inquire 4709 61st St. S. E. Take ML Scott car to 62d st. OVERLAND TOURING Late 1918 model; n.rf(t condition: will sacrifice at $850 and give terms, ou ui auu awuuo iiui ill, near uurnsiaa. LATE 1917 BUICK light six, 5-pass.; will demonstrate mecnanic-any wnn any Buick in Portland; price $1000 for quick sale; terms, air. Argo. oqwy. ojbi. OAKLAND SIX A late 1918 model: looks and runs like new. uaeu privaLeiy. A. bargain at S75; terms. 30 Grand Ave. North, near taurnsiue. FOR SALE. roadster, cheap for cash. ' 892 N. 24th St.. Portland, Or. Phone Mar- I shall 429 after 5 P. M. OVERLAND TOURING A good knock about car. voo'i conuiLion. a snap at $200. Terms. 30 Union -Avenue North. near Burnside. 191S PAIGE light six. a fine car for 11350, terms: run very nine ana nas Deen re- finished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. aai. PRIVATELY owned 7-passenger late model Cadillac; price euuu. i ms is a oona fide sacrifice. Ask lor Mr. Ward s car. 215 loth st. MAXWELL 1916, In good running con dition: gooa paint ana gooa ures. A bargain at $300. SO Grand Avenue N., near Burnaiae. FOR SALE By owner, 1920 Ford coupe. wire wheels ana otner extras; lew months' wear; fine condition through out. Marshall 3237. FORD roadster Fine condition; good tires, gooa paint. a snap at t-ftljo. Terms. 80 Grand Avenue North, near Burnaide- DANDY little 1918 Maxwell. 5 good tires. all mechanical parts in excellent shape. $250 cash will handle. Mr. Howard, Bdwy. Iji58. FORD DELIVERY Panel body. A real bargain. 4o. terms, ou ursna Ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 DODGE roa-lster. $850. Call Froh- man. Bdwy. oil, care w. la. nugnson Co.. Ford agents. Broadway and Davis. OAKLAND 5-pass., Just overhauled, good tires, XlOW l-U ,i. njjuiiJBiu auu n ,i . n in n, price $300. Terms. Phone Auto. 227-15. WILL take a good diamond as firet pay ment on most any ai&i. 01 car; 1 nave 50 cars to pick from. Kelly. 323 Alder $675 BUICK SIX. 5-passenger; really a good car; nice appearance. You can't do better. Terms. Sellwood 65L 1111MI 1918 HUPMOBILE. good tires. Just completely overhauled: terms. Tabor 6681. FORD touring, cash or terms, 837 Front, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVET MOTOR CAR CO. PLANT. If yon have ever contemplated the purchase of a used car, now is the time to make your choice. The situation at the present time is such that we have been able to buy these cars at a much lower figure than former prices, and you may secure a car. in perfect condition. rebuilt and refinlshed, for a great deal less than ever before. Dodge Brothers cars, for which we are local dealers, have become so popular and, unfortunately, have been so hard . to obtain, that we have of necessity be come a little more rigid In our appraisal on the used cars to be turned In. Our selling nrice. based on- cost plus rebuilding and refinishing charges, we believe is a great deal less than the same quality of car can be purchased elsewhere. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 191S Touring $ 795 1017 Touring , 1910 Touring . 7 -1 ! .1016 Roadster 730 850 1810 Chassis .. Bulck. 2-ton. new attachment. Cad illac motor, a dandy, only 1400 1 1914 OVERLAND 850 191 1 MAXWELL delivery 430 1913 CHEVROLET touring. good tires 625 1920 FORD sedan, practically new. wire wheels, extra tire and other accessories, cost over $1300: for sale bv owner...-. 1100 1 IMS FORD sedan, electric starter. 775 191U FORD roadster, good shape.. 350 r K 1 ' touring 4 1 1918 OVERLAND-90. a remarkable buy TOO 1920 MAXWELL touring, lust Ike new; big snap 875 1 191T MAXWELL touring 473 101T REO roadster, good shape 8O0 1914 REO touring 600 I luio fierce ARROW, would make a wonderful bug 400 1112 CADILLAC, good service car. 400 1916 BUICK touring, rebuilt 1050 101S CHANDLER touring 1400 luiu chandler Dispatch, wire wheels, nearly new 2350 1916 COLE 8. a. beauty 1100 1U10 HUDSON TJ. 5 wire wheels. cord tires, hew paint 30 1918 STUDEBAKER 6, good shape. new top. new paint.. 1000 1 1919 PEERLESS, 4-pass.. a beauty. 2300 ' CADILLACS. The greatest care has been taken to I produce the utmost In quality, service. appearance and value, where our used Cadillacs are concerned. If von would I like a heavier caj- than the one you are driving possibly we can arrange to ac- I cept it as part payment on one of these I excellent Cadillacs. We are open Sundays. ' COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington st. at 21st. Main 6244. A GOOD ' . ' SELECTION AT LOW PRICES. , I.. . m 11.11 ie .h roaaaier 250 400 "UUIlun 450 M .....II BOO wcu B50 "". 700 "eo 730 . xteo o - 1000 Bulck big six 1100 Cole 8 i4oc Paige 1200 TRUCKS. Ford delivery 875 Republic fa-ton truck 4 Denby 600 NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at 13th. KING 8 TOURING. Are you looking for a bargain In a high-class car at a price you would have to pay for a cheap car? My King 8, which is almost new. must be sold. Has been run -less than 5000 miles, and is guar anteed perfect In every respect. I left this car with Mr. Whit laker at 123 N. Broadway, oppo site new postoffice. King 8 'nuf sed. Better hurry as it will be sold today. Terms or cash. CADILLAC "37- Early 19. 7 pabsenger touring. 6 cord tires. 5 of them nearly new; this car has been driven less than 11.000 miles. is in wonderful mechanical condition and a new paint Job will make this car as good as new: the bett cash offer takes this car as we are leaving for the east next Saturday. Barton. 125 S. 14th. SAXON SIX. This is the late twodel and has been retopped and relinlshed a dark maroon, with black fenders and maroon wheels. making It as attractive a five-pass, car as you v. Ill see on the streets; U runs fine and we-have a low price of $650, with $250 down. bal. easy, or take car in trade. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays. ' HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I have a swell Chandler chummy, light blue body with white wheels; looks and runs elegant; a reputable car with power and speed. You will be proud to own this car. Priced reasonable; cash or I terms. Small car as first payment. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1058. A SNAP 1920 Oakland roadster: 1700 miles; o wire w nee is, spotugnt. Dumper, motometer, wind deflectors, cutout. spare tire, tire chains, tire lock, tire cover and some other extras. Must sell by Monday; part cash, balance terms. Simonizing station. 175 21st St., near Washington. DODGE. Will sell my Dodge at a bargain for cash; $575; would take Ford as part payment. Main 7352, between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. BARGAIN 1920 Chandler chummy road ster for sale, in line conaition. only run 3000 miles; two new tires on. rear: seven tires go with car. Owner expects to leave town. Price $1900 for quick sale. AO 743. Oregonlan. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. 1913 biearns roadster in lirst-class 1 co idition. 4 new tires. Csn be seen at Si-eedwell garage, 35 N. 14th st. Phone Bdwy. 3U74. FOR SAL.5 Chevrolet 490. five-passenger touring car. iHitt moaei; new parts throughout: new battery: have larger car; will sell at a bargain; no dealers. Chas. Walker. 11 North 2d St. 1919 FORD for sale: lots of extras, good rubber; as gooa as new; guarantee 3 miles to gallon or more; $575. Call Ta bor 52 and give your address and I will show It to you. Live at 6712 East 83d. DODGE touring car. fine condition; late 1910; original finish; good motor; car looks fine. If you are looking for a snap, buy this car for $675; need money. Cail Tabor 8152 OAKLAND roadster for sale or trade; will take motorcycle as part payment. This Is a real sacrifice; tires are good and engine perfect. Price $300. terms. AG 749. Oregonlan. $625 BUTS A STUDEBAKER 7-PASS., WITH ALL CORD TIRES. REPAINTED: A REAL BARGAIN. CALL UP FOR DBllON- STRATION. MAIN6756. ESSEX TOURING 1919. In the best of condition. Will sacrifice at $1500 and give terms. Will consider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand Avenue North, near Burn3lde. MY NEW DODGE car nas arrived My 1918 Dodgo touring car, in the best of condition, for sale; terms. Call between 5 and 7 o'clock P. M-, Saturday or Sun day between 10 and 12 A. M. Tabor 2549. PRACTICALLY NEW FORD Run a cou ple of weeks: completely equipped. Own er wants a car with three speeds. See Dana at 14th aod Alder. Broadway 240 or Kelly 1100. Qulmby; Brdwy. 3407. 1916 FORD. $275; 1920 Ford, new lot of extras, (700. East 4461. 880 Union ave. FOR BALE ACTOMOBIl.ES. FISHING, PICNTCKIKG AND CAMP ING 13 GOOD. YOU CANNOT GET TO THE BEST PLACES UNLESS TOU HAVE AN AUTOMOBILE. The cars we sell you are rebuilt or overhauled so you. take no chances by buying a car from us: If they are not as represented, bring them back and we will make them that way. What more can you ask? . We are an old and.rellable used car firm. WE HAVE A REPUTATION. -AND WE ARE PROUD OF IT. We tan save you from 35 to 60 on a car. 1,001c our cars over ana com pare them with others. 1916 Ford touring, runs like naw.. 875 j vi 1 ford touring, overhauled, and extras . .'. 400 1918 Overland, model 00, runs good. 600 11 Hupmoblle touring, motor re built, newly painted 3900 1918 .Chevrolet touring. 95 new.. 600 101s Chevrolet roadster, runs beau tifully 630 1917 Bulck D-45. rebuilt through out .a. . . . 950 1919 Liberty . 95 new 1200 1919 Serf pps-Booth, 5-pass 1000 1920 Ford, 1-ton, worm drive, stake body 600 linn pan hard IM-ton truck. Just like new 400 Ford delivery, runs good 250 OPEN SUNDAY GOOD TERMS. Our New Location, CONLETS USED CAR CENTER, fill Burnside St.. bet. 14th and 15th sts. Phone, Broadway 1424. CONLET & ARBUCKLE, Props. WE ARE NOT OVERSTOCKED BUT HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS THAT ARE PRICED RIGHT AND WILL GIVE ANTONE REAL SERVICE. 1919 7-pass. National, full new cord tire equipment. A fine car at a big aaviua. 1D20 Ovarland, the new light four. 1919 Overland touring, fine shape. 1918 Overland, run very little. 1917 Maxwell, newly painted, new tires. 1919 Chevrolet, run S000 miles, low price ox fuu. ' You may take advantage of Our Easy Payment Flan. MANLEY AUTO CO. Burnside at 11th. Broadway 217. NEARLY NEW ESSEX. $1545. W'e guarantee this car to ba in excel- dent condition throughout. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington ts. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 SAXON 6 $ 673 1 OLDS S 730 1 STUDEBAKER 4 . . 700 1 PEERLESS. 7-PASS 80 1 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 350 7 FORDS, $330 TO.. 450 1 PEERLESS CHASSIS loo 1 STUDEBAKER 150 1 PACKARD TRUCK WITH DUMP BODY AND HOIST 1300 LONG SILVA, 462 HAWTHORNE. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled $20 Rear exle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed..... 8, Magneto recharced 5 w e nana-iap pistons, scrape Dearings. etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.,. 2S0 F'ront St., corner Jefferson. 1919 HOT SPOT CHALMERS. ' A CAR THAT WILL GIVE YOU Al WORLD OF SERVICE AND CANNOT BE TOLD FROM A NEW CAR: HAS BEEN DRIVEN PRIVATELY AND IS IN TIP-TOP SHAPE. THIS CAR MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. CALL EAST 3075. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1920. A FINE CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE. ALL CORD TIRES AND AN EXTRA: CAN GIVE 90 DAYS' SERV ICE AND REPLACEMENTS SAME A3 FACTORY GIVES O.N I.EVV CAR. CALL BDWY.. 4S23. Night After 9, East 6840. Day, East 391. H. & B. SUDDEN SERVICE, DAY AND NIGHT. Repairs on ail makes of cars, over hauling a specialty; let us give you an estimate; towing. 462 Hawthorne. A. 1). H1NES. K. M. BRACE. CARS FOR SALE. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. Here is the light dependable four and this one Is in a class by itself: has been rehnished and looks snd runs first class, and we have low price of $075. with $250 down, bal. long easy terms, and we take cars in trade or bonds. 505 Alder st. Red Front t-sed car Co. A. GOOD, inexpensive car, a late Velie, good tires and top, newly painted. Just finished overhauling the motor, and It looks and runs like new. Trade In your Ford or Cnevrolet as first pay ment. Mr. Howard, with A. M. Beaver Motor Co.. Alder at 12th. Bdwy. 1838. HAVE a good light six that Is inex pensive to operate and has Just been newly painted: has now top and cur tains; new battery. We have Just over hauled this car and it is in excellent shape with lots of pep and power. $200 rash will handle it. Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 1808. ' $1950 BUYS STURDY STUTZ. Stutz Special One of the fastest and most powerful ears In city; complete in every respect as a new can classy ap pearance; we guarantee mechanical con dition. Stutz Distributors. Tenth at Sal mon. Terms. TWO real buys! Reo 4 In fine shape, good tires, a car that wears well. $180 down. and the balance in ten monthly pay ments. Overland in dandy shape. See these cars, the best in town at the low prices asked. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. WILL exchange beautiful diamond weigh ing 2 15-10O karats, worth $2200. for first-class auto. Edgar Brayfleld, P. O. Box 4, city. ' WILL pay part cash and fine new talking machine outfit for first-class Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 330 Alder. $430 BUYS a 1913 Franklin 6 in good run ning order, would trade on real estate. Phone evenings. East 3833. FOR SALE Big red Stutz. good condition, terms. Elite Garage. 12th and Jeffer son. 1920 FORD touring,- in A-l condition. $525. Columbia Auto Sales Co., 845 Union. East 56. Ask for Fenn. GOOD advice to used-car buyers: Drop in st 523 Alder st. before you buy. FOR SALE A 1911 Cadillac; good shape; the best oner tattes it. nurnaiae st. WILL exchange good auto for anything J can use. Kelly, 523 Alder St. BY OWNER 5-passenger Paige; used llt tle; l-Je model. $1200. East 7883. DODGE A-l condition: all new tires; $675. 206 Union ave. N. East 1949. FOR SALE Dodge, new. immediate de livery. Phone East 4144. FORD TOURING body, top and wind shield for sale. 1992 Esst Alder. STUDEBAKER coupe, good tires: sale $300 cash 655 E. Salmon. quick 1920 FORD sedan, splendid condition and appearance, at 505 E. Broadway. MR. MECHANIC. I have a '16 Ford chas sis, lots of extras. 1250. Wdln, 8360. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES. ' LOW PRICES FOR QUICK TURNS. 1917 Maxwell, very fine condition. . .$523 1918 Maxwell, very fine condition. . .$630 1919 Maxwell, very fine condition. . .$730 1920 Maxwell, looks ami is like new. $973 1917 Rtudebalcer four, all In good condition and runs fine $800 1 Late model Liberty, a bargain. 1917 Chalmers, all gone over in the shop repainted and has good tires: quality car at a bargain price. . . .$SS3 I HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson Super Fix. overhauled and repainted, alw-ays in private hands, and one that we will give same service and reolacements as factories do on new cara $1250 1 191S Hudson Super Six. overhauled, repainted: looks Just like a new car; many extras; same service . and replacements as factorlea give on new automooilea $isoo 1 1918-1919 aeries Hudson sneedster. nae new ...................... .tao 1 We have no used car denartment- these- bargains are An our ss-lesroom I zioor. C. I.- BOSS ATTTOMnRIT.F CO 613-617 Washington st. Portland. FLANNINO ON A NEW ROADSTER 7 Here's a man who must raise money I It once. He is offering a 190 OAK LAND ROADSTER, run only 1700 miles. for $1150. It cost new $1500 a lew weeks ago. We'll make terms if de sired. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington Sts. CADILLAC 8 TOURING. Owing to the death of my hus tnd, circUTistauces com'pel me to sell at once this Cadillac car. Perfect condition, 1020 license and lota of extras. Will accept any reasonable offer. Biggest bargain ever offered This car has been left with Mr. Woods at 12S N. Broadway, opposite new post office. Tanti or cash. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. $1330 buys a 191S Willys-Knight 8. 7 pass., that cost $31ti5 two years ago. Has original nnish. revarnisned. and looks like new: cord tires, bumper and spot; owner must sell quickly and will I give terms or take light car in trade. Air. Argo. -Broadway i.31. FORD BUG. THIS IS NOT A REAL NAME FOR THIS CAR, BUT YOU COULD CALL IT A HIGH-GRADE UUHI ROADalEK, as It has lots of class and has wind- shield and other extras that go with high-grade car: refinlshed bright red and white wheels and has speed to l. fnll .n.. .-1 . 1, r.11. a. I Red Front. Open Sundays. 1920 STEPHENS, practically new. wire wheels, a cord tires. Dumper, spotilgnt. wind deflectors; must be sold this week. 630 ALDEK ST. HUIVI. ISoi OPENED or closed in 30 seconds: only one in Portland: ail weatner top sedan Chevrolet, first-class condition, good rub ber, spotllfht, Bamber dome liyht, cur tains and lots uf extras. Quick sale. StiOu. "Main 3036. A bargain and com- I fort. 191S MAXWELL, almost new; this is the best Maxwell buy In tne city ana win guarantee it same as factory guarantee; the price Is low. with only a saiali pay- ment oown. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. ARE you looking for a good car cheap? Paice 1919. Linwood model, a beautiful car and almost new. This must be I seen to be appreciated. Fully equipped. See owner at 431 uavis aionaay. uuy. 4:K'l. - i CHANDLER DISPATCH.- 1919, fine new tires Just put on: run 64i): original blue. This car is worth $2000; must sacrifice for $1550: terms Phone Broadway 30. DOLI13E TOURING CAR.- Real buy, in excellent condition; all I good tires, spot light, bumper, other ex tras: 1019 model; run only 7000 miles. Phone Woodlawn 001. 1U20 MAXWELL 1920. A wonderful little car that la 98 per cent new. 1 ou can save money buying 1 this car. Terms. Phone Main 402b. Marshall 2766. CADILLAC BUG. Newly painted, good tires, equipped with fenders and windshield. Call Tabor 4405. CHEVROLET 490 touring, model 191Kjl tires practically new; car In best condi tion throughout; $ Private own-I er. Main 4bU2. 191S PAIGE. 5-pass.. light 6; A-l condl tinn everv wav : have any mechanic ex amine It; must sell quickly; first $1100 taaes it. Main HIGH-CLASS bug in perfect condition, all kinds of accessories, or will trade toe larger car. Thompson, Main 4013. 434 Mill st. COLE automobile. 1916 model, i-passen-ger. first-clase condition, for improved city lot or house and lot and pay dif ference. O 52S. Oreeonian. 1919 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. This car is like new, $600 less than new price. Colum bia Auto Sales Co., 345 Union. East 56. Ask for Senn. wing 8 7-passenger, mechanically perfect; 5 cord tires: run 70OO mileB: $1350 if I taken today; terms; private owner. Call I 444 E. Ash st. Phone East 831. MITCHELL BUG Bring $85 cash and take it Sunday A. M. between 8 and 1J 4S3 Glenn ave. N., near Thompson. East 24.5. 1918 BUICK light six. recently refinlshed. all cord tires. This car is a -snap at $1100. Phone 315-33 or Broadway 1130 after Sunday. Ask for D. M. Smith. OVERLAND, 8.VB touring car, good tires, newly paint ed; is as good as new. ARMY OARAGE. 25(1 TAYLOR STREET. SEE that Elgin 6. Just been overhauled and In fine shape; $tf.,0 with terms. Broadway Auto Inn., East 3d and Broad way. 1600 SACRIFICE on Patterson 7-pass. dem- onstrstor; run 3200 miles; fi tires; will I take lighter car as psrt payment. Terms. Call Axelson. liroadway 33ua. FORD BUG In the of condition; good tires. A real bargain at $450. Terms If desired. 80 Grand Avenue North, near Burnside. FORD TOURING 1916. in the best of condition. Good paint, good tires; must sell: a snap at $450. Terms if desired. 80 Grand Avenue North, near Burnside. A-l APPERSON. 1914. electrically equipped, 1920 license, fine running con dition, to trade for good bug or road ster. Broadway 141)0. East 4258. CHANDLER chummy, fine condition, refin lshed; $1300. terms: will tske small car in trade. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3-S1. BARGAIN Dodge. A-l condition, .new top. aide curtains, battery, extras; owner; $095. Sunday Marshall 3336. FOR ALE A 1918 Ford touring car, well equipped and in good condition. Call Sunday. 8439 Fester road. FORD BUG. worth $650, Sunday and Mon day $525. Terma Columbia Auto Sales I Co.. 845 Union. East 56. Ask for Senn. A SNAP Dodge commercial delivery. 1919; am leaving town, $S50 cash. Ta- bor 9002. HAVE 1918 490 CHEVROLET In good con- dltion; 143; terma Aiarsnau o-oo. gz7 Kelly street FOR SALE A mighty good Ford bug and it's reasonable, from owner. Phone Mr. Carlton. Main 2502. 1817 HUDSON super-six in A-l condition: 7-pass.. new cord tires, for $1000. 248 Yamhill st-. room u. STUDEBAKER a, 7-pass., win trade or sell. Take Ford or Chevrolet. Bell. 12S0. DODGE Late '18 In fine condition, ma ch a nlc ai 1 y perfect. 1137 Klrby st. PAIGE. 1918, best condition, by owner. 333 E. nth su yitasii . FOR SALE Ford touring car. Call 12S7 y Milwaukee St.. gen. 2lts 1919 DODGE roadster, runs like new; 4 cor tires, extra: UoO. Aiarsnau 3915, FOR SALE ArTOMOBTttS. VACATION TIME OFFERING. USED CARS WHICH WE CAN RECOMMEND. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF USED CARS. EVERY CAR IS IN TIP TOP SHAPE READ TO GO ANYWHERE. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE CITY. . BUICK $950. TOURING. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED. GOOD TIRES. NEWLY PAINTED. DODGE $695. THIS IS A TOURING CAR IN FINE MECHANICAL SHAPE. FORD $695. 1920 touring, almost new, never had a puncture; equipped with electric starter I ana iocs 01 extras. OAKLAND $1150. 1920 roadster, run only a few weeks. This car is new and in excellent mechan- I ical condition. Owner must raise money at once. OVERLAND $395. 1913 roadster, overhauled and repaint ed. A mighty fine salesman car. Must I oe seen to be appreciated. $4600 APPERSON $3250. T-passenger. one of the most beautiful cars made. We guarantee this car to perform as well as any new car. It has been run about 5000 miles and hasn't a scratch on It. Owner has been called to Canada and was forced to sacrifice nis car. We arrange for reasonable terms, on any of the above. If desired. THE USED GAR EXCHANGE. Used but Not Abused Cars. 15th and Washington. EXTRA LOW PRICES. WE HAVE A FEW SLIGHTLY USED TOURING CARS AND TRUCKS KuR SALE AT SURPRISINGLY LOW F1G UKJi.S. ALL IN EXCELLENT CON DITION IN KVKKY KJSSi-K'CT. McCRAKEN MOTOR CO.. 14TH AND MOK.K1SON STS. PAIGE T-PASSENGER. My health compels me to go to California ut once, therefore I must sell my prnctically new Paige, in perfect mechanical con dition, to the first party making any reasonaole offer. It you want a car at a snap look it over at 128 North Broadway, opposite new postoffice. and ask for Mr. Brig gtr. Will accept terms or cash. BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT FOUR. Here is the class and there is not an other one like it In this paper-today. I have had this one retiniehed and full leather top put on and it is as new and we will show you the best light four y?u ever rode In: low price ana we will V..e the small sum of S325 down, baU ej.v. Come and look a regular one over. Open Sunday. oOo Alder su Red Front Ued Car Co. ll,i OVERLAND TOURING. '18. This car has some extras and hah been revarnished and looks liner runs better; vnn cam iavi a lot of money if you like this brand, and we will take the small sum of 250 down. bal. easy, or take Ford in trade. See car at ooa Alder st Red Front-fSed Car Co. FOR SALE A Cadillac roadster, in per fect mechanical condition, practically new cord tire, 2 extra cord tires, bump er, spotlight and other equipment, late model, color pea green, finished with gold border; must be sold at once to settle estate. AE 794. Oregonlan OAKLAND 5-PASSENGER. $550 will buy my 1915 Oakland six gooa tires, fuliy equipped and in perfect mechanical condition. If you want a car st a snap, look this one over at 694 E. lfith st. S. Terms or cash. PKEM1ER 7-pass.. driven but 2 milea Looks and is as good as a new machine. Owner has 2 and wishes to dispose of one. Can be seen at 21u 2d at. Sunday between 10 and 4. call Mr. Ulster, Tabor bOOO, for appointment. DIX E FLYER. New Dixie Flyer for sale or will take mall car as part payment. Terms on ran. Sje car Sunday before 1 P. M. at Hawthorne Ave. Garage, 445 Haw thorne avs. OAKLAND delivery, ready for work; only I'MO. $100 cash. bai. $25 month: you can make this truck pay for itself in one month. A.-1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 523 Alder St. FOR SALE Olds 8, 7-passenger: will iiara-nete lust like It came from factory run 701K) miles. 1919 model. Price $1"iK) and some terms, or wlU take in Ford truok. Main 23o9. room 2.- HUDSON SPEEDSTER. A big bargain in a quality car; curren model. Same service and replacement as factory gives on new car. Fhon Main 4028. Marshall 2ioO. CHEVROLET touring, good tires: must sell this weea; stou. xawy. 100.. wo Alder su I FORD bug, newly overhauled, very com fortable; has new top and windshield good tires: newly painted; terms; leavlni town. Phone East 4478 In forenoon. Sun I day or evenings. Ri-ifK touring car. 4-cylinder. complete! overhauled, gooa ires ana paint, spot light and bumpers. Price $300. Call East HSIO FOR SALE: Ford touring car. Call Sun cav Juiy 13, oetween lu a. ai. ami P. M.. l.'26 Russell St.. room 6. Mis slss 1 ppl-ave. car. TO TRADE Buick service car, fine for touring; will trade for Ford or small car. Call Woodlawn 3201, or see It at 1133 Alblna ave. FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES. C. G. BLEASDALE. Terms No Brokerage. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make . your own terms. FORD touring car. In excellent con dition. FORD bug. good tires, fine mechan ical condition $ 923 FORD touring In fine shape, good tires, speedometer, shock a s aorbers and spotlight ......... 475 - PAIGE. 6 cyl. 7 pass.: good tires. refinlshed; lor cash.... 450 MAXWELL touring, fine mechan ical condition, refinlshed ..... &0O MAXWELL, roadster. 191. new top. reuphoistered. spotlight. 3 good tires .................... 850 CHEVROLET. 1918. fine shape. good tires, reflnished. ....... . 650 BUICK light 4 delivery 650 MAXWELL, 1918 touring; thla ear is like new so OVERLAND, model 90, motor thor oughly overhauled, new top. re flnished 700 OVERLAND 85-4: refinlshed: 5 tires, for 700 OVERLAND 7-passer.ger. looks like new; just the car lor rental.. 830 OVERLAND light 6. good tires, re- iinianeu, new top. continental motor 800 CHALMERS light 6. mechanically perfect 053 BUICK light 6. perfect mechanical condition, good Ures, reflnished 900 OLDS light six. 1918. overhauled, 8 good tires, refinlshed 10SO REO T-passenger; Just the car for rental; 3 good tires . . 1150 COLE 8-cylinder. T-passenger yle 1230 CHALMERS light 6. cannot be told from new, for quick sale..... 1750 MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE) FROM. , Tornu No Brokerage. Open Sundays and Evenings. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder St. Broadway 1853. FIVE-PASSENGER Stndebaker Flanders. good tires, good top, good upholstering and In good mechanical condition; $2.50; $100 down. We are not in he tour ing car business: don't want to start, so are selling this cheaper than. dirt. WE VTWO RTH Sr TRWTN. INC. 20O Second at.. Corner Taylor. E S S E X B S Late model Essex; S S four new tires on S E delivery; a wonder- E X ful little car at a X bargain. Terms. Phone Main 402S. Mar. 27G6. ATTENTION. These cars must be sold. Watch thla advertisement. A REDUCTION AF $25 will be made each succeeding week until these cars are sold. SToDDARD-DAYTON BUG. In good running oruer. $123. ELMuRE. 5-PASS. TOURING CAR. Just overhauled and pointed, $300. CLASSY ROADSTER. Just overhauled and painted, $550. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders, COLE 8 TOt'RING. $r,50 will buy a IdIiS Cole 8. New paiut, goud tirts, lots of extras, and guaranteed perfect mechanic ally. 1 must sell this at once as 1 am leaving the city. This won derful barx.n can be set-ii at 128 North Broadway, opposite new pcstoifice. A3k for Dr. Woods. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREiiu.M BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20S BELLING BLDvi.. 2D FLOOR. 1H1S CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Here is a light, tine-appearing road ster that will please you and has ail new tires and tubea and we will show you how- a good, dependable car runs before you pay a dollar tluwn; low price, $o7.'i. with $223 down. bal. easy. 505 Aide r st. Red Front Used Car Co. FOR SALE A Cadillac roadster. In per fect mechanical condition, practically new cord tire, 2 extra cord tires, bump er, spotlight and other equipment, late modl. color pea green, finished with gold border; must be sold at once to settle estate. AE 794, Oregonlan. 919 FuRD roadstor In absolutely first- class condition; new tires snd 19.9 li cense. This car is owned by a tourist who is leaving town Monday and will sacrifice for $450 cash. Can be seen at the Globe garage, 50 N. 20th St.. and must be seen to be appreciated. 17 DODGE TOURING at the low price of $775. with $273 down. bal. easy, and the car will speak for Itself, as It Is first class every way; you can try it. At 505 Alder St.- Red Front Used Car Co. open Sundays. 191S OVERLAND model 90: Goodyear non- ' skid tires all arouna; praciicany new; only $530; small payment down. bal. ""lAliO WORKS A PAINTING? CO., 325 Alder St. MAXWELL, in good condition: am leaving for the east: must sen at once; car can be seen at 350 Alder st. $350. Bdwy. 1S52. FOR SALE or trads 1916 Chandler tour ing in tirsl-ciass conaition. ar ww large for my business and will give somebody a bargain. Quick action. Main 1041. 611 6th st.. cor Sheridan. 191S MITCH EL touring; iooks ana runs like new. l-ront seat iotas dkck ior ueu. Just the thing for camping out. 1061 Montana ave.. between Alberta and Web ster after 4 P. M. WILL take piano as part payment on 5-pass. saxon vaiuea ai e.oo. nam model car, in splendid running order; good tires, etc Call at 435 Washing ton st. SACRIFICE Oakland roadster; good run ning conaition; extra ures bhu iu, new batteries, spotlight, tools and large box for camping outfit. 1920 license; $200 cash -and terms. 329 Mason St.; by owner. COUNTRY CLUB Overland. 5 wire wheels. newly paintea, - new ures, in goou con dition; a genuine- bargain at $650; buy from owner and save' dealer's commis sion. AV 125. Oregonlan. FORD bug. good tires; am leaving for Canada and need the money; $375. Ca.l at 530 Alder st. BUICK touring car. 1020 model, nearly as good as new. $16o0. Phone D. M. Smith. 315-33 Sunday, or Broadway 1130 Monday. 1917 BUICK light six. 4 new Cora tires, new top and paint; in perfect mechanical condition; private owner; $1150. Call Sellwood 1933: will demonstrate. MAXWELL MAXWELL. 1917 Maxwell, private party, in A-l condition, $450. Terms. Phone Main 402S. Marshall 2766. A MAXWELL louring car in A-l condition, new top; at a bargain for cash. Call 28 K. Broadway. Suuday or evenings after 6:SO. LIBERTY 6. 1019; looks new, perfect con dition, good tires, new spare tire, a beau titul car. Will sell on your terma, $1350. Private owner, East 4919. ; DODGE DODGE. By owner: good care: looks like new. Need cash, but some tonus. Call Sunday, 92 East C3d st- north. VELIE. Velie 6 touring car, $1000, terms.. TeL Woodlawn 5976. luis CHEVROLET 490 touring, fine con dition. New tires. Numerous extras, $S7." Bv owner. WoodIawn 3627. BARGAIN $305 cash: Chevrolet touring; newly painted, five tires, all good: car In good condition. 1415 East 17th st. s. FORD coupe, practically new, driven less than 500 miles; casn consideration, lei 2d st. J