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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 FOR SALE. Poultry. WE HAVE discontinued the farm lighting business and have on hand two second-hand complete La I ley plants in first-class shape and w iiirh we will sell for $250 each, f. o. b. Centralia, and two new plants complete, which we will seil for $40O each. f. o. b. Cen tralia. Each of the above have a full set of. batteries. This is a bar gain. L. E. TITUS. CDNTRALIA. PULLETS PULLETS. lOtiO , "R. I. Fed. W. LeK horns. Barred Rock, "White Wyandottes, 10 weeks to 4 months; a II varieties pigeons, bantams, rabbits. See Matt. Portland Seed Co. WHITE LBtJHORN baby chicks from heavy laying Hoganlzed stock. Safe ar rival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. Price list and interesting literature on application. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th at.. Petaluma. Cal. O. A. O. Barred Hock chicks. 1 to 6 weeks' old. 25c to 60c each; brown and white Leghorn, 4 weeks' old. 33c each; 200 K. I. Ked chicks, July 27, 25c each. J. R. Mauire, 7f7 Oregon st. East 105. It. I. RED, famous Elliott strain, includ ing very fine cockerel, also several 2-months-old and younger chicks, some with mothers, closing out reasonable. AN" t 1 4, Oregonlun. CH H'KEN HOUSES FOR SALE. $37.5" complete chicken houses for $23. KtDlMADB BUILDING CO., 315 East lllh .St., Two Blocks South of Hawthorne. I OR SALE 250 White Leghorn laying hens and pullets, Tancred strain, 75c to $1.50. Take as many as you like. 1645 Mississippi ave. LAYING young White Leghorn hens, $1.23 each. J. R. Macguiie, 787 Oregon St., nar E. 2th. ItK, KaDhiU. Birds, Pet stock. TO AIREDALE BREEDERS. Normnn Tip Top, son of international champion Twister Tip Top and Polly Purvis, she by ch. Bilmer Bingo, he by the noted Ei ruge Monarch, 2 years old and in his prime; fee $2.1. COQUET K E.N N ELS. 0001 Mst ave. S., Seattle, Wash. BOSTON" TERRIER PUPPIES. Airedale Terrier puppies. Fox Terrier puppies. Speedway Ken nels. Tabor 5088. PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES. We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits, cavles, etc.. food, remedies, etc Call or write. Pet stork catalog on request. Routledge Seed A Flora Co.. 145 2d St.. Portland. BOSTON TERRIER, full grown, good u atcti dog, kind to children, house and car broke. The Boston Kennels of Port land, 407 A ins worth ave. W'oodlawn 624. " ROSE CITY CATTERY. " Two beautiful white male, 3 beautiful liver male kittens for immediate de livery: you will have to hurry. 1248 E. Morrison. Tabor 7274. IMPORTED TIN TERN MAXIM is the best Airedale terrier west of Chicago; his puppies are consistent winners; breed to him now. Matrons and puppies for sale. Jack Babb, Route 0. Seattle. Wash. THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie male pup. 4 months old; one of the best-bred dogs on the coast; $25 cash takes him. Barton, 325 S. 14th. . FUR RABBITS. Registered black Siberians for sale or on b hares, at 7405 63d ave, S. K. Tabor 5302. . WANTED Gentle riding pony, not over seven years, weight about 800 ; must show good form and action. B. F. Hol man, 14 5th st. WELL-TRAINED SCOTCH COLLI E. 5 in. old, has won first and grand prizes; will sell for $50. Call Tabor 1235. LNGL1SH setter puppies for sale cheap. Capt. Hackett. 1210 Mallory ave. Phone Woodlawn 1889. CALL Tabor 6940 Registered stock N. Z. rabbits, from friers to breed does; rea sonable. CHOICE Airedale puppies, $25 up. Bush Farm. Lents. Or, bl7. R. .No. 3 Lents. Automatic 4322. THOROUGHBRED Airedale pup. 4 months old. male. $15. Call or write J. Fulton. 200 N. Main St.. Newberg. Or. ONE of Portland's best Boston bulls. Call Mar. 4SS7. SINGERS FOR SALE. CALL MAIN 468. GOOD singer. $7.50. car. at Beacon. 657 E. Dth, Sell wood FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. 394 Yamhill St. t OH SALE Persian male kitten, cream. Tabor 731. WANT good home for two clean, healthy kittens. Sell. 2270. PELIGREED Flemish Giant rabbits for sale, t heap. 1361 East 26th st. North. YOUNG parrots lor sale. B 2ol6. 535 Johnson. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies, beau tifully marked. Tabor 23 2 S. Lit. M. HOWES, veterinarian; specialist dog and cat. Tabor 6566. ENGLISH pointer pup for sale. male. 207 K Hlingsworth avenue, city. PEDIGREED Rufus red rabbits for sale. Phone 513-00. SILVER Persian at stud, fee $3. Phone Mr. Shay. Marshall 5230. CANARIES for sale. Broadway 4061. Launron snd Boats. 7 H . P. STANDARD MARINE ENGINE IN "PERFECT CONDITION AND VERY CHEAP. 74-TON HEAVY BUILT TOW BOAT HULL, GOOD FOR BARGE OR HOUSEBOAT. $25. SLIDING SEAT ROW BOAT, $30. ROW BOAT. $10. FUL TON BOATYARD, FT. VIRGINIA ST M A R. 2005. S3-FT. OPEN pleasure boat with 40 H. P. Leow Victor marine motor, dual Bosch Ignition, auto control ; brown auto top with side curtains ; complete with house and all equipment. See Carlton, Port land Motor Boat Club. 25-FOOT VJbottom motor boat with 45 H. P. motor, in fine condition; $2iHJ, tor trade for good motorcycle. You can buy gas for this boat. 108 S. Jersey sU St. Johns, or. Fish trap for sale, complete with ge Already tarred and ready to drive; will sell boat too. A baerifice. AV 110. Ore gon ian. .EV trolling boat. 36x10V. feet. 1S-H. P. Palmer engine; will sacrifice for cash or consider some terms or trade. J ones. Main C4-"J. StarK Ft. FOR SALE 21-foot motorboat. in good running order, 10 horse power Gray mo tor. 1 am leaving city and will sell for 5223. call Sunday to a. Ken. 3020. FOR SALE Columbia river fish boat, just overhauled and in good running condi tion. For further information apply to F. E. Passmore, Ridgcfield, Washington. ONE NEW SCOW, 24 by 80 by 5 feet deep, ready for Immediate delivery. COAST STEEL Ac MACHINERY CO., N First St. Phone Broadway 164. FOR SALE 37-foot tro!l boat, oak ribs, pound hull, 27-H. P. engine. J. R. Eublcb, fort Columbia, wain TWO launches. 32x7, glass enclosed, 15-H. if. heavy duty; L'Ux4a. 4-11. P. Guy In pram, 1 052 Macadam road. Marshall 52. FOR SALE l-horsepower pleasure launch, equipped u or 8 persons. Todd, Mar Hhail 3548, 9 to 4:30 P. M. $135. GAS engine machine works with boat moorings, doing good business; also 5 room houseboat. SeWwood 360. FOR SALE House boat ; 4 rooms and bath; completely furnished. 8 North Sellwood ferry, west side. Main 6679, S-ROOM houseboat, 14x30, porch 4 sides, gable roof; $20O. Below St. Johns ship yard, or Wlllard's service sta., St. Johns. ONE 8 4 H. P. Evenrude engine for sale. 543 Commercial court. HOUSEBOAT for sale, moorage. 46 Willamette FOR SALE 1-ft. Old Town canoe and equipment. Wdln. loOO Monday. 8 H.-P. FAR RO engine complete! at a bargain. Call Griffin, Main 1297. GOOD "Old Town" wood 2940. canoe for sale. Sell- A MODERN houseboat for sale reasonable, am leaving city. Sellwood 2940. 17-FOOT Morris canoe. Call Hoffman, be tween 11 and 1. Main 1594. 26-FT. launch, 14 H. P. engine, good order, $15. West end Madison-st. bridge. 4-ROOM housefwat for sale or trade. Sell wood 3502. WANTED Canoe; price must be reason able; about 17 feet. Phone East 5921. FoR SALE 6-room modern houseboat, near shipyards. Marshall 5186. HOUSEBOAT for sale 2101. $175. Call Tabor WANTED Heavy-duty marine engine, 20 or 30 h. p. BP 479, Qregonian. FOR SALE Mahogany deck sea sled, will take canoe as part payment. Sell 3502. GOOD flat-bottom boat for sale. Tabor 402. FOA SALE A canoe. Call Broadway 2716. FOR SALE. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE The Idler, the fastest sail boat on the river, completely equipped. Blue ribbon winner in Astoria and other regattas; must be sold at once. Come early If you want this snap. For in formation phone Marshall 401. ATTRACTIVE 4 -room houseboat, all mod ern convenience; a bargain, cash or terms. No. 18 Willamette Moorage, Machinery. WE have on hand for immediate delivery the following at greatly reduced prices: PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! New and second-hand black and galvan ized 40.O00 feet H-Inch. 35,000 feet -inch. 40.0(K) feet 1-Inch. 75.0iK feet 14 -inch. 10.000 feet 1 -lnch. B.OOO feet 2-inch. 70.000 feet S-inch to 32-Inch. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY: 25.00O feet 2 his, 3 and S-Inch new galvanized pipe in any quan tity above lo feet at black-pipe . price. Be sure to take advantage of this offer. One new 45-foot Beam electric crane, with motors and all attach ments at a very low price. , All kinds of rope for towing. GARDEN AND SPRAT HOSE. 5,000 feet i-inch spray hose. 2,000 feet -inch spray hose. 33,000 feet H-inch high-pressure ?-nly garden hose. All kinds of garden hose, $4 and up per 50 feet. 90.000 feet rubber and leather belting. 1 inch to 36 inches wide, 2 to 7-pIy. Must mak room. We have 1O00 rolls No. 14 black ANNEALED WIRE for' sale cheap. Wire for hay baling In 100 -lb. bundles. All kinds of roofing paper with cement and nails in each roll at a reduced price. 1 air compressor, first-class for garage purpose. U. S. two-stage, 3x13, 4 cu. ft. per minute, and tank. TENTS! TENTS! TENTS! 500 7x7 10-oz. army and navy wall tents. 150 9x9 10-oz. army and. navy wall tents. 25 16x16 10-oz. army and navy wall tents. 950 tent flies and wagon covers. All kinds ' oT shafting, pulleys, boxings, drums, gears, sprockets, sprocket chain and all kinds of castings. Blacksmith tools, anvils, blow ers, hammers and flatters. 100. OOO feet of cable from to lfc-inch, all plow steel, six-nine-teen, new and second-hand; at & big discount. All kinds of used maehiwery, boilers, tanks, concrete mixers, pumps, blowers, motors, hoists and air compressors. Structural Iron. I beams, angles, flats, reinforcing Iron, channels and rounds. About 500 logging blocks of all kinds at very low prices. 5000 new and second-hand cross cut saws from. 4 to 10 feet' lone. Garden tools of all kinds. We have on band 7 new Bull tractors. Be sure to get one at one-half the regular price. ALASKA JUXK COMPANY, LARGEST ON THE COAST. 201 FRONT ST. Main 4110. Marshall 3011. MOHR MACHINERY CO. 1 21 Austin steam paver. 1 17' Municipal cube mixer. 2 No. 12 Smith concrete mixers. 1 11x13 Vulcan. 1 11x13 Willamette. No. 160 4 -yard steel frame, 36-lnch gauge. 2-way dump cars. 7, 12. 14. 18-ton dinkeys, 36-inch gauge. 1 9x12 center crank v im engine. 1 1 2x21 engine. 1 Russell mill, complete. 2 sets screw blocks. 1 6x20 four-side planer. 1 lathe mill, complete. 1 hand edger. 1 road scraper. 1 elevating grader. 1 6x4x6 pump. 1 25-H. P. gas engine. 1 20-H. P. gas engine. 1 15-H. P. Foos gas en trine. 2 Tx6 triplex pumps. 5000 lbs. pressure. i leniury oag cleaner. 1 70 -inch double Bagley blower. 1 30-inch Garden City cyclodial fan. 2 6-k. w.. 220-volt D. C. generators. 1 set chain-drive, tie and rail track layer trams. 8 8-yard Avery double-end hitch dump wagons. MOHR MACHINERY CO.. 501 Lewis BIdg. Bdwy. 4731. USED MACHINERY FOR SALE. 2 Sumner machines. 1 36-inch circular resaw. 1 42-inch Fay & Egan band rip saw 1 Morgan box-nailing machine. 1 Fisher box-board matcher. 1 Box hand -hold machine. 1 Hooper board, 3-color print ing machine. 65 24x4S platform trucks. 12 36x00 platform trucks. 30 Lumber trucks. 1 13x18 H. S. G. steam engine, 1 13x16 side-crank steam engine. 1 8x8 vertical steam engine. 2 4-h. p. vertical steam engines. 1 5-h. p. vertical steam engine. 1 72x1 S H. T. lap-seam boiler. 2 60x16 H. T. lap-seam boilers. Send us your Inquiries for boilers, engines, donkeys, sawmil Is and logging equipment. ANY THING IN MACHINERY. TOTE & SWEET. Phone 10:;n. 218-220 Finch Bids. ABERDEEN, WASH. DRAGLINE OUTFIT CfVMPLETE, l litxu cracKcrjacK. w liiamette en gine with 66-inch boiler, mounted on 5S- foot skids and equipped with oil and water tank: burns oil or wood 1 2 -yard Bagley bucket and sled. 700 feet new 1-inch main line. 1500 feet second-hand 34 -inch, haul dsck line. Two main blocks. Four auxiliary blocks. Miscellaneous anchor chains, etc., out fit in excellent condition. Also for sale IUJ tons 35-lb. steel rail and fastenings. ov tracK ties, narrow gauge. 1 35-lb. switch. 2 35-lb. frogs. 4 pumps. 2 gas engines. Miscellaneous tools. APPLY E. A. PALM ER, Lafayette. Or. Equipment can be inspected at Lafayette, WE have purchased, and offer for sale A COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP, either w noie or in parts. Here are a few: 1 Rahn and Carpenter 20 bv 16 ft larh with assortment of tools and raising V 1 UC K.S. 1 No. 2 Sterling hack saw. . 1-24 inch Barnes back geared powVr feed drill press. 1- 24 inch Smith & Mills back geared aiitci, tunipieio wun vise. Miscellaneous: Drills, Taps, Dies and other bench equipment. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO, 50 First St. Phone Broadway 164. 6-HORSEPOWER Stover easolin on truck. All ready to mount saw frame and go to work; just overhauled. Price ior toniynjLc ouim, will dem unmraifl. casn, oalance 20 pe month. See it at 7120 54th ave s tMt. Scott car), or phone Tabor 726 FOR SALE 35-H. P.. 220-V. G. E. Indue tion motor, complete with pulley, base, compensator, fuse block and 2 switches. 11. J. VKCihAr, 1U7 w. Seventh stree v ancouvcr. wasn. WANTED One 5u or 60-horse Dower trac tion or portable engine of any make, must be a bargain for cash Addres union ixon wors, Keeasport, Or. FOR SALE. Machinery. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CON 18th and Upshur. Phone Broadway 885. PARTIAL STOCK LIST OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND EQUIP MENT ON HAND FOR IMME DIATE SHIPMENT. "SPECIAL" 1 10x13 Willamette cracker engine, 66 inch boiler, 74K feet new 1-inch main line. 1500 feet -inch goo4 used line, 2 main blocks, 3 small blocks; 1 2H yard Barley bucket with runners, skids 5S feet, 2 fairleaders, 6x10 steel -water tank. ROAD ROLLERS. 1-10-ton Iroquois steam, 3-wheel. 1 24 -ton tandem. ROCK CRUSHERS. 1 No. 1 Gates gyratory. 1 8x14 Wrestern. 1 l)x!4 Champion. 1 No. 3 Mitchell improved. BUCKETS. V -yard drag scraper. 1 -yard drag scraper. 1 1-yard orange peel. 1 1 Vi-yard orange peel. 1 3k -yard Ceco ciarn shell. 1 1-yard Ceco clam shell. 1 1-yard Hayward clam shell. 1 1 -yard Ceco clam shell. BOILERS. 1 4 H. P. vertical; new. 1 6-H. P. vertical; new. 1 15-H. P. vertioal; used. 1 20-H. P. vertical; used. 1 25-H. P. vertical; used 1 25-H. P. locomotive type. 1 50-11. P. marine type. AIR COMPRESSORS. 1 No. 2 Schramm portable. 2 No. 3 Schramm portables. 1 No. 4 Schramm portable. 1 No. 6 Schramm portable. 110x10 Fairbanks-Morse, on skids, li 8x10x8 Franklin steam. GASOLINE ENGINES. 1 1 H. P. Novo Jr. 1 3-H. P. Witte. 1 ' 4-H. P. Witte. 1 12-H. P. Witte. 2 22 -H. P, Wit tea. STEAM ENGINES. 1 15-H. P. Climax, center crank. 1 14x20 1L S. 6l G., side crank. PUMPS. 1 No. 14 Canton duplex, boiler feed. 1 10x6x10 Blake duplex, boiler feed, 1 6-inch Gould centrifugal. 1 10x6x12 Blake, single action, steam. X No. 4 Guild &. Harrison, single ac tion, steam. Fairbanks-Morse oil pump, 3x2x4, with heater. 2 Rumsey rotarles, new. 3 2x 2 Rumsey rotaries, new. 2 2x 2 Rumsey rotaries, new. 1 7x 6 Kumsey centrifugal, new. CONCRETE MIXE7RS. 1 No. 4S (4 cu. ft.) Lakewood, new. 1 No. 12 (16' cu. ft.) Smith, gas driven 1 No. 12 (16' cu. ft.) Smith, steam with side loader. 1 No. 11 U0 cu. ft.) Smith, steam. 1 No. 514 (11 cu. ft.) Chicago, without power. 1 No. 2 (15 cu. ft.) chain-belt, steam with side loader. 3 Carter hand mixers, new. 1 Smith hand mixer, used. LIGHT PLANT. 1 Steam engine and G. E. Co. generator, direct conuected, 4lix4. 110 V., 600 R. P. M. MISCELLANEOUS. 7 No. 3 Western wheel scrapers. 1 3 -foot Fresno scraper. 2 5-foot Fresno scrapers. 4 Ingersol. Rand, Hurley driila. 1 2-ton Canton portable derrick. 1 Builders' derrick. 3 Concrete horse carts. 3 7-yard trailer dump wagons. 1 Tw-yard mine dump car. 2 i - vard mine du-mo cars. 1 14-ton 36-inch-gauge Davenport loco motive. X 12-ton 36-inch-gauge Davenport loco motive. 1 A His Chalmers lath, stripper. 1 Portland Iron Wks. lath stripper. 1 Lath binder and trimmer. 1 -Swing- attachment. 8x10, Lambert, 1 Craukerjack. attachment for 7x10 hoist. 1 6-H. P. single-drum hoist, with, en gine; no boiier. 1 5x6 single-drum hoist, with engine no boiler. iLidEerwood double-drum belt hoist. 1 lV&-yard 24-ln.-gauge Western dump car. 1 3 ;i- yard 36-in. -gauge Wee tern dump cars. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO, 18th and Upshur. Phone Broadway 8S5. ALL KINDS OF MACHINEHY FOR SALE OR RJS.NT. MOTORS. CABLES. CONSTRUCTION and LOGGING EQUIPMENT. 65-ton Marlon steam shovel. WI LLT AM SPORT WIRE CABLES IN FOLLOWING SIZES; i"rt-19 ply, steel. H-6-li ply steel. 4"-6-lD ply steel. 7g"6-19 ply steel. l"-6-19 ply steel. 1 ply steel. lV4-6-19 ply steel. l-6-19 ply steel. 1 "y-lO ply nteel. FULL LINE SMITH & WATSON LOGGING EQUIPMENT. Vaughan Drag Saw. OUR BIG LIST OF DONKEY ENGINES ll1- by 14 Tacoma compound yarder. 74 by 10 Mundy logger. 9Vs hy 12 Mundy logger. 10 by 12 Tacoma road engine. 9 by 104 SeattLe halfbreed, 10 by 12 Tacoma yarder. 7V by 10 New Mundy hoist. 6 by 10 New -Mundy hoist. 6 by 10 Wide-drum donkey. 6 bv 8 Lambert hoist. ROAD BUILDERS. RAILS, CARS. MIX ERS. SCRAPERS, CRUSHERS. 2 gasoline portable air compressors. Mat hinsis' vises. Stock cold -roiled shafting. v Full line of Hauk torches. 25-ton used Climax locomotive. 35-ton new Climax locomotive. LATHES: 18 by 10-ft. Iihmann. 16 by 8-ft. Lodge & Shipley. 13 by 8-ft. South Bend. 3 sizes of power shears. 4-foot American radius drill, motor driven. NEW AND LARGEST STOCK OP MOTORS IN THE NORTHWEST: Single-phase motors V. 1-6. 4. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10-H. P. inree-pnase motors Vi, , 1, 2, 3, 5, 7Vi, 10, 15. 20, 40, 60, ;, jimi. inu ana -uu-ri. r. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO. 50 First St. Phone Broadway 164. HIGH-PRESSURE BOILERS FOR SALE. 4 Edge Moore watertube boilers, GOO horsepower, 200 lbs. 4 Sterling watertube boilers, 512 horsepower, 175 lbs. 4 Heinie watertube boilers, 419 horsepower, 175 lbs. 4 72x18 butt strapped boilers. 4 60x16 butt strapped boilers. 150 lbs. 1 Wells balance marine engine, 400 horsepower, 125 lbs. 1 Scotch marine dry back, 200 horsepower. 1 4-xl4 butt strapped boiler. iz.- lbs. 2 60x16 lap seam boilers. 1 54x16 lap seam boiler. 1 200-horsepower firebox boiler. 1 20-horscpower upright boiler. 2 12-horsepower upright boilers. 1 Atlas engine, 20x27 automatic. 1 2x2 Sylvester engine. 1 12x36 Quincy Corliss engine. 1 6x10 side-crank engine. 1 8x10 center-crank engine. 1 8-horsepower upright engine. 1 12xlOxlO duplex pump. 1 6x5 Fairbanks - Morse gear pump. Also many other sizes of Boilers, Engines and Pumps. Always pleased to make prices. G. & R. MACHINERY COMPANY, 603 Gerlinger BIdg., Portland, Or. Main 8201. 1 NEW 40-horse ffas tractor, complete wit 3 nlows. lOO0: 1 rebuilt well drill in machine. JS50; 1 rebuilt ton truck, f400. Acieivua iuuciuauiy vu.t roruauo. FOR SALE. Machinery. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT ON HAND .TOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. BOILERS AND ENGINES: 3 44-inch vertical McDounaugh resaw. 1 8x10 Washington DD hoist, with link motion. 1 150-H. P. firebox boiler, 120-lb. -pressure. 1 Scotch marine type dry back boiler, Hartford inspected for 325 lbs. I 80-H. P. economic type firebox boiler.- 110-lb. pressure. 1 50-H. P. butt-strapped firebox boiler. ROAD CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMEXT. 1 Model 31 Marion caterpillar, used 6 months. 3 Tons 7Vfe-inch drill steel, 13c ib. 2 36-inchx8-foot fuel oil tanks. 1 Ransom mixer, gas engine drive. 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20 ft., munici pal cube steam drive, V yd. 50 24-inch Ga. dump cars, loo 36-inch Ga, dump cars. 1 24-inch Ga. dinkey locomotive. Pile driver hammers, gas engines, pumps and tools. LOCOMOTIVES. CARS AND RAILS. 1 Switcher type- locomotive, 85-ton, on drivers. 1 45-ton 6-driver low-wheel locomo tive. 2 10x12 wide-drum Washlngtons. 1 1013 Willamette Crackerjack with lines and sled. 1 0x10 new Smith & Watson broad face 66-inch boiler. 200-ib. pressure, fine sled, some line. 15 All-steel Russell logging, trucks. SPECIALS. 1 10.000 cut portable mill consisting of 30-H. P. firebox boiler, 10x12 At las engine, saw-husk with 52-in. saw, two-bleck carriage, 48-in. opening; three-saw Tower edger, cutoff saw, conveyors. shafting, belts and pulleys. As Is for imme diate delivery. PRICE $1800. 1 10.000 mill with No. 2 RUSSELL head rig blocks, set works, good carriage. 3-saw Tower edger, log turner. log haul, sawdust conveyors, slab conveyors, wooden rolls, steel rolls, cutoff saw, lumber trucks, gasoline pump, water pipe, 30-H. P. engine mounted on portable firebox boiler, complete with- all belts, pul leys, shafting, ready to run. Price on application. 1 Rough cut 20.000 cut mill, 60-ln. blocks. 36-ft. carriage, heavy head rig, 06-ln. saws, balance of mill in proportion. Price on application. 2 Complete electric plants for logging camps. 2 60-H. P. Chalmers automobile en gines, first-class condition. 2 Contractors tool wagons. 1 7x10 single drum TACOMA loader. 1 Speedway marine gas engine, 50 H. P.. condition like new; price very reasonable. 850 Steel cots. ' Send us your Inquiries for snything in Iron or woodworking machinerf), logging, sawmill, contractors equipment. locomo tives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rails, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING. Main 1212. 524-23. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO. LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES, NEW, REBUILT AND USED. LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 8 11x13 Tacoma new compound geared yarders. 1 10x15 Tacoma roader, with 68 in. round boiler, new sled. 1 12x14 Tacoma roader, 72-inch round boiler. 1 7VXlO Willamette hoisting en gine. 1 10x13 Willamette crack-a-Jack. 1 31x13 Willamette Humboldt. 60- in. oblong boiler. 1 11x13 Willamette Humboldt, 66- in. oblong boiler. 1 lOVrxlO1 Washington compound geared yHrder. 1 12x12 Washington compound geared yarder. . RAILWAY EQUIPMENT. 20 sets 42-ln. gauge logging trucks. 1 35-ton Baldwin locomotive. 4 sets trucks with iron work, for 40-M. flat cars. 8 sets of 70-M second-hand log ging trucks. 2 'JO-yd. center dump ballast cars. 2000 feet 12-pound rail. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 6 No. 4s Rex concrete mixers, new. 3 No. 7s Rex concrete mixers, new. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 18-in. x 18-foot Fitchburg engine lathe, raising blocks to swing 42-ln., 2-face places and four jaw chucks. 1 Imperial type 10 air compressor, 1 7x15-inch 10x1 4-inch. 1 36-inch vertical boiler. 1 42-inch vertical boiler. 1 6x8-inch vertical engine. 1 6x8 double-cylinder, single-drum Mundy friction hoist. 1 8x5x10 Snow steam pump. 2 2-inch centrifugal pumps. 1 2Vj-inch centrifugal pump. 1 1 -inch centrifugal pump. 1 4-inch centrifugal pump. LOGGERS & CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO., Office. No. 70 Fourth Street. Shop. 17th and Sherlock Ave. PORTLAND - - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Russell all-steel logging trucks, Eag 1 e bran d w ed ges an d sledges. Representatives for Porter locomotives. Rex concrete mixers, Erie steam shovels, Will iams clamshell buckets, Insley concrete equipment. MACHINERY. " One 60-h. p. steam boiler at a very reasonable rate. Pulleys, shafting, boxes, hang ers, conveyor chains, conveyor gal vanized buckets, boom chains, sev eral tons of new galvanized H and -Inch chains at a good price.. Steam pumps, gas engines. Cable of all kinds, leather and rubber belting, fire extinguishers. Scoop shovels, bay forks, feed grinders, feed cutters. Several hundred all sized oars. PIPE, PIPE. PIPE. Pipe and pipe fittings of all sizes from 4 -inch up to 12-inch, black and galvanized, new and second-hand; new coils for cold storage and steam. All this pipe mentioned guaranteed to be in Al shape. O. D. tubing from lVj-lnch to 4-inch. All these articles mentioned we sell at a very reasonable price. We must make room. S. ZIDELL & M. BERENSON CO., Marshall 1332. 208 Front St. OIL BURNER, TANKS. OIL SCOW Glafke automatic vacuum oil burner, 25 -barrel steel Blanks, small oil scow 20O-barrel capacity; all practically new, will sell cheap for quick sale. Phon Main 6087, or address P. O. box 3451, Portland. MACHINERY WANTED. A 30 H. P. 1200 or 1400 R. p. M. electric motor. Aiust De in A-l ihao and a bargain for cash. Write to P. O, box tpoKane. NEARLY new garment press of late model to sell at a bargain on terms or will trade for Ford. J. R, Fitzgerald, Sil verton. Or. PLANER, large size, blower, piping, belt ing, complete. Phone . 452.7. FOB SALE. Machinery. CRUSHERS AND PARTS. 1 9x14 Champion Jaw. I r'C Symons complete with elevator and screen. 4 40-in. by 12-ft. Standard -Austin screens, complete. 4 Grizzlies, 3-in. space. 1 No. 5 Austin bowl with manganese Concaves. Ir-No. 5 manganese head. Austin. 100 4-in. by 10-in. sheet iron ele vator buckets. MIXERS. 2 1B cu. ft. Smith mixers, steam, excellent condition. 2 18 cu. ft. Austin mixers, steam, ex cellent condition. 1 Little Wonder concrete mixer, sack. MOTORS. 1 50 H. P. General Electric. 220 volts. uu xv. if. Al. 1 20 H. 220 volts. P. Crocker Wheeler D. C, 1 H. P. Wagner single phase. 110-220 V., 1150 K. P. M. STEAM ENGINES. 18x10 Erie horizontal center crank. 1 6x8 horizontal side crank. 1 horizontal center crank. 2 8x7 Blake vertical. 350 R. P. M. 3 10x7 Blake vertical. 350 R. P. M. GAS ENGINES. 1 32 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse. 1 5 H. P. Clarke heavy duty, self contained. 2 1V H. P. Fairbanks-Morse. PU M PING UN ITS. 1 -5-ln. Goulds pump. 1 1 H. P.. type Z. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine with 3x5 typnoon pump, mounted on skids. 1 3 H. P., type Z, Fairbanks-Morse gas engine with 2Vax5 typhoon pump mounted on skids. 1 3 H. P., type Z, Fairbanks-Morse gas engine with 3x5 typhoon pump, mounted on skids. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 60 H. P. lap-seam boiler, firebox type, 1 25 lb. pressure. 1 IS cu. ft. paver complete. 1 D. D. belt-drfven hoist, capacity 80OO pounds. 1 18-ton Davenport caddie tank lo comotive. 24 4-yd. Continental dump cars, steel lined. 1 Western Junior elevating grader. 1 No. 3 western plow. 2 1-yd. Hayward clamshell buckets. 1 3-yd. Browning clamshell bucket. 3 Tank v agon. 1 x5 cargo winch. 1 No. o Austin trenching machine. 1 Feed water heater for bO H. P. boiler. ; 80,000 capacity flat cars completely overhauled. S. & P. oil burners. SPECIAL. GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE YOU ON BELTING. TKAKSMISSION AND CONVEYOR MACHINERY. WILLAMETTE MACHINERY CO., 617-18-10-20 GASCO BLDG. MAIN 5.S13. WOOD SAW for sale; 6-H. P. Stover en gine on truck: A-l condition: urice tiion $100 cash might handle; am leaving city ana must sen. Air. uvuns. lloU ;3U ai SoutheHHt. Automatic 215-16. A 45 H. P. Pierce-Arrow for 1-ton truck : also has cast wheels so can be run on standard gauge railroad. A bargain if taken at once. Main 4164 or 311 Lumber hxenange blug. PAINT spraying machine. Champion Mfg. t-o., . wooaiawn oww. T pewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sate. rent, exenange. w 9 are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; aupplies for all makes. B. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth street. Main 2285. DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER All makes overhauled; expert mechanlca REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 hi Oak St. T V PE WRITE K INSPECTION CO. Karl messier, manager. ustaouHned 15 years Specializing on repairs to all makes Rent, buy. sell; supplies. 312 Stark. t Main 5549. 2 UNDERWOOD No. 5 typewriters with 2 coior rionon and dr. spc, $55 and $65 each. Must be sold at once. Just over hauled. BF 806. Oregonian. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters aliIj boiu on muniaiy payments. Send for price list. The Whote&ala Type writer Co., 32 1 Washington st. NO. 10 AND 11 REMINGTON regular and wide carriages, also noiseless Under wood and Monarch ; perfect condition D. C. Wax31 N. 6th st. Broadway y73W. NOISELESS TYPEWRITER, practically new. r uune ji .uoo. o -k aji bldg. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters $3.50 a month. Empire Co., 254 Broad way. Broadway 155. VISIBLE machines, year guarantee, 120. 1 ne rtepunt .typewriter o., au4 Oak st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. FOR SALE Remington No. 10 typewriter. Call Main 3166. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Fifth. Main 3668. REMINGTON typewriter in good condition. Call East 7523 after 7 P. M. LATEST model Underwood typewriter. Call Bdwy. 4155. FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood typewriter. Phone fclant 7941. u C. SMITH typewriter. Just overhauled ; factory price lor cash. Tabor 723i. Miscellaneous. CHERRIES, CHERRIES. CHERRIES. Royal Annea and Lamberts fur every body. Bring your baskets. King's ranch, 5 miles south Oregon City. Paved highway from Portland. Phone Oregon City 14F14 or inquire New Era store. LARGE reed baby buggy, Haywood & Wakefield make, reversible gear, first class condition ; one wishing line grade can save good discount by calling 232 Adams st. East 4923. CHL'KCU CLERGY ATTENTION. I have & beautiful oil painting of Christ's ascension, size 3x4 feet; suitable for church. Sunday school or residence. Will sell cheap. 1135 Albina. DECORATORS ATTENTION. I have a large stock of stencils for sale, from 15c up to $1.50 apiece. 1135 A lbina. $7, 8-INCH A. C. electric fan; $20. 16-inch Westing house direct current fan, $4, Hotpoinl iron; $15 drink mixer. Call 32 Pine st. Monday. Broadway 4293. CHE RR1E-S fur sale. Black Republican, 4c; Royal Anne. 7c. Pick thm yourself ; como early, corner D wight and Lom bard sts. FOR SALE Grafonoia, small rug, pillows, dishes and cooking utensils. Sellwood 2393. ; FOR SALE OR TRADE. Three tents, rifle, shotgun. Main 495. Tabor 79h. lS 1st. FOR SALE. Lambert cherries, 6c lb. st. N. M.-V. car. 152 E. 73d FOR SALE Bing, Lambert and Royal Anne cherries; pick Sunday, deliver Mon. Phone early Mon. Woodlawn 5289. IRON beds, springs, leather couch, type writer, rotary mimeograph, desk. Phone Woodlawn 1251. BABY' BUGGY and collapsible crib, cheap, nearly new. 816 E. Broadway. Phone East 3663. STERLING meat slicer. Enterprise meat grinder, double harness. 963 Williams Ave. INFANT'S white enameled crib with mat tress. Like new; $12. Baby walker $2. 4928 34th Ave., corner 5Qth. M. S. car. ALEXANDER HAMILTON modern busT ness course complete. Brand new ; $75. Tabor 8864. ROYAL ANNE cherries for sale, 5c lb. 899 E. Couch. East 5367. FOR SALE Old-rose silk sweater. 1536. Main MALLEABLE steel M.nge, 6 holes, wood or coal. 633 E. 67th st. N. Tabor 4098. ABOUT acre clover vetch hay standing. Must cut. Call East S156 after 7 P. M. FOR SALE 200 grain sacks, 9c each. 1645 1 vnimtMippi ave. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. ARMY RETAIL STORE. Fifth and Pine Streets. All of the meat allotted by the government to this district has been sold, and it has therefore be come necessary to discontinue this feature from the store, and to close out the meat market equipment. The following articles are offered at most reasonable prices for s Quick sale: 1 Tee box. dimensions 5 ft. 2 In. by 6U ft. by 8 ft., inside mea surement, 40 Butcher's aprons. 6 Meat blocks, 35x35. 1 Meat block. 3ox30. 2 Glass counter top cases. 2 14-inch cleavers. 13 doz. Meat hooks. 2 Drip pans. 2 Block scrapers. 1 Steel rake. 2 Toledo scales. 1 Sausage grinder. 6 Paper cutters. ARMY RETAIL STORE, Fifth and Pine Streets, POLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO. 19TU TO 20TH WASHINGTON STS-, PORTLAND. LUMBER FROM GRANDSTAND SHRINE CONVENTION. 150,000 FT. 2x 6. ROUGH AND SURF. " 3 5U.UOO FT. 2x10. ROUGH AND SURF. 150.OUO FT. 1x8 AND 1x12 ROUGH AND SURF. AT A BARGAIN THIS WEEK TO MAKE WAY FOR BIG JOB. LARGEST DEAL ER IN BUILDING MATERIAL ON THIS CO A ST. YARD AT 19TH AND WASH INGTON STS.. PORTLAND. OREGON, DO LAN WRECKING &, CONST. CO. BICYCLES. Make your cwn terms and pay as you ride. DURAND CYCLE CO 62 Broadway. LARGE ICE BOX. Inside dimensions 5 ft. 2 In. by flMs ft. by 8 ft. An excellent box for a meat market. Must be dis posed of at once. Inquire superin tendent. ARMY RETAIL STORE, Fifth and Pine Streets. OUT OF BUSINESS Have left, 2 only. 3tx3 standard make tires, regular $24.46 for only $16.75; one each 3ux3 for $1 0.90 and $9.35, non-skids, new. One 30x3. 50O0-mlle guarantee, $9.21; $S. 30x3 ; auto theft signal. $4.50; two 32x4 tubes, both for only $4. Call any time. 93 East 35th. between Stark and Washington. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-heads, like new. Singers. Whites, National, Rotary, Willamette, etc., $15 to $35. A large number of good machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Singer More, Moose bldg., 193 4th st. Main 6S33. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St., near Taylor. 1 H. P. VACUUM cleaner from Sunset theater; 1 42-inch ventilating rotary fan and motor complete ; 300 yds. good ca rpet ; 8 mahogany doors and hard ware; I H. p, D. c. Fairbanks motor. Call Ringler. Tabor 4303. 25 DKOPHEAD sew in macnlnea, com plete with attachments, in good sewing order. $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per month; machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. b. 3307. East 235U OLD potatoes at $2 per sack on place Mail address. John Schmid, Rt, 1, dux 7 1. Heaverton. Farm located 2 Vi mlie southwest from Tigard, on Bull moun tain. HOT-WATER, tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40-gal. $'.; tested and guaranteed; stove and 1 urn ace colls, cas heaters installed : ex pert plumbing, repairing. F.ast Side Welding Shop, 23 Adams st. East 8516. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. 01a ana exena-ngea. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating Indeed. . Why not s permanent and comfortable roof 7 We repair, rubber bond and reju venate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Main 5560. ELtCCTRTG irons, appliances, door-bells, vacuum cleaners repaired; fixtures re wired. We call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4'45. $50 COLUM BIA hornless, taken as part payment on new Columbia : only $ easy trms. 35 Alder. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREBT SINGER STORE. 3H2 Morrison. Marshall 721. CHERRIES, all kinds, at 5c on tree. Come out on Cap tal highway past Tigard. tV-ei. take Bull Ltountain road to right, uphill 1 V miles. John Schmid. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. , PACIFIC SCALE AND SUPPLY CO. Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS for rent, $1.50 per day, delivered. The Electric Maid Shop, 133 Tenth st. Broadway 4024. "Let the Electric Maid do your work." KODAKS. W buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks Sandy's, 329 Washington st. BILLIARD and pocket Oil Hard tab lea. showcases, wall cases, fixtures : terms W. J. Wulgley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. OFFICE FURNITURE, lieed by govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., 107 2d st. FoR SALE Furnaces, $ 165 and up. Get our prices before you buy. Alder Sheet Metal Works, Broadway 2639. GLASS FRUIT JARS. 225 Economy and Mason jars at 406 E. 16th st. N. Cull after 5 P. M. FOR SALE Second-hand restaurant equip ment. See A. B. Campbell, Multnomah hotel. - DRYK1LN wood and kindling. stove length; order now while you can get it Southeast delivery. Sell. 1571. TOLEDO steel range and heater. Good ahap reasonable price. 063 Belmont at. Phone Tabor 6311. CH ERR1ES Pick them yourself, 7 cents. Blngs, Royal Annes. Black Republicans. 90th and East Ash. Tabor 3542. NEW lightweight suit, worn once: paid $S0, first $50 gets it. Tabor 9153. 405 E. 37th st. S. SUITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth st., bet. Wa an. and Stai k. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. SIC BEN. S. BACK MAN. 110 3D ST. FOR SALE OH TRADE Tee cream sand wich machine. Call East 54O0 after 7 I. M. FOR SALF- Acorn gas range, high oven, white doors, self lighter. Call mornings, 512 East 50th North. Tabor 1693. FOR SALE Unusually beautiful string of ambers. collected In Constantinople; wonderful coior. am JX. orettonian, FOR SALK i One shoemaker's sewing ma chine and small tools. 845 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 5275. FOR SALE Cedar fence posts, large size; get a car load. H, Goodrich, R, 2. box 403. Lents. Or. FOR SALE Cheney phonograph with rec ords; Queen Anne design ; price right. Must b e sold. Woodla w n 4 J7 5. Safe 30x20-ln., Herring-Hall-Marvtn make; has inside door. AP70. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. FOR SALE Cah register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st,. near Ash. FOR SALE Paint spraying machine. Champion Mfg. Co.. Woodlawn 3607. FOR RENT Vacuum clea-ers, $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 0567. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 6th. near Stark. DESK ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 COR BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557. 1000 FEET of 2d grade oak flooring, 13-16 thick 2t4 face. $75. Call Wdln. 4235. BACK BAR for sale. 27 feet long; plate glass, mahogany finish. 375 E. Burnaide. OPPORTUNITY to get ladies used apparel in rel hurst home. Tabor 2S25. IN LAID linoleum. $1 per yard. Graham ave.. East 8322. ALL-WOOL hand-knitted pink sweater for sale; size 38; price $15. Bdwy. 1886. PILLOWS for Torchon and Cluny lace; lessons given. Tabor 1087. FINE Alaska raw furs; prices reasonable. 474 Gantenbein ave.. cor. Page st. ROOT BEER barrel for sale, in first-class condition : 1 coffee urn. Main !:.: FOR BALE Wireless apparatus. Can be s&cn at No. 6 E. 62 d su N FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received, some slightly damaged plumbing supplies. We can save you some money. Our line of first quality supplies is complete. Let us figure with you before you let your contract. Estimates Free. NORTHWEST PIPE CO., 1S7 Front St., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Main 5631. FOR SALE 1 chlUTs folding sulky, in good condition ; spring seat. S5 : 1 wick er baby buggy. $s : Korona 5x7 plate camera, excelle , t condition, with carrying case and extra equipment, for quick sale $30. A full set watchmaker's tools, 4 items, including new Derby shire lathe, 10 chuck. 100 punch. K. & D. staking tool, nearly new ; original cost $250: if taken at once. $165. Party leaving city. Fhone Tabor 3744. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY For sale, a $50,000 stock of clothing, men's furnish ings and shoes. The stock is in first class shape and owned at the old price. You must see this to appreciate it. V 57, Oregonian. AUTO CAMPING OUTFIT. Tent 9x9. canvas floor, cost $01 60 days ago. will sacrifice for $50; folding cots, chairs, camp cook stove, blankets, luggage carriers, camping dishes, fold ing table, etc., like new; will sell for about half of what they cost me new in Chicago in May. Barton. 125 S. 14th. CHERRIES Will sell cherries. Royal Annes, on tre, at 5c a pound, or picked at 8c. No boxea furnished. Cherries must be taken as they are picked on tree. Orchard 5S miles east of O res h -am. Ask fur Fot h's cherry orchard. Phone Gresham 13. 1 STEAM TABLE. 1 restaurant hood cheap. 2 wood and coal ranges $10 to Jlo. 4 gas ranges $6 to $10. 1 i e box $10. 2 baby wagons $2 each, 1 marble wash bowl $4, 1 twin Indian with tandem $50. 122 16th st., sout h of Washington st. LARGE, healthy Boston fern with basket and pedestal for sale; also rubber plant; 2-coinpartmt-nt Aluminum lined all metal fireless cooker, complete with kettles, copper wash boiler and wringer. Call Marshall 2413. FOR SALE H. S. M. suit, worn twice; 1 light suit, heavy overcoat. 1 H. S. M fivprcoat. like new: size of each 37-3S, also f ine waxed oak buffet and folding breakfast table. Bargains. Phone Main 46;7 Sunday. No dealers. DIAMOND FOR SALE. Perfect stone, about karat, set in ladies white gold mounting. Must seh at once as need money. J. II. Rogers, 5S7 E. 37th st. N. CH ERRIES. loganberries. raspberries save, pick them yourself .or we will pick : kale and caobage plan ranrv.ts. Corner wnh and E. Stark. ML Tabor M. T. SSth) car to end, 4 blocks north one east. ROYAL ANN, Iamberts. 60 on trees loganberries. $3.50; raspberries, $4 blackberries, $3.85. E. Glisan st., first housa south side after crossing Craig road. Tabor 4i74. FuK SA LE rompieta set of Stoddard's Library of Literature, gilt edge, morocco bound; prico $35. Also complete set cloth bound "Memoirs of the Courts of Europe. $0. Tabor J ism. CHERRIES for sale. 6 and 8c per pound, jubt right for canning; any amount you dsire. Take Mt. Tabor, SSt h to 76th st.. go south to Market; look for sign on fence. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new Period Models In Edison, Brunswick and Columbia phonogranhs. Priced from $350 to $750. Special terms Hvatt Talki-g Machine Co.. 350 AMer. A tiUXi'A CENTURY earner. Bosch Lcmb symmetrical lens. This Is a good fitst Ions and a bargain for $50. if taken at once. Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, 34-19 Winona, city. EXCEPTIONALLY fine-toned Richmond pia-no. mahogany case : cost new about $-ik. Price, $285: $25 baian monthly. Hyat Ta-lklng Machine Co. v.Mt a icer. ROYAL Anne, Bing and Black Republican cherries, pick them yourself. Sc U. : E. 37th st. South. Woodstock car. or orh'B out Holgate st. to 37th. MUST SELL. Cash register, showcases, scales, root beer barrels, coffee urn. steam taoie, meat si icer. two safes. 1 1 3 2d st. ALL SIZES drafting tahles les than 4 price ; several Burroughs and Palton adding machines, absolutely gusrantd D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th st. Broadway 2739 ONE 20-foot bar and bark bar and glasses. 1 1 500-lb. tfe, 3 show case. roll -top desk, all in good shape. Phone Wood lawn 2915. m DIAMOND Must sacrifice $55t beautiful ftone. weighing nea rly karat ; quick sle for cash only. $3S5. Call weekdays. Uroad way RMi, line 2.. ask for h enrtel. THREE rockers, odd chairs, corner seat with leather cushion, bird cage. 2 tubs. ajh can. picture frames, dock, portieres, kitchen tabic, phone stand. East KQ46. EDISON opera phonograph, fine wooden horn, automatic stop ; cost $90 ; pri-e $30; $10 down. $5 monthlv. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 35Q Alder. GR A FONOLA. FN 2. and Tn worth fine records; cost $175; price $135; $'jr down, balance easv. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ONE Standard computing seale, used 60 days, very cheap: one National cash reg ister, total adder, cheap. 617 Pittock block. Stephens, Bd wy. 73. FOR PALE Wold's A-l air brush, pressure tank and foot pump, complete $15; cost $45: never used. Wdln. 3727. 144 W. K ilpatrlck st. W. L. Fredrich. FINE cordwood for sale. $0.50 a cord de livered anywhere in city. Let me hear from you. W. II. Hewitt, Clackamas, Or. Route 1. ROYAL ANNE cherries. 10c lb. Monta villa car to 49th t, then 2 blocks north. Tabor 0162 FO R SALE Com plete set of attach men ts in case for giant Hoover electric sweeper, used but once. $15. Tel. E?ist 1 -4. FINK Bafl-ey buggy, rubber-tired, and s"t single harness: cost $2S5; price $lo. P. O. Box 4. city. FOR S ALE Eastman kodak : Universal auto bed : baby's sulky ; nursery chair. East fi4Q8. BIG BARGAINS on 5 ladies puits. sizes 34. 36. 38, two 40; value $5 to $125. now onlv $65. R. Paul. 30 Morrison st. FOR SALE $150. giant Hoover electric sweeper. Westinghouse motor, for $75. East 124. CHERRIES All kinds, also peas, beans, potatoes. 11th Columbia bl vd., oppo site Oregon Humane society. $22 .30 GRAY enamel and leather baby carriage, $10. 528 E. 44th N. Auto. 310-40. ON E new 100-1 b. ice box. cost $10; want to sell for $45. 4125 80th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 20. BLACK and white plaid skirt, never worn; 30-inch belt; cost $15. sell for $8. Mar shall 32K3. FISHING TACKLE, everything reasonable, also Eastman kodak, 3-A. 52S E. Mill. East 7t37. ROYAL ANN cherries for sale. 10c lb.; 357 Marguerite, near Hawthorne. Tabor 57o7. NEW universal auto bed cheap. Tel. Tabor 73O0 TWO perfectly good inner tubes, 31x4, $5. 13S5 Sandy. Tabor S56. KG Y AL ANNE CH ERRIES yourself. Main 5s34. -Pick them FOR SALE lb. 2221 Nice cherries ; pick them &c E. Hoy t, near M V depot car. LOVELY Royal Ann cherries, 8c pound, picked. Tabor 561. 407 E. 40th st. N. WICKER baby buggy, almost new. $12.50; used lawn mower, $4. Tabor HI 24. GOOD wood heater, ca-st-iron lining; Tabor 254. FOR PALE 3 folding condition, $2.50 each. ca m p beds, f i ms 5628 82d st. S. E. FOR SALE cheap. 5 doz. jars. 563 Rodney ave. Vz-gu-L Mason COMPTOMETER, slightly used, 10 bank, guaranteed, snap. 304 Oak st. UNIVERSAL Combination range practi cally new. Tabor 2718. Call forenoons. SANITARY couch. mattress, $7; baby buggy. $17. Tabor S870. 16x16 ARMY tent. wi;i sell cheap or trade for smaller one. Marshall 407. ROYAL ANNE cherries. 5c on tree. Houser place. Monroe st., Milwaukie. Or. FOR SALES Child's bed with mattress c omplete. 875 . Flanders st. East 8 67 0. THOR washer, larfre size : cost new $240, will sacrifice for $150 cash. Tabor 6'.3i. ANYONE desiring folding camping beds call East 1012. 439 Tillamook st. FRENCH gray wicker hooded sulky, $ 15. 8H4 E. Davis St.. near 28th. WOOD SAW, Ford attachment, $85. 263 Salmon. Main 1420. Call for Fred. $1''5 NAVY tricotine suit, $65, never worn, size S6-3S. Bdwy. 1184. FINE side oven g; i& range for sate. Tabor FINK lur trimmings. $10. Alar. 107a. FOR SALE. Micellneoui. MUST be closed out by Monday 4 P. M. Warehouse opens 9 A. M. Wholesale or rotail. 600 3 and 5-lb. boxes of candy, 27c lb. ; $6 and $7 men's sample hats. $3.50 each; 200 $6 and $7 boys' and gir!s heavy sweaters, sizes 3u to 3H, $3.50 each or $33 doz.; loO doz. silver plated sugar spoons. $1.50 doz or $15 a gross; 100 sheets carbon paper, 5oc a box; ladies' outing coats and pants, khaki, $2 each; gold-filied beauty pma. $1 doz. pairs: 10H pair rubber heels al 7c a pair. Hundreds of cases of shoe polish. Bixby's, to be closed out. i;o9 Mill st.. bet. 1st and Front. TENT HOUSE FOR SALE. Complete with, floor, siu a'.!s. door and two windows. Heavy canvas roof. Painted. Built in Portable sections. Fine for sleep ing house or camp. Special price $75. no. REDIMADE BUILDING CO., 315 East Eleventh st. 2 Blocks South of Hawthorne. WOODCUTTERS' OUTFIT for sale. One V aughn dragsaw, 2 saws, ono falling saw. 1 bucking saw; wedges, fledges and ripping bars; camp outnt complete, stove, dishes, etc.; all for $15t; 1 5xS single-cylinder Williamson steam don key, 500 feet of v-ln. cable, 1200 f t. of 5-16-in. cable, 3 Mallory blocks and choppers. lVa-H. P. L. H. gaoiine en gine and Humphreys 000-gal. pump: donkey and pump, $373; all for $500 cash. Phone Woodlawn 5745 or address Woodsaw, 408 Jessup. $5 TRAVELING bag, $4; $2 50 suit case. i.u; i.c piyers, ioc; 94 can grav paint. $3: 21 jewel watch, $11; 140 cheap rings, $10; men's new heay high top shoes, size 7, $6.50; new $S pair men's pants, size 39-32, $4.50; gent's small diamond ring, $16; 5 new baby buggy wheels, 50c each; 40 new 50-lb. flour sacks, 2. 311 Montgomery st. I'LL SAY I DID. Agents told me my sewing machine was worn out, kindly offering to sell me a new one for about M00 difference. For tunately found a man who overhauled it to run as good as new. I'LL SAY HW DID and I saved enough to buy a sack of sugar and a sack of spuds; I'LL SAY 1 DID. Phone Sell. lo7L ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless deutistry by the nerve-blocking method, without after effects I make X-ray examinations of teeth; I specialize in first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3205. DR. A. W. KEEN E, Majestic Theater bldg.. 351 Wash. MINERS' pulp scale, weight from S mille gram up to one pound; has a dust-proof case; never used. Cost $65. will take $35. Can be seen any time at 516 Central ave., SC Johns. Or. Take St. Johns car at Broadway antlWashington st. 1200 POUNDS of cherries" for sale Sun day and Monday. Will have them picked. Large fine fruit. Royal Annea 10c. Black Republicans 7c. Take Wood stock car to drug store at 46th St., go one block south. 40u6 61st ave. BEAUTIFUL table lamp, adjustable sock-, et; rose and gold silk shade, JapanesoN Dase; also wail mirror 2bxis in., ma hogany frame; very attractive; reason ably priced for quick sale. 202 Grand ave. North. East 7i6. 4 LiFT TOP cigar cases, other cases, candy cases, counter cases, wall case, ice box, electric Soft drin k mixer, corner case, large and small safes, stools, tables, gas range fur restaurant purposes. 242 Sal mon. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Fine Edison d iamond disc, taken on larger Edison; seiis for $2io; price $175: S2.k down, baiance eisy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. ,-,o Alder. FI.-'HER auto bed. sleep in your car away from the bugs. Fits any machine but a Ford. Soid my car and have no uie for it. Just !.ke new. $14. Call East 4-40 before 3 Sunday; weekdavs after 6 CHERRIES! Black Republican. Royal Anne. Ken tish, 7c per pound. 1&70 24th ave. S. E. Call Tabor 3566. COLUM BIA hornless machine, taken on new Columbia, like new; price $50; $ IO down, balance month J . Ta king Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ONE HUNDRED cords second -g row t h wood; will sell In timber or yard out for truck, mile from highway, near Reed-vill-. Box 22. Orenco, Or. CANDY kettle, furnace, marble slab, other equipment, electric coffee mill. National cash register, candy jhts; act quickly; very low price. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE Splendid A B combination wood and gas range. 99 per cent new, on account leaving city. Bargain. Phone E. 4."i2. SELL OR TRADE Encvciop. Britt., 2i vol. leather bound, perfect. $50. Gil lette razor, new. What have you? G 074. Oregonian. MURPHY WARDROBE TRUNK for sale cheap. , Large si. J (35 Grand ave. North. Take Wood law u car to Dekum ave. KI R LUMBER. lO.ftOO feet. 2x4. 6. random lengths. No. 2 S. 1 Side. $15 pr M. Lewis. Bdwy. 5o::n. FOR SALE Baby coat ; white wool whipcord, like new. $5. Size 8 months to 2 years. Also oriole basket for $7.50. 7i E. 6Sth st. North. FOR SALE Cut flowers at haif of usual prices, giadioias. Spencer sweet peas, snapdragons and others. Wdln. 1001. 1 555 Burrage st. 25-35 REM. latest model, trombone action, fine gun, recently bought and practically unused; snap at $30. &H Belmont. East MASON quart jars, 75c doz. or exchange for pints. East 6376. 202 Tillamook, near Williams ave. FOR SALE Perfect blue-white 1-karat diamond; extra fine stone. $475. Call Monday Main 879. GOuD electric vacuum cleaner, cheap for cash. Call Monday 74u3 54th ave. S. K. City. FOR SALE Tent. 1I5. 8-oz. duck; good as new. Inquire S10 Cleveland ave. after 6 P. M. BIG BARGAIN'S on bust forms, sizes irora 34 to 44. R. PAUL. 300 Morrison st. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage, $12. Call Sunday afternoon, Monday forenoon. 352 "ra 3d st. STEVENS target rifle. 22 caliber; first class condition. Fine sight, accurate. $15. 903 Belmont st Phone Tabor 631. FOR SALE 4 -acre of blackberries. 82d st., near Hawthorne. Inquire 2sO E. 7Gth st Mt. Tabor car? GET a spring steel eversharp blade put In your lawn mower by the Courthouse locksmith. General repairing. WILL exchange fin new talking machine and records for typewriter. Hyatt Talk ing MachiTi Co.. 350 Alder. ROOT BEER barrel, 3 compartments, first-class condition, reasonable. 20'J Morrison st. GOOD 30-in. trunk cheap. $5. Coffee mill, $2.50. Stone jars, 2tc gal. Economy qts.. 60c. Monday, Marshall 3561. FLOOR CASES, registers, i-e boxes, wall cases, number of other fixtures; terms if necessary. 242 Salmon. 16-1N. D. C FAN. 1 electric hair dryer, alpo 2 parlor lamps. small A. C. fan. 1 ail must go, $22; Mar. 1H75. VI" DOR thade, large 873. Oregonian. bargain. AF BABY BUGGY, willow, nearly new; very reasonable. East 1711. ROYAL ANNE cherries; corner of 8 4th a nd E. A 1 der. M t. Tabor car. Tabor 75S. BABY'S bed and bugsy. both for $6. Phono Sellwood 2550. ALASKA raw furs. Prices 474 h-2 Oantcnheiii ave. reasonab.e. fi-DKAWER Sanger sewing machine, after 4 P. M ., 514 Everett st. lit J Y'S coaster, Sellwood 804. reasonable; almost new. GENT'S suit, summer weight, 175 14th Bt., near Yamhill. SO or 38. $6. FILING CA BINETS st. Main 815. Jan bo seen at 2i0 luxlu CLD RUSE rug. like new, $30. Call Monday. Automatic 221-23. loo YARDS of used Brussels carpet in good condition. Call Wdln. 5m;7. lilNG cherries for sale. Ho. cuse st. Phone Columbia 721 N. Sy ra il 4. GOOD range, $12; Victor phonograph wha horn, $-0. 155 Meade St., cor. Corbet t. FOR SA LE Butcher's icebox. Call at 52S 4 Washington. LICENSED electrician will save you money on wiring and supplies. Sell. 58. LAMBERT cherries 8c Phone Sell. 3277. pound picked. FOR SALE Cherries; pick them yourself at 5c a lb. Woodlawn 5216. $7h) ROTARY sewing machine, $35 cash. Sell. 1"71. IVORY enameled reed baby cab. 5M4. Main FOR SALE Reed baby carriage, Sellwood 24U4. ROYAL ANNE cherries on tree, 5c per lh.N 1170 Omaha ave. CHERR1E? 1 Call at 1513 : all on the tree, 6c picked. E. Morrison St. FLOOR show cases, all size. Plate "slaa All kinds and makes. ih) First st. YOUNG FOLKS' TREASURY, 13 volume brand wv, $-a. X $od. V ft i