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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 11 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. LINN COUNTY EXCHANGES. No. 31. !t 60 -acre stock and dairy ranch. 150 level, in cultivation. 170 open pasture and tillable. 40 timer, ood 8 -room house. 2 large barns, new silo and other build ings, 1 mile to school, 4 to Lebanon; cheap at $tJ5 an acre; trade for similar place In valley to half; good time on balance. Also No. 17. 197-acre dairy or sheep farm. 80 to 0 acres in cultivation, 60 acres can be, is now slashed and good pasture, balance timber and pasture, line springs, fair "buildings, gravel road. R. F. D. and phone, close to town; $75 per acre, in cluding crop: will accept a house, any pood town, $3000 to $4000. some cash, and give time on balance. What have you? Otve details and price In first letter. Or, If you want a smaller place to buy out right, tell me what you want. Best around Lebanon at lowest prices. JOS. C. GIBSON. "THE LAND MAN. OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON, LEBANON, OR. 14 S ACRES, all rn cultivation : rood 8 -room house, well, several hun dred young fruit trees: 13 miles out on paved road to Portland: a few steps to electric station. Will exchange for house equity, mdse. stock or good securities to SoOOO. bee N. I. Fa-rnsworth. with H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN' 60S-9 Lewis bids. Broadway 5051. EXCHANGE. HOG RANCH WANTED. Or piece of land close to Port land that will do. I have three good pieces o-f land In Washing ton, some good buildings, some or chard. Will trade one or all of these pieces If 1 can find what I want. . Call Rector. Auto. 511-50. St ACRES of fine soil and 10 lots in a progressive town 30 miles from fortiand, on Pacific highway. R. R. and naviga tion; cash value $9000; clear of incum brance. Exchange for low-price land or paying business In country town, with buildings. Give full description first letter. Owner, AV 103, Oregonian. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME, acres, ten miles from city, near New berg highway, wonderful view, ti room house, good outbuildings, 2 springs, 3 cisterns, good well, family orchard;, will take Portland property on part ; aome cash, balance terms. This property is priced to sell. No junk wanted. For information see Rock. 403 Couch bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Loganberry field, a choice 15-acre tract of loganberry land ; S acres in bearing loganberries, heavy crop this season; price $401)0; no build ings on this; would take all or part trade; owner has other business and can sot attend to yard. C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, Or. 10-ACRE IMPROVED" ranch In the 'great Sacramento valley, Tehama county, Cal. Peaches, figs, pears, apples, apricots and two lar&e almond trees, all bearing. Will exchange for a 10 to 20-acre improved place in the Willamette valley, prefer ably between Portland and Salem. Ad dress Box 301. Corning, Cal. WILL exchange postal-card views of north Jungland for views of Oregon. BERNARD ORME ROD, 761 TOWN HALL BLDG., Cornholme Todmorden, Y or Its, England. &-ROOM cottage, with three lots, with fruit trees, on hard surface street, lo cated on 53d ave. S. E. Wilt exchange for lots or acreage for equity: price j.iiMm, mortgage $LO00. 5. H. Gustall. Broadway 4U73 or Main 2506. IrtO ACRES. ALSEA BAY. Timber, stream, etc.: fine stock propo ft ion, $15 per acre. Exchange far small house or lots on Mt. Scott car. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 213 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6752, &iJOKAS, attention! Have 3 lots near cor. Albina and W inchell sts.. Portland, to exchange for 6 to 7-room residence Spokane; will pay cash difference value. Address P. O. box 1762. Spokane, Wash. TO TRADE For about a 6-room house good residence district in Portland. 160 acres near Lyle, v ash., 5 acres In eight-year-old high-grade commercial ap ples, balance in pasture. John S. Beall, owner. Woodlawn 3171. WEST SIDE apartments, completely fur nished; income nearly $14.000 ; will con sider to $'JO,0u0, good property, balance cash and terms; price $63,000. See our manager. Main 1643. or call room 121S Northwestern Bank bldg. OR SALE or trade 26 elegant building lota Boulevard park. Spokane. Wash.; also 2 lota Richmond City. Cal. ; trade lor Pcrtl and property, stocks, bonds, automobiles, or what have you? Y tt6, Oregon. an. liXCHAN'G EJ 112-acre fine farm land, with It stock, equipment and house fur nishings; near Eugene, Priced cheap on account of sickness. Will accept good late car as part payment. For parucu tars write k. vv. uyons, Trent, Or. ONE acre, fine crop, 3-room house, city water, cellar, grooa chicken house. 44th and jarret, 1 block north of Killings worth ave., to trade for 5 or 6-room Bouse. K, No. 1, box 360, Portland uregon. EXCHANGE 5 acres, right in Portland to exchange for coast range stock ranch h'rice $ll,iKo. Here is a chance to dou hie your money and ouit work. s J E. Musgrave, 432 Chamber o-f Commerce. COMFORTABLE 6-room house for timber near S. P. R. R., or 10 to 15M-capacity sawmill. 1042 Peninsula. Ave., Portland. Or. T-ROOM HO ISE. fo r lots, Medford. Or. House needs smnr repairs: about five blocks from iot. Exchange va lue $1000; what have you? CARL A. PATZ LA F, Roseburg. Or. WILL exchange 3 lots on Hawthorne car line, value $1800, for modern 5-room bungalow up to $4500; pay balance $25 per month. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Mar shall 12. 61-ACRE RANCH Improved. between Portland and Salem, on electric line; fine soil; trade for suburban property; give or take difference. C. T. GATES. 230 WASHINGTON ST. WILL EXCHANGE FOR MODERN HOME. Prefer Laurelhurst or Irvinton addi tions, several hundred lots and acre tracts; give full particulars what you have to offer. BC 4S6. Oregonian. GOOD" 5-ROOM BUNGALOW780xlOO lot with lots of large fruit trees: south Mt. Tabor district. Want 4 or 6-room bun galow in Hawthorne or Sunny side dis trlct. Tabor 4209 weekdays. ABOUT flOw ACRES irrigated land in Mon tsna, 200 acres cultivated and equip ment; value $55,000; will trade for bus iness Income or apartment property. r. ai. r- n n cj at wo., .'uu nenry tsiag FOR SALE, or trade for cltv residence property, all or part of 2.40 acres wheat and corn land on main road near school in Pennington Co.. 8. Dak. If interested can a tmi. oregonian. 160 ACRES clear of encumbrance, nart irrigated and b-en in alfalfa; will trade at low price of $2000 for good equity n ncuae or acreage. ts oregonian. ft ACRES land, partly cleared, 10 mln. walk from station; good buy; land clear rf incumbrance. Will trade for auto. P. O. box 15, Tualatin. Or. FARMS in Willamette valley, southern Idaho and Washington to trade for city Improved or merchandise stocks. B. M. Price & Co.. 200 Henry bid?. I HAVE A CLEAR LOT in one of the greatest Industrial cities in th ast Price only $750 for most anything here. 240. wregonian. 9-ROOM house, Irvington; will ac cept $2000 house and lot. St. Johns or M car, and some cash. ZIMMERMAN, PIS Chamber of Commerce. LUTOMOBILB WANTED WILL, TRADE two choice cultivated acres: price $1400; Base Line road, near city; Bull Run water. Main 6127; evenings. East I3rt4. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE new phonograph for small tent, groceries or what have you? Main T.a, between b A, M. and 6 P, M. Mr. Heym. SULKY, like new. to swap for foldin baby buggy. 185H E. eta st. S., back apartment. WHAT have you to trade for a set of Nelson's encyclopaedia? Like new, not tne loose-i ear. iiain xovu, 479. ETHNOLOGY reports, etc., for stamp col lectlon or Indian relics. V 024. Oregonian EXCHANGE fine Fisher piano for dia mond: good value. Columbia 533. GROCERY and city property to exchange for ranch. P 112. Oregonian. CITY property and cash lor residence or ranch. Tabor 661. WILL TRADE 101T boat. Value $450. Overland for house East 4666. WILL exchange dentistry for carpenter work or painting. AL 447. Oregonian. PIANoLA, with 50 records, for a pedigreed. aailk goat. Mala 47S3,. Monday. rus SALE. gorges. Vehicles, Livestock, AT AUCTION SALE. 75 HEAD EXTRA FINE REGIS TERED AND HIGH-GRADE HOLSTE 23 CATTLE. My lease has expired; must sell my stock, whicn I will do at the Kiimore Lake Firm, on Willam ette Slough, 3 miles east of Scap pocs. Or.. Tuesday, July 20, sale to commence at It o'clock P. M. REGISTERED CATTLE. 3 high-grade Holstein cows -Borne fresh, some short springer. 7 past 2 year-old-heifers, 5 of them are bred; 3 of them are short springers; 6 past earllng heifers; 10 from 8 to 12- month-old heifers; 7 from 4 weeks to- 5-mo nth -old heifers, and'4 bulls. - Horses anl machinery 3 work . horses, two 4 and one 6 years old. eight from 1350 to 1600 lbs. One A-l aaddle horse. Mowing machine, rake, disc, har row, wagon, plows, milk cart, pul verizer, wheelbarrow. 25 milk cans, harness, bugy and other articles. To the dairymen of Portland and vicinity: I have completed a tuberculin test of Mr. Carl Trachsel'a herd of cows and wish to state that this is the best herd of grade Holstein cows that I have ever tested. Dr. D. W. Mack, chief dairy and milk in3p2ctor of Portland. CARL TRACHSEU Scappoose, Or., owner. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, Van couver, Wash., auctioneers, E. E. Wist, Scappoose bank, cl'lc ONE span of bay horses 9 yrs. old, well matched, true to pull, weight Sduu ids. 1 span black and a gray, 5 and 7 yrs old, sound, about 2500 lbs. 1 bay pony, btocky built, 8 yrs. old, work any place, 3000 lbs. Just arrived in Portland Fri day from the country. 222 Union ave. South. East side. J oe PickrelL SEE Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder street. Bay team, about 3200 pounds, $400; bay and black, about HO 00, $225; white geld ing, about 1000, $50; roan mare, about lUUO pounds. $50 ; bay mare and colt. 1W00. $80; team geldings, about 2600. $250; beautiful mare, 6 year, colt, $225; saddle horse, about 1000. $50. 2 HONEST work horses, dapple gray mare and bay horse, 5 to 6 years oid, weight over 3U00 lbs.; good harness, $400; and without $375. Team of blacks. 5 and 8 years old, weight 21)50 lbs., with harness and wagon, $375 ; also a family cow cheap. Call at 413 Tod fat- S. E. ilt Scott car. FOR SALE. 4 Holstein Bulls. 1 4 years, registered. 1 2 years, not registered. 2 1 year, not registered. C. MINSINGER, 210 Board of Trade Bldg. TEAM, chunky -built, horse and mare. weighing about 2 1 00 pounds; very gen tle and true farm workers, with good 2-incir breechen harness; am through work; will sell cheap. 10S7 Francis ave. Phone Sellwood 1212. 10 COWS, fresh and coming fresh ; some large nairy cows; some good young Jer seys; heavy rich milkers; $75 and up. Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 112S Macadam St., South Portland car to end of line, 1 block south, 1 east. FOR SALE Four head work stock. 2 horses, 2 mares, one five-year-old mare ctveap. Rose City car to 82d st.. Park Rose car to end of line, 5 blocks east to Clatnie road, one block south. Phone Tabor 8312. GOATS! GOATS! A splendid opportunity to buy some very good milk goats 'and doe kids by purebred Toggenberg sire. CHEAP. Send for list. John M. Mann, 302 City Hall. Portland, Or. - MUST be sold at once, 2 extra good family cows, price Uo and $i; one 14 month old heifer calf, going to make a splendid cow, price $50. Inquire at 4122 7od tot. S E. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE 7 head of perfectly gentle work horses which have been used in the city, single and double, for the past 4 years. Fashion Stables, E. 11th and Flanders. TWO GOOD dairy and family cows, Dur nam ana jersey, giving 4 to o gallons aaiiy very ricn miiK. us- m. .4tn si. Woodstock car. REGISTERED pedigreed stock, Himaluy- ans, American Blues. Champagne d-Ar-gfrnt and Black Flemish; from $5 to $25 each. 437 Marguerite ave. HORSE, brown gelding, 7 years old, weight 1600 lbs. ; sound and true puller; mate killed. Jake Meier. Gaston, Or. R. F. D. No. 1, box No. 48. WANTED Shetland pony, 10 or 12 years old. long hair and basket cart; give full particulars. J. F. Strauss, Seaside. Or. DEAD stock removed quickly ; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for service. BAY HORSE. 8 years old, weight 1425 pounds ; have no mate. Phone Tabor 2398. FRESH 4-gal. cow, 1 heavy springer, cheap for cash, or will trade for team ol" horses. A oodlawn S67. ENTIRE band of range horses and raars, cheap. Nelson Wilber, Riverside, Mal heur county, Oregon. I HAVE established a good market lor milk goats, anyone desiring same will do well to call or write to 1350 Wilbur st FINE COMBINATION horse, can be seen at Portland Hiding academy. Owner lea ving town; must se 11. GOOD work horses, weight 1450 lbs., price $85; small ranch team, $75. Call at 9'd5 E. 27th st. S. Woodstock car. 5-YEAR-OLD Guernsey, giving 3 gallons of very rich milk a day, very gentle ; price $s5. Call 3tfi0 66th st. S. E. FOR SALE Studebaker basket phaeton and harness for Shetland pony. B. F. Holman. t4 5th st. Main 353. FOR SALE Team horses, harness and de livery wagon. Hughy Bros., phone Sell. 972, 4lst and Holgate sts.; W. S. car. FRESH Holstein and Jersey cow and calf for sale; third calf: cow gives n gallons per day; $150. A. Sv.nson, Metzger, Or. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ram lambs and 2-year-old ram Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th St. BEAUTIFUL PONY Shetland and Arabian stock; broke to ride and drive. Sellwood 1257. 4319 Woodstock ave. 7 HEAD of milk goats, ranging from 4 months to 4 years old, $175. Tony T. Perkins. Aumsvilie. Or. FOR SALE 2 good Belgian stallions, one 2 years old. one 3 years old. C. Min 6 11 e e r- 2 0 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALEi SmaM Shetland pony with colt. J. E. W.etzler a, Milwaukie, or phone 51-M. MILK GOATS for sale. 1 doe and 1 buck. Tabor 8033. 94 East 78th et. LEAD horsee. animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawii 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE 2 good fresh family cows. Ed. Damian. Gresham, Or. WILL take stock in pasture. Roth Standler. Troucdale, Or. R. 1. box 3. WANTED Weanlinar pigs. good grade stock. Robertson. 207 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE cheap 4 goats and a kid. No. 3020 41st st. S. E. Phone Tabor 863d. DlSLilVEKY wagon cheap or trade, grafo nola. 'Aaoor roi. FOR SALE Horse and light wagon. Box -132, Can by. Or. TEAM, weight about 2700; one block East Via ana J; lanaers. Aut. z a-3i. MILK goat and buck. or trade on good cow. Marshall 111H. HORSE, wagon and harness, bargain. Pander, cor. 1st and cram sts. FOR SALE 2 city lots of vetch and oat hay. Tabor s3. sisast 78th st. TEAM Weight JSO0. cheap. X.. corner Knott. Oao East 34th FASTCRiJ for horses. $2 per mo. Running water. vv. n. nauK, urcnara, wash. GOOD family cow, W. Preocott. rich milk, for eale. 61 A HORSE for sale. 512 E 28th N. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR RENT Singer player piano to re sponsible party, no children, $S per montn ivirs. tiaso. main i.". KKOEGER piano, slightly used but best of condition, only $2;5. Soule Bros., 160 lth St., near Morrison. SLIGHTLY usea riinzie piano, good as new, only $275. Soule Bros., 166 10th t., near Morrison. SLIGHTLY used iieinze piano, prood as new, oniy bouie -tiros., ius loth St.. near Morrison. $1S5 BUiS ,oo Lmerson piano, large up right, easy terms, vv orcester Diag. PIAXO In good Caruthers St., i condition, cheap, pt. 17. $125 BUYS upright piano, easy terms. Worcester bldg.. WANTED To buy piano at once, cash If bargain. Marshall oT'iy; no dealers. $700 J. & C. FISCHER piano only $2 .hfv terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Baby grand piano, Circassian walnut dining room set. Columbia 1 LADY'S beautiful mahogany writing desk. oniy ,ou. juain o-;u. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. EXCEPTIONAL phonograph bargain. Sam ple Symphona left for sale, beautiful fumed oak. massive cabinet, gold tone arm and reproducer, fine tone and plays all makes of records, only used as a sample, regular price $275, but to close out quick at $195. See this at Foley & Van Dyke's, 106 5th at., between Wash ington and Stark sts. We carry a complete line of Paths phonographs and phonograph records. See our phonograph dept. 106 5th at. Foley & Van Dyke. Player piano for less than upright. Armstrong dull mahogany we took in a trade. Can sell it for $450. Player action is perfect.. Has automatic tracker, metal tubes, etc Foley & Van Dyke Piano Lept. m See these slightly used pianos. All are practically new. We deliver. We guar antee. Winston, plain mahogany, used short time oifly $225 Ludwig, plain case, just. like new.. $425 Wick ($650 value) with bench, American walnut $400 Lexington, apartment size, walnut plain case $375 Ario n, used, several years, but fine shape $325 FOLEY & VAN DYKE, 106 Fifth St., Just below Washington. STEIN WAY & SOXS piano in perfect condition .$760 LLTDW1G & CO. piano, like new. in perfect condition $550 KIMBALL piano $315 HAMPTON piano, oak 3i5 HALLET & DAVIS piano $2'.to CABLE & SOXS piano $295 WELLINGTON" piano $260 Every used piano sold by us Is a good value at the price, and we give with each one our wruten exchange agree ment. See us Monday or write if you live out of town. G. F. JOHNSON PIAXO CO.. 349 Sixth St.. Portla-nd. BABY GRAND BARGAIN A beautiful San Domingo mahogany baby grand piano, plain style, not a scratch on it and in perfect condition throughout; left with us for saie by a narty lea vine Portland. The original price of this was $1350 and Is now offered for sale within the next week -or $.50 cash. If you are interested in a baby grand, you should arrange to see this piano at once. Reed French Piano Co., -12th and Washington sc. nawy. - ou. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 2 small upright pianos. $65 and., .f 75 $300 Gray & Co. upright piano, cash 110 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano. 145 $425 Dunham upright piano, cash . 1C5 $475 Davis ffe Son upright piano, cash 215 $475 Franklyn Piano Co. piano, cash 240 $550 Kimball Co. upright piano, cash 265 $850 Mendenhall player piano, cash. 395 Parlor organs. $18, $25, $35, $3S and 45 Phonographs $18, $25, 135, 55 and 95 Pianos stored, bought and sold for cash. 102 10th St., corner Stark St. PIANO BARGAINS. $185 and up; guaranteed STEINWAY, CHICKERING, CABLE, VICTOR, DECK-4 ER & SON, HOWARD and others; see them; TERMS GIVEN. Selberllng l.ucas Music Co., 125 4th st-. between Washington and Alder. 150 BRUNSWiC'-C, like new.. ..$125 $175 Columbia, the latest..... 140 Gabier, fine, fine tone 215 Kranich & Bash, $550 value... 338 Ivers & Pond, little used 367 $875 Sohmer upright, perfect.. 587 HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill fat. REED-FRENCH now has the following UBtd pianos at bargain prices. Chicker Ing. Kimball, Weber, Hardman, Fischer, Decker Bros.. Wegman, Kingsbury, Huntington, and a Lagonda all ready for sale Monday morning. Suitable terms arranged. Keed-Freneh Piano Co., 12th and Washington st. Bdwy.-750. b'fbJNWAY uptight; snap $500 CHICKERING concert grand $600 S.E I BE RUNG -LUCAS ML SIC CO., 125 4th St., Between Washington and Alder. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new Period Models in Edison, Brunswick and Columbia. Priced from $350 to $750. Special terms. Hyatt Talk ln Machine Co., 3o0 Aider. PARLOR ORGAN. Fine Chicago parlor organ. cost $100; price $35; $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt 'la.Knvs Machine Co., o.K) Alder. FOR a piano or phonograph, new or sec ond hand, you will xind our prices and terms most liberal. It is a pleasure to show you. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Washington st. Bdwy. 50. EXCEPTIONALLY fine-toned Richmond piano, mahogany case: cost new about $5(K; price $285; $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder. viTjL, take piano as part payment on 5-pass. Saxon, valued at $750. Late model car, in splendid running order, good tires, etc. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Washington st. Bdwy. 750. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA BARGAIN. Fine Columbia grafonola. like new and $.W worth fine records; cost $175 price $ 135 ; $2. down. balance easy nyatt TaiKiTig aaacmne Co.. 3u Alder. EDISON AMBEROLA. taken on larger Edison, sells for $4r. Price f -?0; JIO down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. ton bALfci or trade Vocatella player piano w ith 70 records: sell, or trade for good used small car. Address box bis, i-orest uro-ve, (Jr. VICTOR. Edison or Columbia phono graphs to exchange for your piano. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash ington Bt. Bdwy. i.ju. HaNOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VTCTROLA and records. Selberltng-Lucas Music Co., 125 127 4th st. Main 858. $11 EDISON" hornless machine, taken in on new Edison, only $25; $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. w0 Alder. FOUR fine violin bnwg made by Hill of London, modern French makes. Thes bows a re exceptionally fine specimens. jaoor WOULD like to exchansre new talkin machine and records for f irst-clas tvt writer. Hyatt Talking; Machine Co.. 300 f Alder. $150 NEW Loi Hornless cabinet phono-g-aph, $75. $123 new Lois hornless type. $70; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. S.-.O Alder. 1 CAN save you flOO on my new piano and give terms; it sure is a beauty: must be sren and heard to be appreciated. Call Marshall 1058. WILL trade a good level RrtxlOO lot near Millard station for a piano or player piano. Reed -French Piano Co., 12 th nd wasmnTon st. uawy. i oo. SAVE your money, buy that piano at 312 Worcester oiflg. V e sell them for less money. Hundreds of pleased buyers. $1300 PLAYER piano. latest stvle. music and Dencn, oniy easy terms given. "Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bid g. SALESLADY wanted; experienced in Vic tor records, typist, neat appearance. BF 4QS. Oregonian. $175 BUYS $300 A. B. Cameron piano, nice condition, easy terms. au Worcester bldg. WANTED Small phonograph and records lor a canoe. Must De in good condition, state price. AN 8S3. Creponlan. $200 BRAND new phonograph and $100 casn tor good piano. call Main 3864. Monday. ANYONE wishing a new piano call at 76 or phon Wdln. 31S4: W. Portland blvd., leavtntr city. BL'SH & LANE piano, almost new. and bench, sell less price of new on., easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. CHEN c. phonosrraph. new. William and jviary nesign, uu. Z(l4o E. Couch, Mont pvilla car. FINK OLD ITALIAN VIOLIN (Amoti moaei. wortn io; make me an offer Mr. Shay, 433 Market St., Sunday. FINK Washburn iruitar for sale at good reduction. Monday, 1059 E. 15th st. N. . iipna car. STEOER piano, with bench. $225. Large vlctrola. waxed oak, $150. P. M. SflS E. Pine st. Call after 6 PHONOGRAPH with automatic tnrnr Been used only 3 months; we will make nrstin lor CHsn. ml 14m, apt. 8. N b. vv loior -;ctroia; one dozen late records; first $20 takes both. Call 316 c. inroaoway or pnone r;ast 3IR3. NO. XIV Vlctrola. rich mahoannv clear tone, together with 30 high-grade rciiriua, t'-. r nunc o.O-O. FOR SALE. Sliphtly used Victro'a. valued at $s Call Marshall1130. AE 728, Oregonian PIANOS, player pianos and grafonolas for rent. r-Tnpire to., Broadway. Broad way 155. PLAYEP.-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Bench lots for a good player. Write BJ SC2. Oregonian. WANTED Good tuned piano. Call Main 3S64, Monday. pay cash. WANTED Old Boehm flute, any ' pitch if in good condition. Wdln. key i 3360. $2J5 BUYS $000 fine Schaffer piano, terms 312 Worcester bldg. COLUMBIA graphonola. cabinet. 23 rec ords. Call 588 Marshall st. $200 BUYS $450 Rohler & Campbell piano. ,lja vv orc.Bier uiu sk, I NEW B AJT JO-UK F, for aale. Woodlawn FOR SALE. I iit ii oh. Organs and Mimical Instruments. GENUINE PIANOLA PLAYER PIANO A very beautiful mahogany, without hardly a scratch on it, fine finish, splen did condition throughout, bench to match and SO rolls of music with words, alf for $50, which is less than one-half the cost of a new Instru nent of this kind. See this at once. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Washington st. Bdwy. 750. A GOOD BARGAIN in ivory bedroom suite, composed of bed, dresser with 16x24 French plate mirror, chiffonier and dressing table with three mirrors; three suite only will go at $97.50; see this Monday morning at FELDSTEIN FURNITURE " CO., 174 1st St., Northeast Corner Yamhill. THE SCHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS this week: $750 Steinway & sons up right. $34 5 $fi00 Kranich & Bach upright 305 $550 Conover oak unrlght 315 $475 Vose & Sons euony upright... 233 $550 Kimball & Co. upright grand.. 343 $475 Mclntyre & Goodsell upright.. 245 $23 cash and $7, $S. $10, $12 monthly. 101 10th st.. at Washington and Stark. BUY. SELL, RENT OR TRADE. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. MUSIC ROLLS. PIANOS. NEWMAN'S RECORDS EXCHANGE, 1 28 1 ST, MAIN 4495. TABOR 718. WE have a wonderful bargain in a slightly used player piano. Would ac cept good phonograph or piano aa part payment. Soule Bros., 166 10th St., near Morrison. BEAUTIFUL walnut case McPhail piano worth $ti00 new; our price only $285. Best bargain in the city. Some Bros., 160 10th st., near Morrison. $150 MODEL Victor, like new, $130. Tirma or will trade it In on piano. Soule Bros.. 166 10th at. near Morrison. Main 2820. FOR SALE 5-roora bungalow; garage, kitchen and bath, white fireplace, full basement: Jot 00x100. 277 Kueseli st. Wdln. 2354. ft 120 MODEL Edison, used but three months, best condition, only $00. Soule Bros., 166 10th St., near Morrison. GOOD fresh cows for sale; give from 4 to 5 gallons. &6S Powell Valley rd. "Wood stock car. cor. 32d and Powell. ; DECKER BROS, piano, not new but fine condition. aU. terms, some uroi., ioo 10th st. OLD style $150 Kimball organ. $35 cash. Phone Kast UW4 Derore o r. zl. duo. or after 8:30 P. M. week. FOR SALE Upright piano, good tone, oak case; no dealers; $200 cash, fnone la bor 7537. . WILL store a piano for use, take good care. AK 872. Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. FREEMAN A wOLLF FURNI TURE CO., "Where the Dollar Does Its Duty. 'Our Motto" SMALLER PROFITS. MORE BUSINESS. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. MATTRESSES. We offer again for this week a full cotton fell mattress, roll edge, art tick, only $y.S5 CAN TOU BEAT THIS? Good solid oak, 6-foot extension table and 6 solid oak chairs tor $35.00 A SNAP. Enameled hardwood 10x24 bevel plate mirror. dresser, ..$27.50 DAVENPORT. Imitation leather, as new, only good as .$50.00 Remember we take your furni ture in exchange. FREEMAN & WOLLF FURNI TURE CO.. 200-202 Flrbt iit.. corner Taylor. WE HAVE purchased the entire stock of the Liberty Furniture Store and now on sale at the Port land Furniture Exchange. If you are in need of furniture now is your opportunity to buy. Come in and compare oir prices with others. PORTLAND FURNITURE EX., 2Uo First St. FOR SALE A SNAP A full bedroom set of solid mahogany, colonial pattern manufactured by Berkey Ac Gay. all matched 64-inch bureau with 48-lnch oval pittte glass mirror; chiffonier. 28 inch oval plate glass mirror; dressing table with same ; two chairs to matcn and one small table; all tops have bevel plate glass on them; entire set in per fect order; price $800; would cost at present at agent for Berkey 4c Gay $200O. .For further particulars phone Main 5829. SEWING MACHINE. 1 DUNHAM, drop head $10.00 1 MONTGOMERY WARD, drop head : 12.50 1 SINGER, drop head 22.50 All in good sewing order. FREEMAN & WOLFF FURNITURE CO. 200-202 First at., corner Taylor. FOR TOUR CAMPING TRIP we have bed springs from $1 up. Mattresses, $2 and up. FREEMAN & WOLFF FURNITURE CO. 200-202 First st., corner Taylor. 54-INCH American walnut William and Marv dining table and six chairs. $lu. 9x12 rose shade, finest Quality Wilton rug, $125. t-size parlor billiard table. $40. Tabor 4040. UNIVERSAL COMBINATION RANGE in perfect condition. $135. The. nrice of a new one Is $225. FREEMAN & WOLFF FURNITURE CO.. 200-202 First at., corner Taylor. riivTlM:oi:s nost bed. sieel springs and mattress, 2o; map.e rrintess ure.&er and commode, $27. SO; table, $1.23; 9x12 Brussels rug, $ls; 1 Goodwin all weather tire and tube, $ld; v leet nose, i.ou 154 E. 28th N. rvrvTF. Wilton xl2 blue velvet rug. best of condition, used J. year; win irue xor two amall rugs 8x10 and pay differ ence or will sell outright. BARKER APTS., 6S5 Irving st. Mar. S961. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room bouse fnr .A a 1 I n STOOa 6000.111001 UOIOIIIK sold separate; house can be rented. Call 667 Kearney st. Call aJter 10 to 3. BARGAIN Fumed oak china closet. 58 in. high. 27 in. wide. 12 in. deep. Ad justable shelves. Tuesday only; 1008 E 15th st. N. Alberta car. E-tJE-. OAK DINING TABLK. SIX lull leather dining cnairs anti ok uaven nort: reasonable. After Sunday, 745 Hoyt street. tuj s 3x10.6 FRENCH Wilton velvet rug and 3x5 to match. $55. 9x12 body Brus sels. $50. 8x12 tapestry B., $13. 1304 E. 8th N. Woodlawn car. BEAUTIFUL square dining room table, blvhlv noltshed. solid oak, for sale or will trade for good library table. Call Automatic 510-43 Sunday. ONE Victor phonograph. Spanish leather davenport and rug, for aale cheap. 633 3d street. ' CHINA CLOSET, book case, three-quarter bed and springs, stand, table and fruit jars. Cll Going t. FOR SALE Steel range with gas plate golden oak dresser: upholstered couch two small rugs. Tabor 7107. IRON bed, spring. dreser and wardrobe trunk, liae new. . v,t auuutf, do h. 57th et. N. 6TA BLACK Stayblack) tne greatest heat resisting stove polish In existence; 2ao bottle. urown runmura -o.. xu r irst. FURNITUBE cf a 5-room flat for sale cheap and flat for rent. Call 267 Lar- rabee st. after 9 o clock Sunday. CRETONNE draperies in bluebird design pillow and couch cover, met net cur tains. Marshall 3 5 US. FURNITURE for Call Tabor 920. sale very reasonable. SOLID oak sideboard, with plate-glass mirror; cheap. &t in. oak. FURNITURE for 6 rooms for sale. Fla for rent if furniture Is sold. Main 4246. FIVE rooms of furniture complete for sale. 104 li.. tnn st. in.. Aioerta. SOLID walnut table and chiffoniere, ol style. 63o is. coucn today, v to 12. FURNITURE of 4-room cottage, reason HEAVY oak library table; Tabor 6115. polished. Call FURNITURE and chickens for aale. Graham. 94 FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO MISH FURNITURE CO. AND SOLVE THE RUG QUESTION. We offer for this week new 0x12 Axminster rug, $75 value. re duced to $59.50 $42 9x12 seajnless Brussels rug $35 $37.50 9x12 Brussels rugs, now ..$28.50 And !n used rugs we- have thi, splendid assortment to offer: ' $165 seamless Wilton rug, al most new $95 ll!4xl2 high-grade Axminster rug, almost new, $100 value, for $72.50 9x12 body Brussels rug. a very fine one $42.50 Another 9x12 body Brus sels $22.50 9x11 Wilton rug. in good shape $35 llxllV4 all-wool Axminster rug $35 8'4x10Vj tapestry Brussels rug $17.50 9x12 Brussels carpet $17.50 9x12 Axminster $4.00 Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-190 First st. USED DINING ROOM SET Consisting of heavy solid quarter sawed oak, box-seat chnirs uphol stered In first grade of genuine leather, and a full quarter-sawd ' oak 45-lnch top. 6-foot extension dining table of eastern make and very heavy construction. The chairs alone, or the table, alone would cost new more than we ask for the set. $65 buyB it. Easy . terma. We charge no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE Alt Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores, 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 Doora From YamhilL DO YOU N FED BED DAVENPORT? We can give you a Nufold dav enport, the kind that holds a res ular mattress, upholstered in gen uine Spanish leather. and with frame of solid oak. for only $71.50. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 18S-1S0 First St. OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT AD CHAIRS, TO MATCH. 3oth are upholstered in a good grade of tapestry, blue -predom. Inating. The davenport is worth the money we ask for the two pieces. $112 50 buys them. Sasy terms. No interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 Doors From Yamhill. SPECIAL. A brand new fumed oak daven port, upholstered brown leather ette. Including mattress, for only $46; would cost now regular $60. OWL FURNITURE CO.. FELLS FOR LESS. 16S-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. ' ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. With wringer attachment, very slightly used and about half price of a new one. Only $S5. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First st. A BARGAIN. Ppring seat Morris chair, good cushions, solid oak frame; only $8.00. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. CAMPERS ATTENTION. 3-BURNER WINDSOR oil stoves reduced to $13.75. Gold Medal army cots, reduced . to $j. 75. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 Flrbt St. ' MAJESTIC RANGE With original pin colls. Tou know how much one like this would coat you. Special. $39. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 166-168 First St.. Near Morrison. REFRIGERATORS sre In season now snd we can show you some standard makes at prices that will help yon save on your ice bill. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. EBIDGE-BEACH copper coll water heater, new; special only for $14.50. OUT, FURNITURE CO.. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. ONE 7-plece oak dining-room set. 2 oak -. ; V. .(i rnn-n set rnuKini J 11 " . , . ' 2-inch Iron bed and aouoio Bprmn, stand, one sanitary couch, one 4-burner top-oven gas range and fittings fused 30 davs). one copper cell gas water heater and fittings (used 30 days), one 9x12 . . n rhnl, nnH Small an niiwrc, unc ,,..... . - cabinet, one center table, two mattresses. - . . . . . . i . i A i -m Owner. 1 L .vi casa ii " J - - - . r CDC-T.T Used refrigerators as low ss SO, new refrigerators practically at today's wholesale prices. Come In look them over. We have some refrigerators, white enamel, as good as new. OWI. FURNITURE CO.. SKLI.S FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. SHOW CASE. 8 feet long. 3 feet 4 Inches high. 22 Inches deep; good as new: this case is good for any kind of business, jew elry or cigar case; has two shelves and rvlate a-lRss on top. two side-swing doora FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St.. Northeast Corner Yamhill. CLOSING out our Ice refrigerators from $7 and up. 1 1 you want a unrBdin, Drop in and see us. We also have all kinds of household goods.- EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO.. Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. ' FURNITURE" STORE FOR SALE. A nice clean stock of new and used furniture to be sold at a very reasonable price; a good opportunity for anvone -looking for successful business estab lished over 12 years. 94 GRAND AVE.. COR. WA SHINGTON. SPECIAL prices on beds. $2 and up: springs. $1.25: mattresses. $2.50; sani tary couches from $5 and up. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO., Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. HIGH-GRADE 9x12 seamless Axminster rug; shows a litt'e wear: $25. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 162 First St.. Near Morr'son. OFFICE FURNITURE, used oy govern ment, now on sale at Pacific Stationer) & Printing Co 107 2d st. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. Tou'll Save by Selecting- EXCHANGE FURNITURE. Good Pieces to Consider. Solid oak settee (early Eng lish finiish). upholstered seat $11.75 Golden oak leatherette up holstered davenport tu new! 40.00 Oak Morris chair with velour cushions .......... 1 0 Round top. pedestal leg dining table (early Eng lish finish), extends to 6 feet - 19"S Reflntshed white enamel Iron bed 10.50 White enamel iron. bed with br&bS trimmings ,. 12.75 Wood framed bed springs.. S 25 Beautiful mirror front ward- robe .............. .... 47.50. Drop-leaf. breakfast table (round) 3.85 Kitchen treasure, with bins. 8.00 4-burner gas ranges $30. $35 and 89.50 EDWARDS FURNITURE. 5th and Oak. A good place to trade. Select one pleee or a houseful. EASY TERMS. NO INTEREST. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE THESE OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT SUITES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. In order to make room for goods In transit we offer our entire line of overstuffed suites at whoieaale coat. Here is an example: Massive overstuffed suite, corn pricing dsvenport. rocker and arm chair with Marshall spring comiy cushions, spring-edge arms and back and upholstered in very high-grade two-lone blue velour. This is a $375 suite cut to $2i5 and you are welcome to easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1!S-100 First at BED SPRING AND MATTRESS FOR $35.50. Here ia the chance of a lifetime. 2-inch post bed in white or bronie. guaranteed steel springs, 40-pound guaranteed cotton felt mattress. Thia outfit sells every day In the big up-town stores for $55.50 and we will sell a limited number this week only for $35. Easy terms. No interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. THE BIG STORE All Under 1 Root. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 .Doors From YamhilL A WONDERFUL BUY. 6-piece ivory bedroom suite, comprising bed. chiffonier trip licate mirror, uressing table, one rocker ana two emirs a" to ""Vnis graceful suite Is in the pop ular Adam design, very artislica..y decorated and extremely high grade in quality and construction. Cost 3io two months aso, now $2S.50. Easy Terms. No. Interest MISH FURNITURE CO.. ISS-laO First aU WALL CASE. Made of the best quarter-sawed oak. with three sliding doors and below with three doors and to compartments: this case is good for a cigar store or a dry goods business, to have this case but It today will cost you about $-50. we will sell it for $65. It Is as good as new. Ask Mr. Peterson for it. Size 7 feet wide. 7 tcet high and 22 inches deep. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st tat-. Northeast Corner YamhilL FROM BENSON HOTEL Used only during Shriners' week, practica'.lv new 2-lnch continuous poll steel" bed. regular $22. 50. spe cial price $14 50 as long as the few last. If you need a bed this is s, real bona fide sale. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS 1.16-16S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. USED DINING ROOM SET Consisting of 45-inch plank top dining table and 4 fine slip-seat upholstered dining chairs. This not sells usually for $65 and we will sell' half a dozen sets this week at the very special Prl;e $47.50. Easy terms. we charge no Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. 011,U THE BIG STORE All Under 1 Roof. N Branch Stores. Ail una ig5 KIRST ST Remember 2 Doors From Yamhill. CEDAR CHEST. Extra large, beautiful. high grade In Adams period, finished in ivorv, can't tell from new: this is wonderful value. Our price $o4. reg. $65- OWL FURNITURE CO.. FELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. USED VICTOR TABLE PHONOGRAPH with a few used records, $19.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. All I'mier 1 Konf. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill. SPECIAL. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE WITH ATTACHMENTS. $8 50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-1P8 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. OFFICE FOLKS. S6x54-!nch flat-top desk for $35: 42-inch flat-top desk. $25; and another 42-inch flat-top desk for $19 75: also several office chairs at right prices. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S8-190 First st. MONARCH Malleable range, just AS good as new; bargain, $75. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO.. Where We Save You a Dollar. 204 First St. OAK DRESSER with large mirror, special 12'5'STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 162 First St.. Near Morrison. TWO Chalmers 6. 60-borse power engines, firct-class condition, cheap. Phone E. 4 527. UNIVERSAL Combination range practi cally new. Tabor 2718. Call forenoons. GAS range, $35, almost new. Phone Ta bor 8179. - FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. STOP AND SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF USED FURNI TURE. WM. GADSBT SONS. First and Washington Sts. "A Better Place to Trade." Bed springs for camping as low as $ 1.00 Iron beds, re-enameled. look like new 8.50 Good body Brussels rug. !x 12. good as new, value $S5. 57.50 Empire Brussels rug. S-3x 10-6. slightly used 27.50 Library table, mission design. A big bargain 19.50 Alaska refrigerator, value $2S 50; special 16.75 Kitchen cabinet. a great labor saver .............. 36.50 Spring-edge couch in Crafts mans leather 2S.75 Oak dressing table, heavy bevel mirror ............. 23.75 Leather couch, good oak frame, good value at 26.50 Solid oak library, regular value $17.50 12.50 High-back rocker, good goat skin seat 16.50 4-hole gas range, rebuilt and guaranteed IS. 73 Oak buffet, heavy bevel mirror 25.50 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WM. GADSBY Ac SONS. First and Washington Sts. USE A GAS RANGE , THESE HOT DAYS. We carry the two best-known gas ranees In the country, the Vulcan and the Detroit Jewel: also the Ruud gas water heaters, and our prices are right. We also have a fine assortment of used gas ranges, every one guar anteed, for example: $61 Vulcan gas range, same as new $43 50 $75 Cadillac range. almost new . . -$-r9.o0 $65 side-oven Vulcan range $31.50 4-hole Jewel range Another Jewel range ......$17.50 - And several others. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S8-190 First St. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK. Library table $ 7.50 Chairs 1 25 Rockers 2 50 Cook stoves 11 'J? Gas plates ................. 2.75 Iron beds 3 OO Iron beds 4 50 Bed springs 1.75 Mattresses 3 00 Kitchen treasures 4.75 Breakfast table 3.00 Genuine leather covered din ing chairs 4.50 Round extension table 14.00 OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. ( 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON LIBRARY TABLES. U OFF Vi OFF 4 OFF. We offer our entire line of library tables. Including such styles as Queen Anne. William and Mary. Cromwelllsn. Adam, colonial and mission designs in oak or mahog anv at 25 per cent reduction. This offer is for thia week only. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-130 First at. RUG BARGAINS. We have a large assortment of used rugs: Axminster. Wilton, Brussels. all sizes and colors; some of these rugs are absolutely good us new and the prices are remarkably low. We can save you money on any kind of floor cover ing. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 1-18 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. MAHOGANY PARLOR SET Upholstered in very handsome fig ured velour or deep wine color; cane ends and backs, spring edge seats. A very handsome set. This outfit would cost you new at the lowest computation $300, and re member It Is Just like new. $1D5 places It in your home. Eay terms. No interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. THE BIG STORE All Under. 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 Doors From Yamhill. A GOOD BARGAIN ON GAS STOVES. Call as early as you can. 1 Vulcan gas range. wilh side ovens, four gas burners and looks like new $39.50 1 Acorn gas range, with two Bide ovens and four gas burners; you cannot tell it from new $45.00 1 Stewart gas range, with two side ovens and four gas burners; In perrect condition $35.00 See Mr. Paterson for these. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St., Northeast Corner Yamhill. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY. Overstuffed rocker, upholstered In genuine leather, extra large cushion, for $32.50: it will be worth your- time to look at this bargain. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. ICE BOX. News' for Grocery or Restaurant, i large ice box with six doors and slxe K feet wide by 6 V, feet high, 28 inches deep: in nrfert condition $55.00 . . . . , r..--T- 1."" T V FTTP VlTtTfiR CO r r.i.i'.' i ..... . - - - - . . 174 1st St.. Northeast Corner Yamhill FURVITI'SB of 8-room fiat for sale; evervthinsr in first-class condition.; jkxni. rugs, oak furniture. S. B. malle able range, etc.; rent $30 with Income from boarders. Bargain. Main 932o. 647 i 6th St. WE HAVE received a big line or gas ranges which will be sold at a 20 per cent discount. EXCHANGE FURNITURE CO., Where We Save ou a Dollar. 204 First St. talX-LID wood and coal range, in first class condition. $22 50. 6TAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 162 First St.. Near Morrison. LARGE Vulcan gas range. $35: oak rock er $11: leather chair. $13: bookcaee, $14; 6x9 tapestry Erussels rug. $17: wssh tub. boiler, etc. 1105 Hawthorne. Ta bor 332oJ DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars: fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. REFRIGERATOR, medium sise, in good condition, $9.85. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 162 First St.. Near Morrison. HANDSOME carved mahogany bookcase, also mahogany desk, with glass front and shelves above, chairs to match and oak desk and other pieces for den. Telephone East 1805. LADY'S oak writing desk, slightly used, special $14.85. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 162 First St.. Near Morrison. 1 ROUND OAK dining table, chairs to matchi seven Ice cream or confectionery tables, oxidized wire legs, with chairs to match; bargain. D. C Wax. SI N. 6th st- Broadway 213a. FOK SALE. Furniture for Sale. IVORT BEDROOM- SET Consisting of handsomely-ornamented bed with new style steel rails. Triple mi Tor dressing table and a dandy little chiffonier a',1 to match and finished in the much wanted Ivory finish. This set complete placed in your home for $74.50. Easy terms. We charge no Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANT. THE BIG STORE All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember 2 Doors From Yamhill. OIL STOVES FOR YOUR CAMPING. "NEW." Two-burner oil stove, without legs and wickless $8 95 Three-burner oil stove, without legs and wickless $11.50 Two-burner oil stove, the "Acorn" line, with wicks and on legs; special $16.95 Three-burner oil stove. "Acorn" tine, with wick and on legs $23.95 Ovens for same at 15 per cent reduc tion all this week. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St., Northeast Corner Yamhill. EXTRA SPECIAL. Dining set. 6 oak chairs and table, $29.50; the best bargain we have cad to offer in a long time. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. FLOOR COVERINGS. Save considerable and buy your con goleums or pepcolin from us. for all the week we will sell a limited number of rolls st an exceptional reduction; come prepared, with your measure ments. $1.50 congoleum. now yard ....S5c $1.00 pepcolin. now yard 75c The best selection of paterns in Portland. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 14 1st St.. Northeast Corner Yamhill. U.S RANGES. SPECIAL PRICES. Garland, 4 burners, side oven, good condition. $24.50; 73 more gas stoves and ranges to select from, every one with a special price that you cannot afford to sti-.y without a gas range: every gas stove and range absolutely guaranteed. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 366-16S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. REFRIGERATOR at wholesale price, one Bohn Syphon enamel lined, large size, our special price $47.50. would cost new about 3 times what we ask: this is as good aa new and a bargain. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 1S6-16S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. BRIDGE-BEACH coal or wood range with gas attachment, white enamel back, for ouly $55. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-ltiS FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. MUST SELL THIS LOT TODAY: leaving town. $50 cedar chest for $33: mahogany pedestal lamp wirh gold silk ahadc, worth $45. for $30; French plate bevel mirror, heavy gilt frame, $16. worth $5; 24x60 mahogany record cabinet, smll stand, 2 rustic plant stands. 5 couch pil lows, 1 breakfast table and some beau tiful pictures, at your own price. Must sell: am leaving town. Call at Apt. 41. Altnnia, 10th and Marshall, from 9 to 5 today or call Broadway 1306. SPECIAL PRICES. 16x20 tent and fly, $32. 50; for a tailor Singer sewing machine. $12 5U. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S FIRST ST. NEAR MORRISON. XR SALE New 6-pi.ce fumed oak li brary set. 9x12 rug. new heater, kitchen table, chairs. Vulcan gas range, sani tary couch and pad, bed, new double coll springs, mattress, dishes, cooking utensils, enough wood for two months: other things too numerous to mention; $135 If taken today; house rents reason able. 634 E. Ash st. SACRIFICE. Furniture of 8 rooms, all or part house for rent. $40 per month. Beautiful yard, all kinds of fruit. 5 minutes' walk from heart of city: call between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sunday. 554 First St.. corner I .Incoln. No agents. PILLOW arm Karpen tapestry daven port; a snap for $15"). tSO-lnch dining table, buffet, 6 tea diners, fumed oak. $200. Birdseye dresser, table and rock er. i brass bed. springs and mattress. . $125. Tapestry rocker, $15. 715 E. Burnslde. JEWEL gas range: has 4 burners and a simmer oven and broiler; we will de liver and connect for $16.50. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 162 First St., Near Morrison. BRASS BED, Seeley mattress. Wlt-edgo springs, cot, mattress, small typewriter desk. Iron umbrella stand, coat rack. Schaplrograph. 8 chairs, brass curtain rods and fittings, window shades. 218 Fenton bldg. I WILL receive bids on my furniture, car pets and linen of 73 rooms and also kitchen and dining room ware. 20-foot bar and back bar. 1 K00-lb. sale. 3 showcases, desk. 3 refrigerators, gas plates. Kenton hotel. Kenton. PORCELAIN lined refrigerator, at Baker auction rooms. Will be sold Tuesday A. M. QUARTERED oak dining table, 54-inch top. 8 ft. extension, and buffet, both wax finish; also amall gas range; all as good as new. Call 143 Hazelfern Place. No dealers. FOR SALE Furniture, excellent condition: quarter-sawed solid oak dining set. leather seat chairs. Axm. 9x12 rug. oak rocker, princess dresser, large gas range. 37 E. 83d North. TWO very fine quarter-sawed oak dressers, serpentine fronts: one is princess: $10 snd $30. New breakfast table, $3; 2 pairs Marquisette curtains, lace trimmed. $2 pair 1555 Division. FURNISHED flat. 5 rooms, furnace and firepiace. walking distance; will rent furnished or sell furniture. T 927, Ore gonian FOR SALE at practically half price, large new enamel-lined ice box. also Victrola, living room furniture and other pieces. Phone East 6063. FOR SALE Rug and "Craftsman" table; oak table 2x3-feet top with aides shelves; velvet rug 8x10.6 feet, figured old rose. Ca'.l room 202 Hippodrome bldg. FOR SALE Two French Wilton rues, 9x12' soft patterns; $65 and $75. For further information call Tabor 34S7 Monday. QUICK MEAL steel range, 5od condition; low V ' re. .none i.-" HANI'a --i-8 "Lloyd's Princess" wicker baby ntir-se; outgrown. 867 E. Ash. Office Furniture. A JOB lot of siightiy used office furniture, including 4 sanitary flat-top desks 60 inches, small roll-top desk. 2 revolving chairs. 2 -tables, protectograph. Bur roughs adding machine and other office requisites for saie. Chausse-Prudhomme Co . 306 Davis st 5 ROLL-TOP desks.. 1 roll-top t. w. desk, safes. 2 rotary bookcases, 20 law size bookcases, chairs and filing cabinets. Bushong A Co.. 91 Park st- BOOKKEEPER'S desk snd chair, oak fln Ish. F. K. Andrews. 604 Piatt bldg. TeL Tvlar. 6025. Toultry. FOR BALE 250 White Leghorn laying hens and pullets, Tancred strain. 75c to $1.50. Take as many as you like. 1645 Mississippi ave. veVrXiNG cock and hen. fine show birds, R I. reds. $25 pair. These will be In the w innings at coming Portland show. Deil Elliott. 1555 Dlvsion St. 100 WHITE LEGHORN hens. 1 year old, $1 25 each: 40 hens. 2 years old. $1 each. Now laying well. E. J.'Shumaker. Jef ferson, Or. MARINE game fowls, beautiful, great lay ers, gamey meat, supreme fighters, game as death; circular free. Alfred Graham. Cameron. N. C. FOR SALE Large lylng hens. R. I. K. March and April chicks. Sellwood 1730. WHITE LEGHORN hens and Barred Rock pullets. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th St. S. E. 1 THOROUGH BRED Wyandotte rooster for sale. Call 524 E. 4th st. N. TEN S. C White Leghorn yearling hens, fine lsying strain, $13. 1352 Kelly st. OA-K library tahie, (10, 600 E. Salmon.