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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
io THE SUNDAY OEEGOMAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 RF.tL EfTATB. For Sale TOUR CHANCE. . PRUNE FARM CROP PAYMENT. Read detail, carefully: 30 acres, all cleared, B acre of prunes, trees loaded lown with prunes; 1 ai;rs cherries, Ura borta and Royal Annea, one tres pro duced KliU lbs.; Bartlett pears, some ap plo. corn and wheat crowing on open l.ind; livable house, (food barn, also team, wagon and all tools to operate place, on well-traveled road, city water and Thi price of this farm Is $10,600; It takes $3fi(IU as first payment, balance H th crops. After taxes and Interest are de ducted, balance applies on principal. Uuyer has thia year s crop, half for blm srit and half to pay on payment; good cn.p nearly ready for market; a good chance for a man who wants to make pood. See us Immediately If you are prepared to do business. Don't write. TAYLOR -MORRIS CO.. 41U First at. New-berg-, Or. 60-ACRE RANCH WITH 00 HEAD Ci" tiOOU SHORTHORN CATTUS i'OR 8500. 45 acres In cultivation, balance timber; B acres spuds. 40 acres clover, timothy and grain; ioo4 o-room house, water piped In, Big barn eOx-JS with 61 stanchions, -fine chicken houses. 8 hog houses, one registered bull. 6 or 7 steers worth 14U each, 25 cows, balance pood cattle, a horaes. all necessary farm Implements, 11)18 r"ord auto household furniture. 7000 acres of outrange, family orchard, lots of (emu, rentes are hog ticht. Only $60i. 5 miles from tactile high way, 52 nulea from Portland. tee SAM HE WET at J. 1 HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commute bids., ground fioor. 100-ACRE RANCH AND 100 HEAD OJT GOOD CATTLE. 15,00U. 70 acres in cultivation, most of It In good clover and timothy, put up feed enough for winter, some grain, potatoes, garden, family or chard, berries, splendid soil, lies good, well fenced, good 6 -room house, 3-room house, 2 good big barns, hold 100 cattle; wated piped Into house and barn, 4 good horses, all necessary farm Implements, 12 stands of bees, 7500 acres good outrange, only $15,000 for all; 65 miles from Portland, 0 miles from pood town and Pacific highway. See SAM KEWEY at J. L. HART WAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor. I S3 ACRES, about 60 In cultivation, very . . . : .i 1rr.m melt and ETSVel. line large springs and living creek, large family orchard and one acre bearing prunes, 8 acres set to Franquette wal iuts. all well cared for. two sets of buildings, one set particularly good property located in wasoingiuu tuu,n.j, or., 17 miles from Portland, one good all-year auto road; this Is a going pro ductive larni, iimi vaj ,J -- ... s. short time. $15,000 and can give very Also have large list of farms and acreage places, with and without stock and equipment, both for sale and ex- TALLMAPGE REALTY CO., 61l HENRY BLDG. riRUS TO BUY. (6000 10 acres rich bottom. 1-3 beaver dam that will produce onions to pay for land 1-n short time; house, barn, orchard, smooth auto road, macadamizea. 17000 Rest lio acres around Tlgard J15O0 cash, lone time on bal- 9000 r.4 acres, frontlnc on Capitol hLgh-way: an attractive lo-a:lon. (14,000 S5 acres, fronts on Willamette river: oroducer of large crops. Includes all crops and 5 acres hops, implements and stock. 5 room house, hop house and other DulluinBs. See M. J. JMiwaras. GEMIGK E. ENULBHAKT (-.. Broadway 5173. HenrybWg. WONDERFUL. BARGAIN. Owing to poor health owner will sell v.! ufcll.kent Rtnrk farm of 8S0 acres. located in Willamette valley. Place has four creeks, five springs ana plenty oi outranne; 4 acres In all kinds of fruit and btrrles, 6-room house, 2 large barns and a number of other outbuildings. On good auto road 5 miles from town. With the place go 3 fine horses, 10 head of cattle, registered sow and 8 pigs, 142 t'.olswold sheep, many registered; 200 hish-grade goats, 90 chickens and a long line of up-to-date machinery, in cluding threshing outfit. Crops go with the place. (L'3.000 takes all. JOHN E. HOWARD. 81 S Chamber of Commerce. EQUIPPED FARM. 60 acres. 12 miles from the center of Fortland. paved road most of the way, 4 acres in cultivation and In crop, good soil, no rock or gravel, 6-room house, tittrn 54x76. chicken house, hog house, blacksmith shop, and other outbuildings, family orchard, TEAM. 15 cows, 75 chickens, wagons, buggy, mower, rake, steel harrow, plow, cultivator and all small tools; price, including crop and Vursonal property, $14,000. Beo H. A. DRYER, The Acreage Man, 50H-U Lewis Blrig. Broadway 5uol. FOR SALE Fine farm of 85 acres m miles of Wattle uround, wasn., on line road; a new 8-rnom bungalow, fine barn and granary with cement floor and sev eral other buildings, about 14 in crops, pood creek and fine well, creamery and cannery at liattle Ground, stock and farm tools go with the place; price $16,- U00; good terms at O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT A CO.. C. E. Adams, 407 II. S. N. Bank bldir. Hiiwy. Res. Woodlawn 3433. OWNER IS GOING TO SACRIFICE THIS FARM. On the paved road and street car line, 17 miles from Portland, is 24 acres of land, 23 acres In crops, 1 acre In stump pasture; R acres potatoes, 1 in cucum bers, family orchard and garden, bal. In oats; good team horses, harness, Bgoii, farm tools, brood sow. 7 pigs. chickens, household furniture; extra goud barn and cross rentes. STEWART & BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. . i400 ALOHA STATION $2400. Chicken ranch, 1 1-3 acres, well-built o-room house, plastered; gas, full ce ment basement, good well, fruit and berries, modern chicken house equipped for 200 chickens; 3 acres adjoining can be had very reasonably; on good stone road 2 minutes to station; cash $1500. Call for information today. SPLENDID VALUE. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY, 222 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1631 40-ACKK Irrigated alfalfa farm, all in cultivation and mostly In altaira now family orchard, modern bunRalow. lo cated 8 miles from town in southern Idaho, on main Hue R. R., good auto road, government water right on which there Is $h0U yet to be paid In annual Installments, place otherw le Iree from Incumbrance, $0000, Including water fully paid, a very low price for this property. TALLMADGE REALTY CO. 61J HENRY BLDG. FOR QUICK SALE: Beautiful orchard home on Umpqua river, one of garden spots of southern Oregon; 80 acres finest apples in full commercial bearing; unlimited water: all Improvements; good fishing; few miles from growing town, always accessible Owner leaving; no agents. T u,9. Ore (ronlan. CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acres, all level, 10 to 12 acres real beaverdam, about 30 acres In cultivation. 6-rooin house and barn. 14 miles to Tualatin oh good road; this Is an excep tionai place ior intensified farming: thi Is the first time offered. Price $12,000. terms. JOHN B. HOWARD. 818 Cham, of Com FOit SALE U acres of truck garden acres of sweet corn. 8 seres of potatoes. 2 sores cucumbers, 9000 late cabbage horsrt. tent-house, all In fine shape. cheap for cash: party has pood reason for selunR. tan be seen at 1515 N Kellog st.. near St. Johns terml-nal No, 4. owner. t.d ungsrjy. 20 ACRES good farm land, 17 In cultiv; tlon. good o-roonl nouse with attic, ga rage, hog house, good large barn, fine water, 2 miles from Beaverton. 7 miles from courthouse, Portland. Price ioo0. terms. S. A. Frederlcksen, owner, box 54. route 2. Beaverton. $4300 Snap In East Salem. 5 acres rich soil, all In crop, family orchard and ber ries, new plastered house, barn, horse, cow, 2 pigs and all Implements included for $45oo: $3300 cash, balance terms. V.U5 Albina ave. . . - FOR SALE 700-acre dairy ranch, the best in C'arke county. Washington, 50 A-l cows, milking machine, crops, hay, im plements, tractor, an go; easy terms Selling on account of health falling. W. S. Schuller. Camas. Wash. NEWBERG. 16 ACRES; house, barn, or chard, 500 cords timber, creek, $3000. Main SC72. McFAKLAND REALTY CO., Failing bldg. IOR SALE 25 acres. 26 miles from Port land, near New-berg. on Willamette river: fair buHdinjrs. excellent well. lots of fruit: $:t500. terms. Y 877. Oregonisn. JO ACRES. Tlgard, 5-room bungalow, barn, orchard, berries: very scenic; $5000. AlcFABLANI), 208 Failing bldg. BIAL E8TATE. For bale Farm. BENTON COUNTY FARMS PAY DIVIDENDS. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM 750 acres located about 14 miles from Corvallls and 3 miles from station, has 150 acres in cultiva tion of bottom and rolling land, there Is about 400 acres of open hill pasture and 200 acres of tim ber pasture: there is about 8,500.-. 000 of saw timber on the place; there is a fair house and stock barn, quite a lot of hay and feed; nice creek and several springs; this is Ideal for a sheep ranch and the best buy we know of for $20,000. Will give good terms on this place. BENTON COUNTY GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 700 acres located on good road now being paved. 630 acres In cul tivation, balance timber and pas ture. This Is nearly all good farm land and lies fine for tractor farming. The place is well fenced with woven wire; there are two complete sets of buildings and an other partial set. Here Is the best buy In a large farm In the valley. Price $100 per acre. 00 ACRES DIVERSIFIED FARM. . Located In Linn county, 70 acres good land in cultivation, 20 acres . timber pasture, good house and outbuildings, poor - barn. A real bargain at $7600. half cash. 50 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 45 acres in cultivation-, S acres timber pasture: good seven-room house, dandy big barn. 2 acres family orchard, extra good. All soil Is Al. Place Is completely stocked and equipped, all crops and everything goes for $7000. 20-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME TWO MILES FROM CORVALLIS. 15 acres In cultivation, all choice river bottom -land, fine for fruit, berries and chickens; modern seven-room one-story bungalow and usual outbuildings. Posses sion Oct. 1. Price $6300. 20 acres more adjoining can be had II de sired. our best Diversified farm. loft acres located 4 miles from Corvallls. in excellent farming neighborhood. 85 acres 1n culti vation, balance in pasture. 85 acres In clover, balance in good grain crop. This Is one of the big producing farms of the county. Place equipped with modern 5 room bungalow, a fine, complete set of outbuildings. Buildings themselves cost In the neighbor hood of $7000 under normal con ditions; place Is all fenced hog tight. Price of this Ideal home Is only $210 per acre. We can ar range liberal terms at 6 per cent. 40-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. 89 acres In excellent cultivation. A dandy little family orchard of fruit and berries. A modern seven room bungalow with water and light systems installed; concrete . basement- Good barn, ample for the place; hog house, machine shed, hen house 40x60. This place Is located on good gravel road, less than four miles from Corvallls and the Oregon Agricultural col lege. Price or this place Including crop and some stock is $12,000. 180 STOCK RANCH. . This is most excellently located near a station on S. P., also only one mile from graded school and in a good neighborhood: fair house and buildings, all fenced with woven wire; 40 to 60 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber. This place can be bought at $42 per acre and It Is within a mile of a paved highway. 155 CHICKEN RANCH. ' This adjoins the above and con sidering location and advantages is an excellent buy at $40; has fair house and other buildings and fenced with woven wire. Both of the above are within 5 miles of the Agricultural college. These are but a few of the many farms we have listed. Investigate BENTON COUNTY when buying a farm home. KINNEY AND COMPANY. Corvallls, Or. Home of the State Agricultural College. ATTENTION, MR. FARM BUYER. The time to buy a farm is when It Is In growing crop, so you can SEE for yourself, and that time is right now. in order to make qutck sale I am sacri ficing my 66-acre highly improved ranch. 44 miles from town. All modern im provements and woven-wire fences; house modern, hot and cold water, bath, living room 18x35, sleeping porch, lighting system, general barn, cowshed. hog house, poultry houses; in fart, every thing that you would expect to find in an up-to-date place. This goes for $10,000, one-half cash, balance to suit. No trades considered. If you have $5000 or bankable paper, this is your oppor tunity. . E. C. LOCKWOOD. Cottage Grove, Oregon. 40 ACRES, over 36 in cultivation, balance in pasture, easily cleared, 6 acres in bearing prunes, lots of other fruit and berries, all fine land, lies nice, no hills, strictly modern house, with all built-in features, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, good out-buildings, only 17 miles out, on good auto road, a fine place and cheap at $12,500, with com plete stock and equipment and crops, very reasonable terms. 65 acres, all in cultivation, modern oungaiow. concrete basement, concrete noor in Darn, luny stocked and equipped, right clone to S. P. electric station , ii.uuu, aooui on1 casn, Dalance long time at 5. Large list of others, both iwr sate ana exenange. TALLMADGE REALTY CO.. 618 HENRY BLDG. EQUIPPED FARM, $600 CASH. 54 acres, located 2 miles from Clat- skanie. Or.; good graveled road, 30 acres can De cultivated, 11 acres in clover some timothy; good spring, fine orchard of 60 bearing fruit trees, 1 acre straw. oerries. mne to school. 4-room house, bsrn 16x30 with shed, garage, tool nouse; witn tne place goes 3 cows, 1 team, 36 chickens, brood sow, 4 shoats, mower, wagon, nacK, harness, plow, har row, cultivator, teoa cutter, gas engine, wood saw and small tools. Price- $3100, oou casn, Daiance for o years at 6 JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. DEEP. RICH SOIL. Partly improved farms can be bought wmim xz. nines ok jvoerueen ana no quia, in at -fuo to sniu an acre, easy terms. In some instances stock and crops are Included. The demand for farm products Is unlimited on Grays harbor, we are selling unimproved land at $20 to $40 per acre, on following terms: Cash. $10 and $10 per month at 8 per cent. Here is your opportunity to du- jevei tract or tana tree trom rocks, near schools and on good roads. Fo runner information write at once. ashington State Colonization Co.. Aoeroeen, wasn. FARM SNAPS. $100 PER ACRE. . 27 acres. 12 miles Portland. Skv Lin blvd.; small house, barn; springs, two creeks: finest soil, partly cleared; fin lor dairy, oerries. etc. $100 PER ACRE. 159 acres. 8 miles Portland. Ttia'.ati valley: beet buy close-rn land: house Darn: nne sou. partly cultivated. Large list farms, anv size desired. CMAS. RINGLER & CO.. 223 Henry bid 640 ACRES at $10 per acre, near Prine ville; good soil, over 100 In cultivation cheap buildings; spring and creek wat good fences: government reserve in class A for 400 cattle. This will make a fine stock ranch. ' This is a rare opportunity for a man to get a start, hi cash, bal. time. No trade or hot air. Full infor mation Mi-CI.LTRK A SCHMAUCH CO., 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. 4U-AORE Clarke county farm; 23 In cul tivation, 5 onion land, nearly cleared, rest pasture: all under fence; family orchard: pood house and barn, chicken house: gasoline pump and tank, disc, plow and other farm tools; good roads, milk route, R. F. D.. phone. Price $4000, $2500 swings the deal. Wm. Luce, owner. Phone B. 178. 105 E. 11th, Portland. 248 ACRES, 100 cultivation. 25 hops, 4 dwellings. 4 barns, railroad station, 65 miles from Portland, on highway, river. Particulars Main 880. 10 ACRES.' Gresham, $6000, good build ings. Main 3672. McFAKLAND, 203 Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale CLARKE COUNTY. WASHINGTON. FARM BARGAINS. FINEST SUBURBAN ORCHARD HOME NEAR PORTLAND. 20(4 acres, all trie very finest of deep clay loam prune land, all in high state of cultivation and all in prune orchard from 2 to 6 years old. Big crop of prunes on bearing trees, some apples and cthir fruits and assorted berries. There is a beautiful 7-room new absolutely modern bungalow with, full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace and all kinds of built-in conveniences. Good double ga rage, fine large modern Lowden barn, new lare modern chicken house, excellent spring water under pressure and all the necessary outbuildings. There goes with the place 500 White Leghorn laying hens, good team, wagon, harness, disc plows, cultivators and all nec essary tools and machinery; 1 fine Jersey cow. This place Is located only 3 mila from Vancouver. 10 miles fro-Ti Portland on paved highway. Is a beautiful home and far under val-Je. Price If sold at onco only $20,000; good terms. Improvements alone on this place are worth 2-3 of the price asked. PRUNE ORCHARD BARGAIN. 54 acres all excellent level land, rll well fenced and cross-fenced. 42 acres in high state of cultiva tion and crop. 23 acres in bear ing prune orchard In the very best of condition, which now has about a $12,000 crop on the trees: also assorted family orchard, berries, etc. Very good 7-room house, modern, fine, pressure water sys tem. 2 good barns. 2 hoghouses. chicken ho-lso. garage and al! outbuildings. Equipment consists of 2 good cows, good team, new wagon, 2 sets harness, new mower, rske, 2 plows, disc, spring tooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, cream sepaiator, 2 gasoline engines, 1 buggy. 1 single harness, 1 dozen h-ris, 150 prune boxes, and all other tools and implements. This place Is located on main road, only in miles from Vancouver and one of Clarke county's best prune orchard sections. Near railroad station. This place Is at least $10. 0OO below actual value, but the owner is unable to care for place and must sell at once. This year's crop ought to bring between $12, 000 and $15,000. "price if sold at once, $24,000; $7000 cash, balance easy terms. EQUIPPED 20-ACRE BARGAIN. 20 acres of CLARKE COUNTY'S best soil, 3 acres of which is finest beaverdam. The place is all well fenced and cross-fenced and is all in high stare of cultivation and in :lop conslfctinjr of high-grade po tatoes, etc. One acre of young prune orchard, also fine assorted bearing orchard. All kfnds of as sorted berries. Fine 7-room mod ern bungalow, fireplace, and all built-in conveniences. Very good barn, 50x80, modern hoghouse with running water, chicken house, concrete potato house, large shop, tp-i-age, storehouse, and other out buildings. Personal property con sists of 7 extra fine cows. 1 bull. 3 head of -oung stock. 1 brood tow, 3 dos. chickens, cream sepa rator, 5 10-sal. milk cans, gaao lit.e engine, power washing ma chine, mowir, rake. disc, harrow. 2 plows, cultivators, potato plant er, complete blacksmith outfit, a lot of household furniture, hun dreds of small tools, hay springs, chains, etc. Also goes with this place a lease on 20 acres adjoin ing with 5-acre pasture and 15 acres in oats and hay. Rent paid to December and can run as long as oesired at $100 per year. The owner is ill ard must sell at once, if- 2 for Bhort time only $7000. $.)00 cash. bal. easy terms. Will have to hurry, for this place will sail to the first man who sees it. EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH. 120 acres of Clarke county's- fin est soil, all fenced and cross fenced. 10 acres under cultivation, now in crop consisting of wheat, corn, potatoss. oats and hay, bal ance of ao acres fine pasture. Fair 4-room house with enough new lumber on pUce to build large n,.Srn house. Good new barn oi,x.i6, and all necessary outbuild ings Good assorted family or chard, berries, etc. Personal prop erty consists of 15 fine dairy cows, 2 calves. 1 bull. 3 good work hortes. 2 sets harness. 2 wagons, mower, rake, hay tedder. 2-bt-tom gang plow. 2 walking plows, spike tooth and spring tooth har row one walking and one riding cultivator. gas engine, ensilage cutter, root cutter, potato planter" 2 dos chickens and numerous small tools, 2 good wells. This place Is located 8 miles from gtcd small town and one and or.e-half miles ?m Pavd highway, about 13 miles from-Vancouver. Price t 'i -000. with good terms. ' THI3 R. S. THOMPSON CO 410 WASHINGTON ST VANCOUVER. WASH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 76 acres. 25 acres in high state or cultivation. balance pasture about 75 per cent tillable, assorted family orchard In full bearing several large cherry trees around house. 2 6-room houses with water, fair dairy barn. 12 head of oows. 2 yearlings. 1 horse, mower, rake, plow, wagon, cream separator, and small tools, 50 tons of hay. 2 acres in early seed potatoes. 2 springs of w-aier on place. Located mile from railroad station on North Bank road. This place has a won derful view of the Columbia river and surrounding country. Price $7000. $2500 cash. BaJance $500 per year. 105 acres. 10 acres In cultivation, 12 acres logged off. no acres tilla ble. 3 acres In bearing orchard, good 6-room house, barn 42x52. house and all necessary outbuild ings; 8O00 cords of wood standing; 3 Is miles from small town and H mile from school. Price $4500; one-half cash. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO. 407 MAIN ST. VANCOUVER, WASH. READ THIS. A REAL FARM BARGAIN.. $,5 per acre; 254 acres; 100 now In grain. o acres in pasture. 25 acres In ex cellent timber; all lands can be cultlvat ed. All is extra rich soil; 2 acres in as sorted fruits and berries, all well fenced 4 springs, a good 6-room house well fur nisnea: 4 good Darns with hayforks In with ropes; S good horses, 13 head cattle, 32 sheep, 20 goats, 23 hogs, 130 cmcn.ens. speeuer, waiKing plows. One double disc plow, 3-seat harrow. 1 binder. 1 mower. 1 hayrake. 1 corrugated roller aisc. cutter. Ian, mill, 1 arm. 2 cultl vaiors. cream separator, good wagon pianorm scales, an Klnas or smal tools, garage, granary, hoghouse. shed toolhouse, machine shed. 9 milking cows. smokehouse. The owner will STEP OUT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING TO iuu. lurniture, stock, implements: for $75 per acre. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FARM BUYS ON THE MARKET TODAY. Terms. If you're Interested In farms we would like to show you our listings. Moderate prices. See Farm Dept.; F. C. Marshall FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Opennig Evenings and Sundays. FIRST-CLASS 24 ACRES. All in high state of cultivation: 2 miles out In our best farming district on state highway, 1 mile good town good 7-room nouse. plastered and has city waier, oarn, suo ana garage; one oi tne geai tracts or Boll to be found. r-rice souoip. u. .MCClilSSNEY, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 268. FARM Crop all In, move right on. good house and barn, only a little way from Portland. 35 acrea in culflvatlnn mw crop, orchard, berries .etc.. 65 acres, best 01 son, line roaa; oargaln for $6000 terms, suoo cash: 3 other big snaps. 50 to .-uu acres, uariana, 201 3d, cor. Tay 1U1 . 69 ACRES, 11 miles Hood River, log house springs, half million feet good saw tim ber, 4 miles down grade to railroad, 30 acres tillable, fine soli; $2500; might trade for city. G OS. Oregonian. WAXTfcC REAL ESTATE, AUTO contract doing $200 per month and cash for 5 or 6 room modern home if price right. AL 432. Oregonian. ABOUT six-room bungalow In Laurelhurst or Irvington. AR 883, Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 2 lots In Irvington: give price and location. AM 432, Oregonian. WANTED Lot for cash: Laurelhurst c Rote City, State price. 1185 S. Davis, WANTED REAL ESTATE. IRVING TON, ALAMEDA. LAUR ELHURST OWNERS NOTE: We need your property, desper ately if for sale; for best buyers apply to this Irvington headquar ters. Can sell any home $5000 to $S000 now at top price. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. East 684. ' HOME WANTED. T have some friends comins and Some here from the east. They are in love with our country and want to locate. If you have a home for sale call and see me. The more fruit and flowers the better. Morrin. 1451 Division L Phone Auto. 219-18. YOUR HOME FOR SALE ? If so we can sell you out. Whlls the market is good is the time to tell. Our methods are modern. List with us today and prepare to move next week. Phone Mar shall 8989. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 614-20 SweUand Bldg. LOOK HERE. FOLKS! WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS FOR YOUR PROPERTY. If yours is a saleable property, whether bungalow, house or acreage, w-e can sell it. We list no more property than we can consistenly serve. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 8092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. WILL exchange very desirable building site with unobstructed view of moun tains and valley, on west side, close to car lino, containing over 7000 sq. ft.; paved street and all Improvements in: for something on east side or might con sider land between Vancouver and West minster. B. C. Call or write. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blag. KNOBB HILL, have inquiries for your If for sale phone Auto, and we will call and ses We home. 611-50 you. WANTED HOME. Must have 5 sleeping rooms: de sire good district, about $8O0O; new-comers and must get located. Address AM 725, ore REAI THIS! Have you a lot to sell? List with us for results. Now is the time to sell- Ask ioi J. L. Richardson, LOT UL PARTMENT. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To List Your Lot. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Thlid St., Between Wash, and Stark. WANTED. From $5000 to $8000 modern home In any good district; prefer Irvington or Rose City. AO 867, Oregonlaju a I HAVE the cash to pay for good, modern bungalow in Rose City Park or Haw thorne: must be well located and worth the money. Please write, giving complett Information as to price, location, etc. I want to deal direct withowner: when can possession be given 7 Ai sou. urego nian. I WANT to buy a good home Portland Heights, $15,000 to $25,000. Address P 113. Ore gonian. WANTED 5 to 7-room house, wall located In one f rh fnllnwiriff districts: iTVlngtOn, Laurelhurst. Alameda Park, Rose City Tar-lr Vnrllanrl HeiffhtS. Piedmont. M t. Tabor. Will buy or lease: give location, full description and price in first letter. L. Westover, gen. delivery, Portland, Or. WA.N'TEEM-To buy real modern o-room house, must have 4 Deorooms ana sleep ing porch or 5 bedrooms, on east side and near 25th St., between Belmont and Hawthorne: will pay cash: no agents; give lowest price and location. Adaress M 67. Oregonian. WE HAVE clients waiting for homes from $2000 to $7000; good first payment. ii your property is fqr sale call at our office or phone. ' O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT CO.. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. Broadway 3S38. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2Q3S. WANT to buy small house with from one to five acres; please write as ruiiy as possible so 1 can drive to the property. How far is property from car. what is the price and terms? AH 795, Orego nian. . WE WANT the best located Bay Ocean lot which can be nougnt at a sacrnico. Client now at Bay Ocean ready to do business. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. wNT a small bungslow of about 4 or 5 rooms, can pay about $500 down and balance by the month: want to deal riiMrt with owner: olease write me. stating what car I should take to get to property. BJ S34, Oregonian. WANTED To buy from owner, strlcuy modern &-room nouse. on corner ioi ; ,. he bargain, from $3500 to 4KOO: will pay $1000 to $1500 cash: Hawthorne or ether good district- P. O. box 77. Arleta. WE HAVE the buyers. If your property is for sale or exenange 11 win pay you to see A. K. Hill. 215 Lumbermen Hlrag. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE. innvr.TdX BUYERS. NOTE SURE Street's column of buys In New Today columns adjoining. Have us show you Irvington's best buys in your sixe and price. rtT a NJ r to huv a house on Portland Heights, or an old house that can be re paired, or good view lot. Make your price right for quick action. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. WANT place with fruit, berries and plenty garden prouna, aiso warn to seep cow and chickens, city or suburban, up to several acres. I mean business. Will lease or buy. BJ 442. Oregonian. ONE to 2-acre cultivated tract, small pood bouse, pas. eiec. nun rtun water, cnicken house; prefer Estacada line, not more 45 min. car from Portland : must be bar gain for cash. B 530. Oregonian. WANT duoiex or double house; must be In pink or conaition, aDsoiuieiy up-to-aate and modern. Will buy at sight If right. J. A. WIU&MAfl LUJirA.N 1, Phones Main 583. Main 1094. 264 8tarV I WANT a 5 or 6-room house or bunga low, more than one lot prererrea. on or near hard surface or pavement, any dis trict: price must be right. Address Mr. Pearce. Nortonia hotel. WANTED Moderate priced 7 or 8-room house or bungalow: pood location ana near school: state best price, cash or terms. AR 72S. Oreponian. I WILL pay up to $oo for a 7 or 8-room house in Laurelhurst: must be thor- oughly modern: pive complete details AC 810. Oregonian. WISH to buv from owner home In Irving, ton, Lsurelhurst or Alameda; can msVe substantial down payment. AR 433. Oregonian. r WANT small improved country place with in 25 miles Portland. Want bungalow; have clients waiting. CHAS. RINGLER. 225 Henry Bldg. CASH and quick deal for 5-room bun palow. Rose City Park. Call Monday. Broadway 421; no apents. WANT suburban home: can pay the cash if necessary; give complete Information AE S14, Oregonian. . WANT lOOxlOO in Laurelhurst: munt be bargain: give price and location. C 999, Oregonian. WANT property bet. Morrison. Jefferson. oin to lotn, not on car. J oju, urego man. i WANTED 0 to 60-acre farm up to $800(1 have house ana -j. tots, 23000, to trad in; can pay balance in cash. See Mr. r isner at za c?tara st. jualn 0429. A HOUSE in Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor dls trict: must be reasonable for cash: eivi location, number and price first letter no agents. A f4B. uregonlan. I PAY spot cash for lots In Rose Cit with paving and sewer; state lowest cash price, location, etc. ab 735, Ore gonian. 1 WANTED To buy 10 or 1 5-acre fru tract not too tar rrom Portland; prunes prererrea. An -tow, oregonian. 6-RCOM house or bungalow for cas Must be modern, have paved streets an near scnooi. j ow. oregonian. WANT to buy 6 or 6-room bungalow; must be modern with narawooa floors, in pood neighborhood, not too far out. East 3499. HAVE nice suburban 10 acres to trade for House w vresoiuu. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Over $1,800,000 Worth of HOMES 80LD Since January 1, 1920, by FRANK L. McGUIRE largest home seller on the Pacific coast. Have you a house to sellT Try the McGuire System, which has won an in ternational reputation and established a national record for Home Selling be cause it is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of Home Selling. OUR RECORD: 869 Homes sold last year. 1 10 Homes sold In May. 9 Homes sold on July 13. 596 Homes aold to date this year. Your house is sold If listed with us. WE NEED IT TODAY! Within 24 hours sfter iisUne we PERSONALLY AP PRAISE. INSPECT AND PHOTO GRAPH It. We'll display the photograph of your home in our GREAT SHOW ROOM, which Is continually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS! If you can't come, telephone. Our only charges are the standard rate of 5 commission in the event of a satisfac tory sale. 18 exDerlenced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of YOUR home. See FRANK L. McGUIRBJ To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. 160 3d St-. Bet- Wash. and Stark. HELP WANTED. I need your bungalow now. Have 2 special clients that must have homes at once. One Rose City or Alameda, 6 rooms and garage, up to $6o00, mostly cash. One, any good district, 6 rooms, up to $5000. $15o0 down; must be on paved Btreet. This means strictly busi ness. What have you? Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. WANTED The best home under $3000 that an Initial cash payment or szuuu will handle. Musi be in good district, near good school; prefer Rose City or ML Tabor. Want two lots If possible; would not oblect to fturburban if prop erly located. Prefer place with garage and frulL No objection to old house if in good condition ana wen iutLcu. Write. giving full description. Mr. St ypes. 800 Oregonian bldg. HOME WANTED. I have four 5-acre tracts near 82d and Clackamas station. Will trade for house equity. Phone Aujo. 218-19. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. VOVKn TO STARK ST. We have large list of buyers waiting for reasonable offers, majority have spot cash. If you want quldc results, phone Main Db3. Main iut4. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 264 Stark st. AM MAKING A SPECIALTY of Duplex and apartment houses, mall or Dring in your listings to me, if price is right can dispose of same. See Miss Slooomb, GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO., Bdwy. 5173 024 Henry Bldg. WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACREAGE. If you want to sell it costs nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and individual attention. J. C. CORB1N CO- 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. PARTY "wants up-to-date bungalow In Rose City Park; prefer corner lot. moot all cash: I am an agent, but have sev eral good prospects and can sell your property If the price Is right. AO 819. Oregonian. THIS Is not a real estate man's ad. Want a home. $1500 to $3Oo0: good basement, good value: $450 down, more if fur nished: in Albina district: give full ijar tteulars. AM 433. Oregonian. . HAVE many clients for homee. citv and suburban. If you have a puree for sale and price Is not ln-fleted. phone POINIDBXTDR. SOS SE.LLI.VG BLDG. MAIN lbOO. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. MODERN bungalow. Rose City or Haw thorne district: give 8 nice lots. Haw thorne car line, value $1800. balance $25 per month and Interest. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. OUR business Is selling east side property. List your houses and lots with us. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ave. North, near E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. WANTED West-side property south of Madison St. Handling west-side property is mv specialty. Call ana see me phone Main 9478. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I WANT YOUR HOUSE LISTING. If priced right a quick sale is sure. have ten buyers to one bargain. B. r . fvr.l-.iji , ?io weiiana xiag. Main 7776. WILL GO in any district and am looking for the best buy not to exceed about $3.VK: would like IftOxlOO. but will take less ground U the nouse suits. Jk.M ri, Orejrotiian. WANT 10 to 13 acres, well improved, close to city; mu?t be close enough to go in and out daily and on good road. HENRY W. GODDAKD, 243 Stark 8t WILL buy 15 to 20 acres with improve ments, must be close to gooa roaa ana car line: not more than 1 5 miles to Portland. BJ 837. Oregonian. ROSE CITY If you have a bungalow or story-and-hair nouse ana tr your price is reasonable. I will pay cash. AM 861. Oregonian. WANTED 10 good acreage tracts and ! good valley farms; must be pocki. wei located and right price. See J. E. Mus ' grsvei 432 Chamber of Commerce. WArcTED To buv furnished house Laurelhurst; must be modern, bungalow -preferred. Phone Mrs. Cornell, isroaa way 02S7. WANTED Modern 6-room birnpalow, large living room, from owner; cash for bar gain. StsO Holladay ave.. near 2th. blk. north 3andy. AM LOOKING for bungalow In Lsure burst, can pay cash. What have vou to rrf'er. owner only, am . Wfcoman, VEL1E SIX touring oar as first paymen on modern bungalow. Tel. Wdln. 5978. WANTED 4 or 6-room cheap house in Albina. or near there. Have client wait inp for such a place. J. J. McCarthy Abington bldg WANT to buy 5-room modern bungalow $300 down. $150 per month. What h you? Y 925. Oreonlan. TRADE llsrhA 6-cvl. 5-pass. brand new on Bmall home 4 or o rooms, reasonable. modern. Call Main 7651. WANTED West-side 8 or 8-room house walking distance: price $6000 or less E. J. GE1SER. 417 Chamber of Corn. WANTED, in restricted district, a 6- room bungalow, not over $500u. bell wood 2014. WANTED 6-S-room Irvington home, near school: about $6500; no agents. AM 435, Oregonian. WILL PAY $30 CASH $10 month, for small house or llvaole snack on hard surface street. Y 976, Oreponian. WANTED Good house in Ladd's Addition from $6000 to $7000. Phone Tabor 4JU8 Monday WANT large residence in pood residential district. $15,000 to $20,000 cash. P. O. Box 377. CLEAR CITY LOTS or suburban acreage for house or bunpaiow. Ksst i. Farms Wavnted. FARMS WANTED. WE are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because w-e cannot supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOL'R farms and acreage for you. WE are the old est and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. ground floor.. HIGH-CLASS FARM WANTED. We have a client wanting from 40 to 60 sores, well Improved, with modern house of not less than 5 rooms: property must be on a good road and within 2u miles of-Portland, on tne Oregon side Will an as high ss $16,000. Does not have to be equipped. JOHN FERGUSON. G-ERLINGER BLDG. WANTED To rent from owner, farm. 160 to 320 acres, 2-3 under cultivation, good buildings, not over 50 miles from Port land: cash rent: can furnish reference. Room 7. 334 bacramento St.. Portland, Oregon. FARMS WANTED. We have customers for Pood farms near Portland; send us a description If you wish to sell. LL'BDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARM WANTED Wanted, to hear from . owner of farm or good land for sale: must be priced right. L. C. Jones. Box Sol. Olney. 111. FARM, about 100. seres or more.' with pleikty outrange; will buy personal prop erty, within 50 miles of Portland, near high and grade schools. G 534. Orego nisn. WHAT have you to offer in good sub division tract not to exceed 10.000 acres, soil and water essential. Give full de. tails, locations, etc. Box 49, Eugene. Or. WANTED A good dairy ranch, about 200 200 acres, within 40 miles or less of Portland on good road. W. C. Becktell, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED To buy or rent lo-3o-acre ranch. Owners, AK 763, Uregonlan, WANTED BXAL ESTATE. Farms Wanted. WANT to hear from owner of good ranch for sale; state cash price, full particu lars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. Wanted to R-nt Farms. WANT TO RENT. Mr. Farmer, don't wait till the last minute to rent that farm. You would be surprised to see the amount of good farmers I have appealing to me to rent them farms. Send me description of your place. I can rent it at once, don't delay. Some of them will buy personal property. A. O. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. WASHINGTON FARM. 60 acrea all leveL 52 acres under plow. family orchard, all fenced and cross fenced. 4 miles from railroad. 12 miles from Vinrnuvnr tuod road. 2 welld. 5- room bouse, laree barn, granary, milk. house, hop- houe. etc.. lease 5 years. 30o per year. Personal property and crops tor saie. Binder, mower, rake, harrow, disc, plow, cultivators, clod masher, cider mill, wagon, buggy, gas engine, feed cutter and separator, one extra fine team. 2 colts. 8 good milch cows. 1-year-old steer, 6-months-old heifer, calf. 10 hoia. 80 hens. 2 tons hay, 8 acres wheat, 12 acres vetch. - acres winter oats, acrea spring oats. Pries $2oO0; $1000 cash, baLnce terms. KENT. TUATATIV RIVER FARM 215 acres, luO acres bottom land. 150 acres under dIow. IO acres beaverdam, near school, soil is Al. all fenced, most ly woven wire. 20 miles from Portland, near scbool, gravel road. 2 wells, good 7-room house, bath, toilet, etc., good dairy barn, stanchions for 40 cows, new silo. 2GO tons dairy house; lease for 5 years, $2000 per year. Persoual prop erty and crops for sale. 5 horses. 37 good cows, 1 bull. 4 heifers, calves, ail farm ing implements complete, gas engine, milking machine, cooler, steam boiler, etc. ltf acres corn. ttO acres oats and vetch. Pries $15.000 , f 000 caslx, bal ance terms. CLOSE-IN" DAIRY FOR RENT. 140 acres, nearly all level. 40 acres under plow. 15 acres beaverdam, 1O0 acres fine pasture, some berries, family orchard. Al soil, all well fenced. 1 mile from R. R. and school, 1 spring and creek, Al graveled road, ffcod Al i-room house, dairy barn ho Ida S4 cows, also horse barn, water piped to all bldgs.. 1 silo, mucniae shed, garage, dairy house, etc. Will lease for & years, a month. Personal property for sale: 31 Al cows. 1 registered bull. 2 horses. 1 pig. 7 heifer calves, 3 dozen chickens, mower, disc, rake, 3 wagons, plow, har row, 3 cultivators. 2 gas engines, milk ing machine. 1U19 Oldsmoblle truck, dairy outfit, boiler, washing vats, cooler, sterilizer, etc., 15 acres sunflowers. Price $I2.0iM; $GuO0 cash, balance to suit. EASTERN OREGON RANCH. MORROW COUNTY. 480 acres, all fenced. l.W acres fall wheat. 60 or 70 acres in other crop and 100 acres of rented ground adjoining go with the place, with 60 acres of rye for nfl f ii ra for kaIa and included With the following personal property: 1 drill. 1 header. 8-ft. disc. 3 hot, plow, one 3 bot. 14-lnch plow. 3-ft. wooden harrow, one 20-ft. steel harrow, 2 wag ons, harness for 8 head of horses. 11 head of work horses, span 2-year-old mules, 1 yearling and one 3-yefl.r-old mule. 3 colts. 5 cows, two 2-year-old h.;r.r. i .-nif Price for croDs. stock and Imnlements. S30UA. Will lease for a term of years for cash or Rhares, DAIRY r A KM loO At rt 80 acres, level. 73 acres under plow, family orchard. Al soil, all fenced. 1H miles to R, It. sta.. H mile to school, 32 miles to Portland, spring, creek, good barns, all outbldgs., 1 silo 12x34. rent 3 years. $50 per month. Personal property and crops for sale. Some household goods, mower, disc, harrow. 2-horse cultivator, manure spreader. -wagons. 1 ra-k, 2 buggies, rake, cream separator, 2 harrows, combination seed er and wheel hoe, set work harness, single harness, 4 plows, fanning mill and small tools. 12 head miich cows. Jerseys and Holsteins, 5 purebred Jer sey heifers. 2 grade Jersey heifers. 1 purebred bull. 3 good horses. 1 brood sow with 9 pigs. 7 shoats, 1 boar. 50 chickens. 43 acres of clover. 1 acres of grain, etc. Price for all $4000; $3000 cash, balance to suit. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY This farm does not overflow, 630 acres. 350 acres under plow, fair tt-room house, good dairy barn with stanchions for cows. 2S0 acres fine pasture, rent 5 rm t ".".ii tr month. Personal prop erty and crops for saie as follows: 240 arrett corn. 30 acres spuds, 30 acres rye, An iictpa rrtadv for seeding. 100 tons straw. 6 horses, 1 corn planter. Price $12.5rtrt: ffiono cash. KOITTHKRV ORFC.ON FARM. 230 acres. 100 acres level and under plow. rtO acres irrigated snd in aiiana, all kinds fruit, Al soil, all well fenced, 5 miles from R. R. on Rogue river, barn 80x100. no house, but owner will build house for good tenant. 40-ton silo, will lease for 5 years, $15t0 per year, 100 acres crops. 10 cows. 2 horses, nmA innia for cheso. There is fine houfe across rnad that can be had till new house in built. SMALL DAIRY IN PORTLAND 7iy. lnA In. ell under DIO mHv orrhsnl. all kinds berries. Al sandv soil. 8 blocks from car!lne. city water, good 5-room house. 2 barns, all nnttviriB-H- lease 3 years. S25 month. pArnnfl 1 Tirnnertv for sale : Potato Hisr 5-imrKP plow. 2 cultivators. 3 wagons, new Ford delivery car. milk onniup ttnnm holler, washing vat. crates, bottles, etc.. incubator and brooder. 10 Al cows, horse and harness, 5 dozen chickens. 40 chicks, 23 geese. 9 pigs. . sows. 1 boar. 2 fat hogs. 3 pls. 5 mo, old. 4 acres clover. acre corn, W acre h i nrra kale. 1 acre oats. Prire $4000: $2700 cash. Income now $400 per month. (JRKBHAM FARM. 40 acres, 39 acres under plow, berries and family orchard. Al soil, all fenced. Al road. 2 wens, gooa o-room nouse. .rood dairy barn with 16 stanrhions, -ase $400 per year. Personal property for sale: 2 wagons, a plows, narrow, disc, roller, potato planter and digcer, r.rr niantsr kftl nlfl nter. 3 cultivator s weeder. mower, rake, hay fork and ropes, spring wagon, buggy and harness, rnnt cutter, ensilage cutter. 12 h. p engine, silo 10x32. milk cooler, buckets. nm nu re carrier. 2 separators. 16 1 0-gn 1 r-ft n 3 aoort horses. 2 sets harness. 12 extra fine Holstein cows. Holsteln bull, 1 heifers. 2 calves, household furniture Price $6000: $it0oo cash, balance terms. DAIRY FARM. 10 tt miles from Portland. 15 acres. 11 sentle rolling. 40 acres under plow 1 00 acres open stump pasture, orchard, all Al soil, all fenced. 2 good springs Al rosd. 1 well, good 5-room house. h3m i dairv and 1 horse hi'rn. all out buildings, rent 5 years. $500 month. pprtonal orooertv end crops for Btf, 3 plows, harrow, cultivator. 2 spring wagons. 1 farm wagon, separator. A 1 rnw 3 heifers, sow and 9 pigs. shoats. 2 horses, 4 doz. chickens. 8 acre s-iiAn t 1 rt acres oats. 16 acres hay. acres spuds. Price $2200: $1200 cash baL terms. A. O. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, 400-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $6500 Eitrht miles northeast of Vancouver all level as a floor ; over 200 acres i cultivation. 70 acres In crop. oats, rye, whit com. potatoes, kale: all fence 4 rnM.fnr(1 : two housei. two barns 20 stanchions. 23 high-grade milch cows. 9 fine heifers, one hull, six horses, sow with 8 pigs, narnesses ana an ma Ahinpv inri eauioment go with th nlftce: live stream crosses place : 80 acres beaverdam ; blggee-t bargain In dairy ranch In the state; lease for fiv ' vr- will sell lease, stock, equlpmen snd everything for $6.00. Hurry: thi i nn chance in a thousand. Stock an equipment alone would bring over $5300 If sold at auction. G. G. McCORMIC CO, 242 Washington fit. Main SCO. 240 ACRES RENT $100 PER MONTH. 84 high-grade milk cows, 1 reg- tstered Holstein hull, 3 head of good work horses, harness, wagon, discs, plows, harrows, ensilage cut ter and blower. 7ft to lf0 tons of hay. Enough corn In to fill the silo Also small tools and dairy equipment. Price $A500, $4000 cash. Balance good terms. This place Is a money maker and the personal property Is ail the very best. SEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. on ACREri. ALL EQUIPPED. n'r-nA i-rnom house, barn, all outbldgs 4 horses. 2 good cows. 2 hs. 50 chick ens. all tools and machinery: 3 acres clover, about 12 acres In oats; good famllv orchard and berries, lots of gar den; on milk route and paved road; stores and school at door: 2o miles out from Portland: rent is $150 a year. Price $1350. including- rent to April. 1U2L See Johnson. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR RENT 40 acres, mostly timber, to gether with house and outbuildings, slt usted on W. V, S. R. R.. 10 miles from Oregon City ; a cord wood contract of 2000 cords to be delivered on board of cars, goes with this place; tenant must be in position to purchase team, harness and wagon now on farm and complete -contract. For further particulars see F. M. Bluhm. 707 7th St.. Oregon City, Oregon. BKPHRIENCED man wanted to raise cab b.ige on shares. LEE-ROBERTSON CO., - 413 Corbett bids. FOR RENT-FARMS. 820 ACRES FOR RENT. $75 PER MONTH. This Is all In cultivation or open pasture with the exception of a few acres; some hay and corn, and alio for sale. Price $1250, SEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 8d and Main sts., Vancouver, W J-EASE, STOCK AND MACHINERY FOR SALE. 67 acres, S miles from Vancouver; 35 acres in crop, small house and good dairy bam. 20 head of cattle, rents for $50 per month. Price for lease, stock and machinery, including Ford car. $5500, $3000 cash, balance 2 years at 7 per cent. A I tl do rKJ K I P. rt. 112 w. 6th St., ancouver. r. Washington. best irrigated I lira.- 1 WB HAVE SOME of the land in the Columbia river basin for J rnt. water iurnisnea rree. Ltb-nuti-ERTSON CO.. 413 Corbett bldK- TIMBER LANDS. SUGAR AND WHITE PINE TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE Cruise 6,5UO.OO) feet ; 320 acres of choice pine timber, located eight miles south of Q rants Pass, close to the Applegate river, a splendid investment or operating chance: price for a short time $30 per acre. Several hundred acres adjoining that can be purchased reasonably. A. X. Edgerton, owner, Urants Pass, Or. CAPABLE MEN WANTED. For president, general manager and for other departments: also store man ager, in large and very profitable saw mill enterprise; each must be thorough ly capable and must make substantial investment. Liberal salaries. Address Timber-La nd Bureau. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG, m PORT LAND. OREGON. CORDWOOD. 3500 cords, 1 miles from railroad town on Columbia river; old growth fir; land lies well for cutting: all down-hlil haul. This is large old growth fir. $1 per cord stumpage. No butter proposition can oq lounu. A. "W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. ABOUT 10.000.000 feet of choice saw tim ber within 7 miles of the center of the city which I am instructed to sell for the owner. It is one of the finest saw mill pro-positions around Portland and the closest in. This property lies -near hard-s'jrface bivd. For particulars caU at 4'4 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park St. SHINGLE MILL AND CEDAR. New mill. 40.000 capacity, with frn body of extra quality cedar, near Port land. W'ill sell all or half interest: 1 bargain. Tim ber-Land Bureau. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PORTLAND. OREGON. tfxlO SEATTLE DONKEY. 1400 feet 1 lnch line. 3800 feet -inch line, two Tommy Moore blocks, all other neces sary blocks, chokers, yarders and small too is; price sjiHHt. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 3020. 6x10 T A COM A engine. 2O00 ft. main line 6000 ft. haul back, blocks and equip ment; also 20-M. capacity mill with planer, in good condition: no timber will oe so: cheap; will take part pay- in jumner. ouu lumoermens bids-. Port land. Or. PINE TIMBER TRACT WANTED Not to exceed $3M.OO0 cash. Must be noar rail road transportation, prefer California. will consider othr locations. Give ful data, legal descriptions, etc Box 40, bugene, Or. U'KUWUul) FKOPOSITION 30O seres timber, estimated 25.0OO cords, ad.lolnin electric line, '2n miles from Portland v in sell on stumpage basis. Luedde niann io.. 13 Chamber of Commerce ''OR SALE Contract for 5000 cords wood, big timber, near city on pave roaa; contract should net $12,000. 53t, Oregonian. 5M..C0O FEET of tie timber or piling i Linn count v. near railroad. Price rea sonable and terma to responsible party n. m. price v Co.. L'm Henry bld. PARTY with 15 M to 20 M to cut lumber by contract. 3 years work. Frank Beam Pacific Beach. Wash. rOK SALL cheap If taken st once 5 scree heavy timber land at Astoria; laviD-g state, must sell. A. 730. Orejrnlan WANT man to take contract to put 25.000 ft. of logs dailv: equipment fur- nisnea: long job. J oregonian G KD country mill, with planer an hors-s. cheap 'stumpage. moneymaker. wner, 714, on S. P. Couch bldg, TIMBERLAND near Portland. railroad river and hard surface road, to log mill ; good terms. Parker. Main 4551. :00 ACRES good timber land for sale trace, $. acre. J. M. Johnson. 40 E. It st. WANT bridgp plank and tim hen bldg. I avts, Mi lumbermen i PILING WANTED ABOARD S. P. O. V. GAMBLE. Couch Bldg.. Portland TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR ACREAGE 50x1 OO. in good business distri-'t. improved with storeroom an six living rooms, some fixtures. Rented $2.'i; value $3500. For acreage 1 00x100. close In. with fruit and berries. Eight-room hou? with toilet, bath and good concrete cel lar. $::0(KV, want one or two acres with urn all house close to car to $2000. Want city 8t-acre ranch with 4-room house, barn, family orchard, running water. $4000; fine dairy or stock place. For city, ranch or acreage ;J0 acrs Montana. 200 acres in cult iva t ion with 10rt in summer fallow and 1 in flax with 1-3 crop to purchaser. $8000, free and clear. For residence, city or suburbs n 1 0 acres, 120 acres in crop or summer fal low, fenced and cross fenced. 3-room house, barn, granary, chicken house, spring running all year, county rod. four mi les to w are house, stores and R. R. $30 per acre. Several lots, all improvements, re st ricted district. Consider good auto and house equities. 321 Railway Etrhang". 6-ROOM house, close in. near 20th and East Taylor: take lot as iirst payment. Price $2&50; good value. Beautiful Rose City Park home. $3400; vint smaller house in exchange. Good 6-room house, 25th and Brook lyn, $2650; exchange for better house up to $4500. 10 acres at Battle Ground. 20 miles from Portland, with crop, stock and fur niture. Price $4-0u; for Portland home up to $20uu. Ask for F. C. MARSHALL, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abtnyton Bldg. Main 1068. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. We are offering for exchange 10x100, close to the high-grade retail district; this quarter block is improved with a well constructed three-story brick build ing yielding an income of over $20.00; a year, and is located in the path of the growth of the city, which insures a steady increase in values; in a short time the ground - alone will be worth more than is asked for the ground and building : the Income, price and terms will prove of interest to prospective In vestors in income property; as part pay ment, will accept going farm or well located city property in line for im provement and a mortgage back for 10 vears. K. F. Br van. 5in Chamber of Commerce, Main lirt3. fcoK TRAD13 12 vacant lots near Jo pi in. jlo- value $12ik) ; will trade for auto mobile, store or paying business; will pay difference. Lots clear, title per fect. R 2i0. Oregonian. hk.siRABLE Laurelhurst lots, all Im provements in and paid, $15u0; terms if desired, or would consider exchange on Oregon City line acreage, au 4-to, urego man. WANTED. TO TRADE: A good $1350 lot for equity of same in good house and lot and assume balance on monthly pavment; not over $2500 to $3i00; miht consider acreage. Jiar. iioj. STl'DEBAKER 6 driven by private party, guaranteed to be in first-class condition: cash or terms, or will trade for real estate. Main 442. 12-ROOM residence close to caoitol In Otympia. Wash., to trade for suburban or farm here. B. M. Price (k Co I'oO Henry bldg. TO SWAP MAKE OFFER. Lot Tacoma, Wn suburban $6o Lots Marshfield, Or., suburban 5u R 112. Oregonian. WILL SELL, or trade for western Oregon land. 4a0-acrs dry-land farm near Man zanola. Colo. Address owner, C. L. Casperson. Manzano'a. Colo. EfL'ITY In 6-room house, with large gar den and roses; would consider light car for part, or improved acrea, c. Phone Tabor S0S0. 2000 ACRES Umber to trade for business property or apartment house up to $40 OOP. W. F. Schuller. Camas. Wash. WILL trade lot 50x120 at North Fair Oaks. Pan Mateo county, California, for light car, piano or lot. 530 E. ISth st. S. THREE lots. Pacific beach, Newport, for furniture, or will pay cash difference. Mr. Brand. Bdwy. 540. 420 Henry bldg. $1300--8 PER CENT, on improved acre near Sandy blvd. East 620 IRVINGTON corner lot. value 1 221 $1100 cash And car. .Main 47&3. 0, for TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 800A-ACRE DEEDED AND LEASED STOCK RANCH; 10O ACRES IN ALFA LFA; 550 EWES AND I-A MBS. ALiO EQUIPMENT; $4o.UUO. Free water right for tho alfalfa; cut 4 crops a year; lota of water for irrigation; complete equipment for running the ranch; good 7 room house, barn, other outbldgs., located 125 miles east of Portland, in eastern Oregon, on a big river; controls the water frontage for on this river; elevation oniy 0O feet; ranch will run 2 or 3 bands of sheep: deeded land; fenced woven wire ; la&s oa government land run tor 7 y ears at 5 H to 22 He per acre ; will consider exchange for Port land income property or Willa mette valley ranch up to $20,000. REASONABLE TERMS. 6e SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 8 Cham ber of Commerce Kldg.. GrouneV F.oor. ,FOR EXCHANGE Gilliam county wheat farm of 14o0 acres, with good buildings; most of this fine ranch in cultivation; will sell for cash or exchange for Wil lamette valley stock farm up to $40,000 and some cash. Crop, stock and farming Implements go with this deal. For further Information see "W. E. "WHITE A CO 703 H First st. Xewberg. Or. EXCHANGE Modern 5-room bungalow; oearooms. bui;t-ins. white enamel kitch en, bath, fireplace, basement. Bull Run water, gas. eiectric lightK. large lot, assorted fruit; ould cost J50OO or up to buiid bungalow, close to Portland, on Oregon City line, close to station; trade for small ranch or lease and stock, equipment, crops; no Inflated values go on either side; would assume some. Write fully what you have and locaucn. Own er, b ox 14. Milwaukie. Or. "WANT Dutch kitchen, modem house or bungalow. colonial Heights, Mt. Tabor. Ladd's ad dition. Hawthorne; $S00O to $10,000; will exchange choice Irvington home at $0t00. A.ddrea R lo'j, Orejouian. WTLL exchange very desirable building se wit h unobstructed view of moun tains and valiey, on w est side, close o car line, containing over "t'OO c q. f t. ; paved street and all improvements in ; fi-r something on east side or might con sider land between Vancouver and West minsier. B. C Call or write. HITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHEAT FARM FOR TRAM. !Xt0 acres in eastern Washington; iM except 00 acres tillable: 3S0 acres sum mer fallow, ready for fall seeding; farm buildings .good well with gas engine and pump. Price $2.5 per acre. Will take va! ley farm up to $15,000 as part pay, balance mortgage. I.l'EDDBM ANN COMPANY. IM.1 Chamber of Commerce. FARM PROPERTIES TO TRADE. I have several very good goin g farms and stock ranches for saie on very easy terms, or will trade them for other property, some of them completely stocked and equipped and crops ready to harvest. If you are looking for any thing in the farm line, call on or write W. C. BECHTELL, 110O X. W. Bk. bldg SALE or trade. 9G0 acres, stocked snd equipped in never-failing crop district. Alberta. Canada: good buildings. 300 acrea under cultivation ; this is an ex ceptionally good place and will stand c'oet Inspection. What have yon ? Phone Marshall 1S2S or write W W. rrtt. 170 Chapman. Portland. HAVE Seattle? good horns. bet location, cheap at 10.0O; want Port land sim Mar or suburban. Address P 11S. Oregonian. WET SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. 6 flats bringing In big Income on in vestment: walking distance from down town ; good location : price only $S0t 0; will accept some change. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO.. T3 N. W. B:ink bldg Main STT. WANT INCOME PROPERTY. Have well -located Portland property, both improved and vacant, to trade for one large piece of Portland property. Will assume and go to $75.OO0. I.I'KDDBM A NN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. GO TO THE BEACH. 4-room cottage, furnished, fireplace, water, fine boating, fishing, bathing, ground 100x100; at Sunset beach, near Clear hart ; price $1 250. clear. Will trad and assume or pay cash. What have you? N 50, Oregonian WANT WHEAT F A RM. We have fine Improved farm with stock and equipment to trade for wheat farm in eastern Oregon or m Judith Bajiin. Will go to $75,000. I ,t ' ED DEiM AN N COM P A NY. 913 C ham ber of Commerce. HAVE moved to city, must dispose of my fine farm of 1S5 acrea. highly improved; stocks, crops and machinery; this 3s no junk, and tf you have not got good property do not bother me. 1 am the owner. Phon Sunday. Tabor 22S6. weelc days Main 8419. for appointment. $3500 5-mom bungalow, fireplace, all bnilt 1ns. compete kitchen, nice lawn, roses, some fru", on hard surfaced street; all liens paid; want close-in1 acreage. JcHNON'-DOpSuX CO.. 6.13 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3757. WE HAVE highly improved prune orchard, extra largo crop, 27 acres, fair improve ments, close to Vancouver, In good dis trict, including crop, $21,000. Will trade for dairy farm close to Portland. ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 West 6h St.. Vancouer. Wash. HAVE double lot, fruit trees. 8-r. house con enienres, near grammar snd high school, store and car; will sell reason able or trade general merchandise or furnishings and notions store or small farm. AR 4o6, Oregonian. 540-A. improved valley farm; over 40Q in oil. all good land. 30 a. In oak. 2 fair sets buildings. R. R- and highway right by place. Price $ 100 per a. Consider pood property in or near Portland. L. K. Moor-?, 317 Board of Traxje. FOR SALE or trade, 10 acres 7 miles north of Vancouver, on the paved Pacific high way; 8 acres In crop, fruit, buildings. For particulars phone Vancouver 22-F-14 or write route 3. box 1U2-B. Vancouver, Wash. 7 ACRES. 3 seres cleared, on good road. Jurt outside Vancouver; $1400; easv monthly payments, or exchange on home in Port land. F. W. TOROLFR, 1Q6 Sherlock Bldg. 5 ARES ROTH E STATION. Beauiifully located and easily cleared; some tine oak and fir trees; price $3506. or will trade for city home west of 6nh and within two blks. of Hawthorne ave. H E N'RV W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. CITY FOR, SUBURBAN. 5-room modern bungalow, Hawthorne district, full lot, 1 block to car; want suburban home. 4 or 5 rooms, with acre of ground. Owner. Tabor 7375. 4 TO 120 acres, good house. White Sal mo'n valley, for small home in or near Portland, near school; bai. easv terms. M. S. Davis. Husum. Wash. Wdln. 1704. WILL trade 4 acres snd 5-room house on Or Ec. 9 miles out. fare Pc. Tor small er piace. What have you? AN 732. Oregonian. GOOD piece of timber land, suitable for cattle ranch, good road and water, to exchange for city home or rooming house. AF S07. Oregonian. 3-ROOM house, lot 50x100. two blocks from carline to give as first payment on larger piace: prefer St. Johns dist. 204 N. Jersey st. 160 A L ND 20 miles south of Bend; clear of incumbrance; will exchange for city or suburban prop-rty; might aume. Call owner. Tabcr 6u34. FOR S ALE or trade, homestead relin ouishmeut. first-class. 32U acres eastern Ortgon. Or Address 680 N. 20th sL. Salem, $2(.0u0. near Main 7 per cent, highly cultivated farm Oregon City, valued at $75,000. S i AN a"re will buy 1320-acre Improved farm, worth $10. S. M. Venard, 1Tj9 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE farm and lota for Long Beach. Cal.; not over $5000; owner here for few days. 15 10th st.. room 3. CLEAR lots in Winnipeg, Canada, and cash. What have you? 26 West Simp son st. SELL or trade acreage Joining Burlington, good timber, fine view, best soil for small homes. Parker. Main 4551. TRADE half section Alberta land, im proved, not in dry belt. What have you? Spears. 023 Corhett st.. Portland. 150 ACRES near Bend to exchange for Port .and residence. AM 726, Oregonian. FOUR lots, half block Alberta St.. $1500. What have you? AE 725, Oregonian. HAVE nice suburban 10 acres to trad $r house. EX 749, Oregonian. 4