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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL STATE For RaleFarms. HEAL ESTATK. HEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. For Sal Farm. For Sale Farm. For bale Farms. For Sale Farms. For hale Farms. For Sale For Sale Farms. CANADIAN PACIFIC RV, LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In cen tral Alberta, and Saskatchewan are rich park lands open prairie ready for the plow. Interspersed with trees, which af ford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain crowing1, dairying and livestock raising are being: carried on success fully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific rail way is offering: a large are of these fertile lands in Lloyduilneter and Bat tteford districts- This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. On similar land fc-'eager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lioyd minster the world's prise oats have been grown and but ter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become lade pendent on a farm In this district. These lands van be bought now at prices averag ing about $1S an acre. You pay down 10. If land is purchased under set tlement conditions, no further payment of principal until end of fourtn year; then 16 annual payments. Interest is 6. Also thousands of acres of irri gated lands in southern Alberta at $50 per acre, on which the company will loan $2O00 for improvements to ap Jiroved purchasers, with 20 years to pay or land and loan. For further partic ular see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.. 108 Railway Exchange bidg. L. P. Thornton, district representative. VALLKY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 1fl acres, 45 in cultivation, balance open pasture and timber, deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel; never-failing spring water to house and barn ; bearing fam ily orchard, 125 young prune trees, other mall fruit; good "-room house with lire place, two good barns, hoghouse. chick en house, etc. The following stock and full set of farm tools and implements, good us new, go with place; 15 head of cows and hellers, some milking, some coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Holsteln bull, 2 good brood sows, 3 young work horses, 1 colt, about 50 chickens; only 19 miies from Portland, 5 mties Newberg, H mile to main paved highway and R. R. sta tion. This is absolutely the biggest bar gain in the country and will bear closest Investigation. Everything goes for $ 1 25 per acre; SvtoOO cash, balance long terms at 8 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 Fourth Street. m 94 ACRES, well located, going farm; about HO acres in cult., very best of land, free from rock and gravel, well watered, fine large springs and creek, large family orchard and one acre of bearing prunes, 8 acres set to Franquette walnuts, all well cared for, balance in timber and pasture; two sets of buildings, one of which is particularly good; place well fenced, mobtly woven wire; property is located on good auto road, but 17 miles from Portland; Washington county, Ore gon; price $15,000. and can give very easy and attractive terms. If you want a good one that will pay for itself, let us show you this one. Also have lots of others, both for sale and exchange, with and without stock and equipment. TALLMADOB RBATJT CO., 619 Henry bidg. LEBANON. OR. 48 acres all in cultivation 3- miles out. good roads, "-room house, barn 22x0 ft., shed on two sides; hen- house, hog house, orchard; level land. Pice $6200, crop Included, terms. 63 acres all In cultivation. 84 miles, good lO-room house and now, 28x40; In a fine location; good roads: R. F. D. and teleptone: orchard; close to school. Price $S500, terms 6 per cent. We have what you are looking for if you will come and see us. We have been In the business in Lebanon since 1010; reference, Lebanon National Bank. M. L. SOUTHARD & SONS. NEAR HILLSBORO. OREGON. 44 acres, located on a good road; over 22 acres under cultivation and in crop, good orchard of 40 bearing fruit trees; woven and barb wire fences; all the land can be cultivated, balance In heavy timber, about 2000 cords of wood ; 4 room house, barn and other buildings ; telephone and all rural conveniences. There are 3 fine chicken houses and large brooder house. The place Is well stocked and equipped. Price $8500 for everything. Including the crop; $2500 cash, balance for 5 years at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Cerllnger Bidg. FOR SALE1 226 acres In Lane county, Oregon, 12 miles northwest of Eugene; mostly beaverdam land that will yield abundantly la wheat, oats, barley, clover, hops, potatoes, corn or berries; all new land; one-half mile from either of two good station, railroad through place; 30 acres now In meadow. 70 acres in grain that promises to make 50 bushels to the acre; all can be easily cultivated, clear running water through place, fenced and cross-fenced ; settling estate, priced for quick sale at $120 per acre; will con cider one-third trade In good, live pro-party, either small acreage or paying city property. See owner, 505 Board of Trade bidg., phone East 2416 Sundays. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Owing to poor health owner will sell his well -kept stock farm of 880 acres located in Willamette valley. Place has four creeks, five springs and plenty of outrange ; 4 acres in all kinds of fruit and berries, 6-room house, 2 large barns and a number of other outbuildings. On good auto road 5 miles from town. With the place goes 3 fine horses, 10 head of cattle, registered sow and 8 pigs, 142 Cotswold sheep, many registered ; 200 high-grade goats, 10 chickens and a long line of up-to-date machinery Includ ing threshing outfit. Crops go with the place. $2S,O0Q takes all. JOHN K. HOWARD. 83 8 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 7-aere poultry plant, all level ground, deep Loganberry soil, no stone or brush. H mile from Sherwood. H mile from Portland-Newberg highway. 17 miles south of Portland; nearly new 5 room house, large barn, woodshed, 5 poultry houses. 600 choice While Leg horns, incubator cellar. 8 new incubators, 4 new brooders, new fences, cow, wagon, drag, plow, 1 acre oat and vetch, Vi acre spuds, 1 acre family orchard, patch Of kale; will sell with or without stock and equipment; the price, terms and place Is right. See this place and buy from owner. O. C. Dunton. Sherwood. Or. BIG DAIRY FARM NEAR PORTLAND. Over 500 acres within 3 miles of city limits of Portland. 3-50 seres in culti vation, 150 acres In timber; finest soil, crops on place now will show how it products: big house, barn and other buildings; soring water piped, electric station on land: on paved highway; a wonderful dairy proposition because of Its location, and will double In value in few years: a bargain at $250 per acre, and reasonable terms. LUDDEMANN COMPANY. Tl 3 Chamber of Commerce. 350 BEARING PRUNE TREES. 42 acres, located 1 miles east of Woodland. Wash.; alt fine. soil. 35 acres can be cultivated; 4 acres of standing timber, 9 acres in crop, balance slashed. 20 acres of pasture; wire fencing, b-rnom house, shed harn, small prune dryer. Price $2950; $1050 cash, balance a mortgage-on the property at 5 per cent due Dec. 1022. inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bidg. NEAR CROWN POINT. 90 ACRES. FOR SALE BY OWNER. ABOUT 2 MILES OFF COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, PART TIMBER. FINE FPR1NG, BUILDINGS ON PLACE. "WONDERFUL VIEW. SUITABLE FOR RANCH OR COUNTRY HOMESITE: SOME FRUIT TREES: ON 2 COUNTY ROADS; $8500. PART CASH. BALANCE TERMS IF DESIRED. MARSHALL 2098. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Unimproved 40 acres near Tacoma, 1 mile to two villages and boat landings; some saw timber and considerable pi' tng ; good toil, not hard to clear; joins Improved farm on state highwav and R. F. D.: fine for berries and fruit; $!o, with terms, or will exchange for income In or near Port land and assume. W. S. UADLEV. 1517 V EON B LIX. FOR SALE Farm at Cape Horn. Ska mania. Wash. This farm consists of SO acres. 25 In cultivation with a crop in of oats, potatoes and vegetables; jo head of cattle, 1 team of hordes, about 40 chickens. 1 mower. 1 rake, culti vator, plow, harnesses, etc. Old house In good condition. 1 new barn about 40xSO. $8000. $1000 cash. bal. on eaay terms. Woodlawn 4883. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Desirable mountain home, 60 acres; 8 acres cleared; 3-room house, woodshed; splendid soli for walnuts or primes; magnificent view 6 miles from Columbia highway, south Srappoose. Write or, call Otto Miller Scappoose. 'Or. SOUTHERN Oregon farm for sale or trade for good east side residence property 25 acres In cultivation, under irrigation; good house and barn, good outside range for cattle; abundance of fruit. Inquire G. E. Strong, 1084 Water st., Portland, or Arch Bunch, Leiand, Or. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. 160 acres level land, 40 acres in crop, balance timber, only 3 blocks from Slfton ear line, 5 miles Vancouver, paved road to place: price $R5 per acre, half cash, balance 6 per cent; this is an extra good harrain. Jl. Al. GATE WOOD a CO., 165 H 4th st FARM near Columbia highway of 31 acres, sloping but excellent land: 12 in culti vation, family orchard, small fruit. 4- room nouse. oarn, gursge, etc.: stream and stocked fish pond; implements. siock: price -twu. v . ixeis on, 2SS'4 Russell st. FOR SALE -Good bargain in choice Wil lamette valley farms in cultivation and in croc, ranging from 50 acres to limn acres; weld improved. Call oa or write 4. V IP AUJeay, r. THOROUGHBRED STOCK MEN, TAKE NOTICE! I am authorized to sell this highly improved 300-acre farm, located near McMmnville, Or., about 200 acres under cultivation, the balance slashed and seeded to pasture, except 20 acres timber. About 150 acres Is now in crops, consisting of 40 acres of wheat, 60 acres of oats, balance being oats and vetch hay. some clover. Lies with gentle slope and well drained; has electric lights, water system with 5000-gallon cement water tank, also creek makes boundary line of farm ; modern, up-to-date dairy barn 120x48 ft. with 26 ft. to eaves, holds 250 tons of loose hay; stanchions and box stalls for 60 cows; barn would cost today approximately $15,000; has full ce- . ment floor; has individual water fountain for stock. Very good house, barn, large farm house, with modern plumbing, electric lights, etc. Two large teams of horses. 6 head of cattle, new wag on with rack, grain drill, mower, rake, disc, corrugated roller, 4 sets of harness. Deering binder, buggy and harness; also small tools. Price, including personal property and all crops, $49,500; reasonable terms, balance long time to suit. H. A. DRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN," 508-9 Lewis Bidg. Bdwy. 50S1. TAKE NOTICE! A CHANCE IN A LIFTS TIME. 80 acres, 20 A. In crop. No. 1 hay, bal. slashed and seeded, 6 ml. to town; besides have int. In several hundred acres of seeded pasture with place; this land joins a lake, one of the best in Wash , has a new bungalow, worth at least $4000 ; 31 head of cattle. 25 head of sheep. 2 barns with corrals, good orchard, lota of berries, 4 Btands of bees, smokehouse, roothouse. chicken house and pens, cream separator, fine team, 2 colts, 2 yearj o!d, mower, rake, plow, hcrrow, cultivator, stump puller, disk, 2 wagons, hack. 5-pass. car and lots of. o.her small tools; outfit complete, with possession at once, for $11,000; $8000 cash. On acoovnt of poor health, wants quick sale. $4o0 below cost. bee for yourself. Address Box 222, Castle Rock, W'BBh. Call or VM. McKINLET. Don't delay. BEFORE YOU BUY SEE THIS GOING FARM WITH STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 30 acres, all tillable, splendid soil, all lies perfect, located on i-owell valley road near school, store and church. 21 pcrts under cultivation, all in crop, fam ily orchard, 1 acre loganberrtes, rasp bei ries and strawberries for home use. fine shade trees around the house, good 6-room plastered house, large barn, hog house, chicken hou-se. 2 good wells, 5 choice jersey cows, fine span young ho ,rh ysoo lbs. : new harness and wagon, disc, mowing machine, hay rake, manure spreader, plow harrow, cultivator, all kinds of tools, all new, cream separator, incubator, kitchen range, all household furniture, 40 acres rerted pasture go with the place. We have personally Inspected this farm and can recommend it as the best buy pear Portland. Price $8000. half cash. K RIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. GOOD 40-ACRE IMPROVED FARM with COWS. 3 HORSES. CROPS AND IMPLEMENTS. McMINN VILLE DISTRICT. $4000. Good so!!. 25 acres In cultivation, balance timber, family orchard, 5 room house, water piped In, big new barn with hay fork, other outbuildings, 9 cows, 2 heifers, 3 calves, big team. 1500-lb. 7-year-old horses, 1 saddle pony, soma chickens, about 30 tons of hay, 1 acre kale. H acre potatoes, gar den, all necessary farm imple ments, cream separator. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. I1ARTM AN CO., 8 Chamber of Com. Bidg. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK AND DAIRY FARMS. 404-acro stock and dairy farm. 5 miles from Eddyvllle, one-half mile from New-port-Corvallis state highway. 45 acres in cultivation, 35 acres tillable, 103 acres In pasture; good new 6-room house, good barn and outbuildings, good fencing, good sheep barn and corrals, all im provements are of the best and new; 4 horse -3, 4 cows, 1 calf, 3 hogs, 75 head of ewes. 6 ft lambs. 25 head of goats, all kinds of farm tools and machinery in cluded in sale. Price $50 an acre. Would prefer cash, but will give some terms. Write for full description and also list of other good dairy ranches. Lincoln county is growing and lands increasing ia value. Now is the time to buy. IRA WADE, Toledo. Or. 160 ACRES located east of Oregon City, 8 miles from railroad town ; 56 acres in fine crops of wheat, oats, hay and pota toes. 4 acres of bearing orchard; lots of prunes; 2 trout streams on the place; 2 springs. Nice 8-room house, large barn, garage and other buildings; good soil. Telephone, rural route; over 100 acres can be cultivated, balance In heavy tim ber: 7 head of cattle, good team, 3 brood sows, chickens, harness, cream separator, binder and every kind of ma chinery found on a farm. Price $9500, 94500 cash. Will consider Portland house up to $4000 and $1500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. STOCK AND SHEEP RANCH. 8244- acres located in Willamette val ley, out of the white land district and only 5 miles from the railroad on the main county road; 70 acres under cul tivation, 175 acres In fine saw timber, balance in pasture, no rock or gravel, land all tillable, land ties slightly roll ing, family orchard, ft-room house, barn 40x60. other outbuildings, fine creek and several springs. This is your chance to get in right as this" place is priced away under value. Timber is accessible and sawmill in operation close by. Mill will be glad to get timber. Price $15,000, no incumbrance. Will take first-class Port land property in exchange up to $6000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce. 101 ACRES. 130 In cult., balance pasture and some fine oak grub timber; fnir house of 9 rooms, barn. goewl water; 12 acres in prunes in full bearing, also prune dryc-r; family orchard: the land Is gently rolling ; fine location, on good gravel road, near school and church, mall route and telephone; 2 miles from town ; price $75 per acre if sold -soon; terms. Par ticulars. HENRY AMBLER. Philomath, Benton Co., Or. 2-ACRE FRUIT RANCH. Improvements. 4-room house and . barn, chit-ken house. 4frees are 8 years old ; 6 English walnut trees, 34 cherry trees. 17 peach trees. 1 3 Italian prune trees. 50 peach trees. 61 apple trees, grapes, goose oerriea, currants, raspberries, strawberries, logans. running wa ter and electric lights. Price, $3250; terms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO. Bdwy. 2 '.ISO, 85 4th st. 80 ACRES, located between La Center and woouiana. wasmngton. Clarke countv 2. miles from Portland ; good road. 70 acres can be cultivated. 40 acres in pas ture, 30 acres under cultivation; 4-room house, barn 50x56; 50 bearing fruit trees, well and several springs; chicken house and tool house. Price $4000. with ma chinery and tools; $2000 cash. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GKRLING&R A FINE STOCK RANCH. 4C0 acres with 2 sets of bulldinrs nd 2 family orchards, well watered. th water piped t : house and barn ; P0 acres in cult., balance pasture and some fine timber, ilso outrange. This Is a pood buy st $30 per acre, easy terms, located 8 miles from town, on coJnty road, mail route and telephone. Particulars of this and other good buys. Write Henry 97 ACRES. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. it t rrw in w ooaourn a is trie t. qu&r ter mile xrom electric station; all in cultivation except 7 acres Umber; build in cr. A bargain for $9000.. one-third CUU will UrtllUir. LU DDEM A NN COM PA NY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ONE FARM 40 ACRES Six acres under cultivation; new house oi i uums, buuu uarn. h -mue to rail road station, school and oostof f - in full view of Columbia river. $5ooo. some cash, bal. easy: also two more farms for ale at $5O00 each. Apply to J. B. Cash.. FOR SALE Stock ranch. aouiTH miles out; unlimited range. Write box MO a.awi tt mu, SALEM. OR. THE LTVE COMMERCIAL CENTER OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLA Y. To you know that Salem's pay roll Is fully $6,000,000 per year? Our commercial club has investl - gated and states that this is a very conservative figure. Then locate w here you ha ve the best market for your products. FINELY IMPROVED 80. 80 acres In cultivation and 12 of thia le genuine beaver dam land of finest quality. 30 acres of pas ture with spring; wood for family um. Excellent G-rm. plastered bun galow, fine barn, chicken houses and machine shed, all built in 3919. Mostjy woven wire fencing. This Is a real sacrifice at $12,0u0. Half cash. FINE 136 ACRES. EQUIPPED. Located on fine main road, paved most of way to Salem. Good house, barn and outbuildings. 15 acre a cultivated and in fine crops; considerable clover. Partly river botto n land and balance is fine prairie land. Including 4 ;ow, 2 horses, chickens, farm Im plements and crops. Price is $150 per acre. Fine terms. Immedi ate possession. We have many other fine dairy, grain, fruit and general purpose farms; also fine small home tracts. Write for booklet of listings. KINNEY & SMITH, V O. Box 264, Salem, Or. . FOR SALE 2 ACRES. Will sell thia highly Improved 42-acre farm, located about 30 miles from Portland. 5 miles from a good town, railroad, on county road, 40 acres under cultivation; 2 acres seeded to pasture, large spring, fine loam soil, good 5-room house, barn 36x60 feet, and all other buildings. Good well, near school. Crops as follows: 24 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes, berries, hay, about 2V acres of Italian prunes; also 5 acres of young prune orchard. Large team. 4 cows, 2 hogs. 40 chickens, har ness. 2 wagons, mower, harrow, plow, feed cutter, cream separa tor and all small tools. This farm lies with gentle slope to drain and is an exceptional piece of land. Price, Including all stock and crops, $10,000. $4000 cash, bal ance long time, 6. H7. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN," 508-9 Lewis Bidg. Bdwy. 5081. 60-ACRE RANCH WITH 60 HEAD OF GOOD SHORTHORN CATTLE FOR $8500. 45 acres In cultivation, balance timber, 2hi acres spuds, 40 acres clover, timothy and grain; good 6-room house, water piped in; big barn 00x95 with 57 stanchions; 2 fine chicken houses. 2 hog bouses, one registered bull, 6 or 7 steers worth $140 each. 25 cows, balance good cattle. 2 horses, all necessary farm implements, 1918 Ford auto, household furniture; 7000 acres of outrange, family orchard, lots of berris; fences are hog tight. Only $8500. 5 miles from Pacific high way, 52 miles from Portland. See SAM HEWEY et J. L. HABTMA.M CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg., Ground Floor. BIG S-ACRIFICE, STOCK RANCH. Cattle, horses and machinery, 876 acres, 150 acres under irrigation, pri vate owned ditch, abundance of water, and sweded to alfalfa; 600 leased range aleo, pasturage right, U. S. govt, pre serve; Crooked river rune through ranch, all wnll fenced; good buildings, 129 head 2 and 3-year-old white-face steers. 8 head of biack percheron mares, some cows and calve, purebred white-face bull, saddle horses, saddles, harness, Al equipment, farm Implements and ma chinery; location 15 miles from Prine vilie. Or., on state highway. This Is one of the finest small stock ranches in the state and a wonderful buy. Every thing goes at $45,000, $20,000 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869 GOOD 50-ACRE RANCH. NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. NEW BARN, ONLY $4500. Located 50 miles from Portland. 1 - from Pacific hixhwav and city of 2500 population. Splendid soil, lies practically level, 16 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared ; big new chicken house, bldgs. painted; good spring near house; family orchard. See photes at our office. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg., Ground Floor. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY, SOUTH of Salem. 1U miles from small town. Over 36 acres of good land; all can be cultivated, 20 acres under culti vation, balance in timber; nice creek, well and pump; 5-room ceiled and pa pered bouse, woodshed, granary; good bearing orchard of large variety of fruit. With the place goes team. 2 good cows, 2 heifer calves. 1 sow, 0 pigs, 45 chick ens, 2 wagons, hack, plow, cultivator. cream separator, tools. 8 acres wheat, 6 acres oats, 5 acres potatoes. 8 cords wood and fruit. Price $5000, $3500 cash, or consider 6 or 7 room house near school for part. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIN GER BLDG. CLOSE-IN FA RM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river, 18 miles Portland; extra choice lovel land, all in cultivation ; buildings worth S6O0O: 7 room hoouse, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken house, cost $1 1 00; on improved road; growing crop and 4 cows, 2 heifers, all fullblood Jerseys. 1 horse and about 250 chickens and all farm equipment go with place at $13,000. half cash; good terms on balance. This Is an exceptional bargain and will bear investigation. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., WS H 4th st. IDEAL DAIRY FARM. 24-0 acres, 9 miles north of New-berg. 10 miles south of Hillsboro; 40 acres in oropF, 75 acres slashed and seeded, rest in timfber, lots of cedar; 3 creeks run nlre tUrousrh oiace. all fenced: fi-room rtln.uterw1 hoiiRi. barn 44x70. nnf nnd fsr I 20 cows; hophouse, all buildings nearly 1 new ; horses, cows, calves, fcheep and implements go with place; wiH sell at $82 per acre, give Immediate possession; terms if desired. Inquire of Sam Otto, Laurel, Or. 25 ACRES. located ti mile from electric station, less than 3 miles from Oregon City; 16 acres under cultivation, balance In timber, pasture; good buildings. 120 fruit trees, 1-3 acre of berries; good road. With the place goes the crop. 3 cows. 3 heifers, harness, wagon, buggy, complete line of machinery, all the furniture and over 20O chickens; $3000 cash. Inspected by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. GKR L1NGER BLDG. 81 ACRES. 2 miles N. W. of Battle Ground, wash., one mile or Crawford, Wash., lots fruit; all kinds of crops in; cutting hay now. 8 cows, about 30 hogs, one team horses. All fa rm im plements; new $125 cream separator, all small tools, some chickens; timber for about 1000 cords wood. 9-room house. 2 barns, other outbuildings; water through place. Might take some trade. Call at 435 East Pine and 7th Sta. Phone East 4577. j'INK suburban home. 11 acres, 9 miles from courthouse on Col. highway; good house and barn, other buildings; good orchard; has own water system; finest garden land in the state. Price $12,500. Easy terms. Another fine place all in cult., 48 acres. 9 miles from courthouse, on Ore gon City highway; fair buildings; creek on place; splendid for subdivision: stoJI per acre. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. 35 ACRES TN YAMHILL COUNTY. 30 acres in river-bottom, remainder rol ling; all in cultivation ; house., barn, granary and outbuildings, running wa ter, rich soil; suitable for hops, fruits, berries, vegetables: will be sold cheap If taken quickly: half cash, balance on long time. , kj xoa. ureionian. UOOD farm for sale; first-class place of 200 acres with 120 In cultivation; bal ance lies level and has scattering trees and a creek; up-to-date Improvements; only $100 an acre: 1 mile from station, 5 miles to two good valley towns. D McChesney, 304 Vj Oak st. Bdwy. 266! READY TO BEAR 30 acres apples, near Portland. Or.; combine poultry, bees, vegetables; 3 miles high school, town; irrigation unnecessary, progressive neigh borhood; bargain. Hopkins, 1011 Home. Oak Park, 111. j EASTERN OREGON 640-ACRE improved irrigated farm now offered at an attrac tive price. Write box 207, North Pow dar, Croa, EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM. Am authorized to sell this high ly improved 8S acres, located only 4 miles from city limits of Port land on the Columbia highway; also has Columbia river frontage and Is under new diking district. About 20 acres high land, the bal ance being river bottom, practical ly all cleared except about 20 acres of timber, and is fine pasture. There is a large 7-room bungalow, also large dairy barn and other buildings, fin spring water, fam ily orchard of assorted fruits just the place for a small dairy or truck garden. Personal property con sisting of "20 high-grade Holatein cows. 5 heifers, 3 horses, 2 sets harness, 2 wagons, -disc, mower, rake, 2 harrows, silage cutter, new 8 H. p. gas engine and all small tools. Price, including crop, $28, 000. Easy terms. H. A. DRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN," 508-9 Lewie Bidg. Bdwy. 5081. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOME. 80 acres, located 22 miles south of Portland, near Sherwood, 3 miles from Rex. All can be cultivated; 55 acres in crop, balance in standing timber; over 104J0 cords of wood; orchard of apples, prunes, plums, quinces and small fruit; Al soil, good for nut culture; barn 20x50. shed 20x50; house, milk house and other buildings. With the place go 5 high grade cows, 2 heifer calves, fine young team, driving horse, 4 pigs, chickens, geese, binder, mower, gas engine, hay rake. 2 wagons. 1 hack, buggy, cart, 3 plows. 2 cultivators, good harness, corn shelter, cream separator, clover seeder, feed cutter, incubator, brooder, hay fork and complete line of furniture, tools and all the crop. Price S13.0O0, (5000 cash and $20uO when crops are sold, the bal ance at 4 per cent for 10 years. The personal property and crop is well worth $5u00; or will consider small piece of acreage close to Portland or Portland house up to $4000. Personally Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GER LINGER BLDG. ESTACADA FARM. . ST acres, 55 In cultivation, all in crop, fine orchard of choice fiult, good 7-room house with fire place, telephone, etc.; large barn ai d outbuildings: creek running through pasture; 20 acres fine tim ber; 1-3 of crop goes with place ; 3! miles to good town, high school elftctrtu station, one mile to grade school ;-R. F. D. mail; fine neighbors all around; on good gravel road. Price $125 per acre, in good terms. 6. E. WOOSTER. Owner. Estacada, Or. EIGHTY-TWO acres, one-half In cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber; fine soil, running water, extra good house and barn, with private light and water systems; abundance of fruit, berries and grapes. Farm especially well stocked and equlped, including team. hoxs, chickens, about a dozen milch cows, sev eral heifers, and necessary farming tools and Implements. Located reasonably close to Portland, In fine farming dis trict. Can be had at a real bargain and with reasonable cash payment; balance can run for ten yrs. if desired. Here is a very attractive, well improved, go ing ranch for sale cheap. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bidg. ' 46 ACRES, located on the main highway In Clackamas county. Or.; good clay soil; 32 acres can be cultivated, 25 acres under cultivation, balance. In timber and pas ture. This road will'be paved this season; 2 miles from good town, mile to school, store and post office; the crop is included. Good nw 8-room house, water piped to all the buildings from spring; small creek on the place. Bam 60x70, garage, rock cellar, chicken house; price $7000, half cash. A well located place, with lots of fruit Inspected by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLLNGER BLDG. 200 ACRES 14 miles from center Portland; 170 acres in cultivation, 30 acres tim ber: Just off paved highway; good rosk road; all tile drained ; lies gently roll : Ing; two large barns, some stock and Implements; excellent crop producer; value increasing rapidly. Price $250 ' per acre, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. UKDAHL. Main 6252. 322 Abington Bidg. Portland, or. 60 ACRES, 5 MILES OUT ALBANY. 6 acres of full bearing prunes and loaded with fruit, balance In crop; 6 room house, bath, plastered and in good condition, modern up to the minute barn, two silos, machine shed and all necessary outbuildings, stocked and equipped, crop, stock and equipment goes with the place, all for $12,000. terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 1st National Bar.k bidg., Albany, Or. 20 ACRES, located 32 miles from Eugene, Or., 6 miles from small town; 16 acres ' under cultivation; all can be cultivated; 4 acres of standing timber; good soli, some fruit trees: small house, barn; good well. Price $1050, $300 cash. We will pay the railroad fare both wavs if you buy thia ranch. JOHN FKRGL"SON, GEtt LINGER BLDG. lto ACRES stock or dairy ranch in Ben ton county. 5 miles north of Summit sta tion on the C. 61 E. R. R. ; about bot tom land. 85 acres in cultivation; good soil, creek, orchard, good house, large born, unlimited outrange adjoining place; 2 large mares, 2 cows, wagon, marness, plow, harrow, some household goods. Price for all $8500, some cash, lib. terms on bal. C. O. Irvine, owner, Independence. Or. 160 ACRES BETWEEN ALBANY AND OREGON CITY. 110 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good set of farm bldgs.. family orchard, very rich, slight ly rolling soil; this is the beat buy in the entire neighborhood price $125 per acre. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 1st National Bank bld.,. Albany, Or. BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND ALBANY 14 ACRES OF PRUNES. 10 ACRES OF WALNUTS. 98 acres In all, 50 acres under cultivation, balance good timber and located on the Pacific high way; fair set of farm bldgs. Price $12,. SQ0. terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. -203 1st National Bank bidg., Albanv. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Wheat ranch of 640 acres, good house and barn, all fenced: 430 acres summer fallow, flowing spring of water; leased to good tenant. Price $40 per acre, which Is $10 per acre less than adjoin ing land, but I need cash and will sacri fice. Address Room 514. Palace hotel. WEST side, six miles from town, 30 acres all cleared; 9 acres beaverdam. all in crop: house, barn, well and creek, on highway; no better Loganberry land In state; in fact anything can be grown that the climate will afford; will sacri fice for cash, some terms. E 190, Ore gnnisn. $350 DOWN ON 40 ACRES. On county road, 4-r. housts, about 15 acres in cult.; running water; price $40 per acre: $350 down. 6 yrs. time on bal ance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento for pale, eary terms. Write for list. E. R. Waite. Shawnee. Okla. $500 PER ACRE 1R acres Tualatin val ley: good Improvements. Main 3672. Mc Farland, Falling bidg. IDEAL country home. 40 acres. 25 In crop, rest pasture ; family orchard ; fair buildings: on Lewis river; ft miles of Battle Ground: water In house : $450n ; might take part Portland property. 105 East 11th st. East 178. $3'io CASH and assume $2000 mortgage gets this Improved 5 acres 3 miles of the city limits: this is your chance of a lifetime. See J. P. McKENNA. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. 7u ACRES, good buildings and crop, Ne halem valley, $5500. 278-acre dairy on Columbia highway: price $13,000. I. O. HOLM AN. CLATSKANIE, OR. FOR SALE -River-bottom farms close to gooa town, near roruana, witn or with out stock. Address owner. P 619, Ore gon in. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to ?IOO per acre, easy terms; beat soil; farms for sale, all sizes McFarland 208 Failing bidg. FOR SALE Good 40-acre farm in eastern Oreigon, some improvements, bearing iruit ireea; reavuuauio terms. IS 21 Ore gon i an OH TO FARMS. Write, catalogue, eoo farms, any size. price you want, t nirrerent counties. 40 ACRES, small house. 8 acres cleared very cheap. or particulars. write Butkevicn. rout uanion. ur.- 160 ACRES In North Unit Irrigation dis trict; 46 acres cultivated. If interested write me. jo-h i"L-- i. umeway, rr. CAPITAL HIGHWAY. 1 T arret, all In cultivation : hou barn and crop. Call owner. Main 83SO. FOR SALE CHEAP Ten acres near Beav ton; small house, good land, some big timber, x' oiuwooa evo. READ THIS. A REAL FARM BARGAIN! $75 per acre; 254 acres; 100 now In grain. 25 acres in pasture. 25 acres in ex cellent timber; all lands can be cultivat ed. AH Is extra rich soil; 2 acres in as sorted fruits and berries, all well fenced; 4 springs, a good 6-room house well fur nished; 4 good barns with hayforks in 3 with rope; 5 good horses, 13 head of cattle. 32 sheep. 20 goats. 23 hogs, 150 chickens, speeder. 2 walking plows; one double disc plow, 8-seat harrow, 1 binder, - mower, 1 hayrake, 1 corrugated roller ,diec, cutter, fan. mill, 1 drill, 2 culti cators. cream separator, good wagon, platform scales, all kinds of small tools, garage, granary, hoghouse, shed, toolhouse. machine shed, 9 milking cows, smokehouse. The owner will 8TEP OUT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU. furniture, stock, implements; all for $75 per acre. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST FARM BUYS ON THE MAR KET TODAY. Terms. If yourre Interested in farms, we would like to show you our listings. Moderate prices. See -Farm Dept., F. C. . Marshall with FRANK L. McGUTRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bidg. Main 1068. Opening Evenings and Sundays. 80OA-ACRE DEEDED AND LEASED STOCK RANCH, 100 ACRES IN ALFALFA, 550 EWES AND LAMBS, ALSO EQUIPMENT, $40,0U0. Free water right for the alfalfa, cut 4 crops a year: lots of water for Irrigation; complete equipment for running the ranch; good 7 room house, barn, other out-bldgs.; located 125 mtles east of Port land, in eastern Ore son. on a big river; controls the water frontage for miles on this river; elevation only 800 feet. Ranch will run 2 or 3 bands or sheep; deeded land fenced with woven wire. Leases on government land run for 7 years at ic to 22 Vie per acre. REASONABLE TERMS, See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg.. Ground Floor. OREGON CITY LINE. 21 acres, located 3 miles northeast of Oregon City, less than 14 miles from the center of Portland, only 30 minutes out. on a good graveled road, close to the paved road and Oregon City car line; 16 acres under cultivation in oats, 6 acres pota toes, corn and clover, balance in pasture, except small amount of timber; creek through pasture that never goes dry; good fences; new plastered, attractive bungalow, with enameled bath; 6 rooms and separator room; large barn, chicken house and lots of other buildings; over an acre of bearing orchard in fine shape. With the place goes 6 fine cows, heifer. 4 shoats, 75 chickens, young team of mares, harness and wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, disc, spring tootn harrow, mow er, reaper, hay rake, etc.; machinery in good shape. Telephone, mall, cream route and groceries delivered. Price $6800, $3500 cash. This piece of land per sonally inspected; photos at office. Mars ters. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERL1N GER BLDG. e STURM -KEFER CO. now open in their new office at 214 Fifth st., corner of Salmon st., opposite courthouse, phone Main 6825. with a large and well-selected list of choice farms In Multnomah and Washington counties, Oregon, and Clarke county. Wash. j.-oea.irijr everyone nas a aesire to own a farm or ranch some time. Why not now? See our Mr O. A. Morse and talk farm or country boms. SOUTH OF PORTLAND. 20 acres. located- 2 mllen frnm rir,rnn electric on good graveled road and close to highway; all under cultivation and the very best of chocolate loam soil; good fences, 8 acres of clover, balance ready for crop; good new 5-room bungalow, with Dutch kitchen and bathroom; large "' -'"i-cii jiouae; nan mue to school; few fruit trees. Price $4000, $1400 cash. A fine location in a section of well im proves: iarms. 30 miles out. JOHN FER GUSON, GEKLINGER BLDG. MOLALLA VALLEY FARSlfe. The cream of the Willamette valley is here. We have farms of all sizes and suitable for all purposes; good living conuiuons, ierme sou, near .Portland, Whether from Missouri or not, let ui how you. GORDON J. TAYLOR, Moialla, Oregon. 120 ACRES, black loam soil, located on main road, in Clackamas county. Or., 3 miles from R. R. town; 00 acres can be cultivated, 20 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber 5 acres of bearing orchard; 6-room house, barn, fruit cellar and other buildings; all rural conveniences. Price $3MH); large cash payment. Davis, with JOHN FERGU SON, GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE BY OWNER 160 acres alfalfa and potato land, rich lava ash loam; IV miles from school and railroad; ' - " iiiiuB, eu acres ready for plow 50 acres can be cheaplyT cleared; fenced; two old shacks; orice $7o00, terms; water right aione won the price. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO. (INC.), Main 62o2. 322 Ablngton Bidg. Portland. Or. EQUIPPED farm. t miles from center of ortland on good auto road, between S P. and O. E. railroads. V mile west of hlmomca station ; lu7 acres choice land; 40 cleared, balance timber and rB-u " cieen ana spring on place; beautiful view; house, barn, nmhint ro-ps -and everything on the place for ii.ow, casn, balance long time at 6 N. O. WINGREN, Rotite No. 2. Beaverton. 50 ACRES; 25 acres in cultlvstion, 6 acres miliar, juou ouitaings; orchard; small creek across place f 70 sheep. 15 hogs, 150 chickens, 2 cows, farm implements; ironi HLore ana postornce on main county road, cream route and tele- ijuuuc. win bpii mr sin.uuo. se owner. H. F. GIBSON. Barton. Or. SMALL FARM 14 acres. 11 acres in crop, balance pas ture; choice land, 1 1 miles from C. H Portland; pavd roads. 6-room house, first-class condition; barn, outbuildings lots of fruits and berries. Price $550u, terms. This is a real bargain. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. lt5H 4th st r ciAbCj in s-acre ranch, 30 acres near, - acres uearing and a acres 3 yr. old prune orchard; 100 apple trees, bal- am iirst growm nmoer, rine, well drained soil; water piped to hou- 11 miles from Forest Grove. 3 miles from n. k. t-rice eoinm. isrms. s.'tOnQ cash. balance eusy terms. J 1H3. Oregonian FOR SALE 356 acre of land. 200 in nil. uvauou, mi ies irom cottage CI rove. Or. ; good build ingH, daily maU, family orchard, stock and farm machinery, part of crop; schools close; on main county road; price $30,000, tj cash, balance time at 5 per cent. C. M. Parker, realty dealer. Cottage Grove, Or. HAVE'farm 50 acres, 16 cleared; near sta tion, tsaiem eiectric. urnaro, buildings, running water, 1 2O0 cords standing tim ber; 10 acres pasture. Will take house and lot or suburban acreage up to $35oo and balance $5o0 a year with tt pr cnt interest. Price -$160 per acre. AE 743, Oregonian. IN LINCOLN CO. IGO-a., 50 a, in grass, 25 under plow; orchard, 6-r. house, barn, outbuilding, springs, million ft. timber. 1 Vfc mi. from R. R. station. S350O, terms. Phone Main 7257 or call at 4o8 4th et., room 3. EVERY ACRE PRODUCING Excellent 4-acre farm, fair Improvements, bear ing orchard; easy terms or take Port land house ss payment and time on bl ance. Geo. Howard, owner, 6S2 E. 42 N. Tabor 7Sb4. ti'a-ACRE bearinjr apple orchard, level and fenced, $200 cash, balance easy. Also 5 ac. level, fenced. 3-rm. hous, well, $1250. $150 cash. bal. easy. Both near Willamlna. Jesse R. Sharp, S3 V4 3d st. 79 59 ACRES AT SEAL ROCK. Between Newport and Wallport, daily stajce, 15 acres cleared and has been seeded and fenced; nearby station; small timber; $1500 if cash. Kofton, 563 4th st. Mar. 3214. $40 AN ACRE for B2I acres in Yamhill county. 40 miles from Portland; well watered. 200 acres have been plowed, some oak and fir timber: easy terms. Whalley, 612 McKay bidg. $500043 ACRES. 3 miles from town, 35 in cultivation, fair buildings, crops In cluded ; favorable terms. B. Simon son, route 2, Ridg-field, Wash. LdGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; runntngj water; good soil, tillable; employ. meat; easy terms. J. R, Sharp. 83 30,1 SUBURBAN HOME AND PRUNE ORCHARD. 20 acres of the bet ioam soil, all in a high state of cultivation, 15 acres set to Italian prunes, ber ries and small fruits of all kinds; 6-room modern house, plastered, pressure water system, water piped to all buildnlgs; good tarn. sa rage, concrete cellar, chicken hou!se and park, all fenced and croM feneed; excellent drainage, ad joining highly Improved suburban home. Just outside of city limits, on paved highway; price $15,000. Terms. BEAUTIFUL MODERN SUBURB AN HOME. 20 acres, all set to Italian prunes, some in bearing; new 6 room modern bungalow, furnace, concrete floor in basement, garage, modern chicken houses and park, new barn, fully equipped, very best of loam soil ; adjoining orchards worth $20OO per acre; just outside the city limits on paved highway; price $18,000; terms. CLARKE COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARD. 8n acres, of which 564 acres are In. full bearing Italian prunes, and have had the very base of care; balance of land all cleared and under high state of cultivation; there is a fine crop of prunes on the trees, ready to harvest within -90 davs. Estimated crop about $18,000; new 16-tunnel dryer, good plastered modern house with nice yard and shrubbery, barn and necessary outbuildings. This tract Is located 6 miles from Vancouver, 1U miles from high school, churches, stores, railroad station and river transportation; fronts on the main traveled thorough fare, and 1 mile from a paved highwav. Price, including crops, only $43,000; $22.0O0 cash, bal ance can arrange attractive terms. This must he sold within the next 10 days. You cannot beat it. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA RIVER VIEW FARM. 93 acres of the best loam soil, no rock or gravel, 50 acres in a high state of cultivation, fine spring and spring stream, 5 acres set to Italian prunes, new 6-room bungalow, extra good barn, chick en house and park, hog houses and lot, a large family orchard in full bearing, berries and small fruits of ail kinds; 5 acres plant ed to potatoes. 2 acres corn, balance oats and clover; all fenced and cross-fenced, including riding cultivator, two plows, harrows, mower, hay rake, cream separator, and small tools of all kinds, com manding a wonderful view of Co lumbia river and surrounding country in a thickly settled and highly improved district, close to school, on main highway, with all rural advantages. This land is exceptionally adapted to Italian prunes. English walnuts and clo ver. Price $13,000; half cash. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY FARM. 256 acres 200 acres that can be cultivated, balance good pasture. This is all fine. deep, sandy loam soil, and grows the very best of alfalfa. This place cuts about 200 tons of alfalfa at the present time. Large dairy barn that will hold 100 head of cattle and 200 tons of hay; 2 large silos, milk house, chicken house. 2 acres In assorted family orchard. Place Is all fenced and cross-fenced and In very fine shape, and all In crop. Personal property: 60 head of high-grade Holsteln cows and heifers, 6 bead of horses, alt farm machinery, ensilage cutter and blower, 2 gasoline engines. Shar pies milking machine. This is lo cated just opposite the mouth of the Willamette river on the Co lumbia. 6 miles west of Vancou ver; school on one corner of the place, a lo dock and boat landing. This Is undoubtedly one of the bett buys on the market today, consid ering the quatttv of soil, location and price; 46,SOO. $26,500 cash, balance 10 years, 6 per cent, takes everything. FEB MR. BLAIR, WITH THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main sis., Vancouver, Wash. INVESTIGATE THESE. 40 acres. 25 acres In high state of cultivation, 3-room house, fair barn, 650 bes ring prune trees. i mile from slate road No. 8; S miles northeast of Wash ou gal. Price $4500. 40 acres, 17 acres In cultivation, all In crops, family orchard, good 5-room house with cement base ment, good barn and all necessary outbuildings. 300 feet off Pacific Highway. Price $11,000. Vi cabh. 60 a eras, 4Vb miles from Van couver, Haxel Deli district. V4 mile off of th pavement; 6 milk cows, 2 heifers, 1 team horses, farm machinery, ft-room modern house, good brn, all fenced and cross fenced. 40 acres In cultivation, 5 acres Umber. Price $16,000. Half cash. 320 acres, 8 acres In cultiva tion, 8-room house, all fenced and cross-fenced, wire sheep fencing, 5Vj miles from Cape Horn, small house, big bam, family orchard, running water, water at house and b.irn. 100 head of sheep, 1 team of horses, w-igon end all farm Im plements and tools. Price $S0O0. Half cah. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 MATN ST. VANCOUVER, WASH. PRUNE LANDS For Ss le by W. E. WHITE & CO., Newberg, Oregon. $4,500 !0 acres in prunes, one half bearing, remainder In younger prunes : all cleared. short distance from hard road : 200O cath, terms on balance. J14.000 One f the best prune orchards In this part of the country; all bearing and a big crop this year; 15 acres In tract, 13 acres of it in prunes; prunes will make big payment on the place this year. $6,000 684 acres, rolling land. modern bldgs., silo, mixed orchard beginning to bear, hot and cold water, best of soil; would make splendid dairy farm. IN MARION COUNTY. $15,000100 acres. 65 acres cleared, fair buildings, close to school; woven wire fence along road. mixed or chard : $5000 win handle this proposition. W. E. WHITE CO., Newberg, Oregon. TW ENTT-ONB ACR E9 of full bearing prune, located in one of Clarke county's best fruit districts. This orchard has had the best of care and has a record-breaking crop on the trees; 10 tons of fer tilizer were put on this spring and a crop of vetcu was plowed under. This place would net the pur chaser one -half of the purchase price this fall. Clarke county has one of the largest prune crops on record this year and the selling price of the fruit is higher than ever. Here Is an opportunity to share in this prosperity. Remem ber that reliable fruit men here es timate thst this orchsrd will net $750O for the owner this fall and the price Is only $15,000. ONE-HALF CASH. PERHVAL A PERCTVAL, Vancouver, Wash. v Phone 187. 6 MILES FROM CITY. 44 acres of sandy loam soil, located close to the Clackamas river, south of Portland on a fine road; 30 acres under cultivation, all can he cultivated; 3 acres of good orchard, l acre of prunes: ersek on the place; good bungalow of tt rooms, full cement basement; bam 8 Ox 40 ; chick en house, hoa house, 5 acres In wheat. 8 acres In oats, 5 acres clover, 2 acres ootatoes. With this place go 3 cows, horse. oO chickens, 2 hogs and 1 heifer, Will conaider house in Portland un to $;," 00 and some cash; glvs terms on the balance. 1 ms is a wen locaten. ciose-in farm. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, FOR SALE or trade, 93-acre farm, imple ments and stock, by owner. Tabor 6303 or 453 J, 3Ui st. N CLARKE COUNTY ( W ASH I Ni TON FARM BARGAINS. FINEST SUBURBAN ORCHARD HOME NEAR POBTLAND. 20 U acres, all the very finest of doep clay-loam prune, '.and, all in high state of cultivation and ail in prune orchard from 2 to 6 ears old; big crop of prunes on bearing trees, some apples and other fruit and assorted berries. There is a beautiful 7-room new absolutely modern bunca.ow with full con crete basement, furnace, fireplace and all kinde of buiit-in conveni ences; good double garage, fine large modern Low den burn, neA large modern chicken houys. ex cellent spring waiter under pres sure and all the necessary out buildings. There sees witn the place 500 White Leghorn laying hens, good team, wagon, harness, disc p'ows, cultivators and a i nec essary toois and machinery, 1 fine Jersey cow. This place i? located only 3 miles from Vancouver. 10 miles from Portland, on paved highway. Is a beautiiul home snd far under value. Price If sold at once only $0.tH0, good terms. Improvements aone on this place worth two-thirds of price asked. PRUNE-ORCHARD BARGAIN. 54 acres, all excellent level land, all -well fenced and cros-fenced, 42 acres in high state of cultiva tion and crop; "J3 ares in bearing prune orchard in the very btt of condition, which now has about $lii,OiH crop on the trees, alt-o as sorted family orchard, berries, etc. Very good 7-room house, modern; fine pressure water system, - good barns. '2 hogrwues, chicken house, garage and all outbuildings. The equipment consists of 2 gaud cows, good team, new wagon, 2 sets of harrers. new mower, rake, 2 p'ows, dit spring- tooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, cream separator. 2 gasoline engines, 1 buggy, 1 single harness. 1 dozen hens. loO prune boxes and ail other tools and im plements. This place is located on main road, on ly 10 miles from Vancouver and in one of Clarke county's bert prune-orchard tac tions; near railroad station. This place is at least $10,000 below ac tual value, but the owner ts un able to care for place and mutt .sell at once. This year's crop should bring between I12.0OO and 115. OOO . Price if sold at once. 524, OO0. $70OO ca&h, balance very easy terms. EQUIPPED 20-ACRE BARGAIN. 20 acres of Clarke County's beet soil. 3 acres of which is finest beaver dam. The plae is alt well fenced and cross-fenced and is all In high state of cultivation and in crop, consisting of hay. grain, po tatoes, etc. I acre of young prune orchard, also fine assorted bearing orchard. All ktnda of assorted berries. Fine 7-room modern bun galow, fireplace and all built-in conveniences. Very good barn 50x80. modern hog house w ith running water, chicken house, con crete potato house, large shop, garage, storehouse, and oth-er out buildings. Personal property con sists of 7 extra fine cows, 1 bull, 3 head of young stock. 1 brood sow. 3 dox. chickens, cream sep arator, 5 10-gal. milk cans, gaso line engine, power washing ma chine, mower, rake, disc, harrow, 2 plows, cultivator, potato planter, complete blacksmith outfit, a lot of household furniture, hundred of small tools, hay springs, cliains. etc. Also goes with this place a lease on 20 acres adjoining with 5 acres pasture and IS acres In oats and hay. Rent paid to December and can run as long as deMred at $10O per year. The owner Is ill and must sell at once. Price for fchort tune only $7O00; $2:i0y cash, balance easy terms. Will have to hurry for this pi ace wilt soli t o the first man who sees it- EQUIPPED S0-ACRE DAIRY FARM. 80 acres all level and all the very best of soil. 2." acres in high state of cultivation and crop, consisting of. hay, grain, potatoes, corn,- etc. Good assorted family orchard and assorted berries. Good house, good barn 26x42, hog hou.-e, chicken house, dairy, implement house, shop. silo, fine well with gas engine and all out buildings. Personal property and equipment consists of 9 extra fine eowt. 6 2-year-old heifers. 1 heifer calf, extra fine team, harness. 2 wag ons, disc plow, rake, teed cutter, ga-s engine, drag saw, circle taw. cream separator, 40 chickens and all household goods. This place is located 2 miles from small town, 12 miles fom Vancouver in Clarke County's best district, on main road. This place must be seen to be appreciated as it is a real money maker. Price for a short time $11,000, half cash, balance on or before 10 years, ft per cnt. THE R. S THOMPSON CO., 410 WASHINGTON ST.. VANCOUVER, WASH. 320 ACRIjiS. $3200. This land is about 2 miles from Eddy ville. Or., which is a railroad station : about 20 acres under cultivation; set of buildings on each quarter section, on good country road ; living sprin 53 and creek ; voung orchard in bearing and good timber; about 30 acres of creek bot tom. An Ideal stock farm. Only $10 per acre, on good terms. 3r ACRES, 24 miles from Toledo. Wash. ; 8 acres under cultivation; good 6-room house, good barn, other cut buildings; living creek, some bottom land. Price $2000: nominal payment cash, balance on long time. 80 ACRE'S. $1250. 5 miles from Scofield, Washington eeuntv. Or, mile from new railroad now building; 4 acres under cultivation, some timber and a lot of good cedar; well and living water. On good terms. .T R. PHRECK, 603 &paldlng Bidg. Main 370$. EVERTTHTNG GOES. 4f acres, all fenced with wire, located R mtles from Moialla. Clackamas county. on a fine graveled road that will be paved; electric lights can be had; 35 acres can be cultivated, 18 acres in oafs, corn and potatoes, balance in pasture and timber: 2 sorinKS and creek: all rural conveniences; V mile to school; small orchard: good 3-room house and pantry, barn 26x38. chicken house, root cellar. hog house. 3 good fresh cows, 1 heifer. . sows. 90 chickens, cream separator, com plete line of machinery, harness, crops and possession. Price $4V)0, $2too cash, balance ft years 6 per cent. Inspected by Brocks, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG, V'E HAVE eme of the best suburban acreage near Portland at very reason able prices, extra we! 1 improved. A Ino farms of all sire, prices and descrip tions, fTstra well located, very best of poll. Can grow slfPlfa as well as any Irrigated district. Why not consult us and look, over cur listings before you buy? ATKTNSON & PORTER. 112 W. TH ST.. VANCOUVER. SHERWOOD PA RM. PO seres. 5 mi. south thrwovd, high roiling land, extra good soil : 45 A. in crops, bal. pasture and timber; lots of wood, nice orchard and berries; good water; 8-room house. bam. outbuild ings, running water; near school. Price $iuOO. and wnrth it. R. M. G ATK WOOD & CO., IW'i 4th Kt. A REAL FARM cheap. r2 arres. 14 mtles tr- Portland, rn Clackamas river, on main road; 40 a. In crop: good 7-room house, la-ge barn, 2 a. orchard, berries, etc.; new bldgs., H mile to ntore: 5 cows, farm tools. 3 a. spuds; board and wire fences; best of soil. Price for all $10,000, or le.a without stock and crop; terms. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. cor. Taylor. 46 ACRES, all In cultivation except 4 acres In timber; all in fine crop: 4 acres heavy bearing Italian prunes. 40 large Eng lish walnuts, fine water, family orchard, good 7-room house, larire barn, good stone cellsr and out buildings, paved highway goes thmuch p!ae, IS miles from Portland : $6300. Terms. L. O. Gerber. Alder hotel. FARM cheap; 100 acres for $R0 per acre; near Oregon City; house and barn. 15 acres in cult.. 10 acres timber. baU pas ture; good soli, no rocks; lays well, on good road ; greek on place, orchard : 1 mile electric car: a snap. Other bar galns. Garland. 201 Sd. 159 ACRES, fenced, on highway, house, large barn, silo, river runs through place, 4 springs, water piped house, barn ; or chard, cultivated land, now in crop. Owner. Monday. 400 Swetiand bidg. 00 ACRES. 7 cleared. 1 mile from station, 3 from Forest Grove, small house, barn, living spring, fine for dairy or fruit. W. T. Vaughn, owner. Phone Main 4103. 2"B1G FARM BARGAINS 320 "and 2S0 running water, rich soil. $05 sere; some trade. S. M. Venard. 92J Chamber Com merce. FOR SALE Rogue river valley, 90 acres, north of Belma. near Grants Pass, Or. Best of ranch land. For particulars, owner. A KxoksLrom, Klsmore, fe.aa. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Fine diry or general farm, 2 acre; iiu acres level. 110 acres under plow, which is bottom land, all A-l soil; 4 acres strawberries, orchard ; all fenced with woven wire; 4 miles from railroad; good road; mile to school; K. F. D. ; phone ; good six-room house. 2 barn a horse barn and dairy barn, all outbuilding: 2 silts 11x32 and 8x32. Price $17, 000. $lu,00o cadh, balance to suit. BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS K1VER FARM. acrea. U5 acres level. lnO acres under plow, loj acres river bottom, don't overflow. 40 acres fir timber, 2 4 -acres family or chard: all the finest kind of soil, all fenced hog-tignt except 40 acres ; 2 miles from railroad sta tion : fine spring; f.tces Clackamas river; A-l auto road; barn, good 8-room house. plastered. with bath, toilet; Ail out-buiUilngs; two small housed for help; rt acres potatoes. 20 acres oats, 30 acres wheat, 15 acres clover. 2 horses. 3 cows. 2 calves, 1 sow. u pigs, goats, 1 buck. 40 nans, 3t wethers. 3 kids, waeon, drill, manure spreader, disc harrow, harrow. 2 cultivators, mower. rAke. 4 plows, corn shelter. gas engine, feed grinder, wood saw, cream sepa rator, ensilage cutter, hay fork, pulleys, all small tools. This Is a wonderful farm And is only 10 miles from the city of Portland. The owner lias other business and must sell. Price $45,000. $15.00 cash, balance to suit at o per cent. PINE FARM STOCKED. Marion county. Or. This fine farm is all equipped and mnking money ; 350 acres, almost level, 1 0o acre under plow, more can bo plowed ; 1 acre timber; A-l deep soil; 2-acre orchard, berries, etc.; all fenced; H nitle from rail way. 1 mile to school; good creek, good road, 2 w ells, good 10-room house. 2 barns. 1 dairy barn, holds TS cows. 3 silos: personal property, riding plow, walking plow, 3 bar rows, 2 cultivators, mower, rake, drill; 2 gas engines, ensilage cutter, corn harvester, wagons, bucgy, 30 registered Hoist cm cows, 30 grade Holsteins. 6 and harness. 13 acres oats. 20 acres cheat, 5 acres ciover. S acres vetch. 31 acres corn. Price for all. $30,000: $ cash, bal ance to suit, 5 per cent. Don't overlook this opportunity. WASHINGTON FA RM. 246 acres; 210 acres level, bal ance rolling; 5 acres under plow; 40 acres good timber; unlimited range; 25 miles from Portland ; family orchard; A-l soil; all fenced, mostly woven wire: 61 miles from railway, 200 feet from school ; good road : 4 springs. 3 creeks, good H-room house, large stock and dairy barn, hold 50 cows; good well. granary. all outbuildings; a complete set of farming tools. 3 good mules. 3 milch cows, 40 head choice ewes, boar. 3 O. I. C. sows, steer. 1 heifer. 2 calves. 24 chickens. 30 acres oats. 6 acres rye, 1 acre spuds, 40 acre3 clover. 8 acres timothv. 40 acres native hay. Price $20,000; $17,000 cash. McMINNVTLLE DISTRICT. This ia a fine farm and must he seen to be appreciated: 1SS-j acres, all nearly level, 150 acres under plow, and in crops; 5 acres timber; all A-1 rich loam soil; one acre loganberries, family or chard, all fenced with woven wire; 2 miles from railroad: mile to school; R. F. D., phone; good gravel road ; fine 5-room house, water piped to all build ings. 2 fine barns, granary, garage, all outbuildings. B good horsee, 0 good cows, 3 helferb, 3 fine sows, 7 pigs. 10 shoHts, 3 sets harness, 2 wagons, buggy, manure spreader, binder, corrugated roller. 4-horse disc, drill, gang plow, steel drag, harrow, go-dovll. mower, rake, plow, gas engine, seed mill and feed cutter, pulp cutter, corn sheller, fanning mill. platform scales, cream separator, double shovel plow cultivator. 15 cords wood, 2o acres oats. 50 acres wheat, 15 acres cheat. 3 acres clover, t0 acres vetch, 3 acres corn. Price $40,000; some terms. HILLSBORO FARM. 144 i acres, al! level. A-l soil ; 85 acres under plow, berries and famliy orchard, all wire fenced; W mile to school, stores, post office, etc. ; several springs. 1 creek: good gravel road; fine well; 2 good houses. 6 rooms each, fine dalrv barn, all outbuildings: ail farming implements complete : 3 hordes, 7 milch cows. 2 heifers. 1 registered . bull. 3rt chickens, turkeys, etc.. 35 acres oats, 20 acres wheat. 16 acres clover. 16 acres timothy, acres vetch. Price $31,004; $10,000 cash. A REAL PROPOSITION. This is one of the finest farms in Oregon, and is located in the Canhy district, only 25 miles from the courthouse; 157 acres. 130 acre level bottom land. 40 acres of the finest garden land to be had anywhere. 135 acres under plow and in crops that can't be beat, lino family orchard, is all fenced with woven wire; 1 U miles from railroad ; A-l road : 2 fine springs. 1 creek. 2 wells with water piped to all the buildings; fine. strictly modern ten -room house; fine barn, fine new ma chine shed, garage. 6-room house for help, fruit house: personal property, plows, harrows, new Nilsen tractor, potato digger. llnder. mower, rake, tedder, po tato planter. 2 rollers, disc liar row. 2-bottom tractor plow, all small tools; 5 fine horses. 3 A-l cows. 1 yearling. 1 calf. boar, brood sow, 3 fat hogs. 0 shoats. J0O0 bu. grain. 10 acres oats, M acres wheat, 4 acres cheat. 5 acres clover. 2 acres timothy, IS acres vetch, 1 tons hay in barn. Price for all. $50,000. $20,000 cash, balance terms, 6 per cent. A. G. BENDER, RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bid. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 130 ACRES of the richest kind of upland swale lsnd in a well set-tle-j and prosperous farming dis trict in Clsrke county. 3 miles from railroad station, fronting on good gravel road, less than Vs mile to school; nice running stream through plHce. furnishing abundant fresh water for stock; 50 acres or more under cultivation, etiiefly in raea-dr-w 2 or 3 acres old family orchard, apples. pars. cherries, prunes, etc.; very large barn, ca pacitv for 150 tons hay, stanchions foi 15 to 20 cows, stall room for 6 or fi hordes, wagon and machinery sheds: fruit house, good sized. 2 story firm dwelling. In need of re pairs from disuse: good well st house, splendid water. The owner of this farm has been unable for several years to live on the place or give his personal attention to its upkeep and rather than continue to rent It will sell It at a sacrifice $c4 5t- -$t5 sn acre takes it: $2450 cabh. balance on time to suit. 40 ACRES, EQUIPPED. Very best of deep clay loam MI, ?T acres well cleared and in crop. 13 acres fine woodland pasture, all fenced ; good buildings. l-mom house, with modern conveniences; fine old family orchard: all kinds ot berries and small fruits: splen did well, large barn, w ith modern appliances: granary. pins, chicken and hog nouses; located In thjrkly settled community. ij miles frm Vancouver, on well traveled gravel road. 1 mile from pavement, t-i mile to school ami church. 1 a mile to railroad station and store; 4 good cows. team of horses, wagon, harness, mower, rake, all kinds farm implements and tools, 30 or more chickens. All for $SuOO. half cash, balance 6 per cent. ELWELL & WATTS. WASHINGTON ST. AT STH, VANCOUVER, WASH. DOUGLAS COUNTY. PRUNES AND DIVERSIFIED RANCH. 260 acres. 135 in cult i vat ion, 35 acres bearing prunes. 10 acres pears. 10 acres apples, walnuts and other fruits. Six tunneJ prune dryer; 1 mUe to railroad; 1 miles to Pacific highway, 8-room house, rural route, phone, school : land not steep. The prunes and frutt will pay big interest on the investment and a splendid stock ranch. You can double your money in one year. Price $16.00O; $S0O0 cash and $1000 per year. See J. W. Robertson, with A. W. ESTES. J09 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL KSTATK. WANT modern house; have good IMtt auto and lots as part pay W. H. RoSS, HOd Northwestern Bank bidg. WANT suburban home; can uhv the cash if necessary; glvo complete information. G 593, Oregonian. WANT lots in Ladd's addition, well lo cated and priced right. HENRY. W, GOiDAKD. 243 Stark 4 1