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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 9 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. ONLY $:iG50 buys a brand new bungalow, never before occupied: with the bunga low you get J acre of land, practically on the Capital highway, in a fine dis trict. This bunKa'iow contains ail of the city conveniences, including Bull Run water, and ontv 4 Mocks from a car lino and station. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTOX BLDG. . ONLY $2700 will put you into full possession uf these 3 big acres of land, every inch of it In cultivation, on the car line and at the station; you drive to it over a paved highway the entire distance from the business center with the land you get a good 5-room house, every room plastered, fireplace, barn, oh tcken house, plenty of good water on the place. This is an absolute bargain and is only 0 miles from the business vr iuer. It would be cheap at twice the price a?ked. Alt you need is $1200 cash. Jkl. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTOX BLDG. Only $2500, and this place for the money is the greatest bargain ever be fore offered in Multnomah county, as well as in the city of Portland. Here is a very substantial, attractive 8-room pi as it-red house, every room newly pa pered and tinted: this house has all of the city coonvt nlences and with the house you get hi acre of laml, all in garden and fruit. The location Is good, being only 5 blocks from a car line and station, only 5 blocks from city school. No person can build the houne today for a less price than J45O0. The land Is cheap at $000; $2.V)0 buys and pays In full for a perfect title to this place; $1300 cash, the balance on long time. M. J. CLUH E&SY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $::000, on East Burnslde St.. not as far out as 05th street, buys acre of land with a good 5-room house ; ce ment basement, all of the plumbing in, tewer connections made, every city con venience in the house desired. This is giving something away for a mere trifle. soo cash is all you need, easy terms on the balance. M. J. CLOHEbaV, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $3000 for 4 big acres of land, a beautiful place with a tine creek run ning through it. You go to It over the paved highway and it is close in to the business center. There is a 4-room house, very substantia) and very attrac tive, chicken house, plenty of fruit in lull bearing. This is one of those places where you have lots of trees and shade, cios to car line, and should attract people desiring a suburban home with all the comforts, as well as a running trream through the place. It must be ucurlv all cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB INGTON BLDG. River-front bungalow, only $0000 for 4 acres on the car line and right at the nation; 255 ft. of river-iront, the same of boulevard-front. There are 4 acres which go with this place. It is a beau tiful preserve, with all of the native trees left to beautify and attract the ve and satisfy the taste. $20,000 would fce cheap for this place in this high class Kiverdale district. The owner is a non-resident and demands that it be acriliceU for a cash sale, therefore ot ters to sell everything. Large, swell 7 fonm bungalow with every city con venience in it; modern and up to date, vith another smaller bungalow not so expensive. M. J. CLOHESSY. AB1NG lO.N BLDG. Only $6500. and this is river-front home. You get - acres of land in park and garden; on the car line and right at the station; nothing between this place end the east side but water. This is practically a forced sale and mutt be eold without any qualification and the price means half its true value; $3000 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $8000 for this river-front home, end we defy any person to replace the bungalow which you get with this big. beautiful acre of land for $10,000, say nothing of the land, which in this lo cality would be cheap at $0o00. No more beautiful water-front on the Willamette river than this place possesses. It is a charm to live there and a double charm to own It. All of these places have a big speculative value as well as a de lightful place to live, as there is so much water-iront in this high-class dis trict and no more to be had: $."ioo cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHKSSY, AB INGTON BLDG. Have you noticed those one-half-acre country homesites on the river road and close to the Oregon City car line? liavo you noticed that you can buy paved street-front or river-front in Vs acre or acres from $TOO up? Do you also know that this is positively the best location and thu finest lying land on the Oregon City car line, close in to the business center of Portland ? Do you know that all of these, homesites are cleared and such of them as you desire for beautiful trees, and you may take your choice of either tha garden land or those with trees for $700 tor acre? Do you know of any land in this locality anywhere surrounding it that cun be bought for a leas price than i ;ui00 per acre? Has it occurred to you 1 that RIVER VILLA ACHES is a new subdivision Just platted and for years has been known as the most desirable and choicest spot on the Oregon City car line and the Willamette river? Do you know also there are just so many of these country homesites to be sold less than OS and when they are gone there are no more to be had for miles around? Do you know that by acting at once you can possess yourself of some rare bargain which will not occur again? Do you know that we do not want all cash and are willing to give easy terms, with small payments, to en able vou to buy one of these beautiful RIVER VILLA ACHES sites? Drive out today on the river road . and right at Courtney station you will see the big signs on the RIVER VILLA ACRES, and then call at the office without delay and provide vourself with one or more of thene acre sites before they are all gone. Now vou have t he first selection. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. This Is a high-class suburban home. In a high -class suburban home district, on the car line and practically on the paved highway. It enjoys all of the city conveniences and was constructed especially to be the beat bungalow sur rounding Portland. It Is built of stone, of a very majestic appearance, one of those places which is. pointed to with pride by the surrounding. Inhabitants as being the best and most attractive of any sruburban home yet constructed close in to Portland; everything about this place In its construction is of the high est order. It is brand new. lacks a very little of being entirely completed, but is ready to move into Immediately after the purchase. It is one of those places which cost upwards of $ 'JO. 000. but the present owners apparently are com pelled to dispose of this place before they can enjoy the pleasure of living In it, therefore they offer it for a quick ale for $12.50. After you see it you will agree with us that the bungalow represents a cost of about $'JO,000. You gH with the bungalow one acre of land. Terms will be grunted. M. J. CLO HESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $6000 buys this 40 acres of land, 23 in cultivation. There Is a small on the place. The location Is the best, being on'y one mile from the car line end station and main street of the city of Tualatin. This land is the best to be foynd in the Tualatin valley. An ex change for a house and lot in this city fnr a large part of the purchase price will be considered. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4S0O buys and pays in full for this choice suburban home in. a locality which is nt the present time very much sought after, close to "Oswego lake,' on the main boulevard leading from the business center to the lake. Only 4 blocks from the car line and station. This is one beautiful acre of land, very nigh ly Improved with all varieties or fruit, large and small, of the bett qual ity, in full bearing. You get with th land a modern, up-to-date 3-room bun galow , basement, fireplace, city water, lias and electricity. To se t h is place, if vou desire a beautiful suburban home in "a first-class district, is to buy it on the spot. Half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres, located on a good macadam ized road, within 10 minutes' walk from Oregon electric station, south of Tigard; ell under cultivation and the finest kind of soil; large bearing orchard, jrood at tractive 0-room house; electric lights can do naa. xrice easy terms. Photo at offce. Personally inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FEKGL'SON. GERLINGER BLDG. ' EVERGREEN STATION. On Oregon City car line, about H acre, strictly modern house, double construct ed. 5 largu rooms, sleeping porch, all on one floor, large front porch, basement, large attic, fireplace; Rector heating sys tem, gas, electric lights. Bull Run water, garden, natural trees and shrubbery ; 2 blocks from station and grocery. See owner at room 3, Union station. Phone Broadway 4500. local 192. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN FARM HOME. 3 acre lots, all in choice fruit and berries. 7-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, with city gas, pressure water system, garage; $10)0; crop, poultry, family gar den and other personal property. Owner sacrificing everything for $0500; terms. A real bargain. A. K. Hill, 215 Lum- bermens Diug. FOR SALE A four-room modern bunga low at Ryan Place on Oregon Electric for further particulars. Address O. Romalne. Multnomah. Or. ACRE Large orchard, berries, fine garden, new 3-room bungalow, Haw thorne district; $4500; term Tabor 2474, REAL ESTATE. Suburban, Home. ARE you looking for a country home in or near the outskirts of Portland? We have hundreds of desirable suburban homes at REASONABLE PRICED. Be low are a few: $1900 One acre right on Buckley ave., with a new 4-room plastered house; . electricitv. gas. water; VERY EASY TERMS. This is a snap! $1600 TERMS. One fine acre near STAN LEY STATION; 4-room house, .water. gas. electricity. SEE TH IS! $220 ONE ACRE FRUIT AND BER RIES; good 7-room home; large ohicken house for 300 hens; GAR DEN HOME, near " school; TERMS. $2630 HUBER STATION; 1 acre: fruit and berries, and a modern 4-room , bungalow ; laior saving built-ins, wh ite interior finish ; barn and chicken bouse; TERMS. This is vaiue! $5250 BEAUTIFUL PARK ROSE; one acre with an artistic 5-room bun galow; ABUNDANCE OF FR U I T AND BERRIES. If you are par- ticular this lovely little home will appeal to you. $4800 DOSCH STATION; beautiful view ; 5-room modern bungalow ; plenty of fruit and berries; only $150O down, balance like rent. A HOME THAT MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. "W'e have hundreds of remarkable SUBURBAN HOME BUYS. We'll be glad to show them at an v time. Open even ings and Sundays. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. MeOUIRE. To Buy Your Country Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10RS. 100 ad St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $1000 $2C0 CASH. 2 acres miles city, close to electric station and Base Line road. Just the place for suburban home. $U0O $220 CASH. 6 1-S acres on main road and close to electric station. A sih deep, soil foT berries, fruit and garden. 130O $:tu0 CASH. 4Vz acres all cleared and fenced, a very fine soil for berries, fruit, garden. Close to station on electric road. $270 $400 CASH. 2M: acres at Oak Grove on Oregon Electric. A very pretty home of 2 rooms. Poultry house and run. Fruit and berries, garden. Electric lights. It's worth more. Very easy terms on the balance. It you want acreage eee Mr. Boehm. MacINNES & PRATT. 209-10 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Oak. CHOICE HOMES. 2 acres in cultivation. 40 bearing fruit trees, berries and large variety ehf ub bery, 6-room modern house, H. V. lloors. furnace, finished in old ivory; this is an exceptionally neat, clean place ; a real home; Oregon City car line, near station ; price $S00o. half cash. 14 acres, 1 1 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture ; choice land, lies right; 8 room house, good condition, barn, out buildings, on good road. 11 miles court house; price $5500; terms. This price is right; a bargain. One acre in cultivation, fine land; 7 room house, modern plumbing, electric lights; chicken house, barn, close to sta tion ; 11c fare; $:t250, half cash. 5 acres, 3 acres In cultivation, balance pasture; lots of fruit and berries; 5 room house, barn. 20 acres free pasture; price $.'1000. half cash. R M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th St. TWO ACRES OF CHERRIES. 6 acre?, located on a good graveled road, 5 blocks from pavement and depot; 5 4 acres under cultivation, Vi acre standivg timber, two acres of Blngs. Lamberts and Royal Anne cherries, all bearing. lots of other fruit. This is the finest kind of soil, no rock or gravel; only 10 miles from the center of Port land ; 7-room plastered house, water system, gas, large chicken house, garage; incumbrance $2200; consider Portland house, well located. Property inspected bv Davis. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. IN ACRE MODERN" HOME. $4000. Two cultivated acres w-ith almost new, modem u-room triple constructed bouse; has fine bath, nice electric fixtures. , Dutch kitchen, good outbuildings, some fruit and berries; all well fenced; lo cated at Garden Home, on Oregon elec tric, with 7c commutation fare; 4G trains daily. You can't find another bargain like this in a month's search. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Wash. St. - Main 8220. Office Open Sunday. BUILDING SITE AT GARDEN HOME. $30 DOWN $10 MONTH. Only IS minutes out' on the OREGON ELECTRIC. 7c commutation ' fare, 40 electric trains daily; g:fj. electricity and piped water; prices $250 to $fi00 ; on ly $50 down $10 per month. YOU BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. See McCOR MIC, owner, at 242 Washington street. Main 8220. SUBURBAN HOME ON THE PAVED ROAD. Nearly 6 acres, on the Powell Valley road, just east of the city; 4 acres un der cultivation ; all can be cultivated ; 4-room house, barn, chicken house. Price $6500, $2500 cash; will consider house in Portland in the Woodstock district up to $2500. Nelson, with JOHN FER GUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. NED BURKE'S MULTNOMAH BARGAINS. Right on the highway; a dandy home; 4 rms. downstairs finished and 2 rms. upstairs unfinished ; basement and barn ; ground 75x110; fruit; easy terms. i acre and o-rm. house; water, gas and elec. lights, all kinds of chicken coops, brooder house; crops all in ; $500 will handle. See Ned Burke. Main 1003. Multnomah. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, four acres; every kind fruit, nuts, trees matured, acre grapes. eight-room house. hard wood floors. Rector gas heating, two baths, sleeping porch, servants' cottage, laundry house, double garage, chicken house, barn, automatic water system, fountain lily pool, fine shrubbery, per istyle. Inquire 52 First st. Tel. Bdwy. 9rt2 or Oak Grove lOo-M. 14 H ACRES, located on a good road, nea Clackamas, only 10 miles from center of Portland, close to station; the road will be paved ; all under cultivation ; a nice home site; price $4500. clear; will con sider well -located home in Portland; will assume some on good 5-room place. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 3 ACRES, located 2 blocks from Greenberg station : all in crops; lots of berries, over 60 fruit trees. bearing; 5-room plastered cottage. 2 chicken houses; best of plumbing: nice grounds. Price $4500, terms. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIN GER BLDG. MULTNOMAH STATION BUNGALOW. S-room modern up-to-date place with quarter-acre of ground and some fruit trees. Built to sell for $5750. Owner financially embarrassed and I have had to take this house over to satisfy debts. Will sacrifice at $5000 on your own terms. See my special sales representa tive. N. H. Atchison. 204 Henry Bldg. SEVEN ACRES, H I LLSBORO DISTRICT. $5500. We have an ideal little ranch In the Hillsboro district, with good modern house of seven rooms, close in and near electric station. This is an exceptional buy. NEILAN - PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark st. BY OWNER Halif acre; lots of fruit, berries and the finest garden grown in city; 1 block from 82d st. highway; 4 room modern bungalow, new garage, chicken house, all fenced; . am out of work, want to lewve town; a bargain; Jo 100 cash or $1800 cash and take mort gage for balance. 4 I 25 SOth st., cor. 42d ave. Phone Tabor 820. SUBURBAN home right in the city, only 1 block from car, on paved street, over an acre of ground, corner location, lots of fruit, extra well -built, modern 9 -room house; an exceptional place and bar gain ; $12,000. and terms If desired. TALLMADGB REALTY CO.. 619 Henry bldg. ANOTHER Ned Burke bargain, a beautiful 5-room bungalow with all built-in con veniences; view unexcelled; 2 blocks from station; acre of ground, all in crop; 20 bearing fruit trees, strawber ries, blackcaps, beautiful lawn : house in first-class condition. See Ned Burke, Multnomah. M. 1003. BEST BUY NEAR PORTLAND. FARM 20 acres. 10 acres in cultiva tion ; house and barn, spring and creek water, bearing fruit trees, timber for wood ; 14 miles from city, mostly all paved road; fine poultry ranch or sum mer home. A SNAP at $4000. terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Mu?t be sold at once, 1 acre with dandy new 5-room bungalow with base ment; bargain. $250O. For further in formation Fee Mr. Schmidt. Some terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 504-3. 41Q Henry Bldg. 15 ACRES, WASHINGtICOITNTY All in cultivation, cherry and family orchard, rest in crops, good 6-room house with attic, good barn and chicken house, all crops go with this ideal place for onlv $HOOO. HENRY W. GOPDARD. 243 Stark St GARDEN TRACTS. On Red Electric Line. Acre tracts as low as $35 down and $10 per month City water, gas and electricity available 7 cents fare. You can't beat this- propo sition anywhere around Portland See Atchison. 204 Henry Bldg FOR SALE -Ti acre with modem bunga low, with running water In house, light and gas; out about lo miles on highway If wish aeo it call East -075. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ACRE. Modern 5-room home, in fine condi tion, cement basement, garage, fruit of all kinds, dandy garden, two blocks from hard surface street; city water, gas, near car. just outside city limits. $3300. House alone worth the money; terms, or would take good auto as part payment. Soren Peterson, 1102 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3731. $2100 HUBER STATION, near Beaverton, almost 2 acres of fine soil; a cozy 5-room bungalow with Dutch kitch en, gas, good brick well, large screened chicken house, woodshed, 24 full bearing fruit trees, big strawberry patch, good view; a short walk to station on good stone road; $800 cash,, balance easy terms. t $2400 ALOHA STATION $2400. Chicken ranch. 1 1-3 acres; well built 5-room house, plastered; gas, full cement basement, good well, fruit and berries, modern chicken house, equipped for 200 chickens. 3 acres adjoining can be had very reasonable ; on good stone road, 2 minutes' walk to station; cash $1500. Call for information today. Splendid value. BEAVERTON DISTRICT, 2 acres, fi room Ideal country home, almost new, big spacious living room, screened porch. 10x24 ; big barn, chicken house, wood shed, family orchard, full bearing, all kinds of berries and flowers. The house lies back about 150 feet from a pood stone road and is very attractive. Price $4O()0; cash $1000; 10 minutes walk to station. i If you want a suburban home, see us. we have manv others. Office open to day, 11 to 3 P. M. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 222 Henry Bldg., Broadway 1631. NEW POTATOES AND PEAS. Buy this lovely acre, with its splendid 7-room colonial house, and next Sunday use potatoes, peas, beets, fruit, etc.. from your own garden on your dinner table. The wife will find oceans of fruit and vegetables for canning pur poses. The house contains every modern built-in feature and we of fer it knowing that it is a genuine bargain. Price j;;500, and can be handled for $500 if desired. On Oregon electric. 2 acres with nice 5-room modem bungalow ; wh ite enamel plumb ing, good base me- cUent soil, prepared for planting to berries; some bearing fruit, electric lights, city water, gas. Price $4200, terms. Close to Powell Valley road. 1 acre at Lake Grove, near sta tion, with 4-room cottage, on hard surfaced road. This is a fine acre and can be made a choice home. It is in a fine neighbor hood; $2000, $500 cash. ' H acre on Oregon electric; beau tiful garden, loads of fruit and berries; neat little 4-room house with lots of screened-in porch; has water, lights and gas; $2500,' $500 cash. 50x120 lot. with lovely shade, fruit and berries, grapes and gar den; a charming home near the lake and station on S. P. electric; good house and garage; $2000, terms. RALPH HARRTS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. ON COURTNEY AVE.. ONE DOOR NORTH OF COURTNEY' ROAD. Two-acre tract. Oregon City carllne. SO minutes' ride; 3 blocks east of Court ney: sidewalk, electric lights and paved road; place highly Improved, good mod ern 7-room house. 3 fireplaces, gas rector heating system, and laundry; city conveniences, flowers, shrubs, gar den and fruits, hay. cow, chickens, tools and furniture if desired. Owner offers it for $10.5"0. Leaving for Mexico to look after sugar plantation. Phone Oak Grove 131 W. Office. 826 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 074. FURNISHED HOME NEAR MILWAUKEE. Xew 4-room plastered bungalow; city water, gas. 100x100. 14 bearing fruit trees, 8 walnuts, lots of berries; nice high ground, close to store; furnished with dining set. 3 rugs, dresser, center table, gas range, heater, kitchen furni ture and utensils; immediate possession. Price $1775. $000 cash; 7c fare. Inspect- t ed by Anderson, with JOHN FEHGL- SON. GERLINGER BLDG. 10-ACRE SNAP FOR SOMEONE. 10 acres only 9 miles from courthouse; on Columbia highway; 5 acres culti vated and in potatoes, balance very easily cleared; 40 bearing fruit trees. 3 f you know values out this way you won't hesitate to grab this at $320O; easv terms. Let me drive you out and you'll say It's a real Investment. Will consider good home to $40u0. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. STRICTLY MODERN 2-ACRE SACRIFICE. $6500. Modern to the minute, including hard wood doors, furnace, large fireplace, fine bath. Dutch kitchen, full finished ce ment basement ; house alone is worth the price : 6 large rooms and sleeping porch ; located close to electric station and on hard-surface road, 9 miles from courthouse; overlooks Oswego lake. G. G. MCCOK.V11U ju.. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow. Nifty new home at Multnomah Station set in beau tiful grove of trees' with a half-acre of ground. This house was recently built to sell for $6000 and had to take it over from builder along with some very fine furniture. Will sell this nifty up-to-date home, with what furniture there is there, for $5250 on your own terms. See mv special sale representative, N. H. Atchison, 204 Henry Bldg. ONE ACRE with good 3-room house and garage ; place covered with fruit, ber ries and garden truck; near 2 carlines. onlv 40 minutes out; a real buy at $2200 terms. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. " Main 7141. PRETTIEST summer home on the lake shore. Oswego Lake. "BUILT LIKE A WATCH." Any business man who needs rest and recreation would enjoy such a nifty place, 75x200 ft.; boating, fish ing, bathing, shade: We will show you by auto. Main 3672. McFariand, 208 Falling bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Near Oregon City, good house, 200 chickens, 1 acre prunes, 2 acres pota toes. 600 strawberry. ti0 raspberry. 500 logan family orchard, good well. Main 0127. 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BY owner, $1500 cash, balance $250O; two acres. 5-room modern house, garage, chicken house, half acre potatoes, ber ries, fruit trees. chickens, furniture, tools, two blocks Garden Home station. Main 5448. . BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. New subdivision near Oswego Lake; water. eU-ctrlc lights, rock roads, fishing and boatmg; priced from $300 per tract. Get in on grcund floor. Owner, 500 Con cord bldg.. Second and Stark. SUBURBAN home at Milwaukee on high way, located in beautiful grove of trees, all conveniences. House could not be duplicated for $0OO. Someone will get a snap on this. 1120 E. Lincoln st. Phone Auto 210-28. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. 5 acres, 2 blocks from Capital high way and school, 4 from Multnomah sta tion; Bull Run water, high and sightly; priced low for q.uick sale, terms. Phone East 6601. HOUSE and 3 lots on Willamette river; fruit trees, berries, fine garden ground, beautiful view ; one of the most desir able locations around Portland. Take Oregon City cat, get off at Island sta tion and inquire for H. D. Straight. REMARKABLE BUT ONLY $500 TERMS. Large homesite with sweeping view of Oswego lake; water rights, rock road, maples and dogwood. Only $50 down Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. A NEW 4-room cottage on large lot among the firs; Bull Run water; nice location; close to carllne. Price $2200; $.100 cash, balance easy terms. Lee Robert sonCo413Corbett bldg. NICE 5-room cottage, right near sxation. school and stores; 8H acres fine land; crops in. orchard, berries, large pouitry houses, on good road, near Portland; no agents. Tabor S191. Price $4aoo. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $100 up. Inquire 3d house north oi l-usiey station, on uregoa tJlty car line, sign Aiotir orooa. $ 1 ooo $ 1 1 00 $ 1 250 $ 1 750 $2000 $2250 Cozy cottages, shades trees, acres, gar dens. Lake Grove and Bryant. Oswego Lake. Main ati72. McFariand, 208 Fail ing bldg. OSWEGO Lake frontage, particularly fine lot on iaae ironi; iuo aown gives pos session. Phone Main 85. 6 ACRES. $2500; house, barn, orchard Mala 3672. McFariand, Failing bldg. REAL. ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SWELL SUBURBAN HOME ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 8 30-100 acres all In crop, part beaverdam soil, clover, corn, com plete garden, 100 sacks potatoes, 5 . tons hay in barn. Beautiful mod ern bungalow, hardwood floors, concrete basement. House worth more than we ask for whole place. There is nice family orchard, ber ries, chicken park, pretty shrub bery. Think of it, only $5500 ; terms. 8 acres splendid soil, all In cul tivation and in crop, family or chard, berries, pretty 6-room bun galow, built-in fruit cellar, splen did water, good barn, chicken house; young Guernsey cow, chick ens and work horse. All kinds farm Implements. This beautiful home is 14 miles of Oregon City; sidewalks all the way, only 4 blks. to school and stores. If you want a good home on rock road, con venient to town and extra good soil, see this. Price $5500; terms If desired. The best 12 acres on the Pa cfiie highway, 3 blocks of town, school, depot and stores; 21 miles of Portland. All in excellent crop, clover, grain, orchard, potatoes and berries ; good 7-room plastered cottage, complete set of household goods and furniture, fine cow, work horse, 50 chickens, hog; all farm implements. Possession given at once. You can sell everything you produce to people passihg on the highway. Price for all $0500; half cash. This is extra good soil and all in crop. Over 13 acres, extra choice sandy clay loam, fronting on the Tuala tin river; a pretty country home, 10 acres in crop, clover, grain, po tatoes, garden, orchard and berries; pretty 5-room house with cellar, good barn, chicken house. 140 chickens, A milk cows, 2 heifers, 4 shoats, brood sow and 8 pigs, work horse and colt, all farm Implements, cream separator. This splendid home is on rock road, 1-Vfe miles of Portland. Price $0500; $2500 cash ; balance on or before 5 years at only 5 per cent. Free firewood, fine fishing. 1 'i acres in high state of culti vation, abundance of fruit of all kinds, modern 7-room bungalow, poultry parks, beautiful shady maples. This pretty home is right on car line at station, and on hard surfaced street. Price for quick sale, $5500; terms. 5 acres of sandy clay loam In cultivation, fine garden and young fruit trees, balance in wood and clover pasture, splendid water, good 4-room cottage, barn, wood shed; huosehold goods, plenty of hay in barn for 2 cows; splendid cow and heifer. It's a snap, only H mile of paved street, and mile from town. Price $2400. The buildings are worth the money. 8 acres, 8 In vetch and oats, orchard, plenty of wood and pas ture. Pretty 3-room house, splen did water, wonderfully rich soil. On rock road, one mile to town. Think of it. only. $1300; terms. Possession given at once. Beautiful 10 acres, overlooking the Tualatin river, all in crop, splendid fruit and berry farm, good 6-room bungalow, garage, barn, mile of town, high school and car line, 3 miles Oregon City. Ford touring car, good cow, extra fine horse, chickens, farm imple ments and tools, good crop. See this at once; it's a nice place. Only $0500 for all; terms. O. E. FREYTAG, Gladstone, Or. On Oregon City Car Line. Phone. Oregon City 260J. HALF-ACRE HOME SACRIFICE. At Maplewood, on the Oregon Elec tric; half acre all in cultivation ; good ft-room plastered house with gas and city water; concrete foundation; chicken house, woodshed, fruit trees just begin ning to bear: on good hard-surface road. Owner leaving; will sacrifice for $2500. half cash. Hurry! This Js a real sac rifice. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main 8220. For Sale -Acreag. BEAUTIFUL TRACT ON POWELL VAL LEY ROAD. 5 acres, facing this popular driveway, only 24 miles from the city limits, lies level, half in crop, small grove, all fenced, nice homes adjoining, a perfect location for a suburban home, chicken or berry farm; price Just reduced from $3500 to $3250; good terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. $75 PER ACRE, 400 ACRES, MONMOUTH.' 4iu acres unoer nign state or cultiva tion, fenced and cross fenced woven wire, all in crop, -one-third of crop goes with place, improved with large white house, large barn and all necessary outbuild ings;, can be bought on your own terms at 6. WILLAMETTE VAT-LET LAND CO., 203 1st National Bank bldg., Albany. Or. ONLY $000 DOWN. 5 acres near Hillsboro, mile Oregon Electric. This is fine land, all In culti vation, fine orchard; chicken houses, good barn and garage ; A-room bunga low. Dutch kitchen. built-ins. Price $3000; $000 cash, balance $25 month at 6 per cent. RICHARDS & REED. 308 McKay Bldg. Main 4102. DANDY 10 acres on Base Line road, close to city, all In cult.; fine crop of oats, bearing orchard, all level ground, fine for berries; ground near this sold for $1250 an acre. You can buy this for $450 an acre. Owner wants $1500 this week and Is asking a low price for this. Terms may be had on balance. Phone Monday. C. V. Smock. Marshall 2003, or Main 7141. FOR SALE: 104O acres In Clatsop Co.; 100 acres meadow and beaverdam. 710 bet ter in Oregon; balance stump land; fam ily orchard, 4 creeks; mile Columbia river front. mile Astoria, railroad de spot at corner of meadow, u. mile from highway ; 750 acres can be seeded to clover and timothy. 1 wiH sacrifice this property for cash or will consider some trade and cash. E 192. Oregonian. CLOSE-IX ACREAGE. We have over 500 small places, close to Portland. some on paved road and close to electris line. All have been personally Inspected bv us. Photoa at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. GENTLE MAN'S COUNTRY PLACE. A natural park of 30 acres with two creeks, springs. camping places and swimming pools galore; good auto road close to hard surface ; electric station on grounds; one pf the most beautiful home sites In the vicinity of Portland Price $15,000. or will trade for city income property. E 178. Oregonlan. NEAR ALOHA $2750. Beautiful tract, 5 acres, with a 5 room bungalow, good fireplace, small barn, 2 chicken houses, one of the neat est suburban homes in the district; $750 cash. $35 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE garden tracts close to car line for sale era easy terms. Bull Run water, excellent soil, beautiful surroundings. Price $i;50. terms to suit. A tent on one of these tracts makes a nice summer house, build your house later. Lee-Rob-ertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. WE WANT CLOSE IN FARMS AND ACREAGE. If you really want to sell. It costs nothing to let us know. Personal in spection and indlvidtml attention. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. 145 ACRES POLK COUNTY. All under cultivation, uplendld set of farm buildings, family orchard, located on Pacific highway near Monmouth Price $112 IS per acre, terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. 203 1st National Bank bldg.. Albany, Or. 14 LOTS, with nice little house, all fenced, high wire ; large chicken house, all in cultivation. On account of death, will sacrifice for $1050, your own terms Peters, 15 N. 5th st., or phone Tabor 6486. 2fc ACRES, all in cultivation, 3 blocks from high school. In Park Place ; 5 room house, small barn, chicken house, all kinds of fruit, berries and grapes. $1800. Terms. L. O. Gerber, Alder ho tel. SALE or trade 160-acre timber and ag ricultural tract on good road in Little White -Salmon valley. Wash. Between 3 and 4 million feet saw timber; SSOOO. 1U E. 7th N. Tabor 1043. $4750 CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Almost an acre, nice 5-room house fruit, berries, garden; fine location : block car and paved street. 104 E. 67th st. N. MV-DeDot car. 3Vfe ACRES at Mount Zion cross roads with city conveniences; fine location for coun try home with beautiful view. $7500; easy terms. John Bain, owner, 507 Spalding bldg. 3 ACRES, all under cultivation; 5-room house, outbuildings. acres potatoes, garden, fruit, 200 chickens; $.'JO0O. term. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Fine 5-acre tract. 5-room house; close in as you can get it; 15 minutes" walk to Beaumont car or 50th and Sandy. A 531. Oregonian. IV ACRES all fenced, under cultivation, near river. 4 blks. to car, near Oregon City; $3000, terms. Sletten, with Inter state Land Co.. 248 Stark st. 20 ACRES, uni nproved land, for exchange gee Morris, 243 Stak U ' REAL. ESTATE. -Acreage. 8 ACRES. 75 FRUIT TREES. CLOSE? IN, $3150. This tract is Ideally located, be ing only 8 blocks to city car. 3 blocks to school : 75 fruit trees, full bearing, excellent garden soil, ctiy conveniences ; extra good 2 room house, concrete foundation; price $3150. $000 cash. CAPITOL HILL. h acre with new 4-room and bath, an Ideal location, full con crete basement with place for auto under house; wash trays, city wa ter, gas, etc.. Inside finish white enamel; must be seen to be appre ciated; price only $3050; $500 cash. 40 ACRES. 0O0. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 22 acres under plow, 3 8 acres pasture, with several hundred cord-s- of wood ; 1 -acre orchard ; 8-room house, barn, granary, chicken- house, running spring water in house, full set of farming tools, 1 horse, 2 cows and chick ens. 6 stands bees, crop all in; price only $0000, $2000 cash. K. L. EDDY. RITTTCR, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUNDERLAND ACRES. Located between East 20th and R3d sts.. on Columbia boulevard, 3 blocks from two city car lines. Al berta and Woodlawn: 1 to 5-acre tracts, some In cultivation, others beautifully wooded; prices ranging from $850 per acre to $1575. Thes prices Include Bull Run water and electric lights on each tract. Why go 3 or 4 miles further out and pay more ? Terms 20 cash and 20 per year. See H. A. DRYER. 'THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. 40-ACRE RANCH. $1750. NT! AR CROWN POINT AND COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. House, ham. chicken house, fam ily orchard, berries, 7 acres In cul tivation, 6 acres pasture, balance timber, watered bv creek and well, on R. F. D. See SAM HBWKT at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. CLOSE TO HILLSBORO. 15 acres. located on a good graveled road. 14 miles from red car line; 10 acres under cultivation ; 20 apple tre?s. 4 cherries. 4 pears, 120 1 o gather rles. 2W) raspberries. 1 400 straw4erriea; fine 7 rnom plastered house, basement, barn, garage, chicken house. A fin piece of land with attractive home. Price $5000. $2 ."AO cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GER LINGER BLDG. BEAUTIFUL TRACT ON POWELL VAL LEY ROAD. Contains 5 acres facing this popular driveway, only miles from city limits, half In crop, 2 acres pasture and H acre timber; no improvements: an Ideal location to build a summer home, a chicken or berry farm; price $3250; good terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. TEN ACRES EQUIPPED. $1-575. 5 acres under cultivation, some ber ries, only 300 feet to paved Columbia highway ; 2-stor, 7-room house, 2 fP rings, garden in and all tools ; also horse; price only $1575, $575 cash, bal ance $15 per month. F. L. EDDY. RXTTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1H ACRE FRUIT AND BERRIES. All bearing, V mile from Gilbert sta tion; new 3-room house and good well, on hard -surface road. Price $2000; $500 cash, balance easy terms. See 'Mr. fichmtdt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 50 13. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE One acre of good ground on Capital highway at Rex, Or., 20 miles from Portland, and a store building with six living rooms, S. P. ticket office In the building; splendid location for store and gas filling station, cars passing day and night. Address Mrs. L. S. Peters, Re-x. Or. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for majp'of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our Jow price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TTMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 10 ACRES. IMPROVED 150O. 4 acres cleared, all fenced, 40 fruit trees; good 5-room house and barn: one mile from station. 27 miles from Portland.- This is a good place for the price, $1500: terms, S00O cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ' FOR SALE by owner, 7 acres, partly cleared, good water and plentv of wood, new house, built last fall, 16x32. not fin ished Inside: one mile from Clatskanie; am compelled to sell, make me an offer; furniture included, good deed and ab stract. Write for particulars to box 42, Clatskanle. Or. 25 ACRES. NEAR RAINIER. Two acre In clover; 2 -room house, balance easily cleared : second irrowth. all level land; good soil. Fine soring piped to hou?e. Half mile to school ; good road. This place is worth peeing. $1250. $500 cash. Owner, C. James, w: 1 o Ave. 10.65 ACRES all in cultivation, excellent soil, some very rich bottom land. Thin tract lies on the main county rock snad 8 miles out of Onwego. Woven wire fences, shack buildings and some orchard. Price X2nun. terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A nice 10-acre place. 4 acres orchard, level land, com tor table house, good well, team, wagon, harness, buggy, cultivator, etc. This place Is on a fine g)veld road which is to be paved; VA mile electric station and store: $2000. Crittenden & Courand. Hubbard. Or. GARDEN TRACTS. On Red Electric Line. Acre tracts s low as $35 down and $10 per month. City water, gas and electricity available. 7 cents fare. on can t Peat thm propo sit ion anywhere around Portland. See Atchison. 204 Henry Bldg. FIVE ACRES TTMBER. $275. 5 acres, 1 mile to electric line, be tween 75 to loo enrols of fir, also plenty oak; price only ?2t.v F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 20-1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $250 CASH An energetic man can make a beautiful and profitable home on a partly improved 24 acres, zo miles out house, barn, orchard, creek, some clear lana, an iina'nie; n iiwi. J. C. DE MERS. 865 Brockhurst St.. Oakland. Ca.1. FOR SA'LE 11 arres near 41st and Ho! man sts., on the railroad tra-rk : da-ndy for factory sites and for plotting In acre tracts: extra fine garden land. A bargain price and Hberai terms. J. S. BeaM. owner, care Coast Cul-vert & Flu me Co. OSWEGO LAKE. .Fine acreage close to lake and! car line: enjoy an outing while you are working. S. S. PRENTISS. 61 5 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 8 acres of fruit and berry land; 7 acres under cultiva tion and improvements with good house hum and chicken house near Sheridan Or. A snap for $1 600. Add ress E I las Peterson. Sherman, or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 40 acres good, level land on county rond, some tlmrtjer. buildings, fenced, we 1, clear of encumbrance. located in Grand "Rondo valley, 1798 Oregon st. Tabor 21 as. LIVE IN COUNTRY WORK IN TOWN 20 acres. 8 miles Vancouver, 1 mile town and electric depot. 1 mite hard surface road. 2 seres cleared, some tim ber: price $2500. easy terms. Call or write soon, awt riawtnorne ave. BEST buy In city, close In, Improved i acre tracts for $00 each, by owner, on easy terms: bearing fruit trees, sidewalk and curbing paid for. Fnone Sellwood 2595. FOR SALE 2 fine acres, with 5-room bungalow, electric ngnts ana bath well built, almost completed, at Tlarard Just off from pavement on Walnut ave. Part terms. 1. uarson. 5 ACRES NEAR BASE LINE ROAD. Seven miles out and all in cultiva tion, except H acre in timoer. no build ings: prine $000 per rre. HENRY W- GOPDARD. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE A beautiful acre home Just outsiae ciiy nmus nunoara, ir.. an in prunes, cood crop. A good plastered nouse: 1 win ; Terms, nuenaen 4c Jour and. Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE 3 acres all in logan and raspberries, rich Koil. close in on paved road. If you want something good come and see this. C. E. Foster, 1314 Halsey st. Tabor 3041. NEW 1920 DODGE Never ben ran. Sunday, Tabor 4260; Monday. Main 2042. REAL ESTATE. GTMALX FTtUTT RANCH. 3 acres, located half mile south of Milwaukle road and 1 mile from electric station, close to Portland, on nice, high, s-ightlv ground; 12T bearing fruit trees. 2. Yellow New towns. 2o Spltxenbergs. 10 Gravenstlnes. 3 Whiter Bananas. 10 peach trees. 10 pear trees. 15 large cherry trees and prune trees; all have been given the best of care by an expe rienced fruit man. The crop Is & good one; also some com. beans and other vegetable: small house: no rock or gravel. Price $36TR. on terms. A good income property. Inspected bv Marsters. with JOHJM FtERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 14H ACRES, all In cultivation, good 8-room house, well, several hun dred young fruit trees, 15 miles out on paved road to Portland. i mile to electric station ; will ex change for house equity, mdse. stock or good securities to $5000. See N. L Farnsworth. with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 608-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. $200 DOWN. 2 acres. 1 block from Base Line road, on a graveled road; 24 miles east of city limits; all under cultivation; over an acre in wheat; 0 fruit trees 6 years old. apples, pears, prunes, etc. : 3 rows of loc&nberrles. 2 rows blackberries and raspberries across t he place ; city con veniences can be had: 6 blocks from sta tion. Easv terms on the balance at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIN GER BLDG. 1 ACRE, on the car lino and graveled road. 12 miles from the center of Portland; good 5-room plastered house. 15 fruit tree. 4 kinds of berries: garage, chicken house: fin auto road all the way. Price $100. $40O cash, balance at $10 per month. 6 per cent. Inspect ed bv Nelson. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. IH ACRES AT CLACK VMAS STATION. About 4 miles from Portland city lim its by paved road; all cleared and has been cultivated ; 7-room house, barn, good wrll watr. some outbuildings and family orchard, close to school and stores. Price $4500. half cash, balance on time, 1 pei- cent. BROWN" & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bid:,-. Broadway 3222. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD 15 ACRES. Right at station, on car line. miles Gresham, 19 miles Portland; 14 acres in crop, 1 acre pasture with fine spring; rich, free-working soil; nice 6-room bun galow, plastered, has fireplace; tile milk house, good barn, family fruit and wal nuts, on macadam road ; $550 with pos session at once. D. McChesney, 304 Oak st. Broadway 206. ' 20O-ACRE BARGAIN. TERMS TO SUIT. $13 per acre: $000 cash: nearly all till able; greater part easy to clear; fine soil; creeks and springs: near goon srnooi and -ravel road: this will make a dandy stock ranch: unlimited outrange; located five miles from Carrolls. Wash. A. W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 10 acres, located close to red electric static ; all under cultivation; large or chard, good road. 6-room plastered house, other buildings. Offered at a barrain for a short time. JOHN FER GUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. NEAR BEAVERTON. 6 acres, all In cultivation except acre. 2 acres In potatoes, balance in va riety of crops, 4-room bungalow, large chicken house, on macadam road. 9 miles from Portland. This is all rich bottom land, some beaverdam; price $2000; terms. H. J. Driessel. Phone East 5860. COUNTRY home, ten acres, very fine, large eight-room bungalow, designed and built by contractor who knew his business, five years old, carries $1500 Insurance ; fruits, berries and nuts, fir trees, etc.; $2750. with $1000 down or $2MM cash. This Is a real bargain. Place Is located in Washington, one hour's drive from Portland. Tabor 1212. Broadway o69. ONE-THIRD acre, best of soil, lots of rrutt, garden all in. chicken nouse. ga rage, fine 6-room house, gas. city water, electric lights, modern except basement, beautiful view, 5 blocks from car. Just off pavement: price $4000, good terms. This Is a bargain. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. 8-ACRE WOODED TRACT. CLOSE TO CITY AND PAVEMENT. Fine, sightly tract, in native trees, with fine view of Tualatin valley, only 6 miles from 5th and Washington, paved road to within a few blocks, then ma cadam. This is a real buy at $2000; $500 cash. D. -MCCHESNEY, 304 Oak St. Broadway 260. $9 PER ACRE. 80 acres unimproved land on count v road ; about 50 miles from Portland ; 25 acres ournea over ana almost clear; ex cellent soil; some good timber: murines and creeks. $225 cash, balance $100 per year. A. W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ACRES 35 MINUTES OUT. On Oregon electric, right at station : perfect lying tract, plenty of fruit and berries. Rood garden, nice ilastered bun galow, electric lights, fine outbuildings and good barn: $4Jh. including cow and chickens. D. McCHESNEY, 304 H Oak st. uroaaway LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up. located within SO miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby r buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $6$ per acre. LETTDDEMANX CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. TWO ACRES. At Oak Grove, between highway and river, nicely wooded. Owner requires rrtoney for other investments and will sacrifice this two acres for quick turn. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank oiag. iuarsnau 14. FOR SALEA HUGE BARGAIN IN v,riAi n 0 a r x U, Ten acres in full bearing, bumper crop now set. market assured at attractive price: price $8500; $3000 cash will han dle. This crop will net more than that. AHrire niv I'M Co.vUn, ti".. ., 20 ACRES, all tillable, good rich soil, on fine road near Gresham ; 8 acres under cultivation, good orchard, fair house, barn, good well, some good timber; price $3750. Gresham. Or. Telephone 17-X f'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ten stos three cultivated ; creek, fair buildings. 15 min. walk to town, cannery, mills: valued at $2,500; will take cottage in Portland valued at $l."Voo and rest In cash; owners only. Drawer A. Falls :ity. Or. 60 ACRES at Hillsboro. Oregon: fiO acres In fine hops. "0 acres small grain. 4 good work horses; finely eoufn-ned with farm toola. household goods; modern 7 room house. Price $21 .nof. $chk0 cash, bal. terms. A. R. England, Hillsboro, Oregon. TEN ACRES in high state of cultivation; mile from the town of Yamhill, in the heart of the best fruit and berrv coun try: If taken at once. $1350; $-400 down, balance easy payments: consider one ton truck. L.0. Gerber, Alder hotel. FOR PALE AT HILLSBORO,-Or. Five acres in cultivation, good soil. 2 -room bungalow with basement and small barn. 35 fruit trees: creek running through place, $2QOO. J 584. Oregonlan BASK LINE ACREAGE. Ideal suburban home tracts on paved road, electric car line, gas and electricity, easy terms. F 163. Oregonian. PLATTED acreage, joining Burlington, 126 tracts, fine view, big mills, convenient to Portland; easy terms. Parker, 707 Flan ders. 1 ACRES in Peninsula district, no gravel or brush, near school and car line terms. Owner. Broadway 12 from 8 to 5 :30 weekdays. ACREAGE. 55 acres; 15 clear; close to citv limits cheap at $225 per acre. McDONELL E. 419. 16 ACRES stump land. $10O acre: $5O0 cash. 5 years' time : ft miles of Van couver, Wash. L. Stalmaker, Orchards Wash. JH-ACRE home In live country town of Elma, Wash.; 2 modern houses, garage, spring water piped In. Terms. Box 374. SALE OR TRADE 2 acres, very close in, pavement. 2 blocks good car line, extra snap. Tabor 7345. OWNER has 3 acres. Improved, on electric, near Pacific highway, close in, for tale cheap. Main S3BO. BARGAIN 10 acres, near Tualatin, light timber; price $1250; terms. $250 cash E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. 10 ACRES first-class timber at Tigard; sell cheap. Tabor 4515. 80 ACRES for sale or trade. 35 tillable: on main road. Call Columbia 594. 10 ACRES Columbia highway, $12o0i 5 acres in cultivation; $1200. Tabor bo 3 7. REAL, ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. ACREAGE HOMES. M acre, with a 4-room bungalow; base ment, wash travs. built-ins. f irer-la-re. etc., Dutch kitchen. Price only $100. eay terms. $2500 $250052500. 1 acre. a;l cultivated; 4-room bunga low with sleepmg porch, gas and elec tric lig-hts; only 15 minutes out on S. Pe electric; garden, roses and shrubbery: terms. CAN YOU BEAT THIS ? 3 acres 1 U miles S. of Oregon City, on hard-surfaced road; 4-room house, chick en house, all outbldgs. : practically one acre prunes, also berries and some apple trees : good well : 2 acres in potatoes. PRICE ONLY 43000. terms. $2150 BUYS 2 1-3 ACRES. 2 1-3 acres, nearly all cultivated; 5 fruit trees aTid berries, garden In. good well and creek through piaee: dandy 2 room house, etc.; $:too down. bal. terms to suit. On Oregon Electric, close in. $ 4 20O JEW! N GS LO DG E. 1 acre, all in h igh state cultivation ; 6-room house, good weiL fruit, berries and garden; terms. B"3FORE BUYTNG ACREAGE see our acreage man. RUMMRLL R UM ELL. 274 Stark st. $270O 27 acres. Skyline blvd.. 12 miles Portland, fine soil, spring creek, small house, barn. $3500 5 acres. Powell Valley road. $3500 3 acres. Col. highway. 6-room house. orchard. springs. near Sandy river. $2500 lo acres. Reedvill home tract. $ 0M Concord station acreage. $2oOO Oregon City line. 1 acre, fur nished hou&e. chickens, garden tools, etc. $3S0O Oregon City line. 1 acres. bungalow. furnished, modern, fine place. $S500 Country home.- Powell Vallev rd. lt acres. 72d t., countrv home. 16 acres. 8lM t.. countrv home. CH AS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. INTERIOR INVESTMENT CO. PROFITS IN RURAL SUBDIVISION. SYNDICATE MEMBERS INVITED. Two or three more parties w ho can assist in managing or selling can se cure attractive interest in a small syndi cate being formed t subdivide, develop and sell in small tracts. 1 'U0 acres on the Shasta route and Pacific highway. The highway Is to be paved with state funds. This property is In an ideal lo cation, near city, surrounded by h ighly developed, and will double and treble In value. Splendid profits are assured. Apply between 1 and 4 o'clock I. M. Phone 4S74 Marshall, 326 Chamber of Commerhe bldg. INTERIOR INVESTMENT CO. ACRE BARGAIN'. $275 cash, $25 per month, buys an acre, all in cultivation, front ing on Columbia boulevard. 6 blocks from two city car lines; price only $1400. See Mr. Farns worth, with H. A. DRTER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-0 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. CHICKEN RANCH I am offering a choice 5-acie tract on Improved county road near the Powell Valley rd., for $5uu. Has a good 5-room house, with private water system. Including tank and pump. I am unable to take care of the place on account of poor health and must sell. There Is a balance of $2750 at 7 per cent on my property which can be paid at $50 a year. I should like the rest of my sHling price cash so that I may purchase a small place with the money. For particulars call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. He will bring you out or direct you how to find my property. INCCOJiE CHICKEN RANCH. 14 miles- from Portland. Oregon City district. 8Ai acres, all fine land; 7 acres under cultivation. 3ml fruit trees, ti-room plastered house, barn, chicken houses for over 1000 chickens. With the place goes 500 laying hens and 4H March pullets, 20 h igh-grarie cockerels. crops and equipment. $2.""X cash, balance on easy terms. Over $2500 worth of egs have been sold off thi place In the last 6 months. Marsters. with JOHN FER GUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 24 ACRES $1550. Located 30 miles from Portland. mile from station and P. 0. ; good 2 room house ; 2 acres cleared, about 1 5 acres good plow land, balance pasture, 2 springs, headquarters for large log ging company 4 mile away, affords steady work for settlers at good wages. Price $1500; terms, $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH STOCKED. 1 acres, all In crop, 12 miles center of town; over acre berries; 1O0 fruit trees : 6-room house, 2 chicken houses 20x140 each, 2 brooders. 4 incubators, mower, rake, wagons. Ford delivery, feed cutter, tools. 1700 white leghorns, mare, colt, cow, all goes for value of Improve ments and personal: land free. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. $000 Level 4 acres. Capitol highway, $200 cash. McFariand. Fsiling bid?. Homesteads, Relinquishments EX-SERVICE MAN. I must relinquish homestead of 80 acres In Klickitat county, Washington. Over one million feet yellow pine, one half mile to road and four miles to town, where there is a mill. This is an opportunity for ex-service man desiring to locate. Further particulars, call Tabor 2008. 620-ACRE HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on a choice 640 acre homestead In eastern Oregon un der the grazing land act. An extraordinary chance on which It will be necessary for you to act Imme diately if vou care to profit. ECONOMY REAL ESTATE CO Marshall 3842. 213 Fourth St. 300.000.000 ACRES government land in United Status. Send for free descrlo tive circular of our 100-page book. "The Homeseeker": tells where good farm, timber, grazing land Is; or send S2.0O for book direct. The Homeseeker. dept. 3. Los Angeles. Cal. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trade for touring Ford In good shape. This la one of th best In Yamhill county and I must dispose of it immediately, or what have you? H. Gallagher. 93:1 E. Car ut hern at. Portland, Or. Phone Sell wood 1888. WILL relinquish 120 acres rich farming homestead. some improved. orchard, buildings, etc., $1500; near Roseburg. Address box 14. Camas Valley, Or. WANTED A homestead relinquish men ; give full particulars in first letter. N. R. Howse, route A. box 37, Gresham, Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 120 acres in S. Tillamook Co.. for sale. Address E. C. Curry. Willamina. Or. Fruit and Nut Lands. BARGAIN 8 acres commercial apples. 7 years old. in good bearing, located in highlands, north of Sheridan. Yamhill county, rock road, good cabin, creek, spring. 2 ares timber, close to neigh bors and school, half mile to cheap lum ber; price $3.r00 cash. Owner. M 2'2'2. Oregonian. HOOD RIVER. 10O acrflb, 4s milfs east of Hood River. 17 acres planted in apples, not looked after for six years; $!." per acre. Non-resident owner. T 5 SO, Oregonlan. 6 2-H ACRES 2 loganberries. 3 1- com mere i ul applett. all bearing, balance in cultivation). IM minutes to town. Owner. J S57. Oregonian. TWO homesteads covered with beaut if ul timber, close to railroad, town and saw mill; rare chance:- $rM cash each if taken quickly. ull coroett hldfj. K K SA LL --'2 acrfs rnnhorr? land, one bearing. Splendid investment. Wd in. 423. Tor Sale T arm. CAN BV DISRICT. 44 acres. 0 acres in crop, 14 acres -of timber and pasture ; splend id trout stream: good family orchard; fair build ings; all farming Implements, together with some registered cows, and good team included in price of $."2"tO; some terms. This is the kind of a place you have beeji looking for. Persona I lv in spected. Marsters. with JOHN FERGU SON. OERLINOER BLDG. .$150 PER ACRE. 198 acres, J miles Portland, fine land, main road, OO acres cultivated; good bldgs. A real buy. $100 PER ACRE. 27 acres, 12 miles Port land ; rich, deep soil. 2 creeks, sprinss. small house, barn, partly cultivated; fine for dairy and berries. See our large list of farms and acreage. CHARLES RINGLER & CO. 22." Henry Bldg. LARGE placer mine with ample water rights, including a good farm with al falfa land, fair buildings and orchards. Farm alone worth the price. For sale to settle estate. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $2000 Catch trout and raise chick ens by the beautiful Clackamas river. Dandy little furnished farm with val uable crop; good bungalow, orchard and berries, chickens and ducks Included; some terms. T. E. Peake, 2ti3 Stark st BEAL ESTATE. For cai e r arms. BENTON COUNTY FARMS PAT DIVIDENDS COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM. 750 acres located about 14 mile from Corvallis and miles from station, has 150 acres in cultiva tion of bottom and roiling land, there is about 4in acres of open hill pasture and 200 acres of tim ber pasture; U.-re is about 3.500, 00 01 saw timber on the place; there is fair house and stock barn, quite a lot of hay and feed; nice creek and several springs; this is Ideal for a sheep ranch and the best buy we know of for $-0,000. Wi,l give good terms on this place. BENTON COUNTY GRAIN AND STOCK. FARM. 700 acres located on good road now being paved, t5 acres in cul tivation, ba'anco timber and pas ture. This is nearly all good farm land and lies fine for tractor farming. The place is well fenced with woven wire; there are two complete sets of buildings and an other partial set. Here is the best buy in a large farm in the valley. Price $10o per acre. 90 ACRES DIVERSIFIED FARM. Iocated In Linn County, 70 acre good land In cultivation, 0 acrea timber pasture, good house and out buildings, poor barn. A real bargain at $75uu, hall cash. 50 ACRES STOCblED AND EQUIPPED. 45 acres in cultivation. 5 acres .timber pasture; good seven-room house, dandy big barn. '2 acres family orchard, extra good. All soil is A-l. Place is completely Flocked and exj nipped, all crops and everything goes for $7000. 20 acre si'pvrb a n home two .Miles from corvallis. 15 acres In cultivation, all choice river bottom land, fine for fruit, berries and chickens; modern seven-room. ono-gtory bungalow and usual out buildings. Posses sion Oct. 1st. Price $6;Iimx 20 acres more adjoining can be ha4. if desired. OUR BEST DIVERSIFIED FARM. IO acres located four miles from Corvallis. in excellent farm Ing neighborhood. acres in culti vation, balance in pasture. o. acrea in clover, balance in good grain crop. This Is one of the big producin g farms of the count v. Place equipped with modern ft room bungalow, a fine, complete ' set of out buildings. Buildings themselves cost in the neighbor hood of $70Oo under normal con ditions; place is all fenced hog tight. Price of this ideal home is only $10 per acre. -W'e can ar range liberal terms at t per cent. . 40 ACRE COUNTRY HOME. 39 acres in excellent cultivation A dandy little family orchard of fruit and berries. A modern seven room bungalow with water and light systems installed ; concrete basement. Uood barn, ample for the place; hog house, machine shed, hen house 4xt0. This place is located on good gravel road, less than four miiei from Corvallis and the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Price of this place including crop and some stock is $1.000. ISO STOCK RANCH. This Is most excellently located near a station on S. P.. also only one m ile from graded school and in a good neighborhood; fair house and building s. all fenced with woven wire; 40 to 00 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber. This place can be bought at $42 per acre and it is within a miie of a paved highway. 155 CHICKEN RANCH. This adjoins the above and con sidering location and advantages is an excellent buy at $40; has fair house and other buildings and fenced wit h woven wire. Hot h of t he above are within 5 miles of the Agricultural college. These are but a few of the many farms we have listed. Investigate KENTON 4'OL'NTV when buing a farm home. KINNEY AND CONTPANT, Corvallis. Or. Home of the state Agricultural College. BIO VALLEV FARM. 1040 acres within 12 mile of Oregon Agricultural College and '-j mile from biaUon, nearly haif of it in cultivation and ready for plow, balance fine pas ture and commercial timber; over -00 acres rich black bottom land ; comfort able house. 4 barns and other build ings, several creeks and springs ; lies in sheltered cove and is idal for big dairy or stock proposition ; will include stock and equipment for operating. Price $."r.00O; good terms, or will con sider some trade. LU DDK M ANN COM PA N T. 0i: Chamber of Commerce. FINE DAIRY .RANCH. lS acres, located on a fine improved road. 50 acres in crop, .;0 acres easily cleared, now in good pasture; best of fencing; modern 7-room house, best of plumbing ; new dairy barn for SO cows. This barn could not be built today for less than $0)u0. room for 15 tons of hay; barn eq uiped with litter curriers ; lare orchard. This is offered to a Dairy Man at great sacrifice with $GOO cash and very easy terms on the bal ance. Davis, with John Ferguson, Uer-lingt-r bldg. FoR SA LE by owiwr, going tock and dairy farm ot nearly 500 acres; 125 acres in crop and grass. 200 acres hottorn iand. 'Mt acres U-ncetl; running stream all ear, good liout, large barn, about tHt head cattle and horses. 20 head hog., poultry, 7-ton scale house, nerw H. L. K. milker. 2 new g:is engines, ail necessary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacific highway, near two R. R. town." : shipping point I - ni ile; price $3u.tu0, terms ; part exchange possible. Address 1 010, Ort-jjonian. 240 ACHES POLK COUNTY. $20 PER AC K E, $ 2 6. 21- miit-s to town, station and high school, 0 per cent of it tillable. 40 acres of creek bottom now in cultiva tion, smal 1 creek flows throusii it, springs, family orchard, all kinds o fruit, fenced and cross-fenced; 4-room houi,e. old barn; a most excellent loca tion for dairy and stock, great fruit soil: to close an estate it is offered much below its value. MaclNNEti A PRATT. 09-10 Oregon Luig.. Filth and Oak. S TOC K O RS1 E EP3 1 5AC R BS." MERRILL BASIN. K LA MATH COUNTT Ito acres In crop gor:s with place, bal ance bunch-praw pasture, 100 acres un der U. S. irrigation survey ; good 4-room house, barn, 2 poultry houses, f in-e wa ter, good roads. IV; miles to grad M-hooi. fenced and cross-fenced; excel lent location for stock and sheep; price $4K0: want 20 acres or more close in. win pay cah for ditference. MacINNES & PRATT. 200-10 Oregon Bdig.. Futh and Oak. OWNER SICK, MUST SELL. 40 acres. 20 acres highly improved, 1G arr s Mraw berries, logan berries, excel lent orchard, all kinds of farming imple ments, tani of hordes; 2 m ilea Oregon, City; sidewalk to place ; la nd lies beau tifully. Ideal home, strictly modern 5 room bungaio-A-, almost new ; bat h, run ning water, spririK through place, well fenced, good barn: only I2,H0; any reasonable terms. Will take ruy house as part payment. T. O. Bird. 526 Cham, fo Com. FARM. VERY CLOoE IN. 4'.l acre within ltt miles of Portland, in Beaverton district, all in crop, all finest soil and lies f ine : good buildings; pressure water system; fine team, 4 good cows, some hop', all necessary farm machinery. Price J 1 5,500; good terms. This is the cheapest farm in that district. LUDDEM ANN COMPANY. 9 i:l Chamber of Commerce. MR. RANCHER. HERE IS A CHANCE TO GET CHEAP RANCH PROPERTY. 158-acre fa rm. grazing and timber land, with plenty of water, at 94500. 320 acres, good wheat land, ready for the plow, for $30 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land ; some good bargains in storked and equipped farms, suburban homes chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIOER & ELKINGTON, Greaham. Or. Telephone 17-X. HOG ranch on rented place for sale; good money-making business: am sacrificing this at $-.")'); have best feed route in town, including one 2-ton truck In good condition; buildings and machinery enough to handle 350 to 4O0 hogs. See this and act quickly. Fred Leo. MA Kenton car to end of line ; place north, of foot oi Argyl and Columbia blvd. i