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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1020 8 BEAL KSTATB. For ISale IRV1NGTON 8-ROOM BUNGALOW $6050. AND HERE'S YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. You never never would expect to buy bo fine a home, one so well built, so well Arranged, so Ideally located, for so liLtle money. We just could not say too much, it is absolutely Impossible to over-describe the real charm of this wonderful little bungalow home. Naturally It has haruwood floors throughout and every other feature one would naturally expect to fiud in a coerly home. Take the time to this and YOU HAVE BOUGHT vijurt. HOiiE. A. G. TEEPE CO.. -0 Stark St.. near ad. Mam 80t2. Branch office. 5t)th and Saudy. lOpeu Sunday). i t iT'uL-i iii-nsT 7n. verv swell home in a very swell place on lloyai court; here Is a modern, up-io-uaie, classy, very substantial 7-room house; full cement basement. fine furnace, every equipment in the basement need ed. The house has hardwood oak floors donwstalrs. fine fixtures, new linoleum on kitchen and bathroom, ex pensive shades on the windows; every thing sot-s for the price; the house Is now ready to bo occupied; you can move in Immediately after paying de posit on the purchase price. There is no place in Laurelhurst that will ever equal this for the price you ran buy It for above staled. The owner has left the city, will not rent and It must b sold rlRht away. Take a look at it It you wish. No. 11S1 Royal court, Laurelhurst; $20 cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSV. Ablnnton HUIg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. COST 13.000. PRICE 9230. 6 rooms and sleeping: porch. One of the very finest homes in this district and absolutely modern to the minute. Has nearly 2 lots and has fine lawn and shrubbery. Only one block to the car and unob structed view of the city and river. This home is of the very finest construction and an absolute sacri fice at this price. Very best of reasons for selling and must sell this month. Only 7 years old and was built for a home and Just like new. Call Broadway 3ie9. WALNUT PARK BUNGALOW PIX ROOMS ALL ON ONE FLOOR. LARGE FLOORED ATTIC. HARD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. HUT WATER HEAT. LARGE LIVING ROOM ACROSS FRONT OF HOUSE. PLATE GLASS WINDOWS. FIKE5U'i BOOKCASES. BUFFET. FRENCH HOOKS TO DINING ROOM. MODEL HUTCH KITCHEN WITH CANOPi OVER KITCHEN RANGE. BREAK FAST NOOK. ALL ROOMS EXCEP TIONALLY LARGE. r.OxKMl LOT, ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. ALLEY AND GARAGE. t-0O CASH. BALANCE EASY. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. MAIN" 6i."2. MCE NEW BUNGALOW IN ALAMEDA I'AKh. Ti..iifnnv lrtr-Mteri In the Mason- Klfl.lmnre block on 27th St.. two blocks V,a far- nW 5-rOOm bUhKalOW, fine lot. western exposure. Beautiful living room and firoolace. bookcases. ...... injnv wr.nm with huffet. charm ing silver erav and cream 'kitchen and hrrtakfast nook, two fine bedrooms. splendid bathroom with built-in dress ing table, attic; where two rooms may h. finished, old Ivorv interior, oak floors. artistic wall paper and lighting fix tures, cement walks, basement and wash mvK- street Imnrovements in and paid price S5SIH): terms. H. Dwyer, 109 E. 3Hh st. Telephone 210-S8. IRVINGION VIEW HOME. SS200. This artistic home on Broadway car line, between Irvtngton and Alameda, overlooks 7 beautiful streets; large liv ing room, French doors to lovely dining ntnni. large bedrooms, men oam, pea estal. plumbins. Puliman kitchen, built In refrigerator, terraced grounds, fine garage. IRVINGTON HOME, McDONELL, Aft.. East 419. ;2D AND THOMPSON. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK HOME. 8 noma, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place and a number of built-in features the plan of the house Is very ttttractive nrd the location is desirable. Price $7500, only $2000 cash required, balance on time BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway S222. ONLY 4300 cash puts you In this good 7-room Mt. Tabor home. The nous Is not new. will need some repairs, bu the district Is A-l; the lot 50x10(1 with HARD SURFACE PAID and property free from dent: balance of fjyiKl pay able $25 monthly. This is at 13 E. 50th St.. .lust off Belmont. Go look, then se MOIMfciX G. LATHKUf, ni ADlngtO bldg. (sign of the horseshoe). ALAMEDA PARK. A splendid sq. home of rooms 2Rth st. N., lust 1H blocks from car. This Is a very desirable home and priced away down. It will pay you to carefully inspect this, soooo, very rea unamp terms. THE FRED A. JACOPS CO. ll4 5th St. Main K0!. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Five-room bungalow and three room finished In attic; garage; close to car this home Is in first-class conditio and will be worth your while to in vestlgater price $42."0. Sunday morning. main sk'; week day. Main &45. 11 Gasro bldg. FOR SALE. That very attractive house at 707 Madison st. contains 9 rooms, with every modern convenience; shown by appointment only; prlcn $31,500. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., H.T 4th St. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT ta.-.oo Modern 5-room bungalow on 47th near Hawthorne Ave. Fine location and a good buy. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. RIO Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Bungalow on corner lot 50x100. im provements all paid; house Is in good condition; this will make a very nico home for you: price $42i0; terms. Phone Main BHS2 Sunday morning; week days. Main r4!(1. 110.000. This home, 1 biks. from club. Is perfect throughout. 4 large B. R., bil liard room, maid's room, tiled bath, extra lavatory and toilet, full lot. ga rs ce. East 410. 6-KOOM house with ffurage, on 50x100 lot. House Is modern, has two porches, all built-in conveniences. Price $2500, $ooo cash, balance easy terms. Lee Robertson Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. 12MU0 0 ROOMS, corner lot"! street and sewers paid; this is a snap: 700 will handle It; In the heart of Sunnyslrte.' nee j. f nictienna. .Belmont at 8th. Tabor S4P3. IRVINGTON WHY PAY RENT. Irvlngton home. $7rn; six lovelj rooms, all Ivory, H. W. floors through out. 2 biks. from cur and school; easy t-rmw. East 419. No agents. $i.MH) A MODERN 9-room. lot 65x100. Punnyslde; large fruit trees, berries and rose; would make a splendid apart ment house. See J. P. McKenna. Bel mont at aittn. Tahor 4!3. $4500 BUYS a beautiful 7-room bungalow In Rose City Park; hardwood floors inn rn.oo.ern in every way; good garage; wwn. i u rue r o., ZJU C ham her of Commerce. R VINO TON SACRIFICE Attractive nome. near both car lines, south of i,iuo. terms. Neuhausen, Main HU78. $4000 6-ROOM bungalow. beautiful gronnrtB of 100x200; plenty of fruit and berries. J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. $2750 BUYS a modern 5-room house; full cement basement. wash trays. good plumbing; Irvlngton Park: easv terms. Turner A Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. $200 5-ROOM modern bungalow, BOxlOO , tot: good garage: fruit and berries: Hawthorne. See V. Clow. McKenna of flce. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493 $jooo 4-ROOM cottage, Woodlawn, Knst 10ih St.. near school: $3on rash Main 3073. McFarland. 2Q8 Falling bldg. EQUITY In 7-room modern house, close in. eon Is n MY EQUITY In S-room bungalow. 75x100 corner lot : inm trees, perries and roses Meal home for 2. Woodlawn 6221. $1400 BUYS a dandy little cottage. 4 rooms and natn. wui rale St.: very easy terms Turner & ( o. r -HO Chamber of Commerce. A ft-n t lo-ai oungaiow, rurnlshed. $3500, on tiritis. oall rorenoons or after 0 P. M Automatic 213-1 1, 829 E. Everett. -ROOM house. Hall st reasonable Apply 420 IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY T. B. NEUHAUSBN CO., N. W. Bank bid 1500 4-ROOM house, fruit and garden some terms. rnone woouiawn luitf. FOR BALE BY OWNER 6-room fur suaaed bungalow. 1029 Jfl. Broadway. REAL. ESTATE. For 8aie -Houses. 10O0 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. See FRANTC L. MoGUTRE To Buv Your Home. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. The McGuire system has won an In ternational reputation and established a natiomtl record for home-selling, be cause it Is THE ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of home-selling. It eliminates your every house-hunting problem and protects your every interest. Every home PER SONALLY APPRAISED AND 1NSBPOT ED. Every photograph has full Infor mation under it. Our 18 autos and ex perienced, courteous salesmen are con stantly at your service. For your con venience we are open EVENINGS AJS't SUNDAYS. 140 HAWTHORNES 140. $4990 A HAWTHORNE home, harmoni ous and beautiful artistically designed and built. 9 rooms. 2 bedrooms down, 4 up; fireplace, Dutch kitchen. HARDWOOD FLOORS, full basement, garage, paved street, liens paid; EASY TERMS. Mixter t., near 3Jth. 3750-THIS S-room artistic bungalow Is on the west slope of Mt. Ta bor, close to the beautiful park; BY fireplace, leaded art-glass oook cafes. massive leaded-glass buf fet. HARDWOOD FLOORS, beet white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas, floored attic; E. 61st. 1 block to car; TERMS, REAL VALUE. $3150 On a lot 50x120. with all llenn paid, is this very substantial, practically new 4-room, home like bungalow, built-in conveni ences, large attic where 4 rooms could be finished; best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; $.j0 down. $20 per month; V A CA.N'T. move right In. E. 57th. near Lincoln. 60 ROSE CITIES 50. $4800 WHITE ROSE CITY: 5-room de lightful BUNGALOW. massive buffet, bookcases, SUNNY BREAKFAST nook. HARD . WOOD FLOORS: finished in old ivory, indirect lights; NEW; 60x 100, corner; terms. t9:win This Trv:jr. flTT Is like new and Is Ideally located among the fragrant, cool trees of a BEAU TIFUL NATURAL PARK, un usual bungalow; combination liv ing and dining room, most con venient white Dutch kitchen. 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enam el plumbing, electricity, pas. full lot;. ONLY $500 down. ENTIRE BALANCE less than RENT. This WON'T LAST; close to car. Fre mont, near 6Gth. ALBERTA HOMES. $3230 THIS ATTRACTIVE 6-room Al berta is on Roselawn, just east of Piedmont: very practical and substantial, white enamert plumb ing, electricity, gas; GARAGE: terms. VACANT, immediate pos session. $2850 Among the fragrant cool pines of Irvlngton Park: splendid value, 6-room ALBERTA bungalow: buffet. Ideal Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas; LARGE FAMILY SLEEPING PORCH; E. 27th. close to car; terms. $1700 On E. 12th, 3 blocks to the Irv lngton car. on a full corner lot. with paved liens all paid for. Is this 4-room comfortable cottage with plumbing; PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN TERMS. Improve ments cost I1OO0. We have 80 ALBERTA home. 100 WEST-SIDE HOMES 1O0. $3650 W 1LLAMBTTE HEIGHTS HOME, very sightly location on 20th near Thurman; 6-room mod ern, unusually attractive home, best while enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, 3 light, airy sleep ing rooms, full cement basement with furnace; terms. $2400 $.100 down: YOU COULD NOT DUPLICATE THIS HOME FOR $3500 today! 6-room. SPLENDID value, rooms pleasant and airy, best white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, macadam street paid; Shaver near Union. This is a forced sale, an unusual bar gain. PIEDMONT HOMES. $2o00 $500 down; Piedmon-t home, con venient to Peninsula park. Jef ferson high, carbarns and library, distinctive 5-room modern home, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gajs, full corner lot; NO MORTGAGE OR STREET LIENS TO ASSUME: Missouri ave., Just north of Killingsworth. CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. I.15UO A car-fare saver: live within walking distance and save rent and car fare; 5-room very sub' stantial comfortable bungalow cottage, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. st. liens paid; E. Davis near 11th: A VALUE THAT WON'T LAST. SELLWOOD HOMES. RKA1, SELLWOOD BARGAIN UNUSUALLY DISTINCTIVE HOME, only (.WO down, $25 per month: best wnite enamel Ing, electricity, gas; THIS HOME COULDN-T BE BUILT TODAY FOR $4000. . KENTON HOMES. $2550 Jus-t $."o0 down, price cut for a quick sa.le! 6-room very attrac tive, substantial home; best white enamel plumbin-g, electric ity, gas, full basement; Winchell, close to Kenton car. We have 2S Kenton homes. t WAVERLBY-RICHMOND. $1890 Just 40O down. $30 per month: very attractive 5-room bungalow (unfinished); a few hundred dol lars would complete it; a won derful opportunity for the "handy man" to secure the oar gain of a lifetime; Brooklyn, near 35th. MT. SCOTT HOMES. $1995 -100x100. abundance of fruit. 4 room clever bungalow; built-Ins. white enamel plumbing, chicken house, garage: EASY TER1US, E fc.Mh. See this today. We have 60 Mt. Scott homes. If you're looking for a home, it will profit you to come and inspect our great display room with over KKiO photographs of homes for sale. A wider and better selection than can be found anywhere. See FRANK L. MCGU1KB To Buy Your Home. . Ablngton Bldg. Main 106. 10H gd St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. K TtuvR a niftv modern bungalow , home of 6 rooms and bath all on one floor. Fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hdwd. floors in three rooms, full cement base ment. Fixtures and shades. New never occupied. This is one o those low strictly California type bungalows Lasv terms. We have a number of fine homes for sale In this addition. See our display of the best home buys. .1 A. W1CKJIAM CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 5S3. $3."o BUYS a beautiful 9-room house suit able for 2 families. 2 kitchens. 2 living rooms. 2 toilets. 2 pantries. 4 bedrooms. all nice large light rooms. 100 feet from car line; beautiful 50x100 lot, fruit and shrubbery; $1000 will handle, bal ance easv terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37R7. WBSTOVER TERRACE. Beautiful view home of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, large grounds, complete In all Imnrovements; substantially con structed in every particular, all improve ments in ana paia; inro, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 669 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Classy nearly-new 6-room bungalow with garage, near park; old ivory fin ish, beautifully papered, French doors, sunroom, breakfast nook, nice lawn and shrubbery. At a real bargain. Also Hi story 6-room house with garage, same location. Tabor 407. FOR SALE Laurelhurst 7-room residence on East Gttsan street: in good repair, hardwood floors, fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Is considered a good buy. HARVEY WELLS At COMPANY, Main 4564. 602 Gasco Bldg. RICHMOND DISTRICT. On E. 26th near Clinton, 7-room nous's with full basement and in good condi tion: lot 50x100. Price $5000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON. DUTCH COLONIAL, near Brazee si- urge living room, am ing room, sunroom, all ivory finish; fine flowers, fruit. $8000. Neuhausen, Main 80 1 S. KENTON DISTRICT. For File, 4-room house, 60x100 lot, $S00. Call Wdln. 3188 Sunday. MUST sacrifice fine modern home on ac count of large family; five lots, fruits, garage. 402S E. 7ith st. Tabor 1014. MUST sell or trade equity In good income property; no agents or brokers. E 591, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. TABOR 4209 RODABAUGH. LOT 07-foot frontage; fine location, with . suiidiUfis, 9234 Foster road. Leats, RF.AL ESTATE. For Sale SOUTH PORTLAND VACANT. 6-room bouse with bath, gas, electric: lights, built-in features'; full cement basement with laundry trays. Paved street, all assessments paid. Beautiful view of river and east side. Go see It today, at 1039 Third at. Price $2200; $300 cash. 6-room house, all city conveni ences; paved street, fine corner lot, lovely lawn. This is also vacant. See it today at 78 Idaho street. Price $20U0; $3o0 cash. SELLWOOD Close to S. P. shops, vacant. 5 rooms, gas and electric lights. Enclosed sleeping porch. Lot 50x11X1; street graded, cement sidewalks. See it today at 602 Ogden St. Price $1500, $225 in Monday morning and tell us which one you prefer. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. OWNER will sacrifice my modern 7- rot-m zurnisned nouse in wooastocs: Ad dition, on car line; 100x100 corner. I learned to sacrifice while in the army. sper.-ding four months of the time in the hospital, so will sacrifice this fine home with $10O0 worth of furniture for $1000 unuer its real value lor cash. 1 am uv 1ng in California and need the money for other business; bouse now renting for st.-.' per month: 10 ' big fruit trees, all kinds of berrieB and flowers. House modern except furnace: has beautiful f;replace, full basement and very nicely fnn.i.h. K ........ ....... I ......a,.,? and rugs, mahogany, oak and bird's-eye maple, leather, brass and old ivory fur niture; $150 gas range: $1900 mortgage on house to run years: can borrow $2500 on house without furniture. Figure the value for yourself. Only $3100 cash for my equity. See owner all day Sun day and Monday at the house, 5905 41st St.. S. E. Phone Sell wood 182, Mr. Walker. ROSE CITY PARK 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $5500 $750 CASH. This splendid bungalow is located on 42d. near Sandy. Ex ceptionally large Jiving room, big piate glass window. Hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2T0 Stark st-. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office. 5oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday). ONE OF IRVINGTON'S FINEST HOMES. One of Irvlngton's finest homes, situ ated on lOOxloO corner; parquet oak floors, down, living 1KX28, den 12x12. both with fireplaces; most cheerful din nig room; 5 nice bedrooms with fire place in one; furnace, garage, beautiful flowers and shrubbery; a charming home, splendidly situated; $15,000, very reasonable terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. Main 6S09. STRICTLY MODERN PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping Dorch. built-in features in living room, dining room and kitchen; large gas grate In fire place. 2 furnaces in basement, one gas and the other hot air; large instantane ous gas water heater and laundry trays; garage; corner lot: both sts. paved and paid; house is comparatively new and in good, condition. Price $7500; some terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bids- Broadway 8222. No. 517. REED COLLEGE. TO CLOSE THE ESTATE. $4500 will buy a $6000 property; 8 rooms, furnace, full basement, on a 100x100 lot; all kinas of fruit and flowers. Must be settled with in the next few days. For particu lars phone Automatic 419-X9. ALAMEDA BEAUTY. $9500. 8 beautiful rooms, ivory, H. W. floors, hot water heat, large breakfast room, art tapestry paper, velour drapes and ucaumui curtains, gas range, water heater, refrigerator, lull length screens, 22-foot garage; home about 3 years old; faces Alameda; most beautiful home; nas line view or city and mountains; iiMicu uii j-.uiiH.iey, near rfttth EAST 419. NO AGENTS. . IF YOU NEED A GOOD HOME see Street's column of such in New Today columns adjoining then phone for appointment to in spect these and many other good ones not advertistd. ROSE CITY PARK $5950 uanfly 7-room bungalow with fine hardwood floors, extra large living room fireplace, built-in bookcases. buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath on the first floor. Full cement basement. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. Main 075. gl! Ry. Exch. Bldg. HAWTHORNE CAR LOT $SfM. ALL STREET IMP. PAID. 5oxl00 on the east side of 53rd 6t.. between Lincoln and Sherman Sts.. 2 blocks to Hawthorne car and close to Franklin high school. All street Im provements in and paid. Price $s0. CLEVELAND-HEN DERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 0752. IT BEATS RENT. Snug little 5-room home, close In on west sido, living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom .lownsttirs, bed room, bath and storeroom upstairs. A real bargain at $1750. Terms if desired. A. H. B IRK ELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $5750 SPANISH bungalow on Mt. Tabor, o Deautiiui rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry trays, full cement basement, near car and school. Terms. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2800 $2800 $2800. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Five rooms and sleeping porch: near the upper drive: small cash payment ana oaiance montniy. Sunday morning Main tx2; weekdays. Main 5450. 1125 uanco OKlg. . FINE little 4-room house on two lots. House is modern, has sleeping porch, full "cement basement, laundry tubs, all modern conveniences. Plenty of fruit trees and berries. Price $2600. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Lee-Robert-son Co.. 413 Corbett bldg. 5-ltOOM HOUSE. $2500. On 51st. st. S. K., one block from car line and near Franklin high school; 80x100 lot; $300 cash, balance easy terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201 2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222 $6500 ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Hore is your opportunity. Strictly mod ern home of 7 rooms; rec. hall, garage, every modern convenience; white enamel throughout; on 29th near Bryce ave. This Is a real bargain. Tabor 6441. ROSE CITY PARK. $4-.'00, $1050 cash, buys a IS-r. and attic strictly modern; near school and new park site: garage; leaving city: could not be duplicated for $6000. Mar. 3352. Rock, 403 Couch Bldg. 125(T Bix-room house on Shaver street, corner near Union Ave. Will sell for $250 cash, balance terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. IRVINGTON, COLONIAL BUNGALOW 8 rooms, sleeping porch, garage: a little beauty. All draperies, curtains, stove, heater included. Bargain, $8500. Terms Neuhausen, Main 8078. EAST MAIN STREET S2700 Good 5-room house with large living room, lot oiiiim, plenty oi iruit; every thing paid; a fine buy. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Strk St." ROSE CITY PARK. 7 r., 2 sip. porches; mod., newly paint ed and tinted; owner going on farm, sac rificing for $r330, $2000 cash. Marshall 3"".2, Rock. 403 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE Ni 3-rotom house, $13."io. on -airy terms, or will sell equity for $C.0 ct-sh and balance $3(2 at $7.50 month. Owner leaving city; a good buy -for someone. Call owner. Sell. 3506. OWNCR GOING EAST. 6 rooms, modern, furnace, fireplace, very large rooms. 50x100. $4500. Terms. MAIN 7031. 95ooo A BEAUTIFUL modern home in Sunnyside of 7 rooms, lot 50x100; this price Is below value. See J. p. mc. Kenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6403. ONE of the best built; all conveniences n and extras; finest view In city. $30,000. O 501, Oregonian. IRVINGTON, SWELL HOME, nr. Thomp son St., cost $13,000. Sell $10,500. SEE THIS SURE. Neuhausen, Main 8078. FOR SALE Kenton district, 4-rm. house, 75x100 lot, price $2500. Call at 111 East Bussett. j FOR SALE By owner, a good 6-room cor ner house In Irvlngton. Phone E. 6759. BEAL ESTATE. -Houses. STURM - KEBF BR CO. Now open In their new office at 214 5th st.. corner of Salmon St.. opposite courthouse (phone Main 6S2S) with a choice list at nouses In all parts of the city for sale at prices ranging from $2500 upwards. We have an admirable proposition for a sanitarium or large family home on 200x200 with abundance of fruit and nnt trees. Striking vista. Also factory sites. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $6000. Here, folks, is a gem a home you'll be proud to own. Living room extends entire width of house. Finished In rich old ivory and white taroughout. The oak floors are of a high quality and everything about the house gives one an impression of quality. Every new expensive feature is incorporated in this splendid bungalow home. You'll admit there's $0000 value here. A, Q. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 8092. Branch office. 50tn. and Bandy. tOpen bunaa;). SUBURBAN HOME. BIO SACRIFICE SALE. ' Going east at once and 'will sac rifice this fine home at the price of $250u. $1000 down; 7-room mod ern house, 3 bedrooms. Bleeping porch, bath, gas and electricity. House is double constructed, lathed and plastered; lo bearing fruit trees, a niouvl chicken house, 50x 150 lot, a $ou gas range and lino leum on the kitchen floor. All oes at this sacrifice price. Make no mistake; you will have to hurry to get this. Just off b2d St.. which is hard surface. Phone Automatic ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $12,500 $13.5uO iwo maantiicent K.mfim ..., being completed located in the choicest Part of Arlington Heights. Houses strictly up-to-aate and situated on level ground affording an unobstructed view of the city, Columbia river gorge and the snow-capped peaks of the great Cas cade range. Any one desiring to locate on the wfest side is cordially invited to see these homes. Price $1.500 and $13.5M. - J. L. KARNOPP, Owner, Main ii5. 3i Ky. Exch. Bldg SPLENDID HOME VALUE IN PIEDMONT. 7 rooms, modem and in fine condi tion; full cement basement, good fur nace, large and well-lighted kitchen with built-in cabinet, 100x100 lot; sev eral bearing fruit trees, some berries and a beautiful lawn; ideal location as to school, blanch library. Peninsula park and fine car ae.-vjee. Price $ooo0. some ICI 11 s. BROWN A GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. $3150. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. a good substantial 6-room cottage. five minutes' waIk from heart of city, one block from Mulmnmnh riuh hard-surace street, one-half block from car; lot 25x104; full basement, brick luuuuuLiuu, gas. oam. with -full plumb ing: this place is being offered at tremendous sacrifice; $000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 2 ACRES 5 ROOMS BEARING FRUIT $4200 2 acres wnnin city limits. 1 acre In bearing fruit of all varieties, both large and small. 5-room house, ilnlni h barn, chicken houses, rock road. Price $42O0, 27ixt cash. Photo at office. VIjCI l!.i.A.MJ-Ml!,AUJ!;UaUN CO 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. EXCELLENT BUY $5250. i nouses and earaae on nn f,,it one Queen Anne, 6 rooms, bath, pantry", sleeping porch: one 4-ro..rvi t,u .11 modern and in excellent condition, ready to move in. The right chance to buy a eoou nome with rent coming In. Near oijueiaon mgn. see owner at house. 91 ALAMEDA PARK. BY OWNER. ew, targe o-room bungalow, break. last room, den. attic, garage; mahogany ......... eiiiiin, imported paper, most elaborate bath, shower, tile floor. iviany other Improvements. $41100 will .... ........ .' . jodwin st. nroadway car. ., i-ibiiubcb ounaay. HOME WITH INCOME. uupiex ouujniow, on corner lot. convenient to car lines. 4 rooms each! renuit each per month. A good T-riT, 1 lno P":e. $4000. A. H. BTRRELL CO . 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. ONLY $1,00 for a dandy little 5-room nome. good plumbing. nin.r. -.n. elect. Its. Chance for garage. 40xlO0 lot HARD SURFACE. ALL PAID A real Mt. Scott bargain. Small amount down. bal. monthly. SIDNEY G. LATH LOP, 518 Abington bldg. tsign of the HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. very substantial and complete bunga- .... . ". uuruwoou rioors; on 34th St.. Just off of Hawthorne; all impta. in and paid; $4500, $700 cash caay lerms. , THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 8th St. Main 6809. HALF BLOCK $00o5! Btriciiy modern. 0 rooms, a nice home, complete with new extras, double rni. struct ion all over, 80 fruit treB. harries MeU .miMi "J- vs: 'lowers, gar- ' . J . .l,tl . McFARLAND REALTY CO Falling Bldg. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $12.5(X) A beautiful eight-room house Just be- ins ooiiivieifu. firictiy modern and Is .rcv., ior inspection. Level lot and J. L. KARNOPP. Owner Main 675 TWO houses for sale, on lot 50x100, near " ' " -acn n rooms. In good renting district. Paved street elec tricity, res and bath. Rector furnace In one house. Will trade for 7-room house in Irvlngton. Owner. East 794S or BY OWNER h.,i, 7, , 'k "''. UI kitchen, nice bath, full basement, gas, electricity lot I 50x100. full of large" and .man fVuit love y roses and vines s-no I BBS Holman. Wdln. 2093: afternoon. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, 4-room cot ts. with sleeping porch and bath: lurnienea reaay to move In; nic gar-1 , T " Karate; a nice lit- I tie home: lome trm. Call at 104 W - 17 Umr AOS ' I ROSE CITY PARK. w rooms, sieepin porch, furnace, fire-1 plac?, hardwood f!onrs, lot 50x100 This in a roai nap. $4750. Terms, 6 per cent J. BOBBINS, Main 7031. ROSE CITY BA RO A TV Must sell 5-room modern bungalow. luruncn, iruit, rusei", attractive, home like. Easy terms. Home Sunday T. bor 5000. 4-Rtw -:! bungalow, garage, nice garden . fireplace and Dutch kitrhen. If taken at once will sell for $2400. 67TS E 75th IRVINGTON. ELEGANT HOME Perfect repair. an oa k rioors. 2 thrnnm. in cvio.'.c.t, . iim -n lJ25. PvCU hnusen, 830 N. W. uanK Didg. U-KUUM DUngaiOW. SleeDlnir nnrn 1 wood floors, furnace, paved street. Hawl uiuiiic uiouai, no Kgenis. owner, Ta- cnis cat c K - . r viBPiprea nouse. water and toilet in. Price $1500, terms: Mt. Pcott car, 3 blocks north of "7th at! ROSE CITY 4-room modern bune-alow dandy full-size lot, abundance of fruit grapes, etc $2850, terms. Owner. Tn.- bor 45 2. AM LEAVING TOWN Must sell my moaern nungaiow, rurntshed or unfuf Tdshed. close to school nnd et cheap for cash. Phone 513-45 Monday. SEVERAL 5-room cottatrs. wniuin- liXUC. ore vwowr t t, KKPt 27th one ax iviount rnnor; another of iiHiiui". i units .tnt ao w n. 7-ROOM bungalow. 100x100 Jot, in Wood stock, - blocks from car; can be had a oargaiu. ilii owner, itDOr 7653. REAL ESTATE. For Bale GOOD BUYS IN THE CITY. $3000 BUYS A MODERN 6-rra. bungalow on Church St.. 4 blk. from Inter state ave. Owner is out of city and wishes to sell Immediately. ! Hence the low figure. House is entirely modern and in first-class condition. Grounds are ornament ed with trees and shrubs. $3250 BUYS MODERN 5-rm. bungalow on E. Grant st. An excellent buy; could hardly build the house for the money. $4500 On E. Taylor st. : practically new, modern 7-rm. house, with every convenience. Large tract of ground, 70x100. Owner has pur chased farm and is compelled to sell; hence the low figure. Will give very easy terms to good pur chaser. For particulars as to above call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St, WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. New 7-room house, built lor a home and offered at a sacrifice; hardwood floors, white woodwork, papered throughout, extra high-grade plumbing and fixtures; wonderlul view lot. 50x 200; complete semi-circle panorama of city and mountains; protected from east winds by the firs in ML Tabor rsric 1 his place will make a strong appeal to the lover of out-of-doors. There's nothing else like it in Portland. You'll enjoy seeing it. Call for an ap pointment. Good 8-room house nn innvinn with fine view and ideal setting. This can be had unbelievably cheap, and a little fixing up will make this a show place. Surrounded by beautiful and high priced homes. This is one of Port land's finest residence districts. CORD SENGSTAKE. 200 Tllford Bldg. Broadway 432. FOR SALE by owner, west side, a beautl- ' " ' ionie ana line income in Nob Hill, finest residential district. Whole house done in white enamel and beautifully finished in soft gray shade: hot and co.d water in all sleeping rooms, plumb- a11 new- ,lne lawn and fine porches and fine sleeping porch: hardwood floors throughout first and second floors: 14 rooms in all: adjacent to 3 of the best car lines in the city. Seen only by ap pointment. I mean business. I will sell for less than cost to build thlft flna house. Easy walking distance to the center of the city. The- income alone will pay for property In less than three years, nan cash and re6t on easy pay ments at 6 per cent interest. AF 378, Oregonian. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. EAST BROADWAY. N. W. COR NER EAST 13TH ST. N. ; FINE COR NER LOT 100x100 WITH GOOD RKSI- i'n-.-Nui!.. MODERN EXCEPT HARD ".'ui 1-LUtiKS, LIVING DINING ROOM. KITCHEN FLOOR. FIVE BEDROOMS. SECOND FLOflB vi-rmwuS ROOM FIRST BATH FIRE- 4,4.' .V' FULL SIZE BASEMENT. FOR EEiy DAYS CAN MAKE A VERY LOW PRICE, GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSKS- BKJ.-I A.NO SOME TERMS TF VOtT LIKE THE OL'TSTHK ipppihivpi? WILL SHOW YOU THROUGH. BUT ava L1S 1 L a H 1 H ij TKNANTi W. S. POINDEXTER. HIGH-CLASS RESmi'Vcfd OFFICE MAIN 1S0O. RES. EAST 6771. OWNERS LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. naihing distance, 7 rooms and sleep ing porch, harriwnori flnnr. ( tit.- living and dining rooms. 3 large airy bed- ..v. ..rcuiiiK uorcn unstairs. njm. 2 toilets, fireplace, furnace, full cement Diwement. f.oflred attic, beautiful corner J ace. 40x120 East Salmon st. Fine con dition, former price $050(1. reduce t . lor quica sale. The house could not be built today Tor $7000. For an- polntment phone East 2916 today and i, V noio at uiu McKay bldg., r.r.AK Ankeny car barns and two blocks I'-S'". -inursi. nicn and sightly tvinpifieiy iurnisned; on ac couni owner goinir nr u.ill -oil v,i ..L """-uuiii moaern 7-ronm house, with sleeping porch, large lot. full of fin- ru muii; will take 12250 cash assume mortgage. Owner will orai oargain shown In years. Vvin ,u ,f an1 you wi" b" 'ho gainer. ".,,no ,.U,a4?. wtnout furniture for lo.i ooimoni. week To in. oin $7500 MODERN HnitE PIEDMONtT" oi:u. 8 ROOMS CORNER 100x100. inis strictly modern home and prac iicany new. room u nrf Ainn. fireplace, steam heating plant, hardwood floors, strictly modern. If you look this v. 1 L a Kooa nome you will not J"" nis is your chance. NE LAN AV PAHl-mt i 219 Lumbermen bldg, 6th and Stark sts. spI-ENDID 3-ROOM COTTAGE"-$25(Iu. .wur rooms, iir.e slecpini porch screened and canvassed for sum mer or winter use. Knwlv ntA painted H. and C. water, laundry trays, gas" electricity, cement basement, ce ment sidewalks. 2 cherry treeR. some lurunure including fine combina tion gas range and heater. 2 blocks from car line. Easy terms WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bldg. A SUNNYSIDE HOME $3750. Substantial 6-room residence, fireplace, buffet, den. 3 large bedrooms, fine bath. i lavatories, full cement basement, laun dry trays. located close In, 1 block SunTrysldo car and shopping district: fruit Ij-ees and berries. A sure bar gain. ASK FOR MR. MACK. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon rtM- iRvixr.Tnv Modern S-room house suitable for two small families, by very little expense. W hlte enamel finish, built for a hom garage. Lot SOxloo. fruit trees and flowers, east facing. A-l location. 4 b ocks to school. 2 blocks to church. 1 block to car line. 4 blocks to stores. Price I750O. $2OO0 cash, easy terms on balance, possession at once SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. VACANT HAWTHORNE BARGAIN $500 DOWN PAMENT $500. Seven-room bungalow type, good base ment, fireplace, plumbing. electric lights, gas. fine lot: Just off Hawthorne ave.; all assessments In and paid; price $3900; this Is a bargain and terms are It today. Sunday. Marshall b"vL-1wek d?y"' Maln 7l,tt7- Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. bldg VERY EASY TERMS. r un i-rlce $1050. 3-room plastered bungalow. Dutch Kitchen. electric lights. city water House neatly painted and tinted, dandy garden. Near 82d st. S. E. A surprise awaits you In this bargain. Let us show you. Ask for Mr. Pohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon bldg. LAURELHURS-i. Just completed, one of the most mod ern and up-to-date bungalows In the city by owner and builder. Main 3144. VA C A N'T IMMEDIATE PO.HS RSSION" : WALK TNG PISTAXCE, E APT SIPR, 3J8 MULTNOMAH ST., NEAR VNION; 8 GARACrR. FINE BASEMENT, ATTIC: $7tM0: TERMS. POINDEXTER. 20ft PELLINO BLTG . MAIN 18O0. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. IRVINGTON. A bra ad new clavsy ft-room bungalow with all modern conveniences. A larxe attic and parage. If looking for a ral home, don't fail to see this one at 590 tLUBt -'.ith at. north, near Knott at. ODen today from 12 to"6. A. C. Malmqutst owner nno I'uimcr. w u i. SMALL HOME BUYS. We have several small homes, five and Ix rooms, wnicn can be had on easv terms, with small cash payment down and bal s nee monthly. NEILAN PARKHILL, 210 Lumbermens bldg, 5th and Stark sts. "$i300-FURKISHED COTTAGE4l30oT 4 rooms, bath, electricity, gas in front, fruit trees and berries, flowers galore, cement walks, pretty fiOxlOO lot. Some furniture, dishes and kitchen ware. $3."0 cash, balance like rent. O. B. Rippey, fiio McKay Bldg. faliAUTIFUL HOME at a bargain by own- er; built for my own home: 8-room house, all modern, plastered, basement, concrete garage, hardwood floors; 397 E. 38th st. N., corner Hancock,, Mar shall 1745. IF YOU WANT a nice Tittle 4-room house for lot c:ose in wiu sen my equity. Small payment down, balance like rent. Call at 715 E. Stark. FOR SALE Six-room house, close in and near car line. x nis is a cneap home and will take small payment down. 403 Railway exchange. Mam aiow. $0500 6-ROOM house, one store room, 4 living roumo w c , . v ii win 1 litis. . 1 garages; all modern; rented; income $06, month. Woodlawn 187. PRETTY 6-room bungalow, east front, all Improvements In and paid for. Call afternoon 63 E. 67th st.. near Sandy. St. I BEAUTIFUL LAUKKbHLoM' flOmft. this A I Is one or tne nice ptaces mat can be bought right. - 1 $2100 KERN PARK TERMS. 4-room modern house, two lota; fruit and berries. 6804 41st ave. ML Scott car. at I BEAL ESTATE. NOW IS THE TIME. WAIT. DO NOT Sure as two and two are four, houses are going to be scarcer and naturally prices will be high er. Here are a few snaps. Head them carefully. By all means come in and let roe tell you more about them, NO. 1. IS A NEAT 4-room bun galow, vacant, ready to move into. It has modern bath, lights and gas, good dry basement, beautiful lot, with fruit and flowers; handy to Montavilla car line. Only $2250. satisfactory terms. NO. 2. NEAT LITTLE 4 ROOM COTTAGE, with good base ment, fine lot. sidewalks and curb ing, hard-surface streets; only one block to Woodstock car line and a real snap for $1250. Will arrange satisfactory terms. NO. 3. ONE BIG FAT ACRE, close in, all In fine garden, fruit, berries, flowers: fine new 6-room modern house, clean and neat as a pin; good basement, fine walks and curbing; 1 block to Woodstock car, 50 ft. to hard-surface street. A beautiful layout for $7500. $3000 cash. long time on bal. By all means see this if you want real value and a fine home. NO. 4. MAGNIFICENT HOME, right here in Sunnyside. If you will pav $750O for a home I w-ant to show you this one. It has too many fine features about It to try and describe In this ad. Best terms imaginable can be had on this fine home. NO. 5. FINE 6-ROOM modern bungalow, in Montavilla. It has good modern bath, toilet. IjRnts and gas. all kinds of modern built in conveniences; fine baaernent. beautiful corner lot. garden, ber ries and flowers. Belongs to lone Iv widow and she is offering It for $3000 and It Is a real snap for this price. The terms are satisfactory in the extreme. The above properties are a fair sample of what I have to o"''; Please come in and let me tell you more about them. My auto Is at your aervice and a square deal or no deal is guaranteed. E. W. HUGHES. 607 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2S5S. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. PRICE $10,500. $4500 CASH. One of the most beautiful colo nial homes In Irvlngton. Leaving the city at once and am offering this fine home, only 2 years old. $4000 below the market price. Has central entrance hall. French doors to dining and living room, beau tiful hardwood floors In every room in the house: exceptionally fine built-in features: 2 fine fire places, fine furnace, etc. Reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen. lovely breakfast room, large cooling closet and extra toilet on ground floor; 4 beautiful bed rooms, sleeping porch and excep tionally fine bath on second floor; large front veranda with cement floor and large cement garage. Fine lawn and shrubbery. You will find everything better than we say and you will surely buy this If you see It. Nothing finer In the city. Call Broadway 3OS0. - $420fJ MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x100. FINE LOCATION. LOTS. OF BERRIES AND FRUIT. 1 BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. EASY TERMS: POS SESSION AT ONCE. CALL MAIN S407 MONDAY. 6-ROOM MODERN HOME. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. 3 light airy bedrooms, excellent bath, full cement basement, fine furnace, laun dry trays. 4oxl00 lot. facing east. 3 bearing fruit trees, abundance berries, 1 blk. to car. We are offering you a real home In a fine residence section, mighty cheap, $4000 only; $120O cash; terms on balance. Ask for Mr. Mack, GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yoon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK, $4650 $700 CASH. Positively a bungalow that will please you In every way: 5 rooms, large attic (3 more rooms available at small costi; cement basement, furnace laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, lovely hardwood floors. Drive out .Tillamook to lUia. piione 324-25. WHO GETS THIS? Come out and see this sacrifice of 6- room 2-story bungalow on corner, strict ly modern, 'double plumbing. This Is west of 34th St.. 2 bltfcks of Hawthorne. Get busy. S3HOO. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Corner of 3(Hh and Hawthorne. Tabor 7403. BEAUTIFUL R. C. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, bulit-lns. fireplace. furnace. 2 sleeping rooms downstairs. 3 upstairs, closets for all: bath and toilet downstairs; near to school, house newly painted and in fine condition. Pric $050o. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bidg. WEST SIDE. $300 down, balance easy payments. buys a 2-flat building. Will pay $.".0 per month. Semi-modern, paved streets all paid, one block to D. & M. car. A bargain. $5500. See MR. ROSS. Interstate Investment Co. Brdy. 5043. . 41o Henry Bldg. MUST HAVE CASH. Neat Utcle 3-room house, modern Al berta diat.. larre lot. aidewalka. corner. The owner Is aick in California and will sacrifice at practically 50 per cent of cost. Mr. Vail, with A. W. ESTES. t0 Chamber of Commerce. Main 348.T A SNAP! A SNAP! A SNAP! TEN-ROOM HOUSE. Close In on East tith street. Jus right for large family or for renting rooms. Lot is 50x100. hard eurface and sewers all in and paid. $U400 total. 2'A) cash, balance easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MT. TABOR H LIGHTS. WITH FINK VIEW MT. HOOD ; LOT lOOxlOO; PAVED STREET: MODERN 8-ROOM RESIDENCE ; BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS; 10.000; TERMS. POINDEXTER. 20K SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. FIVE ROOMS $2700. Charming- residence. Irvlngton Park ; full cement basement, furnace, laundry tray a, buffet, Dutch kitchen; absolutely fine condition ; unparalleled bargain ; A Iberta car to Jarre 1 1. one block west : 1217 E. 20th st. N. Tabor 854 forenoons. BY OWNER. $3250 0-room bungalow on car line. 20 minutes on west side, strictly modern, fruit trees and berrltrw; tinno down. $25 month: will make price right Tor cash. 1527 Virginia street. Fulton car. 7-ROOM house, full basement, 2 lots, fruit, berries, fine garden, chicken house, etc., all for $310O; easy terms. See owner before 3:30 P. M. at 5630 44th ave. S. E. Three blocks south of Mt. Scott car line. FOR SA LE rooms and bath, garage, large lot with all kinds of bearing fruit, near Franklin high school, all newlv painted and papered; buy this and get your money's worth; price 2750. Tabor 32U.V FOR SA LE Laurelhurst 7-room residence on East Gllsan st. ; in good repair, hard wood floors, fireplace, 3 bedrooms; is considered a good buy. HARVEY, WELLS A CO., Main 4564. 602 Gasco bldg. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $."500, $2200 cash : 5 large rooms, floored attic, cement basement, hard wood floors, s-11 bullt-lns; one block to car. 4S1 E. 50th St.. north. Tabor 7400. 1 ACRE or nine lots, on hard -surfaced street. 2 blocks from Mt. Scott car. Good five-room house. A!1 kinds of fruit, f !owers and shrubbery. Price $1500. 5745 43th ave. S. E. FINE east front lot. new shack, water, gas, etc., fruit, good garden. West Pied mont. Also 62 choice laying puliets very cheap. Party leaving. 1213 Borth wlck. FOR SALE By owner, $500 under actual value; a new 8-room house on a corner, modern in every way; wasn't built to sell: located in Ladd's add. Price $0500; good terms: no trtflers. East 8562. 1 FOR SALE, or will trade for house and lot ln, seven -room muue in nouse and five lots In St. Johns, centrally lo cated. D 588. Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-room house, all complete, with furniture or without: lot 874x100; all paved streets: fruit trees. 053 E. 2 1st st. N. Woodlawn 1877. Fl'E-ROOM bungalow, $3200; $550 down, balance easy. 735 E. 67th st. N. KKAL ESTATE. $G500 IRVINGTON $6500. See this beautiful residence at 442 East 17th street, near Tilla mook, featured by larire living room with sun parlor adjoining. There are 4 bedrooms and large sleeping porch: splendid construc tion. Reasonable terms. $4750 MT. TABOR $4750. Modern 7-room house on corner lot: all street improvements in and paid. Kitchen, living room, dining room and bedroom on first floor: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second. Furnace, fireplace, garage. Fine view. Terms. $4500 CLEVELAND AVE. 54500. A very pleasant 7-room house on fine lot near car and Jefferson high school. Floored attic; fur nace. $S0O cash. MT. SCOTT BARGAIN $4200 $4200. Bargain is right. Se, this. Cor ner lot, 120x100. garden all in. Splendidly constructed house of 10 rooms, hardwood floors and finish. Cement basement with furnace. This house could not be duplicated todav for less than $10,000. $2000 cash. MaclNNES PRATT, BROADWAY l(i.".S. 209-210 OREGON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK QUALITY BUNGALOW $5000. One of the finest small bunga lows in all of Rose City Park. Here Is a bungalow that was built by one of Portland's best builders. You'll admire .the quality of the workmanship and recognise the high quality of the material used. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, cement basement. wrash tr;iys. garage, etc. Very liberal terms. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $5750 HOME SNAP $5750. Two blocks from Laurelhurst park on East Pine st. ; corner lot ouxSH; modern 7-room house with double sleeping porch and attic, large cement basement with cement fruit room ami extra toilet and a very fine HOT-WATER heating plant; large living room with fireplace, etc.. also a small 5-room house on lot. which is rented, thrown in. Cost present own er over $81)00; $3 cash will handle. You will have to hurry. This won't last long. First time offered. Call at B2! Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 6127. A HOME AND INVESTMENT. Fine double house on West Park street, in the best renting district in town: if you are looking for a home. why not live here and have an income at the same time? This house, built of cedar In the good old days, is sound as a rock; all modern finish, with hard wood floors, etc.; fuil lot. f. icing the park, and all the owner wants is $12.5"o. with most liberal terms. Here is an opportunity. See It. CORD SENGSTAKE. 200 Tllford Bldg. Broadway 432 FOR A LARGE FAMILY. 8 ROOMS AN L ATTIC. 2-ntory double constructed R-room residence. 4 dandy bedrooms, att'.c. larire living and dining ro ms. handy kinln n. ful! cement b;isement. laundry trnys. all In fine condition. 50x100 corner. 10 bear ing fruit t rees. fin1 shru hbcry. Ports mouth addition. 2 blocks St . Johns -:tr. c1n school, lOOO down, full price only ?3fi00. Shown by appointment only. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T- MOORE CO. Yoon bldg. $3250 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $32511. A BAKGA I .x ox -i r.n.M.-. Seven-room well-constructed house; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; house In ga-l condition: neur car. high school, car barns and just at edge of Piedmont; hard-surface street paid: a snap.; on easy terms: immediate pos session. Sunday. Marshall .V.MtS ; week days. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams. S2'i Chamber of Commerce bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5-room bungalow with A 1 pHimbing, tmp. In and paid. This Is on R;th at., one of the best streets on east sil. G-t busy: liberal tttrms to reliable purchaser. $3."00. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Corner of 3th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. DELIGHTFUL FIR LAND HO M K 7-r.w.m house in good condition. Modern plumb ing, built-in conveniences, cement Kisf ment, beautiful lawn, flowers, fruit trt e and berries in bearing; li.rce garden in cu Itivatlon and chlckr n hnna. Lot 1 o xlOO. Sidewalks in and paid. 1 Ms blocks from Ftrland station. House has alw bepn ocouDted by present owner. J3."i Jl non down, balance easy terms. Phone S2n-n!. FlVE-KOftM COTTACR. SNAP. . $2roo LOT SUxldO. This Is a fine buy and is close In. two blocks off car, nice locution, snme fruit on place, and pardon space ca n be had with small payment down and balance monthly. NKTLAN S- PARKHTLL. 210 Lumbermen bids. 5th and Stark sts. sToouFORKoiTbsrnK'T: ARG A 1 N-139t)U. CLOSK IN EAST SI DR. Seven rooms, good basement, furnace, fine plum bin pr. electric 1 iphts. Ras. lot rOxl0O; all city liens paid ; this hoi stood a loan of $2,100 a few years bro and was takn in on the mortpaR-e: terms. Sunday. Marshall .M'tr: week days. Main 79fi7. Mariels or Williams, S2u Chamber of Commerce bldfr. $4001) for quick sale, this modern 7-room home in Rose City Park with hardwood floors. fireplHce. bookcases, buffet, built in kitchen, bath, two tnflets. full lot. gars ice, paved street, just block from Sandy. Lt us show von. JOHNSON-nonsoN CO., C33 N. W. Bank Bldp. Main 377. $3.V.O ROSE CITY 3R30. Tt don't sem poKihlv but it is tru; rooms, modern bungalow type ho-ne. hardwood floors, fireplace, new fur-in ce. French doors, etc.. paved street, fair- sized and comfortable rooms. JMiMto cash balance easy. Call at fi2 "hnmhr of Commorce. Phone Main 6127. J. Haas. EAST F LAT'RPT.WT'RST. Full price M230. Small nat home, electricity, gas. rltv wiitfr. i!Tee lot. garden all In. berri fine flowers. A cozy little home for beginners. Terms. Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon-. bldg IDEAL HOMTC FOP A RETIRED FARMER. Nw. modern S-room bungalow and room for 2 rooms wnst a trs ; ha rd wood floors, ftreplacf. all built-in con vfpiencs : 3 full lots; 13 bearing fruit trs; berries, chicken houses nnd pens. Phone Sell wood 1000. D 58J. Oregonian. LAUTtET'HURST VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; STRICTLY M O D E It N BUNGALOW, H A RD WOOD FLOOR S. G A SCO Kl'R NAGE. GARAGE: ?.-.rtO: TERMS. $2500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. POINDEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. HAWTHORNE ave.. one block to S.V2O0; extra well built, most modern 6 room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. bTiflt-iqs. nice big corner, va cant now. rady to move right in, very clean and neat. See this at once; be-(rs full Inspection. H. H. Staub, 1027 Bel mont. Week Tpbor 210. JKS7.-.0 SHOW 14. 2 MODERN ft-ROOM FLATS WEST PTDE. CLOSE IN. LIKE NEW. VATN 4Ro3. G C GOT. DEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK Best home district: nearlv completed. 5 roms. breakfast room." larsre attic, full basement, fire place, hardwood floors and built-in co-n-venience. See owner at 554 East 44th st. north. Liberal terms. ' WHAT WOTT D HAPPEN IF TOTP. HOME BURNED TONTOHT? jyCX'P A, VCTT OK EVERY "'VP NOTARY BONDS REAL ESTATE BONDS. PMTTH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. NO CARFARE. 30 Jackson St.. near West Park. e-ood 8-room house, furnace. cement basement, wash travs. etc. svji.O; terms. GOLDQCH M TDT'S AGENCY. 505 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 43R. G- ROOM home one hlk, to car on Olisan. Isree lot. fruit, chicken house, garden. finn. $700 cash rent, terms on "a lance. Interstate Land Co. Main 5420. 24S Stark st. SUNNYSIDE. $2650; very well built, clean, modern 5-room cot t ag. fine location, close to Belmont, old time bargain. See ibi before von bov IT. H. Staub. 1027 olrpont. Week Tabor 210. FOR SALE S-ro-m modern home, every convcnlerce. In th mot select location. Price $7500. O 180, Oresuuian, REAL ESTATE. FORECLOSURE PRICE. DESIRABLE HOME. 5 ROOMS. MOD ERN, XiiWl.r PAINTED. TINTED. NEARLY NEW, FIRST-CLASS CONDI TION. NEAR CAR. SCHOOL. STORES ETC. STREET PAVING. SEWER. ETC.. IN AND PAID. PRICE SJIO'l. $C(io CASH, BALANCE REASONABLE: OH $2oo, HALF CASH. BALANCE TERMS. THIS PROPERTY REALLY CHEAP AT $;:0oo. i..1"- NO- '"' COKRETT ST.. NEAR MEADE. NORTH AND SOUTH POUT LAND CAR (OFF AT MEADE ST., CO LAST To CORBETT. PHOXE OWN f. , ;,1AJX OK CALL S02 SELLING LAUiiELHUFST. This is not a stuffy bungalow, hut a real home; one of the cheeriest homes v.e have had listed for murv weeks; rooms, sleeping jmivh. sun parlor and OZ,y, en An ioeal location where the kiddies can be nenr the school; 3 blocks to the car. Magnificent view of moun tains. Parti-s instruct us to get nui. k action on th:s property. Hv.y a borne m a district that will always be good, inis coionial home. I am sure, will appeal to you. Sacrifice i ice $6350. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. of ;!C.'h and Hawthorne. Tabor 74011. NEW BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL S 'I TH MOUNT TABOR 1 DISTRICT, rive rooms, bath, vestibule, basement, hardwood floor., mirrored door built in butfet. kitchen, while and ivory lini.h. 3 lariic fountains m plain view, very choice, neat and desirable: on Haw thorne car line at 27th ave.; terms; rea sonable. By owner. Tabor 3552. Main 3oo2. ARK YOU STILL RENTING? . A SURE-ENOUGH BARGAIN. -' " M ODE RN IS U NU A LO W $270O. 5-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, summer dining porch, screened in: ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, good plumbing. built-in buffet. panel dining room; lot 4Oxl0o; chicken house and run; grapes, berries, shrubbery : hard, surfaced street. Easy terms. Sund.iv. Marshall 5!f,M; lyeek (lavs, Main 7907. .Manels or Williams. S2U Chamber of Commerce bldg. $4o('(t IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $4..o.. Modern (l-R., 2 fireplaces, furnace, laundry truys, 2 bedrooms. sleeping Porch, corner lot; a rare bargain; , cash. $o7.-.0 Modern 6-R. home. 39th St., near Broadway; real home. $Go(iti Laurelhurst. 7-R. modern house. CHARLES RING1.EK & CO.. 225 Henry liSdtf. $3500. NEAR PIEDMONT. $3500. MODERN 5-ROo.M BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, one floor, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, some bullt-ins. good plumbing etc. Lot 50x100. all as sessments paid. st. H. S. House would tost more to build than price asked; terms. Sunday, .Marshall 5908: week days. Mai i 7:ol7. Manels or Williams. Ju Cham-, r of Commerce. HAVEN'T you been able to find the home you v. ant '.' You haven't been looking in the ripht place. We have lioni.-s ranging from 0."rt) lo $10.iin0, a'so good acreage and farms. Call at 5SJ9 .2nd St. S. E. or phone Tabor 2475 and tell us what you want. We will lead you to it. Open every day. Cable Keallv Co. FORCED TO SELL. Bungalow style home of 5 rooms, mod ern except furnace; going to sacrifice this place: make an ofi'er to mo alter looking it over; if :I7 Mississippi ave.; will accept car as Initial payment. See Quinn at 514 3wctlr.nd l ldg. ROS i; t'IT V PA R K Bt N L. A LOW on sandy boulevard. Now modern bungalow. hnrdwood floors throughout, low -dow n bath tub, pedestal lavatory. Gasco furnarr, fix tures and Hhades: ready to move in ; open Sunday afternoon. Owner and builder. Main 4 ." O . Tabor n 7 4 3 . STOP PAYING RENT -For small payment down you can buy a modern 6-room hou.-e. close in ; fine rei.Knce district. LeccpLion hall, t emeiit basement. furnace. f tropin ce, tub?, all huiJt-iu features. 3 bedrooms, i Hitch kitchen. Paving paid ; cement retaining wall: lawn, rosos. etc. No agents. Owner. 5-1 Marguerite ave. MO.- rMODKR.v HAWTHORN K H U N G ALOW 50x10 i. east front, large living and nit. ing roon, beamed ceiling. Dutch kltrhen. furnace, fireplace, full c ment basement. finest condit ion. excel but neighborhood. See it. Onlv $T.5no- $2nno ca.nh. balance ro suit. T. O. Bird. Mar shall H22, Monday. MT. TAROR DISTRICT 5 ROOMS AND SLEKP1NG PORCH. 5-mom Rungalow and nice sleeping porch; also fine luriee g.-trnge With c -ment floor and cement runway, .'iux.13. lot; some Rood fruit and berries. ,a pood as new. Nice lawn and shrubbery. Price only $575(1. cash. Call Uroad- MoDKRN VIKW BUNGALOW. The'f i nest side bungalow in Port land consulting of five rooms and bath, with full . cement Iwim nt. Will sell this ideal home furnished or unfur nished. If you want a real home loolc this up at once. Particulars. G. A. Sarlcs. 733 N rthw est cm Dank hid k . PV!4 E. L'TTH N. " J -'.") 0 JIim 0 OAS H. ALB K R T A HUN GAL.' W. ROOMS. KIRKPLACK. MCDKKN. Sovioo f r P K R MONTH AND 1 N T K R K S T ON BALANCE, WORTH $47..i. MAIN 4803. G. C. GOLhENHKRG. Ablngton E'dg. "3: years in Portland." N li A R JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. -ONLY 2 V K A R S OLD. Ext Optionally f i ne li-room house, cor ner Jut, paved street ; one block from Union ave. Owner needs money and will not refuse an v reasonable offer. Cull Hroadway 3os:. T Wo-FA M I I.Y residence Just fou;h of Laurelhurst Park, nice location, rents for $',0 per mo. furnished. Good garage with electric door opener and closer. WIM sell for $i;o0. one-ha'.f cash. A good home and an income. Phone Mar shall 2 to;;, Monday. Kr Sale Husiiieim Propt-rty. C O N T R A C TO K S AND BUILDERS. $15.fMo buys an entire block 22oxJO0 fet on M t wank If street wit h out build -ing restrictions, but adapted Tor apart ment house, scores, garage or filling sta tion; good solid house with store. i liv ing rooms, a bath. a!so extra storage lioue on ground; fruit trees, berriee. bis; Kardeii. alt improvements paid. For in fnrniatinn cail Mr. Hiney. Marshall 134 G. lo A. M.-2 P. M. TRACKAGE 100x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS ion FEET EAST first street PH feet fast second street. 2 to F i : KT EAST W ASHING TON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. W. S. POINDEXTER, 20 S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 100. O W.V E R li ETI R 1 NG FIREPROOF BLOCK CHEAP. Investor, worth ? 50. 000, take $ 30.000, best building in best suburb of Port land. Splendid proposition. Investigate this bargain. T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. FOR S ALE or exchange for lower priced property or secured paper, cnotce Haw thorne residence and business corner. 100:tl O0. partly improved. A-l for in come producing. J. LEROY SMITH, trustee. Itkum Bldtr. Marshall 2 127. ROSE CITY STORE BUILDING. 1 st floor, big store room : 2d floor. 5 rooms and bath: small barn, fruit, gar den : cut price $47."iO. Main 3072. Mc Farland, Failing bldg. -STORY store building, lot 77x1 00. with fruit trees; good business locution. $550 cash, balance terms. Call 750 Killings worth ave. hu b u rba n He men. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. If you have any red blood in you and really want a farm you will look at thl?: 203 acres in rich Chehalem vjUIv. 25 miles south of Portland, ne:tr Newherg. 120 acres under cultivation. 50 more can be put under cultivation, running Ft ream through place large enoueh for trout: 3' acres of fine oak. bal. in sc end growth fir timber which will run 15 to 20 thousand to the acre: lo acres in 8 and U-vear-old commercial apples. There will be $5n00 or Snoo worth of fruit this season ; good S-room house, 2 barns, pimp house, water system, good rock roud on two sides of place: would divide fine. Some man with judgment will double his money within 5 years. This place can be bought for $ 125 per acre : cash. If you want a money maker. " move ouick. C. E. Cranfiil, 203 1- 1st st. Main 42Q3. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 14 acres of fine soil, with lots of fruit : 1 2c fare, 40 minutes out; lots of sha.le trees, nice grounds and pergola ; attractive bungalow with large I i vln 3 and d in ing room. 1 bedroom and Dutch k itehen on first floor, large room up stairs; good elect r c light tixt ures, fine nreplsre. Price $3500; joining this is also 1 acres of loganberreies that can be hd verv reasonably. This is close to e'ertric station. JOHN . FERGUSON. GEKL1NGER BLDG; TILLAMOOK LODGE Beautiful home on N I the Cnlumbia highway. 35 min. drie frmn P. O. : modern, aeiigninn. uuni ior comfort, with full porch, lawn, drives. j acre, or more If desired: my rlknt'a instructions are to sell for any ra-"n-o 1,1 e offer, or trade for house in Park- 1 rose. E. P. DREW. 304 Lumbermen's bldg. Broadway 1080. 4 A i 5