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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 11 WASTt.E REAL ESTATE. Over 11,600,000 Worth OK HOMKS SOLD Since January 1. 1920. by FRANK L. McGUIRE. Largest Home Seller on the , Pacitio Coast. Have you a house to sell? Try out live, efficient methods of home selling Our record: b69 homes sold last year. -homes sold in one day. 110 homes sold in May. 5S' homes sold to date this year. Your house is Hold if listed with us. "We personally INSPECT. APPRAISE and PHOTOGRAPH it within 24 hours after listing. The photograph of your home will be displayed in our great display room, which is continually thronged w 1 1 li EARNEST HOMB BUYERS. J I you can't come down, telephone; we'll gladly call. Our only charges are the standard commsion of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale; IS experi enced salesmen with autos to work, on the sale of your home. re FRAN K L. MoOT," I RE To Buy Your Home, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 106 'ya 3d St., Between Washington and Stark. PACIFIC AGENCY, IXC. s. o. s. We expect to sell 500 houses by the end of this year and are hav ing caiis every day that we cannot supply. Bring in your llfetinga and we will look them over, and if priced right we can make you quick sale. Have several competent salesmen on hand with autos to show property, hnc can get quick action. Do not delay, as we have actual buyers waiting and need your listing. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Bidg., Paone Marshall 3'Jbtt. IRVTNOTON. ALAMEDA, I-AUR- BLHUIIST OWNERS NOTE: We need your property,, desper ately; if for sale; for best buyers apply to this lrvington headquar ters. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. East i94. WANTED. 5 or 6-room house in Woodstock or Woodlawn district, about $2.T.od; must be bargain; fint payment haf cash or more. Call Tabor 1478. VE HAVE clients watting ror nomes from $2o00 to $7000; good first payment. If your property is for sate cail at our office or phone. O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT & CO., C E. Adams. 407 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Broadway 3838. WANT home, lrvington. Alameda, Laurelhurst, $5300 to $7000. P. O. Box o!74. WE have cash buyers for 5 or 6-room bun galows to $6000 and several we are trying to place with similar places with $1500 and $2500 cauii. Let us show yours We will try and make it snappy. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th st. Main 4522 BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent ; ca II and see us. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. WANT to buy 10 acres with small house and improvements in vicinity of Salem, su i table for berries; not less than 5 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; give location, price and terms. Mrs. i. B. Stockton, Neison St., Portland. man'Y culls for desirable homes: no in f la ted values. 11 you have a place in the city or suburbs that you will sell at Its real value, phone POINDEXTER. 2oS Selling bldg. Main ISou. Residence.- East 0771. MORE BUYERS THAN HOUSES. Lot me iell yours for good payment down. B. F. KELLY, 715 SWETLAND BLDG, Main 7776. WANTED To buy a 0 or 7-room house in . location bounded by Third and 13th sts and Ya nihil! and College sts. Will pay an cash, call Mcciure & scnmaucn to 306 Ry. Ex. Bldg WANT duplex house. 1 floor munt have tt rooms, want good district on east eiue. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-5-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAVE 6-room semi-modern house, S0x200 ft. ground, berries of all kinds, for sale or trade for 6-room house west of 50th, near Sunny side or Hawthorne car. Ta bor 2005. HAVE many clients for improved acreage near Portland; some have money, others wish to trade city property. POINDEXTEK. 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence. East 0771. WA NT strictly modern 6-room bungalow in Rose City, Laurelhurst or lrvington, with garage; must be a bargain, not over' $50OO; will pay all cash and se curitiea. L 220, Oregonian. WANT HOUSE EQUITY FOR THIS. 100 acres on river, part irrigated, free water riprh t ; price I7."t, elf ar. B. F. KELLY, 715 SWETLAND BLDG. Main 777G. 1 WILL buy a strictly modern house in desirable location if price is right. Not less than " four bedrooms. Don't answer if price la over $10,000. E 189. Oregonian. WANTED 10 acres, cleared, near elec tric line, not too far out: will trade acreage with good cord wood timber and make substantial cash payment. AO o47. Oregonian'. WANTED Bungalow. 5 rooms, modern in suburbs. Oregon City line pfd., not over $250. with very small payment flown, Aaureaa mgr. letter dept. -Stark. WANTED To buy direct from owner a modern six -room house. In first letter state location and price for cash. L ;7. Oregonian. WANTED House up to $3000. will rive 9 large lots in Fairview. value $160 each, as first payment. Mar. 569. after P. M. VACANT lot at right price to apply as part payment on modern eight or nine room house; first-class 'neighborhood Give Ptreet number. E 18S. Oregonian WANT duplex house; one floor must have o rooms: want good district on east side. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED For my own home from owner up-to-date 5-room bungalow. Rose Oit Park, around $5000; will pay $3000 cash Tabor 8976. WOcLD buy acreage near city limits. must nve some sort or a no use on it $50 down. J2o a month payments. Ad dress J., 38 E. 62d st. WANT 5 OR 6-ROOM house, full lot, good district, to $4000; can pay $300 down and $30 per mo. and Interest. Broadway jir. ruricr, or cast anna. WE HAVE buyer for flats, duplex houses. See us at once. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 4 OR 5 acres with 4 or 5-room house, good land, with or without furniture; must be a bargain lor cash. N 213, Orego n ian. I EXPECT to locate in Portland and want to buy o or o-room modern bun galow or ootta ge ; prefer west side. A v w. Oregonian. W ANTE D To pu r h a se from owner a 4 or 5-room modern home. Must be- a bargain. State location and price. R Oregonian. WANTED Improved farms and suburban homes, within 20 miles from Portland. State full particulars in first replv. E. J. OKISER, 417 Chamber of Com. WANTED 1 or 5-room house for elderly people; not over 4 blocks from car that $15oo or $2000" cash will buy from owners only. L 144. Oregonian. WANTED Nice. neat. modern 5-room bungalow, must be modern and price right, up to $350, from owner only. C 589. Oregonian. I WANT to buy a lot In South Portland or Fulton, or a small house for about $2ooo; answer soon as possible. N 140, Oregonian. WHO HAS Denver real estate ? C R Ktedman. of C. R. Stedman Real Estate agency. Denver. Colo., in Portland for few days. Address general delivery. WE HAVE buyers for flats, duplex houses. See us at once. KITTER. LOWE & CO.. 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT to buy 100 acres of logged -off (and near Portland on paved highway answer, giving price, amount of land, lo cation. B 574. Oregonian. TANT 3 to 5 acres. clos in to eitv limits with or without buildings, state particu lars and price. M 143. Oregonian 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow. . Rose Citv or Hawthorne district. Siooo cash payment" owners only. J 100. Oregonian. I AM looking for a small house and two or three lots near the Rose City or Montavilla carline. M 145. Oregonian. HAVE good used car to trade for lot or WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED A HOUSE. We have client with cash wanting; a 6-room house in most any good district, price ranging from $15o0 to $2500. Must be a bargain. We also have several clients with $300 to $500 as first pay ment on medium priced home. Phone or call at office and we will Inspect at once. Ask for Mr. Soblstrom, GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon bids. HOMES WANTED. . HOMES WANTED. HOMES WANTED. Of all description, size, price and loca tion; can sureiy sell yours if listed: hun dreds sold. We need yours now. Phone, call or write. " . G. C. GOLDENBERG G. C. GOLDENBERG Ablngton Bldg. Main 4S03. LOOK HERE, FOLKS! WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS FOR y YOUR PROPERTY. If yours is a salable property, whether bungalow, house or acreage, we can sell it; we list no more property than we can consisten tly serve. A. G. TEEPE CO., 27ui Stark St. Main 3092. Branch, 50th and Sandy. READ THIS! Have you & lot to sell?- List with us ' for results. Now is the time to sell. Ask for J. L. Richardson, LOT DE PARTMENT, with FRAN,K L. McGUIRE, To List Your Lot. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Between Wash, and Stark. WANT 5 OR 6 ROOMS (BUNGALOW OR COTTAGE). FAIRLY GOOD LOCATION AND CON DITIONS. UNDER $3500; PAY ABOUT $500 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. MUST BE A BARGAIN. ADDRESS HUME BUYER. M 589, OREGON1AN. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? Yea, otherwise you would not read this column. We are selling houses and need your.s. We work hard and advertise ex tensively, promising good service. GIVE US A CHANCE. A. W. ESTES, 909 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3485. 1 HAVE the cash to pay for a good mod ern bungalow in Rose City Park or Hawthorne; must be well located and worth the money ; please write, giving complete information as to price, loca tion, etc. : I want to deal direct with owner. When can possession be given 7 G 592, Oregonian. WE photo and appraise your home free. 7 salesmen, with autos. to show your home. List with us for immediate results. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Majn 1094 and 583. ti OR 7-ROOM modern bungalow in good district. Piedmont, Walnut Park, Ala meda or Laurelhurst preferred; give full particulars in first letter. This is a pri vate party and prefer to deal with own ers direct. N 590, Oregonian. i WANT a small bungalow of about 4 or 5 rooms; can pay about $500 cash and balance by the month : want to deal direct with owner; please write me, stating what car I should take to get to property. E 594, Oregonian. WANT CHEAP ACREAGE. Have clients for several tracts cheap lands $5 to $10 per acre, Washington or Oregon. A. W. ESTES, 009 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3485. WANT to buy small house with from one to five acres; please write as fully as possible so I can drive to the prop erty. How far is property from car and what is the price ana terms ? E oo, oregonian "Small tracts wanted. WB SPECIALIZE on small tracts. If price and terms are reasonable, will In spect at once. A. W. pSTES, 900 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3485. WANTED. 5-room bunga low. must be strictly modern, prefer Piedmont, Walnut Park or Rose Clty up to $6500; good cash pay ment. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Shacks and cheap houses on reasonable terms. Any part of city. Buyers wait ing. A. W. ESTES, 909 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8485. CUM PORTA BLE home. 5 or more rooms, either city, with at least two lots, or suburban, near carline ; pay cash or trade 40-acre home Clarke county. Wash ington. Describe with price. E 093, Ore gonian. WANT suburban home, either unimproved or improved, up to $150OO will give in exchanv. city property well improved w ith good income ; owners only. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1953. BUVER with 300 wants an acre, more or less, with some fruit and livable house ; can make good monthly payments. John t prqiiBon, Geriinger oidg. WILL pay up to isooo for a 7 or 8 room house in Laurelhurst; must be thoroughly modern ; give complete de tails. N &, oregonian. WANTED Rose City bungalow, $4500; no agent need answer. Phone John Maione. Broadway 266, or View Hotel, Woodlawn 4417. CAN pay $1000 down and up to $200 a month for residence in good district up to $70on. 505 stock Exchange bldg. Main 43s. WANTED Modern 5 or ti-room bungalow close in. east side; prefer lrvington. a v vt, cregonian. WANTED Acreage or city lots; have Al stock drawing 8 per cent interest to exchange. AR 797, Oregonian. HAVE $1000 cash as first payment on 4 or .-room no use ; prefer It. C. district ; no junk or agents. Phone Sell. 3710. HAVE you a modern bungalow worth the price you ask for it? I mean busl ness; no agents. AL 755, Oregonian. FROM owner, 8 or 9-room modern house; good district. A 145, Oregonian. Farms Warned. FARMS WANTED. We are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we cannot supply their wants. WHY not lot US sell YOUR farms and acreage for you. WE are the oldest aand one of the most reli able firms in Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. CORDWOOD. 3500 cords. 1 nit lea from railroad town on Columbia river; old growth fir; land lies well for cutting; all down-hill haul. This is large old growth fir. $1 per cord stumpage. No better proposition can be found. A- W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE a customer for a stocked farm ; want at least 30 acres cleared land, bal ance good pasture; $4000 first payment. Turner jfe Co.. 230 Chamber of Com. I WANT the best prune orchard from 20 acres up that cash will buy; give full de tails in first letter. Box 500, Carlton, Or. WANT to hear from owner of good ranch Sor sale; state cash price, full particu lars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. A GOOD homestead wanted, with water. H 205, Oregonian. Wanted to Ren tr Farms. WANT to lease for one year, with privil ege of buying if price and location right. H to 0 acres of .suburban acreage; want 7 or S-room house, on good road and close to car line. H. A. Cox, Mult nomah, Or. WANTED T? lease good 7 or S-room house, smalt barn or garage, to 4 acres ground, on good road near car line, city phone, suitable for business place for landscaping gardener. P 2lo, Oregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. 215 ACRES FOR RENT. $80 PER MONTH. 2T5 acres. 150 can be plowed, balance pasture, 25 acres alfalfa, 8 cuttings. 15 acres wheat. 15 acres oats, vetch. 1 acre potatoes, 150 tons hay per year ; 3 miles east of Vancouver, on Columbia river; all fine sandy loam soil; lease to run two years yet at $S0 per mo.; large dairy barn, hay barn, fair house, milk house. 50 head of fine grade Holstein cows, 5 registered, 13 head heifers, some to freshen this fall (6 are registered), 1 reg istered Holstein bull, T head work horses, new tractor with plows and disc, two mowers, one nay tedder, three plows, cultivators, two gaso line engines, ensilage cutter and blower, cream separator, 30 10 gallon milk cans, all kinds of tools and small tools. Present In come on the place over $1000 per month. Finest crop you ever saw now growing on the place, and there is an excellent pasture of white clover. Price, including all personal property, crops and lease. $20,000; $10,000 cash, and balance $750 every 90 days. SEE BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main. Vancouver. Wash. SO ACRES of fina garden land, on Colum bia highway. 9 miles from courthouse. $25 per a., 0 to 10 years lease. See nr. myior witn, 4, Jx. Aloore. 31 FOR RENT FARMS." WASHINGTON FARM. 60 acres all level, 52 acres under plow, family orchard, all fenced and cross fenced, 4 miles from ' Railroad, 12 miles from Vancouver, good road. 3 wells, 5-room house, large barn, granary, milk houee, bog house, etc, lease 5 years $300 per year. Personal property and crops tor sale. Binder, mower, rake, harrow, disc. plow, cultivat ors, clod masher, cider mill, wagon, buggy, gas engine, feed cutter and separator, one extra fine t'.-am, 2 colts, 8 good milk cows, 1 year old' steer, 6-months-old heifer calf, 10 hogs, 30 hens, 2 tons hay, 8 acres wheat, 12 acres vetch, 2 acres win ter oats, 9 acres spring oata Price $2500. $1500 cash, balance terms. Rent. TUALATIN RIVER FARM. 215 acres, 100 acres bottom land, 150 acres under plow, 10 acres beaverdam, near school, soil is Al, all fenced, mostly woven wire, 20 miles from Portland, near school, gravel road, 2 wells, good 7 room house, bath, toilet, etc., good dairy barn, stanchions for 40 cows, new silo, 260 tons, dairy house, lease for 5 years, $2000 per year. Per sonal property and crops for sale, 5 horses, 37 good cows, 1 bull, 4 heifers, calves, all farming imple ments complete, gas engine, milk ing machine, cooler, steam boiler, etc, 16 acres corn, 60 acres oats and vetch. Price $15,006. $7000 cash, balance terms. CLOSE-rN DAIRY FOR RENT. 140 acres, nearly all level, 40 acres under plow, 15 acres beaver dam, 100 acres fine pasture, some berries,- family orchard, Al soil, ail well fenced, 1 mile from R.R. and school. 1 spring and creek, Al graveled road. good Al 9 room house, dairy barn holds 34 cows, also horse barn, water piped to all buildings, 1 silo, machine shed, garage, dairy house, etc., will lease for 5 years. $15 month. Personal property for sale 31 Al cows, 1 registered bull, 2 horses, 1 pig. 7 heller calves. 8 dozen chickens, mower, disc. rake, S wagons, plow, harrow, 3 cul ttvators, 2 gas engines, milking machine, 1919 Oldsmobile truck, dairy outfit, boiler,- w.uhlng vats, cooler, ster ilizer, etc., 15 acres sunflowers. Pries $12,000. $6000 cash, bal ance to suit. EASTERN OREGON RANCH MORROW COUNTY. 480 acres, all fenced. 155 acres fall wheat, 60 or 70 acres in other crop, and 100 acres of rented ground adjoining go with the place, with 60 acres of rye for pas ture. For sale and included with the following personal property. 1 drill, 1 header, 8 foot disc. 8 bot. plow, 1 3 bot. 14 inch plow, 36 ft. wooden harrow, 1 20 ft steel harrow, 2 wagons, harness for 8 head of horses, 11 head of work horses, span 2 year old mules, 1 yearling and 1 3 year old mule. 3 colts, 5 cows, 2 2 year old heifers, 1 calf. Price for crops, stock and implements, $3095. Will lease for a term of years for cash or shares. DAIRY FARM 150 ACRES. 80 acres, level; 75 acres under plow, family orchard, Al soil, all fenced, 1H miles to R.R. station, mile to school. 32 miles to Port land, spring. 1 creek, good barns, all outbuildings, 1 silo 12x34. rent 8 years $50 per month. Personal property and crops for sale. Some household goods, mower, disc, har row, 2 horse cultivator, manure spreader, 2 wagons. 1 rack. 2 bug gies, rake, cream separator, 2 har rows, combtination seeder and wheel hoe. set work harness, single harness, 4 plows, fanning mill and smal 1 tools, 1 2 head milch cows, -Tersey and Holsteins. 5 pure-bred Jersey heifers, 2 grade Jersey heifers, 1 purebred bull, 3 good horses, 1 brood sow with 9 pigs, 7 shoats, 1 boar, 50 chickens, 45 acres of clover, 15 acres of grain, etc. Price for all $4500. $3000 cash, balance to suit. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY. This farm dres not overflow ; 630 acres. 350 acres under plow, fair nix-room house, good dairy barn with stanchions for cows, 280 acres fine pasture, rent 5 years, $250.00 per month. Personal property and crops for sale as follows: 240 acres corn, 30 acres spuds, 30 acres rye, 50 acres ready for seeding, 100 tons straw, 6 horses. 1 corn planter, price $12,600. $6000 cash. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM. 230 acres, 100 acres level and un der plow, 60 acres irrigated and In alfalfa, all kinds fruit, Al soil, all well fenced, 5 miles from R.R. n Rogrue river, bam 80x100. no house, but owner will build house for good tenant, 40-ton silo, will lease for 5 years $1500 per year, 100 acres crops, 10 cows. 2 horses, some tools for sale cheap. There is a fine house across road that can be had till new house is built. SMALL DATRY IN PORTLAND. 74 acres close in,, all under plow, family orchard, all kinds besries, Al sandy soil, 8 blocks from carline. city water, good 5 room house, 2 barns, all outbuild ings, lease 3 years $25 month. Personal property for sale. Pota to digger. 2 horse plow, 2 culti vators, 3 wagons, new Ford deliv ery car, milk cooler, steam boiler, washing vat. crates, bottled, etc. Incubator and brooder, 10 Al cows, horse and harness. 5 dozen chickens, 40 chicks, 23 geese, 0 pigs. 2 sows. 1 boar, 3 fat hogs, 3 pigs, 5 months old, 4 acres clover, V acre corn, V acre wheat, 1 acre kale, 1 acre oats, price $4000. $2700 cash. Income now $400 per month. GRESHAM FARM 40 acres, 39 acres under plow, berrle and fan.lly orchard. At soil, all fenced, Al roads, 2 wells, good 5 room house, good dairy bam, with 16 stanchions, lease $400 year, personal property for sale, 2 wagons. 3 plows, harrow, disc, roller, potato planter and digger, corn planter, kale planter, 8 cul tivators, weeder, mower, rake, hay fork and ropes. spring wagon, buggy and harness, root cutter, ensilage cutter, 12 h. p. engine, silo 10x32, milk cooler, buckets, manure carrier. 2 separators, 16 10-gal. cans, 3 good horses. 2 seta harness, 12 extra fine Holstein cows. Holstein bull. 3 heifers, 3 calves, household furniture, price $6000. $3000 cash, balance terms. DAIRY FARM. 1iV miles from Portland. 185 acres all gentle rolling, 40 acres under plow, 100 acres open stump pasture, orchard, all Al soil, all fenced. 3 good springs, Al road. 1 well, good 8 room house, 3 barns. 1 dairy and 1 horse barn all out buildings, rent 5 years $500 month. Personal property and crops for sale. 3 plows, harrow, cultivator, 2 spring wagons, 1 farm wagon, separator. 7 Al cows. 3 heifers, sow and 0 pigs, 2 shoats, 3 horses. 4 dosen chickens, 8 acres wheat, 10 acres oats, 16 acres hay, 4 acres spuds. Price $2200. $1200 cash, balance terms. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO-. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 335 ACRES, 0 PER MONTH. 335 acres, adjoining city limits of a good Columbia river town, all milk produced on this place is sold retail in town. Personal property for sale consists of 32 head of milch cows. 14 head of dry cows and heifers.- cows are three and four years old and several high grade Guernseys. One registered Guernsey bull ; 8 head of horses and colts, two wagons, harnesses, cream separator, and all farm tools. Milk bottles, cans, milk route and all dairy equipment. Price $6500; $2500 cash, balance we can arrange, attractive terms. Rent is only $60 per month. Fair farm buildings. 815 acres, for rent, with Income of over $1000 per month. Will give tease, $80 per month. Per sonal property for sale consists erf 75 head of high-grade Holstein cows and heifers, of which 15 are registered. 7 head of horses, new tractor, plows, disc, three wagons, two mowers, two rakes, ensilage cutter and blower, two gasoline engines, cream separator, tanks, coolers, cans, and all small tools and machinery. There are about 25 acres of this place in alfalfa at the present time; 150 acres of this place can be plowed and all is fine sandy loam soil, 40 or 50 acres In oats and wheat, and a fine stajid. This is one of the best dairy ranches around Portland, and you will have to, see it to realize what it is. Pric. Includ ing lease and about $7500 worth of crop and all personal property. " $20,000; $10,000 cash. ' THOMPSON.- SWAN A LEB, Third and Main Streets, Vuuvouvti, WaU, FOR RENT FARMS. 78-ACRE FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, OUT NEAR- SANDY AND BULL RUN. in crop clover, vetch, barley, oats, spuds and corn. Splendid 3 acre bearing orchard, balance pasture and some timber. Good big team of horses, wagon and harness, 3 good cows, chickens, necessary farm implements, cream separator. Splendid Bull Run water piped Into house, barn, onto lawn and lots; 4-room house, big , barn, cement milkhouse. located on hard road, 1 mile to electric station. Rent paid to January 1, 1921. All goes for 220o, includ ing household furniture. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 8 Chamber bf Commerce -bldg., grouud floor. 400-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $6500. Eight miles northeast of Vancouver; all level as a floor; over 200 acres in cultivation, 70 acres in crop, oats, rye, wheat, corn, potatoes, kale; all fenced and cross-fenced; two houses, two barns, 20 stanchions. 23 high-grade milch cows, one bull, six horses, harnesses and all machinery and equipment go with the place; live stream crosses place; 80 acres beaver dam; biggest bar gain in a dairy ranch in the state; lease for five years; will sell lease, stock, equipment and everything for $K5O0. Hurry ; this is one chance in a thou sand. See G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. CASH rent 355 acres, mostly bottom land. about 17o under plow, Dai. timoer pas ture; good bldgs.. good roads, good markets, dairy, grain or stock ranch; possession Oct. 1. F. P, Farringtou, Hotel Alder. FOR RENT 26 acres, all under cultiva tion; city water; -room nouse ana oase ment, large barn, 1 mites east of city limits; dairy only. Mall address. Route A, box 644, Portland, or phone Tabor 6T.&8. TIMBER LANDS. CAPABLE MEN WANTED. We have openings for two or three good men ; one lor general manager and others to take charge of other de partments; also store manager in large sawmill enterprise; each must be thor oughly capable and must make a sub stantial investment- TIMBER LAND BUREAU, Board of Trade Bldg.. Portland. Or. 9x10 SEATTLE DONKEY. 140O feet 1- inch line, 3oo feet 'jfc-mcn line. - two Tommy Moore blocks, all other neces sary blocks, chokers, yarders and small tools; price $2O0o. F. E. BOWMAN 4b CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 8020. 40 ACHES PILING TIMBER. Close to Gaston on west side electric line, splendid stand of timber suitable for piling, poles, mining timbers or ties, Hhk miles to shipping station, water grade, good road. Price $1000. See owner 610 McKay bldg. Ask for Rippey. YELLOW FIR. 15 to 45 million feet of an excellent quality of yellow fir in a solid body. ready ror milling; nume now in opera tion to the railroad station. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens , bldg. SAWMILL 25,000 feet capacity, less than 40 miles from Portland, earning more than $20O per day. Enough timber to last years. For price and particulars see Henry Erickson, 0O6 Spalding oiag. BEST tie and sawmill chance In Marlon rnnntv lu, .mile haul, summer or win ter road: pay as cut to reliable parties; over 3.000.000 second-growth fir. AJi ioi, Oregonian. m TIMBER and piling within 7 miles of the center or tne city to oe soia on siump age. Will sell all or part of about 10.000,000 feet. For particulars ana prices see me at 4U4 Piatt oiag. 13.ti75,OO0 FEET in Lane county, Oregon; eoort loecinar conditions, near cugene; a bargain at 8O0 per 1000. Call Tabor 74.H1. WE purchase lumber and mill cuts, also buy ann sen sawmills nna nmoer lauua, WESTERN LUMBER AGENCY. 624 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. WOOD FOR SALE Standing timber, From one to 8000 cord, nr. Dig ires; iu to 3-mile haul. SILAS PIERSON, 415 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APPROXIMATELY 4000 cords of wood. fir; also about 1000 cords oak : three miles from railroad on good road. Call Main 7168. CHEAP tlmberland. 2 miles south from Scappoose, 1 mites river and railroad reasonable payments. 707 Flanders. Terms. Parker, WILLYS-KNIGHT car. first-class condl tion, for lumber. Sell wood 14i5., Main 4181. WHY pay commission? 77.000,000 timber for sale by owner. M. Kile, E. 21st st. feet 1421 FOR SALE Red and vellow fir. some cedar. Cruise approximately 6.500,000 rt.. 0 mi. from rt. R. o Oo-, oregonian FOR SALE 30 million fir on Columbia and railroad at $1 per thousand, one third cash. T 557, Oregonian. WANT bridge plank and timbers. Davis, 509 Lumbermen's bldg. W. Q. PM.IXT, WANTED ABOARD S. P. O. V. GAMBLE, Couch Bldg., Portland. TO EXCMANGF REAL ESTATE. GO TO THE BEACH. 4-room cottage, furnished ; fireplace. water, fine boating, fishing, bathing, ground 100x100; at Sunset beach, near Gearhart; price $1250; clear. Will trade and assume or pay cash. What have you? N 5S9, Oregonian 8-ROOM house for sale. 2 lots 100x102 feet, on corner; 3 and 5 blocks to car- lines, o irom jerrerson nign; an con venlences; cash, $4250; terms, $4o00; or will exchange for smaller house or im proved acreage. AJ 841, Oregonian. SPLENDID little brick apartment house on large corner, paying very nicely; can have a life-long home and income; price $3d.uuu; owner win taKe one-nair in good property in or out of the city. F. E. Miller. 416 1 Chamber of Com, bldg. BUNGALOW style home of 5 rooms, mod ern except furnace, full lot, block to M. A. car; will accept good car as first payment, balance easy terms. See Quin, 514 Swetland bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. Value $125,000. Will trade for east ern Oregon land, preferably grazing land, in Gilliam or Wheeler counties,! up to nair. . u. uox .11 . 1 FOR SALE or exchange for city prop erty, a 10-acre ranch. house, barn. chicken and nognouse; just outside van couver. Wash. For information call Main 70S9, city. A bargain If taken soon. WHAT can you offer for H acre, tent house, chicken- house, jg fruit trees, bearing and very reasonable. Address 594 Market St., or call Alain 6795 even ings. TWO lots, corner Alberta diet., no ineumb. Take Liberty bonds, sale contracts, mortgages. What have you ? D 160, Oregonian WILL sell very cheap or trade for acre age or an auiomouiio, o-room piasterea house; 1 diock rroni Alt. Bcott car line- Phone seiiwood 717. STUDEBAKER, 1917. 4-cyL, 7-pass., for acreage or city nroperty; car has good tires ana is in urai-ciase condition; val ue 1 too. p .14, oregonian. FOR SALE or trade. 6-room house. 60x100 lot. 1 oioca 10 car, store and naved streets, free end clear; would accept a late auto. iaoor oa. LOT Cor. 76th and Haisey. 90x125. $250 mortgage ana some mck taxes. An of fer. i. u. tfatnricit, oio jn. ox torn. bldg. Aiain jimo. WILL EXCHANGE 75 acres timber land 3 miles from ti.. ft. and town, on state road, for good car. price $1000. R. H B., 914 E. 28th st., Vancouver, Wash. COWLITZ COUNTY 20 acres raw land, free and eleae exchange, for Port lan property and a&suine. Owner. 207 Stock iitxcnange. MEXICO, papers pertaining to rich claim to exchange for property In or near Portland : recorded.N AB 76S. Oregonian TWO choice lots Hawthorne car line, and difference for bungalow or house. East 632B. 160 ACRES southern Oregon timber lan for small grocery, hardware or small houae in Portland. T 656, Oregonian. 40 TO 100-ACRE farm, exchange for general country store. C 178. orego nian. 160 ACRES in Lincoln Co.; house, bam; some cleared; mtg. $1600; trade equity for auto or anything. N 211, Oregonian. TWO LOTS, Dekum or Main 6383. 25-xlOO, Union Ave., near v ill trade for Dodge car. WHITE pressed brick S-room modern home in Boise, Idaho; trade for smaller house in Portland. B 158, Oregonian. CARS and trucks to exchange for clear city property. Seiiwood 1036. HAVE choice lrvington lot; will take late car part pay Marshall 1S37. HIGH-GRADE car to exchange for city lot. H. Rigsby. 1405 E. Ash st. LOT, valued $750, more diamonds. all clear, for one or Call Tabor 7153. FIVE acres apple land for Ford, or some light car. Main 915. trt TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. We are offering for exchange 100x100. close to the high-grade retail district: this quarter block is improved with a well constructed three-story brick build ing yielding an Income of over $20,000 a year, and is located in the path of the growth of the city, which insures a steady Increase In values: In a short time the ground alone will be worth more than Is aked for the ground and building: the income, price and terms wilj prove of interest to prospective in vestors in income property: as part pav ment, will accept going farm or well located city property in line for im provement and a mortgage back for 10 years. R. F. Bryan, 500 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. FOR SALE? OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER. As my business calls me to Oregon. I will sell or exchange my fine 54-acre improved ranch, near Tulare. Tuiare county, Cal. on paved nigttwav; will accept town property, mr acreage la Ore gon; easy terms. BOX 31. TIPTON. CAU FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. This property at Ontario, Or., S lots, 2 houses; 7-room house, well finished, two porches, sleeping porch, good plumb ing, bath and toilet; 2-car garage. 12 fruit trees, cherries, peaches, apricots and shade trees. Nicely situated, near church, school and library. Price $8000. Cash $2T00. balance easy terms or will exchange for property in Portland or for improved farm. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry bldg. BEAUTIFUL 2-ACRK HOME OAK GROVE. A modern 6-room house, with oak floors, pi pel ess furnace and all modern conveniences on 2 beautiful acres planted to the choicest varieties of fruit, grapes and berries: has garage and is on hard street, near school and station. Price $8000. Will consider exchange for good, modern residence in desirable dis trict In Portland. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Ablngton bldg. 40 ACRES, 10 acres planted to walnuts. 2 acres strawDemes, 1 acre loganoerries ; some good saw timber. House, barn, creek and spring, lots of other kinds of fruit. 18 miles from Portland, HO rods off of Columbia highway on fine auto road. Price $8000 clear. Want place with more rand in cultivation not too far out. Will assume or put in some cash. J 182. Oregonian. HIGHLY improved Willamette valley IOO- acre rarm, modern nouse. z gooo oamo and outbuildings; water. piped to house and barn, good orchard, on county road and mail route; mile of railroad, near good valley town; telephone In house; will exchange for city property or close-in improved acreage. A- W. SMITH, owner, 372 Victoria st. Phone East 2142. APARTMENT FLATS, $17,500. Four ftvo-room and sleeping porch apartment building, very favorably located and always rented, furnace for each apartment and all modern con veniences. Income 10 net. I need a home with four sleeping rooms and will consider up to $10,000 value as part payment. balance satisfactory terms. W 138. Oregonian. 380 ACRES. STOCK. EQUIPMENT. 150 head stock, good buildings, large amount In cultivation; on Pacific high way and S. P. Ry., fine soil; fine young pear and apple orchard in bearing; abundant running water; some valuable timber. This is a property of great resources; $24,000. Will take Portland property as part. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Ablngton bldg. WHEAT FARM FOR TRADE. 20S0 acres in Uma tilla cou n ty. 1 700 acres In cultivation.' 700 in crop: good buildings and well; rented for one-third of crop: owner owes $50,000, all payable out of the crops; will take property for his oquitv: price $40 -per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE A GOOD SEATTLE HOME, about $10,000; have moved to Port land, wish to exchange for similar or suburban. P. O. box 3174. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. Have big tract of land In Montana, ever 6700 acres, 85 per cent tillable; in oil district; price $16 per acre, clear. WH1 trade part or all for Portland prop erty and assume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. SALE or trsde, 060 acres mixed farming. well stocked and equipped, loratea ciose to railroad in never-failing crop district in Alberta, Canada; can be divided. This Is an exceptional place and will stand closest inspection. What have you? Phone Marshall 1828 or write W. W. Dartt, 170 Chapman. Portland. 77-A. FARM. NEWBERG. In famous prune and potato belt 35 In cultivation, 7 in prunes; all good land: running water; good house and outbuildings; stocked and equipped. Price $S5O0; take to $5000 in good Port land residence R. F. FEEMSTER, 41T Ablngton bldg. HAVE moved to city, must dispose of my fine rarm or 18& acres, highly improved; stocks, crops and machinery: this is no junk, and If you have not got good property do not bother m. 1 am the owner. Phone Sunday, Tabor 2285. week days Main 6419, for appointment. WIIL ASSUME. Have clear Portland lots, well located, to exchange for Portland property or farm; will assume; consider proposition up to , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. Splendid stock ranch of 260 acres; 240 level, clesr. rich soil: good build ings: near government range : $30,000; exchange for Portland property, W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHOICE HAWTHORNE residence and business corner, lOOxlOO, partly im proved, for sale or exchange for lower priced property or secured paper. A-l for income producing. J. LeRoy Smith, trustee. Dekum Bldg. Marshall 2427. FOR TRADE 480-acre farm, with 430 acres in cultivation; large modern house, good barn and outbuildings ; price, in cluding outfit. $25,00O; desire Willamette val lev farm. L. T. Griswold, Mans field. Wash. 1 ACRE, with 3 rooms, good crop of pota toes, corn, beans, berries, fruit; good chicken house, cellar, city water. 44th and Jarret. 1 block north of Killings worth ave. to trade for 5 or 6-room house. R No. 1, Box 869, Portland, Or. FOR California acreage or Oakland, 24 aarM partlv improved, house, barn, or chard, creek, some clear; only 20 mi lee out; value $1'P00. will assume. J. C. DE MERS, 805 Brockhurwt St., Oakland, Cal. FOR GALE or trade, 820 aerett In Lake county, Oregon; good land. What have you ? Box b3, Sprague, Wash. I HAVE 3 beautiful lots on Hawthorne carline, value $1 SOO; will exchange for oungaiow, riawtnorne district, pay bal ance monthly. Gibson, 268 Stark sC Marshall 12. WANT MODERN HOUSE. Will exchange Wiuys-Knlght auto, Tn fine condition, nearly nw, as part pay. W. ti. KOMH, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IV ACRES, all In bearing fruit and ber ries; fine well of water, new 3 -room house, gas; just outside city limits, 8c carfare. To sell or exchange for room- ing noose. aiain 4 ran, ttj Hoyt. WILL trade 10 or more lots, all cultivated, summer house, storeroom and chicken house, city gas. for modern house, eauitv. balance rash or will assume. Write to nox 4, ua k o rove, or. - IF YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE for farms in Willamette vaMey. Wash ington. Irrigate! sunny southern Idaho or for tlmberland or city propertv. see B. M. Price & Co., 2"0 Henry b 1 d g. ATTRACTIVE. well-Iocs red 7-room home .in Laurelhurst; h. w. floors: price $6500, in exchange for smaller house in good district. HENRY W. OOPDARP, 243 Stark St. ' 160 ACRES $2000. Will trade for late model car or house, rolling land, fine soil; near Willamlna. Sea Wood Realty Co., 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE or trade. 2 lots 50x10" each, 2-room house. 17th St.. Alberta district, for 1 or 2-ton truck or cord wood as first payment; terms.' Phone Woodlawn 6013. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2R acres, in miles from Eugene. Price $2400. Price of incumberance for hous and lot in Rose City Park or lrvington. Will as sume. East 5860. $1000 BUY ONE ACRE In Ontario, Or.. 1-3 cash, balance easy term a Or will exchange for property In Portland or for farm land. WOODCOCK. 2QQ Henry bldg. S4 LOTS. S. E. cor. 43d, Division. Value $20,000 want hotel, apf. houiw. PortTnnd or good live town. J, H. McMahon. 2606 Kpt 43d St. Tabor" 5361. WILL fade lot 50x1 20 at North Fair Oaks. San Mateco county, California, for light 5-passenger car or piano. 530 E. ISth st. south. WANTED To exchange mv home In Calgarv Alberta, value $S000 for prop erty In Portland or vicinity. 319 Mo hawk bldg. FOR EXCHANGE A lot and frac. Fair Grounds addition to Seattle; want auto or what have you to value $750 ? Ad U;tfi4 GunaUm Hubbard. Cu TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WE WILL TRADE for general merchan dise stock the following property: 160 acres wheat land in Benton county, Washington, $4O00; Good house, 6 rooms, two lots, fine lawn and flowers, Vancouver. Wash,, on car line, $4oiM; 160-acre timber, tract Shoshone county, Idaho. $3000. There is but $1000 incumbrance against the above property and this can be cleared up if satisfactory trade is made. We will also pay some cash difference if trade warrants it. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 W. Sixth St., Vancouver. ELL OR TRADE FOR CITY HOME. 15H acres in Washington Co., all un der cultivation and crop in on shares ; good house, barn, chicken house, pig pen : this place can be bought on easy terms and buyer ran have benefit of present crops ; prefer upper Albina or Alberta district. Prire $3500. A. W. ESTES, 909 Chamber of Commerce. Main 34S5. 5 ACRES TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 2H acres cultivated and in crop, bal ance timber; 'creek through place, house, barn and well and pump. On sidewalk, mile from electric station; 16 miles from Portland. Price $2500. Will ex change for Portland residence of about same va Hie. J. R. SHRECK, 502 Spalding Bldg. Main 3708. 80 ACHES. CLACKAMAS CO. Near Springwater and Estacada pn good road; 10 acres In cultivation; fair house and barn : family orchard ; 25O0 cords wood ; good trout stream ; soil is good and nearly all available for culti vation. Only $;t."oo. Will consider resi dence In Portland or good building lot in Piedmont district for part. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 Ablngton bldg. SMALL FARM TO TRADE. 8 acres, all in high state of culti vation, crops In. stocked and equipped ; just 12 miles from Portland on good road. Price $5500 clear ; will trade to this value for residence, or assume $1500 on good Income propertv. LU EDO EM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE OR TRADE Graflex 5x7 long focus, revolving back auto Oraflex. mae azin plate holder and film pack adapter: cost $350. Want bug, automatic pietol. tent, cabinet talking mac nine, binocu lars, or anything I can us. Call at 5'WJ 4tfth st. S. E., Sunday. WANT small cottage built at Saltalr (Tillamook Beach ). Will exchange choice lots Jn same tract for labor and material. Address D 1ST. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE suitable for farm use or grocery delivery, will exchange for good touring car and pay difference if any, or will exchange for grocery store and pay difference. Cobb Bros.. 263 Oak street. FOR SALE or exchange for light model auto, piano with or without self-playing attachment, with 30 pieces cia&sic music. 402 Zumbro Court apts., 20th and Wash. Marshall 2760. FoR SALE 1916 Chevrolet, good me chanical condition, or will trade for houseboat; 1531 Virginia st. Phone 517-25. ELECTRIC fan. eight-inch, direct cur rent, to exchange for alternating cur rent. Tabor 9032. WILL take lumber for Willys-Knight car. first-class condition. Seiiwood 1455. Main 4181. CANNON BEACH lot to exchange for good field glasses or telescope. W. H. Ross, Main 93L SELL or trade nice bug, gramophone, bi cycle, 45 Colts' revolver, rubber hip boots, set boxing gloves. East 112. PAINTER wishes to exchange painting or tinting for rent of small house. Call Marshall 6fl. WANTED to exchange auto for painting and papering. 431 Davis. Bdwy. 4331. ALMOST new player piano on a light car. iM I wood 2940. WANTED To exchange auto for painting and papering. 4dl Davis. Bdwy. 4. 1. WILL trade for milch cows. 3017 Overland. no inflated values. East 4066. FOR SALE. Hnrnes, Vehicles, Livestock. TWu TEAMS of good, young work horses. weight .tu and 3000 lbs., with harness and wagon, also a large orchard or farm team. Price $85. Take Woodstock car to Greenwood Ave., 6 blocks north, 990 Powell V'alley road. - 12 COWS, all Just fresh, large dairy cow and some Jersey family cows, extra heavy rich milkers. Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 112$ Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line.'l block south, one east. FOR SALU Fine young Jersey family cow. You must see to appreciate her, for milk is going to advance. Best rea son for selling. Call today at 2083 E. Taylor, city. YOUNG span of horses, harness and wagon. They are gentle and true and also good walkers. You may have my job logging if wanted. Inquire for Hewitt McCrack en. Barton. Or. FOR SALE Team of 6-year-old mules; weight 1100; perfect sound condition. Price absolutely right. Also complete 3 -ton logging truck in good condition. J. B. Munch. White Salmon. Wash. EIGHT fresh cows, 3 to 7 gallons, large Holstein and Jersev-Durham. Take Van couver car to Columbia boulevard, go one block north. FOR SALE Several short wood wagons with good dump bodies and a bargain. Phone East 2226. or cail 287 E. Mor rison st. TEN fresh cows, 1 Jersey, 1 Holstein. 1 Durham; $75 each. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go one block north. 7 FRESH COWS, $70 to $135, special price on th bunch on the head $115. Ail good young stuff. Owner, 1US Florida St. Main 1319. REGISTERED Holstein bull, 13 months old. No. 1 condition and a splendid in dividual ; mother 5 times champion in Oregon. 800 W. 10th. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE A three-year-old thorobred Holstein Bull and a 6-months-old heifer. Jacob Bauer, Sherwood, Or. R. F. XX No. 2. FOR SALE Thirty-five registered 8hrop shire March and April ram lambs; $20 each. Ho!man Fuel Co.. 04 5th st. FOR SALE By private party, A5tons new alfalfa hay, clean and in bale. Address R. E. Callison. Parkdaie, or. WANTED 500 ewes on shares for 2 years; plenty feed d good pasture. AV 92, Oregonian. WANTED Small flock goats: write, stat ing price, kind, etc. H. A. Darnail. Werry. or. 1150-LB. horse, harness and buggy, horse fat and in good shape, gentle and a good worker; $75. Phone Columbia 056. A PAIR of gelding. 2500 pounds, gentle and true; $150. Take Vancouver to Co lumbia boulevard, go one block north. FOR SALE 2 good F.fMgian stallions, one 2 years old. one 3 years old. C. Min singer, 210 Board of Trade Bldg. FRESH milk goat on the Linnton road, 1 miie from 2th and Salmon sts. J. M,. Kittrel, Linnton, Or., R. R. No. 1. WANTED Small horse for farm work. State price. Route Box 431. Hills dale. Or. Roscoa R. Schoonover. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 6-J for service. BAY driving mare. 11 years old, and top buggy, pood- condition, for sale cheap. Tabor 723? FOR SALE A tesm of horses, weight about 2550; bedrock price, $150. Call East Flanders and 22d st. Aut. 220-31. 2 MILCH goats for saie cheap; heavy milkers: both coming fresh soon. Waiter S t. nb ro ugh, Newbera. Or. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred Shetland pony, harness andsaddla Tabor 3194. FOR SALE New set douoie Duggy har ness. $60. Holroan .Fuel Co., j4 5th st. LARGE pastures for rent near Portland. Main 85. DEAD horse, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORiiKS taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE 1 good young Hereford bulls. C. Minsinger. 210 Board of Trade Bidg. FOR SALE Jersey Durham cow, $75. F. Henry, Metzger, Or. FINE HEIFER CALF from heavy milker, cheap. 3S10 6Sth st. FINE grade Jersey bull, 3 eears old. for sale; must change. H 591, Oregonian. 10 HEAD of horses, 4 to 6 years old, 1200 to 1S00 lbs. Inquire 564 Northrup st. SINGLE, double harness, good light spring wagon with top. 963 Williams av. FOR SALE CHEAP Fine milk, goats. Phone Tabor 636. FOR SALE Young Holstein cow cheap. 27 64th St. Sell wood .'i4-)5. 2-YEAR milk goat and yearling buck, or will trade on good cow. Marshall 1119. TEN first-class milch cows for sale, all fresh. J. W. Thomas. Kelso, Wash. li&oO-LB. team and harness, $175. The B.urh JULaia 7618, ron SAUL Homes, Vehicles, Livestock. AT AUCTION FALE. 75 HEAD EXTRA FINE REGIS TERED AND HIGH-GRADE HOLSTB X CATTLE. My iease has expired; must sell my stock, whicn I will do at the Kilmore Lake Farm, on Willam ette Slough. 3 miles east of Sea p pocse, or., Tuesday, July 20, shio to commence st 11 o'cloi-k P. M RE MISTERED CATTLE. 3 1 high-grade Holstein cows Some f resh, some short springers, 7 past 2 year-old-heifers, 5 of them are bred; 3 of them are short spiingers; 6 past yearling heifers; 10 from 8 to 12- montb-oid heifers; 7 f rem 4 weeks to 5-month-old heifers, and 4 bulls. Horses anl machinery 3 work horses, two 4 and one 6 years. old. eight from 3350 to 1000 lbs. One A -1 saddle horse. Mowing machine, rake, disc, har row, wagon, plows, milk cart, pul veriser, wheelbarrow, 25 milk cans, harness, busrgy and other articles. To the dairymen of Portland and vicinity : I have completed a tuberculin test of Mr. Carl Trachsel's herd of cows and wish to state that this is the best herd of grade Holstein cows that I have ever tested. Dr. D. W. Mack, chief dairy and milk inspector of Portland. CARL TRACHSKL. Scappoose, Or., owner. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, Van couver. Wash., auctioneers. E. E. Wist, Scappoose bank, cl'lc PL'RE-BRED registered Swiss Toggenburg buck of excellent' milking strain, fist class Individual and a sure breeder; hijrh grade registered Toggenburs doe giving three quarts; two yearling Toggenburss. eligible to grade registration, ured to freshen in early fall, yearling grade fresh, mature gradt .rsrttered. giving two quarts, all for o. Compelled to sell for lack of room; sell any one of above at satisfactory price. L.-E. Hor nom. 37th and R., box 344, phone 26 F 25. Vancouver. Wan. THREE Kood youne fresh cows, one of them fresh with calf, giving better than 4 gallons per day, Holstein and Jersey, 5 years old. giving five gallons per day; one Jersey Guernsey coming f rfsh Sep tember 15, giving now three gallons per day; also two teams of good work horses, weight 2500 and 3ooo pounds. narness and wagon, very reason a 01 e. Take Woodstock car to 34th, 5 block! north to Powell Valley road. Phone Soil wood 717. 3 GOOD young fresh cows, one of them fresh with calf, giving better than 4 gallons a day. Holstein and Jersey. 5 years old. giving 5 gallons per day. 1 Jersey-Guernsey. coming fresh Sept. 15, giving now 3 gallons per day. Also 2 teams of good work horses, weight 2,"i00 and 3000 lbs. Harness and wagon very reasonable. Take Woodstock car to 34th. 5 biks. north to 9U0 Powell Valley road. Phone Sell. 717. 25 HEAD of horses and mules for sale or hire; 5 head of young found mules, wt around 13oO lbs. ; price $175 each; span of geldings, wt. 3450 lbs.. and 10 years old. $250; IS head of 1400 lb. chunks ; price around $140 each. This stock is right out of hard work. I will sell cheap. G. K. Howitt, Portland Union Stockyards barn. OUR plant Is now equipped with tractors and we have for sale 16 wagons. They are different sizes and suitable for light and heavy farm work, drayage, delivery. Junk and vegetable vending U5e. Will sell In one lot or separately; prices will be low tor cash. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co.. foot of Bancroft st. HORSES FOR SALE. Weight 1S0O to lfoo pounds. 5 to 7 years old; some well matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. Sanitary Staples. St3 Union ave. S., corner Stevens st. G. D. Williamson & Glass. I'ianot, Organs and Musical Instruments. WHO WANTS a nice, nearly nw WUlard piano ? Mahogany. A 1 condition ; w ill take $165 cash. Also one a Utile larger size, like new, $108 cash to close out. See this first thing next week or telephone for particulars. Maui 1123. Oregon Ellcrs MusW; House, 2d floor Ellers Music bldg. KL'KIZMAN piano, mahogany, like new ; would cst new $25. will take lets than half. Make offer. Cash or liberty bonds, or even easy terms if necessary. M ust dispose of this instrument th is week rather than pay storage. N 5bU, regonian. Ll'DWIG PIANO LIKE NEW. $305 buys one of the finest Ludwig up rights; only used a short time. Plain latest style case. We will sell on reason able terms if desired. Foley & Van Dyke. 106 Fifth St., Just below Washing ton. WE HAyE a number of extra good buys in high-grade piano including Wirk, Lud wig, Hobart M. Cable, Armstrong, Haze Hon and others. We sell on rea sonable terms. Foley &. Van Dyke, 106 Fifth st. JUST as good as new Victrola left on tale, none better even if you would pay 275 for a new one; will take $115 cash and Include 17 nice very little used latest rtouble-Pided records. Oregon Kt'.ers Music House, 3d floor Filers Music bldg. Fl N E Brunswick, $200 style Brunswick, mahogany case and Just like new; now for $14.:, with some good records. See this bargain at Foley & Van Dyke's phonograph department, 106 Fifth st., across from First National bank. STEIN WAY. Stein way A Son upright, a real gen uine bargain, equal to a new one; $500, terms given. Sol beriing-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. VICTROLA. portable model; fine for out doors, just the thme for camp or ca noe; will take $33. throwing in 16 selec tions of latest music, also needles; every thing complete. Oregon Filers Music House. 3d floor Filers -tusic bldg. THE NEW VICTOR AND PATHE RECORDS. The new Victor and Pathe records are on sale at Foley & Van Dyke's phono graph dept., 106 Fifth St., Just below Washington. NEW STOCK of Victrolas. the latest mod els. Just received. Will exchange for your piano or sell on liberal terms. Reed French Piano Co.. 12th ajid Wasaing ton !ts. Bdwy. 750. 14 UPRIGHT pianos. $UH up. terms; many of the world's best makes. You can't do better; compare with others; yeu will soon know where to buy that piano. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. I HAVE a beautiful diamond sunburnt and diamond and pearl earrings that I will trade for a good piano or phonograph. The value of these is $475 cash. M 534, nreronlan. Viik SALE or exehanre for licht model auto, piano with or without sel f -playing attachment, with so pieces classic music, 402 Zumbro Court. apts., 20th and Wash. Marshall 2i6. WILL take Tlano as part payment of ? passenger Saxon, in splendid running or der, good tires, for $750. Reed French Piano Co., 12.tb and Washington sts. Bdwy. 7.V). WE HAVE several used Victor, Columbia, Edison and Stradlvara cabinet talking machines which we will sell at bargain pri-re. Soule Bros., loe 10th St., near Morrison. FINE new cabinet Victrola, including 40 selections, cost $l4o. sen ror "0. NEWMAN RECORD EXCHANGE, 12S First, near Wash. Main 4415. HIGH-GRADE piano cheap far cash. will rent for long term ; a iso portable talking machine, cheap. Phone Wood lawn 142. GOING to Africa; must sell my nsw Esfey piano,. Circassian walnut, sat'n finished case. Also all my books, many standard works. Woodlawn 630. SPOT CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. TABOR 6708. 12S 1ST. MAIN 4405. A PARLOR GRAND PIANO In good condition and fine tone can be bought on easy terms and at a cheap price. Phone Broadway 5146. WE HAVE fine Chickering baby grand, will rnt to good family whnre piano receives good care. See Oregon Filers Music House. 2d floor Eilerc -Music bldg. BUSH & LANE special piano, wonderful condition, beautiful tone; sell real cheap; easy terms. Brokerage Co., Worcester bldg. BRAND new Cheney phonograph and a number of classic and popular records. Owner leaving town. Phone 51 ar ah all 57HK. A. B. CAMERON piano, slightly used but in best condition, only $23. Soule Bros., 166 10th st.. near Morrison. CABLE & SON upright, $185. good con dition. Seiberling-Iucas Music Co., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder sts. SLIGHTLY used Howard piano: fine tone and handsome oak case, only $250. Soule Bros., 160 Kth st.. near Morrison. $1100 PLAYER PIANO, latest mahogany bench and lots of music, real SH note, only $450. terms. 312 Worcester bidg. A BARGAIN Ukulele, good as new, never been used: cost $&, will sell for $5. Phone Tabor Oi! $200 BRAND NEW phonograph and $50 cash for nice piano. Call Main 3864, Monday. WANTED GOOD PLAYER PIANO. FOR GOOD 5-PARS. OVERLAND AND CASH. N 130, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE $15 violin for $20. Oregonian. W 135, rOK SALE. Pianos. Organs mud Mui-J Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. $1S5 and up. Wo have the best prices on used pianos. Look el sew here, then see our bargains and you w ill be con vinced. Terms given. ST EI N WAY & SON, a snap $50n CABLE & SON, good condition . . . .$ 1S5 BAILEY, mahoganv, plain case ....$225 BoLl.ERMAN A: SON, oak case $2. HARVARD, plain mahogany 275 GRAMER. walnut, plain $300 fcTKINBACH & DREliAK, plain ma hogany $300 And others. PLAYER BARGAINS. UNIVERSAL Player, with rolls and bench $425 HOWARD Mannalo Player, latest styW. like now $575 DECKER & SoN, 65-noto, good con dition $300 SE1BERHNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 1,0 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder, B43V ?RAND BARGAIN A beautiful fan Konimso mahogany baby grand piano, p.ain style, not a scratch on it and in pr-rtfect condition throughout, left , 1 uJ?r sale bv Party leaving Port-i"- 1 n original price of this was ana is rm.v offered for ,a'e with in the next werk for $7-50 cash. If you Rre interested in a baby grand v u snoulu arrange to see this piano a we. Ueed trench Piano 'o.. I2ui and Waaii iiigton sts. Bdwy. 75u SECLRITI STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. Ir.uma- upright pianos, $t(5 and...$ 75 12XX Sry o. upright piano, cash llo ... i ss if a vis upngtit piano. 145 $4 i, I.iNO BARGAIN A verv fine very iu:et mode: plaver-piano in. perfect condition, case as bright as new, ery fine se.ected mahoga-ny. with bench, to match and ovtr 7o roiis of music for Suoo. part cash and the balance ar ranged on liberal monthly payments, iiiis is a f;ne p:uyer-piaiu and an ex ceptional bargain rn a strictly hid- 6,a instrument. Kd Kcn-h P.un. Co 12tu and Washington. u. Iidy. 7oO. iLH1- AX PIANO CO OFFERS this j'.?riMt Stemway & Sons upnght.$3l- $Mo Krunich Ji Hach upright 363 ti-- Vunover oak uprigm 313 -V Sona ebonv upright... 235 V". bal1 upright grand.. 315 Mintra c Oooasell upright.. 245 in? rail and J7' iu- A- monthly. lQIOt h s t . a t Was hlngton and Stark. $150 BRUNSWIG CiikTnew $125 $17. Columbia, the latest 140 Gnbler. fine, fine tone 215 Kranich A Bash. $55o value... 3:S Ivors & Pond, little used 307 . $&i5 Sohmer upright, perfect.. 5a? OAAUL1J . lilLDtlKI, 3&4 Yamhill St. BARGAIN. Edison disc phonograph, used only S months and in perfect condition; cost $lo; wilt sell for $150 cash and givo puyer $10 worth new records free. Leaving for the east. Cail 414 Flint St.. near Hancock. CHICKERINO. Chickering Concert Urand, used la private home. Just as good as new. A rual bargain. $600. See it and be con vinced. Sdberiing-Lucas Music Co., 15 4th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. PIANO OR SALE -Mahogany case, ex cellent condition. Standard make. Leav ing city. Must sell. Call at 371 Larch t.. near 12th, after 6 p. M . or any time Sunday. Further information call Broitdwa v uuO NEW STOCK, of Edison Diamond Diso phonographs (no to change Just received. Will exchange for piano or se-11 on liberal terms. Red French Piano Co.. lth and Washington sin. H'lwy. 750. NEW PERIOD MODELS. See the new Period models in Edison, tirunswit-k and Columbia phonographs. I rued from $350 to $7.o. Special terms. Hyatt 1 alking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. VICTROLA. WANT PIANO. Trade your old piano for new Vic trola and records. Best proposition. Seibt-rling-Lucas Music Co., 1J5 4th SU Main fe.'ttiO, EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned Richmond Piano, mahogany case. Cost new about $.u. Price $2M3. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. WILL sacrifice my beautiful mahogany upright piano tor $25. Terms to re sponsible party. Leaving city. Mar. shall 27o4 alter 1 P. M. FOR SA LK Piano. Bush & Lane, special A-l cormition; bargain if sold at once Phone or see In mornings. Byron Houtk" Imperial Hotel. FUM ELUSS GAS RADIATOR WANTED. Will exchatige new phonograph for a fumt'lrsa gas radiator. Hyatt Talking M;i chi ne Co.. S.'.o Abler. VICTROLA S. VICTOR RECORDS. Exclusively VICTOR DEALERS. Seibrrling-Luca Music Co. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. look: If you want a new piano at a liberal discount and on easy terms, call owner, Marshall 1Q56. This is a bargain. $150 NEW LOIS hornless cabinet phono graph. $.5. $125 new Lois hornless tvpe, $70. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 3"o Alder. URAFONOLA. K-2 and $50 worth of fine records, cost $li5; price $135, $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking .Machiue Co.. SAO Alder. UPRIGHT piano, mahogany. In fine con dition; a bargain for cash or bonus. Cail between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. titJ Ella street. $41 EDISON hornless machine, taken in on a new Edison, onlv $25, $10 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. PIANOS WANTED. Bst cash price paid for used pianos. SeibrJf ng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main b5H6. EDISON AMBEROLA, taken in on larg.-r Edison; sells for $45; price $30. $10 down. 55 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ;o a id- $0( FINE Kurtxmann piano, plain walnut, almost new, only 1240. Brokerage Co., 31 2 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Edison phonograph. $22o for 175; record, half price; terms. Phone Broadway 556tt. VIOLIN by Frans Wilhelm Otto, beauti ful tone, with bow and plush-lined case, $85. Wdln. 3077. PLAYER-PIANO WANTED. Will give Tillamook Beach lots for a good player. Write BJ 862. Qrcgp n ia n. A BARGAIN in new Columbia GrafonoiT, walnut cabinet, simplex filing case. Ta bor 5243 mornings. $150 KOHLER & CAIPBELL uprighx used piano, music and cantatas. Ta&or 4V436. BARGAIN in a Davis & Son piano; takn the bust of care; looks like new. 1 7U 8d. near Yamhill. FOR SALE Regina music box and 33 sheets of music, also fine soft-tone violin and case, 366 1st st., in rear. Ira Crosby. WANTED A harp; state rock bottom price for cash, also condition. Write BD 8'S, Oregonian. GRAFONOLAS for rent with record. Em pire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. STRICTLY hlgh-gmde. almost new Behen ing piano for saie for about half regu lar price. East 21. WANTED Piano, will pay cartage and store for use of same; no children; fini floor. Broadway 1 M0. VICTROLA Rich mahogany caw. clear tone, together with So high-class rec ord s. H6u. Phone S25-96. BL'Y that fine piano at 312 Worcester bldg.; save a lot of money; you may need it some day. ANYONE buying a piano at Schwan'a can save $25 cash by dropping a Una to L 58,6. Oregonian. $235 BUYS $525 upright piano, latent plain mahogany case, terms. ol2 Worces ter bldg. $675 GENUINE J- & C. Fisher piano, up right, oak case, only $225, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $600 J. & C. FISHER, plain walnut, only $215, terms. 312 Worcester bidg. $125 BUYS upright piano; terms. Worcester bldg. 812 $0O BUY'S $700 Cable piano. beauiUul oak case. 312 Worcester bldg. WANT to buy Marshall 5709. a piano; cash if bargain. No dealers. FOR SALE Stegcr & Pons upright piano, $300; 3-plece parlor set. b'iS E. Pine sr. EDISON phonograph with records; good condition. Marshall 4S. UPRIGHT MAHOGANY PIANO CHEAP. MAIN 1461. VIOLIN for fcale. Call evenings, 10S5 V e r n on ave. Phone Wdln. 616. FOR SALE New Stradlvara phonogr&pn. East 3004. FOR SALE Large upright pinno, standard make; no d-ealers. cash. Marshall 52(- NEW phonograph at one-fourth o. i Phone Marshall 219. PIANO for sale, good condition, fine torn , reasonable. 444 Park, near Colleg e. STEEL GUITAR for sale. 453 E. Burr side St., apt. 27. East 15S4. HORN phonograph for sale, good condi tion $10, Ti .West Simpson st, 5 Havis t Son in.-..', W-fi ranKln Piano Co. piano, cash 24. Sh-o wn"al1 Co- upright p. alio, cash 205 w.i -u,?Iuinhall pia; t-r piano, cash. 3i5 . Cr rns. MS, SJ5, $35, $3S and 45 I honographe $18. $-5, $35. 55 and 9.. Planus stored, bought and sold for cash. 1U- 10th st., turner Stark St.