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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23, 1914. 1) WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOMS wanted close la on Bast Side, in good district, value up to $bOOO, for unln cumoerud highly Improved close-la sub uric an home. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMEXTT CO., 606-607 Yeon bids'. WANTED 2 lots close to carline; phone. W 843. Oregonian. give FOB KENT FARMS. 104 ACRErf. 65 in cultivation, no buildings. Will cive fi-year lease. loo acres, bt in cultivation. 2-story 5-rm. bou&e, medium barn; $800 necessary to buy stock and implements. Will give 3-year lease. N ;;3o acrs, 10O under cultivation, 1(H) acres pasture; 1-story 5-room bouse, small barn, 3o acres braver dam. Will give lease 6 years, See Turner. HACKER 4e THBKKBLSBN, 306 Spalding- Bldg. Phone Main 739:.". A 3383. 1 ACRE. Facing on Buckley ave., mile from Gilbert station on O. "W. P. Electric line. 7c fare; land fenced and all under cul tivation; 4-roora house with hot and coid water; chicken-house and runs; some fruit and berries; well settled neighborhood, owner leaving city will rent for 6 months, year or more at $7 per month. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. '4JNJ dairy farm of t0 acres, 1 miles wt of OrKon City, 12 'miles from Port buid; hard roads to both places and near fine school; good bouse, model cow barn and room for 40 head of stock; water t.ti.-ri to hoiiM .inrl barn : exceptionally sond prices for milk and cream; growing a. ue and beets for sale; long lease, reaa o.&.ble rent; equipment and stock to be wold. BF 362, Oregonlan. DAIRY FARM. " A fine farm of 30 acres, located only Ji mile from depot and school, deep, black loam, all Irrigated; has new 6-room house good bam, woven -wire fences, an ideal home; buy like rent, but only to A-i dairyman. Pee S. Hewey, 269 Stark St., a-t HARTMAN &- THOMPSON . ilHS. KAVANAUGH'S 170-acre farm for rent at St. Louis station on Oregon Electric Hallway; 14t acres in cultivation, 40 acres in clover; owner on farm (Sunday and Mon day. Telephone C 3173, or call at 2S5 Last 16th i)t. N., Portland. LEASEHOLD on good dairy or stock ranch, 100 acre. 70 in cultivation, a years yet to run, optipn on 5 more ; rent $400, all farm tools go with t he place; personal property for sale; about $700 required. E. B. Waterman, Washougal. Wash. lOR KENT 20 acres, halC real beaverdam; only 6 miles on best road from Vancouver. 19 acres in cultivation; house, barn, etc.; near railroad. Extra good neighborhood. I'all 41 Ablitgton bldg. TO LEASE on shares, SI -acre farm of first class, well-matured, good bearing prune trees, one of the beat fruit farms in Clarke County. Wash, See owner, 2-1 10th. at., or Main 763-5. Barm of feo acres, suitable for truck itard- enlng, located on Mt. Scott, Just outside city limits; orcnara, uarn unu biiiu.ii house, rent reasonable. Call Tabor 1468. i'OR RENT One mil from Wichita, a neat, four-room cottag with, two acres of ground and barn and henhouse. Telephone 85 W, Milwaukie. HIGHLY improved dairy, room for 17 cows, one mile from city limits, H mile south of Gilbert, Estacada line; rent reasonable; the Walla place. 130 ACRES near G res ham. suitable dairy, hogs, chickens, vegetables. 007 Spalding DlQg. VVa ACRES, furnished cottage, on rlv bank, Oregon City carline. Main or 252s. TE N acres with six-room house on carline, one block from ptatlun; some fruit. V 350, Oregonlan, FOUR acres, new live-room house, near sta tion; 10c fare. C 30. Oregonlan. 300 ACRES, Salem Electric, suitable dairy or general farming. 90 1 Spalding blag. 40 ACRES. 10 miles from Portland, new house, barn, spring. Main 4008. YOUNG Hollander wishes to buy good farm or land. AV 71, oregonlan. I'OR RENT 30 -acre improved farm near hucene. Tabor o4. (i-HuoM house on 5 acres limits for rent. Lundburg, adjoining U2o Yeon city bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. fOo.OOO CASH equity in timber claims and Portland income property to trade for good sawmill property. AO 846, Ore gonlan. TIMBER claim lu Linn County, containing 1, 000.000 feet, at assessed valuation. AR 850, Oregonlan TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. T1MBERI Do you want to dispose of your claim? We can give you fine Portland lots; good location; from $luou to $00.oou, or 10 acres in heart of Olympic, Wash. All fc clear of Incumbrance. Co-operative Realty Co. 603 Dekum bldg. WANT $50,000, well located timber in ex change for Portland vacant lots; some with trackage. All clear of encumbrance. 603 Dekum bldg". WANTED Small sawmill with cheap stumpage; R. R. connection preferred ; will lease a mill and buy stumpage. AJ 346. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED, WHEAT RANCH. Fi 160 acres all in cultivation, good buildings, plenty of Hue water, all good land, slightly rollng. on good road, near Independence. This is ail clear of Incum brance. WANTED, VALLEY FARM. For 4 line flats, new building, modern In every way, ground 00x80, on Hawthorne. WANTED, ONE ACRE. For 30 acres, 14 miles Castle Rock, on good auto road, 1 8 acres in cultivation, goud buildings, orchard assorted fruit, fine home. Want an acre with dwelling on electric line. If you have city property to trade for Valley furms or wheat land you had bet ter see us. ATKINSON A NICHOLS, 011 Main Street. Vancouver, Washington. WANTED. IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY. Will trade any part, or all of my stock (paying 12 per cent yearly dividends). In large, growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or other wise. BC 1S1, Oregonlan. AM in market for SO to 100-acre hog farm; must be cood soil, fair improvements. well fenceu ; prefer stream on farm; cot over three miles to R. R. station or boat landing, not over 60 miles from rPortland and on good road. In answering describe fully. AE 361, Oregonlan. WE can sell your farms if your price Is rlghu We do not want to handle farms with boosted prices, but gtt quick action on farms worth what askea. If you want to sell send fullest particulars to F. Fuchs. J 420 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE buyers for farms of all sizes; either cash or exchange: also small tracts to exchange for large farms; price must be right. HARRY B. HUMPHREY, 12-I;t Chamber of Commerce. WANT good improved and well-located farm of 40 to 80 acres, in exchange for two nice small Portland houses. 4 nice city lots, choice close-In acreage and small amount in cash. Samuel Doak, 1202 North western Bank bldg. Wt have numerous calls for stocked and eqtilppepd Willamette Valley farms and Eastern and Central "Oregon wheat lands. Owners write Coe A. McKenna & Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. JAPANESE farmer wants to become tenant on laud of about 20 acres or 15 acres where piece located 7 or 10 miles from Post office of Portland. Yokotake, 265 Everett street. SMALL FARM WANTED. Will trade five-room house and lot. no Incumbrance, for small Improved farm nar Portland. Reply with full description, locution, etc. AD 342, Oregonlan. SMALL FARM WANTED. ' Will trade 5-room house and lot, no in cumbrance, for small Improved farm near Portland. Reply with full description, lo catioTi. etc. AR Sol, Oregonlan. WANT 40 to 00 acres; must be well im proved, well located and price right. Have ash buyer. HARRY B. HUMPHREY. '-!--:.' 1 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED About 40 seres, improved with some stocK; mu?i ue ievei; not over .twu ; pay half cash. P. Delrow, 305 Burlington, St. Johns, Or. WANT wheat ranch. Eastern Oregon, for Hoartmeiu house In Portland to iOO.OOO. J. . Ruiey Co., 928 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED Small farm Over 20 acre. IrrX proved, near small town, for some cash v and city Income property, clear. Owners only. Ah. urfgoinun. V AM t-u nonifimBu reiinquisnment; give location, sou, improvements, price, etc. W. Hrui'Kmtn. .Marion, or. WANTED To hear from oner of good farm for sale; send description and cash rrlce. C. C. Shepard. Minneapolis, Minn. WANT improved farm for clear city prop erty. N. M. Apple. 6;'0 Henry bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. FARM Trrm 0 to 120 a .'res. e nie unculti MttPtl tend suitable to teed to clover for l.o rsture; must have running water. AP 323, Oregon mn. "ANTED TO RKM- FABMA. HAVE a number of clients who want to rent ranches and will buy the personal prop erty. Send me a list of your property to rent. 1 will do the rest. E F. GILBERT. 101 Washington st.. Vanvouver, Wash. WANT to rent 5 to 30 acres near carline wild no use, earn. cmcKen-nou&e --j-u implements for one to three years with privilege of buying; can give god refer eace if required. AJ 354. Oregonlan. FEW acres of best garden land, with water on It. Iree from late bpnng xrosi, to Portland. J 354, Oregonlan. WANT to rent farm equipped for working. suitable for hog-raising; will xurmsn nogs. Ah. 341, Oregonlan. FROM 10 to 30 acres, with running water, within 2f miles of carline. AP 322, Ore gonlan. - FARM of 40 or 50 acres for small dairy and grain farming. AG 353, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent furnished farm, cash rent. AJ 353, Oregonlan. RANCH or would consider managing; one on com. AD 341, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BIG WHEAT FARMS. 13"G acres in Eastern Oregon, all in cul tivation, nearly 0o0 acres Summer fallow, seed td now; stood buildings, best well in country! 6 mules, 2 horses and full farming euuinment included: orico $27.50 per acre. Will take any clear property to $ll,ooo, balance all payable 1-3 ot crop each year, IS ner cent interest. 900 acres In Eastern Washington, 800 acred in cultivation, 400 in Summer fal low, som? alfalfa land, plenty of water, good buildings. Price $30. Will take Valley farm ud to $15,000, long time on balance. - LTJEDDIMANr COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE DAIRY RANCH, WITH STOCK. 48 acres, 144 miles from Oregon City, 41 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, 7-room house, big barn, 3 wells, mile from school, 18 cows and heifers ( J er seys and Guernseys), 25 hogs, 8 horses, all kinds implements and dairy equipment, also milk route with 00 customers, pays $150 per month; price 15,800; exchange for Portland clear residence to amount of $10,000, cash $3000, bal. long time. See S. Hewey, 269 Stark St., at HARTMAN A THOMPSON WELL IMPROVED FARM. 75 acres, all under the plow, extra fine buildings, windmill and full equipment with stock. This is near Wood burn, Just one-half mile from electric station. Owner will exchunge for store building, medium sized residences or any good Income prop erty up to $18,000. Price, $15,000. FREE AND CLEAR. C. DB YOUNO & CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce. WANTS 40 OR 50 ACRES. Have 240 acres in Clackamas Co., SO acres valley land in cultivation, 60 more nearly ready, balance gently rolling. Fine 8-room house with fireplace, other good buildings; span horses, span mules, 15 head cattle, other stock and full equip ment. All $14,000. Will trade for Im proved 40 or 50 acres near Portland, HEDDMANN COMPANY, fllH Chamber of Commerce. EXCELLENT TRADES. Farms, City property, Business opportunities. Country stores to trade one for the other. We do not handle inflated values or entertain any scheme. If you want a sauare deal in exchange for a square deal, see F. Fl'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS. We have over 2500 properties in all parts of Oregon and Washington to trade. Bring in your TRADES, we can match you. OUR SPECIALTY TS TRADING. 22 'YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 1 C18-019 Yeon Bldg. Main 481. HOG AND DAIRY FARM. 1u0 acres irrigated land near Redmond, paid ud water right; 125 acres in cultiva tion; good buildings. A fine hog and dairy farm. price $14,500. Will trade for Portland or valley property. Luedde man Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SWELL NEW BUNGALOW. Clear of Incur ibrance. In good district. paved streets. Will exchange for two to tire acres close to carline. Will assume u p to $ 1000. Pri ce of bungalow, $3000 ; must have buildings. Jacob Haas. Gor linger bldg. wants, h c :' m-: or lo t s. Fine little farm 2 miles from Albany;! all in cultivation, fair buildings; price S7500. Will consider house in good re stricted district to full value, or clear lots up to F40U0. Lueddcmann Co., VIA Cham, her of Commerce. ALFALFA RANCHES. We have several developed alfalfa ranches in the hi it h est nroducina. nroved alfalta district ot Oregon, which we have personally inspected and upon wnicn gooa Portland property can be taken. Colon y Land Co.. 5Q-I Broadway Bldg. 40 ACRES! pbod agricultural land, when cleared ; enough timber for wood and buildings; 5 miles from daily auto stage from Astoria? 2 miles to p. O. Will ex change for well located clear Portland lot. Co-operative iiealty Co. 003 Dekum bidg. U50-ACRE1 STOCK RANCH To exchange for cood Portland or coast income property. This Is one of the show places of the Willamette Valley and is of fered at a orics far below its actual worth. U. S- MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. 600-007 Yeon Bldg. 5 ACRES and improvements near Huber, on Southern Pacific R. R. Partly cleared and in cultivation. Will sell equity cheap or trade for lot in Portland. A bragain for some one who wants a nice little country home. 702 Spalding bldg. Main 1110. IO ACRES with 4-room house and good barn, fine spring and creek, mile and half from Oregon Klectric station, half in cultivation, remainder fir and oak grove, $H500; $2100 in Portland trade, balance $30O per year, including interest. Colony Land Co.. 504 Broadway bldg. HAVE 5 lots, well located, value $2500; mtg. $750 ; will exchange for equity in 7 or 8-rm, house near Catholic church; might pay some cash. HARRY B. HUMPHREY, 232-1M3 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 700-aore grain -ranch, Gilliam County, t40 acres in cultivation; good farm build ings; wheat yield was 37 H bu. per acre ; price $lft.OOO; inc. $4000; will trade for several parcels city property equal value. W. B. Roherson, 702 Title & Trust bldg. LEAVING the country; 10 acres in cultiva tion: no bu Haines: 12 miles from Salem, 2 M from Mc-oy. $300 per acre. Sale or trade ior sheen or anything clear. Owner, P. " Lathuilliere, Dee, Or. WHEAT FARMS WANTED. We have good valley farm and property to trade for wheat farms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, Din Chamber of Commerce. city 320 ACRES choice wheat land near Calgary, Alta., at $25 per acre, 2 miles from station; will consider Portland or vicinity. U. S. MORTGAGE Ac INVESTMEXTT CO., 6OO-607 Yeon bldjr. TO EXCHANGE A small modern hotel with reasonable rent for an Improved or unimproved farm, not far from Portland. Hotel tpst us $13,000 cash. P 809, Orego nlan. lO.i ACRES, ideal nlattlncr nronosltlon. ad joining good town on Columbia River. 1 will exchange all or part for good house or apartment up to $20,000. Owner, 406 Couch bldg. 80 ACRES, improved, close to railroad; 4 n nrn f t-ult Ti-irA S-iOOl HUar of inpum- brance. Take unlncumebered residence inH Portland In part or full payment. HARVEY, 535 MORGAN BLPO. GOOD 400-acre ranch, 30 miles" from Port land, unincumbered, valued around $30,000, to exchange for good unincumbered -ctiy. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMEXTT CO.. 6H6-007 Yeon bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE wanted, 12 to 18 rooms. close in; furniture must be good, in ex ' change for 4-room house and lot; free and clear, and close in East Side, well rented. Jacob Haas, Gerlinger bldg, GOOD new 2-story brick, 50x100; close in; West Side; good income: valued at $65. 000 ; w ill ta ke good nearby farm for equltv ; mipht assume. R. F. Ryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. FLATS Modern house and good lot, value 14.000. for farm near R. R.. within 50 miles of Portland : must be good potato land. Goidschmidt's Agency, 208 Stock Exchange hide. ' modern house, Hawthorne district, will consider small acreage tract or good lots to $2700. See Mr. En ton, 432. Cham ber of Commerce. WEST SIDE leased flats, $1800 p. a. ; con . sider lots or home on Helsrhts or Irving- ton ud to 10 O0O. Goidschmidt's Agency, 0S Stock Exchange. 3d and YamhtU. 40i ACRES good land near Sheridan, valued at $4-tt0. easy mortgage of $1200, to trade for rooming-house or apartments Colony Land Co.. 5Q4 Broadway Bldg. $7.". 00 FIRST mortgage on 87 H acres of A 1 alfalfa land; due In 2 years: want a pood home; prefer Irvinirton; wi!l assume. Land worth $17,500. S 353. Oregonlan. HAVE cJtv Income property to exchange for good stock or dairy ranch in Eastern Ore. Kon or close to the coast, up to $30. 000. W B. Roberson. 702 Title A Trust bldg. -WILL trade my equity of $3f(0 on acre close in on Mt. Hcod Electric for city lot. Call Sri! wood PI 5. WILL exchange corner lot In Rose City Park Tnr lots at Seaside, or. pnone Ta-, bor 4807 or address Byneon, 1621 Fremont. 4 TO EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE. NOTICE this 33 acres near Redmona, au in cultivation and all under irrigation; good 4-room house, barn, grain, chicken and hpg .house. To fine sows and pigs. -U tine cows, 4 line horses, luO tons of hay, 05 acres In alfalfa of leased land goes, all farm tools and machinery, household furniture. Price for all. $5500. Cash, $1750, and will consider trade for bal ance. 160 acres, 4 miles from Toledo. Has quite an orchard and an old barn. 2 creeks and about 50 acres of first and second bottom land. Some open land that can be plowed now. About 40 acres of line timber that would pay for the place if marketed now. No stone, fine soil, well settled community. Price. $25 per acre. Terms, hk cash, balance on or before o years, 6 per cent Interest. Consider iomi trade. 12.0O0.tOO feet of good Umber in town ship 12, 8 south, to trade for city prop erty or good general store in good country town. i nts is a snap. NEHALEM BAY LAND CO.. 512 Board of Trade Bldg. A 160-ACRE farm, ail fenced, 10 acres in cul tivation, 6-room house, good barn and other outbuildings, 4 00 fruit trees, run ning water, excellent for raising ducks, chickens, hogs and garden truck; about 5 miles from Baker. Or. ; $800. State loan on p lace ; price $3 OOo. 200 acres, near Vale, Or., all can be cul tivated; price $3000. 140 acres timber, cruising; 1,260,000 feet lumber, 100O telegraph poles and 2.00 cords of wood, 12 miles from Haines, Or.; 2a00. 60xl00-foot business lot, opposite P. O., -Baker, Or., three small buildings renting for $1'0; price $5000. Modern 12-room apartment and rooming-house, adjoining P. O., Baker, Or., average monthly Income $130; price $10, 000. All or any of the above property la for sale on terms to suit purchaser, or will consider exchange for Portland property or acreage near Portland. Address Wm. J. Lachner, Baker. Or. WE can handle good farms, 40 to IOOO acres, wi tb irood terms, and some with Dart or all exchange for city property. You will like our method of securing results. THE BRONG CO., INC 27fe Oals St., Lewis Bldg. - 162 ACREJ in Lane County, 2V miles from railroad, north of Eugene; excellent soil, practically all tillable land; 490 acres un der cultivation; 5V acres more very easily cleared, balance piling timber; .spring and creek; family orchard, house,' barn and outbuildings. Price $00X)0; accept unin cumbered income city property up to $0000 as first payment, balance time. JCAUFFMANN & MOORE, 825 Lumber Exchange. WOULD exchange unincumbered Portland and Valley properties, city and farm, well located, for good Eastern Oregon or Washington ranch. Want SO acres In alfalfa with natural water. Values, $20, OOO to $60. OOO- Might assume some mort gage. In writing give location and de scribe properties. H. E. Cross. Oregon City, Or. WANT Portland residence or residences, well located, mod., exchange for irrigated Eastern Oregon alfalfa and stock farm. 30O acres: 200 acres cleared under ditches; 50 acres cultivated ; state certified water rights; no mortgages. Price, $14,000. Write Owner. titM-fc 54th ave. . E- Port land. Fully describe, locate residences first letter. 5-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, 2 porches, full basement, lot 30x100, 1 blocks to car. 3 blocks to store and church, 0 blocks to Arnada School. Equity of $1000 for sale or trade for stock with privilege renting farm of 40 to 80 acres, 1 year or more. Oregon or Washington, vicinity Portland. owner, C. E. Stirtou, 2009 L st., Vancouver, Wash. WE CAN -SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property. It will pay you to see us for quick results; 10 years' successful business is our guarantee for a qua re deal. M KENZIE A CO., 515 Gerhnger Bldg. Main 1801. 10 ACRES at Tlgard, small house, chicken house, fruit, etc.. Included with place; 400 chickens, Jersey cow, 3 hogs, hay and feed. Price $4000. Will take clear residence tfor equity. See Mr. Rohrbough, 2oU Stark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR TRADE or saie, 9 acres improved ir rigated tract, river front, lies line. 1 miles from Kennewick, suine from Pasco, aIo 1 house and lot and one vacant lot. all ore nicely located; will trade for farms in Willamette Valley, Vancouver district prer erred. Box 4 d, Jvenn ew ick. Wash. MODERN bunealow in Irvinirton Park. choice lot in Westmoreland or timber land in Lane County for im proved or unim proved good-lying farm land west of Cas cades, witii good soil and running water prefer to deal with owner. AK 351, Ore gonlan. WANTED. IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY. Wilt trade any part, or all, of my stock (paying 12 per cent yearly dividends), in large, growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for tanner or son to become active or other wise. BC 331, Oregonlan. CHOICE LOT. East Yamhill St., between E. 28th and hi. zutb. Mortgage $1000. Street Improvements iuu. w ill exenange equity lor Portland suouroan acreage or small improved (arm, Will not assume. AL 327, Oregonlan. AN ideal half-acre home, well located, con venient to canines ; comfortable house. bearing orchard ; new chicken-hou&ys and park ; fine garden soil. Will sell or ex enange ior small modern home. By own' er. AP 351, Oregonlan. ?io,uou vacant (clear), growing .mcagro buuui a, raiiroaas, puoiic im provements, coming industrial center: wil exchange all or part. E. Franklin, Herald building, Chicago. 171 ACRES two miles from crow In town , 150 acres tillable; 20 woodland; living wa ter; $40 per acre, clear of incumbrance. Exchange for home in Portland. 455 Pit- tovk block. 1 ALKLb, very highly improved in every way, including modern house, close in, near station, on electric line, to exchange ior gooo city properiy. samuei Doak -1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. A $1200 EQUITY in small, modern cotte. balance unpaid $50O payable monthly, to trade for unincumbered Portland lots, acre age or first mortgage on good property. k ooa, uregonmn. MY Interest in 5- acres at bargain; will take smaii Dusiness. norse and nugxy, cow. a no, home or office furniture, clear- lot. K. 352, uregonian. TWELVE acres, all in cultivation, on good road near Oregon Electric ; will exchange ior nouse or vacant lot. ail. ocott line pre ferred. Phone Tabor 5713. A GOOD TRADE . 8-room house, 50x00 lot, 2 blocks from car; $1:000. For close-in acreage. Owner. jviarsnau i40. WANT property adjacent to San Francisco Bay; will trade new, modern house and large lot near Laurelhurst. X 353, Ore gonlan. 200 FEET by 135 , corner, improved, fenced. house & rooms, equity $1525, incumbrance , S1475-; will trade for rooming-house or grocery. At .o, uregonian. EXCHANGE real equity $5000 strictly mod ern cottage, in ood location. K. G-. Mo. for Jeweiry business in Portland, or acre age. Tabor I'ui., 0-ROOM house in Alblna. fine lot whichJ. will trade for acreage or sell on easy term at, a bargain. See owner, 512; Piatt older. LAURELHURST lot. unincumbered, for acre- age; please don't answer unions you want to trade, 1045 uun St., Portland, Or. HAVE an equity of $330 in Improved $05O city lot, aiao piano xor acreage. Ad aress 1 u ai orris st. LOT in growing Washington town for vial "ble typewriter. 612 S wetland bldg.. Port mnd. WHAT have you to exchange for a nice R- room house in Rossmere, fine home. 406 McKay blag. WANTED To trade equity in good East Side lot for good auto. U14 moaei. Phone Woodlawn oOJ. FLOUR MILL to lease on shares or cash. Might exchange. S. P. C, 10a 10th Portland Or. MODERN cottage in St. Louis, bungalow in Portland, $3100 2209. 51 o., . for Marshall WANT Los Angeles house or bunaalow. - clear; not over uw. ior gooa nrst mort gage, ak so-, uregonran. GOOD-PAYING business pays $150 week clear; will trade xor acreage in cultiva tion, ts c-oa uregonian. EXCHANGE real estate for twin Harley Davidson. an a-ao. uregonian. 6-ROuM house, close in. for auto or lots. BC 3, uregonian. FOR TRADE $1550 equity in 5-room rood ern cottage for acreage. Woodlawn 2147 EXCHANGE horses for lots or automobil truck. Btia East i'lne s f . carnch. SIX million feet fir for modern apartment house. AN 33. uregonian. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, sales or exchange 833 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7 !&. HAVE gocd Address P. farm lo exchange fo hote O. tox 747. Willi.ion. N. Dftk. EXCHANGE Close-in acreage for city prop erty. ive pnone. w uregonian. 21 NICE clean paying rooms; exchange for sma.1 home. AO baj, oregonlan. TWO r.ats free lots. Dubois, 2 and clean Tor build In s Cham ber Commerce. AT'TO MOBILE to exchange for clear in land, MaxahaU 2151 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ALBERTA Varcn, well Improved, 4 SO acres, price $12, 000; consider good. Oregon or Washington property. Very fine, unimproved wheat land, 150 miles from Portland, price $15 per acre; sell on 4 -crop payments. Call or write tor particulars. 640-acre wheat firm, 3O0 tn wheat, well improved, good farming outfit of stock and machinery, price $20,000; consider good trade to balance best of terms. ' 960-acre farm, Sherman Co.; price $24 -000; consider good property to 915,000. 900-acre stock farm, Benton Co., Ore gon ; $35,000'; consider Income property. Have party with unincumbered timber and income property in good town; will consider stock farm Western Oregon; will not pay over $25 or 30 per acre; go as high as $50,000. L. TC MOORE, 817 Board of Trade Bldg. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 200 acres, 70 acres under cultivation. 60 acres open pasture. 70 acres timber, with at least 5000 cords of .first-class wood; miles from McMinnvllle, Or.; place well watered by springs; 8-room house, barn 32x48 and all other necessary outbuildings; R. F. D. and cream route bv nlace: 20 acres of 3-year-old walnuts, family or chard of assorted, fruits in full bearing; school adjoining place, telephone In house, place fenced and cross-fenced ; personal property consists of good young team. 4 grade Jersey cows, young pull, 50 sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, 'A wagons, one new hack, buggy, harness. 4 plows, culti vators, binder, mower, feed, grinder, gas engine, wood saw, drag saw, 2 sets of work harness, some household furniture and all small farming tools. This is a fine, general purpose, all good soil, and would make a fine stock farm. Price $15,000, subject to mortgage of $4100; $3500 cash, balance can stand at 6 per cent Interest, or will take unincumbered city proporty or smaller farm close to Vancouver or Portland for equity of $10, 90O at cash valuation. THOMPSON A SWAN, 512 Main st. Vanoouver, Wash. ONE of the finest automobile garages in this country, ObxlSO feet, fireproof build ing, made of brick with concrete or cement floors, in a hustling town of 6500 popula tion, with paved streets and pavements all paid, only 9 miles from Tacoma, Wash. Will trade for good land anywhere west of the mountains. This place brings $900 per year with a 3-year lease. . For infor mation call or write J. C. HARVEY, Puyailup. Wash. , FOR SALE OR TRADE. 20 acres, Hood River orchard. 5 miles from Hood River, on fine road, no hills; good, new house, barn and outbuildings, 2 acres in meadow, 8 acres in strawberries, trees 5 years old; start to bear next year; price 1 4.00O; will trade for Portland in come property or acreage close to Port land. Address S. J. Frank, Hood River, Oregon. KENNEWICK ON THSJ COLUMBIA. Do you want to change to a dryclirnate er a higher elevation, or trade something you don't want for something you do want? Then write, describing your prop erty fully, to t W. R. WEI9EL CO., Kennewick, Wash. BUNGALOW AND FURNITURE. Leaving city; must dispose of my 6 room bungalow, new. modern, one block south of Broadway on 2iHh at., and close to car. completely .furnished, new mahog any furniture, carpets, rugs, range, etc ; price $3500. Take lot up to $le0O, balance at IS per month. Fhoa East 2408 during day. WANTED To trade my acreage which Is close in on the West Side, 23 minutes' car ride, valued at $60uo; my equity is $.860; I will exchange for a modern house in a well located district and assume the same amount; my acreage is at the right price; I do not want any proposition submitted that is over-valued. W. J. Davie, &0 Cor bet. bldg. OR SALE OR TRADE euaps by owner; 100 acres Improved grain and dairy ranch, Lewis County, Wash., per acre, $125. 7-acre improved fruit and poultry ranch, joins factory town, Lewis County, Wash., $1000. 3 acres. Improved, part clear, near car line, CUrke County, Wash., $1000. Write for particulars, box 224. ancouver. Wash. MY HOME to reliable contractor who will build a residence on acreage for me near njwego. Home is located near school and church in desirable locality and will rent for $35 per month; Improved lawn, shade trees and house In best condition. Call at loui E. Yamhill or telephone Tabor 1804 on bunday. RESTAURANT TO TRADE. A No. 1 restaurant, on a Da vino: basis, located right downtown; price $2000: own-. er wants to retire ana win tiacte cor aero aire, vacant lots or house and lot. Ask lor Mr. Ptcka-ta. with GRL'SSI BOLDS, 32H Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ALMOST an acre In heart of Newberg, Or., all kinds fruit, tine aoll, good seven-room house, good barn, clear of incumbrance. Price $3iHJu; win sen or trade for Port land residence same value; owners only. Address T C, Doft River St., New berg. FOR SALE or trade for property, confection ery store, including luncn and ice cream parlor; invoice szooo; population 8000. lo cated in Corvallls. Or. Good established trade. Sickness reason of sale. Box 112 Corvallls. Or. FOR SALE or exchange Two 4-room houses on one acre or ground in w alta Walla, Wash., value $4o0o, and equity of $2500 in a strictly modern 0-room bungalow on East Side, for hotel or apartment-house. Alar. nzv. WANT HOUSE AND LOT. Will exchange Io0 acres timber land. Clatsop County, Or., 2 million ft. spruce and hemlock; $3500, free and clear. AE 34J, . uregonian. $40OO EQUITY In a rood farm in centred Nebraska, worth $12,000, to exchange for clear property in sortnwest. inland um pire preferred. Address AV 70, Orego nlan. 00 ACRES, unimproved, small house, barn, creeks, two miles from station, 39 miles from Portland, for unincumbered houses in or acreage near Portland; owners only am ai, uregonian. TO EXCHANGE for home in Portland. 3 room, up-to-date oungaiow, on 6uxl27-foot lot ; not-wAter neat: no mortgage; vaiu $4000; in Vancouver, B. C. Address cars 101S Pender at,. West Vancouver, B. C. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 5 acres, near high school, rock road. lartre house in fine grove, modern, poultry houses, cheap, cash tir trade. W. C. Hud son, litiisooro, ur. 40 ACRES, all under ditch; 36 acres Irri gable ; I- acres in cultivation, 1 miles irom Terreoone, or., on u. st w. tz. call or write G. W. Patterson, HiUsboro, Or. no agents. 8 ACRES at Gold Hill, Southern Oregon, ftw- year-old pears and peaches; house, barn and well for - home in Portland. AK 34S, Oregonlan. IF YOUR real estate has value and you want to make. a aood exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Estate Go 318 Railway Exchange bldg. ACREAGE close in to good college town to traae for grocery, hardware or general store ; owners only. Address box 054, For est urove, ur- TO EXCHANGE Portland Improved prop erty for farm lanas or timoer limits will assume or pay difference In cash. Call and see me at tiitO Plttock. WANT clear house worth about $2500. Will trade even. SoOOO worth ox close-in acre a&e, mortgaged at $1400. X 354, Orego- man. $700 EQUITY in 5-room modern bungalow trade xor automooiie, rooming no use, dia monds or anything; ox value. Gail 88 loth, near starK. 80 ACRES, extra aood soil, nearly y in fine commercial apples, to exchange for good Portland property. Samuel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED General mdse, $.00 to $ 2O.O0I for cood real estate. John W. Allen, 4 Cherry bldg.. Eugene, Or. WANT-. house with bath even for clear 4' acres, all tillable, partly improved; value $1800. AN 357, Oregonlan. ACREAGE on electric line, near Portland for E. Side residence, apartments, or close in, vacant. AM 846, uregonian. MAKE me an offer on $400 worth of Deschutes River Water Power Lien De velop m entcertiticates:A342 120 ACRES, 5 miles Camas. Wash., $35 acre. Sell or trade xor Portland property, own er, 1118 Yeon mog. make me an offer on eight lots at Yaouin Bay. Will trade tor anything of value. AP 343. Oregonlan. two lota Portland Heights, no incum brance. Will exchange for diamonds. A. G. C. 2S Front st. CRANBERRY land; have Portland home to exchange. Owners only. AK 353, Ore soman. TO TRADE Unincumbered fruit ranch for good apartment house or income property. Box 104, ortn laaima, wasn. ACREAGE near Corvallls to exchange for home in Portland, nose jity -ar pre ferred. 843 5th st. Mouth, orvauis. ur. EXCHANGE 2 clear Rose City Park lota f-r Itwtr.OTs district lots. WIH give or aume. BD 372, uregonian. CLEAR acre. Improved, 14e fare 4th -at. line. for clear lots. Taoor o. SEE N. M. Apple. 620 Henry bldg., for jus and equitaoie reai esxaie exenangee. $4."n KQTTTTY In lot at St. Johns, cash or ejtcx-ajLge, D 3 ureffoxuaa TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. , FARM EXCHANGES. ' 800 acres, 7 miles from Carrolton, Wash., number of fine springs. Wilt make a tine stock ranch, only $13 per acre. 00 Incumbrance. Will trade for Portland home and good lots or mortgage back, easy terms. FINE D 4JRY FARM AND MILK ROUTE OF 60 CUSTOMERS. 40 acres, 3 miles from Oregon City, 5 room bungalow, fine barn, miik house, all outbuildings, 10 acres in hops, hop house and drier, 30 acres in cultivation. 10 - in timber and pasture, 5 springs and creek. W ith place goes a cows, 4 horses, 1 pig. SO chickens, 8 ducks, milk wagon, farm wagon and all farm implements: price, $11,000. will take home in Portland to $30u0. $1KH cash, balance $200 year, per cent interest. . HOWARD A MAILLOUX, 300 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP BALES AND EXCHANGES. 10,000-acre stock ranch In Eastern Ore gon, 500o breeding ewes, some cattle and horses; plenty of alfalfa land and good Improvements. 0v-acre wheat nd stock ranch, 2500 acres in cultivation, splendid Improv ements, stocked. 8000-acre stock farm; this Is money maker. Alfalfa land, outside range. 4 Ot0-acre wheat ranch. 400-acre wheat ranch. 1120-acre wheat ranch in Eastern Wash., part exchange. Small wheat ranches in Wash, and Ore gon ; city property for ex. for acreage. See Mr. Hulse. at HARTMAN A THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts. A SNAP EXCHANGE. 20O ACRES MOLALLA BOTTOMS FOR PORTLA.ND PROPERTY 3o acres under cultivation, 40 acres slashed and seeded to pasture, bO acres best bottom land. 1 Xk million feet aood timber. Place has good 6 -room house, 3ox o-t oarn. winamiu ana zuu set 01 out buildings. There are 5 horses, 8 cows, 18 head of young stock, a sow and litter. lots of chickens and a complete set of farm implements, including power saw. Is only a milu from 2 railroads, 10 miles from Oregon City, on 2 good roads, with Molalla River frontage. Owner will ex change clear of lncumorance for Portland property. Price $1 .000. What have you? C ALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. WANT SMALL FARMS. 8-room house and 2H acres at Oak Grove. $5500. Will exchange for farm to full value. 4-room house, lot 3 1-8x100; 2 lots 40x100 each: 37O0. clear. Want farm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE. 10 acres highly improved place, near Portland, on Oregon Electric; all atock. Implements, house and furniture go. with deal, including auto horse and Buggy, wagon, Jersey cow, chickens and flue commercial beating orchard, 2 OOO red rasp berry 'bushes, IOOO gooseberry, 800 black caps. 400 dewberry; price $6000; exchange for clear Portland residence to amount of 4000 at cash value. be a. Harvey, 2oa tark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 2O0 ACRES, all cleared and In cultivation. unaer rood oitch, fenced and cross -r en cea. adjoining good town on main line of O. s W. Railroad, deep dark loam soil, level; 6-room house. 7 years old, bath, elec tric lights, hot and cold water connec tions, artesian well, windmit). fair barn and outbuildings; house cost $70oo; stock -and machinery goes with place; worth 43.A00: all is Included in price for $25,000, cash or exchange. BENSON & CO.. 1082 Chamber of Commerce. 875-ACRE WHEAT RANCH, Located &i? miles from Walla Walla; well improved. Inexhaustible well and res ervoir: Summer fallowed ; price $40,000; will take part in good trade, balance crop payment. U.-S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENTT CO., Cue-607 Yeon bldg. CITY dairy, including highly cultivated acre age and every conceivable improvement, cows, city milk route, etc., shows very un usual return on Investment; would con sider Income property with small amount cash; $24.O0O. See Mr. Persels. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) EXCEPTIONALLY well-located close-in lot (near Portland Hotel), value $35,000; In come sufficient to carry it; want lota, acreage or farm, clear of incumbrance, fur equity. For particulars see, HARRY B. HUMPHREY, 212-21' Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to exchange, 6 flat building in rnsco xor a a 00 a dairy ranch. ni neon erty is new and brlnjre $180 ner month rent. If you have anything to offer that will stand Investigation, and will not run over $20,000, the price of flats, call. Main 6893. Meister Investment Co. GOOD 40-acre dairy ' farm, 30 acres creek oottom. acres ciearea, 4-room, 'Z Darns, weil. creek, orchard, team, harness, wagon, tools, hay. etc.: price $4200. Mortgage $1M0, payable $20 per year. Want house and lot for cq ulty. Geo. E. Armstrong, owner. Castle Rock. Wash. INCOME PROPERTY. Will consider farm lands worth $20,000 as part payment on good Income property worth $ balance can stand. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CALIFORNIA-OREGON. We have several good exchange propo sitions, either direction. If you have some thing to trade, call and see our Hat. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENTT CO., 600-607 Yeon bldg. WANTED Rcai estate; I want to exchange a 8-apartment flat of 6 rooms each, well rented, for vacant lots suitable for email houses. My flat is in walking distance from center of city. West Side. T. F. Keelev. 2S6 Oak St. Main 7750. A i374. 22 ACRES on 39th st., Vancouver, Wanh. House, barn ana cntcken nouse, city water and flowing stream across place, finest black soli; will consider part Portland property or will lease. Phone owner. Ta bor 7iK. TO EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE AND LOT. ioa acres witnin mites 01 sneridan. Or. ;- 2 acres in orchard, on road and clear of incumbrance. Ayres t Smith, 501 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington at. Main 7206. TIMBER! Do you want to dispose of your claim? We can give you fine Portland lots; good location; from $1000 to $50,000, or 10 acres in heart of Olympla, Want. All clear of encumbrance. Co-operative Realty Co.. 603 Dekum bldg. 100-ACRE Alberta farm, 14 mile R. R. sta tion, all in cultivation: house, barn and granary. Exchange for Portland or vi cinity property. Priced at asu investment price. J. S. Trimble, 326 Railway. Exch. A 7111. WANTED One or two unincumbered lots as taymcnt tor equity in modern 8-room louse, all permanent improvements, n one of best restricted districts. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE unincumbered, unimproved real es tate to the value or $30,000; wtir exchange any part or all for good going business wlth substantial assets; character of busi ness Immaterial. AK 307, Oregonlan. 15.O07 Fine Hood River orchard, full bearing, and splendid improvements, for Irvington home. Goidschmidt's Agency, 208 Stock Exchange. 2d and Yamhill. INCOME PROPERTY EXCHANGE. $30,000 worth of good income to ex change for clear Irvington lots. What have you? Jacob Haas. Gerlinger bldg. 240 ACRES of wheat land, 12 miles from Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, to trade for Portland property. What have you to of fer? V 360, Oregonlan. WANT HOUSE AND LOT in exchange for fine acreage close in or improved farm. Lenhart & Kelly, 722 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER lot in Falrport, 50x100, cement sidewalk paid lor, near Kenton carline; will trade for first-class piano and small amount of cash. Owner. Woodlawn 1091. I HAVE farms and timber land valued from $1000 to $10,000 that I will exchange for Portland property. Address owner, 1284 E. 20th st. Phone Sellwood 595. WANT $50,000. well located timber In ex change for Portland vacant lota time with trackage. AU clear of encumbrance. 603 Dekum bldg. THREE dairy and hog ranches. 2 equipped. convenient to city. Will take some in come city, balance long time, low Interest. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chambjsr of Com. 8-ROOM modern house, E. 31st., Hawthorne car. $0750 cash nrice. Will consider good farm or acreage. See owner, Mr. Epton, 432 Chamber of Commerce. ESTABLISHED restaurant, complete, with 48 chairs end 8 furnished rooms for house m Portland; will pay $1000 cash and assume. 230 First st. WILL trade a lot In Salt Lake City for a smau 4-cyi. auiomooue. inquire u. jainer, 760 H Alberta. FOR sale or trade violin outfit for diamond' or overcoat. Apply Main i0o4. room 53, San Marco Hotel. SIGHTLY quarter block. Irvington Hts, for substantial house equity. AL 353, Ore- soman. DIAMOND and platinum laval:er to ex change for beaside cottage. AM 352, Ore gonlan. 12 ACRES, sveuse, outbuildings, near Goble : trade for city property. 233 Worcester bldg. MODERN new house. Alameda Park. $4 700. Will trade for apartment house, acreage or lot. 2s htoct. Exchange bldg. WANT light roadster in good condition and 200 Tor my a-passenger, lore-door auto X 364. Oregonlan. 8 ACRES, all In cultivation: fair buildings; trad lur cottage. ise& orcest er dicu TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $3.500 Modern story arrtf one-half In Al- berta district; unincumbered ; trade for Improved ranch in Eastern Oregon up to $rooo or $t0uO. (No. 53450.) $5.000 30 acres, near Corvallls; 20 acres cultivated, balance pas- ture ; good house, barn, creek. etc; unincumbered: trade for 5 -oom bungalow up to $30OO; will give, long time on balance. (No, 417.) $5,200 115 acres Douglas County, near railroad : 25 acres culUyated ; good buildings; stock goes with place: trade tor Portland houses and lots at about same value. (No. 415.) $2,o OO On acre and" 4-room house at Lents, unincumbered; fruit trees, loganberries, chicken - houses, etc. ; trade for Portland houses of same value. (No. 412. $4.000 80 acres, near Corv allis; 2 cul tivated; small house; 6.O0O.OOO feet of saw timber; want Port land home. (No. 380.) $8,000 143 acres. Lane County, near good town; 40 acres cultivated; 7 acres bearing-apple orchard; 3,000.000 feet of timber on bal ance; fair buildings: unincum bered : trade for Portland prop erty of same value. (No. 404.) $17,000 120 acres, near Monmouth: 00 acres cultivated; good buildings, well, etc.; stock goes with place; trade for Portland flat build ings. (No. 377.) $20.000 6 modern up-to-date houses In good rent in k district: all rent ed; trade for close-in acreage or gooa building lots. (No. 5300.) $15,000 8 lots. including looxlOo on Hawthorne, in a good suburban district ; unincumbered ; trade for flats or apartment-house DrODertv. ft .1-4 11 $30.000 5GO acres near Brownsville; 250 acres cultivated. balance nas- ture; good buildings: stock goes with place; produced 30 bushels of wheat to the acre last year; want 40 acres or more, suitable . Tor country home. (No. 40H.) eo.uuv w acres. Wheeler County, on John Day River; good buildingrt 200 acres In alfalfa: excellent stock ranch, plenty of outrange, considered one of the show places of Eastern Oregon; trade for general merchandise store or good paying business in any good town. (No. 413.) $40.000 472 acres near Springfield ; 150 acres cultivated. 115 acres bot tom Jand, balance in timber good buildings; 12 acres hops excellent place to raise onion; trade for unimproved lal 01 Portland property. No. 4u7.) $65,000 2823-acre wheat ranch in East ern Oregon, close to railroad; iw acres nnaer piowv. neces sary buildings. reservoirs, 1 head of horses, w a irons, etc. running water on place; owner is rorcea to leave country on account of health and will sac rifice this place at $22. 50 acre; adjoining land Is held for $40 an acre; trade Xor Portland tn come nronertv. t Vo aim I $200,000 880 acres near Sheridan, Yam hill County; 700 acres highly improved; improvements worth $65. OOO; one of the best-paying ranches In Oregon; all kinds of machinery and stock necessary to operate the nlace: unincum bered ; trade for income-bearing properiy ana assume. (No. 416.) $60.000 50x100 corner, close to down town district; old improvements trade for wheat ranc h, prefera bly in tne vauey. (rso, 0367.) DON'T FAIL TO SEE OTTR LARGE LIST OF EXCHANGES BEFORE TRAD- l-u. wrJ HAVE MANY CLIENTS WITH tAK PKUPERTV WHO WILL AS SUME YOUR MORTGAGE. CITY DEPARTMENT. THE FRED A JACohw frtfT Malu 08OO. 2u WASHINGTON ST. A 1777. f".""" c 1 i .M 5iitt.L property, two uujiuingB, une anaiia ranch, for Portland income. $ a 0.000 West Park apartment site. $39. 000 equity, for Improved, or what have you? Irvlngton house and clear lot; want 401 o iuuuem nouse. Auto wanted for clear Laurelhurst lot modern house; take vacant lots. Laurelhurst bungalow. looxlOO, lightly 1 iUr tun r auto. Wheat ranch for Portland property. CHAS. RING LER, 816 Ry. Exchange. BEAUTIFUL 0-scre tract near railroad sta tion. A M In Oil It iVMImn .mall Vw., good well and pump, 2 acres in -bearing fruit. All first-elans Innrl K 11 1 fi. 1 1 cated. no rock or gravel to exchange for tity prupeny. v Blue .tDU. U. S. Smith eg company; ej cnamoer of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, a lot .on Glisan very w-., iu leiun or .race xor auto; I livTe out of town and will be at Hotel 4j(.iuri-r, toiumoia St., over Sun nay. pnone Main 701O or call room 233 iiuiii i.u 4 u ciock ounuay. tr. a. Evans, 1040 ACRES wheet or grazing land, under Government irrigation project. In Benton -oun.y, wasmngcon. only 4 per acre, Don't become frightened at this low price there is but one reason. WE NEED THE 3uj t, 1 . JvKjjA., 301-2 Lumbermen' building. o AtKbb Near station, close in. 4th-st electric ; all in cultivation ; $2500: easy x iar ior cuy property U8 AC Khh. acres in cultivation; house. uttiu, nurucs. nogs, cattle, etc.. machin ery; consider city property. Ask for Mn ton, -t.t i. Hamper of Commerce. , FOR Hotels. apartments. farms and city property and for square dealing, see the nouse proKerage 1 o.. a-'j Henry bldg. it ALKL.s Near Jennihtrs Lorta-? for chickens and ducks; $3500; wi!l take iimi 111 cny property. AM 356, Ore t5i-Mi1t1.11. EQLITIES bought or will trade for wha you want- several farms to offer, easy terms. Boggess & Co., 200 Gerlinger "us. EXCHANGE new house, 6 rooms. East Side, iur iancs iols, acreage or cmcaen ranch. FIRST-CLASS leather samnle c.ika to cnauijB ior icon or anytning 1 can use. Maui ioc ui OV1 Ami. BU EXCHANGE some very desirable uninnum berea city property for a good farm near roruana. owner, atock Exchange. WILL exchange my Willamette farm emilt -".wo ior ciiy property, wj bpaldlng LEAVING city: modern buniralow near car lot 50x100. $27O0, mtg. $KK0. 7 per cent v nni lot or acreage, f ;i,s, oregonlan. TURN In your lot as a first payment on mv new jut. xaoor nome. price safe 00. Easy .ermo. j uregonian. LAURELHURST, $3000 equity in fine room nouse, ior small house, vacant lots or acreage, w J6a. Uregonian. WE have timber tracts, farm land, houses and lots to trade for different kinds business. 650 Pittock blk BY OWNER 16 building lots, well located. ior a I arm or nouse and lot; will assume. Main 1100. al 307. Oregonlan. BUSINESS TO EXCHANGE. Will exchange half interest in tavln, business. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange, $2000 MORTGAGE to trade for real estate AD 3.0, Oregonlan. 42 ROOMS FURNITURE, low rent, for $200 casn, oai. iraae. . oiay. EQUITY $2700, strictly modern Laurelhurst nome. ror mailer house. labor 5420. TWO clear city lots for house eoultv. Len hart Kelly. 723 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, partly improved, for house an lot: will assume. aw stark st. SO ACRES, clear of encumbrance, for houae and lot; win assume. 3m tstark st, WELL located residence for "clear lots acreage. H 354, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Tailor-made clothes In exchange ror automobile or light truck. W 33, Uregronlan. WANT diamond In part payment for 191 5-pasaenger, fore-door auto. X 362, Ore gonlan. PIANO teacher wishes to exchange musl lessons xor dressmaking; references. 354, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE good sidetooard and refrire rat or for chiff onier--as typewriter. Call Tabor 4204. WANTED To exchange, one large safe for motorboat. staples, the Jeweler. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. 3 GOOD teams mules, weight Trom 27oO 300O lbs.: good workers, gentle, with har ness. suu team "4u . tn st. A SWELL male Boston terrier: a!o gilt-edged bitches. 134 E. 14th, at Mor rison. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I Cohen. 3S1 Water st- Main 2208. Main 6995. 60 STALLS OR PART TO RENT. 808 Front st. Main 0103. FIRST -C LASS top buggy and harness, chea Front and Market sts. TWO dump wagoiiP. ulrnost new. Phoo 5b27. 845 E. Stark. WANT good horse in exchange for carpent er worn. Kugene Cr Box -. WANTED ('-vd second-hand buggy. K 354: Oregonlan. FOB SALE- Morses, Vehicle, liarneee. Etc. WE ARE replacing with auto trucks and can oner anyone in searon ot a mare or gelding a fine work horse or mare at very little money; also wagons, trucks ana harness, two tfugglea anil saddles, as fol lows: One pair, mare and horse, welch t 2H pounds, 5 and 6 years old. best of worker. set of good harne-s, all at $290: trial aiiowea 10 test mem. One pair of heavy drafters, weight U0 pounds; are low. blocky, heavy boned, short back, well ribbed pair that will please anybody who wants a hvavy pair, set good harness, all at low price of $30u. one pair, rnunk mares, weight 24&u Rounds, are 4 and years old and are prompt drivers and sur puuws, wen xnatcnea as to sise sua traveling; set good harness at one price, $250. One pair of matched dapple gray, horse and mare that will weigh 2SOO lbs., are true to pull and the best walking team that we had; set good, harness, at $-4o. One pair of matched bays 5 years old. weigh 2400 pounds, are sisgle or double workers and extra well juated in color and slxe; set good harness, all at $115. Five head of single horses and mares tliMt are 6 to 0 years old. and no older; work single or double and will be guaranteed so or money refunded in full at from $0- to $0. Also one saddle horse that U good worker at low price $45. Wagons as list ed. Tw goose necks, two cmelbacks, three light spring wagons, one mounted -seat. Two-ton truck, newly painted and first-class, two light farm wagons with springs under box, all complete, one three and half inch Studwbaker, wide-tire, low -wheel farm wagon, box and seat (newi; one break cart swnd harness, all hand-made and so slightly used will readily pass fr new; one hand-made top buggy and har ness, buggy Ih rubber-tired and cost two years ago $2tJ5, will sell for $85. Inspec tion is invited and we will hitch and test any or alt the horses for any -who want to buy. Terms are cash. Call UNION TRANSFER STABLES, 11th, at Hoyt St. TEAM of good w-ork horses, horse and mare. "u wcign -orv pounas; are good waf ers, fat and grain fed and ready to do' your-plowing; set good farm harness and good second-hand farm wagon, all go fur $165: also team matched sorrels, weight 2 4 OO pounds; are good working light team and are gentle for boy to handle: set good harness, all at $150. One pair big draft multi, 2mh pounds; are six and seven years old and are as good a pair of work in g mules as there Is In Oregon ; they will pull six tons any spot or place and are easy keepers, price S2U0: cost us 'KK two ears ago and are as good as ever; also one pair of 2000-pound" mules, 6 years old and no older, gentle and kind; price $2.5. t all FLYNN CONTRACTING STABLES, 444 Hoyt Street. NOBBY STABLES, 12 TH AND FLANDERS. we win isae stock at ro cents a day and sell It on 0 per cent commission; also store harness ana vehicles for $1 a month; a few special bargains we have this week. One pair bay geldings, weight 2700. i and 8 years old, $175 ; one dapple gray mare, 5 years old, 1500 pounds; one gray gelding, 8 years old, 1600 pounds. $300 : one pair good chunks, best broke in clt. weight 20tK. $150; also 15 sets heavy and light harness, light and heavy vehicles and addles. We givs special rates to stall renters; also business and heavy horses for hire to responsible parties. H. M. BILLINGS. Manager. SOME BARGAINS. 1 chestnut horse, 1200- !bs. 1 chestnut mare. 975 lbs. 1 bay horse, 00 lbs. 1 r-rown horse, 11 Oil lbs. 1 gray horse. 1190 lbs 1 brown mare, li00 lbs 2 fine stuck saddles, each 1 light farm wagon 1 fine hack cheap. COG ALDER STREET. ..$33.0O . . 3.0t . . 15-u . . 45. (m . . 60.OO . . 4Vim .. 15.00 . . 30.OO OUR entire delivery outfit, consisting "of - learns, cioseiy mated mares, weighing 2200 and 230o each, well broken and In beat Of condition. With enoil bruM.mniiniH.i ".harness with each team ; also 5 head of single horses and harness, wagons, etc.; all to be liud at almost your owu prico for immediate sale; can b seen and pur chased from our burn man at stubic, cor. East Market and Grand ave.' TEAM bay mares. 1000 lbs. each, with har ness, 'i earn, gray mare and horse. 1100 lbs. each, with harness, $75. Bay mure, rubber tire buggy aud harness, $75. Gray horse with a light spring wagon and harness, $40. Take S car south to Sherman st walk two blocks east to Hood st., two blocks south to Chester tit-, one block west to No. 180. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables, 302 Front st,, every Thursday at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. -Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer ana seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. ALL kinds of horse big, little, young. old, broke or un broke. Cheap horses, up to the most expensive over 100 altogeth er. You can buy for cash of terms. Any how, they are as represented, absolutely. FRAZIER M'LEAN, 800 6th st., corner Taylor. Oldest horse firm in town. MULES Team of black mules that will weigh 2650 pounds, are bound and true to pull; 6 years old, can walk five miles per hour; any boy or lady can feed, drive or handle them In or out of stable; set breeching harness complete at low price $205. Call Union Transfer Stables, lltli, at Hoyt st. OUR pick of 4 of my 8 horses, weighing; from luOO to 1250 each; price, 43 to $Jo. all sound work hores. guaranleed to be what 1 tell you; 2 se double harness and light wagon. 1478 E. Sth N. Take Wood lawn car to 7th and Dekum, 2 blocks north. Farrell. Phone Woodlawn 636. FARM outfit; bay team, 5 years old and no older, weight 2400 pounds; are true work ers in any or all harnesses, single or double; will plow; set good harness and good used farm wagon all at low price of $2lo. Come and try it at 129 11th st. FARM team sorrels, mare and horse, age 8 anu 9, weigm aoouL iauu, in good order; extra good team of their weight; quick saie $lo; take Oregon City car to Arling ton station, go east to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, second house. - AUCTION. Horses, mules, . vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strict ly commission stables in the city; con signment solicited. The McClelland Hore As Mule Co.. 240 E. 8lh. East 0315. $75 CASH buys a nice gentle bay mare, age "i "ci(,iia 1 1 to wuin eintfie or double and safe for women and children to handle: also a good heavy tingle har ness, almost new. Ask for bakery horse at stable cor. East Market and Grand ave. JUST arrived today, a carload of young mares weighing from 1200 ta 170O lbs., 4 to 6 years old. broken and unbroken. Mus be sold for what they will bring. Cau be seen 200 5th sU BROWN horse, weight 11O0, works any place. rides; win suit anyone w anting general purpose horse ; I have no time to use him bargain; can be seen and tested. Star Sand Co.. barn 8, 9th E. Flanders. TEAM, weight 20OO lbs.. 10 years old, for SloO: also have cood. harness and side door, w aeon cheap: reason for selling, aut J. East Side Bakery, 1109 Division st. Tabor 1482. FOR SALE Good team, wagon and har ness left here for sale; $13; also a good horse, weight about HOo lbs,. $30. 24u East 8th st. Phone East 6315. ONE team blues, mare and horse, 3 and 5 years old. brother and sinter, wet gat 105O and 1150, $136; one strictly well b r o k e. 240 E. 8th. 10 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing 1100 to 14O0, all young, sound and guar anteed; to be sold cheap for cash. '& Union ave. A BARGAIN, one span fine blocky mares, witn new wagon and harness. Call and make offer. 5o5 Aider. WANTED heavy team for their feod and keeping; eusy work, best of care. S. J. Gaddis. Main 2415. FOR SALE One team young horses, vl.h lng 27ov lbs. i one team of young snares . weighing 2'.K' lbs. 22 Russell st. WANTED Good team, wagon, harness us first payment on new ti-room house, 91 s E. 18th t. N. TEAM, harness and camel back wagon, $!Oo; also single rmruess and wagon. Phone Tabor 224. Putting on auto truck. t SNAP if taken at once. fine driving horse, top buggy and harness, $100 takes out tit. 505 Alder. GENTLE mare and year and half colt for something worth $luu. E. C Stevens, Ryaa Place. Main 20. SPAN good working horses, weight 290O, w ith good harness, $175. Star Sand Co., barn 3, Vth East Flanders sU Piano. Orsam and Mnwlral Jnt rummt. $45U Circassian walnut piano at half price. Fred Williams. 9- 1 at St. NICE oak case, upright piaiiy, $135 cash, 3ftS Morrison. Main 220. WANTED To rent or buy player piano; re sponsible party. AO 32. Oregonlan. WOULD like to. ouy a Victrola or Grapba pola for cash. F 352, Oregonlan. CONN aito aaxaphone never used, fine cost $110, sacrifice $73. Main 4163. FINE piano very cheap; perfect condition. E. 2-'d st. FINE $5m Hazelton Bros. Hano. $200 Cash. Tabor J4 . O 352. uregonian. $3 2.-. BUYb Kx. bldg. hip U-k ratio piano. 2.1 und Stark sts. DK t"M, In aood ti ape. cost $20. will sel I for $in. .VMf.t hoth nf. PIANO for rent cheap. BD S-, Ort'a'oiuan.