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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
SACRIFICE- PIANO OPPORTUNITY. RECEIVERS AND OTHER "REVERTS' STANDARD MAKES OP SOL'LE BROS. PIANO CO. (NOW IN HANDS OF RECEIVER.) MUST BE SOLD THIS n iK. MAKE OFFER. YOUR OWN PRICE AND TERMS (IN REASON). LESS THAN A DOZEN LEFT. (PIANOS AND rLAILKSi O-t i- ibik-D -ABOUT HALb PRICE. NEARLY NEW. IN FIRST CLAfeS CONDITION. DON'T MISS THIS . X.NAJ-. SALE. PHONE MAIN 2fe20, (JuVhMNG APPOINTMENT.) HEAR the new wonderful Edison disc ma chine: no needles to chanee. oerfectlv na. tural tone; we carry all models and sold on easy payments. Send for catalogue. j aiKing Jiacnme uo., sou Alder. VICTROLAS FOR RENT. Talking machines for rent. Talking tables for rent. SI Der week, includinsr records. Ad. dress or phone, 552 Emerson st. C 3160. FINE Edison home Dhonoeraoh: clavi and 4-minute records, and 30 first-class 4-minute records, only $22.50, t3 down, $2.50 Hiojimiy. iiyatt j-aiKing j-iacnine ., q.hj Aiuer. FOR SALE Owe J300, payable in monthly installments, on $775 player-piano. What wiii you give ior my equity, togetner with aoout iuu gooa records, bd vd. Ore- gonian. EST of clarinets, A and B flat, 17 keys, 4 rollers, in goo a condition. Koom 14, 410 Morrison st. .fnone jviarsnaii ov&j. fO R SALE Victor phonograph, bear robe ,54x72, plush robe, new 24 k. d. egg cases, man s suit, as. o2a St. B. ii. HIGH-GRADE, beautiful toned niano. cheap. See A. J. Detach, 106 th St., between 2 and 5:30. $18 BUYS Edison phonograph including 40 i-mmute recoras. 30 LumDer i-x. blag., za ana btarK sts. PIANO repairing, tuning and polishing first-class work guaranteed. V, Kramar, a tarn st. Alain 447S. .will sacrifice beautiful new piano, your own terms, or will exchange for diamond or taming machine. X 303, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL ortan $40. Piano unrltrht S85 Must bo sold at once. 441 Stark, corner lZtll St. WANT to rent a piano for private home; give It best of care. Marshall 5823 or woodlawn 2o07. WANTED Piano in any condition .for cash. 1 .ib-t, oregonian. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. BOSTON TERRIERS We have for sale at present four female Boston terriers two weeks old , six English bull puppies two weens oiu. iueae are sirea by iiret prize winners out of champion bred matrons. Also for sale matured stock at reasonable Xrices. including a pair of French bull dogs, big Eastern winner, a proven brood English bulldog bitch, and Boston terriers of all ages and prices. Let us know your wants. Wildwest Kennels. Olympia, Wash. WANTED A good home for an English wire-haired terrier; one in country pre- AIREDALES, great pals, guards and hunt ers. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. WANTED Airdale dog, full grown. P I 343, CANARIES, maies and females; choice stock, 65 N. 2 I'd st. Main S347. CANARIES, guaranteed singers, $2.50 pair. 28 W. Church st. Woodlawn 330. W HITE PERSIAN KITTENS, HOUSE PUla; UHKAf. TAliOJt 5 733. For SALE Registered white bull terrier worm cneap. Jr-none Laet 3144. Furniture For Sale. DAVENPORT IN FIRST-CLASS toNDI" TION For sale cheap. Inquire at 810 Kelly st., South Portland. FOR SALE Beautiful solid mahmranv II brary table, $35; too large for present use; ims taoie is worth o. 1'hone Mar Shall 4233. JLFTER November 1, furnltirre, Including desk, typewriter, five eord&v-ood. House for rent, $13. Walking distance. Main 6O ME nearly new solid mahoganv office furniture for sale cheap. AO 338, Ore gonian. FOR SALE cheap. 14 tables and 60 fine restaurant dinmg-room chairs. Phone M. aoov or A Gouts. OFFICE furniture, high grade, used only six months, sell for 50 per cent of cost. M 354, Oregonian. o0 WILL buy new wicker furniture, com plete furnishings two-room apartment. api. bo. rioyai Arms. fnone H 11 bo. FURNITURE of two-room apartment, ln- eluding Oriental rugs. 40 Elm-wood Apts. 1 SANITARY roller top desk, 1 swell chair. ARTICLES of furniture for sale. East 5270, 815 Cherry st. Poultry. WE WANT to buy turkeys, geese, chickens. ducks and produce, vegetables, direct. state quantity and lowest price. AP 324, Dreprin Ian WANTED Laying Indian runner ducks, Cumberlain strain, English penciled vari ety. Tabor 1495. 100 HORSES WANTED. - 14 TO 15i HANDS HIGH. 5 TO S YEARS OLD. MTJST RE PRACTICALLY SOUND, FAIR FLESH AND CONDITION, GELDING- OR MARES (NOT IN FOAL), WELL BRpKEN TO SADDLE. STATE QUAN TITY AND PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY AT DEPOT. (WILL BUY A HALF DOZEN GRAYS). ADDRESS A. LIVERY, P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND, OR. TWO extra large Durhams, two large Jer seys, one Holstein Jersey, all fresh with calves by side, extra heavy and rich milk ers. You can milk them yourself before buying at 2001 E. Washington st.. Mt. Ta bor car to 82d, two blocks north. SO HEAD of good dairy cows, Holstein, Durham and Jerseys, giving from 4 to 7 gallons per day, all big. fine cows, 4 to 7 years old. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave., walk 4 blocks west. AVCTIOX SALE. OCT. 31. 22 head cows, some milking, some fresh soon: 1 registered Holstein bull, s-bme young stock. GHHb station. Mt. Hood line. FOUR cows for sale cheap; take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard sta, and go two blocks north. AJ 349, Oregonian. WANTED 10 or 12 grade Jerseys to be fresh in Spring; must be cheap for cash. AJ 204, Oregonian. WANTED . 2 or more good cows as first payment on new 6-room modern house. 91S E. ISth St. N. NO. 1 family cow, rich milker, for sale or rarii;iiiKq ior norse. iwi is. Ktark st. FOR SALE 2 good milch cows. Sell. 527. -rgs.. jui u;. 41st. JERSEY cow, 7 years old, be fresh in 60 days. Price fftO. 505 Alder. FRESH Jersey cow, heavy milker high tester. 5 E. 30th, corner Washington. Automobile. MONEY TALKS. GREAT BUYS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. 1918 Franklin Automobile; cost $3S50; must be seen to be appreciated; look round and see If there Is anything . like it for the money; only $750 1013 Chalmers 36; a 5-passenger au tomobile; none for sale like this for 650 1012 Michigan 5-passenger automo bile; repainted and in good shape.. $500 e-pnssenger Maxwell SO; In fine con dition $400 800-pound truck, only $600 Garford light delivery truck $475 Great buy In a large 1014 Hudson, like new; price too low to be advertised. Chalmers Master Six cheap. One 1014 6-40 Hudson, the only one we nave ever been able to get for a re-sale. See Jt. Low prices on electrics either Detroit electric or, the Baker electric. Time to get something good for only little money down. C. L. BOSS A CO., 615-617 Washington Street, Portland. FIN E 1P1 3 five-passenger, like new ; fine tires, elegant extra equipment: cost $2350; will exchange for house and lot or flrst- class lot, -y AL S62. Oregonian. 1J14 FORD. Practically new; well equipped; a bar gain. AL 361, Oregonian. 6-PASSENGER Iftll Warren, in good order Jor $325. Call 388 Morrison St. Main LATE MODEL REO, 5-paBsenger car. sacri fice; will trade for roadster.. Oliver, 200 HAVE clear lota and good securities to trade for auto. Main 1940. W ILL exchange 4-ton truck for good 1 4 ton truck. East 4096. $5.00 GARAGE. 6i4 Overton street. USED CAR BARGAINS. White "4, 5-pass., 1912 model, new tires, repainted, thoroughly over hauled; will sell for less than one-third original cost. 1914 Ford, taaeicab, fine mechanical condition ; fully equipped; new tires. Maxwell. 1910. 30 H. P., 5-pass., Just overhauled1- car speaks for Itself, at price we ask. Stoddard-Dayton, 1912, 7-pass., 50 H. P., fully equipped, newly painted; ideal rent or stage car. Thomas 6-cylinder. 72 H. P.," fully equipped; oost $6500 new; will make you a price on this car that will surprise you. Overland "30," 5-pass., just repaint ed and overhauled, fully equipped. A fine bargain. 1912 E. M. F. fine buy. "30," 5-passenger; a Wlnton limousine, 1913, Berlin body, elegantly upholstered, self starter, electric lights, fully equipped, guaranteed; has run but 700 miles; will sell for little more than bait price. Investigate before this bargain Is snapped up. Wlnton Sixes, all models, thoroughly rebuilt and guaranteed; fully equipped. Including new tires, in 4, u and 6-paasenger bodies. Let us demonstrate that these cars are bargains at the prices we ask for them. If you are In the market for real "bargains in any kind of an automo bile, we will be pleased to have you come In and get acquainted with us and let us prove to you that every car listed here is the best bargain at the price offered in Portland. All cars on very reasonable terms. Open .Sundays. Open evenings. THE! WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. Factory Branch, 23d and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon. USED CARS. REBUILT GOLD OX TERMS. CAUL AND 6EJ3 FOR TOUR&ELF. VTavwall Aa. 1 W A . m ?ew Ure fuily equipped. A snap at warren Roadster, all new tire, re painted and a beauty ,for performance f1 " zuiiy equipped with Mollno 5-passen;er touring car, nothing iuVrt ww UCQ small amount as r-halm... T r- ,.j,aMei,5or louring car, re built and fully equipped in every detail. 1 h C-passenger touring car, fully --a--'-- - J Bk iKU. Regal 5-passenger, oversize tires and "i'i""ciH. v 111 aeii quick at $t00. Two Buick 150O-lb. delivery trucks. We "sell the best old or new. cars for the money, HOWARD AUTO CO., Ruick Distributors, Fourteenth and Davis Streets. A RENEWED PACKARD Is the best motor oar Investment possible at leas cost than a new Packard with the i;: appreciation removed. in same pride of ownership remains be- ZZ" racwra bas the appear- ance and abllitv nf a .w ew ' We guaiants these cars the same as , u ana purcnasers will obtain tne run measure f Packard service th uEuuaasrs or new Packard. We now hav a few of various types oiJlAir "OOS COMPANY. CORNELL ROAD. JSD AND WASH STS. fh ne.W' ,never used Franklin slx- 7 j ....e n. , nve-iiaiMiigr, lor sale by ilia eieoulun of Ihe eatate of B H. Vlrgel. lecea.d. It c.n b seen at th P-T li.Th T lyi) 1 a Auto Co.. No. Z , ; ' rgruana, ur, send Sealed oetera to Newton McCoy, room 716 WK have several customer who have or- , f , . eibui-tjuuaer tjaaillaoa who are wllllna; to accept Portland real es tate or mortgages ou the car. that they are using at present. jf you wish to make a good trade, writ us a description of your property. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANT, Washington tit. at 21st. 1910, model O, thoroughly overhauled. In fine condition; will trade for gas car Phone Col. S&7. St. Johns uarage. St. Johns, Or. ltlia Hegol roadster, understand, equipped. - '" iuii. j caan. SKUisII runabout for sale or trade, newly .uuu conamon; suitable for salesman or light delivery. 446 Mont gomery. Main Tut. TRUCK HAULINO WANTED. Have new auto truck and will do any kind or hauling up to three tons very rea sonable. AJ 339. Oregonian. WHITE 3H14 ambulance and equipments for ' fcnivw e-mail louring car as part payment. Terms. Phono Main 7725 for appointment. FRANKLIN' Sl5c . 1912 Franklin Six, cost 4000, In flrst clasB order; it goes for 700; be sure and see It at once. AB 840. Oresonian 1B14 C-CYLINBER car. slightly used, new , 1 co. win ii -,i or list Jjrlce; cash or terms; no real estate. AF o.3f .ii;ouian. 11)13 6-PASMEJNOBR 0-erland, good appear- .u.ii.iu. cuuuhioil run equip menti price t00, cash only. Owner, AO 1811 B-PA8BENGER Cadillac, fore door, de- -. Bpeuttomewr, good Btafrk down, 30 a, month. 301) A NO',:, .Pver,land delivery car at less than - . v. uon , win thkc in ex- cnaiiKe a o-passenger Ford if in good undItion. F. o. box 23. Oreion r.ltv For per" houkTsas'sen- Ber. 11)14. Ford, inlsl r.... r ' o;oo call last 4308. "'L,R . SAL8 u-paBsenger auto, in eoo1 n union; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Woodlawu Gott. 11)14 FORD taxlcab. slightly used; has new -1 V ' whs consider terms. BF ujtf, Oregonian. BUICK panel top delivery, m good mechan- Ion nnnrl tlnn ln?.i M aiu. oregonan. "rm" 2.-,0 BUYS my 4-cyllnder Maxwell: S.IO ao'"i,.'..:", " m?nth; flrBt-class mechanical condition ; good tires. B 354. Oregonian. MoTor Co? at barBaln" Ca'u Spdwell R BBtTTr.T Hudson roadster like new, to . " . ji... m t 1 . give some cash Call Tabor 444, or 3356. "no cmii. FOR SALE. " One 6-cylinder type, high tension Bosch magneto; Al condition. Phone Mar ajtflfi FOR BALE 40-horsepower. 1913 Cole Ir cuuuiuuu, oon 24U0. AN 341), Oregonian. WANTED Work for auto dellverv rr- Sfark st X lb'' Inqulr8 at 1306 East li A ' 0 5 and 7-paes. autoa In . 1 L condition, trade for real estate or mort gagps. 4W McKay bldg. mort- FOR BALE o-paesenger Warren art vwi. st. Phone Main 7541. 0-PASS. FORD, a bargain. ul i months. rail Mar. 724. 72x L1J irom .s to 92S em- vul canized. S5o tire: ranslnn. im Tl.: HUP runabout, splendid bargain, 1300 Dull mase-Manlev Auto l j nZ..?J- "u: ORD roadster, good condition. 7. ...... n . . raone n.aat 1219. J-PASSEXUER Stoddard Dayton. 50 h. p "' " a, oregonian WANTED To trade 1914 Ford" for 7-oas. senger car 455 Tlttock block. . FOR SALE one 32x3 auto casing; na . nan LUtR. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, a 5-pass. Ford touring car. Address Hot 4IM 7:i, . CHAIiFR3 "" five-passenger, good' . j w-w o'-'o j-ewis p i a g. C1iJL'V-R?. rtx: r"1 tri10 tOT "enter carT OpR-JPASSENGER. lisht auto cheap. AD Oreeon an. PRIVATE sarag-e. Hawthorne d'strtct SS - . " " " tow r,. eih -UOXTAVILLA lot to exchan.. 1W about. Phone Tabor 4627. tall Sunday. USED AUTO SNAPS. Liberal Terms Given. 1013 Chalmers 7-pass. in A-l condition, easy terms, or will trade for acreage; pre fer on Bu Line or Sandy Road ; only y 1912 Herreshoff 5-pass.. overhauled and repainted, snap $450, easy terms. 1911 Stoddard overhauled 5-pass.. snap - $400; easy terms. 1911 Babcoclc Electric, seats , In A-l condition, good batteries and tires, a styl ish machine; sacrifice for $5o0; easy terms. l&ll Cole Roadster. 3-pass., Just over hauled, in A-l condition, -cost new $1650; sacrifice for $475; easy terms. NOW Is the time to buy your car; take advantage of the low prices and easy terms. We need the room for new cars and will sacrifice all used cars for quick sale. Look them over before you pur chase. We will save you money. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. Sts., , Main 888 7. A. 4153. FOR VALUES IN" USED CARS VISIT THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COaiPANY USED-CAR DE PARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAYS. 1 rude-baker "Four," 1914 model. like new; electric e tarter and lights, 8U0. 1 Regal touring, car in good condition, $250. 1 Chalmers "30," 1911 model, five-passenger touring car, overhauled and re painted, $525. 1 Studeoaker "Six." seven-passenger. nae new. suju. 1 Studeb-'ker "30" touring car, in fine conaition. ssuol 1 Elmore 5-nassenrer tourlne car. $250. 1 Studebaker "25" touring car, 1913 model, overhauled and repainted. 575, 1 Studebaker '"20" touring car. Just ovemauiea anu repainted, s-oU. 1 Parry, five-passenger touring car, good running order, $250. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder Sta, Phone Main 9402, A 7056. In READ. READ. READ. READ. Never have we offered such bargains as are listed today: 1913 Buick. 2 -pass., electric lights, starter, red body, black fenders. nobby tires, one extra $650 vi6 uveiana, 6 -passenger, electric lights, starter, run 3000 miles, paint like new 660 1912 Studebaker 30, 5-pass., nickel, bumper, electric horn. 5 new . tires new. nickeled, worth $200 more. . . . 575 Studebaker 20, touring, in splendid shape 345 1914 Metz roadster 345 1913 Reo roadster, electric lights, Tim ken bearings throughout, same as 1914 motor 675 See the new 1B15 Oaklands expected to arrive today. We have some splendid buys in brand new oaklands, 1914 models, in sixes and lours. Honest representations we tell you wnat e rignt ana wnat s wrong. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY. 523 Alder St. Main 2481. OVERLAND. We have 15 different models In stock to choose from. 1910, 1911. 1912, 1913 and 1914. all in the pink of condition. Price right and terms sasy. Also one 1914 Ford used 3 months, $450, $200 down and $5d per month. J. W. LEAVTTT & CO., 520 Washington Street, Marshall 3535. A 2444. Open Sundays. CLEAN-UP SALE. Of equipment for automobiles at bar gain prices. Here are a few of them: Pumps. 50c; electric, horns, $2; bulb horns, 75c; tire air bottles, J4; mechanical self starter, easy to attach, $9; speedometer, 3; generator (carbon), $1; tire covers. 76c. Snaps for all car owners. We have just what you are looking for. Call stock room. GERLINGER MOTOR OAR COMPANY, 694 Washington Street. 1912 CHALMERS "36." TOURING CAR TO TRADE. Extra fine Chalmers touring car, 5-passenger, In A-l condition, equipped with over-size tires, bumper, etc. Cost $2375 will .trade for real estate, first mortgage or negotiable collateral. Answering give full particulars. Address AP 357, Ore gonian. MAGNETOS $3. CARBURETORS $3' SUghtly used magnetos. A snap for Ford S.a1, owners. Carburetors at bargain prices. Call stock room. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY 694 Washington Street. 1912 MAXWELL "36" SPECIAL Cf,r.. as good as new- ires in excellent condition, a roomy 5-passenger good-looking machine; will sacrifice for one-third .,?rIsJnal cost: n real estate considered; S "1 demonstrate to your satisfaction. F 350. Oregonian. Bei0forP$800eM flrat"claSB condition. Will BR ALT AUTO COMPANY, 31 North Nineteenth Street. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 E. M. F.. j-oadtAt- body, complete with top, windshield, dash and 20 -gall on tank. Also one 4-passenger Chalmers body, with top. Apply N W corner 14th and Couch. HAVE your auto painted and your trimming ss.a.E-tAO, rurimna Jr ISling & AUtO Painting Co., also upholstering; 2 2d and Thurman. Main 943, A 5282; $20 and up ward. according to the work. CARS bought, sold, exchanged and rented. anu touring cars lor nire. Storage, accessories, repairs and washings. Day and night service. Main 6&22. Cotillion Garage 14th and Burnside. ' 4-PASSENOER touSng body with top and winoiwueia; aiso radiator, hood, fenders frame. axle, steering gear and front wheels for 7-paespnger Stoddard-Dayton Marshall 440. Hupp Runabout $300.00 Hupp J2. 4-passenger 650.00 Maxwell 4-passenger 350 Oo DULMA&E MANLEY AUTO CO., 46-48 North Twentieth Street. WILL sell my Mitchell car, In first-class v.utuuu ior -i)u, or trade ior J- ord 1913 1914 of same value In good condition Woodlawn 2722 Sunday evenings, between o and 8 o'clock. f M3i 1913 Cadillac, as good, as new, has been extra tires, chains, ZYi'n .arfalJ taken at once. Marshall 2140, Main 5136. ltfl2E. M. F. "30," as good as newwill con'- o.uci rwru ur some otner ugnt car In trade; no real estate. H. E. Griffith. 53 North 3d st. FEDERAL TRUCK. Federal truck, in first-class condition, with express body and top ; easy terms. O 822. Oregonian. 1&12 5-PASS. Overland, fully equipped, over- .ru pn.ii. tea anu in excellent snaps; . fine bargain; cash or terms to right party. BC. 356. Oregonian CUT your tire bills 40 per cent; don't fail to see us. r-acilic Tire & Supply Co., 325-7 Burnside. Tel. Marshall 323S WILL make automobile MnMin i-a. s e' w at ou cents per nour; con siderable experience; references and work guaranteed. AF 351. Oregonian. AUTO. Mitchell six. In fine shaoe. worth 1200. will exchange for clear lot or cloee- ? e0ae' ,Wtiat have rou? Bob Conk- lin, 308 Gerllnger bldg-. , FOR RENT $10 per mo.; garage, complete in every detail. East 16th st. N. near prazee. rnone iast Bizi. BAB COCK Closed Electric, asked $530, if at once, ot casn. 571 Broadway Main 8121. 5-PASSENGER car, good condition. new tires, win consider horse and buggy Dart payment. Tabor 5426. -CVL. 1915 5-passenger car, in perfect con dition, ior casn; will consider a smaller i1"- v) wem. j. cm, oregonian. 125 BUYS a Maxwell runabout in good con- muy equipped, fan Tabor 267. LIGHT roadster, 4-cyl. 20-h. p good con- ui ii is ii. fiu. ;juu Aionuma. FORD auto, good condition. $250 cash. Call room i, 291 M Morrison at. BUICK 1912 foredoor, good order, extra casings, $400 cash. Phone Tabor 5239. 1914 OVERLAND TOURING CAR. Am moving back East and am com pelled to sacrifice my Overland for cash; might extend terms to responsible party; car has only been used three months. E 354. Oregonian. STUDEBAKER 20," 1912. Thoroughly overhauled, all tires prac tically new; if you want a light car. here is a snap; will give terms to responsible party. C 354. Oregonian. WANTED TO TRADE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, FILMS. TRAVELING OUT FIT, FOR LIGHT AUTOMOBILE. APPLY 333 OAK. CHALMERS "30" 1910 model 5-pass. tour ins; car. in excellent condition; will take cash or trade for real estate. Multnomaa Garasre. Marshall 23(M). 1914 35-H. P. OVERLAND auto, run 10O0 miles, self starter; guaranteed In perfect condition; a snap; small payment down, balance easy terms. AJ 3t2. Oregouian. FOR SALE Model G CadIHac.good me chanical condition; detachable tonneau; very reasonable price. 421 East Broad way. East57tt. T WO brand new Ford tires, fresh stock, for sale cheap. 350 Alder. Antomobiles Wanted. WILL trade my $Uu0 equity in a beautiful, well-located residence lot, value $2500, for a good automobile; no rubbish wanted; for particulars call sell wood &31 or address W Jul, UregoiiKin. AUTOMOBILE wanted as part payment for 160 acres of unimproved land eight miles east of Lyle. Wash.; value $30 per acre; asonable terms considered. Address Box 63, White Salmon, Wash. WANTED Light auto for busineess, road ster preferred; will pay $50 down, $25 per iuontn. Phone today, 10 to 2, Maiu bu2, or AC 352, Oregonian. WANT to trade Ford 5-pass. late model, fully equipped, for larger auto; will pay or take cash difference. Phone Tabor 5iS3. WANTED A second-hand Ford or H up mobile runabout: must be in first-class mechanical condition; will pay cash. Henry L. Bents. Aurora. Or. WANTED Light automobile for 5.43 acres cleared land near eiectrio station and ad joining college grounds. F. E. Seachrest. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Second-hand Ford touring car, 1013 or 1914; must be in good condition ; state lowest cash price. Bex lt3. Silverton, Or. WILL exchange $1200 equity in good resi dence property lor late model automobile; property rented. AV lOl, Oregonian. DIAMOND set as sunburst, value $500. for 5-pass. touring car. Overland or Stude baker preferred. Woodlawn 2207. WOULD like to buy a 19.14 Hudson light six. a Buick or similar light car. AH 363, Oregonian. WANTED 5 - passenger for 18 unincumbered I town. Tabor 28L auto in lota In exchange Coos Bay WANTED Motorcycle or auto in exchange for 32 lots at Hill man; no rubbish wanted. AD 352. Oregonian. $1000 equity in 6-room house, close in, for Ford or light car, balance $1000. BC 821, Oregonian. $1600 EQUITY in new modern bungalow to trade tor l-ton auto truck, 1913 or 1914. Call or write 870 Dekum ave. WANTED 1911 or 1912 Chalmers, 4 -pass.; state condition and lowest price for cash. H. Klender, Statehouse, Salem, Or. WILL trade clear lot and some cash for auto worth $400 to $600. AG 302, Orego nian. FORD touring r or roadster; state price I and description. AE Ow, Oregonian. 5-PASSENGER CAR land, house and lot. Have lu AD 2b7, acres good Oregonian. SECURED contracts and notes, $500, for 1914 Ford. AF 350. Oregonian. WANT to rent private garage, vicinity 10th and Alder. T 336, Oregonian. WILL pay all cash for 1914 Ford car at bargain. AC 342, Oregonian. WANT 5-pass. auto for my new 4 -room mod ern house, suoject to 1400 mtg. Mar. 2432. Motorcycles. 1914 two-speed Indian, fully equipped. .$240 1U13 two-speed Indian, fully equipped 200 1913 Harley-Davidson. fully equipped- 100 391 Indian, fully equipped 150 1914 Two-speed Dayton, fully equipped 260 1914 Excelsior 175 1912 Merkel, equipped 100 1913 Reading Standard 165 1913 Big Four Pope, equipped ........ 90 1913 9-h.p. Eagle, equipped 175 1913 Excelsior, equipped 156 4-h. p. Indian, good condition.... 45 1913 Dayton, equipped 190 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadway. MOTORCYCLE CLEARANCE SALE. 1018 7 Excelsior, fully equipped, $140. 1914 Excelsior 7, fully equipped, $150. Thor, 4-horscpower, single, $50. Indian, single, $65. 1913 Excelsior, 1115. Second-hand bicycles from $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO., Agents Thor and Excelsior Motorcycles. 124-120 12th St. Phones Main 2056. A 3306. USED motorcycles; we have 40 of them, of different makes and at prices as low as $35. They are in good running condition and will give good service. Look them over. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., 209 4th St. 1914 7-H. P. Merkel, fully equipped in A-l condition; a bargain at $175; a lot of oth er used machines from $35 up, on easy terms. East Side Motorcycle Co., 4.1 Grand ave. 1ST REASONABLE OFFER, 9 h. p Eagle, brand new. 9 h. p. Eagle, Al condition. 7 h. p. 'M. M.," V belt, good condition. NORVHUP, 74 6th Street. FOR SALE 1912 Harley-Davidson. single. good condition and running order, $bo cash. East 4346 or 847 E. Broadway. 1914 HARLEY-DAVIDSON twin. fully town. equipped, used 4 months, leaving Main 434S or 275 N. 22d st. 1914 two-speed Harley-Davidson, fully equipped. Run 1300 miles, $23u. Phone East 2 694. WANTED Used motorcycle. Please give description ana lowest casn price, ak Oregonian. FLYING MERKLE, twin cylinder, tandem seat; new, only 2 months. $13.. Terms. Call 690 Washington at. WILL sell or trade 11th.- for automobile, Marshall 40GA. Indian. 266 $1G0 LATE '14 Pope, fully, equipped. itiar. ijJi, 1913 7-h. p. Exceldior. fully equipped. In ex cellent condition. $nu casn. i2U. A DANDY little motorcycle, just like new. $60; will trade. East 1307. FOR SALE Merkle 2-cyl. motorcycle, condition, extra tire; $93, Col. 352. Auto Tires and Accessories. SHOW eood roads. Clason's Oregon Guide Maps 25c. also Washington, California and Western States. At newsstands or postpaid from Clason Mao Co., Denver, Colo. Machinery. SECOND-HAND 11-fnch Barnes lathe with chuck and tools. Dayton Hardware & Ma chinery Co., 194 1st St. ONE 4-cycle 10-H. P. gasoline engine, AM 353. Oregonian. $40. Typewriters. ALL MAKES FACTORY REBUILT. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES, EASIEST TERMS. Bend for illustrated price list. Retail Department the Wholesale Typewriter Company, 321 Washington st.. Portland. Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities. TYPEWRITERS for rent, a months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, ."S6 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent an all makes tf typewriters; send for our illus trated ff.lder. retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER OO., 321 Wash St. TYPEWRITERS All makes, $10 to NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. $65. JUST like new. $105 Oliver visible type writer, only $0. $10 down, $2.50 monthly. 350 Alder. NEW. rebuilt, rates. P. D. second-hand rentals at cut C. 221 Stark St. Main 1407. UNDERWOOD, wide carriage, good condi tion. $30. Call Monday. 93 1st st. Bungalow Plans. TWELVE 4. 5. 6 or 7-room California bun galow plan designs. 25c; order now. Cali fornia Bungalow Pinnery, 1745 East 15th st., Los Angeles. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Furnished houseboat. Soli wood 82. 50 HIGH-GRADE VISITING CARDS 25c Geo. F. Bonner. Printer. Herndon. Pa. Houseboat for sale. Call Main 7295. rooms and bath. FOR SALE Delivery body, cheap. Lownsdale. Main 116L FIRST-CLASS store shelving- and ahow , cases, cheap. Apply 88 North th st. SECOND-HAND computing scale cheap terms if desired. S3 1st st. BABY'S wicker go-cart for"sale. East 4498 LAUNCH for sale or trade, with, house 430 Worcester bldg. Main 1940. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HERE IS SOME STRAIGHT TALK.: DO YOU NEED SOME PLUMBING SUP PLIES, OR WILL YOU NEED SOME PLUMBING SUPPLIES? IF TOU WILL. THEN LOOK! WHITE PORCELAIN BATHTUBS th famous "EURAB," at $15. LOW DOWN. OUR "WONDERFUL "BEXTWOOD," at $1. WHITE PORCELAIN LAVATORIES - with nickeled trap, faucets, supply pipes, nuts and flanges at $6. SO. WHITE POKCELAIN SINKSKat $3.23. 30 -GALLON RANGE BOILERS 200-lb. TEST, at $5. 2-PART CEMENT TRAYS, with LEGS, at $8.50. -IN GALVANIZED PIPE, $3,70 per 10O ft. fe-IN. GALVANIED ELLS, 4o each. All other good in proportion. We furnish reliable plumbers who work at a living wage scale Instead of out rageous prices, as demanded by Master Plumbers. Do not stop to thlnk-'how we can buck the Big Interests or sell at such low prices. Come to our ware rooms, inspect our stock and see for yourself if we are using hot air or giving straight facts. One of Our Guarantees: Don't pay us one cent until you get the goods and are thoroughly satisfied that they are fully as represented. HOW does that sound? M. BARDE & SONS, 22 Tears In Business in Portland. 240-242 . Front St., Cor. Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. WIRE ROP1S WIRE ROPE. H-ln., 2 He Per foot. -in., 2c per foot. WHEELBARROWS WHEELBARROWS. $1.50 EACH. NEW GALVANIZED WIRE, 2c per pound. WE ALSO HAVE A. LARGE LOT Pulleya Shafting Hangers Ralls Round Iron Boilers Dynamos Belting Cable Rope I-beams Flat Iron Engines Pumps J. SIMON A BRO, Front and Grant Sts., Main 2002, A 2002. PLUMBING SUPPLIES, PIPE. Carload of bathtubs at $6 to fl6. Special prices on plumbing supplies. If you want to save money, now is the time. See us before buying. Extra special price for low-down toilets, guaranteed new. A-l condition. A bargain In sinks $2.75. Range boilers, $4.50. Look over our stock and see now easy It is to save money on fitting out your houses. Special Price on Pipe. -lnch pipe, $2 per 100 feet. 4-inch pipe, $2.50 per 100 feet. 1- inch pipe. $3.35 per 100 feet. Hj-inch pipe, $4.2 per 100 feet. 1-inch pipe. $5.25 per 100 feet. 2- lnch pipe, $6.90 per 100 feet. , Up to lO-lnch st corresponding prices. All guaranteed first-class condition, with new threads and new couplings. We give estimates on contract work for plumbing. If you want to do your own work, we can furnish all the plumbing supplies. Also second-hand doors and windows. , A big stock of new and second-hand frlpe, black and galvanized, from 44 to 8 nches. Also large stock of second-hand corru gated galvanized roofing. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 203-205 Front st bet. Salmon and Taylor. LARGEST, BEST. MOST RELIA BLE DEALERS IN SECOND HAND MACHINERY AND SAL VAGE MERCHANDISE IN THE CITY. NO MATTER WHAT TOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL, BEE US. AS WE CAN MAKE YOU MONEY. WE CARRY WITHOUT DOUBT MORE MERCHANDISE THAN ALL THE OTHER DEAL ERS COMBINED.' OUR GREAT BUYING AND HANDLING FA CILITIES ENABLE US TO QUOTE PRICES THAT POSI TIVELY DEFY ALL COMPE TITION. J. STMON A BRO, FRONT AND GRANT. Main 2002, A. 2002. UNREDEEMED BARGAINS AT STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 10 New volumes Civil Engineering, cost $37. now $t7. $25 New Arnold Vibrator, $11. $125 Duntler vacuum cleaner. $46 $73 Sealskin jacket, $22. $03 J. C. Conn silver saxaphone, $55. $100 L. C. Smith typewriter. $33. $42 New Howard watch. $25. S10 Buffet clarinet, $20. Watches, diamonds, cameras etc STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 19 years In business. Liberal loans at reasonable Interest. 26 N. 6th St.. near Burnside. 10.000 FEET HOT WATER RADIATORS All good as new, with valves and connections complete; will sell in lots to suit. J. SIMON & BRO. Front and Grant. Main 2002, A 2O02. SEWING MACHINES Singer $7, Domestic $9, White $15. New Home $18, Wheeler & Wilson $12, Edrremere $10. Standard $22.50. New Singers, White, Rotary, El dredge and New Home machines sale or rent; phone for rates. Main 9431. Expert repairing and guaranteed Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d st.. near Taylor. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Raincoats, overcoats, watches, phono graphs, typewriters, cameras, musical In struments. etc Stein Loan Co.. 19 years in business. 26 N. 6th St., Near Burnside. LADIES Spanish hair wash, the same as used by ladies of Madrid; unexcelled for dandruff, greasy hair, and as a hair grower; full directions for making 50 cents. Remit postoffice money order. Useful Ar ticle Co., Box 3003. Station B, Portland. Or. FOR RENT OR SALE LOGGING OR HOISTING EN'GINES. Derricks, scrapers, clamshell buckets, concrete mixers, pumps, etc. STAN DA RD MAC H TNE RY CO., 46 Second St. We sell or rent. SELL or trade my 26-foot raised deck cabin cruiser, in excellent condition, $."oo cash, or will trade for used car in good condi tion; am ordered to duty on Atlantic coast. Present address, Lieut. L. B. Chambers. 602 14th st. North, Corvallls, Or. ONE lot of used sewing machlnes;must "be sold; the sale starts Monday; New Home. White, Free Davis and a good many of other makes; to close them out we will sell them from $5 and up; 4 days only; all guaranteed. 349 Morrison st. SEWING MACHINES Sold on very easy payments; rented one week $1, one mo. $3. 2 mo. $5. Repaired by experts. We call for and deliver. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Mar. 72L 382 Morrison St. A 6110, OLD coins, $100 paid dime 1694 8 mint; $75 for trade dollar. 1884: cash premiums paid for rare coins to 1909; 4c, get our large coin circular. It may mean much profit. Se-nd now. Numismatic Bank, Dept 10. Ft. Worth, Tex. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented, repaired. Over 50 motors on hand. B. E. DAVIS A CO., E. Water St. East 3146. B 2236. 103 ONE 30-foot launch, 20-horsepower, 4-cylin-der 4-cycle engine: will seat 20 passen gers; first-class condition. Make me an offer. I am leaving the city. Main 8333 671 Kearney at. STORE FIXTURES 3 fine mahogany wall cases, 2 plate showcases. 1 large 7xS floor mirror, t small mirrors, 24 hatstands, 15x 27-foot Brussels carpet, draperies, etc. sac rifice. Main 4163, mornings. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating and direct current motors guaranteed in every respect. All makes. STANDARD MACHINERY SO. 46, Second St. We sell or rent. FOR SALE Full drees suit, also Tuxedo suit, practically new, latest models, size 38. Marshall 2530. FUR COLLA RS and cuffs, detachable, low prices. The Fur Shop. 717 Swetland bldg. FINE launch; must sell Sunday "or Monday cheap. Under Hawthorne-ave. bridge. ROOFING-ROOFING. RUBBER ROOFING. 60c PER SQUARE. Corrugated Iron Corrugated Iron,. $L65 per square. Wagon Covert Tarpaulins, All sizes and kinds. Fencing -Fencing Buck wire Fencing. 2oc per rod. Pipe Pipe Pipe. Sc, 1 c. IS 5c 2-in 6fcc J. SIMON ft BRO. FRONT AND GRANT. MAIN 2002. A 2002 FURNITURE BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Fumed oak dining set, round pedestal. 6-foot table and 4 chairs to match. $16: hardwood extension table, $3.50; Mission oak buffet. $13.75; Majestic steel range, $27.50; Quick Meal malleable steel range. $27.50; Monarch steel range, $35; other steel ranges with water colls. $15; No. 8 cook-stove with water coll. $10; heating stoves, $1.50; open fireplace stove, cojt $1S for $S.50; 3-burner gas range, $6; 4 burner gas range. $6.50; 6-burner gas range, $12.50; gas water heater with cop per coils, the $16 kind, for $6. Special prices on rockers $1 up to $7.50. Flat-top desks, $6 up to $18; $60 roll-top desk for $25. revolving chairs to match, $4 00 to $7.50; office arm-chairs. $1.50; common chairs. 50c; hotel dressers. $4 to $3; full size dressers $7.50 to $18; solid oak chif foniers with mirror. $8.50 to $13; Iron and brass beds, $1.50 up to $15; special 2 plece hall set. seat and mirror, cost $25, for $12; hall racks. $2.50 to $7.50; kitchen csbinets. $5; kitchen treasure, $1.50 to $2.50; kitchen safe. $2.50; kitchen table. 75c; good inlaid lineoleum 9.6x9.6 for $5; 9x12 Axmlnster rug. $14 ; 9x12 Crex rug, $5; Sxl'S Axmlnster rug, $10; 9x12 art squares, $2.50; sanitary couch with pad, $4.50; Davenport bed, heavy oak frame. $7.50. We carry both new and fine used furni ture and can make any sort of an ex change you want. We sell on install ments. Everything marked in plain fig ures. Free delivery to any part of the city. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. 543 -545-547 Washington St.. bet' between ltftn and 17th Sts. " Both phones. Main 1108; A 3793. DOORS WINDOWS. ALL SIZES ALL KINDS. 250,000 brick. 500,000 feet lumber. " Large lot gas fixtures. Fireplaces. All above are from St. Helen's Hall. To be sold at prices never before heard of. J. SIMON & BRO, First and Grant. Main 2002, A 2002. BRAND new high class stereoptlcon with 75 slides, cost $102.50, 6 per cent off, or will exchange for 2 new .22 Marlin rifles, tar gets, ammunition. AD 354. Oregonian. SO-LIGHT, 16 candle power direct connected gasoline electric light plant with air com pressor and water pump. W 364, Ore gonian. FERTILIZER, well rotted, black horse and cow manure; to any part of the city; ma nure for all purposes. Before .8 and after y 6 P. M., Tabor 5914. FIRST-GROWTH fir wood for sale, deliv ered, at $5 and $5.25 a cord Phone East 64S8. SECOND-HAND SAFES and" office furniture at less than half price. Kilham Station ery & Printing Co.. 6th and Oak sts. FOR i.I-E Burrougns adding machine, nearly n-tr, at a bargain. 1129 N. W. Bank blC. TINNERS' tools, T7irlng, beading, large and small burring and other bench machines. Address AH $44. Oregonian. FOR SALE Launch, length 18 feet, 2-cyl-inder. hardwood trimmings; will sell for one-third of cost. Call East 6572. $130 BUYS beautiful diamond ring. Tiffany ocLiiug. s.w iiuuioer x.x. jiag.. ifd and Stark. LEMAIKE day and night field glasses. Wayne electric vibrator, filing cabinet. Tabor 4386. MEAT Slicer, Electric Cofree Mill, Cheese Cutter and Account Register. Cheap. 93 First st. 12 STATIONS La ma on Majestic Parcel "car riers, practically new. Will sell all or part at $25 per station Installed. 93 1st st. FOR SALE As good as new. Remington automatic as-gauge ; maxe me an offer. 655 Mason st. Woodlawn 2458. HOUSEBOAT, part cash. Phone Sunday morning. Marshall 1009. or AP 362, Ore iron ian. COLUMBIA RIVER fishboat. 5 h. p. heavy duty engine, fine condition ; might trade some for cows. L. Stopper, Linn ton. Or. DANDT 5 -room furnished houseboat; quick sale $350 cash; $375 terms. (Worth $750.) Be 11 wood 1450. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front et. Marshall 100. FOR SALE cheap, Gebhardt steam" flour meter, new, with eight pilot tubes; cost $135. P. A. Johnson, Springfield, Or. PERFECT diamond, about , karat; must be bargain; owners only. R 345, Ore gonian. SAMPLE trunks, 8, best make, practically new (2-36) 11-24 square) padded trays; sacrificed for cash. Phone B 2008. A SPLENDID heater, will burn coal or wood, also new Oliver typewriter, never used. Both reasonable. Woodlawn 376. NEW 3A Graflex camera with F45 lens and case; cash or terms; no trade. 802 E. Ash st. or phone E. 3958. CHOICE rose bushes 25 cts. ; guaranteed; free delivery. Cail up Tabor 5790. Port land Rose Nursery. SPECIAL low CASH prices on REMADE typewriters. $5 up. G. L. Stelnau. 337 E. 47th st. SAFES All sizes, at cost; safes repaired. Mosler Safe Co.. 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 76 7e. $75 BUYS lady's bar pin, 19 diamonds set in platinum; exceptionally fine work. 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 4 N. 3d st, FOR SALE Lady's fine caracul coat; also one coonskin chauffeur's coat. AK 352, Oregonian. BANKRUPT'S fixtures cheap. Modern com puting scale. Bowser pat. oil tank, etc. 6tiO E. Ankeny. FOUR-HOLE kitchen range, coal and wood burner, used only a short time. Price $lu. East 5917. 8-H. P. gas engine, little used, great bar gain. 301 Worcester bldg. MAN'S wheel in first-class condition for sale, cheap. CAU E. 3569. FOR SALE A new graphonola at half price. Phone East 6126. A LARGE rolltop desk and revolving chair if desired. Tabor 4981. FOR SALE White diamond, perfect cut. 7x10 LOGGING engine, two-drum, nearly BARGAINS in new and second-hand fix tures, snowcases. ts r. iota. Mar. 774. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. Main 6273. A 444L 244 Stark st. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1 Ryder Ptg. Co., 6.W. cor. 3d and Morrison SAFES New and second-hand 101 First st. bargains. CANNED FRUIT and Jelly. Going away wlll sell cheap. Tabor 4386. COLLECTION of rare and antique pistols 13 N. 3d st. PIERCE bicycle, very reasonable. 410 5th. LARGE tent-house. bargain. Hawthorne car to 67th st., 1 square south. BABY'S GO-CART and crib, with mattress. CASH register, also 20 feet awning, almost new. cheap. AV 94, Oregonian. DIAMOND about "perfect, $90 Excep tional bargain. AJ 353. Oregonian. DAYTON computini scale. $40. AC 35o, I'regoman. FOR SALE Carpenter's tool chest and loolk worth $85;$45 takes it. 3"4 Lbr. Ex. CANOE, SalL Eqpt; $50, terms. E. 10S8." M tscellaneous. UNUSUAL BARGAINS. SECOND-HAND AND REBUILT MA CHINERY. Plants bought and dismantled. We na-ra recently bought the machinery stocks ej firms like Willamette Iron A Steel Works. Seaside Door and Lumber Co. Northwestern Eiectrio Co, S. P. A S. Ry. Co. Portland By, Light Power Co. Golden Rod Milling Co. Carman Mfg. Co. Globe Separator Co. AJax Traction Engine Co. And hundreds of other stocks. LARGEST SECOND-HAND MACHINERY COMPANY ON COAST. WB DEFT COMPETITION. STOP ! LOOK ! LISTENS 1 123-H. P. Firebox (new). 2 40-H. P. Tubular Boilers, Butt Strap High Pressure. 1 35-H. P. Upright, fine shape. 1S-H. P. Upright, fine shaoe. 40-H. P. Upright, fine shape. 20-H. P. Traction. lOO-H. P. Heater. 60-H. P. Heater. S0-H. P. Erie Engine. 40-H. p. Erie Engine. 1 33-H. P. Erie Engine. 1 Woods 6x24 Surfacer. 1 10-H. P. Gas Engine. 1 Water Emery Wheel Stud. 3 Swinging Saw Arbors. 2 6-tn. Centrifugal Pumps. 1 Practically New Bolt Cutter. 1 2-H. P. Steam Boiler. 1 6-H. P. Steam Boiler. 1 S-H. P. Steam Boiler. 1 Top Saw Arbor. 1 Set 66-Inch Steel Head Blocks. 1 Pipe Threading Machine up to 2 -In. l .Miscellaneous xanKs. 4 Miscellaneous Rock Drills. Steam or Air. -r 1 12-inch Blower. 10 Miscellaneous Blowers. Cable galore. Valves up to 24-inch. 2-H. P. Marine Gas Engine. 18 Different Size Winches. Pipe -by the million feet, all sizes. Foot Valves up to 10-inch. Pipe Fittings by the Thousands. Grate Bars for all purposes. Sash Weights and Washers in all si sea. Machine Oil and Dynamo OU. Dry Kiln Trucks, all sizes. Boiler Steel Flanges. Any size Shafting wanted. Chain Blocks. Pulleys, Pulleys, and some more of them Tool Steel. Bar Steel, Drill Steel. Rails from here to New York. Pipe by the million feet. Bolt cutter up to 2 H -inch square. Cable to wind around the earth. F 1- beams, Channels and Angles. Car Wheels, 4-inch to 36-lnch. Bolts and Nuts, Steel Trap Doors. Fly Wheels of all sizes. Nails and Staples. Blowers and Fans. Chicken Wire and Screen Wire. Plumbing Supplies, Plumbing; Supplies. Emery stands. Emery Wheels. Carborundum Wheels. 2- H. P. Fairbanks-Morse Co. Gas En gine and Pump combined. Centrifugal Pumps in all sizes. Dozens of Upright Engines. Punches and Shears. 1 Crescent Bond Saw. 36-Inch. Motors, any size. . 2 American Saw Tables. ' Anvils and Vises, any size. Solid Tires. Boom Chains. Trace Chains. Picks and Shovels. 2 4-H. P. Gas Engines (F.-M. Co.). 4 Electric Fans. 3 Rams, up to 5-inch. Engines galore, all good makes. 2 Saw Guides. Jackscrews, any size. Roofing Paper, Roofing Paper. Blocks and Tackles, all purposes. Circular Saws. Babbitt metals. Rope in all sizes. Steam and Rotary Pumps. Garden Hose. Plumbing Supplies. Shafting. Bearings of all kinds. Steel Pulleys. Cast and Wood Split. 1 IrtOO-H. P. Twin Engine. 1 Friction Hoist Single Drum, new and complete. 5oo Tons Relaying Ralls, including 12 pound to 56-pound. 1 Lot 35-pound Rails, Special this week: $27.50 per ton. 1 million feet second-hand pipe, black: and galvanized, in sizes H-ln. to 14-ln. All pipe fitted with new threads and couplings. Furnished long lengths, per fectly straight and guaranteed In every way. cutting and threads to order. About 75 tons of fittings, including valves and. fittings of all kinds and sizes, some prac tically new. f 100 tons of I-beams, all' sizes up to 36 lnch, cut to length. 50 tons of plates, all sizes and widths, cut as desired. Roofing paper In any quantity at naif price. 30 tons of radiators, steam and hot water, for floor, wall and corner, and a large assortment at almost one-half price 2to f. of 2o-4n. packinfE-house chain. 150 tons pulleys, including castiron, steel split and wood. A large assortment at almost one-half price. About 500 tons of other mlscelaneoua machinery. Including gears, boxes, shaft ing, cable, belting, babbitt metals, etc.. all of which we are selling at prices that will astonish. 46.6UO square feet of floor space all filled with bargains. Get our prices if you want to save money. See us about everything-, no matter how small or large. If it can be secured. "BARDE" baa It. or If you have anything to sell or trade, let us know. Above is only a very small list of our stock. See us about anything else you may want. We buy, sell, or exchange anything. Correspondence gladly solicited. M. BARDE & SONS, THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. 21 Tears in Portland. "Barde" Is a Short Word, Meaning Reliability. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ' STOP! Do tou wsiit an7 PIPE PIPE PIPE? Black and galvanized. New and second-hand, for water, steam and Irrigation? Casing pipe a specialty. LOOK! We have the largest stock of new and second-hand pipe on the Pacific Coast and We are selling it at prices that will bring your business. AN IDEA 1-ln.. practically new, $S.SO per hundred feet. ANOTHER Rubber roofing. 78c roll. How does that sound? Mail Inquiries and prompt attention. orders given our M. BARDE SONS. THE HOi:SE OF A MILLION BARGAINS 20-242 Front St., cor. Main. Portland. Oregon. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. MACHINERT, ETC. BOO GOVERNMENT RAINCOATS ALL SIZES. 1.0O EACH. 1000 ROSE CITT BRAND UMBRELLAS. LADIES OR MEN'S. 00c EACH. LARGE LOT NEW AUTO TIRES. Michelin and Diamond Brand. 30 per cent from list. LOT GALE BUCKETS AND TUBS. We guarantee all the above goods to b. new. Anything bought from us" if not sat isfactory gladly taken back and monef refunded. J. SIMON BRO. Front and Grant. Mala 2002. A 2O02. 1