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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1914)
THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 25, 1914. . "r JalAlr- KbAL KI.WE. REAL ESTATE. RE.U, ESTATE. I BBAt ETE. K. MR. RENTER. "We appeal to you. why keep on pay in s- rent year after year Why not ' turn the rent receipts Into monthly Installments and in five ' years own your own home ? Get - your name on the, cowwty records and show that you are a good, live citizen. Did you ever give, this im ponanr matter a thought? Of course you have, but you simply neglected to make the start. Now - your opportunity. You and your wife take. Vancouver cir tomorrow get off at El Tovar station, corner or Morgan. I will be at the off ice and will show you those beautiful bun galows and building lots and ex plain to you the ternus by which you can become the owner 'of a home in a very short time. It costs nothing to investigate this. We will assies t you. THE BRONO COMPANY, :C7 xi Oak St., Iewis Bldg. Tract Office, corner Morgan and Union Ave. COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. In this brand-new S-ropm 3-story house, with 1 a r ir at tic. located at the southeast corner of East 4th and Cam there t.. In sweii restricted district. $3400. J30 PER MONTH. 34O0. Latest designs In wall decorations, beaming and paneling. semi-Indirect light ins system, oak. floors, fireplace, built-in h'iffpt bookcases, writinsr desk, etc.: nice reception, hall, kitchen has canopy for gas stove, cooler, ironing-Doara ; tun wmcm. basement, has furnace, laundry traya, ec; front porch concrete; street improved; '4 sleeping-room on second floor. This house is priced far below Its real value. See it today and judge for your self. Open 2 to 5 P. M. today. Phone OWNER. PHONE B 2696. fi-ROOM BUNGALOW. J BLOCKS FROM HAWTHORNE AVE. Double constructed, hardwood floors, paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, fur nace, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitchen, stationary wadh trays, full cement basement, bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel; all rooms tinted; street Improvements all in and paid for; the finest of material is used in construc tion; come and see this beautiful home, between, 3 and 6 Bungay, 340 4Sth st- The price is a sacrifice ; the term are what you have been looking for. WILBEKG-OPPEGARD INV. CO. Uo Stock Exchange Bldg. Marshall ouu. SNA P ! SNAP ! SNAP ! BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK HOME, 60X100 LOT, BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND ROSES, fl-ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, . r'IKEPLACE; EVERYTHING MODERN. FIRST-CLASS AND UP TO THE MINUTE; ONE BLOCK OFF SAN DY BOULEVARD; WILL SACRIFICE FOR $3500; WORTH $4500; TERMS, $600 CASH, BALANCP- LIKE RENT; NO TRADES. NO AGENTS. AF 353, QRE OONIAN. 1 OWN a beautiful 7-room house, 75x100, one block from Beaumont car, worth $0500 of any ynan's money ; the Incum brance is $4000 and I will sell my equity for $400 cash ; house only one year old; has l-foot fireplace furnace, full cement basement, all double constructed work and strictly up to date. This is a real sacrifice, as the property is a beautiful and attrac tive home. AK 306, Oregonlan. BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON'S BEST RESIDENTIAL PART. Party must sell line 8-room house, hard Wjxjil floors throughout, 2 bathrooms, 2 fireplace, furnace, electric, water heater, etc. Let me show It to you; if suited make owner an offer. Dubois, 723 Chamber Coin merce. Main 5129. MODERN bungalow, Hawthorne district; furnace, fireplaces, laundry, mahogany furniture, oak dining-room suite, good Dictures. silk, window drape; Kood rugs and linoleum, bedroom and kitchen furni ture, a few hundred dollars will put you In Dossesaion of nice home. Call 710 Lewis bld. M a rsh a 1 1 4200, A 718. s out h""po rtlan d . Olose-in, beautiful view, bard surface paid, new 7-room bungalow and sleeping porch ; forced to sell, $4750 ; small cash payment, easy monthly balance, or will make large discount for cash. 325 Rail way Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. I can give you the bent buy in Portland in a 5-room MODERN BUNGALOW; $3500 value tor $2050; close-in. Rose City Parle. See it. Terms. No agents. I 352, Ore gonlan. A REAL BARGAIN. 5 -room bungalow; oak floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, shades and fixtures, cement basement, 30x100 lot; one block from car; must sell. Owner and bifllder, X 340, Oregonlan. BEFORE leaving Portland for an indefinite period I desire to sell my interest In a new 7-room IS-story residence on pafred street In good neighborhood or exchange for equal interest in a good lot or subur ban tract. Call Tabor 5241. VERY classy B-roora bungalow, new, all built-in conveniences, hard floors, fire place und cement basement; lot 60x100, close to car; bargain at $300 and can be sold on terms like rent. X 307, Orego niau. JXK SALE A snap; will sacrifice my beau tiful modern 5-room bungalow, 15 min. out on West Side; 5-cent carfare, one block from ear, beautiful lot 50x100. A big snap for all cash if taken at - once. By Main 4253. NEW 4-room bungalow; Dutch kitchen, hard floors, shades and electric fixtures, cement basement: lot 50x100; near car; u sacrifice at $185"; must be sold; terms like rent. AO 300. Oregonlan. DANDY It-room modern bungalow with everv convenience, beautiful view, natural shrubs and trees, only short distance out on e-ood car line. $1250. See owner, 512 Plati bldg. j; HAVE an S-rootn house,' thoroughly mod ern, iu one of the best restricted districts of the city, cost $5UUO; will sell for S3S50; $300 cash will handle. A fine home if you need one. Owner. AK 338. Oregonlan. 10-liOOM house, gas, electricity, laundry, trays, etc., 60xl25-foot lot; block from cur; could easily be made Into 2 flats; $1100 cash takes it, all free from incum brance. Tabor 864. AT ONCE 8-ROOM HOUSE, IMPROVED STREET. GOOD LOCALITY. THIS IS A BARGAIN: WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. CALL Irtpl CO RUETT ST. OR BP 335, OREGON I AN. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your iots or ours; by your own plans or ours;, pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SACRIFICE IF SOLD AT ONCE. New modern 7-room home in Irving ton; hardwood floors and Bteam heat. CARXER A BELL. Morgan Bldg. BUNGALOW AND ACRE. Park Rose, three blocks from carllne, and Sandy boulevard; one of best acres in tract. Price $1550. Jaoom Haas, Bar linger blrlg. DoU BLE your money. If ou have $1000 cash and want a new MtY Tabor home., I w ill give you $2000 in value for it. Bal ance of $2000 on straight mortgage. In vestigate my offer. AG 352, Oregonlan. WILL sell at lens than building cost, new, modern 4-room bungalow, disappearing bed. buffet, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, basement. Foget, 5133 72d st. S. E. PIEDMONT. fi-room modern house, near Jefferson High and Catholic schools.' restricted district; best car service. Woodlawn 3150. $1250 New 3-room house, lot 80x175, all fenced and cultivated; good chicken house 12x40; terms $10 monthly. Owners. (It Stock Exch. Didg. Main 6765. Modern 0-room Hawthorne bungalow at 322 E 47th st -All conveniences. Worth $ a' 50. HOUSE. 8 rooms, well built, sunny, modern, on Portland Heights carliue, first stop bey or.d Pat ton Koad; in front of Valley it w ei-aiuii. euie or rent. Alain 0-17 TWO-ROOM house, tent-house and wood house attached; lot 50x100 Price $000; $350 cabh. balance $10 per "month, 6 per cfnl 1 t ri t t twn "t ",". 1? : . v. x.-.-. . v. CWIk VfA7 -i 1 u . m.ivu! t -z-l UU1I1 UM II KH IOW, built-in conveniences; cor. lot, block to car. E. Hoyt and t8th st. Owner, Mar ahull 2Sy. VV1LUXO TO SELL RIGHT. MUST SELL Modern home, tine lot, all Improvements in: Hawthorne car 1 block, 15 minutes' ride. S22S5. Terms. Tabor 2546. FOR SALE $1100 each buys my house and lot. furniture and Winter's wood, bearing frutf trees, bcrriea. shrubbery and lawn. amea ut r-none laoor 1047. MtOOM COTTAGE, lot 67100, close in. East Side: location excellent for busi ness property or rooming-house. Owner, A as 1 . O rear tin tan. NEW modern 12-room house In Irvington' Quarter block. Phone East 3432. R, B I" OR SALE at your own price, modem 8 roo:n house, near irvington Club; must b A BARGAIN Modern house for sale at 62 Webster st.. $1800, easy terms. Woodlawn . ! S.i"R;viCE 5-room bungalow, $2000,; cost ... TERMS New 4-room modern house; Hunt oiv i. con. mmnaii ATTENTION, BARGAIN HUNTERS. A REAL SACRIFICE IN A BUNGALOW $5350. This artistic six-room v bungalow in beautiful Alameda Park on a GoxluO lot must be sold; I must have money; I will sacrifice for $3350; the duplicate sold in Laurelhurst for $4400; has hardwood floors in all rooms, high-clans wall paper in liv ing and dining-rooms, clinker bricKchim uey and purch columns; 1 consider it one of the best bungalows I have built In Portland, but I must sell; $350 down, bal ance terms; positively no trade, Skidmore street, between 31st and 3iid sts. Take Broadway car. Tony G. Anderson, 38 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEW i-BOOM BUNGALOW. . $800 CASH. Owner will take mortgage on place for balance amounting to 1000, 3 years, in terest 7 per cent, tor the man or woman who has $800 cash this Is the best buy in the City of Portland. Five rooms and sleeping porch, corner lot; one block from Rose City Park car line, cement sidewalks, yard will be grad ed and seeded. - Built-in bookcase, Dutch kitchen, bed rooms, bathroom and kitchen finished in white enamel; concealed boiler and woed lilt; front porch 3tx8 feet; electric fix tires, switch for each opening, ehades, waxed floors, walls ail tinted; the work manship of this house is the best; agents need not answer th i. as I cannot pay commission at this price. M 273, Ore gonian. $1975 TERMS $197 5." $1975 TERMS $1975. 1020 E. 29TH ST. NORTH. 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW AND SLEEPING PORCH. Never occupied; new and etrictly mod ern; full concrete basement, Ubx3t and 7 feet high ; electric fixtures, beamed cell ing, paneled dining-room, elegant buffet, Dutch kitchen, artistic front porch with pretty pergola; woodlift, wash trays, splendid bath and lavatory. Street Im provements in and paid. Fine neighbor hood, and only block to carline. Plenty built-in effects. See this today. Owner there 10 to 5 dally until sold. Phone East fiitia evenings. Alberta car to Xfttb. mU, then block south. MUST. BE SOLD. ONE 4-room bungalow located at 72d and oisKyou sts., has disappearing bed in dining-room making it equal to a 5-room house. It has a large bedroom. Dutch kitchen, two large closets, large living room, cement basement, with laundry trays installed, fixtures and shades are furnished, in fact the house is modern in every way. Price has been reduced to $1800. Cement sidewalks in front have all been paid for. I am offering this bungalow for $100 cash and balance to suit purchaser. Have this same bunga low located at 58th and Hoyt sts. for $1600, same terms. See owner T. W Nordby, Qua Couch bldg. REAL SACRIFICE. $3250 BUNGALOW FOR $2030. Very good little 0-room bungalow in Westmoreland, a restricted district. Has furnace, fireplace, good plumbing. Owner a non-resident, compelled to sell. There Is a first mortgage of $1300 at 7 per cent standing against the property. You can pay $o0 cash and take the place aubject to the mortgage. See A. H . RIRFfRT.T. no 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PEH MONTH, which includes intereat. buys new five-room bungalow, with bleep-tng-porch, bath, fireplace, all built-in con. veniences, hardwood floors, gas and elec tric fixtures and window shades installed, one large, well lighted room for sewing or double bedroom, full concrete basement with cement floor, stationary wash trays and woodhoist, cement sidewalks; near good, Btreetcar line, schools, churches and paric ; ready for occupancy November L Phone East k87. WILL sacrifice swell, modern 2 -family flat; S II Till K rnm. V. tur.,,. -.... $1000 down and $U5 per month; walking distance on E. Yamhill st. Hee owner, 171 3d st. Phone East 5U48. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New 3-r. bungalow, with attic; price $2750; $l!O0 cash required; all of the built in features, built by day's work; doubly constructed, oak floors; view lot with large trees; restricted dist. Will give ex ceptionally good buy to responsible party both, as to price and terms. Open Sunday. Call owner, office Oth and Hawthorne. Day, Tabor 1U4H ; evenings. East 0504. Brokers recognized. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS, SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 824 ABIXGTON BLDG. 80x200, 3-ROOM house, $3 monthly. $030 ; . LTt!, i-ruora nouse, io monthly, $1450; fi-room modern house, $10 monthly, $1700. A. C. MARSTERS, 202 Wilcox Bldg. , Main 3517, A 7340, Tabor 1770. H -ACRE HOME $1750. Neat 8-room bungalow, 4 blocks from ear; all kinds of fruit and berries. $250 cash, balance monthly. 20 minutes' ride from city. Fred W. German Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Piedmont bungalow, 6 rooms. jiarawooa iioors, iurnace, tireplace, full basement and attic, all modern finish, lawn, flowers, tree; fine location; part cash and assume; at bargain. 143 Rod ney. OWNER needs money. Will sacrifice his moaern n.iw 7-room house for $2700, in cluding $O0O street improvements; must have $120!.i cash, balance long time. Gold schmidtg Agencyr Stock exchange buildine. 'ROOM new bungalow on lot 40x120; mod ern all through and well built; will trade for unincumbered lots near carline ; you will find this snap; price $1800. COE A. M'KENNA CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. MY new 7-room home on the West Side, cost me aoout. souuu; l must raise some cash and will sacrifice for $4250 if 1 can get $1750 cash. This 1 a bonaflde snap. A 354, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Full 2-story, A rooms, sleeping porch; every convenience; block from car. Tabor 3260. NEW 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100. price $1600; -will take lot as part payment, bal ance $12 a month, including interest. AC 347, Oregonian. 10-ROOM modern house and garage, 100x -ioo. corner cast itroaaway and 21st st. North; $5000 cash, the balance in J years at 6 per cent Interest. Phone East 62H9. BY OWNER Close In, new, modern 7- roonv nouse, a lots, $200, terms or take city property as first payment. Phone East 3731. BY OWNER, a bargain, new. modern 7- room nouse ana sleeping-porch ; all mod ern convenience, full corner lot. West Hide, fine view. Marshall 4194. WHAT have you to offer for $500 equity in modern 5-room bungalow, near Mt. Ta-bor-Sunnyside -carline? BF 333, Orego nlan. for pale Business property. AN ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT BLDG. A very attractive brick apartment, cower ing 100x100 feet, on West Side, con sisting of theMand and building. It is strictly modern, located in best close-in section of city, and a "going" Sropoeition. The consideration will e cash ajid some Portland propertv of recognized merit. If you want a good thing, call and see me. R. H. Blossom. 316 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTH PORTLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY $60KJ. Fine corner, large store building, an1 , rooms overhead, street improvements paid for; unincumbered; exchange for small farm same value or less. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. S700 BUY 5 "a half acre tract close in on the West side. 5c car fare, city water piped In front, best of soil, freo from rock and gravel. It will pay you to see this prop erty. Positively the best value around Portland. Terms $20 cash, $10 a month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. For Sale Suburban Home Property. FINK SUBURBAN HOME. Close-in, 1 4 acres, all in fruit; beantK ful home. You should see this. Price and terms will suit you; no agents. L 351, Oregonlan. 2 ACRES at Metzger Station, fruit, and in fine cultivation, house, some furniture. D-cent carfare, one block from depot, will sell cheap or trade for good city residence. Phone Marshall 3041. 6Q.t Oregonlan bldg. 1 ACRES and t-roora bungalow on Be car line, Portland. Or.; will sell at a genuine bargain. Write . L. Walker, 103 W. Main L, Centralis, Wash. ' NO PAYMENTS FOR ONE TEAR ACRE BRAND NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE - Plasteretl. tinted, electric lighted, city gas. Bull Run water; 5-cent carfare; -3 block, from large graded school, price $1350; terms, $125 down, no more pay ments for a vear. This wIU give you an opportunity to get nicely started in your new home before payments begin. Let us explain to you our ulan. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 518'Abington bldg. vHERS'8 YOUR HOME: OverNvea acres of very highly Im proved land, all kinds of fruit, high-class buildings,, fine view, good electric serv ice, fine roads, near the city; all goes for $5Ou0, Including furniture and year's wood In cellar and livestock;, time at J per cent on one half. SMITH & HOUCK, 301 Henry Bidg. RIVER FRONT BARGAIN. I now offer for sale my GRAND RIVER FRONT HOME. Nothing better on mar ket. Full acre. Beautiful trees. Close-in. Near car. WEST SIDE. Elegant modem 10-room home. I HAVE CUT THE PRICE CLEAR TO THE QUICK AND THEN SOME I Terms. Never bef or offered for sale. No agents. M 353, Oregouian. 5-ROOM bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, bath, electric lights, with hair acre ground or more if wanted, chicken house and large run, fruits of all kind; one square from P&rkrose High School ; two squares from car of Bandy Road ; can be bought for leas than cost. Write for particulars. AO 340, Oregonian. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good oil, city water; close to carllne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 47ti. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. Fur Sale Acreage. EXTRA CHOICE 5 ACRES. $1250. $250 cash. Right ou electric, near Tualatin, 43 minutes of Portland. All cleared and practically ready for t he plow. Very rich soil, just enough slope for good drainage. This land is $100 per acre under market. ' Take advantage of this opportunity and get in shape to be come Independent. J. G. Rainey, 1304 Yeon Bldg., Marshall 3177. 20 ACRES FOR $1000. Only 28 miles from Portland, on level county road; mile from R. R. ; nice trout stram; a acres bottom land, 10 acres fine bench land and 5 acres fruit or pasture land; all fine soil, easy clearing, $100 down and monthly payments to suit. J. H. RULEY CO., " 92S Chamber of Commerce. FOR QUICK SALE. V$600, 1 acres of land. . 4-room house, small barn, woodshed, smokehouse, land all in cultivation and in garden. Joins on Cowlits River, boat landing at door, )4 mile to R. R. station, near Woodland, Wash. Fare 50c on boat from Portland. See Mr. Stahl, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON- (Fourth and Stark S ts. ) ELECTRIC LINE, eight block of station; chicken and fruit , ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres $400. $600, $700; $ acres, $600. $700; 10 acres, $750, $00, $1UOO per tract; best -oil, free wood, spring water; acreage a: Scappoose, Or,, $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO- 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. HAVE a limited number of- quarter-acre tracts, mostly cleared and rich soil, just east of Mount Tabor Park, that I can sell while they lust for about the usual price of a single lot. Are located mid- - way between the Mount Tabor and Haw thorne earllnes and only a few minutes walk from either. Only two blocks from school. Phone owner, Woodlawn 539. SPOT CASH SACRIFICE. Going to California. Must sell acres three-quarters of mile from Morrow sta tion. Estacada carline, 13 acres cleared, fair set buildings, fine soil, water can be piped to buildings, fine trout stream on place. Price $2100. Get busy; nothing like this. AOOB HAAS, Gerlinger Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMESITE ONLY $365. Splendid homesite right at electric sta tion, on county road, fine view, good soil, ready for cultivation, water and electric light; $10 per month buys It. Can you beat it? THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 21Q Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. 3 ACRES, NEAR PORTLAND, $1150. Level, graveled auto road to city.' S miles from Courthouse, fine soil, timber enough to make big payment on land; $150 down, balance ae you please. See it for investment or suburban home. J. B. RULEY CO 928 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACRE suburban home, located on both Red Electric and Ore, Electric, fare 25c ; good 0-room house, barn, orchard, all lays fine. Price $75 per acre. Term See Mr. . Rohrbough, 260 Stark st. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 5 ACRES IN GRASS. Pretty &-acre tract, cleared, level 'and In grass ; convenient to ' school, store, post effice and railroad stations; plenty good neighbors; splendid roads; pure, sparkling water; only $5oO; terms if Wanted. D. F. Hickey, Hotel Perkins after Monday. Call or write. . WOOD WILL HELP PAY FOR THIS. & acres in Tualatin Valley; 12 miles from Portland, near electric station ; fine soil and a large amount of virgin timber; lies level; price $1000, $100 cash, $20 monthly. , LUEDDEMANN CO., ' 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES FINE LAND. Been in cultivation, small house, barn, well, all fenced, etc.; on splendid road; price $2850 ; a good buy ; good terms to right party. W. A. BARNES CO., 510 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Main 2081. SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres on Red Electric carllne, fine location, 19 trains to and from Portland each day; fare 23c. Price $2oO per acre. Terms. See Mr. Rohrbough, 09 Stark st. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON OREGON CITY SUBURBS. If you' have $1000 cash you can get a beautiful level 17-acre place with small, comfortable house, barn, etc., for about half value. Write at once. Canrjot delay. XX 0U7, Oregonian. 10-ACRE tract, good land, good location, running water; $100 and up per acre, small payment. Will consider clearing for part payment. Here is a chance to make good. G. S. Smith & Company, 432 Cham ber of Commerce. 3 ACRES ON FINE AUTO ROAD. 3 miles from Portland and near carllne; all good level land; price $1330; $25 down and $16 monthly. LUEDDEMANN CO., 918-917 Chamber of Commerce GARDEN HOME. A beautiful acre tract, close to O. E. depot at Garden Home, In cultivation ; owner will sell aK reasonable price and make terms. A. H. Blrrell Co., 217 North western Bank bldg. . ACREAGE SNAP. Splendid acreage close-in on Base Line road; snap. Terms. Also a fine acre close to car in Vancouver. No agents M 351,, Oregonian. TIGARD ROAD GARDENS. 2, 8 and 4-aore tracts, all in cultivation, 6 min. walk to station, $350 to $450 per ucre; easy. -terms; only 6 tracts left. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. SPLENDID acre, with nice 5-room house, near Garden Home station, at only $1jOO. This is good property and a rare bargain. Will 11 adjoining acre if desired. Samuel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. . BARGAIN 2 acres and good house, 3 min. to electric car; pood service for workers in Portland. Will accept gooa piano as part payment. Address box 28. Aioha, Or. TIGARD BARGAIN. 2 acres, all cultivated, close to school. Will sacrifice; make your own terms. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN" CO., 21Q Gerlinger Bidg., 2d and Alder Sts. $3.50 PER ACRE; $8.50 PER ACRE. -240 acrea of land In Klickitat County, Wash., 12 miles from Goldendale. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. FORCED sale. $3000 value. $1500; 6 rich acres, house, store across street, depot, Vancouver car, $100Q cash and warranty deed, bal. time. AB 343, Oregonian. 13 ACRES, close to Salem electric, all cleared ; good soil ; price $2500 for quick sale this week, $1SOO; terms. Owner, 414 Failing bldg. SMALL tract near electric line, 35 minutes from downtown district ; low price for a quick turn. R. C. Hulfeert. 1201 Yeon bldg. GRESHAM property, 6 acres. In fine cultiva tion; 1 acre orchard; want modern house. Hawthorne district; will accept good mort gage. E. Davidson, Gresham. Phone 509. 4-ROOM bungalow, 1 acre of ground, city water, chicken-houses and runs, 10c car fare; $1500, $150 cash. 142, .Second s. Room 28, NICE acre in the vicinity of Lents, with practically new 4-room house, at a great- sacrmce ana genuine bargain. Samuel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres, house, barn, chicken coop and 20 acres at Butler, Wash.; terms or trade. Owner, 875 East 7th North. 1H ACRES at a sacrifice for cash, or wiil trade for auto. Pacific Scale and Supply Co.. 46 Front st. $5 PER month buys acre on 11-cent car fare, right at station. Price of $235. Can you beat It? AM 89, Oregonian. SUBURBAN homesite only $250, with water close to electric station; 10-cent commu tation fare. AK 30S, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Exceptional bargain in im proved 40 acres, close city. B 3M, Oregonlan. ACREAGE. 1. 2. r and 10-acre tracts. SO rain- :ites out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare, very best of.x soil, warer and community conven iences; $125 to $500 per acre, on in stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main .S3. 102 4th St. . ?50O. METZGER ACRE TRACTS. Own your own home, 24- trains a day. 23 minutes from Jefferson street station on Oregon Electric, commutation fare 9 cents; fine deep fertile soil; can raise your own vegetables, chickens, etc. ; school, church, store postoffice. I am selling Metzger acre tracts at war prices. Yon can buy an acse foR. one-third the price you will pay for a city lot as far or farther out than my tracts. Think of it. Terms to suit. Have a talk with the owner at room 4o2 Title & Trust bldg., SO Fourth street. Office hours 10:30 to 4:R0 or call at Metzger station on Oregon Elec tric Ry. HERMAN METZGER, OWNER. 20 ACRES- -WITH FINE CREEK crossing it; on level gravel road, one mile from station, 20 miles from Portland; all good soil; no rocks-; half burnt over this year; easy clearing; cabin to use tempor arily. Fine tract for berries, fruits, vege tables, hogs or dairy ; clover grows pro fusely. Price $1075. terms $20 down and $20 monthly, or $230 down and $200 yearly, LUEDDEMANN CO., 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. fi ACRES FOR $250. 10 Down and $5 Per Month Btjys 5 acre- good lodged -off land 1 mile f om main line of railroad and town of 1 J00 population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria; land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms; many 6 -acre tracts to choose from, BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 31s Railway Exchange Bldg. Bet. 3d and 4th. Sls,, on Stark, TIGARD 9 ACRES, $4500. This place is 8 miles from Portland on Taylor Ferry road; has a 7-room plas tered house, with fireplace; It cost $1800; good barn, 5 acres under cultivation, 120 fruit trees, strawberries raspberries, logan berries, currants; in- fact, every kind of small fruit; an ideal acreage home; owner was offered $4000 for the bare land four years ago; easy terms. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads, WANTED Man and wife, son or daughter, or friends, who will take three timber claims, 4,000,000, 6,000,000. 1,060,000, stumpage, and buy my timber claim of 1,000,000 stumpage. Wm. H. Smith, Isl and City. Or. TWO good agricultural homesteads, some timber, water and close to market. Curry and Tillamook County; railroad building olose. Marshall 3041. 603 Oregonian bldg. FOR $50 will locate you perfectly level jjomemeaa near ranroaa. 001 ju. earn .IN . Rose City Park. Phone O aia. For Haie Fruit Iuidm, 20 ACRES IN HOOD RIVER. 5 acres In orchard, trees 13 years old, ln best condition ; acrea rich bottom land , balance occupied by pasture with running stream, buildings, etc. ; large 7- room house, newly rebuilt and painted in side and ' out, large barn, mllkhouse, tenant-house, apple-house and chicken-house, all necessary equipment, cows and team ; price $a50o. AV 70, Oregonian. 20 ACRES IN HOOD RIVER, 18 acres in apple orchard of best com. . mercial varieties, trees, 11 years old, ex cept two acres of 6-year-old Spits. ; 1 4fc acrea of bottom land, & miles to Hood River station, 14 mile to Mt. Hood R. R. station; crop will pay high interest on price of $12,000.- AV 80, Oregonian. PLACER County oranges are now getting ripe ; investigate now ; 200 acres citrus fruit lajid for sal. 840 per aera; a.11 under gravity water system, fully equipped with farm buildings; terms; for Information ad dress to CHRIS T0FFT, Lincoln, Cal. MONTANA Apple land to sell or trade, about 80 acres set out to dne apples, 20 bearing-, In famous Clark'a Fork Valley. Owner, Chas. E. Johnson. 093 E. Main, ciy.- Irrigated Lands. 20 ACRES (under Carey act). 3 miles of . La Pine. Or. K. 353, Oregonlan. ONLY $300 DOWN. 20 acres. 12 acres In cultivation, S acres pasture, all good land, lies level, well drained, 2 acres bottom land, tine onion land; good dairy barn, new 3-room cabin, new house partly completed, cement base ment, new deuble deck warm chicken house, tine orchard assorted fruits bearing, running water, y miles from Vancouver; good gravel road except last ' V mile, 14 miles to R. R. station, mile to two churches, stcross the road from two-room graded school. R. F. D. and cream route. Price, $40UO, only $300 down and $3500 5 years at 0 per cent and promise of re newal at end of 5 years at current rate of interest. 3 ACRES, $2000. All in cultivation, fair' buildings, or chard bearing, good water, all good gar den soil only 4 blocks from carline, 5c fare; $1000 catfh, balance H years at 7 per cent. WANTED, WHEAT RANCH. For IOO acres near Independence, all in cultivation, good buildings and water, all good land, lies nearly level. ATKINSON At NICHOLS, 61 1 Main Street. Vancouver, Washington. CLOSE-JN FARM. 103 acres, all first-class soil, on gentle slope to Tualatin River; 33 acrea in crop; good 0-room house and large barn, 10 milch cows, some young stock, team, pigs, chickens and goats; -complete farm ma chinery, 35 loads hay in barn, county road, daily mail and milk route; 16 miles Port land; $l2.04o, terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND, $0O0. All level, fine soil, close to a good business town with high school, bank, creamery, electric lights, etc. ; less than 1W miles to R. R., store, P. O. and eighth grade school ; large sawmill, with plenty of work at cood wares: $10O cash, 5 years to pay balance. Hostetler & Anderson, 723 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 10 ACRES. We offer a beautiful 10-acre tract near Kelso. Splendid 4-room houser new barn, $3)0 water system, chicken house ; beau tiful view and an Ideal place for a home. $2000; very easy terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DAIRY AND HOGS. .40 acres in Washington Co., 23 miles from Portland; 25 in cultivation, build ings, horses, lows, implements, and every, thing nded on the place for foOOO; $2000 cash, balance easy terms. ' HOSTETLER & ANDERSON, 723 Cham, of Com. 2S0 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. In the Willamette Valley, on of th6 most beautiful farms in Oregon; well equipped and stocked, $32,00O ; $10,000 cash. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHEAPEST FARM INSIDE OF 8 MILES 40 acres, only 8 miles from Courthouse on fine road, in high Ktate of cultivation, well improved, only $215 per acre on easy terms. Nothing like around Portland. F. F1TCTTS.- 4U0 Chamber of Commerce. BACK TO THE FARM. $1750 141 acres near Clatsop Beach; some good timber; term. , $3000 06 acres near Carlton. mostly 2d-growth timber; good terms, r FRED C. KING, 314 Spalding Bldg. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. We have excellent farm bargains of all kinds and sixes from 1 acre up to 10,000 acres in a bunch. For good values and a square deal, see F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. ' SMALL Missouri farm; $5 cash, $5 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land; close three big markets; write pho tographs, full Information. Hunger, H. 14S. N. Y. Life bldg, Kansas City. Mo. BICx SNAP 3 MILES FROM HILLSBORO. 40 acres, very best of soil, adapted to -any kind of farming, for only $78 per - acn at dead easv terms, investigate. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 230 acres, fine soil. Yamhill County, 80 acres cultivated, most of bal ance ewsily cleared; abundance of running water and pasture; $60 per acre; one-fifth cash, balance crop payments; Interest 6 per cent. AL 23, Oregonian. 40 ACRES, all level, land all under culti vation, $2600 ; terms. Main 5103 between 5 and 7 P. M. Address AD 362, Orego nian. 24 ACRES, 11 acres bottom land, good, build ings, close to town, $J500; term. Phone Main 5103 between 5 and 7 P. M. Ad drees AC 374. Oregonlan. 80 ACRE? highly improved. 70 miles south of Portland ; if you can get $1500 this week I will sell for $3000; it must be quick. Phone Marshall ami. 603 Oregonian bldg. TEN acres in Tualatin Valley, one mile from electric depot, very good buildings, fine spring, all fenced, at l sacrifice. Room 14-. 231 4 Morrison. $40 ACRES cheap for cash : no trade In quire 1584 Division St.. Portland. WESTOVERTERRACE view lot at bigsnap If tsken at once. O 8.r0, Oregonlan. TAKE residence part nay men t fine 30-acre farm near Eugene. Tabor 5426. SWELL 5-room modern lower flat: nice yard. 70 E. Yamhill. Phone East ."HW8. 15 ACRES Buildings, partly ct-ared; - this week, $300 down. Main 1940. YOU CAN MAKE GOOD HERE. LITTLE MONET NEEDED. COWS ON BUTTERFAT PAYMENTS. You can make good fn the famous Los Molinos Irrigated district, Sacramento Valley, however limited your means and whether you have had previous farming experience or not. There is never a crop failure ; never a water shortage; alfalfa goes 10 tons per aero; fruits grow to per fection; dairy cows pay $100 a year each; hogs raised at smaller cost than any where else in U. S. ; ideal spot for poultry. Cows furnished without a cent of cash down and half the butterfat receipts t . 'en in payment. All braeda. Land on more liberal payment - than rent. Twice as much time as you need to pay out, Beautiful country. Good schools. Pure drinking water. All Americans. Selling more land than any other section of Cali fornia. Come quick and get good lo cation. LOS MOLlNOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos. Cal. i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. DAIRY, HOG AND HOP FARM. 97 acres of fine loam soil all In cultiva tion, but 7 acres of Umber; a0 acres bottom land (no better In Oregon), one-half seed ed for next year, clover, timothy. 10 acres hops. 10 acres potatoes, IT acres first bench land with buildings, 30 acres seeded to clover, wheat, oats and vetch, kale, berries, etc., good family orchard, 7-rooin house, large barn, large, chicken-house, creamhouse and outbuildings all painted, electric lights In house, barn and barn yard, telephone nd cream route, alii fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire, lO cows, 3 heifers, 1 bull. 23 hogs. 1 reg istered Jersey boar, 4 horses, 2 colts, hO to 00 chickens, Z geese, full set of new farm machinery and tools, cream separa tor, etc., joins tlja city limits of Ml An gel. Or., mil from house to center of town, fine colleges, schools and churches, fin view; price $22,50O, mtg. $7000; will take income property or will sell on easy terms. H. A. STILES. 315 Chamber of Commerce; IMPROVED 160-ACRE FARM. 17 MILES PORTLAND. $100 per acre; never has such a bargain been offered In good farm property so close In on the West Side; read descrip tion carefully; 80 acres in cultivation. 4 acre family orchard, 40 acrea slashed, over 12,000 oedar posts. 2 streams which never go dry, 8 sides woven-wire fenced, good 8-room house, large barn ami woodshed, well, all farm Implements, wagon, binder, hack, team of horaes, etc, go with place. This la ail good land, most of It has been in cultivation just a few years so all the natural fertility is still in the soil; on f daily milk route, phone, ete. ; 9 miles aouth of MinsDoro ana 11 miles ot roruana on Farming ton road. An inspection of this farm will surprise you; no trade. J. G. RAINEY. 1304 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177. 2W4-ACRB DAIRY RANCH. About Sf."0 acres under cultivation, finest of soil, abour 100 acre of creek bottom land, does not overflow, T-room house, 2 good barns,- one old barn, 6 miles from town and about 16 miles from Albany, R0 acre seeded to clover, 23 head of milk cows, 15 head of calves and yearlings, 3 horses, registered Holstein bull, 30 head of hogs. 00 chickens, 6 turkeys, 6 geese, plow, mower, rake, bindei:, 2 wagons, all small tools, some household goods, 5 rain and 3 barns full of gocd hay. This Is the best dairy and stock ranch In Oregon. Price. $17,000, including all. $7000 cash, balance good term. NO EXCHANGE CONSIDERED. E. F. GILBERT. 101 Washington st., Vancouver. Wash. I WANT YOU TO SEE THIS $1800 FORTY All plow land : V cleared of all atumps and plowed : 8-room house, o2xOO barn, granary, machine shed, boghouia, chickn- housj and 0x3O scratching shed, black smith shop and all tools, root house, well and 2 springs; excellent orchard; 11 hogs, 30 chickens, 65 bu. potatoes. 15 tons hay, brand new mower and rake, plow, harrow and all tools; all fenced and A-l; every thing neat as wax; no better land made and it's worth twice the price, but owner wants to accept an offer in another line; price $1800; $1400 cash, bal. at 6 per cent to suit. W. V. HYDE, Castle Rock. Wash. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM. 154 acres, fine part of Washington County, 3 miles on rock road to electric 'station; daily mail and milk routes; school closa; all fine soil; considerable creek bot tom with fine running stream. 4 acre onion land : 35 acres is in timber; good 0-room house, barn and necessary outbuild ings, only $80 an acre including' good horses, 2 cows, 3 heifers, 14 full-blooded hogs, chicken, turkeys, complete farm machinery, cream separator, wagons, har ness, 350 bushels oats, 16 tons hay, kale, 3 acres fine late potatoes; terms. D. Mc Chesney, Title & Trust Bldg. DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. IftO acres, 3 miles north of Deer Is land, Or.; fine loam soil, 20 acres in high state of cultivation, good house and barn and outbuildings, good family orchard, lots of potatoes and kale, about 20 tons of hay; will include a fine team of horses, new harness, 8 fine cows, 2 calves, some chlokens, set of farm machinery and small tools, all for $S000; $2000 cash, balance can be arranged at 6 per cent. H. A. STILES. BIB Chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN WELL IMPROVED RANCH. Will consider some exchange; 24 acres, 22 of which are in cultivation. 6-room farmhouse, 2 acres of beaverdam land, good well and spring, right close to elec tric carllne: with place goes team, wagon, buggy, hack, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, etc; located 12 miles from heart of city; price $7500; terms, too. W. A. BARNES CO., S10 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Main 2081. 40 ACRES, 5 miles north of Albany on Ore gon Electric ; all In clover, 1 0 acres in orchard, 4 years old; fair house of 7 rooms; excellent large barn and outbuild ings, new fences, good water and plenty of it. Price $7000; would take Portland property at cash value up to $3000 balance time to suit purchaser at 6 per cent in terest C. T. GILBERT, Albany, Or. 10-ACRE SNAP. Nearly all cleared and cultivated; good house, good bam; Including implements and tools, horse, wagon, pigs and chick ens; near Sycamore, on Gresham electric line; oulv IO miles from city; price a enao, S3 8 00; half cash, balance & years. Ask Mr. Pickarts, with . GRUSPI c BOLDS. 32d Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. FOR SALE A HIGHLY DEVELOPED RANCH OF 80 ACRES, SITUATED ONE MILE FROM CAPITOL BUILDING IN SALEM; NEW BUILDINGS, WELL STOCKED, CATTLE. HOGS, CHICKENS, DUCKS. ETC.; NEW FARM IMPLE MENTS. FI'S'E HOUSE. THIS FARM I WILL MAKE A LOW PRICE ON. AD DRESS OWNER, AV 93, Oregonian. 10 ACRES, with a fine 8-room house, barn, fine soil. Ideal hog ranch, located about miles from the center of the city on the West Side; about three qua.rter of a mile from the carline ; price $7500; will tske $1000 cash and the balance to suit purchaser; this is a good buy and 1 in the line of development. W. J. Davie, &05 Cor bett bldg STOCK and dairy ranch, $5GO 180 acrea in Yaquina Valley; one-half bottom land; 8-room houee, barn 42x108 ; 48 head cat tle, big team mares, farming- tools; 50 ton oat hay, 100 bushel oats. Running trout stream, good water power. Will 'take one-half cash, some trade' city property, balance easy terms. AN 342. Oregonlan. 314 FARM BARGAIN. Every-foot under cultivation, near rail road tat ion, state school, fair house and all out-buildings; one of the best in old Polk: County; will raise anything; $30 per acre; $7000 cash, balance long time at 6. No trades. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. 70 ACRES, 6 miles from Oregon City, about 80 acres In cultivation; good buildings; adjoining land Is selling at $100 per acre; let us show you this and you set tha price; this is a forced sale. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE-CO-, 211-12 Abington Bldg. OPPORTUNITIES in Washington; write State Bureau Information, Dept. S3,. OLym pia. Wash., free official bulletin contain ing detailed Information by counties, op - portunlties in stock, dairying, poultry, farming. Bureau does not sell land. Cor refpondence answered. 160 ACRES, homestead, with 3,000,000 feet standing timber thereon; good dairy or good ranch; very accessible; near Maple ton. Lane County. Or. ; no Incumbrances: positlvelv will sell at a bargarn. Call C 32f3. Scott Huff, 963 Vancouver ave. UMATILLA COUNTY WHEAT LAND. 820 acre. 8 miles from Pendleton, all In Summer fallow, rented this year; fair buildings ; abundant water; price $30 an acre; easy tTms. Luddemann Co., $13 Chamber of Commerce. BIG FARM list free, with photos; farms In many states, stock, and tools Included. Farmer' bargains. Owner addresses free. National Farm Exchange, Oakland. Cal. 160 ACRES. $20O0; fine water, sol!, timber, road, buildings. Yamhill Co. See owner. C. Osborne. 53 0 21st st. North. TEN acres, all clear, 4 miles Vancouver; good improvements. $3500. $1500 down. C. H. Ownby, Vancouver, Wash. 50 ACRES, Waconda. on Selem Electric; Improved: $125 acre. 907 Spalding bid g. 860 ACRE?, near Palem. $125 per acre, part trade. 907 Spalding bldg. 40 ACKL, 06 acre in cultivation, 16 acrea in full-bearing Italian prunes, 2 acre iu good family orchard, about 3 acrea genune beaverdam land and will grow onions or anything; running water year around, good well, 5-room house, good barn, barn room for 14 head cows, good chicken house, good granary, good hors barn; this is situated 6 mile from Vancouver, 1 mile from streetcar line, thickly settled country, close' to school and churches; land is all level, all No. 1 soil. If you are looking for a snap this prune orchard will pay for the place in three years. See tills farm at my expense. Price, $000O; $loto cash, balance can remain on the place. This Is owned by an old couple and are compelled to sell. They were offered $9km) for thl farm 2 year ago. The tlrst one who want a good prune orchard and ee this farm will buy iu 5 acres, all in cultivation, 5-room house. - acre In berries, 14 miles from street car lip. 13 miles from Portland; puce, $1300, one-half cash, balance term. HARRY T- HAYES. 112 West th , Vancouver. Wash. Phone ttis. Next door telephone office. SPLENDID' LITTLE FARM. In Washington County, consisting of Io- acrea, about 13 acres under cultivation. balance pasture; no waste land, no rock or gravel; it It all fenced; old house, barn and othur necessary buildings; small or chard; personal property consist of 1 span of horses, harness and wa gon, 1 buggy and harness. 5 cows, a lot of chickens, plenty of feed for stock for Winter; there are several acres of cow kale, turnips, etc.; on cream route. In the vicinity of Hills boro, on good road, 40 rod to school, splendid Improved surrounding it. Price $35A0. $loOO cash, baiancs can run for four years, 0 per cent. OTTO it HARKS ON REALTV CO.. 133 First tiu HOGS. POULTRY AND VETCH. 75 acres of level black loam sail on the Willamette River; all in cultivation ; 1 hmve 32 acre now in vetch and am plant ing 20 more; 7 -cres this year brought me SO neks. 14o lb, to the sack, and vetch la now worth $3.00 per 100 lbs.; balance of land will be in wheat, oats and elover; I havu 7 brood sows and regis tered Hampshire boar, 19 pig and should be 40 morn by Jan. 1. ; good big work team, two very fin Jersey cow, cost in $17d and over loo pullet and hunt; It white Indian Runner ducks, about 10- tons of hay, 100 bu. oats, 60 bu. wheat, 40O lbs. clover oed, new house, barn and outbuilding, new kitchen range and some good oak furniture; all goes for $115 per acre. 2 mile from Cartutry on Ore. Elec tric, & mile from Harrisburg on S. P. R. R- Address H. Graham, Harrisburg, Or. DAIRY AND HOG FARM. 70 aors of fine meadow, all In high state of cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, fair 7-roorn house, large barn and outbuildings, good family orchard, lies on the main road 13 mile south of Port land, Or., 3 miles south of Willamette, Or.; will include with this place 0 cows. 8 heifers, 1 ster, 3 mares. 2 yearling colts, brood sows, 1 Jersey boar, ltf pigs, 200 chickens, wagon, hack, binder, mower, rake, disk, drill, plows, section harrow, spring tooth harrow, cultivator, riding cultivator, fanning mill, manure Spreader, hay slings, cream separator, cart, 2 sets of harness, lots of small tools, 40 tons of hay. 200 bu. oats, 150 bu. wheat, l&O bu. wheat and oats mixed, lots of potatoes, kale and corn. Price $12,500. want about one-half cash. H. A. STILES, 815 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD PROFIT NOW; LARGER LATER. 157 acres at railway station and close to river; 30 miles to Portlaud on good auto road; 20 acre bottom in cultivation; bO acres more nearly cleared and gently roll ing, balance good seeded pasture; plenty fjjie water; 8-roem plastered house with bath and furnace heat, fair barn, other buildings, 10 milk cows, 4 calves; owner ships sweet zniik and cream at highest prices: team. & hogv, 14 pies, all needed machinery, cream separator, hay and grain until next harvest ; $5 7.50 an acre ; terms. D. McCheaney, Title -ft Trust bldg. 125 ACRES, 6 miles from Lebanon, half mile to store, 105 acres 'cleared, black loam soil, new house, good barn, straw sheds, nice chicken-housea with runs, milk house, 3 horses, 3 cows, 4 heifers, will be fresh this Spring, 3 heifer calves, 1 Jersey bull, IS pigs. 27 sheep, 300 chickens, 75 turkeys, all tool, cream separator, plenty of feed and grain for this Winter this Is buy at $75 per acre. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE-CO. . 211-12 Abtngton Bldg. NO BETTER FARM IN OREGON. 73 acre. 10 miles west of Portland; good road ; lovely view ; gently rolling; best loam soil, no rock; creek and spring; about SO acres in cultivation, 6 acres bea verdam: about 200o cords fir and cedar; 15 acres good pasture seeded; i.ouha of 5 rooms, barn and chicken bouses; personal prooertv worth $2000 included; price, very low for all cash. GODDARD St WIEDRICK. 24.-; Stark St. - DAIRY RANCH. 30 MILES PORTLAND. One mile to R. R. station, good county road to tract, V tillable land, balance fine pasture land, no rock, fine soil, abun dance running water, tract eaaily cleared. Joins right of way of R. R. to the coast; price $10,000; will take trade to $3000, mortgage back for $4000 at 6 per cent, balance cash. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, CLOSE IN, $2000. This farm is black loam, fenced, about 35 acres cleared, but some brush grown up, the rest is open oak; all is now ex cellent pasture and can be easily put in cultivation; on main graveled road IX mile from good railway town in Wil lamette Valley; has spring and small creek; splendid chance for mall dairy and poultry ranch; easy terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. FINE DAIRY OR GARDEN SPOT. 100 acres, 38 miles from Portland on Willamette River. Rich soil, all under woven wire fence. 2 good house, extra large barn, good grass the year round, boat landing on place, $10,000, $1000 cash, 15 years on balance at 6 per cent. This is a snap. HOWARD St MAILLOUX, 300 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, fenced and cross-fenced, on coun ty road, near Winlock, Wash., including house and furniture, barn and outbuildings, horse, harness, wagon, buggy, cows, calves, chickens, pig. farming and garden tools; " hay for Winter's feeding; Winter supply of wood; Fall crop in; running water and an abundance of fruit; $2700. Terms. Ad dreaa AV 58, Oregonian. $5 2 50 FARM BARGAIN $5250. 37 acres. 12 miles from 3d end Wash ington, 18 acrea in cultivation, good plas tered house, 6 rooms and basement; bam and all kinds outbuildings; about 2 acres young orchard in fine shape; living stream, on main county road. Ask for Beamer. HACKER A THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. 8QTTLER3 on our land are making good , cleared level bottom land, rich soil ; we help by furnishing lumber and good cows, also work close to property (going wages); local market, top prices, good roads, schools, transportation ; any man who is willing to work can make good on this proposition; prte $00 to $2tK per acre, very easy terms. 527 Corbett bldg PRETTY LITTLE HOME. Lovely little berry and poultry ranch of 2h acres, close to two railroad stations; nice, new buildings and fences; extra fine f fruit trees, land cleared and level; tine well. 'rV-e thl without fall; a real find. Only $:. cash. D. F. Hickey, Hotel Per klns, after Monday. Call or write.' GOOD profits can be made on this farm, only y miles from Ry. station; 12 acre in cultivation and 35 in shape to be quick ly cleared; balance open oak and fir; small family orchard and berrle. 3-room house, bam, fine running water, all tillable when cleared; $4000. Terms. D. McChesney, Title St ' Trust bldg. A FINE LITTLE FARM. 20 acres, half cultivated, house, barn, other buildings', orchard, near School, horse, cows, harness, wagon, hogs, chick ens, tools, hay and produce; mtg. $1275; price $3000; $1000 will handle it. C. B. JACKSON A Co., 514 Stock Exchange FOR SALE 20 acres. Clarke County, Wash ington, prune land, half cleared and In young orchard; house and barn; on coun ty road m mile to Pacific Highwav, 7 mile to Vancouver. Get full information from A, Slothower, R. 2, Newberg, Or. MUST SACRIFICE MY FARM 72 A., 0 A. cultivated, stocked and equipped, horses, cows, hogs, chickens, tool, house, bam, hay, grain, some or chard, near electric line, IS miles to Port land. Owner, D 243, Oregonlan WELL-IMPROVED 14-acre ranch. locate at Cornelius, Or., on Forest Grove electric lines; will take in part payment six or even-room modern bungalow, unincum bered. Inquire of Jesse Nelson, Cornelius. Or. A 40-ACRE farm for sale at bargain; call upon or write George O. Schfndler. Ger ais. Or. This farm is owned by me; I will consider some part In trade. George O. Schindler. GervaJs. Or. SMALL farm, 45 acres, near Oregon City: machinery, tool: $10OO cash give posses sion; terms; good house, other buildings; must be sold. AN 331, Oregonian. I HAVE a fine dairy and stock ranch in Tillamook and one in Willamette Valley. T will sell one or both on easy terms. Phone Mar. 3041, 603 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. 40 acres. 15 improved, good soil. Fail grain, springs, timberC buildings. 30 miles out. AV K37. Oregonian. WHET will soon be $1 a bushel at Con don. Or, Write us about that wheat ranch you want to buy. M. Fltamaurlc, Condon, Or. 27ft ACRES. -00 under cultivation, balance In young oak. timber,; good pasture. line spring wa ter piped to house, barn and outbuildings; 10-room house with modern plumbing ; new barn, ttuxlSO. cement floor, steel tanchiom. up-to-date in every respect; old barn, granary and outbuildings; spring water through hog lots; dairy with spring water; place fenced and cross-fenced, part with woven wire; 2s head of fine cow. Part eligible to register, thoroughbred bull. 4 elegant mare. t4 head of hogs. tk ton of hay, l."VOu bushels of oat and wheat, 0 acres seeded to clover, ISO chicken, eome duck. 1:4 sere of potatoes, not dui; every kind of tool imaginable used on an up-to-date farm; school and church adjoin i11 ? mile from Willamette River and R. R. town; 4 miles from good town and les than 20 mllrs from Portland and ha ail rural advantages; income from Place over $."iKM): personal property worth at lesflt $mmu. Price. $;;v0On, $0.o0O run - years at . per cent intorest. with privi lege or more year t d per cent; equity of $JM.0O0 cash, or would consider part cash and good mortgage or clear property atiasn v1"-'"- This Place is a monev mrtl ker, nd must b seen to be appreci ated. THOMPSON & SWAN Sixth and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. 20 ACRES, $170. ONLY; $200 CAll. 20 acres rich, dark loam overlook ing railroad, with station less than i mile away, on main county road; Inclosed with woven wlrW fence; this fine pirce of land Is sur rounded by thrifty farms; school house l4 mile ; close to beautiful lake which affords the finest of boating, fishing and bathing In sea son; $250 cash; balance may be paid In yearly payments, ti per cent in terest. Let us show this to you oa unday. DORR K. KEASET 4k CO., 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. TWENTY COWS. A ."0-acre dairy farm. Tillamook Cou.i ty. all river bottom land, in cultivation, good buildings, clos to city and on good roads. There 1 money in the business, and we can sell en very attractive terms. Including cows and dairy implements. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregonian Bidg. IS FARMING PROFITABLE? nay, u ton. It is expensive to go out unaided and find tha farm you want. We have farms for sale at very reasonable prices and on liberal terms, some of them completely stocked and equipped; over .".O of less than 40 acres to choose from; more than l.V) larger ones. Let us show you. D McChesney, Title As Trust bldg STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 040 acres, $25 per acre; good terms: 14 mile from town and railroad, Yamhill County; lo0 cleared, ready for plow; bal ance open pasture, fire and oak brush, pos itively not teep; about like a golf course, rolling, no rook; deep, rich, uniform sou. GEO. E. WAjGOXBH, 805 Yeon Bldg. wanted real estate. 1 WE have customers for the following prop erty; 10 acres. Improved with buildings, with in reasonabl uiatance of Portland or sj- lem. Or., or Vancouver, Wash.; about $JuuO, with cash payment of $7o0. 2o acres, improved with buildings, not over three miles beyond Tigard; about S350; cau pay l5uo down. A srood 7-room residence, close to Haw thorne ave with central hall; not far ther out than 3uth au; price not to ex ceed SuUUO. A first-class 8-room residence in Irving ton or Portland Heights, one block from carllne: must be nearly new and very fine nnjsh inside: ground looxlOO. Noth ing but an up-to-date place need be pre sented. Can pay $12.0uO. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 24J Stark St. WE can handle good farm. 40 to ranches, also several gtit-euge dairy and fruit propositions developed to a real busi ness basis, for sale and exchange for in come business property. Only propositions of merit will be given the benefits of our attention. THE BRONQ CO., INC., 2ti7 W Oak t.. Lewis Bldg. ONE unimproved lot in Irvington, south of Thompson st. One lot with dwelling, on West Side, be tween Hall and Northrup streets. Two or more city blocks or acres between Hawthorne ave. and E. Burnside t.. and wet of "JHd st. My client for the above propertie are cash buyers "and hence the price must be right. R. H. Blossom, 310 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to buy an acre or two with good house; must hav some trees; In or out of city limit, close to car; pluase state full ' description, best cash price or terms In first letur. I am not a real estate dealer. AB 54&. Oregouian. WANTED 5 or C-room bungalow bet. 42a and 53d sts.. Rose City Park ; must be close to car and a bargain for cash cus tomer. Ask for Beamer. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO 306 Spaldine Bldg. SMALL FARM WANTED. Will trade 5-room house and lot, no In cumbrance, for small Improved farm near Portland. Reply with full description, lo cation, etc AR 351, Oregonian. WANTED To buy large, modern house In good location, in exchange for country property, near good little town: no objec tion to mortgage if house Is satisfactory. W 363. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy modern d or tt-room house from owner who will accept $3uo and balance country property. T 362, Ore gonian. WANTED Modern house or bungalow, up to $7500, as first payment on leased flats, bringing $150 per month, balance long time mortgage. BF 361, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for one or two lot in Irving ton, Laurelhunst. Murrymead or Ladd Add. ; price must be rock-bottom. Phone B 13R3. WANTED for client, highly improved dairy ranch close to city. Owners only. THE BRONO CO.. lit"1 Oak St. WANTED Buy from owner, 6-room mod ern bungalow; must be bargain"? restricted district good carline; state price, street and number. BF 323, Oregonian. WANTED A lot in Rosemere, or Rose City Park below the hill. Don't answer unless your price Is low. I'll pay cash. AL 300. Oreeonian. WANT equity in house not over $1500, from party who will take A-l mortgage, $3200, and pay difference In cash. AE 351. Ore gonian. VVILL you trade your farm or improved acreage near Portland for a good city home ? If so give name, address, value, . . vr 'Wi n-Acvi.ii n etc.; no age ma. . p . WANTFU Five to lo acres on electric Una near Portland, with or without improve ments: state urice. Aduress AN 3o6. Ora gonian. vn. HAVE a fine farm, not far from city, to trade for Portland house and lot; no agents. N 3.o. Oregonian. WANTED 5-room modern bungalow. East Side. Must be bargain. Owners only. AR 822. Oregonian. I WANT to buy a good little home, not over $0OO. close-in on East Side, on easy pay ments; no agents. L 354, Oregonian. CASH for bargain in G or 7-roomed house. South Portland; give particulars. loXtion, lowest price, r a, oregonian. W VNT to buy, on Weet Side, quarter block. 100 xlOO, walking distance. State price and location. . AR 354, Oregonian. WANT 1G0 acres within three mile of transportation, som improvements. 2Gj Worcester bldg. 2 MODERN house In Portland, clear of In cumbrance, one on business comer, for Improved acreage. 455 Pittock block. CSH for first-class sellers' contracts un der $500. unincumbered property. P 84U. Oregonlan. WANTED West Side flats for clear Irving ton house and vacant. Goldschmidt 9 Agency. 20S Stock Exchange bldg WANTED 5 or 10 acre near carline; give phone. W 344. Oregonian. WANT one or two lots on Milwaukie st, for cash. Y r,."0, Orevronian. WANTED small acreage, some cash; term must be reasonable. P 350. Oregonlan. LOT In Laurelhurst as first payment, new home same. Tnbor 541 4. WANTED Citv property. $7.VM to $50,000, for my Falem farm. TMVT Spa'dlng bldg. V A NTEI -Contract or niortsges as pay ment foi Astoria lota. E 3-2, Oregonian.- .lonr.i; house for sale. $2S50; snap. Call I and see. 312 E. 47tb. st. I t