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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1919)
TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1919, 10 REAL ESTATE. For fcale Fruit Lao da. WALNUTS! APPLES! WALNUTS! 32 acres, all planted to walnuts and apples, now bearing. Esti ma. ted crop this season $4io0. About Toou lbs. wal nuts, 3o00 boxes apples, finest commer cial Varieties. . Finest soil, fine barn, orpe house, 2 wells of water, gas TVgine and pump, 1000-gallon tank; hen house and fine family orchard, on hard surface road, 5 miles northwest of New berg. A real producing ranch and an exceptional buy, at $13,000. Halt cash. Worth $13,000. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. GOOD HOMES. 50 small farms, near Corvallls. with bearing orchards', some have buildings; prices range from $75 to $2.0 per acre, in 5, 10. 20-acre tracts; only one mile railroad and town and paved highway; $100 cash down or more gets lovely tract; no better soil In Oregon ; will show any time. Call at office. McFar land, 02 Yeon bldg. Main 3072. 10-ACUE orange grove, 0 years old; small crop this year ; 5-room house, tank house, garage, barn, electric pumping plant, abundance of water; family or chard, tlehone; near highway and ail worth -wm.-e. Price $12.3oo. Address J, route 1, box 307, Portervllle. Cat. For Sale -Farms. 40 ACRES $100 ACRE. 1 MILE OREGON ELECTRIC. 40 MILES SOUTH PORTLAND. 4 acre rich loam soil in loganberry section, 28 acres in high state cultiva tion, 1 acre in loganberries. 5 acres fine oak timber full of wild blackberries. 7 acres timber pasture with living stream, woven wire fences. 3 acres mixed fruit; 7-room farm house fair condition. 2 medium sized barns close to school, stores and electric station. This farm Is on the main highway in a prosperous farming country. To close an estate we can swil this at the ridiculously low price of $100 per acre. h cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 4S0-ACRE wheat and alfalfa farm west of Ritzville, Wash. 400 acres wheat land all In cultivation, and 80 acres bottom land with plenty of water to irrigate; raises 8 tons alfalfa per acre in one sea son; the beat of garden land; improve ments cowt over JB000. Price $48 per acre. $10,000 down, bal. to suit 6 : also 200 acres in Coos county, Oregon. About 20 acres seeded to grass; the big gest part can be cultivated when clear; lots of good timber; 1 mile to school; 2 miles to P. O. ; 5 miles to R. R. at Myrtle Point. Can drive auto to place. Will trade for Portland property or acreage Price $4000. HERMAN PEPER. 508 Buchanan Bldg. 286S Washington St. THOROUGHBRED STOCK. AND GRAIN FARM. 145 acres. 100 under plow, 45 In pas ture and timber, 20 acres can be easily cleared. The soil is extra pliable granu lar mold, easily worked, and will produce anvthing that grows In Oregon. Large barn, small house, good well of water. 2 springs, large hop house; located 20 rods from corporate limits of Oregon City. Owner too old to work land and has in structed us to sell at $160 per acre. $8000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. This is $40 per acre under value. Do not fall to sen this. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett. M ain 69 15. 40 ACRES HOOD RIVER VALLEY. Apple orchard, tools, team and equip ment; ten acres, 7-year-old trees; one acre 12-year old trees; 11 acres farm land; IS acres timber and pasture. Fair house, small apple house, barn, plenty of water, under irrigation. . fine team and all tools needed for the farm. Over 2500 boxes of nigh-grade Spitz en burgs and New towns in this year's crop. Soil very good, not hilly; Vi mile from station on K. R. A going con .cern with nothing to buy. Price $10,000. J. M. CURTIS. 317 Sherman ave.. Hood River. Or. 66 ACRES, located close to Eagle creek. 22 miles from Portland, 30 acres under cultivation, 10 acres pasture, all the land can be cultivated, balance easy clearing. AH can be irrigated from spring; gal vanized pipes installed for distributing the water; creek on place; good 6-room house with complete plumbing, large barn and silo, orchard and lots of ber ries, some walnut trees. Price $8000 with some crop, chickens, team and equip ment. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg JKICE. small farm for sale, consisting of 25 acres, all under cult., all level land, about 3 acres of good orchard, small house, large barn, with large Kilo; per sonal property; 3 good horses, set of har ness, 2 wagons, all necessary farm tools. 8 tons of hay; this place is only 8 miles from Portland and paved road; has city conveniences, gas, water, electric light. land equal to beaverdam; can be bought for $10,300; a choice buy. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. ELEVEN MILES FROM COURT HOUSE. 00 acres, over half creek bottom and beaver dam land, 30 acres under culti vation, creek through place, good ma- t-ail a mixed road. laree barn. 30x0 ; stanchions for 18 cows, 60-ton silo, ensi- ' lae cutter, gas engine, wagon, moyer, Dlow. team, harness and other machin ery personally inspected. Price $150 per acre. Terms. This is only 4 miles from the city limits. John Ferguson, Gerlln ger bldg. HALF MILE FROM SHERWOOD. 30 acres, on good macadamized road rloH to Cardial hlehwav. All can be cul tivated. 27 acres under cultivation ; 4 acres commercial orchard. In good shape, water system, small house, good barn. chicken house, nice grounds; very con venient to car; price $5500, $1.00 cash; ninnnallv insnected. John Ferzuson. Gerllnger bldg. Some machinery and equipment. NEAR GARDEN HOME. JS ACRES. PRICE $7500. . 8 acres all in cultivation; good 5 Toom house, with bath and toilet, city wH.tfr electric licrhts and eas: good barn end other outbuildings. This is a REAL BARGAIN. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. ANOTHER ONE. 24 acres prunes, pears, cherries, mile from town canneries, fruit iuic plants. packing houses, make good markets. Going to be sold" for $(5500, $1000 cash down: a money-maicer. CLAUDE COLE. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. OWNER will sacrifice 20 acres just off paved Capitol hignway. 1 y acres bearing orchard, mostiy prunes; gooa nouse wun hot and cold water; barn, poultry yard and piped water; about $j00 persona property; finest kind of soil; $4500 takes everything ; easy terms. Call 500 Con cord bldg., 2d and stark. 64-ACRES, all cleared, no buildings, about one-half in young orchard, prunes and apples; located a short distance beyond the citv limits or Corvallis. Owner non-resident, will give a great bargain for cash. Place also adapted for smal fruits or chicken ranch. Apply to 594 E. Morrison Bt. IDEAL. HOME FOR SALE Will sell my poultry farm. 1 xr miles north from city limits, on the River road to Indepen dence. consisting of 10 acres, well im proved, fertile bottom land, young or chard. Also will sell about 1000 chick ens. Only reason for selling, poor health J. W, Newman, Rt. 4, box 14, Albany, Or. $4750. BEST BUY IN CLACKAMAS CO. 35 acres 4 mile from town, 4-10 mile to electric station. 6 to 8 blocks to fin new school. 7-room farm house, barn. chicken house, creek through place. 10 mi les from Oresron City. $2500 cash ba 1. 3 years 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 3S94 for appointment. CLARKE COUNTY'S BEST FARM. Offered for sale for few days, my splendid 40-acre ranch at Pioneer. Clarke County, Wash. For full particulars see E. A. Peterson, owner. Hotel Manx. 65 Sixth st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER. Sheep and goat ranch In Willamette valley; over 800 acres, good location, plenty of water. Take part in Income property or small place. For particulars address owner. AG 373, Oregonian. FARM at auction, Nov. 6, 74 acre, 25 in cultivation at Battleground, Wash., Fed eral loan on place to run for 35 years at 6H Per cent. No reasonable offer re fused; best of terms. A. L. Whltten. 12 ACRES, $100 DOWN. Good dark soil, no rock, on main county road, close to electric car sta tion; price $1275. $100 down. Draper, 520 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE Farms, ranches and livestock. If you want land or livestock see us. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO.. 301-2 Couch bldg., Portland. 47 ACRES tor sale on Pacific highway 45 minutes' ride from town. For par ticulars phoi e Marshall 5895 evenings. 6:30 to 8 o'clock and Sundays. Owner Ida R. Clark. 6 ACRES all In cultivation, one acre fruit. good house and well, close to station on electric line: 17 miles to Portland. $380)1. some terms. Bdwy. 165S. 209 Oregon bldg. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation, close in, hard-suriace roaa, close to good car service; 5-room bungalow and other buildings; J900O, terms. Call Tabor 2670. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN R A XPH its near Portland, $75 to $20(1 per acre, easy terms; best soli. Farms for sale, sizes. aicranana. ouj i eon Didg. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; kouu vh. nnnuie, employment easy terms J. R. Sharp. 83 H, 3d sC S800O IMPROVED 060-acre stock ranch and implements. E. D. Manning, Wlllits, Cal. 17 ACRES, Wilsonville, $3500; level land, dandy tract at Ore. Elec. Will show. Mc ' Farl and, 602 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. 1.KAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms 30-ACRE FARM AT AUCTION. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1019, AT 11 A. M.. AT THE FARM. Will sell our farm, known as the Max well place, located 3 miles south of Wood! and, 4 miles north of Ridge field, Washington, at Da via Landing on the Lewis river. POSITIVELY NO RESERVATIONS. HIGHEST BIDDER GETS THE FARM. TERMS 10 per cent cash down at . sale, 10 per cent-each year, with interest at 6 per cent; purchaser gets abstract and warranty deed. This is one of the bast small dairy farms in the state of Washington; 50 acres of bottom land, all under cultiva tion, 8-room house, large barn, silo, hog, mi I k and chicken houses. Will also offer at auction 1 team, wt, 3000 lbs., heavy harness, farm wagon, plow, harrow, potato planter, 30 tons oat and vetch hay, 80 bu. wheat, 80 bu. oats and 40 bu. barley, also small tools and other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch served free at noon. f. e. bowman & co.. owners. W. S. WOOD. Auctioneer. EASTERN OREGON STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. BEST BUY IN THE STATE. 120O acres, all north slope; 125 acres I in fall wheat, 100 acres ready for spring I sowing; this Is first-class wheat lanu and bunch grass pasture; thousands of I acres outrange: five larvre springs, water I piped to house and barnyard: over 50 1 acres timothy hay land; double con- I structed house, with bath. hot and cold water, outbuildings fair, all fences In first-class condition; 40-horse cater pillar tractor and gang plows worth over $5000; Russell thresher, 12-foot header and binder. wagons, hack. header beds. 4-horse harrow, disc, seeder, I packer, plows, cultivator, 7 sets har- I ness, 11 horses, mostly mares over 1400 pounds; 8 fine colts, cows, calves. chicK- ens; everything goes with ranch; all in! first-class condition; plenty of hay and I straw; everything there to do with; I price $30,0oo. T. J. SEMFERT, 628 Henry Bidg. AGED owner seMs 45 a., 4 horses, 23 cows and 9 heifers, bull, calves, poul try, wagons, harness, gasoline engine. binder, drills, walking and sulky plows. complete implements, mint cans, crops. included to quick buyer, all for $7000; easy terms. Convenient railroad and banking town: 150 acres strong soil till age ; 75-cow wire-fenced pasture ; wood end timber should pay for farm ; milk chicks running $.00 monthly : good 1 0- roi m house: bir base. Tien t stock barn. orn, hog hovses. Details page 23 Strout's fall catalog. 100 pages, equipped bargains; copy fr.e, STROUT FARM AGENCY, 20S B. K., Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis. 112 ACRES. Fine bottom land, 40 In cultivation. can be irrigated, large crops assured. good spring piped into house. 5-room house, barn 24x40, 1 acre good family orchard, 3 cows, 2-year-old steer, team. 9 hogs, farm implements. Ford car 1918 mouei, 12 tons nay, 8 tons traw. some wheat, all household furniture. School 1 mile on good road, R. D. and cream route, 2V- miles to good town, high school, electric cariine, $10,000, $6000 cash, balance 5 years at 5". To ap- I predate tnis farm you must see it. Owner is forced to sell on account of I death in family. S. O. DiUinan, 8th and Main St., Oregon City, Or. 60 ACRES on Tidewater 12 miles from Waldpcrt. small house and barn, float and boat house. 6 H. P. launch and row boat. hay for 2 or 3 cows, good garden, $4000 takes it; half down, balance on time at 77c- Come and see. It's a bargain. Also 560-acre place on same terms $25 an acre; 17 miles from Tidewater and 10 miles from Alaea; dairy and stock farm. OSCAR TOM. Tidewater, Or. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located "2. miles west of Molalla. Oregon; on good graveled road, half mile to school: all can be cultivated; 12 acres unaer cultivation. 8 acres pas ture, cood fences. 2 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit; 8--room house, large barn. chicken house and root cellar with ce ment floor. Telephone and all rural con veniences. Price $4000. with team. 2 cows. chickens, cultivator, nlows. harness, rise harrow, buggy and some crop. $2500 cash. oN trade. John Ferguson, Ger linged bldg. FOR SALE Dairy and grain ranch of 1374 a., 28 miles west of Portland. 2 1 ml .east of Banks in Wash, county on Tillamook R. R., less than two miles to 2 R. R. stations. 10 minutes walk to school. 65 a. in cultivation, balance in good timber and pasture with running water, good house and dairy barn water piped to bath, good family or chard. Address owner, John Schlegel, box 132 Woodburn, Or., or see Ed I Sch legel on place. LEWIS COUNTY. WASHINGTON. 20 acres, rail can be cultivated, eight acres under cultivation, good orchard. 2o assorted fruit trees; good J -room bun ealow. ceiled and papered. lh-s miles from good town, close to school; piace well fenced and cross-fenced. 3 springs. water rjiped to house; price $2750. $700 cash; long time on balance at 6 per cent. Anderson, witn jonn r erguson. ,uer- linger bldg. NEAR LAFAYETTE. FINE 24-ACRE FARM. 22 acres of this in cultivation. Dandy 5-room modern house, good barn and other outbuildings: 7 acres of fine or chard, mostly prunes. A dandy buy at the price of $7000; Vz cash, balance long time. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. SOUTH OF SALEM. 60 acres, located one mile from rail road town: on main road. i0 acres un der cultivation. 10 acres pasture: good fences, old and young orchard, all kinds of berries; good 6-roora house, bam. chicken houwe. machine shed. 2 wells. fine berry district: price $10,000. on very easy terms. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. 300-ACRE farm close to the town Willamina on macadamized county road. An ideal stock ranch. Half bottom, half hill land. Fine creek runs through the center of the property. A good deat for a man wishing an up-to-date piece of farm property. For particulars call on Ben Riesland. 404 Flatt bldg., 127 Park st. SIX MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 67 acres, red shot soil, all can be cul tivated, 7 acres under cultivation, 59 I acres pasture, watered by several springs I and creek; county roaa, miie irom jfond macadamized road. & mile school : 5-room house, barn and chicken house, orchard: price $S0 per acre; easy terms. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. li-; ACRES. Capitol highway, near Tissard. grand view point for home ,best soil, mostly cultivated, old house, drilled well, 30 min. auto to city ; J 2350, terms $600 cash. McFarland, G02 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone us the location of your house and we win ao me rest. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main 6067. CLOSE-IN to Morr'n and Grand ave., a 6 to 7-room, nice, fully modern house, with large living room. About $6000. Cash. Bdwy. 5107 or Main 3 532. WILL pay $3500 for 5-room bungalow in ri awtnorne, v aveney neignta or Jrtose City district; 5-000 down, bal, 3 years. 6. Wood. 1738. Agents do not answer. LOT WANTED Rose City park, north of Sandy between 36th and 50th st. lasn ir suited. uive price and loca tion. X 31, Oregonian. WILL PAY cash for lot in lrvington be tween E. 14th and E. 24th, Tillamook and Fremont; must be a bargain. L ido. oregonian. LOT WANTED Rose City park; will trade my new home (Rose Citv Dark) give time for balance. Leaving town. -B u jo, uregonian. nu.ur w Ai i tuu aioaern, o room, on paved streets. M t. Tabor or Waver! y heights preferred, no agents. Tabor WE WANT from 10 to 40-acre farms, im proved and stocked if possible. Nord Hampton Co., 401 stock Exchange bldg. HAVE $18io cash to buy 4-room furnished nouse. wnat nave your Main 8245 day; &aai qui cuiiift, w ii, uregonian. CAN invest $1200 to $1800 for 4-room I house, must have bath. Main 8245. X HA E special client ror ounealnw in Hawthorne district with $800 cash. Call DODner, ai ain t CASH paid for fractional and undivided Interests in real property and rrui Frank T. Berry, 215 Railway Exchange A STUCCO or brick house, with at least four bedrooms, under $16,000. John M. f a ne -o. .iniu vui. I WANT a o or 6-room bungalow on the east side; $2500 to $3000; no agents, C WANTED 5 or 6-room house, have part cash, balance city property. 1105 E. 30th st. N. WANT modern 6-room bungalow, close in. prefer Ladd's addition, will pay cash Tabor 2710. TO SELL YOUR HOME SEE JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-0J4 N. W. Bank Bldg. HAVE caih customers Xor modern buiiRi lows. Main 8787. 10 ACRES on paved road; improved si I 4447, Owner, 550 Williams ave. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK AND DISTRICTS. WANTED HOUSES AND LOTS. List them at our Branch. Office 45th and Sandy. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. HAVE cash customer for apartment house up to liu.uuy. owner tele p none or see R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 19U3, Res. Marshall 805. BUYER READY WITH ALL CASH ABOUT $43O0. Want suburban home, convenient to electric car station. Prefer bungalow, with 3 bedrooms or a house, with 1 bed room on first floor. Must have elec tric lights, city water and Kas it pos sible and need a garage. Some fruit, on macadam or hard-surfaced street. Good district. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7200. 024 Henry bldg. WANTED. Will accept a Westover Terrace lot as part payment on a tine west side home. ' Write L 110. Oregonlan. WILL GIVE YOU SPOT CASH For your Rose City home If it is worth the money. Will pay as high as $0000 spot cah for a real bargain. Want six rooms and garage on paved street. I'm real estate broker, and neea tnree places worth $5000 cash or better at once. 1 ou don t pay any commission out oi your price. Phone or call at the office. G. G. McCormic Co., 242 Washington st. Mo In HJJtt. NOTICE WESTOVER LOT OWNERS. Will accent la re site on Westover Terrace as part payment on large east siue home. write L 118, oregonian. LOOK HERE! WHAT WE NEED IS BUNGALOWS. List yours with us now as we are hav ing calls every day for good, modern 5 or. 6-room bungalows. Try us and see now long we win be in selling it. STEWART & BUCK. 315 N. W. BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON OWNERS NOTE. I desperately need lrvington homes, for buyers waitintr. Have sold so many am about sold out. Have sold 22 of the last 25 listed. I am In position to get you the top price, because all buyers come to R. T. Street- Irving ton headquarters. East 894. WANTED BUNGALOWS. HAVE CLIENTS FOR BUNGALOWS ALL OVER PORTLAND. LIST WITH US: WE WILL SPECIALIZE YOUR PROPERTY IF PRICE IS RIGHT. DOBNER & DOBNKR. BONDED REALTY DEALERS. 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. SIX-ROOM modem home In lrvington or Laurel hurst : must be in Kood condition and priced right for cash. Please give full description and phone or no at tention will be given to your reply. Own ers or agents. X 177, Oregonian. WE have 5 competent experienced sales len with autos and are able to get you quick action, should you desire to sell your home. We need more nouses to sen Have scores of prospects waiting. Phone us, we will call. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. 20 TO 40 ACRES, not less than 20 In cul tlvation. with lair bu ridings; must nave eood water, erood Columbia river view. either on North Bank or Columbia high way; not over 50 miles from Portland. T. J. SEUFERT, 628 Henry bldg. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. I have rozens of cash buyers for Im proved farms from 30 to lbO acres. If you want to sell, write or come to our office and if your price and farms are right, we will sell them. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce tidg. IMPROVED FARMS WANTTD. With or without stock and equipment We are selling them, when priced right We Day over SuOO per montn lor a avert is ing ana ere pieaaoa to aavenise ana show you property. John Ferguson. G linger bid FARMS WANTED I can sell your farm or orchard if priced right. Claude Loie, 215 Lumbermen's bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. ATTENTION. DAIRYMEN RANCHMEN, WANTED TO RENT by three young men, technically and practically trained, a stock ranch dairy with full equipment; rent on shares; excellent care of equipment as sured; will make money for both par ties. w io. oregonian. WANTED To rent, farm 30 or 40 a. Pay cash rent and buy personal property i you have any. J. Varney, 542 Umatilla ave., Portland, Or. SMALL ranch from 4 to 10 acres, with house and barn ; lease tor no less than year; guarantee good care of place. Sellwood 3183. FROM 1 to 10 acres improved, near Port- land. Main 51 5. FOR RENT FARMS. COURTNEY River road, 5 acres, 8-room house; after 6:.0 P. M-, Bdwy. 314. TIMBER LANDS. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber Or wood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulara by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD. 71 N. Park st. 15-M. CAPACITY mill, complete with edger and planer; now running; tlmbe near bv can be bought cheap; pric $3000. terms to responsible party. For particulars see Mr. Leigh of Dutton Lumber Co.. Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A tract of first-class timber, good log Tin. 3 miles from R. R., h mile from county road; close to Portland. C 284, Oregonian. MUST sell 160 a. in Clarke co. Three mil lion feet green timber on place. ureat sacrifice at $1500 cub. Box 371, V eouver. Wash. - WANTED Tract of hemlock timber for immediate logging to Columbia river. 302, Oregonian. 1 LOGGING contract to 1t. 50 million; hav ample equipment. BD 6.i., Oregonian. WANT auto trucking contractor for 100 million feet lumber. JtJL tK4. Oregonian. PILING wanted; give scale, price aod when cut. v. Gamble, couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, 2 acrea in high state oIL cultivation, volcanic ash soil, situated 1 block from Spokane city limits. In good prosperous community Good hen house and parking to accom modate 300 hens. No other buildings. Will sell for cash or trade for good car, or some equity in boune and lot in Port land. Price $1200. N 42. Oregonian. 1H ACRE, high state cultivation; fruit. berries ; 10 minutes walk to car; large 7-room house, gas and electricity; ga rage, chicken house; $3200; want small home near car. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN RLTY. CO. 248 Stark St. Main 5429. $120 PER MONTH income city property. casn price uuu; win exenange for farm. Would pay cash, some cash dif ference for good place. No Inflated values considered. Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen's bldg. 8 LOTS, 50x100 each, 8-room house. modern, all clear, value $7000 and a $10,000 mortgage for a farm close In. Alameda Investment Co., 005 Corbett bldg. li17 FORD 5-PASSENGER 1917. WANT SMALL HOUSE EQUITY. WILL TAKE SELLER'S CONTRACT. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. OWNER of modern 7-room west Mount Tabor home, value $Goud; will take as part payment lots or small home up to $2000. W 722. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, south California 70 acres cleared land, $40 ; 14 -section timber, $10 acre, near Goldendale. Own er, 1817 Orchid, Los Angeles. TEN acres, clear of incumbrance, on Columbia highway; good creek; want " two lots In aood district. F. M. Miles, 500 McKay bldg. GOOD building lots in Fairport and Ala meda for auto. Alameda Investment Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. GEAR HART cottage. $1300. for sale or trade; 7 rooms, all cedar, furnished, best location. Y 81, Oregonian. SMALL APT. HOUSE, well paying, for farm about $6500. Hall, 211 Wash TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WALNUT ORCHARD. 6 miles from Newberg, , in Chehalem hiils. we have 550 acres of land, close to 200 acres cleared and very fine soil, none better for walnuts and prunes; 50 acres are set out to walnuts 8 years old. a few less than 25.000 trees. 2 fine springs on place giving plenty of water for all purposes; running water in house and barn; party would exchange and assume Portland property and If you are interested come in and see us: we will explain more about this fine farm. Price $iro per acre. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth St. TAKE lot or auto on neat 5-rm. home; $2300. Main 4S03. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. STUDEBAKER 6; excellent running condi tion; trade for clear lot, house equity or small acreage. 309 Abington bldg. Mar. 4138. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. WILL sacrifice 2 fresh cows and one to freshen soon, and 2 portable rabbit hutches, 8 re k latere d Flemish Oiant rab bits, also Plymouth Rock hens and portable chicken house. Come and see them and make me an offer. One block south of S. P. depot, Mllwaukle. Or. H. Smith. WANTED Several thoroughbred Jersey cows; large well-built, heavy milkers, fresh- or coming fresh soon. State age. quantity of milk per day. if registered, where can be seen and lowest cash price. Roy Wonacott, 107 North Broad way. FRESH cows. $85 each: 2 Jerseys. 1 Durham, 1 half Durham and Jersey; all large cows: also several other fresh cows on sale. G. K. liowitt, Portland Union Stockyard ?. AIR SORRELS. Weight 2700 lbs.. 8 and lo years oid; good work team; for sale cheap: also harness and wagon. 5624 eth st. Mt. Scott car. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats aee us 11 you want to puy or sell. Camp-bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 301-2 Couch bldg. IF YOU want any freh dairy cows of any oreea at any time, see air. tsruce, at ths stocKyarcs. iortn Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Nearly new wagon, used but a snort time. Baker & Kinney. 701 Wash Injtonst, Vancouver. Wash. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid lor dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukee 6J-J for results. HORSE, buggy and harness, prire $60. t ii oiumoia Diva., woodiawn 760. FOR SALE 2 DELIVERY WAGONS. CALL EAST 644. DEAD horses, animals hauled away. free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. $115 SMALL tam, wagon and harness, guaranteed. wood yard. 327 Front. DEAD hordes taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. 3. abor 4-0J. TEAM of horses, wt. 1350 lbs.: price $150 East l.il7 or 120 Union ave. ro BUYS ranch 5024 80t,h st team, weight 2400 lbs. FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire Marcn rams, noiman Fuel Co., 14 5th. FOR SALE. brood sows, or trade. Wdln. 3 4. IS. 1 JERSEY cow for sale. 3S E. 7Sth st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. Security Storage Co.. closing $.0 Steinway & Sons upright pia out: lano f2P5 $3o Brigga small upright $135 $3."0 J. P. Hale A Co.. upright $100 $7.-0 Weber, French model $210 $75 Steger, 1918 model $5 $750 Stark player piano $433 $550 Thompson, large upright $20 2 upright!, small $5 and $75 Parlor organs $2S $33 and $44 Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Pianos stored for 50 cents monthly. 100 4th St., at Washington. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN PHONO GRAPHS. $123 Pathe, $S5. $123 Hruntiwick, $160. 200 Cremona. $135. All in fine condition. Very little used. Pay $10 to $15 caah and we'll send one to your home. - WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington St. TWO GOOD PIANO BARGAINS. New Haven, mahogany case, excep tionally fine tone. $175. Swlck upright, ebony case. $125. If you'll pay $15 down we will send one of these to your home. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington st. $475 HIGH-GRADE piano used 2 months. 3iusL sen as my husband ana a nave separated. Am going east, do not want to go to expense of shipping. Must sell this week; no reasonable offer refused. BD 600, Oregonian. 2 HIGH-GRADE pianos cheap. Do not went the expense of shipping souin. will take liberty bonds: easy terms, or what have you to trade? Must sell them this week. X 170. Oregonian. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR PIANO. We dm v sioo to s.'.Oo for Kood-toned pianos ; we have many couniry orders waiting; get our bid. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. Main ao. BLINDFOLDED you'll chose the Cremona pne nograph ror its tone, uome m ana we 11 ;rovo It. WAKEFIELD MUStO CO., 427 Washington St. tir- TO $25 CASH. St or $10 monthly, buy: good new or discontinued models; $113 to $55 in savings on pianos during fac tory ciearanc sal at feenwan riant) vo. Ill Fourth st- SCH1EDMEYER (small! $150 Davenport & Trcey (large, modern) 200 j. a. jonnson, manogany -o Decker Bros., ebony 23d HAROLD GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. PIANO BARGAINS. Prices from $10O and up; all In fins condition: see them and be convinced terms given. Sieberliag-Lucas Music Co., 125 4Lh st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records our propositions will piease you. Selber- ling-Lucas lluslo Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8566. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for ued pianos and player pianos; gef. our price, aeioernng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st- boad. ORdAXS. ORGANS. See our stock of good, unetl organs from $2t and up; terms given. bieber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. SINGER piano, plain mahogany case, at about half price. sieueriing-jucas Mu sic Co., 125 4th st. $100 TO $150 CASH paid for your upright piano by Security Storage Co., 109 4th si., at Washington st. can Main 5323. $lw0 CASH, buys o:u large wneeiock up right piano at Security Storage Co., Iu9 4th st.. at wasmngton. YOU need a phonograph. We want some painting done. Come in and we 11 trade. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington st. FINE violin with case and music rack, f.0, splendid practice violin. Call 1167 Cleveland avenue or phone- C 241Q. PIANOS tuned and repaired; talking ma chine repairing. Foley A Van Dyke. lo Fifth street. FISHER piano ; small, neat case, walnut fine condition. Sieber ling-Lucas Music Co., 15 tn st. WANT srood Victrola, Grafonola or Edi son phonograph with records. Cash. Main 700. pi.ayf.r ROLLS you are Uied of ex changed at 10c per roll- 11 a red S. Gilbert' iU4 yamnui st, ESTEY 6-octive organ, just like new. some bargain. bieberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4 th st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. BH4 Yamhill St. KNABE piano for sale, beautiful tone and reasonable. owi n.. Asn. WANTED to Duy. piano at once. If rea sonable ; no dealers. Marshall 5700. PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS WANTED, 12S First. Main 44:.v Tabor 67". GRAFONOLA or Victrola, $100 model, used, for cash. BD Uo.i, oregonian. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORT, two wicker rockers, over .stuffed leather rocker, 0x12 Wilton rug. library table, two small rugs. ow:e leaving to-vn. 302 Zumbro Court, 20th and Washington TWO STOVES. 1 kitchen and 1 dlnln room, for sale. Al condition. Call Sell wood 2.l morning, or alter u o cloc evenings. LI V ING room or den furniture. 1 library table, writing dosK. DooKcase. & uo bolstered chairs, small couch. East 4414 21 E. 6th N. TWO oak. dressers, heater, water coils, oil heater, Morris chair, baby cart, light Iron bed, etc. labor 3. swo. FU uED oak dining set, six leather bot torn chairs and extension table. 2 A nsworth ave. corner Williams. A BARGAIN Beautiful oak dresser. Ca at apt. 406 Tudor Arms, ISth and Couch. No dealers. GOOD BUY Furniture, good condition. room bungalow for rent to party buyin, rurnirure. r-tj 1st st. LAUREL range, fine condition, gas plat attaenment. bargain, w--. r.uHt OLIVER typewriter, bicycle, lawn mow rocker, garden tools. 2o4 East 12th FUMED oak davenport, new, sell for $75, Tabor 225L worth $12 FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. $7.50 iron bed; $ 4 50 $4.50 Iron bed 2.50 Yum Yum Bed Springs 2.50 Mattresses AO Chairs 125 $4.50 Rockers 3.00 Kitchen Cueen 4.75 $16 Cook Stove 11.00 Copper coil Water Heater 12. 50 Floor Covering, per yard 4-hole wood or coal Range lO.Mt GuJ-ba kg cans 2.50 OWL FURNITURE COMPANY Sells for Less. 166-lflS First St., near Morrison. WELL WORTH THE PRICE. Four-piece ivory bedroom suite in the Adams design for $o7; a handsome bed, dainty dressing table with triplicate French-plate mirrors, low buck dressing table chair and large, commodious chif fonier; this splendid suite is all hard wood construction and well worth $117. 50 of anyone's money, but specified at $'; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-10O First st. I HAVE a handsome mahogany dining room suite, consisting of dining table, serving table, sideboard, china closet, and seven ctialrs, which I will sell for $H50. This is much le than cost, and it could not be bought now for any thing like the original cost. It was made to order in New York and the workmanship Is the best. Telephone East 1Mi5 for appointment to e it. " FURNITURE BY THE PIECE DINING set. oak. library set of four pieces, books, dishes, aluminum ware, bed room sets, rugs, large and sin a 11, stove, and inuny other articles. e 1 44th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Kern I ark, four blocks north. DON'T sacrifice your furniture It going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars, Flreproo' Storage. O. M. OLses Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. OAK CHIFFONIER and white enamel dressing table. After 12 noon. 504 ront M. Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks. White Wyandotte. B ack Orpins-ton and Rhode Island Red putlets. $1.25 to $2.00, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry corp., 6 -a bL, 3d to 74th ave. Southeast. FOR SALE 29 O. A. C. White Leghorn hens, is moutns old. first-clans layers : and a cockerel; also Belgian hares. U38 E. G'.Uh Bt. N. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May hatched pullet, any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn hens. 1 yr. old. 2012 East Flanders st. Tabor 533. 15 GOLDEN WYANDOTTE pullets for sale, full blooded. Phone Tabor 7240. Dogs, Rabbits. Blrdrt. Pet Stock. FOR SALE 1000 hea''. of the best An gora goats t be found: if you want goats you had better put your order in at once. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND A CATTLE CO.. 301-2 Couch bldg, Portland. Phone Main SUVJ. FLEMISH GIANTS, pedigreed; none bet ter; also utility stock. Mrs. Beeching, 1578 W. 46th bt., Los Angeles. Cal. THE PADERESWSKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of quality. East 367. SKVE TERRIER male pups, w hite as snow; easy trainers for show work. 1m perlal hotel, Vancouver. Wash. FINE breed Scotch collie female, wel! margen. . montns old. Tabor r7oj. Machinery. SALE OF $578,000 STEEL SHIPYARD OF THE ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS CONSISTING OF Lathes. Punchea. Boring machines. Hammers. Planers and shape r. Rolls. Shears. Compound suspension scales. Bending rolls. Pipe machines. .Bending slabs and blocks. Torches. Bolt and nut machines. Riveting machine. Pumps. Pyrometers. Compressors. Motors. Tool steel. Leather belting. Belting. Pipe and fittings. Shelf hardware. Wire rope. Copper wire and conduit pipe. Pulleys and shafting. Steam boilers and engines, etc Plant now being dismantled. All material now Xor sale. No reservations. ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS SALES CO., Robert G. Blake, Manager of Sales. Lewis and Lorlng sts. iiast 8100. MACHINERY for complete brick plant for ale at less man tne maraei price today Capacity from 20,000 to 40.0(H) brick per day; f0 h. p. G. E. motor; Arnold-Creager brick machine. Arnold Creager clay crusher, hoisting drum, 2-belt convevors, 3-iron dump cars, cable conveyor for off-bearing brick, brick moulds, wheelbarrows. brick trucks, letting, shafting, pulleys, railroad iron, steel cable. 2-mould sanding machines. I E. KEKN BRICK COMPANY, E. 34th and Tillamook Sts. SPECIAL. We make a specialty of rebuilt second-hand sawmill machinery, boilers, engines, etc.; also do welding. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., b3 First st.. Portland, Or. aunche end Boats. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice ireeiy iur nished. Yard and ways at Alblna ave. Phone Eat 2102. Marine Repair 6c Const. Co 2-ROOM HOUSEBOAT, partly furnished. on scow 20xOO feet, material to build two more. Rooms very cheap. Phone East 54 IS. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT .CLUB: MODERN. FIRST-CLASS CON DITION. SELLWOOD 3546. WORK or towing for 18-h. p. heavy-duty troiier. v m. tinwortn. rnono 00 n wood 31 0q. Parkwood, Or. MODERN hntiMbont- romnlftelv furnished $339. Call Sellwood 2205 or inquire Motor Boat club. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. . ALL MAKES, sold on montniy pay meats: send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington st. RENT a Remington; t-peclal rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. UNDERWOODS. R E M ING T ON S A N D L. C. SMITHS FROM U. S. GOVERNMENT. P. C. WAX. 109 2D ST. MAIN 4 63 L ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregoa Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth. Main stu NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. V. Co., 2J1 stark. Main REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Coroni dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth st. M htcc 1 Isvn eous . AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose. chsk valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing lor the atr line. AIR COMPRESSOR 6c EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 33uo. 329 Couch st. MUST sell a $20O Long popcorn machin complete for only $13. Terms or cash. 230 Washington. CASH register, show casew. scales, account re plater, wail case, cuairs. -ju wasning ton. ' BEAUTIFUL toned old violin, good condi- t i on. W ill sacr: 1 1 ce . &u , o r e g o 1 1 1 an, WHO WANTS second-hand doors; 50 cents each. A tew lert. uroanway f. BABY buggy, wicker, rubber tires. AinsTvorth ave. corner Williams. GOOD coal and wood heater, lots nickel. 2tS 62d st S. K. VULCAN pas stove and gas iron. way 2483. - Broad BABY basket and stand, used less than month. 020 E. Main St. FOR SALE. MifM-cllaneous. SALE OF SOMMARSTROM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. COLUMBIA CITY, OR, (near St. Helens) To be sold in parcels as wanted. including Locomotive crane. Air compressors and tanks. Complete wood -working plant Complete Iron -working; plant. Boilers, engines and pumps. Dynamo, motors, etc Derricks, hoists, etc.. Donkey engines, hoisting' engines Rails, pipe. Air tools of all kinds, and all equipment of a complete Shipbuilding plant. . Nothing reserved. Plant must be vacated within 2 weeks. Act now. JOHN GEOGHECAN. manager of sales. SOMMARSTROM SHIPBUILDING CORP. SALES CO., COLUMBIA CITY. OR. Long; distance phone connection. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIXTURES, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS, PLUM B1NG SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. WM. POWF II. Vil VK AVD STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BEUTINO COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GO ns. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO ti8-70-72 Front SL. Portland. WE BUT DIAMONDS. Get what your dia monds are worth ; we pay full market value in cash. Old Jewelry, pawn tickets, old geld, silver and platinum bought. Full value paid War Stamps. Liberty Bonds Bought. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 4o6 Spalding bldg.. Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Third sts. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the highest cah niarKri values lor diamonos. piaunum, gold, silver, watches, old Jewelry, crowns, brid ges and falsa teeth. See us beiore selling eihewherts. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan bidg., 4th floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. CAMP RANGES CAMP RANGES. We bought these ranges from th spruce Division and have cleaned repaired them in first-class shape. Cook ing top is M x;WJ Inches, height 30 In and .tii-irtch oven with drop door. Stroii and heavy, big value: priced to sell quic at $.V.. MAY HARDWARE CO.. 124 Front sL PREPARE FOR THE RAIN NOW. And buy your raincoat, leather coat motorcoat direct from manufacturer; i saves you to 4fr of retail prices. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 720 Morgan l;fltr SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ML ST sell at once, Vulcan gas range, per ieci conanion, f -tu; cost ; Kuu water heater, $ 12 : 75 ft. garden hose, $10; lawn mower, $; garbage can, $2.5i These articles 11 ko new. L'jed only tw months. 1106 E. Lincoln st., cor 37th, n wiorno car. EITHER WAY If you have a diamon and want the cash, or if you have th cash and want a diamond, call in and taiK il over. MILLER'S CLEARlNa HOUSE FOR DIAMON' ns. 855 Wash, st.. next door Majestic theater. sEWlXG machines, new and second-hand. so. a xor ess; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L bbWl.Ml MACHINE EMPORIUM. 10O 3d. ties Taylor St. a.n TEC Several thoroughbred Jersey cows, large well-built, heavy milkers, fresh or coming fresh soon. State age. quantity of milk per day, if registered, where can be been and lowest -ah price Roy Wonacott. 107 North Broadway. FOR SALE At sacrifice, one penny cash register, small register, floor cases, counter cases, cigar wall case, big re- lauraiu ice oox, tauie and cnairs. sew ing machine, desk, tent; other fixtures. 24es Second st. Main 342. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secona-nana, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE A- LOCK CO., 165 Second at. Phone Main 2045. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay .up to $25 set; bring or mail. AMERICAN BKOKEKAGE. 4O0 Spauldlng Bldg.. 4th floor. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cah Any Amount. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 400 Spauldlng Bidg.. 4th f ioor. HONEY. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Strained, light, mild. 23c pound In 5 gal. cans; lca than 5 gals., 2 lie East 1416. LEAKY roof, eh ? Very aggravating. Indeed. v ny not a permanent ana comrortauie root -We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Mum 7776. GOOD furniture of 5-room house for sale; All or any part of it ; lo hens; other articles: house for rent. 71st st. S. K. 31 1. Scott car to Millard ave. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE at SUP LY CO., Broadway 1900. 48 Front st. KEGS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand ; no country orders less than three. Panama Cooper- age .o., --5 r ronu HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. $12 to $20 installed ; expert boiler re pairing, plum bin g supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East 516. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printers, moved lu 210 Commonwealth b;dg.. 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonaoie prices, j-none nowy. 2Vto. FOR SALE 30-30 carbine. Springfield model, practically new, so. Call hoi Lewis bldg. LADIES' purses and handbags repaired. also made to order; traveling bags, $5.85 up. Portland Leather Co.. 22t Wash, st. GIRL'S fine white organdy dre- and set of white Persian lamb furs, very reason able. Tabor 85KA. ONE lanv's suit, sixe 88. cost $150. sell for $50. Madison st. worn slightlv. Call at 209 BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terma W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. Main 639. PIANO lamp, made to order and sold di rect firttn facn ry to the trade: whole sale prices. 08 1st st. Main 1-129. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles' coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns, furs. sliK&t 1y used; distl nctlve st yles. Tabor 2e 2 3. NEW Ruud double-coll water heater $17.50; low porcelain toilet. $25; nice basin, $15; good value. Tabor 4706. TWO "roll-top desks, 1 T. W. dek, 1 table, 1 flat-top desk. 8 chairs, 3 filing cabi nets. Bushong A Co., 91 Park bt. CAS H Microscope, scales, crystoscop. medical boks; excellent condition. V 13S, oregonian. ' TWO office rugs, ne brown, one mul berry. 307 Journal bldg. Reasonable. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 126ft. SLIGHTLY used U. S. army raincoats and ponchos at salvage prices. 247 Davis at. LADIES mils and gowns, slightly worn. Main 9567 SHOWCASES AND CASH REGISTER Wanted. Main 4495. 128 1st., near Wash. FOR SALE Otter Bdwy. 2355. coat, size 38. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged.b ought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. PRACTICALLY new .22 long Winchester repeating rifle. Call 555 E. Main st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine; showcase. 43 1st su. near Ash. BABY'S brown reed sulky with reed lop Ta bor 8532. FOR SALE Electric range. 5790 mornings. Phone Wdln FOR SALE Wastepaper baler, cheap. Call Bdwy. 2176. FOR SALE ArTOMOBTfFS. THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. We have several good used cars In stock. We want you to see them and de cide for yourself. 1917 Oldsmobile touring. 8 cylinder. $1250 1010 Scripps-Booth 6. touring. .... 1250 191S Oldsmobile 6, roadster 1250 1915 Oldsmobile touring. 4 cylinder. 1250 1016 Maxwell touring .n 550 1917 Grant 6, touring- 600 1916 Saxon 6, touring 606 LIBERAL TERMS. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch sts. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Large stock to select from. Here are a few we offer for your approval: 1919 Mitchell, 5-psss, 6-cyl. 191H Mitchell, 5-pass. 6-cv. 1W1H Mitchell, 7-pass. 6-cvI. 1.17 Mitchell, 5-a.s&. 6-cvl. l'.MK Jordan, 4-pass. tt-cyl. l'.MS Jordan. 7-pans. 6-cyl. J91i Douglas. 7-pass. 8-cvl. 1!1S Studebaker. 7 -pas. 6-cyl. 1917 Velie. S-pass. 6-cv. 1L17 Maxwell, 6-paas. 4-cyl. Several others to select from. Used car department. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAYER CO., Kn.Kt Kirst a. mi Mnrison fits. West side sales room: Broadway at Oak. PHONES: East 7272. Bdwy. 515. A 3343. B 1216. PRICES TALK. LISTEN TO THESE; Late model Maxwell. ........ .$450 Late model Chevrolet 500 Ford touring ................. 350 Hupmobile 700 Elgin Six, 1913 730 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. Used But Not Abused Cars. 127 Lownsdale. Cor. 15th and Washington. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. I91S Ford sedan. l'.MS t ord coupe, mis Ford touring. 1!17 Ford touring. 1017 Ford roadster. 1 '.!." Ford touring. 101 4 Ford touring. H1S Ford 1-ton truck, worm drive. 1917 Ford delivery, express body. Don't fall to see these cars before you buy. each car has lots of extra equip ment and In finest condition. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 3770. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. HARD TO BEAT. Buick light six $1100 Model 90 Overland 750 191 8 Maxwell 750 Hupmobile touring 10O0 191 S Studebaker 900 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale, Cor. 15th and Washington sts. DODGE SEDAN, late model, 5 wire wheels, good tires, bum per and other extras ; perfect con dition. Looks like new. $13.0. Can ar range terms. Call Mr. Heed. Tabor 7494. 428 East 42d St. N. tiLIGHTLY USED CAR BARGAINS. Stuta. late model touring; terms. Oakland, late model roadster; terms. Reo Six. late model touring; terms. Chalmers, late model touring; terms. AUTUKEST MOTOR SALES CO., ' HOME OF BETTER CARS," Tenth st Salmon. READ THIS. 1918 Velie, Continental Red Seal mo tor. iantaote top. leather upholstering. new tire? and lubes. re arnlshed, Iooks and runs like new. Small payment down, balance one year $13oo. .8 North 23d st. Velie-Allen-Peerless. Main 0. 1917 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 7-PASS., GOOD CORD TIRES. REPAINTED, REGULAR FACTORY - GUARANTEE FOR 90 DAYS. A REAL BARGAIN AT $1400, CASH OR TERMS. CALL TABOR Big USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. iso misrepresentation. COVEY . . MOTOR . . CAR . . CO. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF MY BRAND NEW 1920 MODEL TOURING CAR; W ILL TAKE YtU K FORD. CHEVRO LET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAY MENT. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. STUDEBAKER FOUR 1917. In very best of condition, good tires and paint, owner leaving to n, must sell, a bargain at $t!0O, some terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burns ide. WINTON SIX, Dug body, best of con dition, mubt sell, a snap at $2.'0. with terms if desired. 30 orand avonue N near Burnside. MAXWELL 1919 touring, almost like new good tires, used very little, will aac rif ice at $975 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue near uurnside. CHEVROLET TOURING 19 IS. in fine condition, all good tires, will sell at $075 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. n-ar Burnside. AUTO TOWING Div and nignt. Reliable Auto Shot). 247 10th st. Main 259' days, Marshall 321 nights. FORD DELIVERY, In good condition, good tires, open body, will sell at $375 and give terma. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. GET YOUR CAR PAINTED. If you want a good Job at a reason a ble price, drive around to the auto Enameling works. 351 E. Oak at. HUDSON SUPER SIX. used privately, in Very Deat 01 con union, inutti sen. a bargain at $1550, terms. 30 Grand avenue N-, near Burnside. 1917 DODGE touring, fine condition. $300 down, guarantee, free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. MAXWELL, 1018. touring. ued privately, in very best of condition, will sell at $S25 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. ' 1917 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Cord tires, $000 down, guarantee and full service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at haif price. David Hodea Co , North Broadway and Flanders. 1918 BUICK roadster, cord tires, fine con dition, $1300., terms: guarantee and free service. Enough s.nd. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th und Taylor. CHANDLER chummy. 1918. fine condition, $1350: terms; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., and Taylor. FORD TOURING, in good mechanical condition, a real bargain at $3O0. with terms If wanted. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. 1918 MAXWELL roadster. $:20 down; guarantee and free service; enough said. F o rtland Car Sales Co.. 3th and Tayl o r. FORD DELIVERY, In good condition, will sell cheap on terms if wanted. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. SPECIAL! 1917 Ford touring; must be sold by tomorrow. $400 Portland Car Sa'p s Co.. 3th and T.tylor. FOUL sedan, $00 cash; every extra pos sible. C a 1 1 Gra y . 2 2 d O re go n hot e 1 . HM9 NASH 6, in Al mechanical condition. Must sell. Call East 20 tit. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. CUT-RATE PRICES ON GOOD TRADE-IN CARS. Dont malt till spring to buy year car. lou can buy now. run the car until spring and make money. We er showing cars in this sale at prices from $ 1 3 to $ 1 50 less than their market aiue In the spring and $75 to $150 lesa than we actually sold them for in Au gust and early September. Our trade-In used ears are moA at rock bottom, trade in cost prices. Look these over, the license for each Cax U shown, step in and take a look at the wonderful bargains; you'll be surprised. $500 "1 Chevrolet touring, license 63469. extra good tires, daah light. 1675 19 Chevrolet roadster smibbera. license 54918, spare tire. $800 'IS Ford sedan. $200 to extras. license 7045, $550 '18 Chevrolet roadster, spase tire. license 9904. $350 "18 Ford touring-, extra tire, license 8143. $773 "is Baby Grand Chevrolet, bumper. license 58300. $900 '18 Baby Grand Chevrolet, like new. license 77b84. $533 -17 Chevrolet 25493. touring, licence Bugs HupmoMUs and Buicks Your choice, $225. 1-Ton Republic truck, a real bargain. $MIU. 1-ton Packard truck, almost new, $S00 FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Chevrolet agents. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 5S N. 23 1 ST. MAIN 7M. EASY TERMS; WILL ALSO TRADE. I'.t 1 S Yelie, 7-pasenger. I t'tHl I'.MO Velie. latest modW 1523 1019 Velie, earlier model 1450 1!1H Velie. latest model 1375 1!US Velie, earlier model. ... . 13o 1917 Velie, latent model 1 1 00 l;17 Velie, earlier model 1.0 1917 Studebaker. 4-c Under. 65 O 11S Overland. 6-cylinder. . 773 1917 Saxon Six 700 191o Saxon Six 6h l;17 Overland light four.... 4 5 1914 Velie. excellent buy.... 323 COME IN and choose one of theae al most new cars: 1 1.20 Oakland six. 1 UM9 Baby Grand Chevrolet. 1 191 i 490 Chevrolet. 1 1917 490 Chevrolet. 1 1918 Mitchell light six. 1 1917 Paige roadster. 1 1913 Winton six. These cars must be sold this weeV. come in and make us an ofcr on any oX the above; terms to suit. H. S. CO. Marshall 142S. 63 N. 23d st. SOME GlK)D USED CARS. 1910 Cadillac roadster. It) 1.1 model 37 Buick roadster. Chalmers bug. Allen roadster. 1917 Ford touring car. We do not sell these cars to make a profit. They are traded in on new cars and we sell them to you at cot. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY. S0-91 North Ninth Street. 1919 PACKARD TWIN SIX. On account of leaving here 1 am forced to sacrifice my 1919 Series 3-25 Packard Twin Six four passenger. Has been run only ttOOO miles and is fint-cla;s condi tion. Has 5 cord tires, almost new, and the color is a beautiful maroon. This car must be sold before Friday. If you want a car in this class I will make vou a price you can't turn down. W 690, Oregonian. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. TOUT BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208. SELLING BUILDING. tSECuND FLOOR.) 191 MODEL "N" HUPMOBILE. Cord tires. 3 of them nearly new; car In very good order throughout. Owner Is leaving city in a few days and will therefore sell thla car below the market. Phone Broadway 217 or Tabor 5702 even ings. Ask for Mr. Billingaley. TO HIGHEST BIDDER. To close up an estate, sealed bids will be received unt il noon Monday. Nv. 3, 1919, for the purchase of a 1918 Chevro let touring car. Car can be inspected at Matn St. Oarage, cor. 2d and Main sts., and is in good shape, with good tires. SAMUEL ROSS MAFFET. FORD SEDAN. I -ate model, wire wheels, shock ab sorbers, extra tire. $750. Can arrange terms. Call Mr. Adams. Tabor 7494. LEXINGTON MINUTE MAN SIX CHUMMY. Leaving city and must sell. Five al most new tires, spot hitht. power tire pump and bumper. Firt--Iass mechan ical condition. W" 60. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ATTENTION. We are prepared to handle your finan cial matters and give you excellent ser vice: all kinds tire Insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO., Lumbermens Building. Telephone Broadway 10 SO. HUDSON. 1 9T7. super si x. in mighty good mechanical condition, looking almost like new, with extra lire ; a real automobile for less than the price of an ordinary one; be sure to see this csr before you buy; price $1.VK). C. J. McPherson, l&th and Wilson sts. OAKLAND SIX. Late model : must be sWd ; fine con dition; must be seen to be appreciated; part terms : can be seen at Union Ave. Garasre. Union and Weidler sts. 1917 DODGE ROADSTER $S30. This is a fine looking car and in good, condition, might consider Ford as part payment. Phone Tabor 8152 or see car at 21 1 Washington st. 1919 CHANDLER, driven only MoO mile.s. brand new cord tires; this car has been well taken care of and is really as good, as new. Will accept terms. Main 314 3. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. w ill give guarantee with this car. by responsible firm. Slates Auto Sales Co.. 430 Burn side. FOR SALE Ford sedan. 191S; spare tubes, tires and accessories, all for $075. Phone Main hiiSl or write Wareham, 7SS Over ton. 1910 BIG HUP; cord t ires ; e!eg n t ma chine. $950; also 1916 Ford touring, used but little. $313. Leaving city. Come quick. Owner. Main 943L CHEVROLET TOURING 1917. new top and paint, good tires, will s-ll at $495. with terms. 30 Grand avenue N., near Burn side. MAXWELL TOURING 1917. in the best of condition, good tires, a rea I bargain at $i23, with terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. DODGE TOURING 1917. in good mechani cal condition, tires and paint good. mut sell, a snap at $075, with terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. IMS CHALMERS S-PASSENGER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. A BARGAIN AT $1130. CASH OR TERMS. CALL TABOR 630. FOKD ROADSTER 1916. in best of con dition, some extras, must sell, $425. with terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burn side. 1919 MAXWELL, just like new ; $.0; terms. See Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th and Couch. IVTE 1917 Grant 6. used very little; $.-'0 down, Kuarantee and free service. Port land Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. HUDSON, some car; have a ride in this car. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th and Couch. 101S CHEVROLET touring. $2O0 down; guarantee and free service: enough slid. Portland Car Sales Co.. 3th and Taylor. WILLYS-KNIGHT, A-I condition: new paint: a barsain. See Tom. Oregon Aute Top Co.. 14th and Couch. ONE new closed delivery body, cheap. Se Mr. Rodmucher. 431 Burnside sU Auto Top Co. 2d floor. STU DEB A KER, good shape, good painu $300; terms. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co.. Hth and Com-h. BARG VIN IN 191 CH ALMRRS SIX ; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALI TABOR 630. " 191S. SERIES 0. FRANKLIN. Just repa inted : cord tires ; cash or time. Mr. Wright. Bdwy. 3247. FOR SALE Buirk light six, model D 43, 1917; good condition; recently repainted; p ri ce $ 100 cash. East :t 1 21. 1117 FORD touring car. $363. Call 211 Wash, st. 1918 CH EVROLET, good condition, new tires, reasonable. 4 OS Morrison st. MUST sell at om-e, 1918 Ford tedan. Call Broad ay 3247. A