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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1919)
20 Tim MOHXING OREGOXIAX WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1910. FOR SALE At'TOMOBILFS. WINTER T3 HERE AND EHAL.BARGAJNS ARE HERE. 1917 Maxwell, overhauled and re painted; fine little car in fine shape. $323 1018 Maxwell, all gone over, over hauled and repainted; like new....65Q " Mitchell six, pood running condi tion and good J450 Hudson, model 37, fine car, pood condition $4-3 1916 Chalmers light six $350 1917 Chalmers light six. fine me chanical condition; repainted $1075 HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1917 Hudson -uper six ; one that -e guarantee the same as a factory guarantee; all in fine condition. . . $1350 1913 Hudson super six; out only one year in private hands; all in fine condition and guaranteed by us the same as a factory guarantee. Buy a fine used car when you can rely on what you are getting. ... $1650 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-G17 "Washington St. Portland. READ THIS rAREFTTXY LATKoT MODEL HUDSON SPEEDSTER, COKU TIKES. FACTORY GUARANTEE 'BTILL ON IT. S2.100; $S.V CASH. BAL ANCE NINL MONTHS. WILL BUY IT. KASX b0U5. 1917 HUPMOBILE touring car, .mechanic ally perfect, best reason for selling, terms if desired. Box W 004, Oregonian. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays, Goodyear cord tires for Fords, jf24.5o. Authorized "Wilard sales station. UNICN AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 46b Union ave. N.. cor. Saercmeuto. T'hine East 3 ';:. COLE Aero Eight, 7-passenger car. fully equipped; as good as new; latest model; Tun sooo miles ; cash sale only ; no second-hand dealers; can be inspected be tween hours of U A. M. and ." P. M. by fippointment only. Call Bdwy. SO. $705 1918 MITCHELL- six. excellent condition. Four cord tires, one spare. Power tire pump, spot liht and clock. Must sacri fice. 424 Helm o nt. East 101. "MAXWELL TOURING 1020, only run a few hundred miles, must sell, will con- Fid er Ford in trade, balance terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near -Burnside. jyiS MITCHELL 6 touring, 5-pass., good as new, for $10io; terms; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car -'ales Co., 5th and Taylor. CHEVROLET ROADSTER 31)18. In very best of condition, good paint and tires. $625, with termd. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. OVERLAND TOURING, model S3. Used i privately, good tires, owner must sell, a real bargain at $050. with terms. 30 Grand avenue N., near Burnside. .VELIE TOURING l!il7, good paint and tires, best of condition, owner must sell, a real bargain at $075, with terms. 30 Grand avenue N.t near Burnside. C 50 BUICK. 0 touring; price $S50 for quick sale ; terms; guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Go., 5th and Taylor. 1919 CHEVROLET, 5-pass., new in May, look and runs like new, new tires all around, many extras; $050. Phone Tabor 404 or call 4H04 27th ave. S. E. MAXWELL touring, must be sold by to niorrow, good condition ; $75 for quick ;ale. Portland Cur Sales Co.. 5th. and Taylor. S205 FORD touring; just overhauled, good con dition. Must raise money. 424 Belmont st. East 191. JJlTCHEbb touring, seats fold, making red inside car. Ideal for hunting and camping, bapgase rack, canteens, robe, etc. Now $:uu. Phone Main -00. HUPMOBILE Late model, cord tires, spotlight, bumper, -Reme ignition, Strom- be ry carburetor; a good buy at 10u0 Main 7025. 53 23d at. LIGHT 0 Chandler, must sell at once; car looks and runs like new ; will demon strate. Call at 990 E. Caruthers sL Sell. 1399. 1918 DODGE touring car. motor just over hauled, $900. Car looks and runs like r.ew. Will give terms. Call Lawlor, Main 301 1 5. I OR SALE New Oakland Six ; run less than 1000 miles; lots of extras; give phone or address. Will call for dem onstration. AH 048 Oregonian. CLASSY little six-cylinder roadster. In perfect condition. Look at the price, only $000. terms If desired. King Street garage. Main 3 ft 4. J 000 IF YOU are lookii.g for a heaping measure of value see luy Overland. 43 East 30 street. K E W FRANKLIN touring car at cost. $2700. This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co., Vale. Or. FOR SALE or trade for smaller car, a 6-48 Pierce Arrow ; just overhauled, in good condition. Phone Main 6;JSS. "DODGE TOURING, in good condition, new top and paint. States Auto Sales Co., 430 Burnside. HIG SNAP Must sell at once, 6-cylinder car, fine condition. See Mr. Peterson, 374 Union ave. N. COLE 8 7-passenger, new paint, 6 good tires, will trade lor smaller car and give terms. 421 Burnside. JiUICK truck, three-quarter ton, neumatic Tires, top and side curtains. Price TOO. Terms if resirt-d. Main 7025. FORD TOURING, in fine condition, must pell, a real bargain at $295, with terms. 30 Grand avenue N., near Burnside. VI LLYS SIX. new top, new paint, good tires, a real bargain, see it at 421 Burnside. BUG FOR ALL WINTER. Chevrolet 490, with fenders, top and windshield. Tabor 5. 7-PASSENGER Cole 8. In good condition, new tires, terms. States Auto Sales Co.. 430 Burnside. 7-PASSENGER 191S National, 12 cylinders, good care in private use, am asking J2000, terms. Tabor 1928. fcTUTZ coupe, in fine condition, mechani cally guaranteed; a snap at $1400; terms. Portland Car Sales Co.. 0th and Taylor. SEVERAL good cars that will make good buys. See Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. XR AND NEW Maxwell sedan, never been used, $1700; easy terms. Portland Car Sales Co., itn ana iayior. FORD touring car, A-l condition, reason able. Woodiawn SS-S. FORD light delivery. 1918. a snap for cash 1 144 Francis ave. Owner. lylH CHEVROLET cheap, fine condition must sell. 170 E. 7th st. East 6234. jaiS uuKt, o-pass., a aanay car, 3 new tires, I in f none w oouiawn oat) 7. feLlGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul- canlzea. oc; tire repairing. 07 Madison. 1919 BUICK Main 53'.4. roadster for sale. Phone BUICK six, 1JHS model, like new. Terms. W. T. Chandler, 3Qo Gerlinger Bldg. llHl BKIhCUli touring car. driven only .iuuu miles; goou as new; xinijo. Main G23 LuDGK touring car, a snap, $000. 211 Wash. st. Automobiles Wanted. GARDEN HOME ACRE FOR DODGE OR BUICK. Own fine cultivated acre at Garden Home, on Oregon Electric, with electricity, and city water accessible; acre coft f 12UO and worth the money. I need Dodge. Buick or similar car. Will trade and give or take cath difference. Owner, 242 Washington st.. or phone Main ti'jju. " i LONG & SILVA. uto wreckers. We wreck cars and avi you 60 per cent on parts. Send In ths parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condi tion. East 6340. 402 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Light 5-pass.. late model, auto. Buick 4 or Dodge preferred ; will pay cash; no dealers or agents. Address P. O. box 42. Portland. FOR TRADE 5-room house for small truck or 5-pasFenger car. terms on balance. A. H. North. Sherwood. R. 4. "WANTED to rent, small auto or bug, by the month W 21, Oregonian Motorcycles, y0 ELECTRIC equiped Indian motor cycle, used one week, will be sold at a great discount. Marshall 142. L1S CLEVELAND, good shape. $125. 374 Union ave N. Lincoln garage. Mr FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycle WANTED A good used motorcycle as part payment on a good used car. C. H- S. CO. 65 N. 23d st. Marshall 142S. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6130. FOR SALE 1914 motorcycle, in good run ning order; $05. 5908 6th st. S. E. Auto Tires and Accessories. 6-CELL STORAGE battery for Dodge or other car. Very near new, $ 15. 41 J Glisan. cor. 10 th. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. "WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND G LIS AX STS. A 2029. BROADWAY 2U29. NEWT . AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSUNS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. SO loth st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232 lOTH AND YAMHILL. A 1230. ALTHOP & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1G-S7. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS. Several Good Used Trucks On Hand. Buick delivery express ,...750 Ford light delivery, panel body.. 375 1917 Studebaker, penal body.... 700 1917 Ford 1-ton truck 450 Buick 1-ton truck 495 White delivery 400 Ford 1-ton truck 450 LIBERAL TERMS. THE OLDS MOBILE CO, OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch sts. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED REPUB LIC TRUCKS, TAKEN IN ON LARGER SIZES. OVERHAULED AND GUARAN TEED AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. WILL FURNISH JOBS FOR SOME OF THEM. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC.. PARK 5c EVERETT STS. BDWY. 1369. WILL SELL YOU A NEW TRUCK AND PUT YOU ON A HAUL ING JOB WHERE YOU CAN CLEAR $350 PER MONTH ALL WINTER. $1250 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS; I MUST H A V E SOM EON E ON THE JOB BY NOVEMBER 1. BARTLETT. BDWY. 492. 022 ALDER ST. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lumber or vood hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted. State par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD. 71 X. Park st. NEW REPUBLIC, 2-TON. LONG WHEEL BASE, RUN 900 MILES. TRADED ON LARGER TRUCK; BIG DISCOUNT. JEFFERY & HAN A WALT, Inc.. 65 N. 23d., near Washington. Mar. 142S. FEDERALS. 2-ton long wheel base, one chassis, one with body and cab; terms on both of them. 421 BURNSIDE. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one 1-ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps- on high-grade stuff. Eastern Oregon Auto Co., Vale Or. PACKARD 4-ton dump body, $1000 to handle this; local contract goes with this truck, See it at 421 Burnside st. Jones. WE HAVE two good used trucks left, a eo ana an Atterbury. Jr you are look ing for a good buy see these. Diamond T Truck Co.. 89-91 9th st. North. 1 HAVE just purchased a new Chevrolet ton truck and would like to connect my self with a good Arm with hauling to do. Call Main 0220. 1-TON COMMERCE truck, all good tires. truck only run about 4000 miles. States Auto Sales Co., 430 Burnside. WILL exchange my 94 -ton Studebaker covered truck for any kind of small pas senger car. 228 Alder st. TRUCKS, all sizes, for general hauling. Call Broadway 454. FOR SALE One 1-ton and one 54. -ton wheel trailers. Call Bdwy 454. AUTO RE PA I R I NO. DIVISION ... GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 6911 We call for and deliver. EXPERT - - AUTO - - REPAIRING. ALL kinds of blacksmlthing and machine worn, general auto ana truck repair ing. Portland Blacksmith & Machine works. 22d and Keed sts. Bdwy. 3Suu. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS WANTED. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex pert. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver, watches, old jewelry, crowns, bridges and false teeth. See us before selling elsewhere. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M $S 50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash price paid; wiil call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. UP TO $25. FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 3d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344, FURS ! FURS ' FITHS ! I make them look like new, cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 1043. 372J Morrison. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. mi iat st.. near aiorrion. Alain l.iH. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $23 ter set: verr old sets are most valuable; crowns, bridges bought; bring or mall.- The American Brokerage. uo Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. WE BUY War Stamps Liberty Bonds. Spot Cash Any Amount. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 400 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for all kind- nf -Q- and old clothes, furniture, tools, machin ery. etc. Call Main 731. 201 y& 1st st. WANTED A second-hand mangle and used Victrola. all in good condition. Broad way 4314. DICTAPHONE shaving machine wanted Mr. Powers, 620 court house. Marshall 5400. WILL pay you spot cash for your dia monds. any size. H. D. Oliver, 122 2d st. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx; 2S3 Wash in gton. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump shotguns. Hocht'eld. 85 3d st. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, rubber, carpets; -good prices. East 5171. DIAMOND wanted; nice color, under karat size. Main 3S04 before 5:30 P. M. WA NT Bhotgun, heater, tent, rifle. Main 44!S. Tabor 6798. 128 First. MAN'S trunk; must be In good condition and not over $12. AO 602, Oregonian. V. A VTTn A triplicate tail r or. Phone WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. APPLES FOR CANNING PURPOSES. Call Sellwood 1924. CANNERY. 13TH AND TACOMA STS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Get what your diamonds are worth. Don't sell for any old price. We pay full market value, any amount; business con fidential. This Is the place where you can dis pose of any Jewelry, pawn tickets, old jewelry, watches, platinum, silverware, anything of value. We buy your war stamps, liberty bonds at a basis of latest quotations; bring or mall; private office for ladles. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 400 Spalding Bldg., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Third St. $12.50 UP TO $25. MEYER THE TAILOR PAYS HIGH EST CASK PRICE FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. THE MADISON CLEANERS &. TAILORS 253 MADISON ST.. NEAR THIRD. CALL MARSHALL 1229. DAY OR EVENING. WANTED Electric sewing machine. East 5571. Furniture Wanted. HOHUSEHOLD GOODS. We want your used stoves, furniture, carpets and all household goods and will pay highest cash prices. Our three large stores enable us to dis pose of these goods at once and there fore we can pay the top market prices. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, tents, bicycles, sporting goods, type writers, adding machines and all office furniture. CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HDWE. & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO Marshall 598L oldest reliable house in portland buys household goods for spot cash:. nothing too big or too small, from a big hotel to one piece. PHONE US. Marshall 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1S5 First st.. near Yamhill. BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURB see ua We are In need of all kinds of used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and o wiil pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 687. and our buyer wiil call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon sts. CALL MAIN 309 I M M E D I A T E L Y. W E PA Y TH E H IGH EST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY AN VON E IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are In the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 20S First st. Main 7728. CALL MAIN &S78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN SS7S. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for on article or a house full, and a competent, court ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 0417. M. 11. Calef, dealer. 540 Williams ave. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any aesenption; nave the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 1 GO First st. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5064. Will pay best HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAg CASH. MAIN 8CS2. 1 ROLL-TOP desk. Call E. 5070. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIERS wanted for South Portland routes, south of Failing school. Apply City Circulation Dept., room 203 Orego- II id. 14 UlU. MEN with teams to haul cordwond nar Cascade Locks; large contract and steady wors. an winter, rnone .Main 5225 from jio i j. xi. or alter 7 P. M. WANT to meet good pastry baker for partnership proposition, young man pre- iTreu. necessary; must act quickly. man WANTED on small farm near Port land, must be an all-round handy man, $50 per month, room and board. Mr. uenz, a- s. iitn. STRONG bo- wanted; steady work, ply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co., S3 cor. Oak. Ap 5th, WANTED A good salesman understand ing automobile tires. Apply 188 10th sr. oeiore is noon. MEN wanted to work on river boats; $70, room ana uoara. Appiy at Washington st. dock. MARRIED man for general work about store; permanent position for satisfac tory man. tij bo., Oregonian. EXPERIENCED window washers? wanted Steady employment. Apply 510 Oregon xiuk- WANTED Boy for light delivery work nours iu to o; wages a week. 205 totevens oiag. w a.n i r irsi-ciass watenmaker, per manent employment if satisfactory. Ap ply r rann v juior, inc., Seattle. W ash. WANTED Experienced carpenter to build garage, on suuuroan car line. AO 60a, oregonian. MR. ER1CKSON. builder and contractor, please call Bdwy. 12 0, room 220. A rnena. J u u .mj man to nein in store: EnnJ r r portunity to right party; references. 225 lamniu st. COLORED boy wanted. 8 to 12 vears age. Apply before 10 A. M. today. High CARPENTER wanted. E. 35th and Scbuy ler sts. WANTED Man and wife for janitor and elevator service. 207 fc 2d st. WANTED Barber. $20; sbcty over Lemon O Shop, Eugene, Or. $30. BOYS wanted. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 Thurman st. OFFICE boy wanted ; good place for the right boy. Call at 240 Stark st. WANTED worker. A-l body builder and wood 827 Couch. Night watchman for local h .,m Call Tabor 292. WANT school Phone . A 727: boy at 92 North 5th at. WANTED A bushelmaa and preaser. 423 Jefferson st. MEN to sell high-grade phonographs, good proposition. 7o9 Couch bldg. TAILOR on ladies' coats. M. Patt, BuHh & Lane bldg.. Bdwy. and Alder. BOOKKEEPER. $ 1 25 ; stenographer and bill clerk. $115. 3U N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Expiiienccd nfPie packer". Maris. Levy Co. Front and Wuhiiit tou. TIELP WANTED MALE. T. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A., which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past ten years we have assisted 17.530 men in finding positions and at the present time the demand for men exceeds the supply. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over & period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. All men seeking employment are cor dially invited to consult with one ot the employment secretaries, room 307. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE. To investigate our system of teaching autos, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical and battery work. State allows discharged soldiers and sailors $25 per month while attending school. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO ME CHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 100-PAGB CATALOG FREE, ASK FOR BOOK No. 1-H. WANTED Neat, handy young man for au-arouna work in lunchroom in smaii town. Eastern Oregon ; must be strictly reliable: no sport need apply; wages to start, $50 month, room and board; pre fer one who can cook short orders or can iearn; if satisfactory will refund fare to one who stays three months. Apply John Andrews, Hotel Hoyt, Port land. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive control of good territory In Oregon and Washington; money advanced weekly; outfit and special training free, expe rience unnecessary; our active men are making good money, yon can do the fame; clean hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppeniah, Wash. THE Meier & Frank Co. require the serv ices oi an expenencea salesman ior me Ptove department. Apply Employment Manager, Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank. Co. WANTED On farm, elderly, steady man iur cnores must mn k a n ttup r enpra v useful; can only pay small wages during winter, uul win give permanent home; state tne least you can work for; no mi.Kinj. Mrs. Jennie Kuhn, Tentno, Wash. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school: new building; modern equipment; best In struction: practical work. laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Main 6700. branch 2. v a x c jj iwo energetic single men, over to travel in crew with manager and solicit; permanent work, easy to handle, experience unnecessary- We advance all necessary expenses. Call at Hotel Ore gon, 10 to 2 today, ask for Mr. Gray. WANTED An energetie. capable man of aKgressiveness ana ability to sell high- grade securities; splendid chances of permanent advancement to the consci entious and reliable producer. AM 5S3, Oregonian. WANTED, TIE MAKERS New camp on vireen river, stage irom opal. Wyoming, 24 miles from Granger. Good timber, steady work. For Information write Standard Timber company, Evans ton. Wyo.. Union Pacific R. R. contractors. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. SHIP and marine engine draughtsmen wanted by large eastern steel yard. Ad dress confidential postoffice box 618. Newark. N. J., stating qualifications and salary expected. MAN to take charge of fish smokery; must thoroughly understand smoking fish. Write or call, state wages and ref erences. Alaska Herring & Importing Co., 225 Yamhill st. I WANT another experienced phonograph salesman .capable or earning from $200 to $300 monthly. Commission basis with drawing account to right man. See manager, 427 Washington st. WANlKU Kirst-class Dorter to sr to Klamath Falls, Or.; guarantee $20 per ween; nan over eighteen. For particu lars apply to Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. , WANTED AT ONCE First-class ex perienced open-shop patternmakers. Steady work. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sts. .'A INTER One who can re finish safes, and one familiar with safe locks pre ferred. 103 Second st. Norris Safe and Lock Co. HUNDREDS railway mall clerks wanted; average u montn; use positions rres; write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 370 T. Rochester. N. Y. FI RST-CLASS painter wanted. apply Great Northern Concrete Ship Building Co., 600 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Sash and door machine men ; saan ana aoor cutter. state experience and wages expected. Steady work. AV 70i, Oregonian. BOY over 16 years old to carry messages Between oxrice and outside stations. Bi cycle furnished. Give age, experience and phone. BD 645. Oregonian. YOUNG single man to work in and out side of grocery. Must have experience and bo able to drive Ford car. Ref. re quired. 733 Patton road. EXPERIENCED ripsaw man for box fac tory at saiem; good wages, 8 hours. Apply Chas. "K. Spaulding Logging Co., sn,- Oregonian bldg. YOUNG man or boy wanted to deliver and work in meat market. Good chance to learn business. Alberta Market, 656 Al berta st. Wdln. 552. WA NTED Salesman capable of earning .suu or more per month; must be ear nest and willing to work., AM 584. Ore gonian. WANTED Names men, 13-45, wishing be come government man carriers. $1000 $1500 year. Answer Immediately. AV 715. Oregonian. WANTED First-class watchmaker at once. gooa wages ior tne right man. Write or wire P. B. Friedman, 042 Pacific ave.. Tacoma. Wash. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS STICKER MAN FOR DETAIL MILL WORK. TA COMA MILL WORK SUPPLY CO.. TA COM A. YuUNG man to work in hardware de partment selecting orders. Apply at of fire Jones Cash Store, 80 Front st. NEWSPAPER MAN Wanted, capable news reporter for assistant to city editor on evening paper. Herald, Albany. Or. WANTED First-class washman. top sal ary. Apply Opera House laundry, 2d and Everett. Strike conditions. WANTED Al short-order and pastry cook; $25 per week to start. Pickwick Cafe. Phone 12, Rainier. Oregon. WANTED Two good furnace men to in stall iurnace-, at once. 85c, 8 hours Ttrizee Metal Works. Twin Falls. Idaho. NEAT quick dishwasher for small res taurant ; must be steady; no Sunday work. Y 134, Oregonian. WANTED Newpaper artist for layouts, lettering, etc. Answer, giving phone ad dress. AF 136. Oregonian. Help Wa n te d f aJesmen. LARGE manufacturer wants capable house to house canvasser to sell well-known household product through retail gro cery dealers. Must also sell dealer on strength of canvass work ; salary, com mission and railroad fare. Box W 705, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED fertilizer salesman, who has made good, to represent Cali fornia manufacturer In California. Ore gon and Washington ; a splendid op portunity; correspondence strictly con fidential. AV 775, Oregonian. SPECIALTY SALESMAN. With auto, $27 per day selling In case lots to city merchants. NEW SELLING SYSTEM. Address BD 050. Oregonian. MISSIONARY SALESMAN wanted by manufacturing concern; only industrious need apply ; state age. Salary $25 per week to start, country and city work. O 650. Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen working territory tributary to Portland regularly to han dle fruit account for reliable Portland firm on commission. AK 608, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman to call on garage trade, Washington and Oregon ; salary and travel expense ; give rjhone number and references. AO Ct5, Oregonian. , IF YOU are a "salestalk" salesman with good past record I believe it will pay both of us If you will call on me at 211 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Traveling salesman to handle sideline; big seller; cash sales; investi gate. Johnson, 207 Ry. Exch. WANTED 3 salesmen to handle Texas oil lands on leases; liberal commission. Apply 216 Stock Exch. bldg.. today. ARE you a good salesman? If you are and desire to make good money then answer this ad. AM 55, Oregonian. WANTED Specialty salesman: cash daily; big earnings; investigate. Johnson, 207 Railway Exchange. STOCK salesmen wanted; representing large Oregon corporation. 401 Wilcox bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS $75 per week, KARBOLENE. guaranteed auto fuel, saves 30 per cent gasoline. Increases power. eliminates carbon, liberal proposition. Robert D. .Walker MJfi-. The italics. Oregon WANTED AGENTS. PORTRAIT MEN. Our large new studio with 50 of the best portrait artists in the country are row ready for business; if you are wor ried about your portraits for fall deliv eries your troubles are over. Rush in your photos. Best portraits, lowest prices and quick service. Leach Art Company, 2109 Grand ave., Kansas City, Mo. CANDY Earn $25 to $50 weekly; ADVER TISE. MEN. WOMEN; start one of our Specialty Candy Factories in your home, email room, anywhere; grand opportun ity; we tell how and furnish everything. CANDYMAKEKS" HOUSE. .1619 Kan stead st.. Philadelphia. Pa. LET US start you In the automobile busi ness, representatives wanted In all parts of the U. S. A. Best selling article ever made; no experience necessary to make $15 a day. Demonstrations, 203 4th st. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN cook for IS men. $100, board and room. Cali Skinner & While, So N. ild st. Bdwy. 3205. WANTED Nurse to take over my six-bed hospital, is paying good. Will rent very reasonable to capable nurse. S. D- A. nurse or one able to give hydrotherapy preferred. Give full particulars as to age, experience, etc Phone number Dr. Wendt, Cottage Grove, Or. WANTED Competent combination dicta phone and shorthand stenographer; good position for right person ; congenial of -lice surroundings; reply In writing, stat ing name, age, experience, reierences and salary expected. Y 148, Oregonian. MM E. PATTEN EAUDE. hair and skin specialist, mez. floor BctiBon hotel, will accept a limited number of pupils to learn the profession, enabling them to ei.ter business for themselves; unlimited opportunities In this line. WEAVERS WANTED. Oregon City Woolen MUia. Oregon City. AT STANDARD Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and Eatt Taylor. 2U experienced power machine operators, to work on overalls and shirts. 44-hour week, half holiday Saturday; good operators are making $14 to $24 weekly. 1 CHAMBERMAID. $15 a week; waitress, $40, board and room; ranch cook, $50; h e 1 per on boa t. $ 40. boa rd and room ; camp waitress, $tWi, board ; women to take charge of home. $5o; fare advanced. 3Q1 Raleigh bldg., 27 Washington St. BUSINESS man with 2 children, boy 2 years, girl 8, wishes home by respectable lady where the children will be perfectly taken care of and hoarded; no hoard for father. Apply 400 Spalding oiag. WANTED Experienced general office girl ana assistant casniur ior larse buiuuiu bile firm; answer In own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary ex pected. T 321, Oregonian. WHOLESALE concern desires the services of a competent and experienced young lady bookkeeper; permanent, position, Address Y 141, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for bakery must be neat and industrious; $15 per week; will furnish linen and laundry reference required. Y 155. Oregonian. WANTED 2 irtrls to work houie-to-houe, something that everybody will be glad to see you come. Good wages to the right one. Call 410 Eilers Music bldg. WANTED Girls to work in woodworking factory ; wages $2.25, with advancement alter first two etkn; give age and phone number. A E 2h.J, Oregonian. WANTED HiKh school or other girl not employed more than 6 bra. a day, for cafeteria service at i . w. c a. jviusi oe i a or over. ree aiihs niair. DISENGAGED school teacher or well-edu cated woman wanted for educational work. Good salary and opportunity for promotion. AW 4?". oregonian. WANTED Ten young lady typists for ad dressing envelope. Steauy position: Good salary. See Mr. Gibbons, 530 Rail way Exchange Bldg. IF YOU are a 8a.lestaik, saleswoman with a record I believe it will pay both of us if you will call on me at 211 Railway Ex change iM'ig. BURSELL BUSINESS SCHOOL. Individual instruction, enroll any time. Day-night school. Lumbermens bldg.. Fifth and Stark. Broadway 3404. WANTED Experienced girl for marking and sortine. 2o per week, also exper ienced wash man. $35 per week, Dayton Steam Laundry, Dayton. Wash. Box 1S3. WANTED Names women. 18 to CO, wish Ins: aovernment office positions; $1 140' $1200 first year. Answer. AV 716. Orego- nian. WANTED YOUNG lady assistant dancing teacher, good ball room dancer required, good salary. Call on De Honey's Danc ing, 23d and Washington. CHOCOLATE dipper wanted, must have experience, good piece worK rates paiu. Apply Henry Ross &. Son. Union and E. Stark st. . WANTED ETDerienced elrl for eonfec tionery and cigar store. Phone East 27sS Deiore noon. NEAT, steady woman wanted for chancer work. Ono day off per week. Apply at Hotel Clifford. WOMAN to help with housework and care of children ; mother employed ; no ob jection to girl 4 to 6 years. I a oor WOMAN wanted to wash silk and wools, $3 a day. Apply at opera House Laun dry. WANTED Girls for iactory work. Apply broom factory. North 21t and York sts. Zan Bros. WANTED First-class waitress, good pay with room ana Doara. Aiexanura court. 53 Ella ELi ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army rescue riome. awj . 15th st. In., or pnone caii WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. Bth floor Eilers Music bldg. We teach from melody; no drudgery. THE Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in aistresa. woo tu. tiiuan. "MV" car, nast am. A WOMAN to care for children while mother works. Good home and wages. 675 East 82d Nortn. WANTED A first-class lady barber the Bannock Lady Barbers. bOS Ban nock st., Boise. Idaho. WANTED Woman to help in kitchen, honrdine- house, for board ami room fo self and husband. Wdln. 3727. Kenton. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help take care of sick woman; small wages, good home. Call :iBl Russell st. morning. WOMEN and girls for factory ond laundry work; many excellent positions open. For details aopiy mo Oregon mag. iVAVTKn NursA for sanitarium work must be neat and healthy. 115 Fas 2!-ith, corner Alder. WANTED Young lady or high school girl to assist with housework; gooa nome, Tabor 1035. WANTED ExDerienced demonstrator fo: food product; give phone number. T 307, Oregonian. WANTED Girls for factory work. Call 1U5 12th st. between t) and 12 today. Celro-Kola Co. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $100; stenog rapher. $100 to $125: 2 stenographers, $SQ. 3D1 N. W. Bank bldg. WAITRESS, $00 a month and board, east, lotrging camp: woman cook, down river, $m and board. 235 Burnside. RELIABLE girl to take care of children; references necessary. Bdwy. 2042. WANTED Experienced starcher. land hotel, laundry dept. Port- WANTED Grill checker and cashier; give phone number. W 015, OregonTan. SALESLADIES wanted. 214 Pittock block, Washington st. Apply y to 10 A. M. WANTED Waitress at 406 E. Burnside. near Grand avenue. WANTE D Experienced power machine operator, all women. 234 2d si. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses; 6-day week. Cat 'n Fidle, 145 Broadway. EXPERI HN'CED seamstress wanted. Bates dressmaking shop, 1120 Division st. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 20S7. MISS M ATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing school. $0 mo. 209 14th. Main 389a MRS. H ANNUM S shorthand school, day and evening. 230 Tillamook st. East 3S60. GIRL to work In dining room at Campbell hotel. CH RISTI AN woman with recommendation for second hand store. East 3007. WANTED Experienced waitress. 347 4 Morrison st. Call 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. WANTED Chambermaid at the Bucking ham hotel, 20th and Wash. sts. WANTED Dining room girl. Phone Wdln. 2115. HOUSEKEEPER for 8 adults. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for dining rcom work. S wet land's. 200 Morrison. WANTED A chocolate dipper. Swetland's, 200 Morrison st. GIRL for wholesale coffee house. 34 N. Front, corner Couch. WANTED A chambermaid at the Patton lioine. Fhonu WooUittwu J, 700 HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT POSITONS FOR T O UN O WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED DUE SS" STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE! NOT NECESSARY. FIRST YEAR'S EARNINGS APPROX IMATELY $SOU.OO. $52.00 EARNED DTTRINO J MONTH WHILE LEARNING TO OPER ATE AND FROM $63 00 TO 72.00 Pfcg MONTH AT THE END OF SbVb MONTHS. FUR THE INCREASE GrV" EN UN TIL OPERATORS EARN FROM $S5-50 TO $y4.50 PER MONTH. SUPERVISING OPERATORS EARN FROM SSS OO TO $100.00 PER MO:X:5--EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT TO STILL HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLT AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING PARK AND OAK STREETS MEIER & FRANK CO. Require the services of girls between the ages of Id and 20 for wrapping and marking departments and as appren tices In selling departments. Apply to Employment Manager, sixth floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. CHOCOLATE DIPPER. MEIER & FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced chocolate dip per for the Ninth Floor Daylight Candv Kitchen. Permanent work assured ior the one who can qualify. Apply Kmployment Bureau, Sixth Floor. Meier 4c Frank Co. GOOD opportunity for woman to learn nursing in a private nofcpuai. ooaru. room, washing and $12 per month while learning a paying profession. State age, experience if any and education, give reierences as to character. Ad dress Scio General Hospital, Scio, or. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS, learn to -operate the dictaphone. e nave positions open for competent operators; machines for practice and Inst ructions given at The Dictaphone. 420 Spalding bldg. No fee. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Foster hotel, 3d and Davis. W a n t e d lo m est i cs. I I A GOOD second girl in family of 2 where rook Is kept; regular days out. wages $5o per month to competent person. Mrs. Cameron Squires, 2u5 King st. Main -XI 4. COMPETENT girl for general housework; muat be good cook. Mrs. c nmaman, 738 Ulia& sLreek Phone mornings. Mala b52- WANTED Young girl to help with house work and to care Ior u-year-oia oaoy. Small fmilv. irood home, good wages. Call E. 130U. or come in person. 30 Bra zee st. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousework, must te goou cook, umiiy adults; good wages. Call mornings. Main 2U57. 5b 1 Jackaon sL. Portland HeigULs. WANTED Competent woman for general Iflousework. small family; no washing, comfortable room; $40. Call Main 530U. 775 Flanders, between 11 and 1- WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; experience not necessai. small family; good wages. 714 Lovejoy. iaiii o-t . 1- - . V-. .1.4 ...... lr staira worn huh iuio . uji"4 j tne uay. ruuue jnuiBUttn 25th st. W ANTED Experienced girl for general hntiMf work : Hniitil house and family, good wages; references required. Sell- wood .000. WANTED Competent maid for cooking and downstairs work, wages $05. Apply to Mrs. D. H. Gearin, 23 Cornell roau. Main 3057. HELP WANTED Female domestic. $05, for cook who will assist with house work. 400 Chamber of. Commerce build ing. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework, 2 adults; no furnace; good wages ; mornings. Main 1S77. WANTED Woman for cooking and light housework. Good home, good wages. Phone W oodJawn 3110. WANTED Young girl or school girl to as sist with light housework; good home. Phone East 7614. WANTED Gtrl for housework, 3 children. 2 adults; $40 a month. 12U7 E. Flanders. Lau re 1 h u r t. Tabor 303 8 A COMPETENT- cook, downstairs work, no washing or cleaning, best wages. Phone East 3000. COMPETENT girl wanted for cooking; no furnace, no laundry, small family, good wages. Call East. 7050. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework; no washing or furnace. 22 Johnson. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework and care of 2 children, no washing. 704 Irving st., both phones A 112. GIRL wanted for general housework, good wages, small family. Main 2MH. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family In Rlverwopd. Main 2O04. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family. Mala 5151. GIRL for general housework, family of 3; good wages. Phone Main 3925. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family; good wages. t17 E. 24th N. WANTED A girl for general housework. 537 B. 21st St. N. East 2411. HOUSEKEEPER wanted in country. Box 194 Shanlko. Or. GIRL for second work. 794 Lovejoy. EDUCATIONAL YOU WANT MORE MONEY. Just Into the biggest business going; rich, pays the moat money and get in right by training yourself for 2 mo. in Hemphill's Trade School. The greatesi workshop on the coast fur practical trading. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 7u7 Hawthorne ave. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the tiado In 8 wks.; gfvs J'ou a set of tools and some pay whil earning; positions secured; scholarship and transfer cards Issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. fiend for cat&jotfu 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF B EH NKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue- LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 433-4 Railway Ex. bldg. Opportunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free hook let. Railway Telegraph Institute. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teacll you the trade In S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN to be an optician and optometrist; day and evening claases. De Keyner College of Optometry, Columbia bldg. Get catalogue. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. State Supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 3 N. 2d Bt. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Wash, at lUth. Enter now, day. evening, all com mercial branches. Broadway 1&2L EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private school ; individ ual Instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broad way bldg. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 077 THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 101 Broadway. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mo. 4S35. Teaching positions: free registration "THE Ovens method in ancouvcr Busi ness college Wash., assures you success," EDUCATIONAL LRB fOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED T If so, learn the auto and tractor business and earn $100 to $30O a month. Southern California offers exceptional opportuni ties whilo and after learning, high sal arles, ideal working conditions. fine year 'rcund lima to; no previous experi ence necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert lnet rue tors, new, complete mechanical and electrical equipment including Packard Twin 6, Cadillac 8. Willys-Knight, etc No age limit. Earn board and room while learn ing. 60ia successful graduates GUARAN TEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 15 Years In Los Angeles at 81S 8. Flguerca. Write today for FREE catalog. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 402 Hawthorne Ave. - Automobiles, trucks, tracers. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening classes. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PROPERTY OWNER! ATTENTION! Save Your Old Shingles. I specialize in repairing and saving all kinds of leaky roofs. Go over your roof thcroughly, finding all weather cracked places, clean gutters. repair around chimneys, vent pipes, moss taken off. Several hundred pleased patrons. The last eight years in Portland. Free esti mates. All work guaranteed. C. E. EN OS, Wdln. 5os4. TO HOTEL. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS Man and wife, mid dle aged, strong and healthy: man army veteran, seek position as hotel, rooming or apartment-house managers: both have good experience along those lines: ex cellent references. AR S34. Oregonian. PRACTICAL mechanical draftsman of wide experience desires steady employ ment in citv. drattimc or handling ma chinery, hardware, etc. ; have experience in pattern and machine- shop, farm and sawmill machinery, etc. ; excellent rei erences. J'.5 11th st. Main 4o. WANTED Janitor or porter work. 45 years old, single ; can run wood or oil furnace, all round handyman: am window cleaner; would like place where l can bach; state wages, AO OUf. ore gonian. 15 YEARS EXPERIENCED PAINTER AND CARPENTER WANTS POSITION, ULlLDIMiH OR FACTORIES OK UTH F.R HOUSES, N EW OK REPAIR WORK. WOODLAWN 6084. POSITION wanted in woodworking plant by man capable of estimating, drafting and fully competent to tae charge; am familiar w ith all kinds of woodworking nine ninery. w j oregonian. SA LKSM AN, 23, wishes to connect with relia ule concern ; experienced wholesal groceries and tobacco ; would consider lnstue work with chance fur advance nient. B D 62s, Oregonian. HAVE good business experience; want work following mechanical lines; expe rienee ith hardware, plumbing, auto supplies, stock keeper, bookkeeper. Write L L b.,, Oregonian. A M IDDLE-AGED man with experience and good habits wishes a oosttlon chauffeur, private car preferred : would consiaer others. Ac Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL student desires position after tchool and Saturday, good stenog. or assistant bookkeeper, can drive auto mobile. Phone Woodiawn 414S. BARBER, disabled sailor wants easy job or would buy small anon country town. Frank Smithson, Barr Hotel, 0th and ttiisan, Portland. AL'TO-M ECU ANIC and electrician, young man. graduate ot auto school wants work In garage, mostly for experi ence. BD 047. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants poMUon can do first -class painting and tinting best of references. Call Main 3703. 2V 13th. Mr. Owen. MIDDLE-AGED man would like to do chores around hotel or private family would work cheap if good home. X. 104, Oregonian. MARRIED man, capable of handling large farm, wishes work or will take charge of farm. Sell. 3300. Write 6205 E. 45th st. S. E. l'Ul NO man with Ford car wishes posi tion with or without car: not afraid work ; references f urnlslied. East 300 or W Ml, Oregonian. I. C. S. ELECTRICAL eng. student wants position as helper in elect rual repair shop; quick with tool ; gooa reierences ae 2.1. w , Oregonian. PRINTER with 6 years experience wants work in or near Portland; can work al around ; good references. Address 6H1 Glisan st. I' hone Main 524. YOUNG man with ambition, snap and energy wishes to associate himself with reliable tlrra; can furnish good refer ence. B D i.2, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 10, wishes posit ion driving truck or private car, or any reasonable job. Before 5 P. M., Main M33, Lowei Reals. MACHINIST and engineer wants job any kind. Phoue Sellwood 2tIS5. Address 1103 Gladstone ave., Portland. Or. SAVE MONEY 1st -class auto mechanic will do repairing at owner's garage driving taught. A xSM. YOUNG Japanese who wishes to learn English desires housework, BD t37 Oregonian. WANTED Position as timekeeper or com missary clerk in longing camp, experi enced. AO bOU, oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4 hours a day making ou Invoices or directing envelopes, long hand copying, etc. AO Col. Oregonian. 1 HAVE llcht delivery car. What hav you to do by day or hour? Woodiawn GENERAL blacksmith and horseshoer and woodwork: can also rep. autos. t. it Watson. 7014 51st ave. S. E., Portland WANT hauling contract by experienced man with 3 -ton truck. Phone Broad way 2026. ELDERLY couple will care for home and children, small compensation. rite call !57 Mississippi ave. MlDDLE-AGED man would like to d chores on farm: would work cheap if good home. V Oregonian. PAINTER wanted to open shop with car penter. Good proposition. tiJ boi, Ore gonian. TRUCKS FOR HIRE. 1 to 5-ton capacity will contract by the month or day. Bdwy. l.s.i. A POSITION by a competent camp or mil blacksmith. Tabor 4.32. BF 101. O: gonian. EXPERIENCE meat cutter wishes stead position, marriea. can turn is n nest references. Box 542. St. Helens. Or. WANTED Work as night Janitor: ex perienced. References. Y. 170, Orego nian. TAILOR Iadles and men, from east, de sires position good estabiisheu House. 1 51 . Oregonian. CHINESE boy wants chamber work, cook ing or work In private family. A. 10. Oregonian. YoUNG man. well educated, desires posi tion as timekeeper or assistant. Some experience. AR 42. Oregonian. SITUATION as Janitor; can do any kin repairing; can lurnlsh references. BD 0:;, Oregonian. KXPKHiEXCKD truck driver well auainted with the city, wants job. Call B. 1157. Home phone. WANTED Wood cutting contract. 1000 to 15oo cords. R. Kaucu jr., iueon si. city. ELECTRICIAN, armature winder. A. C. V- 1. C, good lathe hand. AO 65S, Ore gonian. LATHE hand, experienced on all machines. coarse or f'ne work. AO .io, oregonian ASSISTANT Janitor wants work, hour day or steady. Experienced. Alain 23Q: VKAT CUTTER, experienced. 12 years references. 4125 V Powell Valley road WOULD like night watchman or janitor job. Phone Tabor vixti. REGISTERED assistant pharmacist desires position alter 5 P. M. Wdln. 222 K. KALSOMINl.NO. painting, plaster patching reasonable. Main 2b 05. PAINTING, tinting, papering, first-class; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 1300. LLACKSM ITH wants work. Can also do woodwork. 26 West Prescott st. , ELDERLY man wants position as Jani tor or houseman. BJ 50. Oregonian. BRICK contractor, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone East 3357. EX-SERVICE man would like position with wholesale house. Tabor 5455. CARPENTER. A-l mechanic, remodeling cr new work. Phone Tabor iMJ. PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting. Ta bor 111$. RESH ING LING, patching, house repairing, in or out city. Call Main 6S17. room 7. JANITOR WANTS WORK. 23, OREGONIAN. NIGHTS. BC WANTED Day Job or contract for ton Ford truck. Broadway 477. MAN with family must have work; handy at anything. Phone AJL63L WANTED Carpentering. painting and kalsominln g. Phone Main 436. YOUNG man wishes job on dairy farm. Call at Alder otel. GOOD .ann" eor-k rnl " p o i f - n in Auivaic X-Uiuy. AdoicAA 4vJ!a Cuuh u PITTA TIONS WANTED MAT-. I WANT A JOB. Am 37, strong, willing and dependable; good appearance: possess tact ard diplomacy; high school education: cap able of meeting the public; have hand;4 successfully large forces of men: ex perienced in raiiroad construction, le-vel-ing and ditch buiidlng, but will tackle anything with a future where merit and results count. In or out of city. Frank Naylor, room 25. Norris hotel, 17th and, a ashington. Write or phone. Bookkeeper-, stenographers. Office. SECRETARY. CORRESPONDENT. OF FICE MANAGER Well educated sten ographer, fitted by training and experi ence, inside and outside. mercantile shipping and government service, to act as your right-hand man. or for any po sition of responsibility; married. ten years In Portland; best references; open for position about Nov. 1. AM 603. Ore gonian. GENERAL office man, 10 years experience in accounting ana 3 years in selling, want position with responsiole local firm requiring "live-wire who desires to give employer his money's worih. AM 544, Oregonian. TRAVELING sales, office and mechanical experience, desire work evenings 6 to U and Sundays, no commission proposi tions considered ; what have you to offer? T 3 20, Oregonian. YoCNG man, 21 years old. would like permanent position, have had 12 months general office experience, willing to work out of town: can give best ot reference. W S1. Oregonian. CORRESPONDENCE clerk, young man. good education, prefer to handle com plaints and general quotations for wholesale lirm, references. W 602. Ore gonian. Sc-ldiero and bailor YOUNG married man recently discharged as ensign. U. S. N. R. F., desires posi tion in city as - bookkeeper or general office man : has had sales experience ; best of references furnished. BD 630, Oregonian. YOUNG man 25 desires position with large corporation where ability and willing ness bring promotion ; have general of fice and sales experience. BD 651, Ore gonian. COLLEGE student desiring to work after school, like exchange for room and board with private family. AO OOtt. Oreyonlan. WANTED By returned sailor, posttion as bookkeeper and stenographer. nu b-u Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier, Oregon homestead er: financial and general xarm tools needed. AH 647, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER, experienced truck driver. can drive any make o truck. Call Tabor 1411. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAtK, WINDOW cleaning, floor wcxlng, build ings and general housecieaning by Tirst ciass workers. Phono Marshall 3200, or call at room 206 Goodnough bldg.. 5th and Yamhill sts ; office hours l to 10 A. M.. 12:30 to 2 and 4 to 6 P. M. M IDDLE-AGED woman of education and refinement, desires position as companion or light housework. X 1 01, Oregonian. EX PERT wants your Christmas embroid ery, crochet, hems: it ching ; baby clothes a specialty. East m2. RELIABLE, middle-aged lady and son want janitor work in apt. ; references. Room 12. 2?orn hotel. LADY wants a housekeeping room where can gt chamber work. Zorn hotel, room 12. Fine references. EXPERIENCED cook would like situation in private family; good reference. BD i2i. regonian. A GOOD worker would like work by tho day; 40 cents an hour. AM 537, Orego nian. A YOUNG colored woman wants work in small family; evenings and Sundays off. K ast 11 Mi. RELIA BLE woman wants 6 hours' work Thursday and Friday. East 11M. COLORED young woman wants day work. 7 or t hours: good laundress. East 6!o:i. LADY wants housecieaning; other work; hours, day; good work done. Wdln. 6305. WANTED Day work, woman competent of iiing all kinds of housework, wrtln 1 !.. TWO experienced girls want day work; willing to work In restaurant. East 4-tnti. OOOD laundress wishes whole days, wash ing and ironing preferred. Wdln. 3t46. Da Y work w anted, washing, ironing and housecieaning. B 24S7. LADY and man want house cleaning, lawn work. Main 2304. apt. 3. LACE curtain laundered by expert. Ta bor .V33. Mr. Seen. SITUATION M l.l-l. u-aK" womau cook. Main 7775. WOMAN wishes day Phone East 3oi3. work or ironing. GOOD worker wishes day work, 30c hour. Main 0270. Bookkeepers, Menographers. Office. YOUNG lady wishes position as an a&st bookkeeper. Use typewriter, but no short hand. Wishes to start by November 1. Reference furnished. Would consider $75 to start, with chance for advance-m-nt. Y 150. Oregonian. OFFICE woman of experience capable taking fjll charge would like position. Stenographic, bookkeeping and general office experience, specia lizing iu col lections. Call Marshall 04. BOOK K EE PER and stenographer wants sets of books to keep or stenographic work by hour or Job ; wilt assume all responsibility In connection thereto. BD 023, Oregonian. POSITION as assistant bookkeeper. Us typewriter and shorthand. Consider starting at $M with advancement. Ref erences furni&hed. W N5, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk with six years' experience in general office work desires position. Can handle cor respondence. Phone Tabor 63 u I. EXPERIENCED and capable office girl desires position ; familiar with general office appliances and routine; can also assist on books. East 7177. EXPERT stenographer, seven years expe rience, wishes permanent position; ac curate and rapid ; salary according to position. T 3 3. Oregonian. BOO KKEEPER years o7 experience, wishes temporary and half -day work ; can audit, open and close books, use typewriter. Bdwy. 2732 afternoons. Al TYPIST, good stenographer with gen eral office experience, would like po- ' sltion of 5 or 0 hours a day. Marshall 3200. No. 31. Bookkeeper-cashier, accurate and reliable, experienced in both wholesale and retail lines; best references. Broad way 4U27. PRIVATE secretary: stock, bond, banking and legal experience, thorough knowl edge oi bookkeeping. BD 626, Ore go -nian. SHORT H"ifR SERVICE. STENOGRAPHIC. GENERAL OFFICE OR CORRESPONDENCE. MAIN 6132. COMPETENT stenographer. bookkeeper, desires work half -day. BD 636, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and dicta phone operator would like position. East lt;7. O. K. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, eight years' experience, best of ret. Main 2f17. STENOGRAPHER of best of references. 5 years' experience, Marshall 3110. 1 rci ma ke r? . IF YOU admire work well done, try Mrs Bates. 1120 Division St.. for alternations, remodeling and making of ladles' gar ments, reasonable prices; work guaran teed. Phone Tabor S012. ALTERATIONS. REUMNO, REMODEL- NO. 1ST-CLASS WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. SP1C 'N SPAN CLEANERS A DYERS. 171 11TH ST. MAIN 7:iOJ. FOR BEST results In dressmaking and re - modeling see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works, 549 Morrison st. Bdwy. 4259. DRESSMAKING and mlHlnery work; rea sonably done. Woodiawn 102. 945 Will lams ave. DRESSMAKING by capable woman, alter ations a specialty. Phone Woodiawn 6147. DRESSMAKING and remodeling; refer ences. Apt. 74. 374 3d st. M a in 110. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by day. Broadway 2710. GRADUATE nurse will take patients at her private residence. Tabor 2r0. Housekeeper-. RELIABLE, neat, elderly ladv wishes position as H. K.. small family, adults or widower's home. W fts. Oregonian. Dome-tics. YOUNG women, with musical instrument, would exchange light services for room and board : pi efer working couple and modern home. BD SS, Oregonian. COOK wants position, small hotel, board -in house or family. Good manacer, neat, economical. Sellwood 7S3. W OO, Oregonian. BOARDING House kitchen work or large, plain family; no laundry. Mar. 402K. "WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED to rent, nicely furnished S or 6 room house by responsible adult family; r n.r:iP'M care in prt payment. Phoni iOJfl OV9,