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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1919)
18 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1019. NEW TODAY. A Delightful Home 20 Acres highly improved in the Gilmer Valley. All level, with a deep loam soil. Spring water and first-class buildings, p 10 Acres in bearing orchards; Yel low Newtowns and Spitzenbergs with other fruits for family use. 9 Acres for berries, alfalfa and general farming. 1 Acre of sub-irrigated Beaver Dam land for garden. A wonder "1 producer. There is an attrac tive two-story 9-room houee with bath. A fair-sized barn, garage, chicken house and other build ings. The farm is divided into three fields with good fences. The price, including equipment to farm the place, is only $3500, with terms of one-half cash. It's a great bargain. MacINNES & PRATT 413 Board of. Trade Bldg. STOCK RANCH tsisiAL iuoPosrrio'. 800 acres. 594 acres paid up water right. 250 acres seeded to alfalfa. 100 acres seeded to rye, balance to pasture. 600 acres can be put in alfalfa. .10,000 worth of improvements, consisting of 2 full sets of buildings. One house insured for $2500; 1 barn insured for $1000; 16 miles woven wire fencing. This is an exceptionally good prop osition and will only be on the mar ket 30 days. The soil is a deep lava ash loam, particularly adapted to the growing of alfalfa and potatoes. A large ranch near this place was recently subdivided into 40 and SO acre tracts and sold readily to local buyers at $125 and $150 an acre. Price $50,000, is carrying $15,000 federal loan. CALL, OX US. H. H. iBDIHL CO. (Inc.) Main 252. 323 Ablnirton Bldgr. Office open Sunday and Evenings. Portland Rug Company MAStFACTlRERS OF FLUFF RUGS there's a difference." we' weave am. sizes in both FLl'FF A.NU It A (. RXCiS. ,e fall for Voir Old Carpet, Work Will He Returned Promptly.' Blall Orders Given Prompt Attention. WE CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 Enst Seventeenth Street. Phone B 1324, Either Pacific or Home. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property. Installment repayment privilege if preferred! prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. 117-210 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAMS. General Insurance Surety Bonds 1007 and 8 Wilcox Bid jr. Main feudO. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. OUT OF TOWN. SAYS SELL. . . l i r.a 0 TITmII jjoveiy, iacing ouuui, xuu -. .vo.ii . st., block to carline. 50x100. $500. TlvlOll n O I i n nt fuel n $2 ' wfst, 20O feet south of Lombard, price $9O0, terms; $1200 will buy 100x100 with alley, S. W. corner Kilpatrick and Fow ler streets., make offer; $2200 for 4 lots on S. W. corner Portland boulevard and Boston ave., reasonable terms. Look at these parcels and make us a proposition. Let Us Write Your Insurance. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IKVINGTON 75x100. $050 DOWN. 7."x100. Inside, east front, on E. 21st, near Knott; 80-foot paved street; sewer, all improvements in and paid ; beauti ful homes surrounding ; 1 block to Bdwy. car. Price only $2500, $650 down, balance 3 years at 6. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IKVINGTON LOT SNAP. This lot Is in one of the best portions of this highly restricted district with alV improvements In and paid. Owner is compelled to raise cash quickly and will sacrifice the lot at $1050. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermen's bldg, 5th and Stark stB. GARAGE SITE. 80x115. Best vacant corner in the city for garage and filling station ; paved St., corner of Jersey and Richmond sts., in heart of St. Johns. A big snap at $2000. half cash. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. WE have a choice view lot. in Council Crest Park, on Portland Heights; this lot is on Fairmount blvd. and has a wonderful view; price $500. M. Billings and J. E. Musgrave, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. MUST SELL LESS THAN COST. My corner lot 50x100, nicely situated, one block north of Sandy boulevard, on 43d st., basement taken out, all ready for building; good reason for selling. In quire 124 N. 6.h. Phone B 7112. WOODSTOCK QUARTER BLOCK. 100x100 on 49th ave., near 58th st.; out-of-town owner will take $600. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I'INE lot near Peninsula Park. 100x110, $800, terms. This is awav below value. JOHN'SON-DODSOX CO.. 632-033-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2. block 14, El Tovar; cost $1900 ; need the money ; best offer takes them. Gus Kail as, 3115 Berwyn ave., Chicago, 111. ALAMEDA Park lot, $S00, streets paved; a snap. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-033-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Lot 1, block 100, Rose City park. Make offer to Mrs. John Dougherty, S14 Market St., St, Joseph. Mich. 50x100 LOT, north of Peninsula park. $500, $50 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODFON CO.. 632-033-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. CORNER lot for sale, block 5. lot as t. basco add. to East Portland on E. Lin coln st. bam Aiarinelli, Linn ton. Or. box 204. WEST SIDE lot, near car, $G00, terms to suit you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-033-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. LARGE lot on Portland Heights, suitable for 2 or 3 bungalows. Very sightly. Terms. W 711. Oregonian. 60x100 LOT. East 7th and Jessup St., 1 block east of Union ave.; street paid; price $550; terms. 308 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY park, beautifully situated lot for sale. Snap if taken immediately. Box BD 655, Oregonian. WESTMORELAND lot 50x100 on car line; all improvements made. $575. Owner. X 171. Oregonian. Flat nod Apartment Property. 4-FLAT building adjoining Piedmont ; modern; 1 flat furnished; all for $8500; income $100; terms; must selL DOBNER & DOBNER. BWTJED REALTY DEALERS. 80S HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. For Sale louses. BARGAINS. Several 6, 7. S rooms, Irvington, offer ing below cost, fine locations. These are from $6500 down. Don't fail to see them. East 273. Herdman. IRVINGTON BARGAIN, fill E. 20th, corner Brazee. substantial modern 8-room residence; 4 bedrooms. sleeping porch; $050O. terms. Donald Macleod. 1QQI-2 spaiaing bicig. ROSE CITY PARK. For sale by owner, modern 5-room bun galow on 44th st. near Sandy.. $4200. Tabor 4018. ate for Sale -House IN MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. 1 am offering the following : 4-room bungalow on sightly lot; $1400 $200 cash. 4-room bungalow, with lOOrlOO. near Ryan Htation ; house Is nearly entire) f urnfKhed ; $180U cah. 92004) Choice, sightly acre of ground 2 blocks from Multnomah station. J J 1O0 Three choice lots, with creek, nearly new 3 -room, bungalow, moderi throughout. $2150 New modern 4-room bungalow on choice, sightly lot, 3 block from Multnomah station ; terms to suit. $22"i0 Nearly new modern 4-rooir bungalow, with 2 sightly lots, on Buck ingham Heights; terms. $2500 acre of ground with nearly new 5-room cottage; very sightly prop erty; $luoo cash. $2750 New modern 4-room house with large -acre tract on improved countj road, 3 blocks from Multnomah station, terms to suit. $3X50 That beautiful new Dutch co lonial home, just completed, with near! box 100 feet of ground, one block soutb of Multnomah station; terms to suit. $4000 That choice corner of acre, with modern new bungalow, just com pleted; a beautiful location for youi permanent home. J00OO Over 3 acres of choice garden ing ground, planted to all manner of fruit, flowers and berries, with large modern 8-room bungalow; terms to suit. Many other bargains which I will sub mit to you If you will give me a per sonal interview. I have developed the Multnomah coun try from a wooded waste in 1009 to wha it is today. Most of the property that has been platted and marketed has gona through my office. I can therefore as sure you of the bent service. BEN R1KSLA.NO, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Mr. Newman, my salesman, will -be at the Multnomah office all day Sunday. To make appointment with him, call Main 3439 on Sunday. IKVINGTON, 8-ROOM. MODERN ENG LISH COLONIAL, ON 12TH ST. IRVINGTON, 6 ROOMS. MODERN BUNGALOW, WITH OARAGE, ON 12T H. BKAUMONT, 7 ROOMS. r MODERN BL'XiiALOSV, ON 4.VTH ST. ROSE CITY, 6 ROOMS. MODERN BUNGALOW, ON 47TH ST.. WITH GA RAGE. ROSE- CITY. 5 ROOMS. MODERN BUNGALOW, ON G.VTH. LAL'RBLHURST. o ROOMS. MODERN BUNGALOW. NEAR 37TH. ALL OF THESE ARE MODERN. WITH FIREPLACES, FURNACES. ALL PREFERABLE BUILT-INS. FULL CE MENT BASEMENT. WASH TRAYS. f)0 xlOOtLOTS, ALL DOUBLE CONSTRUCT ED AND VERY REASONABLY PRICED ON TERMS. IF ANY OF THESE WILL INTEREST YOU CALL AT tilO PIT TOOK: BLOCK. BDWY. 332. PIEDMONT For Sale Modern home. 226 Jarrett Bt.. in a beautifu! setting of shrubs and trees, land 100x170 ft., house built for a home; not to market; owner now re si ies in Los A. Three nice, large bed rooms upstairs, each having spacious clos ts; hot water plant and the best of plumbing throughout. The living room downstairs has a big fireplace, the library built-in bookcases, and there are all the convenient kitchen and pantry accessories; within walking distance of Jefferson high, Woodlawn and Ockley Green schoDla. You must see this to appreciate it. Occupant will show you through. Price $6000; can be handled for $:iooo. Call at 226 Jarrett st. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS. I have 5 unusually attractive 6-room bungalows, located in heart of Laurel hurst near park, which, on account of having been built before war, can be purchased for very low prices, ranging from $7O00 to $8500. They were copied from some of the classiest bungalows in California; are strictly up-to-the-min-' ute, some having garages, 2 being on choice corners. Jf looking for a small home how can you spend your time to better advantauA than by inspecting these cozy, well-built homes? R. II. Torrey. 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. MODERN 5-room bungaiow, near 45th and Hawthorne, $800 cash $3200 8-room modern bungalow, fire place, etc., Alberta district; $1000 cash $3900 Brand new G-room bungalow and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, strictly up-to-date; fine locality .. $4000 6-room house. 28th and Clinton, on car liner modern; $500 cash .... $3500 5-room bungalow, Sunnyside, semi-modern, $5oo cash $2000 SEE DOBXER & DOBNER BONDED REALTY DEALERS. w 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN S474. $5250 7-ROOM HOUSE IRVINGTON. Premises at 768 Wasco, near 24th; lot 50x100, on paved street: all improve ments paid ; house well painted and newly kalsomined and in good condition; four bedrooms, cement basement, laun dry trays, furnace, gas and electricity, fireplace ; liberal terms to responsible purchaser; immediate possessicn. Own er's phones: Res., B 1546; business, M ;Hij. BUNGALOW AND LARGE GROUNDS. 100x200 corner, with modern 5-room bungalow: yard fenced and completely arranged for chicken and duck raising ; property in excellent, snape. frice only $4200 ; terms, $ 1 5O0 down, balance easy. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. FINE new English cottage. 6 rooms, din ing and sleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zion, the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price $0500. nv terms. John Bain (owner), 507 Spalding umg. xeiepnone a ti-i. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFAC TION. L R. Bailey Co., Inc., contract ing arcnuecis, vz is. w. .tsanK bldg. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS. $1750. $150 cash. $25 monthly, buys this old-fashioned, well-built. 6-room, plastered house, bath and toilet, electric lights, small basement, lot 45x100, street work all in and included in nrice. Fred AV. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open bun. ana even. $5250. MT. TABOR, modern 7 rooms and sleeping porch, an ideal home, must be seen to be appreciated ; lot 5Oxl50, gar age, paved st., near Franklin hia-h school $2000 cash or terms, or discount for more cash. Owner, 302 East 60th st.. naw iiiorue car. BUNGALOW. irvington. exclusive section; 6 rooms, hardwood floors; very attractive; with garage; $5800; terms. East 1347. IRVINGTON HOME. ir you nave looked in vain for a home to suit you in Irvington, let me show you the Bradshaw residence, 403 iiiia si. in. ; snown oy appointment. M. E. THOMPSON, Sole Agent. Phone Woodlawn 1733. 848 Miss. ave. IRVINGTON. 520 East 24th st. N., corner lot 53x100. modern house. 8 rooms and sleeping porcn, narawooa noors, z Iirepiacea furnace, laundry, etc. ; garage. For aaie by owners. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3020. BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park district; finished in ivory and white enamel ; hardwood floors, good plumbing and all modern conveniences: will make terms or might consider some trade. M. Killings and J. E. Musgrave, notf Mcivay Diag. main i3o. FINEST modern bungalow in St. Johns. Only $3TOO. Cost owner $60 00 when prices were low. Strictly high-class plumbing and electric fixtures. 2 fine places (cost $4000). beautiful plate-glass windows, 6 rooms, ready for buyer; $1000 cash. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. Main 30i2. $4750 MODERN house in Hawthorne dis trict, on paved streets and near car and school ; walking distance; this is a good sized house and a splendid -buy for the money; $800 down and balance to suit. M. Billings and J. E. Musgrave, ot MCKay oing. main j3HO. $2200 GOOD 6-room house, bungalow type; lot 50x100, nice yard with lots of fruit and garden; near school and car; terms. M. Billings and J. E. Mus grave. &o McKay bldg. Main 1390. $2750 1V.-STORY house. lartre llvintr rm line Duiit-m Kitcnen. two bedrooms, bath 100x108 lot, plenty of fruit, fine garden son, up-to-aaie cnicwen nouse. Owner, 1170 Schiller sL, W. S. car to 48th ave, Kenwood 1925. $11,00 ROSE CITY PARK $1900 Modern bungalow, three rooms, bath, electricity, gas. full cement basement, 50x100 Jot. iruit. iiowers. eood terms immediate possession. Look at it and make us an oner. Tabor 4700. S2300 NEW 4-room bungalow, iust fin ished; garage. 1620 Williams ave. cor. ner Baldwin, $500, or 1919 auto as first payment, uy owner; vv ooaiawn 638 4. $7500. IRVINGTON, 21ST AND BRAZEE. Delight! ul nome. lour bedrooms, t fireplaces, two baths, cor. 75x100, gar age; no agents. casi $100 CASH, $20 MONTHLY $1050. 3-room cottage, nice lot ; fruit. MARSTERS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517 WEST SIDE home on Caruthers st., 7 rms. and garage, modern in every way. Own er, .Main p.?d. C-ROOM house. Alberta district, full base ment, 50xl00-foot lot. $3000; $1200 cash easy terms on bal. East C779. 7-ROOM modern house, fine home wit garage: bargain. Owner, bait 3922. A REAL HOME for sale in Rose City Park owner, &ast iio.s. t uk hA LiH. 1 wo lots, -f-room house, gas ana water. xaDor tui. REAL EST. B EA L ESTATE, For Sale -House MAHOGANY FINISHED HOUSE PIEDMONT PARK. Hot water heating, beautiful large Mving room and dining room, with grand stairway. bookcases, buffet, artistic glass. All in exceptionally fine mahogany, 3 fine bedrooms, ne with dressing room, large sleeping porch, ex cellent plumbing. modern kitchen, garage. All for $60oo. Some terms. Consult A. C. Galbraith. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7200; 624 Henry bldg. 3 1 50 H E RE f o 1 ks is a real-f or-sure bungalow, double-construction and in 1 A-l condition, large living room; ' anung room, with fireplace In it; 2 good size bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, this bungalow could not be duplicated for less than $3500. There is a garage, fruit trees and GOxloo lot. with use of additional lot if desired. Only one blk. to paving and streetcar. Terms can be arranged. Pleased to show you this. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. YOU MUST SEE This charming hot-water heated Laurel hurst bungalow ; Seven pleasant rooms, every modern feature; old ivory finish; Beautiful grounds and shrubbery, extra large lot. fine location; Garage In harmony with concrete walls and floor. A delightful home for only $7500. Terms. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3808. 413 Board of Trade bldg. A MODERN HOME. 7 rooms, reception hall and den or sewing room, 4 bedrooms and bath up stairs ; electric fixtures worth $100 go w ith place ; furnace, full cement base ment, double construction ; just painted like new ; vacant; immediate possession ; lot 50x104 feet; 6 fruit trees, flowers; on Vernon ave.. Alberta, 1 H blks. car; price $4000. $1000 cash. bal. easy: to re produce this place would cost $5500; It is a real snap. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 3636 4 th St. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. Here is a cozy furnished bungalow all ready to step right into and start house keeping; 5 cozy rooms, fireplace, good furnace, large front porch, good view ; all improvements in; no encumbrances; 2 blocks to car. Price includes all furniture, linen and china; $4700. Terms. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3808. 413 Board of Trade bldg. NOB HILL SACRIFICE. ABOUT HALF PRICE. To settle an estate, we are authorized to sell a fine 8-room house, with hard wood floors, fireplace, fine furnace, etc., for $4500. The lot alone is worth $3500. Elegant view of east side and the river. No shoppers. This ad means just what It says. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 300 Oak st. Broadway 4133. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. Jackson, near 6th. lot 65xlOO with 11 room house; first floor has 5 rooms, bath, and toilet; second floor, 6 rooms, bath and toilet; furnace, fireplace, garage, space for 4 au tos ; purhaser could rent sufficient rooms and garage space to pay for property; lot alone reasonably worth $6000; terms can be arranged; price $5500- HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark street. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY $700O. Fine 8-room house in the heart of Laurelhurst. One of the finest living rooms in Portland. Has den. breakfast room, sleeping porch, garage, etc.. 2 fireplaces, 4 nice bedrooms, with extra large closets, and in every way a very desirable home. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. UT-OF-TOWN owner wishes to sell nifty Beaumont bungalow, 5 rooms ana den, floored attic, full cement basement, fur nace, extra nice fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Price Includes grand piano and kitchen range, $5000, $2000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-034 Northwestern Bank Building. SELLWOOD BIG SNAP. Good 6-r. house. 3 bedrooms, elect., gas. cement basement, good bath and plumbing. 100x100 corner. semi-business; paved st. included in price. On E. 13th and Leo ave. Price a nig snap; $4000. $1000 cash. $20 per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. NORTH PIEDMONT district, good 6-room bungalow on nice corner lot. laces east with wide porch across front, fireplace, full plumbing, light, gas. street improve ments paid; 3 bedrooms, an exceptionally light kitchen; price $2700.. $700 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODFON CO.. 632-033-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. :2;i0 BUYS a 5-room home on 50xlo0 lot. with improvements all- in and paid. Only 3 blks. to Union ave. cars and south of Alberta street. Bath, gas elec tric lights. full basement, $200 cash will handle if you can make good monthly payments, J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. HAWTHORNE $1900. $450 CASH. BALANCE EASY. 4-room bungalow ; rooms well ar ranged; full plumbing; gas, electric lights, full basement, convenient to Haw thorne and Sunnyside cars. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-634 Northwestern Bank Building. $2350 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $1000. Unusually well built 5-room modern cottage, full cement basement, fruit closet, wash trays, sewer, fine lot 45 by 110, fruit and berries, 32d st-. near Division. If you know values you will buy this on sight. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton Bldg. MOUNT SCOTT bargain, 8 rooms, living room, dining and kitcnen. sewing room, 3 bedrooms and bath, bookcase, buffet, concrete foundation, double constructed; 1 block to car; place piped for furnace; 80x100 lot. $2050, $750 cash and move in. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-634 Northwestern Bank Building. $4100 LET us show you this beautiful nome convenient 10 ounnysiae nu Mount Tabor cars: sArictly modern ; furnace, fireplace, all built-lns. Full cement basement. Wash trays; paved street and paid for. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Owner of classy strictly modern rr Aii NEW 6-room bungalow with garage, forced to make quick sale; old ivory finish, hardwood floors through out, every built-in convenience, best construction; $0000, terms. R. H, Tor rey. Tabor 407. ALBINA. TTVECI-TOR'K SALE.' No. 270 Graham ave., 50x100 and good lai-an.fnnm hmmA. close to Williams ave.. in the Aibina business district ; can be bought cheap lor casn. ee ueo. sn, Strong, executor, at Hotel Clifford. t350 ALBERTA $500. Ken-resident offers fine modern 7-room residence, sleeping porch and quarter blk. with hedge, fruit, grapes and ber ries. A real sacrinee. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton Bldg. DOUBLE LOT. 4-room plastered, good plumbing, ce ment foundation and basement. 2 blocks from car line; cement walks. Assessments all paid. Price $2500. $1000 cash. John f erguson, uerunger oiag. IRVINGTON FINE HOME. 688 E. 19th N. (vacart) extra well built, plate Klass. oak floors, fireplace, garage. Special price tnn weea. iseunausen. .Main 07. $075 OSWEGO COTTAGE $275 DOWN. 2 -room cottage, 0x250 lot, only three diockx irom station; some iruit. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX NIC E modern home in restricted district street paved and paid for; $26u0; need s.o casn .quick; Dai. 925 per month, w ooaiawn FOR SALE or rent, 4-room .ottage. 4 jots mith 15 bearing fruit trees. Lents sta tion; nouse numoer .Mr. X. Kj Davis. Sell. 715. 1 AND 6-ROOM cottages on 100x100 lot. Woodmere sta., $2700, easy terms; bear ing inrn ieea, imc Karuen, near school HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill stl BEAUTIFUL home with 6 rooms, well xurnisneu piaco ior auiomooi horse; lot 50x100; many fruit trees, near Bcnooi; price ohu JOth St. MODERN 5-room completely furnlshoH r-t tage, iuii size uasemeni wim trays, clean, reaay ior uttuimuiB, rrnm 1 or jou. Own er. 1050 E. Washington; $3500. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates, u. t. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. AI. Phone aiain mi. rveg. pnuiie, xaoor EXPERIENCED in wholesale Jtnri retail credits ana collections. Can accept posi non aoouL i-Novemoer 1. uooa rexerencs furnisnea. v oresonian. BRAND-NEW, 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park for sale at a bargain. See mis touay at r. -intn st. Beau mom car. uwner wain. J3. MODERN house of 7 rooms, corner of bKiamore ana tiaignt sts.. near Jeffer son niin scnooi. uwner, Alain H34. 6-ROOM bungalow for quick sale. s3oon Easy terms. Excellent district. Owner. 1 eon diuk, MODERN 6-room house, furnace, fireplace mm buiukc, tiuto n. oienn ave, 1 aoor o'o. FIVE-ROOM house, bath, full basement!. $2500: six-room, bath, $1500; close in. IRVINGTON DEL A HUNT. EAST 1 347. R.ROOM California bungalow, enrn. a 1 berta district, cheap; easy terms, p'hone Wdln. 106L TPVINGTON HoUbKS. EAST R- T STREET. 1HV. AUT, REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern tn all its appointments and nearly new; hardwood floors, tiled fire places in living room and front bed room, tiled bath, with shower; also bath for maid's room; conservatory, extra large sleeping porch, which can be heated if desired; complete burglar alarm sys tem and double electric lighting and heating systems; located in the very best district of Irvington. on 100x100 corner, surrounded by beautiful homes. This house has cost the owner be tween $18. OOO and $20,000. but an at tractive price will be made In selling, or would accept desirable vacant or im proved Portland property for the equity. SAMUEL R. NORTON, 610 Henry Bldg. $50O DOWN. $35 MONTHLY. Buys a brand new fully modern and complete four-room bungalow in Rose City park. We have Just finished the construction of this very attractive bungalow and now offer It for sale at the extremely low price of $3400. The living room is especially large and at tractive with ornamental brick fire place. Kitchen has plenty of built-in features and a splendid breakfast nook at one side. There are two large bed rooms with nice light closets. Hard wood floors. Ivory finish throughout. Good electric fixtures. Cement base ment. A very complete home for a small family. Lot 5oxloo. Four blocks north of Sandy boulevard on 04th streal. Call Mr. Cleveland with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 3Q4 5th St. Main 6S09. $3500 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS DIST. On a full corner lot on Francis ave nue, near 31st, close to the Woodstock car is a very attractive 6-room modern home with very distinctive lines ; good cement basement, many built-in conve niences, best white porcelain plumbing, electric lights and gas; unusually attrac tive lawn with abundance of shrubbery and flowers. This house looks like a $5O00 home. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of Inspected homes in our offices for sale, 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main IO6S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. MODERN BUNGALOW. $3650. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, was placed in our hands for sale by the owner, who was suddenly compelled to leave the city. House is clean and ready to move into; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms with well-lighted closets and den on first floor; good attic and full cement basement, fine view of the city; improvements all in and paid, excep tionally well lighted rooms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 31t Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. ROSE CITY PARK. Here Is a home that exceeds the beauty of the advertisement. Location la ideal. Extra large lot, new garage. Home is beautifully arranged, excep tionally large living room, hardwood floors, attractive fireplace, furnace. Two large bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. People here is a home that will suit. $1500 will handle this. Let us tell you about It. Call Ted Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1Q4 5th St. Main 0S0. RED-HOT IRVINGTON SNAP. (TWO BEAUTIFUL BATHS.) Must effect quick sale of one of most delightful nearly new 7-room bungalows with garage, located on choice 75x100 lot near car and school ; 4 nice bed rooms 2 downstairs) and sleeping porch, 2 baths, hardwood floors through out downstairs, upstairs nicely carpeted; Instantaneous gas heater, electric stove, new linoleum; built for home; never of fered fore sale before and a rare bargain at $H5no. $2500 cash. K. H. Torrey. Ta bor 407. LARGE. CLOSE-IN NOB HILL HOME. IN FINE CONDITION AND LOCATION. 8 rooms, large hall, den and attic. Bt oak floors and built-lns. Well situated for doctor, merchant or professional man. Cheap at $8000. $3 000 cash. Hchaefer, Bdwy. 5167 or Main 1532. -ROOM LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. living room, about 15x30. across front of house, hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, r rench doors open Into aining room with buffet. cabinet Kitcnen and breakfast room, 2 bedrooms. bath and toilet down ; billiard room ana 1 bedroom up; full cement base ment and an excellent furnace. This is a buy at .ioo. Terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Itailway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. RVINGTON home, beautiful large living room in manogany and old ivorv. solid mahogany dining room, oak library or Dreaaiast room, basement entirely fin ished, including laree billia.rd room. second floor all Ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace in front bed room suite, tile bath connecting sleeping porch, attic has complete bath room and two fine living rooms; location best in irvington. a bargain, 1 10,500. R. T. htreet. Irvington agent. East 814. 7-ROOM HOME. Reception halL living, fireplace, din lng. buffet, den. large kitchen, pantry. down; 3 large, one small bedroom, bath and toilet up. Cement basement, hot-air furnace, 50x100 tot, paved street all paid, on East Madison near 22d, surrounded by une nomea ana gooa neignoors. 4000, $1000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. "NOB HILL" PRICE ONLY $10,000. 8-room house, with every modern convenience, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Located in the very best part of "Nob Hill" convenient to fine car service and surrounded by fine homes. A real home and a fine buy at thl price. Our auto at your service. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. 7-ROOM HOUSE 2 LOTS SNAP. Good house. 5 rooms downstairs, up: all newly papered and painted, elect. bath, cement basement, 4 bed rooms; 2 lots 80x100 corner, on Interstate ave. or Patton ave.. 1 block from Alberta st a snap at $2200; $500 cash, $20 month, 6 per cent. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 7 ROOMS. ONLY $3000. For this modern home, extra fine lot, 60x1 OO, with fruit trees and shrubbery pavea street, quick sale, $.1000. cosy; new home. . Five rooms, fireplace, oak floors, fine built-in works, good plumbing. $3800, terms. . B. F. BOND REALTY CO.. 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 3825. GOOD BUY Low price, eaA terms. $850 $200 cash. $15 per month? takes a new little cottage or 3 rooms, with dandv COxlOO-ft lot on improved street In good residence section of the city. First money takes the property. My client. a non-resident, wishes to mate a quick sale. For particulars call on Ben Ries- land, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. $3250, $1000 CASH, balance easy, lOOxloo lot witn cnoice iruit; tungiisn walnuts. strawberries. raspberries. btacK berries house has 6 rooms, full plumbing, gas, electricity, full cement basement ; fine chicken run; good garage. Owner leav ing city. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 Northwestern Bank Building. FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE. Reception hall, living, fireplace, dining Dunei, Kitcnen, pantry, aown ; 4 be a rooms, bath and toilet up. Cement base ment, hard street all paid. $3500. $500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2Q5 Corbett Bldg. Main 015. $2050 ON 61st street and 64th avenue, the Jot here is 80x125; living room, din lng room, kitchen and 1 bedroom on first floor, with one bedroom up : abun dance of fruit and .berries; fine plaa BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 1686. $3000 ROSE CITY PARK $3000. $1000 down takes this nifty 5-room bungalow, 1 H blocks from Sand boulevard. Hardwood floors. buiit-i buffet, laundry trays, two nice bed rooms. Don't miss this. S. R. Stock' ton. Tabor 1040. IRVINGTON HOME. Owner of attractive strictly modern 10-room house in choice location, nea car, wishing to effect quick sale will cu price to $9500 House alone worth $ K. ti. Torrey. Tabor 407. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, nearly new. hard wood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. 5oxl00 corner lot. w ooaiawn. Price $2850. Easy terms. A K 4rf, uregonian. COZY five-room bungalow, full basement, full plumbing, electric fixtures, gas, shades, screens, all ready to move Into. beautuui view location, east oaa street, one block to car; a splendid buy at $ 3000, term s. Tabor 3082. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 7-room house. 1 OOxlOO corner lot, hard -surface st., all paid for; strictly modern, with all con veniences; oak floors and fireplace; Terms. Woodlawn 3220. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, rents for $25 month; now vacant; 2 blocks to 2 carl lines. 430 Emerson. WL car. After 5 P. AL call 021 Webster. AB car to 11th. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses BIHR CAREY CO.. REAL ESTATE AN organization of Live Wires. And. incidentally. Derm it us to sro on record as saying that the members of this firm, both collectively and indi vidually. In extending their services to you. promise you a satisfaction that will, without a shadow of a doubt, be most pleasing to you. The courtesy, efficiency and Integrity that you will meet with in your dealings with us will be of the highest order. We are specializing at present In modern homes. List your I property with us for quick action. Don't buy until you have seen our offerings and have talked with us regarding them. iet acquainted with us. Keep in touch with us. Watch our ads. Open Sundavs and Evenlnss. $1 1.50O Here's a very fine home not profusely elaborate, but certainly in gooa taste. Jt is on a 63x100 corner lot. in one of the nicest locatiunn In Iaurel- hurst. All the rooms in this home are very spacious. The woodwork is solid mahogany. Living room, dining room. music room and kitchen on first floor: 3 bedrooms and a beautify! tiled bath on the 2d floor; maid's room on 3d floor: hot water heating plaint; garage; the ice oox is connected, with the sewer; the sink is Porcelain, the built-in in the kitchen are of a vesy distinct type. There are 7 cords of wood and 2 or 3 tons of coal to go with this place; it is one block to the car. This will appeal to anyone who wants a home of distinction and class and yet very sensibly ar ranged. We will show this place to you any time you want to see it. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 16S6. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW. $150O REMARKABLE BARGAIN. On a full corner lot Is a practically new 5-room, very comfortable modern, homelike bungalow ; living room, dining room, convenient kitchen. 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas, good cement base ment, convenient to car and school, with in walking distance of woolen mlllH. Can arrange very easy terms. This will make you a dandy little home and is a real bargain. Owned by a non-resident. We have over 0OO photographs of inspected homes In our office for sale. 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice, oee , FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HOME FOR THE NEWLYWEDS. Do you know that for $400 down and $RO monthly you can buy a brand new apartment house type of bungalow, with living room 14x22. splendid fireplace, built-in Window seats. Murnhv disanuear- ing bed, dressing room, extra bedroom, complete plumbing, Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast room with built in table and seats? Located right on the car line, right on a paved street; splendid view; price 205O. Whv not apply that $60 or $70 per month you are mrowing away on a little place or your own? Fred W. German Cp., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. Open Sunday and evenings. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photo graphs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective districts with full de scription. Every home ha. been ap praised by an expert appraiser, some re markable bargains. That is why we sold over 700 homes since Juary I this year. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. ' TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Build, ng. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. Bungalow, BRAND NEW. huce llvlni room across front with fine fireplace mm winuow seat. ine arrangement is fine. Dutch kitchen, cozy breakfast noon, a nice sun room, two light, airy. ufuroonw. narawooa Tioors through out. Just a touch of mahogany. Full cement basement, garage, built by day labor of best material, to meet the discriminating taste. See it now and have the finishing, fixtures and heat ing system to suit you. S. R. Stock ton. -rabor 1040. $2HO OWNER leaving city. This place h on loina ave. ; reception nail, living room, 3 bedrooms downstairs, reception hall, living room; 2 bedrooms upstairs, with bath; hard-surface street, cement sidewalk and sewer; full lot. ti block to I car. This place will pay an interest of aDoui it per cent on your Investment, you can live In one flat and rent ih other. Here's your chance to make some money. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1686. FURNISHED COMPLETE. PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. 5 rooms and Hleebinsr porch, camnlere. ly furnished, ready to move in. splendid iumuure. am on one noor, 2 bedrooms. gas, electricity, fireplace; cash down, balance to spit. It's a rare opportunity. abk Air. otorourg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2000. PIEDMONT STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM BUN OA LOW. 5 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. HAR D W OO D FLOORS, CE M E N T xi AS KM KM. FURNACE. OA RAGE: $.".n4H). WILL SELL FURNISHED FOR PO INDEX TER. 248 SELLING BUILDING OFFICiC. MAIN isoo. RESIDENCE. B 7120. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. SAVE COMMISSION. Modern residence, well located, close- in, 7-room nicely finished, all built -In. large closets, fireplace, fine hot-water I nea ting plant, tun cement basement, lol OOxlOO, all assessments paid, excellent cement garage. Worth 1O0O. For quick sale will sacrifice at $5000. Terms. rnone nciwy. 392. $6000. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW, 6 ROOMS, ALL ON ONE FLOCK: HARD- W OO D F LOO KS : WHITE FN'AMEL th K lUuHUUT; FURNACE. GARAGE; TERMS. POIND EX TER. 20S FELLING BUILDING. OFFICE. MAIN 1 Sou RESIDENCE. B 7120. $27O0 WONDERFUL BUY $2700. CLOSE IN RICHMOND DISTRICT. Seven-room house, full basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. fine lot. -OOxlOO; lots or fruit, four cherry, two apple, one prune and one pear tree; lots 01 grapes ; nara-suriace street, ail paid. Main 7907, Mariels or Williams, 20 tnamDfr 01 commerce biag. $3SO0 IN HAWTHORNE. 5-room bunga low, reception nan, living room, dining I room. Kitcnen, z oearooms with bath; furnace, fireplace, paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer; T fruit trees: 1 V, blocks to car. This is a mighty fine lit tle piace. 1 ou win iiKe it. BIHR-CAREY" CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1686. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. Tfc.N nrlL.N. TEN SHUN. w hy pay rent when you can buy a 5 room bungalow in Rose City Park, strict ly modern, hardwood floors, with all bu!lt-ins, $1600 first payment, balance I terms to suit; price s;itoy. ASK MR, 6TORBERG. $3500. ALAMEDA PARK. 025 EAST 2TH NORTH; BUNGALOW, 0 ROOMS. FULL H Ap K M H.N 1 , ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 1 . VI WiTU POTNOEXTER. 20S SELLTNO BUILDING OFFICE. MAIN ISOO RESIDENCE. B 7120. $225) In MT. SCOTT. Nice, neat 5-room bungalow, a gooa store building, and a barn which can be used as double carafe. The whole shooting match for the above I price. These buildings are on an 80x100 lot; DiocKS to car. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1 686. LAURELHURST. Model home. 7 rooms, hot water ht hrwrdwood floors, garage. Including small 4-room nouse, an tor suuuu. feast 1347. $1950 ON 43D AVE., near 61st st., 3 rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms; 50x100 lot; block to car; 6 fruit trees; $0OO will handle, rest iiKe rent. BTHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1686. $2000 BUYS an 8-room home with 100x100 lot, St. Johns car. This must be sold at once to close an estate. Terms if desired. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2Q4 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094. TO SETTLE ESTATE. A big bargain, fine 7-room house. $3000. close in. $1000 mtg.. will take $750 or win take auto or truck and $.(o cash, bal. 8 years. See Mr. Neylon at W. G. HecK orrice, 210 ailing bldg., 2 P. M. IRVINGTON bluNUALO v , almost new. Simply charming, 6 rooms, ivory finish. coahs aij s tii ti. leaving city. Sacri fice. $6500. Terms. 66 East 15th N. Main 07H. IRVINGTON. Home. I have to selL all furnished oak and mahogany, upstairs in ivorv. all floors oak. 9 baths. 2 fireplaces, gar- I age, au o.n. uregonian. WEST SIDE HOME. Owner will sell o-room house at a sacrifice, terms if desired: IO minutes I from hth ana Morrison. 330 Grant st.. between oth ana 3 roadway. IRVINGTON. $6800; large, fine home mod ern and well built. 1 11 Thompson st.. sacrifice sale to close non-resident's es- tate. R. T. Street. Irvington agen t . MODERN Rose City bungalow and garage, show n by appolntronet afternoons only. labor oo. REAL ESTATE. For Kale House. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 820-321 Benry Bldg. Main 2690. BUYERS, ATTENTION! $5500-HAWTHORNE DlSTRICT-$5500 This bungalow, just completed, ready to move in, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 and sleeping porch up, bookcases, Dutch kitchen. breakfast room, tapestry paper, full cement base ment, 2 blocks to scnooi, x 10 car. $1200 first payment; terms. ROSE CITY PARK $65O0. Six rooms and sleeping porch, a strictly modern up-to-date bungalow, JUNt Unlshed and ready to move in, extra large living room, 1 inisneu id oiu i ry with artistic tapestry paper, oooKcases, buffet, large Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, full cement basement and attic. I bedroom on first floor. 2 bedrooms, sleep ing porch 2d floor, hardwood floors on the entire lirst lloor, nrepiace, garage, furnace. $1500 down, balance easy terms. Call or phone. Auto at your service. KENTON DISTRICT. A cosv little 3-room bungalow, bran new, ready to move into, toilet and bath. lot oiixioo. $1750, oou iirst payment. balance terms to sulL WEST PIEDMONT. Five-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, full cement basement, bath, all clear; lot OOxloo, 2 blocks from car ; a real snap for $2800, $7oo cash will handle, balance terms to suit. $3400 WEST PIEDMONT $3400. Five blocks U high school, 2 blocks to car. fruit trees, berries, flowers, a beaut if ul garden, 2 chicken houses, lot 00x100. h room bungalow, strictly moa- ern; must have $1000 cash, balance $30 per month. PARK ROSE. Everybody is looking for snaps, don't delay, think, of It, a 4-room bungalow, & little Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, closet. bath, gas. electricity, special feature steel range, goes with place. Price $2 GOO, $400 down, terms. A nice- comfy 6-room house In St. Johns district, modern in every respect, corner Columbia boulevard. Price $4010. $300 down, balance terms to suit at 6 per cent interest. OVERLOOK ADDITION. Five rooms and sleenlna porch, hard wood floors, completely furnished, bullt- ins. 1 1 rep 1 ace, lot f"x 100. $2. too aown, an offer that Is seldom offered the pub lic. Price $45oo, balance terms to suit ASK MR STORBERO. THE McGUIRE WAY makes home selling easy. No unneces sary details. Our staff of 12 real estate salesmen with automobiles working In welI-organizd office, backed by exten sive aavertising. is certain to get result Let this organization, which sold 750 homes bo far this year, sell yours. R EM EM BER. 750 Homes Sold Since January 1, 1919. 87 homes sold in September. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. PORTLAND HEIGHT S SAC R f F ICeT" rlne home with beautiful view of city, on 7:xloo lot: can be bought for $ 12.50O; property actually worth $18,Ooo -an, entire lower rioor, except kitchen in mahogany finish; upper lloor In white enamel; hardwood floors throughout iiouse, ning room, dining room, kitchen, den. 4 bedrooms and hlt-eiiinir nnrrh- full cement basement, laundry room, furnace and every modern convenience; price i-,ini ior quicK sale; terms. Half cath. LUEDDEM ANK COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. ftUUU L.UOK IRVINGTON LOOK $MI to. i ine-room nouse and double garage 1 ot 5o x 1 00 all hardwood f 1 00 r s Urge living room dining room all hardwood floors large living room dining room den kitchen and pass pantry on first floor three bedrooms sleeping porch bath and smoking room with fireplace 011 sccoiiu noor tins is a gooa buy an will not last long ; if you want a big oargain uon l pass tills but call L. M, Lawrence, with RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Q9 nk ct. Broadway 4133. $2750 HERE'S a beaut v. This olace sold on sight a few days ago. but the deposit was lorieitea necause r tne buver s in ability to tee the deal throuah. This lit tie place is brand new; living room and aining room in one, uutch Kitchen, bedrooms with bath ; has cement base ment, fireplace, gas. electricity, screens and shades. This home Is on a beautiful corner lot and wiii please anyone who sees it. We believe It will be sold to night. Hurry ! BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. B.dg. Main 16S6. $075 $75 CASH: 3 rooms, N. Piedmont H-UM $:mi cash; 4 rooms. W .verley. $15m $250 cash; $i:,-io j2o cash ; $2loo $1,111 cash; $22.Mi $200 cash; $255o s:;uu ca.h, $2';50 $:too cath; $-jsoo $mm cash; 5 rooms. Woodstock 5 rooms. Sell wood car. 6 rms.. blk. Glisan car. 5 r.. close In. vacant. 5 rms. adj. I.aur lh'st. 5 rooms, .sunnyside. 5 rooms Hawthorne. 6 mums, Alberta. $2950 $4.10 cai-h C. GOLDEN BERG Abington Bldg. Main 4 $03. "35 Years In Portland." BARGAIN IN KENTON. Seven-room house and sleeping porch. In best district of Kenton ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement floor in basement, paved street, sewer in and paid for. Pri'-e only $4 OOO. One-half cash, balance three or five years 7 per cent. If you want a good home Investigate tnis at once. Call V oodlawn 4 1 1 1 be tween the hours of D A. M. and 5 P. M Ask fr Mr. Thompson. $3700 IRVINGTON district. brand-new bungalow, living and dining room wit h oak floors and mahogany borders: two nice, light bedrooms with polished fir floors, kitchen is very convenient, ha many bins, drawers, cupboards, etc nice, large breakfast nook, woodwork old ivory ; you can choose the tints for the walls, electric fixtures, etc. ; one ' block to Irvington car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. STOP LISTEN A SNAP. $2400 MODERN BUNG AH) W $2400. VACANT SEE IT TODAY. 6-room bungalow. 1 floor, fine big basement, gooa piummng. nice iireplace, some built-lns, lot 70x110, some fruit, near car. This is a wonderful bargain could not build house for price asked, and It's vacant; easy terms. Main 796' Mariels or Williams. b20 Chamber c Commerce bldg. GENUINE HOUSE BARGAINS. Irvington. 8 rooms $5000 Pieamont. 1 rooms ana sleeping porch $S2S0 Larrabee street, 8 rooms $6SOO These are all houses of modern type and all now occupied by owners. Pos session quickly obtained. Easy terms desired. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen's bldg. 5th and Stark st $20oo IN PENINSULA. 5-room bungalow, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms with, bath; fireplace, gas, electricity, screens, shades and linoleum all kinds of fine fruit trees and shrub bery, garage; hi block to car. Don pay rent when you can get a nice llttl haven of rest like this for the abovi price. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 16.16 $60OO. WITHIN 200 FEET SANDY BLVD. LOT 75x100; B V N G A L O W. WITH MUSIC ROOM. LIVING ROOM. DIXINC ROOM. KIT' HEN, BATH AND ON BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR; TWO BED ROOMS SECOND FLOOR: HARDWOOD FLOORS AND FURNACE; TERMS. POINDEXTER, 20 SELLING BLDG. MAIN isitQ. RESIDENCE. B 7120. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. A PERFECT BEAUTY. One of the most beautiful bungalow In Irvington. Has absolutely ever) modern convenience. Located In th heart of Irvington and surrounded fine homes. If you want some thin classy don't fail to see this. Price $7000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. DANDY B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Nice livinir. fireplace, dining, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms, bath an toilet, cement basement. OOxlOO coiner. some iruit on place, oir hard street. Thl: is fine home and like new. Exceptional value. :iHOO. ;iooo cash. Located I Thayer Heights, just off 45th ave. 3. E THE LAWRENCE CO.. 201 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, $4000 BUYS a dandy bungalow home of 8 rooms and bath, Z bedrooms down up. Furnace, full cement basemen hdwd. floors. Dutch kitchen, hdwd. floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, garage, only 1 blk. to car. near ranklln high terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1094 BEST BUY IN THE CITY. Modern 7-room, story-and-half bun galow. 3 fine lots with assorted fruit and berries, near school and car. Th first real buyer that sees it will buy 1 If sold within 5 days only $2550. good terms. C. J. CULLISON CO.. 205 H Morrison St. HOUSE SNAPS. 80x101 with 5 rooms $2000 50x100 with 5 rooms 2400 NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen's bldg, 5th and Stark sts. FOR SALE By owner, and lot Everett street near 2tst- Reasonable. Terms. T Oregonian. HOi'SE and lot on East Oak street, near 12th. for sale by owner. Terms. T 310, Or iKtmiau. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE- THREE MOUNT SCOTT HOMES, EASY DOWN PAYMENTS. $1300 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, toilet. 4,0x lOO lot, cement sidewalks, alley, 3 blocks car. Only $350 down, $15 month. $2350 5 rooms, double constructed, built-in buffet, good bath, full basement. 5OxU0 lot. Flrland sta tion, S block car; only $500 cash to handle, balance easy. $2650 Veiy neat 5-room bungalow. Fir land station, buffet, line bath, nice kitchen, full basement. 60x Iiki lot, S block to car. close to school. $650 down, $15 month bal ance. WEST MOUNT TABOR. $4000 6-room bungalow, attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, paved st. and sewer paid; H block to Haw thorne car. CLOSE IN HOLLADAY ADDITION. J30U0 6-room 2-Mory residence, 3 fine bedrooms, good bath, full cement basement. furnace; fine corner lot. paved and paid both sides; two blocks two cariines. walking distance town. $1000 to handle, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3900 Five, beautiful rooms, hardwood floors, modern and then some ; most artistic bungalow In this section: look at this bargain. 344 E. 40th street, near Hawthorne. Terms. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. $4500 broom residence. 2 sleeping porches, vacant, Vi block Haw thorne car, close in among fine homes, easily worth $5500. Owner mun sell at once. 50x100 lot, terms; ask to see it. MOL'NT TABOR. VURNISHED. $4750 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet, fine utch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays. AOxloo beau tiful lot. commanding view of city and mountains, price Includes all furniture and furnishings, ready to start housekeeping; in ventory of furniture and picture at otfice: close car. Terms. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $52507 rooms, Irvington corner, fire place, 4 large bedrooms, fu.11 ce ment basement, furnace. 50x100 corner lot, centrally located, ce ment garage ; if you are looking for an. Irvington home at the right price, see this. Some terms. Autos always at your convenience. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $2;i.10 EAST OF LAURELHURST. Here Is a real bungalow with typical bungalow lines ; large front porch ex tending entire widt h of house ; large living room, paneled d in ing room with plate rail, built in buffet, full white Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bedrooms, white porcelain plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement basement, laundry trays; house nowly tinted and in Al con dition. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington building. Main 1065. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. rose city 645 kast 54th st. n. three bed rooms, living room. dining room, kitchen. bath. full size concrete basem ent furnace, oarage. $4600; easy terms poindexter. 20n selling bldg. office. main isoo. residence. b 7120 $30oo AH. HERE IT IS! You can raise cows, n ducks, n geese, n everything on this place; 5-room bungalow in Wood stock, on a 100x150 lot. This place is in Al condition, has garage, about 35 fruit trees, some berries. This is a very nice buy. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1656. $47.V. R.fE CITY BUNGALOW. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4 29 E. 3TH N 5 ROOMS. FURNACE, CEM ENT BASEMENT. GARAGE. PuINDEXTKK. 2(H KLLIXG BLDG. OFFICE. MAIN ISOO. RESIDENCE. B 7120 $22O0 IN F1RLAND. ML Scott's best ad dition: reception hall, living room, din ing room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms with bath, gas and electricity. 2S blocks to car; $1000 to handle and rest easy. This is in A-l condition. Let us show It to you. BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 16H6. NEW modern bungalow. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, attic, concrete basement, white enamel finish, Dutch kitchen, all built in features, hardwood floors: $4000. small cash payment, balance easy at 6 per cent interest. O. W. Bryan. 509 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 1963, Res. Mar shall 805. VACANT. YOUR OWN TERMS; NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL O-room wel I -built house, now vacant, near J ef ferson high. basement, good plumbing, electric ii grits, gas; H. S. st. paid, near car; price is only $2850, on your terms. Main "967. Mariels or Will iams, 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. irvington. strictly" modern, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, sleeping POUCH. atti full-size con crete BASEMENT. HOT -WATER HEAT. OARAGE: COR. LOT; $10,500. POINDEXTER. 20i SELLING BLDG. MAIN l.MtO. RESIDENCE. B 7 1 20. $3300 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $33M. A positive bargain in o-room bunga low with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, cement base ment, wash trays, etc., $M)0 cash. Owner leaving town in hurry. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton Bldg. $140O, TERMS. Five rooms, furnished on 5OxR0 lot. t h is is a aood buy on good road, f ou r blocks to car and school, has cellar wood shed, water, gas and bath. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Building. CA LLED from city, will seil reasonable 6-room 2-story nouse w itn or witnout furniture ; lawn, fruit and roses. Look In ir for a home ? You have found J ust tinted and renovated. Richmond car to 36th, two blocks north to 1105 E. Caruthers. ROSE CITY Park, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors. rurnace, fir-enlace, buffet, built-lns In kitchen: white enamel throughout, beautiful home for $4751). $1000 cash, balance like rent. J OH .nm. -lol?-o:n 10.. 632-033-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2350 VACANT VACANT $2350. WHY TRY TO RENT? Five-room bungalow, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; near car, close in; an exceptional buy on terms. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MoDERN 7-room dwelling with two lots. exclusive excellent view in l-aureinurst, many built-in conveniences: heavy sacri fice below cost and consider lot or acre age part payment; terms. Owner, Ta bor 103S. fiitiu VACANT R. C. PARK CAR. Good 4-room tent house, electricity, gas. sinks, good floor, windows, sealed walls, A-l condition; on corner lot 55x Hut; sidewalks; easy terms. Tabor 6559. Suburban Homes. SOUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. Just 2 blocks south of Multnomah station on' the Oregon Electric, choice half acre tracts, either wooded or in high state of cultivation. Streets graded. Sidewalks and Bull Run water laid in the streets. This property Is selling at the low figures of from 45o up for half acre on terms of 10 down and $10 a month, with 6rr Interest on deferred payments. Don't fail to see this property. If you can't build your permanent home, put up a temporary place and build later. Don't you wince at the sting of the landlord's lash, lel me help you to get started. I have the method and the means. BEN K1ESLAND, Exclusive sales agent of this addition and many other tracts and houses about Multnomah station. Address. 4o4 bldg. 127 Park st. Phone Main 8SO. Will be glad to run you out In out machine over the Terwilliger blvd. at any time to suit your convenience morning, noon or night. TWO ACRES AND 7-ROOM HOUSE. Here is a farm within the city, fore closure makes possible the purchase of this two acres and house at a remark ably low price. The house is modern and well builr. with seven large rooms. Barn, chicken houae. garage, grapes, sh rubber v. one acre in fine family or chard, fine soil: one block to the St. Johns car. Here is a fine suburban home with all the advantages of the city. Phone Mr. Everson, Main 6809. $1900. Suburban home at Evergreen station, on Oregon City line. Park ave. and 7th st., 30 minutes out and paved road all the way; good house, 5 rooms, garaffe, chicken house, some fruit and garden space: 100xlo0; terms to sui.t you. Phone Mil. 92W, or call on Portland Trust com pany, Oth and Morrison sts. ONE or two acres, 4-room shingled house with bath, toilet, lavatory, gas and elec tricity, hen house, garage, orchard, ber ries etc.. 4 blocks from Oregon Elec trie iiat ion at Garden Home, opposite entrance to Hunt club. See Ester, own er. 128 Park st.. for particulars and ap pointment. Main 35oa. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE. ONLY $42.-.. r,0xlo on lake shore, good view, water and lights, rock road: better than going to the beach and much less money. Call r,00 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $2700. Oswego lake view, other nice homes at Goodin. Lake Grove, Bryant station; red electric car line Whole acres at lot prices, easy terms. McFarland, 602 Yeon bids. Main 3072. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homn. TIGARD. 5.39 acres In cultivation, rood or chard; 6-room house, barn, outbuildings; choice land; near highway, school, rail way station, $45O0; terms; a fine borne. & acres choice land. improved, 25 bearing fruit trees, stream water, weil, 6-room cottage, barn, garage, chicken house; price $2750; terms, only 30 min utes out by auto. 5s acres, improved, 4-room cottage, outbuildings, fruit, berries, Jersey cow, 25 chickens, a nice home; $:i500; trrms. R. M. GATKWQQD CO.. 105, 4:h St. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1mj0 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." For Sab -Acreage. TERW1 LLIGER BOULEVARD. Ten most beautiful acres on the upper side of Terwilliger boulevard. This tract commands an unsurpassed view, is of very eay access, practically level, with no waste; It is practically cleared, but has many beautiful trees, fine soil, with no rock. This tract will make the most beautiful country estate in or about tha city, yet lies within the 2 S -mi 1 circle. Even though you do not intend building for some years, the price at which this tract is offered will justify your buying and holding. Krom tho point of case of access, price, " location, distance, or of general desirability, no such tract has ever been offered. R. F. Bryan, 59 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. Residence. Marshall SOS. IS-ACRE COUNTRY HOM E. ON CAPI TAL HILL AND NEWBERO PAVED HIGHWAY. 45 minutes by auto, 10 minutes' walk from electric station: all in cultivation, every foot of It good soil, lies well, splen did family orchard : good 5-room bouse, bam, other outbuildings; splendid water, good neighbors. 4 mile from high and graded school; price for 10 days. $57."rf; take $1500 cash, balance in yearly pay ments of $250 until puid for- Sea Sam Hewey at J. L HARTMAN CO.. NO. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Mar shall 1 19 T . Sunday. COUNTRY HOME, about 4 4 miles from the center of the city on one of the most scenic boulevards leading out of town. Over 3 acres of choice garden ing land with lura-e 8-room bungalow, ground in very highest state of culti vation, improved with all mauner of fruit, berries and flowers known to this climate. If you have a growing family or wish to retire from strenuous busi ness In a restful highly Improved subur ban spot, do not fail to investigate. For full information call upon Ben Riea land. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. SEVENTEEN MILCH COWS. Smalt dairy, joining city limits; all un der cultivation. 3 blocks from car line. Family orchard and all kinds of berries, gas and city water available; 5-room, houae. lath and plastered, barn 34x42; silo 10x20; chicken house and other buildings, price $7000 with all the stock. 2 horses. 3 wagons, hay. grain and com plete dairy utensials. 35im cash, or will sell the land and build inps with tho stock and equipment. Personally in spected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. DOWN ON THE COLUMBIA. $5O00 cash buvs a splendid 40-acre ranch. 4 miles from St. Helens. - rnil to Yankton. 20 acres in cultivation, 18 acres clashed and seeded, all fenced and cross-fenced, running creek and good spring. 7-room plastered house in good condition, good barn, chicken house, tool house and smoke house, on good rock road. This is a splendid little home ranch. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sun. and eve- BEAVERDAM LAND. 18 acres. 16 acres under plow. 6 acres the finest beaverdam, well drained, up land finest granular mold soil, house, large barn, finest well of water. 1 'i miles south of Warren. 6 miles west of Scap poose, hard surface road. This is excep tional rich piece of acreage and will pay for itself In 3 years. $5immi $1000 cah. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 691 5. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 7 acres, located 1 Mock from car and station, on good macadamized street, near the pavement: just outside city; good bottom land, orchard, berrivs. Urn. chit ken house, city water, gas, good plumbing; will consider trade up to $100O in auto. lots or house equity; per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson, Ger- llnser bldg. 10 ACRES .near paved highway and -ith-st. electric, 21 from Portland; over looking Newberg and the Chehalem val ley: shot soil all under cultivation, pret tv four-room bungalow, Jut completed; one of the finest tracts in Oregon. For quick sale. $35oo. D. D. COULSON CO., 300 First SL Phone Black 19j. Newberg, or. POWELL VALLEY ROAD TRACT. 5 acres, facing this pavd road. Just 30 minutes' auto drive from heart of cltv; front 2 acres chared. 1 acre timber and balance brush land; fine Locality and a dandy proposition fr suburban home. Price only $3500; terms $500 down, bal ance easy LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 513 Chamber of Com m erce. M a 1 n 696.. ' 4 ACRES. SUBURBS. $180 DOWN. Near 82d st. paving, on good irtcdam Ized st., 25-minute drive 4th and Wasn.. 32-mlnute car time: good soil, light clearing: $lt;o. Will divide ox more land; opportunity for investment or country home; work in town, advantage of the country. J. C. Corbia o.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldj. MULTNOMAH STATION. NEW tf-ROOM BUNGALOW. 1 Ai acres close to Multnomah, with new 6-room modern bungalow. All in cultivation: good garage; good auto road. A dandy buy where you have all the city conveniences. RELIABLE INVESTMENT O. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4L3. ONLY 37 MINUTES OUT. 2 acres of garden land, tiled. In nigh state of cultivation, close to depot: front ing on electric line: county road. 1-c commutation fare, new lath and plas tered house. 14x24; price $10.O for cash. A tlliiil nn very easV paymJta. 1 er- John Fergulbn, Uer- sonaiiy inspected, linger bldg x-ViD otjf-gon CITY- $.v:oo. S100C cash. bal. 5 years at t per cent. buvs this splendid level -. n of which is In cultivation, bal. tirhber and brush: all fenced; shack bulldogs, goofi spring. 5 miles east of town, just olt Abernethy rd.. a very decided snap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, ol Com. Open Sun, and even. FOR SALE Ten acres or line yeuow m timber, located 30 miles cast of Port land on the Sandy river. In the S. E. iv of the N. K. of the S. E . V of sec 14 twp 2 south, of range 6 east or w'm.mPtta meridian. in Clackamas Oreaon. Will consider a good team of horses intrade Oregonian. Inquire AV OREGON CITY LINE. PRICE ONLY" $1900. j K.tnuimv mid l OOxlOO ground fruit and berries, chicken house and garden. Best surburban car service oy ot Km .nvestment CO son t)k Bt. Xroadway 4 IRS. j a'cres. with n.w lath and pla.-trr4 house. 4 rooms: at tne .iu. ;- all under cultivation: pas, city water anrt electric Hunts available; Rood road an the way; once -'"" i- .,",,' .-II sonnlly inspected. John Ferguson. Uer- linger tIlB aOOO ACRES In southwestern Washington tor sale to settlers only: easv t low prire 3 per acre and up. tlberty bonds accepted at par. ni WEYKBHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANT. Tacnma diuk ....... 4(1 ACRES for 1SR0. near Oysterville and h.v not far from Waldport r,d other summer resorts, products. land with some timber. A ameds vestment Co.. 6'5 Corbett bldg. 4 ACRES, $110 flood stock and berrv farm, some timber, cordwood; roiles vnnlVnri. near school, auto highway some buildings, bldg. Main 37 McFtrland, 60U Yeou , Af-RE-? S14.0. 1 MI1.ES PORTLAND. . MILE BORH IVC- S ACRES CLEARED. SMALI HOI PE. TERMS. J. C. CORBIN CO. 3(lS-fi-7-S Lewis bldg. 5-ACRE Oregon City line home; 4-roorr house, barn, chickens: house 1.' from stat.on. .Price aso.l terms Se John Brown. 3'J4 Ry. t.xchange bids 10 ACRES, tnree-tourths cleared, runnin stream: M. mile to station, fine soil, n gravel : 1? miles to Portland : $000. 2u Oregon bldg. Broadway 16",8. i OR 10 ACRES cheap for cash, by owner Good level land, easily cleared, on har surfaced road. 10 min. walk from Lent Junction. Phone Tabor 6S10. 10 ACMS. good orchard, house, all out buildings. Bull Run water: located ju south of Lenta. 6131 02d st. S. E. Thorns Allen. ACRES, all cleared, fine soil: 3 block to station: 9700. terms. Broadway ltiO 2O0 Oregon bldg 5 ACRE3. 3 blocks to station: very be, of soil; $1200 terms. Broadway loj L'OP Oregon bldg. $20 CASH. $S MONTHLY, $3."0. Half acres at Bell. gas. water, light. MARSTERS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main SSI' FOR Oregon City line acreage. Improve or unimproved, see John Brown. 3' Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. s:t:-U. BARGAIN 1i-acre at Bell station, minutes out. $073. terms. Main 7:;09. For Sale Fruit Iands. WANTED Practical berry growers t plant and cultivate tracts near Elma an Monteano, Wash., suited for all kinds r small fruit. Good markets. C W. All, ler, 721 No. K cu, AutrvKen, U'ut,