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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1914)
TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, SETPTEJIBER 21, 1914. K V l BOAT DUE IN MARCH Hill Steamers Expected to Go Into Service in Spring. COST WILL BE $5,000,000 President Gilman, of North Bank, Reports Business Conditions In Middle West More Settled, With Activity in Building. On his return from a trip to St. Paul and other points, L. G. Gilman, presi dent of the Spokane, Portland & Seat tle Railroad, predicted yesterday that the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific steamships, owned Jointly by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific . It;i 1 road companies, would be sailing every other day from each terminus of the Astoria and San Francisco run by next Spring. "The Great Northern will be com pleted and have its trial trip before January 10, in my judgment," said President Gilman. "Its mate, the Northern Pacific, should be launched about 30 days later. Together the great ships will cost $5,000,000. "Each of the ships is expected to make 15 trips a month. That would Eive us sailings from both Astoria and San Francisco every other day. I ex pect at least one of the ships to arrive here by March 1. In about two weeks I expect to make a trip to Philadelphia, where the ships are being built, so that I may make definite plans." President Gilman reports that busi ness conditions in the Middle West are settling, following the shock that came with the European war. While the crops are not so great in tonnage as liad been expected, the high prices caused by the war will permit the farmers to realize much If not more money, Mr. Gilman believes, than they would have realized under normal con ditions. Mr. Gilman reported that con ditions were bright in St. Paul and Minneapolis, and that a great deal of building was going on in the "Twin Cities." CR.UX CAKREKKS ARE COMING Ten Steamers "Will Arrive in Ballast and Three With Cargo. Under charter to load wheat for vari ous Portland firms, ten steamers are coming in ballast, with a cargo capacity of about 2,100,000 bushels of grain, and three carrying cargoes are due in port within the next 30 days. Local water front men believe that their coming will do much to relieve the congestion of the docks. The early arrival of three of these Vessels, the British steamers Cross hill, Orlstano and Ventura de Larringa, is due to the opening of the Panama Canal. -The Crosshill is due sometime this month from Swansea, Wales; the Oristano is coming from Antwerp, and the Ventura de Larringa from New York. Among the other steamers are the Inveric, due from Antofagasta, South America, within the next few days, to load wheat for Kerr, Glfford & Co.; the Queen Adelaide, due this week from Hongkong, to load for Balfour, Guthrie & Co.; the Hendrlk Ibsen,' coming this week from San Francisco, under charter to M. H. Houser; the Kelberger, from Rio Janeiro; the Lowther Range, from San Francisco, and the Quito, due. this month from Balboa. The exact date of the arrival of the cargo vessels is uncertain. However, the French bark General de Sonis is due here soon with a general cargo from Newcastle, England. The French ship De Saix is due sometime in Oc tober, with a part "cargo from Ham burg. Some of her cargo is being dis charged at San Diego. The Norwegian bark Spartan, in cargo, is due soon from Callao, Peru. All three vessels will load wheat at this port. News From Oregon Ports. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 20. (Special.) The steamer Geo. W. Fenwick sailed today for San Pedro with lumber from Astoria and Westport. The tank steamer Frank H. Buck arrived this morning from California with fuel oil for Portland. She was delayed outside for nearly 24 hours .on account of the high seas running. The steam schooner Jim Butler shifted today from Knappton to Pres- c-ott to complete her cargo. The steamer Bear sailed this morning for can i' rancisco ana San Pedro after remaining at her wharf over night. The steamer Paraiso sailed today for San Francisco via Coos Bay with a cargo of grain from Portland. The steam schooners Yosemite, F. S. Loop and Alvarado sailed today ' for ban Francisco with lumber from vari ous points along the river. The steamer Roanoke arrived today froon San iV.ncJco and San Pedro en route to rortiana. The steam schooner Klamath arrived this morning from San Francisco and went to fat. Helens to load. The steam schooner Northland ar rived this morning from San Francisco with cargo for Astoria and Portland. The British steamer Saxon Monarch sailed today for the United Kingdo with a cargo of grain from Portland. The tug Dauntless that has bee here for several days, has abandoned the attempt to tow the Benson log raft to San Diego this Fall and sailed for San Francisco today. The raft will be taken back to an anchorage near Westport. The steamer George W. Elder sailed this evening for Eureka and Coos Bay and the steamer Breakwater sailed for Coos Bay, each has freight and pas sengers from Astoria and Portland. The gasoline schooner Patsy sailed this evening for Florence with gen eral cargo. COOS BAT. Or., Sept. 20. (Special.) Owing to rough conditions at the bar, neither the Nann Smith, which went down to the bar last night, nor the Adeline Smith, which was to sail this forenoon, left the harbor. The bar is said to be improving fast this evening and mariners say it will be passable tomorrow. Clear weather prevails in this sec tion and the wind has shifted to the northwest, after, two weeks of pre vailing southwest storms. Marine Notes. With 60 passengers and more than S0O tons of freight, the steamer Break water sailed for Coos Bay and way points yesterday morning. The Hawaiian - American steamer Ohtoan will leave down tomorrow, This morning she will move from the Albers dock to the North Bank dock. where she will load 17,000 cases of salmon. This afternoon she will fin isli her cargo at the Portland Flour ing Mills. She will carry about 1600 tons of canned goods, flour and general cargo lor the East Coast After loading at the Municipal Dock about 500 tons of flour, pipe staves and general cargo, which includes a number of egg-case fillers for packing Chinese eggs, the Royal Mail steamer Monmouthshire will load flour at the Crown Mills today. In the oargo which this vessel has unloaded were 1500 bales of cocoanut fiber shipped frord Columbo, Ceylon. The consignee is a local mattress factory. -1 After waiting two days for the gale off the Oregon coast to subside, the steamer Saxon Monarch sailed from Astoria yesterday. The steamer Roanoke arrived at the North Pacific Steamship Company's dock late last night. She loaded 100 tons of general cargo at Astoria yesterday. The river steamer Shaver arrived in port yesterday morning towing two log rafts from Eufala. which she anchored at the Eastern & W e -lern Lumber Company's dock.. . , Twelve river steamers were anchored along the waterfront yesterday morn nig. They were: The Shaver, the Beav er, the Diamond O., the Sarah Dixon, the Cascade, the Wauna, the Joseph Kellog. the Charles N. Greiner, the Ocklahama. the T. J. Potter, the Bailey Gatzert and the Lurline. Marconi Wireless 'Reports. (AH positions reported at S P. M-, September 20, unless otherwise designated.) Bear. Portland fur San Francisco. 138 miles south o Columbia River.. Governor, San Francisco for Seattle, via Victoria. 100 miles north of Blanco. General Hubbard, Aberdeen for San Pedro. 63 miles south of Grays. Harbor. Asuncion, Richmond for Aberdeen, 10 miles south of Cape Mean. Oleum, Portland for San Francisco, 422 miles north of Kan Francisco. Leelanaw, Nanaimo for San Francisco, 469 miles from Najiaimo. Geo. W. Elder. Portland for Coos Bay, 30 miles south of Columbia River. Fenwick, Astoria for San Pedro, TO miles south of Columbia River. Breakwater, Portland for Coos Bay, four miles south of Tillamook. Paraiso, Portland for Coos Bay, 85- miles south of Columbia River. Columbian, San Francisco for Aberdeen, od Crescent City. Norwood, Columbia River for San Fran cisco, off Eureka. Argyll, Tacoma for Oleum, SO miles from Tacoma, A. F. Lucas, Port Angeles for Richmond, off Slip Point. Farragut, Seattle for Bib Francisco, off Marrowstooo Point. Alameda, Seattlo for Alaska pomts, due Ketchikan at 7:30. City of Seattle, Alaska for Seattle, off Pine Island. Peru, San Francisco for Panama, 217 miles soutn oz san rrancisco. Aroline. San Francisco for San Pedro. IS miles east of Point Concepcion. Rose City, San Pedro for San Francisco, 20 miles west of Santa Barbara. Yale, passed Point Hueneme at 6x19 P. SI. Sierra. San -Francisco for Honolulu. 1543 miles out, September 19. Hyades, Hilo for San Francisco, 1784 miles out. September 19. rilloman, San Francisco for Honolulu, li:3 miles out, September Id. Manoa, Honolulu for San Francisco, 838 miles out, September 19. Topeka, Eureka for San "Francisco, 17 mhiles north Point Reyes. El Segundo, Port Wells for Richmond, 100 miles north of San Francisco. Herrin. Gavlota for Llnnton. 275 miles from Gavlota. Kilburn. San Francisco for Eureka, 10 miles south of Point Arena. Falcon, with tow, San Francisco for Seat tle, off Point Cabrillo. Maverick. Port Angeles for Richmond, 67 miles north of San Francisco. Cuzco. Portland for San Francisco, nine miles south of Point Reyes. Vance, San Pedro for Astoria, 20 miles south of Point Sur. Camino, San Francisco' for New York, left au 8:10 P. M. Multnomah, San Francisco for San Pedro, five miles "north of Pigeon Point. President, Seattle for San Francisco. 5 miles north of Point Arena. , Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Sept. 20. Arrived. Steamers Northland, Kiamath and F. H. Buck, from San Francisco; Roanoke, from San Diego and way ports; Daisy Putnam, from San Fran cisco via Coos Bay; Siskiyou, from San Pedro. Sailed Steamers Breakwater, for Coos Bay; Geo. W. Elder, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Astoria, Sept. 20. Arrived at midnight ana lert up at w:4l a. M., steamer Klamath, from San Francisco. Arrived at S and left up at 4:30 A. M., steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Left up at 9:15 A. M., steamer Jim Butler. Arrived at 10 A. M. and left up at 3:30 P. M-, steamer Roanoke, from San Diego and way ports. Arrived at 10 and left up at 11 A. M., steamer F. H. Buck, from San Francisco. Sailed at il A. M., tug Dauntless with log raft in tow, for San Dieso. Sailed at 12:45 P. M.. Brit ish steamer Saxon Monarch, for Colon, for orders. Arrived down at 4:30 and sailed at 6 P. M., steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Arrived down at 4:15 and sailed at 6 P. M., steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Sailed at 10 A M-. steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, for San Pedro; steamer Paraiso, for San Francisco via Coos Bay. Sari Pedro, Sept. 20. Sailed Steamer Rose City, for Portland. Sailed yesterday, steamer E. H. Vance, for Columbia River. San Francisco, Sept. 20. Arrived Steamer Multnomah, for Portland. Sailed last night, steamers Shoshone and San Ramon, for Portland. Arrived last night, steamer Yuca tan and steamer Daisy Gadsby, from Fort land. New York, Sept. 20. Sailed Santa Cata llna, for San Francisco. Tacoma. Wash., Sept. 20. Arrived Steam er Nome City, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Argyll, for San Francisco. Seattle, Wash., Sept 20. Arrived Steam er Richmond, from Nome City for San Fran cisco. Sailed Steamers Lurline, for Hono lulu, and Admiral Farragut, for San Fran cisco. Tides at Astoria Monday. High water. Low water. 1:26 A. M...8.5 feet I 7:42 A,M...0.7 foot 1:39 P. M...9.6 feet I 8:24 P. M . .-0.5 foot GARDEN WORK PRAISED PIPILS' REPORTS SEJiT TO WASH INGTON HIGHLY COMMEXDED. Clilldreu'a Success in Raisins; and Mar. ketlng Products Is Praised by Department of Agriculture. M. O. Evans, former supervisor of school garden work, has received a letter from O. H. Benson, specialist in charge of boys' and girls' club wort, office of Farm Management, Washing ton, D. C expressing pleasure at the receipt of ten home garden reports from Portland school children. Mr. Benson commends the work highly and expresses hope that many more pupils will take up the work next season. Ihe reports were compiled by the pupils under the direction of Mr. Evans on blanks furnished by the Depart ment of Agriculture. They cover area. kinds of vegetables grown, total cost and resceipts both from vegetables sold outside the family or to the family and value of vegetables used by the fam ily. The market prices and costs are listed as follows: Pupil's labor, worth 10 cents an hour in work of preparing ground, planting. cultivation, watering, harvesting and marketing. Other items covered are: Cost of fertilizer, seed and plants, spraying and marketing. The ten pu pils received pay for their time at this rate and, in addition, net cash profits varying from 20 cents to $18. Actual sales varied from 60 cents to $13.50. Cash receipts of products sold parents' or market value of vegetables used by them varied from 50 cents io $21.7 j. The young gardeners Include: Emery C. Ingham, Homer Bowder and Joe Mokos, of Woodstock School; Earl N. Rosser, Peninsula; Gordon Wiltshire, Hoffman; Harry Kinnear, Llewellyn; George and Ralph WanBly (partnership garden), and Cyril Fleming. Lents; Joe Huffsmith and Miss Alva Gutknecht, of Ockley Green. In addition to their receipts from the sales of vegetables, Gordon Wilt shire, 14, and Earl Rosser, 10, won the $10 cash prizes offered by the Parent Teachers' Association of Fortland for the best home gardens grown lay pu pils 13 years of age or over and under 13 years. .Father Gregory to Return Soon. Father Gregory, of the Sacred Heart Church, who has been in Europe on an extended visit, will return to Portland early in October, according to advices received by friends in Portland. While traveling through Germany soon after the declaration of war Father Gregory was suspected. of being a French spy and held for some time pending identity. FAIR SEES LAST DAY Belated Crowds See Displays Held Over by Directors. GRANGES ASK OWN HOME Organizations Would Exhibit and Meet in Separate Building; by Time of JText Exposition. Awards Are Made. GRESHAM, Or.. Sept. 20. (Special.) Officially the Multnomah County fair closed Saturday night, but the direc tors kept the grates open today to af ford those who could not attend during the week an opportunity to do so, with the result that between S00 and 1000 visited the grounds. All the exhibits were kept in the pavilion and the live stock remained. The horses and cat tle were paraded to give all a chance to see the stock. The exhibits and stock will be removed tomorrow. It is too early to tell how the fair came out financially, but it was a suc cess in spite of the rain which fell every day. Gmte Building; So a; abated. Some changes for future fairs were suggested by H. W. Snashall arid ap proved by most of the directors, one of which is that a building be erected on the ground for the exclusive use of the Granges, taking' them out of the pavilion. Some of the masters of the Granges approved of this plan pro vided it can be financed. Mr. Snash all'8 plan is that each of the ten Granges contribute $100 toward the erection of the building, and the fair association provide the remainder. However, the plan will have to be sub mitted to each Grange for approval. H. A. Lewis, president of the asso ciation, will assemble from the exhibits a display for the State Fair. The livestock parade Saturday was witnessed by 2000 persons in the fore noon. Interest centered in theg pavilion, where the throng filled all available space. The seven competing granges kept "open house," holding a reception for visitors and friends. Pndsets Prises Awarded. Awards in the agricultural and horti cultural departments were completed and the blue and red ribbons were at tached to the winning exhibits Jn the pavilion. These covered vegetables of all kinds, besides grains and grasses. E. J. Werlein declared the pavilion ex hibit to be the equal of any he bad seen. Awards in the poultry department were made Saturday. Langeudorf Bros., who brought 25 varieties from Wash ington, won first and second places in more than 53 prize exhibits. Tjhe band contest between the Pa cific Coast, F. W. Frasp leader, and the Pleasant Home Band, Professor Beyers, leader, was decided by each band receiving half the money offered, $250 each. Both bands attended, one playing in the grandstand and the other in the pavilion. At the eugenic contest in the Gresh am library, Vernon Lucile Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett H. Kelly, of Gresham, scored 99 points Joseph Milton Exley, 26 months old. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Exley, scored 97, and George Lumsden, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lumsden, of Troutdale, scored 96.5. The two high est were awarded bronze medals and will be eligible to enter the contest at the state fair. Twenty-four babies were examined. Eight, after the two highest, were awarded -diplomas. They were George Lumsden, Ross Roberts, Elizabeth Alice Todd, Esther Valata -Plumlee, Frederick Lee, Luetta welling, Clar ence E. Clute and Richard Dorson Metzger. OFFICERS WORK ON CASE Prosecutor Not Ready to Announce Flans for Grand Jury. OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) That the Clackamas County grand jury would meet the first week in October to take up 13 bound-over cases and "certain other new matter," but that, in his opinion, the Hill mur der case would not come up at that time, was the statement last night of District Attorney Gilbert Hedges. "It is true thai X. 'will call the grand jury the first of the month," said Mr. Hedges. "Besides the 13 bound- over cases, I am not prepared to say what matters will be taken up. Sheriff Mass and I have been working on the Hill murder case for months, but we have been doing the work quietly and we are not ready to announce what we have learned." Sheriff Mass said that he did not know whether or not the case would be taken before the grand jury. "II there is to be a special session of the grand jury to consider the Hill case, it is news to me." he said. "I have never stopped working on the matter since I was elected, and I believe that we have some strong evidence." Circuit Judge Campbell at his home this evening said that he would call a session of the grand jury on the request of District Attorney Hedges, but he did not know if the Hill matter would be taken up at the next session or not. 90 BABIES RULE AT FAIR Clackamas Eugenic Show Chief At traction of Day. OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Big cabbages and pumpkins, thoroughbred horses and record-breaking cows dropped to second place iu the Clackamas County Fair Saturday and- 90 husky babies, from every section of Clackamas County, were the one big attraction ot the day. orty-nve chil dren were entered In both the eugenic and baby show. On account of the large number the judging will not be completed until tomorrow. The show will continue tomorrow and Monday instead of closing tonight, as was originally planned. The crowd present today was tho largest of the year and it is expected that Sunday'3 attendance will by far exceea today's There will be no races tomorrow after noon, but every other feature of the day will remain the same as on pre vious lays. Motorcycle races are scheduled for Monday, MRS. SOHN SEEMS BETTER Woman Who Shot Babes and Self Is Improved, but Hope Is Weak. OREGON CITY, Or.. Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Although Dr. Giesy, of Aurora. has- noted a slight change for the bet ter in the condition of Mrs. Florence Sohn, who killed her two infant children and then shot herself last Tuesday, he holds out only small hope lor her recovery. "She is yet weak," he said today. "Her mind is clearing a little, although she has given no evidence r emotion. FIRST LESSON IN PRACTICAL POLITICS . Now, children, If you will please ask no embarrassing qnestions, I'll tell you all about why this prohibition agitation was first started by the Anti Saloon League. First of all, I want you to know that we "Prohis" who have come from the East to Oregon with this agitation are mostly Jobless Preachers, who have failed to make good or make money in the pulpit. There are more and more of us each year who are losing our jobs in the pulpits, and, you see, children, we still want the money. We're a pretty big army now. ' So we Jobless Preachers be gan getting together and finally banded ourselves into a little se cret organization to tap a few Millionaires who were looking for more State Legislatures In order that they might get a bet ter grip on the People. We decided that Pittsburg had about the most Millionaires to the square mile of any city in the Nation, so we unanimously elected the Pittsburg Million aires to our membership as Brother Philanthropists. .Of course, we agreed that we would gradually extend and maybe later take In Wall Street, too. REGISTER NOW AND VOTE 333 X NO (Paid Advertisement Taxpayers and Wage-Earners' League of Oregon. Portland, Or.) I have never held out much hope for her recovery and I now believe that it w.ll bo almost Impossible for her to get well. MINISTER'SW1FE IS DEAD Mrs. C. A. Batley, of Salem,. Is Sur- . vlved by Seven Children SALEM. Or.. Sent. 20. (Special.) Mrs. Celestine A. Batley. wife of Rev. G. J. Batley, a retired Congregatlonal ist minister, died at her home In this city Saturday. She was 69 years old and had lived in Salem six years. Mrs. Batley is survived by her husband and seven children, who are. Clarence A. Batley, Spring Valley, Minn.-: Mrs. F. H. Lynn, Canova. S. D.; Mrs. G. C. Snow, Chadron, Neb.; Mrs. C. M. Conner, Marshfield; George Batley. Salem; Mrs. V. B. Walker. Grand View. Wash., and Mrs. C. R. Schwartz. Chadron, Neb. - - -v? I, - rsr -rnil-i I : 1- : .v nf; t i f if j u i - - ? ' h I -v t I f z I ' J - 1 f - !. . ; t v i s t: t Mrs. Stella Pneston, Who Disap- peared Suddenly From Her T llome Saturday and Who It Is Believed Was Kldaaped. ..... .. ivy f v m e'wcr i i i i i iz-". . 5 The Pittsburg Millionaires feU Into our Scheme with open arms. They had played Politics through every Old Party until they had been badly smoked out and here we brought them a new idea. They saw that a True Temper ance sentiment was growing rap idly in the country and by or ganizing what we called the Anti-Saloon League they could sneak into a state and capture the Legislature by fooling the People with the story that we were working for True Temper ance. The Millionaires could control the Legislature, you see, and we Jobless Preachers could get onto that Payroll that we were after. You see there are 4 8 States where they want con trol of the Legislature, so we Jobless Preachers could all be kept at work the year round at agitating, and at really better pay than we had got In the pul pit. We decided to take in the W. C. T. U. and the poor old help less Prohibition Party, and steal their slogans of Pohibition', and "Temperance." We could go into every city and town in any state, you see, by this arrange ment, and get free halls and free churches and even Live at KIDNAPING IS FEARED Mrs. Stella Fueston, Lost, May Have Met Foul Play. ROBBERY THOUGHT MOTIVE Ed DeMuth Disappears From Street and Relatives Believe Highway men Have Assailed Him to Get Purse Contents. The kidnaping of Mrs. Stella Fues ton, 30, wife of Gaines Fueston, 230 Russell street, by unknown persons, or whom, it is said, only a meager de scription has been obtained. Is feared by some of her relatives since her dis appearance from her home Saturday at 3 P. M. Her husband has expressed the fear that Mrs. Fueston met with foul play because she knew too much. The police have been informed and at the office of the city detectives meager information only was given out yester day. Mr. Fueston said his wife had considerable money with her on Satur day afternoon and robbery may have been the motive for the alleged kidnap ing. , Mrs. Fueston was married at the age CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and bun da. Per Line. One time Vf riKine ad two consecutive time ...,2e Mine ad three eonaecutlve tiinea 30e feame ad blx vr seven consecutive times. . 5 tic The above rates apply to advertisements under "New loday" and all oilier classifica tions exi-rpt the folio wins: bit-wtlons anted Male, situations Wanted fcemale. for Kent. Koonis. 1'riva.te .families. K.w.niH and Basra. Private amities. Kate on the aiiove classifications is 7 cents a liue each Insertion. On "charce" advertisements cbaxge will be based on the namuer of lines appearing in l-.M nuiipr. regardless of t lie number of word, in each line. Minimum coarse, two lines, ihe Orexonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the u'iverlUer is a subscriber to either phono. No -prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill wUI be rentlered tbe following day. VYnetner subsequent advertisements will bs accepted over tbe piione depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only .vili be accepted for "Furniture for bale." "Busi ness opportunities." "Koouiing-uouses." and "Hinwl o Kent. - i nn oreitoniun will not guarantee accararv or assume responsibility tor errors occurring in telephoned advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi. eutiun must be In in orccunias or rice te i.ii. n n'rlork at nirrbt. except Saturday. t losing bour for Tbe Sunday Oregonian wiU be 1:40 o'clock Saturday night. Ihe office will be open until iu n ewts r. Jl., as usual, and all ads received ' too late for proper classification wiU be run under heading 'Too Late to Classify." The Oregoclan will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of aay ad vertisement offered for more than so time, VII.; vtS 7 ' '':; -:i.r-4:- '- -.-ir v.: 1 Q some good brother's or sister's home while we spread our Agi tation. We could save our Board Bills this way, you see, and have more Money for ourselves. The Millionaires already had a regular Political Department, with Smart Lawyers to tell the "workers" Just what to do, so we only had to know what states had been selected by them in which we Jobless Preachers were to work. We started off with a "big hurrah meeting" in Pittsburg. We Jobless Preachers furnished the Emotional Stuff about "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" you see, children. Of course, we "soft-pedaled" on "Should my brother be my keeper?" We put a lot of Hysteria into it, because we wanted Jobs, while a few Big Coal Operators and Steel Mill Millionaires pointed out how much more money they would - be able to make if the People would only vote for their brand of Prohibition. They ex plained that they didn't want the Money, of course, but were seeking Higher Efficiency for Workingmen. I never laughed so loud in my life as I did after that meeting was over, and I went over to the Millionaires' of 15 In Missouri. They have two daugh ters, Emily, 14 years old. and Ruby, 8. Ruby has been distracted since her mother's disappearance. Mr. Fueston is an employe at the municipal dock. Mrs. Fueston is described as being five feet, four inches in height, weigh ing about 115 pounds, with brown hair, blue eyes and of dark complexion. When last seen she wore a dark coat, black hat with white trimmings and a gray dress. The Fuestons lived in Spokane until several years ago. Ed DeMuth also mysteriously dis appeared at Second and Madison streets about midnight yesterday. It is be lieved he had about $85 at that time and as his relatives declare he was not a heavy drinker, foul play is suspected, with robbery as the motive. He lived Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Building Attorneys. OTJXIWAT. RALPH R. Mala 1339 523-601 Insurance. VINCENT, a D. A CO.. Main 1S54 810 Seal Estate, KEASET. DORK E. CO., Mala 118S. .182 Board of Trade Building Real Estate. BARRETT BROS.. Main 648 802 WALLEH, FRANK I Mam S2S5 1013 Lewis Building Consulting; Enguwera, LUCIUS. -W. W. Marshall 3 816-317 Spalding Building Mortgage louu, BAIN. JOHN. A Main 8021 SOl Yeon Building fc'tsitfSW fi if sa -:; f&s w r a m m . SIMS SIS Attormeva. GRARAM, SIDNEY J Main 875S. .OOS-7-8 KIMBALL, HENRY M.. Mar. 680 825 MALARKEY. dEABRUOK A DIBBLE. Main 1501. A 6212 1800-1303 8TOTT & COLLIER. Marshall 6078. .oOtt-blO Billiard Halt. M'CREDIE BILLIARDS Second Floor Seal Estate. METCALF, LYLE &. Marshall 2482.... 310 RAINEY, J. G.. Marshall 8177 1504 WAGGONER, GEO. B ...SOU r SLAU80N. A. B.. Mala M4eu'.. ...... .1011 Club that night to Oar Banquet. Ton see that those Pittsburg Millionaires have never tried to vote their own town "dry, and some of tkem got pretty drank that night before it was all over. They gave us Jobless Preachers all the champagne we could drink, too. Then the Millionaires' Polit ical Department got busy. They got out the Map and began" fig uring out the states where they needed a better Grip on the Leg islatures. I hope It isn't nec essary for me to tell you, chil dren, that they own a lot of the Legislatures in the United States now. Of course, the Political Department doesn't tell us much about Those Things, though. All we are expected to know is how to Agitate. Now, children, you may go home. Our next lesson will be a really bigger Joke than the one today. Johnny Pussyfoot, you might tell your good father that I will be over to dinner tonight and probably will stay all night. And ask him to arrange to have me preach somewhere next Sun day. The congregation won't know but what I am as sincere as their own preacher. at 1438 East Flanders street. DeMuth had a light complexion, light hair, blue yes and weighs about 150 pounds. He is 28 yearn old and married. AMCSKMKNTB. I HEILIC It ROADWAY AT TATLOB Main 1. A 1121. TflMIP.HT U.I'CI TOMORROW bargain: price matinee wednesday Ths Faclnating Drama, THK TRAIl, or THIS LONKSUME PJLNE." Isabelle Lowe as "Jone." Evenings, $1.50, LO0, 7.-.P. roc. 35c. I Wed. Mat.. 1, 73c. 50c. 35c. 25c BAKER S TER A 6560. laker. Mgr. Horns of the Famous Baker Players. To night bargain night, all seats 'except box). 25c All week Mats. Wed., Sat. Greatest hit In years. Curly le Moore's remarkable farce. "STOP, THIEF." A whirlwind of excitement and laughter. First time in stock. Evenings, 25c, 36c. 50c, 75c: Bra. fl. Sat. Mat.. 25c 50c; box. 7oo. Wed. Bargain Mat., all seats 25c iexcept box). Next week "The Family Cupboard." EJ3 Rial EVERY BODY QUALITY VAUDEVILLE ' IO Big Features IO tOXl'ISCOtS Afternoon. 1:3 to 5:30: night, 6;30 to 11:00; Sundavs. IrOO to 11:00. PRICES Afternoons. 10c and 15c Nights. 15c and 25c. ravtUi itAsgyy fsATlNIE DA1IY 230 Broadway at Alder Street. Week Sept. 21. Pony Moore and Company, Love and Wilbur. Gilbert Glrard, Coogan and Cox, Novelty Quartet, Winsch and Poore, Under ood & Underwood War Service, Mutual Weekly. Boxes and first row bal cony seats reserved by phone. Main 4 S3 6, A 223. LYRIC Fourth ajxtX Stark Sts. The Casey Twins, one long, continuous lausrh. Tuesday nisht, "Country Store," after first, performance. FViday night, chorus giris' contest, nlways a feature. "Iah-ga-Bibble" night, coming soon. Extra next week, Tho Great Adams, Horoscope Header. Matinee daily at :30; evenings continuous from 7:30. OregonStateFair SALEM, SEPT. 28 to OCT. 1914. 3. Every day a feature. Redaeai rates on all lines. For informa tion address Frank Meredith. Secretary. 1 1. H 109.2