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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1914)
13 TTTR MORXiyG OREGOXTAIT, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLK. TgK. EAR. XQ6E AJfP THROAT. " PLUMBS. JROMPT SERVICE at rcaaon&bla prima. Treatments by specialist- elassea fitted Dr "TiZT" nov-T .,, Ptfl, Tit!, Sc Trvst Co, 7 Cb. of Com. , F. F. CaeLyiy Vkgm ST.? SdAWaifc ffN w? V? exruin feat AOCO&UION PLKATIXO. JXBCTK1C MOTORS. HP fnT mounU .rdVof Vadfi; It BTKPHAN Heiusliicbing; and scalloping-. MOTORS, senerato-s bought, sold, rented Mir our specialty. "THE PLUME," accord, aid pleat, butuiaa covered, goods at,ti repaired. We do all kinds of repair- 258 Morgan bid;. Main 400U. .ponged; maU orqera 3S3 Alder. M. (MS. . lng d rewinding; all work guaranteed. Rt'BBEB STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. AaSAYElM ANO ANALYSTS. Pho, aln'O?. C 21 Flm KO"h' " PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. MONTANA AiSAY OFFICE. 12J4 id. Gold. ,,... 231 Wash- St. Phone Main 710 anU A 271Q. ali'-er and platinum bought. BlaBlilw SEWING MACHINES. OILBKKI HALL, successors Wells Jc Co., TJiAMING. hauling, excavating; sales stable. SEWING MACHINES, new all makes. J20 609 to 613 Couch bldg.. lut th. Main 7150. A. P. Morse. J55 Front. Main -720. up; used machines. up and guaran- ATTORNEYS. FOL'N'DKy AD MACHXNK WORKS. IpUZZ? 11 J. R. GR3ENFIELD General practice, ab- PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw- lay lor. - - .tracts, contracts, collections, etc; consul- thoriia. General machine and foundry work. SHOE REPAIRING tatlon free. New oltice. 707, 7t', 70 Sell- : , tog bldg. Main open evenings. kODAkS. ETl SHOES HALF SOLED. WM. M. LaToRCE. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing. VV "'""-ft ComueUor-U-Uvr, 220 Faiiin Bio, printing and enlarging. PIKE & MAfLfc.- PsvN,. HAM CO.. 845 Washington St. fc5v?H -w - CARP JET WlvAYLNU. 5EE?4 New York Shoo Repair Co.. MOHTHWait RUG CO.-ltugs fronx old car- MACHINERY. 3 Aider St. pets, rag ruga 188 East gth. Both phones Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and SHOWCASE. BANK & STORE HMCRE8. BCXTONS. RAOGES. echnged. xho J. E. Martin Co, Portland, MARSHALL MFG CO, 10th and Flanders THE 1HW1.N-HOUSON COMPANY. MESSENGER SERVICE. work," 'J Wl Ota st. Phone Ma.n .12 and A 1254. HASTY JlESENGEK CO motorcycle, and FOR reasonable prices see Western Flxtur. CHIROPOOISTS. " 1 - & Showcase Co, 48 N. loth. Mar. 774. Smilam. Eslelle and William. Jr., Deveny. MOVING PICTURES. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. the only scientihc chiropodist In the city. FILMS, machines, supplies, rented or sola. PORTLAND Van- A Storage Co 7777 TTTn Parlors. Hoz Gerlmger bldg.. S W. corner United Film Co, 22o 2d .t. - and Kearney "... just completed, new flr.- 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1J0L Ml SIC All proof warehouse for household effect. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. piano, and automobile.; contains separata Hill Offices FUedner bll- MsU 3473. PIAJNO studio. 26 14 tb et. S.; arrangement. fire and vermin-proot rooms, steam-heated m ' made for practicing. Phone Main 3St3. piano-room, trunk and rug vault, track- CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. Emtl Thlelhorn, violin teacner; pupil Sevcia, ? Educed "frelghraJe. hou-ehoTd DR. M M ..HON, 121 4th Chronic case. It) 207 Flledner bldg. A 4160. Mai. lo2. tod to and from East in t?roubT caVf mm treatments ,u; others less. Main 20a. NatPROPATm7c PHYSICIANS. ."VTepae'nV11"'"'11 CLEANING AM) PRESSING. R. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner- OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO. DHESS SUITS tor rent; we press one suit vou chronic diseases. 604 Oregonian bldg. " Iireprooi warehouse with separate each week for Il.Oo per month. rooms. Wo move and pack household UNIQUE TAILORING CO, OPTICIANS. good, and piano, and snip at reduced I COLLECTION AGENCY. lJfHJ 01'$ lcan HJ 2l5S 7 VSa? Accounts, notes. Judgment, collected. "Adopt Sit your eyes with first- ' Short Methods." zsiiurt Adjustment Co, . quality lenses, gold-nlled frames, as low C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co. Office. 82t3 N. W. iiank bldy. Main U74. as L507 Goodman, lul Morrison St, near and commodious 4-.tory brick warehouse. ' bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. aeparate Iron room, and fireproof vault. QANCING. . for valuable. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta yjSOF WAL WiLsoN Waltz, hesitation. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Pianos and furniture moved and packed one-step, two-step, schottische; lesson. DR. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg, cor. or llPment; special rate made on goou. 2ie. morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to Broadway and Washington streets Office . our through cars to all domestic and teach anybody who walks how t dance, phone Main. 349; residence. East 1028, roreign ports. Main oao, A BQ. 8i 5th st, bet. stark and Oak. 4 private ,r "oEORtiE-rTwELLs"" 6J2un.n kTTTT MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO, lesson.. $2; 8 classes. Main 7037. Howl 2 U) 6 P. k ind by Appointment 13th ax,d Everett St. MR. and Mrs. Heath s Academy Dancing office Marshall 851;' res, Marshall llJ0 Piano, and hoosehold 8opds moved. taught in all its branches; class. Mon. and packed and iih pped, reduced freight rtej Frl eve, 7 to ; atsenibly after; lessons PATENT ATTORNEYS. - on all household good to and from East, daily. 231tt Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 313. T. j. GEISLER, Atfyat-Law. B03 Henry -tt,roueh car "vice- Main ,08. A 2214. " Wm. C Schmidt. Eng. and Draftsman UHKGON TRANSFER CO, 474 Glisan st, KeteetiTea- " ; cor. 13th. Telephone Main 6tf or A 11BJ. SHREWD, reliable operative, furnished os R-' C WRlbHl ii year, practice U. S. We own and operate two large clas. "A" all occasloca. 11 t3, oregonlan. and foreign patent.. ouo Dekum bldg. warehouse, on terminal track. Lowest OENHSIS. PIPE. insurance rate. In city. DR. A. W. KEENB, Majestic Theater bldg, PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and " o"f teel'MadSon Aeneraf "handiT. 8.M Vj Washington at. Marshall 3205. office near 24th and York .ta Main 3?w. "&rwrdlng Stf Fh. S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. R.- M. Wade & Co, 322-20 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL Hlltli & IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. A UTO A N I iTrUGG" Yt6pS. rUBRTJILLE JBUGGY TOP CO, 200 2d at. ACTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & .WRIGHT, 7th and Oak .ta. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park Davla. BICYCLEsTMOTO KCYC LES & SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak .ts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf :.lnc, 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. BTENRY W KIN HARD, 13th and Burnsida. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS, 1W1 FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER, P. T. Crowe itCo, 43 Fourth street. COFFEE, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSKTT & DE VERS. 1-11 N. Front .t. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNBR, MAYER &. CO, 207 Ash .t. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. . etnbbs Electrical Co, 6th and Pine t. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co, Front & Marshall. GROCERIES. WADHAMS &. CO, ' 60-75 Fourth street. Columbia Plans Best Fair. ST. HELENS. Or, Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Columbia County plans to hold one of the best county fairs in its his tory, beginning next" Wednesday and continuing until Saturday. President Tarbell has spent the Summer in con structing new exhibit buildings and stock sheds. The fair grounds have also been enlarged by the addition of ball grounds and a grandstand. AUCTION SALE TODAY. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M, furniture. 106-8 First St. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. K. M. S. Ceremonial session Tuesday. September 22 at 7 P. M, at the Armory, Tenth and Couch streets. Business session at the Arm ory at 11 A. M. . Petitions must be in the hands of the Recorder not later than 11 A? M, September 22. Candi dates must report at the Armory at 6 P. M. Visitlna nobles cordially invited. Do not forget your card and fez. By order of the potentate. HUGH J BOYD. Recorder. MT. HOOD COUNCIL ROYAL ARCANUM meets this (Mon- iH-M2& Hal1 No- 2- K- of p- blJs, ai- lV "",.,v'V der and 11th streets. Visitors cordially welcomed. GEO. W. HAZEN, Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 40, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. CAMELIA CHAPTER, No. 27. O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Social. By order of worthy matron. MARIETTE ROBINSON, Sec WILLAMETTE LODGE. No. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. HARMONY LODGE No. 12, A. 1 . AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Visiting Dretnren welcome. W. M. DE LIN, Secretary. CADE -The funeral of the late Theadore A. Gade will be held from the T. L. Lerch funeral parlors today (Monday) Septem ber 21, at 2 P. M. Interment Mt. Scott aric cemetery. DIED. SCHNEIDERMAN At his late residence, 421 First street. September 19. Jacob ' Schneiderman, aged 59 year 8 months - and 4 days. BROWN September 20, Charles Brown, aged 44 years. Remain at Dunning & McEn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KOIXEE At his late residence, 525 Mall treet, septemner is, lliaa Mulier, aged 53 years, beloved husband of lnnebore Mailer. Friend. Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Port land Crematorium at 2:30 P. M. today (Monday;, septemDer 21, under the auspices of Willamette Tribe. No. 6. Im- . proved Order of Redmen. Take Sellwood car for Crematorium. Remain, are at Hounui'i funeral parlors. W'AJJTY The funeral services of the late ; lora Wanty, who died In this city Sep her 19, will be held tomorrow ('Tues day) at 2:30 P. M. from the chapel of the ok3wm unuertaiting (jo, corner Third and way. tTiends are invited to attend. Pri vate interment, Rlverview cemetery. TTI THROW In this city, September 20, Mrs. ' Clarinda A. withrow, age 53 years, at her late residence, 429 Morris Btreet. Wife of -n. c. witnrow. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, September 22, at 2 P. M. from Ericson'a chapel. Twelfth and Morrison streets. TRAXINGEIt September 20 at the reI dence, 307 East Seventy-fourth street, North, Mathew Trajxinger, aged 75 years, beloved father Of Mrs. Marv Mnrnhv anil Mrs. George Lewis. Remains at Dunning oe jmccmee 9 pariors, rotice of funeral later. , CADE The funeral services of tln lt Theodore A. Cade will be held at P. L. Lerch funeral' parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets, today (Monday) at 2 P. M. Friends umtea. BUSINESS DIRECTORY WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO, WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKCM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO, 53-53 Front t. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL AND FURS KAHN BROS, 11 Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, Kast End of Burnside Bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. - CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. I. MASTIC & CO, 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. McCracken Co, 1114 Board of Trade. SaleB agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING "MACHINERY." F. B. MALLORY & CO, 231 Pine street. ' MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckweifr Mfg. Co, 83 Fifth st. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS, Morrison and 7th ts. TtKEEAL NOTICES. ELLIOTT The funeral services of the late Eli E. Elliott, who died in this city Sep tember 19, will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2 P. M. from the First Bap tist Church at Gresham, Or. Friends and acquaintances are kindly Invited to at tenl. Interment Gresham Cemetery. Re mains will be at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Company until la o'clock Tuesday. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO, florists. 347 Washington. Main 26, A 1209. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS, designers and decorators; fresh cut flowers, great variety. Morrison, bet. 4th and 5th. Main or A 1803. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Alder. Designs and sprays. Marshall 5922. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. Sell ing bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTORY. The only iwiafBM odertaking establish ment in Portland with private driveway. Main 9, A 1599. J. P. FINLBT SON, Montgomery, at Fifth. MR. EDWARD ROLHAN, the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A 1511 Main 0O7. F. S. DUNNING, INC.. East Side Funeral Director. 414 East Alder St. East 52, B 2525. A. R. ZELLER CO, 592 Williams ave. East 1088. C 1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. R. T. BYRNES. Wllllams'ave. and Knott. East" 1115. C 1943. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay sta Lady assistant. East 78L SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4752. A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Containing 335 Acres. Portland' Only Modern Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Refined, Pleaalne Service Complete, Perfect Equipment. Prices and Tcrma Reasonable. Botn Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND AVE, N Between Davis and Kverett. Phones East. 1423, B 251S. Open Day ana .nigit. Report all cases of crueltv to this officn Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one de siring a pet may communicate with us. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS o ji" unj auu a. a. i in Up" -r " i 1 -"it a a, tco. xv i li aciiv o I o payment privileges. Loans quickly """tu. ii j neuu money can loaay. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 317-219 Northwestern Bank Building. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CRONAN 802 Spalding Bids Portland. Or, ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia PAINTS AND WALL PAPErI PIONEER PAINT CO, 160 First street. W. P. Fuller & Co, 12th and Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor street. pipe, pipe fitting's axd'yalves." M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Jront Bt. PRINTERS--PCBLIsTlERSl F. W. BALTES & CO, 1st and Oak st. PRODUCE COMMISSIONERCHANTS7 EVBKDINS & FAKKELL, 140 Front .. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, 3 4th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO, foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO, 12th and Davis. Portland Iron Works, 14 th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO, 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, 230 2d St. - WHOLESALE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS BUTTERFIBLU BROS, MOHAWK BLDG. WIRE AND IKON WORKS. "Portland Wire & Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Money available within 24 hours after receipt of abstract. Lowest rates. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money t Current Rates. FARM A- O CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St4 Board of Trade Bldff. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. J. t. NASH, 73 Chamber of Commerce oiag., wiu ouiiu od your lot or sell you a, house and lot, any size, like rent. PALM ER-JONE8 COH H. 404-405-403 Wilcox bldg. BECK, William G.. 315-316 Falling bldg. lvtiN EDICT BROS., 3o Hawthorne avenue JENNING& CO.. Main 1S8. 206 Oregoniao. REAL ESTATE. hot Sale Lota. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Home and bo meat tea. a. few great bargains. Every customer Is a reference. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. a 3839. For Sale Beach Fro perty . SEASIDE. OREGON. For sale or rent, 8-room house on "G St., 50 feet from boardwalk; view of ocean from lower or upper porch. Lot 5uxl00; rent $15 per month. Inquire at Mrs. Jetly'a real estate on ice or at res idence of Mr. Grogan, Seaside, Oregon. Anyone wishing to buy address Jatnea Dutty, Seaside-, or Fu r tittle lAouses- THAT VACANT . LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THK MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLDG. AT less than cost, a home; a six-room house in line neighborhood. $30 per month, including interest. This has hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, uullt-in bed, built-in bureau, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full base ment, furnace, nice attic, tine yard, shade trees; all improvements, street, etc.. are la and paid foi. You will search far for aa nlca 'a place as reasonable in price and terms. Call Woodlawn 30oo. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Classy new 5-rooms, double construction, oak doors, beautiful fireplace, built-in buffet and bo ok oases, artistic light fix tures. 2 bedrooms, nice bath, dining-room walls paneled and beam ceiling, full ce ment basement 50x100 lot, o4S 64 lh su, 150 south Sandy bWd. Price $2500, easy terms, wortn $;M)uo. Owner, phone Main ?um. J. Q. Wright. NEW high-grade Irvington home for sale by owner at big sacrifice. Located N. W. corner East 2Uth and Thompson; lOOxlOo; takes $0000 to handle. No trades. Phone' East 1300. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME CLOSE IN. 7 rooms,. acre land, mountain view, fruit trees; Ore- Elec. Ry., 5c fare; $3Ou0, terms, $300, baL to suiu Box 3ltt P O Portland. -. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lots or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. " THE OREGON HOMEBUILDERS, ' 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $2500 CASH will handle two good five-room cottages and lot 50x100, on Sherman street near Broadway, balance on mortgage at 7 per cent. E.. T. Taggart, 41tf Chamber of Commerce. MUST SELL on account of sickness, mod ern 8-room house and vacant lot on Mon tavilla carline. Owner, la E. 68th N Tabor 57. HAVE houses you can -buy for $13, $15 $18 $20, $23, $25 and $30 per month, including interest, or will build to suit, on your lot or ours. Call East 6687. FOR SALE at your nwn price; modern 8 room house near Irvington Club; must be sold; leaving city. Phone East 2466. u-KOOil cottage on Tillamook st, block Hancock st. East 3455. HOUSES, all sizes, some less than cost. Also for rent, furnished and unfurnished. Irv ington. East 273, W. H. Herdmao. NEW modern 12 -room house, quarter block. In Irvington. Phone R. B. Rice, East 2432. $2000 EQUITY in six-room bungalow, very cheap. M 262. Oregonian. SEAL ESTATE. oWILL. sacrifice swell modern 2 -family flat, 5 and 6 rooms, worth 18500, now $5900, $1000 down and $25 per month; walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owners, 171 E 23d st. Phone East 5 It 4 8. MT. SCOTT COTTAGE, $2000. 5 rooms, modern, all on one floor, good neighborhood, at 4812 E. 71st , st., near 4Sth ave. S. 1 blk. from Firland sta tion on Mt, Scott car line; price $2Oo0; terms like rent H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bWg. Main GUS. A-2653. EAST FRAN KLlN ST. snap ; Tine 7-room - modern house, 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $3000, $250 down, $15 per month; near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW.& ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett bldg. A 141ti, Marshall 02. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carllne, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1083 or Sellwood 470. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. HOU.SE and 2 acres in fine cultivation; Mtstzger Station, y-cent fare, block to depot; exchange, rent or sell; $2500. P h one M arshall 3941. 603 Oregonian bidg 2 ACRES and 5-room bungalow on 5c car line, Portland. Or.; will sell at a genuine bargain. Write E. L. Walker. 103 W. Main St., Centralia, Wash. For ACREAGE 1, 2. 6 and 10-acre tracts, 80 minutes out on NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters xare ; very best of ' soil, water and community conven iences; $125 to $500 per acre, on installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th St. A &5O0. 5 ACRES, $250. $10 down and $5 a month buys 5 acres good loggod-off land, between Portland and Centralia, on main line 3 railroads, 1 miles from town of lOOO population; sawmills, shinlem ills and other indus tries, some of these tracts are half cleared; beautiful-trout stream ; first-class bottom land ; good soil ; lies well, fine lo cation ; 160 acres to choose from; perfect title, warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Ex ch an ge. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland , ne subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres $400, $500, $7oo; 3 acres, $50O, $700; 10 acres. $750, $000, $1000 per tract; besi toil, free wood(- spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO.. Sotf Yeon bid g., Por Hand, Or. 10-ACRE snap at Kockwood, on the Base Line auto road, 6-room house, 100 fruit trees, fine berry land, 3 blocks to car. A big snap, $4000, $50o down, balance to suit. Zadow & Alexander, 414 Corbett bldg. A 1416, Marshall 2. 1 TO 20 acres, near Concord Station, on Oregon City carline; Ideal building sites, beautiful view of Mount Hood; price $500 per acre. H. G. Starkweather. Phone Oak Grove. Black 17. FOR SALE ONE ACRE. In high state of cultivation, fruit, ber ries, good water, buildings, furniture, im plements, chickens ; price $800. Adress JOHN M AlEH, Falls City, Or. Irrigated Lands. FINEST tracts in Willamette Valley, any size; your own terms. Get in on the ground floor, call 210 Stark St., near 4th. I or Sale Farm. FOR SALE A snap, $i50 for my 6-acrs tract, 6-i'oom house, barn, chicken house, other improvements; 2 acres in cultiva tion ; Al soil ; 3 miles to town, with rock roai, H mlie of place; '4 mile to school, 40 miles to Portland. Wesley -Hill. Goble, Or. FOR SALE or trade; 240 acres joining the City of Condon, all in cultivation except 15 acres of waste land ; city water piped on the place. G. A. LONG, 420 Haw thorne ave. Phones E. 72, B 1360. 160-ACRE farm, In cultivation, tor sale or trade; terms to suit purchaser. AV 765, Oregonian. RANCH bargain for cash, near electric line, near Portland ; must sell. By owner, lo7 1st st. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. YOUNG married man with team wishes to rent furnished farm on shares, or will work farm for salary; life experience. Address F. G. B., R. F. D. Box a. Sher wood. Or. WANTED To lease furnished farm with few cows, or position for wagen. hrst-clas irrigator, capable f oremanship, 3 adults in family; best references. D. L. Moore, 241 E. S4th st., -Portland, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. 50 ACRES in Marion County, with Irriga tion, large house and very large barn, to dairyman who has good herd, on monthly payments. 2t9 Stark St., near 4th. FOR SALE TIMBERs LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C- J- M'CRACKKN. 304 M'KAY BLDQ. WANT contracts to clear land near Port land. R. W. Wood, lol 6th. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL buy good income business property In good location, store or flat building, be tween $7500 and $15,000; must be real bar gain, li 266. Oregonian. HAVE two second mortgages of $710 each to exchange for clear vacant lots. 211 Lumber Ex., cor. 2,d and Stark. TO EXCUANliE REAL ESTATE. GENERAL merchandise stock and building in a good live town in one of the largest irrigated sections in Oregon, located on two R. R-, doing $1000 to $1200 per month business and can be Increased. Will trade for Portland property. Price $10,0o0. Ask for Spoorier. HACKER-THERKELSEN CO, Main 7502, A 338. 306 Spalding; bldg. WILL give 40 to 80 acres of the very best orchard land in Klickitat County, Wash ington, with small, high-grade bearing or chard, or vacant lots in Portland for land clearing; will pay money-making price for clearing and put a satisfactory price on the property. John S. Beall, Wood lawn 3171. FOR SALE OR TRADE Milk business of 50 cows, 5 horses, HO tons hay, com, kale, all farm machinery, close to Port land, for farm from 5 to 80 acres; a money-maker for right party. AG 256, Oregonian. I HAVE newly furnished busy apartment house, four rented houses, three good mortgages and city lots; want farm for all or any part of these. Atwater, "4o2 Lewis bldg. Marshall 327. CLEAR house or cottage wanted, value $2000, for $6000 worth acreage, electric line, close city, mortgage $14o0. Owner. P. O. box 377. TO trade fer good lota or country property near Portland, two good new 7-room houses. Phone Woodlawn 169b or address 1088. E. 19th st. N. WILL exchange $700 equity In a new, mod ern, 6-room house on E. 35th, 1 block from Clintoa-et. car, for clear lots. 211 Lumber Ex., cor. 2d and Stark. UNINCUMBERED lots, Astoria, trade for equity in bungalow. R. 412 Commercial Club bldg. MODERN house in Irvington district for exchange. B. M. Lombard. 11 Madison bldg. Phone Main 5092. A 2S92. IF YOU want a new bungalow and have a lot to turn in as part payment, call owner. Tabor li02. WANTED Reliable contractor to finance building of bungalow in exchange for five residence Ipts. BC 271. Oregonian. TRADE for bungalow, one quarter section yellow fir timber. Wheeler County. BD 271, Oregonian. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. 433 Worcester bldg. Phone Mam 7105. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SALE OR TRADE. 10-stamp mill, compressor. crusaer. cables, rails, engine, etc. for sale or trade for Portland property. Address S 2ta, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. TEAM, weight 2200, harness, wagon. These horses are good workers, must sell at once. E. 11th and Belmont sts. FOR SALE, cheap, a nice family . horse, high-grade rubber-tired buggy and har ness. Trial allowed. 1029 E. Yamhill st. WAGONS and horses by day. SI. 25. Cohen. 381 Water st. Main 2208. CHEAP Team, weight 2300; also three smaller horses. Mar. 2894, A-4956. WILL sell sound. 12-year-old horse for $25; good bargain. Call Main 849- FOR SALE Eight-year-old horse, weighing 1260 lbs. Inquire 284 First. - FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Harness. Etc. AUCTION . Horses, mules, vehicle and harness every Monday and Friday, IO A. M. The only strictly commission stables in the city. Consignment solicited. The Mc Clelland Horse A Mule Co., 240 E, 8th. East 6315. AUCTION SALBL 40 head of horses, also some wagona and harness, to be sold at auction October L Anyone wishing to have articles sold on commission can list them on or before date of sale. COLUMBIA STABLES, 302 "font St. TEAM, bay and gray, weight 2700 lbs.. 8 and 9 years old, sound and true; with harness and light farm wagon, at a bar gain. Ask for Reynolds' outfit. 302 Front street. FOR SALE One team, well matched, black mares. 5 years old, weighing 2'JOO lbs.; one first-class team, 6 years old, weigh in 30OO lbs. 22 Russell st. ON E well-matched team. 3 years old, un broke, weighing 2."o lbs. ; 2 cheap farm horses; one 6-year-old horse weighing 1550 lbs. 20 KuvsWl Bt. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Tabor 4203. SOUND 14 66-1 b. farm horse to trade for hay, oats or seed vetch. B 258, Oregonian. Piano, Organw and Musical lnntrumeuts. WILL store free of charge piano for use of same ; best of care taken ; no children ; will also protect by fire Insurance. AK 253, Oregonian. FINE German-built piano. Circassian wal nut; obliged to sell. Room 5, Btulah Apts.. 02T Union Ave N. WANTED Old piano In any condition for cash. BP 265, Oregonian. Dogs, Birds, Prt Mock. AIREDALES, great pals, guards and bunt era. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. TWO pedigreed Scotch Collie dogs, cheap. Sellwood 125. Furniture For dale. WILL sell the furniture of my 6-room apartment, as it stands, excellent condi tion; reasonable. AK 274, Oregonian. WANTED Set of antique dining-room ma hogany chairs. Address Y 26s. Ore gonian. 6-ROOM cottage.'well furnished, very cheap; small rent.268 Milt. VERY DESIRABLE bedroom and other fur nishings at reasonable prices. 263 13tn st. Livestock. FOR SALE 1 Holstein. 1 Jersey cow, both fresh, and 2 heifer calves, milk cooler and paiis, wigoa. Call East 30th nnd Simp son st.; take Alberta car to J arret at., walk 6 blocks east. TWO Jersey heifers one year old and one 20 months old coming fresh in two mon 1 ha S. F. Britten, Metdrum, Oregon City line, phone Main 3523. v ONE Chester White brood sow, with 5 young pigs v weeKs 01a, xor sate. Alain .410 415 Columbia st. FOR SALE A fine Jersey bull. D. Shan non. Gilbert station. O. W. P. A utomobiles. NEW MOTOR TRUCKS. Any capacity from 750 lbs. to 5 tons you can pay for It In monthly installments will sell without any navment oown nro vlding you can give substantial security ; let the trucu earn its pay men is and earn you good money besides, get tha aet-t,ii H 243. Oregonian. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices, $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker. building. Corner Chapman and Alder Fts. ' AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE WHITE AUTO TRUCK. LATE MODEL, 1 :s TONS ; FIRST-CLASS condition; reasonable. :;ew mar. k et garage, cor. 2d and ankeny TWO-TON TRUCK. Two-ton truck in good mechanical con dition, new tires, siake body and. top, $650 easy terms. X 265. Oregonian. SACRIFICE 5-pass. Maxwell, in first-class couqiuod ; d&si oner taKes it. cotillion Oarage, 14th ana Burnside. WILL trade my Maxwell 30 for a Ford. AJ 2ol, Oregonian. &-PASSENGER autos $1.30 per hour; Pierce. Arrow, $0. t'none Main tttzu. GARAGE, light and water. West Side, rea sonable. Mar. 215ft. MY 1311 car and cash for a late model. AJ 252, Oregonian. Automobile Wanted. WILL exchange good $1200 first mortgage on timber ror t -passenger limousine auto, no junk. 320 Railway Lxchange. Poultry. POULTRY wanted Will call radius 20 miles Portland. D. Shaw, Lents. 1 Livestock. FRESH cows cheap. Columbia Boulevard St I V hlnr-lra nnrth Uana Ulam n s,An Typew r iters. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up ; 6 months' rental applied on pur cuase price. Remington j. y pew r iter Com pany, 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder, retail department. TV HOLE- SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $6a, NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 2t2 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, r. L. j., L'iil stark st. Main 1407. aliM-ellaneouH, WHY pay $25 for your suit or raincoat when you can get the same for $15? Money bacK Uiiop, 342 Washington, Morgan bldg. ispea iiu a tr. an.. SAFES All sizes, at coat: safes reoaired Mosier Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank bidg. Main 76.6. HOC HF ELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGED I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 V North 3d st. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $1.60. Portland i'aint co Marshall iuo. zsu Front at. SECOND-HAND typewriters in remade con dition, very cneap xor cash only. $0 up. tv. aieinau, di n,. .in sc. xs isss. SAFES New and second-hand; bargains. 101. first et. 20 H. P. horizontal boiler, firebox, A-l con dition; a oargain. re tea, 46 Zd. M.. B766. USE Bassett s Native Herbs for rheumatism. 00 tauiets lor Juc. ah aruggists. V1SIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. Main Oii.S, A 4-.41. 244 Stark su BARGAINS in new and second-hand fix tures, showcases. 4S N. loth. Mar. 774. FOR SALE: Gasoline woodaaw cheap for cash. (Jan 4-y Bawtnorne ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND L'LuTHiNG AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 20S.0. 285 FIRST STREET. AND you will get nig neat cash prices, no matter what yuu nave. i;au ivi. zuou. SECON'D-HA ND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S A.N D LADIES CLOTHES. SHOES. TRUNK3. SL 1 1- CASES, ETC TRY US. CALL MAIN 6ll5. 203 MADISON Si'. OR 25 1 FRONT AT J. MYER'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, $5 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUlCEi:, 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3505. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st.. buys recond-aand furniture. - carpets, stoves, raDges, haruware or tools or any Kina. v. an a tit or .nam uui our buyer cans promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for seconii-hand clothes, shoes, etc. 120 6th N. Main .a45- WANTED Baby or small child to take care of by the month; win give mothers care. Nice home. Phone Tabor 5541. or call Last 255 E. 35 tn St. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Kur. o., 132 iat. Main 4io. DO NOT sell or' give away any of your fur . niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 101 2d at. Marshall 4i3. BEST prices tor everything. Call our Junk aepu Mam oo or a iooj. xarue. WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at your price. Phone East 171. I WILL buy good Victrola; must be cheap for cash. phone East 2406. WANTED Three National cash registers at oncej will pay spot cash. Main 606. CASH paid for hair combings. "Sanitary Beauty pariors. 4b0 Dekum bldg. "SPOT "CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1882. WANTED Wood cutting, by cord or con tract. Majaha!! 3502. Call room 2. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 3951. WANT to buy second-hand repeating and double-barreled shotguns. 112 6th st. HELP WANTED MALIC BOY to work for board and room and go to school. M In 6."S1. 501 Harrison near 14th. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com missi on paid. Sarony Stud i o. Royal bldg. WANTED Man to work for room and board. 404 Madison, cor. 10th and Madison. WAN'! ED Prcsser at 285 SLark st. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. au young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially Invited to - consult the employ ment secretary. Record. 1913: Calls for men from employers. 2855 Positions filled 1041 Employment membership $5 per annum, guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months full and 10 months social privi leges. Issued by employment Secretary only. Second Floor Y. M. C. A. Bldg. CAN PLACE a refined young man to travel uiruugri Lnina, japan, mcua and Austra lia, with features, moving pictures, films Muit be able to give first-class references and gilt-edge security. State age, refer encee, securityetc. AD 273, Oregonian. ;SE spare time to build up mail order busi ness of your own; we help you start lor a share in profits; 27 opportunities, par ticulars free. Mutual opportunities Ex chaoge, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Two single men, good appear- uiic-j, io travel wun crew and :onclt; expe rience not necessary, but must be willing .to do hard work. Call 9 to 3, Lenox Hotel, and ask for Mr. Livermore. ivArKHlENED stock salesman to dispose i uensury block oi prontaoie going con cern ; liberal commissions. See N. K, Ja cobson. atty.. N. W. Bank bldg. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hue iieis make money. Washington Nursery - o.. Toppeniah. Wash. KI I'MHING goods salesmen. Cail at 203 i-roauway blug., between 2 and 3 o clock Monday sf ternoon. LLO THING salesman. Call at 203 Broadway ui;g., between 1: and 3 o clock Monday afternoon. ADVERTISING solicitors; contracts cashed; several papers. Clyde agency, 207 Stock Exchange. YOUNG boy for office work; prefer boy living with parents. Reply in own hand writing to AE 25, Oregonian. PHOTO coupon offer; something good; sal- ry. vaasar atuqio, ADington b.dg. PHOTO coupon; new ticket for live ones. Cut berth studio. Dekum bldg. BOY, with wheel for deliveries. Lion Clothing Co.. Morrison, at Fourth. b.tivKK wanted; must be first-class. Call after 2 P. Al. - i;;age Inn Cafeteria. Help W antra A gen ta- W ANTED Responsible agents everywhere; y the iargeti., jest-known nursery in the Northwest. i-it-ral cunnnibaiati.. steady position. Aoartod Oregon iNui ery, Or rnco. Or. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN wanted to sell stock in progres sive concerns; good commission, exclusive teriitory; opportunity to put out ut asencs. 111 &paiUin,j bldg. HELP Vv ANTED FEMALE. WANTED A young lady that understands iicrK in bakery ana dairy lunch; must know how to make sales; good wages and ' good home -like place. Address J. E. Schaf fer, California Bakery, Salem, Or. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework ; German or Scandi navian preferred; no washing; no chil dren. Phone E. 934. Call 45 E. Sta North. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington biug., 2OVs Washington, room 55, near 4th. Phone Main fr&oti or A 3266. WANTED Retined, capable woman xor re sponsible position. , Viavl Company, 423 Pmuck block, 385 Washington. r i v'E girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning. 414 Dekum blug. Sani tary Parlors. WANTED Girl or boy to wait table in pri vate boarding-house for dinner. 404 Madi swii, cor. lotu. iAfiiKilvNCED girl for light housework and cooking, wages $20. Phone Sell wood 75. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, of two; references required; wages ;;.'. 1US King st. Phone Main 7472. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25, for position w ith local firm ; permanent ; ex penence unnecessary. AE i;70, Oregonian. WANTED at once, 5 lauy demonstrators, also agents in smaller towns, Barciey Cor set Shop, 204 J? lied ner bidg. WRAPPING and cash giris wanted. Call at 203 Broad w ay bldg., between 2 and 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. RELIABLE German girl for general house work. Apply mornings, 494 East 22d- N. East S42. COOK. $4); second work, $MO; waitress, $7; houseworK, $15 to $40. St. Louis Agency. '2SS Main st. A 7175. Main 2-39. SCHOOL or high school girl to assist with light housework, near Lincoln High. Uali mornings, 545 2d st. WANTED A girl for general housework in small family. Apply 247 E. 37th south. WANTED Girl is a waiter in restaurant. 245 Couch st. WANTED Tailor to work on ladles' gar ments. E. Gurney, Mohawk bidg. WANTED A girl to assist in general house work. 702 Marshall. Call mornings. YOUNG GIRL for general housework. Call Main 29;:'.. 5:5 College st GIRL to assist in general housework ; small family. 745 Overton st. Apply Monday. GERMAN girl for housework. Call morn ings, 321 6th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Subscription representatives for outside territory In Oregon; men and women who do thorough work will be given liberal remuneration. Call at 215 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Men and women, live, wide awake men and women for good-paying positions; if you want to work and au vance, see' manager. 80S-09-1 0 Selling bldg. LEARN art of acting: engagements open for capable nctors. 409 Stearns jldg. Fisk Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma chinery in operation, electrical, gas and steam engineering, machine shop work and automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to 110 West Roy street, Seattle. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage a specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduce-1. 233 Madison st. MOLE:R BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade In 8 weeks; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free; scal; and face massage a specialty; send for free catalogue. 48 N. 2d. MRS. HINSDALE, former instructor of the commercial department of the Younc Women's Christian Association, la now ready to take young men and women for business training. 502 Empress bldg. WOMEN Get Government Jobs; thousands vacancies yearly ; list positions open to women free. Franklin Institute, Depu 7t3R. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, p! 0 clerks, car riers ; exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., city. PREPARE to be firemen, brakemen ; earn $120 monthly ; send age, postage. Rail way Educational Association, care J:e gonian. LA RN to drlre an auto. Expert Instruc tor. Call at 80 loth St.. bet. 12 and 2 P. M., or phone Marshall 406. MEN, 18 to 85, become railway postal clerks; commence $75 month; sample examination questions free. AV 704. Oregonian. LEARN moving picture operating; terms reasonable; steady work. 226 2d st. TWO men to learn auto repairing and driv ing. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw thorn e. ELI TE PRIVATE B U S I NESS COLLEGE, 404 Commonwealth Bldg. Mar. 4258. SHORTII A N D.T V PE"WRiTING1$5 PER MO 269 14TH ST. M 3S93. EXP. INSTRUO'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GOOD bookkeeper and office man wants po sition ; leaving present position account of dull business making it necessary to re duce expense ; w ill consider work any where in Oregon or Washington. Address B Box 1169, Portland. YOUNG experienced office man, bookkeeper, stenographer, good appearance, references, desires permanent position; can invest some money if necessary. BF 252, Ore gonian. WANTED Position in law office by young attorney, member of Supreme Court ot C S. Also expert' accountant. o34 Y. M. C. A. SALESMAN of ability, best of references, wants situation, either commercial or pro motion lines; capable of liaiul tmg sa les nien and getting results. J 268, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 8 years' experience; best of references. N 265 .Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT wants evening work on .-.nan sets of accounts. AE 229. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, first-clnss, open for engag ment, K 263. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Steady position in city by robust young man, age 24, not afraid of work ; can give references. Tabor 1652. ENGINEER Steam, electric, raa wants job along that lice, AB 264, Oregonian. SITUATION? WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted by expeit gasoline engi neer, marine or stationary, experience and technical knowledge of electricity, also some,machine shop experience; general rr- - pair work in garage preferred. N 263, Oregonian. MAN and wife, German, with boy 12. man has experience in farming and poultry, wife good cook, want position on farm, and will take farm on shures; good refer ences Write H. Kolek, Box 23, Route 2. Milwaukie, Or. WANTED Situation as night watch or Jan. itor; well acquainted with steam heat; understand oil burner; good city refer ence; can furnish bonds. Phono Tabor 3401, or address PavW Leech, . . F. D. No. 2. Milwaukie, Or. VIGOROUS elderly man, single, temperate, reliable, handy mechanically, gardener, etc., wants steady employment, moderate wages. Home place. , Recommendations. H 257, Oregonian. SPECIALTY salesman wanted to sell widely advertised office machine. Man with type-( writer or adding machine experience pre ferred; state age. experience and telephone number. Box AK 251, Oregonian. pOSITION wanted by first-class general merchandise salesman, well experienced and know the ousine&a; best of references. m AC 2t5, Oregonian. PRINTER An all-round, experienced printer desires position; Job or ad work, can handle presses; steady habits; married. Union. Address A V 761. Oregonian. ALL-AROUND dry gooos man, window trimmer, card-writer, live wire, export E.ilf Hiia.i, married. Address BF 273, Ore gonian. PRINTER Steady and reliable; no booier; married ; 14 years' experience. Can come immediately. Address Box 120, Vaa couver. Wash. WANTED Position in general store, small town preferred; good salesman and stock er; understand the business. Can do buy ins. AV 759. Oregonian. MAN with good team wants work on farm, capable of taking charge of place,-. Call "Woodlawn 2799 or write Teamster, 122 Montana ave., Portland. $5-0O FOR A JOB Young, married, experi enced janitor, grocery, delivery, etc. phone Mar. 2272. Call Al. CHORES on farm, milking, help housework. wanted by young man l-i), smaii winter wages. BF 253, Oregonian. FURNISHINGS and clothing salesman; can do busheling, excellent stock keeper. AV 700, Oreconian. STUDENT wants work in exchange for room and board. References furnished. Addre-s N 23S, Oregonian. MARRIED man, no children, wants posi tion ou farm; capable of taking full charge; reference. K. H. Willis, Lents, Or. MECHANIC Auto and gas engine installa tions and repairing, any mechanical work; references. X 20!, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, high school graduate, wants position where there is chance for ad vancement. AO 268, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese baker, has long ex perience, wants a position, A 268, Ore gonian. YOUNG man. going to trade school, wants to work for room and board with small wage. BF 274. Oregonian. WATCHMAKER, engraver, salesman, wants position; single; small salary. BC 269, Oregonian. MAN and wife with two children to take charge of farm; had experience. Mr. F. Rickert, 1797 Division st. WANTED Place to earn all or part of room and board by senior dental student. AJ 115, Oregonian. WANTED Steady position In city by strong healthy young - man, aged 24, not afraid of hard work- Phone Tabor 1652. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position in private family. A 1560, Main 9361. YOUNG married man wanta position on dairy ranch. N 255, Oregonian. WANTED Lawn work; garden work and odd jobs. Sellwood 182. J. B. Kennedy. J A PAN USE contractor wants cutting wood or brush. Main 6521, 2S3 Burnside. JAPANESE boy wants housework, porter or any kind. Main 652. 293 Burnside. YOUNG man, 18 out of school, wants posi tion; references. phone Woodlawn 2543. WANTED Brush cutting, also lot clearing. Box 6S9, Montavilla. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION by experienced, competent lady bookkeeper and accountant; best of refer ences, phone East 6445, AO 254. Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER with practical office ex perience desires position; references. Phone fAVoodlawn '," 4.' J. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER, 12 years' ex perience, desires stenographic position mornings only. Phone B 1943. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes perma nent or temporary positiou. Call Marshall 458. PUBLIC stenographer desires location and small salary for services. Tabor 222. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. S 270. Oregonian. D resMma kera. MODISTE recently from San Francisco, using French styles without patterns, will make suite, gowns, dresses, capes, etc 243 Kast Broadway, apt, 214. Cail East SSol. Fl RST-CLASS tailoress from the East; will sew in family or take work in, suits a spe cialty; good city references. 225 11th st. Phone Main 9164. CHILDREN'S aim plain sewing, also em broidery done at home, A 2945. Main, 2079. DRESSMAKING and ladies tailoring by the day, $3; experienced. Tabor 483. FASHIONABLE home or day. d ressmakln g 150 Lane St. reasonable; Main 0519. WANXED Sewing by the day, reliable dressmaker; references. Phone Main 4878. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring;, altera tions by day. Main 2333. M.'RSE desires a few more engagements by the day or week. Main 3S3. llo ue keepe rs. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes work as house keeper in widower's or bachelor's home. Call Monday between S- and 1. SL Charles Hotel, room 203. WIDOW lady wants position as housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home. Address Mrs. Anne Musser. 64 East 12th st. Phone East 186. REFINED middle-aged lady desires a posi tion as housekeeper for -w idower or bach elor. B 3 4t.S. liC 252. Oregonian. WIDOW, good cook, wishes position in wid ower's family or club men as housekeeper; can give sood reference. Main 9203. SCOTCH woman wants position housekeeper any place of trust. 312 llth at. TWO girls "wish" to do general housework. Phone Main ti54. Domestics COMFETENT girl us cook or general house work; wajes $40 and up. Telephone Mala 507 K TWO neat, experienced girls desire cooking and second work. A 7175. Main 2030. Miscellaneous. DINNER parlies, etc., planned, prepared or served; hour work, any kind. Sellwood 1 6H6. WOMAN with 2 children must have steady day work for days weekly; please heip me. Mrs W. E. Smith. 97 E. 3 2d sU N. EX PE Rl ENCED laundress wishes washing and ironing. Call East 33&S, from 6 to 9, evenings only. WANTED by good hand sewer, tablecloths, sneeis and napkins to hem by Land or machine. Woodlawn 3137, evenings. PRACTICAL woman wants day work wash ing, ironing, sewing and cooking. Tabor 42; 6. POSITION by first-class lady cock in camp or small country hotel, good reference given. Isabel Martin, The Dalles, Or. YOUNG lady wishes position in uer.tist office immediately; experienced. N 273. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress wants small bundles to take home. Woodlawn 3810. t ABLE woman wants work by the day; wash ing, ironing or housecleaninK ; experienced; reference. Tel. Marshall MKi. SCANDINAVIAN girl wants general house work; wages 33. PF 2-'tl. oregonian. WOMAN wants day work-, or housework; needs mony. Main 2'!'2- j day' WORK washing, cleaning, mending. Woodlawn ns. LACS curtains, draperies, hand laundered, 20c up; called f-.r; expwa, yHlwood I606, CAPABLE wemsn wants day work; good worker. Main 00 K and helpt-r wants position camp or country hotel. Main phone 772S. ANTED Arartment-nouse to manage, by woman of experience and ability. A 4o71. EX PE Rl ENCED cook wants position in 'American family. Call Ma.n 33V0. GIRL wants general housework. 1566 E. Flanders. ' GOOD reliable laundress desires more work; daily or hour. E. 130. COLORED woman wishes day work. Phone Marshall 5016. GIRL wishes light housework and use of piano. Phone Marshall 32u2