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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
THE MORNING OREGOKJAJN, THURSDAY, 2sTOEMBER 3, 1904. 3 ElflSM EMPIRE Parker Sees Great Danger in Militarism. OPPOSES A GREAT NAVY Probability of War With Foreign Nations Is Remote. IMPERIALISM ALSO ASSAILED Democratic Candidate Addresses Rally In New York- Under Aus pices of German Union Carl Schurz Makes Speech. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Judge Parker ad dressed meetings at Cooper Union and Carnegie Hall, and tvas given a reception at the Democratic Club tonight, which was the busiest evening programme arranged lor him during the campaign. At both meetings the candidate was given great ovations and at the reception every mem ber of the club, and many Invited guests, .shook bands with him. Judge Parker will make a hurried tour of Connecticut tomorrow, visiting Bridge port, New Haven and Hartford, at each of Tvhich places -he will apeak. He and his party will travel by epecial train and re turn to New Tork the same night. At Cooper Union Judge Parker spoke under the auspices of the German-American Parker JUnlon. The candidate was substituted for Grover Cleveland, who was scheduled originally to address the gather ing, but was compelled to cancel the en gagement. All of the addresses were In German except that of Judge Parker. -The reception given the candidate, was -but a repetition of others that have been given him in New Tork, and in fact on every occasion where he has made public appearances. The demonstration con tinued eight minutes before he was per mitted to begin his speech. The meeting was called to order by Her man Hldger, who introduced Mr. Schurz as chairman. The presiding officer has not been well, and he spoke with consid erable effort, making his only address of the campaign. He said In part: "It Is but a fevr years since we were a country living in harmony with all na tions because we sought to do justice to all nations. "We were the only nation free from a standing army and secure In our own laws. "What are we now? Under Republican rule, we have reached out for possessions. "We have shot down those -who were allies in the Spanish "War,, peo ple who did not wrong us in any way. This party has reduced our country to the depth of buccaneers. ""It has helped to rob a weak Southern territory in the Panama affair; has com menced a policy which, If carried out, will place us on a par with the European nations, of whom It is said each workman carries a soldier on his back." Judge Parker's speech was almost entirely-devoted to the subjects of imperlaf Ism and militarism, and the subjects eeemed peculiarly popular with the audi ence of German-Americans. He was in terrupted frequently with prolonged ap plause, and once when he paid homage to Mr. Schurz personally as one who had "felt the blighting power" of militarism, Mr. Schurz came forward and shook Judge Parker by the hand and thanked .him for his words. The audience stood up and shouted its approval. Judge Parker was driven from Cooper Union to Carnegie Hall, where he ad dressed a meeting under the auspices of the "West Side Parker Independent Club. The hall was filled, nearly one-third of the audience consisting of women, and when the candidate entered he was given a demonstration. He was cheered for ten minutes, Tvhlle be waited to speak. Nearly all the prominent Democrats of the city had gathered at the Democratic Club to greet Judge Parker when he had concluded his speech. President Fox, of the club, in introducing Judge Parker to those present, said: "I take great pleasure in introducing our next President. Alton B. Parker. "We want to go to Washington to attend Judge Parker's inauguration March 4 next." "When the applause that followed had subsided, Judge Parker said: "I now in vite you all to attend the inaugural and a little later I shall Invite you in writing." The candidate then shook hands with every one present, greeting each person with a few words. Following the reception, Judge Tarker was conducted upstairs by Charles F. Murphy and supper was served. ADDRESS OF JUDGE PARKER. Imperialism and Militarism Are Dis cussed at Length. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The address of .Judge Parker at Cooper Union was as follows: "When we speak of the growth of an im perialistic tendency -In this country we do not mean that we have, or care to have, a ruler with the title of Emperor at the head of the Government, or a political constitu tion abolishing the Republic and establlsh lns for It a monarchy. Home was substanti ally an empire before Caesar's dictatorship, and France was ruled by an imperialistic policy while Napoleon Bonaparte still called himself the Citizen Consul of the French Republic. "With us the tendency toward Im perialism in our Government took tangible shape when this Republic assumed the power to rule over distant and alien countries and populations, not only without their consent, but distinctly against their will, and when, correspondingly, the principles and .ideals we had Inherited from the founders of the Re public gave way to Ideas as to the powers of our Government which differed widely from Abraham X-nljoln's conception of a Democracy, that it was a government of the people, for the people and by the people. When we annexed the Philippine Islands it was done not only with complete die regard of the rights and wishes of the peo ple thereof a disregard as absolute as ever characterized any of the conquests of the Roman Empire or of the French Empire un der Napoleon but also with a hardly less absolute disregard of the spirit of our po litical Institutions. The annexation of the islands. nd the subjection by force of the. Filipinos ngnung ior ineir independence, was as different from the Intention of the fathers of -cur country as government by su perior artillery is from government by the consent of the governed. When we contemplate the moral effects of the policy of conquest and subjugation, as It has been carried on, and Is now defend ed by the Republican party, we cannot but feel serious anxiety as to the permanency of Democratic Institutions among us. The great principles proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence, that "government derives its Just powers from the consent of the gov erned" stood substantially unquestioned among us until the imperialistic policy of conquest and arbitrary rule over the con quered was entered upon. It was recog nized as the very essence of Democratic in stitutions. Now it Is scoffed at by many of the leaders of the Republican party as a glittering generality that has no practical meaning and application: as baby talk, fit .for the Infancy of this Nation, but ridicu lous In Its present state of power. Indeed, It "is perfectly logical for them to deride and reject it. If they mean to Justify and main tain their policy of conquest and dominion. Jast Powers ef Tree Gorerasaeat. But let me ask them as citizens of a democratic Republic what the true source of the just powers can be If not the con tent of ihe governed? Is it force? That yrovl4L b despottow. Is It wealth? That would be plutocracy. Is it the privilege of birth or position In society? .That would "be aristocracy. What remains then as the Just powers of free government, but the con sent of tne governed In Its range ana ei fect regulated by self-made law? You deny that, and you deny the vital principle of democratic Institutions, and Imperialism does deny It. It denies it first with retard to the subjugated alien populations. If the imperialistic tendency continues we shall soon have the same experience at home. In fact, they are already beginning to appear. Tou cannot fall to notice that whenever you quote the principles pro claimed In the Declaration of Independence In connection with the case of the Filipinos you are fiercely assailed as unpatriotic citi zens who are stirring up our subjects to re volt. In fact a member of the Administra tion, in' speaking of the present and future of the Philippines stopped little short of admonishing us that every public discussion of that subject, unless It be entire harmony with the policy of the Administration, shotfld stop for the reason that It might xcite hopes among our "subjects which the Ad ministration is unwilling to gratify. Now what does this mean? Democratic government is essentially government by public discussion. That discussion must be enlightened by the knowledge of the truth as to matter of public Interest, the fullest possible Inform talon to be furnished frank ly by the Government. It must. In order to serve Its end, be actively free, so as to illuminate every side of the question to be decided. And now we are told that we should not .freely discuss a question of such stupendous Importance as that whether the United States should remain a simple Demo cratic republic or become a colonial empire; that the principles of the Declaration of In dependence, the fundamental principles of our Republic, should not be mentioned In connection with the matter, lest our colonial subjects hear df it, and that, as the Ad ministration knew this business best, the people should leave It to the Administration to determine the course to be taken con cerning lt rower of the President. This Is only an Initial, tentative attempt to dominate public opinion in behalf of the Gov ernment. But there will be more of It if the Imperialistic spirit la permitted to prevail. In this respect, we must not fall to keep In view the great power wielded by the President In the conduct of our foreign relations. The Con stitution provides that only Congress shall have power to declare war. But It Is within the power of the President, if he desires war, to create, by his conduct of our foreign relations, situations which make war inevitable. It may happen that on each an occasion. Congress, having opposed war, would not consent to It if consulted beforehand; but it may be confronted by things already done, by accomplished facts which make the escape from war exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. The President may then force a war upon the country In spite of the adverse opinion of Congress. He may do this, keeping, as to the exercise of hlo powers, within the letter of the Constitution, although flagrantly violating Its spirit and intent. And he may do -this, almost sure of the subsequent approval and support of Congress, which, when an accomplished fact has put our country In an attitude more or less hostile to a foreign power, is usually very re luctant to disavow our Government. We have an Illustration of this in the history of the Panama Canal, It being very doubtful whether Congress; even the Republican part of it, would have approved the policy pursued by the Ad ministration, while the accomplished fact easily commanded the acceptance of the majority. This power of the Executive Is evidently a very dangerous one dangerous to the peace of the country, as well as to the Integrity of cur institutions unless the President cherishes a conscientious respect for the Constitutional lim itations of his power and an overruling desire religiously to observe the spirit and Intent as well as the letter of the Constitution, as well as an innate love of peace and fair dealing. Tou may judge for yourselves how dangerous Is such a power under the Influence of the Imperialistic tendency, with the lust of con quest and dominion. Its love of adventure and military achievement, and lta progress to Im pulsive action and dramatic display. Army and Navy. The imperialistic tendency, armed with that power, will be all the more dangerous when It Is, at the same time, armed with an ample supply of fighting material ready for action. Until a very recent period, we enjoyed the priceless blesaing of living in perfect peace and tecurtty without bearing the burden of a large Army and Navy, costing untold millions a year, a unique privilege of which other na tions groaning under heavy military and naval expenditure, envied us most heartily. Our im perialist friends now tell us that this must cease to be so. According to them, we must have a much larger Army In proportion than before, and our Secretary of the Navy assures us that we must have the biggest Navy la the world, whatever the cost. Have you ever seen anybody able to give you an Intelligent and satisfactory reason why we must have those things? Some tay -we roust have them to protect our commerce. I ak, then, hae there ever been a single moment since the year 1810 when our commrce suffered In the least from the want of a big Navy to l vv ' wiuers my we must nave it to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. Was there ever, before or since our -Civil TVar. a single occasion when tne Monroe Doctrine was unable, so to speak, to enforce lteelf without a big Army or Navy? "oriay secretary or War. in a recent fPf 5ff Union League Club, liluo- " . . """""K OI it now unneces sary a big Amy and Navy are to us for any of these purposes. He said: S. "esond Cleveland administration t2" ertaent Cleveland's message t?h M v boundary question, brought - -"- wiia ureat .Britain. Now. thT ffl " There was Juet one modem gun mounted. After the liuiehtrr mA i ,u. .uuomcu, secretary Tart continued: That taught the Republicans a lesson '.v-tVI 'sson7 mat more guna should be mounted? But did it not occur to the Secretary that the real and far inore important lesson was a very different ?.e.?. Only recall the circumstances under l" incjaeni iook place. Great Brit jwo. engagea in a boundary dispute with Venezuela, urged her contention with charac- TiilTrr uo"lve . M- i no president of the United States stepped in and substantially saia to Great Britain: "Stop! Tou will not "!? lo lmPse your will upon the little American republic by main strength without a word from this Republic This matter will have to b fu4itratH Great Britain, the mistress of the aeas. by ;uu feimicBL aavai power or tne world. wua ana toucny. with a government sup posed to bo the special champion of that pride, was certainly not used to that sort of treat ment. She probably knew, too, that we had only on gun mounted on a Coast several thou sand miles long. No wonder that a good many people expected the British lion to break SHi. 'P a "artike roar. But what did Great Britain do? The Tory government took President Cleveland's remonstrance into re- cpecuui consideration, ana, with graceful kindness, assented to the arbitration asked ior. No Danger of Foreign War. aow, what is the lesson of this? Not that we need big armies and navies for the de Tense of our rights and the enforcement of our just aemanas, out mat, wnether we are armeu or unarmed, every European power. even tne greatest and proudest, will go to tne very extreme or possible concession to avoid a cerious quarrel with this Republic Every sensible man knows that there la not one of those powers which entertains the slightest idea of attacking us; that they will readily comply with whatever we can decently ask for. and that If we are to have any con flict with any one of them, we shall have to bring it on ourselves by unendurable prov ocation. The simple reason Is that, aside irom wnat moral love or peace they may cnerisn, iney can canny anora to nave a serious struggle with so resourceful and per tinacious an antagonist as this Republic In view of the possibility of dangerous complt- uur aDsoiuie saiety irom foreign aggres sion, as every reasonable person will admit being thus assured, I may ask my sober minded countrymen for what purpose large arnum ana ojg navies, tne cnar&ctensuc tool and favorite ornament of empire, may be wanted by us. Being entirely unnecessary for defense. Is the greatest navy in the world, or any oig navy, tne cost oi construction and maintenance of which will run Into the bun. dreds of millions, needed or Intended for any other pnrpose7 If not. then the building and maintenance thereof Is a wanton waste of the people's money, wicked and unpardon able. But if it Is designed for any other pur pose, wnat is tnat purpose! The world abroad will but too plainly see in It a design of aggressive -movements on our part. This would' have a most unfortunate effect. whether we entertain such plans or not and I am confident a large majority of the American people do not entertain them the worm win always be distrustful of our nro- fesslons of a peaceable disposition. How ever smooth our speech may be in favor or peace congresses and arbitration courts, the world will sec in- the building of large navies, utterly unnecessary for defense, a threat of armed aggression, a transforma tion of the old Republican nollcy Into an em pire preparing for war. The result will "be disquiet among cations. Every seapowcr will watcn wiui nervous anxiety each unneces sary addition to our naval strength, to see In It -a rearan for making a corresponding addition to Its own. And thus the mad race in the augmentation or war forces, which fees become an oppressive burden to man kindthe curse of the ace will be -stimulated by this Republic Instead of being discoun tenanced and checked by its good example of a truly pacific policy. This Republic -will thus be a leader or a Dacxwaru ana most baneful movement. Instead of leading In hu mane projects. Another Perilous Effect. It will be apt to -produce another perilous effect. -It has often, and not unjustly, been observed that the .frequency of homicide in our country in coming in great part to the habit or many persons in carrying unneces earv clstols on their Dersons. likewise, i great war fleet, especially a. new one, that Is not employed In necessary duties, may be come a eeaucuve ana eangerous plaything. While lta advocates say that It la to prevent trouble. It is Just as apt. by impulsive and reckless handling, to cause mischief. TChen warships are too liberally flung about the world they are occasionally exposed to e ductlve temptations and troubles. It mty be come a tux. rather tnan a protection. Tou. Mr. Chairman, have bad reason to know what aaiUUrUxa 1 a&d what It mean. Xou have seen and felt its blighting power. Tb growing Impulses of your yourig manhood, your attachment to the spirit -of liberty which baa characterized Germany from the days of Taci tus, your yearning for better things for your conntrr and the -world ail these would clSJh with martial glory and power, the Inevitable accompaniments of empire, whether real or only In shadow. your devotion to high Ideals scon earnea you the admiration of vour native land, and it has been given to you to live In a time when your warning voles has been raised to avert tha first faint suggestion that the love or- martial giory and its dangers are not absent from the great est Republic In the world's history. And you. too, the men who listen to ra, know either by your fathers or grandfather, what martial glory means. It forced many of you from home in the tender years of your lives, when careful parental nurture was both your need and your due: Within the little circle Into which fate sent you, you have seen the natural ties that bind men together sup plemented by another scarcely less watchful and jealous. With you. as elsewhere In the world, the father and mother fondly welcomed the new-bom babe, but you also saw a sight common In -military countries, but unknown In this, your adopted land. From birth to 18 years old. you have seen the recruiting ser geant watch the young life of the boy-child, not to shield him from, harm; not to ward off evil, but to be certain that by no chance should ho go Into the great; wide, open, free world with out escaping the drillmaster. Nobody needs to ask whether you and yours shrink back from the faintest shadows, however distant, which may reveal the fatal presence of the man on horseback. I ask you now. In all soberness, is It not best for the peace, well-being and happiness of our people, and for the preservation of our free Institutions, to which wa owe so much of pur growth In comfort, wealth and power, that instead of Indulging our ambition In the ad venturous policy of empire and dominion over foreign countries and alien populations: Instead of squandering our substance In wholly un necessary war establishments at Immense cost; Instead of sacrificing the great conservative Principles and high ideals we Inherited from the fathers to the false glitter of Imperial greatness which In all periods of human his ry has marked the decay and perdition of republics; Instead cf provoking the distrust of ail mankind by the display of armed force on yery possible occasion which raises a sus picion of vague and hazardous schemes of rest Is5 .pabition lurking the background, we should return to the principles and Ideals which, during the first century of our National existence, have proved so Just and beneficent, so that government by the people and for the people may not perish from the earth? Should we not divert our material as well as mental resources to the building up of our great country, -which Is capable of Infinitely greater development than It has so far attained and to the solution of the political and social problems which surge upon ns? Should we not cultivate peace and friendship with all nations, scrupulously respecting their rights as well as tneir legitimate feelings, spreading our com merce over the world, not at the cannon's mouth, but by Intelligent and Industrious striv ing for superiority In friendly competition by tne quality and proportionate .price of our goods? By so doing we should present to the world the Inspiring example of a truly free people, peaceable and orderly, self-respecting and happy in their freedom and prosperity. Such an example will do Infinitely more to advance our own welfare, as well as the peace and civilization of mankind, than any number of battleships and all the splendor of Imperial power. TRUSTS VERSUS THE PEOPLE. Parker Declares This Is the Issue In Speech at Carnegie Hall. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Judge Parker, In his address at Carnegie Hall tonight, said: What are the Issues upon which you are called to adjust in this campaign? In very fact, they are both few and simple. "We have grown tired of seeing Individuals made rich by legislation, and we fear the results which have arisen and will arise from fa miliarizing our citizens with the idea that wealth is to be acquired through Govern mental favoritism. The Instant It Is recognized as accepted doctrine that the Government of the United States Is a dlspensor of favors, that instant It becomes I had almost said 'the. duty" of every great combination of capital to seek to control Government. The seeds of disease were Implanted among us by the undue ex pansion of f.he Idea of a protective tariff. The vicious circle undue protection that riches may be unfairly acquired, contribution of riches so acquired that undue protection may be continued and extended became but too soon established. Contrast this for a mo ment with the Ideal of a Republic and do not wonder that imperialism has followed In Its due course. The Philippines, as we have administered them, tho Panama Canal as we have ac quired It, the impossibility of our suzer ainty over the South American Republics, are but the blossom of the tre which we have watered and tended. Judge Parker dwelt -upofr the exactions' of the trusts and then continued: There is still another page to the story. An example Is before us of how the effort of the people to free themselves from a burden can be seized upon by the unscrupu lous and Itself made the agency whereby the burden Is bound more firmly upon their backs. The clamor of the people against the trusts rose to tho point where recognition was necessary. A new department of the Government was created by the Department of Commerce. To that department was in trusted inquisitorial power over the great corporations. Its bead, the Secretary of Commerce, was made a Cabinet officer. But lest honest business Interests should suffer, lest unscrupulous competitors should take unfair advantage, it was provided that the results of the department's Investigations into the affairs of any corporation should be confidential. They were, and are to be placed In the first Instance, at the disposi tion of the President. Extraordinary powers these, and marking an extraordinary faith of a people In its elected Chief Executive. And how has this Administration responded to this trust? It placed at the head of this new department as the first Secretary of the Department of the Commerce of the United States the private secretary of the President. "When the present campaign opened the secretary re signed his office and at the request of the personal representative of the President, be came the chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee to bring about, If It might be so, the election of his patron to the Presidency. And lest any should, err it was, at the time of his resignation, authoritative ly announced that at the termination of the campaign he would be summoned again to the Cabinet to All another Cabinet office. I leave it to you to say whether or not In your estimation the vicious circle is ex empt. "Now all Of these are not conditions un der which free Institutions can be pre served. We are not yet prepared for em pire. We still Intend that this shall be a Republic but It behooves us to guard Jeal ously the liberties which were transmitted to us. And If tho unscrupulous use of power by any party, or by any person becomes apparent. It behooves us to check It by the exercise of the ballot the Constitutional prerogative given us for that purpose. And this without regard as to whether the ex ercise of unconstitutional' powers by an in dividual be malicious or temperamental. What have we then before us in this elec tion? We, the plain people of the United States, stand ranged upon one side Upon the other, as I view it, stand the trusts. We find the exaggerated tariff aggrandizing the few and ,the trusts grinding the many; there the extravagance that is their bed fellow; 'there the Insolent disregard of the rights of the weak, and there the greed of empire. Behind them stand, not those citizens of the United States who are the true Re publicans, but those few who have for their own purposes relzed upon the power of the people, and why rely upon the traditions of the Republican party, and the delusions cre ated by their astuteness for the perpetua tion In their hands of the powers which thev have rnlsured? Scrofula It is commonly inherited. Few are entirely free from It, Pale, weak, puny children are afflicted with it in nine cases out oi ten, and many adulta suffer from it. Common indications are bunches in the neck, abscesses, cutaneous erup tions, inflamed eyelids, sore ears, rickets, catarrh, wasting, and general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Eradicate it, positively and absolute ly. This statement is based on the thousands of permanent cures these medicines ave wrought. x "My daughter bad scrofula, with elveo Bores on her neck and. about her ears. Hood's Sarttpftxilla was highly recoEam-eoded and she took It &a& was cored. She it bow in good feealtfe." Mas. J. S. Jwras, Y&rkae City, Ind. k Hash's Sao!MirW promta tet ours fwt Kws thm prmt Advance December Bntterick Patterns Are In More Women's Raincoats at $12.50 This list of store news will be nailed with delight by a goodly number of women. These Coats they are the second shipment of fifty are exactly like a lot which we sold in such- a hurry a few weeks ago. Not a day has passed since then but what inquiries were made as to the arrival of the Raincoats at 12.50. Well, they are here now exactly like those we had before, with another color added. These Coats are made of a Cravenetted Herringbone weave cloth in castor, olive, Oxford and gray; full back with side plaits, fancy scalloped plaits, belted, collarless, full puff sleeves. All in all, a garment no other store in the city can offer for less than 16.50. Our price today is .J:. Muslinwear Sale Today The garments we offer at special prices are perfect in every way. The only reason for price reductions being that they are the last of broken lines which we do not care to duplicate. Corset Covers 30c and 35c sorts for.. 2o 45c sorts for 33p 50c sorts for ....,39 65c and 75c sorts for 49 95c and $1.00 sorts for 79 $1.25 and $1.35 sorts for 98$ $L50 sorts for S1.19 $1.65 and $1.75 sorts for... $1.29 Chemises 45c and 50c sorts for 39i 65c and 75c sorts for 49 95c and $1.00 sorts for 79p $L29 sorts for 9S& $1.50 sorts for S1.19 $L65 sorts for $1.25 ,$2.25 sorts for $1.49 $2.50 sorts for $1.85 Remarkable 65c sorts for 45 $L35 and $1.25 sorts for 98c $L65 and $1.75 sorts for... $1.29 $2.25 sorts for $1.69 Linen Sale We offer today some very special values in Table Linens. "' 73 YARD Very fine quality of bleached all-linen Irish Table Damask, 66 inches wide; 22-inch Napkins to match the above at $2.13 dozen. 89 YARD Very fine quality of bleached all-linen Irish Table Damask, 66 and 72 inches wide. 97 YARD Very heavy quality of bleached all-linen Scotck Table Damask, 68 inches wide 22-inch Napkins to match at $2.69 doz. $1.13 YARD Extra quality all linen bleached Scotch and Irish Table Damask, 72 inches wide. $1.33 YARD-Superbiy beauti ful Satin Damasks of Scotch, Irish, German and Austrian makes, 72 inches wide. COST OF. OREGON SCHOOLS. It Is Less Per Capita Than in Any State West of Rockies. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 2. The State of Oregon ex pends less per capita of population for the maintenance of Its public schools than anr state west of the Rocky Mountains, or $3.19 per capita per -annum. This ex penditure, however, is 31 cents greater than the average per caplCx expenditure for public schools In the united States' and is more than is expended icMost Eastern States. These facts are brought out in the annual report of the Commis sioner of EducaUon, made public today. The total expenditure for state schools in Oregon during the year 1902-03, the last year to be reported, amounted to $1,526, S5S, out of -which J1.049.1S0 -was spent in salaries of teachers, and $227,071 fop school sites, buildings, furniture, etc 3uring the year in question there were enrolled in the common schools of Oregon a total of 92,390 pupils,. or 21.13 per cent of the total population of the state. The average' daily attendance was but 64,219. The Oregon schools employed 3914 teach ers, at monthly salaries averaging $51.30 for males and $40.02 ior females. Oregon is one of the" few states whose schools were not supported, in part at least, by state taxes. The school fund -was derived mainly from local taxes, ag gregating $1.S74.&S, this sum being aug mented by $112403 raised from other sources. At the close of the school year 1502-68 the total value of public school property in Oregon was estimated at $3,8M,063. City School Systems. -Separate statistics are furnished for the city school systems of each state, though these figures are included in the general public school figures. Returns show but two cKy systems in. Oregon, with' a total BreilsMBt of 15,866 pupils, and aa average Lipman, Wolf e 6c Co. Drawers 45c and 50c sorts for 39 65c and 75c sorts for 49 95c and $1.00 sorts for. .. 79p $1.25 and $1.35 sorts for 98 $1.50 sorts for $1.19 $1.65 and $1.75 sorts for. ..$1.29 $2.25 sorts for $1.69 Skirts 85c sorts for 69 $1.00 sorts for 79 $1.25 and $1.35 sorts for 98 $1.50 sorts for $1.19 $1.75 sorts for $1.25 $2.00 and $2.25 sorts for... $1.49 $2.50 sorts for $1.85 $2.75 sorts for $1.98 $3.t)0 sorts for $2.19 $3.50 sorts for $2.65 Gown Values 90c and $1.00 sorts for ..79 $1.50 sorts for ., $1.19 $2.00 sorts for $1.49 $2.50 sorts for $1.85 r MilMnery Sale Today The sale of Millinery which began here yesterday is continued today. We offer our entire stock of "Robinson S Wells" Tailored Hats for No need to go into descriptions of their elegance, beauty and style they are known very well to you. All the new shapes Turbans, French Sailors, Continental and pointed effects. Also many large dress and walking shapes. Waist Specials $2.50 Plaid Waists $1.69 These Waists are made of very handsome plaid material of a Momie weave. The color combinations are very rich; mostly tartan effects. They have French back, full blouse front, full sleeves, fly front, fancy stock collar; actual $2.50 value; on sale today at $1.69 $2.50 Mohair Waists $1.75 These Waists are made of plain and fancy figured Mohairs with French back, full plaited front, full sleeves, fancy stock, collar, $2.25 and $2.50 values at .$1.75 $3.00 Flannel Waists $1.79 These Waists are made of a fancy weave flannel in light blue, pearl, . lavender and cream grounds, with a dainty raised half-inch check of mixed black and while. They have bias side plaits in back, full plaited front fly, full sleeves and stock collar. Actual $3.00 vaue for .....$1.79 dally attendance of 12,253. The total' ex penditure for salaries of teachers In .the city schools amounted to $253,550. The to tal cost of the two city school systems was $373,654. Secondary Education The report of the Commissioner shows that there -were 50 high schools in Oregon year before last, the same number of pri vate secondary schools, four public nor mal schools, and eight colleges and uni versities. Washington School Statistics. The total enrollment of the Washington public schools in the year 1902-03 -was 149, 753, and the average daily attendance 101, 0SS. The Washington schools employed 4445 teachers, whose monthly salaries Expert Optical Service AT A MODERATE COST Many of our patients come to us through the Influence of those -who have had us do their work, and this fact con vinces us that we not only given satisfactory service, Jiut that careful ad conscientious work brings its reward. Thousands of testimonials from the best people of Oregon open to those who are interested. Oregon OpticaFCo. 173 Fourth St, Y.M.CA, BWg; $6.50 Blankets for $5.00 Doing a land-office business in the Blanket Store these days Due, of course, to the fact that we ALWAYS give the best values in this city. The Blankets we sell at $5.00 are all pure wool, full double bed size, have pretty red and blue borders, and are an actual $6.50 value. Because of our foresight of making a contract months ago we are in a position to sell them at this price. $2.00 Umbrellas for $1.15 averaged $57.54 for males and $46.82 for females. The school property of the state is esti mated to be worth $7,737,672. In support of its schools, Washington raised $1,523, S67 by local itaxatlon and $69,000 from other sources, nothing being derived from state taxation. For the school year mentioned the total expenditure for the Washington public 0. P. RUMELIN & SONS MANUFACTURING FURRIERS Our Subscriptions Taken for the ' Delineator, $1 year The Cotton Goods Store offers for today 30-inch Percales in navy blue, cadet, red and gray grounds. Large variety of neat designs; colors are fast, of course Well adapted for Wo men's Wrappers and Chil dren's dresses. On sale today at the very low Qf price of .OygC 4-4 Stork Sheeting Yard-wide stork sheeting White, odorless, antiseptic, light, pliable, will stand hot water. Superior tfj ff to rubber 4pUU 50c Hat Pins 25c We offer in the Jewelry Store today Sterling Silver Top Hat Pins- 35 and 50 values for only 25. We buy these Umbrellas by the thousand If we 'didn't do this they'd have to be sold at 2.00. They have steel rods and paragon frame, are covered withjast black mercerized Gloria, case, cord and tassel. Come in men's and wo men's sizes. A very extensive as sortment of handles. Three special values in Women's "Winter Underwear that's worth while. DQrt Instead, of 50c Wo men's non-shrinking, plated, wool Vests and Drawers, all sizeshite and natural gray flGft Instead of "$1.00 Wo vOW men's Norfolk and New Brunswick, ribbed, part wool Vests and Drawers, white and natural gray. "3rQjfl Instead of $1.00 Wo- men's "Oneita" ribbed, wool plated Union Suits. schools amounted to $3,550,742, including $1,815,233 for teachers' salaries and. $1,419, 814 for new sites and buildings. The ex penditures per capita in the state amount ed to $6.15. the greatest per capita cost in the United States. There were seven city school systems reported In Washington, with a total en rollment of 42,374. and average daily attendance of 32,182- 126 Second Street, Between Alder and Washington Alaska Sealskins, London Dye OUR SPECIALTY We Cadi Special Attention to Our FUR COATS Alaska, Sftlsk-. Goats, Moire Asrtrackaa Ooats, Persiaa lafe Co&, 2f eur Seel Coat?, Coats are made in the newest styles,1 first-class workmanship and lined in plain, satins or brocades. I FUR BOAS in Alaska Bear, Sable Fox,! Isabella Fox, Mint, Black Marten, Sable' Opossum, etc., etc. Bit Quality, Lowtrt PrioM, Xcwwt Styles Liftdiaff aad Salable iFwrMrt. 4