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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
THE MOENING OEEGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEE 3, 1904. MAY TAKE DEWE1 IF IT IS THE PRICE The Leading Mail Order House ON THE COAST Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. WHEN NOT CONVENIENT TO COME TO THE STOJtE 'PHONE YOUR WANTS. EXPERI No Reason Why That Should Stand Longer In the Way. ENCED SHOPPERS WILL PILL THEM THE m I . Nsw Is the Time for Baying the Piano. Our Present Display ef Fine Instruments Wltheat Par allel. Prices Moderate. SATISFACTORY WAY PROMPTLY, TOO. Britain Considers Name of Admiral TKX "DmraXKXT BTOKX." Portland's Largest, foremost Store Your Credit Is Good Here See Me About 8 1 "Credit Man," 3d floor TO PASS ON TRAWLER CASE Russia Likely to Name a French Naval Officer. GOOD PROGRESS IS MADE Developments Are Satisfactory to Both Nations Paris Js Likely to Be Meeting Place of the Commission. LONDON. Nov, 2. The negotiations be tween fhe British and Russian govern ments In regard to the International com mission which Is to investigate the North Bea incident are progressing, apparently, to the satisfaction of both sides. The For eign pfflce stated to the Associated Press this evening that nothing had yet been definitely sealed regarding the personnel, date or place, although the commission is lllkely to mee't in Paris. The Foreign Of fice added that Invitations will be sent to several powers to send representatives, 1ut to which powers and what representa tives is as yet undecided. So far as yet decided. Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge will sit only at the Board of Trade inquiry at HulL The Foreign Office further stated It knew of no hitch In the proceedings. The Associated Press understands that at the audience which Ambassador Har dinge had with Emperor Nicholas at Tsaresko-Selo, October 31. and the audi ence which King Edward granted to Am bassador Benkendorff yesterday, both sovereigns expressed satisfaction at the prospect of a satisfactory settlement. At the Russian Embassy tonight the As sociated Press was Informed that there had been no further developments; Both countries were elaborating the details of the commission, but there was no hitch in the proceedings. p. It was now regarded as almost certain that the ' commission will be composed of five naval officers, one Russian and one British, each power to choose another member, and the four to select a fifth. Russia has practically named Admiral Kasnakoff. Great Britain expressed her Intention of asking that a United States Naval officer sit on the commission, whereupon Russia announced that she would select a French officer. There is strong intimation that Great Britain will invite Admiral Dewey to be one of the commission. Officers of such character as those mentioned insure the acceptance of the findings of the commission by both countries and the world. Admiral Kasnakoff is one of the ablest officers in the Russian navy, and is a courtly man of conciliatory disposition and judicial temperament He has practically retired from active service. The high es teem In which he Is held at the Admiralty is shown by the fact that he was selected to be the Admiral to command the Rus sian squadron which went to New York on the occasion of the World's Fair cele bration In 1S93. The Associated Press can authoritatively announce that the basis for the British Russian agreement to submit the North Sea Incident to a commission insures an amicable settlement without a sequel. The understanding Is complete. In the heat of the excitement following the incident many false impressions ob tained credence abroad. Now -that the smoke has cleared away, it is possible to state that Great Britain disclaimed any Intention of trying to detain the Russian squadron, which could only bo Interpreted as a hostile act. It was never intimated to Russia that "Vice-Admiral Rojestven sky's recall would be demanded, and Great Britain never asked Russia to pledge herself to the punishment of any one. The British government fully real, ised that officers of the Russian squadron may have acted with excess of seal. The whole affair was a deplorable mistake, but as a result of the inquiry which will establish the facts each government is expected to take up action without de mands from either sldcf and no pledges have been requested or given by either country. t So far as future complications are con cerned,, the incident is regarded as closed. PRESS ASSAILS GOVERNMENT. If Wants No More "Surprise Mobil izations' Without Explanation. LONDON. Nov. 2. Yesterday's attack of nerves, due to misinformed statements in the London newspapers, has given way to extreme calm. The newspapers angrily assail the government for leaving London to wrestle with its fears all day long, when a word would have disposed of all the alarms, and they suggest that If the Admiralty would require Vice-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford to refrain from "surprise mobilizations" and other Interesting maneuvers during the next few days it would not only add to the tranquillity of the country, but would smooth the way to a final settlement of the dispute. Today's Cabinet meeting excited hardly the slightest interest on the part of the general public For the first time in many years the Ministers met at the Premier's residence, as Mr. Balfour is suffering from the blocking of a small, superficial vein in his left leg, requiring complete rest. All the Ministers were present. For eign Secretary Lansdowne coming In after having interviews with Ambassadors Benkendorff and Cambon, who were early visitors at Lansdowne House and the For eign Office respectively. The two Ambas sadors had previously met to discuss some points of detail in the formation of the international commission. The Cabinet sat for nearly two hours, the subject of discussion being details of the arrangements for the International commission. TORPEDO-BOAT IS MISSING. Russian Admiral May Find He Has Fired on His Own Boats. ALGIERS, Nov. 2. It is stated that one of the torpedo-boats of Admiral Rojest vensky's squadron is missing, the torpedo flotilla having put in at this port. This dispatch, if found to be founded on fact, would seem to bear out the reports which have been current for several days past that Admiral Rojestvenky fired on his own boats. The Admiral, in his explan ation of the Dogger Bank tragedy, stated that one of the torpedo-boats which he fired on disappeared, and It may bo that the boat now reported missing is the one sunk by a Russian shell. Will Not Proceed to Far East. ' COPENHAGEN, Jfov. 3. Official in formation which has reached here from St. Petersburg has it that the third por jUcri of the Baltic fleet, -which was not ex- Good pianos, moderate prices and easy payments go hand In hand at Eilers Pi ano House. Thirty makes of the finest pianos that the world produces are sold by us at prices ranging all the way from $12$ to $1200. Among them all there are pianos to suit everybody in price as well as in style and tone, and whether you select the one for the least or for the greatest price, you are not paying much, considering the value you secure. Not so much, in fact, by fully a third, as you would have to pay elsewhere for a piano of the same grade. The coming of the Eilers bouse was the coming of low prices and reliable, stand ard instruments to the people of the Northwest. It is as easy to buy for four large stores as" it is for one, and it se cures for us the greatest of factory dis counts. It is as easy to sell all these pianos, too, provided prices and qualities are right. And incidentally, we might here remark we find no difficulty in dis posing of every one of them, and the more we sell the easier it is to make the little prices which have helped to make our fame. Economical methods of conducting our business have contributed to the success of our broadgauge way of doing things. Our immense warehouse down on the rail way tracks, the largest and most modern one on the Coast, where cars are switched right, to our door and pianos loaded and unloaaed direct, with little risk of dam age and small expense; our own stables, our own drays and teams, our own eco nomical, exclusive way of shipping pianos, all contribute an Item of saving in the cost of a piano and coupled with, our "many sales at small pront" policy, en able us to make you lower prices than any other piano concern. The Pianos The Chlckerlng, for over 61 years a per fect instrument. It Is the piano whose founder's statue is the only one of an American piano manufacturer selected by the commissioners for exhibition at the St. Louis Fair; the Weber, whose match lessly sweet and sympathetic tone has made it the favorite of the world's great est musicians; the Kimball, one of the most famous and popular pianos made; the Hazelton, the long-time New York aristocrat ;the Lester, the pride of all Phlladelphians; the wonderful Crown, the piano of many tones; the standard and noble Hobart-M. Cable; the Story & Clark, the latest addition to our wonderful line of highest grade pianos, and many others. Our prices on them all will be found moderate and payments so easy any one can afford the one most to their liking. Full guarantees always and money back in every instance where there is not ab solute satisfaction. Eilers Piano House, 331 Washington street, corner Park. Large stores also San Francisco, Stockton and Eureka. Cal.; Spokane and Seattle, Wash. pected to sail this week, will not proceed to the Far East at all. Russia Again After Fleet. LONDON, Nov. 3. The Chronicle has a dispatch from Paris stating that the Russian government has renewed Its ef forts to buy Chilean and Argentine war ships through William R. Flint & Co., of New York. Russian Warships Are Sighted. LISBON, Nov. 2. A message from the Oitavos signal station says that four Rus sian battleships and a transport and four British cruisers were sighted at 9 A. M., steaming southward. WILL CONTEST MUST PROCEED' Superior Judge Denies Motion for De lay in the Dolbeer Case. f SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. Superior Judge Coffee today denied a motion for a postponement of the, contest over the million-dollar estate left by the lato Bertha Dolbeer. Her will, dated April 23 last. Is opposed on the ground that Miss Dolbeer was then of unsound mind and was unduly Influenced by her com panion. Etta M. Warren. The Judge ordered that the trial of the suit should proceed, and the exami nation of talesmen was begun. It is ex pected that the contest, which was be gun by Adolph Schander, an undo of the deceased, will occupy the time of the court for several days. Evidence Adduced in New York. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The taking of testimony In the Dolbeer will contest was resumed today, with Dr. Homer Gibney again a witness under examina tion. He was closely questioned regard- SICK HEADACHE Positively cored by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SmaK Pill. Small Dos,, Small Price. Take nutmeg-; one is not as good as another. Schilling's Best, in nutmeg, is ground fioe from difficult nuts to grind be cause full of oil ; the oil is their virtue. There are dry nuts; there are wormy nuts. We are do more careful in nutmegs than all through. Your grocer's; moneyback. raw frf'ffa1mmm THE BARGAIN MAN is on the Warpath! Prices Unmercifully Cut on Every Hand Matchless Values Mark Progress of American Week fashionable Suits and Smart Coats of REGAL VELVET For Genteel Dress of Practical American Women Grand Salons Second Floor. "The fashion Center of the Western Garment World" Dame Fashion has ordered her courtiers despotic monarch that she is to bring back the queenly velvets from their exile, long endured, and they're restored again to royal favor. Velvets come closest now to Fashion's heart velvets and rich laces their maids-in-Tvaitiner. Ye matron young, middle-aged or aged do ye not remember the vow of former years? 'Twas thus: "Some day I'll have a handsome velvet gown, with long, courtly train and rich trimmings of rare lace." But when the age of picturing childhood merged into the sterner years, velvets seemed almost too picturesque for practical American lives, so Mrs. Practical Style has put off getting the velvet gowns till velvets should be restored again to Fashion's royal favor. And now velvets are in style, and Bofter, prettier velvets than were ever known before, for the world weaves them better now than she ever knew before. Soft as gossamer rich as velvet, the acme of richness. Miss Bernard, the buyer for the great salesrooms devoted to women's fashionable outer apparel, is home from' New York and Chicago's great style-fete the ' 'Horse Show" (left the latter Saturday last) came yesterday bringing in the sheaves of a later harvest. STYLES That will be shown by other local stores as "new" a year hence, at PRICES Other stores will ask for the older fashions two months hence. NEW Walking or Street Suits, Calling and Evening Gowns, Opera or Theater, Costumes and Wraps, Coats in the later models Raincoats, Tourists and form-fitting. Evening Waists, Skirts, dress and strolling lengths, et al. Velvets crushed or plain. Velvet Suits, $ 1 3.50 to $ 1 25 Velvet Coats, $15.50 to $65 A Carpets4th Floor 3 Largest stock of the newest Carpets shown by any house on the Coast. And American Carpets are best. Out side of the rare old Orientals, the Ameri can makes are sold alto gether by this great carpet house. Worces-' ter, Mass.: Hi Conn. ; Philadelphia, and Yonkere, N. Y., are noted carpet centers. Our new carpet sales rooms just opened on "ourth floor are the largest and lightest in the city. Nt an old carpet or old pattern in our stocks and with our immense output that allows of our mak- J. ing absolutely the lowest prices on Oarpeta Af TT quoted- in Portland by any reliable house. SrtfWT" Vigorous Reductions Made on Worthy Goods of American Manufacture for the American Sale in the Knit Underwear and Hosiery Aisles First Floor. 27 For Women's Cotton Vests Worth 60c. Women's white cotton, medium-weight Vests, high neck, long sleeves, very slightly imper fect, but not hurt in the least for wear; regular 50c value; special American Sale price, each 27$ 1.69 for Women's Union Suits Worth $2.25. Women's fine ribbed Union Suits, cashmere finish, Winter weight, long sleeves, ankle length, in white and silver gray; regular price is $2.25; American Sale price 1.69 35 Por Women's Underwear Worth 50c. Women's Vests and Pants, cream-tinted, cotton fleece lined, long-sleeve vests and ankle-length pants; big 50c value, special American Sale price, each 35 55 Por Women's Tool Underwear Worth 75c. Women's natural wool plated Vesta and Pants; good 75c value; special American Sale price, each ...... 55 Women's 35c Hose for 25. Women's black Cotton Hose, heavy weight, full finished, spliced heels and double soles; fine 35c value, special American Sale price, pair. .25 Children's Hose. Children's black Cashmere Hose, seamless, double knees Sires 5 to VA ; regular 25c, special American Sale price, pair -. 16 Sizes 8 to 8; regular 30c, special American Sale price, pair 19 Sizes 9, and 10; regular -35c, special. 'American Sale price, pair ; . . .7.' 21J Children's Underwear. Children's fine ribbed white Cashmere Yests and Pants; excellent value at regular prices Sizes 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Regular Prices . .50c 55c 60c C5o 70c 75c 80c 85c American Sale 35c 40c 45c 50c 55c 60c 65c 70c 7. A- Sweeping Slaughter of Millinery Stocks Continues Second Floor. Every Hat in the House Mercilessly Bedncedl None Reserved, None Laid Aside I The Department to be Cleared at Once of Every Vestige of Stock. Reductions trend from one-fourth to one-third and one-half. No need to . tell you. of the great crowds that come seeking these bargains to find. No need to tell of the enthusiasm displayed over the values offered and the superb, handsome, stylish hats being so ruthlessly sacrificed. The fame of the sale has gone into every home within shopping distance. Crowds come because they've heard tho news of the "bargains "Olds, Wortman &King Holding a Clearing Sale of Their Millinery Stocks." The choicest, smartest hats ever brought together in Portland, at your mercy at bargain prices. The sale lasts all week. We offer our entire millinery stock of all the newest creations none reserved every hat in the house goes at a uniform reduction of one-fourth off all regular prices. To make the pace hotter still we will reduce special lots One-Third and One-Half off former low prices. Scat tering mentions 200 of the newest styles in Street and Ready-to-Wear Hats, Sailors, Turbans and dress shapes in all new colors, none less than $L50 in value, others $3.00 qualties; spec 98$ 200 Ready-to-Wear and Tailored Street Hats, in a big variety of shapes very stylish, feather pompon, breast, wing, etc, trimmings; values to 54. uu, special at $1.49 200 Trimmed and Tailored Hats, Turbans and dress shapes, blacks, browns, navys, reds and greens; values to $5.00, special $2.49 Special Bargains at $3.49 and $4.98 Look for the Red prices they mark a carnage of price slashing. Special Extra Feather Turbans, in black, white and gray; great bargains at $5.00, special this week for. . . .$2.98 School Vote for Award of Panama Canal Model An eminently American educational feature. Have you Master and Miss sent in your composition yet? There's Xmas money in it. The Vote at 6 P. M. Yesterday Stood: High School 90,204 St. Mary's Academy 81,202 Harrison School 76,657 Portland Academy ,...64,361 Park School 57,787 Atkinson School 34,966 Williams-Avenue School" i ...... .'. 26,136 Failing School 22,974 Sunnjside School ,18,149 Holladay School 18,123 Total Yotes 585,000 n wear, made Special Sale American Knitwear First Floor. WOMEN'S $1.25 WOOL. UN DERWEAR FOR SSc. Women's medium weight Jersey ribbed Underwear. 75 per cent wool, in white and gray, vests hand-finished, extra silk trimmed, long sleeves: pants and tights with French hand, ankle length. This Is the famous 'Merode" Under- the best knit underwear In America: regular SI. 25 values: special American njtr Sale price, each x' 95c FOR WOMEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS WORTH $1.25 Women's "Merode" medium weight cotton Union Suits, In white, long or; short sleeves, an kle length, hand-finished, extra silk trimmed, good value at $1.25; special American SaleQr price, suit y"'- WOMBN'S 40c HOSE FOR 29c Women's Cashmere Hose, Ameri can made, seamless, fine ribbed. Many stores sell hose that are not as good for EOc; our regular price for them 13 40c; special American Sale price lanQc only, pair -J- C1ULDREN' S AMERICAN- MADE HOSE. Children's Black Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, seamless: Sl2es 5 to VA, value 25c: American Sale price, pair.. 16c Sizes 8 to 8& value 30c; American Sale price, pair. 19c Sizes 9, 9& and 10, value 35c; American Sale price, pair 21c MISSES' AMERICAN-MADE UNDERWEAR. Misses' high-grade, natural wool Vests and Pants, a very fine, soft garment, the very best of its kind for the money Sizes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, regular price 75c, 80c, 85c, 90c, 95c, $1.00 $1.05, 91.10; American sale price, 65c, boc, 6bc, toc, 75c, boc, soc, 90c SSc FOR WOMEN'S WOOL. UNDERWEAR WORTH 51.50. We are selling at extra special price some odds, and ends in Wom en's Swiss and Richelieu ribbed Wool Vests, In pink and gray; also Swiss ribbed white Wool Pants, all of them 91.50 val-AVr-ues; special American Sale price, the garment JV. Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Linens An Event of "American Week." It takes Germany, France, TVra.TrL Ttt.ttHxv Belgium, England and Ire- ADjLLT I Pi EN. land to supply Linens for -J-J Jk the American people's w V& Thanksgiving tables. The Rlchardsons, of Belfast. Ireland, supply the best through this store. DAMASK WORTH $1.50 FOR 91.23. Bleached Damask, 72 Inches wide and extra good value at $1.50 the yard; special Thanksgiving and Ameri can Sale price, I oT at, the yard 1 w NAPKINS to match, din--ner size; special Thanks giving and American Sale So?ee.....$3.55 BLEACHED DAMASjK WORTH $1.25 FOR $1.05. Bleached Damask. 72 Inches wide, regular $1.25 value; I special Thanksgiving and American sale price, yard... NAPKINS to match, dinner size; special Thanksgiving nr and American Sale price, the dozen ZpJtJ LUNCH NAPKINS, regular $3.00 value; extra special juq jryr for Thanksgiving and American Sale, the dozen LINEN SETS Table Cloths, sizes 2x2 yards, with dne dozen Dinner Napkins to match: special Thanksgiving and American Sale 1? jrc price, sot Table Cloth, size 2x2 yards, with one dozen Dinner Napkins to match; special Thanksgiving and American Sale ft "7c price, set. .. CU.y -J Table Cloth, size 2x3 yards, with one dozen Dinner Napkins to match; special Thanksgiving and American Sale -7 Xft price, set iJ Separate Cloth, size 3x2 yards: special Thanksgiving o -Jfi and American Sale price, each Separate Cloth, size 2x2 yards; special Thanksgiving 5tC and American Bale price( each -&JJJ Separate Cloth, size 2x3 yards; special Thanksgiving : (Z and American Sale price, each .f vJ Tray Cloths. Tea. Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Sideboard Scarfs, Dollies, all at Special Thanksgiving and American Sale Prices. 12&C for Cotton Suitings Worth 15c Dark mixed Cotton Suitings; regular 15c value, special American sale price, per 2jC 19c for l3&c Flannelettes A large assortment of American-made Flannelettes; regular 12c value, special American sale (r price, yard 1 Wool Walstlngs All the latest designs In fancy wool Suitings, American made; special American Sale prices, yard, fac,Zf 75c and W. OUL Half-Wool Fabrics Voile Crepe and Superfine Voile, 3S Inches wide, have the touch, finish, luster and draping qualities of costly fabrics at popular prices. Also Danish and Poplar Cloth, 36 Inches wide. We have a splendid assortment of colors in both these Or lines; special American Sale-price, yd..-6"- 1 An Exploitation Sale Ameri can Textiles This Week In Silk and Dress Goods Annex First Floor. Values that challenge attention. There's more than we can print here come ana see. COLORED DRESS STUFFS. New American-made Suitings, 52 and 54 inches wide, fashion's newest designs and colorings: our regular 53.00 val ues, special for the week, S ffi ner yard a New American Suiting, in all the new weaves and col- 1 f) ore; our regular $1.75 values; special for the week, yd.. -3s ' - New American-made Novelty Mannish Suitings, in all new weights, colors and designs; our regular $1.50 per is in yard values; special for the week, the yard J 1 THREE GREAT SILK SPECIALS. 4000 yards of new American-made Suit Silks, in all the latest-style and colors, splendid wearing quality for waists and suits: come In checks, stripes and changeable effects; grand value atenp ,Qur tegular price of $1 per yard; special for the week; yd..'t'J- New American-made 36-Inch all pure Silk Black Taffeta. Other stores call this quality their $1.75 quality, but our reg- in ular $L50 per yard grade; special for the week, a yard.. 1 24-lnch all pure Silk Crepe de Chene, In a full color assortment, including white, cream and black; would be very cheap at 85c per yard; special for theQ week, "if they last," only, the yard viJ- BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS. New American-made Black Dress Goods, all pure wool and fast dye serges, cheviots. Panama, canvas, gran ite and, alpaca, voiles, etamine, Venetians, broadcloth, crepe de Paris and poplin de chene; our regular $1.60 per yard values; special for the in week, the yard 1 lng what took place on the night that Miss Dolbeer fell, or Jumped, from the window of her room In the Waldorf Astoria. The only thing of Importance developed was the admission by the witness that he had "perhaps told re porters that Miss Dolbeer might have been taken by a sudden Impulse and leaped from the window. He said he had talked to half a dozen reporters, and just what he told them he could not possibly recalL In his direct examination, and daring the examination on Tuesday .and again today. Dr. Gibney insisted that he had never used the term "suicide and de nied Mies Warren had told either De tective Sullivan or Coroner Sclor any thing which could have given them the Impression Miss Dolbeers mind was un balanced or that she had taken her own life. The attorney for the proponents caused an objection to be entered upon the record to what he termed the trivial nature of the examination and declared the oaly possible object of the attorney for the contestants in conducting- It was to defeat the administration of justice and by delay prevent the forwarilag of the commissions to the S&q Francisco courts; This was indignantly denied by the Attorneys .for the opposition, whs- agTeed te MMlude tiarrow, if Dr. Gtbaey would answer bis question pt-Mostly. WELL IE tULYim PAKAVA. .Anniversary ef Independence Will Se Celebrates Today. PANAMA, Nov. i Tomorrow being the anniversary- of tho ladeposdoaco of the Republic of Panama, the eoeastoa will be celebrated- la various ways threegKewt the country. The annrfenary wiU be ob served by President Assador la the issu ance of a prod&natiott reviewig eveats in Panama, since It became -an todspen dent government. Th wSiote country, this proclamation will say ouJoys b lute peace. Referring to the remtSena with the United States, President Ama dor will say: "The high Ideals that I asa pleased to recognUe in tho official act of the United States Govenmeat, our beat and noblo ally, iadsee ze to wait In confidence that all peadim: aimctal&ee will be ended as the houer aad true Interests of both na tteaa de&d." DarH by Miner. DSKY3K. Cl Xev, 2. News ha reaehod, this city from Gdldfleld, Nsr.. that m A. Colbura. Jr.. has beta depertwd teem that earns by artwers warned never . nrtara. He was net beafaa or abased In any manner Twood beiac forced to walk out of town. Toung Col burn is son of Judge E. A. Colburn, presi dent of the Cripple Creek Mlneowners' Association. Judge Colburn was about to buy property In Goldficld, but he has now called the deal off and wired his sob to return hosae. if Mexican Railway Daf. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The Rio Grade. Sierra- Mad re & Pacific Railroad, the SI Paso Southern Terminal & Bridge Com pany and the Sierra Madre Cbaotruetion Company have been sold by THgbman, Rowland tr Co, to W. C. Greene, presf dont of a copper company of Canaaaa. Mexico. The rie was not made public.