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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1904)
J? ifUmumr T,mr APnnv tottay yftW.AraT'.Tl A. 1S04. 1 PRICE FIVE CK3tT& VOL. XLIV. 20. 13,699. ruivi, www, - - r LAURIER HftSWO Liberals Carry Domin ion of Canada. to have lost his fortune in the collapse nf the wool market In 1892. He was the son of a -wealthy -steel manufacturer of Sheffield, England, and Inherited his father's estate. SUEE EE DID NOT SAT IT. Doctor Says He Never Declared Miss Dolbeer Was Insane. MIS Mi MIMED IT Port Arthur Must Fall in a Short Time. FIFTEEN VOTES , -GAINED Conservative leader Is De feated in Own Constituency. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Commissioner Lee, appointed to talce testimony In the Bertha M. Dolbeer will contest, -which is now on trial In the California courts, today completed the taking of the testimony of Dr. GIbney. Dunns pre- urnnv nr -rnr CUCUV vious examinations GIbney contra-, fntlluT III" 11111 ERCm! dieted testimony given c-y wjroner Scholer, Detective Sullivan and a Mrs. Postley, -which tended to show that Miss Dolbeer was mentally irresponsi ble and had probably commlttedr sui cide. Today, he denied, statements made on the witness-stand by several news paper reporters ' and Detective Still well, who was employed by counsel for the contestants. nr. Glbnev declared he did not tell the reporters -that Miss Dolbeeriffplnd test of Chamberlain. Japanese Capture Three portant Positions. Im- now disclosed that Japan has only four modern battleships remaining. These are tha Asahl, FvjI. Mikasa and Shlkishlma. Another vessel classed as a battleship is the Chlnyen, taken from China in ISM. but she is old and not of much fighting, value. Naval experts say the small battleship force possessed by Admiral Toeo was responsible for the of Aueust 20. when Admiral "Wlthoeft at- Rinhards Considers Pro- tempted to escape from -fort Aixnur, me Japanese battleships refusing to come to close quarters with the" enemy, but pounding them from a distance, and send ing In the torepdo-boat destroyers to make night attacks. The Russian squadron at Port Arthur Includes five . modern battleships, more or less damaged, .and Rear-Admiral B jestvensky's command, which is now en route from the Baltic tar the ur iu&su also numbers seveii. battlafeupa. In view of the Inferiority of the -Japanese in bat tleships, their armored cruiser strength -is important, they being greatly superior to the Russians In this respect. The Yashlma, was .one o" the finest bat tleships of the Japanese navy. Her dis placement was 12,300 tons.Jbout the size of the American battleship Maine, and ,she had a speed of 19 knots. She carried REPLY MADE TO GOVERNOR Patentsto Warner Valley Lands Will Be Issued. protest, as he did in case of approved list No. TO." . In -other words. Commissioner Richards Informs Governor Chamberlain that in asmuch as the Interior Department holds the lands bordering on the "Warner Lake are swamp-lands, it will patent them to the grantees of the state on the Gov ernor's request, if he make3 request, but the Governor refuses to make request. as he did less than' a year ago, in a sim ilar case, patents will be Issued by the Secretary of the Interior on request or the "Warner Valley Livestock Company. The department holds that the State t Oregon sold and received pay for these swamp lands and the department will not permit the state to withhold title to the lands from, rightful purchasers. Once before when Governor Chamberlain sought to repudiate the sales of these lands the Interior Department Ignored his request. Noattentlon is likely to be paid to the Governor's revocation of Governor Lord's order to the Interior Department to issue patents for "Warner Lake lands to grantees of the state. RESULT IS FULL OESURPRISES SsHffW CAliMlOW ENTER MAIN FORTS i&t2S5,1lSS: WILL BE UP- TO- STATE TO ACT Ing over It.. The published interviews on the day following her death Trere greatly exaggeratea, ne saia. Asked if he had ever told reporters Vancouver Island Returns a Large that miss uoioeer musi "?...Z" Majority for Premier Construc tion of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Is Now Assured. Anctnr said It was possible, but he de- ailed he had ever used the expression "insane." Jury Secured In Dolbeer Will Case. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. In Judge Coffey's department of the Superior Court today a Jury was obtained to try the Dol beer will contest case. The hearing of evidence is expected to begin tomorrow. TTTXTI UP IN HOTEL. . OTTAWA, Ont., Nov. 3. The Domin ion Parliamentary elections were held today. The returns at midnight point to the re-election of the Laurier govern ment with a majority between 60 and 70 in the House of Commons, which is com posed of 214 members. This Is a Liberal San Francisco Man and His Wife Lose gain of about 15. The Conservative $2500 Worth of Jewelry.' p Leader, K. JU. JBoraen, was aeteaiea m his own constituency in Nova Scotia, The civ FRANCISCO. Nov. 3. Arnold Experts Do Not Expect Battle. BERLIN. Nov. 3. The Lokal Anzeiger's , c . 0ltM!,M n- KMukden correspondent claims the most (f jt Does Not Make Requests In Be Long -Before the Second Russian Pa trustworthy authority for the statement 1 - . 2..., WI tist 3HVY1 nMr nr nrnunrled Russian SOI- I nail ui - '- -"" ----- dlers were sent away after the last en- I ge Awarded to Livestock gagement. Colonel Baedke, the Tage blatt's correspondent with the Russian army, telegraphs that the Russian posi tions on the Shakhe River are dally be coming stronger. In spite of the proximity of the opposing army. Tne possiDiuty or a Japanese attack, he says, Is constantly diminishing, and many experts do not ex- clfic Squadron Arrives Flag of the Mikado Will Fly Over the Citadel. is CHEFOO, Nov. 3. "Port Arthur doomed." The' correspondent of the Associated Press here has received information, the reliability of which is heyond ques- Company. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU, Vash inirton. Nov. 3. Governor Chamberlain pect that there will be a decisive engage- has again crossed swords with Land ment before Soring. Commissioner Richards over the rights of pre-emption entrymen to lands ooraenng Kuropatkin Reports Skirmishing. on "Warner Lake, in Lake County. Or., as ST. PETERSBURG. " Nov. S.-General against tne warner wveatoc. uuip-uj, tlon, that the Japanese now occupy po sitions which place the east side of the Kuropatkin, under date of today, reports grantee of the State of Oregon. Inasmuch town at their mercy. that skirmishing occurred? during the aa- the identical questions now raised. -by Japanese arriving from Dalny today night of November 1, when the Russian j Governor Chamberlain have but recently report that the Japanese have captured sharpshooters destroyed some of the . decided in favor of the stock com- Provlnce of Quebec. Laurlefs home, sus- nmAtanr,r. t!a merchant, and his Rihlung Mountain and sungsnu itoun- rZZZT? nanv. there is a suspicion among depart tained the Premier, returning a large prft held uo ln their apartments at tain, which lies between the railroad rtwini nf Prions ment officials that Governor Chamberlain Liberal majority. The campaign was tne Hotel Dorchester tonight and robbed and Rihlung Mountain. They alBO report engagements anywhere. Some movements is making a grandstand political play at brief and remarkably free from political Gf jewelry valued at 52500. According to I that the Japanese have also captured o Japanese troops from the east west- I this critical period in the campaign. The rancor, the principal issue being the con struction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway with government aid. The Lib eral government favored this project. LIBERALS SWEEP NOVIA SCOTIA Mr. Gundelflnger's story, he and his wife I East Keekwan Mountain. -wr dressintr in their room, no nearo i on,- ion nKo-iit h minpii for them I k222LL?h! .ESTS.!,? Potion, which insure their ability to S.Y"rrf : nV the door. Gates enter the main forts whenever they are said he had been sent up to look at the j ready. It is calculated by the Japanese plumbing. He was told that Mrs. Gun- I that if the Russians do not surrender. ward were observed today. Governor is apparently defending "the ruvw oottlnr" ntr.ilnst a. Exeat stock COm- Mukden Situation Unchanged. but tne records of the Land Office MU-KOJiSiN. jnov. t -i-nere nave ceen , tht tho men Governor. Cbamaer- a number of skirmishes along the 1 . . . . . ..V .t.i . . . . . , , . . i lain is ourieiiuuits uul t"" wnuie iront uunns iuc iusi uaja, .otlHr,n -orfth the UUL SLUWiVUiVU tui""-M-" " v.. - . j -u i, I .... . . . . I hut nnnA nf Imnortanne slnpe thn Jan- demnger was aressme a u. tne former win ne capaoie or projong- " " : "r" "TC. -Warner Valley Company. posing as set- not come in. 1? ing their final stand at Liaotl Mountain ZtL " on .he trema Russian n. nd blddine for popular sympathy. lOWea W enver mo uum. nn .,. rlcrn TflU fnr n month I T-TZ .1 ' .v. I 'r, . . 7 . . . and demanded that .Airs, uun- i " - . al uujusui iuuhj mo i and tnat tne lanas in cowrovaaj mi Victory Is the Greatest in the History nf r.anarilan Politics. I - I . . - . I 1 r-n. V Via m.rA YnnA nf nrnlnnr. 1 V. n n AnnnniHInv laotfnc. nn. hntir HALIFAX. N. S., Nov. 3. The Liberals del finger surrender ner jewws. uU- " ; " , " "."' "rZTnoi'n tCT CtIT.- delfinger said they were in another room, .ing the struggle. Long before the sec- during a reconnaissance. enciii. ... " v -r.iBtr.VB nnlnt Gates comDelled mrvvvry Anr nrflvOQ fTia Tort from Cape Breton to Cape sable, ana won nmncKT rt1a hls wife to go into the nvty. WMv me gica-Lcoi. uLuij 4ik.,i i other room. juts, uuaueuuibu uu They not l. handed over a bag containing tne jeweis. Gates made his escape. citadel. iThis will end "Viceroy OEEG0N SuTLDIHG IS SOLD. dream of an unconquerable city. The Japanese have not occupied the main forts and highest points of the east St. Louis Structure Will Be Given Up nmaDers positions which will enable- Next Month Go ode Arrives at Pair, them to drive the Russians back when ever thev .desire. ST. LOUIS, Nov 3. uapcoai.; xnp history of Canadian politics. only defeated Robert L Borden, of Hall fax, leader of the Conservative forces in Canada, but -they elected every one of the candidates in the party In the Province. The Liberal success ln Noyft Scotia is at tributed to a perfect organization, the in fluence of TV. S. Fielding, Finance Min ister, and that of Sir Frederick Borden, Minister "of Militia and Defenses, as well is to. the general prosperity of the coun try under the' present administration. The Grand Pacific Railway issue was prominently set forth in the compalgn here, but so far as the port of Halifax and the Province in general was con- .r.. it A'.ft not unfavorably influence I wm'o vr nil flav. President t (VtAfolc nnrl If it harl asv effect. I rLn oolrl ha xcnuld r6maln in tne City I " v it was tremendously offset by other con- until the close oi tne iapusmuu, """" "l " . " Director of Exhibits Henry E. Dosch and beginning of the end of the operations to B 7T iVTVh r,t nf TTr Ttnrflpn the John "Wakefield, Director of Concessions capturo the eastern fortified ridges. Their Outside the defeat of Mr. Borden, tne ajiib at -Portland, to complete . principal feature of the election was the ts for the shipment of the ""f,10 Sefeat of Seymour Courier, the Conserv- SibHTfrom St. Louis to Portland teS ,STJSS ative member, who, during his two terms next year. He states tnat nis smy u" ZAX;; ' u prevent tne loss or time wmca numu uur vuuwu uuu6" ersvlSO occur in connoumcauug mu. ironi oi ine easiern iuiuucu iius Russia Has Remodeled Steamer. BERLIN. Nov. i. The North German AlexiefTs Lloyd steamer Labn, which was sold to She. Will' Command Salvation Army In Amsrica and Canada. agricultural lands, but overflowed lanas, fit only for grazing. The pending controversy grows out of the attempt of the State of Oregon to repudiate premature sales of lands which the state expected to receive by patent Jrom the Federal Government. Tears ago captive balloon ship. She will leave I the state sold to private individuals lanas Geestemuende for Russia on Saturday. surrounding "Warner Lake, on the as sumpuon umi it wuum l.,7u h-.a. i n, I caljra fundi." lands under me swamp; w;c r Comin,oner wbo wm bXM Russia several months ago, has under' gone reconstruction and will serve as 'BED-HEADED KAN" SHOWS JJP i "BIB STICK" Cortelyou Has No Ad vantage of Trusts, TALK OF PARKER IDEE Records Contain Nothing That Allows of a Threat CHAIRMAN bl KEliY TO, SPEAK He Declares Caesar Young the Turf man, Ended His Own Life. NEW YORK Nov. 3. Another man, i prisoner ln the Tombs, has come forward with a statement regarding the shooting of Caesar Young, the turfman, for whose death Nan Patterson, an actressr has been under Indictment several months. He has been mentioned perviously as the i "red-headed man," who a moment after the shooting Jumped on the step of the cab ln which Young and Miss Patterson were riding. John Latour, as the man Is known. pleaded iruilty a few days ago to steal ing goods from a truck, and is now await ing sentence. At the time of tne shoot ing he says he was jon his way Home, when he heard the shot and ran after the cab. Jumping to the step, he declares he plainly saw the fatal pistol in Young's hands, indicating that the horseman snot himself. He called to the woman, ad vising that Young be taken to a drug store near by and then went on his way. Arriving at home he told his wife what he had seen but they decided to keep si lence fearing Latoufs employer would learn that he had once been in prison and discharge him. Recently Latour was arrested foe a sec ond offense and decided that he would tell what, he saw. Mrs. Latour corroborated his statement. EVA BOOTH IS PS0M0TED. Prominent Republicans Are Agreed It Would Be Best for Him to Refute Charges of the Democratic Candidate. "WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. (Special.) The Star today prints the following: The suggestion made la .New York yesterday by Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, that the time had come for Chairman Cortelyou, to re fute the accusations made br Judge Parker and other Democratic leaders concerning al leged forced collections from trusts and com bines for campaign purposes, Is heartily in dorsed ln "Washington. It was impossible to day to find a single Republican- of prominence here who docs not believe that nothing will be rained, and something perhaps lost, by con tinned silence by Cortelyou on this point. Senator Lodge Is quoted as havlnjr said yes terday that "Chairman Cortelyoa should now refute Judge Parker's chargM about contribu tions from trtats.g They are all false. But aa Parker himself makes the statements. Cortel you can well reply. He need not say more than a few words to show how groundless the Democratic statements are." "There probably are- hot many men of either party who. If they permit their Intelligence to guide them ln this, as well aa other matters, seriously believe that the trusts, big and little, have been held up by Chairman Cortelyou. and forced to contribute, tor the Republican cam paign, fund on pain of 'exposure. Public men in Washington who are -conversant with the facts say there Is not a single document ln the files of the Department of Commerce and La bor that contains anything on which a threat ST. JOHN. N. B.. Nov. 3. A telesrram 1 of exposure, proeecutloa or persecution might from Salvation Army he'adquarters in To- be based. Furthermore, they say Chairman ronto announces the new commissioners Cortelyou and his colleagues have not yet ar for the Army in the United States and rived, at such a plane of sublime innocence, Canada. His? IJva Booth, who for eight isnorance and moral turpitude as would permit vpnrs his been in command In Canada, of hold-up proceedings, either direct or in- Wlll bo commander in the United States, employed in an effort to raUa cam- Russian Boats Will Remain Longer. 0t,ira the ALGIERS, Nov. 3. The Russian tor-l lime, all the lands were purchased by the pedo-boat destroyers, which were to re- l-TVaxner Valley Livestock Company. "When main here is bours only, have been in- f thft controversy arose as to whether the Grats, of St, Louis, this to ho delivered Japane8e WU Now Capture Eastern December Ot. . Rnifstvfnskv Arrives at Tanner. ui Tiir(vi(n..nniirii h w. i rortmeu niuucs. i J . .. . . a rui .u - m . vrTtT ca Toto were Goode, of tne xwis ana iar. x.i.-uaiui. headquartjsks ur -xta xnuai .w- v..rl te vearg judS6 Lord, at t -Portland, arrived In St. Louis this T.T,m.c1, awxot txt mnwT nw squadron of five battleships is ap- Nearly ten jeirs ago juage . ;nm!mr and was at the Oregon building " 7, proachlng Tangier from the northeast, that time Governor, sougnt to nave wese ject to pafent to the state. It was held by the Secretary of the Interior that they 'swamp and overflowed." Commissioner Kilby. who wiU beMlss Booth'ji depots commander. . has- been in charge, in South ""Africa." He win have partial Jurisdiction of the Western sec tion of the United States, with headquar ters ln Chicago. Booth-Tucker, now head of the Army In the United States, will return to England, but his future charge is not announced. Commissioner Thomas Combes, who was P. M.). (Censored.) The Japanese Vice-Admiral RoJestvenskys squadron 1 lands patented under the swamp act, arid arrived here during" the day.. authorized the Secretary of the Interior, when such patents were issued, to con- PANAMA IS FELICITATED. ver mie to parues wno Imu u, and paid the state for these swamp lands. Roosevelt Wires Congratulations on m othc (VOrds. he 80nhtL Valllatlte sales mar, nuu xiecu uiauc umo mo o.u Will Not Accept Vice-Presidency If Democrat Can Become Senator. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. (Special.) An Indianapolis dispatch to the Star says offi cial announcement has been made in Indi- the first to command the Army ln Can- j ana that If the next Indiana Legislature ada and who is now in charge of the is Democratic Senator Fairbanks will re- Brltlsh Isles work, will succeed Eva Booth as commander in Canada. First Anniversary of Republic. at Ottawa, attained considerable fame by several violent attacks' on the United States, company at Portland. IS OVERWHELMINGLY LIBERAL GIRL SLAIN Off "WAY HOME. Vancouver Island Result Is a Great Her Body Is Found in a Vacant Lot WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. President Roosevelt today - transmitted through the State Department the following cable gram to President Amador, of Panama: Surprise to Conservatives. VICTORIA, B. C., Nov. 3. Vancouver Island went overwhelmingly Liberal in the Dominion general election held today. Colonel Prior, the Conservative candidate in Victoria City, was defeated by George Riley, member in the late House, by al- I the girl, while on her way home from . rv vi. flnirAo ViMnr-- . I rmrtr and -while waitin? for a. street-car. Riley. 1G64; Prior. 1123. and the Socialist was attacKea ana muroereu uy . ? In Suburbs of Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 3. Terribly cut and. crushed about the head, the dead body of Alma Steinway. a telephone operator. aged 18 years, was found in a vacant lot in the suburbs today. It is thought that south of Kekwan to west of Kekwan and to the west of Rihlung Mountain, called by the Japanese Shochosan. The bombardment began at dawn Octo ber 30, and Infantry attacks were planned I njversaiy f Panama Independence. to ko against Rihlung Mountain, and un- I THEODORE ROOSEVELT. trenched hill between the coast of Ban- jusan ana to me Ul CONTENTS OF TODAY'S PAFEE &e&wau iui is. There Is tremendous excitement among really held title to the lands surrounding Warner Lake. Will Reject Pre-emption Filings. "While steps have been In progress look ing to the survey and patenting of all Booth-Tucker Goes to London. NEW" YORK. Nov. 3. Commander Fred erick Booth-Tucker, who for years has commanded Salvation Army forces in -the United States, has been appointed to the International Headquarters of the Army j ln London. candidate, J. C. "Watters, 336. The result was a great surprise to the Conservatives. ' In Nanaimo constituency, Ralph Smith, member in the last Parliament, defeated Captain Clive "Woolley by 300 majority. To President Amador, Panama: Accept the irt numerous individuals have- SPrUHj Ul UUU. JUU&ui- w.uw v. o by claiming tho lands under pre-emption entries. Only one such filing, however. that of Amos Boyd, was completed . be fore the swampy character of the lands 1 -nHtVi hol- OYfATW m,. XV-ntYirr was caiuuuaucu, tutu, ...w. - ' thfi troons. who are convinced of success rtr.Av.cT?in- ow.-iv i,i- mrr tlon. Commissioner Richards has an and mean to capture the fortified ridges Saturday. ' j nounced his determination to reject all and compel the surrender of Port Arthur I XESTERDAYS Maximum temperature. 60 I pre-emption claims for these "Warner Lake in time for the Mikado s birthday. No- deg.; minimum. 43. irecipitation. none. lands, vember 3. m ar m mo xar xjwi. short time ago, tee aecretary or. tne Japanese now have Port Arthur at th!r mercy, I interior rejected, the pre-emption filing niiwsta Somewhat Relieved. ana lu IaI1 cxpectea any oay. Tige x. nf T .. N v-tes foP 1Q) acres of this wMr MSDtedT The body was not mu- ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 4 (1:25 A. M.) ""f. i to,ortnt Jtlon land, and the Land Office subsequently tllaled. excent about the head. t, emrwlv veiled feeline of relief ". " , , turned down eight other pre-emption fll- TfSMlssBs1elWnway1oS that b" IS kname inss made by Alonzo D. Fxakes. Jathan murder of Miss Steinway to tnat or umno ,thout hrinrfnir news of the fall JTJt, t m, Nh r. tvm.- M. Frakes. Lorenzo D. Frakes. Edward rode to the transfer point on the car with her. Miss Steinway was a member of the Episcopal Church at "Winter Place, and General dismay is felt among tne Con- """ ."f ; wf.miu f -where nf Port Arthur. There had been deep fear mission. Page S. L. Masbam, Samuel E. Sloan, Joseph L. eervatlves in Victoria at the sweeping -nss Steinway was found, that the Japanese might push home the Japanese battleship Yaehlma la now known to Morrow and Alvln N. Burnett. These victory for the Liberals throughout the I rhtf nf Detectives Crawford Is of the I flQi ttnv ndav. It Is now felt that have been sunk by a Russian mine. Page l. --rtiea are seeking to have their cases Dominion. Some heavy bets were lost on opmion that one man committed botn. th another period of respite. roreiga. brought before the Secretary of the In the result. . crimes. T.h authorlUes state they are without Liberals win a great victory in Gmaaa. page i. terlo jC succeed, the precedent ln .,.f T,r- from Port Arthur, and every JaP enthusiastically celebrates the birthday T . v vrave-. caae Indicates that the Liberal carries Vancouver. D-p-DTrRTTriATTf? RAW. "NO AH). one Is depending upon foreign sources for VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 3. In each JMM- tidings of the devoted garrison. Nothing of the four British constituencies in which popunsts Raised What Little Money ot importance has developed ln the region elections for the House of Commons were Have ,n Qwn party. of Mukden. held today the government candidate was ' . .elected. In Vancouver, R. G. MacPher- jOI)rBT, 111., Nov. 3.-Replylng to a Heaviest of All the Attacks, eon. Liberal, had Sil plurality over R. B. gtatement recently made charging that t,ondon Nov. i. Tho Dally Tele- Uls, ConservaUve. J. T. Mortlmere, So- Bepublicans were, supplying tho funds n, Oiefoo correspondent, telegraph- dallst. polled 710 votes. f0r the Populist campaign, James S. ?LP.flnv t the Japanese In New Westminster. J. D. Kennedy. Ferrlss, NaUonal cnainnan or tne -opu- or port Ar. Liberal, has 100 majority over J. d. Tay lor. Conservative. . oiri- losses aunng uio "The entire amount of our funds up to thur were heavier than on any of the" pre date for this National campaign involv- vious attacks. The bombardment was so , i. .lnnlnn th tMri iiTvin ..u'tltef htt strMta nf Tlnlnv of the Mikado. Page 6. Domestic. Land Commlssionsr Richards will give no heed to protest of Governor Chamberlain. Page 1. Airship which escaped at St, Louis Is found ln cornfield, 18 miles away. 'Page 2. Oregon building at St, Louis Fair is sold. Page 1. i'ouucal. Records give Cortelyou no advantage over trusts, lowing Parker wrong In saying he can threaten them. Page 1. Land 'Office decision will be upheld. In his letter to Commissioner Richards, received .yesterday, Governor Chamber lain refers to these cases, and says he has been unofficially advised that it is the in tention of the Interior Department soon to patent to the State of Oregon, or its grantees, as swamp lands, the tract of 12S0 acres covered by these eight pre emption filings. The Governor expresses Populist chF'r"n emphatically denies the Re- surprise that pre-emption filings are to be publicans have contributed to campaign i interfered with, and rather tartly inter- fund. Page 1. . Tn nn nMAoMon to tha c.rrvin sr out of HOILLEY MAKES ADDRESS. the ballot in nearly every Instance has ald tremble as though an earth- ralrbante may not Mcept . TfPreridirlf the plan 0 the department. . He says " k io. tififtft nnd Averv dollar was I - . , Democrats control Indiana Legislature. . , i., , . . , been less than $1800. and every dollar was .f ,v , a nMrurred. Famous Leader Speaks at Founder's i '1 anv The same paper's correspondent with Day of Carnegie Institute. person was $m We have about $1000 -General Oku "nder date of ovemoer z. more to collect before we can dean up says ms iuuiumW PITTSBURG. Nov. 3. John Morley, the the books.' famous historian and leader, maae tne principal address at the annual founder's day of- the Carnegie Institute. Referring to the vast immigration to this country, he said: "The persevering absorption and in corporation of all this ceaseless torrent of these elements' Into one stable, indus trious and pacific state is an achieve ment that neither the Roman Empire nor MASSACRED BY NATIVES. engagement is about to commence. SUNK BY RUSSIAN MINE. Page 1. Judge. Parker makes four speeches ln 'Connecti cut. Page 5. Pacifie Coast. Seattle broker eager to discount bet on Roose velt's election. Page -I. Four prominent citizens of Hoqoiam, Wash., lost on Olympic reserve. Page . British Sailors Shipwrecked on Mas sira Island No. More. LOSS Of Japanese Battleship Yashlma Roseburg young woman bangs herself in' or- U omcLHy 5onflm,d T PARIS. Nov. 3. The Associated Press . , ffL1!1"0"-. E Klore activity In grain opUons at San Fran. positively ... .-.v. -Dnr-t i 7-th nr nnrl Toklo last the Roman Church, neither the Byzan- the entrance to the Red Sea, an laves- tQ tnQ effect the Japanese HP les at Hubbard. Page 13. of this state tine Empire, nor Russian, nor Charles the tigation of Mass Ira Island made by battl'esh,p Yashlma had been sunk by Stockbrokers await result of election. Page 13. the original ; Great, nor caiaries me xuui. or iM-i mc omuwi v. i a mine off Dalny, wnicn aispatcnes i xnree more oeep-wmer sonera reacn pen. eon ever rivaled or approached." captain and a boats crew of 21 men. erc denJed Dy tne Japanese author!- ' Page 14. The award of the international an jury wnicn jcu mo oUJu iwu -"i"""-1 tics at the time, have finally been of- Custom-Houee transacUons in October; Page 11 was as follows: wmcn ran ""ic,r;n Tcf,. cially confirmed. The Japanese gov- Bad o Northern sealing season. Page 14. First prize, "Across tne xviver, u jsuujiw, ZZ ritwM ernment has noUfled foreign govern ments of the loss of tne snip. Tns LONDON. Nov. 3. According to in formation from the Island of Perim, at E. Schofield. palnung, goia meaai ana were masiacicu uy "y"" c&sh award ot 5ibuu; secona prise, a i ol me aurucias "" .wo. i. tho KHiflln." bv Edmund CI Previous information was that the TarbelL silver medal and cash award of boat had capsized and all Its occupants nooO' third prize. "White and Cold, by drowned except one boy, who was saved Howard G. Cushlng, bronzo medal and j by the natives. cash award of $500. Darling Will visit tne west. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Assistant Sec- PertlaBd and Tlclalty. As Governor of this state, and as ex-offlclo Iand Commissioner, I desire to protest against the issuance of any patent to said lands, or any of them, to the State ot Oregon, or to any one claming to represent the state. I desire to advise yon further that no one has any author ity .to rpresept the sate in demanding the is suance of patents' to any of said landa. nor authority to receive the same, Any appointment heretofor made by any of my predecessors In office for that purpose. It you consider any such, to be ln force, I hereby excreaily revoke, I have very grave doubts as to whether the state was ever entitled to claim any of the lands referred to as swamp " lands, and the question is now being contested la tne, courts as to tne dobs, nae purposes ot applicants who attempted to pur chose them from the stata as swamp laaas. Reply to Chamberlain. In reply, to Governor Chamberlain letter. Commissioner Richards "today writes, stating that if Secretary Hitch cock sustains the Land Office, and finally rejects the pre-emption entries of the Frakes. Morrow and, others, the lands embraced therein will be Included in Ex-Montana Millionaire. . nrmTr n tVi Tuifio. I r. ty.n TCfiw TifirHnp will leave rZ: 'unf nn nffioA hi-lld! Washington Saturday evening on a bus!- Russian authorities have believed for Poolroom is TthiTclty who was found dead in -ness trip to Western cities and his trrp some time that the reports that the Page 8. - - S? today' Z Ui to "have been a kill probably be extended to the Pacific battleship had been destroyed- were PoslhlUUea of irrigation lnHarner County im. rr...VVT- .v.... r.f 1kJnnana and l Coast. MTS. DaTUng Will accompany mm. I correct. it IB uuywiiiv, "" "I yfWH .. c. r TT Ttnltnn ijularM In fVn. rtt number of men who went down with eajoa eaksoJ, . the vessel is not known, but it is be- I . .nll t,.!. 4 to l Paw s. lleved to have been small. Tne ornciai --- - deUlls show that the Yashlma struck Ballots an. election supplies ready for dlstribu- . i a i . .Miin.j ( tlon.. .Page 9. . make DaTny Harbor, but this proved- Man. supposed-to be dead, returns to find Ma Hat of swamp lands to be submitted to Impossible, and she sank in deep water. wife married to another man. Page H. the Secretary tor approval. Commissioner The loss of tne xasnima nas Deen i KepuDucaa managers eipest w set nui i jnChard then goes on to say concealed by the Japanese, though the vote., .Page 8. still In possession: of snerr. some time that the reports that the I Page 8. "After approval, the. list will be sent to you, and upon, your request therefor, a patent will be Issued, tfnles the Secretary shall jarier ee to Jwoe agifasst .yg esge-sMs FAIRBANKS.'? MAY STEP OUT. DEPOSED ON LABORERS. fuse the Vice-Presidency and retain his seat in the United States Senate. The election of another Republican Vice-President would then be in the hands of the electoral college when It meets to go through tho formality of electing a Presi dent and Vice-President. Senator Fairbanks' declination to accept the office would cause no embarrassment to the electoral college, Republicans say, because the vote for National tickets by the peoplo Is Indirect. The direct votes ar Swindling Employment Agent Is Ar- oVould take Sena- restea at 5t. uouis. fn Traii-hanks nlace as Vice-President. and further, "bv whom the substitute ST. LOUIS. Nov. 3. George E. Hall, of h. Pr-tert -would nresent difficul- A.uutraa -ii, vvua luuujr orrcieu uy a Deputy united States Marshal on the charge of having obtained a fee ot $2 each from 200 laborers for securing them employment and then sending them 'to Alaska at their own expense to work for a construction teompany that did not exist. The specific charge against him is that he used the malls to defraud. It is alleged that Hall represented himself to be an employer of labor for the Alaska Yukon Construction Company, that he se cured 200 laborers to go to v aldez. Alaska, ties that never before came before an electoral college. POPE UEAELY WELL AGAIN. He Walks About His Apartment, but Does Not Go Out. ROME, Nov. 3. Pope Pius has almost comnletely recovered his health, thougt and after collection J27 from each, $2 as his foot remains swollen. He walked his fee and $25 for transportation, it Is said, he sent them to Alaska. Inspector Bennett declares that when tne laborers reached their destination they learned that there was no such company as the one named, and they made their way back about his apartments during the day, but did not go out. He spent mucn ox the time at work and in discussing af fairs with Cardinal Merry del Vah. the papal secretary of state. as best they could, after much suffering society Leader Undergoes Operation. has been performed upon Mrs. Arthur Paget, tho well-known society leader, who was injured several months ago by an elevator accident in ner resioence. jafirs. B0BBEE IS KILLED. Spokane Officers Also Wound His paget's condition 'has been the cause oi Partner In Postofflce Hold-Up. uch ncern to ner inena mnw U. UVl -w- o- m . - CHATTAROY, Wash., Nov I 4. As a re- .iVrJT salt of a hold-up of the Camden Postofflce fte'r a consultation with the attending last night, ln which two men robbed tho nreon3 the specialist began his work, safe of 0, one man lies dead at Cbatta- Th tra-tured hip was literally forced roy and tne otner is tnougnt to nave Deen mtQ posltjon the adhesions broken down wounded, and last night was hid in the . BUfferer put into plaster of parts brush about half- a mile from Chattaroy. . tn the astonishment ot the at- After the robbery. Deputy Sheriff E. C. tA - ,twoti a. few hours, later Pratt, in company, with his son and oth- t k M ' paKOt from her bed and stood cm, luuio " " her on her xeet ior some rammer robbers off. The posse laid in wait In ha wag suppCrted by the nurses. He the brush at the crossing. Two men were exDrcsseii the belief that the fractures seen driving toward Chattaroy from the now jjj ane wm !c able to walk qirecuon oi jmian. icyui.jr ouciiu. i mucn Eooner than baa oeen expectea. called on the two men to stop, which, with an oath, the men refused to do. The Deputy Sheriff nred and struck one of the men In the head, from the effects of which he dlad half an hour later. Money-Order Treaty Is Amended. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Postmaster-General Wynne today signed a 'supplemental treaty with the Hungarian government tr, nrvtra Ttaosine hfcarMn FAMILY HAS HARROW ESCAPE e two countries. Under its terms, the - I rate of commission paro oy tne country Spontaneous Combustion cauees-Fire, j 0f origin to the country of payment la reduced from one-half of 1 per cent tc one-fourth of 1 per cent. This applies to all classes of international money or ders. At the same time,, it affects a cor responding reduction in the fees charged for the-use of money orders in tne umteo and Smoke Nearly Overcomes All. CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Seven persons in the household of Elisha W. Case, president of a local ole company, were today over- - .... . . ... it. i . i ior uio come Dy smose sna . well M lor U3e o lhe unronBciouB j money orders In Hungary- So far as this ; i, j v,i -were 10 .cents to U- The money-order nAmKrm nf h famiiv oiiti tne servants I ""k - and lead them In a partly suffocated con dition to windows in the front part of the house.- They were all unconscious when the firemen arrived and carried them to tho, street, where they were revived. Those rescued were Mrs. Elisha "W. Case. and it is believed here that under the new treaty this amount will be increased. Dalai Llama at Pekin. LONDON, Nov. 4. The Standard's' Shanghai correseendest says ft Is reported Mrs. Manasse, her mother; two of the I there that the Dalei Item 7Mbt mu II .... , x