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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
) Corvallis Times CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 16, 1906 BUILDING MORE LINE. THE SEQUEL. There is a pathetic phase to pro ceedings in the supreme court at Salem this week. Judge A. H. Tanner, law partner of the late Senator Mitchell is there pleading with the court not to disbar him. His offense is that he committed perjury before the federal grand jury in the hope of saving Senator Mitchell from disgrace. In his d -fense, he urges that he has been pardoned by President Roosevelt, that the practice of law is his means of gaining a living, and that harm can not come to his profession by allowing him to remain in it. He says: ' 'Senator Mitchell implored me in the most pathetic manner, to stand between him and disgrace and ruin in his old age, after a life time of public service, and he re presented that his fate was in my hands and mine alone. ' 'Senator Mitchell was a man of amiable character and I felt for him a warm friendship and a sympathy that. I cannot express, and felt un der obligations of loyalty which justified joining him in his effort to protect himself in his old age from the assaults of political enemies. I was made to feel Jthat if I refused to protect him in his extremity I would occupy the position of an in grate and a traitor. It was a po sition difficult to judge by any who have not been placed in a similar position." Mr. Tanner says he did not have the strength to resist Senator Mitchell's heart-rending appeals, and, though always pro testing, finally went before the grand jury and committed perjury in the effort to shield and protect his friend." The case is one for pity, it not. iadeed, for charity. It was an aw ill position for Mr. Tanner, when he stood face to face with him and heard his white-haired and vener able friend and business associate of years plead for help to save him from ruin. It was an appeal of old aje, and made by an old man, made too, with the power of a brilliant mind. It was in a voice broken with distress, ana the appeal was for friendship. The friend that CDmes in time of need, no matter . what his fault, inevitably commands admiration. The best spirit of friendship is that which stands staunch and true when there is dis tress. It is so in contrast with tl e sunny day, empty, hollow friend ship, so much in vogue, that there will be many who will forgive Mr. Tanner and forget his error. It would almost seem that his pro fession ought to do so . A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. Independent Phone People A Cable with 150 Miles of Wire in it. The Independent Telephone people are stretching new cables for the betterment of their Corval lis system. A cable containing 150 pairs of wires is being strung from Main street to the Robert Huston corner on Ninth, along Jefferson. It is 2,800 feet, or more than half a mile long. It contains more than 150 miles of wire. It weighs 14,000 pounds and cost . several thousand dollars. Similar cables are to run through the alleys be tween First and Main, and between Main and Third. From the Hust on corner smaller cables will run north on Ninth to the Applewhite corner for serving Job's addition and another will run south on the same street to serve the southern portion of town. The cables im mensely reduce the number of over head wires. When present im provements are complete Independ ent wires will hardly be noticeable in the business portion of town The effectiveness of the system will be immensely .bettered, because , windstorms and live electric wires do not bother cables, and disturb ances like that of two nights ago will not be able to put phones out of commission to any great extent.' A big force of men will be engaged in the local Independent improve ments for six weeks to come. The system, always a model one, will be one of the very best in the Northwest, those in big cities not excepted. They have now about 1,500 miles of wire in the Corvallis exchange. The Independent people are spending about seven millions of dollars in the Pacific Northwest. They are putting in automatic systems in Portland, Tacoma, Bell- ingham and Spokane. They are installing systems like the Corvallis exchange at Walla Walla and Port- To wnsena. They are putting in toll lines from Spokane to Portland a distance of 439 miles. The sur vey is nearly complete and the polls set to Canby, for the toll line from Portland to Corvallis via Albany. The line will be in use as far as Salem before the legislature con venes. It is building at the rate of a mile a day, and will not stop un til Albany and Corvallis are reach- ea. it costs 350 a mue to Duila a toll line. At Albany the Inde pendent exchange is now in oper ation and has more than 300 phones. The Home. Telephone Company has become owner of the Corvallis system, except the stock owned by local people. The B. R. Electric of Kansas Ciiy which built and con trolled the exchange, traded it for stock in The Home. It is the lat ter that is putting in the automatic system in Portland, 37,000 miles of wire have been strung the. The Home people have" 175,000 miles of wire in Los Angeles. They have more than 20 exchanges in the southern part of California. Their Portland system will begin opera tions in a few weeks. The relations of localjstockhoiders with the Independent phone will not bs changed in any respect. Their stock is better than it was before. At the Opera House Saturday Night One of the best of the eastern road attractions. " A Royal Slave" comes to the opera house tomorrow night, and is guaranteed to be thoroughly firstclass. As a matter ct assurance, the management is authorzed to make this statement that in case the performance is not satisfactory the nrney will be cheerfully refunded, Thit the house will be crowded is evident from the very large advance sale; more than half of the sea's are taken. Every piece of Ecenery used in the production is carried by the company, and the handsome gowns worn are triumphs of the modiste. An American news paper corespondent goes down into Mexico on an important mission. meets with a beautiful senoriti, a rich blooded Castilian, full of fire, magnificent. He woos and wins her, but not until he has parsed through many adventures, which make " A Royal Slave" the most stirring play of the day. IN TIMES LIKE THESE. When so Many Trains run Wild . Trainmen and Their Duties Mul tiplied Perils. jNoooJy knows the nervousness and responsibility ot trainmen on duty in the Willamette valley these days. Lhe congestion of trains and the fact that so many trains are running on unaccustomed lines largely increase the peril of accid ent. Trains are following eachother in rapid succession and many are beiug met on irregular schedules, or what the trainmen call "wild" trains. For all these trains to meet without being unnecessarily de tamed at meeting points, and for all of them to make the best pos sible time and yet not run into each other in head end or rear collisions means alertness for train dispatch ers in the general office, telegraph operators at way stations, and con ductors, engineers, and brakemen on tne trains. ruve passenger trains out of Corvallis in as many hours this morning, because ''wild" freight trains of equal number, to ge ner witn tne regular trains on the line means a complicated con dition for the railroad operatives of which the passenger in the snug coach never dreams. The concern of the conductors and brakesmen as they pass among the coaches of their trains is often discernible in rimes nxe tuese; ror wnen tnere is a collision or an accident, there al ways has to be a scape goat.-guilty or not guilty, and this realization that somebody has to be offered up as a sacrifice as well as the usual horrors of a wreck are things the patient, hardworking, thoughtful trainmen never for a moment lose sight of. .Having secured her divorce, An naG ould can now count up the whole cost of marrying a count and becoming a countess. Bogus $10,000 gold certificates are announced to be in circulation and the average citizen is all flustei ed for fear some of them have been' passed on him. New Una of mea and boys suits, over coats, rain coats and W. L. Dugl as shoes justYeceived at Nolar s. NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick & Tile Works will not receive orders for brick until orders already in are filled. THROUGH THE ANKLE. With Winchester Rifle -Shooting of a Farmer . . Cator. -Accidental -A. J. Good and Extra Good Boys School Suits at Nolan's. Times Job Printing is the Best BANKING. The First National Bick of Corval lis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved secu rity. Drafts bought and sold and money transferre dtotbe principal ; cities of the United States, Eu lope and foreign countries. By the accidental discharge of a rifle, A. J. Cator, a farmer residing three miles south of Philomath, sus tained a serious wound Wednesday. The ball entered the ankle and parsed through in the vicinity of the joint, shattering some of the bones and inflicting a complicated wound. A surgeon was immed iately summoned by phone, and the injured limb was dressed. . At last accounts the patient was resting easy. When the accident hat pin ed bis son Osdal and a friend were examining a 58 calibre Winchester. Mr. Cator was standing a few feet distant. The lever of the gun was thrown back, the supposition being that the gun was not loaded. It happened however, that there was a cartridge inside. When the lev er was returned to its position, an accidental movement sprung the trigger and the weapon was dis charged. To the consternation of all present the ball entered the ankle of the elder Cator, as des cribed above. Mr. Cator is 56 years of age, and the accident will cause him consid erable trouble. New line cloaks, - suits, ' . and skirts. Rain coats and shirt waists just received at Nolans.. More Nolans. goods all the time at Corvallis & Eastern RAILROAD TIME CARD 34 Trains From and to Yaquina No 1 Leaves Yaquina 6 .10 a. m Leaves Corvallis io:4o a. m Arrives AlhMiv 11:40 a. m No 2 Leaves Albany 12-20 p. m. Leaves Corvallis. 1:20 p. m Arrives Yaquina. 5 :45 p. m TRAINS TO AND FKOM DETROIT No 3 Leaves Albany for Detroit. . 7:30 a. m Arrive Detroit 12. -30 p. m No 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m Arrive Albany... 5:65 p. in TRAINS FOR CORVALLIS No 8- Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m A rrives Corvallis 8 :3d a. m No io Leaves Albany....... 3:50 p. m Arrive Corvallis. 4:30 p. tn No 6 . . Leaves Albany .7 135 p. m Arrives Coivallis 8:15 p. m TRAINS FC R' ALBANY No 5 Leaves Corvallis 6:30 a. tn Arrive Albany 7:ioa. m No 9 Leaves Orvallis. . . . . 1:30 p. m Arrives Albany 2:10 p. m No 7 Leaves Corvallis. '. 6:00 p. m Arrive Albany r. ... 6:40 p. m So 11- . Leave Corvallis . . . . . . . 1 1 :oo a. m Arrive Albany., ..11:42 a. m No 12 ' Leaves Albany .. 12:45 p. m Arrives Corvallis 1 133 p. m All tbe above connect with- Southern Pacific company trains both at Albany end Corvallis as well as trains for Detroit eivine direct service to Newoort and ad- jacent beaches, as well as Breitenbosh Hot Springs. -For further information apply to J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt d. a. .Boies agi AiDany, H H. Cronise, agt Corvallis. . ' Young Men s Fall Clothing AGESS14 TO 20 SIZES 3o TO 38 UHcrMmrStetiiaOk j The smart, perfectly tailored appearance of our splendid line of suits, overcoats and raincoats will win favor of the particular dresser. The suits are double and single breasted styles, have broad shoulders, neat lapels and deep vents. They are of cassimeres. cheviots, worsteds and fancy mix tures, tne popular grays included. The overcoats come both medium and form-fitting back, plain colors and neat patterns effects, button through and fly front, deep vents. The raincoats are cut 52 inches long, black and colors. Choice, $10 to $25 iiit' i GET INTO ONE OF OUR RAINCOATS and get the good out of it, our stock is at its best now Underwear and outer shirts in wide range for selection. W. L. Douglas and Florsheim fine shoes for the man who cares. Hawes $3 hats and Mallorys Cravenette hats. fine 3ob Printing at this Office. We have just received a large invoice of comforts which we will offer at a remark able low price. There are three grades. They are not the "Cheap John" goods, but standard in pattern and quality, and will bear close inspection. ( : : : Best Grade Regular Price $3 00 Special Price $2 1 0 2nd. Grade Regular Price $2 50 Special Price $1 75 3rd. Grade Regular Price $2 25 Special Price $1 60 Call and investigate these before buying. . Hollenburg & Cady ete house Furnishers. Compl For good results, try a sack of Corvallis flour, every sackis guaran teed to give you the besr of results and make easy baking, should you fail bring back the sack after giving it a thorough trial and get your money back. Notice to Creditors. n the Matter of the Estate of John McGeb, Deceased Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed admlfitrator of the estate of John McGee, de ceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Benton county. All persons bavin? claims against said estate ot John McGee deceased, are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers duly verified as by law requir ed within six months from the date hereof to the undersigDed at his residence'one mllesoulh of Cor vallis, in Benton county, Oregon, or at the law office of E E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon. . Dated this November 9, 1206. F. J. McGEE, ; Administrator of the estate of John McGee, de- ceased- Mount Hood Snowball is made from the new, wheat recently in troduced from Idaho, and carries 35 per cent gluten a very strong flour,. 'v,;;:, ;. : -; ,-. All colors .of pyrograph leather at Ingle & Tozifrr's " 3. 1 GUS' JA.mi.CT& lrFg j attraction No Pflxoa No Coupons No Orcs!:ery Never Sold in Bulk. 1, 2, 212 and 5 Pound Tins Only . A. Folger & Co. i San Francisco , ' Corvallis patent flour for sale by all , leading groceries. Towiing sacks, 85 cents per sack, Standard sack 8o cents per sack, every , sack guaranteed. v - .' Use Lenords best ifor' a hard wheat flour it is excellent. People having Second Hand goods of any kind , for sale, drop a postal to O. Rogoway, Corvallis, Ore., and he will call. Gloves for ladies; men, and boys at Ingle & Tozier's.