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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
i Vol.-XlX.-No. 3 CORVALLIS, OREGON, ! Ill PAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1C. 1906. B. F. IRVIKJt Editor and Fropieti ' Summons. and In the Clmnlt Court ot the state of Oregon, for Benton county: J. W. WBtTSMAN, V ' Plaintiff, VS. . ' 3. R. Rainwater ant Lucy Kalnwatar, bis wife; William Rainwater and Surah Kalnvaier. bis wie; Anna Kltng and Peter Kling, her hus band ; Daniel Rainwater and Emma Rainwater, his wife; Emmett Rain water and Mary Rainwater, bis wife; Marv clrk and Merton Clark, her hutbaud; Anna Duley and Frank Du ley. tier husband; Etuma Lauglihead and 0. H. Laughead, her husband; and Leo Oohen, Resale M uller and Paul Jluller her huabaud, defendants. To Berate Mnller. Emmett Rainwater, Marv Rainwater, his wife, the above named de lendanta: In the name of the state ot Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby summoned and required lo appear and'anewer thecomplaintof the plain tiff in the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, on or be fore the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication ot this summons, herein after referred to, to-wlt, on or before November 23, 1906, and you are hereby notified that it you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in his said complaint, to-wit: that he be decreed to be the owner In fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the N W corner of the D. L. C, of A. M. Rainwater. Not. No. 697, CI. 61 & 39 In T. 11 S. R. 3 and 4 W., of Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence 8. 26.94 chains, thence E. 12 27 chains, thence 8. 88 deg., E. 3.10 chains, thence N, 29.14 chains to the N. bounda ry of said claim, thence S. 82 deg. 15 mln. W. along Said S. boundary to place of beginning, containing 43.20 acres, more or less, all in Ben ton county, Oregon, save and except 13.18 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to S. E. Rainwater described as follows: Beginning at N W corner of D. L. C. Not. 697, CI. 61 aud 39 T. 11 3.4. 3 and 4 W. Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence N. 82 dec. 15 min. E. along N. boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, thence 8. to the N. boundary of W. V. & C. R. R. Co's right ot way, thence westerly along said North boundary to the west boundary of said claim thence N along said weft boundary to place of beginning, containing 13.18 acres, more or less; that the defendants be required to perfect the title ot said land by making, executing, ac knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to the plaintiff, or that in the event they tail so to do that the decree of said court shall operate in lieu of such deed, and that plaintiff have his costs and disbursements, and for general relief: This Bumimons is DUbllshed in The Corvallis Times newspaper once a week, for six successive ana consecutive weess, Deginning witn me isbub ot October 1-2, 1906. and enaing with the issue of November '23. 1906. under and in pursuance of the directions contained iu an order made by the Hon E. Woodward, judge ot the count; court of Benton county, state of Oregen, date) October 11. 1906. Date of first publication hereof is October 12, 1906. L. H. MOSTANYE & E. E. WILSON. Attorneys for Plainiiff. Winter Rates To Yaquina Bay A low round trip rate of $y.5o from Albany and $3 :2s from Corvallis and Philomath to Yaqniua has been put in effect by tbe Corvallis & Eastern dur ing the entire winter and spring, until May 31, l9o7. Tickets good for return 69 days from date of sale. Splendid acc ommodations for all. at low rates. g Full information from C. & E. Agents or Conductors, of J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass A . tAloany. Tickets on sale daily. E. E. WILSUN, ATTORNEY A7 LA W. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county: Garbison Sheldon, plaintiff, VH. Ella W. Sheldon, defendant. To Ella W. Sheldon, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and reaulrd to appear ana answer the complaint ot the plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court. now on tile in tbe office of the clerk of said court, on or before six weeks from the day ot tee nrst publication neroni, to-wit on or before November 13, 1906, and you are hereby notified that if you fall so to appear ana answer tne said complaint as nere in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court lor the relief aemanaea in his saia complaint, namely, tor decree of divorce from tbe said defendant, for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other further and different rule, order or relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is pabllshed in the Corvallis Times newspaper once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Snld newspaper of October 2, 1906. and enclng with the Issue ef November 13. 1906. under and in pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon. K. Woodward, county j iidge or Benio 1 county ..Oregon , being tne eoun ty were tne above entitlea suit is pending in the above entitled circuit court, dated Septem ber 28, 1906. The date of the first publication heieol is October 2, 1906. ; E. E. WILSON, . Attorney for min tiff. Exceeds all Former Purchasing IN Quantity, Qualify &. Variety A MILLION STOLEN "i-" ' "." ' POSTAL MONEY ORDERS SENT TO MAYOR NEVER FIND THEIR WAY TO QUAKE ' ft SUFFERERS. THE METHOD BY WHICH BIG MAIL ORDER HOUSE GOT STARTED. Roosevelt Prosecution Heney on Trail Postal Orders Taken ..'.United States Government i ;. Interested Other i - NeWS. -: r Sold Cheap Watches Firet Meth ods Exposed by , Man Who Was Years With the Firm An Intetesting Story. Our store has never held such a line in some of our Departments. Received this week a big line of Mens' Clothing, the quality higher than any of our former buys. These goods are good fitters and the price will be right. J Our line of Men and Boys Shoes fill the ! department to overflow; you can always find in our shoe depart- -ment all the latest novelties from two of the largest factories in the United States. We are receiving new goods every day and Jwill be glad to have you call and inspect our store. Corvallis, Oregon s - I Rogoway s Store It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. j San Francisco, Nov.r 15. New 'and sensational features have come I to light in connection with the graft investigation in this city. It Is learned on good authority that the relief funds for the fire sufferers have been lroted to the extent of nearly - $l,ooo,ooo. . So indignant was President Roosevelt, on bear ing of the stealing of the funds con tributed by sympathetic citizens of various states for the relief 'of the unfortunates of San Francisco, that he is reported, to have said that he wd&ld brina the offenders from the T rr ,-- r,--f, u uttermost parts of the earth should they make temporary escape. Daring tbe fir&t days following the fire 10 ban Francisco sympa thetic citizens throughout the cotfotry forwarded relief moneys by postal orders and by enclosing scrip in envelopes and other ; packages The world not being acquainted with tbe organization of relief bod ies "id the city, forwarded financial aid in care of Mayor Scbmitz. It is said amounts ranging from 50 cents upward into hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars were sent -to tne mayor and that a com paratively small sum only reached the Red Cross or citizens' relief committee as shown by the records. It is estimated that tbe relief mon eys were forwarded through anoUOoeibly 3o,ooo postoffices of the United States and also that considerable sums came through the express companies Tbe interest of President RooBe velt and tne lederal authorities in this affair has been so great that the president is credited with tbe statement that the government wil expend Sl.000,000 if necessary to Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Price. Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs, Money to Loan on all Kinds of Security. North east Cor. 2nd and Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. E. It. Bryson, Attorney At Law. N ort hern Pacific. )2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul y and the East. 2 Trains i Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St, Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Dlulng cars night and day. vuocrvuuuii una irttnor cars. I. .... The regular Yellowstone Park Boute via. Llv. lnsrston and Gardiner, Mont., the government omoiai entrance tome raw. Pack season June 1st to September 90th. Bee Europe U you will but see America first. oian ngnc bee Yellowstone National Park Nature's greatest wonderland. " Wonderland Tha famous Northern Pacific book can be had lor the asking or six cents by mail. t f The Route of the "North Ooart limited" the Only Electric Lighted Modnrn Train from Port land to tne .bast. . The ticket office at Portland is at 256 Morrison street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant uouorw rasseuger Agent, roitiaua, Or. New Goods, Latest Designs and PR K.TT I E ST PAT T ERNS Our Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis. ''Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0. A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. ' Fountain Pens $1. At 3, E. W. S. PRATT'S, The Jeweler and Optician. ' BOGUS GOODS of of New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, . - Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, ..' Knives, Razors, Hammocks, Bicycle Saundries , )- . ..;;'..-' , In fact anything the sportsman need can ; ' be found at my store. . Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Repair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. . M. M Ind, Phone 126. LONG'S - s -- CtorvaUis Oregon unearth and bring the criminals to justice. Over loomf the most expert op eratives of the secret service depart ment have been at work among the postofficea of the Union and in this city tracing money orders and re ceipts. The crime of forgery is said to be included in the offenses the raiders of the relief contribu tions. William J. Burns, one of the most expert and successful deteo uvea in tne employ ot tne govern ment ii retailed to work in San Krnciseo. Francis1 J.' Heney, who with Burns was engaged in prose cutiog important land frand cases of Oiegon and California, was de tached from that work and assigned to the San Francisco graft invest! gation. So secret has been the work these government agents that eve a District Attorney Langdon was not j acquainted with the main purpose for fear tht he might "leak." During Sohmltz' tour abroad he ha-i been all the time under the watchful eye of government agents. Tbe first hint of thefts came when $t,o85 in currency Beat from Sesrch ligbt to the mayor's Office disap peared. The express company has a receipt for the money, and the Searchlight editor, who sent the money, has. a letter of acknowledge ment, but the money is missing and Scbmitz and all his underlings de ny it was ever received. Evidence of alleged graft in the issuances of licenses for French res taurants was placed before the grand jury this . morning. Oa it the investigators say they are post tive they can secure the indictment and conviction of men high up in the administration. Befoie the iu- ry went Into session Secret - Service Agent Burns announced that the evidence waB the most complete ev er gathered in any casa and would convince any jury in tbe world ; of the guilt of the persons accused ; ine personnel, of. the witnesses summoned for the first meeting snowed clearly that the first evi dence taken will be with a view to icticd Abe Ruef. Oa tbe center table of nearly eve ry ranch houee in Benton county, in common with every corner of the United States, will be found a bulky catalogue of Sear?, Roebuck & Co , Chicago. This house does an immense business and its wealth is away up in the millions, so we regard thiB bit of inside information as to the methods once practiced by the heads, and which have proba bly not gone out of fashion yet, as worthy the perusal and considera tion of their Benton county patrone: "Do you know how Sears, Roe- buch & Co. started in business?" asked Mr. Zandition of tha News editor-recently. worked for them 'nine years ago. I knew ar when be was a station agent in Wisconsin and Roebuck when be was a watch peddler. One time Roebuck wanted to go to Milwau kee and didn't have the money ; so he left a watch as securety with Sears for his tare, telling him that if he should be able to sell the watch tor more than six dollars he might keep half he made. Sears sold the watch for $12. Ihen Sears wrote to Roebuck in Milwaukee and got him to send by express a dozen watches to Bill Jones, Sam Smith and a lot of fiotious names These watches were billed out at $25 and $10 paid on them appar ently. Sears unloaded them on his friends easily at $15 each, which cost him and Roebuck J53 5O. But the railroad company got onto the eame and fired Sears, and two of them opened an olhce in Milwaukee Tiny bought a thousand watches and shipped them to every express office in Kansas, Missouri and Illi nois. These watches cost 3 but tbev sold as $25 watches maiked $10 and to fictitious names. . 'Wben the agent reported . such matters back as undelivered, then this pair would write back that some mistake must surely be made but as Davment of $10 . had been made on this watch they would a' low the agent a commission of $2 to secure the o her $l.s Well, the watch scheme worked fine and the pair cleaned up Then thev bousht a lot of parlor sets for children and advertised them, giv ing the impression you would re ceive a full set of furniture for $s and tfao people bit all over thecoun- try. uacie bam baa stopped bearst Roebuck & Co.'s mail - fourteen times for fake deals like this bat has never been able to catch them.' Sears is probably worth nine or ten millions.. Roebuck ie working in Des Moines, Iowa, for $18 a week, having been forced out of business r several years ago. As an illustra tion of how this firm makes money: About a year ago they bought -: about three . thousand bicycles - all alike, and they placed three prices on the same wheel, which cost them $6.50, and they sold it for $12.75, $16.25 and $12.50. The same wheel, mind you, possibly a differ ent color of paint but the only dif- - ferencq was that some people want ed a $12.5o wheel and others a $12.75 wheel, and they got what they wanted. They work the same graft on clothing. In catalogues they, advertise clay worsteds, at $12.50, $15 and $18. . No matter what you pay you get tbe same suit. . The name Saars, Roebuck & Co. is tneir trade mars and as Roebuck has been bankrupt for several years he is-not connected with the firm. Montgomery Ward is. practically dead and has been for several years. Yet tbeee people have been eo sue-. cessfol in stealing from ihs public such large sums that it is a wonder Uncle Sam allows them to exist. Taeir advertisement is deceptive.. They do not fill orders as the cus tomers think they are filled, yet they are Btnooth enough to keep within the bounds of tne law some way.. Even your oountry merchant who pays a larger, whole sale pries for his goods than they do. could get rich selling a better grade of goods to the people that patronize these two big places. I worked for Sears, Roebuck & Co. for two years and I know what I say is true."- Norton County News, Karsas. Portland, Or., N v. 10. The Journal says: Irregularities in tbe purchase of some Indian lands on the Umatilla Reservation held hv. W. J. Furnish, Col. James H. Raley, John Crow, Frank Curl and Thomas Thompson are being in vestigated by J. H. Alaxander, special agent for the government land office, with a view of setting aside tbe deeds issued by the gsv ernment for the land. From offi cial circles comes tbe intimation that prosecutions for tbe making of false affidavits in the acquisition of tha land, are likely to result from the investigation. For some time Edward Dixou of tbe Portland di vision of chief inspectors, has been having the conditions of things looked into at Pendleton by Alex ander and hie assistants. FOR SALE. Clean vetch and cheat seed. Matthew Thomson, C. and E. crossing, Corvallis. Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders.The label law requires that all the ingredientsibe named on the labels. Look out for the alum icompounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. Portland, . Nov. ; 1 s-r-Portland Journal: ' When Charles Royal was first convicted of larceny in the po . 1 ' continued on page 4. : Watch this space for Bargins in REAL ESTATE Something new every week. A Sherman county wheat farm of 320 acres to ex change fof Benton county .daily or stock ranch. A fine 20 acre iiact value $1200 adjoining good town to trade for foot hill rarrch. A fine home in Portland, value $2500 to trade as part payment on a Benton county stock or dairy ranch. If you have anything to trade, let us have it. ' ' ' ' '' : ' AMBLER 6cWAtTERS". v