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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1906)
"WEE Vol. XIX.-N0.3 CORVALLIS, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13.1900. B.F. IRVIKS Elftnr and Fropiieto Summons. In the Circuit Gourt of the state of Oregon, for Benton county: J. W. Writsman', Plaintiff, 1 vs. J. R. Rainwater anj Lucv Kalnwatgr, hla wife: William Rainwater and Sarah Kalnwaier. hie wife; Anna Kling and Peter Kling, her hus band ; Daniel Rainwater and Emma Rainwater, his wife; I'.mmett Raln- WHter and Mary Rainwater. hU wife; Mary Clark and Merlon Ctirk. her husband: Anna Ouley and Frank Dn- ley. her husband; lloima l.aughhead andC. H. I.aughead, her buaband; RUl Io Coiieu. Bessie JI';!!er and ; Paul Mulier hei huabuud, defendant. To Bessie Muiler, Emmett Rainwater, and Jlary Rainwater, his wife, the above named de fendants: la toe name of the state of Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer theeomplaintoi the plain ti.i in tlie above entitled suit now on Qle with the clerk ot tlte above entit.ed r-ourt, on or be fore the last day of the time presi ribed in the order for publication of this summons, niTL-in-itfler icfer.ed to. to-wit, on or before November i '., l'.:CC, and you are hereby notilied that it you ' f..:l to to p: near aud answer the said complaint a herein reonire. fr want thereof the plain tiff will app.y to the above oniltled court for the lelief oeraanded iu his said complaint, lo-wit: lhat he be decreed to be the owner In fee simple of the fol:owhipt described real property, to-wit: l;eg oning at ti.e N V cairuer ol the 1). 1.. ;, of A. M. Rainwater. Not. No. C97, i'.l & ii'J In T. 31 S. ft. a and 4 W., of Will. Mcr., Benton county, Oregon, a"d runnMig thence S. liti.iH chains, thence K. I-.1 27 chains, tb-nce 8. S.i cteg., E. 3.10 chains, thence N, 2'.). 11 1 haius to the N. bounda ry of s:i id claim, thence S. f-2 dog. r min. V. aloDg Said N. boundary to p'ace of beginning, containing 4:i.2D acres, move or less, all ill Ben ton county. Oregon, save and except 1:1.18 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to S. E. Rainwater oescrlbed as follows: Beginning at N W corner of D. L C. Not. (iU7, CI. .l aud :;9 T. 11 S. K. ;i and 4 w. Will. Mer., Benton county, Oregon, and running thence N. s2 dee. lo mtn. E. along N. boundary of said claim 10.10 chains, thence 8. to tne N . boundary of W. v. & C. R. R. Co's right o! way, thence westerly along said North boundary to the west bouudary of said claim thence N aloug said wet boundary to place of beginning, containing 1:',.1S acres, more or less: that the defendants be required to perfect the title of said land by making, executing, ac knowledging and delivering a deed thereto to the plaintiff, or that in the event they fail so to do that the decree of said court shall operate in ileu of such deed, and that plaintiff have bis costs and disbursements, and for general relief: This summons Is published Iu The Corvallis Times newspaper once a week, for six successive and consecutive weyks, beginning with the issue ot October 12, 11106. and enaing with the issue of November 23, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained In an order made hy the Hon E. Woodward, judge of the county court of Benton county, state of Oregn, dated October 11. 1906. Date of first publication hereof is October 12, 1906. L. H. MONTANYE & E. E. WIX30N. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Winter Rates To Yaquina Bay -' A low round trip rate of $3:5o from Albany and $3:25 from Corvallis and Philomath to Yaqtiina has been put In effect by the Cor va lis & Eastern dur ing the entire winter aud spring, until May 31, 1907. Tickets good for return 60 days from date of sale. Splendid acc ommodations for ali. at low rates, g Full information from C. & E. Agents or Conductors, of J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass A . tAlbany. Tickets on sale daily. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT. LAW. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for neuion couniy: Garbison Sheldon, plaintiff, ) vs. Ella W. Sheldon, defendant. To Ella W. Sheldon, the above named defend ant: In the name of the state of. Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled suit In the above entitled court, now on tile in the office of the clerk of said court, on or before six weeks fiom the day of the first publication hereof, to-wlt: on or before November 13, 1906, and rou are hereby notified thnt if you fall so to appear and answer the said complaint as here in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court tor tne relief demanded In his said complaint, namely, for a decree of olvorce from the said defendant, for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the Dlaintlif and defendant, aud for such other further and different rule, order or relief as to the coutt may seem proper. This summons is pmbllsbed in the Corvallis Times newspaper once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of sold newspaper of October 2, 1906. and enclng with the Issue ef November 13, 1906, under and In pursuance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, county judge ot Bento 1 county. Oregon, being theeoun ty were the above entitled suit is pending in the above entitled circuit court, dated Septem ber 28, 1900. Tne date of the first publication hertol Is October 2, 1806. E. E, WILSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. E. B, Bryson, Attorney At Law. Northern Pacific. 2 Daily Trains 2 Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul and the East. 2 Train si Daily 2 Denver, Lincoln, Omaha Kan sas City St. Louis and East, Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle Pullman First-class sleeplhg cars. Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Plulngcars night and day, Observation aad Parlor cars. The regular Yellowstone Park Bonte via. Liv ingston and Gardiner, Mont., the government official entrance to the Park. , Park season June 1st to September 20th. - Bee Europe If von will but see America flrat. Start right See Yellowstone National Park- nature a greatest wonderland. Wonderland Th3 famous Northern Paciflo book can be' had tor the asking or six cents by 1UIU1, The Route of the "North Ooart Limited" the Only Electric Lighted Modern Train from Port iana to tne nast. ., . The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison street, corner Third; A. d. Carlton, Assistant uousrai rassenger Agent, rortiand. Or, Exceeds all Former Purchasing IX Quantity, Quality & Variety Our store has never held such a line in some of our Departments. Received this week a big line of Mens' Clothing, the quality higher than any of our former buys. These goods are good fitters and the price will be right. Our line of Men and Boys' Shoes fill the department to overflow; you can always find in our shoe depart ment all the latest novelties from two of the largest factories in the 'United States. We are receiving new goods every day and Jwill be glad to have you call and inspect our store. X Corvallis, 1111 mi 1111 n a -u 11 .uii - H. HARRIS. Rogoway s Store It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Price. Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. North east Cor. 2nd and New Goods, Latest Designs and PRETTIEST PATTERNS Oar Fall Lines of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and will be tbe largest and most complete line ever skown in Corvallis. "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0. A. C. Pins of all kinds. Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Pens $1. At E. W. S. PRATT'S, The Jeweler and Optician. New Sporting Goods Store. A new and complete line consisting of Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies, Knives , Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries 1 In fact anything the sportsman need can be found at my store. Bicycles and Guns for rent. General Kepair Shop. All Work Guaranteed. . M. M. LONG'S Ind. Phone 126.' r " " Corvallis,. Oregon. Oregon iin Money to Loan on all Kinds of Security. Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. A TRAGEDY VICTOR E. D'ANNA SHOOTS BENJAMIN GOHLS0N AT SALEM. Takea to Flight and Kills Himself While Officers Are looking, for - Hitn Kills Man whocaus ed Hie Arrest Other ' News. Salem, Nov. 10. One of the mcst tragic, eeneatiocal and delib erate murders, with an equally trag ic su'.cide as a fitting end of the vefcoie affair, at leaet, so far as crime is'concernsd, tranepired in this city stout 6 o'clock this morning when, in a fit of remorse over the disgrace of a night's debauchery and his sub sequent arrest, Victor E. D'Anna, a civil engineer for tbe Willamette Construction. Ccmpany, and a pop ular society man, deliberately shot and killed Bscjamin Gohlson, an employee of toe Farmers' Feed Stabler, out of revenge, escaped to tbe country and eluded arrest long euongh to reach tbe asylum farm six miles south, where he telephon ed to a friend in the city, and - then calmly went out . behind a near-by woodpile and blew his own brains out with tbe same revolver with which the murder was committed. Coroner Cloogh was notified of the finding of the body, which wa9 identified as that of. D'Anna and is cow reposing in the morgue in this city. D'Anna was popular in cir cles in which he moved and was very brilliant, proud and ambitious. The body will probably be shipped to bis father in Oklahoma. His victim was a steady, sober and in dustrious young farmer boy, and did nothing to merit the tragic fate which he met. - Until he reached .the asylum farm D'Anna was seen only once after leaving the city by the railroad tiack near the Reform School. He was first teen there at 11 o'clock, hatless, pale and nervous, at a tel ephone by A. B. Dilley, an attend ant. Wnen he had finished talk log be turned and walked out of the building, but nodded an indif ferent "How-do-you-do" to a like salutation from Mr. Dilley, and walked across the yard. Five min utes later a hot was heard. His body was found by John Noyan, a farmer, behind a woodpile with a nound in tbe head. D'Anna was in the habit of going out on periodical sprees, and drank heavily all last night and up to an early hour this morning. While in a drunken stupor after his night's carousal, coatless and hatless, he put in an appearance at the Farm ers' stables about 4:30 o'clock this rrornirg, went into the sleeping room occupied by young Gholsoo and went to bed. Gholson called in night Watchman John Longcor, who made D'Auna get up and took him to the police station. D'Anna called up City Recorder Moores by telephone and was released on his own recognizance to appear at 10 o'clock this morning. After being freed he is supposed to have gone to his room, secured his revolver and some cartridges, and returned to the stable, knocked on tbe door acd, when Gholson op ened it, fired one shot, which took effect in Gholson's left breast in the region of the heart. Gholson, who was up and dressed, did not utter a cry, but ran as fast as he could across High street to the Low livery stable. Walter Low the proprietor, saw him stBg ger about and though it was a drunken man. He approached him and when near enough he recogniz ed Gholson in the dim light of dawn and incandescent electric lights, and seeing blood gashing r HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit" and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. - ' AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. from his mouth in a stream, took hold of him and said: "My God, Gholson, what has happened. "I am shot," Gholson gurgled in a weak voice, pointed to the region of his wound and eank to the floor. Low hastened to summon a physician,-but Gholson eank rapidly and died in a very few minutes, before Dr. W. H. Byrd arrived. Several persons in tbe vicinity of the scene beard the shot, and a few claim they saw the principal in theold-blooded deed. Edward Ellis, who is employed as bartender in the Senate saloon, across the street on the corner of State and High streets, heard the shot and went outside. He says he saw one man emerge from a small room in the livery .stable and run across the street toward Low's sta ble. Then a secocd man came out and calling to the first one he com manded, "Come back; don't go over there." He then took to his heels, and his retreating footsteps died away in the distance'in a southerly direction on High street. Ellis could recognize neither of the per sons in the early mcrning haze and would not be able to identify either. A white Stetson felt hat, light black serge coat, and an umbrella, positively identified as the property of D'Anna, were found later by the officers in the street in front of a disreputable house, conducted by Mre. Hattie McGinois, at the cor ner of Liberty and Ferry streets. When last Been at the Salem hotel, where he again ealled up Recorder Moore and talked about his troubles over the telephone, shortly before 6 o'clock, and tbe shooting, D'Anna wore a black derby hat and heavier coat of dark material as described by Proprietor P. Fennel. When he finished talking over the tele phone, he asked Mr. Fennel where the young livery man s room was and, upon being informed, went out, and a few minuteB later a shot was heard. When in the custody of officer Longcor, D'Anna was very abusive in his language, and officer Longcor says he repeatedly threat ened to "get" somebody for getting him into trouble. D'Anna believed Gholson had his misaing property in his poeses&ion, and told Officer Longcor: "I will get him for it, 1 will get you, too, before 3 o'clock this after noon." -j, Gholson was about 48 years of age and a son of Edward Gholson, a pioneer farmer near Zsna, Polk county, and bad been emp'oyed at the stables, of which T. M. Jones is now proprietor, for jost one year. D'Anna was about 3o years old, and his relatives all reside in Vir ginia. He has been employed by the Willamette Construction Com pany as engineer in charge of a surveying crew in laying out the line of the Oregon Electric Railroad Company, which is building be tween here and Portland. He was quite popular here and was also well known and popular in Portland Either etung by remorse over the disgrace of lis &r rest for he was of exceedingly proud spirit, or else firmly resolved to kill both Ghol son and officer Longcor and then commit suicide, D'Anna hastily scrawled two notes while in his room, aiter his arrest, one of which was addressed to his father, Signor D'Anna, Oklahoma City, Okla., and the other to Miss Lena Hutton, a young society belle of this city, and sister of tbe wife of State Land Agent Oswald West, with whom he kept company. In the note to tbe latter he said: "Dearest Jake Keep this as the last of my only. Think of me no more. Yours and only yours, Victor." In that to his father be wrote simply: "Good-bye, papa; I can't stand this disgrace. Victtr." All colors of pyrograph leather at Ingle & Tozier's. BUILDING COLLAPSES HUNDRED .ARTISANS ANDJtl LABORERS CARRIED DOWN IN THE RUINS. Citizens of the Town at Once Be gin the Rescue of those Pinned Down by the Wreckage and Tangled Iron Work. Long Beach, Cal., Nov. 9. With no warnitjg save the cries of the workmen who first felt the floors sag beneath their teet, five stories of the central part of the new $250, 000 Bixby Hotel collapeed at 9:35 tbis morning, carrying nine men to death in tbe tons of tangled wreck age. About 150 artisans and la borers were scattered through the structure at the moment it fell, and of theee nearly 100 were carried down in the ruins. Seven bodies have been recovered from the mass of debris in tbe base ment, and one of the injured died late this afternoon at the Long Beacb hospital. 1 he last two vic tims were found at 8 o'clock tbis evening, and the rescue crews are still at work in the hope of uncov ering the body of another man, sup posed to be buried there. Nine injured workmen are being cared for at the hospital, but it is believed that all will recover. All of the men on the contractors' roll are accounted for save one, suppos ed to be still in the ruins. Immediately after the collapse of the structure hundreds of bystand ers lent willing aid in tbe work ot rescue. The Southern Pacific and Salt Lake & Pacific Electric railroads sent crews of laborers to the scene and under the dirwHrn of City Marshal Young, Maur Downs and Contractor Spalding the task of removing the wreckage was begun. Company H, Seventh reg- iment, N. G. C. was called'out and lines were throw.n about the bn tid ing, all but the rescuers being ex cluded. Pitiful scenes were enacted among the throngs who stood outside the lines waiting for news. An aged mother sat all day long on the bluff overlooking tbe hotel, weeping and watching for the body of her sou. Five times the stretcher bearers were called, and, headed by a Cath olic priest, a little processian emerg ed from the building to where the undertakers' wagens were waiting At tbe first call for help the wo men of Long Beach began prepar ing food for the rescuers and estab lished commissary table3 near the building. When it became appar ent that the bottom of the ruins would not be reachtd tonight, lights were placed over the wreckage that the work might not be interrupted. Late in tbe day the Salt Lake rail road brought a steam crane to the bluff behind the hotel, where it conld be used to move the heavier pieces of wreckage. Cornictiog causes are assigned for the collap.e of tbe central wing, and to investigate the disaster a commission of architects and engin eers was this afternoon appointed. Tbe new hotel is built on the beach sands facing the ocean. To this fact Contractor A. F. Soauld- ing attributes tbe disaster, alleging that the footings were insecure and weakened the ttrvctuie. John A. Austin, of tbe firm of Austin & Brown, architects for the building, ascribes the disaster to the premature removal of the sup port of tbe 01 crtte work on tbe fifth floor, alleging that tte cement had been given but three instead of six weeks to "set." Almost without exception tbe men contend that the building felt from the top, carrying the lower floors with it. R. A. Zee, who was taken from the ruins witb his leg gashed and suffering from internal irjuriee, said: "I was at work on theiouith floor of the building nailing down s joist. I noticed four or five laborers carry ing a heavy beam from the front towards the central porth n of tbe building. When they arrived about the center, I saw them let tbe beam fall with unusual violence. ' The whole building shook, and then seemed to crumble and fall be neath all of us. I saw workmen jump in all directions, and In an attempt to escape the wreckage, I fell straight back into theinterior cf the structure. When I etruck the continued on page 4.